
标准实用Multiple 11. The keyboard, mouse, monitor, and system unit are:2. Programs that coordinate computer resources, provide an interface, and run applications are known as:3. A browser is an example of a:4. Although not as powerful as a supercomputer, this type of computer is capable of great processing speeds and data storage.5. The smallest type of microcomputer:netbook handheld midrange tablet PC6. RAM is a type of:computer memory network secondary storage7. Unlike memory, this type of storage holds data and programs even aftermainframe midrangenetbookcentermedia specialized programutility programbasic application system application operating systemsutility programsapplication programs storage systems hardware software devices devicesstorage outputelectrical power to the computer system has been turned off.8. The type of file created by word processors to save, for example, memos, term papers, and letters.9. The change in connectivity that uses the Internet and the Web to shift many computer activities from a user ’s computer to computers on the Internet.definitioncomputingnetworkcloud high USB presentationworksheetdocumentdatabase secondary primary RAMROM标准实用10. The largest network in the world is [the]:Multiple 21. The network that connects computers all over the world.2. The rules for exchanging data between computers.3. Client-based e-mail accounts require this special program to be installed on your computer.4. Communities of individuals who share a common interest typically create Facebook:5. E-mail that does not require an e-mail program installed on a user's computer is known as:6. A very well-known microblog.Webmailu t il it y podcastblog profiles clients groups pageshyperlinku t il it y client e-mail JavaprotocolsWWW Web DSL Internet CERN Web LAN Facbeook InternetUSBWeb7. These programs continually look for new information and update search services ’ database programs.8. A type of search engine that submits requests to other search engines, organizes their responses, eliminates duplicate responses, orders hits, and then provides an edited list.ISPspecialized search enginedirectory search metasearch enginespidersf ilt e r s wikis IMWikipedia LinkedIn TwitterMySpace标准实用9. This is the Internet ’s equivalent to traditional cash.10. Using file transfer utility software, you can copy files to your computer from specially configured servers on the Internet. This is called:Multiple 31. This type of software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details.2. A rectangular area that can contain a document, program, or message.3. Programs that create text-based documents.DBMS suites spreadsheets word processors4. Programs that organize, analyze, and graph numeric data such as budgets and financial reports.DBMS suites spreadsheets word processors5. In a spreadsheet, the intersection of a row and column creates a:window dialog frame form box application general u t il it y purposesystem downloading filteringuploading bloggingdigital cash e-commerce icash Internetdollars6. A collection of related data that is the electronic equivalent of a file cabinet.7. A database tool that will quickly rearrange a ’s records according to tablespreadsheetprocessor f i l t e rword sortdatabasedocumenttable cell functionformulalabel cell a selected field.标准实用8. Programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations.9. The primary disadvantage of this type of package is that the capabilities of each function are not as extensive as in individual programs.10. A type of suite stored at a server on the Internet and available anywhere through Internet access.Multiple 41. These specialized graphics programs combine text and graphics to create publications of professional quality.2. Also known as drawing programs.3. Graphics programs used to create and edit vector images.desktop publishing programs imagegalleries image editorsillustration programsdesktop publishing programs image galleries image editorsillustration programsdesktop publishing programs image galleries image editorsillustration programsintegratedu t ility officecloud integrated softwareu t il it y officepresentation spreadsheetprocessor graphicsword DBMS ACTION4. An essential multimedia feature that allows user participation.5. Special programs used to create multimedia presentations.6. A widely used interactive animation application from Adobe.WYSIWYG FlashFuzzydesktop publishing programs image editors Flash editorsmultimedia authoring programsinteractivityimmersionraster Flash标准实用7. Programs for Web site design and HTML coding are called Web page editors or8. This area of artificial intelligence is also known as expert systems.9. A type of artificial intelligence that uses a database to provide assistance to users.10. Another name for the database used in expert systems that contains specific facts and rules.Multiple 51. What type of software works with users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details?2. The programs that convert programming instructions written by programmers into a language that computers understand and process are language:translators converters linguistsmanagersdapplication desktopsystem Linuxaccess table expert table knowledge base rulebase acoustics expert systems robotics virtualreality acoustics knowledge-based systems robotics virtualreality programseditorseditors HTML apps Web VR3. The ability to switch between different applications stored in memory is called:4. Graphic representations for a program, type of file, or function:softwarediversion programming multitaskinginterferenceoperational imageiconapp标准实用5. This operating system feature is controlled by a mouse and changes shape depending on its current function.6. The operating system based on Linux, designed for Netbook computers, and focused on Internet connectivity through cloud computing:7. The mobile operating system developed by Apple and originally called iPhone OS:Android BlackBerry OS IOS Mac OS8. A utility program that makes copies of files to be used in case the originals are lost or damaged:Backup and Restore Disk Cleanup Disk Defragmenter Compactor9. A troubleshooting utility that identifies and eliminates nonessential files, frees up valuable disk space, and improves system performance:Backup and Restore Disk Cleanup Disk Defragmenter Compactor10. Windows makes it easy to update drivers with Windows:Backup Restore Driver UpdateMultiple 61. This container houses most of the electrical components for a computer system.Windows ChromeUnix Mac pointer dialog mouse menu box2. Similar to notebooks, this system unit specializes in on-the-go Web browsing and e-mail access.chassis desktop media center netbook3. Computers can only recognize this type of electronic signal.analog bus digital maximum4. The main or motherboard is also known as the: carrier packagesystem system tuner board unit TV标准实用5. How many bytes can a 32-bit-word computer access at one time?6. In a microcomputer system, the central processing unit is contained on a single:RAM7. This type of memory divides large programs into parts and stores the parts on a secondary storage device.8. Also known as NIC, this adapter card is used to connect a computer to a:9. This provides a pathway to connect parts of the CPU to each other.bus Plug and Play wired wireless10. Older ports that have largely been replaced by faster, more flexible ports are called:buses expandable legacy renderedMultiple 7expansion graphics network AIArandom-access expanded virtual direct16 4 8 1processor computermobile system system board board module chip bus1. Most keyboards use an arrangement of keys known as:2. The device that controls a pointer displayed on the monitor.3. Also known as a roller ball, this device controls the pointer by rotating a ball with your thumb. trackball cordless joystick stylus mouse printer scanner mouse cordOptiKey QWERTY AlphaDaisy标准实用4. The type of screen that can be touched with more than one finger and supports zooming in and out by pinching and stretching your fingers.5. Flatbed and document are types of:6. Device used by banks to automatically read those unusual numbers on the bottom of checks and deposit slips.7. The most widely used audio- input device.8. The monitor feature that specifies how often a displayed image is updated.9. Handheld, book-sized devices that display text and graphics.10. This technology allows television stations to broadcast their programming directly to smartphones, computers, and digital media players.Mobile HDTV DTV CRTLED whiteboards readerse-book lasers HDTV aspect ratio dot pitch refresh rateresolution ratemicrophone mouseTFT VR MICRFDIC UPC OMR monitors scanners headsetsHDTVs multitouch digitaldynamic OLEDMultiple 81. RAM is sometimes referred to as:2. The actual physical material that holds the data and programs. primary storage media disk access3. Measures how tightly these charges can be packed next to one another on the disk. ratio active memory secondary storage primary storageread only memory标准实用4. When a read/write head makes contact with the hard disk ’s surface, it causes a head:5. This hard-disk performance enhancement anticipates data needs.6. This type of storage uses pits and lands to represent 1s and 0s.7. DVD stands for:8. USB drives are also known as:9. An organizational strategy to promote efficient and safe use of data across the networks.10. A mass storage device that provides access to data archived on tapes.library system systemtape RAID f i l e NAS cloud dynamic data mission statemententerprise storage system RAIDuniversal optical drivesdrives flash ports state bus digital versatile disc dynamic versatile discdigital video data dynamic video disc optical cloudsolid state disk hard file decompression compression cachingdisk RAID f i l e scratch crashland pit cylinders densitysectors tracksMultiple 91. The concept related to using computer networks to link people and resources.2. A high-frequency transmission cable that delivers television signals as well as connects computers in a network.coaxial hi def 3-D twisted pair connectivityTCP/IP Wi-Fi GPS标准实用3. A short- range radio communication standard that transmits data over short distances of up to approximately 30 feet.4. The speed with which a modem transmits data is called its:5. The bandwidth typically used for DSL, cable, and satellite connections to the Internet.6. Every computer on the Internet has a unique numeric address called a(n):7. Sometimes referred to as a LAN adapter, these expansion cards connect a computer to a network.8. A device that allows one LAN to be linked to other LANs or to larger networks.9. Typically using Wi-Fi technology, these wireless access points are typically available from public places such as coffee shops, libraries, bookstores, colleges, and universities.extranets hotspotsLANs PANs gateway network switch PAN IDSPCMCIAserver VPN NIC broadcast addresspacket DNS IP broadband voiceband basebandmedium band digital velocity dynamic rate modular rating transfer r a t eBluetoothbroadband TCP/IP DSL10. Star, tree, and mesh are three types of network:Multiple 101. The three primary privacy issues are accuracy, property, and:ownership s ecurity access e th ic s topologies s t r a te g ie s protocols devices标准实用2. To easily get names, addresses, and other details about a person using only his or her telephone number, government authorities and others use a(n):3. Browsers store the locations of sites visited in a:4. The browser mode that eliminates history files and blocks most cookies.5. The information that people voluntarily post in social networking sites, blogs, and photo- and video-sharing sites is used to create their:6. Computer criminals who specialize in stealing, trading, and using stolen credit cards over the Internet are known as:7. Programs that come into a computer system disguised as something else are called:8. The use of the Internet, cell phones, or other devices to send or post content intended to hurt or embarrass another person is known as:cyber-bullyingsocial media discrimination online harassmentunethical communicationviruseszombies Trojan horses bugsWeb scammersidentity carders thieves t r a d e r scyber card approval f ir e wa llidentityonline access phish privacydetect insertsleep f ir e wa ll h istor y menuto o l bard irectorykeystroke reverse cookie adware loggerworm9. Special hardware and software used to control access to a corporation ’ s private network is known as a(n):10. To prevent copyright violations, corporations often use:WPA DRMVPNACTcommunication gatespyware removal programantivirus program f ir e wa l l标准实用Multiple 111.Which of the basic organizational functions records all financial activity from billing customers to paying employees?accounting marketing production research2.What managerial level has information flow that is vertical,horizontal,and external?top supervisory middle foreman3.Which computer-based information system uses data from TPS and analytical tools to support middle managers?ESS MIS DSS TPS4.Accounts payable refers to money the company owes its suppliers for materials and services it has:created exported inventoried received5.What accounting activity keeps track of all summaries of all transactions?balance sheet general ledgerincome statement inventory control6.What accounting statement lists the overall financial condition of an organization?balance sheet general ledgerincome statement inventory control7.What type of report is produced at regular intervals?demand exception inventory periodic8. A DSS consists of four parts:user,system software,decision models,and:application software data operating systemspreadsheets9.What type of worker is involved with the distribution,communication,and creation of information?标准实用10. What type of program is designed to schedule, plan, and control project resources?Multiple 121. Facts or observations about people, places, things, and events are:data occurrences records tables2. The most basic logical data element such as a single letter, number, or special character is known as a:character element phrase record3. Each record in a database has at least one distinctive field, called the:key field structure type view4. One element of database security is to provide only authorized users with:5. The bridge between the logical and physical views of the data is provided by:passwordsr e la tio ns c lasses nodesschedulers managersa uditing pro jec t dtpinformationexecutive knowledge foreman6. Highly trained computer specialists who interact with the data administration subsystem are known as:7. In a network database, each child node may have more than one parent node; this is known as a:8. Connections between parent nodes and child nodes are provided by:many-to-many relationshiprelational relationshiphierarchy parentrelationshipDBMS data modelers database administrators relational s p e c i a l i s t s recordst a b le s DBMS SQL标准实用9. Two of the most significant advantages of multidimensional databases over relational databases are processing speed and:10. Object-oriented databases organize data by classes, attributes, methods, and:objects relations space timeMultiple 131. An information system is a collection of hardware, software, people, procedures, and:data DBMS specialists system analysts2. What is the first phase in the systems life cycle?3. Which phase in the systems life cycle involves installing the new system and training people?systems analysis systems implementationpreliminaryinvestigationsystems designneeds analysis systems analysis c onceptualization o b je c t if ic a tio n controlformatcharacters pointers objectsDBApreliminaryinvestigationsystem design4. This phase in the systems life cycle is concerned about determining system requirements not in design.systems analysis systems implementation5. Which systems analysis tool shows the relationship between input and output documents?6. These tools relieve the systems analysts of many repetitive tasks, develop clear documentation, and, for larger projects, coordinate team member activities.c hecklis td ecision t a b lechart grid data flowpreliminaryinvestigationsystem design标准实用7. Which systems life cycle phase is concerned with economic, technical, and operationalfeasibility?8. What type of feasibility evaluates whether the people within the organization will embrace or resist a new system?behavioral economic operational techinical9. Which approach to conversion begins by trying out a new system in only one part of an organization?direct pilot parallel phased10. An alternative to the systems life cycle approach using powerful development software, small specialized teams, and highly trained personnel.Multiple 141. A program is a list of instructions for the computer to follow to process:2. The major processing steps identified in a top-down program design are called:software hardware d i r e c t logicdata prototypingCASERAD AAD preliminaryinvestigationsystems design systems analysis systems implementationautomated systems life cycle data flow analyzers CASEflow chartsassembly instructions modules logic3.The programming logic structure in which one program statement follows another.4.One of the best ways to code effective programs is to use the three basic logic structures to create:content-markup programs pseudocodemodular languages structured programsc oncatenation r e p e titio n selec tio nloop标准实用5. Which step in the six-step programming procedure involves desk checking and searching for syntax and logic errors?6. Which step in the six-step programming procedure is the final step?7. Unlike traditional systems development, this software development approach focuses less on the procedures and more on defining the relationships between previously defined procedures.8. Natural languages are considered to be a:9. A compiler converts the programmer ’s procedural language program, called the source code, into a machine language code, called the:10. The 4GL languages that enable nonprogrammers to use certain easily understood commands to search and generate reports from a database.query application generator C11 COBOLMultiple 15interpreter codestructured codeobject code top-down code low- level language procedural language high- level languagemid- level languageobject-oriented context-markup module 2GLprogram documentation program maintenance program designprogram testprogram documentation program test program designprogram maintenance1. People who react to technology by thinking computers are magic boxes capable of solving all kinds of problems that computers really can ’t handle are:cynics frustrated na ï ve proactive2. The type of person that looks at technology in a positive realistic way is: frustrated proactive cynical na ï ve标准实用3. Books, journals, and trade associations are the best sources to help you:4. If your career is in marketing, it makes sense to develop a specialty in:database desktop publishingprogramming systems analysis and design5. What computer professional repairs and installs computer components and systems?computer technician data entry workerdesktop publisher software engineer6. What computer professional designs, tests, and researches encryption procedures?cryptographer network administratorprogrammer software engineer7. What computer professional uses database management software to determine the most efficient ways to organize and access data?cryptographer database administratorprogrammer software engineer8. What computer professional oversees the work of programmers, computer specialists, systems analysts, and other computer professionals?information systems manager network managersoftware engineer technical writerdevelop specialties maintain your computer competencydevelop personal contactslook for innovative opportunities9. What computer professional creates, tests, and troubleshoots computer programs?10. What computer professional plans and designs information systems?programmer systems analyst network managersoftware engineer programmer technical writernetwork managersoftware engineer。

