
WORD格式整理版学校2021学年第一学期六年级期终考试英语试卷Part1Listening(20%)听力I. Listentothesentencesandchoosetherightpictures. 〔根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片〕5%InvitationA B CD E F______II.Listentothedialogueandchoosethebestanswertothequestionyou hear. 〔根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案〕5%1.A.Bybus.B.Byunderground.C.Bytrain.D.Bytaxi.2 .A.Gofishing.B.Workinthegarden. C.Readsomebooks. D.Rest.3. A.Chinese. B.Maths. C.English. D.MathsandEnglish4. A.At10:00. B.At9:45. C.At8:45. D.At9:15.5.A.ApolicemanB.Afireman C.Adoctor D.Apilot学习指导参考WORD格式整理版III.Listentothepassageandtellwhetherthefollowing statementsare TrueorFalse.〔判断以下句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T〞表示,不符合的用“F〞表示〕5%()1.SomeChinesepeopleeatorangesonNewYear’sDaybecausetheyareroundforgoodluck.()2.GreekseatbreadwithmeatinsideonNewYear’sDay.()3.InSpain,peopleeattwelvegrapesat nightonNewYear’sEve.()4.TheJapaneseeatchocolatecakestohaveastrongbodyinthenewyear.()5.SomeAmericanseatblack-eyedpeasandrice.Black-eyedpeasarelikedollars.IV.Listentothedialogueandcompletethetable.〔听短文,完成以下表格,每空格限填一词)5%MissLiu Mrs.Zhang JaneChineseteacher(2)teacher Goodfriendvery(3)tofriendlyand(1)______v erynaughtyothers(5)___snackswithlikestosmile keepsher(4)______KittyPart2VocabularyandGrammar(34%)词汇和语法I. Lookatthepicturesandcompletethesentences.〔看图完成句子,每空一词〕4%1.Tomlivesfarawayfromschool.Hegoestoschool______________everyday.学习指导参考WORD格式整理版2.Theparents_______________theschoolchoirinthehallyesterdayafternoon.3.Myfavouritefoodis_______________.Whataboutyours?4.Thissignmeansyoumustnot_______________.II.Findawordwithadifferentsoundineachgroup.(选出划线局部发音不同的单词)5%1.A.craft B.tasty C.bake D.age2.A.cow B.now C.flower D.know3.A.leave B.head C.heavy D.health4.A.foot B.food C.cook D.good5.A.cousin B.youngC.enough D.about Completethesentenceswiththegivenwordsintheirproperform.〔用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成以下句子〕5% TheArtsandCraftsroomisonthe__________(two)floor.2. Beforewegotothesupermarket,Let’swritea__________(shop)list.Let’smeetourparentsatthe__________.(enter)Shallwetakesome__________(photo)fortheEnglishclubontheOpenDay?Ilike_______(salt)ricedumplingsbetterthansweetricedumplings?IV.Choosethebestanswer.〔选择最恰当的答案〕10%1.Idon’tlikelemonsverymuchbecausetheyaretoo________.学习指导参考WORD格式整理版A.spicyB.sweetC.sourD.bitterTherearealotof_______kB.yoghurtC.ice-creamD.eggsTomakeasandwich,youneedtwo_______ofbread.A.pairsB.piecesC.packetsD.slices4.Let’sbuysomesausagesinthe________section.A.fruitB.meatC.drinkD.fish5.ShallwehaveapicnicthiscomingSaturday?______________.A.You’rewelcome.B.That’sagoodidea.C.Thankyou.D.That’sallright.6.Wemustwaitforthegreenman.Wecanfindthissign_________.A.in theclassroomB.inthelibraryC.ontheroadD.inthe park7.Yesterday,I_____eggsandmilkforbreakfast.A.ateB.drankC.hadD.have8.Alicedrinksalotofwatereveryday.Dannydrinksalotofsoftdrinkseveryday.Danny’sdietis_______Alice’s.A.lesshealthythanB.ashealthyasC.asunhealthyasD.healthierthan9.Kitty gotalot ofpresents from herrelatives this Christmas.Here,“alot of〞means________.A.alittleB.afewC.muchD.many WhatdoestheUSAmean?A.ChinaB.AmericaC.theUnitedNationD.theUnitedKingdomV.Rewritethefollowingsentencesasrequired.〔按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词〕10%1.Icleanedmyroomyesterday.〔用tomorrow改写〕I_______________myroomtomorrow?2.Youmustn’tpickflowersinthepark.〔句意相同〕_________________flowersinthepark.3.Wemustusetheliftontheright.〔划线提问〕________________mustweuse?4.Weneedalittlefat everyday.〔划线提问〕_______________fatdoweneedeveryday?5.Wouldyoulikesomecoffee?〔否认答复〕_______,_______.Part3ReadingandWriting〔31%〕阅读和写话学习指导参考WORD格式整理版I.Readingcomprehension.(阅读理解〕15%(A)Readtherulesandtellwhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalse.〔判断以下句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T〞表示,不符合的用“F〞表示〕6%RULESUseyourowncardonly.Takegoodcareofthebooks.Putthebooksbackafteryoureadthem.Remembertoreturnthebooksontime.Keepthehousecleanandtidy.Keepquiet.Nofoodordrink.1.〔〕Youcanfindtheserulesinalibrary.2.〔〕Youcanusethecardofyourfriends.3.〔〕Youcanleavethebookonthetableafteryoufinishit.4.〔〕Youmustnotspeakloudlyinthisroom.5.〔〕Youcannotbuyfoodordrinkinthisroombutyoucanbringsomewithyou.6.〔〕Youmustnotdrawonthebooks.(B)Readthepassageandchoosethebestanswers.〔阅读文章,选择最恰当的答案〕4%Acarneedsgastorunandyourbodyalsoneedsfoodtoworkforyou.Eatingtherightkindoffoodisveryimportant.Itcanhelpyourbodygrowstrong.Therearefour mainfoodgroupsaltogether.Thedairy grouphasfoodlike milk,cheeseandyoghurt.Theotherthreegroupsarethemeatandfishgroup,thefruitandvegetablegroup,andthebreadandricegroup.Eachmealshouldhaveatleastonefood fromall four maingroups. Withallthesefoodtogether,youwill begivenenoughenergy〔能量〕duringtheday.It iseasyto get into badeatinghabits.Youmayeatyourbreakfastinahurry togettoschool ontime. Oryoumaynothavetimefor agoodlunch. It mayseemeasytofinishyoursupperwithfishandchips all the time. But you will find学习指导参考WORD格式整理版yourselftiredthesedaysandyoucannotthinkquickly. Watchingwhatyoueatwillhelpkeepyourbodyhealthyandstrong.Itisalsogoodtotakesomeexercise.Itwillhelpyoueatmo reifyoutakeawalkorplaygamesintheopenair.Havingagoodeatinghabitwithsomeexerciseisthekeytoyourhealth.2. 1.Whichofthefollowingdietsdoyouthinkisthebestone?3. A.Eggs,tomatoesandchicken.k,bread,cabbagesandbeef.4. C.Corn,fish,creamandpork.D.Rice,beans,apples,fishandchicken.5.Whichofthefollowingisagoodeating-habit?A.Goingtoschoolwithoutanybreakfast.6. B.Eatingfishandchipsforsupperallthetime.C.Finishingyourlunchinaveryshorttime.7. D.Havingatleastonefoodfromallfourgroupseachmeal.8.Theunderlinedword"dairy"inthesecondpassagemeans_____________.A.thefoodmadeoutofcowssuchasmilkandbutterB.theshopthatsellsmilkandbutterC.afarmwherecowsarekeptD.aplacewheremilkproductsaremade4.Inthispassagethewritermainly(主要)tellsusthat_____________.A.everypersonneedsfoodtogrowwellB.takingexercisecankeepyourbodystrongC.rightkindoffoodwithexercisewillkeepyouhealthyD.enoughenergyhelpspeoplethinkmorequicklyC〕Readthepassageandanswerthequestions:〔根据短文内容答复以下问题〕5%UncleWangworks inabookshopinthemiddleofthe city.Theshopisnotfarfromhishome.Itisaboutonekilometeraway.SoUncleWangseldom(很少)goestoworkbybus.Heusuallygoestherebybike,sometimesonfoot.Ittakeshimtwentyminutestogettherebybikeandfortyminutesonfoot.Todayhisbikeisbroken.Hewantstowalkthere.Nowheishavingbreakfast.Heleaveshomeattenminutestoeightandhewalkstoworktwentyminutesearlier.Hisworkstartsathalfpasteightinthemorningandfinishesataquartertofiveintheafternoon.学习指导参考WORD格式整理版1. WhereisUncleWang’sbookshop?_______________________________Isitfarfromhishomeorquitenearhishome?_______________________________________Howdoesheusuallygotowork?___________________________Howlongdoesittakehimtowalktohisbookshop?__________________________________________5.Whattimedoesheusuallyleavehome forworkbybike?_______________________________________II.Clozetest(完形填空):(11%)A:Choosethewordsorexpressionandcompletethepassage.〔选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文〕5%Agoodbreakfastis1.Wecaneasilyunderstandwhy.Wehavenoteatenanythingforabouttwelvehoursby2time.Ourbodiesneedfoodformorningactivities.Onegoodbreakfastshouldbericeorbread,anegg,milkandfruit.Ona3morningacupofhotdrinkisnecessary.Wemustget upearlytohave4time toeat breakfast.Agoodbreakfasthelpsustosmilemoreeasily.Ithelpsustobemorefriendlyandalsotoworkbetterandplay__5.1.A.different B.difficult C.important D.easy2.A..breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.dinner3.A.hot B.warm C.cool D.cold4.A.many B.afew C.enough D.little5.A.happy B.happily C.happier D.morehappilyB:Readthepassageandfillintheblankswithproperwords.〔在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给〕6%Amy’stimetable Amygetsupath________pastsixinthemorning.She6:30getup h______breakfastatseveno’clock.Then,shew_______to学习指导参考WORD格式整理版7:00havebreakfast school.Classb_______ateighto’clock..Shehasfour7:30gotoschoolonfoot lessonsinthemorningandthreelessonsintheafternoon.8:00haveclasses A_______school,shegoeshomeanddoesherhomework.Inthe11:40havelunch evening,shecanwatchTVforthirtym________.Shegoesto13:00haveclasses bedatnineo’clock.Whatbusydaysshehas!15:40gohome17:00dohomework18:30havesupper19:00watchTV21:00gotobedIII.Writing(作文)5%Writeatleastfivesentencesaboutthetopic“Havingapicnic〞(以“野餐〞为题写一篇短文。

六年级上学期期末英语试卷(牛津上海版(三起))1. A.is; are B.was; were C.were; was D.are; isAmy was one year old in the photo. She ______ pretty. Her eyes ______ big and bright. ( )2. A.Shanghai; east B.Beijing; south C.Beijing; north D.Beijing; west ______ is the capital of China. It is in the ______ of China. ( )3. A.made; dug B.makes; dig C.make; dig D.maked; dugThe owl ______ a lot of noise. So the rabbits ______ a hole and slept in it. ( )4. A.Great Wall B.Tian’anmen SquareC.British MuseumD.Palace MuseumTourists like to visit the ______ in London. There are many interesting things in it. ( )5. A.of B.to C.for D.atBreakfast is very important ______ us. ( )6. A.play; played B.plays; plays C.played; played D.played; playI often ______ chess with Jim at the weekend. But last weekend, we ______ football. ( )7. A.there are; there are B.there were; there areC.there are; there wasD.there was; there isIn the past, ______ many South China Tigers, but now ______ only about thirty. ( )8. A.three hundred and sixty-five B.three hundreds and sixty-fiveC.three hundred sixty-fiveD.three hundred and sixty fiveThere are ______ days in a year. ( )一、单选题期末复习与测试9. A.Yes, I would. B.Yes, I would like. C.Yes, I’d like. D.Yes, I’d like to.—Would you like to have any e-friends in other countries? ( )—________10.A.boring B.exciting C.bored D.noisyI like this film. It is very ______. ( )二、看图完成句子11.How much are these h ? Thirty-six yuan.12.The robot d is cool. He could move his head and arms.13.Look at this a . It has six legs and two feelers.14.Mrs. Black has two s . They are both cute boys. 三、补全句子15.We should p more trees.四、选内容补全对话/短文16.Ben: 【小题1】 , Kitty? Are you crying?Kitty: I’m not crying. 【小题2】 It’s the smoke.Ben: 【小题3】Kitty: It’s from the cars and buses.Ben: 【小题4】 It makes the air dirty.Kitty: Let’s go to the park, Ben. 【小题5】Kitty: 【小题6】Ben: Yes, there are a lot of trees in the park. 【小题7】A .Where is the smoke from?期末复习与测试B .What is the matterC .The air is clean there.D .Look at the smoke from the factory.E .My eyes hurt.F .Trees keep the air clean.G .The air is so fresh here.17.用所给单词填空,完成对话。
沪教版牛津英语预备年级6A 质量监测(附答案)

