
MY-TFT070V2 产品用户手册版本V1.12015年3月16日版本记录目录目录 (1)第1章产品概述 (2)1.1 产品简介 (2)1.2 规格参数 (2)1.3 产品预览 (3)第2章硬件指南 (5)2.1 引脚分布 (5)2.2 信号定义 (5)2.3 电气特性 (6)2.4 时序参数 (7)第3章机械参数 (10)附录 (12)附录一联系方式 (13)附录二售后服务与技术支持 (14)第1章产品概述1.1 产品简介MY-TFT070V2是深圳米尔科技有限公司推出的7寸液晶模块,是彩色有源矩阵薄膜晶体管(TFT)液晶显示器(LCD),由TFT LCD显示器件,连接件,控制与驱动外围电路,PCB驱动底板等组成,驱动底板预留1.27mm间距的IDC排线插针(25pinX2)和0.5mm 间距的FPC连接器两种连接方式,是专为米尔科技ARM主板设计的配套LCD液晶显示模块。
1.2 产品特性MY-TFT070V2兼容三种触摸输入方式,分别为电阻式触摸输入、电容式触摸输入和外置式输入,可以根据需要任意选用需要的方式,同时只能有一种触摸方式被连接。
1.3 规格参数1.4 产品预览MY-TFT070V2 产品平面图如图1-2、图1-3所示:图1-2 MY-TFT070V2产品正面图图1-3 MY-TFT070V2 产品背面图第2章硬件指南2.1 接口分布底板接口分布如下图2-1所示:图2-1 底板接口分布图如上图所示,驱动底板预留1.27mm间距的50pin IDC排线插针(J1)和0.5mm间距的50pin FPC连接器(J2)两种连接方式,默认连接50pin IDC排线。

1 硬件接口说明
1.1 LCD70
电源输入 5V RS口 IO 扩展接口
Mini USB 电 源输入 5V
电源输入 5V RS485 接口
说明: 电源:单电源 5V 输入,可通过 USB、RS232、RS485 接口输入 通信接口:RS232、RS485 公用 STM32 USART1,PA11 控制 485 发送接收,1 发送 0
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//填充圆形 圆心(x0,y0) 半径 r 颜色 color
extern void GUI_RectangleFill(u16 x0, u16 y0, u16 x1, u16 y1, TCOLOR color);
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//输出字符串 ASCII
起点 x 轴坐标值
起点 y 轴坐标值
16(8*16) 24(12*24) 32(16*32) 48(24*48) 64(32*64)

TFT液晶各引脚功能说明如下:GND:接地;VCC:5V/3V电压输入,注意VCC_SEL的连接;CS:片选信号;RS:命令/数据选择;RS=0写数据,RS=1写命令;WR:写控制信号;RD:读控制信号;D8~D15: 使用8位数据口时为8位数据/命令并行口;使用16位数据/命令并行口时为其高8位;RST:液晶复位信号;VCC_SEL: 5v VCC接入时“VCC_SEL”断开;3.3v VCC接入时“VCC_SEL”短接;MOD: 数据/命令并行口的模式选择,MOD=GND时TFT为16位工作模式,MOD 不连接时TFT为8位工作模式;D0~D7:仅在使用16位数据/命令并行口时使用,为16位数据/命令并行口的低8位;液晶控制IC说明请参考“S6D0144.pdf”,液晶FPC接口定义请参考“GG1P0360管脚定义.pdf”。
8位接口模式,程序中的接口定义:D8~D15 = P0;CS = P2^1;RST = P2^2;RS = P2^5;WR_ = P2^4;RD_ = P2^3;16位接口模式,程序中的接口定义:D0~D7 = P0;D8~D15 = P1;CS = P2^1;RST = P2^2;RS = P2^5;WR_ = P2^4;RD_ = P2^3;SD卡使用方法程序4的功能是将SD卡中存储的图片显示到TFT,故此处SD卡主要用来存储图片。
Digilent VmodTFT 4.3 英寸彩色 TFT LCD 触摸屏说明书

The LCD has a specific power-up sequence that needs to be followed for proper operation.
The VmodTFT should only be attached to the system board once the signals driven by the system board are defined.
In analog mode, the backlight intensity is set by the voltage divider formed by R7 and R10. Valid values are 0.7V (dimmest) to 1.4V (brightest).
In digital mode, the FPGA can drive this pin with a PWM signal of 100Hz-50kHz.
VmodTFT Reference Manual
layers form plates X and Y. Each plate has electrodes on opposite sides and a constant resistance.
Figure 3 AC Characteristics
Figure 2 Video Timing
Video data is sent on a parallel interface synchronous to CLK. The table below lists the timing parameters of this interface. “Data” refers to the combined pixel data from the R, G, and B pins.
DWIN TFT HMI 4.3英寸显示终端说明书

4.3”,480×272,M100 driver,65K COLOR TFT HMI
Intelligent display terminal Data parameters
Size : 4.3 inch Resolution:480×272
Interface operation
All the interfaces are based on the operation to the pictures which can shorten your time and save you cost.
Multi-controller option
4.3”,480×272,M100 driver,65K COLOR TFT HMI
THE FULL RANGE OF PRODUCTS: BASIC TYPE、STANDARD TYPE、ENHANCED TYPE To meet the working Environments of your industry
64 levels.
Contrast Ratio
Reaction time(ms)
viewing angle(L/R/U/D)
Screen Mode
Note[1]: 1.Modules can work in the 90°pattern rotation after software modification.(272*480). 2.viewing angle is also modificable to 6 o’clock or 12 o’clock position.( Required in ordering instructions)。

