高三英语学案 字母 L
高中英语 必修一 Unit 1 Realizing your potential 学案
牛津版高中英语必修(一)学案U nit 1 Back to schoolRealizing your potential编写说明:学案以新版牛津高中英语为媒介,主要分为三个部分:文本的阅读;词汇的讲解和巩固。
Reading comprehension1. What can we learn from paragraph 2?A. The new journey is not difficult to make.B. Overcoming the challenges will bring about new chances.C. Meeting challenges will help you acquire knowledge rather than personal growth.D. Their potential in a new environment will surely be reached.2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A. Students are to develop amazing technologies.B. Students can create beautiful works of art.C. The possibilities are endless for students to make a difference.D. Potential can be developed with enough time and effort.3. To fully realize your potential, you are expected to _______.A. rise to the challenges unconditionallyB. have confidence in your abilitiesC. make good use of your school resourcesD. discover your potential during the three-year journey4. When you are in difficult situations, the principal advises you to _______.A. grow into a well-rounded individualB. set clear goals and plan your studyC. balance your homework with your other activitiesD. take a positive attitude and keep the hope aliveWord study1. potential / pəˈtenʃl / adj.that can develop into sth or be developed in the future 潜在的;可能的; n. 潜力potential customers 潜在的客户a potential prime minister 未来的首相常用搭配与介词的搭配with~We're looking for a trainee with ~. | ~as She showed great ~ as an actor. | ~for an industry that has the ~ for growth与动词的搭配demonstrate, have, show:This young man has enormous ~.有潜力hold, offer:The new business offers great ~ for growth. |achieve, fulfil/fulfill, maximize, reach, realize:his dream of fulfilling his true ~ 发挥潜力2. challenge/ ˈtʃælɪndʒ;ˈtʃæləndʒ /单词释义1) n. something that tests strength, skill, or ability, especially in a way that is interesting挑战,具有挑战性的事物:常用搭配face / take on / accept etc a challenge ( = be ready to deal with one ) 面对/接受挑战Martins now faces the biggest challenge of his career.马丁斯现在面临他事业上最大的挑战。
高中英语新课标必修三Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”学案
1 。 s u r r o u n d v t . &v i . 包围; 围绕
The g a r d e n wa s S u r r o u n de d 1 ) v a wa l 1 .
二、 词语 透视
重点 词语 ( 一) ( Wa r mi n g u p & Re a d i n g )
单 词
P a c i i f c a n d n o r t h wa r d i n t o t h e A r c t i c Oc e a n .
高 中英语新课标 必修 Uni t C a n a d a _“ I ‘ h I 2 : J I h I c 【 0 l r t h " 圈
华 中师 范 大 学 附 属 中 学 范 俊 兰
话 题 导读
i n c r e a s ng i a u t o no my , c u l mi n a t i ng I l l t h e
mu1 t i c u l t u r a l a t t h e f e d e r a l l e v e 1 . wi t h a p o p u l a t i o n o f a pp r o x i ma t e l y 3 3 . 4 mi l l i o n a s o f
b o r de r . Th e l a n d t ha t i S n o w Ca na d a h a s b e e n i n h a b i t e d f o r mi l l e nn i a b y v a r i o u s Ab o r i g i n a l p e o p l e s .Be g i n n i ng i n t h e l a t e 1 5 t h c e n t u r y , Br i t i s h a n d Fr e n c h c , o l o n i a l e x p e d i t i o ns e x pl o r e d, a n d l a t e r s e t t l e d , t h e r e g i o n’ S
句 子 意 思 是 !这 个 年 轻 的 司 机 对 这 起 事 故 保 持 沉
默 "为 的 是 不 丢 掉 工 作 %动 词 不 定 式 的 否 定 形 式
是 在8,的 前 面 加 $,8%
!!"L 由8-%2'788+&%可 以 看 出"该 句 要 用 一 般 过 去
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式 %
M"G 地 球 围 绕 太 阳 运 转 是 客 观 真 理 "不 受 主 句 谓 语 动 词 的 影 响 "从 句 仍 用 一 般 现 在 时 %
N"L 本 句 句 意 为 !你 能 告 诉 我 到 火 车 站 怎 么 走 吗 . 根 据 句 意 可 排 除 #+H 两 项 (宾 语 从 句 应 用 陈 述 语
学 习 过 程 设 计
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甘肃省金昌一中高三英语 Unit1 Vocabulary1学案
课题 Unit1 Vocabulary1学习目标To learn to use words in correct situation合作互动学生活动教学设计及二次备课学习重点To learn some target phrases and know how to use them correctly互动与展示1.starve vi.& vt.(使)挨饿;饿得要死;(使)饿死vi.渴望;极需要(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)At that time people would starve if food wasdifficult to find,especially during the cold wintermonths.在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们会挨饿。
1)He said he would starve rather than beg for food.他说他宁愿挨饿也不要饭。
2)Let’s get something to eat; I’m starving.我们吃点东西吧;我饿坏了。
New contents:Ss have a discussionabout the usage ofthe words.学习难点To learn examples of key words and phases自主研讨学生活动教学设计及二次备课目标与导入Learning aim:To learn to use words and phasesLead in:Give some examples and let the students to guess the meaningof the words and phasesAim showing and leadin.自学与诊断根据英文释义和首字母提示写出单词1. to give something to somebody such as a prizeor money for something they have done 2. to makesomeone believe something that is not true 3. toget or achieve something, usually as a result of a lot of effort4. to get, come or bring together 5. tosuffer or die because you do not have enough to eat用所给词的适当形式填空6.They _ his success and the __ lasted fourhours.(celebration)7.We _ in his ability, and the ___ resulted from hisbehavior.(belief)8.They gained in 1969, and now they are a proud andpeople.(independence)9.development lies in the scienceHomework commentsand Preview check:Ask the students toread and write somewords to check theirpreview.精讲与点拨(1)starve to death 饿死(2)starve for sth. 渴望获得某物starve to do sth. 渴望做某事be starved of 渴望;缺乏(3)starvation n. 饿死starving adj. 饥饿的①They got lost in the desert and starved to death.他们在沙漠中迷了路,饥饿而死。
