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注意:现在分词的否定形式:not放在分词的前面,构成“not + 分词”结构。



1. 作定语

a burning candle 一只燃烧的蜡烛

a moving report 一场动人的报告

the teacher teaching physics 教物理的老师


This is a very interesting book.

The girl standing there is our English teacher.

(2 ) 及物动词的现在分词一般含有主动的意义。不及物动词作谓语没有被动语态,其现在分词通常不表示主动的概念,而是强调动作正在进行.

The boy standing under the tree is a classmate of mine.

= The boy who is standing under the tree is a classmate of mine.

The girl playing the piano every day teaches himself English.

=The girl who plays the piano every day teaches himself English.

(3) 现在分词短语作定语时,所表示的动作不能先于谓语所表示的动作,也不可以表示将来。另外,一般不用现在分词的完成式作定语,所以,下列句子都是错的:

Here is Mr. Li coming from Beijing. (应改为who has come from Beijing)

Those having finished their work can go home now. (应改为who have finished)

The man giving us a lecture last week left for Shenzhen this morning. (应改为who gave us) (4) 系动词的现在分词形式不可用作后置定语,此时要用从句来表示,如:

Those being busy don’t have to go. (应改为Those who are busy don’t have to go.)

His brother being a PLA man is 18 years old. (应改为who is)

2. 作表语



The story sounds moving.

The question is puzzling.这个问题不好解答。

现在分词作表语,常见的有:interesting, moving, disappointing, encouraging, exciting, frightening, pleasing, puzzling, surprising, tiring,amazing, boring, discouraging等。


现在分词常可用在see, watch, hear, feel, find, get, keep, notice, have等后面作宾语不足语。Someone saw the little boy playing by the river. 有人看见这男孩在河边玩。

They have kept me waiting for a long time. 他们让我等了很长时间。

I caught him reading a novel in class. 我发现他在上课时看小说。


The little boy was seen playing by the river.

I have been kept waiting for a long time.

He was caught reading a novel in class.

注意:“with +宾语+现在分词”结构

Mary left with the machine running.

Tom stayed with his parents helping him.

4. 状语


Being badly ill, she was sent to hospital. = As she was badly ill, she was sent to hospital.


Seeing nobody at home,I decided to come again. = Because I saw nobody at home,I decided to come again.

Not having enough money, I didn’t buy the computer. = I didn’t buy the computer, because I had not enough money.


Arriving at the station, he found the train had left.

= When he arrived at the station, he found the train had left.

Standing on the church tower, we can see the whole town below us.

=When we stand on the church tower, we can see the whole town below us.

注意:①如果现在分词表示的动作与谓语表示的动作同时发生,常在现在分词前加上when 或while.

Be careful when crossing the street.

While waiting for the train, I had a long talk with Jack.

②如果现在分词表示的动作完成后,谓语表示的动作才发生,此时现在分词则用完成式。Having finished his work(= After he finished his work), Henry went home.

③on 接-ing 分词,表示时间,“一……就”

On seeing a policeman, the thief ran away. = As soon as he saw a policeman, the thief ran away. On arriving at the railway station, I bought a return ticket for Beijing.

= As soon as he arrived at the railway station, he bought a return ticket for Beijing.



Going straight down the road, you will see the post office on your right.

=If you go straight down the road, you will see the post office on your right.
