Study Abroad 出国留学的利弊













第一次出国的注意事项一、如何保管护照、身份证和国际机票1. 登机时,护照、身份证及机票应随身携带。

2. 住宿酒店时,切勿将其放在房间,应放入酒店保险柜或随身携带。










五、在境外兑换外币注意事项1. 请保留好当初兑换当地货币时的单据,以免离境换回时有麻烦。























出国留学的利弊1. 也许你可以赚回一美元,欧元或英镑,这是你开始创业前的原始积累!2. 你可以欣赏外国的美景,开阔视野。







4. 移民是有可能的,有可能过上有福利的幸福生活5. 出国后,你会摆脱一些坏习惯,如拖延,缺乏时间观念等。




6. 有了一个优秀的外国文凭和真正的技能,你可以生活得很舒服!7. 没有办法学习一门真正的外语!8. 毕业后很难找到工作。



9. 你可以成为一家外国公司在中国的业务代表。


10. 只要在国外努力工作几年,你就可以从现在起享受稳定的高收入。

这是一个别人一辈子都无法实现的梦想!出国留学的利与弊1. 一些外国人有强烈的排斥感。

2. 要在这个集体中找到自己的位置是很困难的。






有时你甚至会想要放弃4. 国外的生活可能和你想的很不一样。

许多欧洲国家人口稀少,街道寒冷,平房低矮,城市面貌不如上海、深圳,甚至不如中国的农村!5. 在不同的国家学习和工作。



你会感到很大的压力,你会在这种压力下度过几年!6. 生活习惯无处不在7. 国外的高消费常常使你感到害羞。

雅思写作 study abroad

雅思写作 study abroad

雅思写作study abroad全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:雅思写作study abroad随着全球化的加速,越来越多的留学生选择出国留学,而雅思考试是留学生必不可少的一部分。


在雅思写作考试中,有一个热门话题是study abroad,即“出国留学”。













为了帮助留学生更好地准备雅思写作考试,以下是一些关于study abroad话题的写作范例:议论文范例:题目:出国留学是否应该成为每个学生的选择?提纲:1.出国留学的优点2.出国留学的挑战3.个人观点及建议范文:近年来,出国留学已经成为越来越多学生的选择。






study abroad advantages disadvantages

study abroad advantages disadvantages

study abroad advantagesdisadvantages出国留学的利弊出国留学是一个具有挑战性和有益的经历,但也有一些潜在的缺点。

以下是出国留学的一些优点和缺点:优点:1. 丰富的学术和文化体验:出国留学可以让你接触到不同的教育体系和学术氛围,拓宽你的学术视野。


2. 语言学习机会:生活在国外的语言环境中,能帮助你更快速、更有效地学习一门新语言。


3. 国际人脉和职业机会:通过与来自世界各地的学生和教师交流,你将建立广泛的国际人脉。


4. 独立和自我成长:在异国他乡生活和学习需要很强的适应能力和独立性。


缺点:1. 文化冲击和适应困难:适应新的文化、习俗和生活方式可能是一个具有挑战性的过程。


2. 高昂的费用:出国留学可能需要支付高昂的学费、生活费用和旅行费用。


3. 学业压力和适应新教育体系:在国外学习可能需要适应不同的教育体系和教学方法,这可能给你的学业带来额外的压力。

4. 家庭和社交分离:长时间远离家乡和亲人可能导致社交隔离和家庭分离,这可能对一些人造成困扰。



















关于出国留学优缺点的英语作文英文回答:Studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, studying abroad provides students with the opportunity to experience a new culture and broaden their horizons. They can immerse themselves in a foreign language environment and improve their language skills. For example, when I studied abroad in the United States, I was able to practice my English with native speakers every day, which greatly enhanced my fluency and confidence. Additionally, studying abroad allows students to make new friends from different countries and build international networks. This can be beneficial for their future career prospects. For instance, I made friends with students from various countries during my study abroad program, and we have stayed in touch and supported each other professionally.On the other hand, studying abroad also has its drawbacks. One major disadvantage is the high cost. Tuitionfees, living expenses, and travel expenses can be quite expensive, and not all students can afford it. Moreover, studying abroad can be challenging for some students due to homesickness and cultural shock. Being away from family and familiar surroundings can be difficult, and adjusting to a new culture can be overwhelming. For example, when I first arrived in the United States, I felt homesick and struggled to adapt to the American way of life. It took some time for me to overcome these challenges and feel comfortable in my new environment.中文回答:出国留学有利有弊。



