


论简爱的叛逆性格论简?爱的叛逆性格《简爱》是19 世纪英国女作家夏洛蒂?勃朗特的一部带有自传式性质的杰作。

二 、成熟简爱的反抗精神达到 了顶峰 ,让人敬佩
无论 是在 舅舅家 还是在 学校里 ,简 爱始终 丰富着 自己 的知识 、提高着 自己的能 力 面 对舅妈 和表 兄的嫌 弃 ,她 勇于反 抗、面对 森严 的 院规 和道 貌岸然 的 院长 ,她 不被 不 吭、永 不退缩 、 以诚 待人而 赢得 周 围人 的赞 赏 ,并 获得绘 画等 权 利 ,这 也 让 简爱 的 性格 逐 渐 成 熟 ,追 求独 立 的 生 活 。一 次偶 然的机 会让她 以一 名教师 的身份 来到 了桑 菲尔 德 ,这个 让 她 一 生魂 牵 梦 绕 的地 方 。 即使 来 到 了桑 菲 尔
德 ,因为 曾经封 闭的生 活环境 让简 爱始保 持于一个 防 卫的 姿态 。在与 罗斯切 特 的交往过 程 中,简爱 发现 自己与罗 斯 切特 先生拥 有 了太多思 想上和 情感 上的共 鸣之 处,而 且罗 斯切特 先生 也发 现 自己爱上 了这个 有点倔 强又惹 人怜 爱的 小姑 娘 ,最终他 们相 爱了 ,但 是这 一切 都被一 个女人 所打 并且成 为后世 的 万千妇女 的榜样 。 破 ,当她得 知罗 斯切特 先生 已经结 婚并且 将他 的妻子 关在 童年的生 活造就 了她 永不退缩 的性 格,惹人 了密 室里 的时候 ,她绝 望 了。一个 初经感 情 的少女面 对着 怜 爱 如此 的局 面 ,是 多么 的痛苦 ! 尽 管她 仍然 深爱着 罗斯 切特 简爱 的童年 生活是 悲惨 的,年幼 丧失双 亲 的经历让 她 先生 ,她 还是选 择 了离开 ,她希望 自己的丈夫 能够专 一 的 的生 存变 得困难 重重 。一个孤 苦 的女孩就 这样来 到 了她 的 对 待 自己 ,想 要得到 一份平 等 的爱情 的愿望刺 激着 她的神 舅 舅家 ,而且是 一个不欢 迎 它的地方 。她 的表 兄不 断地 殴 经 让她做 出了这个决 定 ,她 要离 开这个 地方 ,离开 这个给 打辱 骂她 ,她 的舅妈始 终嫌 弃侮辱她 ,面 对这一 切简 爱却 她 带来 屈辱 和伤 心 的地方 ,从一个 生活 无忧 的状态 过渡 到 表现 出来 了强烈 的反 抗精神 和永不 退缩 的性格特 征 。残暴 流浪 街 头 的乞 丐 ,仍 然 无 法挽 回简 爱执 着 的 心 ,我 们看 的 表 兄无 端 的 指 责辱 骂 ,简 爱奋 起 怒 斥 她 的表 兄 是一 个 到燃烧在 简 爱生命 中的一 团反抗 之火 ,留在 罗斯切 特身边 恶 毒、残 酷 的杀人犯 和虐待 狂 ,并且勇 敢的 以 自己弱小 的 成为她 的情 妇 ,于 简爱 而言是无 法接 受 的事 实 ,简爱作 为 身 躯 迎 战她 的表 兄 ,这 一切 的反 抗 为 她 带来 了不 尽 的惩 名 女性渴 望她 的爱情婚 姻希望 得 到尊重 ,宁可 不爱也 不 罚 ,其结 果是 被关进 了红 屋子 ,这也让 读者 开始关注 了这 接受瑕 疵 的爱情 ,给 自己一 点尊严 ,从简 爱踏 出桑菲尔 德 个 有点性 格 的小姑娘 。尤其 是与 给予她 生存 空间 的舅妈 的 庄 园大 门的一刻起 ,在 这一刻 ,我们 看到 了闪耀在 简 爱身 交 锋 ,更是让 读者喜 欢上 了这个 小姑娘 。面对 舅妈 不分青 上 的光芒 ,在一个 男权 社会 里,简 爱有 自己的尊 严 ,他 极 ] ,勇敢 的追 红皂 白的辱 骂简爱 仍然能 够据理 力争 ,勇敢 反击 ,她怒 斥 力维 护 ,这 就是 她为 了维护 自己尊严 的宣言 口 舅妈是 一个十 足 的坏 女人 。在压 迫下 生存 的简爱一 出场 就 求 自 己的 爱情 、尊严 、独立 ,这无 疑是简 爱反抗 精神成 熟 让读者 欢喜不 己,人们在 这个 小女孩 身上看 到 了不一样 的 的 终极体 现 。这 种女权 主义 的思想 正是广 大妇 女苦苦 追寻 东西 ,正是这 种反 抗 的精 神迷住 了大 家 。接 着简 爱的生 存 的 ,通过 《 简・ 爱》 的传播 ,让 思想解 放运 动和 妇 女解 放 环境 发生 了重大 的转变 ,她从 舅舅家 来到 了教会 学校 ,我 的 思想观 念得 到 了蓬 勃的发 展 ,进 步 的女性解 放思想 开启 们看 到 了一个道貌 岸然 的伪君 子 院长 是如 何 的欺 压他 的孩 被压 迫千 年 的妇女观 念 ,逐 步成 为社会 的主流 。 子们 。作 为本书 中反应肮 脏社 会 的一 部分 ,孩子 们在学 校 参考文献 : 里遭 到非 人的待遇 ,他 们不仅 要和 伙食 、疾病作 斗争 ,还 [ 1 】 吕睿 中. 论夏洛蒂 ・ 勃朗特的妇女管—— 以女权主 要 时刻防 范院长 的迫 害,仅仅 因为 小小 的感 冒就 可能 夺走 义批评解读 《 简・ 爱》[ D 1 . 华中师范大学,2 0 0 4 . 他 们的性 命 。夏洛 蒂 ・ 勃 朗特深 刻的批 判 了教会 学校 ,这 【 2 1 龙云 . 表 象的 “ 屈 从 , 隐 含 的 反 抗 —— 评 女 权 不 是教 育而是压 迫 ,这时候 简爱在 肉体和 精神 的双重 摧残 主 义作 家 夏洛 蒂 ・ 勃 朗特 Ⅱ 】 . 北 京第 二外 国语 学 院 学 报 , 下 开始 顿悟 ,这 个社 会一 味 的顺从 只能 向她 的朋 友海 伦 ・ 2 0 0 7( 1 o ) : 6 8 — 7 3 . 彭 斯一样 成为 社会 的牺牲 品,她 要勇敢 的与 恶劣 的环 境 斗 作者 简 介 :莫宇 驰 ( 1 9 7 4 一) ,女 ,广 西 南宁 人 ,讲 争 ,通过 在学 校里 的全面成 长 ,我们可 以看 到简爱成 熟 的 师 ,硕 士 ,现 就职 于南 宁职 业技 术 学 院 国 际 学院 ,研 究 面 ,即她 的反抗精 神 已经 牢牢 地烙 印在 她 的脑海里 。 方 向 :英 美文 学 ,英 汉翻译 。

本文主要从原作出发, 根据简·爱的不同时期的经历来分析其反抗性格的形成和发展。



出现和坦 普尔 的 教诲及 时 了制止 了这个 有极 强 自尊心 的女
骂 ,肉体 和精 神上 备受 折磨 。起初 她对 约 翰的 责骂 ,想 的 孩子 的愤 怒 。就是 这样 两个 对简 来说极 其重 要 的人并 没有
的 拳头 、更 多 的凌 辱和 更 悲惨 的结局 。于 是 ,简爱 像弹 簧 主 意识 。简 在身 边没 有什 么值得 留恋 的时 候 ,敏锐 的意 识 样 ,被 压迫 下 去就必 然蹦 跳起 来 。从这 个意 义上 讲 ,里 到 应 当到更 大 的世界 里寻 找 自己 的价 值 。这样 一种 主动 的
| 。 。
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浅析简 ・ 爱性格中的独 立和反抗精神
张诗怡 辽宁省阜新市实验高 中
摘 要 :十九 世 纪英 国著 名 的女作 家夏 洛 蒂 ・ 勃 朗特 的 养 ,这些幼 小 的简都 默默 的记在 心 中 ,她 不 去反驳 反抗 不 代表作小说 《 简 爱 》是 一 部 以女 性 主 义 为 主题 的杰 出作 是 因为她 的懦 弱 ,而 是没 有一 个好 的时 机 。直 到 ,布罗 克
直 陪伴在 简 的生活 ,而 正是 由于他 们 的离席 ,成就 了简
起来 以牙 还牙 了。她打 了少 爷 ,结果 被关 进里 德先 生断 气 又 一次 的抗 争 。海伦 过早 的逝去 ,这 是简 一生 中直面 的第 的 红屋子 。她 向里 德太 太求 饶 ,但 里 德太 太还 是狠 心地把 场死 亡 ,但 是 与海伦 的最 后一 场谈 话让 简 明白死亡 并不 她推 回 了闹鬼 的屋 子里 。在 走投 无路 的时 候 ,她始 而伤 心 可 怕 ,这 给 这 位 本 就 勇敢 的女 人 生命 中加 入 了更 多 的无 落 泪 ,既而 思考 觉悟 ,最后 终 于 斗争 起来 。针尖 对 麦芒 , 畏 。加 上坦普 尔 的教诲 ,简 再一 次鼓 起勇气 面对 生活 和面 这 是她 回答严 峻 现实 的唯 一办法 。逆 来顺 受 只会招 致更 多 对 自 己。 这 一次 的反抗 相 较 于第 一 次 而言 更拥 有 一 种 自

女性主义视角下的《简爱》:主人公反抗精神目录女性主义视角下的《简爱》:主人公反抗精神 (I)一、引言 (1)1.1 简介《简爱》和作者夏洛特·勃朗特(Sharotte) .......................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2 女性主义文学批评的简要介绍 (1)二、《简爱》中的女性形象 (2)2.1 简爱的独立与自主 (2)2.2 简爱与女性角色的对比分析 (2)三、女性主义视角下的反抗精神 (2)3.1 反抗精神在《简爱》中的体现 (2)3.2 反抗精神与女性主义理论的关联 (3)四、简爱的反抗行为分析 (3)4.1 简爱对社会性别角色的挑战 (3)4.2 简爱在爱情与婚姻中的自我主张 (4)五、社会与文化背景下的反抗 (4)5.1 维多利亚时代对女性的限制 (4)5.2 简爱反抗精神的社会文化解读 (5)六、现代女性主义视角下的《简爱》 (6)6.1 简爱反抗精神对现代女性的启示 (6)6.2 《简爱》在当代女性主义文学中的地位 (6)七、结论 (7)7.1 简爱反抗精神的总结与评价 (7)7.2 女性主义视角对《简爱》研究的贡献 (7)一、引言1.1简介《简爱》和作者夏洛特·勃朗特(Sharotte)小说类型言情小说内容简介《简爱》是英国女作家夏洛蒂勃朗特的代表作,自1847年出版以来,以其独特的女性主义视角和主人公简爱的反抗精神,成为文学史上具有里程碑意义的作品。


终于在一次与表哥的争执中爆发出来,那一次她忍无可忍,对蛮横无理的表哥予以强有力的回击,“wicked and cruel boy! You are like a slave driver--- you are like the Rome Emperors.”,接着便和表哥厮打起来,这一次反抗虽然让简爱受到了严厉的惩罚,但是却也是值得的,至少它让简爱明白的一味的屈服和软弱是得不到盖茨梅德府人的同情或者照顾的,只有自己强大起来才是保护自己不受伤害的基本保证面对里德太太,简爱也毫不畏惧,对她的自私及虚伪嗤之以鼻。



