投资条款清单Term Sheet-中文新版
6、投资人清算优先权若公司发生任何清算、解散或终止情形,在公司依法付清清算费用、职工工资和劳动保险费用,缴纳所欠税款,清偿公司债务后,投资人有权优先于公司的其他股东取得相当于投资款 %的金额,以及对应的未分配利润,剩余部分由全体股东按各自股权比例进行分配。
投资协议条款清单(Term Sheet)- 强卖权Term Sheet: Drag AlongThis is one of those terms that has recently increased in importance to VCs due to the all the financing and exit dynamics that occurred during the downturn of 2001 – 2003. A typical drag-along agreement is short and sweet and looks as follows:"Drag-Along Agreement: The [holders of the Common Stock] or [Founders] and Series A Preferred shall enter into a drag-along agreement whereby if a majority of the holders of Series A Preferred agree to a sale or liquidation of the Company, the holders of the remaining Series A Preferred and Common Stock shall consent to and raise no objections to such sale."As transactions started occurring that were at or below the preferred liquidation preferences, entrepreneurs and founders –not surprisingly – started to resist doing these transactions since they often weren't getting anything in the deal. While there are several mechanisms to address sharing consideration below the liquidation preferences (e.g. the "carve out" - which we'll talk more extensively about some other time), the fundamental issue is that if a transaction occurs below the liquidation preferences, it's likely that some or all of the VCs are losing money on the transaction. The VC point of view on this varies widely (and is often dependent on the situation) – some VCs can deal with this and are happy to provide some consideration to management to get a deal done; others are stubborn in their view that since they lost money, management shouldn't receive anything.However, in all of these situations, the VCs would much rather control their ability to compel other shareholders to support the transaction being considered. As more of these situations appeared, the major holders of common stock (even when they were in the minority of ownership) began refusing to vote for the proposed transaction unless the holders of preferred waived part of their liquidation preferences in favor of the common. Needless to say, this "hold out technique" did not go over well in the venture community and, as a result, the drag-along became more prevalent.I've heard founders and early shareholders say a variety of things with regard to a drag-along, but the most inane is "it's not fair – I want to be able to vote my stock however I want to." Remember that this term is one of a basket of terms that are part of an overall negotiation associated with injecting money into your company. There are tradeoffs in any negotiation and nothing is standard – so "fair" is an irrelevant concept –if you don't like the terms, don't do the deal.If you are faced with a drag-along, your ownership position will determine whether or not this is a relevant issue for you. An M&A transaction does not require unanimous consent of shareholders (these rules vary by jurisdiction, although the two most common situations are either majority of each class (California) or majority of all shares on an as converted basis (Delaware)), although most acquirers will want 85% to 90% of shareholders to consent to a transaction. So – if you own 1% of a company, while the VCs would like you to sign up to a drag-along, it doesn't matter that much (unless there are 30 of you that own 1%.) Again –make sure you know what you are fighting for in the negotiation – don't put disproportionate energy against terms that don't matter.When a company is faced with a drag along in a VC financing proposal, the most common compromise position is to try to get the drag along to pertain to following the majority of the common stock, not the preferred. This way – if you own common – you are only dragged along when a majority of the common consents to the transaction. This is a graceful position for a very small investor to take (e.g. I'll play ball if a majority of the common plays ball) and one that I've always been willing to take when I've owned common in a company (e.g. I'm not going to stand in the way of something a majority of folks that have rights equal to me want to do.) Of course, preferred investors can always convert some of their holding to common to generate a majority, but this also results in a benefit to the common as it lowers the overall liquidation preference.