通信行业 英语




1、Access Method 网络的访问方法2、2、Access Right访问(存取)权3、3、Accounts 网络账号4、4、Accounting Services 记账服务5、5、Acknowledgment 确认6、6、Address Resolution Protocol(ARP)网址解决协议7、7、Addresses of Electronic Mail电子邮件地址8、8、Address of Network 网络地址9、9、Advertise online 网络广告10、10、Alpha 阿尔法试验11、11、Ask Job on Internet 网上求职12、12、Advertisement on Internet 网上广告13、13、AAMOF 事实上14、14、AFAIK 据我所知15、15、Angels 网络投资者16、16、ASAP 尽快17、17、Agent 代理程序18、18、Alpha AXP DEC 数字设备公司的电脑系统19、19、Amazon Business Model 亚马逊商务模式20、20、American National Standards Institute(ANSI) 美国国家标准协会21、21、Anonymous File Transfer Protocol 匿名文件传输协议22、22、AOL(American Online)美国在线23、23、Application Services Proviver(ASP) 网络应用服务供应商24、24、Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line(ADSL)异步数字用户线25、25、At Work Architecture Microsoft Auditing 网络运作体系结构26、26、Authentication and Authorization 验证和授权27、27、RSA 数据安全28、28、Backbone Networks 骨干网络29、29、Backup and Data Archiving 备份与归档30、30、Bandwidth 带宽31、31、B to B (Business to Business) 企业间的电子交易32、32、BBC Model BBC 模式33、33、B to C 电子零售,企业对消费者的交易34、34、Biz. 商业类新闻讨论组35、35、BBIAB 马上回来36、36、BBIAF 以后见37、37、BBL稍后便回38、38、BBYE 再见39、39、BTW 顺便提一下40、40、Bits and Bytes 比特与字节41、41、Business Software 商业软件42、42、Bookmark 书签43、43、Bookstore Online 网上书店44、44、BGP 边界网关协议45、45、Bridge 网桥46、46、Broadband ISDN(B-ISDN) 宽带综合业务数字网47、47、Broadband Service 宽带服务48、48、Browser 浏览器49、48、Browsing 浏览50、49、Bulletin Board System (BBS) 电子公告栏51、50、Buy Online 网上购物52、51、Commercial Software 商业软件53、52、Cyber economy 网络经济54、53、CES(Consumer Electronics Show)消费性电子用品展55、54、Carrier 电信公司56、55、CD 光盘57、56、CEO(Chief Executive Official) 首席执行官58、57、CGI(Common Gateway Interface)通用网关接口59、58、Channel 信道,通道,频道60、59、Certification Systems 确认认证系统61、60、Client/Server 客户服务器62、61、Principal and Subordinate Structure 主从结构63、62、Client-Server LAN Protocol 客户服务器局域网络协议64、63、Client Software 用户端软件65、64、Command Line Account 命令行账户66、65、Commerce Net 商业网67、66、Commercial Online Service 商业在线服务68、67、Comparative Buy 比较购物69、68、Common Mail Calls(CMC) 共同邮件呼叫70、69、Communication 通讯71、70、Communication Server 通讯服务器72、71、Computer Network 计算机网络73、72、Consumer Online 网络消费者74、73、CRM(Customer Relationship Management)客户关系75、74、Cryptography 密码术76、75、C to C 消费者之间的交易77、76、CPM 每千人收费78、77、Cybercafés 网吧79、78、CNNIC(China internet network information center)80、中国互联网络信息中心81、79、Customer Online 在线顾客、客户82、80、CWIS(Campus Wide Information System)全校园信息系统83、81、Cyber investigate for Consumer 网络消费者调查84、82、Cyberspace 网络空间85、83、Data base Management System (DBMS) 数据库管理系统86、84、Database Server 数据库服务器87、85、Data Communications 数据通信88、86、Data Encryption Standard(DES) 数据加密标准89、87、Datagram Delivery Protocol(DDP) 数据报传送协议90、88、Datagram Network Services 数据报网络服务91、89、Data Highway 数据高速公路92、90、Data Management 数据管理93、91、Data Migration 数据转移94、92、Data Protection 数据保护95、93、Data Transfer Rates 数据传输率96、94、Digital Cash 数字现金97、95、Dotcom) 互联网络公司98、96、Desktop 台式计算机99、97、Dialup Line 拨号线100、98、Digital Certificate 数字凭证101、99、Digital Recording 数字录制102、100、Digital Signatures 数字签名103、101、Directory Management 目录管理104、102、Directory Services 目录服务105、103、Directory Services Netware Netware 的目录服务器106、104、Directory Tree 目录树状结构107、105、Distributed Computing 分布式计算机108、106、Distributed Data base 分布式数据库109、107、Document Management 文件管理110、108、Domain Name Service(DNS) 域名服务111、109、Domains 域112、110、Download 下载113、111、Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) 动态数据交换114、112、Dynamic Routing 动态路由115、113、E-book 电子图书116、114、Ecash 电子现金117、115、Electronic Mall 电子购物中心118、116、Electronic money 电子货币119、117、Eyeball Economy “眼球”经济120、118、E-wallet 电子钱包121、119、E-banking 网上银行122、120、EC(Electronic Commerce)电子商务123、121、EC Website in China 中国电子商务网站124、122、EC of Wireless 无线电子商务125、123、Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) 电子数据交换126、124、Electronic Mail 电子邮件127、125、E-Traditional Industry 传统产业的电子化128、126、E-Mail