IP等级 与NEMA对照表




户外箱变的防护等级按照国际电工委员会(IEC)的标准,被分为IP 等级和NEMA等级两种。


NEMA等级是美国采用的标准,包括13个等级,从NEMA1到NEMA 13。







NEMA 防护等级

NEMA 防护等级

NEMA 防护等级(IP等级)分类NEMA是由美国制造商们组织起来的,是制定电气设备标准化产品技术规格的一个组织机构。


括号里面是指相应的IP等级NEMA 1 在室内使用,能对相接触的设备和落下的一定量的灰尘进行防护(IP30)2 在室内使用,能对落下的灰尘和水进行防护(IP31)3 室外使用,能对风刮起的灰尘,雨和雪花等进行防护,在设备外壳上形成了冰块也不会损坏设备(IP64)3R 室外使用,能对降落的雨和雪花等进行防护,在设备外壳上形成了冰块也不会损坏(IP32)3S 室外使用,能对风刮起的灰尘,雨和雪花等进行防护,在设备外壳上形成了冰块时也能正常的开机工作4 室内或室外使用,能对溅起的水花,风吹起的灰尘和管道口直接出水进行防护,在设备外壳上形成了冰块也不会损坏(IP66)4X 室内或室外使用,能对溅起的水花,风吹起的灰尘和管道口直接出水进行防护,在设备外壳上形成了冰块也不会损坏,具备防腐蚀能力(IP66)6 设备被很短时间内浸入有限深度处不会进水,在设备外壳上形成了冰块也不会损坏设备6P 设备被长时间的浸入有限深度处不会进水11 在室内的油品浸入防护,附带的设备具有防止腐蚀性液体和气体腐蚀的能力12,12K 在室内使用,被用来防护灰尘,落下的泥土和滴落的非腐蚀性液体(IP65)13 在室内使用,用来防护灰尘和水、油、非腐蚀性的冷却液等的雾壮物(IP65)散熱Hoffman公司的資深產品經理Betty Jackson認為,不管使用什麼材料,都需要進行計算以保證良好的散熱條件。



Betty Jackson說,將這個PLC放入3英尺×2英尺×1英尺的密封機殼內時,熱負荷會使機殼內的溫度上升到比環境溫度高36華氏度。



防尘等级(第一个X表示) 防水等级(第二个X表示)
0:没有保护 0:没有保护
1:防止大的固体侵入 1:水滴滴入到外壳无影响
2:防止中等大小的固体侵入 2:当外壳倾斜到15度时,水滴滴入到外壳无影响3:防止小固体进入侵入 3:水或雨水从60度角落到外壳上无影响
4:防止物体大于1mm的固体进入 4:液体由任何方向泼到外壳没有伤害影响
5:防止有害的粉尘堆积 5:用水冲洗无任何伤害
6:完全防止粉尘进入 6:可用于船舱内的环境






它的外壳防护等级和IP代码的对应(接近或等效)关系 IP 30 31 32 64 65 66NAMA 1 2 3R 3 12和13 4和4X国家电气制造商协会(NEMA)是制定电气设备标准化产品技术规格的美国制造商组织.担保人实验室(UL)把NEMA性能标准和测试方法作为电气密封箱试验和认证的指南.NEMA标准:近似等于圆括号中的IPNEMA 1: 主要用于室内,应提供的防护等级为密封设备的接触防护和限量落尘防护(IP 30).2: 室内使用,应提供的防护等级为限量落水和落尘防护(IP 31).3: 室外使用,应提供的防护等级为风尘,降雨和冰雹防护;密封箱上的冰不能对其形成损害(IP 64).3R: 室外使用,应提供的防护等级为降雨和冰雹防护;密封箱的冰不能对其形成损害(IP 32).3S: 室外使用,应提供的防护等级为风尘,降雨和冰雹防护;在有冰堆积时,外部机构仍可操作.4: 室内或室外使用,应提供的防护等级为溅水,风尘和降雨,软管直接水淋防护;密封箱上的冰不能对 其形成损害(IP 66).4X: 室内或室外使用,应提供的防护等级为溅水,风尘和降雨,软管直接水淋防护;密封箱上的冰不能对 其形成损害,防腐蚀(IP 66).6: 室内或室外使用,应提供的防护等级为短时间浸入有限深水中不进水防护;密封箱上的冰不能对其形成损害.6P: 室内或室外使用,应提供的防护等级为长时间浸入有限深水中不进水防护.11: 室内使用,应为密封设备提供浸油防护等级为腐蚀性液体和气体的腐蚀效应防护.12,12K: 室内使用,应提供的防护等级为灰尘,落灰和无腐蚀性液体滴落(IP 65).13: 室内使用,应提供的防护等级为喷水,油和无腐蚀性冷却剂防护(IP 65).我在中国工控网上看到一个讲座,对IP的含义的解释如下:IP(INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION)防护等级系统是由IEC(INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION)所起草。





