
GIS international training centre
电话:010-64855687 0512-68076818
课程时间 本课程学时间为三天,包括教师 15 小时的讲解和学员 9 小时的练习时间。
GIS international training centre 《ArcGIS 高级分析教程》
电话:010-64855687 0512-68076818
(Performing Analysis with ArcGIS Desktop)
课程简介 ArcGIS 软件提供了许多解决各种空间问题的工具。本课程将介绍多种 GIS 分析任务的
处理方法与工具,提高您的 GIS 分析与应用技能。本课程将介绍一套有效的方法,来解决诸 如选址、可视化分析、热点分析等各种空间问题。您还将学习回归分析,以发现空间模式的 存在原因。部分课程练习会使用 Spatial Analyst 扩展模块。课程练习源于实际项目,体现 了很多真实有意义的 GIS 应用。
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 地理信息系统国际培训中心 GIS 培训课程大纲
2013 年 7 月
GIS international training centre 《ArcGIS 应用教程》
电话:010-64855687 0512-68076818
(Introduction to ArcGIS Desktop)

•优点:-减少数据复制,充分利用文件存储系统的优势-数据库利用率高,充分利用数据库-支持影像检索查询•缺点:-影像数据的共享访问实现难度较高-实施难度高方案四:使用混合模式管理和共享数据库ArcGIS影像解决方案9•栅格数据集Raster dataset (8.0)-单幅影像•栅格目录Raster catalog (9.0)-栅格数据集合-可访问单幅影像-托管/非托管•镶嵌数据集Mosaic dataset (10.0)-栅格目录模型的增强-具有镶嵌视图和动态处理能力-管理和发布影像集合Geodatabase影像管理模型10•栅格数据管理的基本单元•提供所有比例尺下的快速浏览•具有栅格数据集的所有属性:-Pyramids, images statistics, spatial reference …•可把多幅小的影像镶嵌成完整的影像•但是:镶嵌比较耗时-更新操作更耗时,需要更多的系统资源-格网大小一致•可用于地图背景等•不能对元数据描述进行扩展栅格数据集Raster dataset11•9.3 中栅格数据集合•存储栅格数据的范围•可以托管和非托管两种方式存储-非托管Unmanaged•只存储数据所在路径•Personal GDB和File GDB中可实现,ArcSDE不支持•数据操作不影响原始数据-托管Managed•GeoDatabase中存储整幅影像•所有的GDB中都支持,包括:personal/ File /Arcsde GDB•数据操作影响原始数据栅格目录Raster CatalogOBJECTIDNAME RASTER FOOTPRINT METADATA (16473)3198401a_sid 1028910289164743198402a_sid 1029010290164753198403a_sid 1029110291164763198404a_sid 102921029212•数据装载速度快-尤其是非托管模式管理的栅格数据集•数据不需要满足:-格网一致-像素值位数保持一致•减少栅格数据集Raster Dataset的数量,提高对ArcSDE的访问效率•可对栅格数据的元数据进行扩展。

第一章:ArcGIS简介1.1地理信息系统(GIS)的概念1.2ArcGIS的特点和优势1.3ArcGIS的应用领域第二章:ArcGIS软件安装与配置2.1系统要求2.2安装步骤2.3许可证配置第三章:ArcGIS界面与基本操作3.1ArcGIS软件界面介绍3.2地图导航与缩放3.3图层管理与符号化3.4基本地图元素编辑与标注3.5基本空间分析工具的使用第四章:空间数据管理4.1空间数据的概念与类型4.2空间数据获取与导入4.3空间数据库管理4.4空间数据质量控制与维护第五章:空间数据分析与应用5.1空间查询与选择5.2缓冲区分析5.3地图代数与栅格分析5.4网络分析5.5三维分析第六章:地图设计与输出6.1地图设计原则与布局6.2地图元素设计与布局6.3地图标注与注记6.4地图打印与输出第七章:ArcGIS高级功能与应用7.1地理处理模型与脚本编写7.2ArcGISServer与WebGIS7.3三维GIS与虚拟现实7.4大数据与实时GIS分析结论本教程从ArcGIS的基本概念和操作入手,逐步介绍了ArcGIS 软件的安装与配置、界面与基本操作、空间数据管理、空间数据分析与应用、地图设计与输出以及高级功能与应用等方面的内容。

劣势: – 影像数据需要预先上传到数据库中 – 数据库昂贵
在关系型数据库的基础上,利用关系数据库提供的各种接口而开发的专 用程序,将影像数据分解成关系数据库的一个或多个数据表,实现对遥 感影像的存储和管理。
优势: – 使用每种DBMS所支持的标准SQL类型来管理数据 – 支持多用户
LowPS和HighPS – 定义镶嵌数据集将从栅格数据集中读取的像元大小的实际范围。
MinPS和MaxPS – 定义像元大小范围,将根据该范围请求确定应使用哪一栅格数据 集。
劣势: – 不利于影像分析
缺点: 产生的中间数据占用大量的磁盘空间; 处理流程花费的时间较长; 使用不方便。
数据库 文件
栅格数据集合 可访问单幅影像
优势: – 数据传输快

Advances in Geosciences 地球科学前沿, 2014, 4, 16-21/10.12677/ag.2014.41003Published Online February 2014 (/journal/ag.html) Research on Management and Sharing of Large-Scale ImageBased on ArcGISLiang Wang, Jun Tang*, Jinli Miao1College of Earth Sciences, Yangtze University, Wuhan2China Geological Survey Development Research Centre, BeijingEmail: wangliang1623@, *tang0262@Received: Jan. 2nd, 2014; revised: Feb. 1st, 2014; accepted: Feb. 8th, 2014Copyright © 2014 Liang Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unre-stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In accordance of the Creative Commons At-tribution License all Copyrights © 2014 are reserved for Hans and the owner of the intellectual property Liang Wang et al. All Copyright © 2014 are guarded by law and by Hans as a guardian.Abstract:This paper introduces the model of traditional image data management and its existing problems, and the re-lease and sharing of ArcGIS image management and image data are studied, including ArcGIS image management in dif-ferent periods of the model and their respective characteristics, slicing and dynamic imaging services. According to the ex-perimental verification, mosaic dataset can manage massive image data very well and make the sharing more convenient. Keywords: Mosaic Dataset; ArcGIS; Image Data; Imaging Services基于ArcGIS的大规模影像数据管理和共享的研究王亮1,汤军1*,缪谨励21长江大学地球科学学院,武汉2中国地质调查局发展研究中心,北京Email: wangliang1623@, *tang0262@收稿日期:2014年1月2日;修回日期:2014年2月1日;录用日期:2014年2月8日摘要:本文介绍了传统影像数据管理的模式及存在的问题,并对ArcGIS的影像管理模式和影像数据的发布与共享进行研究,包括ArcGIS不同时期影像管理的模型和各自特点、切片和动态影像服务。

关于arcgis的课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能理解ArcGIS的基本概念,掌握地理信息系统的组成及其功能。
2. 学生能运用ArcGIS软件进行地图的创建、编辑、分析等基本操作。
3. 学生能运用ArcGIS解决实际问题,如地理空间数据分析、地图制作等。
技能目标:1. 学生能够独立操作ArcGIS软件,完成地图的绘制和编辑。
2. 学生能够运用ArcGIS进行地理信息的查询、统计和分析。
3. 学生能够运用ArcGIS解决实际地理问题,展示和阐述自己的观点。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 培养学生对地理信息科学的兴趣,激发他们探索地理问题的热情。
2. 增强学生的团队协作意识,培养他们在地理信息处理过程中的沟通和协作能力。
3. 培养学生运用地理信息技术服务社会的意识,提高他们解决实际问题的能力。