出国的优点和缺点英语作文Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad.Advantages:Immersive cultural experience: Studying abroad provides an invaluable opportunity to fully immerse oneself in a different culture. Students can learn about different customs, traditions, beliefs, and values, and gain a deeper understanding of foreign perspectives.Enhanced language proficiency: Living and studying in a country where the target language is spoken as the native tongue allows students to rapidly develop their language skills through daily interactions with native speakers.Personal growth and independence: Studying abroad challenges students to step outside their comfort zone and become more independent. They learn to navigate unfamiliar environments, solve problems, and adapt to new situations.Increased global awareness: Spending time in a foreign country broadens students' horizons and helps them develop a more global perspective. They learn about different political systems, economic models, and social structures, and gain a better understanding of the world around them.Improved career prospects: Studying abroad demonstrates to potential employers a student's adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and international experience. It can be a valuable asset in today's increasingly interconnected global workforce.Disadvantages:High cost: Studying abroad can be a significant financial burden. Students must consider tuition, living expenses, travel costs, and other associated expenses.Homesickness and culture shock: Leaving familiar surroundings and being immersed in a new culture can sometimes lead to homesickness or culture shock. Studentsmay feel overwhelmed, disoriented, or isolated at times.Academic adjustments: The academic systems and educational standards of different countries can vary significantly. Students may need to make adjustments to their learning style or coursework to succeed in their host institution.Language barriers: While studying abroad can greatly enhance language proficiency, students may initially encounter language barriers that can be frustrating or challenging.Limited time: Study abroad programs typically have a fixed duration, which may restrict students' ability to fully explore their host country and culture or pursue other interests.中文回答:出国留学的优点:沉浸式的文化体验,出国留学提供了全面融入不同文化之中宝贵的机遇。











Nowadays,manypeoplelike tostudyabroad.Studyingabroadisoftenconsideredasagreatopportunitywhichwillleadtobrightfutureinone'srideofpassage.No tonlycanwelearndiffer entcultures andknowledgefromforeign countries,studying abroadcanalsoenrichourlives.Onecoin hastwosides.Likewi se,differentpeoplehavedifferent minds.Conservativeandnegative concernsaboutstudying abroadhavebeengraduallyemergingfromoursociety.Peoplestarttowonderwhatgoeswrongwithstudying abroad.Thereareacoupleof issuesworthofourdiscussions.优势1(张豪杰):Inmyopinions,Ithink studyingabroad isadvantageous.Themostobviousadvantagetooverseasuniversitystudyisreal-life useofadifferent language.Whileapersoncanstudyaforeign languageinhisor herowncountry,t cannotcomparewithconstant useofthelanguagein academicandeverydaylife.Therei snobetter opportunitytoimprove second-languageduringone’sstudiesoffersadistinctadvantagewhenoneisapplyingforjobsbackhomethatrequire thelanguage.弊端1(赵永康):Idonotagreewithyourpointofview.Disadvantagesofstudying abroadandeconomically. WeChinesewill experience cultural shocksif westudyabroadandliveinanothercountry.Somepeersmaynotbeabletoadapttoanewenvironmentofthei rstudyingandliving,whichmaybeverydifferentfromthatoftheirs.Lifeisbeautiful,andit ishard.Ifonedoes notfeelcomfortablewiththenewcultureofanothercountry,hewillnotbehappyaboutstudyinginthatcountry.优势2(张书军):Idon’tthink so.Studying abroad,youlearn totakecareofyourself.Livinginanothercountry,evenifitiswithahostfamily,meansyoumightbedoingthingsyoumaynothavedoneinyourhomecountry.Theseincludeco oking,cleaning,groceryshopping,washingclothes,figuringouttransportation,makinglivingarrang ements,settingupaccountsforcellphonesandutilities,etc.Youmaythinkofthisasadisadvantage,but manyinternationalstudentsgohomeproudthattheyhavebecomeveryselfsufficient.弊端2(张太伟):Doyouknowstudying abroadwill coststudents agreat dealoflivingexpenses?SomeChinesestudentsaresoacademicallysuccessfulthattheyreceivescholarshipsintheirstudies.However, most peers who study abroad do not receivescholarships.Furthermore,theyhavetodealwithmanyunexpectedhardshipsbylivingawayfromthei rparentsandhomeland.Forexample,medicalinsurance,dailyfoods,clothes,rentsandtransportationc angeneratealargeamountoflivingexpenses.Oftentime,theyneedtoheavilydependontheirparents'ove rseasmonthlypayments.长处3(张书军):Yes,itmaycostalotofmoney,butdonotspendmoneyto dosomething?Studyingabroad,youmakememoriesthatwill alifetime.Yourpictures,journals,andsouvenirswillhelp yourememberyourtimeabroad,butyourmemoriesandemotions ofthis special timewill alsobeapart ofyourlife until st you弊端3(赵永康):Don’tyouknowstudyingabroadisveryhard.Youwillprobablyhavetimeswhenyoumissyourfamily,friends,food,andeverythingfamiliar.Almosteveryonegoesthroughsomeculture shock.Youwill havetorealize andacceptthatitwilltakesometimetoadjusttoanewwayofliving.总结(张豪杰):Inthisdebatewehavenotawinner,butwehaveacommonunderstandingthatdifferentpeoplehavediffe rentviewsonstudying abroad.Sohowcanyouknowif studyingabroadisrightfor you?First,startbytalkingtopeoplewhohavealready doneit.Of courseeveryonewillhavehisorherownexperience andpointofview,butitcanbereallyhelpfultohearwhatother peoplehavetosay.Ifyoudon'tknowanyonewhohasstudiedabroad, ask others about theirexperiences throughthe internet.。






























