Chapter 2-1(12) 教学法

第三条双语教学应遵循以下原则:1. 目标导向:以培养具有国际竞争力的人才为目标,提高学生的英语应用能力。
2. 内容适宜:课程内容应与专业相关,注重学科前沿性和实用性。
3. 方法多样:采用多种教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学效果。
4. 质量为本:确保教学质量和课程效果,不断提升双语教学水平。
第五条双语教学领导小组下设办公室,负责日常管理工作,包括:1. 制定双语教学计划;2. 组织双语教师培训和教学研讨;3. 监督双语教学质量;4. 收集反馈意见,不断改进教学。
第三章教师管理第七条双语教师应具备以下条件:1. 具有良好的师德师风,热爱教育事业;2. 具有较强的英语听说读写能力,能够熟练使用英语进行教学;3. 具有丰富的专业知识和教学经验;4. 具有良好的教学方法和沟通能力。
第四章课程设置与管理第十条双语课程设置应遵循以下原则:1. 符合专业培养目标和教学大纲要求;2. 具有较强的实用性和前沿性;3. 适应学生英语水平和学习需求。
第十一条双语课程设置应包括以下类型:1. 公共课程:英语、英语写作、英语口语等;2. 专业课程:专业英语、跨文化交际等;3. 选修课程:商务英语、旅游英语等。
第五章教学实施第十三条双语教学应采用多种教学方法,如:1. 案例教学:通过案例分析,提高学生的实际应用能力;2. 讨论式教学:鼓励学生积极参与讨论,培养批判性思维能力;3. 项目式教学:通过项目实施,提高学生的团队协作能力和解决问题的能力。
chapter 12英语翻译方法6PPT教学课件

• 我国目前正在修订专利法和商标法,拟议要修订的许多内 容都要进一步向国际标准和国际化靠拢;有的即使准备分 两步甚至三步走,那也是为了做好协调工作,稳妥前进, 避免欲速则不达。
• China is at present revising its Patent Law and Trademark Law, and many of the contents recommended for revision are coming closer to international standards and internationalization; in respect of some other contents, although preparations are being made to revise them in two or even three steps, it is only for the sake of accomplishing the task of harmonization properly, ensuring steady progress and avoiding the hazard of “more haste, lessginal Order
• From the standpoint of the developing countries, the next decade should see a greatly accelerated program for scientific and technological cooperation, aimed at widespread dissemination of technology for meeting the basic needs of man, such as nutrition, shelter, communications, health and sanitation.

简体版仓颉输入法教学-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以写作:仓颉输入法是一种最早的汉字输入法之一,诞生于上世纪五六十年代。
文章结构部分的内容如下:1.2 文章结构本文主要分为引言、正文和结论三个部分。
- 引言部分(Chapter 1):介绍了本文的概述,包括仓颉输入法的简要介绍、文章的结构和目的,并对本文的主要内容进行了总结。
- 正文部分(Chapter 2):分为三个小节。
- 结论部分(Chapter 3):分为三个小节。

2. 产生时间: 产生于20世纪70年代初欧洲经济共同体国家 (西欧),中心在英国,而后兴盛于美国。
3.创始人: 英国语言学家威尔金斯(D. A. Wilkins)。代 表人物还有英国的语言教育家亚历山大、威 多森、荷兰的范埃克。
★运用交际法编写出的最有名的教材是《跟 我学》(Follow Me)。
第十七课 相约(二)去动物园
和子:你认识李成日吗? 刘京:当然认识。去年他在这儿学过汉语。 和子:你知道吗?明天他来北京。 刘京:不知道。他上午到还是下午到? 和子:下午两点,我去机场接他。 刘京:明天下午没有课,我跟你一起去。 和子:好的。 刘京:什么时候去? 和子:一点吧。
把相关的语言要点放在一定的语境中练习,学会使 用它们。
在教师提供的一定交际情境中,让学生运用学过的 语言形式从有指导的到完全自由地表达自己的思想, 常采用游戏、谈话、即席讲话、讲故事、讨论、辩 论、扮演角色、即兴表演等解决问题的活动,以培 养学生在实际生活中的交际能力。
第十六课 相约(一)你看过京剧吗
和子:听说,烤鸭是北京的名菜。 玛丽:我还没吃过呢! 和子:我们应该去尝一尝。 玛丽:二十八号晚上我没事,你呢? 和子:不行,有朋友来看我。 玛丽:三十号晚上怎么样? 和子:可以。
第十七课 相约(二)去动物园
张丽英:这两天天气很好。我们出去玩儿玩儿吧。 和子:去哪儿玩儿好呢? 张丽英:去北海公园,看看花儿,划划船,多好啊! 和子:上星期我去过了,去别的地方吧。 张丽英:去动物园怎么样? 和子:行,还可以看看熊猫呢。 张丽英:我们怎么去? 和子:骑自行车去吧。

