9.11对美国经济的影响 英文报告(另有PPT)

美国GDP 增长率从2000年第2季度的5.7%降到第3、4季度的1.3%和1.9%,今年第1、2季度进一步降到1.3%和0.3%。

Today, we tell the story of the 9-11 attacks through some of the words spoken that morning ten years ago. A newly released document includes recordings of air traffic controllers, military pilots and others reacting to the fast-moving events.今天,我们将通过9.11袭击事件发生时的一些对话回顾10年前的那一幕。
On September eleventh, two thousand one, nineteen al-Qaida members hijacked four passenger planes in the eastern United States. They crashed two of them into the World Trade Center in New York City, destroying the Twin Towers.2001年9月11日,19名基地组织成员在美国东部劫持了4架客机,并将其中两架撞向纽约世贸中心,撞毁了这栋双塔楼。
A third plane hit the Pentagon, the Defense Department headquarters outside Washington. The fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.第三架飞机撞到了华盛顿郊外的国防部总部五角大楼。
The document is known as an "audio monograph." It begins with normal radio calls shortly after eight o'clock. American Airlines Flight 11 had just left Boston for Los Angeles with ninety-two people.这份新公布的文件被称为“音频专辑”,它从八点后不久的正常电台呼叫开始。

Meanwhile the textile industry and heavy industry also developed.
American Economy Industries ------Cities
New York Pittsburgh Chicago Detroit Dallas and Houston Seattle San Francisco and Los Angeles
American Economy Industries ------Sectors
1. US has the largest aviation industry in the world.
2. Major aircraft companies:
Boeing, McDonald Douglas
American Economy Industries ------Distribution
Distribution of Industries
1. Northeastern America , the most important industrial region.
New England and Great Lakes
American Economy
Industrial Revolution
“The Wealth of Nations”
Adam Smith
American Economy General Survey
1. The structure of the economy 2. The position in the world 3. Inflation and Deficit
2. it stands by the Ohio River which finally joins the Mississippi River.

浅析“9.11”事件对美国经济的影响雷震摘要:在美国经济进行阶段性调整的关键时期,“9.11” 恐怖袭击事件的发生为美未来经济发展带来巨大不确定性。

American Economy
Contents: 1. Industrial Revolution 2. General Survey 3. Industries 4. Agriculture
American Economy
Industrial Revolution
Position of the American Economy 1. “superpower” in world affairs 2. dominant position of the dollar
“Bretton Woods System”
American Economy General Survey
Bretton Woods System 1. most major currencies are pegged to the US dollar 2. the dominant position of the dollar was formally
established in the Bretton Wood system which was held in 1945 at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire and attended by 45 countries. 3. The conference also set up the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the World Bank, and GATT( the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), later known as WTO, it is a world trading system.


Airlines and aviation 航天航空业
பைடு நூலகம்
The American Airlines industry was already in trouble due to the recession, but the 9/11 attacks came to worsen the situation. Share prices of airlines and airplane manufacturers plummeted after the attacks. Many airlines were threatened with bankruptcy, and tens of thousands of layoffs were announced in the week following the attacks.
The events of 9/11 immediately affected the U.S. labor market. With the unemployment rate already above the 3.9% reached during the 1990s economic expansion, the 9/11 attacks worsen the condition of the workers already annoyed by the recession that started in March 2001.for example, tens of thousands of employees in airlines,and 3,000 in tourism were layoff.
The Impact of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the US

Post-crisis USThe financial crisis started from 2008 has had a great influence on the USA in many aspects including politics, economy and people’s daily life.Here are some datas about America from The World Bank: Year 2007 2008 20091.9 -0.0 -2.6GDPgrowth(annual%)Central government46.5 54.9 67.1debt, total (% ofGDP)81 82 83School enrollment,tertiary (% gross)Unemployment,4.65.8 9.3total (% of totallabor force)From the datas above,we can have a look at post-crisis US.The first of all , the speed of GDP growth of America has slowed down because of the crisis. It's GDP even decreased from 2008 to 2009. However, the USA is still the most developed country in the world.Secondly, the central government debt was increasing in the period from 2007 to 2009. Due to the poor economy, the federal government even don't have enough money, and it has to borrow more and more.Thirdly, the unemployment of total labor force increased at a surprising speed according to the sheet above. Unemploymentmay cause more crimes and social unrest. And the people tended to complain about the government.Many people even lose hope on the future.The last, the rate of school enrollment in tertiary had increased in the period from 2007 to 2009. Why? I think may be the reason is the unemployment. Because jobs are more difficult to look for,students prefer to stay at school rather than go to society where they can't find a job.And that's some general analysis about post-crisis US.基础医学院临床医学(七年制)王运超 20105620829。