Unit 1单元测试题一V ocabulary and Structure1.We had an argument ________the waiter ________the bill.with…for B. with…about C. to…over D. to…about2.He was capable of killing a man with his ________hands.A.emptyB. ownC. bareD. tough3.The business is still ________ but it has survived the worst of the recession.A.on crisisB. out of crisisC. with crisisD. in crisis4.No new evidence ________ during the investigation.A.emergedB. appearedC. occurredD. arose5.It’s reported that the _______ of this new technology will contribute to the cure of cancer sooner or later.A.emergencyB. mergeC. emergeD. emergence6.Beijing is the ________ city of the 28th Olympic Games.A.hostB. sponsorC. organizingD. holding7.I always had an ________ of her standing by that particular window.A.imaginationB. imageC. imageryD. imaginary8.Air tickets during spring festival season are ________ expensive.A.more likely to beB. likely to be mostC. most likelyD. more likely9.At a single ________ of his hand, the room fell silent.A.moveB. signC. signalD. motion10.He ________ follow him.A. motioned with us toB. motioned for usC. motioned to us toD. motioned us for11. A window ________ in the wind.A. slammedB. slammed shutC. slammed shutD. slam shut12. The police officers must be prepared for ________.A. expectedB. unexpectedC. the unexpectedD. the expected13. I have been known to faint ________ blood.A. in the sight ofB. at the sight ofC. at the first sight ofD. out the sight of14. Her head ________ it would burst.A. felt likeB. feels likeC. felt as ifD. feels as if15. The cobra slowly ________ the bowl of milk.A. made forB. made toC. made intoD. made onto16. Play areas for children are ________ all over the place.A. spring upB. spring fromC. springing upD. springing from17. The police have so far failed to ________.A. track down the attackerB. track off the attackerC. track up the attackerD. track in attacker18. The company has ________ its offices.A. grown out ofB. grown outC. outgrownD. outgrew19. The ________ gave very different opinions on this issue.A. questioning peopleB. questioned peopleC. people questioningD. people questioned20. The chairman made it clear that those ________ should explain their reasons.A. objectedB. objectingC. objectD. to be objected21. ________ I’m willing to help, I do not have much time available.A. WhileB. WhenC. BecauseD. As soon as22. He ________ him 100 pounds.A. tricked me to lendB. tricked me into lendingC. tricked me to borrowD. tricked me into borrowing23. The medicine ________ three times a day after meals.A. is takenB. are takenC. is to be takenD. should take24. A ________ discussion sprang up between the major and the young girl.A. spiritingB. spiritedC. heatingD. heat25. I first heard this tale in India, where it is told ________ true.A. likeB. asC. likelyD. as if答案:1~5:BCDAD 6~10:ABADC 11~15:CCBCA 16~20:CACDB21~25:ABCBD二Choose the right words from the box below to fill in the blanks (2*10)The American does not join in the ____1____ but watches the other guests. As he looks, he sees a strange ____2____ come over the face of the hostess. She is ___3____ straight ahead, her muscles ____4_____ slightly. She motions to the native boy standing by her chair and ____5____ something to him. The boy’s eyes ___6____: he quickly leaves the room.____7___ the guests, none ___8____ the American notices this or sees the boy place a bowl of milk on the veranda just outside the open doors.The American ___9____ to with a start. In India, milk in a bowl ___10___ only one thing—bait for a snake.A. moving F. except K. ofB. comes G. contracting L. staringC. whispers H. argument M. quarrelD. expression I. means N. glazingE. in J. crawling O. widen1—56—10三. Translate the following Chinese into English (2*5)1.The guests at the dinner party was slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.(对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点意外).2.Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.(已经长大不再害怕独自呆在家里了).3.The letter is to be handed to(信必须交给)Dr Wilson himself.4.While she felt like joining in the argument,(她虽然很想参加辩论), Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.5.Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word. (她砰地关上门一声不吭地走了).Unit 2单元测试题一.V ocabulary and Structure1.1.She began to explain her plan of _______ to the group.A.actB. actionC. actingD. actor2.Following her recent _______ to the post, her husband was _______ to a newly organized committee.B.appointment…appoint B. appoint…appointmentC. appointment…appointedD. appointed…appointment3. We have lots of things in common _______ music.A. besideB. besidesC. exceptD. except for4. The government has done nothing to resolve (解决) the conflict _______ nurses’ pay.A. aboutB. onC. ofD. over5. The cake was a delicious _______ of sponge, cream and fruit.A. creationB. creatorC. creatureD. creating6. _______ believe that privately _______ children are more independent.A. Education… educatingB. Education… educatedC. Educators… educatedD. Educators… educating7. A simple _______ of judgment meant that there was not enough food to go around.A. errorB. wrongC. faultD. problem8. I said without _______: “Please do not hesitate _______ me if you have any questions.”A. hesitation… in contactingB. hesitation… to contactC. hesitating… in contactingD. hesitating… to contact9. In my _______ opinion, you were in the wrong.A. humbleB. modestC. politeD. unpretending10. What exactly is the influence _______ television _______ children?A. over… onB. of…overC. of…uponD. over…of11. She was asked to _______ the essay competition.A. judgeB. evaluateC. commentD. estimate12. I finally managed to _______ a copy of the general manager’s report.A. acquireB. achieveC. obtainD. gain13. This particular custom has its _______ in Wales.A. originB. originsC. sourceD. sources14. I have been _______ by all the universities I applied to.A. refusedB. opposedC. rejectedD. denied15. This model is technically superior _______ its competitors.A. overB. toC. forD. on16. The hijackers (劫机犯) threatened _______ kill one passenger every house if their demands were not met.A. toB. byC. withD. that17. _______ information from a member of the public, the police raided(搜查) the club.A. Acting forB. Acting outC. Acting upD. Acting on18. This is the oldest Hebrew (希伯来语) manuscript _______.A. come into existenceB. existingC. in existenceD. existed19. Britain is being _______ in the race for new markets.A. leaving behindB. left behindC. leaving asideD. left aside20. Mrs. Brown asked me to go to her daughter’s concert and I _______ her invitation with pleasure.A. receivedB. took overC. acceptedD. rejected21. It is Miss White _______ found the child lying dead on the beach.A. whoB. whenC. whomD. which22. He wasn’t there on Monday. _______ on Tuesday, for that matter.A. NeitherB. NotC. NorD. Either23. Unless _______ very young, a tiger cannot be tamed.A. being caughtB. been caughtC. was caughtD. caught24. Mary considered herself _______ that she failed the final exam.A. luckyB. fortunateC. bad luckD. unlucky25. The fight was started by a gang of _______.A. youthsB. youthC. the youngD. children二Choose the right words from the box below to fill in the blanks (2*10)Jefferson’s courage and idealism were ___1___ on knowledge. He probably knew more than any other man of his age. He was a(n) ___2____ in agriculture, archeology, and medicine. He _____3___ crop rotation and soil conservation a century before these became ___4____ practice, and he invented a plow ___5____ to any other in ____6____. He ____7____ architecture throughout America, and he was ____8_____ producing devices for making the ___9____ of ordinary life easier to _____10_____.A. based F. common K. superiorB. existence G. expert L. standardC. practiced H. statesman M. tasksD. prominent I. influenced N. completelyE. constantly J. paces O. perform1—5 6—10三. Translate the following Chinese into English (2*5)1. It was suggested at the meeting that a committee of eleven be appointed to make new constitution.(一个11人的委员会来制定新章程).2. By making on-the-spot observations(通过现场观察), the young scientists obtained first-hand information they needed in their research work.3. Henry’s works of art are superior in many respects(在许多方面好于)those of his brother’s.4. Jim would have preferred to act on his own judgement(本想按照自己的判断行事), but he didn’t because as a soldier he had to obey the order.5. The committee members have conflicting opinions as to the best location of the new airport.(在新机场最佳选址这一问题上).Unit 3单元测试题一V ocabulary and StructureB.When business is _____, there is usually an obvious increase in unemployment.A. degradedB. depressedC. reducedD. lessenedC.Y ou have to _____ the lace before you can take off your shoes.A. undergoB. underlineC. unlockD. undoD.This ____ shows that John Williams has completed the school work of eighth grade.A. qualificationB. certificateC. identificationD. licenseE.The world’s governments have done ______ nothing to combat the nuclear accidents.A. inherentlyB. vitallyC. virtuallyD. identicallyF.The chances of a repetition of these unfortunate events are ______ indeed.A. distantB. slimC. unlikelyD. narrowG.That problem is beyond the ______ of this article, so I will not discuss it here.A. scaleB. extentC. scopeD. rangeH.When he was a student, his father gave him a monthly _____ towards his expense.A. salaryB. allowanceC. wageD. moneyI.The meteorological office(气象部门)says there is little ______ of rain in the near future.A. perspectiveB. foresightC. prospectD. outlookJ.Mary once ______ with another musician to compose a piece of pop music.A. mergedB. collaboratedC. coincidedD. constitutedK.The Pope(罗马教皇)is the ______ leader of the Roman Catholic Church.A. supremeB. superiorC. ultimateD. utmostL.The most successful post-career athletes are those who can take the identity and life skills they learned in sports and _____ them to another area of life.A. applyB. utilizeC. employD. exertM.The narrow, sunless hall _______ stale cabbage. It must have been vacant for a long time.A. smellsB. smells ofC. seemsD. feelsN.The show had a massive audience, _______ from children to grandparents.A. and rangesB. includingC. rangingD. and includesO.I’m sending the document as a(an) _______. Please let me know if you have trouble reading it.A. dependenceB. additionC. connectionD. attachmentP.The report blamed police _______ for the tragedy.A. competentB. incompetentC. competeD. competitiveQ.The right of ______ should be secured by the Constitution.A. privacyB. privateC. isolationD. isolatingR.Physical exercise can _____ you against heart disease.A. protectB. protestC. preventD. proceedS.They want to _____ everything within a week.A. turn outB. turn inC. turn awayD. turn aroundT.Happiness does not ______ how many possessions you own.A. consist ofB. consist withC. consist aboutD. consist inU.The film, though _____, is not likely to engage the attention of a _____ audience.A. amusing…thought C. amused…thinkingB. amusing…thinking D. mused…thoughtV.The bank is ______ right in the center of town.A. locatedB. localC. surroundedD. localizedW.There is every _____ of the weather remaining dry this week.A. prospectB. viewC. possibleD. expectationX.How many jobs had you _____ for before you were offered this one?A. triedB. appliedC. askedD. goneY.“Nonsense,” she told the _____ yesterday on Londo n Weekend Television.A. interviewerB. interviewC. intervieweeD. interviews25. The shy girl felt ____ and uncomfortable when she could not answer the teacher’s questions.A. amazedB. awkwardC. curiousD. amusedANSWER KEYS1-5 B D B C B 6-10 C B C B A 11-15 A B C D B16-20 A A B D B 21-25 A A B A B二. Choose the right words from the box below to fill in the blanks (2*10)While I was waiting to enter university, I saw ____1____ in a local newspaper a teaching post at a school in a ___2____ of London about ten miles from where I lived. Being very _____3_____ money and wanting to do something useful, I ____4____, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my _____5____ of getting the job were ___6___.However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to go to Croydon for an ___7____. It ___8_____ an awkward journey: a train to Croydon station; a ___9____ bus ride and then a walk of at least a quarter of a mile. As a result, I arrived on a hot June morning too ___10_____ to feel nervous.A.depressed F. chances K. lack ofB.ten-minutes G. advertised L. ten-minuteC.slim H. interview M. opportunityD.suburb I.depressing N. provedE.applied J. application O. short of1—5 6—10三. Translate the following Chinese into English (2*5)1. She got a post as a cashier at a local bank, but she was son fired because she proved (to be) incompetent. (但不久因不称职而被解雇了)2. Bill has applied to Harvard University for a teaching assistantship, but his chances of getting it are slim. (但他得到它的可能性很小)3. Being short of funds(由于缺乏资金), they are trying to attract foreign capital.4. The room smells of stale air.(这个房间有股霉味)It must have been vacant for a long time.5. As far as hobbies are concerned, Jane and her sister have little in common.(几乎没有什么共同之处)Unit 4单元测试题一V ocabulary and Structure1. I’m very sorry to have you with so many questions on such an occasion.A. offendedB. impressedC. botheredD. interfered2. My father seemed to be in no to look at my school report.A. moodB. emotionC. attitudeD. feeling3. The suggestion that the mayor the prizes was accepted by everyone.A. would presentB. presentC. presentsD. ought to present4. These areas rely on agriculture almost , having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.A. respectivelyB. extraordinarilyC. incrediblyD. exclusively5. All individuals are required to to the laws made by their governments.A. obeyB. conformC. concedeD. observe6. Companies are struggling to find the right between supply and demand, but it is no easy task.A. equationB. formulaC. balanceD. pattern7. A season ticket the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time.A. grantsB. promisesC. entitlesD. presents8. He is quite sure that it’s impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.A. roughlyB. exclusivelyC. fullyD. absolutely9. How much of your country’s electrical supply is from water power?A. deducedB. derivedC. detachedD. declined10. This movie is not for children to see: it contains too much violence and too many love scenes.A. profoundB. validC. uprightD. decent11. As as I am , I don’t care what you do.A. long…concernedB. long…concerningC. far…concernedD. far…concerning12. The medicine can make people fever.A. immune withB. immune toC. motionlessD. inactive to13. He was severely ill, he had to lie in bed.A. as much as thatB. so many so thatC. so serious so thatD. so much so that14. It is easy to a machine but difficult to put it together.A. tear…apartB. take…awayC. take…apartD. bring…away15. We rarely meet though we each other regularly.A. cooperateB. respondC. despondD. correspond16. The bad weather our hopes of going out.A. frustratedB. lostC. fulfilledD. dispirited17. Hearing that he had the first prize, he with delight.A. seamedB. filledC. beamedD. joined18. The growth of economy should not at the expense of environmental pollution.A. be followedB. pursueC. be perusedD. be pursued19. A of lectures on Asian economy will be held recently.A. variousB. collectionC. seriesD. bunch20. This shop has rights to sell this brand of clothes.A. exclusiveB. inclusiveC. decisiveD. excessive21. About the recent affair, the minister gave a highly remark.A. personalB. personC. personnelD. personality22. Finding a job in such a big company has always been his widest dreams.A. underB. overC. aboveD. beyond23. Without guidance, we could not with the chapter, so we had to pause for the teacher.A. pursueB. pursuitC. persistD. push24. The government is striving to improve the .A. houseB. housewifeC. householdD. housing25. Linda is 35 years old and, after two close relationships, the prospect of staying single her.A. impressesB. depressesC. threatensD. stunsANSWER KEYS1-5 CABDB 6-10 CCDBD 11-15 CBDCD16-20 ACDCA 21-25 ADADB二. Choose the right words from the box below to fill in the blanks (2*10)As a boy and then as an adult, I never lost my wonder at the personality that was Einstein. He was the only person I knew who had ____1____ himself and the world around him. He knew what he wanted and he wanted only this: to understand within his limits as a human being the ___2____ of the universe and the logic and simplicity in its _____3_____. He knew there were answers beyond his intellectual reach. But this did not ____4____ him. He was _____5____ to go as far as he could.In the 23 years of our friendship, I never saw him show jealousy, vanity, bitterness, anger, resentment, or personal ___6___. He seemed ___7____ these emotions. He was beyond any ___8_____. Although he ___9____ many of the world’s most important people, his ___10_____ carried only a watermark --- W --- for Woolworth’s.A. pretension F. linked with K. stationeryB. content G. come to terms with L. natureC. expectation H. emotion M. appointmentD. corresponded with I. functioning N. ambitionE. immune to J. rid of O. frustrate1—5 6—10三. Translate the following Chinese into English (2*5)1. The little girl ran so fast that she was thrown off balance and fell over. (身体一下失去平衡,跌倒了)2.I was s bewildered by their conflicting advice(我被他们互相矛盾的意见搞糊涂了)that I did not know how to act/what to do.3.At first this complicated problem frustrated them(起初,这个复杂的问题使他们感到灰心丧气), but after thinking it over carefully they finally worked out a solution.4. The head of the sports delegation beamed with delight .(愉快地笑了)when a young pioneer presented him with a bunch of flowers.5. I really don’t see why our English teacher should single out our monitor for praise.(单单表扬了班长)since we have all done quite well this term.Unit 5单元测试题一V ocabulary and Structure1. These goods are _______ for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market.A. completelyB. essentiallyC. necessarilyD. remarkably2. It is essential that these application forms _______ back as early as possible.A. must be sentB. are sentC. will be sentD. be sent3. Could we _______ the small bedroom into a second bathroom?.A. varyB. alterC. adaptD. convert4. He sat there, ________ absent-minded.A. plainlyB. apparentlyC. plainD. apparent5. Numerous houses _______ as a result of the Tangshan Earthquake in 1976.A. crashedB. batteredC. collapsedD. smashed6. Crystal is a _______ material.A. transparentB. transformC. transactionD. transmit7. We _______ to get cold winters and warm, dry summers in this part of the countryA. inclineB. tendC. wantD. trend8. Those two suggestions are quite ______ from each other.A. distinctB. diverseC. variousD. divergent9. It was difficult to _________ how many trees had been destroyed.A. assumeB. assessC. estimateD. value10. Tourism has ________ agriculture as the nation's main industry.A. insteadB. changedC. alternativeD. replaced11. Our high living standards cause our present population to ________ 25 percent of the world's oil.A. swallowB. spendC. consumeD. take12. I'm afraid I have no ________ but to ask you to leaveA. substituteB. selectionC. preferenceD. alternative13. It's difficult for a small supermarket to _________ the big supermarkets.A. compete forB. compete againstC. compete asD. compete14. She used paper ________ to blow her nose.A. tissuesB. materialsC. handkerchiefD. glove15. They said they sent troops in to ________ the country from a dictator.A. setB. liberateC. safeguardD. send16. The medicine is ________ if taken in large quantities.A. poisonousB. beneficialC. efficientD. effective17. In all __________, it will rain this afternoon.A. chanceB. likelihoodC. opportunityD. alternative18. How did the problem _________ in the first place?A. come aroundB. come inC. come aboutD. come to19. Having too much food at a time will _______.A. do you harmB. do harm youC. do you goodD. do good you20. What are the qualities that _________ her character?A. makeB. make forC. make upD. make up for21. Her attitude lends a fresh ________ to the subject..A. sightB. perspectiveC. angleD. way22. The ________ between smoking and heart disease is well known.A. relationshipB. gapC. differenceD. connection23. He put too much ________ on the door handle and it snapped.A. effortB. energ yC. pressureD. attention24. _______ happens, we will meet here tonight.A. WhateverB. WhereverC. WhoeverD. Whenever25. He _________ the label 'magician' which he is often given..A. objectsB. objects toC. objectingD. objectionANSWER KEYS1-5 BDDBC 6-10 ABACD 11-15 CDBAB16-20 ABCAC 21-25 BDCAB二. Choose the right words from the box below to fill in the blanks (2*10)The sea level is rising very slowly from year to year. In all ____1____, it will continue to rise and do so at a greater rate in the course of the next hundred years. Where there are low-lying coastal areas (where a large ___2____ of the world’s population lives) the water will _____3_____ steadily, forcing people to retreat inland.Eventually the sea will reach two hundred feet above its present ____4____, and will be splashing against the windows along the twentieth floors of Manhattan’s skyscrapers. Florida will disappear _____5____ the waves, as will much of the British Isles, the crowded Nile valley, and the low-lying areas of China, India, and Russia.Not only will many cities be ___6___, but much of the most productive farming areas of the world will be lost. As the food supply drops, ___7____ will be ___8_____ and the structure of society may ___9____ under the ___10_____.A. starvation F. likely K. functionB. fall G. likelihood L. adventC. beneath H. collapse M. fractionD. pressure I. advance N. widespreadE. impression J. drowned O. level1—5 6—10三. Translate the following Chinese into English (2*5)1. The burning of coal not only consumes the oxygen in the house but also gives out poisonous gases . (散发出有毒气体)2. Apparently, finding alternative energy sources(找到替代能源)is essential to the steady development of our economy.3. Solar cells can absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity(把它变成电).4. Because these creatures are small and tend to hide beneath leafy plants, they are not always visible to the naked eyes.(肉眼并不都可以看见)5. As a result of exposure to atomic radiation, he finally collapsed at work.(在工作时倒下了)Unit 6单元测试题一V ocabulary and Structure1. We need a monitor ______ whom everyone has confidenceA. toB. inC. ofD. about2. Joe still ______ on his mistakes long after the test was over.A. inhabitedB. residentC. dweltD. lived3. To ______ a conflict, it is often necessary to make some kind of compromise.A. involveB. revolveC. resolveD. resolute4. We never lose heart when we ______ difficulties in our study.A. met withB. counterC. countD. encounter5. Before taking time to consider it, the president ______ our proposal for several months.A. sat onB. sat besideC. sat outD. set on6. Mr. Brown is a ______ manager who believes he’s always right a bout everything.A. confidentB. competentC. deceivedD. conceited7. Einstein is so famous that there is no one who ______ him.A. doesn’t knowB. knowsC. didn’t knowD. knew8. If you want a drink, I’ll get you _______.A. onesB. oneC. a drinkD. one drink9. ______ a good beginning is made, the work is half done.A. WhenB. AfterC. As soon asD. Once10. Dr. Nolen used to have trouble _____ back to sleep during the first few months of his residency.A. getB. to getC. gotD. getting11. An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of ______.A. crisisB. urgencyC. emergencyD. emergence12. He’s watching TV? He’s ______ to be cleaning his room.A. knownB. supposedC. regardedD. considered13. How does a doctor recognize the point in time ______ he is finally a surgeon?A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when14. More than once at two in the morning, after lying ______ for an hour, I’d get out of bed and drive to the hospital to see thepatient myself.A. awakeB. wakeC. wakenD. woke15. There were still situations in ______ I couldn’t be certain my decision had been the right one.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when16. I knew that with my knowledge and experience, any decision I ______ would be a sound one.A. have madeB. madeC. had madeD. would make17. We can never anticipate everything that will happen in the future _______.A. in timeB. on timeC. in advanceD. on advance18. I knew that if I wasn’t able to avoid a mistake, chances were that no other surgeon could have, either. Which one of thefollowing can best explain the underlined part?A. it was likely thatB. it was a good chanceC. I can get the chanceD. I can avoid the chance19. He received four years of training in English and two years in English teaching. He is a _______ English instructor.A. responsibleB. scaredC. vastD. qualified20. Y ou are very _______ to take the trouble to help me. I can not thank y ou enough.A. whisperB. vitalC. thoughtfulD. considered21. Everyone is encouraged to _______ food or clothing for those who suffered a great deal in the flood.A. attributeB. distributeC. contributeD. drift22. Her smile _______ her se cret even though she didn’t admit the fact.A. reviewedB. reversedC. respondedD. revealed23. He ________ that he could finish the job without any help.A. designedB. headedC. claimedD. preserved24. Anyone without _______ illness can do this simple job.A. mildB. mindC. mentalD. mend25. If you need further information, please _______ our office.A. constantB. constructC. containD. contactANSWER KEYS。

