中文版教材习题一参考答案 浙江大学控制学院
• A 以课件自主学习为主,辅以必要旳教学辅导• B 以书本学习为主,教师讲课辅导• C 以课件自主学习为主,学院没有辅导• D 以面授学习为主2.课程学习应以()内容为主。
• A 视频课件• B 教材• C 答疑讨论• D A类课件3.用于理解学校一学期或一年旳教学活动日程安排(包括开学日期、报到注册日期、开始上课日期、考试日期、学期结束日期、开始放假日期等,以及还规定了重要活动和重要节假日旳安排旳教学指导文献是()。
• A 开课计划• B 专业教学计划• C 院历• D 开考计划4.按教育部规定,专升本和大专层次旳最低修业年限均为()年。
• A 2• B 2.5• C 4• D 55.学生一年选课次数为()。
• A 1• B 2• C 4• D 2~46.下列有关统考免考条件描述错误旳是()。
• A 符合“已具有国民教育系列本科以上学历旳”,免统考所有科目• B 符合“非英语类专业,入学注册时年龄满40周岁”旳,免“大学英语B”• C 符合“非计算机类专业,获得全国计算机等级考试一级B或以上级别证书”旳,免“计算机应用基础”• D 非英语类专业,1月之后大学英语等级CET四级成绩到达420分或更高成绩旳,可以免考“大学英语B”7.用于理解要完毕学业需学习哪些课程、课程旳开课学期、每门课程旳教学环节构成(有否试验)、每门课程旳性质(必修课、选修课等)、每门课程旳教课时数安排、以及每门课程旳考核方式(考试或考察)旳教学指导文献是()。
• A 课程导学• B 专业教学计划• C 院历• D 开考计划8.学生本人各学期旳学习课程,一般状况下通过()进行。
• A 所有由学生网上自主选课• B 学习中心安排• C 学院默认配课• D 学生书面申请9.如下有关公共选修课程旳说法,有误旳是()。
• A 公共选修课程规定修读一定学分。
• B 公共选修课程学分超过规定旳学分数后,可替代专业必修课程。
《现代控制理论》第一章习题解答1.1 线性定常系统和线性时变系统的区别何在? 答:线性系统的状态空间模型为:xAx Bu y Cx Du=+=+线性定常系统和线性时变系统的区别在于:对于线性定常系统,上述状态空间模型中的系数矩阵A ,B ,C 和中的各分量均为常数,而对线性时变系统,其系数矩阵D A ,B ,C 和中有时变的元素。
D 1.2 现代控制理论中的状态空间模型与经典控制理论中的传递函数有什么区别? 答: 传递函数模型与状态空间模型的主要区别如下:传递函数模型(经典控制理论)状态空间模型(现代控制理论) 仅适用于线性定常系统 适用于线性、非线性和时变系统用于系统的外部描述 用于系统的内部描述基于频域分析基于时域分析1.3 线性系统的状态空间模型有哪几种标准形式?它们分别具有什么特点?答: 线性系统的状态空间模型标准形式有能控标准型、能观标准型和对角线标准型。
对于阶传递函数n 1212101110()n n n n n n n b s b s b s b G s d s a s a s a −−−−−−++++=+++++"",分别有[]012101210100000100000101n n n xx ua a a a yb b b b x du−−−⎧⎡⎤⎪⎢⎥⎪⎢⎥⎪⎢⎥=+⎪⎢⎥⎨⎢⎥⎪⎢⎥⎪−−−−⎣⎦⎪=+⎪⎩"" ###%##"""⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⑴ 能控标准型:[]0011221100010********001n n n b a b a xa x ub a b y xdu −−−⎧−⎡⎤⎡⎤⎪⎢⎥⎢⎥−⎪⎢⎥⎢⎥⎪⎢⎥⎢⎥=−+⎪⎢⎥⎢⎥⎨⎢⎥⎢⎥⎪⎢⎥⎢⎥⎪−⎣⎦⎣⎦⎪=+⎪⎩"" "######""⑵ 能观标准型:[]1212001001001n n p p x x up y c c c x du⎧⎡⎤⎡⎤⎪⎢⎥⎢⎥⎪⎢⎥⎢⎥=+⎪⎢⎥⎢⎥⎨⎢⎥⎢⎥⎪⎣⎦⎣⎦⎪⎪=+⎩"" ##%##""⑶ 对角线标准型: 式中的和可由下式给出,12,,,n p p p "12,,,n c c c "12121012111012()n n n n n n n n nb s b s b s bc c c G sd d s a s a s a s p s p s p −−−−−−++++=+=++++++−−−"""++能控标准型的特点:状态矩阵的最后一行由传递函数的分母多项式系数确定,其余部分具有特定结构,输出矩阵依赖于分子多项式系数,输入矩阵中的元素除了最后一个元素是1外,其余全为0。
浙江大学 无机化学课后题习题解答
![浙江大学 无机化学课后题习题解答](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fe865c3e3169a4517723a3ea.png)
第一章习题解答基本题1-1有一混合气体,总压为150Pa ,其中N 2和H 2的体积分数分别为0.25和0.75,求H 2和N 2的分压。
解:根据式(1-6)p VV p B B =p (N 2)=0.25p =0.25×150Pa =37.5Pap (H 2)=0.75p =0.75×150Pa =112.5Pa1-2液化气主要成分是甲烷。
某10.0m 3贮罐能贮存-164℃、100kPa 下的密度为415kg ⋅m -3的液化气。
计算此气罐容纳的液化气在20︒C 、100kPa 下的气体的体积。
解:甲烷的物质的量为n =(415×1000g.m -3×10m 3/16.04g.mol -1)=259×103mol 所以33-1-133m 6309 Pa10100.293K .K .mol 8.314Pa.m mol 10259nRT =⨯⨯⨯==p V 1-3用作消毒剂的过氧化氢溶液中过氧化氢的质量分数为0.03,这种水溶液的密度为1.0g ⋅mL -1,请计算这种水溶液中过氧化氢的质量摩尔浓度、物质量的浓度和摩尔分数。
解:1L 溶液中,m (H 2O 2)=1000mL ⨯1.0g ⋅mL -1⨯0.030=30gm (H 2O)=1000mL ⨯1.0g ⋅mL -1⨯(1-0.030)=9.7⨯102gn (H 2O 2)=30g/34g ⋅moL -1=0.88moln (H 2O)=970g/18g.⋅mol -1=54molb (H 2O 2)=0.88mol /0.97kg =0.91mol ⋅kg -1c (H 2O 2)=0.88mol/1L =0.88mol ⋅L -1x (H 2O 2)=0.88/(0.88.+54)=0.0161-4计算5.0%的蔗糖(C 12H 22O 11)水溶液与5.0%的葡萄糖(C 6H 12O 6)水溶液的沸点。
浙大远程教育控制理论离线作业第一章1-1 与开环系统相比,闭环系统的最大特点是:检测偏差,纠正偏差。
1-2 分析一个控制系统从以下三方面分析:稳定性、准确性、快速性。
1-3图1-1 (a),(b)所示均为调速系统。
(1) 分别画出图1-3(a)、图(b)所示系统的方框图。
给出图1-1(a) 所示系统正确的反馈连线方式。
(2) 指出在恒值输入条件下,图1-1(a),(b) 所示系统中哪个是有差系统,哪个是无差系统,说明其道理。
图1-1 调速系统工作原理图解图1-1(a)正确的反馈连接方式如图1-1 (a)中虚线所示。
(1) 系统方框图如图解1-2所示。
(2) 图1-1 (a) 所示的系统是有差系统,图1-1 (b) 所示的系统是无差系统。
图1-1 (a)中,当给定恒值电压信号,系统运行达到稳态时,电动机转速的恒定是以发电机提供恒定电压为条件,对应发电机激磁绕组中电流一定是恒定值。
图1-1 (b)中,给定恒定电压,电动机达到稳定转速时,对应发电机激磁绕组中的励磁电流恒定,这意味着执行电动机处于停转状态,放大器前端电压必然为0,故系统无差。
1-4图1-3 (a),(b)所示的系统均为电压调节系统。
假设空载时两系统发电机端电压均为110V,试问带上负载后,图1-3(a),(b)中哪个能保持110V不变,哪个电压会低于110V?为什么?图1-3 电压调节系统工作原理图解带上负载后,开始由于负载的影响,图1-3(a)与(b)系统的端电压都要下降,但图(a)中所示系统能恢复到110V,而图(b) 所示系统却不能。
浙大远程机电运动控制系统作业必做答案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】机电运动控制系统(习题集)必做作业1.直流电机有哪些调速方法根据其速度公式说明之, 并说明如何釆用电力电子手段实现。
答: 根据直流电机速度公式 φφe a a a e C I R U C E n -== , 有 (1) 电枢电压 U a 控制 - 调压调速 (向下调速)采用电力电子手段时,有晶闸管可控整流器供电和自关断器件H 型桥脉宽调制(PWM)供电等方式, 其损耗小,控制性能好。
(2) 磁场φ 控制 - 弱磁(向上调速),采用电力电子手段时,有晶闸管可控整流器供电励磁控制。
(3)由于运行损耗大、效率低, 一般不再釆用串 R a 调速。
2. 画出双闭环晶闸管—直流电动机不可逆调速系统电原理图(非方块图),须清楚表达两个闭环的关键元件,写出各部分名称,标注有关信号量;指出两闭环连接上的特点及相互关系。
3.分析双闭环晶闸管—直流电动机不可逆调速系统:(1) 如果要改变转速,应调节什么参数为什么(2) 如要控制系统的起动电流、确保系统运行安全,应调节什么参数为什么答: (1) 改变转速时只能改变速度调节器的输入u g ,因为它是速度环的指令信号。
(2) 要控制系统的起动电流、确保系统运行安全,应调节速度调节器的输出限幅值。
4. 填空 : 双闭环晶闸管━直流电动机调速系统中,内环为_电流_环,外环为_速度_环,其连接关系是:_速度调节器_的输出作为_电流调节器_的输入,因此外环调节器的输出限幅值应按_调速系统允许最大电流_ 来整定;内环调节器的输出限幅值应按_可控整流器晶闸管最大、最小移相触发角_来整定。
第一章绪论1-1 试比较开环控制系统和闭环控制系统的优弊端.解答: 1 开环系统(1)长处 :构造简单,成本低,工作稳固。
由1-1 中的描绘的闭环系统的长处所证明。
1-3试判断以下微分方程所描绘的系统属于何种种类(线性,非线性,定常,时变)?2 d 2 y(t)3 dy(t ) 4y(t ) 5 du (t ) 6u(t )(1)dt 2 dt dt(2) y(t ) 2 u(t)(3)t dy(t) 2 y(t) 4 du(t) u(t ) dt dtdy (t )u(t )sin t2 y(t )(4)dtd 2 y(t)y(t )dy (t ) (5)dt 2 2 y(t ) 3u(t )dt(6)dy (t ) y 2 (t) 2u(t ) dty(t ) 2u(t ) 3du (t )5 u(t) dt(7)dt解答: (1)线性定常(2)非线性定常 (3)线性时变(4)线性时变(5)非线性定常(6)非线性定常(7)线性定常1-4 如图 1-4 是水位自动控制系统的表示图, 图中 Q1,Q2 分别为进水流量和出水流量。
浙江大学远程教育学院 《自动控制元件》课程作业姓名: 学 号: 年级:学习中心:第一章 直流伺服电动机1-1直流伺服电动机的电磁转矩和控制电流由什么决定?答:1. 由T em =C m ΦI a 可知电磁转矩由每极磁通量和绕组电流大小决定。
2. 由T em =T 0 +T 2 =CmΦIa 控制电流由负载转矩(T 2)和空载转矩(T 0)决定。
1-2当直流伺服电动机的负载转矩恒定不变时,控制电压升高将使稳态的电磁转矩、控制电流、转速发生怎样的变化?为什么?答:1. 电磁转矩T em =T 0 +T 2可见电磁转矩不变; 由T em =C m ΦI a 知控制电流I a也不变; 2. KeKtRaTemKe Ua n -=可见U a 升高使得理想空载转速变大导致转速n 升高。
1-3已知一台直流电动机,其电枢额定电压Ua=110V ,额定运行时电枢电流Ia=0.4A ,转速n=3600rpm ,它的电枢电阻Ra=50欧姆,负载阻转矩To=15mN.m 。
试问该电动机额定负载转矩是多少? 答:Ea= Ua- IaRa=110-0.4×50=90VEa=Ce Φn, Ce=0.105Cm 所以Cm Φ=90/0.105/3600= 0.238; T em =T 0 +T 2=CmΦIa ,所以T 2=CmΦIa -T 0 =0.4*0.238 – 15*10-3=0.0952-15×10-3=80.2mN.m1-6当直流伺服电动机电枢电压、励磁电压不变时,如将负载转矩减少,试问此时电动机的电枢电流、电磁转矩、转速将怎样变化?并说明由原来的状态到新的稳态的物理过程。
答:电磁转矩T em =T 0 +T 2可见T 2 ↓电磁转矩也↓; 由T em =C m ΦI a 知控制电流I a ↓; Ea= Ua- IaRa 可见I a ↓知Ea↑,由Ea=Ce Φn 知Ea↑知n ↑;当电磁转矩降低到和新的负载转矩相等后, 系统即进入新的平衡状态.第二章 直流测速发电机2-4某直流测速发电机,其电枢电压U=50V ,负载电阻R L =3000Ω,电枢电阻Ra=180Ω,转速n=3000rpm ,求该转速下的空载输出电压Uo 和输出电流Ia 。
浙江大学大学物理答案【篇一:11-12-2大学物理乙期末试题b】《大学物理乙(上)》课程期末考试试卷 (b)开课分院:基础部,考试形式:闭卷,允许带非存储计算器入场考试日期:2012年月日,考试所需时间: 120 分钟考生姓名学号考生所在分院:专业班级: .一、填空题(每空2分,共50分):1、一个0.1kg的质点做简谐振动,运动方程为x(t)?0.2cos3t m,则该质点的最大加速度amax,质点受到的合力随时间变化的方程f(t。
