新概念第二册Lesson93 A noble gift 崇高的礼物
Lesson93 A noble gift 崇高的礼物同形不同音的词许多词既可以作名词又可以作动作,但有些词为不同的词类使用时发音上,尤其是重音的位置会有变化,这些词有:(对照课本,写出下列音标)1 noble ['nəubəl] a.高尚的,壮丽的2 monument ['mɔnjumənt] n.纪念碑3 statue ['stætʃu:] n.雕像4 liberty ['libəti] n.自由5 present [pri'zent, 'prezənt] v.赠送6 sculptor ['skʌlptə] n.雕刻家7 actual ['æktʃuəl] a.实际的,真实的8 copper ['kɔpə] n.铜9 support [sə'pɔ:t] v.支持,支撑10 framework ['freimwə:k] n.构架,框架11 transport [træn'spɔ:t] v.运送12 site [sait] n.场地13 pedestal ['pedistl] n.底座1 a.高尚的,壮丽的:____________2 n.纪念碑:____________3 n.雕像:____________4 n.自由:____________5 v.赠送:____________6 n.雕刻家:____________7 a.实际的,真实的:____________8 n.铜:____________9 v.支持,支撑:____________10构架,框架:____________11v.运送:____________12 n.场地:____________13 n.底座:____________自己整理词组如下:课后structure句型中的补充资料:第5题补充资料:be made of/be made from/be made in/be made into/be made up of1.be made of表示"由…制成", 一般指能够看出原材料,或发生的是物理变化。
(3)其他宣传媒介:①海报,突出产品形象、时尚为主。 ②小礼品,为终端推荐开路。③POP,强化货架效果,输出 促销活动的主题。
随着时代的进步、科技的发展,人们对健 康、时尚的异世日渐提高,爱斯基摩人的思 想观念也随之改变,时尚、健康成为主流, 可以肯定其市场有很大的释放空间,要挖掘 自身优势,找准定位,提高知名度,强化品 牌形象建设,赋予科学系统的筹划,并有效 的执行,成功是可以预见的。
在这个飞速发展的时代,如今冰箱早已司空见惯,在热 带冰箱更是家用品中的必需品,每年购买力都会极强。然而 在北极气候寒冷,漫天冰雪,那里的人们最不难见到的就是 冰,相对而言冰箱在那个地方很多人都认为是个市场空白, 这就错了,也许在北极市场和热带相比没有那么宽广,可是 很早以前就听说过那么一句话:没有推销不出去的商品,只 有推销不出去商品的人。只要有人的地方你就可以找出他需 要你手中商品的理由。
前言..........................第1页 一、市场分析..................第4、6页 二、消费者分析................第7、8页 三、产品分析..................第9、10页 四、推广策略..................第11、12页
博世、美的等品牌。海尔名列前茅。美菱、美的品牌成长指 数较高。同时中国冰箱市场中以180-250升产品为主流,但 大容量产品的关注比例呈现稳定提高走势。冰箱是家庭必备 品,因此其品牌定位在中档。在爱斯基摩,我们要因地制宜, 制造适合他们用的冰箱。因此我们要把其品牌定位在高档。
把冰箱推销给爱斯基摩人不是主于产品的功效,而是力 重于产品的形象的建设,重视品牌的知名度与美誉度的提高, 在手法方面:一是投放大量广告,推动整个消费者观念的建 立和消费习惯的形成;二是强有力的终端销售,从终端拉动 整个爱斯基摩人对冰箱的消费。广告主要集中在宣传单投入。 另外一方面,促销活动频繁,激起消费者的好奇心,在消费 者群体心中留下一道印记。