沪教版牛津英语预备年级第一学期6A 质量检测(满分100分时间40分钟)第一部分词汇与语法(67%)Ⅰ. Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions. (根据所给音标,完成句子)10%1. Where _________ /els/ can Allen buy a cheaper computer?2. Friends of the Earth look after the __________ /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/.3. The Pacific ________ /ˈəʊʃn/ is in the west of America.4. We must not ________ /pəˈlu:t/ the water and air.5. Hurry up! It is ________ /ˈɔ:lməʊst/ time for school.Ⅱ. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案,用A, B, C或D表示): 20% ( )1. Mr Baker, _________ is my new Maths teacher, Miss Gao.A, she B, he C, it D, this( )2. Alice goes shopping with ________.A, he and I B, I and me C, me and him D, him and me ( )3. Tom often plays _______football but Tim always plays ________ piano after school.A, the, the B, the, / C, /, / D, /, the( )4. My parents always tell me _________ out at night.A, go B, not go C, not to go D, not going ( )5. _________ people are there in your family?A, How many B, How much C, How old D, How long ( )6. He is never late for school because he ________ gets up early in the morning.A, often B, never C, sometimes D, always( )7. I have ________ American friend. He lives in _________ USA.A, an.../ B, a.../ C, an...the D, /...the( )8. How about ________ to see a film with me this Sunday?A, go B, going C, goes D, to go( )9. Alice has got a lot of presents _________ her family.A, from B, to C, in D, on( )10. Kate hasn’t been to England yet. I haven’t _________ yet, either.A, been there B, been to there C, gone there D, gone to there ( )11. We always _________ together.A, go to the school B, go to school on footC, walk school D, walk to the school( )12. I always ________ with my brother. We can eat a lot of delicious food.A, see a film B, go to the libraryC, go to the restaurant D, play basketball( )13. Jack sometimes ___________ with his cousin.A, play football B, plays gamesC, cooking D, go shopping( )14. Kitty promises __________ rubbish into the river.A, not throw B, don’t throwC, not to throw D, to not throw( )15. Alice is very helpful. She likes to help __________.A, other B, others people C, others D, another ( )16. We often play football _________ Saturday and Sunday.A, in B, on C, at D, by( )17. Jack’s younger sister is ill. So he must stay at home and _______ her.A, look at B, look for C, look up D, look after ( )18. There is some rubbish on the ground. Please __________.A, pick up it B, pick it up C, pick it D, pick out it ( )19. Danny _________ late for school and _________ hard.A, never is... always works B, is never... always workC, is never... always works D, be never... works always ( )20. Mr. White teaches ________ Chinese and we all like _________ very much.A, us... him B, us... he C, our... him D, our (i)Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once.5%grandmother’s name is Alice White. She is a housewife. They have a son and a daughter. Her father’s name is Thomas White and he is a policeman. Her mother’s name is Jenny W hite and she is a nurse. Kate is ____3____ and she is a middle school student. She has a little brother, Jimmy. Jimmy is only three and _____4____ very cute. Charles is her uncle, and Casey is her aunt. They are _____5_____ teachers. They have a little baby. His name is Tommy. Kate loves her family very much.Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms(用所给词的适当形式填空,一空一词):14%1. How many __________ has Mr. Wang got? (child)2. We all know air __________ is bad for our health. (pollute)3. It’s fun to go _________ in the park. (cycle)4. John usually helps me with my study and he is very _________ to me. (help)5. He is always the _________ to get to school. (one)6. I usually go to the park with _________ (I) parents.7. The students in our class all promise to _________ (use) shopping bags. Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences.(按要求改写下列句子,每空一词):18% 1. I have already been to Ocean Park.(改写一般疑问句)________ you been to Ocean Park __________?2. Lily has got a lot of birthday presents from her friends.(划线提问)________ ________ birthday presents has Lily got from her friends?3. Alice sometimes go to the park with her parents.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ does Alice go to the park with her parents?4. My father doesn’t watch TV at all.(保持原意)My father ________ ________ TV.5. school, friend, is, for, never, late, my(连词成句)________________________________________第二部分阅读(33%)Ⅰ. Reading comprehension.(A)Choose the best answer to the questions.(根据短文内容,选出最恰当的答案,用A, B, C...等表示)10%Tom and Jerry are neighbours. Tom is a naughty cat and Jerry is a smart mouse. Sometimes they’re good friends. Sometimes they are not.One day, it was very sunny. Tom wanted to have a picnic. So he called Jerry to go with him. Jerry agreed and he was very glad. They came to a river. They decided to catch fish for lunch. Then they began to fish. But after a very long time, they got nothing. Both Tom and Jerry got very hungry. At that moment, Tom thought of an idea. He looked at Jerry and said loudly, ‘Hi, Jerry. Aren’t we good friends?’‘Yes, of course. What’s wrong?’ Jerry answered. ‘Ah, I’m hungry. Can I take you as my picnic?’ Tom said and ran to catch Jerry. ( )1. Tom and Jerry ________ are good friends.A, always B, sometimes C, often D, never ( )2. One day, Tom wanted to ________ with Jerry.A, do nothing B, play gamesC, have a picnic D, go shopping( )3. They decided to catch _________ for lunch.A, mice B, bread C, fish D, meat ( )4. What did Tom and Jerry catch?A, A mouse B, Some fish C, Nothing D, A fish ( )5. Which of the following statements is true?A, Tom wanted to catch Jerry because they were good friends.B, Tom wanted to catch Jerry because he wanted to eat him.C, Jerry wasn’t very happy to go with Tom for a picnic.D, Both Jerry and Tom got fish after waiting for a long time.(B)Read the passage and choose the best answer.(阅读短文并选择最恰当的答案,用A, B, C...等表示): 6%English has now become an international language 1.__________ it is spoken by a lot of people from most of the countries in the world.2. ________ you want to go aboard to study, you have to learn English, for most of the people over there3._________ and write in English. English is now most4._________ spoken in international business.To improve(提高)your oral English, you have to 5.________ more. You should communicate(交流)with foreigners more often. And you can also watch more 6._________ in English.( )1. A, so B, because C, when D, that ( )2. A, If B, When C, Although D, As ( )3. A, speak B, say C, talk D, tell ( )4. A, usual B, usually C, widely D, wide ( )5. A, practise B, say C, read D, listen ( )6. A, films B, books C, magazines D, novels(C)Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文空格上填入恰当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给出):7%I have a happy family. There are five m_____1_____ in my family: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and me. My g____2____ live in the countryside. They have six rooms. The house is big. There are two apple trees in the yard. They have sixteen sheep and three cows. The sheep are w____3___. The cows are yellow. They are healthy. My parents and I live in the c___4___. My father is a worker. He works hard in a car factory. My mother is a high school’s Chinese teacher, she u____5____ rides her bicycle to go to work at seven o’clock. In the evening, she m____6____ supper for us. The food she cooks is delicious. I am a student. My school is not far from my home.I w___6___ to school on sunny days. I have many friends at school. After class, I like p____7____ games with them. We are tired, but we are very happy. I love my family.(D)Read the passage and answer the questions.(回答问题):10% When you are in England, you must be very careful in the street because the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross the street, you must look to the right first and then the left.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then.When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left, so you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.In many English cities there are big buses with two floors. They are called double-decker buses.(双层车)You can sit on the second floor. From there, you can see the city very well. It’s very interesting.1. In England, why must you be very careful in the street?Because the traffic ________________________________.2. What must you do before crossing the street?We must ________________________________________.3. Is traffic the most dangerous when people go to or come from work?__________, ________________________.4. What should you always remember?We should always remember ________________________.5. What kinds of buses are there in many English cities?There are big buses with ____________________________.参考答案:第一部分词汇与语法(67%)Ⅰ.1, else 2, environment 3, Ocean4, pollute 5, almostⅡ.1, B 2, D 3, D 4, C 5, A6, D 7, A 8, B 9, A 10, A11, B 12, C 13, B 14, C 15, C16, B 17, D 18, B 19, C 20, AⅢ.1, F 2, D 3, A 4, E 5, CⅣ.1, children 2, pollution 3, cycling 4, helpful 5, first 6, my 7, reuseⅤ.1, Have yet 2, How many 3, How often 4, never watches 5, My friend is never late for school.第二部分阅读(33%)Ⅰ. (A)1, B 2, C 3, C 4, C 5, B(B)1, B 2, A 3, A 4, C 5, A 6, A(C)1, members 2, grandparents 3, white 4, city5, usually 6, makes 7, walk 8, playing (D)1, drives on the left.2, look to the right first and then the left.3, Yes, it is.4, the traffic moves on the left.5, two floors.。

上海版牛津英语6A 期末试卷Part 1 ListeningListen and choose the right picture.A. B. C.D. E. F.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.1. A. A teacher. B. A nurse. C. A bank clerk. D. A doctor.2. A. Mark. B. Both of them. C. Neither of them. D. Linda.3. A. Shanghai Zoo. B. Science Museum. C. Country Park. D. The countryside.4. A. 12:15. B. 12:30. C. 12:00. D. 12:45.5. A. The frozen food stall. B. The fish stall. C. The meat stall. D. The fruit stall.6. A. Read the book. B. Make a pizza. C. Buy a pizza. D. Draw a pizza.7. A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bike. D. By bus.8. A. Near the Space Museum. B. Far from the cinema. C. Near the cinema. D. Far from the supermarket.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.1. The speaker is a teacher.2. He is going to talk about the school rules.3. We should always walk on the zebra crossing.4. We should ride our bikes on the left-hand side of the street.5. When we cross the road, look right, then left.6. It is important for us to obey the traffic rules.Listen to the dialogue and complete the table.1. Tina hasn’t seen Paul for __________________ years.2. Tina is a(n) __________________ now.3. Tina will give a __________________ __________________ at Screen City.4. And it will be held ____________ ____________.Part 2 Vocabulary & GrammarFill in the blanks with proper words according to the pictures.1 2 3 4 51. I can see a lot of _____________ boards on my way to school.2. We can take this ____________ to go upstairs.3. I’m going to buy some cabbages in the vegetable _________.4. We mustn’t __________ each other in the library.5. I enjoy the life in the _____________ because of its fresh air.【答案】1. advertisement2. escalator3. section4. chase5. countryside【解析】【1题详解】句意:我在上学的路上可以看到很多广告牌。
(完整word版)沪教版牛津英语浦东新区六年级第一学期6A 期末质量检测(附答案)(word文档良心出品)

沪教版牛津英语浦东新区六年级第一学期6A 期末质量检测(满分:100分完卷时间:75分钟)Part Ⅰ Listening (第一部分听力共25分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (听句子,选择正确的图片,用A, B, C...等表示)(5分)A B CD E F1.________2. _________3. _________4. _________5. _________B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)6. A) Do some shopping. B) Go camping.C) Go swimming. D) Do some reading.7. A) Coke. B) Juice. C) Water. D) Coffee.8. A) In the library. B) In the hall.C) In the classroom. D) In the Music Room.9. A) By bike. B) On foot. C) By bus. D) By taxi.10. A) At 10:30. B) At 11:00. C) At 10:00. D) At 9:30.11. A) Sam. B) John. C) Linda. D) Peter.12. A) 12 yuan. B) 20 yuan. C) 24 yuan. D) 48 yuan.13. A) The food is terrible. B) The food is tasty.C) The food is nice. D) The food is great.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False (听短文,判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)14. Jamie Oliver has his own TV programs.15. Jamie Oliver tells people how to make healthy food in the programs.16. Jamie’s food in the programs isn’t easy to make.17. The food at lunc h time in some schools in England wasn’t healthy.18. One day, Jamie went to a hospital to make a TV program about healthy diet.19. After the children tasted the milk, they started to enjoy it.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences.(听短文,完成下列内容。
沪教版牛津英语浦东新区六年级第一学期6A 期末质量检测(附答案)

沪教版牛津英语浦东新区六年级第一学期6A 期末质量检测(满分:100分完卷时间:75分钟)Part Ⅰ Listening (第一部分听力共25分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (听句子,选择正确的图片,用A, B, C...等表示)(5分)A B CD E F1.________2. _________3. _________4. _________5. _________B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)6. A) Do some shopping. B) Go camping.C) Go swimming. D) Do some reading.7. A) Coke. B) Juice. C) Water. D) Coffee.8. A) In the library. B) In the hall.C) In the classroom. D) In the Music Room.9. A) By bike. B) On foot. C) By bus. D) By taxi.10. A) At 10:30. B) At 11:00. C) At 10:00. D) At 9:30.11. A) Sam. B) John. C) Linda. D) Peter.12. A) 12 yuan. B) 20 yuan. C) 24 yuan. D) 48 yuan.13. A) The food is terrible. B) The food is tasty.C) The food is nice. D) The food is great.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False (听短文,判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)14. Jamie Oliver has his own TV programs.15. Jamie Oliver tells people how to make healthy food in the programs.16. Jamie’s food in the programs isn’t easy to make.17. The food at lunc h time in some schools in England wasn’t healthy.18. One day, Jamie went to a hospital to make a TV program about healthy diet.19. After the children tasted the milk, they started to enjoy it.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences.(听短文,完成下列内容。
沪教版浦东新区六年级第一学期6A 牛津英语 学期期末教学质量检测(附答案)