高中英语人教版新课标选修7 Unitl Living well【问题查找】一、根据提示写出下列单词.n,雄心;野心.adj.适合的;适宜的.adj.有益的;受益的.vt.使适应;改编.n.行为;品行vt指挥;管理;主持.几(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性Keys: 1. ambition 2. suitable 3. beneficial 4. adapt 5. conduct 6・ access 二、词汇填空His(ambitious)to bee a pilot was held back by her poor eyesight.1.Jobs exist, but they are not(suit)fbr people like you who have no ambition for future.2.The fall in prices will be(benefit)to small businesses.3.With the help of her classmates, Lily(adapt) to her college life.4.The concert yesterday(conduct) by a young man.5.The library is open to the public, so everybody has to it.(access)Keys: 1. ambition 2. suitable 3. beneficial 4. adapted 5. was conducted6. access【要点精讲】(一)词汇1. adapt vt.使适应;改编例句:1) You should adapt yourself to the new environment.你应该适应新环境。
2) The makers adapted the cartoons film for children from the Russian original. 影片制作人为了孩子们将这本俄文原著改编成了卡通电影。
高中英语新课标选修八 Unit1 Aland of diversity学案
i n g o f 4 8 c o n t i g u o u s( 毗连 的 ) s t a t e s a n d t h e
安理 会五 个 常任 理 事 国之 一 美国是 世界 上
唯 一超 级 大 国, 其 在 经济 、 政治、 科技 、 军事、 娱 乐等诸 多领域 的 巨大影 响 力均领衔 全球
Ge o g r a phy US A.c o u nt r y i n No r t h Ame r i c a .c o n s i s t —
we s t .Th e Uni t e d S t a t e s i s e x c e e d i n g l y r i c h i n
的群岛. 另 有 波 多黎 各 、 北 马里 亚 纳 等 海 外
领 地 。美 国是个 多文化和 多民族 的 国 家 . 为 世 界 上 热 门 的 移 民 国 家之 一 : 美国是联 合 国
n a t u r a l r e s o u r c e s .T h e c o u n t r y c o n t a i n s s i g —
n i ic f a n t d e p o s i t s o f ma ny i mp o r t a n t mi n e r a l s ,
P a c i i f c O c e a n s ,s o u t h o f C a n a d a a n d n o r t h o f
想满足学生提出问题和解决问题的欲望, 只有充分相 : 体现以学生为中心 , 建构主义认为可以从三个方面努
信学生 , 把时间 、 空间留给学生 , 让其有机会表现。这 l : 1要在学 习过程 中充分发挥学生的主动性 , 能 力 () 要 样的学 习才是学生亲 自体验 的,影响才是最深刻的。l 体现 出学生的首创精神 ;2 ( )要让学生有多种 机会在
学生 自主学 习和建构知识能力的一种重要媒介 , 它是 I 用在组织 、 协调 、 支持 、 帮助学生的学习活动过程 中体
教师站在学生的知识水平 、 活经验的角度对教学 内 f , 生 现 给学生充分的学 习时间和空间 。当学生讨论甚 至 容思考 的文字表现。 学案教学把教学的重心从研究教 } 争论时 , 教师不充 当裁判 的角 色 , 而是 引导讨 论或争
1 激 发 了 学 生 学 习英 语 的 主 动 性 。 实施 学 案 教 : . 生通 过 自学 , 课 堂 内 做 到 有 选 择 地 学 , 针 对 性 地 在 有
学, 使教师导 的功能得 以充分 的发挥 , 习的主动 l , 把学 学 从而提 高了学 习的效率 , 了学习的能力 。 提高 更重 性真正还给了学生 。学案导学法让学生先 自学 , 然后 I 的是使学生形成一种带着 问题进课 堂 , 要 带着思考听 通过学生的讨论 、 , 探索 老师鼓励学生参与课堂讨论 , 讲课和带着新的问题离开课堂的 良 习惯 , l 好 改变了过 积极提 出问题 , 使他们亲身参与英语课堂教学 , 这样 : 去被动听老师讲课 , 为知识结论 而学 的学习习惯 和方
习中学会合作 ; 倡导学生在探究 中学习 、 亲历并 体验 一 1 . 主体性原则。主体性原则也就是 以学生为 中心
高三英语二轮复习学案-名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选:Eli Has Left the Building
高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选Eli Has Left the Building(答案在最后)班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________【文章梗概】小精灵来到家里之后,与家中的孩子们一起生活,一起参与圣诞节的各种活动,小精灵感受到了家庭的温暖和家庭的归属感,可是伊莱快要离开回到北极了,家里的孩子对小精灵依依不舍,小精灵也给孩子们留下来信条和礼物,期待来年的相遇。
Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.~ Lisa Weedn“I don’t want Eli to go,” whispered six-year-old Madi, the youngest of our three girls. It was December 23rd, almost time for Eli, our house elf, to return to the North Pole.Madi looked up at Eli perched on the fireplace mantel, his lips frozen in a joyous smile that reached right up his rosy cheeks. She crawled onto the couch with me, squirming her way under my quilt and resting in my lap. I stroked her hair. “Eli will always be part of our family. Enjoy the time we have with him now so it’s special,” I said. She still looked worried.“I’ll miss him,” she said.“I bet he’ll miss you too.”Eli was named after Madi’s kindergarten crush, and we were now stuck with the name even after she decided that the human Eli was icky. He arrived every year on the first of December to observe our three girls and report back to Santa on their behavior.Eli takes an interest in our family activities. When we painted acrylic Christmas trees and Santa Claus’s boots, we left out a brush and canvas for Eli. While snug in our beds, Eli painted us a picture of a wrapped present and signed his name. We hung his canvas on the wall with ours.We dug out our big book of short Christmas stories to read a few each night leading up to Christmas. One morning we caught Eli sitting with the book in his lap turned to the first page of the next story. Eli likes to hear holiday stories just like us.When we baked chocolate chip cookies to prepare for Santa’s arrival, we awoke in the morning to find Eli had decorated them with red and green sprinkles.Madi looked forward to getting up every morning to see what Eli had done overnight.On Christmas Eve morning, Madi woke me with urgent news. Her little face was almost touching mine and her eyes were wide as saucers. “Mommmm,” she whispered breathlessly.“What, honey? You hungry? What time is it?”“There’s a big present in the living room. Can I open it?”“Um, really?” I swung my legs to the floor. Madi grabbed my hand and led me to the living room. Sure enough, there sat a large box wrapped in shiny red and white striped paper and topped with a big red bow. I sent Madi to wake up everyone else.Then, with everyone gathered around the mystery present, I lifted the tag and read aloud, “To my family. From Eli, your house elf. Thank you for welcoming me into your home and for letting me join your family activities. I’ve never had a family before. Now I can say I do. I will miss you all so much this year. I can’t wait until next December. I hope we paint again. That was my favorite. I cannot wait to report all the good things about your family to Santa. Love, Eli.”“We’ll miss you too, Eli!” Madi said. The three sisters went to work tearing off the paper and opening the top of the box.The girls shrieked as they pulled out the gifts inside. There were Christmas-themed pajamas for each member of our family, popcorn, cocoa and a Christmas movie. They ran off to try on their pajamas.I looked up at Eli’s favorite perch on the Christmas tree, now empty.“Thanks, Eli,” I said. I looked forward to sharing our traditions again with him the next year.I would miss him, too.【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。