The geopolitical effects of 9.11Professor Ms. Niloufer Bhagwat, J.Sun May 1, 2005 00:49The 11th September 2001 terrorist attacks and the war, raise issues as to the use of 9.11 attacks and the war; within the United States; even as Corporations, collapsed, due to financial accounting frauds and systemic problems, which resulted in millions of job losses,attributed to 9.11 by the media,Two witnesses appeared before the T ribunal, to depose about conditions in the United States, immediately after the 11th September 2001. Mr. Bobby Marsh who lost a loved one in the World T rade Centre, gave the T ribunal a poignant account of the personal tragedies of so many people in the United States, including his own. The attacks were seen by him and other people in the United States, first on T elevision. The visual images had a devastating impact on him and other people; those who had loved ones in these buildings were agonized about their safety. The witness deposed that he was informed on the cell phone by Margaret, his close friend and companion who worked at the World T rade Centre; that instructions had been given by some officials to all those trapped in the towers, when the attack took place, to stay where they were, till the fire brigade department gave further instructions; his companion who obeyed the instructions died. This was the last communication that he was to receive from her. Many people who rushed to safety, ignoring official instructions, survived. This witness further deposed that the terrorist attacks of 11th September 2001 were used to create paranoia among the people; there was an attempt to create a war hysteria. The media in particular was immediately mobilizing people for war; on the other hand the anti-war movement was supported by thousands of Americans across the United States who did not support a war on Afghanistan; even some of those who were affected by the 9.11 terrorist attacks and had lost their loved ones.Ms. Gloria Lavera, President of the press workers union, the Union of T ypographical Workers gave detailed evidence on the use of the print and television media to create mass hysteria; and on the deteriorating situation within the United States for the freedom and democratic rights of citizens; with workers losing jobs, facing repression, and reductions in their social security benefits; the witness mentioned that immigrants were detained in hundreds without trial and no access to legal counsel. Simultaneously surveillance commenced, on different groups and individuals, by intelligence organizations within the United States including illegally accessing their internet., telephones, and even libraries to verify their political beliefs. In this atmosphere, the Patriot Act was passed, sacrificing political freedom in the name of National Security; authorizing detentions and extensive surveillance of law abiding citizens. In answer to a question from the T ribunal, as to in whose interest the Patriot Act was passed; this witness replied that it was passed in the interest of the Corporations in the context of mounting job losses.11. War CrimesThe Defendant as Commander-in-Chief of U.S. forces, was aware that the military attack on Afghanistan was unjustified; yet orders were given for the carpet bombing of cities, towns, and villages. The nature of weapons of mass destruction used, the range of firepower unleashed in a country with few military targets; resulted in mass murder of civilians and unnecessary loss of life of combatants who were surrendering. The entire infrastructure ofAfghanistan was destroyed;The women of Afghanistan who have lived through the horror of these war crimes, have given evidence before this T ribunal; their oral evidence has been reinforced and supported by authoritative reports of humanitarian and scientific organizations. It is clear from these reports from neutral sources, that the bombings of United States military forces were indiscriminate, sparing neither the International Red Cross Hospitals in Kabul and Kandahar, the Kajakai dam; warehouses of the Red Cross where food was stored; the maternity hospital at Kabul; the military hospital at Herat; homes, electrification facilities, irrigation projects, schools, TV stations and telephone exchanges were among other institutions indiscriminately bombed and destroyed; constructed over years of development efforts by the people of Afghanistan, a landlocked developing country.The testimony of Kenji Katsui, a journalist from Japan, who with a team investigated the destruction caused by the war and bombing; reveals that in several parts of Kabul, in towns and villages across of Afghanistan, civilian homes and the infrastructure of the country was in ruins, due to bombing; sources of water supply and electricity were affected, normal life in such circumstances for the people was impossible. The witness conceded that a civil war, had raged in Afghanistan for more than 20 years, causing immense suffering; however he emphasized, that the war waged by the United States was the final blow. The witness handed over the video film taken by him which was screened by the T ribunal, of the destruction caused and interviews with people in Afghanistan. The witness maintained that his testimony was supported by the entire investigative team; present as observers at the trial.There have been other agonizing accounts before this T ribunal, of indiscriminate bombing of civilian homes and areas; from witnesses for whom it was not easy to depose, as they were women from Afghanistan, the victims of the bombing, directly affected. Witnesses A, B and C (whose identities have been concealed on request by referring to them in an alphabeticalorder)Witness A had lost members of her family in the bombings of Kabul in a civilian home;Witness B fled from Afghanistan, when the bombings commenced from U.S. aircraft;trekked several miles seeking shelter in refugee camps on the borders of Afghanistan/Pakistan, which she said lacked in 2001 the basic facilities, such as food and other amenities, which had been available during the earlier civil war in Afghanistan, when she had sought shelter from successive regimes and their atrocities; deposing that she and her family had become a refugee four times since 1979. Witness C had lost her daughter, adedicated young teacher in her early twenties, immediately after her marriage; the couple had been bombed in their home, by United States forces while they were asleep; her only desire was that a school be constructed, to commemorate her daughter's commitment toeducation.On answers to questions from the T ribunal the witnesses denied that their homes were military targets, or in close proximity to any military installations; Witness A stated that a few T aliban were residing in residential homes in the area, but there were no militaryinstallations.The witnesses agonized by their loss, maintained, that the reason for their presence at the trial, was the necessity to find a voice for the suffering inflicted on them, without reason; and the disruption of their lives earlier by the civil war between the Mujahideen forces and the government of Afghanistan, when Russian troops arrived; thereafter by the warlords; after that by the T aliban forces; and finally by the U.S. military invasion, bombings andoccupation; they had lost hope for the future.Even as the T ribunal prepared for its concluding hearings in December 2003; a UN spokesmen on 5th/6th December expressed regret that 15 children were killed in U.S. bombing, on a village. Whereas U.S. forces claimed that this was collateral damage as theywere pursuing the T aliban.12. Plea on behalf of the Defendant of "collateral damage” on civilians that use of weapons of mass destruction not prohibited by a specific Convention; legally untenable in view of clear rules of International Humanitarian Law for the conduct of warfare.CLICK FULL REPORT:/cc/gwbush/icta.judgment.htmI believe that "T ruth “is a weapon on the side of humanity. If truth is known, tyranny and injustice will be defeated. The T ribunal has performed its Judicial task. It is now for peopleto ensure the implementation of this verdict.Professor Ms. Niloufer Bhagwat, J.T okyo, 13th March 2004/mason/stories/WO0403/S00215.htm\\\\\\\\\\\We are an action-oriented 9-11 website. Many good websites already exist offering research and analysis of the events of September 11th, 2001. Our purpose is not to duplicate these efforts, nor to prove or disprove what really happened. Rather, our goal is to support the 9-11 truth movement itself, led by the victims' families' efforts to obtain full government accountability for the suspicious and unprecedented intelligence and air defense failures that took place before and during the attacks. What you will find on this site are information andtools designed to help build this movement.。

