CP PP 对摩登家庭第一季第九集的分析
美 国典 型 的家庭 构成 是适 婚男 女建 工作地点等室内聚会地点为主要场景 , 强 立 一个 中产 阶级家 庭并 且育 有儿 女 。剧 调家庭成员之间的美好温 情。 中的 C l a i r 和P h i l 有3 个 孩子 ,夫妻 俩都 《 摩登 家庭 》是 一部 以 中产 阶级家 受 过 良好 的教育 。妻子 C l a i r 一 开始是家 庭 生活 为题 材 的情 景喜 剧 ,由美 国广播 庭 主妇 ,后来 到父 亲 J a y的公 司 上班 ; 公 司在 2 0 0 9年 9月 2 3日推 出 ,演员 以 P h i l 是房屋经纪人 。在第一季第 一集一开 群 戏 的方式 演 出。剧集 围绕 3个互 有 亲 始 ,他们 住 的房子 以全 景 的方式展 现在
继2 0 0 4 年 马萨诸塞州 成为美 国第 一 本剧大胆将 纪录片与情 景剧杂糅与结 合 , 个 同性恋婚 姻 合法 化的 州之后 ,已有 十 技巧性地晃动摄影给观众造成家庭 D V实 几个 州允许 同性 恋 结婚 。当今美 国的家 拍 的错觉 ,使剧 中的人物 像是 在演 一场
庭 模 式更 加多 样化 ,比如 同性 恋家 庭 、 真人 秀 ,这 种运 用伪 纪 录片手 法进 行拍 领养孩 子的家庭 。在 该剧 中 ,Mi t c h e l l 和 摄 的方式 十分 具有 创意 。伪纪 录片 是指
要 :作为 美国文化传播 的重要 载体 ,美剧 《 摩登 家庭 》绝不仅仅 是娱 乐大众的 商品 。本 文通过对该剧 多方位的 解读 ,以
期使读者能 够了解到 ,在 美剧的文本 中反映的不仅仅是 美国的文化和社会 ,还潜藏 了美国中产阶级的意识形态。 关键词 :美剧 ;摩登 家庭 ;意识形 态;伪 纪录片
家庭情景喜剧是美 国情景喜剧中一个 构融入 到剧作 的构架之 中。所 以该剧 “ 不 Mi t c h e l l 多虑了。 重要的类型 ,也是那些 以家庭关 系为中心 但 是一个 家庭 内部 的伦 理关 系的私 人空 最 后一组 家庭是 老夫少妻 组合 , 的情景喜剧类 型。这类剧集通过家庭成员 间,还是 每个家 庭成 员身 上所 象征 的社 J y 是成功 的生意人 ,已年 过六 旬。妻子 a
《摩登家庭》中家庭成员间冲突话语的语用分析1. 引言1.1 简介《摩登家庭》是一部反映现代家庭生活的美国情景喜剧,该剧以一种幽默而真实的方式展现了家庭成员之间的冲突和互动。
2. 正文2.1 家庭成员间冲突话语的特点家庭成员间冲突话语的特点主要包括直接性和情绪化。
2.2 言语暴力是如何体现的在《摩登家庭》中,家庭成员间的冲突往往通过言语暴力来体现。
言语暴力主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 辱骂和嘲讽:家庭成员在冲突时往往会使用恶语和嘲讽对对方进行攻击,比如在剧中,菲尔经常被克莱尔嘲讽为“大孩子”、“不靠谱”等,而克莱尔则被菲尔称为“控制狂”。
2. 指责和批评:家庭成员常常会用言语来指责对方的行为或态度,让对方感到内疚和愧疚,比如哈莉对杰伊在事业上的表现进行严厉批评,而米歇尔对格洛丽娅的家庭管理能力进行指责。
看美剧学英语 绝望主妇 第一季第九集
![看美剧学英语 绝望主妇 第一季第九集](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ae54eeca6137ee06eff91862.png)
看美剧学英语绝望主妇第一季第九集-Narrator: one was careless…careless: 粗心的,疏忽的一个是无心-Bree:You put a woman into a coma. Surely that arouses some kind of emotion!put: 使处于(某种状态) coma: 昏迷surely: 确实,一定arouse: 引起,导致some: 某个,某种emotion: 情感你使这个女人处于昏迷状态,当然会引起情感波动-Andrew: well, it doesn't.这不会-John:You and I are finished.finish: 结束你我之间没有关系了-Narrator: One said goodbye一个说了再见-Lynette: I'm so tired of feeling like a failure.be tired of: 对…厌倦,厌烦feel like: 感觉像failure: 失败我受够了这种失败的生活-Narrator: one almost lost italmost: 几乎,差不多lose: 失去【这里it指his mind,也就是失去理智的意思】一个差点失去理智-Mrs. Huber: Your wife didn't kill herself because I wrote a note. She killed herself because of what she did to that poor baby!kill oneself: 自杀note:纸条because of: 因为poor: 可怜的你的妻子不会因为我写的这张便条而自杀,而是因为她那样对待可怜的宝宝-Narrator: and one got exactly what she deserved.exactly: 确切地,当然deserve: 应得当然还有一个…罪有应得Gabrielle was waiting for her next great idea.wait for: 等待,等候next: 下一个great: 伟大的Gabrielle准备她下一个的伟大计划。
(杭州师范大学 浙江 杭州 311121)
摘要:冲突话语即发生在双方或多方之间的一种有敌对性质的交际行为。可以从语用学角度去分析家庭成员之 间的冲突话语。本文结合会话分析理论,对美国情景喜剧《摩登家庭》中家庭成员之间的话语冲突进行分析。希望本 文的研究可以使这个语言学现象更可理解和富有逻辑性。通过了解冲突话语的形成原因和表现模式,读者在解决家庭 成员之间的话语冲突时可以更游刃有余,避免矛盾冲突,构建和谐的家庭环境。
(一)反诉 在本研究中,反诉一词是指解释说话者反对的原因的 另一种主张。在没有直接和严重指控的情况下,反诉试图 减轻对另一位发言者尊严的损害。 例 1:《摩登家庭》(第一季,第三集) 故事背景:杰伊和菲尔在外面驾驶飞机模型。杰伊让 飞机撞到了菲尔,使他的鼻子流血不止。菲尔的妻子克莱 尔、杰伊的女儿对杰伊非常不满。 杰伊:这不是我的错。 克莱尔:我看过你玩过这模型一百万次了。你从来不 会出错。 杰伊:是啊我一定是老了。 克莱尔:你为什么不承认呢?你从来都不喜欢菲尔。 (杰伊正在吃饼干,而克莱尔则拍了拍他的手)把手放下! 不准吃饼干。 杰伊:我喜欢他的。只是有时候他太努力了,你知道 吗?而这只是一种……刺激游戏。 克莱尔:好吧,也许他太努力了,因为你从来不和他 一起努力。你知道吗?在我们结婚的 16 年里,你有一次 告诉他你喜欢他吗? 杰伊:这不用直接说吧! 在例 1 中,克莱尔对她父亲杰伊很生气,因为杰伊从 来没有对克莱尔的丈夫菲尔示好。更糟糕的是,这次杰伊 甚至用他的飞机模型撞破了菲尔的鼻子,没有为他的行为 道歉。在第一轮,杰伊没有承认自己的错,克莱尔在第二 轮反驳说,她从来没有见过杰伊操控飞机时出现任何失误, 这意味着杰伊这次失败是不合理的。随后,在第三轮,杰 伊以自己老了为借口,说无法像以前那样控制飞机模型。
一、角色介绍二、语用分析1. 亲子关系中的冲突在《摩登家庭》中,亲子关系是最常见的冲突话题。
《摩登家庭》Modern Fa mily――家庭情景喜剧应运而生。
“Modern Family”中的“Modern”可以理解为“现代”、“新潮”。
(I thought you were…)米切尔:那是枕头堆的,出去,快出去。
(Those were pillows. Come on. Come on.)卡梅隆,你意识到你有多气人了吗?(Cameron, do you realize how infuriating this is?)“费伯睡眠法”的精髓就在于让我们家闺女自己入睡,(The whole point of Ferberizing is to teach her to put herself to sleep)你却一直捣乱(and you keep ruining it.)在教育方式上,美国家长的观点是孩子对有兴趣的知识自然会自己努力去学,对孩子的教育采取放手而不放任的方法,生活不以孩子为中心。
菲尔: "你们为什么不帮忙做家务呢?"相反,间接的话语往往通过暗示、反问或者讽刺的方式来表达。
克莱尔: "宝贝,你知道我谁最不喜欢别人不按时完成任务吗?"通过直接和间接的话语表达,家庭成员们可以有效地传达他们的意见和情绪,同时也保持了一定的亲和力和娱乐性。
菲尔: "克莱尔,你真是个出色的妻子和母亲。
哈莉: "卢克,我不是你的姐姐,但我看起来可能是你的姐姐。
1.摩登家庭第一季 09 集概述
摩登家庭第一季 09 集好词好句
摩登家庭第一季 09 集延续了之前的剧情,克莱尔(朱丽·鲍温饰)与菲尔(泰·布利尔饰)的家庭生活依然充满欢乐。
- “你真是个天才!”:克莱尔对菲尔的赞叹,表达了对丈夫的认可和鼓励。
- “这事儿八字还没一撇呢。
- “真是个小机灵鬼。
- “我可不想错过这场狂欢。
摩登家庭第一季 09 集展现了家庭成员之间丰富的情感交流和幽默诙谐的对话。
老友记六人行第一季第九集经典笔记Written by: Jeff Greenstein & Jeff StraussTranscribed by: Mindy Mattingly Phillips Minor modifications and adjustments by Dan Silverstein109 气球飞了乔伊为卫生机构的海报当模特,后来方知那是治疗性病的广告。
丑陋裸男邀来丑陋裸女共进感恩节晚餐,之后他们携手丑陋裸舞[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is confronting面对 her boss, Terry.] Terry, I, I, I know that I haven't worked here very long, but I was wondering, do you think it would be possible if I got a $100 advance in my salary预支100美元的薪水?An advance?It's so that I can spend Thanksgiving with my family. See, every year we go skiing in Vail, and normally通常地 my father pays for my ticket, but I sort of started the whole independence独立自主 thing, you know, which is actually why I took this job.我们都比较熟悉so…that句型,也比较熟悉to do sth so that+从句的形式,这里so that使用方式在口语中也比较常见,也是表达因果关系的联词。
初来乍到第一季第9集So, a few weeks ago, my mom accidentally sold a house. 几周前,我妈不小心卖掉一栋房子We love it. We'd like to make an offer. 我们喜欢这房子,我们愿意出价And it was like she'd finally found her calling in life. 她好像终于找到了生活的意义I was born to do this! 我简直就是为此而生的!And she jumped right into it, full force. 她立刻投身于房屋中介业务,火力全开Thank you so much. Goodbye. 太感谢你们啦,慢走啊I-it's nice, but, uh, five bedrooms is a lot 房子不错,但是5间睡房对买第一套房的人for our first home. 有点儿多了吧?No, it is not. 不,不会的Listen, Manuel, Soleil... Those are not our names. 听我说,曼纽尔,苏蕾,这不是我们的名字It doesn't matter. 这不重要I sold a house on my very first day on the job. 我上班第一天就售出了一栋房子Trust me... I am the best. 相信我...我是最棒的There she is! 就是她!Oh, she's the one who keeps swooping in on my listings! 哦,她就是那个一直偷我房源的人Hey, Jessica. Oh, hi, George. 嘿,杰西卡,哦,嗨,乔治Officer Bryson is a regular at my husband's restaurant. 布莱森警员是我丈夫饭店里的常客We have a caricature of him on the wall. 