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七 年级升八年级测试题



---Tim played A.the, the soccer and I played pia no.

B.the, /

C./, the

D.a, the

22. My gran dma likes the big house a beautiful garde n.

A .for B.have C.has D.with

23. talk ing! Keep quiet in the library.

A.Don' t

B. No

C. Not

D. Can ' 24. My gran dfather enjoys n ewspaper in the morning.

A.readi ng



D.to read


II .单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)

从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选岀可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂


21. --- What did you do last Friday

25. — Who elea ned the classroom this morni ng

—Li Hong __________ .


B. was ' 26. — How was your vaeati on

—We had great fun __________ on the beaches.


B. plays

C. playi ng

27. — Wouldyoulikesomebeef

— __________ 」don ' tlikemeat.

A.Yes,l ' dloveto

B.No,lwouldn '


28. L etme _________ you __________ A.help;learni ng B.help;tolear n 29. Couldyoutakethebooks _______ A. tohome B. athome 30. I ' __________ n owbecauseldidn A.relaxi ng B.excit ing 31. — Isshetallorshort

— __________ ,butshecan ' tpicktheapples. A.Yes,sheis B.No,sheisn 'C .Sheisshort

32. I have two phon es. One isn A.other; ano ther

33. There _______ abigcakea ndma nycan diesatthepartylast night A . was B . are

34. Isthereapark thehouse A . inthefront B . inthefrontof

35. Marylikes _______ no odlesverymuch A . beefa ndpotatoes C . beefsa ndpotato 36. Cherry is C. did D. Is

D. Played

En glish,please.

C.tohelp;tolear n



C. i nhome

D. home

tsleepwellyesterdayeve ning.




't working, _________ is too old, so I need to buy _ B.a no ther; the other C.other; others D.the other; ano ther


C . C . is infront

D . were

D . infrontof B . eggsandtomatoes

D . eggandtomato girl, but she knows a lot about

scie nee.

A. a eight-year-old

B. eight-year-old

C. eight years old

D. an eight-year-old

37. Jane,likeherotherclassmates, ____ then ewmovie “ Tiny Times ” onv acatio n.

A. wa nttowatch

B.wa ntwatchi ng

C.wa ntstowatch

D.wa ntswatchi ng

38. ---MustIfi ni shmywork now

---No,you ______ .You ______ doitthiseve nin gifyouarefree.

A. mustn' t;can

B.needn ' t;may

C.can ' t;must

D.needn ' t;must

39. --Canyoutellme _______ thelibraryis

---Goalongthisroad. YouCanfindit _______ .

A. what; easy

B. where;easily

C. where;easy

D. how;easily

40. Theteacherwantstokno _________ ?


B.howyoulikeE nglish






One day a Chinese student from Beijing went to study English in England His family name is Sun It is 41 the word “ surlEngland is a country 42 . It is often 43 or

misty(多雾的),and it rains now and then So the people there don't 44 in the whole year. Whe n the Chin ese stude nt went to Lon don a tall En glish policema n with a large face ope ned his passport护照)to go over(检查) 45 . The policeman was 46 in finding the Chinese n ame “ sun” in the passpcHte 47 they pronoun ced 发音)the Chin ese word “ Sun just like the English word “Sun”48 he said to the Chinese student “I see yorniame is Sun We

want you to stay here now ”

The Chinese student was 49 surprised吃惊的)at it. But after a moment一会儿),the policeman began to smile微笑), “MrSun, you've brought sunshine to England! So we don't 50_you to leave.''

41. A. look like B . good to C . the same as D . differe from

42. A. with good weather B . with bad weather

C. have fine weather D . have terrible weather

43. A . sunny B . hot C . cloudy D . rai ns

44 . A . have quite a lot of rain B . have much snow

C . get quite a little wind

D . get much sun shi ne

45 . A . it B . them C . his family D . his

n ame

46 . A . in terest ing B . in terested C . cool D . excit


47 . A . thi nks B . thi nk C . thought D . is

thi nki ng

48. A. or B . so C . but D . yet

49 . A . great B . quite C . a lot of D . little

50 . A . let B. have C . want D . would like