TFT触摸屏使用说明2一、.4寸TFT 触摸屏使用说明要正确使用TFT 触摸屏,需要借助相应的单片机实验板,这里,以顶顶电子开发板DD-900实验开发板为例进行介绍,值得庆幸的是,DD-900上设有3V 电压输出端,因此,可以方便地为TFT 触摸屏供电。
TFT 触摸屏模块介绍随着TFT 触摸屏价格的不断下降,其应用也越来越广泛,学习TFT 触摸屏现已成为一种时尚,以前,很多人只有在ARM 单片机中才能看到TFT 触摸屏的风采,现在,随着51单片机性能的提高,51单片机也能玩TFT 触摸屏了,这里,我们介绍的是一款2.4寸TFT 触摸屏模块,其正面与反面外形如图所示:这款触摸屏模块主要具备如下特点:1.2.4寸320*240 ,65K/262K 色;2.屏带PCB 板, PCB 板设有2.4寸液晶屏、SD 卡座、触摸屏控制芯片ADS7843,通过40脚插针将屏、卡座和触摸芯片功能引脚,引脚间距为2.54mm ,采用杜邦线可十分方便地与单片机进行连接。
PCB 引出脚排列及功能如图所示:3.屏设置为8位,用户也可根据实际情况设置为16位。
4.控制IC 为ILI9325。
二、供电及连接说明DD-900实验开发板采用的是5V 供电,因此,单片机应采用5V 单片机,如STC89C516RD+、STC12C5A60S2等,晶振采用30M ,注意TFT 要采用3V 供电,否则有可能烧屏,TFT 与单片机连接时可加限流电阻,电阻大小为470欧左右,也可以不加,但单片机不可设置为推挽模式,各引脚连接如下: TFT 触摸屏 DD-900实验开发板说明GND GND 屏与背光供电VCC 3V LED+ 3V DB8~DB15 P00~P07 液晶屏部分DB0~DB7不连接(这里采用是8位方式,不用连接)RS P26 WR P25 RD P24 CS P27 RES P23 D_CLK P21 触摸控制部分D_CS P20 D_DIN P22 D_BUSY P34 D_DOUT P33 D_Penirq (中断) P35 SD_OUT 根据程序进行定义 SD 卡座部分(前两个实验,此部分未采用) SD_SCK 根据程序进行定义SD_DIN根据程序进行定义SD_CS 根据程序进行定义注意:在TFT 的PCB 板上标有TFT 的引脚功能,一定要认清管脚与标注的对应关系。

TFT2.8_V2.2 使用手册
SD卡使用如下: 1、SD卡要格式化成FAT(即FAT16格式),然后把需要显示的大小为320x240像素的bmp格式图片 通过Image2LCD软件转换成bin格式并存储到SD卡中。 注意:SD卡中不能存储其他任何文件,使用之前一般需要先格式化,否则可能导致图片输出 不完整。 图片存储到SD卡后,可以通过winhex软件(打开winhex.exe,点击Tools->Open Disk找到SD卡打 开)查看各图片存储的地址。打开软件如图所示,点击第一张图片“车.bin”,所有图片在SD卡中 是依次存放的,读图片也是依次进行的。看上图中左下角圈起来的2个数字,上面的物理扇区编号, 下面的是逻辑扇区编号,那么对应的地址就是769x512=393728,这个是1G卡FAT格式化后的初始数 据。不同容量的SD卡的初始地址不同,请使用winhex软件查看对应的物理扇区编号,并计算出对应 的地址,然后在样例中图示标记位置进行更改。
2.1.1 FPC 接口电路 ..............................................................................................................................................4 2.1.2 触摸控制电路............................................................................................................................................5 2.1.3 IO 扩展电路 ................................................................................................................................................6 2.1.4 电源电路....................................................................................................................................................7 2.1.5 SD 接口电路................................................................................................................................................7 2.1.6 TFT 控制接口电路 ....................................................................................................................................10 2.2、程序控制实例(以 51 单片机控制为例介绍) .........................................................................................12 2.2.1 实例一、字符、汉字、画线显示实验 ..................................................................................................12 2.2.2 实例二、触摸屏画图演示实验 ..............................................................................................................14 2.2.3 实例三、触摸屏控制直流电机实验 ......................................................................................................16 2.2.4 实例四、电子相册-SD 卡图片读取显示实验 .......................................................................................18
NHC_36彩色液晶显示控制模块使用说明一、N HC_36型显示控制模块的特点。
管脚图如下:(顶视图)如果第18管脚“RD\”不用时,接上拉电阻五、NHC_36液晶控制板与微处理器的接口时序接口时序与8031的总线时序相同时序:A0、A1/WR、D7—D0(D7—D0(READ时序特性参数六、指令介绍及编程方法:CS WR RD A1 A0 D0-D7H 任意任意任意任意操作无效L L H 0 0 写显示数据到LCDL H L 0 0 从LCD读数据L L H 0 1 写显示数据前用:设定行地址,地址0-233对应液晶屏从上到下1到234行L L H 1 0 设定列地址(0-479)L L H 1 1 设定显示页和操作页1.写指令和数据a)设定显示页和操作页地址。

4inch TFT Touch ShieldUser ManualOVERVIEWThis is a 4inch resistive screen TFT LCD, 320x480 resolution, integrate controller on board. It uses SPI interface, can be used to display image, text or draw geometric figure with functions.STM32 and Arduino examples are provided for easy porting.PARAMETERSLCD Type: TFTLCD Interface: SPILCD Controller: ILI9486Touch Screen Controller: XPT2046Touch Screen Type: ResistiveResolution: 320x480 (Pixel)Color Gradation Exponent: 65536INTERFACESymbol Arduino PIN STM32 PIN Description 5V 5V 5V 5V power inputGND GND GND GroundSCLK D13 PA5 SPI clockMISO D12 PA6 SPI data inputMOSI D11 PA7 SPI data outputLCD_CS D10 PB6 LCD chip selectLCD_BL D9 PC7 LCD back lightLCD_RST D8 PA9 LCD resetLCD_DC D7 PA8 LCD data/commandselectionHOW TO USEHARDWARE CONFIGURATION•If there is ICSP interface on Arduino board, set the SPI Config switch onto ICSP position.(default)•If Arduino board has no ICSP interface, set the SPI Config switch onto the position that SCLK\D13, MISO\D12, MOSI\D11EXAMPLESWe provide Arduino UNO examples and XNUCLEO-F103RB examples for this screen.ARDUINO EXAMPLES1.Download the examples: 4inch TFT Touch Shield code.7z, and copy the libraries which are inArduino\lib folder of examples to the libraries folder which is under the installation directory of Arduino IDE.2.Before running the LCD_ShowBMP code, copy the pictures which is in the PIC folder to SDcard.3.Open the LCD_ShowBMP project with Arduino IDE, download to Arduino board.4.The Touch code use four sets of calibration values, could support painting operation in fourdirections. There are five colors which could be selected on the right. The size of paintbrush is 9 pixels by default. Users can also click the AD on screen to calibrate:Please use the stylus click the cross on the screen. The cross will always move until thescreen adjustment is completed.5.Following the prompt, click the red sign “+” one by one to finish the calibration.STM32 EXAMPLES1.Before running the code that display image. copy the pictures which is in the PIC folder toSD card. Then insert the LCD to NUCLEO or XNUCLEO board.2.Open the project with MDK, download to the NUCLEO or XNUCLEO development board.3.The LCD will first show some common functions: Draw dots, draw dotted line and solid line,rectangle, filled rectangle, circle and solid circle. Every figure keeps for 3s. You can change the size of dot, the width of lines and the size of the circles.4.The Touch code use four sets of calibration values, could support painting operation in fourdirections. There are five colors which could be selected on the right. The size of paintbrush is 9 pixels by default. Users can also click the AD on screen to calibrate:Please use the stylus click the cross on the screen. The cross will always move until thescreen adjustment is completed.5.Following the prompt, click the red “+” one by one to finish the calibration.Note:Image: 320x480, 24bit, bmp.SD card: FAT。