我们墙上还有一副他的漫画呢I'm wearing an apron, standing next to a barbecue. 我穿着一条围裙,就站在烤架旁边I love barbecue sauce, and... they ran with it. 我热爱烧烤酱汁,而...他们家无限供应Can we please?! 办正事好么She doesn't even have a realtor's license! 她甚至连房地产经纪人执照都没有Go ahead... ask to see her license. 继续啊...问她要执照看看She's come down to the station three times. 她来局子里得有3趟了Do you mind? Not at all. 你介意么?完全不介意Let me get it. It's just in my car. 我拿给你,就在我的车里I hate caricatures. 我讨厌漫画Is my nose a little big? Y es. 我的鼻子有点大吗?是的Could my husband use it as a ski jump? No. 我丈夫能拿它跳台滑雪吗?不能She's getting away! 她要逃跑了!Shoot out her tire! 开枪打爆她的轮胎!W-which would be an easy shot 从,从这扇美丽的手工雕刻的from this beautiful, hand-carved double-door entry. 双开大门开一枪,真是轻而易举Okay. 签好了Thank you. 谢谢你Ohhh. 哦,糟了I forgot my wallet. 我没带钱包Y ou're at home. 您这是在家里呢Boys, get over here! 儿子们,过来这边!What is it? 这是什么啊Something I've wanted for a long time. 是我梦寐已久的东西A giant box! 巨型箱子!I'm so happy for you, dad. Congratulations. 我真为你高兴啊,老爸,祝贺你梦想成真When I grow up, I'm gonna get a box, too. 等我长大了,我也要一个箱子My dear, my dear, my dear, you do not know me but I know you very well? 我的亲,亲,亲,亲,你未识我而我却知你已深Now let me tell you about the feelings I have for you? 我满心的感触,只愿与你倾诉Ever since I first laid eyes on Nicole, I knew she was my girl. 自从我第一眼看到妮可,我就知道她是我的妞Maybe she was out of my league, 也许我高攀不起but look at Janet Jackson and Jermaine Dupri. 但是看看珍妮?杰克逊和杰曼?德巴奇If that ashy li'l nugget could get it, so could I. 如果那个挫货都能有美女相伴,那我也能Dad... 老爸...How do I get Nicole to like me? 我怎么才能让妮可喜欢我呢Well, you picked a tough one, buddy. 好吧,你啃的是块硬骨头啊,小家伙I'm not gonna lie. 我就实话实说了吧She's cute, and she's older. 她很可爱又比你年纪大Y ou're 11, and you sleep with a glo worm. 你只有11岁,而且你还跟萤火虫睡一起Y o, g-dubs sleeps with me. 呦!最好的才跟我睡Look, getting girls is like opening a restaurant. 是这样的,泡妞就像是开饭店It's all about location. 选好地点就是一切Y ou just have to be conveniently located 你只要在她开车从机场回家when she's driving home from the airport 焦急难耐的时候and too desperate to look for other options. 出现在她唾手可得的地方就好了W-what do you mean? 你什么意思啊?Find out where she's gonna be 找出那个她常去的地方and be there always. 然后就在那里守着Like, uh, is she part of any clubs, 比如,嗯,她有参加社团吗or where does she go after school? 或者放学后她会去哪儿That's your move, buddy. That's what you're gonna do. 那就是你的方向,小盆友,那就是你该做的Huh. 额Apparently, you need a license to sell houses! 显而易见,你得有个执照才能卖房子Did you know this?! 你知道这事吗I did know this. 我确实知道啊I told you this, and you ignored me. 我告诉过你,你没理会我Ashley Alexander is trying to take me out 阿什莉?亚历山大想把我踢出房仲业because she knows I am the best. 因为她知道我是最好的It is like Mike Tyson all over again. 这就好像迈克·泰森事件的重演They bring in Miss Black Rhode Island... 他们诬陷他强奸罗德岛黑人小姐...Honey, you're gonna have to give up on that. 亲爱的,你得放弃那个借口了He was guilty. He went to jail. 他确实有罪,他还进了监狱Fine! 好吧I will ace their silly exam, 我会搞定那个傻逼考试and then I will treat myself to a chipwich, 然后我会奖励自己一个冰淇淋三明治because... tell me why, Evan. 因为...告诉我为什么,埃文Huh? 啥Evan, always be listening to me. 埃文,你要一直听着我讲话What did I ask you when you got a 99 on your spelling test? 当你拼写测试得99分的时候我问了你什么"Did anyone get a 100?" “有没有其他人得100分啊?”And I said, "No," And you said, "Then you are the best." 然后我说,“没有”然后你说,“那样你才是最棒哒”That's right. Because what do I say, Emery? 好了,因为我说什么,埃默里Huh? 啥Emery, always be listening to me. 埃默里,要一直注意听我讲话"If you're going to do something, be the best."“如果你要做什么事情,做最好的”Guys, speaking of the best... 大家伙们,说到最好的What is that? 那是什么鬼It's a sit-down, salon-style hair dryer, 它是一个坐式沙龙干发机and it's beautiful. 美不胜收Now I can finally reach my maximum hair potential. 现在我终于能发挥我头发的终极潜力了I need more information. 我需要更多的信息I ordered it from the outlet mall. 我从打折商场订购的See, you know how hand-held dryers blow your hair back, 看,你知道的,手持吹风机总是把你的头发往后吹when what you really want is for the hair to be blown down? 其实你真正想要的是把头发往下吹That's what the Philippe Monday 3000s provides... 而这正是菲力浦Monday3000所提供的...a cone of premium, omnidirectional hot air 半球型顶级,全方位热风处理for that all-over dry. 让你干个透爽Thank you. 谢谢大家Excuse me... can you move? 打扰一下...你能挪个位子I want to sit close to the door. This won't take me long. 我要靠着门坐,这测试不会花我太长时间的I have a chipwich waiting for me in the car. 我还有个冰淇淋在车里等着我去吃呢This test is a waste of my time. 这个测试简直是浪费我的时间Ugh. I know what you mean. 额,我懂你意思I always say "Time is money."我一直说,“时间就是金钱”Hello. 看这儿It says "Get rich" In Chinese. 这是中文的“发财”Oh, I love that. 哦,我喜欢Kim from Sunshine Realty. 阳光房地产的金Jessica. Hi. 你好,杰西卡Are you already a realtor? 你已经是一个房产经纪人啦?Y es, for 10 years now. I'm just renewing my license. 是啊,已经10年了,我就是来更新一下我的执照What about you? How long have you been in the game? 你怎么样啊?你入这行多长时间了?Only a month, but I already sold a house... on my first try. 只有一个月,但是我第一次出手...就卖掉一所房子了Congratulations. Y ou will never forget your first time. 祝贺你,你永远都不会忘记你的第一次Mine was, what, 358 houses ago? 我第一次卖房,大概,358套房之前吧?Y ou jive. 你扯呢吧I know. It's crazy, right? 听起来有点小疯狂,是吧But I'm kind of a freak of nature. 但我本身就有点不同寻常I've been voted top-selling realtor five years running 我已经连续五年被评为最佳房地产经纪人了according to the Orlando sentinel. 奥兰多前哨报选出来的They... call you that? 他们...叫你这个Y es. Kind of embarrassing. 嗯,有点小害羞呢Here's the article. 文章就在这儿Y ou can keep that. I have copies. 你可以留下来慢慢看,我复印了不少So, uh, why are you so late to the game? 话说,呃,你事业起步有点晚啊Career change? 转行啦Well, I have three kids... 呃,我有三个孩子...Ohhh. Okay. So you made that choice. 噢,好吧,所以你选择了家庭Hey. 嘿I am also a stay-at-home mom starting my act 2 in life. 我也在家当全职妈妈,正开启我生活的新篇章Y ou and me... we're the same. 你和我...是一样的哦No, we are not. 不,我们不是I envy you two. 你俩真让我嫉妒We are not the same. Tell us all about it. 我们不一样,说说看你嫉妒啥We are not the... s-same. 我们不一...样Y ou have two hours for part 1. 第一部分,限时两小时I forgot my pencil. Let me go get it. 我忘带铅笔了,马上去拿It's just in my car. 就在我车里State got my letter, right? 你们收到我的申请信了,对吧Marge Hickman... I'm allowed these? 玛吉,希克曼...能放这个吧?Jessica? 杰西卡Hey! 嘿What are you doing here? 