
The Trial of Socrates
The trial of Socrates began in 399 BC, presided over by a panel of 500 Athenian citizens.
Socrates then had the opportunity to present his defense, which he did through a series of speeches.
The Role of Dialectical in Social Thought
Dialectical refers to the process of logical argumentation and the examination of ideas through dialogue and debate.
carried on his teachings and developed their own philosophical schools.
Legacy of Socrates
The Development of Western Philosophy
Socrates' teachings on the importance of reason and critical thinking have been highly influential in the development of Western philosophy. His contributions to the field include the Socratic Method, which involves asking probing questions to encourage individuals to think more deeply about their beliefs and assumptions.

The unexamined life is not worth living.
Catalogu e
1 Profile
2 Lifetime 3 Thought
Who is
Socrates (469-399 B.C.), a famous thinker, philosopher, educator and citizen juror in ancient Greece.
and believes that everyone should admit his ignorance. As a
citizen, he joined the. army three times and served as heavy9
As a citizen of Athens, it is recorded that
answer is to indicate that the wisdom of a person is of little value
or totally worthless. God is not talking about Socrates. He just
uses my name as an explanation .He is proud of his ignorance
Socrates and his student Plato, as well as Plato's student Aristotle, are called "three sages of ancient Greece", and are widely regarded as the founders of western philosophy by later generations.

二、孔子的启发式接受学习 孔子,为春秋末期鲁国人。“学 而不厌,诲人不倦”,被誉为“万师 之表”。 孔子的教学过程,可分为以下四个部分 •学 •习 •思 •行
• 孔子的启发式教学,是针对当时官学中盛行的 注重个人教学所提出的。他反对师云亦云,不 激发学生积极思维的教学。他在教学过程中的 一个突出特点,就是重视让学生把学习和思考 有机地结合起来,在独立思考中去获得知识, 发展认识能力。
苏格拉底关于灵魂的学说,进一步使精神和物质的 分化更加明朗起来。在苏格拉底看来,事物的产生 与灭亡,不过是某种东西的聚合和分散。他将精神 和物质这样明确对立起来,成为西方哲学史上唯心 主义哲学的奠基人。
苏格拉底认为一切知识,均从疑难中产生,愈求进步疑难 愈多,疑难愈多进步愈大。苏格拉底承认他自己本来没有知识, 而他又要教授别人知识。这个矛盾,他是这样解决的:这些知 识并不是由他灌输给人的,而是人们原来已经具有的;人们已 在心上怀了“胎”,不过自己还不知道,苏格拉底像一个“助 产婆”,帮助别人产生知识。苏格拉底的助产术,集中表现在 他经常采用的“诘问式”的形式中,以提问的方式揭露对方提 出的各种命题、学说中的矛盾,以动摇对方论证的基础,指明 对方的无知;在诘问中,苏格拉底自己并不给予正面的、积极 的回答,因为他承认自己无知 。这种方式一般被称为“苏格拉 底的讽刺”。
• 不同之处 主要体现 在教育内 容上,尽 管都以德 育为主
内容多宗教色彩 政事,道德
政事,道德,天文, 数学
多体现人与人之间 的关系 如“礼”,强调等 级名分,尊卑长幼
四、苏格拉底与孔子教学法 对现代教育的意义

Socrates and his student Plato, as well as Plato's student Aristotle, are called "three sages of ancient Greece", and are widely regarded as the founders of western philosophy by later
Childho od
Middle Age
• Socrates was born in alopeke, and belonged to the tribe antiochis. His father was sophroniscus, a sculptor, or stonemason.His mother was a midwife named phaenarete.
advocates people to know the truth of life and live a moral life. He defines philosophy as “love of wisdom". One of his
The peak
important points is that I know that I know nothing. Many children of rich and poor families often gathered around
years of his life!