墙式3.2寸液晶触摸屏使用说明书一.技术参数:✧屏幕显示: 3.2寸TFT真彩矩阵。
✧颜色深度:65M - 16bits。
✧分辨率:320 x 240 Pixel。
✧可视角度:100° 垂直100° 水平倾斜角度:30°。
✧通讯方式:RS-485标准串行总线,通讯速率:1200~256000 bps可设,长度:8 bits,奇偶校验:无,停止位 1✧内存:1M bytes (系统资源760K,用户240K)。
✧功耗:工作状态从100 mA –睡眠状态为40 mA 。
✧工作温度:0℃至50℃ 。
✧周围湿度:20~90% RH (无结露)。
✧安装底盒:标准86底盒✧尺寸(mm) 117(L) x 100(W) x 32(D)。
二.墙式3.2寸触摸屏功能:1. 3.2寸触摸彩屏显示。
3.1 软件使用注意:在写入程序时ID要与写入的触屏一致。
● 3.1.2 “文件”菜单打开配置:打开前期保存在电脑的工程文件保存配置:把编辑好的按键界面保存在电脑里写入配置:把当前界面写入SH-TP32(写入后,触屏会自动重启)。

函数原型:static void LCD_SetPos
(unsigned int x0,
16*16字模由 软件取模得到,具体操作如下
白: 0xffff
图4-1 彩屏模块原理图
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
RET----P2.1 LEDA---P2.2 CS-----P2.3
图4-2 彩屏模块元件布局图

D C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T D
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
函数原型:void Put_pixel(uchar x,uchar y,unsigned int color);
入口参数:x,y 需要画点的坐标,color为点的颜色
unsigned int forecolor,
unsigned intbkcolor);
入口参数:x 横坐标,y 纵坐标
bColor 字符背景颜色
函数原型:void PutGB1616
函数原型:void CLR_Screen(unsigned intbColor);

一体化电脑使用说明书功能概述z集成有以太网控制器,串口,SD卡控制器,USB Host 控制器,四线电阻触摸屏驱动。
z可完美支持WindowsCE .NET 5.0操作系统。
z支持Visual Studio 2005或(.net 2.0 Compact)、EVC++或、LabView开发。
硬件概述z三星ARM9 S3C2440A的CPU(主频:400MHz), 64M的SDRAM,64M的NandFlash ,WindowsCE .NET 5.0。
z显示屏:8.0inch(英寸),800×600 TFT LCD,宽温型,64K色。
z由USB集线器AU9254扩展而来的三个USB HOST接口,可同时连接USB鼠标,键盘,及U盘。
z一路USB DEVICE接口,支持Activesync和PC机同步通信和联调应用程序。
z SD/MMC接口,支持SD卡和MMC卡。
工作条件12VDC,电流:600mA工作温度:‐10℃~70℃各端口位置图串口及扩展口操作串口与Windows 2000/XP下操作串口是一样的,可以用打开文件,读写文件的API函数对串口进行操作。

2.4寸TFT彩屏使用说明书彩屏驱动IC:ILI9325实验板:LY-51S实验板编写:侯瑞阳2013年01月一、彩屏模块简介屏幕尺寸:2.4寸TFT彩屏分辨率:320x240 262K色接口类型:8位数据接口,接口兼容12864液晶接口,①脚对齐电源类型:5V电源接口,板上有3.3V稳压芯片,不需要电平转换SD卡模式:SPI模式触摸IC:XPT2046图1-1 2.4寸TFT彩屏模块二、彩屏结构组成及原理TFT屏(Thin Film Transistor)是薄膜晶体管型液晶显示屏,它的每一个象素点都是由集成在其后的薄膜晶体管来驱动的,这样不仅提高了显示屏的响应速度,同时可以精确控制显示色阶,所以TFT液晶的色彩更逼真。
图2-1 彩屏的基本结构图2-2 TFT彩屏内部结构TFT液晶模块可以显示数字、中英文字符和图案。
常用有:1.6、1.8、2.0、2.2、2.4 、2.6、2.8、3.0、3.2、3.4、3.6、4、4.3、5.7 、8.4 、10.4 、15 、17 、19 、21 英寸等。
三、学习彩屏的准备知识1、什么是图形和图像图形:如一段直线,在单片机内存储时只需要存储起点X、Y坐标和终点X、Y 坐标,存储量极小,但在显示器上显示时,和图像的显示是一致的,也是通过像素点的组合来显示的。
图3-1 像素点组成图形图像:如一张人物照片,在单片机内存储时需要存储所有像素点的信息,存储量极大,在显示器上显示时,通过像素点的点阵组合来完成显示的图3-2 像素点组成图像2、什么是像素像素:图像的最小组成单位。

