
总理温家宝二○○七年十二月十四日Announcement of the State Council on the Regulations of Paid Annual Leave ofEmployees Order of the State Council [2007] No. 514The Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of Employees adopted at the 198th General Meeting of the State Council on December 7, 2007 are hereby promulgated and shall be effective as of January 1, 2008.Primer: Wen Jiabao,December 14, 2007第一条为了维护职工休息休假权利,调动职工工作积极性,根据劳动法和公务员法,制定本条例。
Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Labor Law and the Public Servants Law in order to protect the rights to rest days and annual leave of employees and deploy employees to actively discharge their duties.第二条机关、团体、企业、事业单位、民办非企业单位、有雇工的个体工商户等单位的职工连续工作1年以上的,享受带薪年休假(以下简称年休假)。

中小型外资企业考勤与休假管理规定(双语版)第七部分:工作时间,休假和考勤Section 7:Working Hours, Leave, Attendance &Timekeeping7.1 工作时间7.1 Working hours工作时间将根据员工所在的当地分公司的制度来确定,可以是下列时间安排之一: Working hours are specified by your local office, theyfall under one of the following categories:-上班时间为 9:00-18:00,午休时间为12:00-13:00 Workingtime 9:00–18:00; lunch break12:00– 13:00.或者or8:00 – 18:00 午休时间 12:00 –14:00 8:00 –18:00; lunchbreak 12:00 –14:00或者Or8:30 – 18:00 午休时间 12:00 –13:30 8.30 –18:00; lunchbreak 12:00 –13:30上、下班均需本人准时打卡All employees are required to use the finger print scanning machine or their swipe card when they arrive and leave work.如员工因打卡机损坏、停电、忘带门卡等原因无法打卡,则应及时按要求填写《未打卡说明》并经其主管领导签字批准;When an employee is unable to use the attendance tracking devices due to machine fault, power outages, absence of the entrance card or other reasons, he/she is required to fill out the "Non-Attendance Form” and have it signed by his/her supervisor.到达公司的时间晚于公司规定时间的行为,视为迟到。

公司休假规章制度英文回答:As a newly hired employee, I'm curious about the company's vacation policy. Could you please provide me with a detailed explanation of the rules and regulations regarding time off?中文回答:作为一名新入职的员工,我很好奇公司的休假制度。
关于休假时间,你能否详细解释一下规则和规定?以下是我对公司休假规章制度的理解:英文,Employees are entitled to a certain number of paid vacation days per year, depending on their length of service with the company.中文,员工每年享有带薪休假的天数,具体取决于他们在公司的服务年限。
英文,Vacation days can be used for any purpose, including personal travel, family obligations, or simply taking a break from work.中文,休假时间可用于任何用途,包括个人旅行、家庭义务或仅仅是为了休息一下。
英文,Employees must submit a vacation request form to their supervisor at least two weeks in advance, except in cases of emergency.中文,员工必须至少提前两周向他们的主管提交休假请求表,除非紧急情况。
英文,The supervisor will review the request and approve it if there are no conflicts with business needs.中文,主管将审查请求,并在不与业务需求冲突的情况下批准请求。

1.0总则1.0General Principles1.1 目的为规范公司员工休假管理,维护公司正常的工作秩序和生产经营活动,根据国家或地方政府有关规定制定本规定。
1.1 PurposeTo standardize HDTD employee leave & holiday management for companies smooth Operations. This Policy has been formulated in accordance with relevant provisions from local and national government.1.2 适用范围此规定适用于与公司签订劳动合同的全体员工。
1.2 Scope of ApplicationThis rule applies to all the HDTD Employees who have signed labor contract with HDTD. As for the Employee on load from Halliburton or SPT, they should perform their vacation according to the loan agreement they have signed with HDTD. For all seconded/loaned employees approval from reporting manager in HDTD is mandatory to avail any of the leaves.1.3 休假管理原则•各部门应充分做好员工休假的统筹安排,避免因员工休假对公司业务及生产经营活动产生不利影响。
•关注员工身心健康和生活质量,保障员工合理的休假权利•员工休假应全面履行休假手续,确保员工休假信息的准确、完整1.3 Leave Management Principles•All the departments should arrange the Vacation of their Employee in advance to avoid the negative influence for Company’s business andCompany’s normal production and operation•Company should pay attention to employee’s health and living quality, ensuring the right of Employees for reasonable Vacation application.•Employee should perform their Vacations on the condition of fulfilling the Vacation application process. The data of Employee Vacation must beaccurate and completed.2.0休假管理2.0Leave Management2.1 休假种类员工休假包括事假、病假、调休、婚假、产假/陪产假、丧假、年假、法定节假日、工伤假、外派境外员工回国例行休假、公司规定的其它休假等。