《 简・ 爱》 是夏洛蒂 ・ 勃 朗特 的 代 表 作 , 也 是 她 的 第 一 部 长 篇 小 说 。故 事 的 主 人公 简 ・ 爱 是个 孤 儿 , 出 身贫 寒 。在 做 家 庭教 师
时. 简. 爱 与 男 主 人 罗 切斯 特 产 生 了产 生 了 真挚 的爱 情 。然 而 结 婚当天 , 简・ 爱 发 现 罗 切 斯 特 竟 然 有 一 位 活着 的 妻 子 , 因 为 发 了
第 1 1 卷 第5 期
Vo 1 . 1 1 No . 5 读Biblioteka 与写 杂志
Re a d a n d、 Ⅳr i t e P e r i o d i c a l
2 0 1 4年 5月 Ma y 2 01 4
浅析 简 ・ 爱 的反抗精 神
王 菲
( 徐 州高 等 师 范 学 校 ( 外语系 ) 江 苏 徐 州 2 2 1 0 0 0 ) 摘要 : 《 简・ 爱》 在英国文学史, 甚 至在 世 界 文 学史 都 上 占有 非 常重 要 的 一 席 之 地 。之 所 以如 此 , 是 因 为 它成 功地 塑造 了一 个极 具反 抗 精 神 的女 主 人 公 形 象。 本 文试 以 简 ・ 爱 的 经历 为 顺 序 , 分 析 了 小说 中主人 公 反 抗 精 神 的 体 现 。 关 键词 : 《 简・ 爱 》 反 抗 精神




2. 简爱在婚礼上拒绝了罗切斯特的提议,因为她认为自己没有
3. 简爱在得知罗切斯特的秘密后,离开了他,因为她不愿意成
4. 简爱在冒着生命危险回到桑菲尔德庄园,帮助罗切斯特获救。
- 1 -。

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毕业论文Brief Comment on Jane Eyre’s Rebellion 浅谈简爱的反抗精神教务处制Abstract:“Jane Eyre” is one of the greatest masterpieces of the 19th century in the English literary world. Many people considered it as a wonderful works; because it formed an obvious comparison with the social value in British and furthermore it was written by the feminine, for the phenomenon of male superiority dominated the whole society at that time. Almost all persons thought literature was not the women’s career, and w omen could not regard it as their jobs, neither. So the birth of “Jane Eyre” was a shocking works. This paper aims at commenting briefly on Jane Eyre’s characteristics of rebellion. The heroine in the novel bore all different kinds of oppressions from the feudalistic society, but she was strong, with her intelligent, kind and pure getting respect, freedom and a piece of great love. Believing that most of readers especially women in untoward circumstance get much encouragement from this classic. This essay is accomplished with examples to state her rebellion in detail and combine with the practical cases to let people know what enlightenments we can get from.Key words: Jane Eyre; rebellion; enlightenmentsCONTENT INTRODUCTION (5)1. BACKGROUND (6)2. IN THE GATESHEAD (RESOURCE OF REBELLION) (6)2.1R EBELLION UNDER THE I LL-TREATMENT FROM J OHN R EAD (7)2.2R EBELLION IN THE R ED R OOM (8)2.3R EBELLION IN THE FRONT OF M RS.R EED (8)2.3.1 Characteristics of Mrs. Reed (9)2.3.2 Through Rebelling against Mrs. Reed to See Today (10)3. IN THE LOWOOD (DEVELOPMENT OF REBELLION) (10)3.1A NALYZING THE R EBELLION OF J ANE E YRE THROUGH B URNS (11)3.2R EBELLING AGAINST M R.B ROCKLEHURST (12)4. IN THE THORNFIELD (CLIMAX OF REBELLION) (13)4.1L OVE REBELLION (13)4.2V IEWS OF THEIR LOVE (14)5. IN THE MOOR HOUSE (ANTI-CLIMAX OF REBELLION) (14)CONCLUSION (15)BIBLIOGRAPHY (16)ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (17)IntroductionJane Eyre, a very classic heroine of a famous novel written by Charlotte Bronte, was a typical rebellious feminine in 19th century. She was a successful figure under the author’s works. In the novel, she was self-respect, independent and kind-hearted. Jane Eyre was a greatest masterpiece in the world not only shocked the whole literary at that time but also encouraged many persons who were on the lower rungs, especially for women. Since women had no opportunity, no right, no position at that time. This novel was born in 19th century which was a turbulent age and the Caste System was quite strict. Women in that British time had little independent voice. They had no choice but to bear all different kinds of oppressions from feudalism. In the Capitalists’ eyes, they were only the tools for machines, let alone freedom and independent. People who have read this novel may have strongly felt that the author is the prototype of Jane Eyre. The story of this novel is fictional, but the heroine and many other figur es’ living environment, characteristics and other details are all from the author and her relative persons’ experiences.