
2023年高级商务英语考试(BEC)写作范文(一)Report writing Ex 4: Sample answer: (235words)Reassessment of job satisfaction: Sue Pearson(PR Dept.)IntroductionThis report sets out to use Workset colours to assess the accuracy of my job description as PR officer and to suggest a number of changes.FindingsIt is clear that there is a difference between the way the company views the job and the reality as I perceive it. Firstly, a number of areas which demand a significant proportion of my time are not mentioned in the official job brief. The segment on the pie chart which provides most cause for concern is the pink sector; this relates to my attendance at a number of meetings which I can contribute little. Another significant area is the grey segment; this refers to the unscheduled time I spend sorting out computer problems. I feel these activities are hampering my core work. As can be seen from the pie charts, the time I spend actively working to meet the goals agreed with my line manager is less than envisaged.ConclusionsThe above discrepancies clearly indicate that my current job brief is inaccurate.RecommendationsI would recommend that my official job brief should be updated using the Workset colours. It would also be valuable to consider the proportion of non-core colours in the pie chart and to investigate whether work in these areas could be carried out by someone else more suited to these tasks.2023年高级商务英语考试(BEC)写作范文(二)Flexible working Ex 5:Sample answer: (250words)Resource Planning Manager: Assessment of Suitability forHome-based WorkingIntroductionThe purpose of this report is to assess the suitability of my position as Resource Planning Manager for home-based working.FindingsMy working pattern and that of my colleagues varies from week toweek. During certain periods a large proportion of my time is spent doing fieldwork. This is followed by office-based collating and recording the data collected. Once the results have been recorded, I proof-read the colour copies of all reports and maps.As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once a fortnight. At other times, the individual members of the team communicate either face-to-face or by phone, depending on their location. Apart from official meetings, the same results can be achieved whether I am in the office or working elsewhere.ConclusionIt is clearly that I could be able to undertake the duties while working from home for a large proportion of my time. Clearly, some days would be spent in the office for face-to-face communication with colleagues. It would also be necessary to use the technical facilities at times. However, in order to be able to work effectively from home, I would need to be provided with a networked computer and printer.RecommendationsI would suggest that I should be given the necessary equipment to work partially from home for a trial period. After this time, further consultation should take place in order to reassess the situation.2023年高级商务英语考试(BEC)写作范文(三)Business practices in China Ex 3: Sample answer: (244words)Dear Chen,I was very pleased to receive your letter. As requested, I enclose some advice about visiting Milan.There are lots of good hotels near the Fiera and I recommend the Hotel Wagner; it is about a ten-minute walk from the trade fair and also has the metro and train connections. The public transport system here is quite reliable and I do not think you need to hire a car; the traffic in Milan can be a bit chaotic.Finding somewhere to eat in the evening should be easy. There are plenty of restaurants and pizzerias near the hotel. My favourite is Nove Cento, which serves excellent seafood pasta.It is difficult to know what to recommend for sightseeing as the city has so much to offer. If you are interested in art, then the world famous ‘Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci is a short train ride from the hotel or you could visit the Brera art gallery. There is also the Duomo, Milans huge gothic cathedral. If you are interested in football, there should be midweek match featuring either AC or Inter Milan. Alternatively, you could visit the fashion area around via Montenapoleone.Thank you for inviting me for a meal one evening during you stay. I would be very happy to accept.I look forward to hearing from you nearer the time. We can then make the arrangements for where and when we are going to meet.Best regardsMaurizio2023年高级商务英语考试(BEC)写作范文(四)Suggested answer: (127words)The last years of twentieth century saw the Internet being used by more and more companies as a business tool. In 1997 e-commerce was very limited earning a revenue of less than $25 billion. However, since then, there has been a steady growth worldwide. This trend looks set to continue into the next century with revenue from e-commerce rising to reach almost $200 billion by 2023.Like e-commerce, e-business has shown steady growth with revenue tripling in the period 1997 to 2000, rising from about $50 billion to $150 billion. However, during there is predicted to be a far more dramatic increase in e-business revenue over the next three years. It is thought that by 2023 revenue from e-business will have reached over $800 billion worldwide.2023年高级商务英语考试(BEC)写作范文(五)A motivation surveyEx 3: Sample answer: (116words)FindingsA number of employees clearly suffer from a lack of motivation as a result of dissatisfaction in one or more areas of their work. The key findings are outlined below:Staff feel undervalued by the company, both on a financial and a personal level. It is generally felt that the companyˇs competitors offer higher levels of remuneration. The perception that the managers are unappreciative of staff efforts is particularly noticeable in the Sales Department.Certain employees feel under-challenged. The company is clearly not exploiting its human resources.There appears to be a breakdown of communication in the Production Department. The confusion and resultant ill-feeling towards managers has the potential to disrupt the production cycles.RecommendationsWe strongly recommend the following measures:An evaluation of job profiles throughout the company to assess whether skills could be utilised more efficientlyA review of the current salary structure involving the comparison with similar organisationsIt is also essential to investigate and take action regarding the communication in the Production and Sales Department.2023年高级商务英语考试(BEC)写作范文精选5篇文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。
2019-BEC商务英语高级范文汇总-优秀word范文 (1页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==BEC商务英语高级范文汇总The EKIA way Ex 5: Sample answer: (226words)Limitless Horizons, our travel agency and advisory service specializing in adventure holidays in remote locations, was founded in 1989 by Rob Davies. We do not arrange accommodation in well-known resorts, thus encouraging travellers to discover the real country they are visiting. We constantly seek out new adventure holidays which allow travellers to mix with local people rather than retreat to the beach or their hotel.Although all our advice is impartial, it is influenced by certain core values:Respect for local values and practicesRespect for individual needs and independenceBelieve in the need to limit the environmental impact of our activities.We believe that as privileged visitors to sometimes fragile environments, we should take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints.Wherever possible, we encourage the use of small independent companies. We also insist on local guides and seek to housetravellers in modest accommodation. Our clients can look forward to living the local culture and eating the local suicine; Limitless Horizons rejects the concept of Coca-Cola trek.Our representatives are constantly travelling in order to and check our information. These trips are funded solely by Limitless Horizons. We pay our way, accepting no hand-outs or free-flights, thus ensuring the only factors influencing our advice to you are your needs and those of the area you wish to visit.以下文字仅用于测试排版效果, 请使用时删除!冬是清寒的。