❖ 在苏格拉底眼里,人与人得差别不在于财富拥有得多少,而在 于就是否受过良好得教育,就是否拥有知识与智慧。
❖ “只有愚人才会自以为不用学习就能分辨什么就是有益得什 么就是有害得事情。也只有愚人才会认为,尽管不能分辨好 歹,但凭财富就可以取得自己梭向往得,并能做出对自己有利 得事情……只有呆子才会认为,尽管自己一无所知,但由于有 财富就会被认为就是个有才德得人,或者尽管没有才德,却会 受到人们得尊敬。”
❖ 关于苏格拉底得书
《苏格拉底这样思考:通向幸福生活得16种方式》 《苏格拉底传》 《与大师相遇——真理得追求者》 《回忆苏格拉底》《苏格拉底》 《苏格拉底得申辩》 《苏格拉底得审判》 《色诺芬笔下得苏格拉底对话》 《苏格拉底得困惑》 《苏格拉底之道》 《苏格拉底得最后日子》 《苏格拉底之死》 《谈话录》 《理想国》 《蝉》
把 自制瞧得比什么都重要。不能自制就使智慧与 人远离,使人对快乐流连忘返,使本来能分辨 好坏得人丧失辨别能力。 将情欲控制在合理得范围之内,而非灭人欲
正义……不贪财,不追逐权力。苏格拉底就是 具
是可教得。 D、知识并不等于道德
“说美德就就是知识,这就是不对得;但就是说美德不 能没有识见(不能没有知识),这句话确有道理” ------亚里士多德
3、自制就是德行得基础 苏格拉底要求人们以明智得认识约束自己
得行为,抑制自己得欲望。她认为,对一个人 来说,口才得流利,办事得能力,心思得精巧 都就是次要得,首要得必须就是自制,教导人们
2、智慧即德行 苏格拉底认为道德不就是天生得,正确得

Socrates was born in Athens, Greece, to a family of ordinary citizens. Sophroniscus, his father, was a carver, and Phaenarete, his mother, was a midwifeSocrates was born with a snout, thick lips, bulging eyes, and a short body. He was plain in appearance and plain in speech, but he had a divine mind.
苏格拉底出生于希腊雅典一个普通公民的家庭。其父索佛洛尼斯 科斯是雕刻匠,母亲费纳瑞特是助产妇苏格拉底生下来就长着鼻 子,厚嘴唇,突出的眼睛和短小的身体。他相貌平平,言语平平, 但他有一颗神圣的心。
Socrates studied sculpture with his father. Later, he read Homer's epic and other famous poets' works, and became a very learned man by himself.He made a living by imparting knowledge, and in his 30s he became a social ethics teacher who did not get paid or set up a library.
40岁左右,他成了雅典的远近闻名的人物。他在雅典和当时的许多智者辩论哲 学问题,主要是关于伦理道德以及教育政治方面的问题,被认为是当时最有智 慧的人。作为公民,他曾三次参军作战,当过重装步兵,在战争中表现得顽强 勇敢,并不止一次在战斗中救助受了伤的士兵。此外,他还曾在雅典公民大会 中担任过陪审官。

苏格拉底介绍作文英语英文:Socrates, also known as the father of Western philosophy, was a classical Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy. He was born in Athens in 470 BC and is best known for his method of questioning, now known as the Socratic method. This method involved asking a series of probing questions to stimulate critical thinking and illuminate ideas. Socrates believed that the pursuit of truth and self-knowledge was the highest aim of human life, and his teachings and ideas have had a profound influence on Western thought.One of the most famous stories about Socrates is the Oracle of Delphi's pronouncement that Socrates was the wisest of all men. When Socrates heard this, he was puzzled because he did not consider himself wise at all. He then set out to prove the Oracle wrong by questioning people who were considered wise in their own right. Through hisquestioning, Socrates discovered that these individualswere not as wise as they claimed to be, and he realizedthat true wisdom comes from recognizing one's own ignorance.Socrates' commitment to pursuing truth and knowledge,as well as his willingness to question conventional wisdom, has made him an enduring figure in philosophy. His ideas have been a source of inspiration for countless thinkersand continue to be studied and debated to this day.中文:苏格拉底,也被誉为西方哲学之父,是古希腊的一位哲学家,被认为是西方哲学的奠基人之一。
苏格拉底 英文介绍(课堂PPT)

一件普通的单衣,经常不穿鞋,对吃饭也不讲究。但他似 乎没有注意到这些,只是专心致志地做学问。他的生平事 例,成就思想,均由其弟子记录。
The death
古希腊著名哲学家苏格拉底 Socrates 曾经自幼随父学艺 ,后 来,当过兵,曾经三次参战。大约在40岁左右苏格拉底出 了名,并进人五百人会议。大约公元前399年,苏格拉底因“不 敬国家所奉的神,并且宣传其他的新神,败坏青年”的罪名被判 有死罪。在收监期间,他的朋友买通了狱卒,劝他逃走,但他决 心服从国家的法律,拒不逃走。后来在狱中服毒受死终年7O岁 Socrates’ friends wanted to help him escape. But Socrates felt that obeying the court’s decision was the right thing to do. Socrates spent his last day with his friends. Then, he calmly drank poison made from a hemlock(从芹叶钩吻制取的毒药) plant and died.
歌的囚犯很吃惊:“您不知道自己马上就要被处决了吗?” “我
当然知道。”苏格拉底轻松地回答。 “那您为什么还要学新歌
呢?”狱友不解地问。 这位伟人回答说:“这样我死的时候就多
So in some sense, Socratic method equals to Stimulating Mode which is the essence of teaching philosophy of Kongfuzi.

