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锚地:anchorage 商检: draft surveyors

A 泊位:berth A 海关:Customs

码头:dock 代理:agent

靠泊:come alongside 边检:Immigration

开装:commence loading 港监:Harbour master

装毕:complete loading 货主:the shipper

离港:departure 大副:chief officer

手续:formality 码头调度:foreman

水尺:draft 完货前调水尺:trim

排空:pump out 压舱水:ballast water

装船顺序:loading sequence 排压舱水:deballast

积载系数:stowage factor 搁浅:stranding

装船速度:loading rate 碰撞:collision

调整装船顺序:adjust sequence 意外事故:contingency

配载图:stowage plan 提出抗议:raise an objection 风级:0 级calm 倾斜仪:clinometer

1 级light air 淡水:fresh water

2 级light breeze 海水:salt water

3 级gentle breeze 满载吃水:full load draft

4 级moderate breeze 空载吃水:light load draft

5 级fresh breeze 甲板:decks

6 级strong breeze 船首:bow

7 级near gale 船尾:stern

8 级gale 舱口:hatch

9 级strong gale 舱盖:hatch cover

10 级storm 射灯:light

11 级violent storm 手电筒:torch

望远镜:telescope 对讲机/高频:VHF

中垂:sagging 船长:captain

中拱:hogging 大副:chief officer

拱头:trim by head 二副:second officer

电话:telephone 三副:third officer

安全帽:helmet 船员:crew

计算器:calculator 轮机长:chief engineer 值班水手:duty officer 装船机:loader

引航员:pilot 甲板:deck

木匠:carpenter 吊杆:derrick

纸:paper 货舱:hold

签名:sign 货舱盖:hold cover

电子称:shore scale 水仓:tank

停电:cease power 水尺标记:draft mark

生活区/尾楼accommodation 大副办公室ship’s office 舷梯:accommodation ladder 引水梯:pilot ladder

船首:forward 船中: midship

船尾:afterward 左舷:port side

出租车:taxi 高潮:high tide

低潮:low tide 验收单:receipt

误差:difference 故障:malfunction

缆绳:line 绳子:rope

右舷:starboard side


一、calling and answer 呼叫与应答Contact with the ship 业务员与船方呼叫联系

1. M/T Pacific Spirit. This is loading master calling, over. 译文:“太平精神”轮,业务员呼叫。

2. Loading Master. This is M/T Pacific Spirit. Please go ahead/come in! 译文:“太平精神”轮收到,业务员请讲!

3. Your signal is very poor. There is too much noise to hear your voice at all, Please repeat/pardon. 译文:你的高频信号非常差,太多噪音以至于根本听不到你的声音。请再讲一遍。

Contact with the pilot 船方与引航员联系

1. Hai Nan pilot. M/T Pacific Spirit calling .Do you read me? 译文:海南引航员。“太平精神”轮呼叫。听到了吗?

2. Yes! This is Hai Nan pilot. The pilot will come on board at 08:00 clock. Please stand by main engine and ready starboard side gangway. 译文:是的!

引航员将在8 点登船。请备好主机并准备放右舷舷梯。

Contact with the agent 船方与代理联系

1. Agent! M/T Pacific Spirit calling. Please answer, over. 译文:代理! “太平精神”轮呼叫。请回答。

2. Yes, come in please! 译文:收到,请讲!

二、The tanker arrive at the anchorage油轮到达锚地

1. Where shall we drop the anchor? 译文:我们在什么地方下锚?

2. Our anchorage’s position is longitude 118°37′12″E、(118degree 37minute 12second)latitude 38°24′23″N. 译文:我们的锚位是东经118 度37 分12 秒、北纬38 度24 分23 秒。

3. What time is your ETA(estimate time arrive)? 译文:你船预计什么时候抵港?

4. we arrive anchorage at about 11:30. 译文:我们大约11:30 到达锚地。

5. Is there any berthing schedule about our tanker?译文:有我们船的靠泊计划吗?

6. Yes,you have a berthing schedule。But you have to wait and stand by VHF channel 88 now。Because,another crude oil tanker is discharging on the terminal。译文:是的,有靠泊计划。但是另外一艘油轮正在码头卸货,保持88 频道守听。

7. Sure!We will stand by VHF channel 88 all the time. Also,I wait your new instruction/notice。译文:当然!我们会一直保持守听。同时等候新的指令/通知。