国经济的下滑拖 累了整个西欧经济 , 去年欧盟经济增 长率达 到 3 4 , .% 今年下降到 I5 . %。日本则陷入 了过 去十一年来的第 四次衰退 , 第二季度经济增长为负的 3搦 , . 估计全年增长为负的 1 。发展 中国家 中受打 % 击最大 的是外 向型经济体 , 因为它们的经济增长高度 依赖 出K , I 尤其是对 美国的出口。拉丁美洲的生产在 萎缩 , 而亚洲不少 国家已经 进入 了衰退 ( 下表 ) 见 。世 界银 行最新报告 显示 :2 0 年世界经济 增长率 只有 01 i3 而贸易增 长率大幅下滑 , . %; 将从去年 的 1%锐减 3 至 1O 。另据 国际货 币基金组织 ( ) .% I 统计 , 7 MF 自 O 年代 中期 以来世 界经济在 i7 年 、9 2年和 19 年 95 18 9i 曾发 生过三 次衰退 ,全 球 G P增长 分别 为 1 9 、 D .% i2 . %和 i4 , . % 今年 是第 四次衰退, 但它最惊人的表 现就是 比前 三次世界经 济衰退 中的任何一次都 要广 泛, 因为世界三大 经济体——美 国、 欧盟 、 本前所未 日 有地 同时陷入 衰退 。种种迹象表明 , 世界经济正面 临 自 i9 9 7年至 1 9 9 8年亚洲金 融危机 以来最严 峻的挑
经济增长 在其影响下 , 过去一年世界经济增长普遍 放缓 。 0 1 2 0 年第二季度美国的增 长率为 0 2 . %。欧元 区第二季度环 比增长率仅为 0 1 . %,年度同比的增长 率也仅为 i 7 。其 中德 国的经济下滑速度更 出乎人 .% 们的预料之外 ,去年德国经济增长了 3 , 年只有 % 今 07 , .% 由于德 国经济 占了西欧经济的 1 3的份额 , / 德