通过本课程的学习,学生将掌握地理信息系统的基础知识,具备运用ArcGIS 解决实际问题的能力,并在实践中培养情感态度和价值观。
二、教学内容1. 地理信息系统概述:介绍GIS的基本概念、发展历程、应用领域。
教材章节:第一章 地理信息系统导论2. ArcGIS软件操作:学习ArcGIS软件的界面、工具栏、基本操作。
教材章节:第二章 ArcGIS软件操作基础3. 地图绘制与编辑:学习地图的绘制、编辑、修改等操作。
教材章节:第三章 地图的绘制与编辑4. 空间数据分析:学习空间数据的查询、统计、分析等方法。
教材章节:第四章 空间数据分析5. 实际案例应用:结合实际问题,运用ArcGIS进行地理信息处理和分析。
教材章节:第五章 应用实例6. 课程总结与拓展:总结所学知识,探讨GIS在现实生活中的应用,激发学生进一步学习的兴趣。
教材章节:第六章 课程总结与拓展教学内容按照教学大纲进行科学、系统地安排,确保课程目标的实现。

ArcGIS智慧园区地理信息资源共享平台解决方案2015年6月目录第1章概述 (1)第2章现状与存在问题 (1)2.1园区发展现状 (1)2.2存在问题 (2)2.2.1缺乏信息化规划和顶层设计 (2)2.2.2信息资源利用仍需加强,缺少综合支撑平台 (2)2.2.3信息化应用水平低 (2)第3章总体解决方案 (3)3.1平台体系架构 (3)3.2平台服务体系 (4)3.2.1基础地图服务 (4)3.2.2兴趣点(POI)查询服务 (4)3.2.3地图标注服务 (5)3.2.4地理编码服务 (5)3.2.5路径规划服务 (5)3.2.6公交查询服务 (6)3.2.7GPS位置服务 (7)3.3平台应用体系 (7)3.3.1虚拟园区 (7)3.3.2电子地图 (8)3.3.3资产管理 (8)3.3.4园区应急 (9)3.3.5园区旅游 (9)II第1章概述自上世纪80年代改革开放以来,园区逐渐成为我国改革开放的实验田,成为地区招商引资、储备人才的重要途径。
第2章现状与存在问题2.1 园区发展现状经过多年发展,各类工业园区、科技园区、产业集聚区已经成为我国工业发展的重要载体,也是壮大区域经济的重要力量。

二、培训目标1. 帮助学员熟悉ArcGIS软件的基本功能和操作方法,具备基本的地理信息系统技能;2. 培养学员对地理空间数据的管理、分析和可视化能力;3. 帮助学员掌握ArcGIS相关的数据采集、编辑、处理和分析的技术;4. 培养学员在地理信息系统软件方面的综合能力,提高就业竞争力。
三、培训内容1. ArcGIS基础知识- ArcGIS软件介绍- 界面操作- 数据导入与导出2. 地理数据库管理- 地理数据库设计- 地理数据库管理- 数据集成和共享3. 空间分析与处理- 空间数据模型- 空间数据查询- 空间数据分析4. 地图制作与可视化- 地图设计原理- 地图元素制作- 地图输出5. ArcGIS应用案例分析- 研究领域应用案例分析- 行业应用案例分析6. 实际操作练习- 练习案例分析- 实际项目操作四、培训方式1. 理论讲授:通过讲座、PPT演示等形式,讲解ArcGIS软件的基本原理和应用技巧;2. 实践操作:通过实际案例操作,让学员更加深入地理解和掌握ArcGIS软件的使用方法;3. 互动学习:在培训过程中鼓励学员之间的交流互动,共同学习、共同进步;4. 应用案例分析:通过分析实际的应用案例,让学员更加深入地了解ArcGIS软件在不同行业中的应用。
6-ArcGIS Imagery大规模影像管理与共享解决方案_ArcGIS 10.3

ARCGIS 影像解决方案..................................................................................... 55 国产卫星使用和管理解决方案 ............................................................... 55
4.1.1 4.1.2 平台架构 ...................................................................................................................... 9 技术平台特点 ............................................................................................................ 11
4.4.3 4.4.4 动态影像服务 ............................................................................................................ 46 在线分析服务 ............................................................................................................ 47
ArcGIS Imagery 大规模影像管理与共 享解决方案
ArcGIS Field Maps位置共享解决方案部署指南说明书

June 2022Deploy a Location Sharing Solution with ArcGIS Field MapsEssential tasks and best practices for deploying a location sharing solution with ArcGIS Field Maps.OverviewTASK COMPLETE1.Introduction2.Account requirements3.Considerations4.Configure user types and roles5.Create location sharing content6.Start sharing location7.Learn more8.FAQ1. IntroductionLocation sharing is a capability offered with ArcGIS Field Maps that allows you to monitor where mobile workers are and understand where they’ve been. Here are some examples of why you might implement location sharing into your workflows: •Monitor special events—Know where your personnel are during large scale events to ensure safety and provide quick response times.•Provide proof of work—Verify on-site inspections completed by your team.•Determine area coverage—Determine area coverage during events such as invasive species removal or search and rescue missions.Location sharing is supported on ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. Follow along with this guide to successfully deploy location sharing with Field Maps.Note: For more detailed information about the location sharing capability, see Enable location sharing in ArcGIS Online or Configure location sharing in ArcGIS Enterprise.Key componentsThere are three necessary components for deploying the location sharing capability with ArcGIS Field Maps:•Location sharing feature layer—Tracks and last known locations are uploaded from Field Maps to the location sharing feature layer. Location sharing isavailable across your organization and can be enabled by any administrator.Once location sharing has been enabled, licensed users in your organizationcan use the Field Maps mobile app to upload their historical and currentlocations to the location sharing layer. Users only see their own tracks, andadditional permissions are required to view the tracks of others.The location sharing feature layer consists of three layers:o Last known locations—A point layer that contains a single record for each user representing their most recently reported location.o Tracks—A point layer that contains a record for each location where a mobile worker shared their location (a breadcrumb trail).o Track lines—A polyline layer that contains lines showing where the mobile worker has been (ArcGIS Online only).