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Chapter 2
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说明:使用△-Y 等效变换公式前,应先标出三个端头标 号,再套用公式计算。
i Req
Chapter 2
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3.分压原理: i R1
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教学⼿段:教师授课和互动式教学结合,教学⽅法:复习,导⼊,教师讲解,学⽣练习English Business Correspondence教案章节:Preface 2课时教学⽬的:掌握商务沟通的基本原则及英⽂书信的写作格式教学任务:Part One: Principles of Good Communication The Structure of Business LettersThe forms of business letters Addressing an envelope 重点、难点:1.The Three Features f Business Communication 2.The Basic Principles of Business Letter Writing 3.The three forms 4.The principles of addressing envelopes教学内容提要:The Three Features:1.It has its own special language style and words.2.It is full of business termination, abbreviations and abbreviated phrases.3.It has close connections with international business practice.The 7 c’s: consideration courtesy clarity conciseness concreteness correctness completenessThe Standard Parts: The Optional Parts:复习思考题、作业:What is the relations between EBC and foreign trade Page Ex. I课后⼩结:the unique characteristics of EBC2.The difference between social communications and EBC 3.Grasp the Standard Parts and the Optional Parts of EBC English Business Correspondence教案章节:Preface 2课时教学任务:Skill Training重点、难点:1.Arrange a letter in proper form as they should be set out in a letter2.How to write self-introduction letters教学内容提要:The Structure of Business Letters1-1T he full blocked style1-2T he modified blocked style1-3The indented style1-4The Semi-blocked style with indented-paragraphs▲open punctuation▲close punctuationAddressing envelopes : three requirements:1.accuracy2.clearness3.appearance4.Explain C/O复习思考题、作业:Page Ex. II课后⼩结:Grasp the three forms of EBCHow to fill in an envelopeWrite a letter to an exporter and address an envelopeEnglish Business Correspondence教案章节:Chapter One Establishing business relations 教学任务:Letter 6 Letter 7重点、难点:1.Self-introduction letters2.transferring business relations3.Credit inquiries教学内容提要:1.owe one’s name and address to sb/doc/fd7174a6df88d0d233d4b14e852458fb770b389d.html mercial Counsellor;s Office/doc/fd7174a6df88d0d233d4b14e852458fb770b389d.html rm sb. of sth./ inform sb. that/ be informed in a market for sth.5.textiles6.avail7.approach = get in touch with8.establish business relations with sb.9. a state-operated corporation10.h andle11.acquaint sb with sth12. be well acquainted with sth复习思考题、作业:Page课后⼩结:熟练掌握⾃荐信的写作及其惯⽤表达法。

2024年译林版英语一年级上册全册课件一、教学内容1. Chapter 1: Getting to Know YouLesson 1: Hello, I'm Tom.Lesson 2: Good Morning, Good Afternoon.2. Chapter 2: My FamilyLesson 3: This Is My Mother.Lesson 4: How Old Are You?3. Chapter 3: My BodyLesson 5: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.Lesson 6: I Have Two Hands.二、教学目标1. 让学生掌握基本的英语问候语和自我介绍,能够进行简单的交流。
2. 培养学生正确识别并运用家庭成员、年龄等词汇进行简单描述。
3. 帮助学生认识并运用身体部位的英文表达。
三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:身体部位的英文表达,如head、shoulders、knees 等。
2. 教学重点:基本的问候语、自我介绍和家庭成员的英文表达。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT课件、卡片、磁铁、教学挂图。
2. 学具:练习本、彩笔、剪刀、胶水。
五、教学过程1. 引入:通过播放英文歌曲《Hello Song》让学生感受英语氛围,引导学生用英文进行问候。
2. 新课内容展示:(1) 教师展示PPT课件,带领学生学习Chapter 1的问候语和自我介绍。
(2) 学生跟读,教师纠正发音。
(3) 学生分组进行角色扮演,练习问候和自我介绍。
3. 例题讲解:针对Chapter 2的内容,教师展示例题,引导学生用英文描述家人。
4. 随堂练习:学生完成Chapter 3的练习题,巩固身体部位的英文表达。
六、板书设计1. 在黑板上列出本节课的主要词汇和句型,如:Hello, I'm Tom, Good Morning, This is my mother等。