(廖洪中2003:108)With a story about the life of an orphan, Charlotte showed us the miserable situation for British women at that time, reflecting women on how to get rid of the request from males oppressions and discriminations. It was the great pioneering creation in British literature, which resulted in a tremendous response. In this works, we can see the author’s silhouette everywhere. Just like what Charlotte Bronte said, Jane was not pretty, not rich, not pride, but she was intelligent, enthusiastic, humble, just like herself. After finishing this novel, the enlightenment from it is we should not yield to any evil forces. Everyone in this world is equal and we enjoy the same rights with other persons. Also we should not be timid; inversely we have to be brave to pursue the truth, honesty and beauty. Jane Eyre suffered from a great deal of insult and contemptuous look, especially in Gateshead. But she was not an ordinary girl. When bullied by them, she would hit it back powerfully. So from this novel, we can easy to see at the bottom of Jane’s heart how strong she was.1. BackgroundCharlotte, one of three Bronte’s sisters who were all quite famous in British literature, was born in Yorkshire, England. Her father was a clergy but knowledgeable, and her mother died when she was five. After three years, Charlotte was sent to a boarding school together with her sisters. But unfortunately, her two sisters were infected the tuber and later they were dead. So they back home. Charlotte lived through a hard childhood that affects her future life greatly. She put her characteristics into Jane Eyre and let readers know what hardship not only she had suffered from but also the British women had lived through. In her novel, Jane Eyre was a poor girl. She was no money and not beautiful; nevertheless, Jane was pure, noble, self-respect and independent. When being a private teacher, she loved Rochester gradually who was once her master. The experience of Jane was the same with Charlotte. When Charlotte was studying French in Brussels built by Ella couple, she was also loved her French teacher. But the pity was that he had got married. There was little possibility for Charlotte to get married with him. So she hoped that Jane could finally come true her dream and be together with her lover. We are so happy to see that the final destiny of heroine under author’s writing had a good ending. For my eyes, it was onl y author’s fantasy and she hoped this fantasy could be realized on Jane Eyre.Depressing sorrowful mood, Charlotte was back to her hometown and decided to prepare to establish the school, but at last she failed. However, s he didn’t give up. In rever se, she was striving for herself. Just the same with Jane, though the road was full of thorns, she was alwaysinsisting on. There was no vestige of backward. The spirits of independent, rebellion, self-respect showed up in every corner, especially the rebellion. Just because Jane wanted to be independent and free, she had no choice but to rebel. It was these spirits that Jane Eyre got the purest and noblest love.2. in the Gateshead (Resource of Rebellion)At this part, I will talk something about the rebellion spirit of Jane Eyre in Gateshead. Generally speaking, the purpose of any defiance is to get oneself freedom and equality. The reason why they have rebellions is that these people are under ill-treatment. In this classic novel, the rebellion is always companying with Jane that is formed by the complicated environments.Jane Eyre was an orphan who lost her parents after her birth and lived with Family Reed in the Gateshead where she suffered from much imaginable ill-treatment. Jane Eyre had to depend on her aunt for support, but unluckily her aunt disliked her and looked up down her. (Cong Xiao2010:106)Also her brother and sisters distained her, thinking that she was just a poor girl and had nothing. Only a ten-year-old girl should bear such pain, it was really an amazing thing. However, what comforted our readers was that Jane held on it. She was so strong that nothing could be easy to strike her down. In the Gateshead, the characteristic of rebellion was gradually grown up.Jane was a successful figure, because she dared to break through the traditional thoughts, never thinking of herself as a slave and always trying her best to escape from the constrained freedom. She was kind-hearted, humble and honest. Despite her shortness and plain-looking, she was often full of confident. But her relative, Mrs. Reed, was a rude and uneducated woman who had never treated Jane well. She was a snobby woman and never thought of others. In her eyes, there was only a word that was money. She did not like Jane and often abused her. But Jane was not easy to be bullied. When Mrs. Reed scolded Jane excessively, Jane would talk back to her powerfully. And if John, the son of Mrs. Reed, abused her, she would resist it crazily, either. The