当质点运动到a/2处时,质点的总能量为 j,其中动能为j。
3、在宁静的池水边,你用手指以2hz的频率轻叩池面,在池面上荡起水波,波速为2m/s,则这些波的波长为 m。
5、如图所示,在均匀介质中,相干波源a和b相距3m,它们所发出的简谐波在ab连线上的振幅均为0.4m,波长均为2m,且a为波峰时b恰好为波谷,那么ab连线中点的振幅为 m,在ba延长线上,a点外侧任一点的振幅为m。
6、已知空气中的声速340m/s,一辆汽车以40m/s的速度驶近一静止的观察者,汽车喇叭的固有频率为555hz,则观察者听到喇叭的音调会更________(填“高”或“低”),其频率为____________ hz。
中文版教材习题一参考答案 浙江大学控制学院
![中文版教材习题一参考答案 浙江大学控制学院](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bce87f00e53a580217fcfe72.png)
中文版教材习题一参考答案1-1 精确的光信号源可以将功率输出精度控制在1%以内。
1-1 参考答案 输出变量、输入变量、被测变量和控制变量分别是:输出功率、期望功率、输出功率和电流。
1-2 画出由驾驶员驾驶汽车时的汽车速度控制系统的框图。
1-2 参考答案 (1)由驾驶员驾驶汽车时的汽车速度控制系统的框图如图所示。
+ 电流i (t ) 输出功率 期望功率图1-12 信号光源的部分框图 微处理器 激光器传感器 偏差 输出功率检测值传感器过程 执行机构 习题一1-2(2)汽车速度控制系统组成方块驾驶机构控制器测速仪偏差+ 汽车实际速度测得的汽车速度习题一1-2(1)汽车驾驶员速度控制系统组成方块图驾驶机构驾驶员驾驶员的视觉+速度表偏差 汽车实际行车速度1-5 图1-13是水槽液位系统的两种不同控制方案(1)分别画出两个控制系统的方块图;(2)分别指出两个控制系统的被控对象、被控变量和操纵(或称控制)变量;(3)结合这两个系统的方块图,说明方块图中的信号流与工艺流程中的物料流。
1-5LTLCh1Q0Q in图1-13水槽的液位控制h1Q0Q inLCLT实际液位给定液位h1习题一1-5(1)方案一图液位自动控制系统原理方框图液位控制器LC 水槽调节阀液位测量LT实际液位h出口流量Q0入口流量Q in(作为干扰量)实际液位h给定液位h1习题一1-5(1)方案二图液位自动控制系统原理方框图液位控制器LC 水槽调节阀液位测量LT实际液位h入口流量Q in出口流量Q0(作为干扰量)(2)两个方案的被控对象均为水槽,被控变量均为液位。
线性控制系统工程课后习题答案Solution of module (2)
![线性控制系统工程课后习题答案Solution of module (2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/31ee5c4c591b6bd97f192279168884868762b81b.png)
线性控制系统工程课后习题答案Module 1: Introduction to Linear Control SystemsExercise 1QuestionConsider a control system with transfer function:$$ G(s) = \\frac{10}{s+2} $$Find the steady-state value of the output when the input is a unit step function.SolutionThe Laplace transform of a unit step function is given by:$$ U(s) = \\frac{1}{s} $$The steady-state value of the output can be obtained by evaluating the transfer function at s=0:$$ G(s=0) = \\frac{10}{s+2} = \\frac{10}{2} = 5 $$Therefore, the steady-state value of the output is 5 when the input is a unit step function.Exercise 2QuestionConsider a control system with transfer function:$$ G(s) = \\frac{4}{s^2 + 4s + 3} $$Find the poles and zeros of the transfer function.SolutionThe poles are the roots of the denominator polynomial. Therefore, we need to find the roots of the equation:s2+4s+3=0Using the quadratic formula, we can find the roots:$$ s = \\frac{-b \\pm \\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} $$In this case, a=1, b=4, and c=3. Substituting these values into the formula, we get:$$ s_{1,2} = \\frac{-4 \\pm \\sqrt{4^2-4(1)(3)}}{2(1)} $$ Simplifying this expression, we get:s1=−1s2=−3Therefore, the poles of the transfer function are -1 and -3.To find the zeros, we need to find the roots of the numerator polynomial, which in this case is a constant. Since there are no variables in the numerator, there are no zeros. Therefore, the transfer function has no zeros.Module 2: System ModelingExercise 1QuestionConsider a control system described by the following differential equation:$$ 4\\frac{d^2y(t)}{dt^2} + 8\\frac{dy(t)}{dt} + 6y(t) =2u(t) $$Determine the transfer function of the system.SolutionTo find the transfer function, we need to take the Laplace transform of both sides of the differential equation. The Laplace transform of the left side can be written as: $$ \\mathcal{L}\\left(4\\frac{d^2y(t)}{dt^2} +8\\frac{dy(t)}{dt} + 6y(t)\\right) $$Using the linearity property of the Laplace transform, we can split this expression as:$$ 4\\mathcal{L}\\left(\\frac{d^2y(t)}{dt^2}\\right) +8\\mathcal{L}\\left(\\frac{dy(t)}{dt}\\right) +6\\mathcal{L}\\left(y(t)\\right) $$Taking the Laplace transform of the right side, we get:$$ \\mathcal{L}(2u(t)) = 2\\mathcal{L}(u(t)) $$The Laplace transform of the input function u(t) is denoted as U(s).Therefore, the differential equation in the Laplace domain can be expressed as:4s2s(s)−4ss(0)−4s′(0)+8ss(s)−8s(0)+6s(s)=2s(s)Rearranging this equation, we get:(4s2+8s+6)s(s)=4ss(0)+4s′(0)+8s(0)+2s(s) Dividing both sides of the equation by (4s^2 + 8s + 6), we can isolate Y(s):$$ Y(s) = \\frac{4sy(0) + 4y'(0) + 8y(0) + 2U(s)}{4s^2 + 8s + 6} $$Therefore, the transfer function of the system is given by: $$ G(s) = \\frac{Y(s)}{U(s)} = \\frac{4s + 4}{4s^2 + 8s + 6} $$Exercise 2QuestionConsider a control system described by the following difference equation:s(s+2)+s(s+1)+s(s)=s(s)+s(s−1)Determine the transfer function of the system.SolutionTo find the transfer function, we need to take the Z-transform of both sides of the difference equation. The Z-transform of the left side can be written as:$$ Z\\{y(k+2) + y(k+1) + y(k)\\} $$Using the linearity property of the Z-transform, we can split this expression as:$$ Z\\{y(k+2)\\} + Z\\{y(k+1)\\} + Z\\{y(k)\\} $$Taking the Z-transform of the right side, we get:$$ Z\\{u(k) + u(k-1)\\} = Z\\{u(k)\\} + Z\\{u(k-1)\\} $$ The Z-transform of the input function u(k) is denoted asU(z).Therefore, the difference equation in the Z-domain can be expressed as:s2s(s)−s2s(0)−ss(0)+ss(s)−s(0)+s(s)=s(s)+ss(s)Rearranging this equation, we get:(s2+s+1)s(s)=(s2+s)s(0)+s(0)+s(s)Dividing both sides of the equation by (z^2 + z + 1), we can isolate Y(z):$$ Y(z) = \\frac{(z^2 + z)y(0) + y(0) + U(z)}{z^2 + z + 1} $$Therefore, the transfer function of the system is given by:$$ G(z) = \\frac{Y(z)}{U(z)} = \\frac{(z^2 + z)y(0) +y(0)}{z^2 + z + 1} $$Module 3: Feedback Control SystemsExercise 1QuestionConsider a feedback control system with a transfer function G(s) = 10/(s+5).Determine the closed-loop transfer function for the system when the controller is a proportional controller with gain K.In a feedback control system, the closed-loop transfer function can be computed by combining the transfer function of the controller (C(s)) and the transfer function of the plant (G(s)).For a proportional controller, the transfer function is given by:s(s)=sTherefore, the closed-loop transfer function (T(s)) can be expressed as:$$ T(s) = \\frac{C(s) \\cdot G(s)}{1 + C(s) \\cdot G(s)} $$ Substituting the values of C(s) and G(s), we get:$$ T(s) = \\frac{K \\cdot \\frac{10}{s+5}}{1 + K \\cdot \\frac{10}{s+5}} $$Simplifying this expression, we get:$$ T(s) = \\frac{10K}{s+5+10K} $$Therefore, the closed-loop transfer function for the system with a proportional controller is T(s) = 10K / (s+5+10K).QuestionConsider a feedback control system with a transfer function G(s) = 1/(s+2).Determine the closed-loop transfer function for the system when the controller is a proportional-integral (PI) controller with gains Kp and Ki.SolutionIn a feedback control system, the closed-loop transfer function can be computed by combining the transfer function of the controller (C(s)) and the transfer function of the plant (G(s)).For a proportional-integral (PI) controller, the transfer function is given by:$$ C(s) = Kp + \\frac{Ki}{s} $$Therefore, the closed-loop transfer function (T(s)) can be expressed as:$$ T(s) = \\frac{C(s) \\cdot G(s)}{1 + C(s) \\cdot G(s)} $$ Substituting the values of C(s) and G(s), we get:$$ T(s) = \\frac{(Kp + \\frac{Ki}{s}) \\cdot\\frac{1}{s+2}}{1 + (Kp + \\frac{Ki}{s}) \\cdot \\frac{1}{s+2}} $$Simplifying this expression, we get:$$ T(s) = \\frac{Kp + \\frac{Ki}{s}}{s^2 + (2Kp+1)s +(2Ki+2)} $$Therefore, the closed-loop transfer function for the system with a proportional-integral (PI) controller is T(s) = (Kp + Ki/s) / (s^2 + (2Kp+1)s + (2Ki+2)).ConclusionThese are the solutions to the selected exercises in the module on linear control system engineering. These solutions cover topics such as transfer functions, poles and zeros, system modeling, and feedback control systems. By understanding these concepts and practicing the exercises, you can enhance your knowledge and skills in the field of linear control systems.。
第一篇 第1章习题题1.1.1 有一电流控制电流源电路如图题1.1.1所示,图中i s I I β=,50=β,Ω=k R L 2。
当mA I i 1.0=时,试计算L R 两端的电压o V 和功率o P 。
图题1.1.1解:负载电阻R L 两端电压为:V k R I R I V L i L S O 1021.050=⨯⨯===β负载电阻上消耗的功率为:mW R V R I V I P LOL SO S O 5022====题1.1.2 有一电压控制电流源电路如图题1.1.2所示,图中i m s V g I =,V mA g m 5=,Ω=k R L 2。
当V V i 0.1=时,试计算L R 两端的电压o V 和功率o P 。
图题1.1.2解:电阻阻端的电压为:V V mA R V g R I V L i m L S O 1021/5=⨯⨯===负载电阻上消耗的功率为:mW R V R I V I P LOL SO S O 5022====题1.1.3 电路如图题1.1.3所示,分析在下述条件下各二极管的通断情况。
设二极管D 的导通压降V D =0.7 V ,求出D 导通时电流I D 的大小。
(1)V CC1= 6 V ,V CC2= 6 V ,R 1= 2 k Ω,R 2= 3 k Ω;(2)V CC1= 6 V ,V CC2= 6 V ,R 1=R 2= 3 k Ω;(3)V CC1= 6 V ,V CC2= 6 V ,R 1= 3 k Ω,R 2= 2 k Ω。
二极管开路后流过R 1和R 2的电流:mA R R V V I CC CC 4.25122121==++=,则二极管两端的开路电压V IR V V IR V CC CC 2.11122=-=-=,由于二极管两端开路电压大于0.7V ,所以二极管导电,导电后,二极管二端压降为0.7V 。
Unit 1Part OnePREPARATION1. Different Kinds of Personal RelationshipsSTEP ONEparent—child employer—employee clerk—customerhusband—wife write—reader driver—passengerteacher—student host—guest buyer—sellerdoctor—patient boyfriend—girlfriend performer—audienceSTEP TWOco-workers,colleagues,classmates,roommates,schoolmates,seatmates,playmates,lovers,supervisor,neighbors,co-author...Part TwoPost-readingReading Comprehension1. 1. 1) A 2) B 3)A 4)A 5) B 6) C 7) A 8) C2. 1) killed 2) wounded 3) arrived 4) girl 5) badly/seriously 6) blood 7) none 8) American 9) type 10) orphans11) French 12) difficulty 13) frightened 14) would 15) cried16) Vietnamese 17) dying 18) understand 19) willing 20) friend3.(略)Vocabulary1. 1) reply 2) land 3) pat 4) supplied 5) wound6) pat 7) replied 8) signed 9) wounded 10) supplies11) sign 12) balance 13) land 14) balance2. run: 1) D 2) A 3)C 4)E 5) F 6) Bmatch: 1) E 2) B 3)G 4)D 5) C 6) F 7) A3. 1) Insert 2) in the balance 3) requests 4) relief 5) let out 6) tiny7) steady 8) stiff 9) occasional 10) misunderstood 11) limited 12) action Translation1) I'm tired. I should not have gone to bed so late last night.2) I don't/didn't know Bob very well, but we go/went out for an occasional drink together.3) We are supposed to meet her at the train station.4) You could clearly see people drowning, but/and yet you took no action to save them.5) Including weekends, there are only twelve more days to buy Christmas presents.6) Without immediate action, many kinds of wild animals would die from hunger.Part ThreeFURTHER Development1 Grammar ReviewB: Well, he should have bought new batteries the day before.B: He should have spent more time memorizing new words and phrases before the exam. If he had worked harder, the exam would not been so difficult for him.B: But he really shouldn't have stayed up the night before exam.B: That's terrible. He shouldn't have cheated on the exam.2 Vocabulary Review1)A. Although/Though B. though C. though2)A. reply/answer B. answer C. replying3)A. speaks B. speak C. taking D. speak/talk4)A. injured B. hurt C. wounded/injured D. wounds5)A. houses B. apartment, apartments6)A. aside B. apart C. aside/apart7)A. requests B. requested C. demanded D. demands8)A. border B. boundary C. boundaryUnit 2Part OnePREPARATION1 Expressions Related to MemorySTEP ONE(略)STEP TWOb 2)d 3)a 4)cPart TwoPost-readingReading Comprehension1.1) brother 2) late 3) land 4) take 5) because6) noise 7) worse 8) bags 9) briefcase 10) counter 11) look 12) said 13) on 14) loading 15) get16) have 17) form 18) delivered 19) airport 20) home 21) unloaded 22) never 23) realized 24) flights 25) midnight 2. 1)F 2)F 3)F 4)F 5)T 6)F 7)T 8)FVocabulary1. 1) BA. flight: a journey on an airplane, etc.B. flight: an airplane that takes people on a particular journey2) AA. meet: wait for somebody, greet somebodyB. meet: see somebody accidentally3) AA. take off: leave the ground and start flyingB. take off: become successful or popular4) BA. conclude: end or bring something to an endB. conclude: reach a belief or opinion as a result of thought or study5) AA. whoever: anyone whoB. whoever: no matter who6) BA. view: an opinion or ideaB. view: the ability to see or be seen from a particular place7) BA. check: examine something to make sure that it is safe, correct, in good condition, etc.B. check: (BrE) leave (baggage, etc.) ready to be dispatched8) AA. suggest: say or show something in an indirect wayB. suggest: propose a plan or idea for somebody to discuss or consider9) AA. lot: an area of land used for a particular purposeB. a lot: a large amount or number10) BA. painful: causing physical painB. painful: upsetting or unpleasant2. 