•Track views—Tracks and last known locations can be shared with other users in the organization via track views. A track view is a special type of feature layer that requires an additional privilege to use. A track view contains a list ofmobile users whose tracks are displayed as well as a separate list of trackviewer users who are allowed to view the tracks. Like any other feature layer, track view layers can be used in maps, dashboards, and apps.•Field Maps mobile app—Tracks and last known locations are uploaded from the Field Maps mobile app to the location sharing layers. Field Maps records tracks whether or not there is a data connection and provides mobile workers with control of when they are and are not tracked. Several optimizations are used to minimize the impact on device battery.2. Account requirementsBefore you can deploy a location sharing solution, your organization must meet the following requirements:•Location sharing user type extensions must be included in your subscription.•Location sharing must be enabled for your organization.License location sharingLocation sharing is an organization extension that requires a user type extension for each mobile worker. There are two ways that a user can be licensed: •Assign a Mobile Worker user type—The location sharing user type extension is included in the Mobile Worker user type.•Assign an add-on location sharing user type extension—The location sharing user type extension can be added to any user type, including Viewer.For more information, see Share location requirements.Enable location sharingFor mobile workers to upload tracks, the location sharing capability must be enabled for your organization. This must be done by an administrator. Tracks stored in ArcGIS Online are retained using a 30-day rolling window and there is no additional storage cost. In ArcGIS Enterprise, additional configuration options are available.•See Enable location sharing in ArcGIS Online•See Configure location sharing in ArcGIS Enterprise•See ArcGIS Tracker Deployment Guide for ArcGIS Enterprise3. ConsiderationsIt's important to understand how location sharing data will be used by stakeholders. Consider the following questions before you begin configuring user types and creating location sharing content:•Do mobile workers need to see each other's locations in near real-time?•Do the locations of mobile workers need to be displayed in a dashboard?•How should the locations of mobile workers be visualized?Do mobile workers need to see each other’s locations?For many location sharing deployments, it's critical that mobile workers can see where other workers are at any time. This is supported in Field Maps, but requires additional steps to configure. Create a .csv file or a list of all the users who need to view other users’ tracks.Do the locations of mobile workers need to be displayed in a dashboard?You can use ArcGIS Dashboards to display the last known locations of mobile workers. A dashboard can be displayed in an emergency operatingcenter (EOC) during an event where situational awareness is critical. Dashboards can also be shared with additional stakeholders as necessary. See Add the map to a dashboard.How should the locations of mobile workers be visualized?It's important to understand if locations need to be visualized based on the mobile worker’s role (for example, a paramedic), their last update time, or any other attribute. If symbolizing by roles, make sure you know how and when roles may change. It's also important to know if the historical tracks and lines need to be displayed in the map, app, or dashboard you’re using.4. Configure user types and rolesThere are two personas in a location sharing solution: mobile workers and track viewers. Each persona requires specific privileges and licenses. A mobile worker can also be a track viewer if they need to view the tracks of other mobile workers. Configure user types and roles for a location sharing solution by completing the following steps:•Add users to your organizations•Configure mobile user extensions•Configure track viewer rolesAdd users to your organizationIf you are deploying a location solution for the first time, you may need to add new users to your organization. This can be done quickly by importing users from a .csv file.