
CA6140普通车床主轴变速箱设计及主轴箱设计说明书目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 课题研究背景及选题意义 ........................................................................... . (1)1.1.1 课题的背景 ........................................................................... .. (1)1.1.2 课题的目的............................................................................ .................. 3 1.2 完成的内容 ........................................................................... (3)2 参数拟定 (4)2.1 主电机动力参数的确定 ........................................................................... (4)2.2 运动设计 ........................................................................... (4)2.2.1 确定主轴极限转速 ........................................................................... ........ 4 2.2.2 确定转速范围Rn定公比?确定主轴转速数例: (5)3 传动设计 (5)3.1 传动方案拟定 ........................................................................... .. (5)3.1.1传动组和传动副数的确定 ...........................................................................6 3.2 传动结构式的选择 ........................................................................... . (6)3.2.1 基本组和扩大组的确定 ............................................................................6 3.2.2 分配总降速比 ........................................................................... ............... 7 3.3 带轮直径和齿轮齿数的确定及转速图拟定 (8)3.3.1确定皮带轮动直径 ........................................................................... ......... 8 3.3.2 确定齿轮齿数 ........................................................................... ............... 9 3.3.3 画出转速图如下: ......................................................................... ........ 10 3.3.4 验算转速误差 ........................................................................... ............... 10 3.4 齿轮的计算转速的确定及传动系统的拟定的计算转速 (12)3.4.1 确定各轴和齿轮............................................................................ ......... 12 3.4.2 由转速图拟定传动系统图.. (13)4 传动件的估算和验算 (14)4.1齿轮模数的估算和设计 ........................................................................... .. (14)4.1.1 计算各轴传动的功率............................................................................ .. 144.1.2 计算传动轴齿轮模数............................................................................ .. 14 4.1.3 计算各轴之间的中心距 .......................................................................... 16 4.2 三角带传动的计算 ........................................................................... ................. 17 4.2.1计算皮带尺寸 ........................................................................... .............. 17 4.3 传动轴的估算和齿轮尺寸的计算 (18)4.3.1确定各轴的直径 ........................................................................... .......... 18 4.3.2 计算各齿轮的尺寸 ........................................................................... (18)5 各部件结构设计 (21)5.1 皮带轮及齿轮块设计 ........................................................................... .............. 21 5.1.1 皮带及皮带轮的设计............................................................................ .. 21 5.1.2 齿轮及齿轮块设计 ........................................................................... ...... 21 5.2 轴承的选择及箱体设计 ........................................................................... . (21)5.2.1各轴承的选择 ........................................................................... .............. 21 5.2.2 主轴及箱体设计............................................................................ ......... 21 5.3 密封结构及润滑 ........................................................................... (22)6 主轴组件的验算 (23)6.1验算主轴轴端的位移ya ........................................................................... . (23)6.2 前轴承的转角及寿命的验算 ........................................................................... (25)6.2.1 验算前轴承处的转角Q? (25)6.2.2 验算前支系寿命............................................................................ (25)6.3 箱体设计 ........................................................................... . (26)总结................................................. 26 致谢. (27)2摘要本文用简明的语言有侧重的介绍了普通数控机床中CA6140主轴的设计改造过程,先通过研究背景及选题意义的介绍,来引出本设计的意义。