高三英语一轮教案英文版人教版Title: Senior Three English Lesson Plan - First Round (People's Education Press) Objective:1. To enhance students' English language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing.2. To improve students' understanding and application of grammar and vocabulary.3. To develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.4. To prepare students for the senior high school English examination.Lesson 1: Reading Comprehension - FictionAims:1. To improve students' reading comprehension skills.2. To enhance students' understanding of fiction texts.3. To develop students' ability to analyze and interpret literary devices. Procedure:1. Warm-up Activity (10 minutes)- Engage students in a discussion about their favorite fiction books or movies. - Ask students to share what they enjoy about these stories and what makes them memorable.2. Pre-reading Activity (15 minutes)- Introduce the title and author of the fiction text.- Show students the book cover or a related image.- Ask students to make predictions about the story based on the title and image.- Discuss the importance of making predictions before reading.3. Reading Activity (30 minutes)- Distribute copies of the fiction text to students.- Instruct students to read the text silently.- Encourage students to underline or highlight important information while reading.- After reading, ask students to discuss their initial predictions and compare them to the actual story.4. Comprehension Questions (20 minutes)- Provide a set of comprehension questions related to the fiction text.- Divide students into small groups to discuss and answer the questions.- Monitor and assist students as needed.- Conduct a whole-class discussion to review the answers and address any misconceptions.5. Analysis of Literary Devices (20 minutes)- Introduce common literary devices such as simile, metaphor, foreshadowing, etc.- Ask students to identify and analyze the literary devices used in the fiction text.- Discuss the impact of these devices on the story's meaning and effectiveness.6. Extension Activity (10 minutes)- Assign a short writing task where students are asked to create their own fictional story.- Encourage students to incorporate the literary devices discussed into their writing.- Provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.7. Summary and Reflection (5 minutes)- Summarize the key points covered in the lesson.- Ask students to reflect on their learning experience and share any challenges or insights gained.Materials:- Fiction text (selected based on the curriculum and students' proficiency level) - Comprehension questions- Writing materialsNote: This lesson plan is a general outline and can be adapted and modified according to the specific needs and requirements of the students and curriculum.。
Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language
Ⅰ.重点单词 根据音标、词性和汉语写出单词 1./′ləʊkl/____________(adj.)本地的,当地的 2./′traΙəl/____________(n.)审判,审讯 3./′seΙlə/____________(n.)水手,海员 4./sΙŋk/____________(vi.)下沉;沉下 5./dΙ′beΙt/____________(n.& vi.)争论;辩论 答案: 1.local 2.trial 3.sailor 4.sink 5.debate
答案: D
take apart 拆卸,拆开 (教材原句 P4)The old man saw some Germans taking apart the Amber Room and removing it. 老人看到一些德国人拆除并移走了琥珀屋。 (1)tell...apart 把……区别开来 (2)apart from 除……外 He told me that the machine had been taken apart. 他告诉我机器已被拆开。
大学入学考试 (2)enter vi. 进入 In return,the local people gave the foreign guests a warm reception at the main entrance. 作为报答,当地人在正门给外宾热情的接待。
名师导学系列2021年高考英语人教版第一轮精品复习学案[选修七]【名师导学系列】2021年高考英语人教版第一轮精品复习学案【选修七】Unit 1 Living well一、语言要点I单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)词语 1.all in all/ in all/ at all/ after all/ above all/ first of all 辨析 1. disability n.无能;残疾词形变化 2. ambition n.野心,雄心 3.beneficial adj.有益的 4. independent adj.独立的 5.encouragement n.鼓励词汇部分重点单词 disabled adj.伤残的 able adj.能干的;能够的 ambitious adj.有雄心的,野心勃勃的 benefit v.&n.受益;利益,好处 independence n.独立 depend v.依靠,依赖 encourage v.鼓励 courage n.勇气,精神 1. ambition (n.) 雄心 2. beneficial (adj.) 有益的 3. adapt (v.) 使适应;改编 4. conduct (n.) 行为 (v.) 指挥 5. resign (v.) 辞职 6. companion (n..) 同伴 7. access n. (接近的)方法;通路;可接近性 8. suitable adj.适合的, 适当的; 9. annoy vt. 使生气,使烦恼; 招惹; 妨碍 10. adequate adj.适当的, 足够的 in other words 换句话说 cut out 切掉,删掉 out of breath 上气不接下气 sit around 闲坐着 make fun of 取笑 all the best一切顺利as well as 也, 又; 和……一样好 1. She is proud to have taken part in competitions and to have broken a record by running two laps(800 metres) this year. 2. The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me annoyed, 重点词组重点句型 and I just ignore them. 3. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. 4. Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do. 复习不定式(见语法专题) 重点语法 II 词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1). all in all/ in all/ at all/ after all/ above all/ first of all 【解释】 all in all总而言之 in all总共 at all根本 after all毕竟;别忘了(放句首时)第 1 页共 76 页above all最重要, 首先 first of all首先【练习】选择all in all/ in all/ at all/ after all/ above all或first of all并用其适当的形式填空1) Don‘t blame him too much. ________, he is a small child. 2) According to the survey,_______ there are nearly one million people in this small city out of workduring the economic crisis. 3) I am glad to join you in this game, but________ please allow me to introduce myself to you. 4) The parents didn‘t worry about their daughter _______, for they believed she could succeed in getting the first prize. 5) When traveling abroad, _______, you need toprepare your passport. 6) There are many beautiful sentences in your articleand its ha ndwriting is good too. ________, I‘m quite satisfied with it. Keys: 1) After all 2) in all 3) first of all 4) at all 5) above all 6) All in allIII 词性变化(旨在提供语法填空所需材料) 1. disability n.无能;残疾 disabled adj.伤残的 2. ambition n.野心,雄心 3.beneficial adj.有益的 4. independent adj.独立的 5.encouragement n.鼓励 able adj.能干的;能够的 ambitious adj.有雄心的,野心勃勃的 benefit v.&n.受益;利益,好处 independence n.独立 depend v.依靠,依赖 encourage v.鼓励 courage n.勇气,精神【练习】根据句子结构,用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空 1)The ______ girl swims well in spite of her _______.(disable) 2) Robert is a very _______ man and one of his ______ is to travel in Antarctica. (ambition) 3) If you want to be a _______, you should work hard at______ and care for ______ situations. (politics) 4) It is known to all that fresh air is _______ to our health and the new park ______ us all, so weshould keep it clean.(benefit) 5) The boy who used to ______on his parents now wants the ______ from them and is learning to be _______.(depend) 6) Praiseacts as an ______ to the players, and therefore they will feel ______ and getthe _______to continue and improve their performance.(encourage) 7) My brother______ from a well-known American university. My parents attended his _______ ceremony yesterday.(graduate) 8) When someone ______ others on their success, he or she usually says �D_______‖.(congratulate) 9) This concert was _______ by a famous _______ from Vienna. (conduct) keys:1) disabled; disabilities 2) ambitious; ambitions 3) politician; politics; political 4) beneficial;benefits 5) depend; independence; independent 6) encouragement; encouraged; courage 7) graduated; graduation 8) congratulates; congratulations 9) conducted; conductor IV 重点词汇(旨在提供综合运用所需材料) 1. ambition (n.) 雄心[重点用法]ambitious adj. 志向远大的; 有雄心壮志的;有野心的be ambitious for [power, social position, etc.] 极欲获得[权力, 社会地位等] be ambitious of success渴望成功第 2 页共 76 页be ambitious to serve the people一心想为人民服务[典例]1) Her ambition is the presidency. 她的抱负是成为一名总统2) After several hours‘ work, she had no ambition to go dancing. 没有精力去跳舞了3) The prince was attracted by the girl‘s beauty, and ambitious to marry her. 王子为女孩的美貌打动了,渴望能娶到她。
甘肃省金昌一中高三英语 Unit1 Vocabulary1学案
学习目标To learn to use words in correct situation合作互动学生活动教学设计及二次备课学习重点To learn some target phrases and know how to use them correctly互动与展示1.starve vi.& vt.(使)挨饿;饿得要死;(使)饿死vi.渴望;极需要(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)At that time people would starve if food wasdifficult to find,especially during the cold wintermonths.在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们会挨饿。
1)He said he would starve rather than beg for food.他说他宁愿挨饿也不要饭。
2)Let’s get something to eat; I’m starving.我们吃点东西吧;我饿坏了。
New contents:Ss have a discussionabout the usage ofthe words.学习难点To learn examples of key words and phases自主研讨学生活动教学设计及二次备课目标与导入Learning aim:To learn to use words and phasesLead in:Give some examples and let the students to guess the meaningof the words and phasesAim showing and leadin.自学与诊断根据英文释义和首字母提示写出单词1. to give something to somebody such as a prizeor money for something they have done 2. to makesomeone believe something that is not true 3. toget or achieve something, usually as a result of a lot of effort4. to get, come or bring together 5. tosuffer or die because you do not have enough to eat用所给词的适当形式填空6.They _ his success and the __ lasted fourhours.(celebration)7.We _ in his ability, and the ___ resulted from hisbehavior.(belief)8.They gained in 1969, and now they are a proud andpeople.(independence)9.development lies in the scienceHomework commentsand Preview check:Ask the students toread and write somewords to check theirpreview.精讲与点拨(1)starve to death 饿死(2)starve for sth. 渴望获得某物starve to do sth. 渴望做某事be starved of 渴望;缺乏(3)starvation n. 饿死starving adj. 饥饿的①They got lost in the desert and starved to death.他们在沙漠中迷了路,饥饿而死。
甘肃省金昌一中高三英语 Unit1 Vocabulary2学案
课题Unit 1 Vocabulary2学习目标To learn to use words in correct situa tion合作互动学生活动教学设计及二次备课学习重点To learn some target phrases and know how t o use them correctly互动与展示5.admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕;夸奖;欣赏(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)China and Japan have midautumn festivals,whenpeople admire the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes.We stopped halfway up the hill to admire the view.我们在半山腰停下来欣赏风景。