1. IP等级标准IP(Ingress Protection)等级是用来评估电气设备封闭装置的防护能力。


- IP20:该等级标志着设备的外壳能够防止较大的固体物质(直径大于12.5mm)进入内部,并提供一定程度的防护。


- IP44:该等级标志着设备的外壳能够防止较大的固体物质进入内部,并具有一定的防水性能。


2. NEMA等级标准NEMA(National Electrical Manufacturers Association)等级标准是美国特定地区使用的外壳防护等级标准。


- NEMA 1:该等级标志着设备的外壳能够在室内环境下提供基本的防护,防止固体物质的侵入。

- NEMA 3R:该等级标志着设备的外壳能够在室外环境下提供基本的防护,防止固体物质和水的侵入。

3. IEC 60529等级标准IEC 60529是国际电工委员会制定的一项标准,用于评估电气设备的外壳防护等级。


- IP50:该等级标志着设备的外壳能够防止大于50mm的固体物质的侵入,并能够提供一定程度的防尘保护。

- IP54:该等级标志着设备的外壳能够在不严重的尘埃环境和喷洒水下提供保护。

4. CSA等级标准CSA(Canadian Standards Association)等级标准是加拿大特定地区使用的外壳防护等级标准。


NEMAvsIP 美国NEMA标准 和ISO IP 绝缘等级对照表

NEMAvsIP 美国NEMA标准 和ISO IP 绝缘等级对照表
NEMA Enclosure Types & IP Codes
The purpose of this document is to provide general information on the definitions of NEMA Enclosure Types to architects, engineers, installers, inspectors and other interested parties. Important Note: NEMA Ratings are maintained through testing and certification. Correlation to the IP ratings does not confirm the IP code assigned on a product or enclosure has been tested or is under a certification program.
Type 12K - Enclosures constructed (with knockouts) for indoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment; to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt; against circulating dust, lint, fibers, and flyings; and against dripping and light splashing of liquids.


Rod Entry, Rain, External Icing, Corrosion Protection
Outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against windblown dust, rain, sleet, and to provide for operation of external mechanisms when ice laden.
Provides a Degree of Protection Against the Following Environmental Conditions
Type of Enclosure
Incidental contact with the enclosed equipment
Drip, Settling Airborne Dust, Rust Resistance
Indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against hose-directed water, and the entry of water during occasional temporary submersion at a limited depth.
Provides a Degree of Protection Against Atmospheres Typically Containing:*
Type 7 and 8 Enclosures**
Type 9 Enclosures**



NEMA与IP防护等级的对照比较Posted on 星期三, 23 九月 2009 by admin1 COMMENT BOOKMARKNEMA/IP Enclosure Types:The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) provides descriptions,classifications, and test criteria relating to enclosures for electrical equipment. Tables 12-13, 12-14, and 12-15 compare the specific applications of enclosures for indoor and outdoor nonhazardous locations and indoor hazardous locations.NEMA防护等级,是美国电气制造商协会工业控制装置和系统中的外壳防护标准。