休假管理制度英文1. IntroductionVacation is an essential part of work-life balance and employee well-being. A well-structured vacation management system is crucial for managing employee leaves, ensuring business continuity, and maintaining a healthy work environment. This document outlines a comprehensive vacation management system that includes policies, procedures, and guidelines for managing employee vacation leaves effectively.2. PurposeThe purpose of the vacation management system is to ensure that employees have fair and consistent access to vacation leaves, while also ensuring that business operations are not negatively impacted by employees taking leaves. The system aims to create a balance between the needs of the employees and the needs of the organization, to promote employee well-being and engagement, and to maintain productivity and efficiency in the workplace.3. PolicyThe vacation management policy outlines the rules and regulations regarding vacation leaves, including eligibility, entitlement, approval process, and other related matters. The policy should be communicated to all employees and made available in the employee handbook or company intranet for easy reference.3.1 EligibilityAll regular full-time employees are eligible for vacation leaves after completing the probation period as specified in the employment contract. Part-time and temporary employees may also be eligible for vacation leaves based on their employment status and length of service.3.2 EntitlementEmployees are entitled to a certain number of vacation days per year based on their length of service, position, and employment status. The vacation entitlement should be clearly stated in the employment contract or employee handbook.3.3 Vacation RequestEmployees are required to submit a vacation request to their immediate supervisor or designated authority for approval. The request should be submitted in advance, preferably at least two weeks before the intended vacation date. The vacation request should include the proposed vacation dates, reason for the vacation, and any other relevant details.3.4 Approval ProcessVacation requests are subject to approval based on the operational needs of the department or organization. The immediate supervisor or designated authority will review the request and approve or deny it based on the availability of the employee, workload, and other relevant factors. Employees should receive timely notification of the approval or denial of their vacation requests.3.5 Vacation SchedulingVacation scheduling should be done in a fair and equitable manner, taking into consideration the needs and preferences of the employees as well as the operational needs of the organization. Conflicts in vacation scheduling should be resolved through mutual agreement or based on established guidelines.3.6 Carryover and PayoutUnused vacation days may be carried over to the next year within certain limits, as specified in the vacation management policy. Employees may also be entitled to a payout for unused vacation days upon termination of employment, based on the applicable labor laws and company policy.3.7 Vacation Blackout PeriodsThere may be certain periods during the year when vacation leaves are restricted due to high workload, seasonal demands, or other operational reasons. These blackout periods should be communicated to employees in advance and reflected in the vacation management policy.3.8 Vacation Management ReviewThe vacation management policy and procedures should be reviewed periodically to ensure that they are aligned with the changing needs of the organization and the employees. Any necessary updates or revisions should be made in consultation with the relevant stakeholders.4. ProceduresThe vacation management procedures provide a step-by-step guide for employees and managers on how to request, approve, track, and manage vacation leaves effectively. These procedures should be clearly communicated to all employees and documented for easy reference.4.1 Vacation Request ProcessEmployees should follow the designated process for submitting vacation requests, including the required forms, documentation, and approval channels. The process should be simple, transparent, and efficient to encourage employees to take vacations and to streamline the approval process.4.2 Vacation Approval ProcessManagers and designated authorities should follow a consistent and fair process for reviewing and approving vacation requests. This process should consider the operational needs of the department or organization while also respecting the needs and preferences of the employees.4.3 Vacation Tracking and ManagementThe HR department or designated personnel should maintain a comprehensive record of employee vacation leaves, including entitlement, usage, balances, carryovers, and payouts. This information should be accurate, up-to-date, and accessible to the relevant stakeholders.4.4 Communication and NotificationEmployees should receive timely communication and notification regarding the approval or denial of their vacation requests, as well as any updates or changes to the vacation management policy and procedures. Clear and effective communication is essential for managing employee expectations and promoting transparency.4.5 Vacation Coverage and HandoverManagers and employees should plan for adequate coverage and handover of responsibilities when employees are on vacation to ensure that business operations continue smoothly. This may involve reassigning tasks, delegating authority, or providing temporary support as needed.4.6 Conflict ResolutionIn cases of conflicts related to vacation scheduling or approval, employees and managers should work together to find a mutually acceptable solution. This may involve revising the vacation dates, adjusting work schedules, or seeking alternative arrangements.4.7 Monitoring and ComplianceThe HR department or designated personnel should monitor compliance with the vacation management policy and procedures, address any violations or concerns, and provide guidance and support to employees and managers as needed.5. GuidelinesThe vacation management guidelines provide additional information and best practices for employees and managers to effectively manage vacation leaves and promote a positive vacation culture in the organization. These guidelines may cover topics such as planning vacations, minimizing disruptions, and maximizing the benefits of time off.5.1 Planning VacationsEmployees are encouraged to plan their vacations in advance to ensure that they can take time off when it is most convenient for them and the organization. Planning ahead also allows for better coordination and scheduling of vacations among team members.5.2 Minimizing DisruptionsEmployees should take proactive steps to minimize disruptions to their work and the work of their colleagues when they are on vacation. This may include completing pending tasks, informing key stakeholders in advance, and setting up appropriate out-of-office messages and arrangements.5.3 Maximizing BenefitsEmployees are encouraged to make the most of their vacation time by disconnecting from work, engaging in activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation, and spending quality time with family and friends. Taking regular vacations can lead to increased productivity, creativity, and overall well-being.5.4 Supporting ColleaguesEmployees should support their colleagues in taking vacations and provide necessary assistance and coverage when they are away. This may involve collaborating on workload distribution, sharing knowledge and resources, and offering to help with urgent matters.5.5 Returning from VacationEmployees are expected to return from their vacations refreshed and ready to resume work with a positive attitude. Managers and colleagues should be supportive and understanding during the transition back to work, allowing employees to ease back into their routine.6. ConclusionA well-designed vacation management system is essential for promoting employee well-being, maintaining productivity, and creating a positive work environment. By implementing clear policies, efficient procedures, and helpful guidelines, organizations can effectively manage employee vacation leaves while ensuring business continuity and employee satisfaction. Regular communication, monitoring, and review of the vacation management system are critical for its success and continuous improvement.。