three parts
America in the colonial Era
History of American Economy
The War of independence
Tan appreciate a video
America in the colonial Era
2.The American free enterprise system emphasizes private ownership.
(1)Businesses are directly or indirectly owned and operated by private individuals. (2)The federal government is involved in the system by regulating businesses in certain ways.
A meeting of colonial leaders who opposed British oppression was held in Philadelphia. They urged Americans to disobey The Intolerable Acts and to boycott (抵制) British trade. At the same time, the colonists began to defend themselves.
The War of independence
三.Declaration of Independence 1.The Declaration of Independence was draft by Thomas Jefferson. 2.On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed. 四.Process of the War 1. It dragged on for seven years. 2. Obstacles for the continent 3.l army: 4.No enough supplies. 5.Tired and hungry, while British troops fresh and well-equipped. 6. By the middle of December, 1776, the Revolution seemed lost.

美国GDP 增长率从2000年第2季度的5.7%降到第3、4季度的1.3%和1.9%,今年第1、2季度进一步降到1.3%和0.3%。

American Economy General Survey
Inflation Inflation is a general rise in the prices
of goods ad services, the real or purchasing power value of money is reduced. E.g. Three dollars are necessary today to buy what two dollars bought yesterday.
American Economy General Survey
Structure of the economy
1. Privately-owned business 2. State-owned business 3. non-profit organizations
American Economy General Survey
4. By 1998 the gross federal debt has reached $ 2 trillion
5. interest on the federal debt is over $ 150 billion a year.
American Economy Industries
American Economy General Survey
American economy is deficit financing.
1. $23 billion during WWⅠ
2. $13 billion more during the 1930s