主轴转速: 正转24级 10~1400转/分。

译文学院:机械工程学院专业:机械设计制造及其自动化学号:0545501141姓名:周炜指导教师:李钦奉教授Failure Analysis,Dimensional Determination And Analysis,Applications Of CamsJack BaubleAbstract:It is absolutely essential that a design engineer know how and why parts fail so that reliable machines that require minimum maintenance can be designed;Cams are among the most versatile mechanisms available.A cam is a simple two-member device.The input member is the cam itself,while the output member is called the follower.Through the use of cams,a simple input motion can be modified into almost any conceivable output motion that is desired.Key words:failure high-speed cams design propertiesINTRODUCTIONIt is absolutely essential that a design engineer know how and why parts fail so that reliable machines that require minimum maintenance can be designed.Sometimes a failure can be serious,such as when a tire blows out on an automobile traveling at high speed.On the other hand,a failure may be no more than a nuisance.An example is the loosening of the radiator hose in an automobile cooling system.The consequence of this latter failure is usually the loss of some radiator coolant,a condition that is readily detected and corrected.The type of load a part absorbs is just as significant as the magnitude.Generally speaking,dynamic loads with direction reversals cause greater difficulty than static loads,and therefore,fatigue strength must be considered.Another concern is whether the material is ductile or brittle.For example,brittle materials are considered to be unacceptable where fatigue is involved.Many people mistakingly interpret the word failure to mean the actual breakage of a part.However,a design engineer must consider a broader understanding of what appreciable deformation occurs.A ductile material,however will deform a large amount prior to rupture.Excessive deformation,without fracture,may cause a machine to fail because the deformed part interferes with a moving second part.Therefore,a part fails(even if it has not physically broken)whenever it no longer fulfills its required function.Sometimes failure may be due to abnormal friction or vibration between two mating parts.Failure also may be due to a phenomenon called creep,which is the plastic flow of amaterial under load at elevated temperatures.In addition,the actual shape of a part may be responsible for failure.For example,stress concentrations due to sudden changes in contour must be taken into account.Evaluation of stress considerations is especially important when there are dynamic loads with direction reversals and the material is not very ductile.In general,the design engineer must consider all possible modes of failure,which include the following.——Stress——Deformation——Wear——Corrosion——Vibration——Environmental damage——Loosening of fastening devicesThe part sizes and shapes selected also must take into account many dimensional factors that produce external load effects,such as geometric discontinuities,residual stresses due to forming of desired contours,and the application of interference fit joints.Cams are among the most versatile mechanisms available.A cam is a simple two-member device.The input member is the cam itself,while the output member is called the follower.Through the use of cams,a simple input motion can be modified into almost any conceivable output motion that is desired.Some of the common applications of cams are——Camshaft and distributor shaft of automotive engine——Production machine tools——Automatic record players——Printing machines——Automatic washing machines——Automatic dishwashersThe contour of high-speed cams (cam speed in excess of 1000 rpm) must be determined mathematically.However,the vast majority of cams operate at low speeds(less than 500 rpm) or medium-speed cams can be determined graphically using a large-scale layout.In general,the greater the cam speed and output load,the greater must be the precision with which the cam contour is machined.DESIGN PROPERTIES OF MATERIALSThe following design properties of materials are defined as they relate to the tensile test.Static Strength. The strength of a part is the maximum stress that the part can sustain without losing its ability to perform its required function.Thus the static strength may be considered to be approximately equal to the proportional limit,since no plastic deformation takes place and no damage theoretically is done to the material.Stiffness.Stiffness is the deformation-resisting property of a material.The slope of the modulus line and,hence,the modulus of elasticity are measures of the stiffness of a material.Resilience. Resilience is the property of a material that permits it to absorb energy without permanent deformation.The amount of energy absorbed is represented by the area underneath the stress-strain diagram within the elastic region.Toughness. Resilience and toughness are similar properties.However,toughness is the ability to absorb energy without rupture.Thus toughness is represented by the total area underneath the stress-strain diagram, as depicted in Figure 2.8b.Obviously,the toughness and resilience of brittle materials are very low and are approximately equal.Brittleness. A brittle material is one that ruptures before any appreciable plastic deformation takes place.Brittle materials are generally considered undesirable for machine components because they are unable to yield locally at locations of high stress because of geometric stress raisers such as shoulders,holes,notches,or keyways.Ductility. A ductility material exhibits a large amount of plastic deformation prior to rupture.Ductility is measured by the percent of area and percent elongation of a part loaded to rupture.A 5%elongation at rupture is considered to be the dividing line between ductile and brittle materials.Malleability. Malleability is essentially a measure of the compressive ductility of a material and,as such,is an important characteristic of metals that are to be rolled into sheets.Hardness. The hardness of a material is its ability to resist indentation or scratching.Generally speaking,the harder a material,the more brittle itis and,hence,the less resilient.Also,the ultimate strength of a material is roughly proportional to its hardness.Machinability. Machinability is a measure of the relative ease with which a material can be machined.In general,the harder the material,the more difficult it is to machine.COMPRESSION AND SHEAR STATIC STRENGTHIn addition to the tensile tests,there are other types of static load testing that provide valuable information.Compression Testing. Most ductile materials have approximately the same properties in compression as in tension.The ultimate strength,however,can not be evaluated for compression.As a ductile specimen flows plastically in compression,the material bulges out,but there is no physical rupture as is the case in tension.Therefore,a ductile material fails in compression as a result of deformation,not stress.Shear Testing. Shafts,bolts,rivets,and welds are located in such a way that shear stresses are produced.A plot of the tensile test.The ultimate shearing strength is defined as the stress at which failure occurs.The ultimate strength in shear,however,does not equal the ultimate strength in tension.For example,in the case of steel,the ultimate shear strength is approximately 75% of the ultimate strength in tension.This difference must be taken into account when shear stresses are encountered in machine components.DYNAMIC LOADSAn applied force that does not vary in any manner is called a static or steady load.It is also common practice to consider applied forces that seldom vary to be static loads.The force that is gradually applied during a tensile test is therefore a static load.On the other hand,forces that vary frequently in magnitude and direction are called dynamic loads.Dynamic loads can be subdivided to the following three categories.Varying Load.With varying loads,the magnitude changes,but the direction does not.For example,the load may produce high and low tensile stresses but no compressive stresses.Reversing Load.In this case,both the magnitude and direction change.These load reversals produce alternately varying tensile and compressive stresses that are commonly referred to as stress reversals.Shock Load.This type of load is due to impact.One example is an elevator dropping on a nest of springs at the bottom of a chute.The resulting maximum spring force can be many times greater than the weight of the elevator,The same type of shock load occurs in automobile springs when a tire hits a bump or hole in the road.FATIGUE FAILURE-THE ENDURANCE LIMIT DIAGRAMThe test specimen in Figure 2.10a.,after a given number of stress reversals will experience a crack at the outer surface where the stress is greatest.The initial crack starts where the stress exceeds the strength of the grain on which it acts.This is usually where there is a small surface defect,such as a material flaw or a tiny scratch.As the number of cycles increases,the initial crack begins to propagate into a continuous series of cracks all around the periphery of the shaft.The conception of the initial crack is itself a stress concentration that accelerates the crack propagation phenomenon.Once the entire periphery becomes cracked,the cracks start to move toward the center of the shaft.Finally,when the remaining solid inner area becomes small enough,the stress exceeds the ultimate strength and the shaft suddenly breaks.Inspection of the break reveals a very interesting pattern,as shown in Figure 2.13.The outer annular area is relatively smooth because mating cracked surfaces had rubbed against each other.However,the center portion is rough,indicating a sudden rupture similar to that experienced with the fracture of brittle materials.This brings out an interesting fact.When actual machine parts fail as a result of static loads,they normally deform appreciably because of the ductility of the material.Thus many static failures can be avoided by making frequent visual observations and replacing all deformed parts.However,fatigue failures give to warning.Fatigue fail mated that over 90% of broken automobile parts have failed through fatigue.The fatigue strength of a material is its ability to resist the propagation of cracks under stress reversals.Endurance limit is a parameter used to measurethe fatigue strength of a material.By definition,the endurance limit is the stress value below which an infinite number of cycles will not cause failure.Let us return our attention to the fatigue testing machine in Figure 2.9.The test is run as follows:A small weight is inserted and the motor is turned on.At failure of the test specimen,the counter registers the number of cycles N,and the corresponding maximum bending stress is calculated from Equation 2.5.The broken specimen is then replaced by an identical one,and an additional weight is inserted to increase the load.A new value of stress is calculated,and the procedure is repeated until failure requires only one complete cycle.A plot is then made of stress versus number of cycles to failure.Figure 2.14a shows the plot,which is called the endurance limit or S-N curve.Since it would take forever to achieve an infinite number of cycles,1 million cycles is used as a reference.Hence the endurance limit can be found from Figure 2.14a by noting that it is the stress level below which the material can sustain 1 million cycles without failure.The relationship depicted in Figure 2.14 is typical for steel,because the curve becomes horizontal as N approaches a very large number.Thus the endurance limit equals the stress level where the curve approaches a horizontal tangent.Owing to the large number of cycles involved,N is usually plotted on a logarithmic scale,as shown in Figure 2.14b.When this is done,the endurance limit value can be readily detected by the horizontal straight line.For steel,the endurance limit equals approximately 50% of the ultimate strength.However,if the surface finish is not of polished equality,the value of the endurance limit will be lower.For example,for steel parts with a machined surface finish of 63 microinches ,the percentage drops to about 40%.For rough surfaces,the percentage may be as low as 25%.The most common type of fatigue is that due to bending.The next most frequent is torsion failure,whereas fatigue due to axial loads occurs very seldom.Spring materials are usually tested by applying variable shear stresses that alternate from zero to a maximum value,simulating the actual stress patterns.In the case of some nonferrous metals,the fatigue curve does not level off as the number of cycles becomes very large.This continuing toward zero stress means that a large number of stress reversals will cause failure regardless of how small the value of stress is.Such a material is said to have no endurancelimit.For most nonferrous metals having an endurance limit,the value is about 25% of the ultimate strength.EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON YIELD STRENGTH AND MODULUS OF ELASTICITY Generally speaking,when stating that a material possesses specified values of properties such as modulus of elasticity and yield strength,it is implied that these values exist at room temperature.At low or elevated temperatures,the properties of materials may be drastically different.For example,many metals are more brittle at low temperatures.In addition,the modulus of elasticity and yield strength deteriorate as the temperature increases.Figure 2.23 shows that the yield strength for mild steel is reduced by about 70% in going from room temperature to 1000o F.Figure 2.24 shows the reduction in the modulus of elasticity E for mild steel as the temperature increases.As can be seen from the graph,a 30% reduction in modulus of elasticity occurs in going from room temperature to 1000o F.In this figure,we also can see that a part loaded below the proportional limit at room temperature can be permanently deformed under the same load at elevated temperatures.CREEP: A PLASTIC PHENOMENONTemperature effects bring us to a phenomenon called creep,which is the increasing plastic deformation of a part under constant load as a function of time.Creep also occurs at room temperature,but the process is so slow that it rarely becomes significant during the expected life of the temperature is raised to 300o C or more,the increasing plastic deformation can become significant within a relatively short period of time.The creep strength of a material is its ability to resist creep,and creep strength data can be obtained by conducting long-time creep tests simulating actual part operating conditions.During the test,the plastic strain is monitored for given material at specified temperatures.Since creep is a plastic deformation phenomenon,the dimensions of a part experiencing creep are permanently altered.Thus,if a part operates with tight clearances,the design engineer must accurately predict the amount of creep that will occur during the life of the machine.Otherwise,problems such binding or interference can occur.Creep also can be a problem in the case where bolts are used to clamp tow parts together at elevated temperatures.The bolts,under tension,will creep as a function of time.Since the deformation is plastic,loss of clamping force will result in an undesirable loosening of the bolted joint.The extent of this particular phenomenon,called relaxation,can be determined by running appropriate creep strength tests.Figure 2.25 shows typical creep curves for three samples of a mild steel part under a constant tensile load.Notice that for the high-temperature case the creep tends to accelerate until the part fails.The time line in the graph (the x-axis) may represent a period of 10 years,the anticipated life of the product.SUMMARYThe machine designer must understand the purpose of the static tensile strength test.This test determines a number of mechanical properties of metals that are used in design equations.Such terms as modulus of elasticity,proportional limit,yield strength,ultimate strength,resilience,and ductility define properties that can be determined from the tensile test.Dynamic loads are those which vary in magnitude and direction and may require an investigation of the machine part’s resistance to failure.Stress reversals may require that the allowable design stress be based on the endurance limit of the material rather than on the yield strength or ultimate strength.Stress concentration occurs at locations where a machine part changes size,such as a hole in a flat plate or a sudden change in width of a flat plate or a groove or fillet on a circular shaft.Note that for the case of a hole in a flat or bar,the value of the maximum stress becomes much larger in relation to the average stress as the size of the hole decreases.Methods of reducing the effect of stress concentration usually involve making the shape change more gradual.Machine parts are designed to operate at some allowable stress below the yield strength or ultimate strength.This approach is used to take care of such unknown factors as material property variations and residual stresses produced during manufacture and the fact that the equations used may be approximate rather that exact.The factor of safety is applied to the yield strength or the ultimate strength to determine the allowable stress.Temperature can affect the mechanical properties of metals.Increases in temperature may cause a metal to expand and creep and may reduce its yield strength and its modulus of elasticity.If most metals are not allowed to expand or contract with a change in temperature,then stresses are set up that may be added to the stresses from the load.This phenomenon is useful in assembling parts by means of interference fits.A hub or ring has an inside diameter slightly smaller than the mating shaft or post.The hub is then heated so that it expands enough to slip over the shaft.When it cools,it exerts a pressure on the shaft resulting in a strong frictional force that prevents loosening.故障的分析、尺寸的决定以及凸轮的分析和应用摘要:作为一名设计工程师有必要知道零件如何发生和为什么会发生故障,以便通过进行最低限度的维修以保证机器的可靠性;凸轮是被应用的最广泛的机械结构之一,是一种仅仅有两个组件构成的设备。