带薪休假英语作文模板英文回答:Paid Time Off (PTO)。
Paid Time Off (PTO) is a type of employee benefit that allows employees to take time off from work without losing pay. PTO can be used for a variety of purposes, including vacation, sick leave, and personal days.Types of PTO。
There are several different types of PTO, including:Vacation time: Vacation time is time off that employees can use for any purpose they choose.Sick leave: Sick leave is time off that employees can use when they are sick or injured.Personal days: Personal days are time off that employees can use for any personal reason, such as doctor's appointments or family emergencies.Accrual and Use of PTO。
PTO is typically accrued on an hourly basis, and employees can typically carry over unused PTO from one year to the next. However, there may be limits on how much PTO employees can accrue or carry over.Employees can typically request to use PTO by submitting a request form to their supervisor. The request will typically be approved if the employee has enough PTO available and the time off does not conflict with any business needs.Benefits of PTO。

Article 3 Employees who have worked continuously for one year or more are entitled to paid annual leave.
Article 6 Home leave, marriage or funeral leave and maternity leave as given by the state as well as the period of suspension of work with reservation of salary due to work injury shall be additional to paid annual leave.
第一条 为了实施《职工带薪年休假条例》(以下简称条例),制定本实施办法。
Article 2 These Measures apply to the enterprises, private non-enterprise entities and individual industrial and commercial households hiring labor (hereinafter referred to as "employer") in the People's Republic of China and the employees having an employment relationship therewith.

SHORT TERM SICK LEAVE美國公司短期病假中英文規定Ⅰ. GENERAL(原則)The Company’s Short Term Sick Leave policy provides a consistent basis for salary continuance during periods of temporary absence resulting from illness or injury.當員工因生病或身體受傷而需要臨時缺席休假不能夠上班時,公司的短期病假政策,提供在此期間一個給薪的準則。
Full-time employees who have completed three full month of continuous service are eligible.全職員工必須連續服務滿三個月才有資格適用這個政策。
No contribution is required other than the statutory amount stipulated by the concerned labor laws.公司只需依據勞基法所規定的條例給予他們所需要的補償,不需額外提撥。
Benefits depend upon length of service and the employee’s past attendance record.員工所能得到的補償是根據他們在公司的服務年資及該員工過去的出勤紀錄。
One day of paid sick leave for five-day workweek employees is allowed for each completed month of continuous service less any paid days of sick leave taken since employment.凡每週工作五天的員工,每工作服務滿一個月就有一天的有薪病假的權利,但有薪病假天數是可以累計的。

Regulation on Paid Annual Leave of the Employees Decree [2007] No. 514 by the State CouncilThe Regulations on Paid Annual Leave of the Employees, adopted at the 198th executive meeting of the State Council on December 7, 2007 are hereby promulgated and shall become effective as of January 1, 2008.Wen JiabaoPrimer of the People’s Republic of ChinaRegulations on Paid Annual Leave of the Employees Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Labour Law and the Civil Servants Law of the People’s Republic of China in order to protect the employees’ rights to rests and annual leaves, as well as to encourage the employees to actively carry out their working duties.Article 2 The employees of the government departments, social organizations, enterprises, public institutions, private non-enterprise units and individually-owned commercial and industrial businesses that have been working for a consecutive period of more than one year shall be entitled to the paid annual leave (hereinafter referred to as "annual leave"). The employer shall guarantee that their employees may take the annual leaves. The employees taking annual leave shall be entitled to the same wage level of normal working days.Article 3Where an employee has provided service for a periodof one full year but less than ten years, he/she is entitled to fivedays of annual leave; where he/she has served for a period of ten full years but less than twenty years, the entitled annual leave shall be ten days; and for a service period over twenty years, the entitled annual leave shall be fifteen days.The statutory national holidays and rest days shall not be included in the annual leave.Article 4 An employee shall not be entitled to annual leave for the current year where he/she is under any of the following circumstances:(1) The employee is entitled to summer and winter vacations in accordance with the laws and regulations, and the number of days of such vacations exceeds that of his/her annual leave;(2) The employee has accumulatively taken more than twenty days of casual leave and the employer has not reduced his/her wage level thereof in accordance with the regulations;(3) The employee with service period of one full year but less than ten years has accumulatively taken more than two months of sick leave;(4) The employee with service period of ten full years but less than twenty years has accumulatively taken more than three months of sick leave;(5) The employee with service period over twenty years has accumulatively taken more than four months of sick leave.Article 5 The employer shall, considering the specific conditions of production and work, as well as the individual preferences of the employees, coordinate and arrange the annual leave of its employees.Annual leave may be arranged in a concentrated period or in several periods of time within one year, but it generally shall not span beyond one year. The employers may make annual leavearrangement for their employees that span beyond one year where they need to make such arrangement due to their production and job specialties.Where the employers can not arrange annual leave for the employees due to production or working requirements, they may, with the consent of the concerned employees, not arrange annual leave. For the annual leave that should have been taken by the employees but otherwise, the employers shall pay remuneration for annual leave to the concerned employees rating 300% of the daily wage rate of such employees.Article 6The personnel administration departments and labour and social security administration departments of the People's Governments at county level or above shall actively conduct supervision and examination on the implementation of these Regulations by the employers as per their respective jurisdictions. The trade unions shall protect the employees’ rights to annual leave in accordance with the laws and regulations.Article 7 Where an employer fails to arrange annual leave for the employees and meanwhile refuses to pay remuneration for annual leave in accordance with these Regulations, the personnel departments or the labour and social security departments of the People's Governments at county level or above shall order rectification within a period of time as per their respective jurisdictions. In case that no rectification has been made within the time limit, such employer, in addition to the payment of remuneration for annual leave, shall be ordered to make compensation to the concerned employees rating the same amount with the remuneration for annual leave. Where the employer refuses to make payment of remuneration for annual leave and compensation, and the personnel of such employer are public servants or administered in reference to the Civil Servants Law, theperson-in-charge that is held directly responsible and other directly responsible personnel shall be penalized in accordance with the law, if such employer is categorized otherwise, the labour and social security department, the personnel department or the concerned employee shall apply for compulsory enforcement by a People's Court.Article 8 Where the employees and the employers confront disputes over annual leave, the relevant issues shall be handled in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations of the State.Article 9 The personnel administration department and the labour and social security administration department of the State Council shall each formulate the implementing rules of the Regulations in accordance with their respective authorities.Article 10 These Regulations shall become effective as of January 1, 2008.(In case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the original Chinese text, the Chinese text shall prevail. ---translator)职工带薪年休假条例中华人民共和国国务院令第514号《职工带薪年休假条例》已经2007年12月7日国务院第198次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2008年1月1日起施行。