高分英语作文1:the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroadin my opinion, studying abroad has some advantages and disadvantages. first of all, i am in favor of studying abroad. if we live in a local family, we will municate with each other in this way, and we will have more opportunities to practice speaking addition, we can learn more about western culture and customs, and we will have a good one. however, some people are against studying abroad. first of all, the cost of studying abroad is too high, because the distance is too far, we are not familiar with the environment, and we are not familiar with the western culture and customs.we may not be used to the food and methods, munication and teaching methods there.中文翻译:在我看来,出国留学有一些好处和缺点,我首先赞成出国留学,如果我们住在一个当地的家庭里,我们会用这种方式互相交流,我们有更多的机会练习说英语。

disadvantages of studying abroad

disadvantages of studying abroad

disadvantages of studying abroad
disadvantages of studying abroad指的在国外留学的劣势,主要有:
1. 高昂的生活和学习费用:留学费用通常较高,包括学费、住宿费、餐饮费等,这可能导致经济压力。

2. 适应环境:在国外学习生活,需要适应新的气候、文化和生活方式,这可能对一些人来说是个挑战。

3. 学术压力:海外学习可能存在语言和专业上的障碍,需要付出更多努力来适应和达到学术要求。

4. 远离家人和朋友:留学意味着离开熟悉的亲人朋友,可能在情感上感受到孤独。

5. 就业竞争:在海外留学回国的求职者可能面临激烈的竞争,尤其是在热门行业和职位上。

6. 签证问题:签证政策的变化可能影响留学计划,包括学习期限、工作许可和居留许可等。

7. 政治不稳定:在一些国家和地区,政治不稳定可能对留学生的人身安全和心理健康产生影响。

8. 学业与就业不符:留学专业和国内市场需求可能存在差异,导致学成回国后难以找到合适的工作。

9. 归国后的生活适应:回国后可能需要一段时间适应国内的生活、工作环境和人际关系。

10. 疫情影响:新冠疫情等因素可能对留学计划产生影响,包括航班、入境政策和校园防疫等。



国外留学的好坏处英语作文English:Studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the main benefits is the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture and language, which can broaden your horizons and enhance your global perspective. Additionally, studying abroad allows you to gain independence, self-reliance, and problem-solving skills as you navigate a foreign environment. On the other hand, one of the drawbacks of studying abroad is the potential for homesickness, cultural shock, and feeling of loneliness, especially if you are far away from family and friends. Moreover, studying abroad can be expensive, and there may be challenges in adapting to a new educational system and different teaching methods. Overall, studying abroad can be a life-changing experience that offers personal and academic growth, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and difficulties.中文翻译:出国留学有其优点和缺点。