•See Invite or add members in ArcGIS Online•See Add members to your portal in ArcGIS EnterpriseConfigure mobile user licensesFor mobile workers to share their location, they must have a location sharing user type extension. This can be done by setting their User Type to Mobile Worker or by assigning an add-on ArcGIS Location sharing user type extension.Note: ArcGIS Tracker licenses assigned previously are still supported for sharing location in Field Maps.•See User types, roles, and privileges in ArcGIS Online•See User types, roles, and privileges in ArcGIS Enterprise•See Manage licenses in ArcGIS Online•See Manage licenses in ArcGIS EnterpriseConfigure track viewer rolesTo view the tracks of mobile workers, a user must have the View locationtracks privilege assigned to their role. The easiest way to do this is by creating a new custom role that includes this privilege. Assign this role to each user who needs to view the tracks of other mobile workers.Note: Depending on the current roles assigned to your users, you may need to change existing roles or create additional roles with more privileges.•See User types, roles, and privileges in ArcGIS Online•See User types, roles, and privileges in ArcGIS Enterprise•See View tracks in ArcGIS Online•See View tracks in ArcGIS Enterprise5. Create location sharing contentOnce location sharing has been enabled for your organization and users are configured, build the maps and apps that mobile workers use to track location and monitor activity. Complete the following steps:•Create a track view.•Add a track view to a map.•Add a map to a dashboard.•Configure a map for mobile users.•Create geofences to control location sharing.Create a track viewTrack views are created in the Track Viewer web app. Select the mobile users who should appear in the track view and which users can view those tracks. Once completed, a hosted feature layer view and a group in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise that controls access to the track view are also created.The layer is available to use in maps and apps, including Track Viewer.Note: You can share the track view with users outside your organization by inviting them to the group created with the feature layer view. For users to access the track view, the administrator for their organization must assign the View location tracks privilege to their role.•See Create track views in ArcGIS Online•See Create track views in ArcGIS Enterprise•See Track layers in ArcGIS Online•See Track layers in ArcGIS EnterpriseAdd a track view to a mapUse Map Viewer to create a new map or open an existing one and add the track view feature layer to the map. Each layer should be configured to suit your specific requirements, but here are some general recommendations.Layer visibilityThe last known locations layer should be the first layer listed in the map so it draws on top of every layer listed below it. To improve overall performance when panning and zooming the map, set the Visible range of the tracks layer from Street toRoom. Similarly, for the track lines layer, set the Visible range from World to Street.•See Set transparency and visible range (Map Viewer)Layer filtersApply a temporal filter to all three location sharing layers to avoid showing unnecessary or stale data (for example, showing outdated location timestamps).•See Apply filters (Map Viewer)Layer refresh intervalsRefresh intervals determine how frequently layers are updated in the map. The last known locations layer should have a relatively short interval (30 seconds to a minute). This ensures the map accurately reflects where someone is as they move. The track points and track lines layers should use a longer interval (5 to 10 minutes) since those are uploaded less frequently.