计算机专业英语测试题一、词汇测试题(每小题1分,共20分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese (共10分,每题1分)1.Cyber cafe2.microcomputer3.ROM4.Object-oriented programming5.utility program6.system specification7.database administrator8.modulator-demodulator9.client/server model10.spreadsheet program(二).Translate the following terms or phrases from Chinese into English (共10分,每题1分)1.中央处理器2.广域网3.超级计算机4.电子商务5.计算机安全6.计算机文化7.网站8.域名9.数据库管理系统10.软件工程二、完型填空题(每空1分,共20分)Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the list following each paragraph, making changes if necessary:1. Computer hardware is the involved in the of a computer and consists of the that can be physically handled. The function of these components is typically divided into three main categories: , , and . Components in these categories connect to , specifically, the computer’s central unit (CPU), the electronic that provides the computational ability and control of the computer, via wires or circuitry called bus.microprocessors component processing functionoutput equipment input circuitry storage2.In the relational model, data is organized in two-dimensionalcalled . There is no or structure imposed on the data. The tables or relations are, however, related to each other. The database management system (RDBMS) the data so that its external is a of relation or tables. This does not mean that data is stored as tables: the physical of the data is independent of the way in which the is logically organized.hierarchical set organize relational relationdata storage view network table三、英译汉题(每题10分,共20分)Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:1.The field of computer science has grown rapidly since the1950s due to the increase in their use. Computer programs have undergone many changes during this time in response to user need and advances in technology. Newer ideas in computing such as parallel computing, distributed computing, and artificial intelligence, have radically altered the traditional concepts that once determined program form and function. In parallelcomputing parts of a problem are worked on simultaneously by different processors, and this speed up the solution of the problem. Another type of parallel computing called distributed computing use CPUs from many interconnected computers to solve problems. Research into artificial intelligence (AI) has led to several other new styles of programming.2.High-level languages are commonly classified asprocedure-oriented, functional, objected-oriented, logic languages. The most common high-level languages today are procedure-oriented languages. In these languages, one or more related blocks of statements that perform some complete function are grouped together into a program module, or procedure, and given a name such as “procedure A”. If the same sequence of operations is needed elsewhere in the program, a simple statement can be used to refer back to the procedure. In essence, a procedure is just a mini-program. A large program can be constructed by grouping together procedures that perform different tasks.四、汉译英题(20分)最著名的互联网例子是因特网。

计算机专业英语复习题标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]1.home page 主页2.graphical user interface (GUI) 图形用户界面3.artificial intelligence 人工智能4.carbon copy 打字副本5.field 字段6.software suite 软件套装7.desktop operating system 桌面操作系统ser printer 激光打印机9.machine language 机器语言10.relational database 关系数据库11.menu bar 菜单栏12.secondary storage 辅助存储器;二级存储器13.system software 系统软件二、1.内存 memory2.输入设备 input device3.扬声器 speaker4.局域网 local-area network5.传输控制协议 transmission control protocol6.集成电路 integrated circuits7.上下文敏感 context sensitive8.微处理器 microprocessor9.只读存储器 Read-only memory10.触摸屏 touch screen11.像素 pixel12.多媒体 multimedia13.自动换行 word wrap三_________.A、peopleB、OSC、keyboardsD、proceduresE、software( abc ) 2、For microcomputer, there are three basic system units:____________ .A、Desktop system unitsB、Notebook system unitsC、Personal digital assistant system unitsD、Arithmetic-logic units( a ) 3、Language translators convert programming statementsinto__________.A、machine languagesB、UNIXC、service programsD、operating systems( b ) 4、The ____________is a list of commands or options from which you can choose.A、iconB、menuC、windowD、pointer( a ) 5、Database management systems are comprised of tables that are made of rows called __________ and columns called __________ .A、fields, recordsB、ranges, sheetsC、records, fieldsD、records, ranges( abcd )6、The four main computer operations are _________.A、inputB、processingC、outputD、storageE、compile( c ) 7、RAM is a kind of____________ memory.A、permanentB、smartC、temporaryD、flashE、expansion( acd )8、Which are the types of non-impact printer: ____________ .A、 thermal printerB、dot matrix printerC、laser printerD、ink-jet printerE、all of above( a )9、What is an extension of a driver in Windows environmentsA、.drvB、.txtC、D、.sysE、.win( c ) 10、The following answers ____________ is the system software.A、PHOTOSHOPB、EXCELC、Windows NTD、POWERPOINT ( bde ) 11、In monitors, the three primary colors are__________ .A、yellowB、redC、whiteD、greenE、blue( ab ) 12、Typically, the first page of a Web site is referred to as its__________ .A、home pageB、web pageC、HTMLD、URLE、site( ) 13、The new addressing system IPV6 defines an IP address as a ______________number. A、16-bit B、32-bit C、64-bitD、128-bit四、(一)Laptop computers are popular all over the world. People use themon trains and airplanes, in airports and hotels. These laptops connect people. Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer program that allows students to do schoolwork anywhere they want. Within five years, each of the1500 students at the college will receive a laptop. The laptops are part of a$10 million computer program at Westlake, a 110-year-old college. Thestudents with laptops will also have access to the Internet. In addition, theywill be able to use e-mail to “speak” with their teachers, their classmates,and their families. However, the most important part of the laptop program isthat students will be able to use computers without going to computer labs.They can work with it at home, in a fast-food restaurant or under the trees-anywhere at all!Because of the many changes in computer technology, laptop use in higher education, such as colleges and universities, is workable. As laptops becomemore powerful, they become more similar to desktop computers. In addition, the portable computers can connect students to not only the Internet, but alsolibraries and other resources. State higher-education officials are studyinghow laptops can help students. State officials are also testing laptopprograms at other universities, too. At Westlake College, more than 60 percentof the staff use computers. The laptops will allow all teachers to use computers in their lessons. As one Westlake teacher said, “Here we are in the middle of Virginia and we’re giving students a window on the world. They can see everything and do everything.”笔记本电脑在世界各地流行。

《计算机专业英语》习题参考答案Lesson 1I.1. Operating System2. Fetch-evaluate-execute3. Front-side bus4. Dual-core processor5. Basic Input/Output System(BIOS)II.1. 指令是特定各式的二进制数列,它们对于每台机器都是唯一的。
2. CPU是中央处理单元的简称,每个字母分开发音。
3. 大多数计算在中央处理器中进行。
4. 双核是指一个处理器上有两个完整运算内核的CPU。
5. 处理器:是微处理器或CPU的缩写。
6. 集成电路:即芯片,是由半导体材料制成的一种电子设备。
III.1. F2. T3. TIV.1.ALU, CU, Register2.memory3.processor4.the CPULesson 2I.1.Static Random Access Memory(SRAM)2.Dynamic Random Access Memory(DRAM)3.Virtual Memory4.Physical Memory5.Level 1 Cache6.Level 2 Cache7.HDD access speedII.1.动态随机存储器之所以称为“动态”是因为它每秒钟被刷新数千次。
III.1. F2. F3. F4. TIV.1. non-volatile2. compiler3. volatile4. DRAMLesson 3I.1. Motherboard2. PC Case3. Hard Disk Drive(HDD)4. Optical mouse5. RAM6. Mobile DiskII.1.PC是有很多组件构成的一个系统。