产 冰箱对爱斯基摩人的作用? 品
• 告诉他们冰箱开门就有灯,可以边吃东西边 看书,而且不用担心制冷效果 笑话原始 • 冰箱上的温度屏还可以准确测出当地气温, 提醒居民增减衣服,真正做到科技以人为本 • 冰箱的另一大优点是,可以分类存放不同食 物,将不同人爱吃的东西放在不同层,今后 不会有一家人可以在冰箱里各取所需了
爱斯基摩 的冰箱市场
想要购买的 爱斯基摩人
能够购买的 爱斯基摩人
爱斯基摩的 人口数量
爱斯基摩人总人口约13万(2000), 其对冰箱购买需求并不高,购买能力 也相对较弱,所以爱斯基摩人的冰箱 市场并不恭维,对爱斯基摩人销售冰 箱有一定的难度,需要我们进行策略 性销售。
4 P S
促销:可以通过买一送一进行促销,买一件冰箱送一 个当地需要的物品等。
价格:可以相对对其降低冰箱的价格,以提高当地的 购买能力。
通过本次活动,本小组充分了 解到了团队合作性,并学会用 SWOT分析法分析市场信息, 学会用系统化、理论化的知识 进行营销策划等。
如 何 把 冰 箱 卖
给 爱 斯 基 摩 人
小组成员:彭良杰、 吴廷栋、许代娣、 陶小雅、李月、武 运红、丁娇娇、慈 玲莉、吴静霞
爱斯基摩人的祖先来自中国北方,大约是在一万年前从亚洲渡过白令海峡 到达美洲的,或者是通过冰封的海峡陆桥过去的。主要分布在北美沿北一 带地区。近海的主要以捕捉海兽、鱼类为生,内陆的则从事狩猎。喜爱造 型艺术,擅长雕刻。爱斯基摩人属于东部亚洲民族,与美洲印第安人不同 之处在于具有更多的亚洲人的特征,他们与亚洲同时代的人有某些相同的 文化特色,例如用火、驯犬及某些特殊仪式与医疗方法分别居住社会以地 域集团为单位。住房有石屋、木屋和雪屋。房屋一半陷入地下,门道极低。 一般养狗,用来拉雪橇。主要从事陆地或海上狩猎,辅以捕鱼和驯鹿。以 猎物为主要生活来源:以肉为食,毛皮做衣物,油脂用于照明和烹饪,骨 牙作工具和武器。男子狩猎和建屋,妇女制皮和缝纫。
把冰箱卖给爱斯基摩人 (3)
1. 爱斯基摩人的生活环境与饮食习惯爱斯基摩人生活在极寒的北极地区,他们依赖于捕猎和捕鱼来维持生计。
2. 冰箱的优势将冰箱引入爱斯基摩社区可以带来多重优势。
2.1 食物保存冰箱可以用来保存食物,以便在漫长的冬季和夏季时充分利用食物资源。
2.2 防止食物腐败和浪费在极寒的地区,食物很容易腐败。
2.3 提供多样化的饮食冰箱能够存储各种食材,包括蔬菜、水果和其他新鲜的食物。
3. 克服挑战并促进接受3.1 解决电力供应问题北极地区常常面临电力供应不稳定的问题。
3.2 教育和培训计划为了让爱斯基摩人了解冰箱的用途和操作方法,需要开展相关的教育和培训计划。
3.3 展示冰箱的实用性和效益通过组织展示活动,向爱斯基摩人展示冰箱的实用性、效益和节约资源的优势。
闪, 他说 :我 看 未 必 。 ” “
前 解 冻 食 物 的 程 序 。爱斯 基 摩 人 笑 了 ,
度 ,比零下 5 0摄 氏度 的屋 外暖 和多
沃 特 森 按 照 自 己 的 想 法 去 做 了 。 欣 然 邀 请 同 族 人 一 起使 用冰 箱 。 冰 箱 的 另 一 个 作 用 :把 自 己带 去 的 啤
执行 ・
5 .客户要再次证 明一 下,他是 对
3急 于 演 示 : 只 要 演 示 了 产 品 , 就 想 签 单 , 不 如 去 买彩 票 呢 1 . 你 还
的: 客户感情上 已经做 了决定 , 不买你 你 就 竖 立 了靶 子 , 只 要 树 立 了靶 子 。 你 明不买你 的东 西是多么 的英 明。所 以
面。如果碰到 这种情况 , 建议 , 我 用 的 过 程 中 ,飞 机 偏 离 轨 道 的 概 率 是 9 % , 之 所 以 能飞 上 去 , 的 是 每 秒 9 而 靠
好 了 , 析 了 这 么 多 , 后 再 总 结 分 最
下 面几 个 问 题 严 刑 拷 打 自 己一 下 :