你在这儿干嘛Eating a chipwich. 吃我的冰淇淋三明治I thought you were supposed to be taking your real-estate exam. 我以为这个点你应该在参加房仲业考试Okay, Honey. 够了,亲What did your dad mean, "Be conveniently located" 你爸说“当她从机场开车回家时”when she's driving home from the airport"? 出现在她唾手可得的地方是啥意思He was saying I should find out where she at after school. 他的意思是我得弄清她放学后去了哪儿If I could spend time with my dad, 如果我有时间和我爸在一起I wouldn't waste it talking about some skeeze. 我才不会浪费时间说泡妞的事Okay, Dave. 行了,戴夫Missy... Whoa! 小丫头... 嗷Y ou are gonna spend the rest of your life in detention. 你是打算用学校留堂来度过余生了At least I have a life. 至少我还有生活What's this? What's this? Oh! It's my wedding ring! 这是啥?这是啥?哦!我的婚戒诶!I have a life. 姐也有生活That's how I'm gonna spend time with her. 我知道怎么跟她呆一块儿了I got to get thrown into detention. 我要被留堂查看Oh, yeah? How are you gonna do that? 哦?你打算怎么做?Y es, Eddie? 好的,埃迪Oprah sucks. 欧普拉逊爆了Hey, girl. 嘿,小妞Looks like we're just two rebels, here. 看来两个叛逆者凑一块儿了Y eah. Totally. 对,没错Um, can you hold this for me? 嗯,你能帮我拿着这个吗I'll be right back. 我马上就回来Y oung man, is that a bag of ninja stars? 小伙子,你拿的是一袋忍者飞镖吗What? No! Nicole just asked me to hold this for her. 什么?不!妮可让我帮她拿着的Did she leave? 她走了She did it again. 又是这样I don't know where she gets off. 真不知道她又去哪快活了Y ou know I'm married, right? 你知道我结婚了,对吧Congratulations! 祝贺你What? 啥Y ou passed your test! 你通过了考试啊I mean, we knew you would. It's just a formality. 我是说,你的能力不容置疑,不就去拿个证嘛Like you said, got to weed out the dum-dums. 正如你所说,横扫那些蠢材Y ep. I did it. 没错,考完了No dum-dums here. 蠢材一扫光The cake says "A-b-c"... "Always be celebrating." 蛋糕上写着“A-b-c”...“永远在庆祝”I thought the "B" Should stand for "Best." 我觉得“B”应该代表“最棒的”"Always best celebrating"? “永远最棒的庆祝”That's what you wanted? 你想要那个What'd you say, mommy? 妈咪,你说什么来着I-I didn't say anything. 我我什么也没说Oh. Okay. 哦,好吧I'm listening to you, though, just so you know. 我一直在认真听你的话,你知道的Careful. 小心What's going on? 在干嘛呢Oh. Excuse the 3000s. 哦,给3000型腾个地儿She got a wider stance than I realized. 她比我想象的宽一点I told the girls at school we got a new hair dryer, 我跟学校的女孩子们说我家买了个干发器and they said, "Don't do anything different to your hair. 结果她们说“别动你的头发,我们就喜欢We love it. 它那个样子Who said that? Bianca? That sounds like Bianca. 谁说的?比安卡?一听就是比安卡的语气Y ep. 嗯Jessica, don't you have to get up? 杰西卡,你不起床吗I thought you had a lot of houses to show today. 我以为有很多房子排着队等你介绍呢Oh, yes, a lot of showings today. 哦,对,是挺多的Busy, busy. 忙,忙死了Houses, mansions, condos, houseboats. 独立屋啊,豪宅啊,公寓啊,船屋啊How crazy are houseboats? Y ou go home and you sail away. 这是有多疯要住船屋啊?你回到家就扬帆起航了What's your address? The ocean. 你住哪儿?大海Don't like your neighbors? 不喜欢你邻居吗Fish are your neighbors. Y ou can eat your neighbors. 你邻居是鱼!你能吃你邻居!So, yeah... busy, busy. 所以,你看...忙,忙死了Okay, have a great day. I'm going under. 好,祝您今天愉快,我要进罩了Dad. 老爸I went to where Nicole hangs out after school. 我去了妮可课后去的地方She blew me off. 她无视我Okay, well, now that you've got her location down, 好吧,既然你现在知道她的位置了you got to find out what she likes so you can plan your menu. 你就可以去弄清楚她喜欢什么,然后设计个菜单Can you not talk in restaurant? 除了餐厅你能说点别的吗Okay. Find some shared interests, 好吧,先找到共同爱好something you both like, you know, to break the ice. 你俩都喜欢的,你知道的,打破僵局Is that what you did with mom? 你就是这么搞定老妈的Oh, not right away. 哦,也没那么快We developed our shared interest over about nine months... 我们花了大概九个月...才培养出共同爱好you. 你Nasty. 真下流Unbelievable. 不可思议I love it! 我爱这感觉I didn't take the test. 我没参加考试I have nowhere to go, 没地方去了and I have to pretend to be at work all day. 我得装出全天工作的样子No, he died last year. 不,他去年就过世了It's very sad. 真是挺伤感的Okay, you little turds. 好了,你们这帮小混蛋No funny business today. 今天可别耍什么花样I'm at a really big point in Michael Crichton's "Congo," 我正读到迈克尔,克莱顿所着“刚果”的关键情节and I'm gonna put my headphones on. 我会戴上耳机Couldn't help but notice you framed me 总是想到你那天用with a bag of ninja stars the other day. 一包忍者飞镖陷害我的事Y ou into Asian warfare? 你喜欢亚洲之战吗Brandon Lee was hot. 布兰登,李挺性感的R.I.P., B. Lee. 安息吧,李Y ou ever seen "The crow"? It's one of my favorite movies. - 你看过电影“乌鸦”吗?我的最爱的电影之一I don't need to see it. I've lived it. 我用不着看,那曾是我的生活My pizza! 我的披萨Get away, crows! 滚开,臭乌鸦This place sucks. 这个地方糟透了I don't even need to be here, anyway. 我甚至不需要来这儿I'm going to beauty school. 我要去美容学校Girl, let me stop you right there. 美妞,我们就此打住Y ou do not need a school to teach you how to be beautiful. 你根本不用上教你变漂亮的课A beauty school, where you learn how to do hair and makeup? 美容学校,是教你怎么美发和化妆A wesome! I love that stuff, too! 酷毙了!我也好这口Y ou should come over sometime after school. 你应该课后选个时间来I... Y es. 我...没问题Jessica? 杰西卡Hey! 嘿What are you doing here? 你在这里做什么Why aren't you showing houses? 你怎么不在展示房子I didn't take the realtor test. 我没有参加房地产经纪人考试What? 什么Why not? 为什么没Because I'm never gonna be as good as her. 因为我永远也比不上她Oh! Kim! 哦!金Oh! She is great. 哦!她很棒She sold us our house. Okay, Honey. 我们的房子就是通过她买的,好了,蜜儿I'm sorry, Jessica. 杰西卡,真抱歉Look, I know how hard it is living in someone else's shadow. 听着,我知道活在别人的阴影下是多么苦逼的事Marvin's first wife was 25 years older than me, 马文的第一任妻子比我大25岁25 pounds heavier, and is addicted to prescription meds. 重25磅,并且对药物上瘾How are you living in her shadow? 怎么会是你活在她的阴影下Oh. No. Sweetie, no. 哦,不,甜心,不No, no. She's living in mine. 不是,是她活在我的阴影之下But I really feel for her. 但我真的为她感到惋惜Look, anyway, the point is, 听着,不管怎样,重点在于there's always gonna be a shadow. 阴影总是挥之不去So it's up to you to step out of it. 关键在你如何走出阴影So... We're gonna stop eating the ice cream, 所以...我们不吃冰淇淋了and you are gonna get your butt back down there 然后赶紧回去and ace that test. 考个A回来Y ou're right. 你说的对Thank you, Honey. 蜜儿,谢谢你That's exactly what I am going to do. 我就是要这么做才对Ma'am. Ma'am, you can't do those here. 女士,女士,你不能在这里做这些Y ou're gonna get scratcher dust in the ketchup. 刮下来的粉末会弄到番茄酱里的Well, I can't go outside, 但是我不能出去because my friend is a jogging maniac. 因为我朋友是太特么爱慢跑了She's all over the city. 