Specific Applications of Enclosures for Indoor Nonhazardous LocationsNEMA的防护场合Provides a Degree of Protection Against the Following EnvironmentalConditionsType of Enclosure1* 2* 4 4X 5 6 6P 12 12K 13Incidental contact with the enclosedequipmentX X X X X X X X X X Falling dirt X X X X X X X X X X Falling liquids and light splashing X X X X X X X X X Circulating dust, lint, fibers, andflyings**X X X X X X X Settling airborne dust, lint, fibers,and flyings**X X X X X X X X Hosedown and splashing water X X X XOil and coolant seepage X X X Oil or coolant spraying andsplashingX Corrosive agents X XOccasional temporary submersion X XOccasional prolonged submersion X*These enclosures may be ventilated. However, Type 1 may not provide protection against small particles of falling dirt when ventilation is provided in the enclosure top. Consult the manufacturer. **These fibers and flyings are nonhazardous materials and are not considered Class III type ignitable fibers or combustible flyings. For Class III type ignitable fibers or combustible flyings, see the National Electrical Code, Article 500.Provides a Degree of Protection Against the FollowingEnvironmental ConditionsType of Enclosure3 3R* 3S4 4X 6 6PIncidental contact with the enclosedequipmentX X X X X X X Rain, snow, and sleet** X X X X X X X Sleet*** XWindblown dust X X X X X X Hosedown X X X X Corrosive agents X X Occasional temporary submersion X X Occasional prolonged submersion X *These enclosures may be ventilated. **External operating mechanisms are not required to be operable when the enclosure is ice covered. ***External operating mechanisms areoperable when the enclosure is ice covered.Provides a Degree of Protection Against Atmospheres Typically Containing:*Type 7 and 8Enclosures**Type 9Enclosures**Type10 Class A B C D E F G 10Acetylene I XHydrogen, manufactured gas I XDiethyl ether, ethylene,cyclopropaneI XGasoline, hexane, butane,naphtha, propane, acetone,toluene, isopreneI XMetal dust II XCarbon black, coal dust, coke dust II X Flour, starch, grain dust II X Fibers, flyings*** III X Methane with or without coal dust MSHA X *For complete listing, see NFPA 497M-1986, Classification of Gases, Vapors and Dusts for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous (Classified) Locations. **For Class III type ignitable fibers or combustible flyings, see the National Electrical Code, Article 500. ***Due to the characteristics of the gas, vapor, or dust, a product suitable for one Class or Group may not be suitable for another Class or Group unless so marked on the product.NEMATypeDescription Requirements/Design Tests1 Indoor use primarily to provide a degree ofprotection against limited amounts of fallingdirt.Rod Entry, Rust Resistance2 Indoor use primarily to provide a degree ofprotection against limited amounts of fallingwater and dirt.Rod Entry, Rust Resistance, Drip3 Outdoor use primarily to provide a degree ofprotection against windblown dust, rain,sleet, and external ice formation. Rain, Outdoor Dust, External Icing, Corrosion Protection3R Outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against falling rain, sleet, andexternal ice formation. Rod Entry, Rain, External Icing, Corrosion Protection3S Outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against windblown dust, rain,sleet, and to provide for operation of externalmechanisms when ice laden. Rain, Outdoor Dust, External Icing, Corrosion Protection4 Indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide adegree of protection against windblown dustand rain, splashing water, hose-directedwater, and external ice formation. External Icing, Hosedown, Corrosion Protection4X Indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against corrosion,windblown dust and rain, splashing water,hose-directed water, and external iceformation. External Icing, Hosedown, Corrosion Protection5 Indoor use primarily to provide a degree ofprotection against settling airborne dust,falling dirt, and dripping noncorrosive liquids. Drip, Settling Airborne Dust, Rust Resistance6 Indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide adegree of protection against hose-directedwater, and the entry of water duringoccasional temporary submersion at alimited depth. Submersion, External Icing, Hosedown, Corrosion Protection6P Indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against hose-directedwater, and the entry of water duringprolonged submersion at a limited depth. Air Pressure, External Icing, Hosedown, Corrosion Protection12Indoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against circulating dust, falling dirt, and dripping noncorrosive liquids.Drip, Circulating Dust, Rust Resistance12KIndoor use (with knockouts) primarily to provide a degree of protection against circulating dust, falling dirt, and dripping noncorrosive liquids other than at knockouts.Drip, Circulating Dust, Rust Resistance13Indoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against lint, dust, spraying of water, oil, and noncorrosive coolant.Rust Resistance, Oil Exclusion7Indoor use in locations classified as Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D, as defined in the National Electrical Code.ANSI/UL 698, ANSI/UL 877, ANSI/UL 886, ANSI/UL 894 8Indoor or outdoor use in locations classified as Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D, as defined in the National Electrical Code.ANSI/UL 698, ANSI/UL 877,Rain9Indoor use in locations classified as Class II, Groups E, F, and G, as defined in the National Electrical Code.ANSI/UL 698, ANSI/UL 877, ANSI/UL 886, ANSI/UL 89410Constructed to meet the applicable requirements of the Mine Safety and Health Administration.In accordance with the Mine Safety and Health Administration*ANSI/UL 698, Industrial Control Equipment for Use in Hazardous Locations. ANSI/UL 877, Circuit Breakers and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures for Use in Hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D, and Class II, Groups E, F, and G. ANSI/UL 886, Outlet Boxes and Fittings for Use in Hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D, and Class II, Groups E, F, and G. ANSI/UL 894, Switches for Use in Hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups A, B, C,and D, and Class II, Groups E, F, and G.NEMA 与IP 的转换表:Share this Post:NEMA标准:近似等于圆括号中的IPNEMA 1: 主要用于室内,应提供的防护等级为密封设备的接触防护和限量落尘防护(IP 30).2: 室内使用,应提供的防护等级为限量落水和落尘防护(IP 31).3: 室外使用,应提供的防护等级为风尘,降雨和冰雹防护;密封箱上的冰不能对其形成损害(IP 64).3R: 室外使用,应提供的防护等级为降雨和冰雹防护;密封箱的冰不能对其形成损害(IP 32).3S: 室外使用,应提供的防护等级为风尘,降雨和冰雹防护;在有冰堆积时,外部机构仍可操作.4: 室内或室外使用,应提供的防护等级为溅水,风尘和降雨,软管直接水淋防护;密封箱上的冰不能对其形成损害(IP 66).4X: 室内或室外使用,应提供的防护等级为溅水,风尘和降雨,软管直接水淋防护;密封箱上的冰不能对其形成损害,防腐蚀(IP 66).6: 室内或室外使用,应提供的防护等级为短时间浸入有限深水中不进水防护;密封箱上的冰不能对其形成损害.6P: 室内或室外使用,应提供的防护等级为长时间浸入有限深水中不进水防护. 11: 室内使用,应为密封设备提供浸油防护等级为腐蚀性液体和气体的腐蚀效应防护.12,12K: 室内使用,应提供的防护等级为灰尘,落灰和无腐蚀性液体滴落(IP 65). 13: 室内使用,应提供的防护等级为喷水,油和无腐蚀性冷却剂防护(IP 65).。