冷 冻 食 物 ,也 可 以 用来 防 止 排 。 编辑 : 魏冬 魏冬
销 售 从 来 都 是 一 项 折 磨 人 的 工 实 ! 学会拷问 自己 , 也是顶尖销售的基 销 售 实 际 上 就 是 一 个 不 断 修 正 自
你 你 1盲点 : 杂销售 中 , 点是 很多 作 。 觉 得 是 你 的不 一 定 是 你 的 , 觉 本 素 质 之 一 。 . 复 盲 的 ,我 们 看 不 到 的 东 西 远 远 多 于 我 们 得 不 是 你 的 , 肯 定 不是 你 的 。 就 是 就 这 能 够 看 到 的 东 西 ,无 论 我 们 对 客 户 了 做 销 售 应 该 有 的 态 度 。但 是 很 多 销 售 己 的过 程 。 怕 犯 错 , 怕 发现 不 了 错 不 就 解 多少 。所 以 很 多 时候 我 们 不 得 不选 往 往 盲 目乐 观 ,总 是 看 到 项 目有 利 的 误 。 想 吧 , 天 飞 机 从地 球 飞 往 月球 想 航 择 性 地 相 信 了。既 然 如 此 , 有可 能选 就 择错误 , 导 自己。 误
目录前言 (3)一.背景分析 (4)(一)宏观背景分析 (4)(二)微观背景分析 (4)二.SWOT分析 (4)(一)优势 (4)(二)劣势 (5)(三)机会 (5)(四)威胁 (5)三.市场营销策划的目标 (5)(一)销售目标 (5)(二)销售渠道 (5)四.市场营销策划的行动方案 (6)(一)营销广告 (6)(二)公共关系 (6)(三)营业推广 (6)(四)人员推销 (6)五.总结 (7)六.附件 (7)前言在现代化交通、通讯、科技的支持下,全球化推动着现代科技文明向世界的每一个角落渗透。
对于不同储藏物对储藏温度的不同需求,冰箱设计了可调节不同温区的功能,拥有冰箱的因纽特家庭成员在自己16°C的温馨雪屋中足不出户就能享受到最香醇的2°C啤酒,最甜美的6°C 西瓜,最营养的4°C牛奶,最保鲜的0°C鲜鱼鲜肉,同时还免去了辛苦打猎后又要辛苦解冻鲜肉的烦恼。
那么生活在寒冷北极的爱斯基摩人需要冰箱吗? 不需要。
外面,寒风凛冽,滴水成冰,温度在零下50 多度,而冰屋内却可以保持零下几度到十几度的温度。
9.You leave the plastic covers on your remote control. 你的遥控器外面包着塑料(发现真的只有中国人才这样)
10.You"ve never kissed your mom or dad. 你从没吻过你父母(中国人谁这样啊)
11.You"ve never hugged your mom or dad. 你从没抱过你父母(幼儿园时算不算?)
19.You drive around for hours looking for the best parking space. 你开着车子兜圈为了找到最好的停车位. (看来老外真的不太讲究这个.)
20.You take showers at night. 你晚上洗澡. (许多美国人都 use measuring cups. 你不用量杯
51.You beat eggs with chopsticks. 你用筷子打鸡蛋.
52.You have a teacup with a cover on it. 你有一个有盖的茶杯. (茶壶嘛~~~)
59.Shaolin actually means something to you.少林对你来说是有含义的
47.You wash your rice at least 2-3times before cooking it. 你会洗2-3次米.
48.Your dad thinks he can fix everything himself. 你爸以为自己可以修任何东西.
49.The dashboard of your Honda is covered by hundreds of small toys. 你的车子里堆了无数玩偶.