4.3寸TFT显示器 SM.04TL/C使用手册出版状态:标准产品版本: V1.0上海新时达电气股份有限公司版权所有,保留一切权利在没有得到本公司许可时,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、复制本书(软件等)的一部分或全部,不得以任何形式(包括资料和出版物)进行传播。
Copyright© by Shanghai STEP Electric Co., Ltd.All rights reservedThe information in this document is subject to change without notice . No partof this document may in any form or by any means(electronic,mechanical,micro-coping,photocopying,recording or otherwise)be reproduced,stored in a retrival system or transmitted without prior writtenpermission from Shanghai STEP Electric Corporation一、外形图片及尺寸图1 4.3寸TFT显示器外形图(竖显和横显)图2 4.3寸TFT显示器尺寸(mm)二、功能特点1、适用于新时达串行通讯系统;2、采用4.3寸TFT作为显示界面,真彩色显示(16位色),分辨率为480×272;3、能够显示电梯楼层、运行方向和背景图片;4、显示内容均存储在显示器内,可通过USB端口对其进行更新;5、即可做横显,也可以做竖显,通过拨码开关设置;6、显示界面尺寸:97mm×55mm。
三、端口定义图3 SM.04TL/C端子端子定义如下表所示:端子号端子定义插座型号插头型号JP1 电源与通讯 S4B-XH-A XHP-4JP2 上召按钮接口CH2510-4AW CH2510-4YJP3 下召按钮接口JP4 锁梯JP1为电源和通讯线接口,其接线示意图如图4所示:图4 电源和通讯接线示意图JP2、JP3和JP4的1脚和2脚接按钮灯,3脚和4脚接按钮的输入,如图5所示:图5 按钮接线示意图拨码开关说明如下:序号位号功能SW1.1 拨到“ON”,进入楼层设置状态,用于设置当前楼层,按上召按钮楼层值增加,按下召按钮楼层值减少,设置完毕后将其拨到“OFF”状态。

TFT LCD COLORMONITOR OPERATION MANUALMode 1Mode 2Mode 3DEAR CUSTOMERSThanks you for purchasing 8”TFT COLOR MONITOR,We hope that you will have the enjoyment of your new mini color TFT LCD.SAFEGUARDS AND PRECAUTIONS1、Please adopt the matched home AC power adapter.2、Do not remove the rear panel of this product. If in need of service, please call aqualified technician.3、Keep away form strong light while using this product so as to obtain theclearest and the most colorful picture.4、Do not seriously impact or drop the product onto the ground.5、Don’t use chemical solutions to clean this TFT LCD set.Please simply wipe witha clean soft cloth to keep the brightness of the surface.CONTENTS1 FEATURE-----------------------------------------------2 CONNECTION-----------------------------------------3 REMOTE CONTROLLER----------------------------4 MENU OPERATION-----------------------------------5 PARAMETER-------------------------------------------6 ACCESSORIES-----------------------------------------7 TROUBLE SHOOTING-------------------------------1、 FEATURE1、Mode 1131. POWER.:ON/OFF2. Indication Light for power supply: Red light means stand by ,Green lightmeans to work.3. PC/A V:VGA , A V switch.4. :Program selection key or using to select function in OSD.5. :Program selection key or using to select function in OSD.6. IR Sensor7. MENU:Display MENU key;8. VOL+: V olume up or using to adjust the number of selected function in OSD.9. VOL-: V olume down or using to adjust the number of selected function inOSD.10. 14P SKS cable input jack11. 12V power input jack12. Folding Bracket13. Touch penMode 2101.-:V olume down key or used to move cursor down in OSD mode2.+:V olume up key or used to move the cursor up in OSD mode3.<:Program selection key or used to select function in OSD mode4.M/E:Display MENU key5.>:Program selection key or used to select function in OSD mode6.A/V:VGA, A V switch7.POWER:ON/OFF8.14P SKS input jack9. DC 12V input jack10. Touch penMode 31011129 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 11. Indication Light for power supply: Red light means stand by ,Green light meansto work.2. VOL+: V olume up key or used to move cursor down in OSD mode3.VOL-: V olume down key or used to move the cursor up in OSD mode4.>: Program selection key or used to select function in OSD mode5.MENU:Display MENU key6.< : Program selection key or used to select function in OSD mode7.A/V: VGA, A V switch8.POWER:ON/OFF9.IR Sensor10.DC 12V input jack11.14P SKS input jack12. Touch pen2. CONNECTIONMode 1Mode 2& Mode 33、REMOTE CONTROLLER: MUTE: To activate OSD menu: V olume up or to adjust the value of setting function: To select function on OSD~: Unit, double-digit, three-Picture, no use.: NO USE4、MENU OPERATIONAfter connected correctly and then Power on, Press “MENU” on the unit or by remote control to show MENUIN A V MODEPress “</>”on the unit or “” on the remote control to select item, eg. ,and it will be highlighted; and then press +/ - of the unit or to adjust the favorite values. It shows current picture format (NTSC&PAL) below the dialog box.BRIGHTNESS: to adjust the luminance of brightnessSATURATION: to adjust the level of saturationTINT: to adjust the hue of imageLANGUAGE:There are 2 languages provided for choice, English and ChineseRESET: you can reset adjustment of the unit when click “YES”OSD H-POSITION ADJUSTMENT: to adjust the OSD move in horizontal directionOSD V-POSITION ADJUSTMENT: to adjust the OSD move in vertical directionOSD DURATION: to adjust the duration of OSD from5-100seconds.picture over-turn to left or rightpicture over-turn to up or downEXIT OSD: select “YES” to exitIN PC MODE:Press “</>”on the unit or “” on the remote control to select item, eg. ,and it will be highlighted with yellow; and then press +/ - of the unit or to adjust the favorite values. It shows picture mode specifications below the dialog box.BRIGHTNESS: to adjust the luminance of brightnessPHASE:to adjust the beginning point and terminal point of imageFREQUENCY: to adjust the frequency range of imageOSD H-POSITION:to adjust the picture position in horizontal directionOSD H-POSITION:to adjust the picture position in vertical directionRESET: you can reset adjustment of the unit when click “YES”COLOR TEMPERATURE:choose color and temperature at first, such as: 65000 K, 75000 K or 93000 K.Only if under “USER” mode, can adjust RED, GREEN and BLUE to meet the color value you need.LANGUAGE:There are 2 languages provided for choice, English and ChineseMISCELLANEOUS:to select to enter next pageAs follows:EXIT OSD: select “YES” to exitOSD H-POSITION ADJUSTMENT: to adjust the OSD move in horizontal directionOSD V-POSITION ADJUSTMENT: to adjust the OSD move in vertical directionOSD DURATION: to adjust the duration of OSD from5-100seconds.OSD AUTO COLOR:If select “YES” it will adjust automatic color system to the bestpicture over-turn to left or rightpicture over-turn to up or down5、PARAMETERTFT LCD SCREENTFT LCD (8 inch)High Resolutions 800*600Average Brightness250 cd/㎡Contrast Ratio 500: 1Mode 1 & Mode 2 4:3Aspect RatioMode 3 16:9Mode 1& Mode 2 140°/120° (H/V)Viewing AngleMode 3 130°/110° (H/V)Color System PAL-4.43 NTSC-3.58Power consumption ≤8.5WAudio Output ≤1.2WInput V oltage DC11-13VMode1 205L×178W×67H mm(Folding)205 L×150 W×210 H mm(Unfolding)Mode 2 220 x166 x37.5 mmDimensionMode 3 196×116×32.5(mm)Mode 1 WITH TOUCH 1024gWITHOUT TOUCH 945gMode2 WITH TOUCH 526gWITHOUT TOUCH 588gWeightMode 3 WITH TOUCH 610gWITHOUT TOUCH 518g6、ACCESSORIES1 2 3 4 5 61 VGA signal cable with 9 holes 1piece2 14P SKS patch cord of A/V cable 1piece3 DC adapter 1piece4 Remote controller 1piece5 Driver disk(Matched with touch function)1piece6 Operation manual 1copy7、TROUBLE SHOOTING7.1、A V MODE7.2、PC MODE① Image excursionAccording to the operation of image station adjustments to adjust: A. Press“<”key, select automatic functionB. Manual adjust as per the operation manual in the menu.C. Select correct refurbish and resolution rate Lose colorPlease check the VGA cable if connect correctly, or what is matter with the VGA cable, if any bend or break in cable, please adopt new VGA cable. No pictureA 、After connecting the power, the indicator light will turn red, thenpress“POWER” button, the unit will work, if the screen display “NO SIGNAL”, that is to say no signal input, at this time, you should open your computer; if the screen display “OVERRANGE”, that is to say signal mode input exceed the range of display, please adjust the refurbish rate of unit.B 、If the green light on the monitor is turned on, the management mode of the power is activated. You may press any key on the computer to activate it. The power of the monitor also has the management mode. If no effect after pressing the keyboard of the PC ,please press “POWER” key on the monitor.C 、If the indicator light is turned off, please check the power connection.Case(condition)Possible causesOnly black and white picture1. The number of “color” function on Video menu is zero.2. The present program have only black and white image. No picture 1. Check power connectin(check the working indicatorlight).2. Check if the A V cable is connected well.The remote controller can not work or insensitive 1. Check battery install method. 2. The battery is used out.3.The signal are influencedNo clear or really image, shaky picturePlease select correct resolution rate, renew the refurbish rate.If any questions, you may be contact with the related dealers.If the whole screen turn light, please check computer refurbish rate is less than 72Hz.Remark:* If happen image interruptive, it is possible that the VGA signal frequency is not matched with normal standard.* It is a normal condition that some bright lines appear on the screen when you are closed the unit.*To ensure a longer use, please make power management function of PC active.。
慧净电子2.4寸TFT 触摸彩屏使用说明书