外壳防护等级(IP)仪表外壳防护等级(IP)代码(BS EN60529;1992),由字母IP 和后续的两位特征数字表示。

例:IP65 即要求具有尘密及对喷水的外壳防护功能附加数字:防机械冲击第三位特征数字(至EN标准中不包括),适合在某些欧洲国家中通用(参阅法国标准NF C20-010):IP 外壳防护等级"接近等于NEMA 防护等级:IP codesDegrees of Protection Provided by EnclosuresThis standard describes a system for classifying the degrees of protection provided by the enclosures of electrical equipment. Developed by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), these standards are designed to numerically rate an electrical product on the level of protection its enclosure provides. By assigning different number codes, the product's degree of protection can be identified quickly and easily. In the code IP 54, for example, IP identifies this standard, the 5 describes the level of protection from solid objects, and 4 describes the level of protection from liquids.Second Characteristic Numeral DEGREE OF PROTECTION (Second Number in Code)Brief DescriptionDefinition0 Not protected __1 Protected against vertically falling water drops.Vertically falling drops shall have no harmful effects.2Protected against vertically falling water drops when enclosure is titled up to 15 °.Vertically falling drops have no harmful effects when the enclosure is tilted at any angle up to 15° on either side of the vertical. 3 Protected against spraying water. Water sprayed at an angle up to 60° degrees on either side of the vertical shall have no harmful effects. 4 Protected against splashing water.Water splashed against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects. 5 Protected against water jets. Water projected in jets against the enclosure from any directionshall have no harmful effects.6 Protected against powerful water jets.Water projected in powerful jets against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects.7Protected against the effects of temporary immersion in water.Ingress of water in quantities causing harmful effects shall not be possible when the enclosure is temporarily immersed 1 meter in water under standardized conditions of pressure and time.8Protected against the effects of continuous immersion in water.Ingress of water in quantities causing harmful effects shall not be possible when the enclosure is continuously immersed in water under conditions which shall be agreed between manufacturer and the user, but are more severe than for number 7.International Protection (IP) RatingsThe IP rating system classifies the degree of protection from solid objects and liquids afforded by electrical equipment and enclosures. Recognized in most European countries and meets a number of British and European standards, this rating system includes: Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures, BS (British Standards) 5490:1977; IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) 529:1976.Specifications for Degrees of Protection of Enclosures of Switchgear and Control Gear for voltages up to and including 1000 VAC and 1200 VDC, BS 5420:1977; and IEC 144:1963.First NumberProtection against solid objectsSecond Number Protection against liquids0 no protection1 protected against solid objects up to 50 mm (e.g. accidental touch by hands)2 protected against solid objects up to 12 mm (e.g. fingers)3 protected against solid objects over 2.5 mm (e.g. tools and wires)4 protected against solid objects over 1 mm (e.g. tools and small wires)5 protected against dust-limited to ingress (no harmful deposits)6 totally protected against dust 0 no protection1 protected against vertically falling drops of water (e.g. condensation)2 protected against vertically falling drops of water up to 15° from the vertical4 protected against water sprayed from all directions limited ingress permitted6 protected against strong jets of water—limited ingress permitted (e.g. for use on ship decks)7 protected against the effects of temporary immersion between 15 cm and 1 mNEMA/IEC Enclosure RatingsNEMA/IEC Enclosure Ratings Conversion of NEMA type classifications to IEC classification designation (IP ratings). Note: NEMA standards meet or exceed IEC standards; therefore, the conversion does not work in the opposite direction.NEMAenclosure type no.NEMA definitionIECenclosureclass1General-purpose. Protects against dust, light, and indirect splashing but is not dust-tight; primarily prevents contact withlive parts; used indoors and under normal atmospheric conditions.IP102Drip-tight. Similar to Type 1 but with addition of drip shields;used where condensation may be severe (as in coolingrooms and laundries).IP113 and 3S Weather-resistant. Protects against weather hazards such asrain and sleet; used outdoors on ship docks, in constructionwork, and in tunnels and subways.IP543R Intended for outdoor use. Provides a degree of protectionagainst falling rain and ice formation. Meets rod entry, rain, external icing, and rust-resistance design tests.IP144 and 4X Watertight (weatherproof). Must exclude at least 65 GPM ofwater from 1-in. nozzle delivered from a distance not lessthan 10 ft for 5 min. Used outdoors on ship docks, in dairies,and in breweries.IP565Dust-tight. Provided with gaskets or equivalent to excludedust; used in steel mills and cement plants.IP526 and 6P Submersible. Design depends on specified conditions of pressure and time; submersible in water; used in quarries, mines, and manholes.IP677Hazardous. For indoor use in Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D environments as defined in the NEC.—8Hazardous. For indoor and outdoor use in locations classified as Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D as defined in the NEC.—9Hazardous. For indoor and outdoor use in locations classified as Class II, Groups E, F, or G as defined in the NEC.—10MSHA. Meets the requirements of the Mine Safety and Health Administration, 30 CFR Part 18 (1978).—11General-purpose. Protects against the corrosive effects of liquids and gases. Meets drip and corrosion-resistance tests.—13General-purpose. Primarily used to provide protectionagainst dust, spraying of water, oil, and noncorrosive coolants. Meets oil exclusion and rust resistance designtests.IP54National Electric Code (NEC) RatingsHazardous Classifications:Class I: Areas in which flammable gases of vapors may be present in the air in sufficient quantities to be explosive.Group A: Atmospheres containing acetyleneGroup B: Atmospheres such as butadiene, ethylene oxide,propylene oxide, acrolein, or hydrogen (or gases or vaporsequivalent in hazard to hydrogen, such as manufactured gas)Group C: Atmospheres such as cyclopropane, ethyl ether,ethylene, or gas or vapors of equivalent hazardGroup D: Atmospheres such as acetone, alcohol, ammonia,benzene, benzol, butane, gasoline, hexane, lacquer solventvapors, naphtha, natural gas, propane, or gas or vapors ofequivalent hazardCLASS II: Areas made hazardous by the presence of combustible dustGroup E: Atmospheres containing combustible1.metal dusts, regardless of resistivity2.dust of similarly hazardous characteristics having a resistivity lessthan 100 k½-cm3.electrically conductive dustsGroup F: Atmospheres containing combustible1.carbon black, charcoal, or coke dusts having more than 8% totalvolatile material2.dusts so sensitized that they present an explosion hazard, and dustshaving a resistivity greater than 100 ½-cm but less than or equal to1 x 108 ½-cmGroup G: Atmospheres containing combustible1.dust having resistivity equal to or greater than 100 k½-cm2.electrically nonconductive dustsCLASS III: Areas made hazardous by the presence of easily ignitable fibers or dust, but which are not likely to be in suspension in the air in quantities that are sufficient to igniteDivision 1: Atmospheres where hazardous concentrations existcontinuously, intermittently, or periodically under normaloperating conditionsDivision 2: Atmospheres where hazardous concentrations existonly in case of accidental rupture or breakdown of equipmentExplosion-proof: Enclosures or housings are designed to withstand internal explosions and prevent the spread of fire to the outside.Intrinsically-safe: Systems designed in which electrical energy in the circuits is not present at levels that would ignite a flammable mixture of a gas and air.The IP Code SymbolsThe chart at the right illustrates the use of special symbols in the IP classification system. In the "1st digit" column, not the grid-like symbols net to numbers 5 and 6. In the "2nd digit" column numbers 3-8 are symbolised by teardrop shaped symbols, sometimes enclosed in a box or a triangle, sometimes unenclosed (#7-8). These symbols can be placed on equipment to illustrate the IP protection provided.。