cycle den diagram dignity diploma dive dive in division downsize drive econoห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ical be economical with the truth embassy employee employer employment engineering enterprising facility faith fibre flexibility fluency fold fold up follow sth up for the taking fountain land on ones feet lawyer
交通环岛 女店员 环境卫生的 茶碟 挠 隔靴搔痒 自信的 自学的 研讨会 一场 提高 刮脸 电动剃须刀 店主 退缩 回避 往返班车 狡猾的 整洁的 所谓的 社会主义 社会主义的 矛 频谱 牛排 女服务员 手提箱 合适 杂草 薪酬丰厚
survivor switch tailor take off take pleasure in taxpsyer team player terrofu the last minute/moment thernos thirst throw oneself into tire tire of trainee trunk turkey typist unbeatable unemployed universe unsure videophone violinist vomit wag waiter ward
处罚 死刑 胡椒粉 钢琴家 插上 袖珍的 门卫、搬运工 最重要的、首相 二手的 预告 先知 心理学 退出 标点符号 公布 积蓄 组装 老鼠 剃刀 现实的 收据 使恢复精力 放松的 辞职 回答 作为对..的回应 揭示 电饭煲 过剩的 令人吃惊的
把冰箱卖给爱斯基摩人的推销方案英文版According to the needs of different families and individuals, in addition to setting up fixed refrigerator sales points in the places where Eskimos live together, the refrigerator company also needs to set up a chain service center to provide each Eskimo family and individual using the refrigerator with services such as refrigerator rental, exchange for new, warranty return, storage, management and transportation of prey, and at the same time, use the store, wall Equipment and other media can also provide advertising services for refrigerators and other products. In addition, the local Eskimos have the most appropriate understanding of the living habits and consumer psychology of local residents. Recruiting local Eskimos to join the company not only increases the relationship between salespeople and local residents to promote the marketing effect, but also creates employment opportunities for local residents, thus driving the economic development of Eskimos. To support the refrigerator industry in Eskimo living areas is to support the development of Inuit people and promote the common progress of all ethnic groups in the world.The entry of the refrigerator into every Eskimo family will not only change the life of an Eskimo family, but alsochange the image of Eskimos in the eyes of people around the world, and improve and reshape the image of the Eskimo nation. Taking the refrigerator home means taking the modern civilization home. Eskimos are still habitually believed to live in the primitive world of drinking blood and eating raw meat. Therefore, Eskimos need to take the refrigerator as an important step towards the development, opening up and modernization of their nation. Children growing up in Eskimo families with refrigerators and other household appliances will proudly enjoy the edification of modern civilization and feel the pulse of modernization with children all over the world. One day in the future, when every Eskimo goes to areas outside the Arctic Circle, he can use the refrigerator skillfully and naturally, which will be an amazing honor for the Eskimo nation in front of friends in the world.The surge of globalization and modernization is irresistible. People all over the world are using refrigerators. Every Eskimo family needs a refrigerator. This is the inevitable development of contemporary reality. For their own sake, for their children, for the nation and for the world, every Eskimo family should hurry to have their own refrigerator.。
Unit6 Section B
Unit 6 Section B知识点1. sell 卖-_________ 2 . ______ a ______ price 以低价______ a ______ price 以高价The fridge is __________/__________(贵、便宜). 2. __________ photos(拍照)3. advise sb ________(do)… 被动sb be ___________4. __________ … ______…把…翻译成…5. be invited _________ 地点/ be invited _________(do)…6. The earthquake __________(发生) _____ _______ ______ __________(突然). = ____________突然地7. tell sb _______(not do)… Sb be __________ 8. work _______… 致力于… 从事….9. the ___________ _____ the telephone 电话的发明10. 音符__________ notes11. 乐器__________ ____________ 12. ______ ________错误的,无意的____ _________偶然的13. ________ __________薯条,薯片potato______, tomato________, hero________, photo________14. _____ ______ _______; __________ 最后15. ________ 厨师;________ 做饭16. an ___________一场意外_______ ___________交通事故__________形容词,偶然的17. order a ________ ______(盘)fried potatoes 18. _____________送回到某地19. __________ 备受热爱的20. over = __________超过.. 21. the first basketball game ___________(play)on 1891.12.2122. an ________ at the ___________奥运会项目23.__________ 加拿大的;加拿大人____________ 加拿大24.______________… 出生______________…生下________________ 出生时25._______________…要求某人做… 被动: _________________…被要求做…26.could ____________(play) 可以被玩/打的… 情态动词被动情态动词+__________27.He created a game to be played to be played 不定式做后置定语不定式to do 被动__________28. inside on a _______ _________ 室内硬地板上29. _________ … ______…把…分成Our teacher divided us into 8 groups 被动: _______________________30. teach sb ________(do)…. learn ________(do)… 31. players _______ the same team..