投资协议条款清单(Term Sheet)- 购买参与权Term Sheet: Pay-to-PlayAt the turn of the century, a pay-to-play provision was rarely seen. After the bubble burst in 2001, it became ubiquitous. Interesting, this is a term that most companies and their investors can agree on if they approach it from the right perspective.In a pay-to-play provision, an investor must keep "paying" (participating pro ratably in future financings) in order to keep "playing"(not have his preferred stock converted to common stock) in the company. Sample language follows:"Pay-to-Play: In the event of a Qualified Financing (as defined below), shares of Series A Preferred held by any Investor which is offered the right to participate but does not participate fully in such financing by purchasing at least its pro rata portion as calculated above under "Right of First Refusal" below will be converted into Common Stock. [(Version 2, which is not quite as aggressive): If any holder of Series A Preferred Stock fails to participate in the next Qualified Financing, (as defined below), on a pro rata basis (according to its total equity ownership immediately before such financing) of their Series A Preferred investment, then such holder will have the Series A Preferred Stock it owns converted into Common Stock of the Company. If such holder participates in the next Qualified Financing but not to the full extent of its pro rata share, then only a percentage of its Series A Preferred Stock will be converted into Common Stock (under the same terms as in the preceding sentence), with such percentage being equal to the percent of its pro rata contribution that it failed to contribute.]A Qualified Financing is the next round of financing after the Series A financing by the Company that is approved by the Board of Directors who determine in good faith that such portion must be purchased pro rata among the stockholders of the Company subject to this provision. Such determination will be made regardless of whether the price is higher or lower than any series of Preferred Stock.When determining the number of shares held by an Investor or whether this "Pay-to-Play" provision has been satisfied, all shares held by or purchased in the Qualified Financing by affiliated investment funds shall be aggregated. An Investor shall be entitled to assign its rights to participate in this financing and future financings to its affiliated funds and to investors in the Investor and/or its affiliated funds, including funds which are not current stockholders of the Company." We believe this is good for the company and its investors as it causes the investors "stand up" and agree to support the company during its lifecycle at the time of the investment. If they do not, the stock they have is converted from preferred to common and they lose the rights associated with the preferred stock. When our co-investors push back on this term, we ask: "Why? Are you not going to fund the company in the future if other investors agree to?" Remember, this is not a lifetime guaranteeof investment, rather if other prior investors decide to invest in future rounds in the company, there will be a strong incentive for all of the prior investors to invest or subject themselves to total or partial conversion of their holdings to common stock. A pay-to-play term insures that all the investors agree in advance to the "rules of engagement" concerning participating in future financings.The pay-to-play provision impacts the economics of the deal by reducing liquidation preferences for the non-participating investors. It also impacts the control of the deal, as it reshuffles the future preferred shareholder base by insuring only the committed investors continue to have preferred stock (and the corresponding rights).When companies are doing well, the pay-to-play provision is often waived, as a new investor wants to take a large part of the new round. This is a good problem for a company to have, as it typically means there is an up-round financing, existing investors can help drive company-friendly terms in the new round, and the investor syndicate increases in strength by virtue of new capital (and –presumably –another helpful co-investor) in the deal.。
