
论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格AbstractBeing distinguished from many great American writers, Hemingway is famous for his unique writing style. He changes the traditional literary works from tedious style into a kind of concise “telegraph style”. As a matter of fact, his short story--- Hills like White Elephants fully reflects his unique and classic writing style. The story seems simple, but actually artful. Hemingway captures the essence of the plain dialogue of usual life, so a reader may be under an illusion that he was present at the site of the story. And he adds sentiment into concise language. In Hills like White Elephants, the perfect symbolism about “white elephant” and the characteristic ending constructed by Hemingway further gives prominence to his ability in language. Especially, his famous Iceberg Theory is employed perfectly in this story. Hemingway creates a unique writing style that brings a great influence to American letters, even to Europe and all over the world.Key WordsDialogue; conciseness; symbolism; writing style; Iceberg Theory摘要在众多伟大的美国作家中,海明威以其独特的写作风格而著称。

%“Iceberg theory” is a unique writing style of Hemingway ,which is inseparable from his narrative strategy by breaking the traditional omniscient narrative mode .In his classic short story “H ills Like White Elephants” ,Hemingway uses the unique narrative strategy of “outside perspective” ,making the story bearing subtle but profound and immense space of thought .【期刊名称】《牡丹江教育学院学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)005【总页数】2页(P17-18)【关键词】海明威;冰山原则;《白象似的群山》;叙事策略;思想空间【作者】张婷婷【作者单位】湄洲湾职业技术学院,福建莆田 351254【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I207.4海明威的写作风格以简洁明快而著称,对美国文学及20世纪文学的发展有极其深远的影响。

科 教 论 坛2007年总第476期China Education Innovation Herald《白象似的群山》(Hills like WhiteElephant)是海明威的著名短篇之一,被认为是其短篇小说中的经典代表。

海明威既是美国文坛上的巨匠,又是举世公认的文学艺术大师。他的作品以措辞简洁的“电报式”风格而著称。提到海明威就不得不提他的“冰山理论”。 所谓“冰山理论”就是用简洁的文字塑造鲜明的形象,把作者自己的感受和思想情绪最大限度地埋藏于形象之中,使之情感充沛却含而不露,思想深沉却隐而不晦,从而将文学的可感性与可思性巧妙地结合起来,让读者通过对鲜明形象的感受去发掘作品的思想意义。(袁贤铨,1996)
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摘 要: 本文分别白象似的群山》,从而探究海明威是如何在“冰山原则”下运用简洁、精炼的语言给读者留下更多的想象空间,以及更丰富的小说内涵。

浅析《白象似的群山》中海明威的创作风格[摘要] 海明威以他那与众不同的创作风格著称于世,特别是他独树一帜的、发人深省的“冰山原则”更是不同凡响。
[关键词] 白象似的群山海明威创作风格冰山原则《白象似的群山》是美国著名作家厄内斯特·海明威的著名短篇小说,1927年发表于短篇小说集《没有女人的男人》(马建军,2002:24)。
小说故事情节简单:一个美国男人和一个姑娘---Jig在西班牙北部一个偏僻的火车站等一趟从巴塞罗那(Barcelona )开往马德里(Madrid )的火车,在等车的过程中,男人和姑娘交谈着,然后呢?仍然是交谈,这就是故事的全部。
那么,究竟什么是“冰山原则”呢?海明威自己在他的纪实性作品《午后之死》(Death in the Afternoon)中,第一次把文学创作比作漂浮在大洋上的冰山,并做过这样的解释:“冰山运动之雄伟壮观,是因为它只有八分之一在水面上”,八分之七的,或者说作家的深厚的思想情感,潜伏在水面下——作品的字里行间。

从《白象似的群山》中解读海明威独特的行文风格2011年9月第8卷第9期湖北经济学院(人文社会科学版)ournalofHubeiUniversityofEconomics(HumanitiesandSocialSciencesSep.2011V01.8No.9从《白象似的群山》中解读海明威独特的行文风格任佳(湖南工程职业技术学院英语教研室,湖南长沙410151)摘要:《白象似的群山》作为被誉为”开一代文风”的美国着名小说家海明威的短篇之作,虽情节简单语言朴实无华,却以其独具匠心的现代叙事艺术,冰山似的写作手法,电报式的语言风格淋漓尽致的描述了人物的内心世界.揭示了深刻的主题,思想深沉而含而不露,感情充沛而隐而不晦,短短几千字却似乎包含了大千世界,让文学的可思性与艺术的可感性巧妙结合,通过独特的别具一格的行文风格,影响着当时乃至于后世的许多作家.本文笔者通过对《白象似的群山》这部经典之作进行解读,从其客观的叙事视角,精炼的语言,个性化的写作手法入手,对这位文学大家独特的行文风格进行探究.关键词:海明威;冰山:讽刺:电报式;行文;风格作为问鼎美国文坛上文学巨匠海明威,作为举世公认的文学艺术大师,他敢于冲破常规开辟新路.他永不停息积极探索,他的小说措辞简洁独具匠心.形象鲜明思想深沉,情感充沛含而不露,冰山一角蕴藏着大千世界,《白象似的群山》虽短短千字却囊括宇宙乾坤,这部极具代表性的短篇小说让作者将自己的思想情感最大限度的埋藏与形象之中,隐而不悔的将文学的可思性同艺术的可感性巧妙的结合.其独特的行文风格影响了当时乃至于后世的许多作家.海明威曾经说过.他总是”试图按照冰山的原理”写作.他的作品.尤其是短篇小说,删除了一切可有可无的东西.把丰富的含义和多样化的形式统一在一个简约的整体结构之中.达到了简约与含蓄的完美结合,形成了独特的”冰山风格”.海明威小说的这种独特的“冰山风格”是如何形成的呢?本文笔者通过对《白象似的群山》这部小说客观的叙事视角,简洁的文字与戏剧式的片白,个性化的写作手法人手,对其行文风格进行解读,试图更好地通过作品八分之一的冰山寻味其水下的八分之七.对其行文风格进行解读,希望能够真正把握这位文学大家的写作风格. 一,对《白象似的群山》客观的叙事视觉进行分析同文学作品中大多数的小说相比,海明威《白象似的群山》不是采用全能全知性的观察角度对人们喜欢评论的一些东西进行描述.也不是以一个故事人物的身份的出场而对故事人物故事情节进行描写,相反,他采用了客观直接的叙述性视觉,一方面避免了以作者的身份对读者强迫式的影响感知, 另一方面他毫无保留不加过滤的直接的向读者传递着信息, 尽量摒弃叙述者在作品中的介人.而将叙述者的情感降到最低,修饰词的选用毫不勉强,对话的评价不带有任何主观色彩,情感流露自然简洁.力求为读者呈现出一个最为贴近生活,最为客观真实的本来面目.也正因为缺少感情色彩客观的叙事视觉,让作品表现出来的故事更加的让人感觉真实可信. 《白象似的群山》描绘了一个简单的故事情节:故事发生在西班牙的一个火车站.主人公是一个美国男人和一个女孩. 他们要去马德里,在候车过程中.男人想让这个女孩去做一个小手术,正在试图说服这个女孩.文中没有叙述到底是什么手术,但对于读者而言,这是显而易见的,那应该是一个人流手?112?术,故事仿佛只是一个简单的片段搔放,故事的前因后果,人物的经历背景,主人公的性格等等.这是都没有在文中予以体现.读者只能通过剧本式的,电报般的对话去联想去猜测,这种如同电影播放般的行文结构更让读者对作品传达的叙事信息感到真实可信,让描写更加的细致人微.通篇小说采用的叙事视角纯粹是具有限制性的客观叙事视角.仿佛是一架固定的摄像机所拍摄下来的画面,它拍什么,读者能看到什么.小说主人公所具有的思想感情如何能得到体现,只能靠读者通过叙述者的客观描述而推测想象,一定程度上,我们可以这样说,作者海明威隐藏了小说主人公对话背后的主观动机,让小说真实客观的呈现出生活原本固有的多义性跟复杂性.有这样一段对白可以形象的将作者客观的叙事风格表现的淋漓尽致:Thegirlputtheglassdown,whilesaying:”Thiswine,like licorice.’’“姑娘一边放下酒杯,一边说:”这酒像甘草.”“WhateverthingsareallSO.”“无论什么东西皆是如此.”“Yes.”“是啊.”Thegirlsaid:”NomatterwhatthingsarelikeLicorice,especiallytheoneforalongtimelookingforwardtothosethings,thesamecanbesaidYijiulike.’’姑娘又说:”不管什么东西都像甘草,特别是一个人期盼了许久的那些东西.可以说跟艾酒是一样样的.”从这样的一段语言对白中,我们似乎能从深层次体会到姑娘的情绪变化,”不管什么东西都像甘草,特别是一个人期盼了许久的那些东西”这里边什么东西是姑娘期盼已久的呢? 我们可以毫无疑问的得到答案,这里的期盼许久的东西就是十月怀胎而孕育在身的胎儿,艾酒是一种苦酒,作者让姑娘以苦酒同甜味的甘草作对比.难道是自相矛盾吗?随着故事情节的发展.我们可以看到,故事中的男人一再强调手术的简单希望打掉胎儿,而丝毫不在乎姑娘人流背后的肉体之痛,心灵之伤.只盼望这姑娘能够尽早的打掉这个丝毫碍事的胎儿,然后他们就可以开开tL,心的过El子,然而我们从姑娘直观的对话中却隐约看到了她讽刺般的意味,”你连艾酒都能如同甘草一样尝到甜头.那你是不是能将人流也看作是好事呢?”一语道破男人的自私.《白象似的群山》作者通篇正是以这种方式将读者同叙事者之间的距离拉近,通过读者的想象来丰富故事情节,让他们创造性的去阅读,作品的客观的叙事仅仅不过水面的八分之一.而背后的八分之七却需要读者来深掘去捕捉, 这种客观的叙事风格犹如冰山一角,而读者通过叙事情节所猜测出来的水下的八分之七才是故事的真正魅力所在.二,对《白象似的群山》戏剧般的片白跟简洁的文字风格进行探究海明威曾经说一个好的作品应当是一个好的作家在自己个性抒发下创作出来的,所以在他的小说创作中,他一改当时大多数小说家侧重于对人物复杂纤细的心理分析,也没有运用华而不实的语言藻饰.而是就像冰山一角似的运用最简约的语言尽可能的表达最深的含义.作为一位擅长对自来刻画人物形象的能手,海明威在他的小说中,通过大量的人物对白来刻画人物形象.通过戏剧性的精炼的人物刻画来强化主题. 从而形成了典型的”冰山风格”.即其独特的独具个性的小说创作风格.他所创造的这种独具魅力的对白艺术,并非是简单的机械的生活语言,而是精tL,提炼的艺术对白.多少年来,这已经成为了美国作家所效仿的一种典型风格.可谓是影响深远. 赫?欧?贝茨这位英国着名作家在研究海明威的小说时候说他是一个”拿着板斧的人”.仿佛一个砍荒的砍柴人,他砍掉了整个森林赘词冗言.而还原了原本骨干枝干的清爽面目,简练的语言简约的文字毫无生气的文章俗套仿佛是罕见人烟的原始森林,清新自然的山水画,唯有千锤百炼的文字如同桃花源的豁然开朗,书写着艺术的神奇魅力.小说一开始写道:”埃布罗河河谷的那一边.白色的山岗起伏连绵.这一边,白地一片,没有树木,车站在阳光下两条铁路线中间,紧靠在车站的一边,是一幢笼罩在闷热的阴影中的房屋.一串串竹珠子编成的门帘挂在酒吧间敞开着的门口挡苍蝇.那个美国人和跟他一道的姑娘坐在那幢房屋外面阴凉处的一张桌子旁边.天气非常热,巴塞罗那来的快车还有四十分钟才能到站.列车在这个中转站停靠两分钟.然后继续行驶,开往马德里.”短短的开头却简单明了的交代除了小说故事情节中的时间,地点,人物,环境以及事情的起因,没有丝毫的渲染比喻,没有丝毫的抒情议论,对于人物的介绍不但没有花里胡哨的外貌描述,不仅没有长篇巨幅的身份介绍,甚至将故事主人公的名字都剔除的干干净净.只称为”男人”与”姑娘”.在这里海明威可以说将”附着于文学的一切乱毛剔了个干干净净”.对于作品的文风净化,海明威不单单的表现在叙事,写景的开头,在文中的对话更是简洁干练.通过千锤百炼的文字将一切情绪跟语调都隐藏在了词句的安排上面.比如这样的对话: “Isaidwecouldhaveenjoyedeverythinginlife.”“我说我们本来可以舒舒服服享受生活中的一切.”“Wecandothat..’’“我们能够做到这一点.”“No,wecannot.”“不,我们不能.”“Wecanhavetllewholeworld.”“我们可以拥有整个世界.”“No,wecannot.’’“不,我们不能.”“Wecanwalkaround.’’“我们可以到处逛逛.”“No,wecannot.Itisnotourworldhashad.’’“不.我们不能.这世界己经不是我们的了.”“No,no.Oncetheytakeitaway,youwillneverloseit.”“不,不是.一旦他们把它拿走,你便永远失去它了.”这样没有带任何情绪,神态,语调,语速形容词的对话,干净简短,通俗利落,简单明了,却是在简约中可以让读者强烈的感受到小说中姑娘对未来的迷惘与困惑,她不愿谈论未来不愿回忆过去.内心的悲伤到了极点,当男方喋喋不休的提及人流手术,在她的内心深处,难以理解的痛楚让她再也无法忍受.一个充满伤心绝望但是装作若无其事样子的姑娘形象跃然纸上,直白而简约的文字更为逼真明了的让主题得到了深化. 在《白象似的群山》中,海明威通过大量使用对话的形式描绘故事情节,揭示人物心理,反映人物个性,通过简约而不简单的语言客观真实的囊括了事件过程,在推动情节发展的同时深入的表现人物的思想感情.通过对话所产生的强烈的动态感和画面感,摒弃了修饰的文字,习惯于自然感性的表达,一定程度上创造了短篇小说的简洁体之巅峰.通过这部小说,我们可以清晰的看到海明威的创作无论从人物话语还是叙述语言方面有别于其他作家的极为精通的现代叙事艺术.简约而不简单的对话文字风格摒弃了一切令人隔膜的比喻跟形容,砍去了一切繁杂而长篇的描写,仅仅留下了简约清新的文字,让人豁然开朗耳目一新.换个角度说,简约而不简单的行文风格,简洁的人物,外景描写,简洁精练的对白创作除了艺术领域中独特的冰山风格.三,结语海明威利用了人所共有的感知方式及其规律.使读者强烈地感受到他所省略的地方.结果产生了完全出人意料的新的审美方式.正如诺贝尔奖授奖词说的那样:”海明威作为我们这一时代伟大文体的创造者之一,在近二十五年的美国和欧洲的叙事艺术中,具有明显的重要性.这一重要性,主要在于他那生动的对白,语言增减恰到好处,既使人易懂又达到令人难忘的境界.”他的”冰山原则”是其创作经验的总结.海明威始终遵循着”冰山”理论.这种以少胜多的理论对于理解和赏析海明威的作品是至关重要的.总之,《白象似的群山》作为海明威代表作,其小说情节简单,形象丰满,语言简洁,寓意深刻,尤其是那外聚焦的叙述视角和”电文”般的海明威式对白,极具戏剧性色彩,它充分体现了海明威创作的”冰山原则”,也清晰地展现了海明威那独树一帜的艺术风格.虽然篇幅短小,但就评论海明威的创作艺术而言,却意义重大.参考文献:【1】ErnestHemingway.HillsLikeWhiteElephants【M】.MenWithout Women,1927.【2】孟繁君,常巍.解构戏剧化的叙事手法——海明威之《白象似的群山》叨.佳木斯大学社会科学,2010,(2).【3】陈沽.解析《白象似的群山》中的”零度写作”叨.鞍山师范学院学报,2010,(3).[4]李静.从《白象似的群山》中解读”冰山原则”叨.考试周刊,2010, (4o).[5】陈影.言语之外的叙事——从《白象似的群山》看海明威的文体特征田.长春教育学院,2008,(4).【6】刘燕.《白象似的群山》之对话分析阴.现代语文(文学研究版), 2009.(8).?1l3?。



2008年12月长春教育学院学报D e c.2008筮2垒鲞笙垒塑』Q垡呈塑!Q£坠麴韪璺b!!Q里垒竖丛i凹!翌§±i§鲢£№!:24.盟垒4言语之外韵叙事——从《白象似的群山》看海明威的文体特征陈影(长春工业大学外国语学院,吉林长春130012)摘要:本文以海明威的短篇小说《白象似的群山》为例,在分析了作者的“冰山理论”的基础上,指出了海明威的作品具有典型的非言语叙事的文体特征。
关键词:海明成;冰山理论;叙事视角;语义缺失中图分类号:1045文献标识码:A、文章编号:1671-6531(2008)04—0019-02《太阳照样升起》《永别了武器》《丧钟为谁而鸣》《老人与海》等J L部长篇小说,给海明威带来巨大声望,尤其是前两部,使他成为了“迷惘的~代”的代表作家。

《白象似的群山》中“冰山理论” 的探析

《白象似的群山》中“冰山理论” 的探析作者:刘芳来源:《名作欣赏·学术版》 2019年第5期刘芳[唐山学院,河北唐山063015]摘要:海明威的“冰山理论”不仅只是一种写作风格上的改变或是文体的简约、精炼,更重要的是作家通过这一理论探究的文学写作的根本问题,作家力图使作品拥有更大的思想容量,使作品更具底蕴和力度。