无论在哪儿她都能跑到你身边The only place I am safe is here, by your junk food. 在你的垃圾食品旁边才是我的安全地带Let's see what you have in your pot, 让我看看你盘里有什么you cute, little leprechaun. 你真是可爱的小妖精Nothing. 什么也没中There's flies making love in your hot-dog case! 有苍蝇在你的热狗炉里交配Mission control, this is star fighter. Come in. 航天地面指挥中心,我是星球战士,说吧The shields are down! I repeat, the shields are down! 护盾不起作用了!我再重复一遍,护盾不起作用了!We're coming in hot, and we're bringing company! 我们有棘手的问题,还有敌人尾随在后! Damn it, lieutenant! The shields are down! 该死的,中尉!护盾不起作用了We're breaking up on re-entry! The g-force is too much! 我们与大气的通讯断开了!重力负重太大Tell Bianca I loved her. 告诉比安卡我爱她I will do no such thing... 我不会这么做的...'cause you're gonna tell her yourself. 因为你会有机会亲自对她说Y ou guys are good. 你们很棒And this is my crimper with interchangeable plates. 然后这是我的多功能卷发器It's the same one Melissa Joan Hart uses. 这可是和梅利莎·琼·哈特一个款式的哟(美国90年代最受欢迎的青春玉女偶像之一)That's so interesting. 真有趣It wasn't interesting, but I didn't care. 其实不有趣,但我不在乎这个I was in her crib! 醉翁之意不在酒啊!Y ou know, I'm glad you guys moved in next door. 知道吗,我很高兴你们搬到隔壁Y ou are? 真的吗Y eah. It was pretty boring around here. 是的,这周围太无聊了And your house was empty for so long because of the murders. 你的新家因为谋杀案闲置了很久What?! 你说神马I'm kidding. 我开玩笑的Y o, you got me, there. 喂,你吓死人了Hey, could I ask you a favor? 嘿,我能请你帮个忙吗I need someone to practice my beauty stuff on. 我需要有人当我的美容小白鼠No problem, girl. Do your thing. 没问题,妞儿,随便来Y eah? Cool. Thanks. 真的?太酷了,谢谢Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! 等下等下等下I thought you were just gonna style my hair or something. 我以为你只是帮我弄发型什么的What I really need to learn is ear piercing. 我需要好好学学怎么穿耳洞Y ou know Brandon Lee had an earring, right? 你知道李国豪(李小龙之子)也有耳环的,对吗True dat. 那必须滴Ooh, this was crazy. 哦,太疯狂了It was the closest I'd ever been to a girl 这是唯一与我有肢体接触的女孩who wasn't my mom, a dentist, a nurse... 除了我妈,牙医,护士...Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊Quick... "Propensity." 快点...“Propensity”怎么拼p-r-o-p... P-r-o-p...Ensity Ensity.Propensity. Propensity就是这么拼"Ensity"? “Ensity”呢?Wrong. Here's the word. Write it five times. 错了,这个单词写5遍How was your first day as a licensed realtor? 你第一天做有执照的房地产经纪人感觉怎么样?Ohm, you know, it... it was the same. 哦,你知道,这...老样子It didn't feel any different. 没什么不同But it had to feel a little different, right? 但应该有所不一样,不是吗Y ou're legit now. 你现在是合法经纪人了Actually, I was thinking about it, 实际上,我正在考虑此事and... I feel like I have conquered that world. 我感觉我征服了房产界I'm ready to move on to something else. 我准备转行Don't be silly. Y ou're great at this. 别傻了,你很在行的Hey, can I see your license? 嘿,我可以看一下你的执照吗Uh... 额...Oh, it's in the car. 哦,在车里Don't worry. I know you photograph angry. 不要担心,我知道你不上照I don't care. I just want to see the license. 我不在乎,我只是想看一下那执照Oh... Well, let me just get it. 哦...好吧,我去拿一下In my purse. 在我皮夹里Let me just get it. 让我取出来哈Oh. 哦A little zip-zip... 拉开拉链...Oh, no! Someone has stolen it! 哦,不!被人偷了No one leaves until we find out who. 在我们找出是谁以前谁都不要离开It's definitely grandma. 一定是奶奶Jessica, I know you didn't take the test. 杰西卡,我知道你没有去考试What?! No! I... I ran into Honey. 什么?!不是!我... 我遇到蜜儿了Hey! Jesus please... 嘿!我的亲娘七舅老爷...Whoa. 没事儿吧She told me everything. 她把一切都告诉我了The only thing that woman runs more than her legs is her mouth. 那女人满嘴跑火车比跑腿强She's worried about you. 她很担心你Okay, it's true. I didn't take the test. 好吧,是真的,我没去考试Here's the thief, mommy. 妈妈,小偷在这里See ya, girl. 美妞,再见Dude, let's go! 哥们,我们走Get your bike out! 快拿你的自行车出来W-what's going on? 发生什么事了Shaq's at the barbecue store at the mall! 大鲨鱼在商场里的烧烤店呢What?! 什么?He's getting his propane tank fixed. 他正在修他的燃气罐Just before that, he was at Mrs. Fields, 在那之前,他在菲太太曲奇店getting one of those giant cookies. 买了一个巨型饼干But I bet to him, it's a regular cookie. 我敢说,那对他来说就是块普通大小的饼干Dude! Is that an earring? 哥们!那是个耳钉吗?Y eah. Nicole tagged me like her own personal wildcat. 是呀,妮可把我当成她的小野猫标记了(绝育公猫耳上打标)Y ou look like a fool! 你看起来像个白痴!We're losing focus! 我们跑题了!Eddie. Eddie, get on. 埃迪,埃迪,上车Hey, Eddie! I just found my henna stencils. 嘿,埃迪,我刚找到指甲花染料模板Can I practice decorating your hands? 我能拿你的手练习一下吗?Too long, Huang. We got to go. 考虑得太久了,黄,我们走了Shaq! We're coming, Shaq! 奥尼尔!我们来了,奥尼尔We forgive you for "Shaq Fu"! 我们原谅你的“功夫鲨鱼”了What's going on? Why didn't you take the test? 到底发生了什么?为什么你没参加考试?What's the point? 有什么意义呢?No matter how many houses I sell, I'm never gonna catch up 无论我卖多少房子,我永远都追不上with people who've been doing it for 10 years. 那些已经做了10年的人了It's too late in the game for me to be the best. 对我来说在这行成为最棒的为时已晚Why do you always have to be the best? 为什么你总是一定要成为最好的?Because I tell the boys they always have to be the best. 因为我告诉孩子们一定要成为最棒的人So your answer is to just quit? 所以你就这么放弃吗?I'm not used to this! 我还没适应这事呢!Well, you're also not used to having a full-time job, 好吧,你也一直都不习惯找份全职工作living in Orlando, having a husband with perfect hair. 住在奥兰多,或是拥有一个留着完美发型的丈夫A lot of things in life are new for you. 生活中有很多对你来说很新鲜的事情All that matters is you do your best. 重要的是你尽了自己最大的努力Isn't that a better example for the boys than quitting? 这跟放弃比起来,难道不是给孩子们的更好的榜样吗?I like quitters even less than losers. 我宁可失败也不愿做逃兵Mm-hmm. It goes like this. 恩,我心中的排位是It goes quitters, losers, 放弃的人,失败的人cats, kleenex, Martin Sheen, 猫,抽纸,马丁·辛redheads, croissants, buttons... 红毛,牛角面包,纽扣...Quick! 快What are the zoning laws for a noncommercial establishment? 对非商用建筑来说,分区法是指什么?I just opened the book. 我才刚刚打开书Wrong! 错!Here's the answer. Write it five times. 这是答案,写5遍It's fun when mommy's bad. 妈妈犯错真好玩Hey, mommy won't be bad for long. 嘿,妈妈不会一直出错的I crunched the numbers, 我仔细研究那些数据and if I sell 20 luxury homes a year, I can beat Kim. 如果我一年卖掉20个高档住宅,我就能打败金中介Plus, she's gonna turn 40 soon, panic, and do I.V.F. 此外,她马上就40了,开始恐慌想要孩子,做个试管婴儿That'll bench her for a few months. 就在那几个月我就能扳倒她But that's not what's important, right, Honey? 但是那并不是重点,是吧?亲爱的Right, right. No, right. 是,是,是,不是重点Hey, mom. I'm home. 