rebellion in front of Mrs. Reed was obvious. The days in the red room lit up the spark of Jane Eyre’s rebellion further. She thought if she didn’t have defiance, then she would be dead. As Matthew Arnold suspects that Jane Eyre is such a woman who yearns to escape entirely from drawing rooms and patriarchal mansions. (Li Zhou2010:163)From the rebellion in Gateshead, we can learn from that the respect was a mutual thing. If you want to get other’s respect, the first thing is that you should learn to respect others. No matter who are you.2.1 Rebellion under the Ill-treatment from John ReadFrom the beginning of the first chapter, we can know that Jane Eyre’s living was unhappy, for the writer pointing out that a heart suddenly by the chidings of Bessie, the nurse, and humbled by the consciousness of my physical inferiority to Eliza, John, and Georgiana Reed. (Charlotte Bronte2008:1)Since Jane has lived with family Reed together, she did have a good life until her uncle died. From then on, everyone in Reed house started to bias her and bully her. Later, she was even abused by them. At Gateshead, the one who always abuse Jane Eyre was John Reed. John Reed, elder four years than Jane, was Mrs. Reed’s only darling son. So no matter what he had done, no one would scold him, instead, all of them would think that it must be the Jane’s fault. At the initial stage, maybe Jane had a little frightened to John when she was abused by him. For example, as Jane Eyre s aid:” every nerve I ha s feared him, and every morsel of flesh on my bones shrank when he came near. ”(Charlotte Bronte2008:6) However, Jane Eyre’s heart was strong, since she was not scared with any half step. On the contrary, the seeds ofthe rebellion were gradually growing up. It is known to all that people who were only under the great oppression will break out their enormous power. That’s it. The tolerance of everybody is limited. When the tolerance reaches a certain point, of course, it will have a massive explosion. Just like what Luxun s aid:” to explore in silence, or to die in it. ” See ing from that you can know it was full of the rebellion spirit in Jane Eyre’s heart, which was her own unconscious that hadn’t shown apparently.Jane didn’t think that she should resign to such an uneducated and rude boy. She desired freedom and independent. Fair was also her inner calling. But it was impossible for her to get these things at that time. Gradually, the rebellion consciousness was much stronger than before. As for John, both of his intelligent quality and emotional quality were inferior to Jane. He had not much affection for his mother and sisters, let alone the sympathy to Jane Eyre. Furthermore, he always insulted Jane with fouled words that to the great extent hurt Jane’s respect. For instance, he once said: “you have no money, you ought to beg. I’ll teach you to rummage my bookshelves, for they are mine, all belongs to me, or will do in a few years.”(Charlotte Bronte2008:7)From this point we can see that the author gave a bright comparison between Jane her brother, John, because at the end of the story, Jane had got decent money which was left by her uncle Eyre, and she shared all her money with her family. The love of family was the best gift for her.In our reader’s view, Jane was just like a straw, looking weak, (王红莉2010:52)but in fact, it was quite hardy. The more difficulties there were, the more she was strong. When John Reed lift and hurled the book to Jane, she shouted out without any hes itation: “wicked and cruel boy! You are like a murder----you are like a slave driver----you are like the roman emperors! ”(Charlotte Bronte2008:7)Even she thought she would declare it aloud, although Jane once often thought of John as these evils. This point has been shown clearly that the tolerance limitation of Jane Eyre has saturated. But for the John’s continuous ly attack, the rebellion won’t break out. In our view, Jane Eyre’s choice was exactly right. At least, her defiance has our readers’ hatred give a vent. Believing that as Jane shouting out to John, she must be very joyful. From then on, as long as John thrust his tongue in his cheek or even attempted abuse, Jane would instantly turn against him. We were so glade to see that there was mighty power in Jane’s heart.2.2 Rebellion in the Red RoomMrs. Reed hated to see Jane Eyre, because of Jane’s