1. 利:拓宽视野、增加文化经验前往不同的国家留学,可以让人接触到不同的文化、语言和习俗。





2. 弊:高昂的留学费用、文化差异留学费用一直是人们去留学时最重要的考虑因素之一。






3. 利:更好的教育质量、提高个人竞争力对于想要在国外职场获得发展的人来说,留学可以增加个人的国际社交网络和学习机会。





4. 弊:文化冲突、身体问题留学生在新文化环境中面临着巨大的压力。































































出国留学的优点和缺点英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying AbroadStudying abroad is an exciting opportunity that many students consider at some point in their academic careers. While there are numerous benefits to studying in another country, there are also potential drawbacks that should be taken into consideration. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.Advantages:1. Cultural immersion: One of the biggest benefits of studying abroad is the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture. By living and studying in another country, you will have the chance to learn about different customs, traditions, and ways of life. This can help you develop a greater understanding and appreciation for other cultures.2. Language skills: Studying abroad is a great way to improve your language skills. By being surrounded by native speakers of the language you are studying, you will have daily opportunitiesto practice and improve your language skills. This can be particularly helpful for students studying languages such as Spanish, French, or Mandarin.3. Personal growth: Studying abroad can be a transformative experience that helps you grow personally and academically. By stepping outside of your comfort zone and navigating a new environment, you will develop important skills such as independence, adaptability, and resilience.4. Career opportunities: Studying abroad can also boost your career prospects. Employers often value candidates who have international experience, as it demonstrates that you areopen-minded, resourceful, and able to work effectively in diverse environments. Studying abroad can also help you build a global network of contacts that can be beneficial for your future career.5. Travel opportunities: Studying abroad provides you with the chance to travel and explore new places. Whether it's weekend trips to nearby cities, or longer excursions during school breaks, studying abroad offers a unique opportunity to see the world and expand your horizons.Disadvantages:1. Cost: One of the biggest drawbacks of studying abroad is the cost. Tuition fees, accommodation, food, transportation, and other expenses can add up quickly, making studying abroad a significant financial investment. Additionally, currency exchange rates and fluctuating living costs can make it difficult to budget effectively.2. Homesickness: Being away from home and loved ones can be challenging, particularly if you are studying in a country with a different culture and language. Feelings of homesickness can be difficult to cope with, and may impact your academic performance and overall well-being.3. Language barrier: While studying abroad can help you improve your language skills, it can also pose a challenge if you are not fluent in the language spoken in the host country. Communication difficulties can make it harder to form relationships, navigate everyday tasks, and succeed academically.4. Cultural differences: Adjusting to a new culture can be a difficult and sometimes frustrating process. Different customs, values, and social norms may be unfamiliar or even contradictory to what you are used to, which can lead to misunderstandings and cultural clashes.5. Academic challenges: Studying in a foreign educational system can present academic challenges, such as different teaching styles, grading systems, and course requirements. Adapting to these differences can be time-consuming and stressful, and may require additional support and resources.In conclusion, studying abroad offers a wealth of benefits, from cultural immersion and language skills to personal growth and career opportunities. However, it also comes with potential drawbacks, such as cost, homesickness, language barriers, cultural differences, and academic challenges. Before deciding to study abroad, it is important to carefully consider these factors and weigh the pros and cons to determine if studying abroad is the right choice for you.篇2Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying AbroadIn recent years, studying abroad has become an increasingly popular option for students looking to further their education. While there are many advantages to studying in a foreign country, there are also some drawbacks that should be considered. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.One of the main advantages of studying abroad is the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture. By living and studying in a foreign country, you can gain a deeper understanding of the local customs, traditions, and way of life. This can help you develop a more global perspective and improve your cross-cultural communication skills. Additionally, studying abroad can open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth, as you may be exposed to different ways of thinking and new experiences that can help you broaden your horizons.Another advantage of studying abroad is the chance to learn a new language. Many students choose to study in a country where the language spoken is different from their own, which can provide a valuable opportunity to become fluent in a second language. This can be a valuable skill in today's globalized world, as being bilingual or multilingual can give you a competitive edge in the job market and open up new career opportunities.Furthermore, studying abroad can also help you develop important life skills such as independence, adaptability, and resilience. Living in a foreign country can be challenging at times, as you may face language barriers, cultural differences, and