商务英语BEC高级写作范文汇总DearYour counter proposal on the above referenced project has been reviewed and is acceptable in its entirety.We are enclosing an executed copy of the agreement along with two copies for your files.We are enthusiastically looking forward to this project and are pleased about having the opportunity to work together.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF ORDERDate: _To: _ [Customer]We are in receipt of your order as contained in the attached purchase order form. We confirm acceptance on said order subject only to the following exceptions: [Describe] _On exceptions noted, we shall assume you agree to same unless objection is received within ten days of receipt of this notice. Thank you for your patronage.Very trulyACCEPTANCE OF ORDER WITH DELIVERY IN LOTSDate: _To: _ [Customer]We acknowledge acceptance of your order as per your order of _, 19_. The goods will be shipped to you in the following lots: [Specify lots and delivery schedule]_We request that payment be made as each lot is received.Very truly,DearAttached is an accepted copy of your Purchase Security Agreement for the [specify equipment].There are [number] remaining quarterly payments. Your first quarterly payment will be due on [date] , and we will mail you an invoice for it approximately one month prior to that date. Please return the remittance portion of the invoice with your check.Under the Agreement, this contract is non-cancellable during the term of the contract. The balance, however, can be paid off at any time prior to the expiration of the contract.We would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for your business.If you have any questions concerning your contract, or if we can be of service to you in any way, please let us know.DearIt is with deep regret, that we accept your resignation as [position] of the [organization]We can appreciate the demands that this position has placed on you, and appreciate all of the fine contributions you have made as [position]DearThank you for your comments. A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the author for his response. I am sure you will be hearing from him in the near future.I am pleased that you found our article informative and hope that you will continue to read our publication. Should you have any comments or questions in the future, please do not hesitate to write to this office.We value our readership and are proud to have you as a member of our family of subscribers.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF APPLICATIONDate: _To: _ [Applicant]We appreciate your interest in being employed by our firm.We regret to inform you, however, that the available position[s] has been filled, and we cannot give your application further consideration at the present time.Your application will be kept on file for future reference should an opening arise.Very truly,DearWe have received your letter acknowledging receipt of the items we mailed to you and noticing us to cancel shipment of your order for those items which are back ordered.We will be issuing you a refund as soon as we have completed the necessary paperwork for your account.We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for shopping through [name] Our new [specify] catalog should be arriving at your home shortly, and I believe you will be pleased by some of the beautiful choices our buyers have made this season.Thank you for your patience and understanding and for providing us with the opportunity to be of service to you.DearThank you for your order. At this time we cannot fill your order due to an unexpected shipment delay from our overseas suppliers.We will hold your order for arrival of the merchandise,and ship shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with a specific shipping date at this time.Thank you for your anticipated patience in this matter.DearThank you for your kind letter regarding your exceptional treatment by one of our employees. A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the personnel department and will be included in the employee's file.So seldom is it that a customer takes the time to write a letter of appreciation, that I feel moved to reward your initiative.Please accept the enclosed certificate, which, when presented, will entitle the bearer to a ten percent discount on the merchandise being purchased at that time.This is but a small token of our appreciation of customers such as , upon whose satisfaction we have been allowed to yougrow and prosper in this highly competitive marketplace.Again, on behalf of our entire organization, a heart-felt thank you.DearBecause Mr. Jones is out of the office for the next two weeks I am acknowledging receipt of your letter dated May 20,l983. It will be brought to his attention immediately upon his return.If I may be of any assistance during Mr. Jones' absence ,please do not hesitate to call.DearThe[product name and model number]that you mailed to us for repair was received on [date] We will be returning it to you as soon as the necessary adjustments are made.We are sorry that you experienced a problem with our product and want to thank you for purchasing a [name of product]DearThis is to inform you that we have carefully reviewed your estimate on the parking lot refurbishing. We are planning to contract with you for this work.We are unable to let this contract , as final immediatelyapproval of expenditures of this nature must come from the head office in New York.We expect to receive approval or disapproval within the next 30 days. At such time, we will contact you with instructions accordingly.If we may be of any assistance in the meantime please feel free to contact this office.Dear _:We appreciate your interest in submitting to us an idea or proposal relative to: _Our firm receives many ideas, suggestions and proposals,and has many of its own projects under development. Therefore,it is possible the idea or prooposal you plan to submit to us has been considered and/or may already be in the planning stages.Nevertheless, we would be pleased to accept your idea or proposal for review, provided it is accompanied by this acknowledgement letter signed by you.It is understood that:1. Samples or other submissions will be returned to the submittor only if return postage or freight is prepaid.2.The company accepts no resonsibility for casualty or loss to samples in our possession.3. The company can accept no responsibility for holding any information in confidence.4. The company shall pay compensation only in the event it,a) accepts the idea, b) has received the idea only from the submittor, and c) reaches agreement with the submittor as to terms and conditions.If these terms are acceptable to you, please sign where indicated below and return together with your idea or proposal.Very truly,The foregoing terms and conditions are understood and acknowledged._______________________________ SubmittorDearWe are sorry to hear that you have been experiencing problems with your new [name of product].While we do ask that our customers contact their dealer in the event of a problem,we recognize that,in your case,it his would be impossible. Therefore,if you will carefully package the unit in its original carton and send it to us,our "doctors" will put it through a thorough examination to determine the source of the problem.If the problem turns out to be a minor adjustment,we shall make the repair and be sure to return the[product]to you within thirty days. If our determination is that the unit is defective,we will send you an immediate replacement.Again,I am sorry that you experienced this difficulty and wish to thank you for your patience and for purchasing our [product].GUARANTEEFOR VALUE RECEIVED,the undersigned hereby guarantee absolutely and unconditionally prompt payment of the within Note and agree to pay all cost of ,legal expenses collectionand attorneys' fees,incurred or paid by the holder of the within Note in the collection and/or enforcement of said Note and the enforcement of this Guaranty.No renewal or extension of said Note,no release or surrender of any security for said Note or this Guaranty,no release of any person primarily or secondarily liable on said Note (including any maker,endorser or guarantor) ,no delay in the enforcement of payment of said Note or this Guaranty and no delay or omission in exercising any right or power under said Note on this Guaranty shall affect the liability of any of the undersinged hereunder. The undersigned expressly waives presentment,protest,demand,notice of dishonor or default,notice of acceptance of this Guaranty and notice of any kind with respect to said Note or this Guaranty or the performance of the obligation under said Note or Guaranty.________________________ (SEAL)________________________ (SEAL)DearI have written to you several times over the past three months requesting an explanation on why you have failed to bring your account with us current.By ignoring these requests,you are damaging the excellent credit record you had previously maintained with our company. In addition,you are incurring additional expense to yourself and to us.Unless I hear from you within ten days,I will have no other choice but to turn your account over for collection.I am sorry that we must take such drastic action but I am afraid you leave us no alternative. You can preserve your credit rating by remitting your check today for the amount stated above.DearThis letter willconfirm [individual's] telephone conversation with you today concerning an increase in our billing rateto [amount] per hour,effective [date] It is necessary that we request this increase due to a rise in the cost of conducting our business.We are faced with an increase in payroll taxes and insurance,along with an increase in ouroverhead costs.In addition to the above,we also seek a modest profit.Attached are copies of our service agreement and we request that you sign one copy and return it to us indicating your approval of this new rate.FINAL NOTICE BEFORE LEGAL ACTIONDate:_To:_[Customer]We have repeatedly requested payment of$_,on your overdue account. Our demands for payment have been ignored.Accordingly,we shall turn this account over for collection within the next ten days unless payment,or an acceptable proposal for payment is obtained.Enforced collection on this obligation may result in additional legal or court costs to you and may impair your credit rating.Very truly。

英语考试作文商务英语BEC高级写作范文(6)A survey on performance of our department which is Customer Service, was carried out amount employees and customers. A few findings are developed in this following report.First of all, to start with positive points, it was reported that management fosters team spirit, and it is well followed by employees. Moreover, excellent feedbacks from our customers were received, they were all fully satisfied with services provided to them. In addition, sales results exceeded plan this year, which refect our effectiveness.Secondly, unfortunately, there is still weaknesses which could be improved. For instance, the questionnaire sent to employees outlines the lack of motivation within our team, people don’t work with gusto. Likewise, they all complain about a lack of communication between Technical Service and Sales Department, which can affect our customers. Our competitors may take advantage of it.Finally, I am confident that we can achieve improvement.Regarding the lack of motivation I would recommend our Human Resources department to review their salary statements, indeed, Employees fell a bit of gap between their salary and the ongoing rate, thus pay people what they worth. Moreover, praise people and publically recognize their individual performance and leader should define clearly each employee objectives.In terms of communication, I suggest that our management leader start setting up regular meeting including sales and technical people and foster open dialogue.。

剑桥商务英语高级BEC作文参考剑桥商务英语高级BEC作文参考范文A candle lights others and consumes itself.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的剑桥商务英语高级BEC作文参考范文,希望能给大家带来帮助!part 1Business practices in China Ex 3: Sample answer: (244words) Dear Chen,I was very pleased to receive your letter. As requested, I enclose some advice about visiting Milan.There are lots of good hotels near the Fiera and I recommend the Hotel Wagner; it is about a ten-minute walk from the trade fair and also has the metro and train connections. The public transport system here is quite reliable and I do not think you need to hire a car; the traffic in Milan can be a bit chaotic.Finding somewhere to eat in the evening should be easy. There are plenty of restaurants and pizzerias near the hotel. My favourite is Nove Cento, which serves excellent seafood pasta.It is difficult to know what to recommend for sightseeing as the city has so much to offer. If you are interested in art, then the world famous ‘Last Supper' by Leonardo da Vinci is a short train ride from the hotel or you could visit the Brera art gallery. There is also the Duomo, Milan's huge gothic cathedral. If you are interested in football, there should be midweek match featuring either AC or Inter Milan. Alternatively, you could visit the fashion area around via Montenapoleone.Thank you for inviting me for a meal one evening during you stay. I would be very happy to accept.I look forward to hearing from you nearer the time. We canthen make the arrangements for where and when we are going to meet.Best regardsMauriziopart 2A motivation surveyEx 3: Sample answer: (116words)FindingsA number of employees clearly suffer from a lack of motivation as a result of dissatisfaction in one or more areas of their work. The key findings are outlined below:Staff feel undervalued by the company, both on a financial and a personal level. It is generally felt that the companyˇs competitors offer higher levels of remuneration. The perception that the managers are unappreciative of staff efforts is particularly noticeable in the Sales Department.Certain employees feel under-challenged. The company is clearly not exploiting its human resources.There appears to be a breakdown of communication in the Production Department. The confusion and resultant ill-feeling towards managers has the potential to disrupt the production cycles.RecommendationsWe strongly recommend the following measures:An evaluation of job profiles throughout the company to assess whether skills could be utilised more efficientlyA review of the current salary structure involving the comparison with similar organisationsIt is also essential to investigate and take action regarding the communication in the Production and Sales Department.。