新教师能够快速融入学校文化 ,提高教育教学能力,为学生 的成长和发展提供更好的支持
培养新教师的教育教学能力、 班级管理能力以及团队协作能
教育教学理论、学科教学方法 、课堂管理技巧、团队协作与
集中培训、分学科培训、校际 交流与合作等。
04 新教师培训的实施策略
明确新教师培训的目标, 包括提高教育教学能力、 班级管理能力、教育教学 研究能力等。
根据新教师的实际需求, 制定涵盖教育理论、学科 知识、教学方法等方面的 培训课程。
采用线上与线下相结合的 方式,包括集中授课、小 组讨论、观摩教学等。
教师法为教师提供了更多的发展机会,如参加专 业培训、学术交流等,促进教师的专业成长。
未来教师法将进一步完善教师培养体系,提高教师的培养质量和 专业水平。
未来教师法将加强对教师的评价与管理,建立科学的评价体系,促 进教师的专业发展。
未来教师法的实施将进一步提高教师的待遇和社会地位,增强教师 的职业荣誉感。
培训可以帮助新教师了解 最新的教育理念、教学方 法和学科知识,不断拓展 自己的专业领域。
培训有助于培养新教师的 职业道德、责任心和敬业 精神,提高教师的职业素 养。
Chapter 1-2.ppt (教学法)

Description of Class A & B (1)
What does the teacher want Ss to learn?
Class A
The T. wants Ss to know how to say, read and write the 7 English letters and the dialogue in textbook correctly. The major teaching objective is for students to know and remember the 7 letters & the dialogue in the textbook.
(knowing in action: what’s going on in the
classroom; why the teacher make decisions in that way; how do Ss learn, do they learn it effectively, why?...)
Sample Lesson 1
-- Lesson
1, JEFC Book 1A
Hello! Nice to meet you!
This is the first English lesson for Junior 1 students in China. Read the introduction of what’s going on in the two classrooms and tell if you like either of them, if yes, which do you prefer and why?
The Questions for Observation & Description
Chapter 2-1task-based teaching approach

the features of Task-based Language Teaching
1.TBLT offers the opportunity for ―natural‖ learning inside the classroom. 2.It emphasizes meaning over form but can also cater for learning form.
任务: 人们在学习、理解、 体会语言之后所开展 的活动。
1. Meaning is primary. (意义是首要的)。
2.There is a communicative problem to be solved. (有某 个交际问题需要解决。)
3.There is some sort of relationship to comparable realworld activities.(任务具有在现实生活中有发生的可能 性。)
personal experiences as important contributing elements to classroom learning.
5. An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom.
3.It is intrinsically motivating.
4.It is compatible with a learner-centered educational philosophy. 5.It can be used alongside a more traditional approach.

陕西国际商贸学院 基础英语课程标准一、课程基本信息二、课程的性质与任务及设置目的 (一)课程性质与任务本课程是为高等院校英语专业本科生基础阶段开设的专业基础课之一,是英语专业的主干课程。
(二)前后续课程的安排 先修课程:中学英语课程并修课程:语法、语音、听说、阅读、口语等后续课程:基础英语、高级英语、英语语言学、英美文学、翻译、基础写作、高级写作、毕业论文等三、课程目标 (一)总体目标课程名称 基础英语 课程编号 05020116302考试/考查 考试总学时256 实验(实训)学时 0 总学分 16 课程性质 专业基 础必修课适用专业英语本科 开课单位文化与 艺术学院通过本课程的学习,尽快帮助学生熟悉大学学习环境和自主学习方法,使学生养成良好的学习习惯;培养学生独立工作的能力;引导学生正确理解和分析鉴别学习内容;帮助学生学习使用英语释义词典级其他基本工具书;并具备一定的语言应用能力和跨文化交际能力。
2.能力目标通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握一些英语学习的基本技能:(1)语音方面:纠正常见的语音错误;(2)阅读方面:掌握基础的阅读技巧,理清上下文逻辑关系,抓住文章大意,理解作者的言外之意;(3)表达方面: 学会使用常见句型,清楚正确地表达自己的意思;(4)翻译方面:掌握常用的翻译技巧;能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译,译文基本流畅,能在翻译时使用适当的翻译技巧。
英语教学法教程 王蔷 chapter 2 课件

different types of activities and a wide selection of materials.
different methods and techniques
the contents and tasks should Learnability: be within the learning capability of the students. the stages should be linked with one another.
Sample lesson plans
Lesson planning means making decisions in advance about what techniques, activities and materials will be used in the class. Although the main teaching contents may be the same, the students are different, the time is different, and the mood is different. Language teachers benefit from lesson planning in .
Macro planning provides general guidance for language
teachers, it is not for specific lessons but rather familiarizing with the context in which language teaching is taking place, which involves : the course Knowing about the institution(school); the learners the syllabus