ceaselessly rebellions. It seemed that Jane was challenging the power of Mrs. Reed. So finally she could not escape from the tragedy of being sent to the red room. The room was a spare chamber that was seldom used. Mr. Reed, the uncle of Jane Eyre on her mother’s side was dead in this room for about 9 years. Dear friends, you can imagine that how horrible the red room is. Everything in this room was guarded with a sense of dreary atmosphere, which made people stifling. So was Jane. She was so afraid that there were all the terrifying images that almost occupied her all mind. She s aid, “although there was a superstition with me at that moment, it was not yet her hour for complete victory: my blood was still warm, the mood of the revolted slave was still bracing me with its bitter vigor”(Charlotte Bronte2008:13) each time, as long as she though of John Reed’s violent tyrannies, Eliza and Georgiana Reed’s pride and Mrs. Reed’s merciless and hard-hearted, at that time, Jane would cause a feeling of hatred. There was only one word would come up her, that was the rebellion. Only through the rebellion, Jane could feel a sense of triumph; only through the rebellion, she would get the satisfactory. Only through the rebellion, she could have the chance to get freedom and independence. The days living in the red room was just like the days living in the hell. During that time, Jane thought lots of things. She deemed that it was not the life shewanted. Everything around her was unfair. Locked in that gloomy and cold red room all afternoon, Jane’s mind was filled with terror, and all her heart was tumultuous.Jane was a strong girl and never gave up striving and rebelling. At sometimes, she even thought of a new means to escape from these disgusting days. She knew it was pointless in pleasing them, since the family Reed didn’t like her from their heart. Each of them looked down on her, considered that she was poor and not pretty. So it was meaningless to integrate her into these persons. They were not worth getting any respect and sympathy from Jane. She thought it was she that did not fit to associate with them, but they had no qualifications to associate with her. The thinking of Jane Eyre was obviously contrary to the current of thought at that time. The ideological trend in the 19th century of British was male priority. Women had not the equal right to men. And the only thing which they could do was to obey, to yield and to resign them. In the terms of Jane’s rebellion, it was like a joke for women, even though someone having such idea, they could not put it into practice.However, Jane, we have seen that, was a different girl. She dared to think and act. Persisting all the way, she was rather out of herself. She had conscious that now that, it was impossible to please them, then she would rather to become rebel s lave. The novel had pointed out that “they had got me by this time into the apartment indicated by Mrs. Reed, and had thrust me upon a stool: my impulse was to rise from it like a spring(Charlotte Bronte2008:9) ” you can imagine, at that time, if someone laid upon you, do you dare rebel? However, looking at Jane Eyre, she jumped up instinctively. So the consciousness of the rebellion in the red room was more and more strong.2.3 Rebellion in the front of Mrs. ReedFrom chapter 1 to chapter 4, the author described the Jane’s living in family Reed. And in Gateshead, the dialogue between Mrs. Reed and Jane Eyre could well display her rebellions. In Gateshead, Jane suffered from lots of difficulties. While when faced with so many different kinds of revilement, Jane had not shown any sign of fright. Instead, she gave the powerful words to hit back. Her reason told her that it was not the time that she would be yielded. As Jane cried out as leaning over the banister, “they are not fit to ass ociate with me.” (Charlotte Bronte2008:33)Mrs. Reed was so angry when hearing it, and then dragged her into the nursery, pressed her on the edgy of the bed and said” dared me in an emphatic voice to ri s e from that place”(Charlotte Bronte2008:33)then, Jane talked it back immediately, “what would uncle Reed say to you, if he were live?”These words shocked Mrs. Reed; her eyes were tangled with terror. She did not think that such little girl had so great power and courage to speak to her. In Mrs. Reed’s heart, there was also a