(时间:75分钟满分:100分)Part 1 Listening(25%)第一部分听力Ⅰ. Listening and choose the right picture.(根据你所听到的内容,选出相应的图片)5%:A B CD E FⅡ. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)6%:6. A,Nuts. B, Chicken wings C, Sausages D, Salad7. A, By bicycle B, By taxi C, On foot D, By car8. A, They are too sweet. B, They are too salty.C, They are too spicy. D, They are too sour.9. A, A policewoman B, A secretary C, A pilot D, A dentist10. A, At the post office. B, At the restaurant.C, In then library. D, At the supermarket.11. A, To eat a lot meat. B, To have a healthy diet.C, To have a regular life. D, To do more exercise.Ⅲ. Listen to the word and choose the correct phonetic symbol.(根据听到的单词,选出正确的音标)4%:12. A, /spræd/B, /spred/C, /spred/D, /sprɪd/13. A, /fretʃ/ B, /fredʒ/ C, /freʒ/ D, /freʃ/14. A, /ˈbaɪkən/ B, /ˈbeɪkən/ C, /ˈbaʊkən/ D, /ˈbəʊkən/15. A, /ˈsaɪkl/ B, /ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ C, /ˈsaɪkld/ D, /ˈsaɪklɪ/Ⅳ. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(听短文,判断对错)5%:16. Robin is a student from New York.17. Robin lives in a big flat and it is very beautiful.18. Mr White, Robin’s teacher is very friendly and patient.19. Robin and Mr White are busy in the classroom now.20. Robin doesn’t like his classroom because it is dirty and dark.Ⅴ. Listen to the passage and complete the sentences.(听短文,完成句子)5%:21. I have two _________ friends in my new school.22. Alan has a dog. It’s black and _________.23. When Alan gets home, the dog _________ him in front of his house.24. Jenny has been in China for over ________ years.25. Jenny has a ________. It’s a panda. It’s a toy.Part 2 Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Grammar(40%)第二部分语音,词汇和语法Ⅵ. Look at the phonetic symbol and fill in the blanks.(看音标写单词)5%:26. You can go to the fruit _______ if you want to buy some bananas. /ˈsekʃən/27. My mother will be back in ten ________. /ˈmɪnɪts/28. I don’t like coffee because it’s a little ________. /ˈbɪtə(r)/29. Do you ________ stamps from other different countries? /kəˈlekt/30. The food ________ tells us what we need every day. /ˈpɪrəmɪd/Ⅶ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)15%:31. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A, Kitty and her friends are planning to visit a place in Garden City.B, My father is a bank clerk and he works very hard.C, I’d like fried eggs with bacon, too.D, Do you have good eating habits?32. It’s about ________ hour’s walk from here to the nearest underground station.A, a B, an C, the D, /33. What would you like ________ breakfast today, bread or noodles?A, to B, for C, of D, at34. Tom is two years younger than I, but he is as ________ as I.A, tall B, taller C, shortest D, shorter35. Would you like ________ spicy sausages? They’re delicious.A, a lot of B, any C, a little D, some36. He will arrive at the airport at two tomorrow afternoon. Let’s ________ him there on time.A, to meet B, meet C, met D, meeting37. It ’s raining heavily now. Mother told him _______ football in the playground.A, not play B, don ’t play C, to play D, not to play38. We ________ wash our hands before we have meals every day.A, should B, mustn ’t C, can D, needn ’t39. ---Look at the sign on the right. What does it mean?---It means: ________ A, We must not pick the flowers. B, Don’t climb the tree.C, We must not walk on the grass.D, Don’t leave rubbish here.40. Now many people like to live in the countryside ________ the air there is very fresh.A, when B, if C, before D, because41. ________ does it take you to play the piano every evening?A, How far B, How often C, How soon D, How long42. ---May I speak to Miss Wang?---I ’m afraid not. She ________ a lesson to the students.A, gave B, is giving C, gives D, has given43. ---_______ you _______ to the Great Wall in Beijing?---Not yet, but I visited the Summer Palace there last year.A, Will...go B, Have...gone C, Have...been D, Did...go44. ---May I have a look at this magazine?---___________.A, No, thanks. B, I am reading it now.C, O.K. Here you are. D, That ’s great.45. ---Shall we go to buy some food for our picnic?---_________.A, Good idea. B, That ’s all right.C, It ’s O.K. D, That ’s good.Running is becoming popular these days. Many of us run for our health. Doctors say many of the bad illnesses (疾病)come from our ___46___ such as eating too much, drinking too much, Smoking, and not having ____47____ exercise. Doctors tell us,“Eat less, don ’t smoke, and exercise more.” Running is a good exercise ____48____ it helps build a strong heart. It ____49____ helps most people lose weight. One 68-year-old woman runs three hours a week. Sheruns to lose weight. “I love to eat.” she says. Running is good for health inother ways, too. Many runners say running ____50_____ colds and other small unhealthy things go away. “Running is my doctor.” says one man.Running can help people to relax. So today men and women of all ages enjoy running.Ⅸ. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词)5%:51. Will you please send this ___________ to your cousin? (invite)52. I think that Jane’s diet is ___________ she is becoming fatter and fatter. (healthy)53. The tomato and egg soup is too __________. I don’t like it. (salt)54. We can buy all kinds of __________ food at the supermarket. (freeze)55. It’s very quiet at night. Don’t sing __________ at home. (loud)Ⅹ. Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions in the brackets.(根据要求,改写句子)10%:56. I often have milk and bread for breakfast.(改为一般疑问句)_________ you often __________ milk and bread for breakfast?57. I spend two hours playing the piano every weekend.(保持句意不变)It _______ me two hours ________ play the piano every weekend.58. The sign on the left means we can’t park our car here. (对划线部分提问)__________ __________ means we can’t park our car here?59. I went to Shanghai Science Museum by underground last Sunday.(对划线部分提问)_________ __________ you go to Shanghai Science Museum last Sunday?60. Don’t leave rubbish in public places.(保持句意不变)We _________ _________ rubbish in public places.Part 3 Reading and Writing(35%)第三部分阅读与写话Ⅺ. Reading comprehension:A. Choose the best answer.(根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案)5%:Life in a British SchoolHi, everybody.My name is Nancy. I am in Year 8 at Woodland School near London. It is a mixed school. Boys and girls have lessons together. Among all my subjects. I like French best. Learning foreign languages is fun.Our school has a Reading Week every year. During the week, we can borrow more books from the school library. We can also bring in books and magazines from home. I often read more books than my classmates. Near the end of the week, we discuss the books with our classmates in class. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books.Life in an American SchoolHi, guys.I’m John and I’m 14 years old. I’m in the 8th grade at Rocky Mountain High School near Denver.Every Monday, I go to the Buddy Club. In the club, older students help new students learn more about the school. My friend Tony is in the 12th grade. He often listens carefully to my problems and offers me help. He is my hero.We have different classes every day. On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual. My friends and I often do sports together.Twice a week, I play baseball after school. I love this game and practice hard every time. Our team won two games last month.61. _________ is Nancy’s favorite foreign language.A, English B, Chinese C, French D, Spanish 62. Time seems to go faster when Nancy is doing some __________.A, reading B, writing C, listening D, speaking 63. John goes to the Buddy Club _________.A, twice a month B, once a monthC, twice a week D, once a week64. John and his friends often _________ together on Friday afternoon.A, do homework B, do sports C, go home D, go to school 65. These two passages are about the ___________ in different countries.A, school subjects B, school lifeC, school friends D, school daysB. Cloze test.(根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案)5%:At one time, the only danger on the roads was from wild animals and in some places, bandits(强盗). _____66_____ the roads are full of cars, trucks and buses. These vehicles(交通工具)are as dangerous as animals and bandits.People are killed every day while crossing the road. ______67_____ ofthem are old people and children. Old people are killed because they usually cannot see or hear very well. Children are killed _____68_____ they are not very careful. They forget to look and listen before they cross the road.A car, a truck or a bus cannot stop very quickly. If the vehicle is going very fast, it will travel many meters before it stops. Pedestrians(行人)do not always understand this. They think a car can stop immediately. The faster a car is travelling, the longer it _____69_____ to stop. It is very difficult for pedestrians to know how fast a car is travelling. He may think it is going slowly when in fact it is going very fast.The only safe way to cross the road is to look both ways, right and left. Then if the road is clear, it is safe to cross. The proper way to cross the road is to walk _____70_____. It is not safe to run. If people run, they may fall down.66. A, Then B, Now C, Before D, After67. A, None B, Both C, Most D, All68. A, because B, so C, although D, but69. A, drives B, palys C, takes D, has70. A, gently B, quickly C, slowly D, quietlyC. Fill in the blanks according to the given letters.(根据首字母填空,每空格限填一词)10%:What would people like to eat on their birthday? The answer would be different in different countries.In many countries, people have birthday cakes with candles. The number of candles is the person’s a________. The birthday person must make a wish. If he or she b_________ out all the candles in one go(一口气), the wish will come true. In the UK, people sometimes put a candy in a birthday cake. The child with the candy is l________.In China, it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday. But many people still eat very long noodles for their birthday. They n_________ cut up the noodles because the long noodles are symbol of long life. In some places, Chinese people also eat eggs on their birthday. They are a symbol of life and good luck.All of these birthday foods may be different, but the ideas are the s_____. They bring good luck to the birthday person.D. Answer the following questions.(根据短文内容,回答问题)5%:Betty is a twenty-year-old girl. She works in a small shop. It is near a factory. Every day, workers, old ladies and housewives come to the shop to buy things.Betty lives in a house close to the shop. She usually gets up at six, has breakfast and then goes to work on her bicycle. She takes some food along in her lunch box.Every morning, Betty gets to the shop at about half past eight. At nine customers begin to arrive. They buy meat, eggs, sugar, soybean sauce, cooking oil, salt, candy, biscuits and many other things. They don’t sell vegetables or fruit because there is a shop for those things nearby.Betty has her meal at noon from her lunch box. At five thirty in the afternoon, they close the shop. She tidies things up and then goes home for supper.Some people may think that Betty’s work isn’t so interesting, but she enjoys it and feels happy every day.76. How old is Betty?77. Is Betty’s home near or far away from her shop?78. Why doesn’t Betty’s shop sell vegetables or fruit?79. What time do they close the shop?80. How does Betty feel every day?Ⅻ. Writing(写作)10%:81. There are so many different supermarkets in our city. Choose the one you like best and write at least 50 words on the topic “My favourite supermarket”.(在我们的城市中有如此多的超市,请以“我最爱的超市”为题,写一篇至少50个单词的短文,要求内容连贯,语句通顺,标点符号不占格。

2022-2023学年度六年级英语第一学期期末测试卷( 满分: 100 分 时间: 70 分钟 )题号一(20分)二 (40分)三 (30分)四 (10分)总分 (100分)得分Part 1 Listening (共20分)班级___________姓名______________学号________考场_______座位号_______请不要在装订线内答题Part2 Vocabulary and Grammar(共40分)I. Look at the phonetic symbols and write the words. (看音标写单词,共5分)1. We often play ___________ /'bædmɪntən/ after class.2. The children have a happy ___________ at school. /ɪn'vaɪrənmənt/3. Which _______________ must we use? /'eskəleɪtə/4. The dishes my mother cooks taste very __________. /dɪ'lɪʃəs/5. I can’t buy the book, because I don’t have ____________ money. /ɪ'nʌf/II. Choose the best answers. (选择最佳的答案,共15分)1.“Don’t run in the library.” said the teacher angrily. Which of the following match the sound of the underlined word?A.[seid]B. [sed]C. [said]D. [səʊd]2.Help _______ to work out these physics problems, will you?A.yourselfB. youC. myselfD. me3.There are __________ vegetables in the fridge, please buy some this afternoon.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little4.The magician has a stick in his right hand. Can you guess what’s in his ______ hand?A.anotherB. otherC. the otherD. others5.Where is Tommy?--- He ______ the teachers’ office.A.has been toB. has gone toC. goesD. went6.---_______ is it from Century Park to Shanghai Zoo?---About 3 hours’ drive.A.How muchB. How longC. How soonD. How far7.It’s getting hotter and hotter outside. You’d better ______ inside.A.staysB. stayingC. to stayD. stay8.Susan says she _______ any help. She can do it herself.A. needn’tB. doesn’t need toC. needD. doesn’t need9. Finally, the firemen ______ the fire and saved the people from danger.A. put onB. put outC. put upD. put off10. Is the book ________the right or ________the middle of the desk?A . on,onB .in,on C. in ,in D.on ,in11.-Must I finish doing homework now? -No, you . You can finish it after dinner.A .mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. needn’t12.We have a PE lesson Friday afternoon.A. inB. onC. /D. at13.Bill is often late school.A. fromB. toC. forD. in14. When he ______ there, he saw ______________.A. arrived at; something strangeB. got; anything strangeC. reached; something strangeD. got; strange something15.-- --English is hard to learn, but it’s quite important in our life.-- -- _________________.A.I think not.B. I couldn’t agree more.C. That’s all rightD. All right.III. Complete the following passage with words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格。

them B. they C. their D。
there( )2. A。
were B. where C. there D。
here( )3。
game B。
give C. name D。
February B。
January C。
September D。
November()5. A。
pull up B. dress up C。
hurry up D. come up()6. A. collected B. planted C。
tasted D。
quiet B. carefully C。
careful D。
quietly( )8。
745326 B. 673524 C。
754326 D。
A. have a good time B. have funC。
have some medicine D。
have a chat()10。
A. Mid-Autumn Festival B。
Dragon Boat FestivalC. Science Festival D。
沪教版牛津英语六年级第一学期6A 练习卷(附答案)

)Part 1 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第一部分语音、词汇和语法)Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the phonetic symbols(根据音标在句中填入正确的单词)(10分)1. I can see many beautiful housing ________ /ɪsˈteɪts/ on my way to school.2. My brother likes ________ /ˈtrævəlɪŋ/ all around the world.3. There are a lot of shopping ________ /ˈsentəz/ in Shanghai.4. Miss Wang asked us to keep ________ /ˈkwaɪət/ in the library.5. Eating a ________ /ˈpækɪt/ of nuts everyday is good for our health.Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案,用A, B, C或D表示填入空格内)(30分)6. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A, cabbage B, prawn C, packet D, travel 7. The old man is walking _______ the zebra crossing slowly with a little child.A, in B, for C, through D, across 8. ---_________ city do you like best in China?---I like Shanghai best.A, When B, How C, Which D, When 9. Jack, don’t use the cup __________ the right. It is not clean.A, on B, in C, of D, near 10. As a student, we _________ break the school rules and work hard.A, can’t B, should C, may D, mustn’t 11. What would you like ________ dinner tonight, Lucy?A, at B, of C, for D, in12. John’s mother likes to ________ music when she is doing housework.A, listening B, listening to C, listens D, listen to 13. __________ does it take you to go to school?A, How far B, How oftenC, How long D, How soon14. ---_________ do you go to the Disneyland?---By underground.A, What B, How C, When D, Why 15. ---Mum, must I finish cleaning my room now?--- _________. The Browns will come to our home soon.A, No, you mustn’t. B, Yes, I’m afraid you mustC, No, you needn’t. D, Yes, you can.16. She needs ________ fast to catch that bus.A, to run B, running C, run D, ran 17. Let’s buy some cabbage and carrots _________ the vegetable stall.A, in B, at C, on D, for 18. Does your father like steamed eggs ________meat?A, for B, to C, in D, with 19. There is _______ milk in the fridge. Let’s go to the supermarket and buy it.A, little B, a little C, a few D, few 20. ---Don’t throw the paper on the ground.--- _________.A, Please help me. B, How do you do?C, That’s a good idea. D, Sorry, I won’t.Ⅲ. Choose the words and expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文,用A, B, C, D, E, F或G表示)(6分)Most children like to watch TV. It’s very interesting. And by watching TV, they can see a lot, learn a lot and know many things about their country and about the world. Of course, they can 21._________ learn over the radio. But they can learn 22.________ and more easily on TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. TV helps to 23._________ children’s eyes and helps to open their minds, too. They will find the 24.________ now is smaller than before.Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evenings because they are always 25._________ with their lessons on weekdays. But 26.______ children watch TV every night. They usually go to bed very late. So they can’t have a good rest and are often late for school.Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(12分)27. Don’t speak _________. The baby is sleeping. (loud)28. We can _________ the hall through the door over there. (entrance)29. _________ food is popular among children, but it is unhealthy. (fry)30. We can find fish and prawns in the _________ food section. (freeze)31. It is 5 _________ walk from my home to school. (minute)32. Betty can see some hotels on _________ way home. (she)Ⅴ. Rewrite the sentences as required(根据所给要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)(12分)33. I spent thirty minutes drawing this picture.(保持句意基本不变)It ________ me thirty minutes ________ draw this picture.34. The skirt in the middle is the most beautiful one.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ is the most beautiful one?35. Don’t swim in this river.(保持句意不变)________ _________ swim in this river.36. My mother cooked chicken soup last night.(对划线部分提问)________ _________ of soup did your mother cook last night?37. We need to buy a bottle of water.(改为否定句)We _______ ________ to buy a bottle of water.38. when, I, restaurants, am, to, see, I, going, school, a lot of(连词成句)________________________________________________________Part 2 Reading and Writing(第三部分阅读与写作)Ⅰ. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(A) Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案,用A, B, C或D表示)(10分)Einstein is a famous scientist. His full name is Albert Einstein. He was born in Germany in 1879. He lived in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and the USA.As a boy, Einstein was shy and quiet. He didn’t like his school in Germany and he didn’t do well in school. He was not good at mathematics when he was a student. But he was a smart person. He liked reading books that were not for exams. He read a lot of books and learned a lot of things by himself. Later, he became a great scientist.Einstein won a Nobel Prize in 1921. He is one of the most famous people of all time.39. Einstein was born in _________.A, the USA B, Switzerland C, Italy D, Germany 40. Einstein went to school in _________.A, Italy B, Switzerland C, Germany D, the USA 41. When Einstein was a student, he was not good at __________.A, English B, mathematics C, history D, science 42. Einstein won a Nobel Prize in ________.A, 1879 B, 1897 C, 1921 D, 191243. We can learn from Einstein that _________.A, we can still be great even if(即使)we are not good at something.B, it is okay not to study hard in school.C, winning(胜利)is everything.D, it is easy to become a scientist.(B) Choose the words and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)(10分)Dear Tom,Thank you for your postcard. I show it to some of my friends at school. The other students in my class have friends in ____44____ countries. They also get postcards from their friends. One of the cards is from Australia, another is from America, and the third is from Canada.Now I want ____45____ you something ____46____ my family. My father and mother are farmers. I have a brother and a sister. My sister works in a middle school and my brother is studying in a university. Could you give me a few ____47____ of yours? I want to know what you ____48____.Yours,Wang Bin44. A, a B, other C, another D, else45. A, tell B, telling C, to tell D, to telling46. A, of B, about C, to D, with47. A, photo B, photos C, photoes D, the photo48. A, look for B, look after C, look like D, look(C) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(5分)Christmas Day is on December 25th. On Christmas Eve----the n_____49____ before Christmas, children are very happy. They put their stockings at the e____50_____ of their beds before they go to bed. They want Santa Claus to give them some p_____51_____. Mr. Green tells his children that Father Christmas is a very kind man. He comes on Christmas Eve. He comes on Christmas Eve and brings them a lot of gifts.Christmas Day always begins before breakfast. The children wake up very early. They can’t w_____52_____ to open the presents in their stockings. Then they wake up their parents and call “Merry Christmas!”Do you know what Christmas m_____53_____? Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ(基督). When Christ was born, many people gave him presents. So today, people still do the same thing to each other.(D) Read and answer the questions(阅读短文,回答问题)(5分)Shanghai DialectShanghai dialect is spoken in Shanghai and surrounding areas. The term “Shanghainese” refers to(指的是)this unique dialect.Shanghainese belongs to the Wu language group(吴语). It is the most widely used dialect in the group. There are nearly 14 million speakers of Shanghai dialect. Shanghai dialect has very different pronunciation from Mandarin. It includes many special sounds. They are not found in any other Chinese dialect. You can have a taste of this dialect from the following examples.In Shanghainese, you don’t “drink”water or “smoke”cigarettes. Instead, you “eat”(chi) them both. In Mandarin, one “can’t stand”(shou bu liao) something intolerable(不能容忍的). But in Shanghai dialect, one “can’t digest”(chi bu xiao) it. Moreover, in Shanghai dialect, you never “wash” your face, hair or anything else. Instead, you “beat” (da) them.Today, many schools in Shanghai offer Shanghainese courses. They hope local children can realize(认识到)the importance of their dialect.54. What language group does Shanghainese belong to?55. How many speakers of Shanghai dialect are there?56. What does the Shanghainese term “chi bu xiao” mean in English?57. Why do some schools in Shanghai offer Shanghainese courses?58. Do you like speaking Shanghai dialect? Why?Ⅱ. Writing.(写话)(10分)59. Write a passage of at least 50 words on the topic “On my way to school”(以“上学路上”为题写一篇不少于50词的短文,要求内容连贯,语句通顺,标点符号不占格。