嘿,妈妈,我回来了Just gonna get a jump on my homework! Y ou love me? 马上就去做功课!What are you hiding? 你藏了什么?Nothing. 没什么An earring?! 一个耳钉?Eddie! 埃迪!I take my eye off you for five minutes, 我才没盯着你5分钟and you do this? 你就去做这个了?And what are these? No... 这又是什么?不Eddie! 埃迪!I can't belie... 我不敢相信..my goodness. Y our hands are beautiful. 上帝,你的手真美Is your ear pierced? 你扎耳眼了?Y ou are in so much trouble. 你有大麻烦了I'm just doing what dad told me... 我只是做了爸爸教我的事treating Nicole like a restaurant. 把妮可当做是一间餐厅Y ou told him this was okay? No. N... 是你告诉他他可以这么做?不I told him to spend time with her and find shared interests. 我只是告诉他和她呆在一起然后发现一些共同的爱好Which is what I did! She did all of this. 这就是我做的!这都是她做的I-I can't even look at you with that thing. 你这样真让我无法直视Here... put this back on. 来,把这个戴回去Y ou look like an Indian Elmer fudd. 你看起来像是兔八哥里的艾玛I said "Shared interests."我说的是共同的爱好What are you doing? Y ou're not into this stuff. 你做的是什么?你没明白这事I know. And I missed seeing Shaq at the mall. 我明白,而且我还错过去商场看奥尼尔的机会He was power-browsing, and I wanted to go, 他正在闲逛,我本想去看他but Nicole wanted to henna my hands. 但是妮可想给我美甲What was Shaq browsing at the mall? 奥尼尔在商场里看什么呢?Cookies and propane. 饼干和燃气Hm. That makes sense. 恩,有道理Y ou figure he can't buy clothes there. 你明白他在那买不到衣服This is stupid! 看我干的蠢事啊I'm just gonna give up. 我要放弃了Eddie, no. 埃迪,不I'm not quitting, and you are not, either. 我没放弃,你也不能Just be yourself. 做你自己If that's not good enough, that's not the girl for you. 如果这事不是那么美好,那她就不是适合你的女孩Hey, wait. Where's your earring? 嘿,等等,你的耳钉哪去了I took it out. 我把它拿掉了And the henna wouldn't come off, 指甲花手绘洗不掉so you'll just have to imagine that's gone, too. 所以你就想象它们都没有了吧I thought it looked great. 我感觉还是挺漂亮的Honestly, I'm not really into any of that beauty stuff. 说实话,我不是真的喜欢那些化妆的东西But you should totally go for it. Y ou're good at it. 但是你可以坚持做下去,你很擅长这事And after I'm done being grounded, 当我的禁足结束以后if you want to do something that's not lame, 如果你想做什么不那么逊的事like watch basketball or whatever, 像是看篮球或是其他的I'd be down. 我都陪你By the way, I heard Shaq wasn't really at the mall yesterday. 顺便说一句,我听说昨天奥尼尔没来商场It was just some big black guy in a mustard-colored suit. 那只是个黑人男子穿着黄色的西装Oh, I know. Dave was crying at the bus stop this morning. 哦,我知道,大卫因为这事今早在车站哭了I mean, where do you even get a suit that color? 我的意思是,哪里能买到那个颜色的西装And calling everybody "Cousin." 并且把每个人都叫做“表亲”That guy knew what he was doing. 那个家伙绝对是故意的Bam! 棒I did it. I passed the test. 我成功了,我通过考试了Congratulations! I knew you could do it! 恭喜,我就知道你可以的We still have some of your cake left. 我们还剩下一些你的蛋糕呢be best celebrating 做最棒的庆祝Who did that? 谁做的Who on earth improved this cake? 究竟是谁把蛋糕升级了Y ou did. 你做的Star fighter to mission control. 星空战士呼叫任务控制My radar's been shot out. I don't have eyes. 我的雷达被击中,失去探测My shields are up, but I don't know for how long. 战舰防护盾启动,但是我不知道能撑多久There's someone here who wants to talk to you. 有人想跟你说话Honey, it's me. 亲,是我Y ou're the bravest star fighter ever. 你是最勇敢的星空战士Come back for me and the kids. I love you. 要为了我和孩子回来啊,我爱你I love you, too, Maureen. 我也爱你,莫林。
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Modern family S01E09---Luke’s PartyScene: A few hours earlier at Claire & Phil’s housePhil: There he is! Big day’s coming up. What do you want for your birthday, big god?Luke: It’s okay; I’m good [1]Phil: Come on. The sky’s the limit. Dream big, my bo y. [2]Luke: Well, I guess I could use a belt. [3]Claire: A belt?Luke: Yeah, you’re right. I don’t need it. The extension cord works pretty well. [4]Phil: I feel terrible.Claire: Oh (5)Phil: We’ve got to do something.Claire: Yeah… Um, well, you know the family is gonna be together for Thanksgiving for the first time in I-don’t-even-know-how-long, so…Phil: I am so with you. [6] We should blow this out and throw Luke the best birthday party of all time.Claire: Yes! Yes, we’ll order a whole bunch of p izzas and, and then set up an arts and crafts table.[7]Phil: A what?Claire: Y-yeah, a crafts table! You know, everybody… gathers around and they make stuff and then bam! They’ve got their own party favors. [8]Phil:Sorry, I fell asleep while you were describing the most boring party ever. [9](Gets hit by Claire) Ow!Scene: Cameron & Mitchell’s houseCameron: See you in a few hours.Phil: Yeah. Thanks again karaoke machine. I’ll give it back to you right after the party.[10] Cameron: That’ll be great.Mitchell:Please don’t. I beg you. Don’t… don’t bring it back.Phil: (whispers back) Oh. [11]Cameron: Hey Phil. Are, uh, you getting a clown for today?Phil: Oh… no. Luke, uh, Luke’s not much of a clown fan.[12]Cameron: …Really?Phil: Yeah, he never liked them. [13]Cameron: Has he ever seen a good one?Phil: Has… has anyone? Really, so… thanks again.[14]Cameron: See you later. (after Phil is gone)No clown? No… no clown?Mitchell: Let it go.Cameron: Who throws a party without a clown?Mitchell: Since t he later 30s, I’d say most people.[15]Cameron: You know what? We haven’t gotten Luke a present yet. Maybe a clown could be our present.Mitchell: Cameron, Cameron… If Phil and Claire wanted to get Luke a clown, they would have. But this is not our party. [16]Cameron: But-Mitchell: This is not. Our. Party.Cameron: But I ju… fine. What would you suggest we get him then?Mitchell: Mhhh, get him a gift card.Cameron: …A gift card?Mitchell: Yeah.Cameron: Who hurt you? [17]Scene: Jay & Gloria’s houseJay: Hey Gloria, you got any idea how to wrap one of these things?Gloria: Is that a crossbow?Jay: Yeah. Am I the greatest grandpa in the world or what? [18]Gloria: We can’t give Luke a crossbow. He pokes himself in the eye every time he uses a straw. [19] Jay: Are you kidding? I used to have one when I was his age. My dad used to give me a quarter for every crow I bagged.Gloria: And I used to have a machete. But times have changed.Jay: He’ll be fine.