bec商务英语高级作文As a business professional, it is essential to constantly stay updated with the latest industry trends and developments. This can be achieved through attending conferences, workshops, and networking events, as well as keeping an eye on relevant news and publications.In the fast-paced world of business, effective communication is key. Whether it's through emails, phone calls, or face-to-face meetings, the ability to convey your message clearly and persuasively is crucial for success.In today's globalized economy, cultural awareness and sensitivity are more important than ever. Understanding and respecting the customs, traditions, and business practices of different cultures can make or break a deal.In the digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for any business. This includes maintaining a professional website, engaging in social media marketing,and utilizing digital tools for communication and project management.In the competitive business world, it's important to stay adaptable and open to change. Being able to pivot and adjust your strategies in response to market shifts and customer feedback is crucial for long-term success.In conclusion, being a successful business professional requires a combination of knowledge, skills, and attitude. By staying informed, communicating effectively, being culturally sensitive, embracing technology, and remaining adaptable, one can thrive in today's dynamic business environment.。

三篇商务英语(BEC)高级考试范文汇总1 Sample answer: (250words)Dear RecardoFurther to our conversation of 30 March, I am writing to outline the proposed programme for your visit to our offices (12-15 April).On Thursday morning I will be at the airport to meet your flight and, assuming there are no delays, I will take you straight to your hotel so that you can check in and freshen up. As Mr Wilkins wishes to see you before the meeting, a business lunch has been arranged. We will then travel to the company in time for the meeting, scheduled to run from 14.30 to 18.00. After such a long day I suggest dinner at your hotel.Friday's meeting is due to start at 09.30. A taxi has been arranged to pick you up at the hotel at 08.50. Since the meeting lasts all day, the company will provide a working lunch. After work you will have a chance to return to your hotel before dinner at The Riverside Lodge at 20.00.Your name has been entered for the Golf Tournament (08.30 on Saturday morning). Mr Wilkins will collect you from your hotel at 08.00. After the competition there is a formal dinner with a distinguished speaker at 19.30.I look forward to meeting you on the 12th. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me on 020 755 9800.Yours sincerelyXXX2 Sample answer: (243words)IntroductionThis report sets out to examine how the company should re-invest this years profits.本报告着手于考察公司如何进行今年的利润再投资。

2020年高级商务英语考试写作优秀范文(1)Cancellation of Order through Delay in Delivery延迟交货取消订单Subject: Order number 8546 dated 18 AugustDearWhen we placed this order, we stressed that we needed delivery by 4 October at the latest.We have already written to you twice reminding you of the importance of prompt delivery. However, as you have been unable to deliver these goods on time, we left with no choice but to cancel the order.These goods were required for shipment abroad, and as the boat by which they were to be sent sails tomorrow, we have no means of getting them to our client in time for the exhibition for which they were required.Please acknowledge this cancellation.2020年高级商务英语考试写作优秀范文(2)ComplaintDear SirsWe have recently received several complains. The pens are clearly not satisfactory, refund the purchase price.The pens are part of the batch of 500 supplied against our order number 8562 dated 28 March. This order was placed after your representative left a sample pen with us, which we found to be very good quality. We have compared the performance of this sample with that of a number of pens from this batch, and there is little doubt that many of them are faulty – some of them leak and others blot when writing.The complaints we have received relate only to pens from the batch mentioned. Customers who bought pens before these have always been pleased.We wish to return the unsold balance, amounting to 377 pens, and to have them replaced with pens of bought pens of better quality.Please let us know what arrangements you wish us to make for the return of these unsuitable pens.Yours faithfullyReply (Accepting Complaint)DearThank you for your email regarding faults in the pens supplied to your order number 8562. We have been very concerned about this and are glad that you brought this to our notice.We have tested a number of pens from the production batch you mention and agree that they are not perfect. The defects have been traced to a fault in one of the machines, which has now been rectified.Please arrange to return to us your unsold balance of 377 pens. We will be happy to reimburse you for the cost of postage. We have already arranged for 400 pens to be sent to replace this unsold balance. The extra 23 pens are sent with our compliments. You willbe able to provide free replacements of any further pens about which you may receive complaints.Once again, our apologies for this inconvenience.Best wishesAlternative Reply (Rejecting Complaint)DearWe are sorry to learn from your letter of 10 May that you have had difficulties with the pens supplied to your order number 8562.All our pens are manufactured to be identical in design and performance, and we cannot understand why some of them should have given trouble to your customers. It is normal practice for each pen to be individually examined by our Inspection Department before being passed into store. However, from what you say, it would seem that a number of the pens included in the latest batch escaped the usual examination.While we certainly understand your concern, we cannot accept your suggestion to take back all the unsold stock from this batch. Indeed, there should be no need for this since it is unlikely that there are a large number of faulty pens. We will gladly replace any pen found to be unsatisfactory, and on this particular batch we areprepared to allow you a special discount of 5% to compensate for your inconvenience.I hope you will accept this as being a fair and reasonable solution of this matter.Please give me a call on 4626123 if you have any further questions.2020年高级商务英语考试写作优秀范文(3)Email with Short Personal Greeting带简短个人问候的电子邮件Dear Mr JohnsonI am sorry not to have replied sooner to your letter of 25 October regarding the book English and Commercial Correspondence. My Export Director is in France on business. As I am dealing with his work as well as my own, I am afraid my correspondence has fallen behind.Whether this book should be published in hardback or paperback is a decision I must leave to my Editorial Director, Jane Green. I have forwarded your message to Jane, and I’m sure she will contact you very soon.I hope you are keeping well.With best wishes2020年高级商务英语考试写作优秀范文(4)Letter Asking for Sponsorship要求赞助的信Subject: ST Training Solutions Annual Dinner and Dance – 10 December 201-.ST Training Solutions is celebrating its l0th Anniversary on 10 December 201-. We are holding a special event at the Fullerton Hotel to commemorate the occasion with our staff and guests.In order to make this event special and successful, we are looking for contributions from our valued business partners like you. We hope you can donate gifts or vouchers to be given out to prize winners as door gifts, lucky draw prizes or games prizes.Please complete the attached contribution form and fax it back to me at 67220739.If you have any questions, please give me a call at 62348288.I look forward to a positive reply from you soon.Many thanks2020年高级商务英语考试写作优秀范文(5)Email Including Agenda包括议程的电子邮件Subject: Operations Meeting 14 July 1030Hi allThe next monthly Operations Meeting will be held in the Conference Room at 1030 hours on Monday 14 July.。