风险投资中的条款清单(样本)中文英文[____]公司A系优先股融资条款清单[______,200___]TERM SHEETFOR SERIES A PREFERRED STOCK FINANCING OF [INSERT COMPANY NAME], INC.[ __, 200_]本条款清单概括了_______公司,一家[特拉华]公司(“公司”)A系优先股融资的主要条款。
This Term Sheet summarizes the principal terms of the Series A Preferred Stock Financing of [___________], Inc., a [Delaware] corporation (the “Company”). In consideration of the time and expense devoted and to be devoted by the Investors with respect to this investment, the No Shop/Confidentiality and Counsel and Expenses provisions of this Term Sheet shall be binding obligations of the Company whether or not the financing is consummated. No other legally binding obligations will be created until definitive agreements are executed and delivered by all parties. This Term Sheet is not a commitment to invest, and is conditioned on the completion of due diligence, legal review and documentation that is satisfactory to the Investors. This Term Sheet shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the [State of Delaware].出资条款:Offering Terms交割日:当公司接受此条款清单且交割条件完备时即尽快交割(“交割”)。
条款清单序号标内容题1. 协卖方: ________________________________________议买方:各方2. 鉴买方为在________________________________________ 成立的一于家 _______________________________________ 公司,在 ______________________________________ 行业生产和销售产品,并有意在中华人民共和国(以下简称“ PRC或“中国”)境内设立一家外商投资企业(以下简称“公司”)生产和销售该产品;卖方为在中国成立的一家 ________________________________________ 公司,为 ______________________________________ 行业提供 ______________________________________ 生产服务。
卖方当前的一部分生产经营系为有限公司(以下简称“目标客户”)提供一系列产品的生产(以下简称“业务”);买方同意自卖方购买且卖方同意向买方出售该业务及与该业务有关的资产(以下简称“资产”);在该公司成立之后,买方将通过转让和更新将其在本协议下的所有权利和义务转让予该公司3. 资资产包括:产卖方与业务有关的商誉;业务记录;与在本协议签字日期以及成交日所经营业务有关的设备和机器(以下简称“机器和设备”);卖方购买的额外机器和设备(如有);当前的资产,包括动产及不动产,即现有的原材料、已完工和部分完工的存货及在制品(以下简称“库存”)、车辆、土地及房产等;与业务有关的所有预付开支、预付款、收费和费用,在本协议签字日至成交日的时期,前述费用将经买方不时的审议并确定最终数额;客户协议(以下简称“客户协议”),包括附属于客户协议的保证或担保权。
投资条款清单(term sheet)详解:一个例子
投资条款清单(term sheet)详解:一个例子一、一个例子Z投资基金ABC公司第一轮融资出售可转换优先股条款清单发行方:ABC公司或其海外注册的母公司投资额:二百万美元以内。
TERM SHEETFOR PURCHASE OF EQUITY IN [ ][ ]股权投资条款清单This Term Sheet summarizes the principal terms with respect to anticipated investments by the Investors (as defined hereunder) in [ ] (the “Company”) and is qualified in its entirety by the more detailed provisions to be set forth in the Definitive Agreements (as defined hereunder) which may be entered into by and between the Company, the Investors and the Actual Controller (as defined hereunder). The parties understand and acknowledge that, except for the sections captioned “Confidentiality”, “No Shop”, “Expenses”, and “Governing Law”, this Term Sheet is not legally binding and that failure to execute and deliver the Definitive Agreements shall impose no liability on the parties. This Term Sheet does not constitute either an offer to sell or an offer to purchase shares of the Company. THIS PREAMBLE IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS TERM SHEET. This Term Sheet is executed by all parties as of the date of [ ].本投资条款清单概述了投资人(如下文定义)拟[ ](简称“公司”)的主要条款。
04 Term Sheet的签署与执 行
Term Sheet的签署流程
双方就Term Sheet中的条款进行谈判和修 改,达成一致意见。
创业公司向投资人发送Term Sheet,包含 投资条件、估值、股权比例等关键条款。
它为双方提供一个框架,以便在尽职 调查和最终协议签署之前进行谈判和 达成共识。
Term Sheet的目的
通过Term Sheet,创业公司可以 向投资人展示其投资潜力和吸引 力,投资人也可以明确表达投资
Term Sheet为双方提供了谈判的 框架和指导,有助于双方在签署最 终协议之前达成一致。
限制关键人员在职期间或离职后一定 时间内从事与公司业务相竞争的工作 或创业。
要求员工和投资者对公司的商业机密、 技术秘密等信息予以保密,防止泄露。
03 Term Sheet的谈判要点
在Term Sheet中,估值和投资额是需要平衡的两个关键因 素。
在Term Sheet中明确投资后的权利义务 ,如委派董事、监管企业经营等,同时建 立有效的风险预警和应对机制,确保投资 安全。
在Term Sheet中,如双方未约定明确的违 约责任和罚则,可能导致合同履行过程中出 现纠纷。
在Term Sheet中明确约定违约责任和罚则, 同时选择有管辖权的法院解决纠纷,确保自 身权益得到有效保障。
投资条款清单TERM-SHEET (中英文版)
and/or its affiliates
Actual Controller
“Actual Controller” means any person or group of persons acting in concert that controls the Company, including.
Qualified IPO
“Qualified IPO” means the closing of a firm commitment underwritten public offering of common shares of the Company at Shanghai/Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, NYSE, NASDAQ or other internationally recognized stock exchanges, with the Company’s market capitalization at least RMBand funding size no less than RMB.
购买价和初始估值: 购买价代表投资前全面稀释公司估值人民币【】万元、投资后全面 稀释公司估值人民币【】万元,估值的依据为公司提供的盈利预测 。交割完成后公司的股权结构表附后。 按照业绩调整条款(见下文),初始估值可以向下调整。
融资额过高 或过低的风 险
如何确定 合适的融 资额及股 价?