上海牛津英语6A期末测试(一)及答案Ⅰ. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容, 选择相应的图片) (共6分)1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______6. ______Ⅱ.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题选出最佳答案)(共8分)( )7. A. Spring. B. Summer.C. Autumn.D. Winter.( )8. A. Green. B. Red.C. White.D. Pink.( )9. A. Take an exam. B. Go over the notes.C. Go to the beach.D. Go swimming.( )10. A. In the study. B. In the bedroom.C. At the library.D. In a shop.( )11. A. Tony’s mother. B. Tony.C. Tony’s brother.D. Tony’s sister.( )12. A. She went to the park with her classmates.B. She went fishing with her classmates.C. She went climbing the mountain with her classmates.D. She went boating with her classmates.( )13. A. 12 years old. B. 13 years old.C. 16 years old.D. 19 years old.( )14. A. See a film. B. Go to the beach.C. Work.D. Buy things.Ⅲ.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (共6分)( )15. One of the favourite sports in the US is baseball. ( )16. Many American boys start playing baseball when they are very young.( )17. Not all the schools have their own baseball teams. ( )18. The baseball teams play in all the cities in the US. ( )19. Usually American men talk about baseball teams with each other.( )20. The baseball team in New York is one of the best in the US.Ⅳ.Listen to the passage and complete the sentences(听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词) : (共5分)21. For most ______ children, the summer holiday is the best time.22. Bob has been to many places in the USA because he likes ______ very much.23. Bob plans to go to Beijing and Xi’an to know more about Chinese ______.24. Bob is going to Beijing by ______.25. Bob is going to visit some ______ in Beijing and Xi’an.注:(请使用新世纪教材的同学到B4版“新世纪专栏”做Part 2部分的习题)Ⅴ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(15分)( )26. Find the word with a different sound in the group:____.A. luckyB. funC. clubD. rule( )27. His flat is bigger than ____.A. myB. meC. mineD. myself( )28. It took Tom twenty minutes to ____ there on foot. A. arrive in B. get toC. arrive atD. arrive( )29. Lily lives far away from her school. She goes toschool ____ underground.A. inB. byC. atD. on( )30. Your schoolbag is very nice. I’ll buy ____ for my daughter.A. oneB. itC. onesD. them( )31. Tommy enjoys ____ pop music.A. listeningB. hearingC. listening toD. hearing to( )32. It always ____ me much money to buy books every month.A. takesB. costsC. spendsD. pays( )33. The president visited four cities; one was in Asia, and ____ were in South Africa.A. the otherB. the othersC. anotherD. others( )34. About ____ people took part in the sports meeting last week.A. three hundredB. hundreds ofC. two hundredsD. two hundred of( )35. It’s going to rain soon. You ____ water the flowers today.A. haven’t toB. may notC. needn’tD. mustn’t( )36. We must promise ____ our environment clean.A. to keepB. keepingC. keptD. to keeping( )37. He ____ his breakfast yet. He is busy watering the plants in the garden.A. didn’t haveB. haven’tC. doesn’t haveD. hasn’t had( )38. Something strange happened to me ____ yesterday afternoon.A. on my way schoolB. on my way back homeC. on my way to homeD. on my way factory( )39. To have a healthy body, we should do more sports. The underlined part means: “____”.A. strongB. not badC. fitD. thin( )40. — May I have some hot tea, please?—____A. No, you may not.B. No, thanks.C. Good idea!D. Sure. Here you are.Ⅵ. Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或短语前的字母填入空格。

牛津小学英语6A 期末测试卷0812成绩 等第听力部分(30%)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。
(读两遍)(10%) ( ) 1. Where does Li Ming‟s uncle live ? A. near Nanjing. B. On a farm. C. Next to Li Ming‟s home. ( ) 2. When did Li Ming and his friends visit his uncle ? A. Last Saturday. B. Next Sunday . C. Last Sunday. ( ) 3. What did Li Ming‟s uncle show to the boys ? A. Some cows. B. Some fruit trees. C. Many photos. ( ) 4. What did they do on that day ? A. Picked some fruit. B. Fed (喂养) the animals. C. Cooked some fish. ( ) 5. What was the weather like ? A. It was cold. B. It was hot. C. It was warm. 三、听录音,空格内填入你所听到的单词。
(读两遍)(10%) Billy ‟s birthday is on the __________of___________. Last Friday, it was his birthday. He got a lot of ___________from his __________ and friends. They _________in the nice boxes. His Dad and Mum _________him a yellow box. There was a book in it. They ___________ him to do more___________. Billy got a football from his friend, Tim. Billy likes __________football very much, so he was very happy to __________ it.笔试部分(70%)一、选出划线部分发音与其余不同的单词。