Chapter 2 Two Geniuses-Reading一、章节分析(Reading section )(一)综述本单元向我们讲解并描述了发生在爱因斯坦身上真实的事情。
1先确定Main characters? Setting? Time? Place?再理清storyline:Beginning? Development? Climax? Ending?这样也为之后的写作做好铺垫。
3情感目标帮助学生对how to treat the genius you are born with?以及how to live a life?有肯定的思索。
(四)重点和难点1词汇学习1)核心词汇●applause●attempt●curiosity●eventually●genius●gift●lecture●modest●offer●remote●reputation2)拓展词汇●nuclear●theory●universe3)词组和短语●dozens of●have no/an idea…●be in trouble●join in●by heart●regard…as●lead to●let…down● a sense of humo(u)r●take over2 句型学习●so…that●(did), (did)…and (did)●would like to (do)●It’s a pleasure to (do)…●tag questions二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)(a) (b)While-reading 梳理课文:●简洁地介绍一下爱因斯坦。

《国际商务谈判课程》教学大纲课程名称:国际商务谈判课程编号: 11153002 英文课程名称:International Business Negotiations适用专业:国贸,金融,经济总学时数:30 学分数:2理论教学时数:10 实验(实践)教学时数:20 执笔人:黄伟编写日期:2017年2月一、课程性质与任务《国际商务谈判》是国际经济与贸易专业的专业基础课程,融多学科、多方面的知识于一体,具有很强的实践性、操作性的课程。
三、课程教学内容、要求及学时分配1.理论教学Chapter I An Overview of IBN one class hour Section I Concept and characteristics of international business negotiation Section II Principles of Business NegotiationSection III The types of international business negotiationSection IV Form & Approaches of Business CommunicationKey point: Negotiations are a struggle of wits and capabilities as well as a chase of strategy and skills. Under the circumstance of market economy, business negotiations covering everywhere and any time can contribute to a significant impact on companies’ survival and development.The corresponding course teaching objectives:1Chapter II The theories of international business negotiation one class hour Section I The Economic theorySection II The Basic Psychological Theory of Business NegotiationSection III Integrative approach and win-win principleSection IV Game theory and the principle of good faithKey point: The models with the theory of comparative advantage and the theory of reciprocal demand are widely used to ensure the price of trade. The models of the theory of trade mainly shows why international trade happens and whether the profit distribution in trade is balanced or not.Difficult point: conceptThe corresponding course teaching objectives:1Chapter III Personnel quality, psychological and the group composition of International Business one class hour Section I psychology in International business negotiationSection II Individuals’psychological activities during the international business negotiationsSection III The qualities negotiators should possessSection IV Groups composition of international business negotiationKey point: This chapter shows Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, pointing out 5 degrees of people’s need, extending the business negotiation theory and its different uses in business negotiations, and explains the relations between ability and negotiations, qualities and negotiations and introduces different kinds of qualities and finally analyzes the features and divisions of the negotiations groups.The corresponding course teaching objectives:1Chapter IV Differences of Culture in International Business Negotiationsone class hour Section I Cultural factors affecting the style of business negotiationsSection II Cultural differences on international business negotiationSection III The business negotiation customs and styles in the prime regionKey point: The cultural differences have different influence in business negotiation. Cultural factors in negotiation style and cultural difference will have impacts on negotiation. It deals with the way to treat cultural differences in negotiation.The corresponding course teaching objectives:1Chapter V Preparations for Business Negotiations one class hour Section I The Preparations of Business NegotiationsSection II The Information Preparation for Business NegotiationsSection III Business negotiation plansSection IV Simulated NegotiationKey point: Preparation of negotiators is to set up a team, which includes the scale of the negotiation team, the quality of negotiators which should be possessed by the negotiators and division cooperation between group members and so on. The information collection is to better understand each other’s intentions, to make proper plans and negotiation tactics, strategies and the basic premise.The corresponding course teaching objectives:1Chapter VI Business Negotiation Strategies one class hour Section I Strategies of Starting StagesSection II Strategies of offerSection III Strategy of consultation stageSections IV Strategies on the Stage of Striking a BargainingKey point: Business negotiation strategy is generic terms of approaches, measures, techniques, tactics, tools and combinations of general application to achieve a specific goal in the process of business negotiations.The corresponding course teaching objectives:1Chapter VII Communication Skills in Business Negotiations one class hourSection I Sound Language in Business NegotiationSection II The silent Language in Business NegotiationSection III Word processing in business negotiationKey point: All the languages used can fall into two categories: verbal language and non-verbal language, language, the bridge in negotiation is the primary factor to success or failure for the negotiation. So how to use appropriately the skill of language is a major concern and consideration for the negotiators.The corresponding course teaching objectives:1Chapter VIII Different Forms of Tactics in Business Negotiationone class hour Section I Negotiation skills for the superiorSection II Negotiation skills for the inferiorSection III Negotiation skills for the balancedKey point: Choice and application of business negotiation tactics mostly depends heavily on the strong or weak strength of both sides. Exerting tactics expertly and skillfully is helpful to achieve the successful negotiation and reach objectives. The focus of this chapter is talking about the often-used negotiations skills for the negotiators in different position.The corresponding course teaching objectives:1Chapter IX Risk Aversion in International Business Negotiationone class hour Section I Analysis for the Risks of International Business NegotiationsSection II How to Forecast & Control Risks in International Business Negotiation Section III Methods to Avert RisksKey point: There are a wide range of complex factors that influence the success or failure of business activities. What we should make clear in international economic cooperation is that risks are difficult to be averted in business activities, we need to find chances to increase relatively stable return as well as to decrease the rates of causing different loss in the future.The corresponding course teaching objectives:1Chapter X Etiquette for International Business Negotiation one class hourSection 1 Summary for Etiquette in International Business NegotiationSection II Basic Business EtiquetteSection III Etiquette for International Business NegotiationKey point: Etiquette is the rules of international business negotiation if the communication processes violate the etiquette, it would not only undermine the feelings of both parties, but also affect the other aspects of yourself and evaluation, even lead to breakdown of the talks. So clearing the way for the smooth progress of negotiations is very important.The corresponding course teaching objectives:12. 实验教学:Experiment 1 2 class hours Liaoxi environmental industry park investmentⅠ. Experiment Aim:1. understand the process of business negotiation, including its concept, strategy and skill, psychological warfare spyware, how to solve the problem existed to put forward new solution.2. how to break deadlock during negotiation to promote win-win result.ⅡExperiment Theory1. Win-win Concept and Traditional Concept2. How can both sides win3. How to communicate with partner and solve the problem.