企业职工带薪年休假实施办法(英文版)Implementation Measures for Paid Annual Leave for Employees of Enterprises企业职工带薪年休假实施办法Article 1 These Measures are formulated for the purpose of implementing the Regulation on Paid Annual Leave for Employees (hereinafter referred to as Regulation).第一条为了实施《职工带薪年休假条例》(以下简称条例),制定本实施办法。
Article 2 These Measures apply to the enterprises, private non-enterprise entities and individual industrial and commercial households hiring labor (hereinafter referred to as "employer") in the People's Republic of China and the employees having an employment relationship therewith.第二条中华人民共和国境内的企业、民办非企业单位、有雇工的个体工商户等单位(以下称用人单位)和与其建立劳动关系的职工,适用本办法。
Article 3 Employees who have worked continuously for one year or more are entitled to paid annual leave.第三条职工连续工作满12个月以上的,享受带薪年休假(以下简称年休假)。
Article 4 The days of annual leave which may be taken by an employee shall be determined according to the employees accumulative working time which shall cover the employees working time in the same or different employers and the hours deemed as working time by any law, administrative regulation or State Council provisions.第四条年休假天数根据职工累计工作时间确定。

职工考勤休假制度(中英文版)第一篇:职工考勤休假制度(中英文版)职工考勤休假制度工作时间及地点WORKING HOURS AND WORKING PLACES1.1.工作时间的开始及结束Commencement and Cessation of Working Hours 工作时间Working Hours: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》规定,员工每周工作时间为40小时(不包括用餐时间)。
In accordance with the Labor Law of PRC, the working hours shall be forty(40)hours(excluding meal hours)per week.Two rest days per week will be offered to the employees.具体工作时间: 周一至周五 : 9:00 a.m.to 5:30 p.m.Work Time: Mondays to Fridays: 9:00 a.m.to 5:30 p.m.公司有权根据业务需要对作息时间进行调整。
Due to the nature of work and business needs, the working hours may be different or changed from the standard work hours.1.2.工作时间的控制Control of Working Time 为确保业务活动顺利有效地开展,所有员工必须准时报到工作,按时履行职责,未经员工所在部门主管同意,员工不得缺勤、迟到或早退。
Every employee must go to work on time and fulfill his obligations and absence, late-coming or early off-duty is not accepted if there is no prior approval of the supervisor.1.2.1 每个员工在每天上下班时,必须刷考勤卡以备公司考核。