上海版⽜津英语6年级上期期末复习卷6AFinalRevision(1---10)heFinal Revision (1)1._____ walk on the grass. A. Can?t B. Mustn?t C. Doesn?t D. Don?t2.I want to help ____ Garden City a safe place. A. make B. making C. to make D. makes3.Look at the sign. It says, “No _____ here!”A. sit B. sitting C. sits D. to sit4.It took him more than an hour _____ his homework. A. do B. to do C. doing D. does5.We mustn?t ________ around in the classroom. A. running B. runs C. run D. to run6.Kitty ____ the ferry to her grandma?s hous. A. gets B. takes C. by D. on7.I see some people on _____.A.my way to homeB. the way homeC. my homeD. way to home8.It?s six p.m. There are only _____ people in the park.A. a lot ofB. a fewC. plenty ofD. a little9.I go to school _____ half past seven ____ the morning.A. at, onB. in, inC. on, inD. at, in10. His housing estate is _______ his school.A. far from B. away from C. far away D. near from11. When did he _____ yesterday? A. arrives B. arrive C. arrived D. arriving12. May I have _____ milk? I don?t want ____ Coke.A. some, someB. some, anyC. any, someD. any,any13. What kind of ____ would you like ?A. vegetable dishB. vegetables dishC. vegetable dishesD. vegetables dishes14.Have you got ____ money to buy all these food? A. many B. mush C. a lot D. enough15. Cherry wants to buy a _____ of crisps.A. piece B. carton C. packet D. bowl16. ________________ often type letters and taken notes. (secretary)17. Tommy?s father often makes the sick people ________.(well)18. My father is a __________(police) . He helps make our city __________(safe).19. Children are writing some _______(invite) to their parnts. Next Monday will be the Open Day.20. It takes Jenny two hours _____________(play) the violin every day.21. They _______________ (look) at the blackboard, but they couldn?t _______(see) anything.22. My father is a fireman. ______ ______ ______ your father do?23. I need some fish balls. (否定句) I ______ _______ any fish balls.24. This carton of milk is 7.5 yuan. ______ _____ is this carton of milk?25. She went to the snacks section because she wanted some crisps._________ ________ she go to the snacks section?26. Writing: One of My RelativesFinal Revision (2)1.We?ll go to Guilin ______ plane. A. on B. by C. at D./2.he doesn?t like ______ football. A. to play B. playing C. play D. played3.We _____ a football match yesterday afternoon. A. have B. had c. do D. did4.What will the weather _____ tomorrow?A. be B. like C. be like D. to be5.Mum and Dad will buy presents for _____. A. I B. mine C. me d. my6.I?ll be ______ in shanghai.A. warm enough B. enough warm C. enough d. cold enough7.What do you like to do ___________?A.on weekendB. at weekendC. on the weekendD. at the weekend8.They can ________ to get to City Park.A.take undergroundB. take the undergroundC. by undergroundD. by the underground9.This book is ______. Which one is ____? A. hers, mine b. her?s mine C. her?s, my D. hers, my10.He usually ________ lunch at school, but yesterday he ______ lunch at home.A.eat, ateB. ate , ateC. ate ,eatsD. eats, ate11.My brother is a waiter. He always ______ food to people. A. takes B. buys C. brings D. makes12.On_____ way ______, they saw a lovely cat.A. they, to homeB. their, homeC. their, to homeD. they , home13.We?ve bought some vegetables and yoghurt. What ______ do you need to buy, Kate?A.alsoB. elseC. stillD. yet16.Do you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables?17.I like meatballs because they are tasty.18.Alice asks Eddie to look after her pets.19.We must put up our hands when we ask questions in the classroom.20.I was 150 centimeters tall when I was a teenager.________ _______ _________ you when _______ ________ a teenager?21.I weigh 45 kilogrammes now.________ _______ ______ you _______ now?22.The children can paly table tennis well._________ can the children ________ well?23.She will go on a boat trip this afternoon.(⼀般疑问句)________ she ________ on a boat trip this afternoon?(否定句)24.The baby likes congee very much. The baby _______ _______ congee very much.25.Writing: Let?s Be Friends of the EarthFinal Revision (3)1.Mary got a lot of presents and birthday cards ____ her relatives ____ her birthday party.A.for, on b. of, at C. from, at D. to, on2.Environment things ___ us. A. some, around B. all the, with C. some, with D. all the, around3.There are ________ stars in the sky. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of d. thousand of4.Where _____ in France? A. di you do B. have you been C. have you done D. have you gone to5.I usually drink ____ milk every day.A. two carton ofB. two boxes of c. two cartons D. two boxes6.Simon has got _____ aunt and _____ uncle. A. a,a B. a, an C. an, a D. an, an7.Our school is so dirty. Don?t make ____ rubbish. A. less B. more C. few D. many8.Please put the book ____ the right side of the desk. A. in B. at C. under D. on9.Have you ever been to the Space Museum _____?A. already B. just C. too D. yet10.Do you go to school ____ bike or ____ foot?A. by,by B. take, on C. take, take D. by, on11.Their parnts arrived ____ Shanghai on April 1.A. in B. at C. to D. on12.We must not ____ in the library.A.eating or drinking b. eat and drink C. eating and drinking D. eat or drink13.We have rules ____ the road. A. in b. at C. on D. of14.A: What does this sign mean? B: Don?t _____. A. fish B. fishing C. going fishing D. to fish15.Let?s ______ together.A. go shop B. go shopping c. to go shopping D. going shopping16.Would you like apples or _______(peach) after dinner?17.___________(bake) potatoes taste nice.18.Julia goes to the ____________________(freeze) food section to buy some meatballs.19.I like to go ________________(shop) on holidays.20.The crisps taste _________________(salt).23.Please don?t forget to turn off the lights.24.We always take care of our grandma when our mother is out.25.My home is not near our school.26.What?s the matter with your bike?27.Mr White gave his neighbour a letter.(不变) Mr White _____ a letter _____ his neighbour.28.I?ve got one aunt. _____ _____ _____ have you got?29.The T-shirt cost me 100 yuan. _____ _____ ____ the T-shirt ____ you?30.Mrs Smith has been to the Botanical Garden. _____ _______ Mrs Smith _____ to?31.He was late for school because he got up late this morning.__________ was he late ________ school?32.Jack sometimes helps his father water the flowers in garden._______ does Jack sometimes ______ in garden?33. Writing : I want to go to…..Final Revision (4)1.What do you think ________ your diet?A. of B. on C. with D. to2.I ___________ like to have some pizza.A. would B. had C. did D. want3.What job _________ your father __________?A.do,doB. do, doesC. does, doD. does, does4.How ______ fat do we need every day? A. many B. much C. little D. few5.Tom, ____ football in the street. A. isn?t playing B. don?t play C. doesn?t play D. won?t6.My uncle is a pilot. He flies ____ aeroplane. A. a B. an C. the D./7.Would you like ____ a cup of tea?A. to have B. having C. to eat D. eating8.Who lives on _____ floor? A. the nineth B. the ten C. tenth D. the ninth9.Don?t ____ your bicycle here! A. riding B. ride C. to ride D. rides10.Let me show you ___ my school first.A. around B. to C. in D. with11.The plane flies ___, but the parachute falls down ____.A.quickly, quicklyB. slowly , quicklyC. quickly, slowlyD. slowly, slowly12.He is kind ____. We have learned ___ from him.A.to others, a lotB. to the others, a lotC. to others, a lot ofD. to the others, a lot of13.We promised ____ our classroom dirty. We must keep ___.A. not make , our promiseB. not to make, our promiseC. not maake, us promiseD.not to make, us promise14. What time are we going to _____________ and what time are we going to _____?A. get there, come backB. get to there , come backC. get there, come to back d. get to there, come to back15. I like the students who ____ a lie.2.I spend thirty minutes doing my homework.3.Finally, they will visit the Chinese in the factory.4.He is going to arrive at our school at 2:00 p.m.5.There are a lot of blocks in our estate.1.It takes him more than 40 minutes to read this book. (不变)____ _____ more than 40 minutes _______ this book.2.I go to school by bike.(不变) I _____ a _____ to school.3.Please throw rubbish in the litter bin. (否定句) ____ _____ rubbish in the litter bin, please.4.I don?t like lemons because they are too sour. _____ _____ you like lemons?5.I would like to be a policeman. (否定句) I _____ _____ to be a policeman.6.Writing:The rules of our school期末质量检测卷(4)---------by Pan JiePart2I.Read and choose{找出划线处读⾳与其他三个选项不同的单词}26.A.enough B.young C.countryside D.shout27.A.project B.programme C.porridge D.promise28.A.travel B.sandcatle C.habit D.chase29.A.clerk B.member C.teather D.worker30.A.space B.ocean C.spicy D.noticeboardII.Choose the best answer{选择最恰当的答案}31.A big fire began around 2 p.m.._________November 15th , and soon the building was an fire.A .in B.at C.on D.for32.We need _________ fat , salt and sugar every day.A.a littleB.someC.plentyD.a lot of33.Judy always gets up early. She is ________ late for school.A.always/doc/25d976ee9b89680203d8254c.html uallyC.sometimesD.never34.I don?t like chocolate because it?s too _________.A.deliciousB.sourC.spicyD.sweet35.________ talk loudly in class.A.NotB.NoC.Don?tD.Not to36.I enjoy meals with ma family and share my daily experiences{经历}.The underlined word means “________”.A.haveB.leaveC.playD.work37.Liu Wei had an accident(事故)and lost(失去)both of his arms ___________ he wasa child.A.ifB.becauseC.whenD.so38.Yesterday __________ the School Art Festival.A.isB.wasC.areD.were39. __________ do you go ti school?By bus.A.HowB.How manyC.How longD.How much40.Look ! Our teacher ______ the programme for our Open Day.A.plansB.is planningC.plannedD.will plan41.The _________ on the wall says ,“Wash your hands here . ”A.pictureB.wordC.signD.sentence42.Let me make something special for the party.That?s great.________.A.Thank youB.I?m sorryC.I don?t knowD.Here you areIII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (⽤括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句⼦,每空格限填⼀词)43.Yuan Xiaochao won the _________ gold medal (⾦牌) of the 16th Asian Games.(one)44.Nov . 25th was Thanks giving Day .Did you have any ______ for your mother?(present)45.Visitors can?t _________ the Expo Park after 9 p.m.(entrance)46.It?s ________ to join the English Club.(funny)47._________,the will go back to school.(final)48.It?s fine today . Shall we go _________ this morning?(shop)IV. Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写下列句⼦,除最后⼀题每空格先填⼀次)49.I have already been to Shanghai Museum.(改为⼀般疑问句)__________ you been to Shanghai Museum _______?50.I ate some fruit in the hotel. (对划线部分提问)___________ did you ___________ the fruit?51.We must not use the lift in the middle . (对划线部分提问)___________ ____________ mustn?t wu use ?52.I , advertisement boards , on , am , a lot of , the , I , bus , see , when(连词成句)___________________________________________________________________V . Read and choose (选择适当的单词填空,使句意通顺)53. My family lives in a big ________ . (house/home)54. Mr. Hu lives in the city . He is too fat because he does no ______ . (exercise/exercises)55. It ______ me about 15 minutes to get to my office . (spends/takes)56.My house is far away from Nancy?s house . We live in different _________-.(spaces/places)57. More than 250 countries came to Shanghai Expo and ________ their friendship(友谊) with China.(played/shared)IV. Writing(作⽂)88.Write at least 40 words on the topic “What would my best friend like to be in fifteen year?s time?” (以“我最好的朋友⼗五年以后将会…….”为题写⼀篇不少于40个词的短⽂.要求意思明确,内容连贯,标点符号不计字数.)参考要点:(1)Who is your best friend ?(2)What will his/her job be ? Why?(3)What will you do together?Final Revision (5)1.I don?t like chilies because they are ___. A. too sweet B. too salty C. too spicy D. too sour2.--____ doe she like chicken wings? –He likes them because they are delicious.A.HowB. WhatC. WhyD. Where3.____ to the supermarket.A. Shall we go B. Let?s go C. Let?s going D. Shall we going4.We must ______ the forest.A.to stop cutting downB. stop cutting downC. stop to cut down d. to stop to cut down5.Let _____ go to the park with his friends. A. he B. his C. him D. himself6.We must keep our classroom ______. A. cleaned B. to cleaning C. cleans D. clean7.Next, tie the strings ____ the corner.A. to B. in C. on D. at8.Have you got _____ to buy?A.something elseB. anything elseC. else somethingD. else anything9.My aunt is always kind _____ me. A. at B. with C. for D. to10.---______ would you like to be a fireman? –Because I like to put out fires.A.WhatB. WhyC. WhereD. Which11.Spiders are dangerous, ____ snakes are more dangerous. A. and B. but C. or12.Our teacher will ____ Shanghai tomorrow morning.A.arrive in b. get in c. arrive at D. reach to13.It takes him almost _____ hour to go to Shanghai Primary School.A. aB. anC. theD. /14.Xupu Bridge is ______ far away from our housing estat.A.quiteB. not toC. quietD. very much15._____ time did your family spend on travelling?2.One of my ____________________ will come to my new flat.3.We have three new ________________ in my family, Susan , Jessica and Max.4.Let?s go _____________ this coming Sunday.5.You can see a lot of shopping ________________ in Shanghai.1.I would like to work in a bank.(不变) I ______ _____ work in a bank.2.She always goes to the supermarket with her Mum. (否定句)She _________ always ________ to the supermarket with her Mum.3.Ivy Lin starts work at 9:00 a.m. and finishes work at 8:00 p.m.Ivy Lin works _________ 9:00 a.m. _____ 8:p.m.4.We have already been to Beijing. (⼀般疑问句) ______ _______ been to Beijing _____?5.I always go home at 6:00. _____ ______ you go home?6.Writing: Grandma?s BirthdayFinal Revision (6)1.Let?s _____ the menu first. A. have a look at B. look C. have a look D. see2.In the market, we can get pears at the _______ stall. A. meat B. fish C. fruit D. vegetable3.Mum has _____ a lot of food. A. buy B. buys C. bought D. buying4.We?ll have spinach soup ____ beef. A. of B. for C. with D. in5.____ is my favourite sport. A. To swim B. Swim C. Swimming D. Swimming6.Shall we _____ some soft drinks? A. drinking B. to drink C. drink D. drank7.How much money _____ Kitty and Ben ____ from Mr LI?A.do, needB. does, needC. do, needsD. does, needs8.Today is a good day ______ swimming. A. of B. for C. on D. with9.Kitty and Alice often ____ the dog. A. play B. play with C. plays D. plays with10.There is going to ____ a sports meeting in our school.A. be B. have c. has D. is11.It _____ a fine day yesterday. A. is B. are C. was d. were12.I _____ bread and milk for breakfast this morning. And I ____ noodles for dinner this evening.A. have, have B. had, had C. had, will have d. have, had13.You have _____ soft drinks. It?s bad for your health.A. too muchB. enoughC. too manyD. too few14.We ____ any sweets. Let?s buy some fruit.A.needn?tB. don?t needC. needn?t to buyD. not need15.Ben likes crabs best, he often goes to the _____ section to buy some.A.meatB. frozen foodC. dairy productsD. fish16.These _______ aer too spicy. (chilli)17.Cici always wants to buy the ______ food, so she buys the food at different places. (cheap)18.The crisps taste ______________.(salt)19.Let me ________ a pizza for you. (make)20.Bell ______ basketball with Tom and Jimmy next week. (play021.Mary has lunch at school. (否定句) Mary _____ _____ lunch at school.22.Susan is from America. _____ ______ Susan from?23.The flowers are so beautiful. (感叹句)__________________________________!24.I invited Alice too dinner with my parents. (不变)______________________________________________________________.25.Please eat and drink in the bedroom, (否定句)___________________________________________________________26.Writing: Our EarthFinal Revision (7)I often play ______chess with my grandpa after supper..A. a B. an C. the D. /2. My father is a dentist. _____ works in a clinic. A. He B. She C. His D. Her3. I don?t like potatoes ____ carrots.A. and B. so C. or D. because4. You should not eat too many chillies. They are too____.A. sweet B. hot C. tasty D. spicy5. I ______ to the Palace Museum twice. A. have been B. have gone C. has gone D. has been6. amy usually goes to school ______. A. by cars B. by the car C. by bike D. by a bike7. ---May I park my car here? --______. This is the sidewalk.A. Yes, you mayB. Yes, you canC. No, you mustn?tD. No, you can?t8. Would you like something ____? A. to drink B. drink C. drinks D. drinking9. The old lady bought some ____ for supper. A. pears B. salt C. sweet D. tomatoes10. Lucy often gets up at 6:30, ___? A. doesn?t she B. does she C. is she D. isn?t she11. –Would you like to be a fireman? ----________.A. Yes, I amB. Yes, I shallC. No, I wouldD. Yes, I would.12. Hong Kong is _____ Guangzhou. A. far away from b. near C. far away D. near away13. I often see tall buildings ___.A. on her way to homeB. on his way to homeC. on my way homeD. on his way home14. I ate ___ rice and _____ meat yesterday.A. many, littleB. a lot, a littleC. a few , someD. a lot , a little15. The grandma?s birthday is coming. I want to make _____ for her.A. anything specialB. special anythingC. something specialD. special anything1. I would like some ____________ eggs for breakfast. ( boil)2. What is the _________________ of the word “hero”? (mean)3. There are some __________________ flying kites in the park now. (child)4. It _______________ mt twenty minutes to go to work yesterday morning. (take)5. My mother is _______________ (cook) in the kitchen now.6. We must obey the traffic _____________ when we cross the street.(rule)7. They _____________________ at the airport on time so that they can catch the plane. (arrive)8. Please give me some ________________________ .(sausage)9. We ___________________ to keep the land clean. (promise)10. This is the __________________ time for me to travel to Shanghai. (three)11. The seafood is too _______________ for me. I don?t like it. (salt)12. How about _______________ out for a walk with me? (go)13. We should brush our ____________ out for a walk with me ? (tooth)1. Please look at the blackboar.(否定句) ______ ______ at the blackboard.2. Let?s go to the department store together. (不变)_____ _____ go to the department store together?3. I usually have supper at 7:00 every day. ____ do you usually ____ supper every day?4. We must not eat or drink in the classroom. ____ we mustn?t ___ in the classroom?5. I like orange juice best, because it is sweet. _______ _____ you like orange juice best?6. Ths shirt costs me thirty yuan. That shirt costs me twenty yuan. (不变)That shirt is much _____________ ___________ this shirt.7.Our Class Rules1)Are there any rules round us?2)Must we obey these rules?3)How many rules are there in your classroom?Final Revision (8)1. The book ____ me ten yuan. A. spend B. cost C. eat D. take2. Jerry is my best friend. He often ____ his food with me.A. shareB. sharingC. sharesD. to share3. Peter often plays _____ football with his friends on Sundays.A. the B. a C. an D. /4. Father?s Day is coming. Let?s make a cake _____ our father.a. for B. with C. to D. from5. Have you ever _____ Dragon Bay?A. gone to B. been to c. been in d. gone in6. It?s 4 o?clock. Let ____ go home together, OK? A. we B. us c. …s D. their7. ______ do you usually go to school? A. What B. How c. When D. Where8. Amy has ______ been to the North Bay.A. yet B. often c. always D. already9. ---______ are your storybooks? ---Fifteen yuan. A. what B. How many C. How much d. How10. My house is _____ my school, so I often walk to school.A. far away fromB. near c. far away d. near away11. Jim is very ____ to me, so I like him very much. A. lucky B. far C. naughty d. kind12. We promise ____ the environment.A. polluteB. not to polluteC. pollutesD. to not pollute13. Tommy has got many birthday presents ____ his friends and relatives.A. forB. afterC. atD. from14. You mustn?t ______ the rubbish there, you should put it into the rubbish bin.A. leaveB. putC. take d. tell15. There is not _____ in the fridge. A. enough food B. food enough C. many food D. few food1. In summer, we can go _________________________ in the sea. (swim)2. You should not ______ late for school next time. (be)3. Mike often helps m ewith my English. He is very ____________.(help)4. It?ll be Grandpa?s _______________ birthday tomorrow.(fifty)5. It is an ________________ (importance)day tooday. It?s __________(teach) Day.6. Alice is _________ good friend . We often play together. (I)7. We should always help _____________.(other)8. Look! The two girls are _________________tennis now! (play)9. Mary always _______________ hard, and she never gets angry.(work)10. How many ______________ are there in your family? (member)11. What ____________ do you do with your aunt? (else)12. _____________ of the Earth look after the environment. (friend)13. We should __________________ the bottles. (use)1. Winnie is visiting Garden City for the first time._____ _______ _____ Winnie _____ for the first time?2. I?ve been to Seaside Town on Lucky Island. (⼀般疑问句)______ you _____ to Seaside Town on Lucky Island?3. We are going to Green Market by bike. (不变)We are going to ______ _____ to Green Market.4. Our English class often begins at 8:00 o?clock.____ _____ doe syour English class often ______?5. This is a photo of my mother and me. (否定句) _____ ____ a photo of my mother and me. Final Revision (9)1. Mr Wang is __________P.E. teacher in a school.A. a B. an C. the D. /2. ---Which book is yours? ---_____ on the right. A. The one B. One C. It D. This is3. My father is a driver. He ____ a car every day. A. drive B. drives C. driving d. to drive4. I met my best friend ___ I was on a bus. A. that B. who c. when D. where5. Have you gone to the Great Wall ___? A. just B. also c. yet D. already6. Please ____ the noticeboard first. A. look at B. look c. find out S. see7. There _____ a basketball match between Class One and Class Two this Friday.A. is going to haveB. is going to beC. are going to be d. are going to have8. The Children?s Day is _____ June 1st. a. in B. at c. to d. on9. ___ does it take you to go to work every day?A. How oftenB. How longC. How soonD. How far10. Tom likes his ____ very much. He often ___ his work on time.a. job, finish B. jobs , finishes C. work , to finish D. job, finishes11. When will their teacher ___?a. arrive B. arrive in c. arrive at D. get12. I saw _____ shops when I was on my way to school yesterday.A. a littleB. a lotC. aa lot ofD. plenty13. Which sign can we see in the classroom?A. No photosB. No liftC. No parkingD. Keep silent.14. –Shall we go to the Shanghai Library together? --_____.A. It?s my pleasureB. Thank you very muchC. You?re welcome d. Good idea.15. We have to ____ the matcj because of the rain.a. putout B. put off C. pick d. pick it up1. Today is my ___________ birthday. My parents are preparing a birthday party for me. (twenty)2. She often ___________ to work by ferry on weekdays. (go)3. Jim is ____________ a letter to his cousin now. (write)4. I?m listening to the music while I am ____________ to school. (walk)5. The light is green. We can go ___________ the road. (cross)6. You must keep ______ when you are in the reading room. (quietly)7. Please don?t _____________ the room without permission. (entry)8. My father enjoys _______________ the mountains in his spare time. (climb)9. Plenty of _____________ from all over the world come to Shanghai every year. (visit)10. Shenzhen is far ________________ from Chang chun. (way)11. Mr Wany and his students are planning the programme for _____ Open Day. (they)12. My parents are _______________(teach). They work in the same school.13. If you want to watch TV, you must _____________ your homework first.(finish)1. It takes me half an hour to get to the post office. (⼀般疑问句)_____ it ______ you half an hour to get to the post office?2. I would like to be a dentist in the future.(不变) I ____ ____ be a dentist in the future.3. My sister works in a big company near our home. _______ _____ your sisiter work?4. Our parents will look at our English Club noticeboard in the library next.________ __________ our parents do next?5. I usually go shopping with my mother on Sundays.__________ ________ you usually go shopping with your mother?6. The sign means we must not take photos here. ____ does the sign ____?7. Writing:My dream home1) What is your dream home like?2) Why?Final Revision (10)1. _____________ diet we eat every day should be balanced and nutritious.A. An B. / c. A d. The2. You can find the following INSTRUCTION on ___________A. foodB. moneyC. clothesD. book3. There is not enough _______ in the corner for the fridge.A. place B. room c. field d. ground4. Football is _____ an exciting sport that people all over the world love it.A. soB. tooC. such d. very5. –I?m taking my driving test tomorrow. ---____!A. CongratulationB. come onC. Good luck d. Cheers6. –May I eat ___? ---No, You mustn?t eat _____ until you see the doctor.A. something, somethingB. anything, anythingC. something, anythingD. anything, something7. ---Do you want ____ sandwich? –Yes, I usually eat a lot when I?m hungry.A. otherB. anotherC. othersD. the other8. The girl is good ____English but weak _____ science subjects. A. in,at B. at,on c. in, in d. at,in9. It will be a long time ___Peter ___his work.A. since, has finishedB. after, finishes c. when, will finish D. before, finishes10. Few of us like him because he thinks ____ of others than of himself.a. much B. much more C. much less d. a little11. Let?s go to the supermarket to buy some food and drinks for the picnic, ____?A. shall weB. will youC. will I d. are you OK12. –May I have some chicken wings, please? ---_________a. The same to you B. Yes, you can C. here you are d. why not?13. Our bodies need ____ energy and protein every day.A. a plenty of b. plenty of C. a lot d. a large number of14. Mty diet is ____ my brother?s.A. as healthy likeB. as health asC. as healthier asD. as healthy as15. How _____ money have you got? A. often B. many C. big D. much1. Mr Brown will go fishing if it _____ tomorrow. (not rain)2. The pipes have ________ so we have got no water from the tap. (freeze)3. They ______ well when they became sick. (tteat)4. The fried fish is very ____________________.(taste)5. We had some _________ fish and some rice. (steam)6. I think your diet is __________ than mine. (health)7. Everybody should pay more attention to their _______ habits.(eat)8. You?d better follow the doctor?s _________ .(suggest).9. I find it boring ______ a doctor for animals. (be)10. It is good for our health to drink ____________ water.(boil)11. The soup is too _______ --add a little water into it. (salt)12. Mrs Parley was busy ____ her homework .(do) Suddenly an earthquake _____ the city.(rock )13. --______ your uncle _____ the video tapes to Mr Green?(return)–No. They?re still in his bedroom.1. I spend four hundred yuan in buying the food for the picnic.(不变)The food for the picnic _____ _____ four hundrd yuan.2. My mother told me that she would buy me some ice cream._____ _____ your mother ______you?。
六年级上册英语试题- 期末测试 牛津上海版(含答案及解析)