关键词:CA6140机床;主轴箱;零件;传动;AbstractThe scope of application of CA6140 lathe is very extensive, but the complex structure and low degree of automation, the workpiece processing is more complicated in shape, change the knife trouble, in the process of auxiliary time is relatively long, low productivity, suitable for single or small batch production. The main shaft three support adopts the rolling bearing; the feed system uses the two axle sliding common gear mechanism; the longitudinal and transverse feed is controlled by the cross handle. The machine has good rigidity, large power and convenient operation.As a major turning processing machine, CA6140 machine is widely used in mechanical processing industry, the design of the main spindle box for CA6140 machine design, design is the main content of the main parameters of the machine, drawing up the transmission plan and the transmission scheme, the main parts of the calculation and checking, the use of CAD drawing software design and processing of parts.Keywords: CA6140 machine tool ;spindle box ;parts ;transmission目录第1章引言 (5)第2章主要技术参数 (6)第3章传动方案和传动系统图的拟定 (8)3.1. 主运动传动链 (8)3.2. 进给传动链 (11)第4章主要设计零件的计算和验算 (15)4.1主轴箱的箱体 (15)4.2.传动系统的I轴及轴上零件设计 (17)4.2.1普通V带传动的计算 (17)4.2.2多片式摩擦离合器的计算 (19)4.2.3齿轮的验算 (21)4.2.4传动轴的验算 (24)4.2.5轴承疲劳强度校核 (26)4.3.传动系统的Ⅱ轴及轴上零件设计 (27)4.3.1齿轮的验算 (27)4.3.2传动轴的验算 (31)4.3.3轴组件的刚度验算 (32)4.4 传动系统的Ⅲ轴及轴上零件设计 (34)4.4.1齿轮的验算 (34)4.4.2 传动轴的验算 (38)4.4.3 轴组件的刚度验算 (40)4.5传动系统的Ⅳ轴及轴上零件设计 (42)4.5.1齿轮的验算 (42)4.5.2传动轴的验算 (45)4.5.3轴组件的刚度验算 (48)4.6. 传动系统的Ⅴ轴及轴上零件设计 (50)4.6.1齿轮的验算 (50)4.6.2传动轴的验算 (54)4.6.3轴组件的刚度验算 (56)结论 (59)毕业设计小结 (59)参考文献 (64)致谢 (65)第1章引言在车床类中。