”这段话的主旨曾出现在作家1932 的《午后之死》中,海明威第一次把文学创作比作漂浮在大洋上的冰山,他认为“冰山运动之雄伟壮观,是因为它只有八分之一在水面上”。
而这种手法的主要目的,则是激发读者通过鲜明的描述来感觉和想象文本的真正意义所在,最能体现这点的是作家1927 年第二次蜜月期间创作的《白象似的群山》(Hills Like White Elephants )。


论海明威创作风格中的冰山原则王世超【内容摘要】海明威是一位风格独特的作家,文章主要从简洁的语言艺术、含蓄的意境、丰富的人物形象与情感以及深刻的主题思想四个方面着手分析海明威的“冰山原则”,并通过对具体作品的分析进一步探讨了冰山原则中的“八分之一” 与“八分之七”的关系和在作品中的运用。
海明威( 1899-1961)是20世纪30年代美国的著名作家,是“迷惘一代”的杰出代表。
”根据海明威的解释, 我们可以把冰山原则作如下定义: “冰山原则就是作者试图用最简洁、简单的语言文字,勾勒描绘创造出生动鲜明的形象,把自己对作品的深刻感知、感悟及自己对作品所赋予的深意,最大限度的隐藏于作品的形象之中,使情感深厚而不外露,思想隐含而富有深意。


论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格AbstractBeing distinguished from many great American writers, Hemingway is famous for his unique writing style. He changes the traditional literary works from tedious style into a kind of concise “telegraph style”. As a matter of fact, his short story--- Hills like White Elephants fully reflects his unique and classic writing style. The story seems simple, but actually artful. Hemingway captures the essence of the plain dialogue of usual life, so a reader may be under an illusion that he was present at the site of the story. And he adds sentiment into concise language. In Hills like White Elephants, the perfect symbolism about “white elephant” and the characteris tic ending constructed by Hemingway further gives prominence to his ability in language. Especially, his famous Iceberg Theory is employed perfectly in this story. Hemingway creates a unique writing style that brings a great influence to American letters, even to Europe and all over the world.Key WordsDialogue; conciseness; symbolism; writing style; Iceberg Theory摘要在众多伟大的美国作家中,海明威以其独特的写作风格而著称。

关键词:写作手法,语言特色,象征,冰山原则AbstractErnest Hemingway is a giant of modern literature. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 for “masters the modern narrative techniques”. His writing style not only makes him famous but also makes him different from many other greatest American writers. He has exerted a strong influence on the literature both of America and the world.“Hills Like White Elephants”is one of Hemingway’s excellent short stories, which provides us with a piece of wonderful picture with condensed ink. There are just 1469 words in this novel, of which the majority is dialogues between a girl and a man awaiting a train at a station in Spain. All the story features short sentences; and there are few modification words to describe the facial expression,the inner minds as well as the actions of the figures. The research into his writing style allows us to grasp the story thoroughly. Meanwhile we will profound the theme of the story and appreciate it well.This thesis is divided into three parts. Part one is a brief introduction to Hemingway and his novel “Hills Like White Elephants”. Part two analyses Hemingway’s writing techniques in the aspects of unique language, symbol technique and his Iceberg Theory. Firstly, his unique language can be summarized as the following three features: (a) one syllable or two syllables words are mostly used; (b) less adjectives and adverbials have been used; (c) the length and rhythm of his sentences are varied in different situations; (d) simple sentences outnumber complex sentences, and sentence connectors like "and", "but", "then" are used repeatedly in the novel to link most of the sentences. Secondly, his novels are always full of symbols, which greatly enrich the meaning of his story. In “Hills Like White Elephants”the symbols not only implies the fate of the young men but also make the character more vivid and the theme clearer. Finally, technique of his Iceberg Theory has been fully reflected by his "Hills Like White Elephants". For under the concise language, there exists rich information and deep feelings, it is just the highlight of the Iceberg Theory. Based on these analyses, the last part makes an conclusion and points out the purposeand significance of the research in this thesis.Key Words: writing style; features of language; symbolic; iceberg theory目录摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)1. Introduction to the writer and his “Hills Like White Elephants” (5)2Analysis of writing techniques of "Hills Like White Elephants" (7)2.1The unique Language (7)2.1.1 A lexical choice (7)2.1.2 Few adjectives and adverbs (8)2.1.3 Short and simple sentences (8)2.2 The use of Symbolism (9)2.2.1 The symbolic significance of the title and the heroine'sname (9)2.2.2 The symbolic significance in the setting (10)2.2.3The symbolic significance between the dialogues (11)2.3 Technique of Iceberg Theory (12)2.3.1 The style of Iceberg Theory (12)2.3.2 Iceberg Theory in Hills Like White Elephants (13)3Conclusion (15)Bibliography (16)Acknowledgements (17)1. Introduction to the writer and his “Hills Like WhiteElephants”Ernest Hemingway is a giant of modern literature, well versed in modern narrative art, for which he was awarded Nobel Prize in 1954. His four major novels are The Sun Also Rises (1926), A Farewell to Arms (1929), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), and The Old Man and the Sea (1952). Since he is a wounded veteran of World War I, most of his works are connected to wars. Every role in his work reflects his own characteristics, that is, full of courage, perseverance, wisdom, and never giving in to fate, but none of them are perfect, which makes the role more real. His stories of courage in the face of tragedy encourage the new generation. The application of short, uncomplicated, active sentences, and only few adjectives becomes Hemingway's recognizable style that has been widely copied by other writers. Due to the concise language, his style is endowed with the title telegraph style. That makes the tempo of the story, the tone and the changing feelings of the figures clearer. We should be aware that Hemingway's language is concisely direct but never blunt or simply plain.His novels are always full of symbols, which can greatly enrich the meaning of the story. The subtle employment of symbolism is a sharp tool to help to delve into the deep-seated treasures; thus, the maximum of meaning is reached through the use of this technique. What is more, he has created a kind of Iceberg Theory style. Iceberg Theory is greatly moving the plot forward. Due to Theory style, there is always a network of association and inference, a submerged reason behind the inclusion (or even the omission) of every detail."Hills Like White Elephants" is an important piece in Hemingway's second collection of short stories, Men Without Women, published in August of 1927. The short story is a conversation between a girl and a man waiting for a train at a station in Spain. The man tried to persuade the girl to have a small operation. Though the novel does not tell what on earth the surgery is, according to the real life experience, we can guess that is an abortion. Basically, the whole novel is a dialogue between the girl andthe man. There are actually 110 bars in the text, of which only 12 bars are described. At the very beginning, Hemingway uses 113 words to briefly introduce the setting. This is a barren station with "no shade" and "no trees", and the hills by the side of the station are white and dry. In the beginning, the young women acts as an ice breaker, describing the outline of the distant mountains under the sun, “they look like white elephants”. But with little or almost no patience the man starts his own concerned topic about whether the young woman will have the operation or not. The man wants the girl to have an abortion but the girl wants to keep the baby, and neither of them will give in. Then the topic about the abortion becomes very sensitive. Therefore, their talk is very tight and brittle. At several points the girl talks about drinks, for she wants to avoid the sensitive topic. But the man seems to stick to the topic, explaining and comforting again and again.Finally the girl says: "I will scream” Here, the novel’s internal tension has reached its peak, slipping quickly to an