TFT触摸彩屏使用说明书慧净电子2.4寸26万色带触摸TFT彩屏,此模块兼容 3.3V和5V,已在51与上通过验证。
2不接SD卡的使用说明/***********************************************************D[10~17]---P0[0~7]CS---P1.2RS---P1.0WR---P1.1PWM---GND GND---GND VCC---VCC共需16条连线RD---P2.5RST---P1.4***********************************************************/由于单片机的ROM容量有限,所以只能显示小图片,汉字字符,彩条等信息,以下分别是TFT屏显示彩条,汉字字符,小图片的实物图片。
威能 TFT 触摸屏 (型号:TFT) 用户手册说明书

Model: Touchpad (TFT)Model: Touchpad TFT12 34StatisticsThe statistics screen shows the communication rate to each of the thermostats on the system.This screen can help to identify problems on the network.Setting the ClockTo set the clock, follow these steps.Press the Options tab.Press the Clock icon ......................................................................................................................Here you can set the current time and date and select whether the Touchpad shouldobserve GMT Correction. GMT correction will automatically change the clock on the Touchpad and Thermostats in March and October as the clocks change for Winter/Summer time.Press Done to store and exit ......................................................................................................Initial SetupEntering a Room TitleA room title of 13 characters can be entered for each room on the system.To enter a room title follow these steps.Press the Communication number ing the alphanumeric keypad, enter a title.Press Done to store and return to the network screen ......................................................Repeat as necessary for the other rooms.When finished, press Done from the Network screen to store and exit ......................Note: You must perform a new network scan after adding additional thermostats to your system.678910Functions tabThe function tab gives access to the global functions such as Lock, Hold and Setback.The temperature hold function allows you to manually override the current operating program for a single or group of thermostats and set a different temperature for a desired period.• Press the Temperature Hold icon .................................................................................................• Enter the hold temperature and time period ....................................................................• Press next• Select one or more thermostats or press the functions tab to select all ...• Press the Done key to confirm and exit .....................................................................................To cancel temperatures hold on a SINGLE thermostat follow these steps.• Press the My System icon ................................................................................................................•Select a thermostat ..........................................................................................................•Press the Temp Hold icon ................................................................................................................• Press the Cancel Hold key .....................................................................................................To cancel a temperature hold on MULTIPLE thermostats follow these steps.• Press the My System icon ...............................................................................................................•Press the Functions tab.• Press the Hold icon ............................................................................................................................• Press the Cancel Hold key ....................................................................................................•Select the thermostats to apply the cancel to .....................................................My SystemTemperature HoldThe Set Back function allows you to place individual or multiple thermostats into Set Back Mode (also referred to as Frost Mode).In this mode, the thermostat will display the frost icon and will only turn the heating on should the room temperature drop below the set frost temperature. To apply Frost Mode to a single or group of thermostats follow these steps.• Press the My System icon ...................................................................................................• Press the Functions tab.• Press the Set Back icon ........................................................................................................•Select a zone or multiples zones to apply the set back, or alternatively press Functions tab a second time and Select All. .............................................Room buttons in green will be set back Room buttons in blue will not be set backRoom buttons in grey are time clocks and cannot be set back• Press the Done key ...............................................................................................................Editing the Set Back TempThe set back temperature range is 7-17°C and is set to 12°C as default.Pressing EDIT from the Set Back screen allows you to adjust this setting and then select which thermostats this should apply to.My SystemSet Back Mode (Frost Mode)CurrentTemperature Override KeyEdit IconTimer ZonesEditing the Switching TimesThe Edit icon enables you to program the switching times for the selected time clock.Time clocks provide Weekday/Weekend or 7 Day Programming options.If the time clock shows Weekday/Weekend it is operating in 5/2 day mode, and if it shows each day of the week it is operating in 7 day mode.This mode can be changed on the time clock, and will be updated automatically on the Touchpad. Please consult the time clock manual for instructions on how to change this.There are 4 settings per day, these are called Wake, Leave, Return and Sleep.For each setting a Timer ON and a Timer OFF time can be programmed.To program the switching times follow these steps.• Press the Edit icon .................................................................................................................• Select a day or period ..........................................................................................• Select a setting to program ........................................................................................•Edit the Timer ON and Timer OFF times using the arrow keys .........................Times should be entered in 24 hour format.For unused periods set the time to -- : -- and the time clock will ignore the setting.• Repeat these steps for the remaining days/periods.•Press the Done key to confirm and exit ..........................................................................Note: For Weekday/Weekend programming, the 4 switching times are the same for all weekdays but can be different for the weekends.For 7 Day programming, each day can have 4 different switching times.Copy SettingsThe Copy key enables you to copy the programmed switching times to other time clocks that are operating in the same mode (5/2 or 7 day).To Copy and apply switching times follow these steps.•Press the Copy key .........................................................................................................Zones that can be selected will be blue and will turn green when selected.Zones in grey cannot be selected.•Press the Done key to confirm and exit ...................................................................Using the arrow keys set the override duration ....................................................Press the Done key ................................................................................................................Edit IconCurrentTemperatureHistoryProgrammable ZonesTemperature Hold (Individual Zone)The temperature hold function allows you to manually override the current operating program of a specific zone and set a different temperature for a desired period To set a hold a temperature for a group of thermostats, use the Hold function from the main screen.To set a hold time follow these steps.• Press the Temp Hold icon ....................................................................................................• Set the Hold temperature and Hold time using the arrow keys ......................•Press the Done key to confirm and exit .........................................................................The thermostat and zone screen will show the hold time remaining.To cancel a hold in operation, press Temp Hold icon and then the Cancel Hold key ..Programmable Zones HistoryThe history function on a programmable zone enables you to see the hours run as a and temperature profile for the last 4 weeks.This is displayed in a bar chart and line graph and provides an indication of which zones are using the most energy.The information can additionally be exported to your PC.There are two export methods:• Export All will export the temperature profile for all zones.• Zone Export will export just the selected zone.The exported data is saved to csv format and can be edited in Excel.The set temperature can be adjusted by using the Up/Down keys.• Use the Up/Down keys to select a temperature .................................................