1990年11月最高人民法院《关于审理联营合同纠纷案件若干问题 的解答》关于联营保底条款:保底条款违背了联营活动中应当遵 循的共负盈亏、共担风险的原则,损害了其他联营方和联营体的 债权人的合法权益,因此,应当确认无效。 《公司法》第三十五条规定,有限责任公司的股东按照实缴的出 资比例分取红利,但是,全体股东约定不按照出资比例分红的除 外。 第一百六十七条规定,股份有限公司按照股东持有的股份比例分 配,但股份有限公司章程规定不按持股比例分配的除外。 点评:优先分红权类似于债权投资的无风险报酬,可视为联营保 底条款,存在约定无效的风险。实践中,可以通过股东补足责任 的安排,实现了股东优先分红权到股东固定回报的过桥。
降价融资中的防稀释条款:如果公司发行新的权益证券的价格低 于当时适用的A系列优先股转化价格,则A系列优先股的转换价格 将按照广义加权平均的方式进行调整以减少投资人的稀释。 分类:(1)完全棘轮条款 举例:如果A轮融资$200万,发行200万股A系列优先股,初 始转换比例1:1。由于业绩下滑,在B轮融资时,B系列优先股的发 行价跌为每股$0.5,则根据完全棘轮条款的规定,A系列优先股的 转换价格也调整为$0.5,则A轮投资人的200万优先股可以转换为 400万股普通股,而不再是原来的200万股。
1. 投资金额:明确投资方将投资的金额。
2. 投资用途:说明投资款项将用于公司的哪些方面,如研发、市场推广等。
3. 投资期限:确定投资款项的期限,包括投资开始和结束的日期。
4. 股权份额:规定投资方将获得的股权份额,例如投资金额与公司总股本的比例。
5. 投资方式:明确投资款项的支付方式,可以是一次性支付或分期支付。
6. 投资回报:规定投资方将获得的投资回报方式,如股息、分红等。
7. 投资退出:确定投资方在何种条件下可以退出投资,包括正常退出和紧急退出的情况。
8. 盈亏分配:规定公司盈利时的分配方式,如投资方优先获取一定的回报。
9. 管理权和决策权:明确投资方在公司中的管理和决策权力,如是否参与董事会。
10. 投资人责任:明确投资方对于公司的义务和责任,如定期提供财务报告等。
11. 风险提示:提醒投资方投资涉及的风险和可能的损失。
12. 保密条款:确保双方在投资过程中保守相关信息的机密性。
13. 争议解决:规定双方在投资纠纷发生时如何解决,可以选择法院诉讼或仲裁等方式。
本投资意向书于2017年[ ]月[ ]日签署:
目标公司现有股东拟对外转让其持有的部分股权,共计【】股,每股定价为【 】元,合计【】元(以下简称“老股转让安排”),其中【XX】同意认购【】股,合计【】元人民币;
Term_Sheet 中文版
投资协议条款清单(Term Sheet)- 股权给付
投资协议条款清单(Term Sheet)- 股权给付作者: 桂曙光Term Sheet - VestingWhile vesting is a simple concept, it can have profound and unexpected implications. Typically, stock and options will vest over four years - which means that you have to be around for four years to own all of your stock or options (for the rest of this post, I'll simply refer to the equity as "stock" although exactly the same logic applies to options.) If you leave the company earlier than the four year period, the vesting formula applies and you only get a percentage of your stock. As a result, many entrepreneurs view vesting as a way for VCs to "control them, their involvement, and their ownership in a company" which, while it can be true, is only a part of the story.A typical stock vesting clause looks as follows:Stock Vesting: All stock and stock equivalents issued after the Closing to employees, directors, consultants and other service providers will be subject to vesting provisions below unless different vesting is approved by the majority (including at least one director designated by the Investors) consent of the Board of Directors (the "Required Approval"): 25% to vest at the end of the first year following such issuance, with the remaining 75% to vest monthly over the next three years. The repurchase option shall provide that upon termination of the employment of the shareholder, with or without cause, the Company or its assignee (to the extent permissible under applicable securities law qualification) retains the option to repurchase at the lower of cost or the current fair market value any unvested shares held by such shareholder. Any issuance of shares in excess of the Employee Pool not approved by the Required Approval will be a dilutive event requiring adjustment of the conversion price as provided above and will be subject to the Investors' first offer rights.The outstanding Common Stock currently held by _________ and ___________ (the "Founders") will be subject to similar