《职工带薪年休假条例》(英文版)Announcement of the State Council on the Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of Employees发文日期12-14-2007内容分类Employment & Labor Law发文机关the State Council文号 Order of the State Council [2007] No. 514时效性Effective生效日期2008-01-01有效范围NationalAnnouncement of the State Council on the Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of Employees Order of the State Council [2007] No. 514December 14, 2007The Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of Employees adopted at the 198th General Meeting of the State Council on December 7, 2007 are hereby promulgated and shall be effective as of January 1, 2008.Primer: Wen Jiabao,Appendix: Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of EmployeesArticle 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Labor Law and the Public Servants Law in order to protect the rights to rest days and annual leave of employees and deploy employees to actively discharge their duties.Article 2 The employees of units such as authorities, organizations, enterprises, institutions, private non-enterprise units and individually-owned commercial and industrial businesses with employees that have been worked continuously for more than one year are entitled to paid annual leave (hereinafter referred to as "annual leave"). Units shall guarantee that employees are entitled to annual leave. Employees taking annual leave are entitled to the wages of a normal working day.Article 3 Where an employee has served one full year but less than 10 years accumulatively, he is entitled to five days of annual leave. If he has served 10 full years but less than 20 years, annual leave is 10 days. If he has served for 20 full years, annual leave is 20 days.Article 4 An employee is not entitled to annual leave for the current year if he is under any of the following circumstances:1. The employee is entitled to summer and winter vacations in accordance with the law andthe number of days of such vacations is more than that of his annual leave;2. The employee has taken more than 20 days of casual leave accumulatively and his unit does not deduct wages in accordance with provisions;3. The employee has served one full year accumulatively but less than 10 years and has taken more than two months of sick leave accumulatively;4. The employee has served 10 full years accumulatively but less than 20 years and has taken more than three months of sick leave accumulatively;5. The employee has served more than 20 full years and has taken more than four months of sick leave accumulatively.Article 5 Units shall coordinate and arrange for the annual leave of employees on the basis of the specific conditions of production and work and the individual preference of employees.Annual leave may be centrally arranged within one year or in several periods and does not span more than one year in general. Units may make such arrangement that spans more than one year if they have a genuine need for such arrangement due to production and job specialties.Units that cannot arrange for annual leave for employees due to job requirements, they may not arrange for annual leave with the consent of such employees. In respect of the annual leave that should have been taken but otherwise, units shall pay wage remuneration to such employees at the rate of 300% of the daily wage income of such employees.Article 6 The personnel department and the labor security department of people's governments at the county level or above shall actively conduct supervision and examination on the implementation of these Regulations by units in accordance with their authority.Labor organizations shall protect the rights to annual leave of employees in accordance with the law.Article 7 Where a unit fails to arrange for annual leave for employees and pay wage remuneration on annual leave in accordance with the Regulations, the personnel department or the labor security department of people's governments at the county level or above shall order rectification within a time limit. If no rectification is made within the time limit, such unit shall be ordered payment of wage remuneration on annual leave and also make additional compensation to employees on the basis of the amount of the wage remuneration of annual leave. Where no wage remuneration on annual leave or compensation is made, and the personnel of such units are public servants or administered with reference to the Public Servants Law, the person-in-charge that is directly responsible and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished in accordance with the law, if such unit belongs to other categories, the labor security department, the personnel department or the employee shall apply for compulsory implementation by a people's court.Article 8 Where employees and units have dispute over annual leave, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the state.Article 9 The personnel department of the State Council and the labor security department of the State Council shall formulate implementing procedures of the Regulations respectively in accordance with their respective authority.Article 10 The Regulations shall be effective as of January 1, 2008.。
休假制度Leave and vacation

目的Purpose将本公司有关请假与休假规定事项予以制度化、标准化;This document’s target is to institutionalize and standardize the company’s provisions about leaves and vacation.1. 适用范围Applicable scope本规定适用于公司全体在职员工的请假、休假管理;This provision applies to leaves and vacation management of all staff in-service.2. 职责Responsibilities3.1 人力资源部负责本办法的制定、修改、废止的起草工作;HR Dept. is responsible for drafting the provision’s formulation, modification and abolition;3.2 总经理(或其代理人)负责本办法的制定、修改、废止的批准工作;CEO (or his agent ) is responsible for approving the provision’s formulation, modification and abolition;3.3 人力资源部为本规定的管理部门;HR Dept. is the management department of this provision;3.5 除非公司另有规定,由财务部兼管人力资源部工作;Unless otherwise specified, finance dept. shall also bear job responsibility of HR dept..3. 管理规定Management provisions4.1 休假/请假类别Category of Vacation/Leaves休假/请假分为法定节假日、法定带薪休假、病假、工伤假、婚假、孕检假、产假、哺乳假及护理假、丧假、事假、总经理关怀假等几类;The vacation/leaves are classified as follows: statutory holidays, statutory paid vacation, statutory sick leaves, work related injury leaves, marriage leaves, pregnancy-test leaves, maternity Leaves, nursing Leaves, paternity Leaves, bereavement leaves, private affair leaves and caring day from CEO;4.2 各类休假管理;All kinds of vacation management4.2.1 法定节假日Statutory Holidays全体员工每年享受以下带薪法定休假日:staff enjoys the following statutory holidays:元旦New Year’s day 1天1 Day国际劳动节Labor Day1天1 Day春节Spring Festival 3天3 Days端午节Dragon-Boat Festival1天1 Day清明节Tomb-sweeping Day 1天1 Day国庆节National Day3天3 Days中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival 1天1 Day妇女节Women’s Day0.5天0.5 Day4.2.2带薪年假Annual Leaves4.2.2.1 员工每年可以享受的休假天数(N),依据员工的累积工作年限来计算。