Abstract This Paper requires that" with quality beg development, with benefits seek to live on to store ", under the prerequisite of guaranteeing the quality of element processing , have raised productivity and reduced production cost, is one of mainly direction of domestic and international modern machining technology developing. Through knowing and analysis the configuration of the casing part drawing for WH212 gear reducer, so as to analysis the process, make process explanation and analysis the technical requirement and the precision of gear reducer. Then, carry out the design of clamping apparatus and analysis the precision and error for the processing of bearing hole and the base hole of the casing of gear reducer, this technology and the design result of clamping apparatus can apply in production requirement.关键词:主轴箱加工工艺定位夹具设计Key phrase: principal axis , processing technology , Fixed position ,Tongs design前言加工工艺及夹具毕业设计是对所学专业知识的一次巩固,是在进行社会实践之前对所学各课程的一次深入的综合性的总复习,也是理论联系实际的训练。

CK6140数控车床主轴箱及自动转位刀架设计摘要:数控车床又称数字控制(Numbercal control,简称NC)机床。
关键词:数控机床;开放式数控系统;电动机Design of the headstock and Automatic transfer bit turretAbstract:The numerical control lathe called the numerical control (Numbercal control, is called NC) the engine bed. It is based on the numerical control, has used the numerical control technology, is loaded with the procedure control system the engine bed. It is by the main engine, CNC, the drive, the numerical control engine bed auxiliary unit, the programming machine and other some appurtenances is composed.This design topic is the CK6140 numerical control bedroom lathe, CK is the numerical control lathe, 61 is the horizontal lathe, 40 is on the lathe bed the biggest work piece rotation diameter is 400mm.This design including the engine bed overall layout design, longitudinal enters for the design, also includes the gear modulus computation and the examination, the main axle rigidity examination and so on. The control system partially including step-by-steps the electrical machinery to select and the hardware circuit design and the software system design, explained the chip expansion, keyboard demonstration connection design and so on.Key word:numerical control tool;Open-architecture;motor目录1 总体方案 (1)1.1 CK6140的现状和发展 (61)1.2 CK6140数控卧式车床的总体方案论证与拟定 (62)1.2.1 数控车床 (62)1.2.2 CK6140数控卧式车床的拟定 (62)2机械部分设计计算说明 (63)2.1 主运动部分计算 (63)2.1.1 参数的确定 (64)2.1.2 传动设计 (65)2.1.3 转速图的拟定 (7)2.1.4 带轮直径和齿轮齿数的确定 (70)2.1.5 传动件的估算和验 (76)2.1.6 展开图设计.................................................312.2 纵向进给运动设计 (41)2.2.1 滚珠丝杆副的选择 (37)2.2.2 驱动电机的选用 (45)3 自动转位刀架设计 (49)4 控制系统设计 (50)4.1 绘制控制系统结构框图 (50)4.2 选择中央处理单元(CPU)的类型 (50)4.3 存储器扩展电路设计 (51)3.4 I/O接口电路及辅助电路设计 (52)参考文献 (58)致谢 (59)1 总体方案1.1 CK6140的现状和发展自第一台数控机床在美国问世至今的半个世纪内,机床数控技术的发展迅速,经历了六代两个阶段的发展过程。