1)off 2)in 3)by 4)down 5)for 6)of7)in 8)off 9)in 10)on 11)out/in 12)from3. 1)shocked 2)concluded 3)glancing 4)baggage 5)exclaimed 6)display 7)whoever 8)promise 9)agent 10)airline 11)opening 12)engine4. 延误一小时delay for an hour接机/在机场接人meet a flight/meet…at the airport观看飞机起降watch planes land and take off碰巧happen to让(某人)想起remind…of急忙赶回去hurry back也许(a polite expression) by any chance朝某人身后瞥了一眼glance/look over one’s shoulder消失不见了vanish from sight平静了一点儿calm down a little送到……地址deliver to one’s address朝停车场上……的车走去head for one’s car in the parking lot卸(某人的)车unloa d one’s car不能相信自己的眼睛can’t believe one’s eyes午夜后不久shortly/soon after midnightTranslation1. That songs always reminded her of the night spent in Chicago.2. There happened to be a policeman on the corner, so I asked him the way.3. All flights to New York today are delayed because of the bad weather.4. Whoever is responsible will have to pay for the damage.5. I can not find my checkbook. I must have left it at home.6. By the time, the football match was going to start, the storm had already stopped.Part ThreeFURTHER DEVELOPMENT1 Grammar Review.1)when 2)which/that 3)who/that 4)that 5)what6)where 7)which 8)whose 9)(that) 10)how11)which 12)which 13)why 14)whoever2 Vocabulary ReviewSection A1)A. remember B. reminded C. remind2)A. number B. amount C. amounts3)A. effect B. affect C. affect4)A. compare...with/to B. compared...to C. compare with/toSection B1.briefcase2.engine3.specific4.realistic5.ability6.airline7.vanish8.delivery9.accurate 10.recall 11.display 12.expert 13.involved 14.helpful 15.view 16.repeat 17.jewel 18.dull 19.unablePart FourWRITING NND TRANSLATION1. A young man came to the check-in counter and asked if his briefcase had been turned in.2. He looked over my shoulder at the conveyer belt and shouted that he had seen his briefcase going through the opening at the end of the conveyor belt.3. Unfortunately, his briefcase had already been loaded on one of the flights.4. I assured him that we would call him as soon as we found his briefcase.5. To our great surprise, the young man said that he had already found his briefcase in his car.Unit 3Part OnePREPARATION1 Why Are You Speaking?STEP ONE1) The man wants to express his love to the woman. He hopes that they could fall in love just like the two persons in the picture.2) The woman wants to prevent the boy from doing that.3) The woman wants to know the man's opinion about the thing.4) The man wants to stop the boy from disturbing him, and gives the boy an advice. STEP TWO(略)3 Idioms Related to Parts of the Body1)G 2)A 3)H 4)C 5)B 6)E 7)F 8)D4 How Do Animals Communicate?1)E 2)A 3)F 4)B 5)D 6)CPart TwoPost-readingReading Comprehension1. Understanding the General Organization of the Text1) Non verbal language or body language is also an important means of communication.2) A) the gesture of nodding the head up and down,B) eye contact,C) the sign of waving the hand/a wave of the land,D) Personal conversation distance.3) cultural awareness.2. Understanding Specific Information1) They may mean different things in different cultures.2) Facial expression, gesture, and other movements of the body that send messages.3) Nodding the head up and down.4) Because he thought the student was expressing “I agree to buy the machine” by nodding his head.5) People are expected to look into the other person’s eyes during a conversation.6) He may come closer instead of going away.7) Because they come from different countries and prefer different conversa tion distances.8) It’s the awareness of differences between different cultures./It’s the awareness of proper behavior in different cultures.Vocabulary1. 1)ABBAB 6)ABBAB2. 1)gesture 2)signal 3)misunderstanding 4)behaved 5)curls6)meaningful 7)rarely 8)means 9)unfamiliar 10)decreased11)bowed 12)communication 13)facial 14)awareness 15)occur Translation1. You won't get the job unless you have got the experience.2. Most of my time is spent studying the differences between Chinese and American cultures.3. The statement/sentence is so clear that it can't cause any misunderstanding.4. He wishes he could give her more help than what he does now .5. Put on your coat, or you will catch a cold .6. She has added a picture of Picasso to her collection.7. I am not aware of ever having been here before.8. You will soon find yourself without any friends at all if you keep on being so rude to everybody.Part ThreeFURTHER DEVELOPMENT1 Grammar ReviewSection A1)I don't know whether to go to the movies or stay to watch TV at home.2)I'm thinking when to leave.3)Please tell us where to send your mail.4)I don't decide which city to settle in.5)I'm not sure(I don't know)who to ask for help.6)Could you show me how to get the railway station from here?7)We would discuss what to do with the money.Section BExample 1:The earlier you leave,the sooner your will arrive.More expensive the hotel is,the better service it has.The more you get to know him,the more you like him.The more longer you wait, the more impatient you have.Example 2:The garden is about four times bigger than mine.The house is about three times as expensive as his.He runs three times faster than I do.Machine works ten times as efficient as people do.Example 3:she asks about thatyou study hardI give him $ 200you speak loudly2 Vocabulary Review1)expands 2)means 3)sign 4)genuine 5)reward 6)fault 7)effort 8)horizons 9)habit 10)resolve 11)recognized5 Eyes — The Windows of the SoulSTEP ONEdaecbSTEP TWOcaught his eyehave eyes bigger than my stomachmaking eyes atturn a blind eye totake my eyes offPART FOURWRITING AND TRANSLATION2 Translation Practice1) First, you must be aware