•Press the Apply key ............................................................................................................Note: This override will be maintained until the next programmed comfort level.The Edit icon enables you to program the comfort levels for the selected thermostat.Thermostats provide Weekday/Weekend or 7 Day Programming options.If the thermostat shows Weekday/Weekend it is operating in 5/2 day mode, and if it shows each day of the week it is operating in 7 day mode.This mode can be changed on the thermostat, and will be updated automatically on the Touchpad.Please consult the thermostat manual for instructions on how to change this.There are 4 settings per day, these are called Wake, Leave, Return and Sleep.For each setting a start time and temperature can be programmed, this temperature will be maintained until the next comfort level.Programmable Zones Temperature ControlProgrammable Zones Editing the Comfort LevelsTo program the comfort levels follow these steps.• Press the Edit icon ...............................................................................................................• Select a day or period .........................................................................................• Select a setting to program ........................................................................................•Edit the time and temperature values using the Up/Down keys ....................Times should be entered in 24 hour format.For unused periods set the time to -- : -- and the thermostat will ignore the setting.• Repeat these steps for the remaining days/periods.•Press the Done key to confirm and exit ........................................................................Note: For Weekday/Weekend programming, the 4 comfort levels are the same for all weekdays but can be different for the weekends.For 7 Day programming, each day can have 4 different comfort levels.Copy SettingsThe Copy key enables you to copy the programmed comfort levels to other thermostats that are operating in the same mode (5/2 or 7 day).To Copy and apply comfort levels follow these steps.•Press the Copy key ...............................................................................................................Zones that can be selected will be blue and will turn green when selected.Zones in grey cannot be selected.•Press the Done key to confirm and exit ........................................................................Programmable Zones with Hot Water OutputEditing the Hot Water Switching TimesIn addition to editing the comfort levels, hot water switching times can be edited. There are 4 settings per day, these are called Wake, Leave, Return and Sleep.For each setting an ON time and an OFF time can be programmed.For unused periods set the time to -- : -- and the time clock will ignore the Note: For Weekday/Weekend programming, the 4 switching times are the same for allHolidayThe holiday function reduces the set temperature in selected zones to the frost protection temperature setting.Thermostats will maintain this frost protection temperature and time clocks will maintain TIMER OFF for the duration of the holiday.When the holiday is complete the specific zones will then automatically return tothe program mode.Up to 8 holidays can be scheduled using the Touchpad•To program a holiday follow these steps;•Press the Holiday icon ........................................................................................................•Press the Add key ................................................................................................................• Using the Up/Down keys, enter the START date and time of the holiday ......• Using the Up/Down keys, enter the FINISH date and time of the holiday ......• Press the Next key ................................................................................................................• Select which zones the holiday is applied to ...................................................• Zones in Green are selected, and those in blue are not.• Press the Next key ...............................................................................................................• Enter a holiday title using the keypad. This title can be 13 characters in length.•Press Done to store and exit .............................................................................................Should you need to edit a scheduled holiday, follow these steps.• Press the Holiday icon ....................................................................................................• Select the holiday you wish to edit.• Press the Edit key .............................................................................................................• Using the Up/Down keys, adjust the holiday start/finish date and time .....• Press the Next key ............................................................................................................• Select which zones the holiday is applied to .............................................•Confirm the title and press Done the done key ....................................................Holiday StatusThe holiday screen indicates the scheduled holidays.Once the holiday starts, this screen will display that the holiday is active.Temperature Hold (Multiple Zones)The temperature hold function allows you to manually override the current operating program of multiple zones and set a different temperature for a desired period To set a temperature hold follow these steps.• Press the Temp Hold icon ..............................................................................................• Using the Up/Down arrow keys, set the hold temperature and duration ...• Press the Next key ............................................................................................................• Select which zones to apply the hold to .......................................................• Press the Done key ...........................................................................................................To cancel a hold in operation follow these steps.• Press the Temp Hold icon ..............................................................................................• Press the Cancel Hold key ...................................................................................• Select which zones should have the temperature hold function canceled.Zones in grey do not have a hold in operation.Zones in green will have the hold canceled and those in blue will remain active.• Press the Done key ...........................................................................................................Summer ModeQuick ViewThe Quick View screen gives an overview of all the zones on your system.The zone temperatures as well as the output status are displayed.You can use this screen to quickly access any zone on your system by first highlighting the zone and then pressing Detail.The Touchpad Summer mode offers a quick and easy way to place selected heating zones into set back without having to reprogram the comfort levels. The hot water times will not be effected during summer operation.The set back temperature can be set on each thermostat between 07-17°C or this can be done from the Touchpad (See page xx)As an indication, the heating zone screens will display the frost icon whilst the summer mode is active. As a default, all heating zones will follow the summer condition, but you can deselect certain zones if required. The setup should be as follows….• Press Summer• Zones buttons in green (selected by default) will follow the summer mode andzones in blue will not.• Press Zones to deselect any thermostat/s that you don’t want to apply summer to.• Press Done.To cancel summer mode....• Press Summer.• Select Functions tab.• Press Unselect All.• Select Done.Hot Water BoostHome / Away ModeIf you have thermostats with hot water function on your system, you can override the hot water output.During an override, the thermostat will flash TIMER ON / HW ON depending on the model of your thermostat.To use this function, follow these steps;• Press the HW Boost icon ...................................................................................................• Using the Up/Down arrow keys enter the boost period ......................................•Press the Done key .............................................................................................................To cancel, repeat the steps reducing the boost time to 00 hours.Once the boost period has ended, the zone will revert back to its programmed setting.Away mode places selected zones into setback mode indefinitely for use when you are unsure when the building will next be occupied.The zones will control to the setback temperature during this time and the hot water will be turned off.Pressing Home will cancel the Away function, and the zones will revert back to their programmed level.As a default, all heating zones will follow the Away mode, but you can deselect certain zones if required.To place the system in away mode follow these steps.