homesickness. However, overcoming these challenges can helpyou become more self-reliant and confident in your abilities to handle new situations. Studying abroad can also help you build a network of international contacts, which can be beneficial for your future career prospects.Despite the many advantages of studying abroad, there are also some disadvantages that should be considered. One of the main drawbacks is the cost of studying in a foreign country. Tuition fees, living expenses, travel costs, and other expenses can add up quickly, making studying abroad a costly undertaking. Additionally, some students may struggle with feelings of homesickness or loneliness while living in a foreign country, particularly if they are far away from their family and friends.Another disadvantage of studying abroad is the potential for academic challenges. The education system in a foreign country may be different from what you are used to, which can make it difficult to adjust to a new learning environment. Additionally, language barriers or cultural differences may make it harder for you to succeed academically, especially if you are not fluent in the local language. It may also be challenging to navigate the administrative processes and requirements of studying in a foreign country, which can be time-consuming and stressful.In conclusion, studying abroad can offer many benefits, such as cultural immersion, language learning, and personal growth. However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks, such as the high cost, academic challenges, and homesickness. Before deciding to study abroad, it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully and consider how the experience will fit into your overall academic and career goals. Ultimately, studying abroad can be a valuable and rewarding experience, but it is important to be prepared for the challenges that may arise.篇3Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying AbroadStudying abroad has become increasingly popular among students in recent years. There are many benefits to studying in a foreign country, such as gaining a global perspective, experiencing a new culture, and improving language skills. However, there are also challenges and drawbacks that come with studying abroad. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.Advantages:1. Global perspective: Studying abroad allows students to gain a broader understanding of the world and different cultures.By living in a foreign country, students are exposed to new ideas, beliefs, and customs, which can help them develop a more open-minded and global perspective.2. Language skills: One of the biggest advantages of studying abroad is the opportunity to improve language skills. Immersing oneself in a foreign language environment can greatly enhance language proficiency and fluency, making it easier to communicate with people from different backgrounds.3. Personal growth: Studying abroad challenges students to step out of their comfort zones and adapt to new environments. This can help students develop independence, resilience, and self-confidence, as they navigate unfamiliar territories and overcome obstacles on their own.4. Career opportunities: Studying abroad can enhance a student's resume and attract employers who value international experience. Global experience is becoming increasingly important in today's interconnected world, and studying abroad can provide students with a competitive edge in the job market.5. Cultural experiences: Studying abroad allows students to immerse themselves in a different culture, from trying new foods to participating in local festivals and traditions. This can be aenriching and eye-opening experience that broadens one's understanding of the world.Disadvantages:1. Homesickness: Being away from home for an extended period of time can be challenging, and many students experience feelings of homesickness when studying abroad. Missing family and friends, as well as familiar surroundings, can make it difficult to adjust to life in a foreign country.2. Language barrier: While studying abroad can improve language skills, it can also be a barrier to communication and understanding. Students may struggle to express themselves or understand others, especially in academic settings where specialized vocabulary is used.3. Cultural differences: Adjusting to a new culture can be overwhelming, with unfamiliar social norms, customs, and expectations. Students may experience culture shock and find it difficult to navigate social interactions or daily life in a foreign country.4. Financial challenges: Studying abroad can be expensive, with tuition fees, living expenses, travel costs, and other expenses adding up quickly. This can put a strain on students'finances and make it difficult to afford basic necessities or extracurricular activities.5. Academic differences: Studying abroad may require students to adjust to a different academic system, with different teaching styles, assessment methods, and expectations. This can be challenging for students who are used to a specific way of learning and may struggle to adapt to new requirements.In conclusion, studying abroad offers many advantages, from gaining a global perspective to improving language skills and expanding cultural experiences. However, it also comes with challenges and drawbacks, such as homesickness, language barriers, cultural differences, financial challenges, and academic differences. It is important for students to weigh the pros and cons of studying abroad carefully and prepare themselves for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Ultimately, studying abroad can be a transformative and rewarding experience that broadens horizons and opens doors to new possibilities. (Word count: 478)。