System and Standard 电子邮件系统和标准129、127、SMTP 互联网简易邮件传输协议130、128、Novell MHS 信息管理服务系统131、129、Constitute Project E-Mail System 建立企业电子邮件系统132、130、E-Mail Application Program Interface Standard电子邮件应用程序接口标准133、131、Electronic Business 电子商务134、132、E-Marketplace 电子交易市场135、133、E-journal 电子刊物136、134、Enterprise Network 企业网137、135、E-zine 电子杂志138、136、Extranet 企业外部互联网139、137、EBay 电子港湾140、138、Electronic Mail Broadcasts to a Roaming Computer (EMBARC)对移动计算机的电子邮件广播141、139、E-Consumer 电子消费者142、140、ECR(Electronic Cash Register)电子收款机143、141、ECP (Enterprise Customer Portal)企业客户门户144、142、EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)电子数据交换145、143、E-Distribution 电子分销146、144、EFT(Electronic Fund Transfer)电子资金转帐147、145、ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)企业资源计划148、146、EOS(Electronic Ordering System)电子订货系统149、147、Encoder 编码150、148、Enterprise Networks 企业网络151、149、Expert system 专家系统152、150、E-Publishing 电子出版153、151、FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)常见问题回答154、152、Big File Little Space 大文件,小空间155、153、File Transfer Access and Management (FTAM) 文件传输存取与管理156、154、File Transfer Protocol(FTP) 文件传输协议157、155、Follow up Article 后续新闻稿158、156、Free-Net 免费网络159、157、Freeware 免费软件160、158、FTP(File Transfer Protocol)匿名 FTP161、159、Domain Name Service 域名服务162、160、Electronic Mail Gateway 电子邮件网关163、161、Gateway-to-Gateway Protocol 网关一网关协议164、162、Global Naming Service 全球命名服务165、163、Group Buy 网上集体议价166、164、Group 新闻组167、165、GIF(Graphic Interchange Format)图形交换格式168、166、Goods Online 在线商品169、167、Gopher space Gopher 公共Gopher服务器170、168、Price of Goods Online 在线商品价格171、169、Groupware 新闻组软件172、170、E-Mail And Groupware 电子邮件与新闻组软件173、171、Work Flow Software 工作流软件174、172、Gateway 网关175、173、Hacker 黑客176、174、Header 标题、报头、页眉177、175、Hierarchy 新闻组的分级178、176、Host 主机179、177、Home Page 主页180、178、Home Shopping 在家购物181、179、Hostname 主机名182、180、Hot list 热表183、181、HTTP(Hyper Text Transport Protocol)超文本传输协议184、182、Hyperlink 超链接185、183、Hypermedia 超媒体186、184、Hypertext 超文本187、185、IC 我明白了188、186、IDK 我不知道189、187、IOW 换句话说190、188、Internet 内部互联网191、189、IDG(International Data Group)国际数据集团192、190、Inter NTC(internet network information center) 互联网网络信息中心193、191、ID(Identifier)标识符194、192、Reseller Online 网上中间商195、193、Information Superhighway 信息高速公路196、194、Imaging 图形化197、195、Interconnectivity 网络连接198、196、IRM(Information Resource Manage met)信息资源管理199、197、Interactive 交互的、互动的200、198、Interactive Marketing 互动营销201、199、Interactive Television 互动式电视202、200、Internet Account Internet 账户203、201、IP(Internet phone)网络电话204、202、Investigate on internet 网上调查205、203、ICQ(I seek you)网络寻呼机206、204、Internet Address Internet 地址207、205、Internet work 网际网208、206、IP(Internet Protocol)互联网络协议209、207、IP Address IP 地址210、208、Interior Gateway Protocols 内部网关协议211、209、International Organization for Standardization(ISO) 国际标准组织212、210、Internet 互联网213、211、Internet Mall 网络购物中心214、212、Internet Protocol(IP) 互联网协议215、213、IPX PACKETS IPX 信息包216、214、Internet work Routing 互联网上的路由217、215、Interoperability 交互操作性218、216、Interrupts 中断219、217、ISP(Internet Serve Provider 网络服务供应商220、218、IT (Information Technology) 信息技术221、219、KOOL 酷222、220、Kbps (kilo bit per second) 每秒千比特223、221、Key Escrow 第三方保存密钥224、222、Kerberos Authentication Kerberos 认证225、223、Kernel 核心226、224、Key Encryption Technology 钥匙的加密技术227、225、LAN Drivers 局域网络驱动程序228、226、LAN and WAN 局域与广域网络229、227、Local Area Network (LAN) 局域网络230、228、Wide Area Network (WAN) 广域网络231、229、layered Architecture 阶层性结构232、230、Leaf objects 未端对象233、231、Learning Bridges 学习型网桥234、232、Leased Line 专线235、233、Login 登录236、234、Logic bomb 逻辑炸弹237、235、Lurking 潜伏238、236、Local Area Networks(LANs) 局域网络239、237、Netscape6 新版网景浏览器240、238、Local Area Transport(LAT) 局域传输241、239、Logistics 现代物流242、240、Management Group(Team) 管理团队243、241、Mobile Office 移动办公室244、242、Moore’s Law 摩尔定律245、243、MIS(Management Information System 