BEC商务英语考试写作〔范文〕(1)PAPER 6依据题目的要求是写一个通告。
It is obvious that ITC’s results this year continue to reflect a healthy trend. The company made steady progress in all its businesses in the Indian market, which we can see clearly from the table. The increasing rate of ITC’S net Profit has gone up to 32%, much higher than 20%, the average one. Comparatively speaking, the average cost this year (5.8)is lower than the one (6.4)last year, considering the Net Income and profit Before Tax. From the current development, we believe we will play an abiding role in India as one of India’s emerging multinational enterprises.BEC商务英语考试写作范文(2)PAPER 7PART ONEDear Mr Beard,Mr Lee, one of my old clients, has interest in our Pcx phone machine. He would like to bring 10 samples and some brochures back home to make a trial sale. You may contact him directly on Tel 3108881.PART TWONowadays, less people loke to spend their holidays at home. More people go camping outside or even travel abroad. The changes are caused mainly by three factors. First, people become more open. Instead of staying at home, they visit foreign countries to know the different races. Secondly, in the 1990s, housewives are more free from the heavy housework with more and more household utensils. Families are very happy to spend holidays outside with mothers or wives. Thirdly, traveling abroad can also mean enjoying comfortable weather in another country. Therefore less people go to crowded seaside, they turn to other ways.BEC商务英语考试写作范文(3)PAPER 8Part OneTo: Ms. Anne FolsterI have to delay my trip to Hawaii till July, as Mr. Flton Deland will arrive in London on 25th June and discuss the claim face to face. Please arrange our meeting on 26th June.Part TwoAfter careful survey, we can see clearly from the chart that our cars have more models and colors than those of Quaker Company, our main competitor with higher quality. However, Quaker Company’s income increases more quickly. What is thereason? First, Quaker Company spends much more money in advertising. I suggest we advertise on BTV, the most popular broadcasting station nowadays,. Secondly, we should enlarge the scope of our after----sales service. We can open more service stations in many medium----sized cities. Thirdly, if we have more money, we can hire more salesmen to sell cars directly to the customers, especially, more salesman in medium-sized cities.BEC商务英语考试写作范文(4)PAPER 9PART ONE:Dear Mr. Simon:A customer complained that he had received 100 green colored bicycles instead of 50 green and 50 blue color bicycles, which had been shipped on 11th May. Could you please send me the invoice under contract No.TX12----1 in duplicate?PART TWO:Both Betty Fashion Shop and ours are in city center, therefore, we have almost the same customers. But there exists a fact that customers are more likely to spend their money in Betty shop. After careful research, we notice that, although Betty shop has higher prices, they also have more fashionable clothes. Compared with Betty Shop, our real prices are not high, but the comparative prices to fashion are high. Therefore, if our shop decides to increase the profits, we should purchase highly fashionable clothes, at least as fashionable as Betty Shop, with the prices lower than Betty Shop’s. As customers hate increasing prices, it is better to do this gradually.BEC商务英语考试写作范文(5)PAPER 10PART ONE:To: EmilyAs no one in the office has been to Italy, it will be a good idea to visit it. We may stay in the Grand Palazzo Hotel and the telephone is 809.775.3333. Please contact them to get further information.PART TWO:How to improve Quality Management System with limited capitals? That is the key to success. After careful study of IBI Inc, our main competitor, we find that they spend some money in Customer Service and Vender Inspections, which are vital to Quality Management. As we know softwares are developed quickly. Customers and venders know what they need. Therefore, we should develop programs based on information through IBI Inc.’s Plant’ Productivity is not high, they can sell out their new, high-quality softwares quickly as they have a very good Quality Control System. Therefore, we should adjust the capitals.BEC商务英语考试写作范文5篇。

BEC商务英语高级写作参考BEC商务英语高级写作参考范文Flexible working Ex 5: Sample answer: (250words)Resource Planning Manager: Assessment of Suitability for Home-based WorkingIntroductionThe purpose of this report is to assess the suitability of my position as Resource Planning Manager for home-based working.FindingsMy working pattern and that of my colleagues varies from week to week. During certain periods a large proportion of my time is spent doing fieldwork. This is followed by office-based collating and recording the data collected. Once the results have been recorded, I proof-read the colour copies of all reports and maps.As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once a fortnight. At other times, the individual members of the team communicate either face-to-face or by phone, depending on their location. Apart from official meetings, the same results can be achieved whether I am in the office or working elsewhere.ConclusionIt is clearly that I could be able to undertake the duties while working from home for a large proportion of my time. Clearly, some days would be spent in the office for face-to-face communication with colleagues. It would also be necessary to use the technical facilities at times. However, in order to be able to work effectively from home, I would need to be provided with a networked computer and printer.RecommendationsI would suggest that I should be given the necessary equipment to work partially from home for a trial period. After this time, further consultation should take place in order to reassess the situation.。