[20]I’ll teach him how to use it.(Manny enters) Hey pa l. How’s it going? Manny: Am I charming?Jay: Oh boy…Gloria: Of course you’re charming![21] Who said you were not charming?Manny: No one. But there is a girl at my school and I want her to like me. I need your advice, Jay. Jay: Really?Manny: She’s gonna be at Luke’s party.Jay: Well, I’m… a little thrown. I mean, you don’t usually come to me for advice. [22]Manny: Well, this is one area in which you’ve done pretty well. [23]Gloria: He has a point.Manny: I’ve tried everything to get her attention: op ening doors, having her milk sent over in the cafeteria… but nothing’s worked.[24]Jay: Here’s the deal: girls don’t go for all that romantic stuff. They go for power and success, and sine you don’t have either one of those things, you’re gonna be the fun ny guy. [25]Scene: A few hours earlier outside Claire & Phil’s houseClaire: Sweety, that’s a rock wall. Is that even safe? Oh my god.Phil: Honey, relax. (To guy setting up rock wall) Hey, has anyone ever gotten hurt on one of these things?Guy: I dunno, man. It’s my first day.[26]Phil: See? They wouldn’t let the new guy do it if it was-[27]Claire: That did not make me feel better.Phil: Don’t worry. I signed, like, a hundred releases.[28]Claire: When did we decide all this? I… I think it’s too much.Phil: See, I knew you’d say that. That’s why I didn’t tell you, so just relax. Grab a snow cone.[29] Claire: There’s a snow cone machine?Phil: Yeah.Hayley: Mom, just so you know, Dylan can’t have mayonnaise.[30]Claire: That’s random. Why are you tell ing me that?Hayley: Uh, ’cause he’s coming to the party?Claire: Is that absolutely necessary? [31]Hayley: W-Alex: Yes, because she can’t go ten minutes without her boyfriend’s tongue in her mouth. It’s like he’s feeding a baby bird.[32]Hayley: Mhhh, don’t be so jealous. I’m sure you’ll meet someone super-hot at computer camp. [33] Claire: Girls.Phil: Hey, hey… (Girls leave)So, what’cha got there?Claire: Oh, these are supplies for the crafts table. I finally figured out what we’re gonna be making.[34]Phil: Kids bored? Haha, I’m teasing, I’m teasing. It looks good.[35] What is it?Claire: Comb sheaths. I know, I know... but we made them when I was eleven years old at Donna Rigby’s birthday party. At first we thought it was really stupid, and then we had a blast, so (36)Phil: How could you not? You combined the two things that kids love the most: combs and sheaths. [37](Claire walks off)I’m kidding!Scene: Luke’s birthday partyManny: That’s her. Bianca Douglas.Gloria: She’s so cute.Manny: She has good handwriting. She’s the complete package.[38] Wish me luck.Jay: You don’t need luck. You just remember those jokes I told you.[39]Manny: (walks up to Bianca) We have to stop meeting like this. [40]Bianca: What?Manny: We go to school together.Bianca: Oh, yeah!Manny: Do you like jokes?Bianca: Sure.Manny: Great. Okay, so a grasshopper named Gary walks into a bar- ugh, no! You’re not supposed to know his name. Let me try another one. Knock knock.[41]Bianca: Who’s there?Manny: Interrupting cow.[42]Bianca: Interrupting cow who?Manny: Moo. Oh, crap.Scene: Gas stationMitchell: (gets bumped by car) Um, hey!Driver: Hey yourself. Move! [43]Mitchell: You kinda just bumped me with your car.Driver: I don’t think so.[44]Mitchell: No… no, you did because, um, see, yeah, I’ve got grease on my pants, and then also I felt it.Driver: Call an ambulance. [45]Mitchell: Okay. I just thought you might wanna know in case you wanna be a decent human being and apologise, but… No? Okay. Ass.[46]Driver: What did you say?Mitchell: …Just forget about it, alright?[47]Driver: Listen Carrot Top. I didn’t touch you, so do the smart thing: shu t your hole, get in your car and drive away. [48]Fizbo: Is there a problem here?Driver: …What the hell are you?[49]Fizb o: I’m the ass-kicking clown that will twist you like a balloon animal. I will beat your head against this bumper until the airbags deploy, so apologize to my boyfriend right now! [50] Driver: Apologi… boyfriend?Fizbo: Apologize!Driver: Okay! I’m sorry.(Fizbo points to Mitchell)I’m sorry.[51](walks off)Fizbo: Let’s go; we’re gonna be late.Analyses:[1]Luke’s answer violated the maxim of quantity. H e didn’t provide enough information to meet Phil’s expectation, because his father wanted to buy specific birthday gift for him but his response was too general.[2]Phil’s answer adopted the generosity maxim. He tried his best to satisfy Luke’s needs hoping Luke could get what he really desire and enjoy the birthday.[3]Luke’s words reflected the maxim of manner, because he expressed what he really wanted wasa belt more specifically and clearly.[4]Luke’s answer violated the maxim of quality, because he didn’t tell the truth that extension cord didn’t work very well. He also used the tact maxim to avoid th e direct conflict between him and his mother when he thought his mother was dissatisfied with his birthday gift.[5]Claire’s response showed the sympathy maxim. She didn’t ask his husband reason directly instead of listening carefully and this simple answer also reflected that she wanted his husband to explain it in details.[6]Phil’s words adopted the agreement maxim, even though he was n’t very clear about what Claire really wanted to say. But from next conversation, we can feel that he was so considerate and deeply knew what his wife’s thought, that is to say, they had same ideas about Luke’s party. [7]Claire’s words didn’t use the maxim of quality. Because it was just an original thought and it wasn’t put into practice in the following plot, only the craft was used in the party, other things what she said didn’t appear at all.