管理信息系统246、244、MP3 电子音乐格式247、245、NASDAQ 纳斯达克248、246、Netizen 网民249、247、Netbug 网虫250、248、Netiquette 网络礼仪251、249、Netnews 网络新闻252、250、Network Language 网络语言253、251、Newbie 网络新手254、252、Newsreader 新闻阅读器255、253、New Economy 新经济256、254、NC(Network Computer)网络计算机257、255、NIC(Network Information Center)网络信息中心258、256、NOC(Network Operation Center)网络运行中心259、257、Node 节点260、258、object-Oriented 面向对象的261、259、Protocol Independence 协议独立262、260、Network Cant 网络“黑话”263、261、Memory Management 内存管理264、262、Networks 网络265、263、Why Constitute Network 为何建立电脑网络?266、264、Network Environment 网络环境267、265、Network Compose 网络的组成268、266、Network Connect Method 网络连结的方法269、267、Network Class 网络的种类270、268、Network Configuration 网络结构271、269、Offline 脱机,离线272、270、Online 联机,在线273、271、Online Career Center 网上求职中心274、272、Online Community 网络社区275、273、OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)原始设备制造厂商276、274、Online Service 在线服务277、275、Operating System 操作系统278、276、On-Line Transaction Processing(OLTP) 在线即时事务处理279、277、Open Data-link Interface(ODI) 开放式数据链接口280、278、Open Messaging Interface(OMI) 开放式信息接口281、279、Open Network Computing(ONC)SunSoft SunSoft 的开放式网络计算282、280、Remote Program Call(RPC) 远程程序呼叫283、281、External Data Representation(XDR) 外部数据展现284、282、Network File System(NFS) 网络文件系统285、283、Open System 开放系统286、284、Optical Libraries 光盘图书馆287、285、Packets 信息包288、286、Packet-Switching Network 包交换网络289、287、Parallel Processing 并行处理290、288、PDA(Personal Digital Assistant)个人数字辅助电脑291、289、Personal Marketing 个性化营销292、290、Place Online 在线销售渠道293、291、Platform 平台294、292、Promotion On Internet 网上促销295、293、Promotion of E-Webs it 电子商务网站的促销296、294、Portable Computer 便携式计算机297、295、Protocol 协议298、296、Public File 公共文件299、297、POS(Point of Sale)销售点信息系统300、298、Mobile Radio Networks 移动无线电网络301、299、Redirector 重新定向器302、300、Release 新产品发布303、301、RI&W 读完去哭吧304、302、ROTEL 捧腹大笑305、303、Real time 实时306、304、Remote Access Software 远程存取软件307、305、Remote Procedure Call (RPC) 远程程序呼叫308、306、Report of Business Plan 商业计划书309、307、Replication 复制310、308、Routers 路由器311、309、Multi Protocol Router 多协议路由器312、310、Interior Gateway Protocols 内部网关协议313、311、Exterior Gateway Protocol(EGP) 外部网关协议314、312、Interdomain Policy Routing Protocols 域间的政策性路由器协议315、313、Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) 边界网关协议316、314、Routing Information Protocol(RIP) 路由信息协议317、315、Routing Protocols 路由协议318、316、Path Logic 逻辑路由319、317、Exterior Protocol 外部/域协议320、318、RSA Data Security RSA 数据安全性321、319、Authentication and Accredit 认证和授权322、320、Private Key Method 私钥方法(对称性)323、321、Public Key Method 公钥方法(非对称性)324、322、Appraisal System 鉴定系统325、323、Number Idiographic 数字签名326、324、Segment Network 区段,网络327、325、Semaphore 信号灯328、326、Servers Network 网络服务器329、327、Directory Server 目录服务器330、328、Service after Sell Online 在线售后服务331、329、Service Access Point 服务存取点332、330、Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) 服务广告协议333、331、Set-Top Box 机顶盒334、332、Shareware 共享软件335、333、Shell 外壳336、334、Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 简易邮件传送协议337、335、Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 简易网络管理协议338、336、Signature 签名339、337、SOHO(Small Office Home Office)在家办公340、338、Sockets 插头341、339、Software Distribution 软件分布342、340、Spanning Tree Algorithm 伸缩树法343、341、Spam 垃圾邮件344、342、Subscribe 订阅345、343、Supercomputer 超级计算机346、344、Supply Chain Management 供应链管理347、345、Surfing 冲浪348、346、Sysop(System Operator) 系统操作员349、347、System Integration 系统集成350、348、Supervisor 管理者351、349、Switched Services 交换服务352、350、Integrated Service Digital Network(ISDN) 综合业务数字网353、351、Synchronous Communication 同步传输354、352、Synchronous Optical Network(SONET) 同步光纤网络355、353、System Fault Tolerance(SFT) 系统容错356、354、System Application Architecture(SAA) 系统应用程序体系结构357、355、Talk 对话358、356、Telecommuting 远程上班359、357、Telnets 远程网360、358、Terminal 终端机361、359、Terminal Emulation 终端服务器362、360、Third