She is admiring herself in the mirror when I entered theroom.我进屋时,她正对着镜子自我欣赏。
(1)admire sb. for sth. 因某事而钦佩某人(2)admiration n. 钦佩;羡慕with/in admiration 钦佩地(3)admiring adj. 佩服的;称赞的New contents:Ask the students tolearn the usefulexpressions.学习难点To learn examples of key words and phases自主研讨学生活动教学设计及二次备课目标与导入Learning aim:To learn to use words and phasesLead in:Give some examples and let the students to guess the meaningof the words and phasesAim showing and leadin.自学与诊断1.take 发生2. memory of 纪念;追念3.dress 盛装;打扮;装饰4.play a trick 搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑5.look forward 期望;期待;盼望6.day night 日夜;昼夜;整天7. though 好像8.have with 玩得开心9.in the shape 以……的形式;呈……的形状10.be proud 为……而自豪/骄傲用award, prize和reward填空③How can I your kindness?④She offered a of DS| 20,000 for informationabout her missing son.⑤Edinburgh was the title of World’sFirst City of Literature.⑥He got the first in the contest.Homework commentsand Preview check:Ask the students toread and write somewords to check theirpreview.精讲与点拨①I admire him for his bravery and learning.我钦佩他胆识过人,学识渊博。
高三英语学案 字母 L
高三英语学案字母L1. land v/vi (使)上岸,(使)登陆;(使)着陆,降落The pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely.We shall be landing at Beijing airport----- please fasten your seat-belt.The goods were landed from the ship.land n. 与海洋相比较After a week adrift at sea, we spotted land.the earth 与其它星相比较Billions of people live on earth.the ground 与空中相比较The horse fell to the ground.the floor 室内行走的地面,室外用the ground The dishes crashed to the kitchen floor.The ground is too wet for camping.the country 与城镇相比Why don‟t we take a trip to the country and get some fresh air?soil /earth 指生长植物的土The soil /earth is pretty good.2. last v. adv.Last n. the last He was the first to arrive and the last to leave.At last 表示长时间后发生的事I tried and at last I managed it.Last night /week / year……Did you watch the game on TV last night?翻译下列的句子:He is the last man to come.He is the last man to do it.He is the last person for such a job.He should be the last (man) to blame.He is the last man to consult( 商量).This is the last place where I expected to meet you .炎热的天气持续了整整一个月____________________________________________________.3. late adj. adv. 晚,迟The train was ten minutes late./fastDon‟t be late for school.In late summer in the late eighties in one‟s late fortiesLate in August/ the evening/ 19554. later 后来,此后two years /three weeks/ seconds/……latersooner or laterlater on 以后将来in afterI can‟t eat all of this--- I‟ll finish it later on.At first things well, but (a few days)later on we ran into trouble.I think he‟ll be a millionaire in/after a year/ or two.He will be back in a minute/after five o‟clock.After a few days I felt much better.In a few days you‟ll feel much better.5. latelyI have been feeling ill just lately.6. lawbreak the law; obey the law (be) against the lawby lawThe new law comes into force next month.Every citizen should obey the laws.Those who break the law can be punished.It is against the law for children to work before they are fifteen.7. lead v.(1). 走在前面引导某人或牵引某人或动物The hostages (人质)were blindfolded and led to a waiting car.(2). 道路、电线通向Where does the road lead?(3). 引发某事lead sb to do sthWhat led you to take up (从事) teaching as a carear?(4). 过……生活lead a normal /exciting/ dull…. Life.(5). Lead to 导致Hard work leads to success.8. learn (1) 学习(2)获悉、得知、听到(learn of/about )(3) learn fromlearn sth by heartlearn one‟s lesson cf teach sb a lesson翻译下列句子:1>. 得知她的死讯我们都很难____________________________________________________.2>. 当我们去年度假晒伤了皮肤后,我真的得到了教训。
甘肃省金昌一中高三英语 Unit1 Practice1学案
课题Book3 Unit 1 Practice 1学习目标 To practice some grammar exercises合作互动学习重点 To review some important points 学习难点 To review the useful expressions自主研 讨学生活动 教学设计及二次备目标 Learning aim: To practice so me exercises and review the useful expressions Lead in:Read the new words and phrases.Aim showing and lead in.自学与诊断Ⅰ.句型转换1.The group lit candles to remember Laura and herbrother.→The group lit candles in memory of Laura and herbrother.2.John was hoping to wo rk with the new teache r.→John was looking forward to working with the newteacher.3.You can hear the traffic from your room all the time.→You can hear the traffic from your room day and night.4.No one wants to make friends with him, because helikes to make fun of others.→He likes to play tricks on others; as a result, noone wants to make friends with him.Homework commentsand Previewcheck:Ask the studentsto review theusefulexpressions.学生活动教学设计及二次备课达标检测与评价检测与纠错单项填空1.—What was she doing when you came in?—She was ________ the view from the window.A.respecting B.admiringC.gathering D.hunting2.—Why was Mr Li so happy this morning?—Because he was honoured with a(n)________forexcellence in teaching.A.present B.giftC.award D.reward3.Many of his ideas, which were not known to all atfirst,have________popular support later.A.gained B.ownedC.gathered D.acceptedⅠ.one1.t t2.3.4.I5.6.1.—2.3.—4.The student coming from the country wasstarving________the friendship from________who comefrom the city.A.for; others B.about; someC.for; those D.about; the ones5.________ money, he had to do a part-time job.。