高级商务英语BEC谈判范文一份高级商务英语BEC谈判 1American businesspeople are opportunistic and willing to take chances. Opportunism and risk taking often result in Americans going for the biggest possible slice of the business, 100 % if possible.U.S. salespeople sometimes bring final contracts to first meetings with prospective clients. In large firms, contracts under $10,000 can often be approved by one middle manager in a single meeting.Be aware that the United States is the most litigious society in the world. There are lawyers who specialize in practically every industry and segment of society.In negotiations, points are made by the accumulation of objective facts. This evidence is sometimes biased by faith in the ideologies of democracy, capitalism, and consumerism. The subjective feelings of the participants are not as much of a factor.In general, people from the U.S. will not hesitate to answer “no."American businesspeople can be very blunt and will nothesitate to disagree with you. This approach often causes embarrassment to business travelers who are unaccustomed to dealing with Americans.Although they are risk-takers, American businesspeople will have a financial plan which must be followed.Often, American businesspeople try to extract an oral agreement at the first meeting.Americans tend to dislike periods of silence during negotiations; they are used to making up their minds quickly and decisively.Persistence is another characteristic you will frequently encounter in American businesspeople; there is a prevailing belief that there is always a solution. Moreover, they will explore all options when negotiations are at an impasse.Anxiety often develops over deadlines and results. The work ethic is strong, so that it appears that Americans' lives revolve around work.Refrain from discussing personal __ during business negotiations.Consistency is another characteristic among American businesspeople: when they agree to a deal, they rarely changetheir minds.Americans tend to be future oriented.Innovation often takes precedence over tradition.Golf is a popular sport, especially among businesspeople. Moreover, the golf course is often a venue for business discussions and deals.Ethnic and social bias against some minorities does exist. Nevertheless, personal equality is guaranteed by law.Traditional sex roles are changing rapidly, but women are still striving for equality in pay and positions of authority.This culture stresses individual initiative and achievement. Moreover, Americans can also be very petitive in both work and leisure.In the structure of the workplace, there is an inevitable inequality in employees' roles, but personal equality is guaranteed by law.Although the United States is probably the most individualistic of all cultures, each employee is essentially replaceable in any workplace.Outside of the office, Americans tend to be informal and insist on staying on a "first name basis." Nevertheless, it'simportant to understand the office hierarchy, and a visitor should learn the rank and titles of all members of the organization.。

【网络综合- 商务英语考试(BEC)】以下是无忧考网为大家搜索整理的BEC高级写作范文汇总,供大家参考。
BEC高级写作范文汇总DearYour counter proposal on the above referenced project has been reviewed and is acceptable in its entirety.We are enclosing an executed copy of the agreement along with two copies for your files.We are enthusiastically looking forward to this project and are pleased about having the opportunity to work together.________________________________________ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF ORDERDate:_To:_ [Customer]We are in receipt of your order as contained in the attached purchase order form. We confirmacceptance on said order subject only to the following exceptions:[Describe]_On exceptions noted,we shall assume you agree to same unless objection is received within ten days of receipt of this notice. Thank you for your patronage.Very truly________________________________________ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER WITH DELIVERY IN LOTSDate:_To:_ [Customer]We acknowledge acceptance of your order as per your order of _,19_. The goods will be shipped to you in the following lots:[Specify lots and delivery schedule]_We request that payment be made as each lot is received.Very truly,________________________________________DearAttached is an accepted copy of your Purchase Security Agreement for the [specify equipment].There are [number] remaining quarterly payments. Your first quarterly payment will be due on [date] ,and we will mail you an invoice for it approximately one month prior to that date. Please return the remittance portion of the invoice with your check.Under the Agreement,this contract is non-cancellable during the term of the contract. The balance,however,can be paid off at any time prior to the expiration of the contract.We would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for your business. If you have any questions concerning your contract,or if we can be of service to you in any way,please let us know.________________________________________DearIt is with deep regret,that we accept your resignation as [position] of the [organization]We can appreciate the demands that this position has placed on you,and appreciate all ofthe fine contributions you have made as [position] DearThank you for your comments. A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the author for his response. I am sure you will be hearing from him in the near future.I am pleased that you found our article informative and hope that you will continue to read our publication. Should you have any comments or questions in the future,please do not hesitate to write to this office.We value our readership and are proud to have you as a member of our family of subscribers.________________________________________ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF APPLICATIONDate:_To:_ [Applicant]ur contract,or if we can be of service to you in any way,please let us know.________________________________________DearIt is with deep regret,that we accept yourresignation as [position] of the [organization]We can appreciate the demands that this position has placed on you,and appreciate all of the fine contributions you have made as [position] DearThank you for your comments. A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the author for his response. I am sure you will be hearing from him in the near future.I am pleased that you found our article informative and hope that you will continue to read our publication. Should you have any comments or questions in the future,please do not hesitate to write to this office.We value our readership and are proud to have you as a member of our family of subscribers.________________________________________ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF APPLICATIONDate:_To:_ [Applicant]We appreciate your interest in being employed by our firm.We regret to inform you,however,that the available position[s] has been filled,and we cannot give your application further consideration at the present time.Your application will be kept on file for future reference should an opening arise.Very truly,________________________________________DearWe have received your letter acknowledging receipt of the items we mailed to you and noticing us to cancel shipment of your order for those items which are back ordered.We will be issuing you a refund as soon as we have completed the necessary paperwork for your account.We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for shopping through [name] Our new [specify] catalog should be arriving at your home shortly,and I believe you will be pleased by some of the beautiful choices our buyers have made this season.Thank you for your patience and understandingand forproviding us with the opportunity to be of service to you.