NEMA 1 在室内使用,能对相接触的设备和落下的一定量的灰尘进行防护(IP30)
2 在室内使用,能对落下的灰尘和水进行防护(IP31)
3 室外使用,能对风刮起的灰尘,雨和雪花等进行防护,在设备外壳上形成了冰块也不会损坏设备(IP64)
3R 室外使用,能对降落的雨和雪花等进行防护,在设备外壳上形成了冰块也不会损坏(IP32)
3S 室外使用,能对风刮起的灰尘,雨和雪花等进行防护,在设备外壳上形成了冰块时也能正常的开机工作
4 室内或室外使用,能对溅起的水花,风吹起的灰尘和管道口直接出水进行防护,在设备外壳上形成了冰块也不会损坏(IP66)
4X 室内或室外使用,能对溅起的水花,风吹起的灰尘和管道口直接出水进行防护,在设备外壳上形成了冰块也不会损坏,具备防腐蚀能力(IP66)
6 设备被很短时间内浸入有限深度处不会进水,在设备外壳上形成了冰块也不会损坏设备
6P 设备被长时间的浸入有限深度处不会进水
11 在室内的油品浸入防护,附带的设备具有防止腐蚀性液体和气体腐蚀的能力
12,12K 在室内使用,被用来防护灰尘,落下的泥土和滴落的非腐蚀性液体(IP65)
13 在室内使用,用来防护灰尘和水、油、非腐蚀性的冷却液等的雾壮物(IP65)。