The U.S. recessionEconomic downturn (Recession): (by U.S. standards) when the economy in total output, income and employment for 6 months to a year of significant decline in general economic contraction in many sectors there is this economic decline as recession. Sustained more severe economic downturn into a depression. Keynes believed that the reduction in aggregate demand for goods is the main reason for the recession.The reasons for U.S. economic recessionSecond half of 2000, the U.S. economy since the end of March 1991 has been 10 years of rapid growth, entered a period of slow growth. Economic growth in 2001 declined quarter by quarter, the sudden "9.11" is a serious blow to consumer and investor confidence, the U.S. economy accelerated rate of decline. Third quarter of 2001, the U.S. economy has negative growth of 1.3%. U.S. government to save the economy has taken a series of policy measures, including: $ 4 million for emergency anti-terrorism and economic reconstruction plan, to aviation, the insurance industry to provide $ 15 billion in assistance; lowered the federal funds rate four times (2001 The Fed cut interest rates 11 times); proposed $ 100 billion economic stimulus package and other programs to save the U.S. economy. After many interventions, revive the U.S. economy: 2001 fourth-quarter GDP stabilized slight, the economic growth rate reached 1.4%, the economic indicators seem to indicate that the U.S. economy is bottoming out signs. However, the U.S. economy is indeed recovering, how much strength of the recovery is still controversial. The main reason the U.S. economic recessionOverall, the U.S. recession is the result of cyclical adjustment of economic development, the U.S. economy after 10 years of rapid growth for a structural repair. Since 1991, out of the recession, the U.S. economy began rapid expansion and continued for 10 years. However, the economic cycle, the internal laws of the objective requirements of the U.S. economy must be an appropriate adjustment, so high-tech industries in the industrial restructuring of the U.S. economy into a cyclical fluctuations when it appears a very necessary.1. "New economy" will not * eliminate cyclical fluctuations, but also needs its own structural adjustment"New economy" although there are high growth, low inflation, globalization and speed-oriented development and other new features, but because of its traditional economic and born out of long-term coexistence with the traditional economy, so in this development process, the traditional law of the economic cycle is still will play a role. Meanwhile, information technology and network development, and the overall economy more closely linked to economic adjustment from one department to another department of the transfer speed, leading to changes in speed and overall economic growth than in the past is more sensitive to economic changes . "New economy" on the amplification of fluctuations in the economy is the U.S. economy into recession this * one of the main.With the spread of information industry investment boom, the United States in the late 1990s, the international capital markets to absorb a large number of foreign investment, resulting in large-scale expansion of the U.S. stock market. In the United States in 1999 foreign direct investment and portfolio investment (excluding U.S. Treasury bonds) is $ 607 billion in 2000 to $ 782.4 billion. Because information asymmetry, resulting inscrambling of the group effect of over-expansion of investment demand, there has been a lot of duplication. Once the fluctuations in the economy, technology investments resulting in excess supply immediately apparent, the direct consequence of a large number of Internet companies closed down. According to the U.S. Internet company merger investigation, the end of 2000 there are about 210 listed companies to stop operating the network, the network companies listed about 60% of the total.(2) stock market bubble burst, the negative wealth effect into effect, so that over-consumption suddenly dropped to the bottomAccording to the U.S. Revenue Service estimates that 1995-1999 period the U.S. stock market in a bull market, the actual average annual growth rate of capital gains 34% of the residents increased by 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars in revenue. Stock market wealth effect stimulates consumption than ever before, more than a year to promote economic growth of about 1 percentage point. However, after 1999, the stock market crash of the financial assets has shrunk dramatically, resulting to a negative wealth effect. At the same time, by the economic downturn, a large number of companies have laid off employees or reduce salaries, consumer income levels were significantly decreased.3 oil prices on the U.S. economic slowdown played a role in fuelingNow the proportion of U.S. oil imports up 54%, international oil prices from the end of 1998 less than $ 10 per barrel rose to $ 14.9 per barrel (September 2000), which enables the operating costs of enterprises and consumers in the energy expenditure a significant increase in severely inhibit economic growth. According to the American Manufacturers Association estimated that in 1999 and 2000 oil prices between the U.S. economy lost more than 1150 billion dollars, the equivalent of U.S. GDP by one percentage point, higher oil prices on U.S. economic recession had a negative impact.4 U.S. economy, there are still three unresolved issuesHuge foreign trade deficit, the dollar value, and negative growth in personal savings is the current troubled U.S. economy, the three main issues. U.S. economic growth mainly rely on domestic demand, in general, a huge foreign trade deficit little negative impact on the economy. But when the sharp drop in domestic demand, the economic downturn, the huge deficit will accelerate the economic recession. Strong U.S. dollar will affect exports, further expand the trade deficit; personal savings will result in negative growth in the money market decline, stock market, especially in the capital market fell, the currency market can not play its due role, to a certain extent, will affect economic development.5. "9.11" exacerbated the extent of U.S. economic recession, the U.S. economy and the potential impact of direct"9.11" incident, the U.S. economic slowdown is limited to the information industry and related industries, accounting for a large proportion of U.S. GDP, the third industry and aviation industries are still struggling to support. Subjected to "9.11" is precisely the hardest hit areas of strength the U.S. economy, such as aviation, insurance, finance, tourism and commerce. In addition, "9.11", compared with natural disasters, its people more far-reaching psychological impact, the American people on economic and political sense of security has been seriously weakened.U.S. Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve System, referred to as the Fed) is responsible for fulfilling the duties of the Central Bank of the United States, this system isbased on "Federal Reserve Act" (Federal Reserve Act) established in 1913. Its main responsibilities are: 1, responsible for developing and implementing the monetary policy. 2, monitoring the implementation of banking institutions, credit and protect consumers' legitimate rights. 3, to maintain financial system stability. 4, the U.S. government, the public, financial institutions, foreign institutions to provide reliable financial services. This system consists of the Federal Reserve Board, Federal Reserve Bank and the Federal Open Market Committee and other components. U.S. economy accounts for about 30% of the global economy, is the world leader in the economy. It will directly lead to the deceleration of world economic growth slowed from the perspective of capital flows, the adjustment of the new U.S. economy will lead to global capital restructuring. First of all economies to adjust the level of investment. Investors to re-recognize the new economy, changes in investment philosophy, no longer blind investment in information technology, which makes investment in the new economy to the traditional economic segregation. Second, the adjustment of capital between countries. The world economic slowdown highlights the role of the dollar's safe haven, may increase capital flows into the U.S., creating the current strong dollar. While some Latin American countries, if the world economic slowdown led to capital flight to a safe place, some countries will be large-scale outflows. The U.S. recession, according to the overall impact on the size of the basis, HSBC made a sort of relevant countries, Mexico, Canada, first to Japan and the euro area came in the end. Rain friends the world economy, Japan: rising unemployment, less work, more unemployment, Asia: reduced exports to the U.S., Latin America: debt increased one billion, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, slowing GDP growth, the United States: private investment reduce Europe: consumer confidence index plunged。