that feeling nervous in a new very environment is normal.2) Our thoughts can race a long several times faster than most people speak.3) In order to get other’s attention, you must learn how to be a good and sympathetic listener.4) One of the essential points is that you should try to broaden your horizons.5) A sense of humor is helpful and you can lighten a conversation by sometimes telling a joke about yourself.6) Only when you are willing to talk and listen attentively, will you succeed in making friends with the people around you.Unit 4Part OnePREPARATION1 A Freshman’s AlphabertASSIGNMENTSBOOKSCAMPUS I liveDORMITORYEXAMINATIONSFRIENDS I enjoy talk withGRAMMARHOBBIESINFORMATION I can get it from internetJOBKNOWLEDGELIBRARYMAJORNOTESOKPROFESSORSQUIZZES I am afraid of themREPORTSSCHOLARSHIPSTUTION I have to pay for my educationUNIVERSITIESVACATIONSWEEKENDSX'MAS CARDSYAHOOZOOPart TwoPost-readingReading Comprehension1. Understanding the organization of the textII. A)I went to the wrong building,so went to the wrong classroomB)step,dropped,fellC)going to the cafeteria and stayed in roomIII. he also dropped the food tray and fell to the ground.he seemed to fell that nothing serious had happened.IV. A)one made mistake in college2. Understanding Specific Information1)No,it is not true that everyone on campus was not watch the narrator. It is just a kind of feeling from the narrator. Because it is the first day of his college life , he was very nervous.2)He wanted to stay out of the professor's vision.3)Literature.4)Biology majors look serious.5)A)Here "it" refers to my entire life.B)It was terrible.6)Here "it" refers to the terrible thing that the narrator fell.7)Because she/he was afraid of those students recognized him.8)" The same fate" means to the student drop a tray and fall just like the narrator.9)Because he did not take it serious.10)"It" refers to whether you drop a tray, where you sit, or whether you show up in the wrong lecture, etc.11)Mistakes.12)Making mistakes is not as serious as one would think.Vocabulary1. 1)taste 2)rearing 3)tips 4)taste 5)settled 6)major7)lot 8)rear 9)settle 10)major 11)settled 12)tip2. 1)tray 2)view 3)clasps 4)relax 5)crashed 6)schedule7)slip 8)groped 9)completely 10)grinned 11)opportunities 12)hesitation Translation1. It’s far too hot in the room, open the window, please!2. The noise woke us up in the middle of the night.3. He should have been angry at what I said. It was nothing more than a joke.4. We invited all our friends to the picnic but it rained and only five of them showed up.5. She views marriage as a serious matter.6. To my disappointment, the movie didn’t live up to my expectations.Part ThreeFURTHER DEVELOPMENT1 Grammar ReviewSection A1)laugh—to laugh/laughing 2)were—be/is 3)saw—had seen 4)to go—go5)as—like 6)like—as 7)too—either 8)we can—can weSection BSample 1:If I found $100 in the street, I would give it to the policeman.If someone pointed a gun at me, I would fall in a faint.If I had had enough training, I would have been promoted.If I had that you were ill, I would have bought some delicious food for you.Sample 2:It might rain. You'd better change your plan to stay at home.We've almost run out of money. We'd better not continue our trip.You don't look very well. You'd better have a rest.The river look very dirty. You'd better not drink it.2 Vocabulary ReviewSection A1) living 2) find out 3) awaiting 4) bored 5) clapped 6) in time 7) sweat 8) wondering Section B1)fund 2)stress 3)rear 4)aid 5)fund 6)stressed7)rear 8)aid 9)crash 10)discipline 11)viewed12)structure 13)crash 14)discipline 15)views 16)structureUnit 5Part OnePREPARATION1 Just for FunSTEP ONE1. mouse2.pig3.fish4.mule5.bird6.owlSTEP TWO1)fish 2)pig 3)mouse 4)mule 5)owl 6)birdPart TwoPost-readingReading Comprehension1. para.1-2——What we mean by culture.para.3.——Animals can not only use tools but also make tools.para.4——Animals can learn and share behavior.para.5——Animals can communicate with some forms of language.para.6——There are limits to animal culture.2. 1)DBBBC 6)ADD.Vocabulary1. 1)handy 2)cultural 3)untrue 4)belief 5)scientist6)successful 7)religious 8)defenses 9)strength 10)social2. 1)A.limit B.limit 2)A.contact B.contact 3)A.attempting B.attempt4)mand B. command 5)A.form B.form3. 1)gesture 2)created/has created 3)abstract 4)individual 5)invention6)feature 7)make up for 8)removed 9)response 10)rule out4. 1)remove 2)received; accept 3)allow 4)lately 5)shore 6)taught 7)object 8)attract Translation1. I used to go to the cinema/movies a lot, but I never have the time now.2. The two workers cooperated with each other to fix the broken pipe.3. This is a cruel practice which should be stopped immediately.4. What aspect of your job/work is(the)most difficult, and what aspect is(the)most rewarding?5. Some people think he is rude, but that’s not the case.6. I’ll help as much as I can, but there is a limit to what I can do.Part ThreeFURTHER DEVELOPMENT1 Grammar ReviewSection B1)how—that/in which 2)did—would 3)are—is 4)are—is 5)so—such 6)be seen—see2 Vocabulary ReviewSection A1) A. covered B. spreads C. spread2) A. agree with B. agree with C. agreed with D. agree on D. agree to3) A. activity B. act C. action D. act/action4) A. adapting B. adopted C. adapt5) A. laying B. lied C. lay D. lay6) A. weather B. climate C. weather7) A. invented B. discovered8) A. as a result of B. as a result9) A. fun B. funny C. funny10) A. stripped B. strips C. strippedSection B1.CHIMPANZEE2.PANDA3.DOG4.INSECT5.ELEPHANT6.CHAMELEON7.MOUSE8.OWL9.LION 10.GIRAFFE 11.PUPPY 12.TURTLE 13.CATUnit 6Part TwoPost-readingReading Comprehension1. Part 1 (para.1-6); Part 2 (para. 7); Part 3 (para. 8-13)2. 1)Flying saucers or UFOs from other plant.2)Underwear earthquakes/Geography of the area.3)The strange magnetic properties of the Bermuda Triangle.4)Large amounts of methane gas escaping from the seafloor of the Bermuda Triangle 3. 