中英⽂版考勤及休假管理制度Rule of Attendance and Leave Management考勤及休假管理制度1.Working hours and shifts⼯作时间和班次Every employee shall work for 48 hours/week. Working days can be varied for various departments which may fall into weekends.每周48⼩时排班⼯作制,不同部门⼯作⽇不同,⼯作⽇也会在周末。
There are 01 rest day per week. Weekly rest day are vary for different departments which may not fall into weekend. This shall be set for individual employees每周休息1天,每个部门休假⽇期不同,休假不⼀定在周末,每个员⼯的休假⽇期不同。
Table 1: Shift code and meal breaks2.Shift arrangement requirements2.1.After the shift arrangement of each department is completed, it needs to be signed and confirmed by the Leader of the Department.排班完成后需部门负责⼈签字确认2.2.Vacation and annual leave should be showed in the shift schedule, indicating the type of leave and attaching anapplication form.休假和年假要在排班表上标注2.3.Principle of rest: the rest will be completed in the same month. In case of any special situation, the overtime form and compensatory leave form will be filled in (signed by the Leader of the Department).休假原则:当⽉休息应当⽉休完,特殊情况的,提交加班单和调休单后补休2.4.Before the 17nd of each month, the Admin &HR department shall send the general shift schedule of the next month to each department. Each department shall arrange the department shift arrangement of the next month according to the total shift schedule, and submit the monthly shift arrangement to Admin &HR department before 17:00 on the 23rd of each month. If it is not submited on time, the Department will be fined 25,000kip for each day delay, and so on.每⽉17⽇⾏政⼈事部下发总排班表,各部门每⽉19⽇下午5点前提交部门排班表,未按时提交处罚部门25000KIP3.Press fingerprint system打指纹卡3.1.Employees must wear Employee Card when press fingerprint system(Penalty of 25,000kip for not wearing the Employee Card)必须佩戴员⼯⼯卡打指纹卡,未佩戴的罚款25000KIP3.2.Employees shall punch attendance on Machine 04 times per day.每天打卡4次3.3.In case that the fingerprint cannot be punched due to technical issue, it is necessary to sign in manually with the Property Engineering Department and report to the Admin &HR Department;因打卡机故障请在⼯程物业部登记并报告⾏政⼈事部3.4. Employees must fill in the application form by Dingtalk when going out, and punch in after arriving at the destination. Employees who leave the company without an application approval shall be fined 25,000 kip each time.外出⼈员钉钉申请,未申请每次罚款25000kip3.5 Penalty standard for missing fingerprint record monthly:缺卡处罚标准Table 2 Penalty Standard3.6. If an employee miss the record, shall write reason of the situation, which shall be signed by the Leader of department for confirmation, and then submit to the Admin &HR department for punishment according to the standard. If employee don’t submit a statement of the situation, shall be punished as absence.员⼯缺卡应写说明原因,部门负责⼈签字后交⾏政⼈事部,并按标准处罚,缺卡未补卡按旷⼯处理4. Penalty for late arrival, early leave and absence4.1 Penalty for late arrival, early leave迟到早退处罚In one month, if an Employee comes late or leaves early, the salary shall be deducted. The following schedule is to deduct the salary of an Employee who comes late/leave early: Less or equal to 15 minutes - deduct LAK8.000;15分钟内处罚8000KIPFrom 16 minutes to 30 minutes - deduct LAK16.000; 16-30分钟处罚16000KIPFrom 31 minutes to 60 minutes – deduct LAK24.000; 31-60分钟处罚24000KIPFrom 61 minutes to 90 minutes - deduct LAK32.000; 61-90分钟处罚32000KIPFrom 91 minutes to 120 minutes - deduct LAK40.000; 91-120分钟处罚40000KIPIn one month, where an Employee comes late or leaves early of 05 times, a warning letter shall be given and one day salary is deducted. In case Employee continues coming late without sufficient reasons over than 10 times in a month, a warning letter will be given and the Company has the right to lower the salary or deduct future bonus.⼀个⽉迟到或早退5次,发警告信并扣1天⼯资,超过10次,发警告信公司有权降薪或扣除奖⾦If the Duty Manager is late or leave early,the penalty shall be doubled according to this article.值班经理迟到或早退双倍处罚4.2 Penalty for absence旷⼯处罚Employees who are absent for more than half an hour without any reason or one of the following conditions shall be punished as absence:⽆故缺勤⼤于半天或下列情况按旷⼯处理a.Those who don’t apply the leave in accordance with the procedures or who have theapplication but have not been approved.没有按流程请假b.Disobedience to transfer, and not arriving at the post.不服从调动,不到岗的c.Those who are arbitrarily departed from work or engaged in activities that are not relatedto work. 擅离职守或做与⼯作⽆关的事d.Those who fail to arrive at the post without any reason or without approval for therenewal of leave.假满未续假且不到岗的e.There is no proof or invalidation for various holidays.不能提供休假证据的f.The missing proof of holiday is not reissued or proof of holiday is failed to be submit.假单丢失未补或未提交的g.If the resignation is not approved, the employee who leaves the post early will bepunished as absence.辞职未审批提前离开岗位的h.Other absence behaviors.其他Deduct three days' salary for each day of absence.旷⼯⼀天按三天⼯资处罚The company has the right to terminate the employment contract without paying any economic compensation for those whoare absense from work for 4 consecutive days.连续旷⼯4天,公司解除合同不予经济赔偿5.Attendance document management考勤资料管理a.Shift adjustment of personal behavior is limited to twice a month.每⽉因个⼈原因调班不能超过2次b.Leave application form, compensatory leave form and shift adjustment form shall besigned and confirmed by the Leader of department one day in advance and submit to the Admin &HR department.所有单据部门负责⼈签字提交⾏政c.Before the shift adjustment, the department shift shall be coordinated to ensure thenormal operation of the Department.调班需要保证部门的正常⼯作d.Documents handed over to the Admin&HR Department after 17:00 on the 19th of eachmonth will no longer be processed.每⽉19⽇下午5点后的考勤⽂件不再处理e.Fake and change of various holiday certificates, the company has the right to terminatethe employment contract and not pay any financial compensation.私⾃伪造修改考勤资料,公司有权解除合同不赔偿f.Leave is calculated on a daily basis. Calculated in half a day (4 hours) for less than half aday.休假按天计算,不⾜半天按半天6.Holidays and Leave6.1.Official Holidays and Customary Holidays: 法定和传统节假⽇Where an official holiday or customary holiday falls on a weekly rest day, the following working day will be considered as a holiday in substitution thereof.法定节假⽇与周末重复,后⾯的⼯作⽇作为法定假⽇Employees have the right to rest on official holidays as stated below and receive their ordinary salary/wage:International New Year’s Day (1st January):1dayInternational Women’s Day (8th March) :1 dayLao New Year Festival (varying dates in April) :3daysInternational Labor Day (1st May) :1 dayBeginning of Buddhist Lent (varying date) :1dayEnd of Buddhist Lent (varying date) :1dayLao National Day (2nd December) :1dayNational Day of foreign employees (varying date) :1dayEstablishment of Lao Women’s Union Day (20 July) :1 day (Based on Annual Notification)6.2.Leave Entitlements apart from the official holidays 其他休假An employee must submit a written leave request according to the form specified by the Company for any leave of absence and based on the following rules: 任何休假须书⾯申请6.2.1 The leave request shall be submitted in advance according to the rules and regulations specified in the category of leave of absence stated below, and an employee shall only be entitled to take such leave after receiving an approval from the Company. 所有休假需提前请假,审批后离开6.2.2 The leave request application shall be deemed complete only when approved by the department manager or equivalent level or a person authorized to approve the leave of absence, except for sudden sickness, where the submission of leave notice must be made on the first (1st) day of resuming work. 部门负责⼈审批的假单视为同意休假离开,紧急病假的,上班第⼀天提交病假⼿续销假A leave of absence taken not in compliance with these rules shall be treated as an unauthorized absence from work or abandonment of duty, and no salary/wage shall be paid for the particular days of absence as well as being subject to such other appropriate disciplinary actions. 不符合本规定的请假应视为未经审批同意的缺勤,不得⽀付⼯资。