abrupt end.2. Analysis of writing techniques of "Hills Like WhiteElephants"2.1The unique LanguageDistinguished from many greatest American writers, Hemingway is renowned for his writing style of unique language. His style looks simple at first glance but subtle and delightful inside.Readers are often attracted by his individual characteristics of the language.His individual characteristics of the language can be summarized as the following four patterns: (a) one syllable or two syllables words are mostly used; (b) less adjectives and adverbials have been used; (c) the length and rhythm of his sentences are skillfully varied in different situations; (d) simple sentences outnumber complex sentences, and sentence connectors like "and", "but", "then" are used repeatedly in the novel to link most of the sentences.2.1.1 A lexical choiceHe is very careful with words. Concrete, specific, more commonly found, casual and conversational are his chosen principles. He once said "Of any writer, no matter how good a word or a phrase he may have, if he puts it in where it is not absolutely necessary and irreplaceable, he is spoiling his work for egotism. Writing is architecture, not interior decoration."For example “Across, on the other side, were fields of grain and trees along the banks of the Ebro. Far away, beyond the river, were moun tains.” Just a few short sentences and some simple words outline a pair of pure and fresh scenery in front of the reader. His language is simple, concise, natural, easy to understand just because all the words he chooses are “concrete, specific, more commo nly found, more Anglo-Saxon, casual and conversational”Hemingway seems to prefer words of Anglo-Saxon origin, the most of which consist of one syllable or two syllables. Though Anglo-Saxon origin is small in part they are the most frequently used in daily speech and writing, which makes vital contribution to Hemingway’s works for the simple and easy understanding.2.1.2 Few adjectives and adverbsHe seldom uses adjectives and abstract nouns, and avoids complicated syntax.For example, in the beginning of this novel, he uses several sentences to describe the setting.“The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun. Close against the side of the station there was the warm shadow of the building and a curtain, made of strings of bamboo beads, hung across the open door into the bar, to keep out flies. The American and the girl with him sat at a table in the shade, outside the building. It was very hot and the express from Barcelona would come in forty minutes.”Among these words, there are just four described adjectives: long, white, warm, hot. "Long" and "white" is used to describe the mountain. The mountain is the whole background of the novel, it plays an important role when expressing the character’s emotion. The other two adjectives, hot and warm, implies that the story happen in hot summer.All these adjective words are essential to introduce the background of this novel.2.1.3 Short and simple sentencesAs we all known, Hemingway prefers to use simple sentences. He skillfully employs many short sentences in the writing, particularly in describing the step-by-step actions and energetic activities. But he varies the length and the rhythm of his sentences on different occasions to stress something or express different attitudes and emotions. For example, the girl and the man have a disagreement. The girl feels unjust and stray, while the man feels fidgety. But the author does not use the words s uch as “angry” or “impatient” to directly describe the characters' psychological activities. Instead, he just hides these emotions in the dialogues. There are some parts of the dialogues:“What did you say?”“I said we could have everything.”“No, we can't.”“We can have the whole world.”“No, we can't.”“We can go everywhere.”“No, we can't. It isn't ours any more.”“It's ours.”From these simple sentences, readers can feel that the characters in the novel want to solve the problem as soon as possible. The author omits such words like “she said”, “he said”. This makes the dialogues shorter or even in a hurry. None of them want to say more words. This arrangement seems simple but it is really intentional. Wanting the readers to feel the psychological activities themselves, he just put out the original dialogue without any modified words. This will not only attract readers’ curiosity but also makes the novel more convincing.2.2 The use of SymbolismSymbolism is an important writing style of Hemingway, and is fully embodied in the “Hills Like White Elephants”."Hills Like White Elephants" shows Hemingway's use of iceberg theory or theory of omission: a message is presented through a story's subtext. Among those that might be mentioned, we shall focus on the title, the names of the hero and heroine, the landscape, and some special words.2.2.1 The symbolic significance of the title and the heroine’s nameThe title Hills Like White Elephants is an important metaphor. “white elephants” is mentioned several times.The meaning of the white elephants in china seems chicken ribs. The white elephants coming from Thailand in which a white elephant is given to unflavored people by the ruler. Due to the fact that the elephant is sacred and not allowed to work, it is a burden for the owner for it would consume the whole money of its owner until he becomes destitute. Jig's reference to white elephants could be in regard to the baby. The American could see the baby as a white elephant and not want to raise it because of the cost, while Jig could see the child as an extraordinary addition to her mundane life of drinking and mindless traveling. When the girl said: “They look like white elephants” she is implying that she has a baby. The hills are “lovely” and“bright” though“the country was brown and dry”, “therewas no shade and no trees”. From these we can know that the baby is a beautiful thing to the girl, and brings her change and hope in life. Furthermore, the white elephants are also a symbol of the steady life the girl is dreaming of. Maybe it is time for her to set down and have a family to live a peaceful life. As having a baby means responsible and fewer enjoyment, the man looks the baby as a burden and even useless thing.Jig is the name of the girl, which is clearly addressed in the novel. It’s not just a normal name. It is symbolic. Jig is a kind of lively dance. From the dictionary, we find that Jig have a deep meaning “particular assort of behavior or activity which varies according to the situation that someone is in”. The name Jig is very in accordance with the image of the girl, young and roaming about gaming life. At the same time. It also means the love between the girl and the man will end up.2.2.3 The symbolic significance in the settingThe symbolism of the hills can be thought of as the image of the swollen breasts , and to the prenatal dream of the mother of the future Buddha in which a white elephant (in this case, a symbol of prestigious leadership) presents her with a lotus flower, a symbol of fertility.“The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station were between two lines of rails in the sun.”This is concise to describe about the scene. “The station was between two lines of rails in the sun”symbolizing the hero and heroine never reaches an agreement to solve serious problem which threats the relationship between them. The girl looking forward to this baby, and she wants a stable relationship and enjoys the happiness of the family life; while the man considers the baby as a burden, and he wants the girl to have abortion then continues to live just like the past. They have different expectations, and no one wants to give in, just like two parallel railways won't cross together.Just take a look at these sentences “The girl was looking off at the line of hills. They were white in the sun and the country was brown and dry.”