Ⅲ. Experiment Content1. understand the process of Negotiation2. the characteristic of international negotiationⅣ. Experiment Demand1. each student learn the negotiation process2. offer how to handle and manage the win-win concept during the negotiationⅤ. Experiment Guidance1. Explain the structure of international negotiation according to the case.2. How can both sides get win-win result. Help students review the win-win theory.Experiment 2 2 class hoursThe office delay pay compensationⅠ. Experiment Aim:1.learn how to collect necessary information and locate the target decision2.form the staff negotiation teams3.choice of negotiation venuesⅡExperiment Theory1.Collaborative Principled Negotiation2.Invent Options for Mutual GainⅢ. Experiment Content1.Putting the above theory into the case2.Focus on Interests Not PositionsⅣ. Experiment Demand1.Prepare for the detailed data and material of the partner2.realize the programme prepared for the negotiation3.find out the shortage for each side during the process of negotiationⅤ. Experiment Guidance1.students are divided into several groups with four in each group, two students aresellers and the other two are buyers.2.continue the negotiation between two sides from where it stopped.3.the two students will discuss between themselves first and make decisions on finaloffer for the deal.Experiment 3 2 class hoursNegotiation on finance leaseⅠ. Experiment Aim:1.Team cooperation to overcome obstacle or weak point during negotiation2.put the theory into to the simulation practice and get the summary from thesimulationⅡExperiment Theoryw of interest Distribution2.Needs Theory3.Application of the Needs Theory in NegotiationⅢ. Experiment ContentAnalysis the background of seller and buyer, make out the outline for this case depending on the above theory, then try to apply to the case simulation.Ⅳ. Experiment Demand1.prepare to achieve a win-win result and apply in the negotiation2.analyze the interests of both parties and find out the common interests.3.if not reach an agreement with the other party, work out an options or alternatives. Ⅴ. Experiment GuidanceOrganize a group of 4 students. study the background materials for seller and the buyer respectively then discuss the key points to realize the finance lease.Experiment 4 2 class hoursAlteration of the right of distributionⅠ. Experiment Aim:1.Learn negotiation power and related factors2.Grasp application of power tactics3.Study factors causing the changes of negotiation powerⅡExperiment Theoryw of Trust2.Suggestions of Enhancing Mutual TrustⅢ. Experiment to decide a person trusts and is trusted?2.Effects of Trust3.Determinants affecting a person’s trustful or mistrustful behaviorⅣ. Experiment Demand1.each group should discuss the background carefully to enhance trust one another2.analysis the secondhand market of cars and establish two at least plan fornegotiationⅤ. Experiment GuidanceWhatever each think will advance his interest, each side can introduce additional facts and assert opinions that would be plausible in this situation.Experiment 5 2 class hours Dispute on contract of purchase and sale of peanutⅠ. Experiment Aim:1.Learn the key theory and its application during negotiation2.Enhance further team cooperation and its flexibility during negotiationⅡExperiment TheoryGame Theory and Negotiation applicationⅢ. Experiment Content1.Study the organization structures of each group and understand the illustration ofGreen Bank summarize the common interests and create and discuss new options and search for objective criteria.Ⅳ. Experiment Demand1.first group of students acting as a third party in the dispute between twodepartment managers, sales and product development, will help the other twoparties work out a solution themselves.2.the third group of students will explain his reason and if possible he may givemore of his own reasons as sales representative.Ⅴ. Experiment Guidance1.Two groups will be divided in this simulation. The first group act as a third party.The second group act as department managers and as product development.2.It is important for the second party to give his options and discuss with the otherparty in order for him to reach a solution acceptable to both sides with the help of the his own party.Experiment 6 2 class hoursSuspension of claimⅠ. Experiment Aim:1.Dealing with sales enquires2. Dealing with sales orders3. Negotiating a SaleⅡExperiment Theory1.Distributive Negotiation2.Price Negotiation and Negotiation ZoneⅢ. Experiment Content1.Study the case carefully then copy and complete the invoice with informationgiven during the conversation.2.Do the series exercises given depending on the situation points through internet. Ⅳ. Experiment Demand1.With very computer skill, the students must finish the exercises within given time.2.promoting the ability of listening and written language to enhance students’written negotiation ability.Ⅴ. Experiment Guidance1.grasp written outline and letter’s skill.2.finish the tasks with written language within given time in order to promotewriting skill.Experiment 7 2 class hoursSteel trade warehouse loansⅠ. Experiment Aim:1.Learn the definition of Culture2.Culture Patterns during negotiations around the WorldⅡExperiment Theory1.Involvement of Third Parties2.Coalition, Multi-party NegotiationⅢ. Experiment Content1.Learn Hi-tech and Technical Background nowadays by internet.2.Study the influence of Cross Culture to negotiation.Ⅳ. Experiment Demand1.Learn style of different countries’ culture and its function on negotiation2.promote your own adaptability to different culture around worldⅤ. Experiment GuidanceOrganize each side of 4 students for one group, assume that you are negotiators sent by Hi-tech. Follow the negotiation style guidelines but do not exaggerate them to the point of making them unrealistic. Discuss them with your team and plan how you will follow them in your negotiation.Experiment 8 2 class hours The joint venture of waste tire processing production baseⅠ. Experiment Aim:1.Learn the rule of joint venture and related factors2.Grasp application of power tactics3.Study factors causing the changes of negotiation powerⅡExperiment Theoryw of Trust2.Suggestions of Enhancing Mutual TrustⅢ. Experiment to decide a person trusts and is trusted?2.Effects of Trust3.Determinants affecting a person’s trustful or mistrustful behaviorⅣ. Experiment Demand1.Each group should discuss the background carefully to enhance trust one another2.Analysis the market of waste tire and establish outline at least plan for negotiationⅤ. Experiment GuidanceWhatever each think will advance his interest, each side can introduce additional facts and assert opinions that would be plausible in this situation.Experiment 9 2 class hoursExport payment settlementⅠ. Experiment Aim:1.Application for the payment under the knowledge of payment terms2.Grasp application of payment tactics3.Study factors causing the changes of negotiation powerⅡExperiment Theoryw of International Trade2.Suggestions of Enhancing Mutual TrustⅢ. Experiment Content1.adjust the contract of business trade for export payment resultⅣ. Experiment Demand1.each group should discuss the background carefully to enhance trust one another2.analysis the secondhand market of cars and establish two at least plan fornegotiationⅤ. Experiment GuidanceWhatever each think will advance his interest, each side can introduce additional facts and assert opinions that would be plausible in this situation.Experiment 10 2 class hoursRelocation compensationⅠ. Experiment Aim:1.To overcome obstacle or weak point under adjustment of location govenmentduring negotiation2.Each sides will get the satisfactory results for the compensationⅡExperiment Theoryw of real east2.Needs Theory3.Application of the Needs Theory in NegotiationⅢ. Experiment ContentAnalysis the background of each side, make out the outline for this case depending on the above theory, then try to apply to the case simulation.Ⅳ. Experiment Demand1.prepare to achieve a win-win result and apply in the negotiation2.analyze the interests of each parties and find out the common interests.3.if not reach an agreement one another, work out an options or alternatives.Ⅴ. Experiment GuidanceFollow the negotiation style guidelines but do not exaggerate them to the point of making them unrealistic. Discuss them with your team and plan how you will follow them in your negotiation.四、教学方法本门课程的教学方法:课堂讲授、案例讨论、模拟谈判、网络谈判及课外作业(通过网络平台学习参考文献、答疑,远程谈判)。

