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Terms 定义

All goods must be produced by the factory specified on this Purchase Contract. Any changes to the factory must be advised to and approved by TOP-TOY prior to production.

采购合同上要写明产品是给哪家工厂生产。如需变更生产工厂在生产前需提前通知并得到TOP TOY 的批准才行。

TOP-TOY has the right to cancel the order if the supplier does not provide the license agreement and license approval form for each item prior to inspection.

工厂如不能提供生产许可协议及批准的许可证,TOP TOY有权取消订单

Re-inspection will be of the highest level. Charges will be made for second and /or further inspection due to quality problems. Expenses will be charged to supplier's account.


Sample Package样办包装

Quantity of samples required: 样办数量要求

For new or existing products with changes in specification or packaging.


∙ 2 – 4 sets, reference sample in factory standard specification for product study purposes.


∙ 1 set, approval sample for confirmation of TOP-TOY specification, not including packaging.

∙1套,批准办给TOP TOY做产品规格确认,不包括包装。

∙ 2 sets, pre-production sample with TOP-TOY packaging for approval of packing visual – to be submitted 3 weeks before inspection.

∙2套,按TOP TOY要求包装的PP办,在验货前三周交办以便批准包装办

∙ 4 sets, shipment samples required after the final inspection has been passed.


∙ 2 sets, master samples (in addition to Shipment samples) will be selected and signed during pre-shipment inspection - one for factory reference, and one for TOP-TOY.

(Factory to send to TOP-TOY office together with the shipment samples).

∙2套,-客戶原辦(不包括船头办),在出货前挑选出好的并签字,一套给工厂参考,一套给TOP TOY(工厂需将船头办一起给TOP TOY)

For repeat order with no changes of product specification or packaging.


∙ 2 sets, shipment samples are required after the final inspection has been passed.


Battery Requirement电池要求


TOP-TOY only stock 0% Mercury and 0% Cadmium batteries. Batteries for “Try-Me” purposes must comply with the safety standard, 2006/66/EC.

TOP TOY 只用无汞及无镉电池。“Try-me”所用的电池必须符合2006/66/EC的安全标准。

TOP-TOY has nominated GPI (Gold Peak) as its authorised supplier for “Try-Me” batteries.

TOP-TOY指定GPI (Gold Peak)为“Try-Me”电池的供应商

If suppliers have alternative brands of battery other than GPI (Gold Peak), they need to seek approval from TOP-TOY in advance.

如果供应商发现除GPI (Gold Peak)外,还有其它品牌电池的供应商,需提前知会TOP TOY审核批准方可。

For environmental purposes, TOP-TOY will only accept Ni-MH (Nickel Metal Hydride) rechargeable batteries. Ni-Cd (Nickel Cadmium) batteries are NOT acceptable in any instance.

为提倡环保,TOP TOY只接受Ni-MH (Nickel Metal Hydride)可充电的电池,而不用镍镉电池。TOP-TOY is also selling several common types of batteries which are the European Duracell Ultra Alkaline, under TOP-TOY’s private jacket. Below is the equivalent table for reference.

TOP TOY在 European Duracell Ultra Alkaline也销售几种普通型号的电池,属TOP TOY的私营公司。以下换算表以供参考

NB: The supplier is reminded to ensure that TOP-TOY batteries as appropriate, securely fit to the battery compartment of each product with good and stable contact. TOP-TOY can provide small quantities of battery samples to supplier upon request.

供应商需确保TOP TOY的电池是否适用,并能安全适用于产品。如有要求TOPTOY可提供少量的电池样办给供应商。

Lab Testing 实验室测试

∙All products delivered to TOP-TOY must comply with relevant safety standards as stated in TOP-TOY’s Purchase Contact.

∙所有供货给TOP TOY的产品必须按采购合同所要求的符合相关安全标准。

∙Product must comply to the RoHS Directives 2002/95/EEC & WEEE Directives 2002/96/EEC. A Declaration of Conformity for Compliance of RoHS Directive chopped and signed by the supplier must be submitted to TOP-TOY before inspection/ shipment.

∙产品必须符合RoHS Directives 2002/95/EEC & WEEE Directives 2002/96/EEC的标准。在验货/出货前工厂需将签名及盖章的ROHS申明书给TOP TOY。

∙Product must comply to the Phthalate Directives 2005/84/EEC.