•See Set a refresh interval (Map Viewer)Layer symbologyThe three most common ways to symbolize track data are by location, name, or category or role.Symbolize by locationThe default drawing style for each location sharing layer is Location (single symbol). Each user and their tracks are symbolized using the same colors and symbols.Symbolize by nameIf mobile users do the same type of work, it may make sense to use a different color to more easily identify specific mobile users. In this case, a Types(unique symbols) drawing style should be used with the Full Name or CreatedUser attribute.Symbolize by category or roleWhen there are multiple groups of mobile users, it may make sense to symbolize each user based on their role or the type of work they do. For example, all police officers could be blue, and all firefighters could be red. In this case, a Types (unique symbols) drawing style should be used with an Arcade expressionthat returns a category for a given feature.Here is a sample Arcade expression that determines if a feature should be categorized as Firefighter or Police Officer:When tracks need to be symbolized based on the project they’re being collected for, a Types (unique symbols) drawing style should be used to symbolize the category field. You can define values for the category field by adding track categories in the Field Maps web app.•See Style location (Map Viewer)•See Style categories (Map Viewer)•See Getting Started with ArcGIS Arcade documentation•See Generate a user-based Arcade expressionAdd a map to a dashboardOnce you’ve configured a map for location sharing, add it to a dashboard in ArcGIS Dashboards. This dashboard can be shared with stakeholders so they can see where mobile users are in near real-time. Once the map is added to the dashboard, you can add additional dashboard elements such as indicators and lists.Make sure you share your dashboard with the track viewers group. For security and privacy, the location sharing layers cannot be shared publicly, so your dashboard and maps should not be shared publicly.•See Create a dashboard•See Create a location sharing dashboardConfigure a map for mobile workersYou may want to create a separate map for mobile workers. To get started, make a copy of the map you configured for track viewers and make adjustments as needed. For example, if mobile workers do not need to see each other's locations, you can remove the track view layers from the map.Note: It is not necessary to have a track view layer in the map to record and share tracks. If a track view layer has been added to the map, the map cannot be taken offline.From the App settings page in the Field Maps web app, you can require that mobile workers track their location when using the map.•See Require location sharing in ArcGIS Field MapsTrack categories can be added from the App settings page in the Field Maps web app to associate information with each track point. Categories can be useful for filtering, symbolizing, and analyzing tracks in other apps.Consider how you want to filter and symbolize tracks when adding track categories. For example, you may want to add the type of work being done or the name of the project that's being worked on.•See Add track categories in ArcGIS Field MapsThis map must be shared with mobile workers so they can use it in the field. Use the Sharing page in the Field Maps web app to share the map with a group of mobile users or with the entire organization. A link and QR code are generated—thesecan be provided directly to mobile users to streamline the process of signing in, opening a map, and sharing their location.•See Share the map in ArcGIS Field MapsCreate geofences to control location sharingYou can create geofences that automatically start and stop location sharing when mobile workers enter or exit specific areas on the map. For example, you may only want mobile workers to share their location while working on company property. You can add geofences to a map from the Geofences page in the Field Maps web app. Once mobile workers enable location sharing on their device, it’s automatically turned on or off when they enter or exit a geofence. This helps sustain battery life and ensures they are only sharing location when they need to.•See Geofences (help topic)•See Get started with geofences in ArcGIS Field Maps (blog post)6. Start sharing locationOnce users and maps are configured for location sharing, mobile workers can start recording their locations. Location sharing works offline too—when a worker regains connectivity, the tracks and last known location will automatically upload to the location sharing layer.First, account credentials should be assigned to each user so they can sign in to the mobile app. Next, instructions should be provided to mobile users about how to get started. A template instruction manual is available: location sharing instructions template.At a high level, the following steps should be provided to mobile users in an instruction manual:1.Download the Field Maps mobile app from the Apple App Store or GooglePlay Store.2.Scan the provided QR code to launch the app.3.Sign in with credentials.4.Accept the permission prompts for location, motion, and notifications.5.Select a location sharing duration.Note: Mobile workers may not have to download the mobile app if a mobile device management solution (MDM) is used.7. Learn moreThere is so much more you can do with location sharing in ArcGIS Field Maps. The resources in this section will help you explore more opportunities as well as help you troubleshoot and answer questions.