教材和主要参考资料:教材:Jeremy Harmer 主编《怎样教英语》外语教学与研究出版社参考书:王蔷主编《英语教学法教程》高等教育出版社考试内容及要求:Chapter 1 How to be a good teacher1. What makes a good teacher?2. How should teachers talk to students?3. How should teachers give instructions?4. Who should talk in class?5. What are the best kinds of lesson?6. How important is it to follow a pre-arranged plan?Chapter 2 How to be a good learner1. Why is it difficult to describe a good learner?2. How important is the students’ motivation?3. Who is responsible for learning?4. What characteristics do good classroom learners share?5. What’s special about teaching adults?6. What are the different levels?7. How should we teach the different levels?Chapter 3 How to manage teaching and learning1. How should teacher use their physical presence in class?2. How should teachers use their voices in class?3. How should teachers mark the stage of a lesson?4. What is the best seating arrangement for a class?5. What different student groupings can teacher use?6. How can teachers evaluate the success or failure of their lessons?Chapter 4 How to describe learning and teaching1. What do we know about language learning?2. What elements are necessary for successful language learning in classrooms?3. How do the three elements of ESA fit together in lesson sequences?4. What teaching models have influenced current teaching practices? Chapter 5 How to describe language1. Sentence constructions2. Parts of speech3. Forms and meanings4. Language functions5. Collocation6. Speaking and writing7. PronunciationChapter 6 How to teach language1. What does language study consist of?2. How should we expose students to language?3. How can we help students to understand meaning?4. How should students practice language?5. Why do students make mistakes?6. How should teachers correct students?7. Where do language study activities fit in teaching sequences? Chapter 7 How to teach reading1. Why teach reading?2. What kind of reading should students do?3. What reading skills should students acquire?4. What are the principles behind the teaching of reading?5. What do reading sequences look like?6. More reading suggestionsChapter 8 How to teach writing1. Why teach writing?2. What do writing sequences look like?3. How should teachers correct writing?4. What can be done about handwriting?5. How does writing fir into ESA?6. More writing suggestionsChapter 9 How to teach speaking1. What kind of speaking should students do?2. Why encourage students to do speaking tasks?3. What do speaking activities look like?4. How should teachers correct speaking?5. What else should teachers do during a speaking a activity?6. How do speaking activities fit into ESA?7. More speaking suggestionsChapter 10 How to teach listening1. Why teach listening?2. What kind of listening should students do?3. What is special about listening?4. What are the principles behind the teaching of listening?5. What do listening sequences look like?6. Where does video fit in?7. More listening suggestionsChapter 11 How to use textbooks1. What are the different options for textbook use?2. What do adding, adapting and replacing look like?3. Why use textbooks at all?4. How should teachers choose textbooks?Chapter 12 How to plan lessons1. Why plan at all?2. What are the aims of a plan?3. What should be in a plan?4. What questions do we need to take?5. What form should a plan take?6. How should teachers plan a sequence of lessons?Chapter 13 What if?1. What if students are all at different levels?2. What if the class is very big?3. What if students keep using their own language?4. What if students are uncooperative?5. What if students don’t want to talk?6. What if students don’t understand listening tape?7. What if some students-in-groups finish before everybody else?考试方式及试卷结构:(一)理论课考试1.考试类型:闭卷笔试2.记分方式:百分制满分为100分3.考试时量:考试课100分钟;考查课80分钟4.试题总数:约34题5.命题的指导思想和原则:命题工作是课程考试的核心环节,其基本的指导思想是:坚持课程标准,体现培养目标,确保试题质量。
英语教学法教程 王蔷 chapter 2 课件