________________________________________DearThank you for your order. At this time we cannot fill your order due to an unexpected shipment delay from our overseas suppliers.We will hold your order for arrival of the merchandise,and ship shortly thereafter. Unfortunately,we cannot provide you with a specific shipping date at this time.Thank you for your anticipated patience in this matter.DearThank you for your kind letter regarding your exceptional treatment by one of our employees. A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the personnel department and will be included in the employee's file.So seldom is it that a customer takes the time towrite a letter of appreciation,that I feel moved to reward your initiative.Please accept the enclosed certificate,which,when presented,will entitle the bearer to a ten percent discount on the merchandise being purchased at that time.This is but a small token of our appreciation of customers such as you,upon whose satisfaction we have been allowed to grow and prosper in this highly competitive marketplace.Again,on behalf of our entire organization,a heart-felt thank you.________________________________________DearBecause Mr. Jones is out of the office for the next two weeks I am acknowledging receipt of your letter dated May 20,l983. It will be brought to his attention immediately upon his return.If I may be of any assistance during Mr. Jones' absence,please do not hesitate to call.________________________________________DearThe [product name and model number] that you mailed to us for repair was received on [date] We will be returning it to you as soon as the necessary adjustments are made.We are sorry that you experienced a problem with our product and want to thank you for purchasing a [name of product]_______________DearThis is to inform you that we have carefully reviewed your estimate on the parking lot refurbishing. We are planning to contract with you for this work.We are unable to let this contract immediately,as final approval of expenditures of this nature must come from the head office in New York.We expect to receive approval or disapproval within the next 30 days. At such time,we will contact you with instructions accordingly.If we may be of any assistance in the meantime please feel free to contact this office.________________________________________Dear _:We appreciate your interest in submitting to us an idea or proposal relative to:_Our firm receives many ideas,suggestions and proposals,and has many of its own projects under development. Therefore,it is possible the idea or proposal you plan to submit to us has been considered and/or may already be in the planning stages.Nevertheless,we would be pleased to accept your idea or proposal for review,provided it is accompanied by this acknowledgement letter signed by you.It is understood that:1. Samples or other submissions will be returned to the submitter only if return postage or freight is prepaid.2. The company accepts no responsibility for casualty or loss to samples in our possession.3. The company can accept no responsibility for holding any information in confidence.4. The company shall pay compensation only in the event it,a)accepts the idea,b)has receivedthe idea only from the submitter,and c)reaches agreement with the submitter as to terms and conditions.If these terms are acceptable to you,please sign where indicated below and return together with your idea or proposal.Very truly,The foregoing terms and conditions are understood and acknowledged._______________________________ SubmitterDearWe are sorry to hear that you have been experiencing problems with your new [name of product].While we do ask that our customers contact their dealer in the event of a problem,we recognize that,in your case,it his would be impossible. Therefore,if you will carefully package the unit in its original carton and send it to us,our "doctors" will put it through a thorough examination to determine the source of the problem.If the problem turns out to be a minoradjustment,we shall make the repair and be sure to return the [product] to you within thirty days. If our determination is that the unit is defective,we will send you an immediate replacement.Again,I am sorry that you experienced this difficulty and wish to thank you for your patience and for purchasing our [product].________________________________________GUARANTEEFOR VALUE RECEIVED,the undersigned hereby guarantee absolutely and unconditionally prompt payment of the within Note and agree to pay all cost of collection,legal expenses and attorneys' fees,incurred or paid by the holder of the within Note in the collection and/or enforcement of said Note and the enforcement of this Guaranty.No renewal or extension of said Note,no release or surrender of any security for said Note or this Guaranty,no release of any person primarily or secondarily liable on said Note (including any maker,endorser or guarantor),no delay in the enforcement of payment of said Note or thisGuaranty and no delay or omission in exercising any right or power under said Note on this Guaranty shall affect the liability of any of the undersigned hereunder. The undersigned expressly waives presentment,protest,demand,notice of dishonor or default,notice of acceptance of this Guaranty and notice of any kind with respect to said Note or this Guaranty or the performance of the obligation under said Note or Guaranty.________________________(SEAL)________________________(SEAL)________________________________________DearI have written to you several times over the past three months requesting an explanation on why you have failed to bring your account with us current.By ignoring these requests,you are damaging the excellent credit record you had previously maintained with our company. In addition,you are incurring additional expense to yourself and to us.Unless I hear from you within ten days,I will have no other choice but to turn your account over forcollection. I am sorry that we must take such drastic action but I am afraid you leave us no alternative. You can preserve your credit rating by remitting your check today for the amount stated above.________________________________________DearThis letter will confirm [individual's] telephone conversation with you today concerning an increase in our billing rate to [amount] per hour,effective [date] It is necessary that we request this increase due to a rise in the cost of conducting our business. We are faced with an increase in payroll taxes and insurance,along with an increase in our overhead costs. In addition to the above,we also seek a modest profit.Attached are copies of our service agreement and we request that you sign one copy and return it to us indicating your approval of this new rate.________________________________________FINAL NOTICE BEFORE LEGAL ACTIONDate:_To:_ [Customer]We have repeatedly requested payment of $_,on your overdue account. Our demands for payment have been ignored.Accordingly,we shall turn this account over for collection within the next ten days unless payment,or an acceptable proposal for payment is obtained.Enforced collection on this obligation may result in additional legal or court costs to you and may impair your credit rating.Very truly。