“The girl stood up and walked to the end of the station. Across, on the other side, were fields of grain andtrees along the banks of the Ebro. Far away, beyond the river, were mountains. The shadow of a cloud moved across the field of grain and she saw the river through the trees.”Describing scenery on both sides also contain symbolism. On one side the country is “brown and dry”, symbolizing that the relationship between the girl and the men was week, indicating that the girl may have abortion; their prospects will be a dim and lifeless. On the other side, there are “grain” “t rees” “river”. All this reveals the lush life, symbolizing another choice of the girl to give birth to the baby.2.2.4 The symbolic significance between the dialogue“Everything tastes like liquorices. Especially all the things you've waited so long for, like ab sinthe.”This is just one of the girl's sentence. There is no doubt that "tastes like liquorices" "waited so long for" also have symbolic meaning for the baby. For the girl, the baby is the source of happiness and she is optimistic with the future family life. She has longed for a family life with a baby. However, the man is unwilling to welcome the new life. Maybe for him, the baby does not "taste like liquorices" and "waited so long for".There are also some special words carrying the symbolism. For example, the word "two" appears again and again, like "two lines of rails", "Two big ones", "two glasses of beer and two felt pads", "two heavy bags". All these are symbolizing the man just cares about the 2-person world, not wishing the baby come down.Apart from the hills, other parts of the setting provide symbolism which expresses the tension and conflict surrounding the couple. The train tracks form a dividing line between the barren expanse of land stretching toward the hills on one side and the green, fertile farmland on the other, symbolizing the choice faced by each of the main characters and their differing interpretations of the dilemma of pregnancy. Jig focuses on the landscape during the conversation, rarely making eye contact with the American.It's the author's intention to choose “tracks” instead of “rails” as in the setting. Except to expressing the track, the main meaning of "track" is traces, which symbolizes the trajectory of life. People are expecting "train" arrives, but finally wedo not see the sign. The another meaning of "train" is "consequences", which implicatively show the theme. People do not know where to go for the future, only confusedly waiting.2.3 Technique of Iceberg Theory2.3.1 The style of Iceberg TheoryHemingway expresses his characteristic themes of love, stoicism, war and death in perfectly controlled prose. He seems to excise all emotion from his work while allowing it to move powerfully beneath the surface. That is his famous “Iceberg Theory”. What’s “Iceberg Theory”?As the common sense, an iceberg is divided into the visible and the invisible part by surface of the sea. The art of literature is just like a sublime iceberg, in which the objective description can never be separated from the subjective emotion. The former is visible but the later remains invisible. The one-eighth is the objective image upon which artistic emotion depends; the seven-eighths is the connotation, the submerged, suppressed part of the message, which, moreover, opens to critical view and auctorial process of exclusion----inclusion, an exercise of willed choice, which closely parallels the life-choice of the protagonist-narrator.Hemingway once said, “If a writer of the prose knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.”As a matter of f act, in Hemingway’s own words, the feature of his Iceberg Theory is to omit something that both the author and the reader know, and the essence of it is to explore the hidden seven-eight facts through the only one-eight obvious fact. He always tries to write on the principle of iceberg, which means there is seven-eighths of it underwater for every part that shows. Anything he knows he can eliminate and it only strengthens his iceberg. It is the part that doesn't show. Because of the image we can see the “whole” from a small part; this method is usually used to reveal social problems.2.3.2 Iceberg Theory in Hills Like White ElephantsAs we all know Hills Like White Elephants is an early work of Hemingway. Though it comes out before Iceberg Theory has been clever put out, it still can show this Iceberg Theory completely.To begin with, it omits the background of the story. The story started with a girl and a man talking about something in a station. But the readers still do not know anything abut them like their past or their future. Although from their dialogue we may get some information, to some extent, we still feel confused . One must get his or her understanding to scrutinize between the lines. If we read the story carefully we can’t help thinking what will happen to them. It makes the novel mysterious and attracts the reader’s attention.Secondly, it omits the intensely full-face conflict. The dialogue seems arbitrary, but the conflict between the two characters is just hidden. Only when the girl says out “Would you please please please please please please please stop talking.” the conflict unveils, and the story comes to an end.Furthermore, it omits the proverbial information. The whole dialogue focuses on the operation, but the author never points out what kind of is. However, the reader can know the fact that the operation may be an abortion according to the common sense of life after reading the dialogue. What’s more, there is no any words to describe the feelings of the heroes and heroines. But with the dialogue going on, we can feel the girl’s disappointment and the man’s fretfulness. As Hemingway said, what he omits is what he and the reader have known.“It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig.” the man said. “It's not really an operation at all.” From this sentence, we may find the man tries to persuade the girl to have the abortion, as he explains the abortion from his point---“simple”, “not really an operation at all”. From this we can realize the men’s selfish ness and insincerity becau se what is “simple” to him may hurt the girl and bring physical damage to her. He just does not want to undertake the responsibility of being a father or having a family. To his point, the baby is really a big trouble. Having the abortion, they can live as happily as the past. But deeply reading this novel, we may find that the baby meanseverything to the girl, and losing the baby, she will never be happy again.Although the author does not describe their emotion, from the dialogue we can see the girl is full of grief and despair, but she acts as if nothing happens; while the man is coldly selfish but pretends to be attentive. We can taste the conflict between them from existing information in this novel .The novel ends up with the unclearness of the gi rl’s final decision but we still find some hints. It’s not difficult to recognize if we pay much attention to the character’s conversation. It’s the girl who starts the dialogue; which implies that the abortion in the end will be on her decision. One detail of taking her hat off and putting it on the table means that she is getting off what covers her and wants to speak the situation out clearly. In the end of the story, the girl sees “grain” “trees” “river” on the other side. The words “I feel fine” sugges ts that she will keep the baby and starts her new life without the man.To sum up, Hemingway’s Iceberg Theory is fully reflected by his Hills Like White Elephants. For under the concise language, there exists rich information and deep feelings, which is just the highlight of the Iceberg Theory.3. ConclusionThis thesis mainly focuses on a study on Ernest Hemingway's writing style in “Hills Like White Elephants”. In this novel , his writing style appears more concrete and outstanding. We can easily understand his symbolic way of writing, which contains implication, philosophy, deep meaning and characterization. His Iceberg Theory follows the