different types of activities and a wide selection of materials.
Flexibility: different methods and techniques
the contents and tasks should Learnability: be within the learning capability
Production Activity, role-play or task to encourage “free ”use of language (the
students are encouraged to use what they have learned and practised to perform communicative tasks, at this stage, the focus is on meaning rather than accurate use of language forms.)
Knowing about
the course the institution(school); the learners the syllabus
Micro planning is usually for a special lesson./ lesson
Components of a lesson plan
❖ Lesson planning means making decisions in advance about what techniques, activities and materials will be used in the class.

加强阅读理解和拼音拼写方面的 练习和辅导,提高学生的阅读能
积极探索和尝试新的教学方法和 手段,不断提高自己的教学水平
针对学生的学习特点和问题,提供个性化的指导 和建议。
将学生的作品进行展示,肯定优秀作品,鼓励其他学生向优秀看 齐。
观察学生在课堂上的参与度、注 意力、回答问题的准确度等。
根据学生的作业完成情况,评估 学生的学习效果和掌握程度。
定期进行小测试和考试,了解学 生对知识的掌握情况。
在课堂上对学生的表现进行即时反馈,肯定优秀 表现,纠正错误。
定期对学生的学习情况进行总结,指出存在的问 题和改进方向。
针对学生对阅读理解和拼音拼写方面的困难,我将增加相 关练习和辅导,同时加入一些生动有趣的阅读材料,以激 发学生的学习兴趣和阅读能力。
通过回顾和总结,使学生对本 课内容有更深刻的理解。
理解小画家们用脚作画的原因和 方法。