[8]Claire’s answer also violated the maxim of the quality. When she thought everybody will gather around and make stuff. It was only a kind of guess. Moreover, in the party, none liked the crafts table.[9]When Phil said “I felt asleep while you were describing the most boring party ever”, he used the tact maxim. He indirectly expressed his view that he disagree with what his wife’s design. [10] Phil’s words didn’t follow the maxim o f quality. He said he would return the karaoke machine right after the party, in fact, he didn’t. His words were just a casual promise.[11] When Phil answered “O h” under the request of Mitchell, he observed the agreement maxim to avoid the dispute between Cameron and Mitchell. His word created a harmonious environment.[12]Phil broke away the maxim of quality. In fact, it was not Luke who didn’t like clown but himself. He had a complicated complex towards clown since he was a child.[13] When Cameron wanted to make sure whether Luke really didn’t like clown or not, Phil answered “he never liked them”, which violated the maxim of quality too. From the following plot, we can see Luke liked clown and he asked whether the clown in the party was Uncle Cameron. Phil always told tie about the thing about the clown.[14] Cameron continued to ask Phil whether Luke had ever seen a good clown or not, his answer was a little strange. He violated the maxim of relevance. His words had no relationship with the question, s howing that he didn’t want to continue this topic he wasn’t interested in the clown. [15]Mitchell’s words broke away the maxim of quality. Because what he said about the time and people was a general concept. It wasn’t enough to answer Cameron’s question.What Cameron needed was specific evidence which can persuade him to stop thinking about the clown.[16] Mitchell adopted the maxim of quantity to persuade Cameron to give up this kind of ideas. O ne was that if Luke’s parent s needed the clown, they could have invited; the other was that this was Luke’s party. They didn’t have the right to do something casual.[17] When Mitchell prepared to send a gift card to Luke, Cameron asked “who hurt you”. He didn’t follow the maxim of relevance. Uttering such word sho wed that he was not satisfied to the gift. He still wanted to play the clown unless the gift was better than clown.[18] When J ay asked “Am I the greatest grandpa in the world or what”, he violated the modesty maxim. Although he was old, he didn’t show any humbleness. He still behaved like a young man, wanting to show his great through giving the crossbow to Luke, as everyone thought it was danger for Luke.[19]Gloria’ answer broke away the maxim of relevance and the maxim of quality. Firstly, she didn’t an swer J ay’s question, she directly pointed out that J ay shouldn’t send the crossbow to Luke as present, which wasn’t related to the previous question. Second ly, she said Luke poked his eyes every time even though he used a straw. She lacked evidence and exaggerated the fact in order to prevent Jay from sending it to Luke.[20]When J ay announced that Luke would be fine, he violated the maxim of quality. He didn’t know the fact about Luke’s condition; he just used it as a pretext to persuade Gloria to agree his idea.[21]When M anny asked “am I charming”, Gloria used the approbation maxim to help Manny to build up confidence while she broke away the maxim of quality, which reflected the deep love the mother possessed towards their children.[22]Jay’s word adopt ed the maxim of quantity. When he said he was a little thrown, he also gave the specific reason. He was really surprised to Manny’s reaction. After all, there was a huge gap between them because J ay was Manny’s stepfather but Jay’s age made him more look like grandfather.[23]When Manny said that Jay had done pretty well in this area, he used the approbation maxim. Maybe this was a kind of compliment. But we can feel Manny was clever. He was eager to get some advice from Jay who had rich experience.[24]When Manny said he had tried everything to attract the girl’s attention. He violated the maxim of quality, because it was impossible to use up all methods. What he really wanted to express was that he had spared no effort to take all the steps he could think of, but he still failed to achieve the goal.[25]When Jay explained the circumstance to Manny, he used the maxim of quantity. He analyzed the different situations and chose one which was fit for Manny. What he said was exactly Manny eagerly wanted to know.[26] The person controlling the rock wall adopted the maxim of quality. When Phil asked whether the rock wall was safe or not, he acknowledged that it was his first day and didn’t know whether there was someone getting hurt instead of telling tie in order to make money.[27] Phil’s understanding about the first day didn’t follow the maxim of quantity and quality. Firstly, as he wasn’t sure the safety of rock wall, so he didn’t finish his speaking. Moreover, it was of a kind of optimistic guess. There was also another circumstance that the rock wall wasn’t safe, so the investor renewed the person. The purpose of saying such words was to convince Claire and make Luke have fun in the party.[28]Phil’s words violated the maxim of quality. He said he had signed like a hundred releases in order to ensure Claire relaxed. In fact, he didn’t do that. He also exaggerated the safety of the rock ball.[29] When Phil advised Claire to grab a snow cone. He didn’t follow the maxim of relevance. He changed another topic to disturb Claire’s attention. He thought Claire was too worried about the rock wall and he didn’t have enough evidence to persuade her, so he must do that.