Party Logistics 第三方物流363、361、Logistics Center 物流中心,配送中心364、362、Timesharing Computer 分时计算机365、363、Internet Protocol (IP)网际协议366、364、Internet Protocol Address IP 地址367、365、Internet Applications Protocol 应用软件协议366、Trustees 受托人367、Twisted-Pair Cable 双绞线368、Line Limit 连线限制369、Time limit 时间限制370、Workstation Limit 工作站限制371、Virtual office 虚拟合作372、Virtual office 虚拟办公室373、Videoconferencing 视频会议374、Virtual Circuits 虚拟线路375、Virtual Community 虚拟社区376、Virtual Data Networks 虚拟数据网络377、Virtual File System(VFS) 虚拟文件系统378、Data Access and Access Environment 数据存取与存取环境379、The Repository Environment 库存环境380、Virtual Memory System(VMS) 虚拟存储系统381、Virtual Terminal (VT) 虚拟终端机382、Virtual Electronic Commerce City 电子商城383、Wide Area Networks(WAN) 广域网络384、Expert Network 专用网络385、Public Equipment 公用设备386、Circuitry Exchange Serve 线路交换服务387、Package Exchange Serve 包交换服务388、Leased Line 专用线路389、Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) 综合业务服务网390、WAN(Wide Area Network)广域网391、Wed 万维网392、Webonomics 网络经济家393、WAP(Wireless Application Protocol)无线应用协议394、WYSIWYG 所见即所得395、Webmaster 万维网设计管理师396、Website Brand 网站品牌397、Virtual Storage 虚拟存储器398、File and System Protect 文件与系统保护399、Network 网络400、Print Function 打印功能401、Login Startup Options 登入与启动选项402、Worm 蠕虫403、WWW 万维网404、Workgroups 工作组405、Workplace OS 工作站操作系统406、Workstation 工作站407、Yellow pages 黄页1。



通信测试设备组Communication Test Equipment Group CTEG通信电路芯片Communication Circuit Chip通信管理网Telecommunication Management Network TMN通信控制字段Communication Control Field CCF通信口Com. Port通信量,业务量Amount of Traffic, Traffic通信楼综合定时供给系统Building Integrated Timing Supply BITS通信前置机Communication Front-end Processor通信设备进网Network Access of Communications Equipment通信设备进网质量认证Quality Recognition Certification For Network Access of Communication Equipment通信设施Communication Facilities通信体系结构Communication Architecture通信终端产品Telecom Terminal Product通信阻断Communication Block通讯板卡Communication Card通讯电缆Communication Cable通用Universal, General,Common通用标记语言Generalized Markup Language GML通用参数Common parameter通用插座,万能插座Universal Socket通用分组无线业务General Packet Radio Service GPRS通用个人通信Universal Personal Telecommunications UPT通用接入码Universal Access Number UAN通用时隙交叉连接板General Timeslot Cross-connection GTC通用式的All-Purpose通用移动通讯系统Universal Mobile Telecommunication System UMTS通用中间格式Common Intermediate Format CIF通用总线General Bus GB通针和毛刷(协助焊接)Needle and Hair Brush(Soldering Aid)通知Notification N通知机Announcement Machine ANM通知消息Announcement Message通知音Announcement Tone同波道干扰In-Channel Interference同步synchronization同步保持模式Synchronous holdover mode同步不可用do not use for synchronization DUS同步传递模式Synchronous Transfer Mode STM同步传输Synchronous Transmission同步传输模式synchronous transfer module STM同步传送模块第N级Synchronous Transport Module Level N STM-N同步传送信号等级1 synchronous transport signal level 1 STS-1同步的Synchronous同步定时Synchronization Timing STM同步定时发生器Synchronous Timing Generator STG同步复用器Synchronous Multiplexer SM同步光网络Synchronous Optical Network SONET同步净负荷包络Synchronous Payload Envelope SPE同步设备定时发生器Synchronous Equipment Timing Generator SETG同步设备定时物理接口Synchronous Equipment Timing Physical Interface SETPI同步设备定时源Synchronous Equipment Timing Source SETS同步设备管理功能Synchronous Equipment Management Function SEMF同步时钟Synchronization Clock同步数字系列Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SDH同步数字系列交叉Synchronous Digital hierarchy Cross-Connect SDXC同步网Synchronization Network同步物理接口SDH physical interface SPI同步系统Synchronization System同步线路管理单元信号处理板Administrative Unit Signal Processing ASP同步信息骨干系统Synchronous information Bone System SBS同步序列丢失loss of sequence synchronisation LSS同步源Synchronous source同步振荡器板Synchronization Oscillator Board同步装置Synchronization Equipment同步状态标志synchronization status marker SSM同抢Simultaneously Holding同抢,双占用,双重占线Simultaneous hold同相Cophase同心圆蜂窝Concentric Cell同信[频]道干扰Co-channel