1.h omepage主页2.g raphicaluserinterface(GUI)图形用户界面3.a rtificialintelligence人工智能4.c arboncopy打字副本5.f ield字段6.s oftwaresuite软件套装7.d esktopoperatingsystem桌面操作系统8.l aserprinter激光打印机9.m achinelanguage机器语言10.relationaldatabase关系数据库11.menubar菜单栏12.secondarystorage辅助存储器;二级存储器13.systemsoftware系统软件二、1.内存memory2.输入设备inputdevice3.扬声器speaker4.局域网local-areanetwork5.传输控制协议transmissioncontrolprotocol6.集成电路integratedcircuits7.上下文敏感contextsensitive8.微处理器microprocessor9.只读存储器Read-onlymemory10.触摸屏touchscreen11.像素pixel12.多媒体multimedia13.自动换行wordwrap三四、(ade)1、Aninformationsystemhasfiveparts:hardw are,data,_________.A、peopleB、OSC、keyboardsD、proceduresE、software(abc)2、Formicrocomputer,therearethreebasicsy stemunits:____________.A、DesktopsystemunitsB、NotebooksystemunitsC、PersonaldigitalassistantsystemunitsD、Arithmetic-logicunits(a)3、Languagetranslatorsconvertprogramming statementsinto__________.A、machinelanguagesB、UNIXC、serviceprogramsD、operatingsystems (b)4、The____________isalistofcommandsoropt ionsfromwhichyoucanchoose.A、iconB、menuC、windowD、pointer (a)5、Databasemanagementsystemsarecomprisedoftablesthataremadeofrowscalled__________andcolumnscalled__________.A、fields,recordsB、ranges,sheetsC、records,fieldsD、records,ranges(abcd)6、Thefourmaincomputeroperationsare_____ ____.A、inputB、processingC、outputD、storageE、compile(c)7、RAMisakindof____________memory.A、permanentB、smartC、temporaryD、flashE、expansion (acd)8、Whicharethetypesofnon-impactprinter:_ ___________.A、thermalprinterB、dotmatrixprinterC、laserprinterD、ink-jetprinterE、allofabove(a)9、WhatisanextensionofadriverinWindowsenvironmentsA、.drvB、.txtC、.comD、.sysE、.win (c)10、Thefollowinganswers____________isthes ystemsoftware.A、PHOTOSHOPB、EXCELC、WindowsNTD、POWERPOINT(bde)11、Inmonitors,thethreeprimarycolorsare__________.A、yellowB、redC、whiteD、greenE、blue(ab)12、Typically,thefirstpageofaWebsiteisref erredtoasits__________.A、homepageB、webpageC、HTMLD、URLE、site()13、ThenewaddressingsystemIPV6definesanIPaddressasa______________number.A、16-bitB、32-bitC、64-bitD、128-bit四、(一)Laptopcomputersarepopularalloverthewo rld.Peopleusethemontrainsandairplanes ,inairportsandhotels.Theselaptopsconn ectpeople.WestlakeCollegeinVirginiawi llstartalaptopcomputerprogramthatallo wsstudentstodoschoolworkanywheretheyw ant.Withinfiveyears,eachofthe1500stud entsatthecollegewillreceivealaptop.Th elaptopsarepartofa$10millioncomputerprogramatWestlake, a110-year-oldcollege.Thestudentswithl aptopswillalsohaveaccesstotheInternet .Inaddition,theywillbeabletousee-mail to“speak”withtheirteachers,theirclassmates,andtheirfamilies.However,them ostimportantpartofthelaptopprogramist hatstudentswillbeabletousecomputerswi thoutgoingtocomputerlabs.Theycanworkw ithitathome,inafast-foodrestaurantoru nderthetrees-anywhereatall!Becauseofthemanychangesincomputerte chnology,laptopuseinhighereducation,s uchascollegesanduniversities,isworkab le.Aslaptopsbecomemorepowerful,theybe comemoresimilartodesktopcomputers.Ina ddition,theportablecomputerscanconnec tstudentstonotonlytheInternet,butalso librariesandotherresources.Statehighe r-educationofficialsarestudyinghowlap topscanhelpstudents.Stateofficialsare alsotestinglaptopprogramsatotherunive rsities,too.AtWestlakeCollege,morethan60percentofthestaffus ecomputers.Thelaptopswillallowallteac herstousecomputersintheirlessons.AsoneWestlaketeachersaid,“Hereweareinthe middleofVirginiaandwe’regivingst uden tsawindowontheworld.Theycanseeeveryth inganddoeverything.”笔记本电脑在世界各地流行。

计算机专业英语复习题注:本答案解释及翻译属本人分析,如有错误,敬请谅解!I.Choose the best answer/.选择最佳答案。
1. When you run your computer, A will be firststarted.A. Operation systemB. systemsoftwareC. office softwareD. driven software译:当你运行你的电脑时,XX是首先被启动。
所以选A2.Post is the short form for AA. power on self-testB. post office system testC. power on system-testD. personal operating system text 译:post 的缩写。
The short from for某某的缩写形式。
A是开机自检B是办公系统测试C 是开机系统自检D是个人操作系统文本。
3.One of the benefits of video conferencing is low costs.A.specially equipped conference roomsB. saving travel timeC. low costsD.linking of local sites 译:视频协商(视频会议)的好处之一是__。
Benefit 好处,益处conference协商,讨论,商谈A是特别的协商会议室B是减少旅游时间C是低花费D是连接本地地址4.The menu bar of word 2003 has C menus orders.A. sevenB. eightC. nineD. ten Word 2003的菜单栏中有9个菜单命令。
计算机专业英语Unit 3

Unit 3Text 11.Match each of the words or phrases with their Chinese meaning.disk 磁盘modem 调制解调器driver 驱动器printer 打印机display 显示器mouse 鼠标keyboard 键盘computer 计算机2.Fill a correct word learned in this text in each of the blanks.(1)The display of the computer is also called______.Screen(2)The function of a ____ is to print the information or data on a piece of paper.printer(3)The keyboard is one of the _____devices.input(4) A modem plays an important role when you want to use the ______.internet3. Translation.(1)我是一个操作员。
I am a computer programmer.(2)什么是电子计算机?What is a electronic computer?(3)我有一个键盘。
I have a keyboard(4)It costs me 4000 Yuan to buy a computer.买一台电脑需要花费我4000元人民币。
(5)I am now finding a file that was deleted by mistake.我正在找一个不小心被我误删的文件。
(6)There was some problems with my mouse. Maybe it’s not clean.我的鼠标器有点问题,也许是它不干净了。

计算机专业英语试题I.V ocabulary(词汇)(30分)(一)Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese.(写出下列词组的汉语。
共10分,每题1分)1.Operating system____________2.white bOx testing__________3.hard disk_________4.management information system_______________5.electronic commerce___________________6.relational database__________________7.software engineering___________________8.software maintenance__________________9.menu bar______________10. network security___________________(二)Fill in the blank swith the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。
共10分,每题1分)1.只读存储器__________ 2.广域网___________3.传输控制协议___________ 4,文件传送[输]协议__________5.通用串行总线__________ 6.面向对象编程____________7.集成开发环境___________ 8.结构化查询语言___________9.数据库管理系统___________ 10.开放系统互连______(三)Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。

年级: 专业:_____班级:_____姓名:_______学号:_____座号:___成绩:____Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇题)(共20分)(一). Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的相应中文含义。
)(共10分,每题1分)1. Mb ps___________________2. pirated software________________3. backup copy_______________4. fiber optics______________________er authentication________________6. network security_______________________7. surf the web______________________8. virus checker_______________________9. search engine__________________ 10. encryption program_______________________(二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English expressions.(根据中文写出相应的英语缩写或全称。
) (共10分,每题1分)1. 统一资源定位符_______________2. 万维网____________________3. 信息技术_____________4. 数字用户线路________________________5. 个人数字助理___________________6. 电子数据交换______________________7. 数据加密系统____________ 8. 因特网服务提供商______________________9. 移动电话______________________ 10.电子商务____________________Ⅱ. Reading comprehension(阅读理解,共40分)(一)从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中{ }内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。

计算机专业英语期末考查题型与分值1.listening comprehension(20’):复习1、2、3、5、9单元上过的听力部分2.reading comprehension(30’): 复习1、2、3、5、9单元上过的阅读文章和it英语阅读材料3.IT abbreviation(10’):课本出现过的it缩写4.match the verbs to phrases(20’): 复习1、2、3、5、9单元听力与阅读部分的重点句型和短语5.translation(20’):熟悉1、2、3、5、9单元听力和阅读文章中心句,以及课后翻译练习。
Unit1OutlineSpecify computer name and workgroup in Windows XPCreate and customize user accounts in Windows XPDisplay the viewing of hidden files in Windows XPAdd a new e-mail account in Microsoft Outlook 2003Change Windows visual effects in Windows XPMove my documents to another locationEnable the quick launch bar in Windows XPChange the screen resolution in Windows XPHave better understanding of Windows Update and the brief history of windows Words:Verbs:specify 英[ˈspesɪfaɪ] 美[ˈspɛsəˌfaɪ]vt. 指定;详述;提出…的条件;使具有特性create 英[krɪ'eɪt] 美[kriˈet]vt. 创造,创作;产生;封爵,把…封为(贵族)vi. [英][俚]大发脾气,大发牢骚customize 英['kʌstəmaɪz] 美[ˈkʌstəˌmaɪz]vt. 定制,定做;按规格改制网络定制用户界面;定制;定做;定制,定做display 英[dɪˈspleɪ] 美[dɪˈsple]n. 展览,陈列;陈列品,展览品;显示器;炫耀vt. 显示;陈列;展开,伸展;夸示,炫耀vi. (计算机屏幕上)显示viewing 英['vju:ɪŋ] 美['vju:ɪŋ]n. 注视,检视,观察网络观测;检视;观看;观赏addenable 英[ɪ'neɪbl] 美[ɛˈnebəl]1.恢复正常操作,启动,允许(操作),启用,使能(够)[E,ENBL]2.,使能够Nouns & phrases:computer nameworkgroupuser accounthidden filee-mail accountvisual effectquick launch barscreen resolutionWindows Update计算机名工作组用户帐号隐藏文件电子邮件帐户视觉效果快速启动栏屏幕分辨率Windows更新Part11.Terms:Vista UltimateVista Premiumscannerdesktopglitchslickincompatibilitynotebook computerdesktop computerupgradeoperating systemlaptopVista旗舰版(家庭基本版)Vista高级版(家庭高级版)扫描仪台式机小故障光滑的不可兼容性笔记本电脑升级操作系统笔记本电脑3.1.Identify computerfile sharingshare common resourceright clicksystem propertytabcomputer description characterpromptrestarttake effect识别计算机文件共享共享资源右键点击系统属性标签计算机描述字符提示重启生效3.2Computer administrator Computer settingLimited userModify the password Primary userAdd user accountLog on to computerControl panelPick a categoryPick a taskUser account wizardPick an account typeCreate accountInstall application计算机管理员计算机设置受限用户修改密码主用户添加用户帐户登录计算机控制面板选择类别/调整计算机类别选择任务用户帐户向导挑选一个帐户类型创建帐户安装应用软件Unit2OutlineUser’s reviewsSoftware versionsInternet Information Services(IIS) Start-up programsSystem configuration utility用户评价软件版本网际网路资讯服务启动程序系统配置实用程序Part 1Full copyPersonallyFull function version ExceptionallyThe trail versionDesign program完全版亲自地全功能班例外地试用版设计程序3.1IIS(Internet Information Services)Add/remove optional component Add/remove programDialog boxDefault settingAdd/remove Windows component Windows Component Wizard Check boxLeave sth. IntactDefault installation settingFTP(file transit protocol) FronPageTransactionActive Server PagesDatabase connectionTotal disk requiredSpace available on diskConsoleSMTP(simple mail transit protocol) Classic view网络网际服务添加/删除可选组建添加/删除程序对话框默认设置添加/删除Windows组建Windows组建向导复选框不做更改默认安装设置文件传输协议网页编辑软件事务处理动态服务器网页数据连接所需磁盘空间剩余磁盘空间操作平台简单邮件传输协议3.2PrimaryMac.PackageUtilitiesLeading application suiteThe root folderA valid product keySpecify the locationTypical installComplete installMinimal installCustom installInfopathAdvanced customization of application Feature treeSummary screen主要的麦金塔电脑程序包/套装软件实用程序工具软件主流应用套装根文件夹有效的产品密匙制定位置典型安装完全安装最小化安装用户自定义安装在线填写表单应用先进定制特征树屏幕摘要Unit 3OutlineSecure passwordVirus scanningAntivirus softwareSpywareSystem restoreEnable firewall安全密码病毒扫描反病毒软件流氓软件系统恢复开启防火墙Part 1 listening1.butter dayadwareTrojanLurkInfestHackerWise up33.1how to choose a secure password Letter and number combination obsureunit 5outlinesaveintervalsave intervalautomatic file recoveryprintedit.docxReminderLocateCellViaIT abbreviationsCPU : Central Processing UnitIIS : Internet Information ServicesOS : Operating SystemSMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 邮件传输协议EULA : end-user license agreementsPC : personal computerIE : Internet ExplorerFAT : File Allocation TableFTP : File Transfer ProtocolXML : Extensible Markup LanguageTranslations1. When downloading is complete, the Windows update icon appears in the notification areaagain, this time to let you know that the updates are ready to be installed.下载完成后,windows更新图标出现在通知区,更新已经准备好了2. A large number of unneeded files and system errors gather as you work with your computereveryday.在日常使用电脑的过程中,会产生许多无用的文件和系统错误3. The parental control is basic, but it does a reasonable job of protecting some users (i.e.children) of visiting inappropriate sites.家长控制是一个很基础却实用的功能,它让一些用户不能访问不合适的内容4. A firewall is a software program or a hardware device that helps screen out hackers andmalware that try to reach your computer over the internet.防火墙软件和一些硬件能筛选出黑客防止电脑的信息被盗窃5. You can clean your hard drive by deleting what you no longer need, and to make sure the harddrive is erased.当不需要硬盘上的信息并且要彻底清空硬盘,可以通过删除操作来完成6. Select the check box for Internet Information Services, leaving all the default installationsettings intact.选择IIS复选框,除默认选项外,将其他选项勾选完整.7. Today, you need to worry about security in a whole different arena: Your PC. Spy-ware,adware, viruses and Trojans are lurking online.今天,你要为电脑的安全担心.有许多潜在的威胁如间谍软件,商业软件,病毒和木马8. A large number of unneeded files and system errors gather as you work with your computereveryday.9. If you need to restart your computer for an update to take effect , Windows will notify you andwill restart your computer at the scheduled time .你需要重启电脑来让更新生效,windows会通知并在设定的时间重启电脑10. New viruses and security threats are continually developed by attackers, so helping protestyour computer is an ongoing process.病毒和安全威胁不断升级,所以保护电脑是一个长期的过程11. Many people use Internet security suite rather than just a standard anti-virus nowadays , as thisoffer extra layers of protection against at sorts of other threats.现在许多人使用互联网安全套件而不仅仅是一个标准的杀毒软件,因为这提供了额外的防护,防止各种威胁12. Undoubtedly, enabling the maximum level of protection in all features will slow the systemsomewhat, but a sensible level of protection provides very good performance毋庸置疑的,最高的保护等级有所有的功能但会降低系统运行速度,但一个合适的等级会有很好的性能13).Considering the low price and performance of the main components KI57 is a great valuepackage that provides high-end threat detection.考虑到价格和性能KI57是一个好的套件,提供了高级的安全威胁检查。

计算机专业英语试题Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇)(30分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。
)(共10分,每题1分)1. operating system2.requirements analysis3. network security4. data structure5.decision support system6.relational database7.software crisis8. computer virus9.email attachment10.central processing unit ( CPU )(二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。
) (共10分,每题1分)1.数据库管理系统 2.传输控制协议3.多文档界面 4.面向对象编程5.只读存储器 6.数字视频光盘7.计算机辅助设计 8.结构化查询语言9.通用串行总线 10.企业之间的电子商务交易方式(三)Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。
)(10分,每空1分)1. multimedia a. 字处理器2. software life cycle b. 交换机3. structured programming c. 多媒体4. functional testing d. 局域网5. word processor e. 结构化程序设计6. code windows f. 软件生命周期7. firewall g. 功能测试8. LAN h. 代码窗口9. hacker i. 黑客 10. switch j.防火墙1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10.Ⅱ. Comprehension(阅读理解)(一)Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below, andchange the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。

Unit 1单词:〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)〖Ex. 5〗把下列短文翻译成中文系统面板和普通键盘有专门控制键,你可以使用这些控制键实现主要的多媒体功能:观相片、听音乐和看电影。
Ex. 9〗用that从句做宾语将下面汉语译成英语你应该知道,你不仅仅能读取磁盘上的数据,也能够往上面写新的信息1. You should know that you can not only read data from the disk but also write new information to it.你应该意识到,软盘容纳不了多少数据2. You should realize that floppies do not hold too much data.我们计算机老实说,USB要比火线慢多了3. Our computer teacher said that USB is much slower than Firewire.我认为CPU主要责任是执行指令4. I think/believe that the CPU is primarily responsible for executing instructions.Unit 2单词〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)Unit 3〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)Unit 4单词〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)Unit 5单词〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)〖Ex. 5〗把下列短文翻译成中文佳能打印机有五种样式,价格从$80 到$500不等,满足了任何想打印相片用户的需求。