The machinability of materialThe machinability of a material usually defined in terms of four factors:(1). Surface finish and integrity of the machined part;(2). Tool life obtained;(3). Force and power requirements;(4). Chip control.Thus, good machinability good surface finish and integrity, long tool life, and low force And power requirements. As for chip control, long and thin (stringy) cured chips, if not broken up, can severely interfere with the cutting operation by becoming entangled in the cutting zone.Because of the complex nature of cutting operations, it is difficult to establish relationships that quantitatively define the machinability of a material. In manufacturing plants, tool life and surface roughness are generally considered to be the most important factors in machinability. Although not used much any more, approximate machinability ratings are available in the example below.1. Machinability Of SteelsBecause steels are among the most important engineering materials , their machinability has been studied extensively. The machinability of steels has been mainly improved by adding lead and sulfur to obtain so-called free-machining steels.Resulfurized and Rephosphorized steels. Sulfur in steels forms manganese sulfide inclusions (second-phase particles), which act as stress raisers in the primary shear zone. As a result, the chips produced break up easily and are small; this improves machinability. The size, shape, distribution, and concentration of these inclusions significantly influence machinability. Elements such as tellurium and selenium, which are both chemically similar to sulfur, act as inclusion modifiers in resulfurized steels.Phosphorus in steels has two major effects. It strengthens the ferrite, causing increased hardness. Harder steels result in better chip formation and surface finish. Note that soft steels can be difficult to machine, with built-up edge formation and poor surface finish. The second effect is that increased hardness causes the formation of short chips instead of continuous stringy ones, thereby improving machinability.Leaded Steels. A high percentage of lead in steels solidifies at the tip of manganese sulfide inclusions. In non-resulfurized grades of steel, lead takes the form of dispersed fine particles. Lead is insoluble in iron, copper, and aluminum and their alloys. Because of its low shear strength, therefore, lead acts as a solid lubricant and is smeared over the tool-chip interface during cutting. This behavior has been verified by the presence of high concentrations of lead on the tool-side face of chips when machining leaded steels.When the temperature is sufficiently high-for instance, at high cutting speeds and feeds —the lead melts directly in front of the tool, acting as a liquid lubricant. In addition to this effect, lead lowers the shear stress in the primary shear zone, reducing cutting forces and power consumption. Lead can be used in every grade of steel, such as 10xx, 11xx, 12xx, 41xx, etc. Leaded steels are identified by the letter L between the second and third numerals (for example, 10L45). (Note that in stainless steels, similar use of the letter L means “low carbon,” a condition that improves their corrosion resistance.)However, because lead is a well-known toxin and a pollutant, there are serious environmental concerns about its use in steels (estimated at 4500 tons of lead consumption every year in the production of steels). Consequently, there is a continuing trend toward eliminating the use of lead in steels (lead-free steels). Bismuth and tin are now being investigated as possible substitutes for lead in steels.Calcium-Deoxidized Steels. An important development is calcium-deoxidized steels, in which oxide flakes of calcium silicates (CaSo) are formed. These flakes, in turn, reduce the strength of the secondary shear zone, decreasing tool-chip interface and wear. Temperature is correspondingly reduced. Consequently, these steels produce less crater wear, especially at high cutting speeds.Stainless Steels. Austenitic (300 series) steels are generally difficult to machine. Chatter can be s problem, necessitating machine tools with high stiffness. However, ferritic stainless steels (also 300 series) have good machinability. Martensitic (400 series) steels are abrasive, tend to form a built-up edge, and require tool materials with high hot hardness and crater-wear resistance. Precipitation-hardening stainless steels are strong and abrasive, requiring hard and abrasion-resistant tool materials.The Effects of Other Elements in Steels on Machinability. The presence of aluminum and silicon in steels is always harmful because these elements combine with oxygen to form aluminum oxide and silicates, which are hard and abrasive. These compounds increase tool wear and reduce machinability. It is essential to produce and use clean steels.Carbon and manganese have various effects on the machinability of steels, depending on their composition. Plain low-carbon steels (less than 0.15% C) can produce poor surface finish by forming a built-up edge. Cast steels are more abrasive, although their machinability is similar to that of wrought steels. Tool and die steels are very difficult to machine and usually require annealing prior to machining. Machinability of most steels is improved by cold working, which hardens the material and reduces the tendency for built-up edge formation.Other alloying elements, such as nickel, chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium, which improve the properties of steels, generally reduce machinability. The effect of boron is negligible. Gaseous elements such as hydrogen and nitrogen can have particularly detrimental effects on the properties of steel. Oxygen has been shown to have a strong effect on the aspect ratio of the manganese sulfide inclusions; the higher the oxygen content, the lower the aspect ratio and the higher the machinability.In selecting various elements to improve machinability, we should consider the possible detrimental effects of these elements on the properties and strength of the machined part in service. At elevated temperatures, for example, lead causes embrittlement of steels (liquid-metal embrittlement, hot shortness), although at room temperature it has no effect on mechanical properties.Sulfur can severely reduce the hot workability of steels, because of the formation of iron sulfide, unless sufficient manganese is present to prevent such formation. At room temperature, the mechanical properties of resulfurized steels depend on the orientation of the deformed manganese sulfide inclusions (anisotropy). Rephosphorized steels are significantly less ductile, and are produced solely to improve machinability.2. Machinability of Various Other MetalsAluminum is generally very easy to machine, although the softer grades tend toform a built-up edge, resulting in poor surface finish. High cutting speeds, high rake angles, and high relief angles are recommended. Wrought aluminum alloys with high silicon content and cast aluminum alloys may be abrasive; they require harder tool materials. Dimensional tolerance control may be a problem in machining aluminum, since it has a high thermal coefficient of expansion and a relatively low elastic modulus.Beryllium is similar to cast irons. Because it is more abrasive and toxic, though, it requires machining in a controlled environment.Cast gray irons are generally machinable but are. Free carbides in castings reduce their machinability and cause tool chipping or fracture, necessitating tools with high toughness. Nodular and malleable irons are machinable with hard tool materials.Cobalt-based alloys are abrasive and highly work-hardening. They require sharp, abrasion-resistant tool materials and low feeds and speeds.Wrought copper can be difficult to machine because of built-up edge formation, although cast copper alloys are easy to machine. Brasses are easy to machine, especially with the addition pf lead (leaded free-machining brass). Bronzes are more difficult to machine than brass.Magnesium is very easy to machine, with good surface finish and prolonged tool life. However care should be exercised because of its high rate of oxidation and the danger of fire (the element is pyrophoric).Molybdenum is ductile and work-hardening, so it can produce poor surface finish. Sharp tools are necessary.Nickel-based alloys are work-hardening, abrasive, and strong at high temperatures. Their machinability is similar to that of stainless steels.Tantalum is very work-hardening, ductile, and soft. It produces a poor surface finish; tool wear is high.Titanium and its alloys have poor thermal conductivity (indeed, the lowest of all metals), causing significant temperature rise and built-up edge; they can be difficult to machine.Tungsten is brittle, strong, and very abrasive, so its machinability is low, although it greatly improves at elevated temperatures.Zirconium has good machinability. It requires a coolant-type cutting fluid, however, because of the explosion and fire.3. Machinability of Various MaterialsGraphite is abrasive; it requires hard, abrasion-resistant, sharp tools.Thermoplastics generally have low thermal conductivity, low elastic modulus, and low softening temperature. Consequently, machining them requires tools with positive rake angles (to reduce cutting forces), large relief angles, small depths of cut and feed, relatively high speeds, andproper support of the workpiece. Tools should be sharp.External cooling of the cutting zone may be necessary to keep the chips from becoming “gummy” and sticking to the tools. Cooling can usually be achieved with a jet of air, vapor mist, or water-soluble oils. Residual stresses may develop during machining. To relieve these stresses, machined parts can be annealed for a period of time at temperatures ranging from C ︒80 to C ︒160 (F ︒175to F ︒315), and then cooled slowly and uniformly to room temperature.Thermosetting plastics are brittle and sensitive to thermal gradients during cutting. Their machinability is generally similar to that of thermoplastics.Because of the fibers present, reinforced plastics are very abrasive and are difficult to machine. Fiber tearing, pulling, and edge delamination are significant problems; they can lead to severe reduction in the load-carrying capacity of the component. Furthermore, machining of these materials requires careful removal of machining debris to avoid contact with and inhaling of the fibers.The machinability of ceramics has improved steadily with the development of nanoceramics and with the selection of appropriate processing parameters, such as ductile-regime cutting .Metal-matrix and ceramic-matrix composites can be difficult to machine, depending on the properties of the individual components, i.e., reinforcing or whiskers, as well as the matrix material.4. Thermally Assisted MachiningMetals and alloys that are difficult to machine at room temperature can be machined more easily at elevated temperatures. In thermally assisted machining (hotmachining), the source of heat—a torch, induction coil, high-energy beam (such as laser or electron beam), or plasma arc—is forces, (b) increased tool life, (c) use of inexpensive cutting-tool materials, (d) higher material-removal rates, and (e) reduced tendency for vibration and chatter.It may be difficult to heat and maintain a uniform temperature distribution within the workpiece. Also, the original microstructure of the workpiece may be adversely affected by elevated temperatures. Most applications of hot machining are in the turning of high-strength metals and alloys, although experiments are in progress to machine ceramics such as silicon nitride.SUMMARYMachinability is usually defined in terms of surface finish, tool life, force and power requirements, and chip control. Machinability of materials depends not only on their intrinsic properties and microstructure, but also on proper selection and control of process variables.材料的可机加工性一种材料的可机加工性通常以四种因素的方式定义:(1)、分的表面光洁性和表面完整性。