Socrates’ virtue
• Socrates believed the best way for people to live was to focus on the pursuit of virtue rather than the pursuit, for instance, of material wealth. He always invited others to try to concentrate more on friendships and a sense of true community.
All our information about him is second-hand and most of it vigorously disputed, but his trial and death at the hands of the Athenian democracy is nevertheless the founding myth of the academic discipline of philosophy, and his influence has been felt far beyond philosophy itself, and in every age.
病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
Philosophical Beliefs
• The beliefs of Socrates, as distinct from those of Plato, are difficult to discern.
外国教育史- 第三章 苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德教育思想ppt课件

苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚 里士多德教育思想
3.普遍的公立教育与教育立法 普遍的公立教育的理由:国家只有一个目的--所有人受一样的教育----教育是公立而非私立 教育立法:教育由法律规定(教育的形式、内 容等的规定)
苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚 里士多德教育思想
第三章 苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚 里士多德教育思想
二、教育观 (一)教育理论 1.灵魂的三部分构成
苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚 里士多德教育思想
2.论教育的作用(影响人发展的三因素) Aristotle认为,天性、习惯和理性是人成其为 人的三个要素, (重点) 天性、习惯服从 理性,理性的获得主要依靠教育,因此教育 在人的发展中主导作用。“三要素理论”对 后世关于遗传、环境和教育的理论雏形。 ( 重点) 也是卢梭划分自然的教育、事物的 教育和人的教育的依据。
苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚 里士多德教育思想
(二)世界观 Aristotle在哲学观上摇摆于唯物主义和唯心主义之间, 最终偏向唯心主义。 理念世界与物质世界的关系(唯物性) 发展观上(唯心) 认识论:物质世界-感觉-经验-理性思维 Aristotle在西方首次提出了“蜡块说”和“白板说” (影响后世的夸美纽斯和洛克)-----与柏拉图的 “回忆说”对立 (重点)
第二节 柏拉图的教育思想 二、政治观和哲学观 (二)哲学观 灵魂轮回。 双重世界:理念世界与现实世界 最高的理念是善。 (三)认识论——学习即回忆 (重点) 学习并不是从外界得到什么东西而是回忆灵魂 中已有的知识;
苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚 里士多德教育思想
第二节 柏拉图的教育思想 三、《理想国》中的教育观 《理想国》中的教育观:构建了一个培养哲学王的教育体系 1.在教育管理上,国家管理教育。 2.教育目的上,强调灵魂转向,培养向善的品质。 3.教育对象上,男女接受同样的教育。 4。在 教育阶段上,重视早期教育。 (重点) 5.在教育内容上,将四艺确定为学校的教育内容。 (重点) 6.在 教育方法上,强调游戏的重要性。
苏格拉底的主要哲学思想 PPT课件

苏格拉底立志不写著作, 只用口头方式传播自己 的观点,其言大多见他 的学生柏拉图的一些对 话体的著作。柏拉图笔 下的苏格拉底始终一贯 地坚持说他自己一无所 知而且他之所以聪明就 在于他知道自己是一无 所知的。但是他并不认 为知识是得不到的,他 认为追求知识有着极大 的意义。
一天,一位熟知苏格拉底生活节俭的人突然在集市上发现他全神贯注 打量几件俗气的陶器,颇觉惊讶,便上前问道:“苏格拉底先生, 您今儿哪来的雅兴?”苏格拉底回答道:“我向来有兴趣的是,看 看市场上有多少我不需要的东西。”
的主上维维辑格进唯出法的苏中的而的回唯问这 神体第的的辩言入物精的这格,诘导问答在答种 话和一发方论式更主神形种拉苏询引题对谈,谈 代理个展法的的加义实式方底氏,出,方话以话 替性系都深方伦成的体。法反给使其他的进弄也 宗、统有入式理熟对和从,诘予青他以问行清有 教夸的贡到启思的立物哲在法学年问谦题中对几 神大唯献事发想阶脱质学西(生承题和。,方个 话抽心。物思提段离实思方 以认的的他苏的特 的象主但的想到;了体想哲 最他资态只氏思点 时思义是本、了他早的的学 高的料度要则路: 代维哲,质揭哲将期区发史 的无,发求偏,第 。,学他。露学早哲分展上 智知直问对重使一
苏格拉底的这种方法是由爱利亚 学派的逻辑推论和爱利亚的芝诺 的反证法发展而来的。在苏格拉 底的讽刺的消极形式中存在着揭 露矛盾的辩证思维的积极成果。 苏氏自比产婆,从谈话中用剥茧 抽丝的方法,使对方逐渐了解自 己的无知,而发现自己的错误, 建立正确的知识观念
苏格拉底关于灵魂的学说,进一步使精神和物 质的分化更加明朗起来。苏格拉底以前的哲学 家,早已有灵魂不灭的说法,已经有唯心主义 和唯物主义对立的萌芽。但在他以前的哲学家 对于灵魂的看法还比较模糊,有的还将灵魂看 成是最精细的物质,因而,唯心主义和唯物主 义的界限还不明确。到苏格拉底才明确地将灵 魂看成是与物质有本质不同的精神实体。在苏 格拉底看来,事物的产生与灭亡,不过是某种 东西的聚合和分散。他将精神和物质这样明确 对立起来,成为西方哲学史上唯心主义哲学的 奠基人。