interference同信道,同波道Co-Channel同一PLMN内GPRS支持节点间的接口Interface between GPRS Support Nodes (GSNs) within a PLMN Gn interface同轴电缆Coaxial Cable同轴电缆接口板,同轴板Coaxial cable interface board同轴电缆压接钳Coaxial cable press plier同轴连接器Coaxial connector铜缆分布式数据接口Copper Distributed Data Interface CDDI统计日志数据库Statistic Log Database统计时分复用Statistic Time Division Multiplexing STDM统计资料,统计数据Statistical Data统一编码United Coding统一模型,一致化模型United Model投币电话Coin Telephone投币箱,投币电话机Coin Box投标,设标Bidding投标工程物料Bidding Project Materials投标者Bidder投票式信令poll投入运行Put into operation突发传输Burst Transmission突发脉冲序列周期Burst Period BP图标,图像符号Icon图例,图注Legend图形交换格式Graphics Interchange Format GIF图形设备接口Graphic Device Interface GDI图形用户界面Graphic User Interface GUI推荐标准Recommended Standard退席Off Attendance吞吐率Throughput托盘(放置移动机柜用) Pallet脱焊Loose Weld拓扑结构Topology Structure外部成套External Suite外部单根External Single外部告警模块External Alarm Module EAM外部接口External Interface PI外部接入设备External Access Equipment EA外部设备识别寄存器External Identification Register EIR外存储器External Memory外基准输入接口板Line Clock Interface Board LCI外壳Shell外围处理器Peripheral Processor PP外围环境参量检测Peripheral Environment Parameter Detection PEPD 外围设备Peripheral Equipment外线External line, Subscriber line外线测试Loop test外线测试,环路测试External Line Test, Loop Test外线电容(值)Loop Capacitance外线电容测试Loop Capacitance Test外线电压测试Loop V oltage Test外线呼叫External Call外置式External弯角件Angle Support万位千位MyriabitKilobit万用表Multimeter网关Gateway网关GPRS支持节点Gateway GPRS Support Node GGSN网关到网关协议Gateway-Gateway Protocol GGP网关网元Gateway Network Element GNE网关移动业务交换中心Gateway Mobile Switching Center GMSC网关移动业务交换中心Gateway Mobile Switching Center GMSC网关移动业务交换中心Gateway Mobile-services Switching Center GMSC网管Network Management NM网管设备Network Management Equipment网管中心Network Management Centers NMC网卡Network Adapter网络安全性,网络保密Network Security网络操作系统Network Operating System NOS网络操作中心Network Operations Center NOC网络打印机Network Printer网络单元Network element NE网络单元功能Network Element Function NEF网络地址Network Address NA网络电视Web TV网络独立时钟Network Independent Clock NIC网络管理功能Network Management Function NMF网络管理系统Network Management System NMS网络规划和优化测量设备Network Planning & Optimizing Measuring Equipment 网络规模Network Size网络间接口Inter-Network Interface NNI网络监视和测试单元Network Supervision and Test Unit NSTU网络接口单元Network Interface Unit NIU网络接入服务提供商Internet Service Provider ISP网络结点接口Network Node Interface NNI网络礼仪Netiquette网络配件Network Fittings网络驱动器Network Driver NETD网络设备Network Equipment网络实体Network Entity NE网络文件系统Network File System NFS网络用户身份Network User Identity NUI网络运营商Network Operator网络指示Network Indicator NI网络终端Network Terminal NT网平面Network Plane网桥Bridge网外呼叫Off-Net Calling ONC网外接入Off-Net Access OFA网线Network Cable网线接头Network Cable Connector网元Network Element NE网元功能Network Element Function NEF网元图标NE icon网状网Mesh Network往返时间,环程时间Round-Trip Time微波Microwave MW微波接力通信Microwave Radio Relay Communication微波频段Microwave Frequency Band微处理机Microprocessor ΜP微处理器Microprocessor微动开关Micro Switch微蜂窝Micro cell微微蜂窝(针对室内覆盖而设计)Picocellular/in-building, picocell微微小区Picocell微小区Microcell微型同轴电缆细缆粗缆Minitype coaxial cable Thinnet cable Thicknet cable伪网络标识码Pseudo Network Identification Code PNIC尾纤Tail optical fiber, fiber pigtail卫星电路Satellite Circuit卫星通信Satellite Communication SATCOM卫星同步信号接收板Globe Satellite Positioning Receiver GPR卫星直播Direct Broadcasting Satellite DBS未安装Uninstalled未来公用陆地移动通信系统Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication System FPLMTS 未准备好接收Receive UN-ready RNR位Bit位(比特)同步Bit Synchronization位串,比特串Bit String位交错,比特交错,比特交织Bit Interleave位图,位映象Bitmap位映射Bit Map位置Position POS位置登记Location Registration位置更新Location Update位置区Location Area LA位置区号Location Area Identity LAI位置区码Location Area Code LAC温补晶振Temperature-compensation Crystal Oscillator温度补偿Temperature Compensation温度补偿晶体振荡器Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator温度传感器Temperature Sensor温度控制Temperature