principle of omission, adopts images expressed in language of vitality, and gives the novel an everlasting position in world literature.To begin with, we discuss his unique language which is simple and natural on the surface but actually deliberate and artificial inside. In fact, his method of applying language revels his writing style clearer. This article is aimed to showing the charterers of his language by analyzing his novel “Hills Like White Elephants”. In addition, his novels are usually full of abundant use of symbolism. It makes his novel rich in capacities, contents and themes. Analyses on the significance of the symbolism in the novel make us catch the author’s meaning better. Finally, the technique of the Iceberg Theory,to some extent, makes his novels difficult to understand. He just tells what is happening without explaining what it means or introducing the background in details. Reading his novels, Readers need more patience to catch the meaning.The efforts in this thesis will be helpful to the study of other Hemingway's short stories. To begin with, the thesis will enlighten the people who are interested in Hemingway and his short stories, and give them help to further explore Hemingway’s short stories. In addition, the readers may have more deep understanding of Iceberg theory. Therefore, they will dig out more treasure in Hemingway’s s hort stories and profoundly appreciate the artistic charm in Hemingway's short story.Due to the limited experience, the research into the Iceberg theory may be incomplete and more analysis is necessary to better understand this theory. The process is tough but the future is bright.Bibliography1. Hemingway, E.1928. Men without Women [M].New York: Macmillan publishing Company.2. Baker, Carlos. "Mountain and Plain", Study of Ernest Hemingway, China: Social Science Press, 19813. Bates, H.O. "The Artistic Style of Ernest Hemingway", Study of Ernest Hemingway, China: Social Science Press, 19814. Booz, Elisabeth B. A Brief Introduction to Modern American Literature.上海外语教育出版社,19825.董衡巽编选,海明威研究[M],北京:中国社会科学出版社,1980。

Interpretation of the principle of iceberg of Heiminwei' s artistic style in Hills Like White
作者: 李雪平
作者机构: 河南大学大学外语教学部,河南开封475001
出版物刊名: 信阳师范学院学报:哲学社会科学版
页码: 135-137页
主题词: 海明威;《白象似的群山》;冰山原则;背景;对话;叙事

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论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格AbstractBeing distinguished from many great American writers, Hemingway is famous for his unique writing style. He changes the traditional literary works from tedious style into a kind of concise “telegraph style”. As a matter of fact, his short story--- Hills like White Elephants fully reflects his unique and classic writing style. The story seems simple, but actually artful. Hemingway captures the essence of the plain dialogue of usual life, so a reader may be under an illusion that he was present at the site of the story. And he adds sentiment into concise language. In Hills like White Elephants, the perfect symbolism about “white elephant” and the characteristic ending constructed by Hemingway further gives prominence to his ability in language. Especially, his famous Iceberg Theory is employed perfectly in this story. Hemingway creates a unique writing style that brings a great influence to American letters, even to Europe and all over the world.Key Words:Dialogue; conciseness; symbolism; writing style; Iceberg Theory摘要在众多伟大的美国作家中,海明威以其独特的写作风格而著称。
关键词:对话;简洁;象征;写作风格;冰山原则IntroductionHemingway, who is very famous for his creation of a new and unique writing style, is one of the most influential writers in American literary history during the 20th century, so he is undoubtedly to be the focus of the researchers all over the world. But from all the researches on him, it is easy to find that authors are always focusing on his several long-novels and his The Old Man and the Sea to show his unique writing style. As a matter of fact, his unique writing style is fully and exactly reflected by his short stories, which are drawing more people’s attentions. So this essay takes Hemingway’s short story---Hills Like White Elephants as the focus to give a brief introduction on his unique writing style.Hills Like White Elephants is one of the most classic short stories of Hemingway. Among all the comments on it, the one by Milan Kundera, a famous Czech writer, is surely attractive and profound. He specifically makes an analysis about the hidden elements of the story, the different characters of the two and so on, especially the real dialogue structure which is simple, clear and beautiful in his minds, contrasting with the drama dialogue structure. And in Researches on Hemingway, edited by Dong Hengxun, the English critic H. O. Bates in his works mainly refers to Hemingway’s concise writing style.But to sum up, most of the researches on Hemingway’s unique writing style are systematic and theoretical.And the analysis about Hills Like White Elephants although are profound, but not all-round. Accordingly, this essay is based on the purpose that fully shows all the Hemingway’s unique writing style in Hills Like White Elephants and to deepen the readers’ understanding on Hemingway’s unique writing style and his short stories.Ⅰ. A Brief Introduction to the Author and the StoryDating back to American literary history, Hemingway is considered as one of the most celebrated and influential writers in the 20th century. Being distinguished from other famous American writers, Hemingway, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1954 for his mastery of the art of modern narration, helps to accomplish a reformation in the literary circles. As a great language master who had contributed a great deal to the American literature, Hemingway had a legendary life experience: He came into being a journalist for the Kansas City Star after school and then being a soldier in the First World War, which provided him with a serious physical wound. Actually, he also took part in the Second World War and the Spanish Civil War, again wounded physically and spiritually. That is why his works are usually related to the subject of war. And then he went to Paris where he met some famous writers who helped him a lot in his writing. With such rich personal experience, Hemingway wrote out many excellent works which fully reflected his unique writing style and his unique writing style gradually came into being. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a famous Colombian writer, who had ever said that he was greatly affected by Hemingway, held that Hemingway builds up a reputation for himself just for his short stories. As a matter of fact, contrasting with Hemingway’s long fictions, such as The Sun Also Rises(1926), A Farewell to Arms(1929), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940)and his The Old Man and the Sea(1952) which are well-known today, his short stories are not very familiar to readers as his fictions mentioned above. However, it doesn’t mean that his short stories a re less artful than his long fictions. They are also highly estimated. And among all of Hemingway’s short stories, Hills Like White Elephants is undoubtedly to be a classic one, which was quite worth reading and one of the most typical short stories in the 20th century.As we all know, Hills Like White Elephants was written in 1927 and was an important piece in Hemingway’s second collection of short stories---Men Without Women. It is a simple but artful story and the content of it just can be condensed toone sentence that an American man tries to persuade a girl to have an operation when they are waiting for the train at a station. The whole story consists of the simple and usual dialogues of the two figures, and the focus of them are just roused by a meta phor that “the hills like white elephants”, made by the girl. But obviously, the man doesn’t pay his attention to such focus, for he is fully occupied in persuading the girl to have the operation. Obviously, tense conversation