雅思英语作文 study abroad 学生出国深造学习的利与弊

雅思英语作文  study abroad 学生出国深造学习的利与弊

Many students decide to further their study abroad. What are the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad?What is your view on this? What do you prefer? Sample Answer:It must be admitted that education is the first route a student take to build his future. Some students prefer to pursue their study overseas while others want to further their study in their countries. Undoubtedly, studying abroad has its advantages and disadvantages. For many reasons, which will be discussed in this essay, Istrongly believe that the advantages are far more than the disadvantages.One advantage of studying abroad is mingling with the different types of the cultures and customs of that country. To illustrate, when a student travels abroad for study, he will be completely exposed to positive traditions and cultures of such people. Consequently, he will get useful benefits from such customs when he returns to his homeland. One example for that is my friend who, before one year, travelled to a country for the purpose of the study. There, he acquired many positive things from that countrysuch as respect of regulations and the kind treatment of people. Therefore, when he came back to his country, his family was immensely affected by his new positive merits to the point that it begins to apply them.Another advantage of studying overseas is the massive benefits a student gets in his major. In fact, he will encounter the elite professors and academics from which he will acquire a good knowledge and experience in his field. Accordingly, the student will spend less time studying his major due to those highly educated professors. Hence, it can be said that suchstudent will be highly respected by his people when he returns to his home. Moreover, his immense knowledge and experience will dramatically contribute to the growth and development of his country.From the other side, it can be found that travelling abroad has minor negative effects on the students; some of which are getting involved in unethical activities or abusing drugs. Those bad things might make the students deviate from their original morals and traditions. However, this mainly depends on the student himself. If he follows these bad routes, he will not concentrateon his study anymore. Therefore, he will acquire the bad habits instead of his golden goal, namely study. Also, his future and previous aspirations will be utterly lost.In conclusion, studying abroad has its pros and cons. However, as I stated above, that the advantages are the prominent feature. Subsequently, every student, if intended to study overseas, should pick out the good and beneficial merits from that country and extremely abstain from the ugly habits or customs. Accordingly, will get a multicultural educated andprosperous generation of which we will greatly proud.。