Control温度值, 湿度值, 烟雾浓度Temperature, Humidity, Smoke Density温湿度传感器Temperature Humidity Sensor温湿度计Hygrothermograph文档Document DOC文件备份File Backup文件传输协议File Transfer Protocol FTP文件分配表File Allocation Table FAT文件结尾End of File EOF文件压缩实用程序File Compression Utility稳压二极管Zener稳压器Voltage Stabilizer问讯台,查询台Information Desk握手Hand Shaking无编号信息Unnumbered Information UI无错的Error-Free EFS无缝的Seamless无缝连接Seamless Connection无光告警No Light Alarm无呼出权限No Call Out Authority无呼出权限No Call Out Authority无接续控制Signal Connectionless Control SCLC无连接的Connectionless CL无连接宽带数据业务Connectionless Broadband Data Services CBDS 无连接协议Connectionless Protocol无屏蔽扭绞线对Unshielded Twisted Pair UTP无屏蔽双绞线Unshielded Twisted Pair UTP无冗余Non-Redundancy无绳电话Cordless Telephone CT无损耗压缩Lossless Compression无条件呼叫前转Call Forwarding Unconditional CFU无线本地环Wireless Local Loop WLL无线本地环路wireless local loop无线测试设备的射频单元Radio Test Equipment (board) RTE无线测试设备的数字处理单元Radio test device RTD无线电干扰Radio jamming无线电话系统Cordless Telephony System CTS无线分系统指定越区切换Radio sub-system directed handover无线分系统准则Radio sub-system criteria无线杆Radio masts无线基站Wireless Base Station无线接口层3 Radio Interface Layer3 RIL3无线接口协议Radio interface protocols无线接入Wireless Access无线链路管理Radio Link Management RLM无线链路控制Radio Link Control RLC无线数字本地环Wireless Digital Local Loop WDLL无线通信OEM专用物料Special Materials for Wireless OEM Products 无线通信设备Wireless Telecom Equipment无线信道控制器Wireless Channel Controller WCC无线信道群Radio Channel Group RCG无线信令链路Radio Signaling Link RSL无线寻呼系统Radio paging system无线应用协议Wireless Application Protocol WAP无线专用芯片Wireless Special-purpose Chip无线资源Radio Resource RR无线子系统管理Radio Sub-system Management RSM (RR’)无效信元Invalid Cell无应答呼叫前转Call Forwarding No Reply CFNR无应答前转补充业务Call Forwarding on No Reply CFNRy 无源光器件Passive Optical Components无源光网络Passive Optical Network PON无源光网络Passive Optical Network APON无源天线Passive antenna无摘机信号,无拔号音No dial tone五类屏蔽Class 5 Shielding物理层Physical Layer PHY物理平面Physical Plane PP物理软件, 嵌入式软件Embeded Software物理实体Physical Entity PE误码Bit Error误码率Bit error rate BER误码率过大BER Excess误码秒Errored Second ES误码秒率Errored Second Rate ESR误码仪Error Detector吸尘器Cleaner吸锡器Solder Removal Tool膝上型电脑Laptop Computer系统崩溃System Breakdown系统集成中心System Integration Center SIC系统图System Diagram系统误码特性Characteristic of BER in System系统中止System Halt细缆Thinnet Cable下话路Down Channel下拉菜单Pull-Down Menu下拉式列表框Pull down List Box下母线Down Highway DHW下行链路Down Link DNL下一批Next Group/Batch。



通讯行业专业英语词汇(8)small tool欠费用户defaulting subscriber嵌入操作系统embedded operating system eoc嵌入对象embedded object嵌入控制通道embedded control channel ecc强拆(n) (v) forced releaserelease forcedly强行测试forced test强制链路无禁止信号link forced uninhibitation signal lfu 强制重新编路forced rerouting抢先多任务preemptive multitasking橇杠crowbar, pinch bar桥堆bridge rectifiers桥接,跨接bridge connection桥接,跨接bridge connection桥路器(桥式路由器) brouter桥路器,网桥路由器brouter撬杆crowbar切断cut off切换handover ho切换(小区的切换)handover hando切换候选查询handover candidate inquiry切换检测handover detect切换接入handover access切换请求handover request切换请求确认handover request acknowledge切换执行handover performed清除发送clear to send cts清空输出窗口clean up output windows清屏clear screen cls清洗剂detergent请求request req请求评议request for ments rfc区域处理机regional processor rp区域管理系统religion management system rms区域基准时钟源local primary reference lpr区域交换中心zone switching center区域漫游使用regional roaming subscription区域使用识别码regional subscription zone identity rszi 区域中心,大区中心regional center rc驱动变压器driver transformer驱动器drive取消位置cancel location去激活de-activate全方位omni- directional全光网all-optical network全价full rate全接入通信系统total access munication system tacs全局功能平面global function plane gfp全局名, 全局码, 总称global title gt全局名翻译global title translation gtt全忙,全部占线all busy全忙指示功能all busy indication function全面试验,综合试验prehensive test全面支持话务的管理和测量fully supports traffic measurement and management within the system全频道天线all-channel antenna全球第三代global 3g g3g全球定位系统global