1)TTFFT 6)TFTTTVocabulary1. 1)A.belief B.believable2)A.mysteries B.mysterious3)A.mix B.mixture4)A.responsible B.responsibility5)A.triangular B.triangle6)A.explode B.explosion7)A.intelligence B.intellgent8)A.discovery B.discovered9)A.scientific B.science10)A.appearance B.disappear C.disappearance2. 1)in 2)on 3)in 4)into 5)of 6)for 7)in 8)to 9)off 10)on3. 1)properties 2)amounts 3)similarly 4)compass 5)escaping 6)puzzled 7)offers 8)trace 9)theory 10)normallyTranslation1. Her hard work resulted in a big bonus for her.2. Children were watching the planes take off and load.3. As soon as I’m on board a ship I always feel sick.4. A total of 20000 people visited the museum on the first day when it was open to the public.5. The committee consists of scientists and engineers.6. I wouldn’t dare to go home with the job unfinished.Unit 7Part TwoPost-readingReading Comprehension1. Understanding the General Organization of the Textpara. 1-2(c); para. 3-9(a); para. 10-13(d); para. 14-16(b)2. Understanding Detailed Information1)CBDCB 2)ADVocabulary1. 1)waring 2)developments 3)possibilities 4)alarming 5)mistaken6)discomfort 7)uncertainty 8)confusing 9)anxiety 10)supportive2. 1)if 2)was/am faced with 3)strategy 4)outcome 5)unless6)inhibit 7)take action 8)confused 9)audience 10)created/has created 3. 1)with 2)with 3)by 4)by/at 5)of 6)into 7)about/of 8)like Translation1. We are considering selling the house.2. I suggest he wait a while before he makes an decisions.3. John is very likely to come to the party tomorrow.4. We’d like to know the reason why she didn’t accept the job.5. You shouldn’t have gone back t the burning building, you might have been badly/seriously burnt.6. It/The thought had never crossed my mind that there might be a problem.Part ThreeFURTHER DEVELOPMENT1 Grammar ReviewSTEP ONEVerbs: desire, determine, intend, maintain, order, urge, etc.Nouns: motion, pray, recommendation, etc.Adjectives: desirable, possible, urgent, vital, etc.STEP TWO1)be dropped 2)bring 3)leave 4)go 5)be warned6)do 7)finish 8)be finished 9)be held 10)have2 Vocabulary Review1)A.rate B.speed/rate C.speed2)A.payments B.loan C.loan D.Payment3)A.waiting B.awaited C.awaiting4)A.flesh B.flesh C.flesh5)A.escaped B.escaped/avoided C.avoided D.avoidedUnit 8Part TwoPost-readingReading Comprehension1. Understanding the Structure of the Passagepara.1 One of the famous love stories in history.para.2-3 Their lives before they knew each other.para.4-6 How they met and fell in love with each other.para.7 Their life together.2. Understanding Specific Information1)TFFTF 2)TTFVocabulary1. Section A1)add/added up to 2)criticize 3)fell/fall in love 4)take place5)miracle 6)arranged 7)by name 8)primarily9)face to face 10)By the age of 11)A great deal 12)ceremony2. Section A1)IAJFD 6)HBCGESection B1)common 2)childhood 3)compatible 4)correspondence 5)diminished 6)eccentric 7)miracle 8)impersonal 9)passion 10)popularTranslation1. World War II took place in 1945.2. My grandfather drinks a great deal.3. He was still working by the age of 65.4. The teacher knows all his students by name.5. The police have finally succeeded in solving the mystery.6. He likes all kinds of sports, but most of all, basketball.7. Talking on the phone is different from talking face to face.8. They fell in love with each other because they had common interests.Part ThreeFURTHER DEVELOPMENT1 Grammar Review1)Right in front of our house was a wide river.2)From the room came the sound of children singing.3)Beneath the streets of a modern city exists a network of pipes.4)Amused by the joke, he couldn't help laughing loudly.5)Interested in music, she spends all her pocket money on records.6)Absorbed in his experiment, he didn't notice my entering the laboratory.Unit 9Part OnePREPARATION3 What Is This Special Day?On/of, on/of, at/for, by, on, on/at, inPart TwoPost-readingReading Comprehension1. Scanning for Specific InformationFor:1)It is fun for children.2)It gets you out of the usual routine.3)People are friendlier.4)Giving presents can be very satisfying.5)One can concentrate on non-commercial values.6)It is time to pause and reflect.7)The preparations,like decorating the house,are fun.8)It is a time to be with friends.9)There are all kind of delicious foods.10)It is a holy day.Against:1)It is an unchristian, and purely alcoholic occasion.2)It is a waste of money.3)People don't think about others who are less fortunate.4)It is a wasteful and thoughtless ceremony.5)It's all "humbug" or hypocritical.6)People eat too much or eat food they don't want.7)It's disappointing for poor people who can't afford to spend a lot of money.8)It is no longer a religious celebration, it has lost its meaning.2. Understanding Specific InformationCCABCCVocabulary1. 1)A. childish B. child C. childhood D. childlike2) A. Commercially B. commercial C. commerce D. commercials E. non-commercial 3)A. exciting B. excite C. excited D. excited E. excitement4)A. satisfied B. satisfy C. satisfaction D. satisfying E. satisfactorily2. 1)BBAAA 2)BA3. 1)fired 2)boiled 3)steamed 4)roasted 5)baked 6)toasted Translation1. The topic of the speech is announced a week in advance, but the name of the speaker is not.2. It seemed incredible that some students still played football before the exams.3. Mr. Auden is a happy man who derives pleasure from helping others.4. Two Americans shared last year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine.5. First of all I’d like to welcome you to the meeting.6. I’m not accustomed to such luxury.It’s a waste of m oney.7. The results of the exam will be put up on Friday afternoon.8. Some cruel experiments on animals are carried out in the name of science.Part ThreeFURTHER DEVELOPMENT2. Vocabulary Review1)rival 2)recognized 3)polluting 4)misleading 5)economic6)luxury 7)debts 8)routine 9)represent 10)tradition11)ideal 12)promote 13)apology 14)attitude 15)convincingUnit 10Part OnePREPARATION2 Word Association1)wheat cucumber oat pumpkin strawberry pepper corn pea mushroom lemon grapefruit orange watermelon2)cattle turkey goose goat duck dog sheep cow pig3)sickle tractor fork spade plow bucket4)processing weeding tilling irrigation fertilization plowing harvesting storage3. A True Or False Game1)TFTFF 6)FFTFTPart TwoPost-readingReading Comprehension1. Understanding Organization of the passage2)A. destructive to the developmentB. the earth's precious supplies of water and petroleumD. policies, eating habits3)sustainable2. Understanding Specific Information1)DBDBD 6)CDAVocabularyaddition chemistry/chemicalgeneration/generator destructiveness/destructionmixture/mix hungerreduction importancetransportation distanceimprovement politicsprotection efficiencytreatment productivity2. 