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3) 单数人称代词比复数正式。
eg. Everyone should do his (their) duty.
Give me (us) a kiss, darling.
Everyone thinks he knows (they know) the answer.
4) 指作者本人用 `We' 比 `I' 正式。 5) 泛指人时,`One' 比 `you' 正式。
2.短语动词: pick up,give up,go on with ,fall out,look into
正式: 1.词汇: explode,reduce,position, fatigurd
2.短语动词: choose,abanபைடு நூலகம்on, continue,quarrel,investgate
eg. As we (I) showed in Chapter One, it is not an easy question
. One (You) never knows what may happen.
6) 在复合句中,主句和从句中的 d.
主语出现名词和代词时,主句中 d.)
The plane took off as soon as it had refuele (It took off as soon as the plane had refuele
However (No matter how) difficult the work may be , I shall finish it
I. 关系代词
1) 定语从句中作宾语的关系词`Whom' 比 `who'正式。 He is the person whom (who) I met the other day.
With what did he write it? (What did he write it with?
情态动词 1) 用于请求时,`May' 比 `can' 正式。 May (Can) I use your bike? 2) 用于请求时,`Would' 和 `Could' 比 `will' 和 `can' 正式。 Would / Could ( Will / Can) you like to give a speech?
2. A lot of slang(大量的俚语) 3. Simple sentences(简单的句子) 4.常用第一,第二人称(例如I ,you, we) 5. Acronyms(缩写单词,如常常使用it’s)
非正式: 1. 词汇: blow up,cut down,job, tired
5.Avoiding Acronyms and abbreviations words
1. short of Words (较短的单词),oral vocab ulary(口语词汇),phrasal verb(短语动词 )
Thank you !
• a social butterfly 社交蝴蝶(善于交际,会应酬的人) • all ears 全是耳朵(洗耳恭听) • back on track 重上轨道(改过自新) • between a rack and a hard place 进退维谷(前有狼后有虎

• burn brides 烧桥(过河拆桥)
❖ 人们在什么场合选择什么样正式程度的词语, 是一个十分重要的问题。 根据现代语言学研究的结果, 可根据词语的正式程度, 把词语大致分四类:
(1) 深奥词。 大多数深奥词来自拉丁语、法语和希腊语, 使用的场合一般较为正式。
(2) 大众词。
此类词语在正式或非正式的场合中使用最广泛,使用频度最高, 是人们在每天的 交际中必不可少的语言。
3) 和kind 连用的名词单数比复数正式。 This kind of dog (These kinds of dogs are) is easy to train. I like most kind of cat (cats).
➢倒装句比不倒装句正式。 Had I known it (If I had known it) I would have told you. Hardly have I seen this. (I have hardly seen this.)
1) 单数比复数正式。 None / Neither of them has (have) arrived yet.
2) 复数比单数正式。 If I were (was) you I would do that. Neither his wife nor his child have (has) arrived. There are (is) hundreds of people outside.
2) 在定语从句中作主语和宾语的关系词`Who' `whom' and `which'比 `th at' 正式。 He is the person who (that) is well-known all over the country. This is the book which (that) I bought yesterday. I know the person whom (that) you spoke to.
泛指时定冠词比名词复数正式 The horse is a very useful animal. (Horses are very useful animals.)
从句比不定式的形式正式 It is important that we should do it (for us to do it). It seems that he is a teacher. (He seems to be a teacher.)
2)方式和程度状语可用介词短语,也可以用副词表示,一般说,介 词短语比副词正式。
He spoke in a confident way / with confidence. (confide ntly)
3) 英语中用一些副词有两种形式,一种是-ly形式,一种是同形容
1) 通常在比较级中主格比宾格正式。 eg. He is taller than I (me). Who is there ? It is I.(me)
2) 在动名词前,所属格比主格正式。 eg. Do you mind my (me) smoking? I am surprised at his (him) making that mistak
I'll get back as quickly (quick) as I can. He read loudly (loud). I guessed rightly (right).
4) 让步状语从句 `how (who, when, what) ever' 的形式
比 no matter how (who, when, what) 的形式正式。
非正式英语(Informal English ) 又称口头英语( Spoken English) , 或日常 交谈语体。其特点是多少有些脱离标准语言规范, 用词比较自由, 句型结构比较 简单。作者和读者( 听者) 之间试图建立一种随和的、轻松的、密切的关系。 语言的环境多种多样, 谈话人之间的关系千差万别。因此, 口头用语可分为两类: 规范口头语体和亲昵口头语体
(3) 口语词。
指非正式谈话和写作中所使用的亲昵的词语、短语、习语等。这些词语和习语 被认为不适合在礼貌的会话或正式通信场合中使用。
(4) 理语词。
最不正式的一种语言。供青年人、社会行业之间交际时所使用的“ 行话” 。 对此类词语的使用要十分慎重, 尤其不宜在正式的社交场合中使用。但是, 由于理语 具有创新、生动和传播迅速的特点, 因此, 目前, 便语似呈使用范围日渐扩大的趋势。
III. 指示代词
1) 当`This' 和 `that'都是后指时,'that' 比 `this' 正式。 That (This) is what I thought.
2.)`that / those' 作为先行词比名词正式。 Those flowers are better than those which (the flowers) we planted last year.
1. Complicated vocabulary(复杂词汇 ) 2. Single Word(单个动词来代替简单的短语动词且避免俚
3. long and complicated sentences(复杂长句)
4. Impersonal Pronoun and (经常使用it这样的非人称
就像中文一样,英语里面也分正式和非正式用法。对于新手来说,弄错用错是非常正常的。 为了要达到熟练把握这两者的区别和用法场合上的不同,需要长期的努力。但是,有一些 最基本的,最直接的区别还是能够让人一目了然。下面就列出几条。
1、简单句通常是用在非正式环境。 2、过去分词,独立主格结构,动名词形式作修饰通常用在正式环境。 3、排比,修辞,并列句通常用在正式场合。 4、Anglo-Saxon词源的词一般用在非正式场合。 5、French,Greek,Latin词源的词一般是用在正式场合,而且通常为多音节词。 6、Have not, Must not, Can not等在正式场合不能缩写为haven't, mustn't, can't。 7、非正式场合who可以替代whom。 8、非正式场合,在虚拟语气中,当主语是I,he的时候谓语可以用was代替were。 9、俚语,口语表达用在非正式场合。 10、动词词组通常表示非正式的意思,为了表示正式意思可以找到相近意思的词代替
3) 指时间和地点的从句 `Prep + which' 比 `when' and `where' 从句正 式。 This is the place in which (where ) I worked. That is the day on which (when) I came.
II. 人称代词
1) 时间,原因和条件状语可以用非谓语动词的形式,也可以用状语 从句的形式,一般的说,非谓语动词形式比状语从句形式正式。
Being (As he was) a farmer, he had to get up early. W eather permitting (If weather permits), we shall go.
Formal & Informal English
正式英语(Formal English ) 是比较严谨、庄重的语体。其特点是在词汇、句 子、语音方面都必须严格遵守民族标准语言的规范。它所表达的是作者与读者 之间的一种非个人的关系, 它力求不借助其它非语言表达方式如面部表情、手势 等来准确地表达思想它通常直接论述主题, 句子长度不限。主语常以第三人称的 形式出现。正式英语可分为公文、政论、科技三种主要的书面语体
I know that he is a famous writer. He is a person whom I have known for several years.
➢介词前提比介词结尾的句子正式。 He is a person on whom we can rely (whom we can rely o n).