甘肃省金昌高三英语 Unit1 Practice1学案
课题Book3 Unit 1 Practice 1学习目标To practice some grammar exercises合作互动学生活动教学设计及二次备课学习重点To review some im portant points自学与诊断1.I have to admire (佩服;钦佩) him for the way he handledthe situation.2.The street cleaner is gathering (收集) rubbish in therain.3.The homeless children were starving (渴望) for safetyand love.4.On my arrival (到达) at the hotel, he gave me a sweetkiss.5.Students can gain (获得) valuable experience by workingwith the local villagers.Test andconsolidation:Ask students tocomplete the formsand then review thephrases.学习难点To review the useful expressions自主研讨学生活动教学设计及二次备课目标Learning aim: To practice some exercises and review the usefulexpressionsLead in:Read the new words and phrases.Aim showing and leadin.自学与诊断Ⅰ.句型转换1.The group lit candles to remember Laura and her brother.→The group lit candles in memory of Laura and her brother.2.John was hoping to wo rk with the new teache r.→John was looking forward to working with the new teacher.3.You can hear the traffic from your room all the time.→You can hear the traffic from your room day and night.4.No one wants to make friends with him, because he likes tomake fun of others.→He likes to play tricks on others; as a result, no one wantsto make friends with him.Homework commentsand Preview check:Ask the students toreview the usefulexpressions.精讲与点拨单项填空1.It is quite an informal gathering; you needn’t ________for it.A.dress in B.dress up C.dress D.dress on2.The naughty boys would play ________ trick on________neighbors who didn’t give them any sweets onHalloween.A.a; 不填 B.a; the C.the; 不填 D.不填; the3.A monument was set up at the centre of Tian’an men Square________ those who devoted their lives to our country.A.in praise of B.in search of C.in memory of D.in needof4.Great changes ________ in our hometown during the pastten years.A.have happened B.have taken placeC.were happened D.were taken placeAsk the students tofinish the multiplechoices, and thensummarize the skillswhile doing theexercises.学生活动教学设计及二次备课达标检测题检测与评价检测与纠错单项填空1.—What was she doing when you came in?—She was ________ the view from the window.A.respecting B.admiringC.gathering D.hunting2.—Why was Mr Li so happy this morning?—Because he was honoured with a(n)________for excellencein teaching.A.present B.giftC.award D.reward3.Many of his ideas, which were not known to all at first,have________popular support later.A.gained B.ownedC.gathered D.acceptedⅠ.选词填空set off, out of breath, hold one’s breath, fall in love with, turn up, keep one’s word1.I had been waiting for you in the freezing wind for 3 hours, but you didn’t turn up.2.He held his breath, not daring to make any sound.3.I believe whatever he says, for he always keeps his word.4.If you want to catch that train we’d better set off for the station immediately.5.When we got to the top of the mountain, we were nearly out of breath.6.After working together for two years, they fell in love with each other.1.—What time are you planning to ________ tomorrow?— It’s up to you.A.set off B.put off C.turn off D.take off2.It is a good habit to ________, for people will always believe in you.A.keep one’s word B.hold one’s breathC.help oneself D.get ready3.— What are you reading, Jim?— I’m not really reading, just ________ the pages.A.turning over B.turning aroundC.turning off D.turning up检测与纠错4.The student coming from the country was starving________thefriendship from________who come from the city.A.for; others B.about; someC.for; those D.about; the ones5.________ money, he had to do a part-time job.A.Starving to B.Starving ofC.Starved of D.Starved to6.Tom ________ friendship and experience from the localresidents, working with them for three years.A.earned B.wonC.gained D.made课后反思:。
2022年高三英语Unit18BeautyL1what is beauty一轮复习导学案
高三英语Unit18BeautyL1what is beauty一轮复习导学案Unit 18lesson 1导学案Unit18 lesson 1 单词词组用法1.superior .adj. 更高的,上级的;更好的,更优秀的常用短语:be superior to 比…更优越, to 为介, 不能与than连用e.g.(1) I will report what you did to your superior officer._____________________________________________(2).Tsinghua university and Beijing university are clearlysuperior to other universities in china._________________________________________2.adore .vt. 敬爱,非常喜欢If you adore someone, you feel great love and admiration for them e.g. (1). She adored her parents and would do anything to please them._______________________________________________ _____(2). My mother adores bananas and eats two a day...________________________________________________ ___(3). I adore good books and the theatre.____________________________________________________ 3.accompany伴随,陪伴,伴奏阅读以下句子,注意accompany在句中的不同意思,并从以上三条释义中找出与之对应的解释。