•For a more hands-on learning experience, see the Get started with location sharing in ArcGIS Field Maps Discovery Path.•To learn about ways to analyze track data, see the Analyze track data captured in Field Maps Discovery Path.•Join the ArcGIS Field Maps Community. You can join discussions with a diverse group of ArcGIS Field Maps users and Esri staff.•Read articles from the ArcGIS Field Maps team on the ArcGIS Blog.•Browse the ArcGIS Field Maps Resources page. This is your hub for all things ArcGIS Field Maps—documentation, blogs, videos, learning materials, andmore.Troubleshooting and supportLooking for assistance with ArcGIS Field Maps? Check out the following: •The ArcGIS Field Maps help is searchable by keyword and contains documentation for everything from designing layers and maps to configuring forms and using the app.•Consult the ArcGIS Field Maps Community and get specific answers from peers and members of the ArcGIS Field Maps team.•If you’ve tried the options above and still need assistance, contact Esri Technical Support for technical issues or Esri Customer Service for licensingquestions.8. FAQHow do I get the app?The ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app is available on Google Play for Android devices and the App Store for iPad and iPhone.Note: If you can't access Google Play, see the technical article about downloading Field Maps from Esri.Can I change the upload frequency of tracks?The track and last known location upload frequency can be configured when using a mobile device management (MDM) system. See Deploy your map for additional details.Can I change how tracks are collected?By default, a battery optimization setting is enabled on Androids and iOS. This means tracks are collected using a combination of activity detection and distance moved. This setting can be turned off to capture tracks more frequently if desired.How can I analyze the track data?Tracks can be exported from ArcGIS Online, and tools in ArcGIS Pro can be used to gain insights into the data. If using ArcGIS Enterprise, you can use ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server to directly analyze the features stored in the location sharing layers.。

%Because of the complicated processing steps and large amounts of geographic data, it usually require users have specialized knowledge and software, which limit the sharing and application of geographic data. The emergence of cloud GIS platform provide a more convenient way for sharing and application of geographic data. On the cloud GIS platform users can use much specialized online data service and processing service anytime and anywhere. This paper introduces the way to create, publish and share geographic processing services based on ArcGIS cloud platform, by using toolbox, to make complex geographic processing process share on cloud platform. So that users can call geographic processing processes as convenient as possible.【期刊名称】《科技创新导报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)016【总页数】2页(P3-4)【关键词】地理处理服务;云平台;ArcGIS【作者】杨宏健;杨晓霞;李少达;杨容浩;沈雪娇;范爱平【作者单位】成都理工大学地球科学学院四川成都 610059; 四川省应急测绘保障与地质灾害监测工程技术研究中心四川成都 610041;成都理工大学地球科学学院四川成都 610059; 地学空间信息技术国土资源部重点实验室四川成都 610059;成都理工大学地球科学学院四川成都 610059; 地学空间信息技术国土资源部重点实验室四川成都 610059;成都理工大学地球科学学院四川成都 610059; 地学空间信息技术国土资源部重点实验室四川成都 610059;成都理工大学地球科学学院四川成都 610059;成都理工大学地球科学学院四川成都 610059【正文语种】中文【中图分类】K0随着网络技术、GIS技术的发展以及用户需求方式的转变,传统的单一的数据查询、浏览等功能已经不能满足应用的需要,提供更多更专业的在线数据服务及处理功能应用是WebGIS发展的趋势[1]。

1、创建新场景,又称为添加数据。在 ArcScene中,直接单击标准工具上的 图表 即可。
一般有三种方法可以用来定义图层的Z 值,即:使用属性设置图层的基准高程;通 过在表面上添加新要素;突出要素。最常用 的是通过在表面上添加新要素,其步骤如下:
在ArcGIS中,三维可视化的主要功能有:创建三 维场景、向场景中添加图层与图形、定义图层的 三维属性、定义场景的属性、识别和选择要素、 管理场景浏览器、输出场景、打映场景等。下面 分别具体说明:
一、准备材料 1、 三波段合成的geotif影像数据 2、与影像坐标配套的DEM数据 3、如果有其他矢量元素,转为shape格式 4、arcgis软件(好像需要desktop版本,安装时选 择安装arcscene模块)
(4) 单击确定(如图标4所示)!