bec商务英语高级作文In the era of digital transformation, the landscape of business communication has been revolutionized. The advent of digital platforms has not only altered the way businesses operate but also significantly impacted the manner in which they communicate with their stakeholders. This essay will explore the impact of digitalization on business communication, focusing on the advantages it brings and the challenges it poses.Firstly, digitalization has expedited the speed of communication. With the implementation of email, instant messaging, and video conferencing, businesses can now communicate in real-time across different time zones. This immediacy has been instrumental in facilitating quicker decision-making processes and enhancing the efficiency of global operations.Secondly, the use of social media has broadened the reach of business communication. Companies can now engage with a wider audience, promoting their brand and services to a global market. Social media platforms provide an interactive space where businesses can gather feedback, address concerns, and build relationships with customers and partners.However, digitalization also presents challenges. The proliferation of information has led to an increase in the volume of communication, which can be overwhelming forbusinesses to manage. Additionally, the reliance on digital platforms can lead to a lack of personal interaction, potentially diminishing the quality of communication.Moreover, cybersecurity has become a critical concern. The protection of sensitive business information is paramount, and businesses must invest in robust security measures to safeguard their digital communications.In conclusion, digitalization has transformed business communication, offering numerous benefits such as speed, reach, and efficiency. However, it also requires businesses to be vigilant about the management of information, the quality of personal interaction, and the security of their digital communications. As digital platforms continue to evolve, businesses must adapt and innovate to harness the full potential of digital communication while mitigating its associated risks.。

BEC高级写作范文汇总BEC高级写作范文汇总BEC高级写作范文(1)DearWe have received your letter acknowledging receipt of the items wemailed to you and noticing us to cancel shipment of your order for thoseitems which are back ordered.We will be issuing you a refund as soon as we have completed thenecessary paperwork for your account.We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for shoppingthrough [name] Our new [specify] catalog should be arriving at yourhome shortly, and I believe you will be pleased by some of the beautifulchoices our buyers have made this season.Thank you for your patience and understanding and for providing us with the opportunity to be of service to you.BEC高级写作范文(2)DearThank you for your order. At this time we cannot fill your order due to an unexpected shipment delay from our overseas suppliers.We will hold your order for arrival of the merchandise, and ship shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with a specific shipping date at this time.Thank you for your anticipated patience in this matter.DearThank you for your kind letter regarding your exceptional treatment by one of our employees. A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the personnel department and will beincluded in the employee's file.So seldom is it that a customer takes the time to write a letter of appreciation, that I feel moved to reward your initiative.Please accept the enclosed certificate,which,when presented, willentitle the bearer to a ten percent discount on the merchandise beingpurchased at that time.This is but a small token of our appreciation of customers such as you,upon whose satisfaction we have been allowed to grow and prosper in thishighly competitive marketplace.Again, on behalf of our entire organization, a heart-felt thank you.BEC高级写作范文(3)DearThis letter will confirm [individual's] telephone conversation with you today concerning an increase in our billing rate to [amount] per hour,effective [date] It is necessary that we request this increase due to a rise in the cost of conducting our business. We are faced with an increase in payroll taxes and insurance,along with an increase in our overhead costs. In addition to the above,we also seek a modest profit.Attached are copies of our service agreement and we request that you sign one copy and return it to us indicating your approval of this new rate.BEC高级写作范文(4)FINAL NOTICE BEFORE LEGAL ACTIONDate: _To: _ [Customer]We have repeatedly requested payment of $_,on your overdue account. Our demands for payment have been ignored.Accordingly, we shall turn this account over for collectionwithin the next ten days unless payment,or an acceptable proposal for payment isobtained.Enforced collection on this obligation may result in additional legal or court costs to you and may impair your credit rating.Very truly。

- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
3. The pany can accept no responsibility for holding any information in confidence.
4. The pany shall pay pensation only in the event it,a)accepts the idea,b)has received the idea only from the submittor,and c)reaches agreement with the submittor as to terms and conditions.
If these terms are acceptable to you,please sign where indicated below and return together with your idea or proposal.
Very truly,
The foregoing terms and conditions are understood and acknowledged.
_______________________________ Submittor
We are sorry to hear that you have been experiencing problems with your new [name of product].
While we do ask that our customers contact their dealer in the event of a problem,we recognize that,in your case,it his would be impossible. Therefore,if you will carefully package the unit in its
original carton and send it to us,our "doctors" will put it through a thorough examination to determine the source of the problem.
If the problem turns out to be a minor adjustment,we shall make the repair and be sure to return the [product] to you within thirty days. If our determination is that the unit is defective,we will send you an immediate replacement.
Again,I am sorry that you experienced this difficulty and wish to thank you for your patience and for purchasing our [product].
FOR VALUE RECEIVED,the undersigned hereby guarantee absolutely and unconditionally prompt payment of the within Note and agree to pay all cost of collection,legal expenses and attorneys' fees,incurred or paid by the holder of the within Note in the collection and/or enforcement of said Note and the enforcement of this Guaranty.
No renewal or extension of said Note,no release or surrender of any security for said Note or this Guaranty,no release of any person primarily or secondarily liable on said Note (including any maker,endorser or guarantor),no delay in the enforcement of payment of said Note or this Guaranty and no delay or omission in exercising any
right or power under said Note on this Guaranty shall affect the liability of any of the undersinged hereunder. The undersigned expressly waives presentment,protest,demand,notice of dishonor or default,notice of acceptance of this Guaranty and notice of any kind with respect to said Note or this Guaranty or the performance of the obligation under said Note or Guaranty.
I have written to you several times over the past three months requesting an explanation on why you have failed to bring your account with us current.
By ignoring these requests,you are damaging the excellent credit record you had previously maintained with our pany. In addition,you are incurring additional expense to yourself and to us.
Unless I hear from you within ten days,I will have no other choice but to turn your account over for collection. I am sorry that we must take such drastic action but I am afraid you leave us no alternative. You can
Accordingly,we shall turn this account over for collection within the next ten days unless payment,or an acceptable proposal for payment is obtained.
Enforced collection on this obligation may result in additional legal or court costs to you and may impair your credit rating.
Very truly。