同一组的队员32. work together _________(get) the ball ________ the other team’s basket (扔进对方篮筐)33. ____________________ 同时34. stop…_________ _________(do)… 阻止…做某事35. the __________(compete) team 对手36. one’s _______… 某人自己的…37. the ___________ of basketball 名词受欢迎38. rise – ______ –______ 39. dream of _______(do)40. with many young people __________(dream)… 做伴随状语with +宾语+doing (随着..)The __________(受欢迎) of basketball has risen around the world, with many young people _______(dream) of ________(become) famous players. 41._________ ...__________…不仅…而且42.a popular sport __________(play) a popular sport_________(watch)43. the number of the players ________(have) increased..The number of the boys _______(be) 30, a number of them _______(be) from China.44. including…包括…在内include 动词,包括My favorite sports _________ soccer,...... I like eating vegetables, __________ tomatoes....45. ____________…欣赏,仰慕46. hero 英雄________ 47. encourage sb _____(do)…鼓励某人做..48. work hard _________(实现) their dreams.. His dreams will _________(实现).49. _____________(职业的) basketball groups/players 50. ________ the same 几乎一样51. _____________想出,提出52. _________…导致,引起53. use sth ________(do)…54. someone ________其他人_________不定代词后,或特殊疑问词后单词1. I like potato chips, because it’s s__________ enough.2. Basketball became an event at the O___________.3. ___________(加拿大人) speak English in ___________(加拿大)4. The _____________(受欢迎) of tea has risen around the world.5. Yi Jianlian is a p_____________ basketball player.6. Jim is the best waiter in the restaurant. He is friendly to all the c_____________.7. We were ________________(分开) into 8 groups.8. We admired all the ___________(英雄) in the war.适当形式1. Do you know how potato chips _____________(invent)?2. Basketball is much-loved and active sport that ___________(enjoy) by many people.3. The first basketball game __________(play) on 1891.12.21.4. He was asked __________(create) a game that could ___________(play) inside.5. We ___________(divide) into 8 teams by our teacher.6. Our teacher taught us ___________(read) the new words.7. They must work together ___________(get) the ball in the other team’s b asket.8. They need to stop the competing team from __________(get) the ball into their basket.9. The __________(popular) has ________(rise) around the world, with many young people _________(dream) of___________(become) famous players.10. It has become a popular game ___________(watch).11. The number of the players _________ 11, a number of them ______ (be) from the US.12. I like eating vegetables, _____________(include) potatoes.13. We must encourage ourselves ___________(work) hard __________(achieve) our dreams.14. We often use the scissors __________(cut) things.填空Basketball is a much-loved and active sport that __________(play) by many people. In 1936 in Berlin, it became an event the the O___________.Basketball ______________(invent) by a ___________(加拿大) doctor. When he was a college teacher, he was asked _________(think) of a game that could _____________(play) in winter. He d___________ the men in his class into two teams and taught them ___________(play). Players must work togethe r ____________(get) the ball in the other team’s basket. ______ the same time, they need to stop the competing team from ___________(get) the ball into their own basket.Today, the _____________(popular) of basketball has __________(rise) around the world, ________ many young people ____________(dream) of becoming famous players. Basketball has not only become a popular sport _________(play), but it has also become a sport ___________(watch). The number of foreign players, ______________(include) Chinese players, in the NBA ____________(have) increased. Many young people look up to these basketball _________(hero) and want to become like them. These stars encourage young people ___________(work) hard ____________(achieve) their dreams.阅读理解Today almost everyo ne knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you “What is the most important in your life? ”, maybe you will say “Computers and the Internet. ”The first computer was made in 1946. It was very big but it worked slowly. Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said, “People can’t live without computers today. ”The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, write letters, do shopping, play games or make friends.Many students like the Internet very much. They often go into the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and may be they have never seen these friends. They don’t know their real names, ages, and even sex. They are so interested in making the “unreal friends” that they can’t put their hearts into study. Many of them can’t catch up with other s on many subjects because of that.We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at the same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.1. The Internet can not be used for.A. studyingB. thinkingC. shoppingD. playing2. When the first computer was invented, it was.A. large and worked quicklyB. small and worked slowlyC. large but worked slowlyD. small but worked quickly3. The Internet was born in about.A. 1960B. 1971C. 1980D. 19854. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Few students like going into the Internet.B. These “unreal friends” often meet each other.C. Students use the Internet to make “unreal friends”.D. Students know the friends on the Internet very well.5. What does the writer think of the Internet?A. It is helpful, but we can’t do everything on it.B. It can make students study harder.C. It is not good for students.D. I t is wonderful.B.Do you have the experience of taking music lessons against your wishes? Perhaps you have complained about it because you thought it took you much playtime. But now you’d better thank your parents for their time and money spent on your musical training. A recent study suggests music lessons can make children have better memories than their peers (同龄人).The Canadian study showed that after one year of musical training, children did better on a memory test than those who didn’t take music lessons.The researchers made the children aged between 4 and 6 into two groups — one group of children took music lessons outside school, and the other didn’t take any musical training. In one year, they took four tests in different times. The res ults showed brain (大脑) development changes at least every four months.The children taking music lessons not only did better in musical listening but also made faster progress in other ways, such as reading, writing, math and IQ.People say music is the good medicine (良药) for a broken heart. Now it seems music can also help us to improve our memories. We are sure to find more and more in the wonderful world of music.( )6. You’d better thank your parents for their time and money spent on your musical training because .A. you get well after you take music lessonsB. you will make faster progress in every wayC. music can help you to improve your memoriesD. music lessons have taken up most your free time( )7. The researchers made one group of the children aged 4~6 take music lessons for .A. six monthsB. a yearC. two yearsD. four years( )8. The Canadian study showed that brain development changes .A. once a weekB. twice half a yearC. four times a yearD. at least every four months( )9. According to the last paragraph, most people think music can make us .A. happyB. worriedC. smartD. confident( )10. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. How to become cleverer.B. Music does us much good.C. What to find in wonderful music.D. Everyone should receive music training.阅读表达Umbrellas could be one of the world's most important inventions. The first umbrella was invented over four thousand years ago.Umbrellas were used on sunny days at first. Chinese people were the first to use their umbrellas on rainy days. They waxed (给……打蜡) their paper umbrellas so that they could be used when it was raining.The word "umbrella" comes from the Latin word, umbra. It means shade (背阴处). Starting in the 16th century, the umbrella became popular in the western world, especially in northern Europe, where it often rains. At first, people thought that the umbrella was only suitable for women. Then a famous English traveler, Jonas Hanway (1712-1786), carried and used an umbrella in England for thirty years. Because of him, men began to use umbrellas.In Europe, early umbrellas were made of wood and covered with canvas (帆布). People used very hard wood to make umbrella handles.In 1852, Samuel Fox invented a new kind of umbrella with ribs made of steel. Samuel also started a company called English Steels Company. After that, compact collapsible umbrellas (便携式折叠伞) were the next important step in umbrella production.1. Was the first umbrella invented four thousand years ago?____________________________________________________________________________________2. Who first used their umbrellas on rainy days?______________________________________________________________________________________3. What did Jonas Hanway do?______________________________________________________________________________________4. What were early umbrella handles made of in Europe?______________________________________________________________________________________5. What does the writer mainly talk about?______________________________________________________________________________________书面表达计算机在我们的学习和生活中起着非常重要的作用,它是二十世纪一项非常伟大的发明。
初中英语U6 period 4
Has a mind to grow flowers cannot spend, unintentionally inserts the willow tree willow tree to create shade.
I think … tastes/taste …
How do they taste?
sour salty
sweet crispy
bitter hot/spicy fresh thin thick
I think … tastes/taste …
3. The customer thought the potatoes were T F not thin enough.
4. The customer said they were not salty enough.
5. George wanted to make the customer happy.
1b Write the name of a different food after each word.
sweet _b_a_n_a_n_a,__a_p_p_le_, _c_a_n_d_y___________ crispy __p_ot_a_to_c_h_ip_s_, _c_o_o_k_ie_, __b_is_cu_it salty _s_a_lt_ed__eg_g_s_, _s_a_lt_ed_f_is_h_, _s_al_t___ sour __gr_a_p_e,___le_m_o_n_, __v_in_e_ga_r__________
• The cooked food storage, last leftovers in the refrigerator can be, not only can save a space, and find it next time when not find the place.
Obama said
肉类存放,放入其中之后可以保持肉的新鲜感,口味与原来并 无多大的差别。
• After storage, meat into which can maintain the freshness of meat, taste and original little difference.