IP防护等级 NEMA 3R

IP防护等级 NEMA 3R





第一个标示特性号码(数字)所指示的防护程度第一个标示数字防护等级定义0 没有防护对外界的人或无特殊防护1 防止大于50mm的固体物侵入防止人体(如手掌)因意外而接触到灯具内部的零件。

防止较大尺寸(直径大于50mm)的外物侵入2 防止大于12mm的固体物侵入防止人的手指接触到灯具内部的零件防止中等尺寸(直径大于12mm)外物侵入。

3 防止大于2.5mm的固体物侵入防止直径或厚度大于2.5mm的工具、电线或类似的细节小外物侵入而接触到灯具内部的零件。

4 防止大于1.0mm的固体物侵入防止直径或厚度大于1.0mm的工具、电线或类似的细节小外物侵入而接触到灯具内部的零件。

5 防尘完全防止外物侵入,虽不能完全防止灰尘进入,但侵入的灰尘量并不会影响灯具的正常工作。

6 防尘完全防止外物侵入,且可完全防止灰尘进入。

第二个标示特性号码(数字)所指示的防护程度第二个标示数字防护等级定义0 没有防护没有防护1 防止滴水侵入垂直滴下的水滴(如凝结水)对灯具不会造成有害影响。

2 倾斜15度时仍可防止滴水侵入当灯具由垂直倾斜至15度时,滴水对灯具不会造成有害影响3 防止喷洒的水侵入防雨,或防止与垂直的夹角小于60度的方向所喷洒的水进入灯具造成损害。

4 防止飞溅的水侵入防止个方向飞溅而来的水进入灯具造成损害。

5 防止喷射的水侵入防止来自各方向喷嘴射出的水进入灯具内造成损害。



防尘等级(第一个X表示) 防水等级(第二个X表示)
0:没有保护 0:没有保护
1:防止大的固体侵入 1:水滴滴入到外壳无影响
2:防止中等大小的固体侵入 2:当外壳倾斜到15度时,水滴滴入到外壳无影响 3:防止小固体进入侵入 3:水或雨水从60度角落到外壳上无影响
4:防止物体大于1mm的固体进入 4:液体由任何方向泼到外壳没有伤害影响
5:防止有害的粉尘堆积 5:用水冲洗无任何伤害
6:完全防止粉尘进入 6:可用于船舱内的环境

Type Number IP Designation
3R IP14
3S IP54
4 and 4x IP56
6and 6p IP67
12and 12k IP52

IP等级 与NEMA对照表

IP等级 与NEMA对照表

IP等级与NEMA对照表Type Number IP Designation 1IP102IP113IP543R IP143S IP544 and 4x IP565IP526and 6p IP6712and 12k IP5213IP54何为NEMA等级,如何与IP等级加以对照?NEMA与IP为广泛公认的两种等级体系。





以下为NEMA 250分类:1类:主要提供一定程度的落尘保护.3类:室外防止被风吹落的雨、雹及尘土等,以及防止外部结冰造成的损害3R类:室外防止一定程度的降雨、防雹及防外部结冰造成的损害3S 类:室外防止一定程度的降雨、防雹及防尘土,并且积冰时的外部运行机制运转正常。

4类:室内/室外防尘土、防雨、溅水、水管喷水及外部结冰损害4X 类:室内/室外防腐蚀、尘土、雨水、溅水、水管喷水及外部结冰损害6类:室内/室外防水管喷水,可以临时偶然浸入浅水,以及防止外部积冰损害6P 类:室内/室外防水管喷水,可以较长期浸入浅水中,以及防止外部积冰损害12类:室内防流通中的灰尘、落尘及非腐蚀性液体滴落12K类:带knockouts的12类NEMA250与IEC60529的简单对比号码防护程度定义0 无防护无特殊的防护1 防止大于50mm之物体侵入防止人体因不慎碰到灯具内部零件防止直径大于50mm之物体侵入2 防止大于12mm之物体侵入防止手指碰到灯具内部零件3 防止大于2.5mm之物全侵入防止直径大于2.5mm的工具,电线或物体侵入4 防止大于1.0mm之物体侵入防止直径大于1.0的蚊蝇、昆虫或物体侵入5 防尘无法完全防止灰尘侵入,但侵入灰尘量不会影响灯具正常运作6 防尘完全防止灰尘侵入防水等级号码防护程度定义0 无防护无特殊的防护1 防止滴水侵入防止垂直滴下之水滴2 倾斜15度时仍防止滴水侵入当灯具倾斜15度时,仍可防止滴水3 防止喷射的水侵入防止雨水、或垂直入夹角小于50度方向所喷射之水4 防止飞溅的水侵入防止各方向飞溅而来的水侵入5 防止大浪的水侵入防止大浪或喷水孔急速喷出的水侵入6 防止大浪的水侵入灯具侵入水中在一定时间或水压的条件下,仍可确保灯具正常运作7 防止侵水的水侵入灯具无期限的沉没水中在一定水压的条件下,及可确保灯具正常运作8 防止沉没的影响IP(INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION)等级所依据的标准有. .。