九年级英语unit12教案教案Chapter1讲次题目 Chapter1 unit1 reservation规划学时4课时教学目标知识目标To know the basic knowledge of room reservation能力目标To handle the basic skills of make a phone call for room reservation 情感目标To master the confirm room reservation and finish the general practice easily 重点难点分析Important points :To handle the basic skills of make a phone call for room reservation 教学方法讲授法、案例教学法、多媒体教学、教师讲授和启发、学生课堂讨论教学准备备课方式:独立备课[]其它:教学过程设计一、Introducemyself to all sts。
二、Guidethe sts to have a look at the content of the book .告诉同学本门课平时成绩占40%(作业30%,考勤30%,课堂答题40%),期末考试占分比为60%三、每个学生要把每个章节内容做成思维导图,这是作业内容。
板书或PPT 提纲计划学生课后研修任务课后小结。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
teaching after class.
2. What to teach in Microteaching 1: Lesson 1, Unit 1, Go for it (1A) My name’s Gina with outline & verbatim lesson plan (a practice lesson for pronunciation). 3. What to focus in pedagogical-skill training: (1) Teacher talk & Teaching manners (2) Classroom Interactions for practicing proClassroom Interactions
Research suggests that in some classrooms, 70-80 % class time is taken up with teacher talk (Nunan, 1991) , and over half of it is for classroom question & answers (Gall,1984). Questions are so commonly used in teaching because they stimulate Ss’ interest, encourage Ss to think & focus on the content of the lesson, enable a T. to clarify what a student has said, elicit language items and check Ss’ understanding. Questions also provide Ss more opportunities to use the language. The following are the basic form of IRF: 1. Initiation: Teachers’ Questions 2. Response: Students’ response 3. Feedback: Teachers’ feedback
How Teachers modify Teacher Talk
Repetition to make their instructions & directions
understandable to Ss;
Speaking more slowly for Ss to follow easily;
T: Now, I want to speak …to a person. He’s not here. What can I do now (gesture)? S1: …message. T: Good, I can leave a message (points at a phone). (to the whole class). I can … Ss: Leave a message.
TEFL Methodology (2)
Chapter 2-1
Teacher Talk & Classroom Interactions
About Microteaching 1
1. What to do in microteaching practice: demonstrating what you are thinking about teaching by action and reflecting on
Reflection on Microteaching 1
What did you do in Microteaching Practice 1, did you enjoy it, why/ why not? What was the most difficult part in your practice, how was it going? Did you feel difficult to choose what to say, why? Did you feel nervous when facing “students”, why? How did you assess your English pronunciation and intonation, is it good enough for E. teaching? If not, what are the main problems? What kind of talk do you think proper for your students in a practice lesson for pronunciation?
1. Convergent questions (encourage the similar, simple or short
responses, e.g., the display questions & factual questions)
2. Divergent questions (require Ss to engage in higher-level thinking
T: Now, the whole sentence: please say: I can leave a telephone message.
Ss: I can leave a telephone message. … … T: The book … we have (holds up book) …the book is interesting, right? It’s necessary for school. Bring your books to class, tomorrow, OK? Ss: OK.
5、 Checking Ss’ understanding
6、 Modeling the target language
7、 Questioning or challenging Ss’ thinking
8、 Giving feedback to Ss’ performance etc.
Sample Teacher Talk (1)
Main functions of Teacher Talk
1、Getting Ss’ attention 2、 Giving instructions & directions 3、 Explaining language or activities 4、 Clarifying procedure of learning
Modifying grammar with short and simple sentence
Modifying discourse (repeating themselves or answering their own questions) to make themselves understood.
What is Teacher Talk?
Teacher talk refers to the language used by teachers in the classroom as the goal of teaching and also the means of teaching by which the goal is achieved. Goal of teaching: the language is to be taught or the content Ss are going to learn in the classroom; Means of teaching: the language is to be used for instructions & directions, modeling language patterns, asking or giving feedbacks to the questions etc. to help Ss reach the pedagogical goals in the classroom :
Using Pauses to give Ss more time to process what the
T. has said and hence facilitate their comprehension; another style of speech to draw Ss’ attention;
What are the teacher’s roles in classroom interactions and how could the teacher build a positive relationship between the teacher and students in the classroom?
Questions & Questioning skills
1. Procedural questions (have to do with classroom procedures
& routines, classroom management, e.g., the question “Have you done your homework?” can be used to check Ss’ assignments) 2. Content questions (engage Ss in the content of the lesson, facilitate Ss’ comprehension and promote classroom interactions.)
Sample Teacher Talk (2)