vesting terms provided that the Founders shall be credited with [one year]of vesting as of the Closing, with their remaining unvested shares to vest monthly over three years. Industry standard vesting for early stage companies is a one year cliff and monthly thereafter for a total of 4 years. This means that if you leave before the first year is up, you don't vest any of your stock. After a year, you have vested 25% (that's the "cliff"). Then - you begin vestingmonthly (or quarterly, or annually) over the remaining period. So - if you have a monthly vest with a one year cliff and you leave the company after 18 months, you'll have vested 37.25% of your stock.Often, founders will get somewhat different vesting provisions than the balance of the employee base. A common term is the second paragraph above, where the founders receive one year of vesting credit at the closing and then vest the balance of their stock over the remaining 36 months. This type of vesting arrangement is typical in cases where the founders have started the company a year or more earlier then the VC investment and want to get some credit for existing time served.Unvested stock typically "disappears into the ether" when someone leaves the company. The equity doesn't get reallocated - rather it gets "reabsorbed" - and everyone (VCs, stock, and option holders) all benefit ratably from the increase in ownership (or - more literally - the reverse dilution.") In the case of founders stock, the unvested stuff just vanishes. In the case of unvested employee options, it usually goes back into the option pool to be reissued to future employees.A key component of vesting is defining what happens (if anything) to vesting schedules upon a merger. "Single trigger" acceleration refers to automatic accelerated vesting upon a merger. "Double trigger" refers to two events needing to take place before accelerated vesting (e.g., a merger plus the act of being fired by the acquiring company.) Double trigger is much more common than single trigger. Acceleration on change of control is often a contentious point of negotiation between founders and VCs, as the founders will want to "get all their stock in a transaction - hey, we earned it!" and VCs will want to minimize the impact of the outstanding equity on their share of the purchase price. Most acquires will want there to be some forward looking incentive for founders, management, and employees, so they usually either prefer some unvested equity (to help incent folks to stick around for a period of time post acquisition) or they'll include a separate management retention incentive as part of the deal value, which comes off the top, reducing the consideration that gets allocated to the equity ownership in the company. This often frustrates VCs (yeah - I hear you chuckling "haha - so what?") since it puts them at cross-purposes with management in the M&A negotiation (everyone should be negotiating to maximize the value for all shareholders, not just specifically for themselves.) Although the actual legal language is not very interesting, it is included below.In the event of a