鼠标右键上下移动为放大缩小,鼠标左 键为改变角度,鼠标中间按住拖动为移动场 景。在下图中,可调节影像的亮度与对比度。
将此参数调高,否 则输出图很模糊
设置好参数之后,可以采用pdf打印输出。 输出时,设置纸张为较大尺寸,如A0等以上,
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基于ArcGIS的影像共享方案2•影像服务概念•影像服务类型•ArcGIS影像服务发布•如何访问影像服务•影像服务能力内容概述影像服务概念4•影像能够被web和客户端应用获得的一种方式-Web端应用-ArcGIS for Desktop-ArcGIS Online-其他客户端影像服务是什么?SourcesServer5•Map service-发布带有影像图层的地图文档•其他-Globe service, mobile service, geodata service…共享影像的其他方式6影像服务与地图服务影像服务地图服务直接发布影像发布一个包含影像或者矢量的地图文档能够作为一个数据源被使用能够查询客户端浏览地图客户端能够改变图层属性客户端不能改变图层属性能够创建缓存能够创建缓存7影像服务可以提供什么?●快速显示●数据导出-像素值、原始数据和处理之后的数据●镶嵌图像和影像目录●动态影像处理●影像量测(2D、3D)●影像服务编辑-增加、删除、更新●支持OGC标准-WCS, WMS, WMTS, KML8•REST、SOAP •Web APIs -Silverlight、Flex、JavaScript • •ArcGIS Desktop •ArcGIS Explorer •移动设备•OGC标准-WMS, WCS, WMTS, KML 影像服务客户端REST Flex Silverlight Java Web APIs OGCSOAP ServerClients影像服务类型10任何应用都可以快速访问影像数据并进行影像处理通过ArcGIS for Server共享影像数据和功能切片影像服务动态影像服务大规模影像数据AGS Image ExtensionAGS Image ExtensionArcGIS for Server影像分析服务影像分析模型11•使用Map Service •使用Image Service (New )•海量影像快速访问•作为应用程序的背景底图•例如ArcGIS Online的影像底图切片影像服务12•预先生成•与处理过的影像—它不是实时处理的影像•优势:-提升基础影像显示性能-提升较慢格式的影像的性能•可以预先生成或者按需生成•切片结构–根据比例尺或者根据像素大小•如果不透明可以使用MIXED格式或者JPEG影像服务的缓存13•影像服务创建的两个目的-提供最快到达影像的方式,即切片服务方式-提供到达数据的方式,通过查询,下载,获得单个影像项用于处理和分析缓存影像服务是很好的选择14•影像不经常更新•影像数据更新了,可以接受定期更新缓存的方式•影像数据更新了,马上更新缓存是否应该缓存影像服务?15Image Server Ext. 提供的影像动态服务Large Collectionsof Imagery Single ImageMosaic DatasetOn-the-Fly ProcessingPicturesPixels MetadataImage ServicesD o w n l o a d / U p l o a d I m a g e s16•Geoprocessing服务提供了影像在线处理的框架•ENVI for ArcGIS Server提供专业在线影像分析处理能力•用户不需要任何ENVI或ArcGIS运行时环境•支持桌面、Web和移动设备访问影像分析服务ArcGIS影像服务的发布18•栅格数据集(Raster datasets)-包括(raster products)•镶嵌数据集(Mosaic datasets )-需要ArcGIS Server Image Extension的许可•栅格图层或镶嵌图层-控制渲染-预定义查询哪些数据源可以发布为影像服务Sources19•需要单独的许可•扩展了使用mosaic datasets方式来管理的影像或者lidar数据的服务能力-作为影像服务或者-包含在其他服务里,比如地图服务•允许发布一个raster layer用来镶嵌多个栅格(Mosaic Functions)ArcGIS Image Extension for Server影像扩展ArcGIS for Server•Raster datasets •Raster layers •Mosaic datasets •Mosaic dataset layers20影像服务发布•发布动态影像服务-ArcGIS Image Extension for Server 扩展•发布缓存影像服务-Service Editor>Caching •ArcGIS Online共享影像服务利用ArcGIS Online将镶嵌数据集发布为切片地图缓存-Data Management-> Tile Cache>Manage Tile Cache tool -Data Management-> Tile Cache>Export Tile Cache -Data management-> Package toolset>Share Package -将打包文件作为切片地图发布至ArcGIS Online21•10.2中改进了ArcGIS Desktop中影像服务发布的用户体验-支持发布服务时拷贝数据•影像服务发布的建议流程-服务器有访问数据的权限•注册数据路径,然后发布-服务器没有访问数据的权限(Linux 或者Cloud)•如果数据量很大,先移动数据到服务器上•如果数据量较小,可以在发布的时候自动拷贝影像服务发布22•新的发布流程-注册databases-从数据源处共享-需要服务定义文件(.sd)发布流程发生了变化23•确保server总是能访问到数据•数据可能在发布的时候进行拷贝•注册数据文件夹和geodatabases-共享-复制•推荐注册数据位置,而不是mosaic dataset的位置发布影像服务时的数据位置241.