positioning system gps全球范围的可靠保证highest reliability proven in the world market全球小区识别cell global identification cgi全球寻址码global title gt全球移动通信系统global system for mobile munication gsm全数字化full digitalization全双工full duplex fd, fdx全速率full rate tch/f全速率话务信道full rate traffic channel tch/f全速率话音业务信道a full rate speech tch tch/fs全速率数据业务信道(2.4bit/s) a full rate data tch (2.4bit/s) tch/f2.4全速率数据业务信道(4.8bit/s) a full rate data tch (4.8bit/s) tch/f4.8全速率数据业务信道(9.6bit/s) a full rate data tch (9.6bit/s) tch/f9.6全速率业务信道a full rate tch tch/f全速率业务信道full-rate traffic channel bm全天候服务all-weather service全文检索full text search全向覆盖omnidirectional coverage全向天线omni antenna全业务接入网full service access network fsan全移动性full mobility权限authority缺省网关default gateway缺省值default value缺席服务absent subscriber service缺相default phase确认,肯定回执,肯定证实acknowledge ack 确认操作confirm operation aits确认链路号acknowledge link number群件groupware群路aggregate群内用户intra-group subscriber群外用户out-group subscriber扰码scramble扰码器,置乱器,扰频器scrambler绕线电阻器wire-wound resistor绕线枪cable winding gun热备用,热备份hot backup热备用发射机active standby transmitter 热表hotlist热插入hot plugging热点微蜂窝hot spot microcell热风枪heat gun热键hot key热敏电阻器thermistor热启动hot start热缩管,热缩套管heat-shrink tube热缩套管heat-shrinkable t bush热线hot line hl人工半自动呼叫semiautomatic call人工生命artificial life人工智能artificial intelligence ai人机接口man-machine interface mmi人机命令man-machine mand人机通信man-machine munication mmc 人机语言man-machine language mml 人为误差human error人为因素human factors认证, 证件,证书certification任务按钮task button任务切换task switch任务条taskbar任选部分optional part任选成分optional ponent仍打不通still can not be connected日限次day times limited日限额day sum limited容差error tolerance容许的tolerable容许畸变tolerable distortion熔断电阻器fuse resistor熔断器套件fuse suite熔接splicing柔性电缆soft cable柔性印制板连接器flexible pcb connector 入局ing入局/入中继闭塞ing blocking入局电路群ing circuit group入局呼叫禁止ing calls barred icb入网标志sign of network entry certification 入中继ing trunk ict软过载soft overload软件版本software version软件产生的群闭塞解除消息software generated group unblocking message sgu软件调试software debugging软件费用software charge软件工具箱,成套软件工具software toolkit软件可靠性software reliability软件容错software fault-tolerance软件套件software suite软盘floppy disk软盘驱动器diskette drive, floppy disk drive fdc塞套线,控制线,s线,c线sleeve lead三方通话three party service 3pty三极管triode三阶高密度双极性码high density bipolar three hdb3三频带tri-band三维的,三度的,立体的,空间的three dimensional三芯短路线3-core short circuit wire散件/备件spare parts散热片air cooling fan散热器件heat-sink device扫描仪scanner色彩的chromatic色码color code色散chromatic dispersion色散补偿dispersion pensation色散调节dispersion modation色散位移dispersion-shift色同步键控脉冲burst keying pulse闪存flash memory flash扇形天线(用在基站上)sectorized antenna商务管理信息层business management information layer bml商务配套件purchased mercial suite商业internet交换中心mercial internet exchange cix上、下围框upper/lower enclosure frame上/下话路add/drop a/d上边带upper sideband usb上变频器up converter上电复位power on reset上电自检power-on self-test post上端内存upper memory area uma上话路up channel上母线up highway uhw上下话路add/drop voice channel上下文有关的菜单context-sensitive menu上行功率控制uplink power control ulpc上行链路up link upl上游upstream上载, 加载下载,取回upload download烧焊burn-in稍后便回be back later bbl舍入, 四舍五入round-off舍入误差round-off error设备device设备,设施facilities fac设备标识寄存系统ace equipment identity register system ace eirsace设备布置equipment layout设备号equipment number en设备驱动程序device driver设备识别寄存器equipment identification register eir设备识别寄存器equipment identification register eir设施facilities fac设施拒绝facility reject frj设施请求facility request far设置周期再启动时间set periodically restarting time射发transmit tx射频,无线电频率radio frequency rf射频处理部分radio frequency processing unit rpu射频低噪声放大器ic rf low noise amplifier ic射频调制器rf modulator射频多功能器件rf multi-functional parts射频发射和接收radio frequency transmit and receive rftr 射频隔离器rf isolator射频功分器rf power splitter射频功率放大器rf power amplifier射频功率合成器rf power biner射频固定衰减器rf fixed attenuator射频环行器rf circulator射频混频器rf