slight of fright, and also just like people living at that period.People who dare to defiant are usually hardy and study. We should respect them. In the days of nursery, Jane was always striving. Often, she was thinking about how to say her inner thoughts out. She had been abused mercilessly for a long time. But unfortunately, there was no any good idea for her to escape from it. The only thing that she could do was to rebel, which was the best way that could protect her. If not do so, the rest of the world for her was only the death. When thought of this point, she would gather all her energy and gave Mrs. Reed a forceful hit-back. She said to Mrs. Reed” I am not deceitful: if I were you, I should say I love you: but I declare I do not love you: I dislike you the worst of anybody in the world except the John Reed: and this book about the liar, you may give your girl, Georgiana, for it is she tells lies, and not I”(Charlotte Bronte2008:46) how joyful and comfortable for Jane as she was saying these words. Afraid as she was, Jane still continued to s ay “I am glad you are no relation of mine, I will never call you aunt as long as I live, and I will never come to s ee you when I am grown up.” (CharlotteBronte2008:46)“How dare I? Mrs. Reed? It is the truth. You have no pity I shall remember”(Charlotte Bronte2008:46)she said it extremely excited. Jane busted all her bad emotions that bad been oppressed for a long time. No wonder even herself said when she had not finished the reply, her soul began to expand, with the strange feeling of freedom, of triumph. Upon this Jane gained a psychological victory over the gorgon aunt. ( 王姝,庄严2007:161) So dear readers, when you see this point of the novel. Don’t you think the rebellion of Jane at this time had extended to another degree? Only a ten-year-old girl had such kind of courage against the things that she thought unfair.2.3.1 Characteristics of Mrs. ReedMrs. Reed‘s attitude towards Jane was always aloof, and fu ll of taut. In fact, Mrs. Reed was a mean, snobby, selfish, merciless and indifferent woman. She thought Jane was a poor, short and not beautiful girl. Besides these, she still considered that Jane was a precious actress: and sincerely looked on her as a compound of virulent passions, mean spirit and dangerous duplicity. So no matter what Jane did, it was useless to make Mrs. Reed happy.Additionally, she was a hard-stone woman. Just we have known Jane was cruelly put into the gloomy red-room by Mrs. Reed and she had to stand the horror that should not a ten-year-old girl could endure. No matter how she pleaded to Mrs. Reed, all the efforts were in vain. Mrs. Reed did not agree to release her, no matter how Jane cried loudly with all her efforts. But at last, the result she got was only a cold piece of words---let her alone. “It was just her naughty trick” (Charlotte Bronte2008:18)Mrs. Reed said. Readers who have read the novel know that even at the end of the story, Mrs. Reed did not want to apologize to her.What’s more? Mrs. Reed was a woman who are soft afraid of hard. Those who had a little money often looked down upon the poor, which had formed a social atmosphere. And if there were a person who had a big power, she would respect him. However, Mrs. Reed was a right person that belonged to this kind. She disliked Jane very much, so later decided to send Jane to the school so that she could live a tranquil life. Of course, the school was not very generous or decent. Just like the charity. But in fact it was the half-charity school. Before sending Jane to the school, Mr. Brocklehurst, the founder of the Lowood, came to Gateshead to know about something about Jane. Mrs. Reed said many uncomfortable words about her. She told Mr. Brocklehurst that Jane was a liar. And no one could be naughtier than her. Jane was so sad to hear these slander words. She tried her best to repress her sorrow and wiped the tears harshly. At this moment, no one could help her. All of miserable things were put on the Jane’s shoulder. What a resolute girl is!In our realistic life, many people are like Mrs. Reed who is a mean and snobbish person. They think they have money, so they have right to order people what they want them to do. Actually, everyone is equal. Everyone is a free man. They don’t belong to any person. So if you were in the Jane’s shoes, what will you do?2.3.2 Through