快乐英语阅读Unit 5Unit 6

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Unit 5


( )1 Plants use ______to make sugar.So the sugar has the sun’s energy in it .

A sunlight ,air and water

B air , sunlight and solid

( )2 All th animals and plants need ______to live .

A air

B sugar

( )3 _______make their own sugar.

A Plants

B Animals

( )4 ________get sugar by eating plants or plant-eating animals .

A Animals

B Plants

( )5 __________naturally have sugar in them.

A All foods

B Most foods

( )6 Different foods have different __________.

A amounts of sugar

B amounts of water

( )7 Different foods give energy in___________

A different ways

B the same way(同样的方式)

( )8 A glass of juice can give you energy ______because(因为) the sugar in it is easy for your body to use.

A quickly

B slowly(缓慢地)

( )9 But the sugar in ______is not easy for your body to use .

A fruits

B vegetables

( )10 Food makers often put more sugar to make their foods ____ A look good B smell good C taste good

( )11 “Do you have a sweet tooth?”意思是__________

A 你有一颗甜牙齿吗?

B 你喜欢吃甜食吗?

( )12 The love of sweet foods helps _____ to find energy-rich foods.

A animals

B early humans

( )13 Now we can see sweet foods everywhere. The love of sugar can get us into _____ A trouble B health

( )14 Eating too much sugar is _____for our health. It can make us fat .it can also ______our teeth.

A good , protect (保护)

B bad, damage

( )15 Queen Elizabeth One likes eating sweet foods very much .Her teeth become ___. A yellow B black

( )16 Fruits and vegetables can be very sweet.But they are also full of ______. A vitamins B sugar

( )17It is ____to eat a big bowl of strawberries ,a sweet apple or a carrot . A not OK B all right \OK

( )18 Eating a piece of cake is OK too, but don’t eat ______ A too much B a whole one (一个整的)


( )1 Animals use sunlight,air and water to make sugar

( )2 The sugar has the sun's energy in it.

( )3 All the plants and animals need sunlight to live .

( )4 Animals make their own sugar .

( )5 Plants get sugar by eating plants or plants-eating animals ( )6 Most foods naturally have sugar in them.

( )7 Different foods have different amounts of sugar.

( )8 Different foods give sugar in different ways.

( )9 A glass of juice can give you energy slowly.

( )10 The sugar in vegetables is so easy for your body to use. ( )11 Food makers often put more sugar to make their foods look good.

( )12 Do you have a sweet tooth?意思是:你有一颗甜牙齿吗?( )13 The love of sweet foods helps early humans to find energy-rich foods.

( )14 The love of sugar can get us into trouble.

( )15 Eating too much sugar is bad for our health.It make us fat. It can also help our teeth.

( )16Queen Elizabeth 1 likes eating sweet foods very much.Her teeth become yellow.

( )17 Fruits and vegetables can be very sweet.But they are also full of sugar.

( )18 It is not OK to eat a big bowl of strawberries ,a sweet apple or a carrot.

( )19 Don't eat too much sweet food .

Unit 6


( )1 A fisherman and his wife live in a(n) ______house

A new

B big

C old

( )2 One day , the fisherman catch(抓住) a______

A dog

B bird

C fish

( )3 The fisherman’s wife wants _____ at first (起初).

A to be a queen

B a new house

C a new washtub

( )4 The fisherman’s wife is too ______

A kind

B poor

C greedy 贪婪的

( )5 How many wishes(愿望) does the fisherman’s wife have altogether(一共)?

A three

B four

C five

( )6 The fisherman’s wife thinks(认为) him _______

A a clever man

B a kind man

C fool