中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系别:工程技术系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化******学号:********2015年 3 月 19 日外文资料翻译译文普通车床的主轴箱设计主轴箱组件紧固在车床左端。
在主轴上安装附件,常使用三种通用的主轴头:1. 螺纹主轴头车床上最常用的是螺纹主轴头。
2. 凸轮锁紧主轴头凸轮锁紧主轴头有一个非常短的锥体,她可以配入花盘或卡盘背面的锥槽内。
3. 长锥键传动主轴头它有一个很长的锥体。
齿轮F紧固在主轴上,常称齿轮F 为大齿轮。

关于机床主轴箱的外文翻译摘要设计一个计算机数字控制器(CNC),传统做法是将装置分为三个实体:一个可编程控制器(PLC),一个可以称之为CNC控制器(CNCD)的黑盒子,一个包含CNC 轴向控制器和可以简单描述为轴向实体的合成体。
他也可以创建和修改刀具描述符和零件加工程序,这些是以CNC 的标准代码或类似代码写入的。

CK6140型数控车床主轴箱及进给系统设计摘要数控车床又称数字控制(Numbercal control,简称NC)机床。
关键词: 1、数控机床 2、开放式数控系统 3、电动机目录一、前言 (1)二、总体方案 (2)(一)CK6140的现状和发展 (2)(二)CK6140数控车床及控制系统的总体方案 (2)三、机械部分设计计算说明 (3)(一)主运动部分计算 (3)(二)横向进给运动设计 (21)四、控制系统设计 (28)(一)数控系统硬件电路设计内容 (28)(二)存储器扩展电路设计 (29)(三)I/O接口电路及辅助电路设计 (33)五、结论 (39)致谢 (40)参考文献 (41)一、前言本次毕业设计课题是CK6140型数控车床主轴箱及进给系统设计。

题目CA6140车床主轴箱的设计英文题目CA6140 the design of the lathe spindle box摘要主轴箱在整个机床中属于相对重要部件,通过其内部的齿轮传动可以实现多级变速,从而人们需要的速度可以从最后传到主轴的速度的到。
关键词:主轴箱;计算;结构设计;轴ABSTRACTThroughout the machine tool spindle box is a relatively important component through its internal gears can achieve multi-speed, the speed of which people need to be reached from the last to the spindle speed. Typically headstock drive performance directly affects the performance of the machine.This design introduces ordinary machine tool spindle CA6140 design process, the article briefly describes the history and current status of the lathe analyzed headstock various important parts of the structure principle and its role in doing the spindle box. Details of the CA6140 in the gears, shafts, spindles and bearings and other parts of the entire design process. Specific content includes selected meet the requirements of the corresponding power motors and various parts of the overall structural design, including materials, given the reasonable arrangement and size selection processing needs. For shaft and gear parts using the relevant formula, a reasonable analysis relatively dangerous parts of the mapping, calculation and look-up table, a variety of checking. Parameters for the various parts of the final formulation, transmission design, transmission parts estimating and checking each component structural design, drawing parts and assembly drawings. Keywords: Headstock; computing; structural design; axis目录绪论 (1)1.1普通车床发展史 (1)1.2发展趋势 (2)2. CA6140主轴箱工作原理 (4)2.1机床的结构 (4)2.2主轴箱的主要构造 (5)3. 传动方案拟定和总体布局 (9)3.1变速组和传动副数的确定 (9)3.2传动比的分配 (9)4. 各个零部件的选定 (11)4.1确定主轴的极限转速 (11)4.2电机的选择 (11)4.2.1计算转速范围和定公比并选出各级转速 (11)4.2.2电机选择 (11)4.3带轮直径和齿轮齿数的确定 (12)4.3.1确定皮带轮直径 (12)4.3.2齿轮齿数的确定 (12)4.3.3计算各轴传动的功率 (15)4.4主轴箱的传动系统 (15)5. 各零部件校核验算 (17)5.1各轴验算转速误差 (17)5.2 V带的设计校核 (17)5.3 I轴上的零部件设计 (18)5.3.1 I轴上的齿轮设计 (18)5.3.2 I轴的设计校核 (22)5.3.3轴承的校核和键的选择 (24)5.5II轴上的齿轮设计 (25)5.5.1II轴上的齿轮设计 (25)5.5.2II轴选轴、键和轴承的选择 (29)5.6III轴上的个部件设计 (29)5.6.1III轴上的齿轮设计 (29)5.6.2III轴选轴、键和轴承的选择 (33)5.7IV轴主轴的选取 (34)5.8主轴箱的装配图及箱体的设计 (35)结论 (38)致谢 (39)参考文献 (40)绪论1.1普通车床发展史普通车床技术性项目比较多,发展过程比较复杂着重的对各个方面分析,将对普通车床CA6140各个技术性能进行分析其中包括(切速、机床功率、自动化程度粗糙度)从1870年到今日切削速度从最初的十几米/分发展的两千多米/分左右。