ensues between the man and the girl, and the story ends without any clear resolution, leaving the reader to find the possible outcomes. In general, that is the feature of Hemingway’s writing style.For the Hills Like White Elephants, many comments had been made upon it, but the one from Milan Kundera, a famous Czech writer, is undoubtedly profound and perfect. In Milan Kundera’s Les testaments trahis, he spends many words to talk about the Hills Like White Elephants, especially make a striking contrast between the plain dialogue structure of Hemingway and the dialogue structure in the drama to give prominence to the simplicity, the clarity, the lucidity, the beauty and the melody of Hemingway’s plain dialogue. And his explanation of the figures’ characters and the hidden story is penetr ating. Of course, the dialogue structure emphasized by Kundera is just one aspect of Hemingway’s unique writing style, but theother styles aren’t mentioned. Apart from Milan Kundera, there are many other critics that give different narratives of the Hills Like White Elephants from one or more than one aspects of Hemingway’s writing style, the relationship between the male and female basing on the female’s views, etc. However, if taking the writing style in Hills Like White Elephants as the focus, the comments on it are not all-round. So this essay aims at introducing the Hemingway’s writing style in his Hills Like White Elephants comprehensively, including his plain dialogue, concise language, perfect symbolism, characteristic ending and the deliberate hiding which is the so-called “Iceberg Theory”. It is just such unique style that makes Hemingway win a high reputation in the literary circles that has accomplished a reformation on the traditional literature. But before expounding the views on the unique writing style of Hemingway, it is absolutely necessary to talk about his development to a new writing style so as to let the reader deeply understand the uniqueness of his writing style.Ⅱ.Hemingway’s Development to a New Writing StyleA. The Writing Style of Modern European Literature During 19th CenturyThe 19th century is the century of greatest change in the European literary circles in that this is the period when a new colloquial writing style was born which was created by Mark Twain, whose use of vernacular speech revolutionized he language of American fiction. But obviously, it is only Ernest Hemingway that inherited and developed his colloquial style.As Milan Kundera said, in the early 19th century the novels were carefully structured with a series of scenes by Scott, Balzac (Milan Kundera 134). In his opinion, their novels were full of specific description, scenes, dialogues and plots which are usually seen in the drama. Looking back to the European literary history in the 19th century, a fact is evident to readers that the novels of all the writers, excepting Mark Twain, were full of long and complex sentences, blooded adjectives and adverbs, etc. In fact, the one who had read the novels of Balzac or Henry James, who were the representative writers of that century, will get the fact that Balzac tends to portray the outer actuality and the image of the figures carefully and Henry James likes to show his ability in superposing the modifiers. Their descriptions are undoubtedly specific and elaborate, but to some extent, tedious and boring. The novels in the 19th century are inclined to describing specifically and deeply with rich elaborate details about the outside or objective environment. It seemsthat if a novel lacks of any of the elements mentioned above, it would not be considered as a successful one. Therefore, after narrating a whole story, a novel with hundreds of thousands of words even millions of words is born. In fact, such writing style is very popular in the literary circles at that time when reading novels to be certainly a good method to amuse people. But with time goes on, literature also needs new blood to fill in to keep up with the development of the society and to meet the needs of people, who are gradually busy in pursuing wealth and have no enough time and spirit to spend in reading the too long and too difficult novels. With such time coming, the style of conciseness is asked forto meet the needs of new times. It is just Hemingway that has changed the traditional tedious writing style into a type of new concise style, purifying the literary language.B. The Formation of Hemingway’s New and Unique Writing StyleHemingway’s style is characterized by short and sim ple real-life dialogues, concise language with very few adjectives and adverbs, deliberate omission and so on, instead of the tedious style of the 19th century. Among so many writers, Hemingway becomes the only one person who has successfully developed a new writing style in Modern European Literature; there are several reasons for it. First of all, as mentioned before, in 1917, Hemingway worked as a journalist for the Kansas City Star, which is one of the bestnewspapers in American at that time. This newspaper asks for using short sentences, vivid and active language and reporting directly, so Hemingway learned that writing style should be trained as life. Of course, this experience benefits the formation of his so-called “telegraph style” greatly. Secondl y, being under the illusion that the war is fine and attractive, Hemingway began his experience as a soldier in the First World War, even later in other wars, but in the battlefields, he was seriously hit. Bloody war shatters his dream; meanwhile, it provides him not just a wounded body and a hurt heart, but the rich sources of writing. So, for what he usually expresses in his works, he was viewed as the representative of the “lost generation”. Therefore, as a spokesman of the “lost generation”, Hemingway h as already had a kind of unique style of his own. And, Hemingway’s success is related to the helps from other famous writers. Such as, Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, Fitzgerald and so on, who give much indications and guidance on his writing. Furthermore, he absorbed the colloquial language of Mark Twain. Because of all the elements, the feature of Hemingway’s writing style is gradually appearing.It is Hemingway that changes the traditional Modern European literary style of tediousness into a writing style of simplicity. In his the Hills Like White Elephants his unique writing style is absolutely reflected. C. The Influence of Hemingway’s Writing StyleNoted for his unique writing style and devotion to the literature, Hemingway has exerted considerable influence on the later novelists. The writer, Wu Xiaodong, reckons him as a writer who deeply affected other writers. His concise language, short and simple sentences purify the American literature, and his colloquial style is very popular in European and American literary circles since the late 20th century. John O’Hara, who made a memorial speech for Hemingway on the New York Times of July3, 1961, held that in history no one else can directly affected so many writers,especially the young writers( Dong Hengxun 383). Hemingway is considered as an author who deeply affects the writing style of both the long novels and the short stories of American. Now that the influence of Hemingway’s writing style which brings a big reputation to him is so great, it is quite wort h discussing it from his works---Hills Like White Elephants.