• Press the Away icon ......................................................................................................• Toggle the switch to the on position.• Press the Edit key ..........................................................................................................•Select zones to apply the Away mode to ..............................................Zones buttons in green will follow the Away mode and zones in blue will not•Press the Done key ........................................................................................................GroupsUsing the Group function, zones can be assigned into groups allowing them to be collectively controlled. Using the Profiles function (see page 35), predefined settings can be quickly applied to all zones within a group.Up to 8 groups can be setup in the Touchpad. To create a group, follow these steps.• Press the Profiles icon ........................................................................................................• Press the Groups icon ........................................................................................................• Press the Add key ................................................................................................................•Select the zones to be added to the group ...............................................• The zone list is filtered based on the first selection and the following restrictions:Weekday/Weekend or 7 Day Mode: You can only group thermostat/time Clocks that are in the same mode.Heating Only Group: Programmable thermostat and programmable thermostats with hot water output can be grouped, allowing you to create a heating profile.HW Timer Group: Programmable Thermostats with Hot water output can be grouped with timers, allowing you to create a HW Timer Profile.• Press the Next key ...............................................................................................................• Enter a group title using the keypad.•Press the Done key .............................................................................................................To edit a group, follow these steps.• Press the Profiles icon and then the Groups icon .....................................• Select a Group to edit.• Press the Edit key ..............................................................................................................• Select zones to add/remove from the group .........................................• Press the Next key ............................................................................................................• Confirm the group title and press the Done key ...................................................To delete a group, follow these steps.• Press the Profiles icon and then the Groups icon ......................................• Select a Group to delete.•Press the Delete key ..........................................................................................................ProfilesAt least 1 Group must be created (see page 33) before the Profile can be accessed.Profiles are predefined comfort levels and switching time settings that can be applied to groups (see page 33). When a profile is run, the settings are sent immediately to the devices within the profile group overwriting their current settings.For example, a shift working with a varying schedule could create 2 profiles - Day Shift and Night Shift. By having two profiles stored it is easy to quickly switch the heating system between programs when shift patterns change.To create a profile, follow these steps.• Press the Profiles icon and then select the Profiles icon again ....................• Press the Add key .....................................................................................................................• Select a group the profile should apply to.See page 33 for information on how to create a group.•Press the Next key ....................................................................................................................The type of profile created is driven by the type of thermostats in the group.Heating Profile (5/2 Day Mode): This type of profile allows you to program comfort levels for the Weekday/Weekend. See pages 23-24 for programming instructions.Heating Profile (7 Day Mode): This type of profile allows you to program comfort levels for each day of the week. See pages 23-24 for programming instructions.Hot Water/Timer Profile (5/2 Day Mode): This type of profile allows you to program switching times for the weekday/weekend. See pages 17-18 (time clock) and 25-26 (hot water) for programming instructions.Hot Water/Timer Profile (7 Day Mode): This type of profile allows you to program switching times for each day of the week. See pages 17-18 (time clock) and 25-26 (hot water) for programming instructions.•Program the profile following the instructions on pages 17-18, 23-24 or 25-26.• Press the Next key ................................................................................................................•Enter a profile title using the keypad and press done ............................................Running a ProfileTo run a profile , follow these steps.• Press Profiles icon and press the profile icon again ........................• Select the Profile to run.•Press the Run key .....................................................................................................The settings will be sent immediately to the zones in the group and their zone screen will show the profile is active.Notes:1. When you run a profile, all of the existing settings in the thermostat will beoverwritten with the profile settings.2. Only one heating profile per zone can be run at once.3. If the zone has a heating & hot water model thermostat, It is possible to run aheating and a hot water profile at the same time. The Touchpad will indicate that two profiles are in operation.Profiles ContinuedEditing a ProfileTo edit a profile, follow these steps.• Press Profiles icon and press the profile icon again ..........................................• Select the Profile to edit.• Press the Edit key ........................................................................................................................• Edit the profile.•Press the Done key ....................................................................................................................Deleting a ProfileTo delete a profile, follow these steps.• Press Profiles icon and press the profile icon again ........................• Select the Profile to delete.•Press the Delete key ...............................................................................................Note: If you forget or misplace your user code, contact your equipment supplier for4241The set back temperature is used when a holiday, away or set back function is active. The set back temperature range is 07-17°C and is set to 12°C as default.The set back temperature function enables you to set this for individual or all thermostats.The max floor limit is used on thermostats with a floor limiting sensor and is used to protect the floor surface from overheating.The floor limit range is 20-45°C and is set to 28°C as default.The floor limit temperature function enables you to set this for individual or all thermostats with floor limiting function.The system reset function will delete all thermostats and history information in your system.After a system reset, you will need to perform a new network scan to add thermostats to your system.The Touchpad firmware can be updated as and when new features are introduced. Check the latest version by visiting the Support Section on To perform the update the Touchpad has to remain powered up.Connect the Touchpad to a laptop using the USB cable provided.Extract the TFT.BIN file from the download ZIP file.Copy and paste the TFT.BIN file onto the Touchpad drive on the PC.You now need to follow these steps.• Press Options TAB.• Press the Settings icon ........................................................................................• Press the System icon ..........................................................................................• Press the Firmware Update icon ......................................................................•Press the Done key ...............................................................................................The TFT will now update and the display will reset.To confirm the update was successful, check the version number in the Systems Info Tab.SystemSet Back TempSystemMax Floor LimitSystemSystem ResetSystemFirmware UpdateTOUCHPAD CONNECTIONS TO UH1This product must only be installed by a qualified electrician and comply with local installation regulations.TouchpadNotes......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................Notes......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................4645。