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高三英语学案字母L1. land v/vi (使)上岸,(使)登陆;(使)着陆,降落The pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely.We shall be landing at Beijing airport----- please fasten your seat-belt.The goods were landed from the ship.land n. 与海洋相比较After a week adrift at sea, we spotted land.the earth 与其它星相比较Billions of people live on earth.the ground 与空中相比较The horse fell to the ground.the floor 室内行走的地面,室外用the ground The dishes crashed to the kitchen floor.The ground is too wet for camping.the country 与城镇相比Why don‟t we take a trip to the country and get some fresh air?soil /earth 指生长植物的土The soil /earth is pretty good.2. last v. adv.Last n. the last He was the first to arrive and the last to leave.At last 表示长时间后发生的事I tried and at last I managed it.Last night /week / year……Did you watch the game on TV last night?翻译下列的句子:He is the last man to come.He is the last man to do it.He is the last person for such a job.He should be the last (man) to blame.He is the last man to consult( 商量).This is the last place where I expected to meet you .炎热的天气持续了整整一个月____________________________________________________.3. late adj. adv. 晚,迟The train was ten minutes late./fastDon‟t be late for school.In late summer in the late eighties in one‟s late fortiesLate in August/ the evening/ 19554. later 后来,此后two years /three weeks/ seconds/……latersooner or laterlater on 以后将来in afterI can‟t eat all of this--- I‟ll finish it later on.At first things well, but (a few days)later on we ran into trouble.I think he‟ll be a millionaire in/after a year/ or two.He will be back in a minute/after five o‟clock.After a few days I felt much better.In a few days you‟ll feel much better.5. latelyI have been feeling ill just lately.6. lawbreak the law; obey the law (be) against the lawby lawThe new law comes into force next month.Every citizen should obey the laws.Those who break the law can be punished.It is against the law for children to work before they are fifteen.7. lead v.(1). 走在前面引导某人或牵引某人或动物The hostages (人质)were blindfolded and led to a waiting car.(2). 道路、电线通向Where does the road lead?(3). 引发某事lead sb to do sthWhat led you to take up (从事) teaching as a carear?(4). 过……生活lead a normal /exciting/ dull…. Life.(5). Lead to 导致Hard work leads to success.8. learn (1) 学习(2)获悉、得知、听到(learn of/about )(3) learn fromlearn sth by heartlearn one‟s lesson cf teach sb a lesson翻译下列句子:1>. 得知她的死讯我们都很难____________________________________________________.2>. 当我们去年度假晒伤了皮肤后,我真的得到了教训。
________________________________when I got sunburnt last year on vacation.9. leastat leastNot in the least 绝对不一点不、毫不It doesn‟t matter in the least if you are a bit late.-----Would you mind if I put the TV on?-----No, not in the least.She may be slow but at least she is hard to study.翻译:She was the least experienced of the teachers.__________________________________.10. leave(1).离开The plane leaves Heathrow for Orly at 12:35. Many children leave school (毕业) at 16(2). 忽略或忘记拿/ 带I have left my gloves on the bus.(3). 使保持某一状态(复合)Who left the door openDon‟t leave her waiting outside in the rain.Don‟t leave such an important thing undone.There are five minutes left.(4). 习语leave/ let sb/sth alone/be leave me be! Go away.Leave sb a messageAsk for leaveA six months‟ leaveLeave outBe /feel left out 感觉被忽视How much time do we have left to finish this?He was given a fortnight‟s leave to visit his mother.You have left out a zero in this phone number.All the others seemed to know each other and I began to feel left out. 11. lectureattend a lecture on /aboutgive/deliver a lecture on /about12. lend sth to sb = lend sb sth cf borrowgive (sb) a hand13. lack n. v.______ of vitamin B can produce a variety of symptoms._________ strength, he can‟t lift the stone.Alex‟s real problem is that he __________ confidence. 14. lesson 课;教训(令人不快的)do one‟s lessonshave lessonslearn one‟s lesson I really learned my lesson when I got sunburned last year on vacation.Teach sb a lesson It taught him a lesson he never forgot.15. letlet / have / make sb do sth (let 通常无被动/可用allow换)let‟s ……, shall we?Let us ……, will youLet/ leave sb /sth alone/ be Let me be, I want a rest..Let go 放开、松手Let go. You are hurting me.Let me see/ think You lent it to me , let me see, ……Mike.Let out .Quietly. I let me out (of my apartment).Let out a cry /screamLet down I‟m counting on you to support me—don‟t let me down.16. lettermail /post a letter17. lie n. 谎言tell a lie=tell lies tell sb a lie a white lielie v 说谎(lied/ lied/ lying) lie to sb.lie v 躺/平卧;存在于(lay/lain/lying)lay v 把……放下;下蛋(laid/ laid /laying)He was lying on the bed smoking a cigarette.She would lie awake at nights worrying.The town lies in a small wooded valley.The answer lies in two facts.18. LifeI …d never seen the woman before in my life.I‟ve lived in Beijing all my life.She spent her life in the countryside.(in ) early /later lifelead a hard /happy / exciting/ normal……lifeway/quality of lifestart/ make a new lifesave one‟s lifelose one‟s lifebring… to lifecome to lifetake your own life cf. take one‟s lifein real life19. lift 电梯take the lift在车上give sb a liftI‟ll give you a lift to the station.20. light n. 灯turn/put the light on / offthe light goes out /offturn the light down/ upgood / strong/bright /poor/ soft/ warm/ cold/blinding light ……光adj. light green; as light as air=as light as feathera light sweater; light breeze; a light tap(knock ) at the door.A light kiss; a light meal/ smoker/ eater/ drinker……v. light up (脸上/眼睛中)流露出喜悦/兴奋……Suddenly a smile lit up her face.Suddenly her lit up with joy/pride…….21. like (1). Prep.Be/ look/sound/ feel / taste/ seem (very )likeWhat sb/sth like?He is very like his brother.The building looks like a church.