merger, consolidation, sale of assets or other change of control of the Company and should an Employee be terminated without cause within one year after such event, such person shall be entitled to[one year] of additional vesting. Other than the foregoing, there shall be no accelerated vesting in any event."Structuring acceleration on change of control terms used to be a huge deal in the 1990's when "pooling of interests" was an accepted form of accounting treatment as there were significant constraints on any modifications to vesting agreements. Pooling was abolished in early 2000 and - under purchase accounting - there is no meaningful accounting impact in a merger of changing the vesting arrangements (including accelerating vesting). As a result, we usually recommend a balanced approach to acceleration (double trigger, one year acceleration) and recognize that in an M&A transaction, this will often be negotiated by all parties. Recognize that many VCs have a distinct point of view on this (e.g. some folks will NEVER do a deal with single trigger acceleration; some folks don't care one way or the other) - make sure you are not negotiating against and "point of principle" on this one as VCs will often say "that's how it is an we won't do anything different."Recognize that vesting works for the founders as well as the VCs. I've been involved in a number of situations where one or more founders didn't work out and the other founders wanted them to leave the company. If there had been no vesting provisions, the person who didn't make it would have walked away with all their stock and the remaining founders would have had no differential ownership going forward. By vesting each founder, there is a clear incentive to work your hardest and participate constructively in the team, beyond the elusive founders "moral imperative." Obviously, the same rule applies to employees - since equity is compensation and should be earned over time, vesting is the mechanism to insure the equity is earned over time.Of course, time has a huge impact on the relevancy of vesting. In the late 1990's, when companies often reached an exit event within two years of being founded, the vesting provisions - especially acceleration clauses - mattered a huge amount to the founders. Today - as we are back in a normal market where the typical gestation period of an early stage company is five to seven years, most people (especially founders and early employees) that stay with a company will be fully (or mostly) vested at the time of an exit event.While it's easy to set vesting up as a contentious issue between founders and VCs, we recommend the founding entrepreneurs view vesting as an overall "alignment tool" - for themselves, their co-founders, early employees, and future employees. Anyone who has experienced an unfair vesting situation will have strong feelings about it - we believe fairness,a balanced approach, and consistency is the key to making vesting provisions work long term in a company.。
二、投资金额与持股比例1. 投资方向目标公司投资______万元人民币。
2. 投资完成后,投资方将持有目标公司______%的股权。
三、投资期限1. 本协议下的投资期限自______年______月______日起至______年______月______日止。