Rebelling against Mrs. Reed to See TodayWe can borrow the example of rebelling against Mrs. Reed to see ourselves. Without doubt the defiance of Jane Eyre was shocking and surprising in the 19th century. Thus it explained that people at that time especially the feminine that on the behalf of Charlotte Bronte had a strong consciousness to rebel. But Charlotte had her own limitation because of the era. So the reason why she shaped a figure, Jane Eyre, was that Charlotte just wanted to pour her all feelings which were impossible to give out at that time upon Jane, through describing the strong defiance on Jane to shout out her voice. Such rebellion is like the old China. When foreigners openedChinese door by artilleries, the Chinese were still dreaming. But for some intellectuals who had been to foreign countries and received the western education, such as Lin Zexu, Weiyuan, the Chinese still had had no idea that what they should do. Mr. Luxun abandoned medical for literature. The only purpose was to wake up the all Chinese who were in the state of numb. Only with the rebellion could our country stand up. Only with the rebellion could our country keep her dignity. Only with the rebellion could we have freedom and independence and not bullied by imperialists any longer. Imaging that if at that time we did not stand up to rebel, and then our country would be divided into several parts and we would live under these evils domination. There were no rights that would really belong to us. We were even their slaves and were at the mercy of them. So horrible it was. Rebelling is definitely a best way to obtain your own benefits. Taking another case for example, the atmosp here of owing employee’s money is common. Some bosses even delay to pay for money for many months. So in order to get what they should get, these workers begin to be united to rebel. Of course, they win at last.Let’s back to look at Jane Eyre. If Jane wa s surrendered by Mrs. Reed, then there was no doubt that she could have chance to get the love from Mr. Rochester and her life would be much more miserable than now.3. in the Lowood (Development of Rebellion)Jane left the Gateshead finally, the place in which brought her very painful memory. The life in Lowood was a new start for Jane. Lowood was a half-charity school founded by Mr. Brocklehurst. In fact, the living conditions of this school were so miserable that few people could endure them, let alone these weak children. Those who were lived here always suffering starvation and chill. What’s more? Mr. Brocklehurst was a mean man and didn’t willing to spend more money adding a bit of clothes and food. He often said that these children should be cultivated a kind of spirits, that was the hardship. Only experiencing this hardship, they would grow up and understand the meaning of treasure. However, for himself and his family, each of them wore luxurious clothes and had an extravagant life. Of course, in Jane Eyre’s opinion all of these were not fair. Nevertheless, she still thought the life in Lowood was much better than in Gateshead.No one in Lowood liked Mr. Brocklehurst, so there was a piece of hope that Jane could depend on her own efforts to win respect and friends. So it was. She was quite lucky to meet with Helen Burns in Lowood, Burns was a well-learned girl, and she loved Jane. Always she would enlighten Jane to put down the things with a relaxed heart. Jane also learned many reasons from her. The rebellion in Lowood mainly reflects on the conversation between Jane and Burns. Through Burns we can know the apparent characteristic of rebellion on Jane Eyre. It means that Jane was different from these people who had been used to being oppressed by capitalists. Seeing from it, we know Burns was also in this kind, for she was a girl who did not know how to protect herself when facing with insult. Jane was quite amazing about this and even told her we shouldn’t be oppressed by these evils. On the contrary, we should rebel against them so that our respect could not be insulted and obtain what we should have gotten. It was our rights to do so. But Burns thought anther way, she said it was just her destiny; we could not choose it and escaped from it. So from this point we could know Burns was a cowardly girl and was not as brave as Jane.Except Burns Helen, not all people did Jane dislike in