六年级上册英语试题- 期末测试牛津上海版(含答案及解析)一、单选题(共10题)1.It's ten o'clock. The students ________ a maths lesson.A.haveB.havingC.are havingD.is having2.Miss Li is busy ________ she still helps us a lot.A.butB.andC.orD.so3.John is policeman and wears ________ uniform every day.A.aB.anC.theD./4.All students ________ wear uniforms at school.A.mustB.canC.mayD.need5.—________ would you like to do in the future?—I'd like to make sick people better.A.WhoB.WhereC.WhenD.What6.My aunt's daughter is my ________.A.brotherB.sisterC.cousinD.nephew7.In the past, there ________ only a few high-rises in our town.A.isB.areC.wasD.were8.My mother bought me a beautiful skirt as a birthday present.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A./sket/B./skɑːt/C./skɜːt/D./skɔːt/9.My father is a cook. I can learn how ________ delicious food from him.A.cookB.to cookC.cookingD.cooks10.You're too fat. You'd better take ________ exercise and eat ________ food.A.more…fewerB.fewer…moreC.less…moreD.more…l ess二、阅读理解(共3题)11.选择最恰当的答案Mrs. Brown is very fat. She has a lot of health problems. Her husband (丈夫) and she go to see the doctor. Her doctor says to her, "Don't eat meat and cakes." Her husband says, "I am going to make her stop eating them, doctor." The next morning Mrs. Brown buys a can of meat and her husband eats half (一半) of it. Then he leaves home to work. Mrs. Brown cuts (切) a very small piece of it and eats it. It is very good. She cuts a big piece of and eats it. Ten minutes later she eats it all."My husband will be angry. What shall I do?" she thinks. She buys another (另一个) can of meat very quickly.She eats half of that and leaves half on the table. Her husband comes back later and he sees the half meat on the table. He is very happy.(1)Mrs. Brown is ________.A.tallB.slimC.shortD.unhealthy(2)The doctor tells Mrs. Brown not to eat meat and cakes because ________.A.Mrs. Brown likes themB.meat and cakes aren't goodC.Mr. Brown tells him to say soD.meat and cakes make her fatter(3)The next morning Mrs. Brown buys a can of meat for ________.A.herselfB.her husbandC.her childrenD.the doctor(4)Mrs. Brown buys another can of meat because ________.A.she is good at making cakesB.her husband likes meatC.she wants to eatD.she is afraid that her husband will be angry12.阅读短文,判断正误。
六年级上册 期末测试 牛津上海版(含答案及解析)

一、单选题(共10题)1.It's ten o'clock. The students ________ a maths lesson.A.haveB.havingC.are havingD.is having2.Miss Li is busy ________ she still helps us a lot.A.butB.andC.orD.so3.John is policeman and wears ________ uniform every day.A.aB.anC.theD./4.All students ________ wear uniforms at school.A.mustB.canC.mayD.need5.—________ would you like to do in the future?—I'd like to make sick people better.A.WhoB.WhereC.WhenD.What6.My aunt's daughter is my ________.A.brotherB.sisterC.cousinD.nephew7.In the past, there ________ only a few high-rises in our town.A.isB.areC.wasD.were8.My mother bought me a beautiful skirt as a birthday present.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A./sket/B./skɑːt/C./skɜːt/D./skɔːt/9.My father is a cook. I can learn how ________ delicious food from him.A.cookB.to cookC.cookingD.cooks10.You're too fat. You'd better take ________ exercise and eat ________ food.A.more…fewerB.fewer…moreC.less…moreD.more…l ess二、阅读理解(共3题)11.选择最恰当的答案Mrs. Brown is very fat. She has a lot of health problems. Her husband (丈夫) and she go to see the doctor. Her doctor says to her, "Don't eat meat and cakes." Her husband says, "I am going to make her stop eating them, doctor." The next morning Mrs. Brown buys a can of meat and her husband eats half (一半) of it. Then he leaves home to work. Mrs. Brown cuts (切) a very small piece of it and eats it. It is very good. She cuts a big piece of and eats it. Ten minutes later she eats it all."My husband will be angry. What shall I do?" she thinks. She buys another (另一个) can of meat very quickly.She eats half of that and leaves half on the table. Her husband comes back later and he sees the half meat on the table. He is very happy.(1)Mrs. Brown is ________.A.tallB.slimC.shortD.unhealthy(2)The doctor tells Mrs. Brown not to eat meat and cakes because ________.A.Mrs. Brown likes themB.meat and cakes aren't goodC.Mr. Brown tells him to say soD.meat and cakes make her fatter(3)The next morning Mrs. Brown buys a can of meat for ________.A.herselfB.her husbandC.her childrenD.the doctor(4)Mrs. Brown buys another can of meat because ________.A.she is good at making cakesB.her husband likes meatC.she wants to eatD.she is afraid that her husband will be angry12.阅读短文,判断正误。