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Middle school students to accept new things ability is stronger, the language levels increase fast, can quickly integrate into the local s tudy and life, can also broaden our horizons. In addition, the profes sional choice is free of foreign universities. So high school student s can have a chance to study in the university stage began to explore their real areas of interest. Because of the difference of Chinese a nd western culture, graduated from high school to study abroad also m eans that the pressure and challenges. The first is economic pressure . Relatively low risk of middle school students get scholarships for study abroad, study abroad costs also need to individual to assume mo stly, this is a big burden for many families. The second is the press ure from cultural differences. At the beginning of Chinese and wester n culture is different, abroad, face a culture shock, hard to avoid c an feel hit a wall and frustration. As chips are children, leaving fa mily shelter, some children can adapt is better, they will become mat ure in a short period of time, and greatly enhance self-care ability. Such children are at home, have a good life habit, so you can more q uickly adapt to the environment. Instead, some children lived a pampe red life at home, they went to abroad might even the most basic life will appear problem.So, comprehensive the above, I think it is good for most of the stude nts to go abroad, can make our life become colorful.Study pressure of college entrance examination gave rise to the heat, especially the young to study thermal. Many high school students stu dy abroad has become a fashion, an alternative after the college entr ance examination, even the Roman avenue is a bypass the university en trance exam. Middle school students has become a vital force to study abroad. But all things are advantages and disadvantages, and high sc hool students study abroad also has advantages and disadvantages.Middle school students to accept new things ability is stronger, the language levels increase fast, can quickly integrate into the local s tudy and life, can also broaden our horizons. In addition, the profes sional choice is free of foreign universities. So high school student s can have a chance to study in the university stage began to explore their real areas of interest. Because of the difference of Chinese a nd western culture, graduated from high school to study abroad also m eans that the pressure and challenges. The first is economic pressure . Relatively low risk of middle school students get scholarships for study abroad, study abroad costs also need to individual to assume mo stly, this is a big burden for many families. The second is the pressure from cultural differences. At the beginning of Chinese and wester n culture is different, abroad, face a culture shock, hard to avoid c an feel hit a wall and frustration. As chips are children, leaving fa mily shelter, some children can adapt is better, they will become mat ure in a short period of time, and greatly enhance self-care ability. Such children are at home, have a good life habit, so you can more q uickly adapt to the environment. Instead, some children lived a pampe red life at home, they went to abroad might even the most basic life will appear problem.So, comprehensive the above, I think it is good for most of the stude nts to go abroad, can make our life become colorful.Study pressure of college entrance examination gave rise to the heat, especially the young to study thermal. Many high school students stu dy abroad has become a fashion, an alternative after the college entr ance examination, even the Roman avenue is a bypass the university en trance exam. Middle school students has become a vital force to study abroad. But all things are advantages and disadvantages, and high sc hool students study abroad also has advantages and disadvantages.Middle school students to accept new things ability is stronger, the language levels increase fast, can quickly integrate into the local s tudy and life, can also broaden our horizons. In addition, the profes sional choice is free of foreign universities. So high school student s can have a chance to study in the university stage began to explore their real areas of interest. Because of the difference of Chinese a nd western culture, graduated from high school to study abroad also m eans that the pressure and challenges. The first is economic pressure . Relatively low risk of middle school students get scholarships for study abroad, study abroad costs also need to individual to assume mo stly, this is a big burden for many families. The second is the press ure from cultural differences. At the beginning of Chinese and wester n culture is different, abroad, face a culture shock, hard to avoid c an feel hit a wall and frustration. As chips are children, leaving fa mily shelter, some children can adapt is better, they will become mat ure in a short period of time, and greatly enhance self-care ability. Such children are at home, have a good life habit, so you can more q uickly adapt to the environment. Instead, some children lived a pampe red life at home, they went to abroad might even the most basic life will appear problem.So, comprehensive the above, I think it is good for most of the stude nts to go abroad, can make our life become colorful.Study pressure of college entrance examination gave rise to the heat, especially the young to study thermal. Many high school students stu dy abroad has become a fashion, an alternative after the college entr ance examination, even the Roman avenue is a bypass the university en trance exam. Middle school students has become a vital force to study abroad. But all things are advantages and disadvantages, and high sc hool students study abroad also has advantages and disadvantages.Middle school students to accept new things ability is stronger, the language levels increase fast, can quickly integrate into the local s tudy and life, can also broaden our horizons. In addition, the profes sional choice is free of foreign universities. So high school student s can have a chance to study in the university stage began to explore their real areas of interest. Because of the difference of Chinese a nd western culture, graduated from high school to study abroad also m eans that the pressure and challenges. The first is economic pressure . Relatively low risk of middle school students get scholarships for study abroad, study abroad costs also need to individual to assume mo stly, this is a big burden for many families. The second is the press ure from cultural differences. At the beginning of Chinese and wester n culture is different, abroad, face a culture shock, hard to avoid c an feel hit a wall and frustration. As chips are children, leaving fa mily shelter, some children can adapt is better, they will become mat ure in a short period of time, and greatly enhance self-care ability. Such children are at home, have a good life habit, so you can more q uickly adapt to the environment. Instead, some children lived a pampe red life at home, they went to abroad might even the most basic life will appear problem.So, comprehensive the above, I think it is good for most of the stude nts to go abroad, can make our life become colorful.Study pressure of college entrance examination gave rise to the heat, especially the young to study thermal. Many high school students stu dy abroad has become a fashion, an alternative after the college entr ance examination, even the Roman avenue is a bypass the university en trance exam. Middle school students has become a vital force to study abroad. But all things are advantages and disadvantages, and high school students study abroad also has advantages and disadvantages.Middle school students to accept new things ability is stronger, the language levels increase fast, can quickly integrate into the local s tudy and life, can also broaden our horizons. In addition, the profes sional choice is free of foreign universities. So high school student s can have a chance to study in the university stage began to explore their real areas of interest. Because of the difference of Chinese a nd western culture, graduated from high school to study abroad also m eans that the pressure and challenges. The first is economic pressure . Relatively low risk of middle school students get scholarships for study abroad, study abroad costs also need to individual to assume mo stly, this is a big burden for many families. The second is the press ure from cultural differences. At the beginning of Chinese and wester n culture is different, abroad, face a culture shock, hard to avoid c an feel hit a wall and frustration. As chips are children, leaving fa mily shelter, some children can adapt is better, they will become mat ure in a short period of time, and greatly enhance self-care ability. Such children are at home, have a good life habit, so you can more q uickly adapt to the environment. Instead, some children lived a pampe red life at home, they went to abroad might even the most basic life will appear problem.So, comprehensive the above, I think it is good for most of the stude nts to go abroad, can make our life become colorful.。