2024年更新农民工薪酬管理条例全文英文版2024 Farmer's Wage Management Regulations UpdateIn 2024, the Farmer's Wage Management Regulations underwent a comprehensive update to ensure fair compensation for agricultural workers. The revised regulations aim to address issues such as wage disparities, working hours, and benefits for farmers across various regions.The updated regulations now include provisions for overtime pay, standardized wage rates based on skill level and experience, as well as guidelines for bonuses and incentives. Additionally, the regulations outline specific requirements for workplace safety and health insurance for agricultural workers.Furthermore, the 2024 update emphasizes the importance of transparency in wage management, requiring employers to providedetailed wage statements to employees and adhere to minimum wage laws set by the government. The regulations also introduce mechanisms for resolving wage disputes and ensuring timely payment of wages.Overall, the 2024 update to the Farmer's Wage Management Regulations represents a significant step towards improving the welfare and livelihoods of agricultural workers in the country. It sets clear standards for fair compensation and working conditions, promoting a more equitable and sustainable agricultural sector.。

BEC商务英语热词:带薪休假英文怎么说BEC商务英语热词:带薪休假英文怎么说?Employees who have worked continuously for one year or more are entitled to paid annual leave.职工连续工作满12个月以上的,享受带薪年休假。
New Jersey may be poised to become the third state to require companies to offer si某 weeks of paid leave to workers wishing to care for a new child or sick relative.新泽西州将要求公司给予员工六周带薪休假,这些假期可以用来照顾新生婴儿或生病的亲戚。
此处把带薪年休假译为“paid annual leave”,由此引申出来的年假即为“annual leave”。
第二句例句引用自美联社的一篇报道,可见带薪休假英文表达为paid leave是通用的说法。
除了paid leave外,还有几种可以表示带薪休假的英文表达:paid vacation(美式用法),paid holiday(英式用法),paid time off(较口语)。
例句:Mr. Saunders believes that he deserves more paid vacations.桑德斯先生认为他理应得到更多的带薪休假。
The Lu某embourg-based court insisted that employers should honour workers’ rights to both time off sick and paid holidays.这家位于卢森堡的法院坚持认为,雇主必须尊重员工休假期间生病补假和带薪假期的权利。