熟食的存放,上次吃剩的食物可将其放入冰箱内,不仅可以节省空间, 而且下次找它的时候不至于找不到地方。
冰箱是一种使食物或其他物品保持冷态的小柜或小室,用于冷冻,冷藏食品或其 他物品。 冬天将食物和蔬菜放进冰箱里防止冻坏,那个地方室内温度比冰箱内 温度还底。因此应该更名为热箱,使他们容易接受。
Fridge’s surface should chang.For excample, it piant red and sea,ect,to attract them.
提高自己的专业素养,让更多的人了解冰箱的用处,让我们的产 many times have fallen on the road
Product synopsis
• The fridge is a kind of food and other items to keep the cold small cabinets or small room, used in refrigeration, frozen food, or other items. Winter food and vegetables in the fridge to prevent freezing, where the indoor temperature than refrigerator temperature also bottom.So the machine should rename hot machine.
高一英语阅读理解(人物故事)解题技巧及练习题一、高中英语阅读理解人物故事类1.阅读理解Even if you've never been to Phoenix, you know this about the place It's hot. From June to September, the temperature can easily surpass the century mark. But that doesn't stop hikers from attempting the 1.3-mile hiking to the top of the city's famed Camelback Mountain. Signs warn that the trail is "extremely difficult". If you continue, a posted checklist suggests at least a liter of water per person. And if you're still not stopped, another sign farther up declares: "If you're halfway through your water, turn around!"Unfortunately, many people to not take the warnings seriously. Fortunate y, Scott Cullymore does. The 53-year-old Cullymore can be found hiking up and down Camelback a couple of times a day, giving out cold bottles of water to worn-out hikers. He has helped hydrate so many hikers that he has earned a heavenly nickname: the Water Angel.Cullymore was on Camelback Mountain one day in 2015 when a British tourist died after being lost for nearly six hours in the July heat. That experience inspired him to start helping people caught unaware by the cruelty of Mother Nature. "They underestimate the mountain, and they overestimate what they can do, and they get themselves in trouble." he warned.One hiker who was offered water agrees. "You think you know the heat, but then you get out here in the desert and it surrounds you like a blanket," said Austin Hill, who was hiking with a high school friend. They were lucky, he said pointing to Cullymore. "We ran into this Good Samaritan here." And with that, the Water Angel goes in search of another hiker in need.(1)What is the first paragraph mainly about?A. The risks involved in the hiking.B. The seriousness of the warnings.C. The distribution of signs that warn hikers.D. The influence of the temperature on hikers.(2)Why did some hikers on Camelback Mountain get in trouble?A. They were not well trained in hiking.B. They forgot to take enough water with them.C. They were too optimistic about the situation.D. They were not fit enough to hike the mountain.(3)What can we know about Austin Hill?A. He agreed to help others.B. He was saved by Cullymore.C. He hiked alone in the desert.D. He regretted taking a blanket.(4)What is the best title for the text?A. The Camelback MountainB. Surviving the HeatC. Hikers in NeedD. The Water Angel【答案】(1)A(2)C(3)B(4)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,远足者低估夏日的Camelback Mountain 同时高估自己的能力,所以在远足途中遇到麻烦,Cullymore了解情况后决定帮助他们。
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___________________________ _______________________
________________________________ __________________
More advantage
The Inuit can use the refrigerators to get more water which is not frozen.
因纽特人可以利用冰箱获得更多没结冰的 水。
Sell a refrigerator to The Inuit
___________________________ _______________________
Product synopsis
The fridge is a kind of small cabinets or small room to keep the cold.
What’s more
Food in the fridge can prevent freezing because it can make food keep in 4℃.
食物在冰箱里可以防止结冰因为它可以在 恒温ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ℃下保存食物。
________________________________ __________________
Last but not least
If The Inuit have a refrigerator, they can save many time when they cook and they can eat tasty food.
如果因纽特人拥有Ad冰vant箱age,他们可以节约做 饭的时间并且可以吃到鲜美的食物
When they eat food, they need to unfreeze it because low temperature. 当他们食用时,他们 必须先解冻因为食物 在低温下结冰了。
________________________________ __________________
________________________________ __________________
More advantage
The refrigerators as a food store are better able to classify food.
________________________________ __________________
Why The Inuit need a refrigerator?
________________________________ __________________
________________________________ __________________
It is ours
___________________________ _______________________
Welcome to buy our product
___________________________ _______________________
First of all
The Inuit live in the Arctic where the indoor temperature is usually below zero, 因纽特人住在北极,那里室内温度
________________________________ __________________