数控车床主轴部件机械外文文献翻译、中英文翻译、外文翻译中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系别:工程技术系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓名:王泽民学号: 052116362015年4月30日外文原文翻译数控车床主轴部件车床是主要用于生成旋转表面和平整边缘的机床。

----------------大学本科毕业设计(论文)题目CA6140 型车床进给箱设计学生姓名-----指导教师 ----专业班级 ----------班完成时间 2010.6.二零一零年六月------------------大学本科毕业论文CA6140型车床进给箱设计The Feed Box Design Of CA6140 Horizontal Lathe摘要CA6140型卧式车床是普通精度级的万能机床,它的特有功能是车削一定范围内的各种螺纹,包括切削公制螺纹、英制螺纹、模数螺纹和径节螺纹的功能,要求进给传动链的变速机构能严格准确地按照标准螺距数列来变化。
关键词:进给箱;变换装置;移换机构;基本螺距机构;倍增机构AbstractCA6140 horizontal lathe is a universal machine of general precision. The unique function of a normal lathe is to turn, to a certain extent, all kinds of threads, including metric, British, modular and diametrical pitch threads. It requires the speed changing mechanism of the feeding transmission chain can change in accordance with the standard screw-pitch sequence strictly and accurately. The feed box of CA6140 horizontal lathe is fixed on the left front of the lathe, with a feeding speed change mechanism, the feed box can change the amount of feed and threading programs. The transform device includes shift institution, the basic pitch agency and the times agency. The shift institution is used for realizing reciprocal relations and special factors. The basic pitch agency is used for turning threads whose lead value is arranged in arithmetic progression. The times agency is made for changing in double of turning threads’ lead value.When the times mechanism is 1, there is a new transmission chain. It can increase the precision of some threads, and make the transmission chain much shorter.Key Words:feed box, shift institution, transfer mechanism, the basic pitch agency, double agency目录第一章绪论-----------------------------------------------------------------1第二章 CA6140进给箱传动方案设计----------------------------------4 2.1 CA6140普通车床简介-------------------------------------------------------------------------4 2.2 进给箱的传动机构-----------------------------------------------------------------------------5 2.3 进给箱切螺纹机构设计----------------------------------------------------------------------8 2.4 切螺纹系统及齿数比的确定---------------------------------------------------------------9 2.5 增倍机构设计以及移换机构设计--------------------------------------------------------10 2.6 车制螺纹的工作过程-------------------------------------------------------------------------12第三章主要零件设计-----------------------------------------------------21 3.1 齿式离合器的设计-----------------------------------------------------------------------------21 3.2 各轴及轴上组件的设计验算---------------------------------------------------------------213.2.1 中心距a的确定----------------------------------------------------------------------------223.2.2 XII轴上齿轮的设计验算-----------------------------------------------------------------223.2.3 XIV轴上齿轮的验算----------------------------------------------------------------------253.2.4 XIV轴的设计验算-------------------------------------------------------------------------303.2.5 XV轴上齿轮的设计验算-----------------------------------------------------------------353.2.6 XV轴的设计验算--------------------------------------------------------------------------383.2.7 XVI轴齿轮的设计验算-------------------------------------------------------------------40 第四章双联滑移齿轮进给箱传动系统的研究-----------------------444.1 新传动链车公制螺纹-------------------------------------------------------------------------44 4.2 新传动链车模数螺纹-------------------------------------------------------------------------45 4.3 新传动链的特点及适用范围---------------------------------------------------------------46 结论---------------------------------------------------------------------------48致谢---------------------------------------------------------------------------49参考文献---------------------------------------------------------------------50第一章绪论一、毕业设计的目的及意义毕业设计是本科生教学活动中最后的一个重要环节。