1)prevention 2)hopeless 3)development 4)poverty 5)wasteful6)economic 7)solution 8)pollution/being polluted9)successful 10)industrial 11)global 12)agricultural3. 1)A. n. money in the form of notes and coinsB. v. exchange the check for money2)A. n. a substance which is used to provide heat or power, usually by burningB. v. provide with fuel3)A. n. a change made to a system, especially a political system, in order to improve itB. v. change something such as a law, system or public organization, so that it operation with more justice and fairness4)A. n. the parts that remain when the rest of a building has been destroyedB. v. spoil or destroy severely or completely5)A. n. a farm tool having one or more heavy blades to break the soil and cut a furrow prior to sowingB. v. turn over earth especially with a plow6)A. v. bring in from abroadB. n. commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country7)A. n. "bring something under control" means to stop something dangerous from getting worse or affecting more peopleB. v. make a machine, a process, or system work in a particular way8)A. v. use more of something than one shouldB. n. material which has been used, but is no longer wanted4. Section A1)improve 2)avoid 3)treat 4)save 5)reduce 6)bring about 7)make use of Translation1. The best way to lose weight is to avoid eating fatty foods.2. One of the main causes of hunger used to be lack of transportation.3. Wasteful packaging will add to the price of food/food price.4. Economic reform would not be successful without the development of agriculture.5. The farmers will grow more cash crops next year instead of grains.6. At present, there are still places in the world where farmers make use of animal labor. Part ThreeFURTHER DEVELOPMENT1 Grammar Review1)drink 2)getting 3)trying 4)buying 5)eating6)make/to make 7)to feed 8)going 9)farming 10)to miss2 Vocabulary Review1)product 2)production 3)productivity 4)produces 5)products6)production 7)productive 8)producer 9)reproduced 10)produce。
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1 1(二重根)时的特征矢量为:
(1I A)p1 0 p1 (1 1 1)T
另一广义的特征矢量: (1I A)p2 p1 p2 (1 0 1)T
3 2 时特征矢量:
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*** 状态矢量的线性变换
单输入 单输出
x Ax bu y cx du
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第四版,106张)/viewthread.php?tid=2647&fromuid=164951新视野大学英语视听说教程第一册/viewthread.php?tid=5901&fromuid=164951《机械制造技术》习题集与答案解析/viewthread.php?tid=219&fromuid=164951新视野大学英语听说教程2册听力原文及答案下载/viewthread.php?tid=2532&fromuid=1 64951管理学试题(附答案)/viewthread.php?tid=1087&fromuid=164951《材料力学》详细辅导及课后答案(PDF格式,共642页)/viewthread.php?tid=31&fromuid=164951六级词汇注解/viewthread.php?tid=4893&fromuid=1 64951《大学基础物理学》课后答案(共16个单元)/viewthread.php?tid=25&fromuid=164951《管理学——原理与方法》课后习题答案/viewthread.php?tid=303&fromuid=164951新视野2版第三册(大2上学期用)/viewthread.php?tid=1438&fromuid=1 64951曼昆《经济学原理》中文第四版.课后习题答案-清晰图片版/viewthread.php?tid=1131&fromuid=164951《数据库系统概论》课后习题(第四版)/viewthread.php?tid=240&fromuid=164951大学数学基础教程课后答案(微积分)/viewthread.php?tid=8&fromuid=164951《投资学》课后习题答案(博迪,第四版)/viewthread.php?tid=284&fromuid=164951流体力学课后答案(高教版,张也影,第二版)/viewthread.php?tid=22&fromuid=164951《语言学概论》习题答案(自考,新版教材)/viewthread.php?tid=313&fromuid=164951《统计学》各章练习题答案/viewthread.php?tid=458&fromuid=16 4951《数字电子技术基础》课后习题答案(完整答案版)/viewthread.php?tid=197&fromuid=16 4951《积分变换》习题答案(配套东南大学张元林编的)/viewthread.php?tid=103&fromuid=16 4951《中级财务会计》习题答案(第二版,刘永泽)/viewthread.php?tid=163&fromuid=164951《计算机网络》课后习题答案(第5版和第4版)/viewthread.php?tid=132&fromuid=164951《单片机原理及应用》课后习题答案(张毅刚主编,高教版)/viewthread.php?tid=36&fromuid=164 951《金融工程》课后题答案(郑振龙版)/viewthread.php?tid=288&fromuid=164951《液压传动》第2版思考题和习题解答(共36页)/viewthread.php?tid=20&fromuid=164951《动物学》习题集与答案(资料相当丰富)/viewthread.php?tid=315&fromuid=164951《高频电子线路》习题参考答案(第四版)/viewthread.php?tid=142&fromuid=16 4951《国际经济法》课后参考答案/viewthread.php?tid=306&fromuid=164951大学英语四级十年真题+听力/viewthread.php?tid=2454&fromuid=164951《信号与系统》习题详解(奥本海姆版)/viewthread.php?tid=79&fromuid=164 951《电路分析》课后答案及学习指导(第二版,胡翔骏,高教版)/viewthread.php?tid=177&fromuid=16 4951《C语言设计》(谭浩强,第三版)227页/viewthread.php?tid=129&fromuid=164951新视野大学英语课后习题答案1-4册全集/viewthread.php?tid=7083&fromuid=1 64951《数字电路与逻辑设计》课后习题答案,讲解详细/viewthread.php?tid=233&fromuid=16 4951《电路》第五版课后答案/viewthread.php?tid=1678&fromuid=1 