Lowood, such as Miss. Temple. Miss. Temple was Jane’s favorite teacher. She was a decent, well-learned and warm-hearted lady. She believed Jane was a good student and encouraged her all the way. Furthermore Miss. Templeappreciated B urns’ wisdom. Not only Jane but also Burns loved to stay with her, for they thought they could get warmth and inspiration from Miss. Temple. When Mr. Brocklehurst told everyone that Jane was a liar, almost each people chose to be silent though they knew maybe Jane was innocent, except Miss. Temple. Only Miss. Temple knew it was just an accident for Jane and counseled her gently that she wouldn’t be punished, encouraging Jane to tell her the truth that to the great extent comfort Jane’s heart. The story lifts the rebellion to the greatness.3.1 Analyzing the Rebellion of Jane Eyre through BurnsThe person, Helen Burns, under author’s written, played a very important role in Jane Eyre’s childhood. Either in the Lowood or in the Jane’s whole life, she could be undoubtedly considered as Jane’s friend. Burns was the first person to speak with Jane in the Lowood. And her well-learned knowledge, wisdom were attracted by Jane deeply. Jane respected and admired Burns, for she thought that Burns had a lot of experience and full of knowledge which could bring joy to her. Jane loved to be with Burns, for not only she was willing to tell many interesting things, but also the things she described were quite vivid that made Jane fascinate it very much. And what’s more? The things that Burns described were never heard by Jane, which caused her great interests. They were so mysterious to her.Nevertheless, there existed the different characteristics between Jane and Burns. Very often, it was difficult for Jane to make it clear that why Burns would think so. For example, sometimes, she would suffer the insult by some teachers in Lowood, but why she did not str ike back. “If I were you”, Jane s aid, “I would fight with them” (Charlotte Bronte2008:74)so seen from it, we learned that there was a kind of cowardice in Burns. She was not brave as much as Jane. One day, Burns was punished by Miss. Scatcheded and asked her to stand in the middle of the classroom. In Jane Eyre’s view, this punishment was simply a burning shame. However, what surprised Jane was after being subject to such punishment, Burns could be still so calm, having no complaining words. It seemed that nothing had happened, no crying, no shameful expression on her face. But Jane thought in another way. She thought if she had stood in the front of so many people, she would rather to dig a hole on the ground and jumped into it immediately.Burns was always telling something about her belief to Jane. She believed in God, trusting that the destiny of everyone had been arranged. No one could change and escaped from it. Furthermore, she thought all of us should believe it. So when faced with the death, she was not afraid of it. “All of things were my fault”(Charlotte Bronte2008:80)she s aid, “I had no qualitie s or talents to make my way very well in the world: I should have been continually at fault.”(Charlotte Bronte2008:115) But Jane did not think so. She didn’t want to be contented with the things as they were. She was a girl born with strong rebellion. As long as any evil force came to her, a must thing she would do was to be in revolt against them. It was her persistence that made her get what she desired. This persistence was just the quality that Burns was lack of. When Miss. Scatcheded scolded her for not washing her nails, Burns just kept s ilence and didn’t account for any reasons. From this point, Jane could not understand why Burns did not explain. Why she didn’t say because of the freezing water, she had no idea to wash her nails. Jane really could not understand it. And then, after that, it was amazing for Jane to see Burns presented the cane to Miss. Scatcheded with a respectful curtsey and she was just at the mercy of Miss. Scatcheded. Readers, maybe you can guess what her face expressions were. Yes, there were not any sense of shame, no tear, and no pains.Meanwhile, what did Jane think about in her mind? She thought only in the forceful way, could we protect ourselves. If not, death would be waiting for us. After that, Jane asked Burns why could that Miss. be so cruel to her, but the answer she got was Miss. Scatcheded was only。