IP防护等级IP防护等级防护等级1. 电机外壳防护等级GB4942.1-85《电机外壳防护分级》;IEC34-5第一种防护:防止人体触及或接近壳内带电部分和触及壳内转动部件(光滑的旋转轴和类似部件除外),以及防止固体异物进入电机。


代号IP xx,含义见下表。

第一位表征数字第一位表征数字防护等级简述含义0 无防护电机无专门防护1 防护大于50mm固体电机能防止大面积的人体(如手)偶然或意外地触及或接近壳内带电或转动部件(但不能防止故意接触)能防止直径大于50mm的固体异物进入壳体2 防护大于12mm固体电机能防止手指或长度不超过80mm的类似物体触及或接近壳内带电或转动部件能防止直径大于12mm的固体异物进入壳体3 防护大于2.5mm固体电机能防止直径大于2.5mm的工具或导线触及或接近壳内带电或转动部件能防止直径大于2.5mm的固体异物进入壳体4 防护大于1mm固体电机能防止直径或厚度大于1mm的导线或片条触及或接近壳内带电或转动部件能防止直径大于1mm的固体异物进入壳体5 防尘电机能防止触及或接近壳内带电或转动部件进尘量不足以影响电机的正常运行第二位表征数字第二位表征数字防护等级简述含义0 无防护电机无专门防护1 防滴电机垂直滴水应无有害影响2 15°防滴电机当电机从正常位置向任何方向倾斜15°以内任一角度时,垂直滴水应无有害影响3 防淋水电机与垂直线成60°角范围内的淋水无有害影响4 防溅水电机承受任何方向的溅水无有害影响5 防喷水电机承受任何方向的喷水无有害影响6 防海浪电机承受猛烈的海浪冲击或强烈喷水时,电机的进水量应不达到有害的程度7 防浸水电机当电机浸如规定压力的水中经规定的时间后,电机的进水量应不达到有害的程度8 潜水电机电机在制造厂规定的条件下能长期潜水。

电机一般为水密型,但对某些类型的电机也可允许水进入,但应不达到有害的程度单表征数字:IP x5或IP5x2. 低压电器的外壳防护等级GB4942.2-1985《低压电器外壳防护等级》(International Protection)IP xx第一位数字表示防止固体异物进入壳体内或触及壳内带电或运动部分的程度,第二位数字表示防止液体进入壳内的程度。







第⼀个标⽰特性号码(数字)所指⽰的防护程度第⼀个标⽰数字防护等级定义0 没有防护对外界的⼈或⽆特殊防护1 防⽌⼤于50mm的固体物侵⼊防⽌⼈体(如⼿掌)因意外⽽接触到灯具内部的零件。

防⽌较⼤尺⼨(直径⼤于50mm)的外物侵⼊2 防⽌⼤于12mm的固体物侵⼊防⽌⼈的⼿指接触到灯具内部的零件防⽌中等尺⼨(直径⼤于12mm)外物侵⼊。

3 防⽌⼤于2.5mm的固体物侵⼊防⽌直径或厚度⼤于2.5mm的⼯具、电线或类似的细节⼩外物侵⼊⽽接触到灯具内部的零件。

4 防⽌⼤于1.0mm的固体物侵⼊防⽌直径或厚度⼤于1.0mm的⼯具、电线或类似的细节⼩外物侵⼊⽽接触到灯具内部的零件。

5 防尘完全防⽌外物侵⼊,虽不能完全防⽌灰尘进⼊,但侵⼊的灰尘量并不会影响灯具的正常⼯作。

6 防尘完全防⽌外物侵⼊,且可完全防⽌灰尘进⼊。

第⼆个标⽰特性号码(数字)所指⽰的防护程度第⼆个标⽰数字防护等级定义0 没有防护没有防护1 防⽌滴⽔侵⼊垂直滴下的⽔滴(如凝结⽔)对灯具不会造成有害影响。

2 倾斜15度时仍可防⽌滴⽔侵⼊当灯具由垂直倾斜⾄15度时,滴⽔对灯具不会造成有害影响3 防⽌喷洒的⽔侵⼊防⾬,或防⽌与垂直的夹⾓⼩于60度的⽅向所喷洒的⽔进⼊灯具造成损害。