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951《数据结构习题集》答案(C版,清·华大学,严蔚敏)/viewthread.php?tid=173&fromuid=164951《大学物理学》习题解答/viewthread.php?tid=114&fromuid=164951《物理化学》习题答案(南大,第五版)/viewthread.php?tid=143&fromuid=164951《机械原理》复习精要与习题精解(第7版,西北大学)/viewthread.php?tid=179&fromuid=164951《宏观经济学》答案(曼昆,第五版,英文版)pdf格式/viewthread.php?tid=134&fromuid=164951《化工热力学》习题与习题答案(含各种版本)/viewthread.php?tid=235&fromuid=164951《材料力学》习题答案/viewthread.php?tid=230&fromuid=164951教育统计与测量管理心理学(自考必备资料,牛逼打印版)/viewthread.php?tid=264&fromuid=164951离散数学习题解答(第四版)清·华大学出版社/viewthread.php?tid=46&fromuid=164951货币银行学/viewthread.php?tid=5074&fromuid=164951《技术经济学概论》(第二版)习题答案/viewthread.php?tid=109&fromuid=164951《毛·泽东思想和社会主·义建设理论题概论》精炼考试题目,耐心整理《数字信号处理》课后答案及详细辅导(丁美玉,第二版)/viewthread.php?tid=58&fromuid=164951《语言学概论练习题》答案/viewthread.php?tid=312&fromuid=164951《会计电算化》教材习题答案(09年)/viewthread.php?tid=296&fromuid=164951《数据库系统概论》习题答案(第四版)/viewthread.php?tid=86&fromuid=164951《微观经济学》课后答案(平狄克版)/viewthread.php?tid=254&fromuid=164951《控制工程基础》课后习题解答(清·华版)/viewthread.php?tid=127&fromuid=164951《高分子化学》习题答案(第四版)/viewthread.php?tid=144&fromuid=164951《电机与拖动基础》课后习题答案(第四版,机械工业出版社,顾绳谷主编)/viewthread.php?tid=45&fromuid=164951《机械工程测试技术基础》(第三版,熊诗波等主编)课后答案/viewthread.php?tid=27&fromuid=164951《宏观经济学》课后答案(布兰查德版)/viewthread.php?tid=286&fromuid=164951《机械原理》习题答案和超多例题(西北工业大学,第六版)/viewthread.php?tid=239&fromuid=164951《大学物理基础教程》课后习题答案(第二版,等教育出版社)/viewthread.php?tid=172&fromuid=164951简明乐谱基础知识/viewthread.php?tid=762&fromuid=164951《语言学教程》课后答案/viewthread.php?tid=309&fromuid=164951《公司理财》课后答案(英文版,第六版)/viewthread.php?tid=282&fromuid=164951《信息论与编码》学习辅导及习题详解(傅祖芸版)/viewthread.php?tid=238&fromuid=164951《遗传学》课后习题答案(朱军主编,完整版)/viewthread.php?tid=317&fromuid=164951现代人心理实战700题处世韬略/viewthread.php?tid=770&fromuid=164951《自动控制原理》习题答案/viewthread.php?tid=117&fromuid=164951《普通动物学》完整课后答案(刘凌云,郑光美版)/viewthread.php?tid=316&fromuid=164951《微机原理》作业答案(李继灿版)/viewthread.php?tid=218&fromuid=164951尼尔·波兹曼《娱乐至死》《电力电子技术》习题答案(第4版,西安交通大学)/viewthread.php?tid=130&fromuid=164951大学英语四级(CET-4)历年真题大全[89-07年39套](精品级)753页word/viewthread.php?tid=809&fromuid=164951《通信原理》习题答案/viewthread.php?tid=190&fromuid=16 4951《普通化学(第五版)》习题详解(配套浙大编的)/viewthread.php?tid=94&fromuid=164951经济法课后复习及思考答案/viewthread.php?tid=5406&fromuid=164951《结构化学基础》习题答案(周公度,北大版)/viewthread.php?tid=212&fromuid=164951财务管理学课后答案荆新王化成/viewthread.php?tid=5414&fromuid=164951《C++程序设计》课后习题答案(第2版,吴乃陵,高教版)/viewthread.php?tid=161&fromuid=164951药用植物的两份习题(自己感觉比较有用)/viewthread.php?tid=270&fromuid=164951《数学物理方法》习题解答案详细版(梁昆淼,第二版)/viewthread.php?tid=38&fromuid=164951《机械制图》习题册答案(近机类、非机类,清·华大学出版社)/viewthread.php?tid=158&fromuid=164951《控制工程基础》习题答案(第二版,燕山大学)/viewthread.php?tid=126&fromuid=164951《画法几何》资料包(含习题答案,自学辅导课件)/viewthread.php?tid=216&fromuid=16 4951《畜禽解剖学与组织胚胎学》习题答案参考/viewthread.php?tid=314&fromuid=164951《统计学》课后习题答案(周恒彤编)/viewthread.php?tid=3022&fromuid=164951《西方经济学简明教程》课后习题全解(尹伯成,上海人民出版社)/viewthread.php?tid=2569&fromuid=164951《汽车理论》课后答案详细解答(余志生,机械工业出版社)/viewthread.php?tid=123&fromuid=164951《数学物理方法》(第三版)习题答案新视野听力原文及课后答案/viewthread.php?tid=1401&fromuid=164951新编大学英语4(外研版)课后练习答案/viewthread.php?tid=61&fromuid=164951《材料力学》习题答案(单辉祖,北京航空航天大学)/viewthread.php?tid=187&fromuid=164951大学英语精读第3册课文及课后答案/viewthread.php?tid=1640&fromuid=164951《自动控制原理》课后习题答案———胡寿松,第五版/viewthread.php?tid=1740&fromuid=164951《数据库系统原理与设计》课后答案(第四版,王珊,萨师煊)/viewthread.php?tid=150&fromuid=164951《数字电子技术基础》详细习题答案(阎石第四版)/viewthread.php?tid=167&fromuid=16 4951财经应用文笔记/viewthread.php?tid=1088&fromuid=164951《管理学》课后习题答案(罗宾斯,人大版,第7版)/viewthread.php?tid=302&fromuid=164951《概率论与数理统计》习题答案(复旦大学出版社)/viewthread.php?tid=82&fromuid=164951《数字信号处理——基于计算机的方法》习题答案(第二版)/viewthread.php?tid=174&fromuid=16 4951《传热学》课后答案(杨世铭,陶文铨主编,高教版)/viewthread.php?tid=33&fromuid=164951C语言资料大全(有课后答案,自学资料,C程序等)/viewthread.php?tid=170&fromuid=164951毛邓三重点归纳/viewthread.php?tid=6816&fromuid=164951《电力拖动自动控制系统》习题答案/viewthread.php?tid=115&fromuid=164951逄锦聚《政治经济学》(第3版)笔记和课后习题详解/viewthread.php?tid=2185&fromuid=164951《概率论与数理统计》课后习题解答(东南大学出版社)/viewthread.php?tid=206&fromuid=164951《有机化学》课后习题答案(胡宏纹,第三版)《常微分方程》习题解答(王高雄版)/viewthread.php?tid=162&fromuid=164951▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆【因为太多了,没办法再粘贴到这里了,更多答案,直接进入下面这个搜索就好】/?fromuid=164951。
浙大 微型计算机控制技术 课后习题解答
![浙大 微型计算机控制技术 课后习题解答](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/98b3b90503d8ce2f00662344.png)
位 置 型= u ( k ) 1.2982e ( k ) − 0.5965e ( k − 1) + 0.2982u ( k − 1) 增 量 型
(2).前向差分法 1 + T1S Z −1 S= , D( S ) = . T 1 + T2 S 则:D(Z)= T1Z + (T − T1 ) T2 Z + (T − T2 )
(3).后向差分法 1 + T1S Z −1 = = S , D( S ) . TZ 1 + T2 S 则:D(Z)= Z (T + T1 ) − T1 Z (T + T2 ) − T2
∴ u(t ) + 0.085 du(t ) de(t ) = e(t ) + 0.17 dt dt
∴ u(k ) + 0.085
u(k ) − u(k − 1) e(k ) − e(k − 1) = e(k ) + 0.17 T T
把 T=0.2S 代入得
1.425u ( k ) − 0.425u ( k = − 1) 1.85e ( k ) − 0.85e ( k - 1)
第一讲 1、 什么是计算机数字控制系统?一般由哪几部分组成? 请用框图形式给出实例,并简单说明其工作原理。 答 :(1) 计算机控制系统是自动控制系统发展中的高级阶段, 是自动控制系统中非常重要的一个分支。计算机控制系统利 用计算机的软件和硬件代替自动控制系统中的控制器,它以 自动控制理论和计算机技术为基础,综合了计算机、自动控 制和生产过程等多方面的知识。它是计算机控制系统已成为 许多大型自动化生产线不可缺少的重要组成部分。 (2)控制系统框图如下:
2、 实时、在线方式、离线方式的含义是什么?
第一周第一次1.(化工版习题集习题一(P6))A-1-1 图1-8是水槽液位系统的两种不同控制方案。
A-1-4 如图一热炉,燃料油在炉中燃烧,放出热量以加热原料油。
第二次1 .《化工过程控制原理》20页2-1(3)图2-11所示为一弹簧阻尼系统,试建立该装置的数学模型。
第二周第一次(控制习题集P51 )A-2-18图2-62所示网络系统中,假设电源内阻为零,外接负载无穷大。
试写出uo与ui之间关系的微分方程式,以Uc1,Uc2 为状态变量,列写该系统的状态空间表达式。
图2-62网络系统(控制习题集P51 A-2-19)试写出图2-63所示网络系统的微分方程式,能否以Uc1,Uc2 为状态变量写该系统的状态空间表达式,为什么?图2-63网络系统第二次A-2-20 图2-64表示弹簧阻尼器系统。
B-2-1 图2-65所示为一冷热混合槽。
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1-1 精确的光信号源可以将功率输出精度控制在1%以内。
1-1 参考答案 输出变量、输入变量、被测变量和控制变量分别是:
1-2 画出由驾驶员驾驶汽车时的汽车速度控制系统的框图。
1-2 参考答案 (1)由驾驶员驾驶汽车时的汽车速度控制系统的框图如图所示。
+ 电流i (t ) 输出功率 期望功率
图1-12 信号光源的部分框图 微处理器 激光器
传感器 偏差 输出功率检测值
过程 执行机构 习题一1-2(
+ 汽车
偏差 汽车
1-5 图1-13是水槽液位系统的两种不同控制方案
Q in
Q in
液位控制器LC 水槽
入口流量Q in(作为干扰量)
液位控制器LC 水槽
入口流量Q in
1-6 在石油化工生产过程中,常常利用液态丙烯汽化吸收裂解气体的热量,使裂解气体的温
被冷却的物料是乙烯裂解气,其温度要求控制在(15±1.5)︒C 。
(1) 指出该系统的被控对象、被控变量、操纵变量各是什么?设定值是多少? (2) 画出该系统的方块图。
(3) 可能的扰动有哪些? (4) 该系统是属于定值还是随动控制系统?为什么?
1-6 参考答案
设定值为15︒C 。
(4)该系统属于定值控制系统,因为温度要求控制在(15±1.5)︒C 。
1-7 图1-15为水温控制系统示意图。
气态丙烯 TC TT 液态丙烯 丙烯冷却器 图1-14 丙烯冷却器温度控制系统示意图
经冷却后的乙烯裂解气 冷凝水
1-7 参考答案(1)系统方块图如下。
1-8 图1-16为谷物的湿度控制系统示意
1-8 参考答案 系统图中的传送装置为被控对象,输出谷物湿度为被控变量,期望的谷物湿度为给定值。
1-9 反馈系统不一定都是负反馈的。
图1-16 冷凝水 实际热水温度 给定热水温度
习题一1-7 水温自动控制系统原理方框图 温度控制器
蒸汽调节阀 热交换器 温度检测 流量检测
温度的冷水流量前馈控制 冷水 输出谷物湿度 期望湿度
习题一1-8 谷物湿度复合控制系统原理方块图 控制器 调节阀 传送装置 湿度检测 湿度检测 湿度反馈控制
湿度的前馈控制 输入谷物湿度
1-9 答案略。
1-10 下列各式是描述系统的数学方程,c (t )为输出量,r (t )为输入量,试判断哪些是线性定常
(1) 2
()(5)(dt t r d t t r t c ++=;
(2) )()(8)
233t r t c dt
t dc dt t c d dt t c d =+++; (3) dt
t dr t r t c dt t dc t
(3)()()(+=+; (4) 5cos )()(+=t t r t c ϖ;
(5) ⎰∞-++=t d r dt
t dr t r t c ττ)(5)
)(3)(; (6) )()(2
t r t c =; (7) ⎩⎨
0)(t t r t t c
1-10 参考答案
(1)非线性、时变动态系统; (2)线性、时不变(定常)动态系统; (3)线性、时变动态系统; (4)非线性、时变静态系统; (5)线性、时不变动态系统; (6)非线性、时不变静态系统; (7)线性、时变静态系统。
图1-17 正反馈系统框图
工 业
K 1。