六年级(上)6AU1练习卷一 姓名一 Rewrite the sentences as required (根据要求改写句子) 1.She never talks in class.(句子意思不变) She talk in class . 2. They always walk to school together. (句子意思不变) They always to school together. 3. They all like to go to the cinema. (句子意思不变) like to go to the cinema. 4. He has been to Beijing for 3 times. (改为一般疑问句) 5. The little dog never talks to Alice. (句子意思不变) The little dog talks to Alice. 6. The football players are taking photos at the Bund. (划线提问) 7. Class 6B often goes to the beach at weekends. (句子意思不变) Class 6B often goes to the beach on and . 8. Kitty only has one uncle. (划线提问) 9. Peter always plays games with them. (划线提问) 10. I have only one interesting picture book. (划线提问) Interesting picture do you have? 二 Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当答案) ( ) 11. – Are computers helpful our study? --Yes, but they are also bad our study and our eyes. A. to/to B. to/for C. for/to D. for/for ( ) 12. Please it again. I can ’t hear you again. A. talk B. speak C. tell D. say ( )13. If you want to win the contest, you must study . A. the hard B. harder C. hardly D. hardest ( ) 14. Shanghai is one of in the world. A. the biggest cities B. biggest cities C. the biggest city D. the big city ( ) 15. We can get wood forests. A. for B. to C. with D. from ( ) 16. Let ’s play badminton with Mary and Jane this Sunday. A. / B. a C. an D. the 三 Complete the following passages with the words in the things to do 17 Monday to Friday. On Monday and Tuesday morning he has three speaking 18 . On Thursday he has two writing lessons in the morning and in theafternoon. He plays ball 19 after class on Monday and20 music on Tuesday afternoon.. He doesn ’t have lessons on Wednesday or Friday. He works on the computer onWednesday morning. He can speak 21 Japanese. So he takes Japanese lesson that afternoon. On Friday morning,Mr Cao meets his 22 friends. In the afternoon, he has a rest at home.17. 18. 19.Lots of people like to travel by train, people call trains“green traffic ”. That is because trains make less pollutionthanplanes and cars. Today, Harmony trains are faster, 23 their tickets are more expensive than trains. Peopleuse the letter “D ” as the code of Harmony trains. They can run about 200 24 an hour. For example, fromBeijing to Shanghai, it takes only about 10 hours by D32.The 25 of Harmony trains are very soft and nice.Many young parents are happy because of these special baby seats on the train. If you travel on a Harmony train, you don ’t 26 to buy or take books. There are some27 books on the train.23. 24. 25.26. 27.四 Read the passage and fill in the blanks with properwords.This is a picture of my family. We have six m 28 , mygrandfather, grandmother, my father, my mother, my sisterand me, we are having a picnic.Look, my sister and I are w 29 the rabbits. Theyl 30 so funny. They are in and out of their holes in thegrass. My mother is looking f 31 . She is thinking ofpicking some flowers to take home. My brother is r 32after a rabbit and he is out of breath. My father is fishingand my g 33 are sitting and talking on the grass. We h34 great time that day.28. 29. 30. 31.32. 33. 34.六年级(上)6AU1练习卷二姓名一Rewrite the sentences as required (根据要求改写句子)1.Kitty is always quiet.(句子意思不变)Kitty is .8.It’s about ten minutes’walk from my school to myhome. (划线提问)is it from my school to my home.?9.They all like to go to the cinema. (句子意思不变)like to go to the cinema.10.Alice got up early this morning to catch the first bus.(划线提问)5. Peter often helps in the house at the weekend. (改为一般疑问句)二Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.6.That lady always speaks (loud).7.I think Kitty should eat fried food (little).8. These are my and relatives (family).9. It never (rain) in winter in Shanghai.10. I (promise not) to pollute the air.三Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)( ) 11. –Are computers helpful our study?--Yes, but they are also bad our study andour eyesA. to/toB. to/forC. for/toD. for/for ( ) 12. Do you know how to complete the sentence? What does the underlined part mean?A. endB. finishC. writeD. read ( )13. If you want to win the contest, you must study .A. the hardB. harderC. hardlyD. hardest ( ) 14. There is milk in the fridge. Could you go and buy some?A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little ( ) 15. We can get wood forests.A. forB. toC. withD. from ( ) 16. It takes about to travel from Shanghai to Hainan Island by plane.A. two half hoursB. two and a half hoursC. two and half hoursD. two hours and half 三Reading comprehension.There is nothing more important to life than the sun. Without the sun all living things on the earth will die.The sun is a star. In the sky there are thousands of stars like the sun. They are as large as the sun and as hot as the sun. At night you can see many stars, but in the day-time you can only see one star – the sun.The sun is much nearer to us than any other star. That is why it looks the biggest and brightest of the stars. The distance of the sun from the earth is as much as 150 million kilometers. Most of the stars are thousands of light years away from the earth.Do you know the light year? Nothing in the world travels faster than light. It travels 300000 kilometres a second. And one light year is the distance that light travels in one year.Choose the best answer.( )17. is the most important to us.A. The moonB. The sunC. The starD. The light ( )18. can live without the sun.A. PeopleB. AnimalsC. PlantsD. Nothing ( )19. We can see in the day-time.A. the moonB. the starC. the sunD. B and D ( )20. The sun looks the biggest and brightest of all the stars becauseA. it’s the biggest of all the starsB. it’s the brightest of all the starsC. it’s much nearer to us than any other starD. it’s far away from the earth( )21. The light travels in the world.A. fastestB. slowestC. much fasterD. much slower ( )22. From the passage we know that light travel kilometers per minute.A. 600000B. 300000C. 150000D. 18000000 四Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.This is a picture of my family. We have six m 22 , my grandfather, grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and me, we are having a picnic.Look, my sister and I are w 23 the rabbits. They l 24 so funny. They are in and out of their holes in the grass. My mother is looking f 25 . She is thinking of picking some flowers to take home. My brother is r 26 after a rabbit and he is out of breath. My father is fishing and my g 27 are sitting and talking on the grass. We h 28 great time that day.22. 23. 24. 25.26. 27. 28.六年级(上)6AU2练习卷一姓名一Rewrite the sentences as required (根据要求改写句子)1.Alice and Kitty like to help each other.(划线提问)What Alice and Kitty like to ?11.We need clean water to drink every day. (划线提问)of water do you need to drink every day?12.They went to Beijing to visit the Great Wall last month.(划线提问)When they to Beijing to visit the Great Wall?13.I usually go shopping with my aunt. (划线提问)14.15.Peter often helps in the house at the weekend.(改为一般疑问句)16.Kitty is friendly and kind. (划线提问)do you Kitty?8. They often have meals at this restaurant. (同义句转换) They often at this restaurant.二Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)( ) 9. I promise to the teacher carefully in class.A. listenB. listeningC. listensD. to listen ( ) 10. – Thank you for your kindness. We got the news finally.--A. RightB. All rightC. That’s rightD. That’s all right( ) 11. How about this weekend? I have two tickets here.A. go swimmingB. going swimC. going swimmingD. go to swimming( ) 12. –Are you free tomorrow?--No, I free the day after tomorrow.A. going to; willB. going to be; willC. going to; will beD. going to be; will be ( ) 13. What is Kate doing? She the newspaper.A. is looking atB. looks atC. is readingD. read( ) 14. I have got a lot of birthday cards my family and relatives.A. atB. forC. inD. from ( ) 15. I always with my father after dinner.A. play the badmintonB. playing badmintonC. to play badmintonD. play badminton( ) 16. Mum, my new classmate, Jane.A. that isB. this isC. he isD. it is( ) 17. We often some questions in the class.A. discussB. talkC. speakD. tell ( ) 18. There are many people to the park now. Some are playing football, are having a picnic.A. otherB. othersC. the othersD. the other ( ) 19. Is this a photo of your daughter? She looksin the pink dress!A. lovelyB. quietlyC. politelyD. happily) 20. It’s to read the map before you travel to a new place.A. helpfulB. harmfulC. powerfulD. awful) 21. I you already that washing hands often will help prevent the H1N1 Flu.A. tellB. toldC. have toldD. am telling三Choose the words or expressions and complete the following passageBritain has four seasons that are all about three months long. Winter is in December, January and February. Spring is in March, April and May. Summer is in June, July and August. Autumn is in September, October and November.In Britain, winter is not very 22 and summer is not very hot. There is not a great difference 23 summer and winter. Why is this?Britain has a warm winter and a cool summer because it is an island. In winter, the sea is warmer than the land. The winds from the sea 24 warm air to Britain. In summer, the sea is cooler than the land. The winds from the sea bring cool air to Britain.The west 25 blow over Britain all the year. They are wet winds. They bring rain to Britain all year round. Britain is wetter in the west than in the east 26 there are many mountains in the west. There is more rain.( )22. A. cold B. cool C. warm D. hot( )23. A. in B. between C. from D. among ( )24. A. bring B. take C. give D. have ( )25. A. clouds B. rain C. winds D. snow ( )26. A. and B. because C. when D. but六年级(上)6AU2练习卷二姓名一Rewrite the sentences as required (根据要求改写句子)1.The new product consists of four main parts inside. (改为一般疑问句)________ the new product ________ of four main parts inside ?2. Jessica solved the physics problems without any help. (保持句意基本不变)Jessica ________ ________ the physics problems without any help.3. Susan followed Ben's advice to design smart shoes. (对划线部分提问)________ advice ________ Susan follow to design smart shoes?4. Lin Dan played badminton very well. He won the Thomas Cup again. (合并为一句)Lin Dan played badminton very well ________ ________ win the Thomas Cup again.5. Choose the perfect grapes only,or you won't be able to make the best wine. (保持句意基本不变)You ________ be able to make the best wine ________ you choose the perfect grapes only.二Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当答案)( )6. Could I have an early morning call________ six o’clock tomorrow?A) on B) to C) at D) in ( )7. We have decided to try__________best to raise more money for the local charity.A) us B) our C) We D) ours ( )8. You really don’t have to worry___________ your weight ,You look just right.A) for B) from C) with D) about ( )9、I can't connect my computer to the Internet. There must be ( ) wrong with it.A、somethingB、everythingC、anythingD、nothing ( )10、The baby feels ()while his mother holds him in her arms.A、saveB、safeC、safelyD、safety( )11、Pudong International Airport is one of ()airports in the world.A、bigB、biggerC、biggestD、the biggest ( )12、Martin and his friends did't eat up all the food they ordered,()they took the rest away.A、forB、orC、soD、as( )13、Peter will cook for his parents ()the International Day of Families comes.A、unlessB、whenC、untilD、though( )14、With the help of the new technology ,you()e-mail your friends by mobile phone.A、canB、mustC、needD、should三Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wordsAmerican schools begins in September after a long summer holiday, There are two terms in a school year, The f 15 term is f 16 September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children b 17 to go to school; when they are five years old. Most children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they f 18 high school. High school students study only four or five subjects each term. They usually go to the same class every day and they have little homework for every class. After class they do many things they like.After high school, many students go to college ,They can go to a small one or a l 19 one .They usually p 20 a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get money for their s 21 .15. 16. 17. 18.19. 20. 21.四.Choose the words or expressions and complete the following passageLingling: How many people are there in your family? Tony: There are four—my mum and dad, my sister Linda, and me. I have n’t got any brothers.Lingling: Have you got any aunts or uncles ?Tony: My dad’s got a brother and a sister,my mum’s got a brother, but she hasn’t got a sister.So I’ve got one aunt and two uncles. And I’ve got four grandparents.( ) 22. Tony’s parents have got ___childrenA.1B.2C.3D.4 ( )23. Tony has got ___niece. A.1 B.2 C.3 D.the passage doesn’t tell us ( )24. Tony’s mother’s mother has got ___children A.1 B.2 C.3 D. no answers ( )25. Tony’s sister has got ____brothers A. no B.1 C.2 D. she’s got a sister ( )26. Tony’s aunt’s got _____brothers A.1 B.2 C.3 D. no answers 六年级(上)6AU3练习卷一 姓名一 Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子) 1.Let ’s go to the supermarket to buy some fruit.(改为反意疑问句) Let ’s go to the supermarket to buy some fruit , . 17. Tina is going to borrow a book in the library this afternoon. (划线提问) Tina going to this afternoon? 18. What about having a shower before you go to bed? (句子意思基本不变) have a shower before you go to bed.? 19. We shall travel to Nanjing by train. (划线提问) 5. How about having a dinner with me tonight? (同义句转换) have a dinner with me tonight?二 Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. 8. John enjoys (collect) stamps. 9. How much money (do) this new shirt cost you? 8. Miss Guo goes shopping in (sand)Bay. 9. Let ’s (spend) a day out together. 三 Full in the blanks with the proper words.(选词填空) 10.We always go shopping at the (weekends, weekend). 11. He lives on the (ninth, nineth) floor. 12. (Monday, Sunday) is the first day of a week. 13. I have been (in, to) Shanghai for eight years. 四 Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当答案) ( )14. I Shanghai for eight years. A. have been to B. have been in C. have gone to D. have gone in( )15. What does “U ” in “UFO ” mean?A. theB. aC. anD. /( )16. – Let ’s go to swim together. -- .A. You ’re welcomeB. Thank you very muchC. That sounds greatD. It ’s very kind of you( )17. Would you like to orange juice?A. have someB. have anyC. having someD. having any( )18. We are going to home at 5 p.m..A. get toB. getC. arrive atD. arrive in( )19. Tom will travel to the USA this summerholiday.A. inB. onC. atD. /五 Complete the following passages with the words in the2021 visit to a teacher living in Beijing. And also, we would 22 take this opportunity to visit some places, especiallysome historic sites in Beijing.It will be my 23 time to go to Beijing. So I getvery 24 According to our plan, we are going to visitthe Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum andthe Temple of Heaven as well. I think this trip will be a verynice one, and it will be 25 to our future learning onhistory.20. 21. 22.23. 24. 25.六 Reading comprehension.Buying ticketsSam is a little boy, and he is only eight years old. One day he goes to the cinema. It is the first time for him to dothat. He buys a ticket and then goes in. But after two orthree minutes he comes out, buys a second ticket and goesin again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys athird ticket. Two or three minutes later he asks for anotherticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asks him, "Why doyou buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?''Sam answers, "No, I have no friend here. .But a big boyalways stops me at the door and tears my tickets in piece.''Choose the best answer.( )26. Sam is only years old.A. fiveB. sevenC. nineD. eight( )27. Sam wants to buy when the girl asks him.A. the second ticketB. the third ticketC. the fourth ticketD. the fifth ticket( )28. The big boy stops Sam at the door because .A. it is the big boy’s jobB. the big boy doesn’t like SamC. the big boy doesn’t know SamD. Sam doesn’t buy tickets at all( )29. The big boy is of the cinema.A. a booksellerB. a policemanC. a shop keeperD. a worker( )30. From the story we know .A. the little boy has a lot of moneyB. the little boy knows nothing about the cinemaC. Sam doesn’t like the filmD. the girl wants to get more money六年级(上)6AU4练习卷一姓名一Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子) 1.Tommy likes to fly a plane.(改为一般疑问句)Tommy to fly a plane?20.Li Hui wants to be a bank clerk in the future.(划线提问)Li Hui want to be?21.How about going on a trip to Guilin?(保持原句意思)go on a trip to Guilin?22.Jackie can’t fall asleep because it is too noisy. (划线提问)5. This is a photo of my mother and me. (改为否定句)a photo of my mother and me..6. I’d like to work in a bank. (保持句意基本不变)I work in a bank.7. I would like to be a teacher because I want to show students ways of learning. (划线提问)8. Kitty is a wonderful nurse. (句子意思基本不变)wonderful nurse Kitty is!二Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.9.Doctors are lovely people because they make sick people (good).10. They arrived at the small village (safe)at last.11. They are wonderful (cook).12. Mary is a famous (act). She is a beautiful girl. 13.Judy likes (teach) children. She’d like to bea teacher.14.-- you (write) a letter to Martin last night?-- No, I didn’t.15.Linda just (be) to the library. 16.We should always help (other).三Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)( )17. –Mum, I do my homework first?--Yes. But you can have a rest after you finishyour homework.A. must; doB. must; doingC. may; doD. may; doing( )18. My house is my school, so I often walk to schoolA. far away fromB. nearC. far awayD. near away( )19. Tommy has got many birthday presents his friends and relatives.A. forB. afterC. atD. from 四Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wordsKitty and Alice are good friends. They often play t 20 . They have their own dreams. Kitty dreams to be a d 21 . She says, “I will help sick people!”She images herself helping a sick old women in h 22 . She knows she has to study hard and do w 23 in school if she wants to be a doctor. She must be good at Science and maths.On the other hand, Alice wants to be an a 24 . She likes the stars and moon. She often uses her own telescope to watch the s 25 . She has a collection of books and magazines on astronomy.20. 21 22.23. 24. 25.五Reading comprehension.I’m xia Lin. I’m 20. My aunt lives in Shanghai. I went to visit her with my dad in the holiday. We drove a car to Shanghai, but we didn’t know her address. Then dad called aunt; we met at the gate of a big supermarket. We were very happy to meet, because we hadn’t seen for one year. On the second day, aunt took us to visit many places. In the evening, we cooked many dishes in aunt’s home. We were all excited. We sang many songs and danced in the meeting room. On the third day, we went to a park. We had a picnic in the park. We talked about our family and our lives. We were very happy. On the fourth day, dad and me left Shanghai. We made a promise, we would get together next year.Choose the best answer.( )26. What did Xia Lin do in her holiday?A. She drove a carB. She visited her auntC. She visited Shanghai with her auntD. He visited his aunt ( )27. How did they feel when they met? They felt . A. sad B. worried C. happy D. nervous ( )28. What did they do on the evening of the second day? They . A. visited many places B. cooked many dishes at home C. went to a park D. went shopping ( )29. When did they have a picnic? They had a picnic on . A. the 2nd day B. the 3rd day C. the 4th day D. the 1st day ( )30. When will they meet again? A. Tomorrow B. Next week C. Next year D. Yesterday 六年级(上)6AU4练习卷二一 Rewrite the sentences as required (1.Does she want to be a farmer? ? 23. I wouldn ’t like to be a cook because I won ’t cook food well. (划线提问) you like to be a cook? 24. I ’d like to be a bus driver. (句子意思基本不变) I be a bus driver. 25. Mike ’s sister is a secretary. (划线提问) Mike ’s sister ?5. John didn ’t go to school yesterday because he was ill. (划线提问) 二 Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当答案) ( )6. Firemen fires. A. put out B. puts out C. put off D. puts off ( )7. His maths teacher is old. A. forty five years B. forty-five years C. fourty five years D. fourty-five years ( )8. – Do you like teaching children? –Yes, . A. I like B. I likes C. I do D. I don ’t ( )9. When do you usually finish your homework? A. do B. doing C. to do D. to doing ( )10. Linda usually helps her boss type letters. She is a.A. workerB. businesswomanC. secretaryD. bank clerk ( )11. –Does Ben bring food people?--No. He is a cook. He cooks food people.A. to; forB. for; toC. to; toD. for; for三 Read the passage and fill in the blanks with properwordsWhat do you want to be in the future ?I want to be anEnglish teacher. Teachers always show us w 12 oflearning. Teachers also help us a l 13 when we havesome problems. They tell us h 14 to study well andhow to be a useful person.I like learning English. I often r 15 English booksloudly in the morning. I would like to be an English teacherb 16 I want to help more young children to make theird 17 come true. I want to let them get knowledge fromme. I h 18 that my students will speak in English andbe a useful person when they grow up.12. 13. 14.15. 16. 17.Reading comprehension.(A)have a look!◆ (1) WAITER W ANTEDDo you hard-working? Do you like to meet people? Ifyour answer is “Yes ”, and then we have a job for you as awaiter. Call AL Hotel at 556779!◆ (2) SUMMER JOBDo you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? If you want to work for our magazine as a reporter, please call Karen at 558366.◆ (3) BABYSITTER W ANTEDDo you like babies? Can you look after one baby fortwo days? If you are sure to take good care of it, call us at766588, Hurry!◆ (4) CLEANER W ANTEDCan you make a large home clean and tidy? If youhope to get the job paid at ﹩20 once, call us this evening18:00—20:00. Tel: 633800Choose the best answer.( )19. The job ads above are probably from .A. a newspaperB. a story bookC. a science bookD. a guide book( )20. If you like children and have two days free, youcall at for a job.A. 556779B. 558366C. 766588D. 633800 ( )21. If the owner of the large house asks a cleaner to tidy his house twice a week, how much will the cleaner get in a month?A. ﹩120B. ﹩160C. ﹩200D. ﹩240 ( )22. are needed in AL Hotel.A. CleanersB. BabysittersC. ReportersD. Waiters( )23. If you are a college student who enjoys writing, during your summer holidays, you will be moreinterested in the job in .A. ad1B. ad2C. ad3D. ad4( )24. How many positions are in the article?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4(B)Babysitter may be an easy way to 25 pocket money, however, it is not an easy 26 . Here are a few tips to be a babysitter.( )25. A. become B. ask C. make D. hope ( )26. A. sport B. job C. homework D. life六年级(上)U1-U5期中复习卷一姓名一Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子) 1.We had tea and cakes in the music room.(改为否定句)We tea or cakes in the music room?26.They will visit the classroom next.(划线提问)will they next?27.Let’s play the ball games.(改为反意疑问句)Let’s play the ball games, ?28.I’d like to be a pilot because I want to fly a plane . (划线提问)you like to be a pilot?5. The teacher went upstairs to see the students’ dormitory. (改为否定句)The teacher upstairs to see the students’ dormitory.6. He does some housework every day. (改为否定句)He housework every day.7. She goes to school with Kitty. (划线提问)She do with Kitty?8. They often play chess at weekends. (划线提问)they often play chess? 9. Shall we help Mum get ready for our dinner? (保持句意基本不变)What Mum get ready for our dinner? 二Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.10.Martin is (help) for his classmates.11. They are my grandparents. I am their (daughter).12. We all think that Wei Hua is a good (cook). 三Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)( )13. You want to be a pilot, ?A. aren’t youB. won’t youC. don’t youD. will you ( )14.There a meeting in classroom 6A tomorrow.A. are going to haveB. are going to beC. will haveD. will be( )15. We will invite them the party.A. inB. forC. atD. to ( )16. The boy in the middle is my uncle’s son. The underlined part means .A. brotherB. auntC. cousinD. sister ( )17. –How about a trip to Water Bay?--A. Not at all.B. That’s all right.C. That’s a good idea.D. That’s right( )18. –Do you like teaching children?--Yes, .A. I likeB. I likesC. I doD. I don’t ( )19. Alice wants me a model car for her.A. makeB. makingC. madeD. to make ( )20. –Who is , your brother or your sister?--My brother.A taller B. the tallest C. as taller D. tall ( )21. When we go to school tomorrow?A. areB. doC. shallD. have ( )22. Would you like me?A. swimming andB. to swim andC. swimming withD. to swim with( )23. There was no such heavy traffic years ago.A. two hundredsB. two hundredC. two hundred ofD. two hundreds of( )24. do you prefer, playing basketball or going to the park?A. WhoB. WhatC. WhichD. How ( )25 A: What does your mother do?B: She is .A. a waiterB. a firemanC. a policemanD. a worker ( )26. Tom is my uncle’s son. He is my .A. brotherB. auntC. sisterD. cousin ( )27. I go to the park with my mum. We go there almost every day.A. alwaysB. usuallyC. sometimesD. never ( )28. I sometimes with my brother. He likes film very nuch.A. see a filmB. go to the parkC. go to the restaurantD. play basketball( )29. –Nice to meet you, Simon. -- , Mr. Johnson.A. How do you do?B. How are you?C. HiD. Nice to meet you, too. ( )30. –I am sorry to break your vase. --A. All right.B. That’s right.C. That’s all right.D. You’re right.( )31. We’re going to make for the party.A. special somethingB. something specialC. any thing specialD. special anything( )32. Don’t be late the meeting tomorrow. It’s very important.A. fromB. onC. forD. by( )33. –Thank you for helping me carry the heavy bag.-- .A. Never mindB. Don’t worryC. No thanksD. Not at all六年级(上)U1-U5期中复习卷二姓名一.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wordsAOne day, Mr.Lion holds a party. Many animals come and drink a l 1 of wine. At last there is a pot of wine. Who can drink it? They think out an i 2 and decide to have a match: drawing a snake. If you finish f 3 , you can get it.Soon Mr.Wolf finishes drawing. "Yeah, I've finished. I'm No.1,"he says. But he draws a 4 and says ,"Oh,let me add feet to my snake. "At the time,Mr.Gorilla also finishes .He t 5 away the pot of wine and drinks, and then he says, "That isn't a snake. Snakes have no feet. I get the wine.".1. 2 3.4. 5.BA large store was having its spring sale on shoes and boots. It was the first day of the sale, and the shoe department was f 6 of people who were eagerly buying them. There were all kinds of shoes and boots in d 7 colours, and prices had been reduced a lot because the store wanted to get rid of as many as possible in order to make room for their n 8 stock.The cashiers(出纳员) were kept busy, and at one moment a woman came to one of them with her m 9 in her hand and said, “I don't need a bag, thank you, I'm wearing the shoes I bought.” She pointed to them on her f 10 .“Would you l ike a bag to put your o 11 shoes in then?” the cashier asked politely as she took the woman's money.“No, thank you,” the woman answered quickly, “I've j12 sold those to someone else.”6. 7 8.9. 10. 11.12.CShanghai is a big city now, It is o__13 _ of the biggest cities in the w 14 .There are many tall b 15 . Over sixteen million p 16 live here. There are a lot of c 17 , buses, taxis, undergrounds and so on. People can go anywhere e 18 .13. 14 15.16. 17. 18.DWho Are You?(Mary is six years old. It's nice o'clock at night. Mary is going home.)Mary is w 19 home this evening. Suddenly she f 20 a girl is behind her. She runs, the girl runs. She stops, the girl stops, too. "Who are you? What are you doing?" Mary asks. There is no a 21 . Mary begins to run. "Don't run a 22 me. Go away." The girl is still after her. She shouts. "Help! Help!" Mary runs back home."Dad, h 23 me, there is a girl behind me. You see." Father takes a look and smiles."Mary, don't w 24 . The girl is you. That is your shadow."19. 20 21.22. 23. 24.EJack is a m 25 fan. He k 26 a lot about America music. He sings very well. He is a member of the School。