Socrates maintained that true reality is knowledge, and that the only way to achieve true happiness and fulfillment is through the cultivation of Wisdom and the avoidance of ignorance
to its well being and specificity
The role of the philosopher
Socrates envisioned a role for philosophers in the polis, arguing
that they should participate in public affairs and seek to shape
The impact on modern logic and science
Socrates' teaching on reason and logical thinking has been highly influential in the development of modern logic and science
Introduction to Socrates in English
• The Life of Socrates • Socrates' Philosophical Thought • The influence of Socrates • Socrates' Controversy and Criticism • Socrates' Legacy

chance to escape, he chose to drink
Hibiscus juice to die, because he
believed that escaping would o. nly
Socratic method
• Perhaps his most important contribution to Western thought is his dialectic method of inquiry, known as the Socratic method or method of "elenchus", which he largely applied to the examination of key moral concepts such as the Good and Justice. It was first described by Plato in the Socratic Dialogues. To solve a problem, it would be broken down into a series of questions, the answers to which gradually distill the answer a person would seek. The development and practice of this method is one of Socrates's most endur. ing contributions, and is a 1k2 ey
truth of life and live a moral life. He defines philosophy as “love of wisdom". One of his important points is that I know that I know
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answer is to indicate that the wisdom of a person is of little value
or totally worthless. God is not talking about Socraas an explanation .He is proud of his ignorance
nothing. Many children of rich and poor families often gathered around him and asked for advice. Socrates often said, " I know that I know nothing." He concluded: “only god is wise. His
truth of life and live a moral life. He defines philosophy as “love of wisdom". One of his important points is that I know that I know
The peak years of his life!
• Around the age of 40, he became a famous figure in athens. In
athens, he argued with many wise men about philosophy, mainly
about ethics and education politics. He was regarded as the most intelligent man at that time. He advocates people to know the
Socratic method
• Perhaps his most important contribution to Western thought is his dialectic method of inquiry, known as the Socratic method or method of "elenchus", which he largely applied to the examination of key moral concepts such as the Good and Justice. It was first described by Plato in the Socratic Dialogues. To solve a problem, it would be broken down into a series of questions, the answers to which gradually distill the answer a person would seek. The development and practice of this method is one of Socrates's most endur-ing contributions, and is a key
Youth Childhood
Middle Age Death
•Socrates was born in
Socrates studied sculpture with
his father. Later, he read Homer's epic and other famous poets'
and believes that everyone should admit his ignorance. As a
citizen, he joined the- army three times and served as heavy
As a citizen of Athens, it is recorded that Socrates was finally sentenced to death by the Athens court for insulting the Athenian God , introducing new theism and corrupting the Athenian youth thought. Although Socrates had the chance to escape, he chose to drink Hibiscus juice to die, because he believed that escaping would o- nly
works, and became a very learned man by himself. He made a living by imparting knowledge, and in his 30s he became a social ethics teacher who did not get paid or set up a library.
The unexamined life is not worth living.
Catalogu e
1 Profile
2 Lifetime 3 Thought
Who is
Socrates (469-399 B.C.), a famous thinker, philosopher, educator and citizen juror in ancient Greece.
Socrates and his student Plato, as well as Plato's student Aristotle, are called "three sages of ancient Greece", and are widely regarded as the founders of western philosophy by later generations.