连接到server 2.注册数据位置(shared/duplicated)3.导航到相应的dataset 并且共享为Image Service 4.定义相关信息-Server, 服务名称5.修改capabilities和参数-一些能力是针对特定的数据的6.Register with ArcGIS Online7.分析8.发布发布影像服务基本流程25发布界面26•应用于所有输入的参数27•应用于Mosaic Dataset的参数练习20:发布GF-1镶嵌数据集为动态影像服务练习21:生成已有动态影像服务的切片服务练习22:在ArcGIS Online中发布切片地图缓存29•ArcMap -> Catalog View30•Use GIS Services •Publish GIS Services •Administrator GIS Server31•Server URL: •Authentication:-User Name: siteadmin-Password: 12345678连接ArcGIS Server32•创建Windows共享账户:-“我的电脑”-> “管理”->“本地用户和组”->“用户”-右键“新用户”-用户名:arcgis_server -密码: 12345678-选择用户不能更改密码-选择密码永不过期-加入“Administrators”组33•本地数据共享为网络资源-添加“arcgis_server”用户的读写权限(完全控制)-确保GIS Server能够访问34•“ArcGIS Server Properties”-> “Data Store”•“Registered Folders”点击注册•“Register Folder”注册信息-Name: <主机名>-Publisher folder path: \\<主机名>\Raster_Training_Data35•ArcMap中连接网络资源-Catalog View -> Connect To Folder-文件夹中输入:\\<主机名>\Raster_Training_Data •创建镶嵌数据集•添加网络中的影像资源36•已有镶嵌数据集右键“Modify”->”Repair”-修改“Folder Paths Depth”,减少或增加路径深度-使用新路径替换旧路径路径深度设置新路径37•定义相关信息•选择Server:•服务名称:<数据集名称>_<主机名> *防止和其它服务重名•修改服务参数•Register with ArcGIS Online(可选)•服务分析:根据分析结果修改服务•确定发布发布影像服务如何访问影像服务?39如何访问影像服务?WCSImagingWMSKMLCapabilitiesRESTDesktop, Web, & MobileApplicationsSOAP40Image Service REST API 操作输出ExportImage支持格式的Image Query10.0查询结果列表Download10.0下载的IDs Identify10.0像素值结果Measure10.1量测结果Add, Delete, Update10.1Raster ID ComputeHistogram10.1 直方图41•Web APIs Silverlight, Flex, JavaScript • •ArcGIS Desktop •ArcGIS Explorer •Mobile •Standards WMS, WCS, WMTS, KML影像服务的客户端影像服务能力43•Imaging •Web Coverage Service (WCS)-可以从源数据中获得真实的像素信息-用于影像分析的应用•Web Map Service (WMS,WMTS)-支持带渲染的影像服务-一般用于影像基础地图Image service的能力44影像服务中的Imaging能力Image影像可以被显示*Mensuration客户端可以使用影像量测Metadata客户端可以看到所有数据的元数据Catalog客户端可以打开属性表Download数据能够被下载*Edit客户端能够添加,删除或者更新数据Pixels API开发者能获得mosaic dataset中的单个栅格的像素块信息控制客户能如何使用影像服务45•动态显示---------影像服务动态访问•快速显示---------影像服务缓存访问•动态处理---------各种服务器端栅格函数Image能力----显示能力46•Convolution •Remap •Band Arithmetic •Clip •Geometric•Aspect •Colormap •Hillshade •NDVI •ShadedRelief •Slope •Statistics •Stretch 影像服务自带的raster function47•使用raster function templates •针对所有的image service •减少image service的数量•可以开关闭,也可以设定一个默认值自定义raster function48•image service能够接收数据-添加,删除,修改•要求-Mosaic dataset必须在一个企业级的geodatabase中-大边界-创建好的表结构•发布时-定义支持的raster types-指定上传和存储的位置-可以指定editor trackingEditor能力----编辑能力49•ArcGIS为影像量测提供了一系列的工具,包括量测点,距离,面积,以及高度•这个选项是针对所有的image 服务的•所有允许的影像量测方法都来自于数据源,但是可以进行修改•高程源是的客户端可以进行3D的量测(比如建筑物高度+地表高度)Mensuration能力----量测能力50•影像服务的能力:-快速显示能力-实时处理能力-动态镶嵌和查询能力-编辑能力-量测能力-下载能力-元数据能力•构建在线应用的基础小结。