4 防⽌飞溅的⽔侵⼊防⽌个⽅向飞溅⽽来的⽔进⼊灯具造成损害。

5 防⽌喷射的⽔侵⼊防⽌来⾃各⽅向喷嘴射出的⽔进⼊灯具内造成损害。



防尘防水等级对照表IPxx防尘防水等级防尘等级(第一个X表示) 防水等级(第二个X表示)0:没有保护 0:没有保护1:防止大的固体侵入 1:水滴滴入到外壳无影响2:防止中等大小的固体侵入 2:当外壳倾斜到15度时,水滴滴入到外壳无影响3:防止小固体进入侵入 3:水或雨水从60度角落到外壳上无影响4:防止物体大于1mm的固体进入 4:液体由任何方向泼到外壳没有伤害影响5:防止有害的粉尘堆积 5:用水冲洗无任何伤害6:完全防止粉尘进入 6:可用于船舱内的环境7:可于短时间内耐浸水(1m)8:于一定压力下长时间浸水例如:有秤或显示仪表标示为IP65,表示产品可以完全防止粉尘进入及可用水冲洗无任何伤害。


11试样放置:按试样正常工作位置摆放在以1r/min的旋转样品台上,样品顶部至滴水口的距离不大于200mm试验条件:滴水量为1 0。

5 mm/min;试验持续时间:10 min;(2)IPX2方法名称:倾斜15°滴水试验试验设备:滴水试验装置及其试验方法见2。



试验条件:滴水量为3 0。

5 mm/min;试验持续时间:4×2。

5 min(共10 min);(3)IPX3方法名称:淋水试验试验方法:a。





防尘防水等级对照表IPxx防尘防水等级防尘等级(第一个X表示) 防水等级(第二个X表示)0:没有保护0:没有保护1:防止大的固体侵入1:水滴滴入到外壳无影响2:防止中等大小的固体侵入2:当外壳倾斜到15度时,水滴滴入到外壳无影响3:防止小固体进入侵入3:水或雨水从60度角落到外壳上无影响4:防止物体大于1mm的固体进入4:液体由任何方向泼到外壳没有伤害影响5:防止有害的粉尘堆积5:用水冲洗无任何伤害6:完全防止粉尘进入6:可用于船舱内的环境7:可于短时间内耐浸水(1m)8:于一定压力下长时间浸水例如:有秤或显示仪表标示为IP65,表示产品可以完全防止粉尘进入及可用水冲洗无任何伤害。


2.各种等级的防水试验内容(1)IPX1方法名称:垂直滴水试验试验设备:滴水试验装置及其试验方法见2.11试样放置:按试样正常工作位置摆放在以1r/min的旋转样品台上,样品顶部至滴水口的距离不大于200mm试验条件:滴水量为1 0.5 mm/min;试验持续时间:10 min;(2)IPX2方法名称:倾斜15°滴水试验试验设备:滴水试验装置及其试验方法见2.11试样放置:使试样的一个面与垂线成15°角,样品顶部至滴水口的距离不大于200mm。


试验条件:滴水量为3 0.5 mm/min;试验持续时间:4×2.5 min(共10 min);(3)IPX3方法名称:淋水试验试验方法:a. 摆管式淋水试验试验设备:摆管式淋水溅水试验装置(装置图形及其试验方法见本书2.14)试样放置:选择适当半径的摆管,使样品台面高度处于摆管直径位置上,将试样放在样台上,使其顶部到样品喷水口的距离不大于200mm,样品台不旋转。

试验条件:水流量按摆管的喷水孔数计算,每孔为0.07 L/min。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Type Number IP Designation 1IP10
3R IP14
3S IP54
4 and 4x IP56
6and 6p IP67
12and 12k IP52





以下为NEMA 250分类:
3S 类:室外防止一定程度的降雨、防雹及防尘土,并且积冰时的外部运行机制运转正常。

4X 类:室内/室外防腐蚀、尘土、雨水、溅水、水管喷水及外部结冰损害
6P 类:室内/室外防水管喷水,可以较长期浸入浅水中,以及防止外部积冰损害
0 无防护无特殊的防护
1 防止大于50mm之物体侵入防止人体因不慎碰到灯具内部零件防止直径大于50mm之物体侵入
2 防止大于12mm之物体侵入防止手指碰到灯具内部零件
3 防止大于2.5mm之物全侵入防止直径大于2.5mm的工具,电线或物体侵入
4 防止大于1.0mm之物体侵入防止直径大于1.0的蚊蝇、昆虫或物体侵入
5 防尘无法完全防止灰尘侵入,但侵入灰尘量不会影响灯具正常运作
6 防尘完全防止灰尘侵入
0 无防护无特殊的防护
1 防止滴水侵入防止垂直滴下之水滴
2 倾斜15度时仍防止滴水侵入当灯具倾斜15度时,仍可防止滴水
3 防止喷射的水侵入防止雨水、或垂直入夹角小于50度方向所喷射之水
4 防止飞溅的水侵入防止各方向飞溅而来的水侵入
5 防止大浪的水侵入防止大浪或喷水孔急速喷出的水侵入
6 防止大浪的水侵入灯具侵入水中在一定时间或水压的条件下,仍可确保灯具正常运作
7 防止侵水的水侵入灯具无期限的沉没水中在一定水压的条件下,及可确保灯具正常运作
8 防止沉没的影响