2. 投资方需在投资期限内完成投资款的支付。
四、投资方式1. 投资方将以______(如:现金、股权、资产等)的方式向目标公司投资。
2. 具体投资方式需双方协商确定,并签署相关补充协议。
五、投资条件1. 目标公司需确保所投资项目具有可行性,并能够按时按质完成。
2. 投资方需确保投资款的来源合法合规,并承诺在投资期限内完成支付。
3. 双方需共同确保投资过程符合相关法律法规的规定,并遵循公平、公正、诚信的原则。
六、权利义务1. 投资方有权了解目标公司的经营状况和财务状况,并要求目标公司提供相关报表和资料。
2. 投资方有权参与目标公司的决策和管理,但不得干涉目标公司的日常运营。
3. 目标公司需确保投资款专款专用,并按时向投资方报告使用情况。
4. 目标公司需确保所投资项目符合法律法规的规定,并避免任何违法违规行为。
5. 投资方和目赌公司需共同确保投资目标的实现,并为此制定详细的计划和方案。
6. 投资方和目赌公司需共同确保投资过程的顺利进行,并为此提供必要的支持和保障。
7. 投资方和目赌公司需共同确保投资信息的保密性,并为此签订保密协议。
8. 投资方和目赌公司需共同确保投资争议的解决,并为此制定争议解决机制。
9. 投资方和目赌公司需共同确保投资合同的生效和履行,并为此签订正式的投资合同。
七、违约责任1. 如果一方违反本协议中的任何条款或承诺,违约方需承担相应的违约责任。
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“公司”:xxxx有限公司,成立于中华人民共和国的有限责任公司“投资人”深圳市xxxx创业投资有限公司及其他一致行动人所管理的资金(以下简称“xx创投”)“投资金额”:¥xxxxxxxx元人民币其中,“xx创投” 投资¥xxxxxxxx元人民币“预计上市”:预期“公司”股份最晚将于201x年12月31日以前于中国国内证券交易所(“证交所”)上市(首次公开发行)“投资股份”:相当于完全摊薄后“公司”总股本的x%“目前投资估值”:完全摊薄及包含“投资人”投入资金之估值为¥xxxxxxxxxx元人民币“可转让性”:“投资人”可在“公司”上市后根据中国“证交所”上市规则的要求在禁售期后出售全部或部分股份“投资人的权利”:“投资人”将享有所有的监察权,包括收到提供予公司管理层之所有信息的权利“陈述与保证”:于重要的事项上,如组织及资格、财务报表、授权、执行和交割、协议有效性和可执行性、股票发行、相关监管机构所要求报告、未决诉讼、符合法律及环保规定、政府同意、税项、保险充足性、与协议及章程条款无冲突性、资本化、没有重大的不利改变等事情上,由“公司”所作出的惯例性的陈述与保证;“投资人”及公司免于对投资前的财务报表中未反映的税收和负债承担责任,公司现有股东同意承担由此所引起的全部责任;除非经“投资人”同意,公司现有股东不得将其在“公司”及子公司的股份质押或抵押给第三方“保密”:除当法律上要求或/和遵守相关监管机构/权威机构(视情况而定)的披露要求外,在此的任何一方同意就本清单所包含的信息保守秘密“排他性”:于预期的结束日期200x年x月xx日之前,被投资方现有股东及其任何职员、董事、雇员、财务顾问、经纪人、股东或者代表公司行事的人士不得寻求对于企业有关资产或股权的收购融资计划,以及就此与投资方以外的任何其他方进行谈判。
如果此轮融资最终未实现,由“公司”和“投资人”承担其各自相应的费用“董事会席位”:投资人有权任命一名董事(“投资人提名董事”)在“公司”董事会(“董事会”),包括“投资人提名董事”在内,董事会由不超过( )名董事组成“董事会会议”:“董事会”至少每半年召开一次会议“监事会席位”:投资人有权任命一名监事(“投资人提名监事”)在“公司”监事会(“监事会”),包括“投资人提名监事”在内,监事会由不超过3 名监事组成。
其他两名监事由一名职工代表和一名外部监事组成“监事会会议”:“监事会”每半年召开一次会议“管理层股东和公司义务”【注:投资人有权选择退还投资款或调整股份】:本次增资扩股完成后,各方股东、管理层股东和公司共同为公司设定了200x年度税后利润¥( )元人民币的经营目标。
如果公司200x年度经审计的税后利润低于¥( )元人民币,则公司须以200x年度经审计的实际税后利润为基础,按照( )倍市盈率重新调整本轮融资的“目前投资估值”,投资人可选择:1、调整后各方股东所占股权比例保持不变,但公司须在审计结束后一个月内退还本轮“投资人”相应多付的投资款。
同时,管理层股东和公司共同为公司设定了200y年度税后利润¥( )元人民币的经营目标。
如果公司200y 年度经审计的税后利润低于¥( )元人民币,则公司须以200y年度经审计的实际税后利润为基础,按照( )倍市盈率重新调整本轮融资的“目前投资估值”,投资人可选择:1、调整后各方股东所占股权比例保持不变,但公司须在审计结束后一个月内退还本轮“投资人”相应多付的投资款。
公司或公司股东在收到“股份回购”的书面通知当日起两个月内需付清全部金额;如果公司对“投资人”股份的回购行为受法律的限制,公司现有股东则应以其从公司取得的分红或从其它合法渠道筹集资金收购“投资人”的股份;股份回购价格按以下两者最大者确定:1)“投资人”按年复合投资回报率( )%计算的投资本金和收益之和(包括支付给投资方税后股利);2)回购时“投资人”股份对应的净资产“共同卖股权”:“投资人”享有共同卖股权。
在投资者获得现金或者流动证券形式的投资本金后,公司所有的股东按照各自的持股比例参与剩余财产的分配“合格的首次公开发行”:合格的首次公开发行定义如下:“公司”在201x年12月31日前于中国国内证券交易所(“证交所”)上市(首次公开发行)“资金用途”:“公司”将此次私募所得的资金用于本次私募融资说明书承诺的进行:xx、xx、xx及补充流动资金等“唯一性和不竞争”:“公司”是拥有其( )技术、业务及从事相关活动的唯一实体“竞业禁止”:公司主要管理人员、技术人员与公司签订《竞业禁止协议》,在任职期间内不得从事或帮助他人从事与公司形成竞争关系的任何其它业务经营活动,在离开公司2年内不得在与公司经营业务相关的企业任职;未经投资人书面同意,公司现有股东不得单独设立或参与设立新的与公司业务相关联的经营实体,管理层股东不得在其他企业兼职“公司的股权维持”:除合格的首次公开发行的情况外,“公司”在获得“投资人”书面认可之前不会降低其在各“子公司”的股权“转让限制”:从“完成投资”起至合格的首次公开发行前,除非经投资人同意,管理层股东不得出售或转让其起初持有的股份;“前提条件”:本初步条款清单以及此清单包含的权利义务的有效性取决于:1.在“公司”协助下令“投资人”满意地完成对“公司”业务、财务及法律的尽职调查;2.该交易取得所有相关的同意和批准,包括“公司”内部和其它第三方的批准,“投资人”的投资委员会批准、所有相关监管团体及政府部门的批准;3.在内容和形式上均令“公司”和“投资人”双方接受的所有有关的投资文档已完成及签署;4.法律意见书认为,投资的法律架构符合当地法律和其它该等交易的惯例或“投资人”的其它合理要求;5.“公司”无重大不利变化;6.“投资人”的内部投资委员会委员的完全批准;7.基于尽职调查,被要求要需满足的其它合理条件“投资人的知情权”:“投资人”将被提供及可以取得提供给“董事会”成员的财务或其它方面的、所有的信息或材料。