习题+答案2.1Write T or F to each statementT6. An asynchronous device is a clocked device.T7. A latch is an asynchronous device, because it functions at arbitrary times.T8. The repetition of clock pulse can vary from very low rate to very high rate.T9. A synchronous device changes its state only on the arrival of a clock pulse.F10. A clock input may occur at any time.T11. The clock pulses are used to synchronize all operations of the shift register.T13. A unidirectional shift register is capable of shifting in one direction only.F14. In a shift-left register the serial input determines what goes into the leftmost position during the shift register.F15. To provide parallel transfer capability some additional input and output lines should be provided to the shift register.Choose the best answer for each of the following1. How can the output of a logic gate be energized?CA By changing its inputs.B By remaining its inputs unchanged.C By meeting the specific input condition.D By giving a pulse.3. A NAND gate consists of D .A an OR gate followed by an inverterB an AND gate followed by an inverterC an AND gate followed by an OR gateD an inverter followed by an AND gate4. Under what condition is the output of a two-input XOR gate logic-high?BA Its inputs are simultaneously at the same logic level.B Its inputs are simultaneously at opposite logic levels.C Its inputs are logic-low.D its inputs are simultaneously logic-high.2.2Write T or F for each statementT 1. The CPU uses the input and output units to communicate with the outside world.F2. Main memory is sometimes called external memory.F3. After execution the program and the related files of data and files of information will be retained in the main memory for later use.F4. Personal computers have not the features of the larger system..T5. Large systems offer higher processing speeds for user and return more data than PCs. F6. CPUs all size have primary storage, arithmetic logic, and the control section.F7. The output device is the heart of any computer system.T8. The input/output devices and auxiliary storage units of a computer system are called peripherals.F9. The instrument of interpretation and communication between humans and computers system of all sizes is CPU.F10 Special purpose computers can adapted to many situation by giving them an appropriate program.F11 .A minicomputer is the smallest and least expensive type of computer.T12. A special purpose computer performs only one specific task and thus lacks versatility. T13. The larger the system the greater is its processing speed, storage capacity.T14. Mainframe computers are designed to process complex scientific application.T 9. The main memory in a general-purpose computer is made up of RAM integratedcircuit chip.\F 10. When the power is turned on, the program counter is set the first address of thebootstrap loader by the software of the computer.T 11. The read-write heads contact the surface of the floppy disks.T 12. The data on a particular track will be switched automatically onto a spare track by the computer before a catastrophic failure would occur.F 14. The read write heads stay on the same track continuously when the disk drive isWorkingF 16. The possible symbols in the binary numbering system are q to 9.F 17. The decimal value of 16 is represented in 4 bits BCD as 00010101.F 18. Alphanumeric versions of BCD commonly use 6,7or 8 bits to represent characters.F 19. A 6 bit alphanumeric code can represent 128 different characters.F 22. Eight bit codes are limited to representing 128 different characters.T23. An extra check (or parity ) bit is often added to each 6, 7, or 8 bit character represented in storage so that it will be possible to detect coding errors that may occur.T24. If a computer uses an odd parity format to detect errors in character codes, thenevery valid character code will always have an odd number of 1 bits.T25. Processor comes with a unique set of operations called an instruction set.F 26. In an instruction, operands specify the function to be performed.T 27. A processor's job is to retrieve instruction from memory and perform step bystep operations,3.3 True or FalseF1 All operating systems on various computers take the same size.F 2 All operating systems were written in a low level language.T3 The user can't use the computers at all if there is no operating system on the computers.F4 The operating system exists in the lowest layer of a computer.T5 The system calls are provided by the operating system.T 6 A computer's operational software defines the schedule of jobs awaiting execution.F7 Though an operating system can schedule the execution of jobs, it does not manage the availability of I/O devices.T 8 The IOCS component of an operating system controls I/O operations.T9 It is a major problem for the operating system to map the logical file concept onto physical storage devices such as magnetic tape or disk.F10 Files can only be direct access on a disk system.T 11 The logic structure and nomenclature of the different operating systems vary considerable.F12 The form of the system prompt is the same for every kind of operating system 13 You must boot the system, before you use a microcomputer.T14 Spooling is an approach to improving system performance by over aping the input of one job with the output of other jobs.T15 Multiprogramming allows time sharing.T1 6 When they first appeared, the microcomputers were provided with the operating system developed for computers.T17 By using the graphical user interface, what the users need to do is to "point and click" in order to accomplish their tasks.T18 The interface introduced by Windows is the object-oriented user interface.T 19.TMicrosoft failed in betting their future on Windows.Multiple Choice1 A computer's operating system is:Da resource managementb error recoveryc memory managementd all the above2 Which is the generalization of a two-level directory?Da cycle graph directory structureb a tree-structuredc batch systemd all the above3 Which system may have no time constrains?Ca real-time systemb time-share systemc batch systemd all the above4 The more popular micro operating system is:Da MS-DOSb CP/Mc UNIXd all the above5 What languages can be used to develop the operating systems ?Ca A machine language,b An assembly language.c A high level language,d all of the above.6 How does the operating system manage the resources of the computer?a It turns on or off the resources of the computer.b It makes them work together towards some common goals, or objectives.c It controls the way in which these resources are put to work.d It acts directly on the raw hardware.7 The function of an operating system is Da to drive the the raw hardware of the computerb to drive the resources of the computer in accordance with certain objectivesc to provide the higher layers of software with a simplified computerd all of the above11 The graphical user interface provides the users withA a simpler way to interact with their computersB a series of typed commandsC an intuitive sit of graphical icons that allowed the completion of common tasksD an intuitive set of graphical incons for users to "point and click" in order toaccomplish their tasks, so that they didn't have to remember arcane words andcommands anymore12 Windows resemble the Macintosh inA providing a GUI which is introduced by MacintoshB providing a limited means of multitaskingC providing a Windows interface just like the GUID allowing users to load multiple programs and have them run in thebackground while doing other work in a window in the foreground3.4 True or FalseF1 Flowcharting is used primarily for program design and rarely for systems design.T2 When programming in a procedure-oriented language, you should tell the computer'‘what to do' and 'how to do it'.T3 Assembler-level languages use mnemonics to represent instructions.T4 Machine language instructions are composed of a label, an opcode, and an operand.F5 Machine languages must be converted by a compiler to be used by the computer.F6 High-level languages require that programmers work with individual main storage locations.. 5T7 A compiler is translating program that converts high-level languages into machine language.T9 A flowchart loop indicates the repetitive performance of steeps to process data.T10 None of the computers consists of hardware only.F11 Programs written in high-level language can be executed by the computers without the help of a translator program~T13 Each symbolic instruction has one-to-one correspondence with the machine instruction.T14 Writing a program in a high-level language need not take account of the hardwareof the computer.T 15 The opode of an assembly language instruction specifies the operation that is to beperformed by the microprocessor.T 17 The mnemonic for the instruction is the symbolic representation of the actual binary code that the computer directly executes.T 18 A label is on the left of the assembly language statement.T 21 To enable the computer to solve an application problem programmers have to write programs in order to translate the application concepts into computerconcepts.T 22 A class is defined by grouping a user-defined type with all procedures and function that can be applied to it.T 23 The artificial intelligence research community did not agree with the concepts of object-oriented programming when in its early days.F24 Object-oriented programming languages are absolutely different from the LISP programming language.T 25 A program may produce incorrect output even if it runs OK.T 26 An error will occur if a program wants to use a deleted file.F 27 All the errors can be avoided.T 28 A warning will not terminate the program.T 29 Although we could not avoid all the runtime errors, we must take appropriate action when it happens.Match the following terms to the appropriate definition1 program2 programmer3 machine language4 assembler5 source6 object7 interpreter8 compilerA A computer program that translates an instruction into machine language, execute it, and then repeats the process for each instruction in a program until the program is finished.7B The set of statements that make up a computer program.5C A computer program that reads a high-level language instruction.8D A computer-specific set of primitive or elementary instructions that allows people to communicate with a particular computer.3E A set of instruction that tells a computer what to do.1F A program that translates an assembly-level language into machine language4.G Output from a compiler or assembler that is linked with other code to produce executable machine language code.6H A person who creates computer program.23.5True or falseT1 The program specifications are written by the software engineers.F2 Coding a program will consume most of programmer's time and effort.T 3 Programmers should use flowchart and other visual aids when they are designing routines.F4 The goal of the test phase of program development is to "prove" that a particular program has been completely debugged.T 5 More programmers maintain programs rather than code programs.T 6 A structured program is made up of several modules.T 7 "Branching" capability is one the most intriguing properties of a digital computer.。

第一课练习题1.将下列单词从易到难排序:chip, computer, algorithm, software,desktop2.将下列单词从中文翻译为英文:程序设计,硬件,操作系统,输入,输出3.请解释下列缩略语的全称:RAM,CPU,OS答案1.desktop, chip, computer, software, algorithm2.programming, hardware, operating system, input, output3.RAM(Random Access Memory),CPU(Central Processing Unit),OS(Operating System)第二课练习题1.请翻译下列句子:计算机的功能越来越强大,它可以执行许多任务。
2.请解释下列单词的意思:interface,protocol,server,router答案puters are becoming more and more powerful and they canperform many tasks.2.interface(接口), protocol(协议),server(服务器),router(路由器)第三课练习题1.请将下列单词按字母顺序排列:database,file,program,server,storage2.请填写下列句子的空格:计算机会读取从硬盘 __ (into)内存。

2011——2012年计算机专业英语期末考试试题Operation system:操作系统Software Suites:软件套件social networking:社交网络web page:网页end user:最终用户primary storage:主存储器procedure:程序output device:输出设备spam blocker:垃圾邮件拦截器What-if analysis:假定分析Vector image:矢量图像e-commerce:电子商务Disk-defragmenter:磁盘碎片整理speech recognition:语音识别Raster image:光栅图像Artificial intelligence:人工智能Spread sheet:总体分析Protocol:协议Relational database:关系数据库IPV6:Internet Protocol Version 6互联网协议版本6Cloud:云Micro-blog:微博Anti-virus software:防病毒软件Firewall:防火墙OOP:Object Oriented Programming面向对象的程序设计FTP:File Transfer Protocol文件传输协议URL:Uniform Resource Locator统一资源地址ISP:Internet Service Provider互联网服务提供商VRML:Virtual Reality Modeling Language 虚拟现实造型语言ALU:Arithmetic Logic Unit算术逻辑单元PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect (personal computer bus)周边元件连接(个人计算机总线)USB:Universal Serial Bus通用串行总线RAM:随机存取存储器(=random access memory)PDA:个人数字助理 (=Personal Digital Assistant)ADSL:非对称数字用户环线(=Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop)ARPANET:阿帕网(美国官方的电脑网络;为Internet的前身) (=Advanced Research Projects AgencyNetwork)CPU:中央处理器(=central processing unit)ROM:只读存储器(=read only memory)DBMS:Database Management System文献数据管理系统OS:操作系统=(Operating System)备份程序:stand-by program带宽:bandwidth宽带:broadband对话框:dialog box电子表:electronic watch(个人认为是:worksheet或者electronic sheet)无线革命:The wireless revolution栅格图:grid map嵌入式操作系统:embedded operating system网络适配器: Network adapter图形用户接口:Graphical user interfaceAGP: accelerated graphics port 加速图形端口ALU:arithmetic-logic unit 算术逻辑单元ASCII:American Standard Code for Information Interchange美标码信息交换信息。

一般概念名词前的the在描述一般类型事物的名词,而不是该事物的特例前面用the:Many people are worried about the bad effects of mobiles on the brain.These are problems for students living away from the family.We don’t know the effects of such chemicals on the body.The role of the student at university level varies greatly from country to country.Most of our business is carried out over the telephone.The也用在描述形势、质量、过程或变化的抽象名词前面。
这些名词后面经常跟of something: There is a problem with the availability of clean water in some villages.The distribution of income is uneven in most countries.On the whole, the standard of living is better in urban areas.Many residents complained about the frequency of bus services.This advance was brought about by the development of antibiotics.He made a number of recommendations for the improvement of staff training.Doctors always stress the importance of a balanced diet.注意:the development/improvement of something描述的是一般的变化过程,而developments/improvements in something描述的是特定的变化:We try to keep up-to-date with new developments in information technology.名词短语前的a/an在形容词+单数名词而构成的短语前面要加a/an:He clearly has a good understanding of the issues.Many students have a part-time job while studying.The company has captured a significant share of the market.注意下列短语中副词(very, really, quite等)的位置:We have a very high percentage of women working in senior government posts.There was a really good atmosphere.In my view, this is quite a strong argument.注意以下普通名词短语:●to a certain extent/degree: I agree with you to a certain degree.I think they are also right to a certain extent.● a wide range/variety: We have a wide range of books to choose from.●a(n) large/small/equal number/amount:an equal number of men and women.● a high/large/small/greater proportion/percentage:a small proportion of patients.● a long time: I haven’t seen her for a long time.1.下列句子是正确的还是错误的?请改正其中有错误的句子。

中考英语计算机词汇单选题40题1. When your computer runs slowly, it may be because there is not enough _.A. CPUB. memoryC. hard driveD. monitor答案:B。
解析:memory( 内存)在计算机中负责暂时存储数据。
hard drive(硬盘)用于长期存储数据,它的容量大小与计算机运行速度没有直接关系( 这里指因为存储不足导致运行慢的情况)。
monitor 显示器)只是用于显示计算机的输出内容,与计算机运行速度无关。
2. The _ is like the "brain" of a computer, which controls all the operations.A. keyboardB. mouseC. CPUD. printer答案:C。
解析:CPU( 中央处理器)被视为计算机的“大脑”,它控制着计算机的所有操作。
keyboard( 键盘)是用于输入信息的设备。
mouse( 鼠标)也是一种输入设备,主要用于操作图形界面。
printer( 打印机)则是用于将计算机中的信息打印输出的设备,它们都不具备控制计算机所有操作的功能。
3. If you want to store a large amount of data for a long time, you should use _.A. memoryB. CD - ROMC. hard driveD. USB flash drive答案:C。
解析:hard drive 硬盘)用于长期存储大量的数据。
memory 内存)是临时存储数据的。
CD - ROM 光盘只读存储器)虽然也能存储数据,但容量相对硬盘来说较小,并且现在使用频率不如硬盘高。
计算机专业英语 单词 习题