(2). Like v.I don‟t like it when you look.I‟d like sth/ to do sth ------ Would you like sth/ to do sth?How would you like sth ?I would like sb to do sth ----- Would you like sb to do sth?How would you like to do sth If you like. 用于提出建议How do you like sth?If you like, I could go with you to the doctor‟s.How do you like the film you saw last night?(How) would you like to go to camp in the mountains this summer?(3) n sb‟s likes and dislikes. 22. limit v. limit sth tobe limited toset a limit23. line n. hold the line 别挂断电话on the line There is a fault ……drop sb a line 给某人写短信(便条)24. little a little修饰比较级little by little things returned to normal.not a littlenot a bit25. live v live a quiet /active/healthy lifelive by doing sthlive onThey live by hunting and kill animals.Cattle live mainly on grassadj live broadcast/programme/ music/act ……adv broadcast a programme /shows/ speech…… live.26. living adj活着的one of the greatest living writers习语:living things living language27. lonely adj. Don‟t you get lonely being on your own all day?A lonely beach (海滩)Cf alone28. long adjall day/year/summer…… long 整天/整年/……adv long before/ afterit wasn‟t long beforeno longer/ not…… any longerbefore longas/ so long asso longIt will be long (some time) before……It will be long before we knw the full result.The kids were playing in the mud and before long they covered in it.This all happened long before you were born.It wasn‟t long before we realized Dan had left.The extra workers won‟t be needed any longer.You can go out to play as long as you stay in the yard.If they‟d stayed out of the war it would have been over long ago29. look v. Dad looked up from his paper and smiled.Try looking under the bed.look like look as if look after( yourself) look at look for look out look up have/ take a lookI‟ve always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination(果断)Look up the word in the dictionary.I‟m looking for Steve ----- have you seen him?Look out! There is a car coming.The twins looked at each other and smiled.You look as if you haven‟t slept all night (long).Look n look 表情----- expressionLook sb up and down look sb in the eye / faceLook down on sb look back on/ toLook forward to look into30. lose (1) 丢失/ 失去(2)输掉(比赛、辩论、战争、选举……)cf win(3) lose to sb/ 队习语:lose face lose it (发疯) lose touch with lose sight of lose one‟s life lose oneself in lose your temper/ mind/ headlose weightlose one‟s mother/ father……lose one‟s way =get/ become lost 31. lost adjThe lost/missing file(档案) eventually ( 结果) turn up among Tom‟s papers.I got thoroughly lost(完全迷路) on the way here.Mary sat there, lost in thought (想的出神)32.Love nfall /be in love (with) love at first sightsend your love togive my love toExercise for “L”1.The explorer got a disease in blood for the _____ of fresh vegetables and fruit.A. sakeB. lackC. ignoranceD. benefit Key: B2.There are two building, _____ stands nearly a hundred feet high.A. ratherB. veryC. quicklyD. largely Key: D3.----- Michael was late for Mr. Smith‟s oral class this morning.----- ______? As far as I know, he never came late to class.A. How comeB. So whatC. Why notD. What for Key: A4.How can you expect to learn anything ______ you never listen?A. in caseB. even ifC. unlessD. when Key: D5. I grew up in Africa, ____ at least I should say that I spent much f the first ten years of my life there. A. and B. or C. so D. but Key: B5.----______ leave at the end of this month.---- I don‟t think you should do that until _____ another job.A. I‟m going to; you‟d foundB. I‟m going to ; you‟ve foundC. I‟ll ; you‟ll findD. I‟ll; you‟d find Key: B6.----- I like literature and music.----- You said. As is seen from your school report, you know little of mathematics, and ____ of physics. A. the same as B. as little as C. still less D.the least Key: C7.----- Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?------_____ Oh yes! It‟s past the post office, next to a big market.A. mm, let me think.B. Oh, I beg your pardon ?C. You‟re welcomeD. What do you meanKey: A8. Would you like _____ knife and fork, or would you rather use _____chopsticks, sir?A. the; theB. a; /C. /; theD. /; / Key:B8.I used to earn _____ than a pound a week when I first stared work.A. a littleB. a fewC. fewerD. less Key: D9.I _____ in London for many years, but I‟ve never regretted my final decision tomove back to China.A. livedB. was livingC. have livedD. had lived Key: A10.The article gave a ____ description n South American life.A. liveB. lifeC. livingD. lively Key: D11.The pupil was ____ down with those book.A. carriedB. loadedC. putD. pressed Key: B12.You were silly not _____ your car.A. to lockB. to have lockedC. lockingD. having locked Key: B13.It _____ long before the Chinese Space Center _____ Shenzhou VII Spacecraft.A. will not be; launches(发射)B. is; will launchC. will not be; will launchD. is; launches Key: A14.---- Have you seen Bob recently?----- No, but I was told that he _____ for a new job all through the summer.A. has been lookingB. had been lookingC. is lookingD. was looking Key:B。