Ⅲ.Discussion on the Writing Style in Hills Like White ElephantsA. Real-life DialogueMilan Kundera pays a compliment to Hemingway in his Les testaments trahis that Hemingway captures the real dialogue structure. Assuredly, being different from such writers who structure their works in absolutely literary language, Hemingway creates a kind of real-life dialogue style, the obvious feature of which is that it goes on face to face without narrating by the third party. Actually, the dialogue in Hills Like White Elephants is just a fragment of the dialogue in actual life so that the first impression the reader gets when he starts reading it is that he were listen ing. Looking at the following dialogue chosen from it: "And if I do it you'll be happy and things will be like they were and you'll love me?""I love you now. You know I love you.""I know. But if I do it, then it will be nice again if I say things are like white elephants, and you'll like it?" "I'll love it. I love it now but I just can't think about it. You know how I getwhen I worry.""If I do it you won't ever worry?""I won't worry about that because it's perfectly simple.""Then I'll do it. Because I don't care about me.""What do you mean?" "I don't care about me.""Well, I care about you.""Oh, yes. But I don't care about me. And I'll do it and then everything will be fine.""I don't want you to do it if you feel that way." (qtd. in Long Maozhong, Yan Jinglan and Wang Hui 386 ) Omitting all the description on the speaking tone, facial expression and actions, the dialogue with the form of only answers between the two figures comes to the reader as if he were listening. That is the essence of the real-life dialogue which is different from the dialogue in absolutely literary language that focuses attention on the action and expression especially. For example, in Henry James’s Daisy Miller, he writes:“I should think it might be arranged,” said Winterbourne.“Couldn’t you get some one to stay for the afternoon with Randolph?”Miss Miller looked at him a moment, and then very placidly, “I wish you would stay with him!” she said. Winterbourne hesitated a moment. “I should much rather go to Chillon with you.”“With me?” asked the young girl with the same placidity. (qtd. in Long Maozhong, Yan Jinglan and Wang Hui 329 )Obviously, because the third party, namely, the author joins in the dialogue, narrating carefully about the actions, inner minds and facial expressions of the figures substitute being explored by the reader himself. This dialogue is not as direct and suspensive as the real-life dialogue in Hills Like White Elephants, and it loses itscharm to give the feeling to the reader that he was listening.Keeping the charm of the real-life style, the dialogue in the Hills Like White Elephants is arbitrary and uncertain. As a matter of fact, the dialogue in absolutely literary language must be arranged with obvious purpose, based on the contents andthe plot of the story. But in a real-life dialogue, it is unknown that what will be talked about and what will happen next, and the focus changes arbitrarily and may be interrupted at any time. In a word, the process of the real-life dialogue is full of uncertainties. Similarly, in Hills Like White Elephants, the focus of the dialogue casually begins with an usual trifle about drinking, but it is soon changes arbitrarily to the hills, the bead curtain, the drinks, the operation and so on, and it changes or stops without any advanced information. Therefore, there is no doubt that Hemingway captures the highlight of the real-life dialogue, but his dialogue is never as simple as it seems to be.In fact, the method of composing the details which Hemingway takes into his dialogue fully shows his great ability in language. For the above dialogue chosen from the Hills Like White Elephants, the repeat method, which can obviously show the change of the inner minds and the character of the figures, is usually adopted. Obviously, the disappointment of the girl becomes deeper and deeper when she repeatedly asks questions to the man with “if I do---”. At the same time, she gradually makes compromises to the man with the result that she finally says out “‘I’ll do it.’, ‘I don’t care about me’” several times. In this process of using the method of repeating, the girl is confirming the man’s true love to her, but she fails and drops into the pit of disappointment and agony. For the man, his aim of repeatedly emphasizing “‘I love you.’, “I’ll love it,’” is to veil his hypocrisy and cheat. The words are useless and ridiculous connecting with his action that trying to let the girl to have the abortion operation. The candied words cannot conceal his original intention and his treacherous and fraudulent nature. Although there are not any words to describe what kind of person the man is, his character is obvious to the reader. Hemingway is adept in capturing and exploring the dialogue structure in the actual life, which was ordinary and simple for the first impression, but actually intelligible, artful and deliberate. That’s the uniqueness of his dialogue.B. Concise LanguageHemingway is famous for his contribution to the literary circles that purifying the tedious writing style with concise la nguage. The British critic H. O. Bates made a comment on him in his Hemingway’s Literary Style that Hemingway cuts off all the tedious and unnecessary words, omitting the explanation, discussion, and even the argument. Contrasting with Henry James, a writer mentioned before, the feature of Hemingway’s concise language is based upon his simple words, short sentences and few adjectives or adverbs.Henry James is always considered as the representative in the literary circles of the late 19th century, who likes to structure his works with complicated sentences and blooded modifiers. For example, in his The Ambassadors, he writes:When in a quarter of an hour, he came down, what his hostess saw, what she might have taken in with a vision kindly adjusted, was the lean, slightly loose figure of a man of the middle height and something more, perhaps, than the middle age---a man of five-and-fifty, whose most immediate signs were a marked bloodless brownness of face, a thick, dark moustache, of characteristically American cut, growing strong and falling low, a head of hair still abundant, but abundantly streaked with grey, and a nose of bold, free prominence, the even line, the high finish, as it might have been called, of which, had a creation effect of mitigation. (qtd. in Li Yixie and Chang Yaoxin 430 )The first impression of this sentence on the reader is that it is very long and the structure of it is complicated with many clauses, phrases, adjectives and adverbs which can make the reader feel dizzy. Such a sentence is blooded with adjectives and adverbs, such as, lean, loose, immediate, thick, dark, grey, bold free, kindly, slightly, characteristically and so on. To some extent, such language style shows the author’s ability in mastering the language, but no matt er how beautiful the words are, they may take borings to the reader. No wonder someone says that the flooded adjectives is a big disaster in English literature, which is caused by the writers in the late 19th century, with Henry James as their representative. On the contrary, it is just Hemingway that brings a fresh wind of conciseness to the American literary circles, getting rid of the style of tediousness and complication.After finishing reading Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants, some facts are ob vious to the reader that Hemingway absorbs the colloquial language of Mark Twain for his words are very simple and colloquial; the whole story consists of short sentences; and there is no too much modificatory words to describe the facial expression, inner minds and even the actions of the figures. What Hemingway shows to the reader is an absolute kind of simplicity, which is completely different from the tediousness of Henry James. Although the language is full of simplicity, is undoubtedly not monotone. Keeping pace with the tempo of the story, the tone and the changing feelings of the figures are clear. Just owing to the concise language, Hemingway’s style was endowed with the title “telegraph style”.C. Perfect SymbolismHemingway’s famous writing styl e is fully embodied in the Hills Like White Elephants. Apart from his real-life dialogue and concise language, the perfect symbolism can be also found. E. M. Hallyday holds that Hemingway uses some symbolism in his works in a very limited and controlled method, so he can not be considered