中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系别:工程技术系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓名:王泽民学号: 052116362015年4月30日外文原文翻译数控车床主轴部件车床是主要用于生成旋转表面和平整边缘的机床。
本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告论文(设计)题目输出轴(CA6140车床)加工工艺及夹具设计作者所在系别机械系作者所在专业机械设计制造及其自动化作者所在班级作者姓名作者学号19指导教师姓名指导教师职称教授完成时间 2 年 3 月说明1.根据学校《毕业设计(论文)工作暂行规定》,学生必须撰写《毕业设计(论文)开题报告》。
毕业设计(论文)开题报告本科生毕业设计 (论文)外文翻译原文标题Introduction of Machining译文标题加工基础作者所在系别机械系作者所在专业机械设计制造及其自动化作者所在班级作者姓名作者学号19指导教师姓名指导教师职称副教授完成时间年 3 月北华航天工业学院教务处制Introduction of MachiningHave a shape as a processing method, all machining process for the production of the most commonly used and most important method. Machining process is a process generated shape, in this process, Drivers device on the workpiece material to be in the form of chip removal. Although in some occasions, the workpiece under no circumstances, the use of mobile equipment to the processing, However, the majority of the machining is not only supporting the workpiece also supporting tools and equipment to complete.Machining know the process has two aspects. Small group of low-cost production. For casting, forging and machining pressure, every production of a specific shape of the workpiece, even a spare parts, almost have to spend the high cost of processing. Welding to rely on the shape of the structure, to a large extent, depend on effective in the form of raw materials. In general, through the use of expensive equipment and without special processing conditions, can be almost any type of raw materials, mechanical processing to convert the raw materials processed into the arbitrary shape of the structure, as long as the external dimensions large enough, it is possible. Because of a production of spare parts, even when the parts and structure of the production batch sizes are suitable for the original casting, Forging or pressure processing to produce, but usually prefer machining.Strict precision and good surface finish, Machining the second purpose is the establishment of the high precision and surface finish possible on the basis of. Many parts, if any other means of production belonging to the large-scale production, Well Machining is alow-tolerance and can meet the requirements of small batch production. Besides, many parts on the production and processing of coarse process to improve its general shape of the surface. It is only necessary precision and choose only the surface machining. For instance, thread, in addition to mechanical processing, almost no other processing method for processing. Another example is the blacksmith pieces keyhole processing, as well as training to be conducted immediately after themechanical completion of the processing.Primary Cutting ParametersCutting the work piece and tool based on the basic relationship between the following four elements to fully describe : the tool geometry, cutting speed, feed rate, depth and penetration of a cutting tool.Cutting Tools must be of a suitable material to manufacture, it must be strong, tough, hard and wear-resistant. Tool geometry -- to the tip plane and cutter angle characteristics -- for each cutting process must be correct.Cutting speed is the cutting edge of work piece surface rate, it is inches per minute to show. In order to effectively processing, and cutting speed must adapt to the level of specific parts -- with knives. Generally, the more hard work piece material, the lower the rate.Progressive Tool to speed is cut into the work piece speed. If the work piece or tool for rotating movement, feed rate per round over the number of inches to the measurement. When the work piece or tool for reciprocating movement and feed rate on each trip through the measurement of inches. Generally, in other conditions, feed rate and cutting speed is inversely proportional to。

车削中恒定切削力的自组织模糊操纵Received: 13 October 2004 / Accepted: 3 January 2005 / Published online: 17 August 2005 Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005摘要:在现代制造中,恒定力的操纵慢慢成为一项重要技术。
可是,设计传统的模糊操纵器(TFC) 时,数据库与TFC固定后,其设计很难及时的进行调剂而且依照系统做出相应的输出响应,取得理想的操纵成效。

南京理工大学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系):机械工程学院专业:机械工程及自动化姓名:朱仁勇学号: 0501500241外文出处:Industrial Electronics,Control(用外文写)and Industrumental,1991,附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

摘要CA6140型车床广泛应用于各类机械加工工业中,其中CA6140型车床溜板箱的主要功能是把进给箱传递来的运动传给刀架, 使刀架实现纵横向进给、纵向进给、快速移动以及车削螺纹。
关键词:CA6140型车床溜板箱超越离合器双向离合器ABSTRACTCA6140 lathe widely used in various mechanical processing industry, which CA6140 lathe apron's main function is to feed me messages of motion to the holder, the blade base to achieve vertical and horizontal feed, vertical feed, fast-moving and threading. Apron is a screw and rod came spiral motion, the rotation into linear motion and apron were driven turret feed, control turret movement, touch, disconnect and commutation functions. When the machine overload, can automatically stop feeding turret can also be manually operated turret movement or fast movement and so on. Apron fixed to the saddle, and hung in front of the bed. It includes gears, clutch and manual and automatic feed saddle used by the handle. Apron with a small gear, and the pinion gear and the rack before bed following phase teeth together, either manually apron hand wheel, so that longitudinal movement of the saddle. Apron including automatic feeding of the bidirectional clutch and overrunning clutch, clutch two-way manually adjustable, automatic feed use, the clutch and the original clutch get together for protection when overloaded so the home automatically stop feeding effect.Key words:CA6140 lathe Apron Overrunning clutch Bidirectional clutch目录第一章 CA6140型车床概述 (1)1.1 车床的历史及发展 (1)1.2 CA6140型车床型号编制方法 (1)1.3 CA6140车床重要组成部分 (3)第二章 CA6140型车床溜板箱的组成 (5)2.1 CA6140型车床溜板箱概述 (5)2.2滚柱式单向超越离合器的受力和运动分析 (6)2.3 齿式双向离合器 (7)2.4 齿轮与齿条 (8)2.5 蜗轮蜗杆 (10)2.6 开合螺母机构 (11)2.7 互锁机构 (11)第三章CA6140型车床溜板箱传动路线及强度校核 (13)3.1 CA6140型车床溜板箱传动路线 (13)3.2 CA6140型车床溜板箱操纵机构 (14)第四章 CA6140型车床溜板箱运动典型故障分析 (16)4.1 溜板箱故障的形成 (16)4.2 溜板箱故障分析 (16)4.3 溜板箱故障的解决方法与维护 (17)谢辞 (18)参考文献 (19)第一章 CA6140型车床概述1.1 车床的历史及发展1.1.1车床的历史公元前两千多年出现的数目车床是机床最早的雏形。
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南京理工大学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系):机械工程学院专业:机械工程及自动化姓名:朱仁勇学号: 0501500241外文出处:Industrial Electronics,Control and(用外文写)Industrumental, 1991,附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
这些数据处于一个公共的双通道存储器中,或者,在处于最差的情况下,这些数据一直不断在PLC和CNCD 间交换。
由于服务器可以视为CNC 可再使用部件的种类,有一些要求必须注意,而FSM,集合了这些。
软件的功能实体分部在遵循以下表中要求的硬件中控制台IBM的PC VME板,可能在将来被UNIX工作站代替,它可以执行所有控制台的功能。
执行MOTOROLA MVME 133 XT cpu板,(MC68020, 25MHz)用于控制台的通讯和耗时服务(ISO编译器,修正工具和MSD管理)MOTOROLA MVME 133 XT cpu板(MC68020, 25MHz)用于FSM执行,辅助设备与现场总线的通讯)一些MOTOROLA MVME 133 XT cpu板,(MC68020, 25MHz)用于轴的分类机。
(详情可参考《baguette et al 91》)所有的硬件集中在VME架上。
这个运行在主执行板块(FSM)的软件和一种PLC 中心软件十分相似。