KEY TERMS第一单元application software应用软件basic application基本应用软件communication device通信设备compact disc (CD>光盘computer competency计算机能力Connectivity连通性Data数据database file数据库文件desktop computer台式计算机device driver磁盘驱动程序digital versatile disc<DVD)数字多用途光盘digital video disc<DVD)数字多用途光盘document file文档文件end user终端用户floppy disk软盘handheld computer手持计算机hard disk硬盘Hardware硬件High definition高清Information信息information system信息系统information technology信息技术input device输入设备Internet因特网Keyboard键盘mainframe computer大型机Memory内存Microcomputer微型机Microprocessor微处理器midrange computer中型机Minicomputer小型计算机Modem调制解调器Monitor监视器Mouse鼠标Network网络notebook computer笔记本电脑operating system操作系统optical disk光盘output device输出设备palm computer掌上电脑Peoplepersonal digital assistant<PDA)个人数字助理presentation file演示文稿primary storage主存Printer打印机Procedure规程Program程序random access memory随机存储器secondary storage device辅存Software软件specialized application专门应用软件Supercomputer巨型机system software系统软件system unit系统单元tablet PC平板电脑Utility实用程序wireless revolution无线革命worksheet file工作表第三单元analytical graph分析图application software应用软件Autocontent Wizard内容提示向导basic applications基础应用软件bulleted list工程符号列表business suite商业套装软件Button按键Cell单元格character effect字效Chart图表Column列Computer trainer计算机培训员Contextual tab上下文标签Database数据库database management system (DBMS>数据库管理系统database manager数据库管理员Design template设计模板dialog box对话框Document文件Editing编辑Field字段find and replace查找和替换Font字体font size字号Form窗体Format格式Formula公式Function函数Galleries图库grammar checker语法检查器graphical user interface (GUI>图形用户界面home software家庭软件home suite家庭套装软件Icons图标integrated package集成组件Label标签master slide母板Menu菜单menu bar菜单栏numbered list编号列表numeric entry数值型输入personal software个人软件personal suite个人套装软件Pointer指针presentation graphic图形演示文稿productivity suite生产力套装软件Query查询Range范围Recalculation重算Record记录relational database关系型数据Report报表Ribbons功能区、格式栏Row行Sheet工作表Slide幻灯片software suite软件套装Sort排序specialized applications专用应用程序specialized suite专用套装软件speech recognition语音识别spelling checker拼写检查器spreadsheet电子表格system software系统软件Table表格text entry文本输入Thesaurus[θisɔ:rəs]分类词汇集Toolbar工具栏user interface用户界面utility suite实用套装软件what-if analysis变化分析Window窗口word processor文字处理软件word wrap字回行workbook file工作簿Worksheet工作表第四单元Animation动画artificial intelligence (AI>人工智能artificial reality虚拟现实audio editing software音频编辑软件bitmap image位图Blog博客Buttons按键clip art剪辑图Desktop publisher桌面发布desktop publishing program桌面印刷系统软件drawing program绘图程序expert systems专家系统Flash动画fuzzy logic模糊逻辑graphical map框图graphics suite集成图HTML editors HTML编辑器illustration program绘图程序Image editors图像编辑器image gallery图库immersive experience沉浸式体验industrial robots工业机器人Interactivity交互性knowledge bases知识库knowledge-based system知识库系统Link链接mobile robot移动式遥控装置Morphing渐变Multimedia多媒体multimedia authoring programs多媒体编辑程序page layout program页面布局程序perception systems robot感知系统机器人Photo editors图像编辑器Pixel[piksəl]像素raster image光栅图像Robot机器人Robotics机器人学stock photographs照片库story boards故事版Vector[vektə]矢量vector illustration矢量图vector image矢量图象video editing software视频编辑软件virtual environments虚拟环境virtual reality虚拟现实virtual reality modeling language (VRML>虚拟现实建模语言virtual reality wall虚拟现实墙VR虚拟现实Web authoring网络编程Web authoring program网络编辑程序Web log网络日志Web page editor网页编辑器第五单元Add Printer Wizard添加打印机向导Antivirus program反病毒程序Backup备份backup program备份程序Booting启动、引导cold boot冷启动computer support specialist计算机支持专家Dashboard widgets仪表盘Desktop桌面desktop operating system桌面操作系统device driver磁盘驱动程序diagnostic program诊断程序dialog box对话框Disk Cleanup磁盘清理Disk Defragmenter磁盘碎片整理器Driver驱动器embedded operating systems嵌入式操作系统File文件file compression program文件压缩程序Folder文件夹Fragmented碎片化graphical user interface (GUI>图形用户界面Help帮助Icon图标language translator语言编译器leopard[lepəd]雪豹操作系统LinuxMac OS Mac操作系统Mac OS XMenu菜单Multitasking多任务处理network operating systems(NOS>网络操作系统network server网络服务器One Button Checkup一键修复operating system操作系统Platform平台Pointer指针Sectors[sektə]扇区software environment软件环境Spotlight聚光灯stand-alone operating system独立操作系统system software系统软件Tiger老虎操作系统Tracks磁道troubleshooting program故障检修程序Uninstall program卸载程序UNIXuser interface用户界面Utility实用程序utility suite实用套装软件Virus[vaiərəs]病毒warm boot热启动Window视窗Windows视窗操作系统Windows Update Windows更新Windows VistaWindows XP第六单元AC adapter 交流适配器Accelerated graphics port(AGP>:图形加速端口Arithmetic-logic unit<ALU):算术逻辑单元Arithmetic operation:算术运算ASCII美国标准信息交换码Binary coding schemes:二进制编码制Bit:位Bus:总线Bus line:总线Byte:字节Cable:电缆Cache memory:高速缓存carrier package 封装物Central processing unit (CPU>:中央处理器Chip:芯片Clock speed时钟速度Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor:互补金属氧化物半导体Computer technician计算机工程师Control unit:控制单元Coprocessor协处理器Desktop system unit:桌面系统单元Digital数字的Dual-core chips双核芯片EBCDIC:扩展二进制编码的十进制交换码Expansion bus扩展总线Expansion card扩展卡Expansion slot扩展槽FireWire port:火线接口Flash memory闪存Graphics card图形适配卡Graphics coprocessor图形协处理器Handheld computer system unit 手持计算机系统单元Industry standardarchitecture<ISA)工业标准结构Infrared DataAssociation<IrDA)红外线传输模组Integrated circuit:集成电路Laptop computer膝式计算机Logical operation逻辑运算Microprocessor:微处理器Motherboard:主板Musical instrument digitalinterface<MIDI)乐器数字接口Network adapter card网络适配卡Network interface card<NIC)网络接口卡Notebook system unit:笔记本Parallel ports:并行端口Parallel processing并行处理Pc card: :个人计算机插卡PCI Express<PCIe)Peripheral component interconnect (PCI>:外围部件互联Personal digital assistant (PDA> 个人数字助理Plug and play:即插即用Port:端口Power supply unit 供电设备Processor:处理器RAM cache: RAM高速缓存Random-access memory (RAM>:随机存储器Read-only memory (ROM>:只读存储器RFID tag射频识别标签Semiconductor:半导体serial ATA<SATA)串行ATA接口规范Serial ports:串行端口Silicon chip:硅芯片Slot:插槽Smart card:智能卡sound card声卡System board:系统板System cabinet:主机System clock:系统时钟System unit:系统单元tablet PC平板式电脑tablet PC system unit平板式电脑系统单元TV tuner card:电视调频卡Unicode:统一字符编码标准Universal serial bus (USB>:通用串行总线Universal serial bus (USB> port:通用串行总线端口Virtual memory:虚拟存储器Word:字第七单元active-matrix monitor有源矩阵显示器bar code条形码bar code reader条形码阅读器cathode ray tube monitor (CRT>阴极射线管显示器Clarity清晰度combination key组合键cordless mouse无线鼠标data projector数据投影仪digital camera数码照相机Digital media player数字媒体播放器Digital music player数码音乐播放器digital video camera数码影像摄录机dot pitch点距dot-matrix printer针式打印机dots-per-inch (dpi>点每英寸dual-scan monitor双向扫描显示器dumb terminal哑终端e-book电子图书阅读器ergonomic keyboard人体工程学键盘Fax machine传真机flat-panel monitor平面显示器Flatbed scanner平板扫描仪flexible keyboard可变形键盘handwriting recognition software手写识别软件Headphones耳机high-definition television (HDTV>高清电视ink-jet printer喷墨打印机intelligent terminal智能终端Internet telephone网络电话Internet telephony网络电话IP Telephony IP电话Joystick游戏杆Keyboard键盘laser printer激光打印机light pen光笔Liquid crystal display<LCD)液晶显示器Magnetic card reader磁卡阅读器magnetic-ink character recognition (MICR>磁性墨水字符识别mechanical mouse机械鼠标Monitor显示器Mouse鼠标mouse pointer鼠标指针multifunction device (MFD>多功能设备network terminal网络终端numeric keypad数字小键盘optical-character recognition (OCR>光学字符识别optical-mark recognition (OMR>光学标记识别optical mouse光电鼠标Optical scanner光电扫描仪passive-matrix monitor无源矩阵显示器PDA keyboard PDA键盘personal laser printer个人激光打印机photo printer照片打印机picture elements 有效像素Pixel像素Pixel pitch像素间距platform scanner平版式扫描仪Plotter绘图仪pointing stick触控点portable printer便携式打印机portable scanner便携式扫描仪Printer打印机Radio frequency card reader射频卡阅读器Radio frequency identification<RFID)射频识别refresh rate刷新率Resolution分辨率roller ball滚动球shared laser printer共享激光打印机Speakers扬声器Stylus[stailəs]输入笔Technical writer技术文档编写员telephony[tilefəni]电话Terminal终端thermal printer[θə:məl]热敏打印机thin client瘦客户端thin film transistor monitor (TFT>薄膜晶体管显示器toggle key[tɔɡl]切换键touch pad触控板touch screen触摸屏Trackball轨迹球traditional keyboard传统键盘Universal Product Code (UPC>同一产品编码voice-over IP (VoIP>网络电话voice recognition system语音识别系统wand reader棒式阅读器WebCam摄像头wheel button滚动键wireless keyboard无线键盘wireless mouse无线鼠标第八单元access speed存取速度Blu-Ray<BD)蓝光Capacity容量CD (compact disc>光盘CD-R (CD-recordable>可录式CD CD-ROM (compact disc-read only memory>光盘库CD-RW (compact disc rewritable>可重写CDCylinder[silində]柱面Density密度direct access直接存取disk caching磁盘缓存DVD(digital versatile disc or digital video disc>DVD player DVD播放器DVD- R (DVD recordable>可录式DVDDVD +R (DVD recordable>可录式DVDDVD-RAM(DVD random-access memory>DVD随机存取器DVD-ROM(DVD random-read-only memory>DVD只读存储器DVD-ROM jukeboxDVD-RW (DVD rewritable>可重写DVDEnterprise storage system企业存储系统erasable optical disk可擦光盘file compression文件压缩file decompression文件解压缩File server文件服务器flash memory card闪存卡floppy disk软盘Floppy disk cartridge软盘盒floppy disk drive (FDD>软磁盘驱动器hard disk硬盘hard-disk cartridge硬盘盒hard-disk pack硬盘组HD DVD(high-definition DVD>高清DVDhead crash磁头碰撞Hi def(high definition>高清high capacity disk高容量磁盘internal hard disk内置硬盘Internet hard drive网络硬盘驱动器Label标签Land平地magnetic tape磁带magnetic tape reel磁带盒magnetic tape streamer磁带条Media多媒体optical disk光盘optical disk drive光盘驱动器Organizational Internet storage组织性网络存储PC Card hard disk PC卡硬盘Pit坑primary storage主存RAID system磁碟阵列系统Redundant array of inexpensive disks(RAID>廉价磁盘冗余阵列secondary storage辅存Sector扇区sequential access顺序存取Shutter滑盖Software engineer软件工程师solid-state storage固态存储器storage devices存储装置tape cartridge盒式带Track轨道USB drive USB驱动器write-protection notch写入保护缺口第九单元3G cellular networkanalog signal 模拟信号asymmetric digital subscriber<ADSL)非对称数字用户线路Backbone中枢Bandwidth带宽base station基址bits per second位/秒Bluetooth 蓝牙Broadband宽带broadcast radio无线广播Bus总线bus network总线网络cable modem电缆调制解调器cellular service无线服务Client 客户client/server network system客户/服务网络系统coaxial cable同轴电缆communication channel 信道communication system 通信系统computer network计算机网络Connectivity连通性Demodulation 解调dial-up service拨号服务digital signal数字信号digital subscriber line (DSL>数字用户线路distributed data processing分布式数据处理系统distributed processing分布处理domain name server (DNS>域名服务Ethernet以太网external modem外置调制解调器Extranet外联网fiber-optic cable 光纤电缆Firewall防火墙global positioning system (GPS>全球卫星定位系统hierarchical network树型网络home network家庭网络host computer主机Hub集线器Infrared红外线internal modem 内置式调制解调器Intranet内联网IP address (Internet Protocoladdress>IP地址local area network (LAN>局域网low bandwidth低频带宽medium band 中频波段metropolitan area network (MAN> 城域网Microwave微波Modem调制解调器Modulation调制network administrator网络管理员network architecture网络体系结构network gateway 网关network hub 网络集线器network interface card (NIC>网络接口卡network operating system (NOS>网络操作系统Node 节点Packet 数据包PC card modem PC卡调制解调器peer-to-peer network system 对等网络系统Polling 轮流检测Protocol协议proxy server代理服务器ring network环型网络Satellite卫星satellite/air connection service卫星互连服务Server服务器star network 星型网络Strategy策略T1, T2, T3, T4 linestelephone line电话线terminal network 终端网络time-sharing system并发式系统Topology拓扑结构transfer rate传输率TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/Internet protocol>传输控制协议/因特网协议voiceband声音带宽wide area network (WAN>广域网Wi-FI (wireless fidelity>无限保真wireless LAN (WLAN>无线局域网wireless modem无线调制解调器wireless receiver无线接收器课后习题答案:Ch1: Ch6:bbabd,dacdd。

计算机专业英语测试题一、词汇测试题(每小题1分,共20分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese (共10分,每题1分)1.Cyber cafe2.microcomputer3.ROM4.Object-oriented programming5.utility program6.system specification7.database administrator8.modulator-demodulator9.client/server model10.spreadsheet program(二).Translate the following terms or phrases from Chinese into English (共10分,每题1分)1.中央处理器2.广域网3.超级计算机4.电子商务5.计算机安全6.计算机文化7.网站8.域名9.数据库管理系统10.软件工程二、完型填空题(每空1分,共20分)Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the list following each paragraph, making changes if necessary:1. Computer hardware is the involved in the ofa computer and consists of the that can be physically handled. The function of these components is typically divided into three main categories: , , and . Components in these categories connect to , specifically, the computer’s central unit (CPU), the electronic that provides the computational ability and control of the computer, via wires or circuitry called bus.microprocessors component processing functionoutput equipment input circuitry storage2.In the relational model, data is organized in two-dimensionalcalled . There is no or structure imposed on the data. The tables or relations are, however, related to each other. The database management system (RDBMS) the data so that its external is a of relation or tables. This does not mean that data is stored as tables: the physical of the data is independent of the way in which the is logically organized.hierarchical set organize relational relationdata storage view network table三、英译汉题(每题10分,共20分)Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:1.The field of computer science has grown rapidly since the1950s due to the increase in their use. Computer programs have undergone many changes during this time in response to user need and advances in technology. Newer ideas in computing such as parallel computing, distributedcomputing, and artificial intelligence, have radically altered the traditional concepts that once determined program form and function. In parallel computing parts of a problem are worked on simultaneously by different processors, and this speed up the solution of the problem. Another type of parallel computing called distributed computing use CPUs from many interconnected computers to solve problems.Research into artificial intelligence (AI) has led to several other new styles of programming.2.High-level languages are commonly classified asprocedure-oriented, functional, objected-oriented, logic languages. The most common high-level languages today are procedure-oriented languages. In these languages, one or more related blocks of statements that perform some complete function are grouped together into a program module, or procedure, and given a name such as “procedure A”. If the same sequence of operations is needed elsewhere in the program, a simple statement can be used to refer back to the procedure. In essence, a procedure is just a mini-program. A large program can be constructed by grouping together procedures that perform different tasks.四、汉译英题(20分)最著名的互联网例子是因特网。
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共10页KEY TERMS第一单元application software应用软件basic application基本应用软件communication device通信设备compact disc (CD)光盘computer competency计算机能力Connectivity连通性Data数据database file数据库文件desktop computer台式计算机device driver磁盘驱动程序digital versatile disc(DVD)数字多用途光盘digital video disc(DVD)数字多用途光盘document file文档文件end user终端用户floppy disk软盘handheld computer手持计算机hard disk硬盘Hardware硬件High definition高清Information信息information system信息系统information technology信息技术input device输入设备Internet因特网Keyboard键盘mainframe computer大型机Memory内存Microcomputer微型机Microprocessor微处理器midrange computer中型机Minicomputer小型计算机Modem调制解调器Monitor监视器Mouse鼠标Network网络notebook computer笔记本电脑operating system操作系统optical disk光盘output device输出设备palm computer掌上电脑Peoplepersonal digital assistant(PDA)个人数字助理presentation file演示文稿primary storage主存Printer打印机Procedure规程Program程序random access memory随机存储器secondary storage device辅存Software软件specialized application专门应用软件Supercomputer巨型机system software系统软件system unit系统单元tablet PC平板电脑Utility实用程序wireless revolution无线革命worksheet file工作表第三单元analytical graph分析图application software应用软件Autocontent Wizard内容提示向导basic applications基础应用软件bulleted list项目符号列表business suite商业套装软件Button按键Cell单元格character effect字效Chart图表Column列Computer trainer计算机培训员Contextual tab上下文标签Database数据库database management system (DBMS)数据库管理系统database manager数据库管理员Design template设计模板dialog box对话框Document文件Editing编辑Field字段find and replace查找和替换Font字体font size字号Form窗体Format格式Formula公式Function函数Galleries图库grammar checker语法检查器graphical user interface (GUI)图形用户界面home software家庭软件home suite家庭套装软件Icons图标integrated package集成组件Label标签master slide母板Menu菜单menu bar菜单栏numbered list编号列表numeric entry数值型输入personal software个人软件personal suite个人套装软件Pointer指针presentation graphic图形演示文稿productivity suite生产力套装软件Query查询Range范围Recalculation重算Record记录relational database关系型数据Report报表Ribbons功能区、格式栏Row行Sheet工作表Slide幻灯片software suite软件套装Sort排序specialized applications专用应用程序specialized suite专用套装软件speech recognition语音识别spelling checker拼写检查器spreadsheet电子表格system software系统软件Table表格text entry文本输入Thesaurus[θisɔ:rəs]分类词汇集Toolbar工具栏user interface用户界面utility suite实用套装软件what-if analysis变化分析Window窗口word processor文字处理软件word wrap字回行workbook file工作簿Worksheet工作表第四单元Animation动画artificial intelligence (AI)人工智能artificial reality虚拟现实audio editing software音频编辑软件bitmap image位图Blog博客Buttons按键clip art剪辑图Desktop publisher桌面发布desktop publishing program桌面印刷系统软件drawing program绘图程序expert systems专家系统Flash动画fuzzy logic模糊逻辑graphical map框图graphics suite集成图HTML editors HTML编辑器illustration program绘图程序Image editors图像编辑器image gallery图库immersive experience沉浸式体验industrial robots工业机器人Interactivity交互性knowledge bases知识库knowledge-based system知识库系统Link链接mobile robot移动式遥控装置Morphing渐变Multimedia多媒体multimedia authoring programs多媒体编辑程序page layout program页面布局程序perception systems robot感知系统机器人Photo editors图像编辑器Pixel[piksəl]像素raster image光栅图像Robot机器人Robotics机器人学stock photographs照片库story boards故事版Vector[vektə]矢量vector illustration矢量图vector image矢量图象video editing software视频编辑软件virtual environments虚拟环境virtual reality虚拟现实virtual reality modeling language (VRML)虚拟现实建模语言virtual reality wall虚拟现实墙VR虚拟现实Web authoring网络编程Web authoring program网络编辑程序Web log网络日志Web page editor网页编辑器第五单元Add Printer Wizard添加打印机向导Antivirus program反病毒程序Backup备份backup program备份程序Booting启动、引导cold boot冷启动computer support specialist计算机支持专家Dashboard widgets仪表盘Desktop桌面desktop operating system桌面操作系统device driver磁盘驱动程序diagnostic program诊断程序dialog box对话框Disk Cleanup磁盘清理Disk Defragmenter磁盘碎片整理器Driver驱动器embedded operating systems嵌入式操作系统File文件file compression program文件压缩程序Folder文件夹Fragmented碎片化graphical user interface (GUI)图形用户界面Help帮助Icon图标language translator语言编译器leopard[lepəd]雪豹操作系统LinuxMac OS Mac操作系统Mac OS XMenu菜单Multitasking多任务处理network operating systems(NOS)网络操作系统network server网络服务器One Button Checkup一键修复operating system操作系统Platform平台Pointer指针Sectors[sektə]扇区software environment软件环境Spotlight聚光灯stand-alone operating system独立操作系统system software系统软件Tiger老虎操作系统Tracks磁道troubleshooting program故障检修程序Uninstall program卸载程序UNIXuser interface用户界面Utility实用程序utility suite实用套装软件Virus[vaiərəs]病毒warm boot热启动Window视窗Windows视窗操作系统Windows Update Windows更新Windows VistaWindows XP第六单元AC adapter 交流适配器Accelerated graphics port(AGP):图形加速端口Arithmetic-logic unit(ALU):算术逻辑单元Arithmetic operation:算术运算ASCII美国标准信息交换码Binary coding schemes:二进制编码制Bit:位Bus:总线Bus line:总线Byte:字节Cable:电缆Cache memory:高速缓存carrier package 封装物Central processing unit (CPU):中央处理器Chip:芯片Clock speed时钟速度Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor:互补金属氧化物半导体Computer technician计算机工程师Control unit:控制单元Coprocessor协处理器Desktop system unit:桌面系统单元Digital数字的Dual-core chips双核芯片EBCDIC:扩展二进制编码的十进制交换码Expansion bus扩展总线Expansion card扩展卡Expansion slot扩展槽FireWire port:火线接口Flash memory闪存Graphics card图形适配卡Graphics coprocessor图形协处理器Handheld computer system unit 手持计算机系统单元Industry standard architecture (ISA)工业标准结构Infrared Data Association(IrDA)红外线传输模组Integrated circuit:集成电路Laptop computer膝式计算机Logical operation逻辑运算Microprocessor:微处理器Motherboard:主板Musical instrument digital interface (MIDI)乐器数字接口Network adapter card网络适配卡Network interface card(NIC)网络接口卡Notebook system unit:笔记本Parallel ports:并行端口Parallel processing并行处理Pc card: :个人计算机插卡PCI Express(PCIe)Peripheral component interconnect (PCI):外围部件互联Personal digital assistant (PDA) 个人数字助理Plug and play:即插即用Port:端口Power supply unit 供电设备Processor:处理器RAM cache: RAM高速缓存Random-access memory (RAM):随机存储器Read-only memory (ROM):只读存储器RFID tag射频识别标签Semiconductor:半导体serial ATA(SATA)串行ATA接口规范Serial ports:串行端口Silicon chip:硅芯片Slot:插槽Smart card:智能卡sound card声卡System board:系统板System cabinet:主机System clock:系统时钟System unit:系统单元tablet PC平板式电脑tablet PC system unit平板式电脑系统单元TV tuner card:电视调频卡Unicode:统一字符编码标准Universal serial bus (USB):通用串行总线Universal serial bus (USB) port:通用串行总线端口Virtual memory:虚拟存储器Word:字第七单元active-matrix monitor有源矩阵显示器bar code条形码bar code reader条形码阅读器cathode ray tube monitor (CRT)阴极射线管显示器Clarity清晰度combination key组合键cordless mouse无线鼠标data projector数据投影仪digital camera数码照相机Digital media player数字媒体播放器Digital music player数码音乐播放器digital video camera数码影像摄录机dot pitch点距dot-matrix printer针式打印机dots-per-inch (dpi)点每英寸dual-scan monitor双向扫描显示器dumb terminal哑终端e-book电子图书阅读器ergonomic keyboard人体工程学键盘Fax machine传真机flat-panel monitor平面显示器Flatbed scanner平板扫描仪flexible keyboard可变形键盘handwriting recognition software手写识别软件Headphones耳机high-definition television (HDTV)高清电视ink-jet printer喷墨打印机intelligent terminal智能终端Internet telephone网络电话Internet telephony网络电话IP Telephony IP电话Joystick游戏杆Keyboard键盘laser printer激光打印机light pen光笔Liquid crystal display(LCD)液晶显示器Magnetic card reader磁卡阅读器magnetic-ink character recognition (MICR)磁性墨水字符识别mechanical mouse机械鼠标Monitor显示器Mouse鼠标mouse pointer鼠标指针multifunction device (MFD)多功能设备network terminal网络终端numeric keypad数字小键盘optical-character recognition (OCR)光学字符识别optical-mark recognition (OMR)光学标记识别optical mouse光电鼠标Optical scanner光电扫描仪passive-matrix monitor无源矩阵显示器PDA keyboard PDA键盘personal laser printer个人激光打印机photo printer照片打印机picture elements 有效像素Pixel像素Pixel pitch像素间距platform scanner平版式扫描仪Plotter绘图仪pointing stick触控点portable printer便携式打印机portable scanner便携式扫描仪Printer打印机Radio frequency card reader射频卡阅读器Radio frequency identification (RFID)射频识别refresh rate刷新率Resolution分辨率roller ball滚动球shared laser printer共享激光打印机Speakers扬声器Stylus[stailəs]输入笔Technical writer技术文档编写员telephony[tilefəni]电话Terminal终端thermal printer[θə:məl]热敏打印机thin client瘦客户端thin film transistor monitor (TFT)薄膜晶体管显示器toggle key[tɔɡl]切换键touch pad触控板touch screen触摸屏Trackball轨迹球traditional keyboard传统键盘Universal Product Code (UPC)同一产品编码voice-over IP (VoIP)网络电话voice recognition system语音识别系统wand reader棒式阅读器WebCam摄像头wheel button滚动键wireless keyboard无线键盘wireless mouse无线鼠标第八单元access speed存取速度Blu-Ray(BD)蓝光Capacity容量CD (compact disc)光盘CD-R (CD-recordable)可录式CDCD-ROM (compact disc-read only memory)光盘库CD-RW (compact disc rewritable)可重写CDCylinder[silində]柱面Density密度direct access直接存取disk caching磁盘缓存DVD(digital versatile disc or digital video disc)DVD player DVD播放器DVD- R (DVD recordable)可录式DVDDVD +R (DVD recordable)可录式DVDDVD-RAM(DVD random-access memory)DVD随机存取器DVD-ROM(DVD random-read-only memory)DVD只读存储器DVD-ROM jukeboxDVD-RW (DVD rewritable)可重写DVD Enterprise storage system企业存储系统erasable optical disk可擦光盘file compression文件压缩file decompression文件解压缩File server文件服务器flash memory card闪存卡floppy disk软盘Floppy disk cartridge软盘盒floppy disk drive (FDD)软磁盘驱动器hard disk硬盘hard-disk cartridge硬盘盒hard-disk pack硬盘组HD DVD(high-definition DVD)高清DVDhead crash磁头碰撞Hi def(high definition)高清high capacity disk高容量磁盘internal hard disk内置硬盘Internet hard drive网络硬盘驱动器Label标签Land平地magnetic tape磁带magnetic tape reel磁带盒magnetic tape streamer磁带条Media多媒体optical disk光盘optical disk drive光盘驱动器Organizational Internet storage组织性网络存储PC Card hard disk PC卡硬盘Pit坑primary storage主存RAID system磁碟阵列系统Redundant array of inexpensive disks(RAID)廉价磁盘冗余阵列secondary storage辅存Sector扇区sequential access顺序存取Shutter滑盖Software engineer软件工程师solid-state storage固态存储器storage devices存储装置tape cartridge盒式带Track轨道USB drive USB驱动器write-protection notch写入保护缺口第九单元3G cellular networkanalog signal 模拟信号asymmetric digital subscriber(ADSL)非对称数字用户线路Backbone中枢Bandwidth带宽base station基址bits per second位/秒Bluetooth 蓝牙Broadband宽带broadcast radio无线广播Bus总线bus network总线网络cable modem电缆调制解调器cellular service无线服务Client 客户client/server network system客户/服务网络系统coaxial cable同轴电缆communication channel 信道communication system 通信系统computer network计算机网络Connectivity连通性Demodulation 解调dial-up service拨号服务digital signal数字信号digital subscriber line (DSL)数字用户线路distributed data processing分布式数据处理系统distributed processing分布处理domain name server (DNS)域名服务Ethernet以太网external modem外置调制解调器Extranet外联网fiber-optic cable 光纤电缆Firewall防火墙global positioning system (GPS)全球卫星定位系统hierarchical network树型网络home network家庭网络host computer主机Hub集线器Infrared红外线internal modem 内置式调制解调器Intranet内联网IP address (Internet Protocol address)IP地址local area network (LAN)局域网low bandwidth低频带宽medium band 中频波段metropolitan area network (MAN) 城域网Microwave微波Modem调制解调器Modulation调制network administrator网络管理员network architecture网络体系结构network gateway 网关network hub 网络集线器network interface card (NIC)网络接口卡network operating system (NOS)网络操作系统Node 节点Packet 数据包PC card modem PC卡调制解调器peer-to-peer network system 对等网络系统Polling 轮流检测Protocol协议proxy server代理服务器ring network环型网络Satellite卫星satellite/air connection service卫星互连服务Server服务器star network 星型网络Strategy策略T1, T2, T3, T4 linestelephone line电话线terminal network 终端网络time-sharing system并发式系统Topology拓扑结构transfer rate传输率TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/Internet protocol)传输控制协议/因特网协议voiceband声音带宽wide area network (WAN)广域网Wi-FI (wireless fidelity)无限保真wireless LAN (WLAN)无线局域网wireless modem无线调制解调器wireless receiver无线接收器课后习题答案:Ch1: Ch6:bbabd,dacdd; eichafgbdj. dbcbb,aacbd; jachgidefb. Ch3: Ch7:dcbdd,abccb; jachbdiegf. Ababd,adcdb; iefjabgdch. Ch4: Ch8:aaaba,bcbab; igdecfhbja. dacac,acddc; gajidbhcfe. Ch5: Ch9:cdcaa,cbbac; gdfbghaeic. abadc,dbbbd; gbaidecjhf.中英文对照的ERP专业词汇介绍:B2C、B2B、ASP、APS、BOM、C/S、CAD、CAM、CPC、EDI、GUI、ISO、MIS、PM、SCM、SQL、TQM、line item、planned capacity、rated capacity、virtual warehouse……1 ABM Activity-based Management 基于作业活动管理2 AO Application Outsourcing 应用程序外包3 APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society,Inc 美国生产与库存管理协会4 APICS Applied Manufacturing Education Series 实用制造管理系列培训教材5 APO Advanced Planning and Optimization 先进计划及优化技术6 APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling 高级计划与排程技术7 ASP Application Service/Software Provider 应用服务/软件供应商8 ATO Assemble To Order 定货组装9 ATP Available To Promise 可供销售量(可签约量)10 B2B Business to Business 企业对企业(电子商务)11 B2C Business to Consumer 企业对消费者(电子商务)12 B2G Business to Government 企业对政府(电子商务)13 B2R Business to Retailer 企业对经销商(电子商务)14 BIS Business Intelligence System 商业智能系统15 BOM Bill Of Materials 物料清单16 BOR Bill Of Resource 资源清单17 BPR Business Process Reengineering 业务/企业流程重组18 BPM Business Process Management 业务/企业流程管理19 BPS Business Process Standard 业务/企业流程标准20 C/S Client/Server(C/S)\Browser/Server(B/S) 客户机/服务器\浏览器/服务器21 CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计22 CAID Computer-Aided Industrial Design 计算机辅助工艺设计23 CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造24 CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning 计算机辅助工艺设计25 CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering 计算机辅助软件工程26 CC Collaborative Commerce 协同商务27 CIMS Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 计算机集成制造系统28 CMM Capability Maturity Model 能力成熟度模型29 COMMS Customer Oriented Manufacturing Management System 面向客户制造管理系统30 CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 通用对象请求代理结构31 CPC Collaborative Product Commerce 协同产品商务32 CPIM Certified Production and Inventory Management 生产与库存管理认证资格33 CPM Critical Path Method 关键线路法34 CRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理35 CRP capacity requirements planning 能力需求计划36 CTI Computer Telephony Integration 电脑电话集成(呼叫中心)37 CTP Capable to Promise 可承诺的能力38 DCOM Distributed Component Object Model 分布式组件对象模型39 DCS Distributed Control System 分布式控制系统40 DMRP Distributed MRP 分布式MRP41 DRP Distribution Resource Planning 分销资源计划42 DSS Decision Support System 决策支持系统43 DTF Demand Time Fence 需求时界44 DTP Delivery to Promise 可承诺的交货时间45 EAI Enterprise Application Integration 企业应用集成46 EAM Enterprise Assets Management 企业资源管理47 ECM Enterprise Commerce Management 企业商务管理48 ECO Engineering Change Order 工程变更订单49 EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换50 EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理51 EEA Extended Enterprise Applications 扩展企业应用系统52 EIP Enterprise Information Portal 企业信息门户53 EIS Executive Information System 高层领导信息系统54 EOI Economic Order Interval 经济定货周期55 EOQ Economic Order Quantity 经济订货批量(经济批量法)56 EPA Enterprise Proficiency Analysis 企业绩效分析57 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划58 ERM Enterprise Resource Management 企业资源管理59 ETO Engineer To Order 专项设计,按订单设计60 FAS Final Assembly Schedule 最终装配计划61 FCS Finite Capacity Scheduling 有限能力计划62 FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造系统63 FOQ Fixed Order Quantity 固定定货批量法64 GL General Ledger 总账65 GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面66 HRM Human Resource Management 人力资源管理67 HRP Human Resource Planning 人力资源计划68 IE Industry Engineering/Internet Exploration 工业工程/浏览器69 ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织70 ISP Internet Service Provider 互联网服务提供商71 ISPE International Society for Productivity Enhancement 国际生产力促进会72 IT/GT Information/Group Technology 信息/成组技术73 JIT Just In Time 准时制造/准时制生产74 KPA Key Process Areas 关键过程域75 KPI Key Performance Indicators 关键业绩指标76 LP Lean Production 精益生产77 MES Manufacturing Executive System 制造执行系统78 MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统79 MPS Master Production Schedule 主生产计划80 MRP Material Requirements Planning 物料需求计划81 MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划82 MTO Make To Order 定货(订货)生产83 MTS Make To Stock 现货(备货)生产84 OA Office Automation 办公自动化85 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing 原始设备制造商86 OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优生产技术87 OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优生产时刻表88 PADIS Production And Decision Information System 生产和决策管理信息系统89 PDM Product Data Management 产品数据管理90 PERT Program Evaluation Research Technology 计划评审技术91 PLM Production Lifecycle Management 产品生命周期管理92 PM Project Management 项目管理93 POQ Period Order Quantity 周期定量法94 PRM Partner Relationship Management 合作伙伴关系管理95 PTF Planned Time Fence 计划时界96 PTX Private Trade Exchange 自用交易网站97 RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗能力计划98 RDBM Relational Data Base Management 关系数据库管理99 RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing 快速原形制造100 RRP Resource Requirements Planning 资源需求计划101 SCM Supply Chain Management 供应链管理102 SCP Supply Chain Partnership 供应链合作伙伴关系103 SFA Sales Force Automation 销售自动化104 SMED Single-Minute Exchange Of Dies 快速换模法105 SOP Sales And Operation Planning 销售与运作规划106 SQL Structure Query Language 结构化查询语言107 TCO Total Cost Ownership 总体运营成本108 TEI Total Enterprise Integration 全面企业集成109 TOC Theory Of Constraints/Constraints managemant 约束理论/约束管理110 TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全员生产力维护111 TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量控制112 TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理113 WBS Work Breakdown System 工作分解系统114 XML eXtensible Markup Language 可扩展标记语言115 ABC Classification(Activity Based Classification) ABC分类法116 ABC costing 作业成本法117 ABC inventory control ABC 库存控制118 abnormal demand 反常需求119 acquisition cost ,ordering cost 定货费120 action message 行为/活动(措施)信息121 action report flag 活动报告标志122 activity cost pool 作业成本集123 activity-based costing(ABC) 作业基准成本法/业务成本法124 actual capacity 实际能力125 adjust on hand 调整现有库存量126 advanced manufacturing technology 先进制造技术127 advanced pricing 高级定价系统128 AM Agile Manufacturing 敏捷制造129 alternative routing 替代工序(工艺路线)130 Anticipated Delay Report 拖期预报131 anticipation inventory 预期储备132 apportionment code 分摊码133 assembly parts list 装配零件表134 automated storage/retrieval system 自动仓储/检索系统135 Automatic Rescheduling 计划自动重排136 available inventory 可达到库存137 available material 可用物料138 available stock 达到库存139 available work 可利用工时140 average inventory 平均库存141 back order 欠交(脱期)订单142 back scheduling 倒排(序)计划/倒序排产?143 base currency 本位币144 batch number 批号145 batch process 批流程146 batch production 批量生产147 benchmarking 标杆瞄准(管理)148 bill of labor 工时清单149 bill of lading 提货单150 branch warehouse 分库151 bucketless system 无时段系统152 business framework 业务框架153 business plan 经营规划154 capacity level 能力利用水平155 capacity load 能力负荷156 capacity management 能力管理157 carrying cost 保管费158 carrying cost rate 保管费率159 cellular manufacturing 单元式制造160 change route 修改工序161 change structure 修改产品结构162 check point 检查点163 closed loop MRP 闭环MRP164 Common Route Code(ID) 通用工序标识165 component-based development 组件(构件)开发技术166 concurrent engineering 并行(同步)工程167 conference room pilot 会议室模拟168 configuration code 配置代码169 continuous improvement 进取不懈170 continuous process 连续流程171 cost driver 作业成本发生因素172 cost driver rate 作业成本发生因素单位费用173 cost of stockout 短缺损失174 cost roll-up 成本滚动计算法175 crew size 班组规模176 critical part 急需零件177 critical ratio 紧迫系数178 critical work center 关键工作中心179 CLT Cumulative Lead Time 累计提前期180 current run hour 现有运转工时181 current run quantity 现有运转数量182 customer care 客户关怀183 customer deliver lead time 客户交货提前期184 customer loyalty 客户忠诚度185 customer order number 客户订单号186 customer satisfaction 客户满意度187 customer status 客户状况188 cycle counting 周期盘点189 DM Data Mining 数据挖掘190 Data Warehouse 数据仓库191 days offset 偏置天数192 dead load 空负荷193 demand cycle 需求周期194 demand forecasting 需求预测195 demand management 需求管理196 Deming circle 戴明环197 demonstrated capacity 实际能力198 discrete manufacturing 离散型生产199 dispatch to 调度200 DRP Distribution Requirements Planning 分销需求计划201 drop shipment 直运202 dunning letter 催款信203 ECO workbench ECO工作台204 employee enrolled 在册员工205 employee tax id 员工税号206 end item 最终产品207 engineering change mode flag 工程变更方式标志208 engineering change notice 工程变更通知209 equipment distribution 设备分配210 equipment management 设备管理211 exception control 例外控制212 excess material analysis 呆滞物料分析213 expedite code 急送代码214 external integration 外部集成215 fabrication order 加工订单216 factory order 工厂订单217 fast path method 快速路径法218 fill backorder 补足欠交219 final assembly lead time 总装提前期220 final goods 成品221 finite forward scheduling 有限顺排计划222 finite loading 有限排负荷223 firm planned order 确认的计划订单224 firm planned time fence 确认计划需求时界225 FPR Fixed Period Requirements 定期用量法226 fixed quantity 固定数量法227 fixed time 固定时间法228 floor stock 作业现场库存229 flow shop 流水车间230 focus forecasting 调焦预测231 forward scheduling 顺排计划232 freeze code 冻结码233 freeze space 冷冻区234 frozen order 冻结订单235 gross requirements 毛需求236 hedge inventory 囤积库存237 in process inventory 在制品库存238 in stock 在库239 incrementing 增值240 indirect cost 间接成本241 indirect labor 间接人工242 infinite loading 无限排负荷243 input/output control 投入/产出控制244 inspection ID 检验标识245 integrity 完整性246 inter companies 公司内部间247 interplant demands 厂际需求量248 inventory carry rate 库存周转率249 inventory cycle time 库存周期250 inventory issue 库存发放251 inventory location type 仓库库位类型252 inventory scrap 库存报废量253 inventory transfers 库存转移254 inventory turns/turnover 库存(资金)周转次数255 invoice address 发票地址256 invoice amount gross 发票金额257 invoice schedule 发票清单258 issue cycle 发放周期259 issue order 发送订单260 issue parts 发放零件261 issue policy 发放策略262 item availability 项目可供量263 item description 项目说明264 item number 项目编号265 item record 项目记录266 item remark 项目备注267 item status 项目状态268 job shop 加工车间269 job step 作业步骤270 kit item 配套件项目271 labor hour 人工工时272 late days 延迟天数273 lead time 提前期274 lead time level 提前期水平275 lead time offset days 提前期偏置(补偿)天数276 least slack per operation 最小单个工序平均时差277 line item 单项产品278 live pilot 应用模拟279 load leveling 负荷量280 load report 负荷报告281 location code 仓位代码282 location remarks 仓位备注283 location status 仓位状况284 lot for lot 按需定货(因需定量法/缺补法)285 lot ID 批量标识286 lot number 批量编号287 lot number traceability 批号跟踪288 lot size 批量289 lot size inventory 批量库存290 lot sizing 批量规划291 low level code 低层(位)码292 machine capacity 机器能力293 machine hours 机时294 machine loading 机器加载295 maintenance ,repair,and operating supplies 维护修理操作物料296 make or buy decision 外购或自制决策297 management by exception 例外管理法298 manufacturing cycle time 制造周期时间299 manufacturing lead time 制造提前期300 manufacturing standards 制造标准301 master scheduler 主生产计划员302 material 物料303 material available 物料可用量304 material cost 物料成本305 material issues and receipts 物料发放和接收306 material management 物料管理307 material manager 物料经理308 material master,item master 物料主文件309 material review board 物料核定机构310 measure of velocity 生产速率水平311 memory-based processing speed 基于存储的处理速度312 minimum balance 最小库存余量313 Modern Materials Handling 现代物料搬运314 month to date 月累计315 move time , transit time 传递时间316 MSP book flag MPS登录标志317 multi-currency 多币制318 multi-facility 多场所319 multi-level 多级320 multi-plant management 多工厂管理321 multiple location 多重仓位322 net change 净改变法323 net change MRP 净改变式MRP324 net requirements 净需求325 new location 新仓位326 new parent 新组件327 new warehouse 新仓库328 next code 后续编码329 next number 后续编号330 No action report 不活动报告331 non-nettable 不可动用量332 on demand 急需的333 on-hand balance 现有库存量334 on hold 挂起335 on time 准时336 open amount 未清金额337 open order 未结订单/开放订单338 order activity rules 订单活动规则339 order address 订单地址340 order entry 订单输入341 order point 定货点342 order point system 定货点法343 order policy 定货策略344 order promising 定货承诺345 order remarks 定货备注346 ordered by 定货者347 overflow location 超量库位348 overhead apportionment/allocation 间接费分配349 overhead rate,burden factor,absorption rate 间接费率350 owner's equity 所有者权益351 parent item 母件352 part bills 零件清单353 part lot 零件批次354 part number 零件编号355 people involvement 全员参治356 performance measurement 业绩评价357 physical inventory 实际库存358 picking 领料/提货359 planned capacity 计划能力360 planned order 计划订单361 planned order receipts 计划产出量362 planned order releases 计划投入量363 planning horizon 计划期/计划展望期364 point of use 使用点365 Policy and procedure 工作准则与工作规程366 price adjustments 价格调整367 price invoice 发票价格368 price level 物价水平369 price purchase order 采购订单价格370 priority planning 优先计划371 processing manufacturing 流程制造372 product control 产品控制373 product family 产品系列374 product mix 产品搭配组合375 production activity control 生产作业控制376 production cycle 生产周期377 production line 产品线378 production rate 产品率379 production tree 产品结构树380 PAB Projected Available Balance 预计可用库存(量) 381 purchase order tracking 采购订单跟踪382 quantity allocation 已分配量383 quantity at location 仓位数量384 quantity backorder 欠交数量385 quantity completion 完成数量386 quantity demand 需求量387 quantity gross 毛需求量388 quantity in 进货数量389 quantity on hand 现有数量390 quantity scrapped 废品数量391 quantity shipped 发货数量392 queue time 排队时间393 rated capacity 额定能力394 receipt document 收款单据395 reference number 参考号396 regenerated MRP 重生成式MRP397 released order 下达订单398 reorder point 再订购点399 repetitive manufacturing 重复式生产(制造)400 replacement parts 替换零件401 required capacity 需求能力402 requisition orders 请购单403 rescheduling assumption 重排假设404 resupply order 补库单405 rework bill 返工单406 roll up 上滚407 rough cut resource planning 粗资源计划408 rounding amount 舍入金额409 run time 加工(运行)时间410 safety lead time 安全提前期411 safety stock 安全库存412 safety time 保险期413 sales order 销售订单414 scheduled receipts 计划接收量(预计入库量/预期到货量) 415 seasonal stock 季节储备416 send part 发送零件417 service and support 服务和支持418 service parts 维修件419 set up time 准备时间420 ship address 发运地址421 ship contact 发运单联系人422 ship order 发货单423 shop calendar 工厂日历(车间日历)424 shop floor control 车间作业管理(控制)425 shop order , work order 车间订单426 shrink factor 损耗因子(系数)427 single level where used 单层物料反查表428 standard cost system 标准成本体系429 standard hours 标准工时430 standard product cost 标准产品成本431 standard set up hour 标准机器设置工时432 standard unit run hour 标准单位运转工时433 standard wage rate 标准工资率434 status code 状态代码435 stores control 库存控制436 suggested work order 建议工作单437 supply chain 供应链438 synchronous manufacturing 同步制造/同期生产439 time bucket 时段(时间段)440 time fence 时界441 time zone 时区442 top management commitment 领导承诺443 total lead time 总提前期444 transportation inventory 在途库存445 unfavorable variance, adverse 不利差异446 unit cost 单位成本447 unit of measure 计量单位448 value chain 价值链449 value-added chain 增值链450 variance in quantity 量差451 vendor scheduler,supplier scheduler 采购计划员/供方计划员452 vendor scheduling 采购计划法453 Virtual Enterprise(VE)/ Organization 虚拟企业/公司454 volume variance 产量差异455 wait time 等待时间456 where-used list 反查用物料单457 work center capacity 工作中心能力458 workflow 工作流459 work order 工作令460 work order tracking 工作令跟踪461 work scheduling 工作进度安排462 world class manufacturing excellence 国际优秀制造业463 zero inventories 零库存464465 Call/Contact/Work/Cost center 呼叫/联络/工作/成本中心466 Co/By-product 联/副产品467 E-Commerce/E-Business/E-Marketing 电子商务/电子商务/电子集市468 E-sales/E-procuement/E-partner 电子销售/电子采购/电子伙伴469 independent/dependent demand 独立需求/相关需求件470 informal/formal system 非/规范化管理系统471 Internet/Intranet/Extranet 互联网/企业内部网/企业外联网472 middle/hard/soft/share/firm/group ware 中间/硬/软/共享/固/群件473 pegging/kitting/netting/nettable 追溯(反查)/配套出售件/净需求计算。