[30]Hayley broke away the maxim of quantity and the maxim of manner. He didn’t provide enough information about the relationship between Dylan and the mayonnaise. She didn’t express herself clearly. It would make Claire feel strange when she was busy with the arrangement of the party, suddenly hearing such words which seemed to have no direct relationship with the party. [31]When Claire asked Hayley “is that absolutely necessary?” she violated the maxim of manner. Her word wasn’t clear and s he misunderstood what Hayley’s meaning. Hayley actually wanted to remind Claire that mayonnaise wasn’t Dylan’s favor, she wanted to change another one, but to her disappointed, Claire thought it was unnecessary to tell her that.[32] Alex’s words didn’t follow the maxim of quality. She exaggerated the intimate relationship between Hayley and Dylan. As a young girl, she just inferred Hayley’s real thought and she was a little envious at his sister so that she made such comment.[33]Hayley also violated the maxim of quality. When she heard such jealous words, she was unhappy and began to make critical accusation towards A lex. She used “I’m sure”, such words itself was a kind of deduction.[34]Claire didn’t follow the maxim of manner. She didn’t say clearly why she wanted to make craft table and what materials it needed. When she said “I finally figure out what we’re gonna be making”, it was ambiguous.[35]When Phil said “it looks good”, he used the approbation maxim. Although he made fun of Claire saying that kids would get bored with such things, he changed his attitude literally towards these crafts in order to amuse Claire.[36]Claire used the maxim of quantity to explain why she had such ideas and she believed that this time she would make it. Since party was similar and the situation was also similar, it was more persuasive. In the example, this idea was thought stupid but it became successful in the end. Now, Phil also thought this craft would make kids bored, she used the example to persuade Phil. [37]P hil’s words followed the agreement maxim. Although he thought kids would get bored, he still praised Claire was great, “She combined the two things that kids love the most: combs and sheaths”. He didn’t break Claire’s heart so that she would be happy to do that although it soundeda kind of ironical.[38] Manny adopted the approbation maxim. He thought that Bianca had good writing and Bianca was the complete package in his heart showing that he was really enchanted with the girl and eagerly to win the girl’s recognition.[39]J ay didn’t follow the modesty maxim. When Manny wanted to get some wishes from him, he told Mann y that he didn’t need luck at all as long as Manny can remember the jokes he told. Hewas too confident about himself. But on the other hand, he also made Manny have the nerve to do that.[40] Manny violated the maxim of relevance. Under such circumstance, he directly started the conversation with such sentences which had no relationship to the party, showing that he was not sociable but sincere.[41] When M anny told jokes, he didn’t follow the maxim of manner. It sounded a little confused and unclear when he told them to the girl. It reflected that he didn’t completely understand the jokes that Jay told him and he was a bit of nervous in front of the girl.[42] When Manny said there was an interrupting cow knocking, he violated the maxim quantity. He didn’t give more details so that Bianca was curious about it. In addition, he made mistakes when he tried to explain who was knocking, his words didn’t reach the purpose of exchanging information.[43]The driver broke away the tact maxim. When his car bumped Mit chell, what he did wasn’t apologizing to Mitchell but spoke out rude words. He also blamed Mitchell for his own error. It demonstrated his impolite and vulgar.[44] The driver also violated the maxim of quality. It was obvious that he bumped Mitchell, but he denied the fact and wanted to escape from the responsibility. He was so rude and lacked education.[45]The driver didn’t follow the maxim of manner and tact maxim. Firstly, he was rude to say “call an ambulance” and such expression wasn’t clear. After all, Mitchell only said he got grease on his pants and also felt it. What Mitchell really wanted was an apology. But the driver only gave an ambiguous answer showing his perfunctory attitude.[46]Mitchell adopted the maxim of quantity. He gave the reason why he was so angry and was reluctant to have dirty talk so that the driver can change his attitude but it was in vain. Although he broke the tact maxim, he was his last choice to do that.[47]Mitchell’s word didn’t follow the maxim of relevance. When he fe lt the driver became ruder and wanted to make trouble, he tried his best to make peace because he didn’t want this matter to develop bigger.[48] The driver violated the maxim of quality and tact maxim. Until now, he still denied the fact that he bumped Mitchell and took it for granted. He still thought himself was right and spoke such rude words again. He really was ill-mannered and rough.[49]The driver didn’t follow the maxim of relevance. When Fizbo(the clown) asked whether there was a problem here, he didn’t answer the question but asked who he was in a rude way. It showed that he didn’t want others to interfere with this matter but solved the problem in person.[50]Fizbo broke away the maxim of quality when he introduced himself to the driver. Of course, it was a kind of exaggeration because he expected the driver can apologize to Mitchell through threatening and overstating his role.[51] The driver used the agreement maxim in the end. He was completely threatened by Fizbo’s strange words and amazing dress. He had to apologize to Mitchell although he always insisted on he was right before Fizbo’s appearing.。