2.4寸TFT使用说明一、编译程序说明打开TFT屏的测试程序中的main.c文件,看程序中上部分的宏定义:这里是选择执行哪种测试程序,分别为:1. 普通测试(文字和字符)2. 显示图片(全屏的组合图片)3. 触摸屏手写测试4. 从SD卡中读取图片将Test_Mode 定义成上面4种不同的值,再编译,就会编译出相应的测试程序比如要执行SD卡测试,第36行就写为:#define Test_Mode SD_SHOWPIC二、接口连接说明SD卡接口连接顺序:CS Æ P1.4MOSI Æ P1.5MISO Æ P1.6CLK Æ P1.7也可以使用开发板上TF卡接口,接口顺序不变,无需连线触摸屏接口连接顺序:DCLK Æ P1.5CS Æ P1.4DIN Æ P1.3BUSY Æ P1.2DOUT Æ P1.1IRQ Æ P1.0如果需要修改管脚定义,打开头文件“STC_NEW_8051.h”,修改相应的管脚,如下图:三、 SD卡读取图片显示说明1. 首先要格式化你的SD卡,文件系统选择FAT格式2. 使用Image2LCD软件将图片转换成BIN类型,按照如下配置将生成的.bin文件存放到SD卡中3.打开WINHEX软件,按如下步骤打开SD卡:4. 选中刚刚放入的.bin文件,查看“Offset”下方的第一个地址即为该图片文件的起始地址:5. 修改程序中的图片起始地址变量:6. 编译程序,下载到开发板中运行程序先初始化SD卡,显示“SD Card Init, Please wait...”如果初始化失败,显示“SD Reset error”和“SD Reset error”,程序中止。
需要检查SD卡是否插入插槽中,接线是否连接正确如果初始化成功,显示“SD Reset success!”和“SD Init success!”随后便会开始刷屏。
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2一、.4寸TFT 触摸屏使用说明
要正确使用TFT 触摸屏,需要借助相应的单片机实验板,这里,以顶顶电子开发板DD-900实验开发板为例进行介绍,值得庆幸的是,DD-900上设有3V 电压输出端,因此,可以方便地为TFT 触摸屏供电。
TFT 触摸屏模块介绍
随着TFT 触摸屏价格的不断下降,其应用也越来越广泛,学习TFT 触摸屏现已成为一种时尚,以前,很多人只有在ARM 单片机中才能看到TFT 触摸屏的风采,现在,随着51单片机性能的提高,51单片机也能玩TFT 触摸屏了,这里,我们介绍的是一款2.4寸TFT 触摸屏模块,其正面与反面外形如图所示:
1.2.4寸320*240 ,65K/262K 色;
2.屏带PCB 板, PCB 板设有2.4寸液晶屏、SD 卡座、触摸屏控制芯片ADS7843,通过40脚插针将屏、卡座和触摸芯片功能引脚,引脚间距为2.54mm ,采用杜邦线可十分方便地与单片机进行连接。
PCB 引出脚排列及功能如图所示:
4.控制IC 为ILI9325。
DD-900实验开发板采用的是5V 供电,因此,单片机应采用5V 单片机,如STC89C516RD+、STC12C5A60S2等,晶振采用30M ,注意TFT 要采用3V 供电,否则有可能烧屏,TFT 与单片机连接时可加限流电阻,电阻大小为470欧左右,也可以不加,但单片机不可设置为推挽模式,各引脚连接如下: TFT 触摸屏 DD-900实验开发板 说明 GND GND 屏与背光供电
VCC 3V LED+ 3V DB8~DB15 P00~P07 液晶屏部分
RS P26 WR P25 RD P24 CS P27 RES P23 D_CLK P21 触摸控制部分
D_CS P20 D_DIN P22 D_BUSY P34 D_DOUT P33 D_Penirq (中断) P35 SD_OUT 根据程序进行定义 SD 卡座部分
(前两个实验,此部分未采用) SD_SCK 根据程序进行定义
SD_CS 根据程序进行定义
注意:在TFT 的PCB 板上标有TFT 的引脚功能,一定要认清管脚与标注的对应关系。
这里以DD-900实验开发板配合TFT 触摸屏为例,说明实验的操作方法,实验采用5V 单片机STC12C5A60S2;晶振采用30M (频率不能太低)。
TFT 触摸屏刷屏实验
将TFT 触摸屏与DD-900实验开发板相应脚连接好,开机后,循环显示红、绿、蓝三种色彩。
(2)源程序 (略)
◆用Keil 软件打开“刷屏测试C51源程序”文件夹中的“flash ”文件,对源程序进行编译和链接,产生flash.hex 目标文件。
◆将STC12C5A60S2单片机插到锁紧插座,把flash.hex 文件下载到单片机中,观察实验效果是否正常。
如果显示正常,说明TFT 液晶屏没有问题。
2——TFT 触摸屏显示图片实验
将TFT 触摸屏与DD-900实验开发板相应脚连接好,开机后,液晶屏上显示出多个QQ 图片。
将TFT触摸屏与DD-900实验开发板相应脚连接好,实现以下功能:开机后TFT触摸屏上面显示“触摸测试”,下面显示“welcome to you”以及“顶顶电子携助你,轻松玩转单片机”英文和汉字。
在主界面中,将字体大小设置为宽×高(像素): 12×16,在文字输入框中输入汉字“顶顶电子欢迎你,轻松玩转单片机”,此时,在汉字显示区中出现相应的汉字,点击“生成字模”按钮,即可在下面的点阵输出区出现这些字的点阵数据,如下图所示: