燃油及排气控制系统位置索引…………………………………F-3进气系统………………………………F-3供油系统……………………………F-4排气系统……………………………F-6控制系统……………………………F-7发动机的调整…………………………F-8点火正时检查………………………F-8怠速检查……………………………F-8怠速尾气检查………………………F-8进气系统………………………………F-10真空软管分布图…………………F-10进气系统的拆卸/安装……………F-10可变进气管(V AD)节气门检查………………………F-12可变进气管(V AD)控制电磁阀检查(L3)………………F-13可变进气管(V AD)校正阀控制阀(单向)检查(L3)……F-13怠速气体控制(IAC)阀检查……F-13可变进气气系统(VIS)节气门执行器检查(L3)…………F-14可变进气系统(VIS)电磁阀检查………………………F-14可变涡流控制系统(VTCS)节气门执行器检查………………F-15可变涡流控制电磁阀……………F-15油门踏板的拆卸/安装…………F-16油门拉线的检查/调试……………F-16供油系统…………………………F-17检修前程序………………………F-17检修后程序………………………F-17燃油箱的拆卸/安装………………F-18燃油箱检查………………………F-19单向阀检查………………………F-20燃油管道压力检查………………F-20燃油泵的拆卸/安装………………F-22燃油泵分解/装配…………………F-24燃油泵检查………………………F-25喷油嘴的拆卸/安装………………F-28喷油嘴检查………………………F-31油压执行器检查…………………F-34脉冲缓冲器的拆卸/安装…………F-34脉冲缓冲器的检查………………F-34排气系统……………………………F-35排气系统的检查…………………F-35排气系统的拆卸/安装……………F-35排气系统……………………………F-38活性炭罐检查……………………F-38燃油蒸气控制阀(单向)检查(L.H.D)…………F-38净化电磁阀的拆卸/安装…………F-38净化电磁阀检查…………………F-39 EGR阀的拆卸/安装……………F-39 EGR阀检查………………………F-40 PCV阀检查…………………………F-41三元催化器检查(TWC)………F-41控制系统……………………………F-43PCM的拆卸/安装………………F-43 PCM检查………………………F-45 PCM结构………………………F-50进气温度(IAT)传感器的检查……F-50空气流量(MAF)传感器检查……F-51节流阀位置(TP)传感器………F-51进气压力传感器检查……………F-52发动机冷却液温度(ECT)传感器的拆卸/安装…………………F-53发动机冷却液温度(ECT)传感器的检查……………………F-53曲轴位置(CKP)传感器检查…F-54曲轴位置(CKP)传感器的拆卸/安装…………………………………F-54凸轮轴位置(CMP)传感器检查…F-55爆震传感器检查…………………F-56爆震传感器的拆卸/安装…………F-56加热型氧气传感器(氧传感器)检查…………………………………F-56助力转向系统压力开关检查……F-58离合器开关检查…………………F-59空档开关检查……………………F-59大气压力(BARO)传感器检查…F-60车载诊断………………………………F-61前言…………………………………F-61车载诊断(OBD)待定故障代码…F-62车载诊断(OBD)停桢数据………F-62车载诊断(OBD)系统准备工作检查…………………………………F-62OBD诊断检查结果………………F-62 OBD读取/清除代码检查结果…F-62OBD参数认证(PID)存取……F-62车载诊断检验……………………F-62 OBD驱动模式…………………F-64诊断检验结果……………………F-65 DTC确认程序…………………F-66 KOEO/KOER自检……………F-66维修后程序……………………F-66故障代码(DTC)表…………………F - 67 DTC P0662 ……………………F-156DTC P0703……………………F-156DTC P0704……………………F-158DTC P0850……………………F-160DTC P1410……………………F-162DTC P1562 ……………………F-164DTC P2006……………………F-166DTC P2009………………………F-168 DTC P2010……………………F-170DTC P2228……………………F-172DTC P2229……………………F-174DTC P2502……………………F-176DTC P2503……………………F-177DTC P0511 ……………………F-148DTC P0550…………………………F-150 DTC P0602…………………………F-152 DTC表…………………………F-67DTC P0010………………………F-70DTC P0011………………………F-72DTC P0012………………………F-73 DTC P0031………………………F-74 DTC P0032………………………F-76 DTC P0037………………………F-78 DTC P0038………………………F-80 DTC P0101………………………F-81 DTC P0102………………………F-83 DTC P0103………………………F-85 DTC P0107 ……………………F-86 DTC P0108………………………F-88 DTC P0111………………………F-90 DTC P0112………………………F-91 DTC P0113………………………F-92 DTC P0117………………………F-94 DTC P0118………………………F-96 DTC P0121………………………F-98 DTC P0122……………………F-100 DTC P0123……………………F-102 DTC P0125……………………F-104 DTC P0131, P0132……………F-105 DTC P0133……………………F-108 DTC P0134……………………F-110 DTC P0138……………………F-112 DTC P0140……………………F-114 DTC P0171……………………F-116 DTC P0172……………………F-119 DTC P0300 …………………F-121 DTC P0301, P0302,P0303, P0304 ………………F-124DTC P0327……………………F-126 DTC P0328……………………F-128 DTC P0335……………………F-130 DTC P0340……………………F-132 DTC P0403……………………F-134 DTC P0420 …………………F-137DTC P0443……………………F-138 DTC P0480……………………F-140 DTC P0500……………………F-142 DTC P0505……………………F-144 DTC P0506……………………F-145 DTC P0507……………………F-147 DTC P0610……………………F-152 DTC P0661……………………F-154 DTC P2504……………………F-178故障排除…………………………F-181发动机故障排除………………F-181快速诊断表……………………F-182第一:主保险丝及其他保险丝的烧蚀………………………………F-186第二:MIL显示………………F-186第三:曲轴抱死…………………F-187第四:无法驱动/长曲轴/错误起动/错误安装曲轴………………………F-189第五:发动机启动后或怠速时熄火……………………………………F-191第六:曲轴正常但无法启动………F-195第七:怠速恢复迟缓………………F-198第八:发动机工作不稳或怠速不稳……………………………………F-199第九:怠速高/不熄火……………F-201第十:低怠速/减速熄火…………F-202第十一:发动机熄火、工作不稳、耸车等…………………………………F-204第十二:发动机加速/巡航时动力不足…………………………………F-207第十三:发动机加速/巡航时爆震、不稳…………………………………F-210第十四:燃油经济性低…………F-211第十五:尾气不达标……………F-213第十六:耗油量大/泄漏量大…F-214第十七:冷却系统——有关过热事项…………………………………F-215第十八:冷却系统——有关过冷事项…………………………………F-216第十九:尾气烟雾………………F-217第二十:燃油气味(发动机舱) ………………………………F-218第二十一:发动机噪音…………F-219第二十二:发动机抖动…………F-220第二十三:A/C无法正常工作…F-220第二十四:A/C始终处于接通的状态或者A/C压缩机持续运转……………F-221第二十五:油门全开状态下A/C不关闭…………………………………F-221第二十六:尾气有硫磺气味……F-222第二十七:电压不正常…………F-223第二十八:火花塞状态…………F-225偶发性故障排除…………………F-227发动机控制系统性能检查………F-229马自达6车间操作手册(1730-10-02C)位置索引进气系统L8,发动机模型马自达6车间操作手册(1730-10-02C)位置索引供油系统A6E390001006W01发动机舱视图F-4位置索引燃油箱视图F-5位置索引排气系统A6E390001074W01发动机舱视图F-6位置索引控制系统A6E390001074W02F-7发动机的调整点火正时检查:A6E390802000W01注意:·点火正时是不能够被调整的·点火正时的检查需要WDS或者相应的仪器.1.关掉车上的电器2.预热发动机,步骤如下:(1)启动发动机(2)保持发动机转速大约3,000转/分钟直到冷却风扇开始运转(3)松开油门踏板(4)等到冷却风扇停止3.借助于WDS或者相应的仪器检查点火正时是否在规定的范围内点火正时大约:提前TDC 10 度4.确认当发动机转速逐渐增加时,点火正时相应的提前怠速转速检查注意:·点火正时是不可调整的·点火正时的检查需要WDS或者相应的仪器.1.断开车上电器2.预热发动机,步骤如下:(1)启动发动机(2)保持发动机转速大约3,000转/分钟直到冷却风扇开始运转(3)松开油门踏板3.通过WDS或者相应的仪器,确认发动机的怠速转速在规定范围内F-8发动机的调整怠速转速(LF发动机ATX模式)怠速转速(LF发动机ATX模式)1.当电器负载开启后,怠速转速瞬间降低2.鼓风机电机高速运转.前大灯打开,后面除霜器开关启动.冷却风扇启动怠速尾气检查:1.关掉电路的负载2.预热发动机,步骤如下:(1)启动发动机(2)保持发动机转速大约3,000rpm直到冷却风扇运转,(3)松开油门踏板(4)等待直到冷却风扇停止3.确认怠速转速和点火正时在技术规范内(参见F-8怠速转速检查)(参见F-8点火正时检查)4.将尾气检验仪插入排气管5.确认尾气CO和HC含量是在技术规定内F-9进气系统真空软管分布图进气系统的拆卸/安装 A6E391013000W01警告:·当发动机及进气系统过热,将可能被烧坏.建议关闭发动机,待冷却后再拆卸进气系统。
GA90-160, 2013.6零件手册
Atlas Copco Stationary Air CompressorsNo.9829 3083 10Ed.Registration code : AAPC GA>902013-06GA 90 - GA110 - GA132 - GA160GA 90W - GA110W - GA132W - GA160WParts list•Copyright 2013, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgium.Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings.•Use only authorized parts . Any damage or malfunction caused by the use of unauthorized parts is not covered by Warranty or Product Liability.From following serial number :APF - 134 3252Parts list9829 3083 10Contents Inhoud InnehållInhaltsverzeichnis Table des matières IndiceIndiceInnholdsfortegnelseIndiceIndholdsfortegnelseSisällysluetteloElement and connections- GA 90-110, GA132 - 14bar(e) (1)- GA 132/ 7.5/8.5/10bar(e) , GA160.....................................2Gearbox- GA 90-110, GA132/14(bar)...............................................3- GA 132/7.5/8.5/10, GA160................................................4Valves on element- GA90-110, GA132/14........................................................5- GA132/7.5/8.5/10, GA160.................................................6Gears- GA90-110, GA132/14 (7)- GA132/7.5/8.5/10, GA160.................................................8Air inlet..............................................................................9Unloader- GA90-110, GA132/14...................................................10- GA132/7.5/8.5/10, GA160.............................................11Air receiver ...................................................................12Air and oil system - Air cooled.....................................13Air and oil system - Air cooled. (14)3Parts list9829 3083 10Contents Inhoud InnehållInhaltsverzeichnis Table des matières IndiceIndiceInnholdsfortegnelseIndiceIndholdsfortegnelseSisällysluetteloAir outlet (15)Coolers- Air cooled ...................................................................16- Watercooled - GA 90-110............................................17- Watercooled - GA 132-160..........................................18Fan and cooling duct plates - Aircooled- GA90-110....................................................................19- GA132-160..................................................................20Frame and motor .. (21)Regulating system - GA90-110, GA132/14...................................................22- GA132/7.5/8.5/10, GA160 23.......................................23Drain system.................................................................24Bodywork- Aircooled ....................................................................25- Watercooled ...............................................................26Cubicle box ...................................................................27Control panel . (28)4Parts list 9829 3083 1015Parts list9829 3083 10Element and connections- GA 90-110,GA132 -14bar(e)1Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10101616 7409 801Service stage 10200508 1158 011Bearing 10300335 2160 001Int.circlip 10401623 1476 001Spacer10500337 0009 771Key parallel 10601623 0367 001Washer 10700211 1409 001Screw 10800663 2109 781O-ring 10900663 2111 461O-ring 11000101 1626 002PinRef.Part number Qty Name Remarks11200661 1000 251Seal washer 11300686 3716 011Plug11400147 1365 033Hexagon bolt 11500147 1366 033Hexagon bolt 11600211 1366 032Sock screw 11700663 2107 371O-ring11800147 1363 034Hex. Head screw 11900301 2344 004Plain washer 12100663 7138 001O-ring 12301619 6032 005Nipple6Parts list 9829 3083 102Parts list9829 3083 102Element and connections- GA 132/7.5/8.5/10bar(e),GA160Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10101616 7345 821Service stage 10200211 1400 036Nut10300508 1158 011Bearing10400335 2160 001Int.circlip10501092 0037 011Bushing10601621 7326 001Bushing10700337 8350 001Parallel key10802252 5470 001Washer10900211 1409 003Screw Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 11000663 2114 071O-ring11100101 1626 002Pin11200661 1000 251Seal washer11400686 3716 011Plug11500147 1405 0315Hexagon bolt11600663 2114 231O-ring11700663 2108 131O-ring11800301 2358 006Washer11900211 1102 206Screw12001619 6032 005Nipple78Parts list 9829 3083 103Parts list9829 3083 103Gearbox- GA 132/7.5/8.5/10,GA160Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10101621 7939 001Gearbox10200661 1000 271Seal washer 10301623 3946 001Shaft10400504 0110 011Bearing10501616 5518 001Washer10601616 5519 001Bushing10701623 0611 001Bushing10801616 5515 001Retainer10901621 4840 001Seal11000663 2107 761O-ring11100147 1366 034Hexagon bolt 11200337 0009 911Key parallel 11300147 1557 038Hexagon bolt Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 11401092 0020 332Support11500147 1400 034Hexagon bolt11600301 2358 004Washer11700147 1401 036Hexagon bolt11800147 1479 031Hexagon bolt11900333 3244 001Lock washer12000686 3716 021Plug12100661 1000 271Seal washer12200574 8235 321Hose assembly12301079 5840 151Nipple12401614 9252 001Plug12500266 2116 008Nut12600211 1480 008Hex. Sock. Screw910Parts list9829 3083 104Gearbox- GA 132/7.5/8.5/10,GA1604Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10101Gearbox1621 7397 011GA 132/7.5/8.5/101621 7335 011GA 160/7.5/8.5/10/14 10200661 1000 271Seal washer 10301623 3920 001Shaft10400506 0100 081Roller bearing 10501623 2221 001Bushing10601616 5519 001Bushing10701623 2222 001Ring10751Washer1616 5518 001GA 160/7.5/8.5 10801616 5515 001Retainer10901621 4840 001Seal11000663 2107 761O-ring11100147 1366 034Hexagon bolt 11201092 0020 332Support Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 11300147 1400 034Hexagon bolt11352Hexagon bolt0147 1400 03GA 160/7.5/8.5/10/14 11400301 2358 004Washer11500337 0009 911Key parallel 11600147 1557 038Hexagon bolt 11700147 1401 036Hexagon bolt 11800147 1479 031Hexagon bolt 11900686 3716 021Plug12000661 1000 271Seal washer 12100333 3244 001Lock washer 12200266 2116 008Nut12300211 1482 008Hex.sock.screw 12400574 8235 321Hose assembly 12500653 1100 001Flat gasket12600686 6123 001Plug55 V alves on element- GA90-110,GA132/14Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10101622 0795 001Valve housing 10201623 7407 001Gasket10301622 9639 001Check valve 10401622 0796 001Spring10501622 1041 001Piston10600661 1000 441Seal washer dowty 10700686 3716 071Plug10801623 1362 001Valve oil stop Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10901622 5662 001Spring11000661 1000 441Seal washer dowty 11101623 0798 001Nipple11200686 3716 011Plug11300661 1000 251Seal washer 11401079 5840 191Nipple11500661 1000 271Seal washer 11600211 1964 754Hex. Sock. Screw66 V alves on element- GA132/7.5/8.5/10,GA160Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10101092 0030 891Housing valve 10201623 0385 001Valve check 10302254 8075 001Compr.spring 10401623 1354 001Valve stop10501623 1767 001Spring10602252 6269 001Spring guide 10700335 2145 001Int.circlip10800663 2108 122O-ring10900663 2106 201O-ring11000663 2106 151O-ring11100663 3116 001O-ring11200301 2358 004Washer11300147 1421 034Hexagon bolt Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 11400301 2358 002Washer11500147 1413 032Hexagon bolt 11602255 2813 001Piston11700686 3716 011Plug11800661 1000 251Seal washer 11900686 3716 101Plug12000661 1000 321Seal washer 12100686 6441 001Plug12200686 3101 001Plug12300661 1000 251Seal washer 12401619 5205 001Nipple12500575 0401 391Flexible12601623 3082 001Nozzle77 Gears- GA90-110,GA132/14Ref.Part number Qty Name RemarksGA90-7.5bar(e) 10101092 1089 001Gear10201092 1088 001GearGA90-8.5bar(e) 10101092 1049 001Gear10201092 1048 001GearGA90-10bar(e) 10101092 1091 001Gear10201092 1090 001GearGA90-14bar(e) 10101092 1073 001Gear10201092 1072 001GearGA110-7.5bar(e) 10101092 1069 001Gear10201092 1068 001GearGA110-8.5bar(e) 10101092 1081 001Gear10201092 1080 001Gear Ref.Part number Qty Name RemarksGA110-10bar(e) 10101092 1037 001Gear10201092 1036 001GearGA110-14bar(e) 10101092 1091 001Gear10201092 1090 001GearGA110 W-14bar(e) 10101092 1055 001Gear10201092 1054 001GearGA132-14bar(e) 10101092 1073 001Gear10201092 1072 001GearGA132 W-14bar(e) 10101092 1037 001Gear10201092 1036 001Gear88 Gears- GA132/7.5/8.5/10,GA160Ref.Part number Qty Name RemarksGA132-7.5bar(e) 10101092 1033 001Gear10201092 1032 001GearGA132-8.5bar(e) 10101092 1109 001Gear10201092 1108 001GearGA132-10bar(e) 10101092 1067 001Gear10201092 1066 001Gear Ref.Part number Qty Name RemarksGA160-7.5bar(e) 10101092 1216 001Gear10201092 1217 001GearGA160-8.5bar(e) 10101092 1099 001Gear10201092 1098 001GearGA160-10bar(e) 10101092 1102 001Gear10201092 1103 001GearGA160-14bar(e) 10101092 1548 001Gear10201092 1549 001Gear99 Air inletRef.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10101616 2987 008Plug10301621 5012 002Support10401079 1472 068Hexagon bolt 10500147 1362 034Hexagon bolt 10600301 2344 004Plain washer10701Hose1092 0030 27GA90-110, GA132/14bar(e)1092 0035 05GA132-16010800347 6100 431Hose clip10901092 0002 551Hose clamp11000147 1326 032Hexagon bolt 11100266 2110 002Nut Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 11201079 1472 061Hexagon bolt 11300346 1000 262Pipe clamp11401Support1621 5305 00Air cooled1614 9772 00Water cooled 11501079 1472 061Hexagon bolt 11601614 9625 001Support11701621 5690 001Support1621 7377 801Air filter20101621 7376 00•1Air filter20201621 7377 00•1Housing1010 UnloaderUnloader- GA90-110,GA132/14- GA90-110,GA132/14Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 1623 1786 801Unloader valve 10101622 3778 00•1Housing10201622 3688 10•1Rod10300335 2182 00•1Int.circlip10400663 7151 00•1O-ring10501622 3691 00•1Quadring c146 10601622 3690 00•1Bushing10701623 1785 00•1V alve Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10801622 3687 00•1Piston10901622 3689 00•1Guidance tape 11000261 1099 32•1Nut11101622 3182 00•1Guide11201622 3183 00•1Seal11301622 3184 00•1Bushing11401622 3185 00•1Spring11501622 3649 00•1Cover1111 UnloaderUnloader- GA132/7.5/8.5/10,GA160- GA132/7.5/8.5/10,GA160Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 1092 1300 001Unloader valve 10101092 1300 11•1Housing10200259 0068 00•1Coil10300301 2358 00•1Washer10400147 1403 03•1Bolt10500335 2126 00•1Circlip10600661 1000 29•1Seal10700663 2109 49•1O-ring Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10800663 2111 66•1O-ring10900686 3716 35•1Plug11001092 1300 03•1Piston11101623 0540 00•1Tape11201092 1300 04•1Cover11301623 0881 00•1Pin11401623 0904 00•1Bushing11501623 4781 00•1Rod11601623 4533 00•1V alve1212 Air receiverRef.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10100147 1377 033Hexagon bolt 10200301 2344 003Plain washer 10300661 1000 313Seal washer 10401092 0178 003Spacer10501625 0117 831Air receiver1614 6478 801Min. Press valve 20109125 7289 00•1Set screw20200147 1365 03•6Hexagon bolt 20300147 1958 97•2Hexagon bolt 20400301 2335 00•2Plain washer 20500663 2106 58•1O-ring20600665 0701 39•1Back-up ring 20701614 6477 00•1Sleeve20801614 6478 00•1Cover20901621 4977 00•1Piston21001614 6957 00•1Washer21101623 2037 00•1Shaft21202253 1860 00•1Spring21301621 4975 00•1Ring21401621 4976 00•1NutAir receiverVessel3010•1Vessel1092 0803 08•GA90-1101092 0804 08•GA 132-16030200147 1555 03•15Hexagon bolt 30300301 2394 00•15Washer40101Valve housing1092 1201 35GA90-1101092 1201 37GA 132-16050100147 1479 031Hexagon bolt 50200147 1962 2911Hexagon bolt 50300564 0000 341Tee50400571 0035 051Nipple50501Hose assembly0574 8231 26GA90-1100574 8231 35GA 132-16050600603 4105 031Nipple50701Flat gasket0653 1100 00GA90-1100653 1124 00GA 132-16050800661 1000 291Seal washer 50900661 1000 311Seal washer 51000663 2106 201O-ring51100663 2109 452O-ring51201092 0112 001Pipe Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 51301Oil separator element 1614 9054 00GA90-1101614 9056 00GA 132-16051401614 9089 001Pivot pin51501Bushing1614 9090 001GA90-1101614 9094 001GA 132-16051601Scavenge line1614 9142 00GA90-1101614 9141 00GA 132-16051701614 9146 001Plug51801614 9184 001Level gauge51901Shield1614 9223 00GA90-1101092 0041 97GA 132-16052001621 9144 001Hose assembly 52102250 2528 001Plug60101092 0012 081Label60201092 0012 071Label60301092 1205 033Insulation sleeve 60401092 1205 043Insulation washerSafety valveGA 90-110- 7.5/8.5 70100560 0200 731Elbow70200603 4106 031Nipple70300653 1189 001Flat gasket70401092 0125 121Safety valve’GA 90-110-10/14 70100560 0200 731Elbow70200603 4106 031Nipple70300653 1189 001Flat gasket70401092 0001 761Safety valve 70500653 1165 001Flat gasket70601092 0032 991Nipple70700560 0200 571Elbow70800605 8700 271BushingGA132-160- 7.5/8.5 70100564 0000 821Tee70200603 4107 031Nipple70300653 1227 001Flat gasket70401092 0124 131Safety valveGA132-160-10/14 70100564 0000 811Tee70200603 4107 031Nipple70300653 1189 001Flat gasket70401092 0125 181Safety valve1313 Air and oil system - Air cooledRef.Part number Qty Name RemarksOil connection 10100147 1362 032Hexagon bolt 10200147 1370 033Hexagon bolt 10300147 1401 032Hexagon bolt 10400301 2344 005Plain washer 10500301 2358 002Washer10600661 1000 242Seal washer 10700661 1000 251Seal washer 10800663 2106 111O-ring10900663 2107 772O-ring11000663 2109 68O-ring11100686 3716 011Plug11201079 5840 012Nipple11301621 7378 002Glass fiber oil filte 11401092 0023 351Oil filter housing 11501623 1451 002Nipple11701621 0399 001Regul.valve 11901621 9635 001Hose12000663 2109 681O-ring12100147 1363 032Hex. Head screw 12200147 1363 032Hex. Head screw12301Thermostatic valve 1619 7560 007.5/8.5/10bar(e)1202 5869 0314bar(e)Air connection 20100147 1369 038Hexagon bolt 20200147 1961 014Hexagon bolt2030Hexagon bolt0147 1406 034GA90-1100147 1502 032GA 132 /14bar(e)2040Hexagon bolt0147 1476 034GA90-1100211 1401 034GA 132 /14bar(e) 20500147 1499 032Hexagon bolt 20600291 1114 004Locknut20700300 0276 038Washer20800301 2344 0020Plain washer2090Washer0301 2358 008GA90-1100301 2358 0012GA 132 /14bar(e) 21100663 2106 151O-ring21200663 2106 171O-ring21300663 2106 171O-ring21400663 2106 182O-ring Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 2150O-ring0663 7138 001GA90-1100663 2109 691GA 132 /14bar(e) 21600147 1363 032Hex. Head screw 21700663 2107 942O-ring2180Pipe1092 1202 021GA90-1101092 1202 031GA 132 /14bar(e) 21900663 7138 001O-ring22000147 1363 032Hex. Head screw 22101614 8926 008Absorber22201092 0020 301Pipe22300147 1363 034Hex. Head screw2240Pipe1614 9117 002GA90-1101614 9066 002GA 132 /14bar(e)2250Pipe1614 9169 001GA90-1101092 0020 411GA 132 /14bar(e)2260Pipe1614 9171 001GA90-1101614 9217 001GA 132 /14bar(e) 22700147 1363 034Hex. Head screw22801Pipe1614 9459 001GA90-1101614 9448 001GA 132 /14bar(e)2290Pipe1614 9461 001Pipe1614 9488 001Pipe23001092 0020 281Pipe23101092 1202 011Elbow23200663 2106 121O-ring23300346 1000 272Pipe clamp23401619 2766 001Hexagon bolt 23500147 1500 032Hexagon bolt23601Pipe1092 0020 421GA 132 /14bar(e) 30101614 9114 004Joint set1614 9115 00•8Joint1614 9116 00•8Ring1614 9118 00•16Bracket30101614 9063 004Joint set1614 9064 00•8Joint1614 9065 00•8Ring1614 9067 00•16Bracket1414 Air and oil system - Air cooledRef.Part number Qty Name RemarksOil connection 10100147 1362 032Hexagon bolt10200147 1363 033Hex. Head screw 10300147 1401 032Hexagon bolt10400301 2344 005Plain washer10500301 2358 002Washer10600661 1000 242Seal washer10700661 1000 251Seal washer10800663 2106 111O-ring10900663 2107 772O-ring11000663 2109 681O-ring11100686 3716 011Plug11201079 5840 012Nipple11301621 7378 002Glass fiber oil filter 11401092 0023 351Oil filter housing 11501623 1451 002Nipple11601621 0399 001Regul.valve11701621 9635 001Hose11801Thermostatic valve1619 7560 00GA 132-160/7.5/8.5/10bar(e)1202 5869 03GA 160/14bar(e)Air connectionGA132/7.5/8.5/10GA16020100147 1369 038Hexagon bolt20200147 1961 018Hexagon bolt20300147 1502 032Hexagon bolt20400211 1401 034Hex. Sock. Screw Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 20500291 1114 004Locknut20600300 0276 038Washer20700301 2344 0020Plain washer 20800301 2358 0012Washer20900663 2106 151O-ring21000663 2106 171O-ring21100663 2106 171O-ring21200663 2106 182O-ring21300663 2109 691O-ring21401092 1202 041Pipe21500634 1001 451Coupline21601614 8926 008Absorber21701614 9066 002Pipe21801092 0020 321Pipe21901614 9217 001Pipe22000147 1363 034Hex. Head screw 22101614 9448 001Pipe22201614 9488 001Pipe22501092 0030 161Pipe22601092 1202 011Elbow22700346 1000 272Pipe clamp22801619 2766 001Hexagon bolt 22900663 2108 001O-ring23000147 1501 032Hexagon bolt 30101614 9063 004Joint set1614 9064 00•8Joint1614 9065 00•8Ring1614 9067 00•16Bracket1515 Air outletRef.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10050147 1323 031Hexagon bolt10100147 1369 034Hexagon bolt1015Hexagon bolt0147 1501 032GA 90-110,GA132-14bar(e)0147 1499 032GA132/7.5/8.5/10 bar(e)/ GA160 10200211 1401 034Hex. Sock. Screw10252Nut0266 2110 002GA 90-110,GA132-14bar(e)0266 2110 001GA132/7.5/8.5/10 bar(e)/ GA160 10300291 1114 002Locknut10350300 0276 034Washer10400301 2344 004Plain washer10450301 2358 004Washer1046Pipe clamp0346 1000 271GA 90-110,GA132-14bar(e) 10500653 1062 001Flat gasket10551O-ring0663 2109 691GA132/7.5/8.5/10 bar(e)/ GA160 10600686 3716 011Plug10651092 0031 671Support Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10701614 8926 004Absorber1080Pipe1614 9117 001GA 90-110,GA132-14bar(e)1614 9066 001GA132/7.5/8.5/10 bar(e)/ GA160 1085Pipe1614 9719 001GA 90-110,GA132-14bar(e)1614 9721 001GA132/7.5/8.5/10 bar(e)/ GA160 10901614 9450 001Pipe10951619 2766 002Hexagon bolt10961619 5337 015Hexagon bolt10981092 0024 071Support10991614 9299 001Support11000147 1326 032Hexagon bolt20101614 9114 002Joint set GA90-1101614 9115 00•4Joint1614 9116 00•4Ring1614 9118 00•8Bracket20101614 9063 002Joint set GA132-1601614 9064 00•4Joint1614 9065 00•4Ring1614 9067 00•8Bracket1616 Coolers AircooledRef.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10100147 1323 0312Hexagon bolt 10200147 1362 0312Hexagon bolt10302Hexagon bolt0147 1475 03GA90-GA1100147 1363 03GA132-GA160 10400300 8019 0012Washer10500301 2344 0012Plain washer 10.5 10550301 2378 001Washer10600346 1000 152Pipe clamp10650346 1012 441Pipe clamp10801Hose assembly0574 8235 32GA90-GA1100574 8235 37GA132-GA16010901Hose assembly0574 8235 42GA90-GA1100574 8235 45GA132-GA160 11000661 1000 274Seal washer 21.54 x 2 11100663 2109 684O-ring11200663 2109 682O-ring11300686 3716 022Plug11401079 5840 152Nipple11453Bracket1092 0074 00GA90-GA1101092 0097 00GA132-GA160 11461614 9252 002Plug Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 11502Cooler1621 5364 00GA901621 4112 00GA110-GA1321621 4111 00GA160 7.5bar-10barA1621 9489 00GA160 14bar A 11551621 5363 001Cooler11601614 9252 002Plug11801619 2766 005Hexagon bolt 11851619 2861 011Clamp11901619 5337 011Hexagon bolt 11951621 4110 001Aftercooler12201Hose assembly1614 8959 00GA90-GA1101621 9139 00GA132-GA16012301Hose assembly1092 0035 19GA90-GA1101621 9137 00GA132-GA16012401Hose1621 9636 00GA90-GA1101621 9138 00GA132-GA160 12450348 0102 082Cable tie1250Plate1614 9498 801GA90-GA1101614 9497 802GA1321717Coolers - W Coolers - Water ater atercooled GA 90-110cooled GA 90-110Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10100147 1362 0312Hexagon bolt 10200147 1401 034Hexagon bolt 10300147 1407 032Hexagon bolt 10400147 1474 032Hexagon bolt 10500266 2112 002Nut10600301 2344 0012Plain washer 10700301 2358 008Washer 10800301 2378 002Washer 10900661 1000 251Seal washer 11000663 2106 112O-ring 11100663 2106 122O-ring 11200663 2109 682O-ring 11300686 3716 011Plug 11401614 6632 001Plate11501614 8661 081Oil cooler 11601619 5337 017Hexagon bolt 11701092 0018 141Support 11801621 2094 081Aftercooler 11901621 4858 001Hose assembly 12001621 4859 001Hose assembly 12100348 0102 082Cable tie 12501621 2096 001Support12901092 1202 081Water-cooled cooleRef.Part number Qty Name RemarksWater Connection 20100147 1405 034Hexagon bolt 20200266 2112 004Nut 20300301 2358 004Washer 20400661 1000 241Seal washer 20500661 1000 252Seal washer 20600661 1000 292Seal washer 20700663 2106 122O-ring21301619 5337 012Hexagon bolt 21401619 6153 081Ball valve 21501092 0031 581Pipe 21601092 1200 281Pipe 21701092 0031 611Pipe 21801092 0031 621Pipe 21901092 1200 291Pipe 21950686 3716 012Plug22100634 1000 274Victaulic coupling 22400686 3716 352Plug 22450686 4201 031Plug22501619 2766 002Hexagon bolt 22551619 2861 012Clamp 22601619 2861 012Clamp 22651092 0032 781Support22701092 0050 027Cable tie holder 22751092 1200 331Pipe 22801092 1200 321Pipe1818Coolers- W Coolers- Water ater atercoled GA 132-160coled GA 132-160Ref.Part number Qty Name RemarksWater Connection 40100147 1405 038Hexagon bolt 40200266 2112 008Nut 40300301 2358 0010Washer 40400661 1000 241Seal washer 40500661 1000 251Seal washer 40600661 1000 251Seal washer 40700661 1000 291Seal washer 40800663 2106 124O-ring 40850686 3716 012Plug 40900686 4201 031Plug40951619 2766 002Hexagon bolt 41001619 2861 012Clamp41051619 5337 012Hexagon bolt 41501619 6153 081Ball valve 41601092 0031 681Pipe 41701092 1200 311Pipe 41801092 1200 291Pipe 41901092 0031 641Pipe 42001092 1200 301Pipe 42101092 1200 281Pipe 42201092 0031 611Pipe42300634 1000 274Victaulic coupling 42401619 2861 012Clamp 42501092 0032 781Support 42601621 4847 001Pipe 42700686 3716 352Plug42801092 0050 027Cable tie holderRef.Part number Qty Name Remarks 10100147 1362 0316Hexagon bolt 10200147 1401 034Hexagon bolt 10300147 1402 034Hexagon bolt 10400147 1407 032Hexagon bolt 10500266 2112 002Nut10600301 2344 0016Plain washer 10700301 2358 0012Washer 10800661 1000 251Seal washer 10900663 2106 114O-ring 11000663 2106 122O-ring 11100663 2109 682O-ring 11200686 3716 011Plug 11301614 6632 001Plate 11401614 6634 001Pipe 11450686 3716 021Plug11460661 1000 271Seal washer 11501614 9299 001Support 11601614 9583 001Support11701619 2766 004Hexagon bolt 11801619 5337 014Hexagon bolt 11901621 2039 001Hose assembly 12001621 2040 001Hose assembly 12101621 2050 081Aftercooler 12201621 4850 082Oil cooler 12301092 0018 131Support 12350346 1000 271Pipe clamp 12701092 5690 001Support 12801614 9299 001Support1919 Fan and cooling duct plates- Aircooled GA90-110Ref.Part number Qty Name RemarksCooler plates 10200147 1360 034Hexagon bolt103010Hexagon bolt0147 1362 03GA900147 1360 03GA11010401623 4907 005Bolt10500147 1401 034Hexagon bolt 10800301 2344 0014Plain washer 10900301 2358 004Washer10951088 0019 025Contact washer 10960346 1000 153Pipe clamp10971088 1301 045Cable tie1092 0021 801Baffle20101088 0803 26•2Grommet20201202 6584 00•2Seal20301092 0020 80•1Baffle20401619 6449 00•1Seal1Baffle1092 0021 81GA901092 0030 29GA11030101088 0803 26•1Grommet30201503 1056 00•2Seal3030•1Baffle1092 0020 81GA901092 0030 30GA11030401619 6449 00•1Seal30501092 0029 96•1Beam assembly1Beam assembly1614 9441 80GA901092 0038 17GA1104010•1Silencing foam0395 1004 23GA901092 0038 45GA1104020•1Label1079 9901 09GA90Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 1092 0030 92GA1104030•1Beam1614 9441 00GA901092 0038 18GA1104040•1Silencing foam1614 9442 00GA901092 0038 19GA1101092 0038 201Beam40101092 0038 45•1Foam40201092 0030 92•1Warning label 40251092 0038 21•1Beam40401092 0038 19•1Foam1Plate1614 9466 80GA901092 0024 29GA1105010•1Plate1614 9466 00GA901092 0024 26GA11050201619 2795 00•1Rubber strip 50301619 6449 00•Seal60051Support1614 9469 00GA901092 0024 38GA11070101Fan cowl1614 9471 801092 0024 39•1Fan cowl1614 9471 00GA901092 0024 25GA11070201619 6449 00•AR Seal80101614 9762 002Hinge80201092 0051 561Fan guard80301619 2766 0036Hexagon bolt 80401619 5337 014Hexagon bolt 80501619 6449 00AR Seal80600147 1320 038Hexagon bolt2020 Fan and cooling duct plates- Aircooled GA132-160Ref.Part number Qty Name RemarksCooler plates 10100147 1322 032Hexagon bolt 10200147 1360 034Hexagon bolt 10300147 1360 0310Hexagon bolt 10401623 4907 0010Bolt10500147 1401 038Hexagon bolt 10600291 1110 002Locknut10700301 2335 002Plain washer 10800301 2344 0014Plain washer 10900301 2358 008Washer11001088 0019 0210Contact washer 11050346 1000 153Pipe clamp11101088 1301 041Cable tie11501614 9216 801Plate1614 9216 00•1Plate1619 2795 00•1Rubber strip11601092 0051 572Fan guard11701614 9405 004Hinge1Baffle1092 0028 30GA1321092 0021 83GA1601092 0021 80GA132/14 bar 20101088 0803 26•2Grommet20201202 6584 00•2Seal20301092 0028 20•1Baffle20401619 6449 00•1Seal Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks1Baffle1092 0035 25GA1321092 0035 27GA1601092 0035 23GA132/14 bar3010•1Baffle1092 0035 26GA1321092 0040 00GA1601092 0035 24GA132/14 bar 30201088 0803 26•1Grommet30301619 6449 00•2Seal1092 0038 171Beam40101092 0038 45•1Foam40201092 0030 92•1Warning label 40301092 0038 18•1Beam40401092 0038 19•1Foam1092 0038 201Beam40101092 0038 45•1Foam40201092 0030 92•1Warning label 40251092 0038 21•1Beam40401092 0038 19•1Foam50101619 2766 0035Hexagon bolt 50201619 5337 018Hexagon bolt 50301619 6449 00Seal50401621 9526 001Plate50501621 9527 001Fan cowl50601621 9528 001Support50700147 1320 038Hexagon bolt2121 Frame and motorRef.Part number Qty Name RemarksFrame10200147 1322 031Hexagon bolt10250147 1358 031Hexagon bolt10300147 1400 036Hexagon bolt10350147 1401 034Hexagon bolt10402Hexagon bolt0147 1411 03GA90-GA1100147 1408 03GA132-GA16010450147 1479 032Hexagon bolt10502Hexagon bolt0147 1485 03GA90-GA1100147 1491 03GA132-GA16010550261 2114 001Nut10600266 2111 003Nut10650266 2112 004Nut10700301 2358 0018Washer10750301 2378 002Washer10801088 0019 011Contact washer 10851088 0019 023Contact washer 10900333 3244 002Lock washer10950346 1005 192Pipe clamp11003175 1782 002Anti pad11051020 5072 001Rubber buffer11061619 5189 012Rubber buffer11101092 0043 001Cable11201Support1092 0022 22GA90-GA1101614 6599 00GA132-GA16011261092 0029 821Stud11301614 6600 001Disc11310147 1475 031Hexagon bolt11320301 2378 001Washer11350147 1549 032Hexagon bolt11401614 8905 009Protection11451623 5777 003Buffer11501Frame Ref.Part number Qty Name Remarks 1092 0038 33GA90-GA1101092 0038 35GA132-GA16011652Spacer1092 0023 13GA90-GA1101092 0023 15GA132-GA16011701619 2766 002Hexagon bolt11711614 9971 183Cable lug11721614 9971 173Cable lug11731614 9971 212Cable lug11741614 9971 046Cable lug11800346 1012 441Pipe clamp11851619 5337 011Hexagon bolt11861092 1205 012Insulation sleeve 11871092 1205 022Insulation sleeve 11881092 1205 042Insulation washer 11891092 1205 052Insulation washer11902Spacer1092 1205 09GA90-GA1101092 1205 08GA132-GA16020101Motor1092 1210 01GA901092 1210 21GA1101092 1210 41GA1321092 1210 61GA1601CouplingGA90-GA11030101623 0377 001Coupling drive 30151623 0378 001Absorber30201623 0379 011Coupling driveGA13230101623 0377 001Coupling drive 30151623 0378 001Absorber30201623 0379 001Coupling driveGA16030101623 0374 001Coupling drive 30151623 0375 001Absorber30201623 0376 001Coupling drive。
在安装或第一次起动压缩机之前,请仔细阅读本手册,清楚了解 压缩机的有关知识以及操作维修的注意事项。 请把本手册与机器一起移交使用者。 本技术手册内有重要的安全信息,应一直与压缩机一起保存。
第一章 引言
如何使用本零件手册 1.参考目录,找出所需章节。 2.翻到所需章节,并参照零件图的目录,找到该零件所属系统的所在页。 3.按序号辨别出该零件在图上的位置。 定购零件
1. Refer to the index and find the Section. 2. Turn to the Section and refer to the table of Connects to locate the
序号 No.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19A 20
零件号 CPN
ATC20080 99271033 S1111640 35255819
—— 39167150 39326483 S1111640 92539311 39253992 95239929 39112362 22060701 42870550 95022125 95022125 H0059310
QTY. 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 14 1 1 1
desired illustrations. 3. Locate the part on the illustration by visual identification and the
19053628 中文 英格索兰IRN90-160 OF
22241632 1
22104913 1
22157481 1
22241731 1
22241723 1
39917489 按需 螺钉
22240295 1
54668728 4
22240329 1
22240337 2
电机 22202451 22127476 22202469 22091748
1 电机定子, N90K, N125H (380-480V)
1 电机定子, N110K, N150H (380-480V)
1 电机定子, N132K, (380-480V)
1 电机定子, N160K, N200H (380-480V)
IRN110K -
OF 出厂 编号:
IRN132K -
OF 出厂 编号:
IRN160 -
OF 出厂 编号:
章节 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
名称 缩写和符号 一般信息 推荐备件 罩壳 主机 / 电机系统 进气系统 冷却系统 空气管道
英格索兰 IRN90K 160-OF IRN125H 200H-OF NIRVANA 空压机零件手册
C.C.N 零件号: 19053628 修改层次: C 日期: 2004 年 3 月
IRN125H - 200H-OF 出厂 编号:TNXXXXU03180→
云南云开电气股份有限公司ZHW6-126型HGIS维护检修手册(2014版)广东电网有限责任公司发布目次前言 (1)1 适用范围及引用文件 (1)1.1 适用范围 (1)1.2 引用文件 (1)2 技术参数 (2)3 维护、检修周期及项目 (4)3.1 C类检修项目及周期 (5)3.2 B类检修项目及周期 (4)3.3A类检修项目及周期 (9)3.4 临时检修 (9)4 维护及检修准备工作 (10)4.1 C类检修要求 (10)4.2 B类检修要求 (7)4.3 A类检修要求 (9)4.4 准备工作 (10)4.5 C、B修危险点及预控措施 (11)4.6维护及检修工作流程 (12)5 维护及检修质量标准 (18)5.1C类检修质量标准 (18)5.2 B类检修质量标准 (15)5.3 A类检修质量标准 (36)5.4 临时检修质量标准 (36)6 云南云开电气股份有限公司相关资料性附录 (37)附录1 常见问题以及相关说明 (37)附录2 常见故障处理 (38)附录3 CT30弹簧操动机构的工作原理和调整及拆卸 (38)附录4 CT30型弹簧操动机构二次原理图 (45)附录5 断路器控制原理 (46)附录6 隔离接地开关控制原理 (47)附录7 常用备品备件易损件 (48)附录8 常用螺栓力距列表 (49)附录9 隔离接地三工位操动机构的基本操作 (50)附录10 ZHW6-126 装配时的主要调整尺寸 (51)附录11 ZHW6-126六氟化硫气体充气工艺规程 (52)附录12 全寿命周期成本LCC的计算 (53)前言为推进公司资产全生命周期管理,建立一体化生产运维机制,实现设备精益化管理,指导公司各单位该型断路器的维护与检修工作。
EM160© Copyright reserved目录1. 概述 (1)2. 功能 (1)3. 安装与接线 (2)3.1. 安装与接线图 (2)3.2. 安装与接线注意事项 (5)4. 操作指导 (6)4.1. 按键操作 (6)4.2. 显示界面 (6)5. 运输与贮藏 (19)6. 附录 (19)A. 参数出厂默认值 (19)B. 技术指标 (20)C. 订货说明 (21)1.概述EM160三相电能表是北京易艾斯德科技有限公司推出的一款导轨安装式微型三相电能表。
图1-1-1 EM160外型图2.功能z电能计量:计量A相、B相、C相及总的有功、无功电能,按总、尖、峰、平、谷分别累计、存储;日费率时段可设8个时段,时段最小间隔为1分钟。
Omega FSW-160流体流动检测器用户指南说明书
e-mail:**************For latest product manuals: FSW-160Fluid Flow SwitchesShop online at ®User’s Guide***********************Servicing North America:U.S.A.:Omega Engineering, Inc., One Omega Drive, P.O. Box 4047S tamford, CT 06907-0047 USAToll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only)Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only)Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only)Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************For Other Locations Visit /worldwideThe information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human applications.P . 3Omega Model FSW-160 fluid flow switch is intended for use in flow lines with fluids not harmful to brass, stainless steel, and EPDM. The switch is used to signal, start, or stop electrically operated equipment when flow or no-flow conditions occur.control failure.• Before using product, read and understand instructions.• Please save these instructions for future use.• All work must be performed by qualified personnel trained in the proper applications,installation, and maintenance of plumbing and electrical equipment in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances.• To prevent electrocution DO NOT TOUCH the switch terminals when electrical power is connected to the flow switch.• Make sure flow switch cover is secured before turning on electric power.WARNINGCONDUIT CONNECTIONDIAGRAMTURBULENTANY POSITIONSPECIFICATIONSLiquid Temperature Range32˚ - 250˚F (0˚ - 121˚C)Ambient Temperature Range32˚ - 150˚F (0˚ - 66˚C)Maximum Service Pressure250 psiElectrical Enclosure Rating NEMA Type 1 (Not for use in hazardous locations.)Process Connection1” NPTConduit One opening for ½” conduitUsage1” Pipe and LargerELECTRICAL RATINGSingle-Pole-Double-Throw (SPDT)Contact Rating: 15A, ½ hp; 125, 250, 277VAC½A, 125VDC; ¼A, 250VDCP. 4P . 51½” PIPE 2” PIPE2½” PIPE3” PIPE4” PIPE5” PIPE6” PIPE7” PIPE1¼” PIPE 01.301.601.852.302.853.404.506.507.005.50Pipe Size NPTSwitchpoint Range (GPM)Paddle Size (inches)Min. Adjust.Max. Adjust.ON OFF ON OFF 1”4287 1.30”1½”751311 1.85”2”1272726 2.30”2½”18123532 2.83”3”27195249 3.40”4”6350123120 4.50”5”125100238232 5.50”6”1901583503386.50”Consult the factory for larger pipes and additional switch points.FIGURE 3. FLOW RANGE TABLEFIGURE 4. PADDLE SIZESOF FLOWP . 6The Model FSW-160 should be mounted on the top of a horizontal section of pipe. If it is mounted in a vertical pipe, the switch points will deviate from those published. If the flow is DOWNWARD, switch points will be LOWER than published. If flow is UPWARD, switch points will be HIGHER than published.INSTALLATIOND= PIPE DIAMETERThe flow switch should be located in a straight run of at least 5 pipe diameters.1. Determine the proper paddle length from the chart next to the “Flow Range” Table [FIGURE 3]. For intermediate sizes, trim the next largest paddle to the correct length. The paddle must not touch the inside of the pipe. If more than one paddle is being installed, stack one on top of the other with the larger ones first in line with the flow. [FIGURE 5.]2. Use a reducing tee for pipe sizes larger than 1” to provide adequate paddle length in the liquid flow. A weldolet or half coupling may also be used. If a reducing tee is not available, use a bushing to reduce the tee outlet to 1” pipe thread.3. Be sure the flow switch is mounted such that the flow direction is perpendicular to the paddle and that it activates the flow switch when there is flow and de-activates at rest when there is no flow.CAUTION: DO NOT TIGHTEN BY GRASPING THE SWITCH ENCLOSURE. USE THE HEX FLATS AND WRENCH.FIGURE 6. FSW-160 IN PIPEP . 7ELECTRICAL WIRING• To prevent electrical shock, turn off the electricalpower before making electrical connections.• To prevent electrocution, do not touch the terminalswhen electrical power is connected to the flow switch.• To prevent an electrical fire or equipment damage,use properly temperature-rated supply wire for the anticipated temperature.• Make all electrical connections in accordance withthe National Electrical Code and local regulations.WARNINGinstalling fittings and making connections. Refer to, andfollow, local codes andstandards when selecting the types of electrical fittings and conduit to connect to flow switch.3. Determine which switch action is required for the flow switch.4. Using a scissor-style crimping tool (3M TH-450 or equivalent), crimp 14 gage wire to thefemale flag disconnect terminals (3M 752-187) included with the switch. *Note: Use copper wire only 5. Attach ground wire to green grounding screw on flow switch base.Power applied to load when flow isGREATER than set point, interrupted when flow is LESS than set point (normally open).LOADHOTCOMNO NCLINE FIGURE 8.Power applied to load when flow is LESS than set point, interrupted when flow is GREATER than set point (normally closed).LOADHOTLINE COMNO NCFIGURE 9.SWITCH POINT ADJUSTMENT1. TURN OFF POWER.2. Remove cover.3.switch point setting.4.shaped nut, and a helical spring.toward HIGHER flow rates.counter-clockwise position.The lead screw nut locks the adjusting screwin position, maintaining the flow switch setpoint under all environmental conditions.5. Starting with the nut in low-flow position (tensionspring relaxed), turn the adjusting screw ina clockwise direction until the microswitch isactuated, while maintaining the desired fluid flow rate in the system. Turn the adjusting screw TWO(2) additional turns in the clockwise directionand then slowly back off in a counter-clockwisedirection, until the microswitch is de-actuated.The FSW-160 flow switch is now set at maximum sensitivity for detecting small flow changes.6. When set at maximum sensitivity (100% point) asdescribed above, flow turbulence may cause rapid on/off switching (dithering) of the microswitchcontacts, resulting in reduced switch contactlife and “noise” in the electrical circuit. This iseliminated by turning the adjusting screw in acounter-clockwise direction.7. Microswitch actuation point may be monitoredduring the adjustment procedure detail in steps 5 and 6 by an audible click, with an ohmmeter, or with other continuity tester before connecting line power to the microswitch.8. If the system flow rate is changed, the FSW-160can be adjusted to monitor the new flow rate by turning the adjusting screw in a counter-clockwise direction to the minimum flow position and thenproceeding as in 5 and 6 above.9. Place cover on the flow switch and turn on power.10. Test the operation of the flow switch after eachadjustment.TESTINGPlace cover on flow switch and turn on power. Observe whether the flow switch is being activated by the flow. Turn off fluid flow to determine if the device is operating as required.Repeat initiating and turning off fluid flow several times. If operating as required, put system into service. If not operating as required, flow switch may need to be adjusted.P. 8WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY /DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2013 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product under warranty, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the followinginformation available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETU RNING ANY PRODU CT(S) TO OMEGA, PU RCHASER MU ST OBTAIN AN AU THORIZED RETU RN (AR) NU MBER FROM OMEGA’S CU STOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at SMTEMPERATUREM U Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesM U Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorM U Calibrators & Ice Point ReferencesM U Recorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsM U Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEM U Transducers & Strain GagesM U Load Cells & Pressure GagesM U Displacement TransducersM U Instrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELM U Rotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersM U Air Velocity IndicatorsM U Turbine/Paddlewheel SystemsM U Totalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYM U pH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesM U Benchtop/Laboratory MetersM U Controllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsM U Industrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONM U Data Acquisition & Engineering SoftwareM U Communications-Based Acquisition SystemsM U Plug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & CompatiblesM U Data Logging SystemsM U Recorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERSM U Heating CableM U Cartridge & Strip HeatersM U Immersion & Band HeatersM U Flexible HeatersM U Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLM U Metering & Control InstrumentationM U RefractometersM U Pumps & TubingM U Air, Soil & Water MonitorsM U Industrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentM U pH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM-5540/1015。
REV 3.7
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技术支持热线:021-3126 5138 E-mail: .................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 产品功能 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 产品特点 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.3 技术指标 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.4 电磁兼容性能........................................................................................................................................ 5 1.4.1 高频干扰试验(GB/T15153.1 classⅢ) .................................................................................. 5 1.4.2 快速瞬变脉冲群试验(GB/T17626.4 classⅢ) .................................................................... 5 1.4.3 静电放电干扰(GB/T 17626.2 classⅢ) ................................................................................. 5 1.4.4 辐射电磁场(GB/T 17626.3 classⅢ) ..................................................................................... 5
目录一、机床上电前检查二、机床上电三、控制系统调试1.系统、参数文件及PLC程序的传输(1)用U盘进行系统参数文件及PLC程序的传输1)用U盘进行系统参数文件及PLC程序的导出2)用U盘进行系统参数文件及PLC程序的导入(2)用RS232串口进行系统参数文件及PLC程序的传输1)用RS232串口进行系统参数文件及PLC程序的导出2)用RS232串口进行系统参数文件及PLC程序的导入(3)用RS232串口进行系统软件的传输2.PLC文件的编辑、传送、备份(1)在PC机上用广泰专用PLC编辑软件编辑或新建PLC文件(2)传送PLC文件1)通过RS232口传送PLC文件a.将系统PC生成的PLC文件(d、PLC.plc)传到系统中b.将系统中的PLC文件(d、PLC.plc)传到PC机2)通过USB接口传送PLC文件a.PLC文件从U盘导入到系统中b.PLC文件从系统导出到U盘中2.PC机与802D的通讯(1)调试电缆(2)工具软件及PC机工具软件的安装(3)160iM的权限口令(4)通讯接口RS232的设置(5)程序数据文件的传输3.PLC的调试(1)PLC应用程序的设计(2)PLC用户程序的传输(3)报警文本设计与传输4.驱动器的调试5.NC程序调试(1)安装显示语言(2)系统初始化(3)802D基本参数的设定6.批量调试四、进给轴的调试1.轴运动方向2.轴运动速度3.设置硬限位开关4.设置回零减速开关五、主轴的调试1.主轴驱动(1)主轴驱动的初始设置(2)主轴驱动的参数(3)主轴驱动参数的设置和修改(4)主轴驱动常见故障与排除2.主轴电机(1)主轴电机编码器信号通讯(2)主轴电机编码器的拆装3.主轴功能(1)主轴旋转方向与转速的确认(2)主轴定向(3)刚性攻丝(4)主轴刀具的卡紧与放松(5)主轴内孔切屑清除六、刀库的调试1.Z轴换刀位置的调整2.主轴定向准停的调整3.主轴松/紧刀信号的确认4.刀库倒刀/回刀信号的确认5.刀库信号计数器/换刀位置/定位信号的确认6.机械手原点/扣刀/制动停止信号的确认7.单步换刀的操作8.自动换刀七、辅助功能的调试1.润滑单元的调整2.排屑器的启/停3.冷却泵的启/停八、机床操作1.操作面板开关、按键说明2.手动操作方式3.MDI操作方式4.自动运行九、故障实例一 机床上电前检查1. 将配电柜左侧电源总开关2SA1置断开的位置2. 将配电盘上的三项断路器2QF 1、所有电动机断路器及微型断路器全部置断开位置。
2. 设备安装 .....................................................................................................................................4 2.1. 装箱清单 .............................................................................................................................4 2.2. 硬件连接 .............................................................................................................................4 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2.4. 接地线连接 ..............................................................................................................4 电源线连接 ..............................................................................................................4 网线连接 ..................................................................................................................4 射频电缆连接 ..........................................................................................................4
手册编号制造日期手册版本3ª版本日期 2005年1月目录1. 序言. . . . . . . . . . .32. 使用说明和技术参数.. . . . . . . .3•使用说明. . . . . . . . . . 3 •技术参数和外形尺寸 . . . . . . . . 3 •噪声 . . . . . . . . . . 3 •振动 . . . . . . . . . . 3 •主要部件. . . . . . . . . . 4 3. 运输与安装. . . . . . . . . . 4•拆箱 . . . . . . . . . . 4•电气安装. . . . . . . . . . 4•带包装搬运. . . . . . . . . . 5•带底座搬运. . . . . . . . . . 5•不带底座搬运. . . . . . . . . . 54. 使用. . . . . . . . . . . 6•主要控制元件. . . . . . . . . . 6•移动加工. . . . . . . . . . 8•固定加工. . . . . . . . . . 8•悬挂移动加工. . . . . . . . . . 9•倒角尺寸设置. . . . . . . . . 10•倒角角度设置. . . . . . . . 10. . . . . . . . 10•切深 . .5. 维护与调节. .•刀片更换. . . . . . . . . . 10 6. 附件. . . . . . . . . . . 11请在安装和使用本机器之前,仔细阅读本手册内容,并认真遵循说明!1. 序言本手册旨在说明MOD. 900型倒角机的安全性以及正确使用的相关注意事项。
施耐德Symmetra PX 160
Symmetra ®PX适用于数据中心的模块化可扩展高效率的电源保护Symmetra PX 96/160kW 16kW 至160kW 之间可扩展适用于小型、中型及大型数据中心或者高密度区域,业界领先的效率、可用性和性能,按需规划、模块化、可升级的三相电源保护解决方案> 世界上提供同等电源和运行时间的方案中占地面积最小> 模块化,可升级,无需被动停机> 高效率双变换技术,效率可达 95%> 高密度设计> 总体拥有成本低> 1.0输出功率因数(kW=kVA)> 可选超高效、超安全的模块化电源分配> 基于机柜设计,灵活美观> 无需后部访问> 长寿命电池(5-8年)>2APC Symmetra PX 96/160 kW 是一款全球化的高效率的电源保护系统,其设计旨在实现成本效益、冗余性的同时提供高等级的可用性。
在两个或三个机柜的空间内,Symmetra PX 为380V 部署提供高达96kW 或160kW 的电源保护,并采用可热拔插的长寿命电池使有效运行时间最大化。
Symmetra PX 96/160kW 可完美集成到当今最先进的数据中心设计中,是真正的模块化系统,由可热拔插的功率模块、智能模块、电池模块、旁路和电源分配组成,该体系结构可根据您的数据中心增长或更高可用性等级的需求,在16kW 到160kW 之间对功率和运行时间进行扩展,自诊断功能增强了Symmetra PX 96/160kW 的可管理性,并提高了数据中心的整体可靠性。
作为APC InfraStruXure ® 系统的核心电源系统,Symmetra PX 系列适用于高效管理的小型、中型及大型数据中心,其设计可大大缓解由于增长造成的数据中心空间紧缺。
无需后部访问,Symmetra PX 96/160kW 可直接置于数据中心地板上、安装于设备间或靠墙摆放。
目录1、概述 (3)2、主要技术参数 (4)3、主要结构和工作原理 (6)4、操作和使用 (23)5、拆运安装和调整 (32)6、检修及维护保养 (41)7、常见故障原因及处理方法 (50)8、安全保护 (53)9、运输、贮存 (54)10、售后服务 (55)11、电气 (56)1.概述1.1产品特点EBZ160TY型掘进机由煤炭科学研究总院太原分院设计制造。
MG160/390-WD型交流电牵引采煤机说明书一、主要技术参数适应煤层采高范围 mm 1300——2920;(综采1500——2920)适应倾角°≤35煤质硬度 f≤41.总体总装机功率 KW 391机面高度 mm 1100机面宽度 mm 979摇臂回转中心距 mm 5813滚筒水平中心距 mm 9213过煤高度 mm 410最小卧底量 mm (滚筒¢1250) 167装机重量 t 25外形尺寸(机身) mm 6053×979×8782、牵引牵引形式交流变频调速无链牵引啮合方式白线轮销轨式牵引绳速度 m/min 0-7牵引力 kN 4083、截割摇臂形式整体弯摇臂摇臂摆角: +42,-19.7截深mm: 600滚筒直径mm:¢1250,¢1400;¢1600 滚筒转速 r/min 46;524、电动机截割电动机(2台)型号: YBCS4-160(B)功率Kw 160额定转速r/min; 1470 电压V 1140额定频率Hz 50冷却水压MPa <3.0牵引电动机(2台)型号: YBQYS3-30(B)功率Kw 30额定转速r/min; 1472 电压V 1140 额定频率Hz 50泵站电机(1台)型号: YBRB-11功率Kw 11额定转速r/min; 1440 电压V 1140 额定电流A 7.8 额定频率Hz 50二、主要配套设备1、配套输送机WD型配套:SGZ630/220,WD1型配套:SGZ730/3202.配套喷雾泵站:供水泵型号: PB-200/6.3额定流量L/Min 200最高压力MPa 6.3配套电缆主电缆 MCP3×95+1×25+4×10(200米)4、配套电缆夹: U-100/145、H-100/180(80米)5、配套开关: QJZ-400/1140(或QJZ-300/1140)真空磁力起动器6、配套水管型号:RC3-25/150(200米)三、传动参数:截割部机械传动见图F1。
1 内容与缩写内容1.内容与缩写2.前言3.贴花6.安全9.概览11.安装/调试20. 操作指令37.维护42.故障排除缩写与符号#### 同上海英格索兰压缩机有限公司联系索取序号—>#### 直到序号####—> 从序号起* 没有图示+ 选项NR 不要求AR 根据要求SM 总图HA 高环境温度选项WC 水冷却机组AC 风冷却机组ERS 能量恢复系统T.E.F.C. 闭式电机O.D.P. 开式电机2 前言该手册包含的内容应该视为上海英格索兰压缩机有限公司的财产,属于上海英格索兰压缩机有限公司的机密。
版权2011年上海英格索兰压缩机有限公司ISO符号图形及国际标准符号的意义V SERIES 90-160 机组贴花序号 零件号 数量 名称序号 零件号 数量 名称1 99289944 1 电压380/3/50 12 19000256 1 QS 标志2 92867407 1 不准吸入符号 13 46844866 1 现场施工注意 92867498 1 排气口46846507 1 额定工况运行3 92867530 2 热表面符号 23805591 1 贴花 机组维护指南4 92930585 1 压力容器符号 14 42873139 1 铭牌5 92930593 3 电击警告符号 15 46872941 1 标签 运输支架6 92930668 1 维护 16 18990838 1 贴花 警告 19051549 1 三滤注意17 23175243 1 贴花 加油 19019348 1 贴花 开机调试 18 22141311 1 胶带 直径3’’ 23761836 1 贴花 电气原理图 19 46857777 1 Logo SIRC 7 93165959 2 转动时使用防护罩 23834203 1 贴花 前面板90-160kW 8 93165983 2 转向20 99266199 1 安装贴花 9 93166460 1 冷却剂排放符号 99266199 1 安装贴花 10 93166502 1 油滤芯更换符号 11 93171262 4 起吊前视图左视图概览操作人员在维修或操作之前须阅读并理解《贴花》,并参阅《手册》。
54757711 1 喷油螺栓 18
23782071 Rev .A
数量 描述
54387485 1 齿轮箱
54482484 1 单向阀
95323911 1 接头
95944666 1 弯头
96702287 4 螺栓M10*25
96702337 4 螺栓
96705645 4 平垫圈
96721097 4 垫圈 弹簧M16
23830805 1 1.5"硬管 V132-160
17 23830870 1 1.25"硬管 V90-110
23830813 1 1.5"硬管 V132-160
5 水冷风扇冷却器
序号 Ccn 数量 描述
18 23830862 1 1.25"硬管 V90-110 23830821 1 1.5"硬管 V132-160
23799349 1 水冷却器油冷132-160KW
3 23784416 1 水冷却器后冷90-110KW
23799356 1 水冷却器后冷132-160KW
4 23801285 1 排气管支架
5 23801327 1 2.5"筒体到后冷硬管
6 23801335 1 2.5''排气管
7 23801350 1 进出水口接板
8 23801384 1 8BAR安全阀
23801392 1 9BAR安全阀
23801400 1 11BAR安全阀
23801418 1 13.2BAR安全阀
9 23805617 1 U型螺栓 V90-160
10 23834187 1 1.25"软管 V90-110
23830748 1 1.5"软管 V132-160
Eaton 199060 产品说明书
Eaton 199060Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - DOL starter, 6.6 A, Sensorinput 2, AS-Interface®, S-7.4 for 31 modules, HAN Q4/2General specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link DOLstarter199060120 mm270 mm220 mm1.63 kg IEC/EN 60947-4-2CCCCEUL 60947-4-2UL approvalRoHSAssigned motor rating: for normal internally and externally ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asynchronous motors with 1500 rpm at 50 Hz or 1800 min at 60 Hz RAMO5-D200A31-4120S1Product Name Catalog NumberProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight CertificationsCatalog Notes Model CodeIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.3 kW6.6 A (at 150 % Overload)400 V AC, 3-phase480 V AC, 3-phase65000 A0 VMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.0 kW2.238 kWMeets the product standard's requirements.0 V-40 °CElectronic motor protectionKey switch position AUTOKey switch position OFF/RESETThermistor monitoring PTC Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkGeneration Change RASP4 to RASP5Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Generation Change RA-SP to RASP5Generation change RAMO4 to RAMO5Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Rapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-drivesConnectMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logistics ETN.RAMO5-D200A31-4120S1.edzIL034084ZUramo5_v3.dwgramo5_v3.stpDA-DC-00003964.pdfDA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004525.pdfDA-DC-00004523.pdfeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-reversing-starter-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-reversing-starter-dimensions.eps10.11 Short-circuit ratingRated operational power at AC-3, 380/400 V, 50 HzInput currentRated operational voltageRated conditional short-circuit current, type 1, 480 Y/277 V Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - min10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.2.5 LiftingRated power at 575 V, 60 Hz, 3-phaseRated power at 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Rated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - minAmbient storage temperature - minFitted with:Applikasjonsmerknader BrosjyrereCAD model Installeringsinstruksjoner mCAD model SertifiseringsrapporterTegningerThermo-clickTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationKey switch position HANDShort-circuit releaseOverload cycleAC-53aNumber of pilot lightsRated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - max0 VSystem configuration typePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.AC voltageCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network)10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Coordination class (IEC 60947-4-3)Class 1Rated conditional short-circuit current, type 1, 600 Y/347 V0 ARated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)10 kAAmbient operating temperature - max55 °CRated operational power at AC-3, 220/230 V, 50 Hz0 kWClimatic proofing< 95 %, no condensationIn accordance with IEC/EN 50178FeaturesParameterization: FieldbusParameterization: drivesConnectDiagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface Parameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App) Parameterization: KeypadLifespan, electrical10,000,000 Operations (at AC-3)Number of command positions1Electrical connection type of main circuitPlug-in connectionElectrical connection type for auxiliary- and control-current circuit Plug-in connectionRated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - max0 V10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Ambient operating temperature - min-10 °C10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Current limitation0.3 - 6.6 A, motor, main circuitAdjustable, motor, main circuitCable length10 m, Radio interference level, maximum motor cable length10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Mounting positionVerticalMains switch-on frequencyMaximum of one time every 60 secondsClassCLASS 10 A10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Electromagnetic compatibilityClass AVoltage typeDCProduct categoryMotor starterOverload release current setting - min0.3 ARated control voltage (Uc)24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug)Rated operational current (Ie)6.6 AAssigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase3 HPRated frequency - min47 HzNumber of auxiliary contacts (normally closed contacts)Rated conditional short-circuit current (Iq), type 2, 380 V, 400 V, 415 V0 APower consumption8 W10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.On-delay20 - 35 msLifespan, mechanical10,000,000 Operations (at AC-3)Rated operational current (Ie) at 150% overload6.6 AProtocolAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 31 modulesASIOverload release current setting - max6.6 A10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overvoltage categoryIIIDegree of protectionNEMA 12IP65Rated frequency - max63 HzVibrationResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmResistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequency Resistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on accelerationResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz - max3 kWAmbient storage temperature - max70 °CShort-circuit protection (external output circuits)Type 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuitRated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - min0 V10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)4000 VConnectionConnections pluggable in power sectionOff-delay20 - 35 ms10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.FunctionsExternal reset possibleTemperature compensated overload protectionOutput frequency50/60 HzMains voltage tolerance380 - 480 V (-15 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)Rated conditional short-circuit current (Iq), type 2, 230 V0 AInterfacesMax. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mANumber of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®) Specification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)TypeDOL starter10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Supply frequency50/60 Hz, fLN, Main circuit10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - max0 VRated operational current (Ie) at AC-3, 380 V, 400 V, 415 V6.6 ARated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz - min0.09 kWModelDirect starterNumber of auxiliary contacts (normally open contacts)Shock resistance15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftAltitudeMax. 1000 mAbove 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m Max. 2000 mEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Med enerett. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。
For other service manuals visit our website at:/service_manuals.aspDORNER MFG. CORP .INSIDE THE USA OUTSIDE THE USA P .O. Box 20 • 975 Cottonwood Ave.TEL: 1-800-397-8664TEL: 262-367-7600Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USA FAX: 1-800-369-2440FAX: 262-367-58272100, 2200, 4100, 6200 & MPB Series Bottom Mount Drive Pack. for Heavy Load 90° Industrial 60 Hz GearmotorsInstallation, Maintenance & Parts ManualTable of ContentsIntroduction (2)Warnings − General Safety (3)Product Description (4)Specifications (4)Installation (9)Required Tools (9)Mounting (9)Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment (13)Required Tools (13)Timing Belt Tensioning (13)Timing Belt Replacement (13)Drive or Driven Pulley Replacement (14)Gear Reducer Replacement (14)Motor Replacement (16)Service Parts (18)2100, 2200, 4100, 6200 Series (All) and MPBSeries (Flat Belt) Bottom Mount Drive Package (18)MPB Series Cleated Belt Bottom MountDrive Package (20)4100 Series Adapter Package (22)Gear Motor (22)Notes (23)Return Policy (24)IntroductionUpon receipt of shipment:•Compare shipment with packing slip. Contact factory regarding discrepancies.•Inspect packages for shipping damage. Contact carrier regarding damage.•Accessories may be shipped loose. See accessory instruc-tions for installation.Dorner 2100 Series conveyors are covered by the following patent numbers: 5131529, 5174435, and corresponding patents and patent applications in other countries.Dorner 2200 and MPB Series conveyors are covered by patent number 5174435 and corresponding patents and patent applications in other countries.Dorner 4100 Series conveyors are covered by patent number 3923148 and corresponding patents and patent applications in other countries.Dorner 6200 Series conveyors are covered by patent numbers: 6685009, 5174435, 6109427 and corresponding patents and patent applications in other countries. Dorner’s Limited Warranty applies.Dorner reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice or obligation.Dorner has convenient, pre−configured kits of Key Service Parts for all conveyor products. These time saving kits are easy to order, designed for fast installation, and guarantee you will have what you need when you need it. Key Parts and Kits are marked in the Service Parts section of this manual with the Performance Parts Kits logoIMPORTANTSome illustrations may show guards removed. Do NOT operate equipment without guards.Warnings − General SafetyA WARNINGThe safety alert symbol, black triangle with white exclamation, is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.Climbing, sitting, walking or riding on conveyor will cause severe injury.KEEP OFF CONVEYORS.DO NOT OPERATE CONVEYORS IN AN EXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENT.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.A WARNINGGearmotors may be HOT.DO NOT TOUCH Gearmotors.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.REPLACE ALL GUARDS BEFORE RUNNING CONVEYOR.A WARNINGDorner cannot control the physicalinstallation and application of conveyors. Taking protective measures is the responsibility of the user.When conveyors are used in conjunction with other equipment or as part of a multiple conveyor system, CHECK FOR POTENTIAL PINCH POINTS and other mechanical hazards before system start-up.A WARNINGMPB Series Conveyors are not reversible. Reversing creates pinch points which can cause severe injury.DO NOT REVERSE MPB SERIES CONVEYORS.Product DescriptionRefer to Figure 1 for typical conveyor components.Figure 1SpecificationsGearmotor Mounting Package Models:Example:A ConveyorB Mounting BracketC GearmotorD Timing Belt TensionerE CoverF Timing BeltG Drive Pulley HDriven PulleyABCDEHFGSpecificationsTable 1: Gearmotor SpecificationsTable 2: Belt Speeds for Heavy Load Fixed Speed 90° 60 Hz Gearmotors on 2100, 2200 (Gang Drive), 4100 and 6200 Series Conveyors(vp) = voltage and phase:11 = 115 V , 1-phase 23 = 230V , 3-phase (n) = reversing capability:N = no reversing switchR = with reversing switch (115V , 1 phase only)Single PhaseThree PhaseDC Variable SpeedVFD Variable SpeedOutput Power 0.50 hp (0.37 kw)Input Voltage 115 VAC 208– 230 / 460 VAC 90 VDC 230 VAC Input Frequency 60 Hz N/A10 – 60 Hz Input Current 7.4 Amperes2.1 – 2/ 1 Amperes 5.0 Amperes 1.6 AmperesMotor RPM1725 25001725Gearmotor Ratios 5:1, 10:1, 20:1, 40:1, 60:1Frame Size NEMA 56CMotor TypeT otally enclosed, Fan-cooledGearmotorsBelt Speed DrivePulley Driven Pulley Part NumberGear RatioRPMIn-lbN-m Ft/minM/min32M060HS4(vp)F(n) 60:129 270 30.5 6 1.7223232M060HS4(vp)F(n) 60:129 27030.58 2.4 323232M060HS4(vp)F(n) 60:1 29 270 30.5 12 3.7 483232M040HS4(vp)F(n) 40:1 43 247 27.912 3.7 32 3232M040HS4(vp)F(n) 40:1 43247 27.9 18 5.5 48 3232M020HS4(vp)F(n)20:1 8690 10.2257.6 323232M020HS4(vp)F(n) 20:1 8690 10.237 11.3 48 3232M010HS4(vp)F(n) 10:1 173 45 5.1 49 14.9 323232M010HS4(vp)F(n)10:1 173 45 5.1 74 22.6483232M005HS4(vp)F(n)5:1 345 25 2.8 9930.2 32 3232M005HS4(vp)F(n)5:1 34525 2.8148 45.148 3232M005HS4(vp)F(n) 5:1 34525 2.8169 51.548 2832M005HS4(vp)F(n)5:134525 2.8197 60.044 2232M005HS4(vp)F(n) 5:1 34525 2.8215 65.5482232M005HS4(vp)F(n)5:1345252.8249 75.948 19SpecificationsTable 3: Belt Speeds for Heavy Load Fixed Speed 90° 60 Hz Gearmotors on 2200 Series Conveyors (Excluding Gang Drive)(vp) = voltage and phase:11 = 115 V , 1-phase 23 = 230V , 3-phase(n) = reversing capability:N = no reversing switchR = with reversing switch (115V , 1 phase only)Table 4: Belt Speeds for Heavy Load Fixed Speed 90° 60 Hz Gearmotors onMPB Series Conveyors(vp) = voltage and phase 11 = 115 V , 1-phase 23 = 230V , 3-phase (n) = reversing capability N = no reversing switchR = with reversing switch (115V , 1 phase only)GearmotorsBelt Speed DrivePulleyDriven Pulley Part NumberGear RatioRPMIn-lbN-mFt/minM/min32M060HS4(vp)F(n) 60:1 29270 30.5 6 1.7 193232M060HS4(vp)F(n) 60:1 29 270 30.5 10 3.0 282832M040HS4(vp)F(n) 40:1 43 247 27.9 15 4.6 282832M060HS4(vp)F(n) 60:1 29 270 30.5 16 4.9 44 2832M040HS4(vp)F(n)40:14324727.924 7.3 442832M020HS4(vp)F(n) 20:186 90 10.2 309.1 28 2832M020HS4(vp)F(n) 20:1 8690 10.2 4814.6 44 2832M010HS4(vp)F(n) 10:1 173 145 5.1 6118.6 282832M010HS4(vp)F(n) 10:1 173 45 5.195 29.0 44 2832M010HS4(vp)F(n) 10:1173455.1104 31.7482832M005HS4(vp)F(n) 5:1345 25 2.8 121 36.928 2832M005HS4(vp)F(n) 5:1 345 25 2.8 13842.1 32 2832M005HS4(vp)F(n) 5:1345252.8176 53.6 32 2232M005HS4(vp)F(n)5:134525 2.8208 63.4 482832M005HS4(vp)F(n)5:1 34525 2.8 24273.8 44 2232M005HS4(vp)F(n)5:1345252.8264 80.54822GearmotorsBelt Speed Drive PulleyDriven Pulley Part NumberGear RatioRPMIn-lbN-mFt/minM/min32M060HS4(vp)F(n) 60:1 29 270 30.5 13 4.0 223232M060HS4(vp)F(n) 60:1 29 270 30.5 20 6.0 282832M040HS4(vp)F(n) 40:1 43 247 27.9 29 8.9 282832M040HS4(vp)F(n) 40:1 43 24727.9 44 13.4 48 3232M020HS4(vp)F(n) 20:1 8690 10.2 59 17.9 28 28SpecificationsTable 5: Belt Speeds for Heavy Load Variable Speed 90° VFD Gearmotors on 2100, 4100 and 6200 Series Conveyors* At 60 HzTable 6: Belt Speeds for Heavy Load Variable Speed 90° VFD Gearmotors on2200 Series Conveyors (Excluding Gang Drive)Table 7: Belt Speeds for Heavy Load Variable Speed 90° VFD Gearmotors onMPB Series Conveyors* At 60 HzGearmotorsBelt Speed DrivePulley Driven Pulley Part Number Gear RatioRPMIn-lbN-m Ft/minM/min 32M060HS423EN 60:1 29 22635.50.6−5.6 0.2−1.7223232M060HS423EN 60:1 29 22635.5 0.8−8.20.3−2.532 3232M040HS423EN 40:1 43 247 27.91.2−12 0.4−3.8282832M020HS423EN 20:1 86 24827.92.5−25 0.8−7.5323232M010HS423EN 10:1 173 15617.64.9−49 1.5−15323232M005HS423EN 5:1 345 819.1 9.9−99 3−3032 3232M005HS423EN 5:1 345 81 9.1 14−148 4.5−45483232M005HS423EN 5:1345 58 6.5 19−197 6−6044 2232M005HS423EN5:1 345586.524−249 7.6−76 4819GearmotorsBelt Speed DrivePulley Driven Pulley Part Number Gear RatioRPMIn-lbN-m Ft/minM/min32M060HS423EN 60:1 29 27030.50.6−6 0.2−1.8 193232M060HS423EN 60:1 29 27030.51−10 0.3−3.1 282832M040HS423EN 40:1 43 24727.9 1.5−15 0.5−4.628 2832M020HS423EN 20:1 86 16718.93−300.9−9.2282832M010HS423EN 10:1 173115136−60 1.8−18282832M010HS423EN 10:1 1731151310−104 3.2−32482832M005HS423EN 5:1 345 58 6.512−121 3.7−37282832M005HS423EN5:1 345 58 6.526−264 8.1−814822GearmotorsBelt Speed Drive Pulley Driven Pulley Part Number Gear RatioRPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min 32M060HS423EN 60:12927030.5 1.3−13.4 0.4−4.1223232M060HS423EN 60:12927030.52−190.9−5.9282832M040HS423EN 40:14324727.9 2.9−290.9−8.9282832M020HS423EN 20:18616718.9 5.9−59 1.8−18282832M010HS423EN 10:11731151311−117 3.6−36282832M010HS423EN 10:11731151317−175 5.4−54483232M005HS423EN5:1345586.523−2347.1−712828SpecificationsTable 8: Belt Speeds for Heavy Load Variable Speed 90° DC Gearmotors on 2100, 2200 (Gang Drive), 4100 and 6200 Series ConveyorsTable 9: Belt Speeds for Heavy Load Variable Speed 90° DC Gearmotors on 2200 Series Conveyors (Excluding Gang Drive)Table 10: Belt Speeds for Heavy Load Variable Speed 90° DC Gearmotors on MPB Series Conveyors* = Cleated and Sidewall Cleated belts operate at a maximum of 150 Ft/min (45.7 m/min)GearmotorsBelt Speed Drive Pulley Driven Pulley Part Number Gear RatioRPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min 32M060PSD3DEN 60:14227030.5 1.0−8.20.3−2.5223232M060PSD3DEN 60:14227030.5 1.4−120.4−3.6323232M040PSD3DEN 40:16321524.3 2.1−180.7−5.4323232M020PSD3DEN 20:11259010.2 4.3−36 1.3−11323232M010PSD3DEN 10:1250728.19−71 2.6−22323232M005PSD3DEN 5:150025 2.817−143 5.2−43323232M005PSD3DEN 5:150025 2.826−2147.8−65483232M005PSD3DEN5:1500252.829−2459.0−754828GearmotorsBelt Speed Drive Pulley Driven Pulley Part Number Gear RatioRPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min 32M060PSD3DEN 60:14227030.5 1.8−140.5−4.5282832M040PSD3DEN 40:16321524.3 2.6−220.8−6.7282832M060PSD3DEN 60:14227030.5 2.8−230.8−7442832M020PSD3DEN 20:11259010.2 5.3−44 1.6−13282832M010PSD3DEN 10:1250728.110−88 3.2−27282832M005PSD3DEN 5:150025 2.817−1385−42442832M005PSD3DEN 5:150025 2.821−176 6.4−54282832M005PSD3DEN5:1500252.833−27610−844428GearmotorsBelt Speed Drive Pulley Driven Pulley Part Number Gear RatioRPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min 32M060PSD3DEN 60:14227030.5 2.3−190.7−5.9223232M060PSD3DEN 60:14227030.5 3.4−281−8.6282832M040PSD3DEN 40:16321524.3 5.1−42 1.6−12.9282832M060PSD3DEN 60:14227030.5 5.3−44 1.6−13442832M020PSD3DEN 20:11259010.210−853−26282832M020PSD3DEN 20:11259010.215−127 4.7−39483232M010PSD3DEN 10:1250728.120−1706−52282832M010PSD3DEN10:1250728.131−2559−774832NOTEFor belt speed other than those listed, contact factory for details.InstallationRequired Tools •Hex key wrenches:2 mm, 2.5 mm,3 mm, 5 mm •Torque wrench MountingInstallation Component List:1.Typical components (Figure 2)Figure2Figure3A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severeinjury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guardsor performing maintenance.A WARNINGMPB Series Conveyors are not reversible.Reversing creates pinch points which cancause severe injury.DO NOT REVERSE MPB SERIESCONVEYORS.I Bottom Mount AssemblyJ Drive PulleyK CoverL M4 Socket Head Screws (4x)M Driven PulleyN KeyO Timing BeltP M6 Socket Head Screws (2x)Q M6 Socket−Head Screws & Hard Washers (4x)R End Support BracketS Hex Support Posts (2x)T Gearhead/Conveyor Support PlateU Support Plate SpacerV M6 Socket Head Screws (2x)W M6 Socket Head Screws (2x)NOTE2100, 2200, MPB and 6200 2” & 3” (51mm &76mm) and 4100 1” through 6” (25mm –152mm) conveyors do not include (Figure2,item R through W).NOTEGearmotor may be operated in positions 1 &3 (Figure 3).OIMPJKLNQRT UWSVQInstallation2.If required, change gearmotor position by removing four screws (Figure 4,item X) from bottom mount assembly and two screws (Figure 5,item Y) from gear reducer support. Rotate gearmotor to other position and install screws. Tighten screws to 103 in-lb (12 Nm).Figure 4Figure 53.For your reference, the following figures show theattachment area of complete mounting packages for the various conveyor series.2200 Series Figure66200 SeriesFigure 74100 Series Figure 82100 SeriesFigure 9MPB Series Figure10XXYNOTE6200 conveyor shown, other Series similar.Installation4.Locate drive output shaft (Figure 11,item Z) and remove two screws (AA).Figure 11For 2100, 2200 and 6200 − 2” & 3” (51mm & 76mm) wide conveyors and 4100 − 1” through 6” (25mm – 152mm) wide conveyors:5.Attach bottom mount assembly (Figure 12,item I) with screws (P). Tighten to 80 in-lb (9 Nm). Proceed to step 10.Figure 12For 2100, 2200, 6200 and MPB − 4” (102mm) and wider conveyors and 4100 − 8” (203mm) and wider conveyors: 6.On side opposite drive output shaft, remove two screws (Figure 13,item AB).Figure 137.Attach bottom mount assembly (Figure 12,item I) with two screws (P). Tighten to 80 in-lb (9 Nm).8.Install hex support posts (Figure 14,item S). Tighten posts to 80 in-lb (9 Nm).Figure 149.Install spacer (Figure 15,item U) (2100 & 6200 Only) and gearhead/conveyor support plate (T) with screws (V). Install end support bracket (R) with screws (W). Tighten screws (V & W) to 80 in-lb (9 Nm).Figure 15NOTERefer to Figure 6 through Figure 10 whiledoing step 7.AAZIPADABA WARNINGDrive shaft keyway may be sharp.HANDLE WITH CARE.SURTVWInstallation10.Install key (Figure 16,item N).Figure 1611.Wrap timing belt (O) around driven pulley (M) anddrive pulley (J). Install driven pulley (M) onto conveyor shaft.12.Remove cam bearing and spacer (Figure 12,item AD).Place cam bearing and spacer (Figure 17,item AD) next to driven pulley (M). Ensure flanges of driven pulley are aligned with cam bearing. Tighten driven pulley set screws (AA). This will allow for proper belt alignment while conveyor is in use. Install cam bearing and spacer (AD).Figure 1713.Depending on direction of conveyor belt travel (1 or 2of Figure 18), position belt tensioner (AE) as shown. Tension belt to obtain 0.125¨ (3 mm) deflection for 1.0 lb (456 grams) of force at belt mid-point (AF). Tighten tensioner screw to 103 in-lb (12 Nm).Figure 1814.Install cover (Figure 19,item K) with four screws (L).Tighten to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).Figure 1915.Mount assembly to support structure with four hardwashers and screws (Figure 20,item Q). Tighten to 80 in-lb (9 Nm).Figure 20NOJMAAADM1AFAF2KLQPreventive Maintenance and AdjustmentRequired Tools•Hex key wrenches:2 mm, 2.5 mm,3 mm, 5 mm•Adjustable wrench (for hexagon head screws)•Torque wrenchTiming Belt Tensioning1.Remove four (4) screws (Figure 19,item L) and remove cover (K).2.Loosen tensioner (Figure 21,item AE).Figure 213.Depending on direction of conveyor belt travel (1 or 2 of Figure 18), position belt tensioner (AE) as shown. Tension belt to obtain 0.125¨ (3 mm) deflection for 1.0 lb (456 grams) of force at belt mid-point (AF). Tighten tensioner screw to 103 in-lb (12 Nm).4.Install cover (Figure 19,item K) with four (4) screws (L). Tighten to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).Timing Belt Replacement1.Remove four (4) screws (Figure 19,item L) and remove cover (K).2.Loosen tensioner (Figure 21,item AE).3.Remove timing belt (Figure 22,item O).Figure 224.Install new timing belt.5.Depending on direction of conveyor belt travel (1 or 2 of Figure 18), position belt tensioner (AE) as shown. Tension belt to obtain 0.125¨ (3 mm) deflection for 1.0 lb (456 grams) of force at belt mid-point (AF). Tighten tensioner screw to 103 in-lb (12 Nm).6.Install cover (Figure 19,item K) with four (4) screws (L). Tighten to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.AE OA WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.NOTEIf timing belt does not slide over pulley flange, loosen driven pulley set screws (Figure22,item AG) and remove pulley with belt (O). For re-installation, see steps 11 and Figure 16 on page 12.AGOPreventive Maintenance and AdjustmentDrive or Driven Pulley Replacementplete steps 1 through 3 of “Timing BeltReplacement” section on page 13.2.Loosen set screws and remove drive or driven pulley.3.Complete steps 11 through 14 of “Installation” section on page 12.Gear Reducer Replacement1.Remove four (4) screws (Figure 19,item L) and remove cover (K).2.Loosen tensioner (Figure 21,item AE).3.Loosen drive pulley set screws (Figure 23,item AG). Remove drive pulley (J) and timing belt (O).Figure 234.Remove screws (Figure 24,item V & W) and remove support bracket (R), support plate (T) and spacer (U).Figure 245.Remove hex support posts (Figure 25,item S).Figure 25A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.NOTEIf drive pulley (Figure 23,item J) is replaced, wrap timing belt around drive pulley and complete step 3.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.OJAGURTVWSPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment 6.Remove two (2) bracket screws (Figure 26,item AL)and remove bracket (AM).Figure267.Remove four (4) gear reducer mounting screws (Figure27,item AN). Remove gearmotor.Figure278.Remove four screws (Figure 28,item AO). Detachmotor (AP) from gear reducer (AQ). Retain motor output shaft key (AR).Figure289.Remove two (2) screws (AS) and detach output shaftcover (AT).10.Remove gear reducer output shaft key (AU).11.Loosen six (6) set screws (Figure 29,item A V). Removedrive shaft (AW) and key (AX).Figure29AMALANAPAQATA SAOAOAUARAV AWAXPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment12.Apply grease (Figure 30,item AY) to shaft.Figure 3013.Replace the original shaft components into new gearreducer (see Figure 29). Tighten set screws (A V) to 26 in-lb (3 Nm).14.With key (Figure 28,item AR) in keyway, slide motor(AP) and gear reducer (AQ) together. Install screws (AO) and tighten.15.Reverse steps 4 through 7 beginning on page 14.plete steps 11 through 15 of “Installation” sectionon page 12.Motor Replacement1.For single phase motor, unplug power cord from outlet.2.For three phase and VFD variable speed motor:a.Loosen terminal box screws (Figure 31,item AZ) and remove cover (BA).Figure 31b.Record wire colors on terminals 1, 2 and 3. Loosen wire nuts and remove wires 1, 2 and 3.c.Loosen cord grip and remove cord.3.For DC variable speed motor, unplug motor cord at disconnect (Figure 32,item BB).Figure 32IMPORTANTBe extremely careful when coupling motor to gear reducer. Avoid misalignment and forcing the connection causing possible permanent gear reducer seal damage.NOTEDrive pulley (Figure 23,item J) is removed. Wrap timing belt around drive pulley and complete step 16.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.AYHazardous voltage will cause severe injury or death.LOCKOUT POWER BEFORE before wiring.AZBABBPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment4.Remove four screws (Figure 33,item AO). Detach motor (AP) from gear reducer (AQ). Retain motor output shaft key (AR).Figure 335.With key (Figure 34,item AR) in keyway, slide motor and gear reducer together. Install screws (AO) and tighten.Figure 346.Replace wiring:•For a single phase motor, reverse step 1 on page 16.•For a three phase and VFD variable speed motor, reverse step 2 on page 16.•For a DC variable speed motor, reverse step 3 on page 16.IMPORTANTBe extremely careful when coupling motor to gear reducer. Avoid misalignment and forcing the connection causing possible permanent gear reducer seal damage.APAOAQARARAOService PartsNOTEFor replacement parts other than those shown in this section, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory. Key Service Parts and Kits are identified by the Performance Parts Kits logo . Dorner recommends keeping these parts on hand.2100, 2200, 4100, 6200 Series (All) and MPB Series (Flat Belt) Bottom Mount Drive PackageService PartsItem Part NumberDescription1 202390MNut2920625M Socket Head Screw M6x25mm (2100 & 2200)920616M Socket Head Screw M6x16mm (4100)920630MSocket Head Screw M6x30mm (6200)3450375MCover Mounting Bracket4450445 Spacer 5802−046 Bearing 6920845M Socket Head Screw M8x45mm 7920410M Socket Head Screw M4x10mm 8920693M Socket Low Head Screw M6x16mm 9450443M Grove Mounting Plate 10980422M Square Key 4mm x 22mm 11912−084Square Key, 0.188 x 1.5”12450444M Grove Output Shaft 12mm 13300139Drive −Bearing Shaft Cover 14920616M Socket Head Screw M6x16mm 15920608M Socket Head Screw M6x8mm 16605279P Hard Washer17450441M Gearhead Support Bracket 184533WWM Gearhead Support Hex Post 19450440M End Support Bracket20450442M Gearhead/Conveyor Support Plate 697869MGearhead/Conveyor Support Plate w/Spacer (4100 Only)21450027M Drive Spacer [2100 − 4”−24” (102mm − 610mm) and All 6200]22807−952Grooved Pin [2100 − 4”−24” (102mm −610mm) and All 6200]23920620MSocket Head Screw M6x20mm24450376M Drive Guard 25807−226 Snap −out Plastic Plug 26920406M Socket Head Screw M4x6mm 27980422M Square Key 4mm x 22mm912−053 Square Key, 0.125 x 0.75” [4100 − 1”(25mm) Conveyor Only]28814-104 Timing Belt, 15mm W x 450mm L 814-105 Timing Belt, 15mm W x 460mm L 814-065 Timing Belt, 15mm W x 475mm L 814-112Timing Belt, 15mm W x 495mm L 814-101 Timing Belt, 15mm W x 500mm L 814-108 Timing Belt, 15mm W x 520mm L 814-064 Timing Belt, 15mm W x 535mm L 814-099Timing Belt, 15mm W x 565mm L 29450365MP Driven Pulley, 19Tooth, 12mm bore 450366MP Driven Pulley, 22Tooth, 12mm bore 450367MP Driven Pulley, 28Tooth, 12mm bore 450368MPDriven Pulley, 32Tooth, 12mm bore 30450365MP Drive Pulley, 19Tooth, 12mm bore 450366MP Drive Pulley, 22Tooth, 12mm bore 450367MP Drive Pulley, 28Tooth, 12mm bore 450368MP Drive Pulley, 32Tooth, 12mm bore 450369MP Drive Pulley, 44Tooth, 12mm bore 450370MPDrive Pulley, 48Tooth, 12mm boreWW = Conveyor width ref.: 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 08, 10, 12, 18, 21, 24Item Part Number DescriptionService PartsMPB Series Cleated Belt Bottom Mount Drive Package27851-279 Rev. I21Dorner Mfg. Corp.2100, 2200, 4100, 6200 & MPB Series Bottom Mount Drive Pack. for Heavy Load 90° Industrial 60 Hz Gearmotors Service PartsItem Part Number Description1202390M Nut2920692M Socket Low Head Screw M6 x 12mm 3920625M Socket Head Screw M6x25mm 4802−046Bearing 5807−1133Washer6920845M Socket Head Screw M8x45mm 7450445Spacer8243402Cover Mounting Angle9920693M Socket Low Head Screw M6x16mm 10243401Mounting Plate11920416M Socket Head Screw M4x16mm 12980422M Square Key 4mm x 22mm 13912−084Square Key, 0.188 x 1.5”14450444M Grove Output Shaft 12mm 15300139Drive −Bearing Shaft Cover 16920616M Socket Head Screw M6x16mm 17605279P Hard Washer18450441M Gearhead Support Bracket 194533WWM Gearhead Support Hex Post 20450440MEnd Support Bracket21243403Gearhead/Conveyor Support Plate 22920620M Socket Head Screw M6x20mm 23300871M Drive Cover24920408M Socket Head Screw M4x8mm 25450367MP Driven Pulley, 28T ooth, 12mm bore 450368MP Driven Pulley, 32T ooth, 12mm bore 26450366MP Drive Pulley, 22Tooth, 12mm bore 450367MP Driven Pulley, 28T ooth, 12mm bore 450369MP Drive Pulley, 44Tooth, 12mm bore 450370MP Drive Pulley, 48Tooth, 12mm bore 27814-101Timing Belt, 15mm W x 500mm L 814-108Timing Belt, 15mm W x 520mm L 814-064Timing Belt, 15mm W x 535mm L 814-099Timing Belt, 15mm W x 565mm L 814-109Timing Belt, 15mm W x 580mm L 814-115Timing Belt, 15mm W x 600mm L 814-110Timing Belt, 15mm W x 615mm LWW = Conveyor width ref.: 04, 06, 12, 18, 24Item Part Number DescriptionDorner Mfg. Corp.22851-279 Rev. I2100, 2200, 4100, 6200 & MPB Series Bottom Mount Drive Pack. for Heavy Load 90° Industrial 60 Hz Gearmotors Service Parts4100 Series Adapter Package Gear MotorItem Part No.Part Description1609486Mounting Block 1” (25mm)609487Mounting Block 2” (51mm)609488Mounting Block 3” (76mm)609479Mounting Block 4” (102mm)609480Mounting Block 5” (127mm)609481Mounting Block 6” (152mm)609482Mounting Block 7” (178mm)609483Mounting Block 8” (203mm)609484Mounting Block 10” (254mm)609485Mounting Block 12” (305mm)2613602P Bolt & Flat Washer Assembly 3450374Drive Adapter Plate 4910−126Hex Nut with Lock Washer 5930612MFlat Head Screw M6 x 12mmItem Part No.Part Description162MH411FN Motor, 0.5 hp (0.37 Kw) 115/230 Volts,60 Hz, 1-Phase, non −reversing 62MH411FR Motor, 0.5 hp (0.37 Kw) 115/230 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, reversing62MHD9DEN Motor, 0.5 hp (0.37 Kw) 90 Volts DC 32MS423EN Motor, 0.5 hp (0.37 Kw) 230V , 10– 60Hz, Inverter Duty, 3 Phase62MH423Motor, 0.5 hp (0.37 Kw) 208−230/460 Volts, 60 Hz, 3-Phase 232M005HS Gear Reducer, 5:1, 56C 32M010HS Gear Reducer, 10:1, 56C 32M020HS Gear Reducer, 20:1, 56C 32M040HS Gear Reducer, 40:1, 56C 32M060HSGear Reducer, 60:1, 56C21Notes2100, 2200, 4100, 6200 & MPB Series Bottom Mount Drive Pack. for Heavy Load 90° Industrial 60 Hz Gearmotors 851-279 Rev. I23Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp. reserves the right to change or discontinue products without notice. Allproducts and services are covered in accordance with our standard warranty. All rights reserved. © Dorner Mfg. Corp. 2010DORNER MFG. CORP.975 Cottonwood Ave., PO Box 20Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USATEL 1-800-397-8664 (USA)FAX 1-800-369-2440 (USA)Internet: Outside the USA:TEL 1-262-367-7600FAX 1-262-367-5827Return PolicyReturns must have prior written factory authorization or they will not be accepted. Items that are returned to Dorner without authorization will not be credited nor returned to the original sender. When calling for authorization, please have the following information ready for the Dorner factory representative or your local distributor:1. Name and address of customer.2. Dorner part number(s) of item(s) being returned.3. Reason for return.4. Customer's original order number used when ordering the item(s).5. Dorner or distributor invoice number (if available, part serial number).A representative will discuss action to be taken on the returned items and provide a Returned Goods Authorization (RMA)number for reference. RMA will automatically close 30 days after being issued. To get credit, items must be new and undamaged. There will be a return charge on all items returned for credit, where Dorner was not at fault. It is the customer’s responsibility to prevent damage during return shipping. Damaged or modified items will not be accepted. The customer is responsible for return freight.Conveyors and conveyor accessoriesStandard catalog conveyors 30%MPB, 7200, 7300 Series, cleated and specialty belt50%AquaGard & AquaPruf Series conveyors non-returnable itemsEngineered to order products case by caseDrives and accessories30%Sanitary stand supports non-returnable itemsPartsStandard stock parts30%Plastic chain, cleated and specialty belts non-returnable itemsReturns will not be accepted after 60 days from original invoice date. The return charge covers inspection, cleaning, disassembly, disposal and reissuing of components to inventory. If a replacement is needed prior to evaluation of returned item, a purchase order must be issued. Credit (if any) is issued only after return and evaluation is complete.Dorner has representatives throughout the world. Contact Dorner for the name of your local representative. Our Customer Service Team will gladly help with your questions on Dorner products.For a copy of Dorner's Warranty, contact factory, distributor, service center or visit our website at .For replacement parts, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory.851-279 Rev. I Printed in U.S.A.。
RLS 160 M MZ
RLS 160/M MX 781 T 不带流装置的 稳焰盘 3)(D) 页 7 1132 - 2013 95 - 169 560 47 940 - 1840 300
喷嘴 应用范围 环境温度 助燃空气温度 电源 电源 电机 风机电机 运行电流 启动电流 风机电机 运行电流 启动电流 油泵电机 20011632 - 20011635 20011641 - 20011642
适用国家 SE - FI - AT - GR - DK - ES - GB IT - IE - PT - IS - CH - NO DE NL FR BE LU
燃气类别 I2H I2ELL I2L I2Er I2E(R)B I2E
轻油 / 燃气双燃料燃烧器
燃气侧平滑两段火或比例调节 / 轻油侧两段火燃烧器
编码 3898200 - 3898210 3898201 - 3898211 20011632 - 20011635 20011641 - 20011642
型号 RLS 160/M MX RLS 160/M MX RLS 160/M MX RLS 160/M MX
轻油 / 燃气 技术数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 页码 3 配件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 燃烧器描述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 包装 - 重量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 外观尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 标准配置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 出力范围 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 测试锅炉 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 商用锅炉 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 锅炉法兰 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 燃烧筒长度 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 固定燃烧器到锅炉上 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 轻油 选择 1 段火和 2 段火喷嘴 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 喷嘴安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 点火前调节 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 轻油 / 燃气 伺服电机 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 轻油 油泵 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 燃料供应 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 油管路连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 油泵启动 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 燃烧器校准 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 燃气 燃气压力 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 燃气管路 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 点火前调节 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 燃烧器启动 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 燃烧器点火 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 燃烧器校准 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 轻油 / 燃气 维护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 燃烧器启动故障及其原因 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 液压系统图例 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 燃气燃烧状态检查. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 UV 电眼的电流 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 燃烧器运行 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 附录 配电盘接线图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21