节假日加班工资制度英文回答:Holiday Pay.Holiday pay is the amount of money that an employee is paid for not working on a holiday. In the United States, there are 10 federal holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.Most employees are entitled to holiday pay if they meet certain eligibility requirements. These requirements may vary from employer to employer, but they typically include working a certain number of hours in the week leading up to the holiday or having been employed by the company for a certain period of time.Employees who are not eligible for holiday pay may beable to take the holiday off unpaid. However, some employers may require employees to work on holidays, in which case they must be paid overtime.Overtime Pay.Overtime pay is the amount of money that an employee is paid for working more than 40 hours in a week. In the United States, employees are entitled to overtime pay at a rate of 1.5 times their regular hourly wage.There are some exceptions to the overtime pay rules. For example, employees who are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) are not entitled to overtime pay. These employees typically include executives, administrators, and professionals.Employees who work more than 40 hours in a week may be able to take compensatory time off instead of overtime pay. However, compensatory time off must be taken at a rate of 1.5 hours for each hour worked over 40.Holiday Pay and Overtime Pay for Salaried Employees.Salaried employees are employees who are paid a fixed salary regardless of the number of hours they work. Salaried employees are not eligible for overtime pay, but they may be eligible for holiday pay.The rules for holiday pay for salaried employees vary from employer to employer. Some employers may provide salaried employees with paid holidays, while others may require them to work on holidays without additional pay.Holiday Pay and Overtime Pay for Hourly Employees.Hourly employees are employees who are paid an hourly wage for the hours they work. Hourly employees are eligible for overtime pay if they work more than 40 hours in a week.The rules for holiday pay for hourly employees also vary from employer to employer. Some employers may provide hourly employees with paid holidays, while others may require them to work on holidays without additional pay.Conclusion.Holiday pay and overtime pay are important benefitsthat can help employees to maintain their income when they are not working. Employees should be aware of their rightsto holiday pay and overtime pay and should make sure that they are being paid correctly.中文回答:节假日加班工资制度。

员工考勤制度Work Attendance Regulation修改说明Modification Description:第一章 总 则 Chapter 1 General Provision第一条为规范员工管理,切实保障公司及员工利益,根据有关法律法规,结合公司实际情况,特制定本制度。
The rule is made based on the company situation in compliance with relevant laws in purpose of standardizing administration of management and safeguarding the interests of both company and staffs.第二条第二章 细 则Chapter 2 Implementing Provision第一节 考勤打卡规范/Norm of attendance 第三条所有员工上下班必须按规定打卡,包括中途请假、停产、出差、培训等(应于中途下班时刷卡)。
Staff must punch card when on and off duty. In the halfway during working time, if staff ask leave (include leaving, going out for business, training, production shutdown), they must punch when leave the company. 第四条 第五条委托他人代打卡的或打卡后实际未到岗的,视其情节酌情惩处;代打卡者并同惩处。
Consigning others to punch card or not coming for workafter punching card shall be fined upon the circumstances; those help others punch card shall be fined as well. 第六条除外部驻厂员工外,工作时间内出公司大门的,需填写《出门单》交部门主管及人力资源部审批。
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Announcement of the State Council on the Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of EmployeesArticle 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Labor Law and the Public Servants Law in order to protect the rights to rest days and annual leave of employees and deploy employees to actively discharge their duties.Article 2 The employees of units such as authorities, organizations, enterprises, institutions, private non-enterprise units and individually-owned commercial and industrial businesses with employees that have been worked continuously for more than one year are entitled to paid annual leave (hereinafter referred to as "annual leave"). Units shall guarantee that employees are entitled to annual leave. Employees taking annual leave are entitled to the wages of a normal working day.Article 3 Where an employee has served one full year but less than 10 years accumulatively, he is entitled to five days of annual leave. If he has served 10 full years but less than 20 years, annual leave is 10 days. If he has served for 20 full years, annual leave is 20 days.Article 4 An employee is not entitled to annual leave for the current year if he is under any of the following circumstances:1. The employee is entitled to summer and winter vacations in accordance with the law and the number of days of such vacations is more than that of his annual leave;2. The employee has taken more than 20 days of casual leave accumulatively and his unit does not deduct wages in accordance with provisions;3. The employee has served one full year accumulatively but less than 10 years and has taken more than two months of sick leave accumulatively;4. The employee has served 10 full years accumulatively but less than 20 years and has taken more than three months of sick leave accumulatively;5. The employee has served more than 20 full years and has taken more than four months of sick leave accumulatively.Article 5 Units shall coordinate and arrange for the annual leave of employees on the basis of the specific conditions of production and work and the individual preference of employees. Annual leave may be centrally arranged within one year or in several periods and does not span more than one year in general. Units may make such arrangement that spans more than one year if they have a genuine need for such arrangement due to production and job specialties. Units that cannot arrange for annual leave for employees due to job requirements, they may not arrange for annual leave with the consent of such employees. In respect of the annual leave that should have been taken but otherwise, units shall pay wage remuneration to such employees at the rate of 300% of the daily wage income of such employees.Article 6 The personnel department and the labor security department of people's governments at the county level or above shall actively conduct supervision and examination on theimplementation of these Regulations by units in accordance with their authority. Labor organizations shall protect the rights to annual leave of employees in accordance with the law.Article 7 Where a unit fails to arrange for annual leave for employees and pay wage remuneration on annual leave in accordance with the Regulations, the personnel department or the labor security department of people's governments at the county level or above shall order rectification within a time limit. If no rectification is made within the time limit, such unit shall be ordered payment of wage remuneration on annual leave and also make additional compensation to employees on the basis of the amount of the wage remuneration of annual leave. Where no wage remuneration on annual leave or compensation is made, and the personnel of such units are public servants or administered with reference to the Public Servants Law, the person-in-charge that is directly responsible and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished in accordance with the law, if such unit belongs to other categories, the labor security department, the personnel department or the employee shall apply for compulsory implementation by a people's court.Article 8 Where employees and units have dispute over annual leave, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the state.Article 9 The personnel department of the State Council and the labor security department of the State Council shall formulate implementing procedures of the Regulations respectively in accordance with their respective authority.Article 10 The Regulations shall be effective as of January 1, 2008.。