strictly as a writer that belongs to the Symbolism, like Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne and so on. However, he still highly estimates and specifically analyses Hemingway’s symbolism in his comment. In fact, the symbolism c ontained in Hemingway’s works is attractive. As someone says about the Old Man and the Sea that the novel stands for the writer’s circumstances: the old man is the writer himself,the big fish is his works, and the shark is the critic, for any works criticized by the critics would be bad. One makes such conclusion owing to one fact that Hemingway hates the critics. Likewise, in Hills Like White Elephants, there is an important metaphor that “they (the hills) look like white elephants.” Here, “white elephants” is mentioned several times, if some relative messages about it are found out, the symbolism meaning of it will be clear. Why does the writer use “white elephants” to describe the hills? What does “white elephants” stands for? After finishing the whole s tory and understanding it, or finding other relative important information, the answer will be obvious.As we know that the term “white elephants” is derived from Thailand where a white elephant is given to unfavored people by the ruler. Because the elephant is sacred and not permitted to work, it is a burden to the owner as it would eat up all the owner’s money until he becomes destitute. And in Ancient India, the “white elephant” stands for something rare, noble and venerated. Even in China, especially for the Dai Nationality, “white elephant” stands for happiness and beauty. Learning about the original m eaning of “white elephants”, the perfectness of Hemingway’s symbolism appears. After reading the whole story, it is obvious to the reader that the operation that the girl is asked to have is an abortion one, so it is sure that the “white elephant” stands for the baby, which is a beautiful thing to the girl who is longing for it and doesn’t want to lose it, but a burdensome and useless thing for the man who doesn’t want to keep it. This metaphor is undoubtedly perfect for its connection with the different feelings of the two figures towards the baby. Secondly, the “white elephants” also stands for the pregnant somatotype of the girl. Look at the sentences: “The girl was looking off at the line of hills. They were white in the sun and the country was brown and dry.” (qtd. in Long Maozhong, Yan Jinglan and Wang Hui 384) In the literature, this is a popular writing method that by describing the surroundings to show the feelings. Obviously, there is a contrary of two different inner minds and connecting with the two kinds of feelings of the girl, the hills may stand for the girl’s pregnant somatotype, so she describes the hills in a good mood and undoubtedly she wishes to keep the baby. By contrast, the brown and dry country stands for her somatotype after abortion, so the country is ugly in her minds and she describes it in a disappointed mood. Moreover, in this novel, it can be also said that “white elephant” also stands for the love between the two persons. Actually, as said before, white elephant means good thin gs in somebody’s mind. Here, it can surely means the true love. When the girl deliberately said that the hills look like white elephants, she must want to get the definite answer of the man. In other words, she wants to confirm the man’s true love to her. But she fails. The man doesn’t pay much attention to this metaphor about “white elephants”. Namely, he attaches little importance to the love between them and the baby which is always considered as the fruit of the true love. So at last, the girl said that “They’re lovely hills. They don't really look like white elephants. I just meant the coloring of their skin through the trees." (qtd. in Long Maozhong, Yan Jinglan and Wang Hui 385) It stands for that the girl’s fantasy about love is shattered. Of course, the love also disappears. To sum up, the symbolism of “white elephants” is very successful.D. Characteristic EndingReferring to Hemingway’s writing style, we cannot help but talk about the characteristic ending in his novels. Traditionally, at the end o f a novel, the plot should reach its climax and the main figure’s final destiny should be mentioned, even not mentioned directly, but obvious to the reader. For example, in Balzac’s Old Goriot, the ending likes this:It was growing dusk, the damp twilight fretted his nerves; he gazed down into the grave and the tears he shed were drawn from him by the sacred emotion, a single hearted sorrow. When such tears fall on earth,their radiance reaches heaven. And with that tear that fell on Father Goriot’s grave……He went a few paces further……His eyes turned almost eagerly to the space between the column of the Place Vendome and the cupola of the Invalids; there laid the shinning world that he had wished to reach. He glanced over that humming hive, seeming to draw a foretaste of its honey, and said magniloquently: “Henceforth there is war between us.”And by way of throwing down the glove to Society, Rastignac went to dine with Mme. de Nucingen.(96-97)Father Goriot, the main figure, is dead. And Eugene Rastignac, a poor law student, who is always making up his mind to go out into the genteel society to seek a protectress, finally abandons his only left good morals and fully throws himself into the ugly genteel society. Here, each figure’s destiny is determined an d schemed out by the author. Contrasting with it, it would be better to say that there is no ending in Hemingway’s stories. In Hills Like White Elephants, the story ends up like this:He picked up the two heavy bags and carried them around the station to theother tracks. He looked up the tracks but could not see the train. Coming back, he walked through the barroom, where people waiting for the train were drinking. He drank an Anis at the bar and looked at the people. They were all waiting reasonably for the train. He went out through the bead curtain. She was sitting at the table and smiled at him."Do you feel better?" he asked."I feel fine," she said. "There's nothing wrong with me. I feel fine." (qtd. in Long Maozhong, Yan Jinglan and Wang Hui 388 )There is no any word to show the destiny of the girl. No one knows if she will have an abortion operation and no one knows the tendency of their relationship. For readers, not any thing is clear. So it is better to say that it is just an ending of a dialo gue, but not a story. Although it doesn’t mention where they will go, the dialogue may continue when they are on the train or other places. So the ending of the story is suspensive. The author makes enough space to let the reader exert all their imaginative powers. Discriminated from other writers, such as Balzac, an obvious feature in the ending of Hemingway’s story is that he usually uses dialogue to instead of narration. As a matter of fact, the dialogue is extremely concise and compact, and the main fig ure’s feeling is fully reflected by it, and it is more powerful and stronger than the narration by the author. No wonder at the end of the Old Goriot Balzac also lets Rastignac say out: “Henceforth there is war between us.”E. Deliberate Hiding---Iceberg TheoryLiterature is a kind of language art. Hemingway undoubtedly makes good use ofthis art that he had created a kind of Iceberg Theory style. Everyone knows that Hemingway is very famous for his “Iceberg Theory”. He had ever said about his writing style: “If a writer of the prose knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.” As a matter of fact, in Hemingway’s own words, the feature of his Iceberg Theory is to omit something that both the author and the reader know, and the essence of it is to explore the hidden seven-eight facts through the only one-eight obvious fact.That is to say, the “Iceberg Theory” is just a kind of art of omission. According to it, both the concise language and the characteristic ending mentioned before should be included in his Iceberg Theory.。