(10分) ( )1. A. me B. get C. egg( )2. A. milk B. sing C. give( )3. A. bread B. head C. eat( )4. A. twelfth B. clothes C. think( )5. A.holiday B. go C.old二、你会给单词变脸吗?依照例子写单词。
(12分)(一)play---plays---playing1. go--- ---2. drive--- ---3. teach--- ---4. make--- ---(二) sing---singer1. write---2. drive---3. police--- (男)4.teach---三、根据图片提示完成句子,首字母以给出。
(10分) 1.What’s your job? I’m a d.2.I’ll meet them at the e.3.I’d like . They are yummy.4., you’ll find the school.5. The sign means “”四、单项选择。
(20分)()1. Miss Guo wants some students to welcome the parents on_____floor.A.the secondB.twoC.one()2.Amy is my grandmother. She is my mother’sA.motherB.sisterC.aunt()3. How much does the coat _____?—100 yuan.A. takeB. spendC. cost()4. Fruit and are good for us.A. vegetablesB. sweetC. French fries()5. Jim and Ben are _____ about Ben’s birthday.A. talkB. sayingC. talking()6. What you usually do with your cousins?I usually badminton with my cousins.A. doB. doesC. did()7. What does this sign mean?We must not the road.A. run crossB. run acrossC. running cross()8. Your diet is than my diet.A. healthyB. healthyerC. healthier()9. Are those oranges?No,A.those areB. they areC. they aren’t()10. Eating too much cheese is ___________ our health.A.good forB.bad toC.bad for五、连词成句,注意首字母大写。

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】**学校2017学年第一学期六年级期终考试英语试卷Part 1 Listening ( 20%)听力I. Listen to the sentences and choose the right pictures.(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)5%A B CD E F1. ______2.______3.______4._____5.______II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)5%1. A. By bus. B. By underground. C. By train.D. By taxi.2. A. Go fishing. B. Work in the garden. C. Read some books.D. Rest.3. A. Chinese. B. Maths. C. English.D. Maths and English4. A. At 10:00. B. At 9:45. C. At 8:45.D. At 9:15.Invitation5.A. A policeman B. A fireman C. A doctor D.A pilotIII. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False. (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)5%( ) 1. Some Chinese people eat oranges on New Year’s Day because they are round for good luck.( ) 2. Greeks eat bread with meat inside on New Year’s Day. ( ) 3. In Spain, people eat twelve grapes at night on New Year’s Eve.( ) 4. The Japanese eat chocolate cakes to have a strong body in the new year.( ) 5. Some Americans eat black-eyed peas and rice . Black-eyed peas are like dollars.IV. Listen to the dialogue and complete the table.(听短文,完成下列表格,每空格限填一词)5%词汇和语法I. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. (看图完成句子,每空一词)4%1. Tom lives far away from school. He goes to school ______________every day.2.The parents ________ _______the school choir in the hall yesterday afternoon.3. My favourite food is ________ _______. What about yours?4. This sign means you must not ________ _______ . II. Find a word with a different sound in each group. (选出划线部分发音不同的单词)5%1. A. craft B. tasty C. bake D. age2. A. cow B. now C. flower D. know3. A. leave B. head C. heavy D. health4. A. foot B. food C. cook D. good5. A. cousin B. young C. enough D. aboutIII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper form.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)5%1.The Arts and Crafts room is on the __________(two) floor.2.Before we go to the supermarket, Let’s write a __________(shop)list.3.Let’s meet our parents at the __________.(enter)4.Shall we take some __________(photo) for the English club on theOpen Day?5.I like _______(salt) rice dumplings better than sweet ricedumplings?IV. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)10%1. I don’t like lemons very much because they are too ________.A. spicyB. sweetC. sourD. bitter2. There are a lot of _______ in the fridge.A. milkB. yoghurtC. ice-creamD. eggs3. To make a sandwich, you need two _______ of bread.A. pairsB. piecesC. packetsD. slices4. Let’s buy some sausages in the ________ section.A. fruitB. meatC. drinkD. fish5. Shall we have a picnic this coming Saturday? ______________.A. You’re welcome.B. That’s a good idea.C. Thank you.D. That’s all right.6. We must wait for the green man. We can find this sign _________.A. in the classroomB. in the libraryC. on the roadD. in the park7. Yesterday, I _____eggs and milk for breakfast.A. ateB. drankC. hadD. have8. Alice drinks a lot of water every day. Danny drinks a lot of softdrinks every day. Danny’s diet is _______ Alice’s.A. less healthy thanB. as healthy asC. as unhealthy asD. healthier than9. Kitty got a lot of presents from her relatives this Christmas. Here,“a lot of”means________.A. a littleB. a fewC. muchD. many10. What does the USA mean?A. ChinaB. AmericaC. the United NationD. the United KingdomV. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)10%1.I cleaned my room yesterday.(用tomorrow改写)I _______ ________ my room tomorrow?2.You mustn’t pick flowers in the park.(句意相同)__________ _______ flowers in the park.3.We must use the lift on the right.(划线提问)________ ________ must we use?4.We need a little fat every day. (划线提问)________ _______fat do we need every day?5.Would you like some coffee? (否定回答)_______, _______.Part 3 Reading and Writing (31%)阅读和写话I.Reading comprehension. (阅读理解)15%(A)Read the rules and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)6%2.()You can use the card of your friends.3.()You can leave the book on the table after you finish it. 4.()You must not speak loudly in this room.5.()You cannot buy food or drink in this room but you can bring some with you.6.()You must not draw on the books.(B)Read the passage and choose the best answers. (阅读文章,选择最恰当的答案)4%A car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you. Eating the right kind of food is very important. It can help your body grow strong.There are four main food groups altogether. The dairy group has food like milk, cheese and yoghurt. The other three groups are the meat and fish group, the fruit and vegetable group, and the bread and rice group. Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups. With all these food together, you will be given enough energy (能量)during the day.It is easy to get into badeating habits. You may eat yourbreakfast in a hurry to get to schoolon time. Or you may not have timefor a good lunch. It may seem easy to finish your supper with fish and chips all the time. But you will find yourself tired these days and you can not think quickly.Watching what you eat will help keep your body healthy and strong. It is also good to take some exercise. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air. Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.1. Which of the following diets do you think is the best one?A. Eggs, tomatoes and chicken.B. Milk, bread, cabbages and beef.C. Corn, fish, cream and pork.D. Rice, beans, apples, fish and chicken.2. Which of the following is a good eating-habit?A. Going to school without any breakfast.B. Eating fish and chips for supper all the time.C. Finishing your lunch in a very short time.D. Having at least one food from all four groups each meal.3. The underlined word "dairy" in the second passage means_____________.A. the food made out of cows such as milk and butterB. the shop that sells milk and butterC. a farm where cows are keptD. a place where milk products are made4. In this passage the writer mainly(主要)tells us that_____________ .A. every person needs food to grow wellB. taking exercise can keep your body strongC. right kind of food with exercise will keep you healthyD. enough energy helps people think more quickly(C)Read the passage and answer the questions: (根据短文内容回答下列问题)5%Uncle Wang works in a book shop in the middle of the city. The shop is not far from his home. It is about one kilometer away. So Uncle Wang seldom(很少)goes to work by bus. He usually goes there by bike, sometimes on foot. It takes him twenty minutes to get there by bike and forty minutes on foot. Today his bike is broken. He wants to walk there. Now he is having breakfast. He leaves home at ten minutesto eight and he walks to work twenty minutes earlier. His work starts at half past eight in the morning and finishes at a quarter to five in the afternoon.1.Where is Uncle Wang’s book shop?_______________________________2. Is it far from his home or quite near his home?_______________________________________3.How does he usually go to work?___________________________4. How long does it take him to walk to his book shop?__________________________________________5. What time does he usually leave home for work by bike?_______________________________________II. Cloze test (完形填空):(11%)A:Choose the words or expression and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)5%A good breakfast is 1 . We can easily understand why. We have not eaten anything for about twelve hours by 2 time. Our bodies need food for morning activities.One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk andfruit. On a 3 morning a cup of hot drink is necessary.We must get up early to have 4 time to eat breakfast. A good breakfast helps us to smile more easily. It helps us to be more friendly and also to work better and play __5 .1. A. different B. difficult C. important D. easy2. A.. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner3. A. hot B. warm C. cool D. cold4. A. many B. a few C. enough D. little5. A. happy B. happily C. happier D. more happily B:Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)6%III. Writing (作文) 5%Write at least five sentences about the topic “Having a p icnic”(以“野餐”为题写一篇短文。
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**学校2017学年第一学期六年级期终考试英语试卷Part 1 L istening ( 20%)听力I. Listen to the sentences and choose the right pictures.(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)5%A B CD E F1. ______2.______3.______4._____5.______II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 5%1. A. By bus. B. By underground. C. By train. D. By taxi.2. A. Go fishing. B. Work in the garden. C. Read some books. D. Rest.3. A. Chinese. B. Maths. C. English. D. Maths andEnglish4. A. At 10:00. B. At 9:45. C. At 8:45. D. At 9:15.5.A. A policeman B. A fireman C. A doctor D. A pilotInvitationIII. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False. (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) 5%( ) 1. Some Chinese people eat oranges on New Year’s Day because they are round for good luck.( ) 2. Greeks eat bread with meat inside on New Year’s Day.( ) 3. In Spain, people eat twelve grapes at night on New Year’s Eve.( ) 4. The Japanese eat chocolate cakes to have a strong body in the new year. ( ) 5. Some Americans eat black-eyed peas and rice . Black-eyed peas are like dollars.IV. Listen to the dialogue and complete the table.(听短文,完成下列表格,每空格限填一词)5%Miss Liu Mrs. Zhang Jane Chinese teacher (2) teacher Good friendvery (3) tofriendly and (1)______very naughtyothers(5) ___ snacks withlikes to smile keeps her (4)______KittyPart 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (34%)词汇和语法I. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. (看图完成句子,每空一词)4%1. Tom lives far away from school. He goes to school _______ _______every day.2. The parents ________ _______the school choir in the hall yesterday afternoon.3. My favourite food is ________ _______. What about yours?4. This sign means you must not ________ _______ .II. Find a word with a different sound in each group. (选出划线部分发音不同的单词)5%1. A. craft B. tasty C. bake D. age2. A. cow B. now C. flower D. know3. A. leave B. head C. heavy D. health4. A. foot B. food C. cook D. good5. A. cousin B. young C. enough D. about III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper form.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)5%1.The Arts and Crafts room is on the __________(two) floor.2.Before we go to the supermarket, Let’s write a __________(shop) list.3.Let’s meet our parents at the __________.(enter)4.Shall we take some __________(photo) for the English club on the Open Day?5.I like _______(salt) rice dumplings better than sweet rice dumplings?IV. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)10%1. I don’t like lemons very much because they are too ________.A. spicyB. sweetC. sourD. bitter2. There are a lot of _______ in the fridge.A. milkB. yoghurtC. ice-creamD. eggs3. To make a sandwich, you need two _______ of bread.A. pairsB. piecesC. packetsD. slices4. Let’s buy some sausages in the ________ section.A. fruitB. meatC. drinkD. fish5. Shall we have a picnic this coming Saturday? ______________.A. You’re welcome.B. That’s a good idea.C. Thank you.D. That’s all right.6. We must wait for the green man. We can find this sign _________.A. in the classroomB. in the libraryC. on the roadD. in the park7. Yesterday, I _____eggs and milk for breakfast.A. ateB. drankC. hadD. have8. Alice drinks a lot of water every day. Danny drinks a lot of soft drinks everyday. Danny’s diet is _______ Alice’s.A. less healthy thanB. as healthy asC. as unhealthy asD. healthierthan9. Kitty got a lot of presents from her relatives this Christmas. Here,“a lot of”means________.A. a littleB. a fewC. muchD. many10. What does the USA mean?A. ChinaB. AmericaC. the United NationD. the United KingdomV. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词) 10%1.I cleaned my room yesterday.(用tomorrow改写)I _______ ________ my room tomorrow?2.You mustn’t pick flowers in the park.(句意相同)__________ _______ flowers in the park.3.We must use the lift on the right.(划线提问)________ ________ must we use?4.We need a little fat every day. (划线提问)________ _______fat do we need every day?5.Would you like some coffee? (否定回答)_______, _______.Part 3 Reading and Writing (31%)阅读和写话I. Reading comprehension. (阅读理解)15%(A)Read the rules and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(判RULES●Use your own card only.●Take good care of the books.●Put the books back after you read them.●Remember to return the books on time.●Keep the house clean and tidy.●Keep quiet.●No food or drink.2.()You can use the card of your friends.3.()You can leave the book on the table after you finish it.4.()You must not speak loudly in this room.5.()You cannot buy food or drink in this room but you can bring some with you. 6.()You must not draw on the books.(B)Read the passage and choose the best answers. (阅读文章,选择最恰当的答案) 4%A car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you. Eating the right kind of food is very important. It can help your body grow strong.There are four main food groups altogether. The dairy group has food like milk, cheese and yoghurt. The other three groups are the meat and fish group, the fruit and vegetable group, and the bread and rice group. Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups. With all these food together, you will be given enough energy(能量)during the day.It is easy to get into bad eatinghabits. You may eat your breakfast in ahurry to get to school on time. Or you maynot have time for a good lunch. It may seemeasy to finish your supper with fish andchips all the time. But you will findyourself tired these days and you can not think quickly.Watching what you eat will help keep your body healthy and strong. It is also good to take some exercise. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air. Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.1. Which of the following diets do you think is the best one?A. Eggs, tomatoes and chicken.B. Milk, bread, cabbages and beef.C. Corn, fish, cream and pork.D. Rice, beans, apples, fish and chicken.2. Which of the following is a good eating-habit?A. Going to school without any breakfast.B. Eating fish and chips for supper all the time.C. Finishing your lunch in a very short time.D. Having at least one food from all four groups each meal.3. The underlined word "dairy" in the second passage means_____________.A. the food made out of cows such as milk and butterB. the shop that sells milk and butterC. a farm where cows are keptD. a place where milk products are made4. In this passage the writer mainly(主要)tells us that_____________ .A. every person needs food to grow wellB. taking exercise can keep your body strongC. right kind of food with exercise will keep you healthyD. enough energy helps people think more quickly(C)Read the passage and answer the questions:(根据短文内容回答下列问题) 5% Uncle Wang works in a book shop in the middle of the city. The shop is not far from his home. It is about one kilometer away. So Uncle Wang seldom(很少)goes to work by bus. He usually goes there by bike, sometimes on foot. It takes him twenty minutes to get there by bike and forty minutes on foot. Today his bike is broken. He wants to walk there. Now he is having breakfast. He leaves home at ten minutes to eight and he walks to work twenty minutes earlier. His work starts at half past eight in the morning and finishes at a quarter to five in the afternoon.1.Where is Uncle Wang’s book shop?_______________________________2. Is it far from his home or quite near his home?_______________________________________3.How does he usually go to work?___________________________4. How long does it take him to walk to his book shop?__________________________________________5. What time does he usually leave home for work by bike?_______________________________________II. Cloze test (完形填空):(11%)A:Choose the words or expression and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文) 5%A good breakfast is 1 . We can easily understand why. We have not eaten anything for about twelve hours by 2 time. Our bodies need food for morning activities.One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. On a 3 morning a cup of hot drink is necessary.We must get up early to have 4 time to eat breakfast. A good breakfast helps us to smile more easily. It helps us to be more friendly and also to work better and play __5 .1. A. different B. difficult C. important D. easy2. A.. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner3. A. hot B. warm C. cool D. cold4. A. many B. a few C. enough D. little5. A. happy B. happily C. happier D. more happilyB:Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) 6%III. Writing (作文) 5%Write at least five sentences about the topic “Having a p icnic”(以“野餐”为题写一篇短文。