Hale Waihona Puke The Social Security Act
This act establishes a social safety net for retained, disabled, and unemployed Americans, providing them with financial assistance
Financial Crisis
Many banks failed during the depression, causing a lake of access to credit and capital for businesses, which led to further economic contracts
The English version of the courseware for the Grea
目 录
IntroductionThe causes of the Great DepressionThe sequences of the Great DepressionThe Solution to the Great CompressionThe lessons of the Great Depression
Trade Policies
The sequences of the Great Depression
High unemployment
The Great Depression led to a significant increase in the unemployment rate, leaving miles of Americans without jobs
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The Impact of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the US Economy
The September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center severely shocked the New York City economy,which has effected US economy in many ways. The magnitude of the shock pushed the City's slowing economy into a recession. The attacks themselves caused approximately $40 billion in insurance losses, making it one of the largest insured events ever.[1]
1 Financial markets
In international and domestic markets, stocks of companies in some sectors were hit particularly hard. Stock exchanges closed 1week After the initial panic, the DJIA(Dow-Jones Industrial Average)quickly rose for only a slight drop.Table I highlights the Dow Jones’s resilience to terrorist attacks against U.S, which has running down at the top speed of the 10 events we list.
And the crude oil price,as u can see from the picture,the has been risen since 1997, however,it has falled into a valley in 2001.
2. Airlines and aviation 航天航空业
The American Airlines industry was already in trouble due to the recession, but the 9/11 attacks came to worsen the situation. Share prices of airlines and airplane manufacturers plummeted after the attacks. Many airlines were threatened with bankruptcy, and tens of thousands of layoffs were announced in the week following the attacks.
3 Tourism 旅游业
Tourism in New York City also plummeted , causing massive losses in a sector which employed 280,000 people and generated $25 billion per year. In the week following the attack, hotel occupancy fell below 40%, and 3,000 employees were laid off.
4 Consumer Confidence in Regards to Spending
personal consumption expenditures and personal income and the disposition of income represent a few of the indicators depicting consumer confidence.Note, however, that the purpose here is to simply point out economic growth and consumer confidence level changes during the year of the attacks
5 Foreign Direct Investments in the United States
Foreign investments in the United States fared quite well, as demonstrated in Tables IV and V, Clearly, they deduced that such an occurrence was rare and did not require an exodus en masse from US markets. there was a decline in cumulative FDI stock in the United States, falling from a record 31.5 percent growth in investments in 2000 to a 6.9 percent growth by the end of 2001.
6 Unemployment
The events of 9/11 immediately affected the U.S. labor market. With the unemployment rate already above the 3.9% reached during the 1990s economic expansion, the 9/11 attacks worsen the condition of the workers already annoyed by the recession that started in March 2001.for example, tens of thousands of employees in airlines,and 3,000 in tourism were layoff.
7 illegal immigration
One indicator of illegal immigration—the number of migrants apprehended at the
U.S.–Mexico border—also shows a drop at the beginning of 2001 (Chart 4).
8 fiscal policy and budgetary resources
Tables7 and 8 show US receipts and expenditures for the 1992-2006 period
The events of September 11 lead to an increase in national security and an increase in U.S. military spending,whose expenditures reached double-digit percentage increases following the 2001 attacks,as you can see from the table 6
9 New York City (NYC)
The city of New York was severely affected by the 9/11 attacks. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives, more lost their job, the number of small businesses drop roughly, 1.5 billion USD were required to cleanup and restore the World Trade Centers' site; and more than 20 billion USD were needed to repair damaged buildings and destroyed infrastructure
1 Financial markets
2. Airlines and aviation 航天航空业
3 Tourism 旅游业
4 Consumer Confidence in Regards to Spending
5 Foreign Direct Investments in the United States
6 Unemployment
7 illegal immigration
8 fiscal policy and budgetary resources
9 New York City (NYC)
10 Conclusion。