mixer射频技术radio technology射频解调器rf demodulator射频开关rf switch射频耦合器rf coupler射频器件ic radio frequency ic parts射频数字衰减器rf digital attenuator射频锁相环rf phase-lock loop射频特殊器件rf special parts射频头rf connector射频线rf cable射频压控衰减器rf voltage-controlled attenuator 射线传感器radiation sensor摄像机video camera申告用户plaining subscriber深空雷达deep space radar甚宽带ultra-broadband升位digit adding生产调测factory test生产辅料production auxiliary materials生存性survivability生存周期,生存期,生命期(软件) life cycle声霸卡,多媒体音响卡sound blaster sb声表面波acoustic surface wave声表面波滤波器surface acoustic wave filter声光告警audible and visual alarm声滤器acoustical filter声像audio/video声像会议audiographic conference声学,音响装置,音响效果, 音质acoustics声音控制voice control vc声音信号装置,报警器,寻呼机beeper声音噪声acoustic noise声音噪声要求acoustic noise specification剩余号码remaining number失幀out of frame oof失幀秒out-of-frame second ofs十字槽螺钉cruciform slot screw十字槽螺丝帽cruciform slot head十字槽盘头螺钉cross recess head screw十字槽平头螺钉cruciform slot panhead screw十字螺丝刀cross screwdriver时分cdma time division-code division multiple access td-cdma时分调制time division modulation tdm时分多址time division multiple access tdma时分交换time division switching tdsw时分双工time division duplex tdd时分制time division system时间分配话音插空time assignment speech interpolation tasi时间交换和控制单元time switch and control unit tcu时间接线器time switch ts时间-空间-时间交换网络time-space-time switching network tst时间片,时隙time slot ts时间偏差time deviation tde时间-时间-时间交换网络time-time-time switching network ttt时隙交换time slot interchange tsi时隙逻辑号time slot logic number tln时钟)自由振荡free run时钟丢失loss of clock时钟基准板clock reference board cki时钟驱动clock driving识别码identification code实际传输损失actual transmission loss al实况转播节目live program实模式real mode实时real time rt实时操作系统real time operating system rtos实时传输real time transmission实时计帐hot billing hb实时监控real time monitoring实时时钟real time clock rtc实体entity实线出中继a wire/b wire trunk out矢量和激励线性预测vector sum excited linear prediction vselp使用指南user“s guide世界电信标准化大会world munication standardization conference wtsc世界贸易组织world trade organization wto世界无线电管理大会world administrative radio conference warc市电mains supply市电电源mains supply市话/汇接合用交换机bined local and tandem exchange。



通讯行业专业英语词汇(12)一般特性 generic characteristic一次电源 primary power supply一次付费 lump-sum payment一次群分解器,一次群分路器 primary de-multiplexer一次性服务 one-off service一个号码 one number one一级告警 level 1alarming一阶理论 first order theory一拖二键盘转接线 one-to-two keyboard switcher一致性 consistency acid一致性测试 consistency testing一致性测试套 consistency testing suite一致性检验 consistency check一致性声明 declaration of consistency doc一字螺丝刀 straight screwdriver仪表 meter仪器及仪表 device and meters仪器设备 instrument移动被叫 mobile terminating call mtc移动存储功能 mobile storage function msf移动访问捕获 mobile access hunting mah移动分配索引 mobile allocation index mai移动分配信道号 mobile allocation channel number macn 移动分配指针偏移 mobile allocation index offset maio 移动国家码 mobile country code mcc移动呼叫发生器 mobile call generation system mcgs移动交换中心 mobile switching center msc移动设备 mobile equipment me移动台 mobile station ms移动台(频率)分配 mobile allocation ma移动台gprs不可及标识 mobile station not reachable for gprs flag mnrg移动台不可及标识 mobile station not reachable flag mnrf移动台不可及原因 mobile station not reachable reason mnrr 移动台发起 mobile originated mo移动台发起的 mobile originating mo移动台国际isdn号码 mobile station international isdn number msisdn移动台后续切换 mobile station subsequent handover maho 移动台类别标记 mobile station classmark移动台终止的 mobile terminating mt移动外围模块 mobile peripheral module mpm移动网 mobile network移动网编号 mobile network code mnc移动网信令 mobile network signaling mns移动网增强逻辑的用户应用customized applications for mobile network enhanced logic camel移动性管理 mobility management mm移动业务国家码号 mobile country code gmcc移动应用部分 mobile application part map移动用户 mobile subscriber ms移动用户漫游号码 mobile station roaming number msrn移动用户识别号 mobile subscriber identification number msin 移动终端 mobile terminal mt移机不改号业务 number portability np移交 handover移频键控,频移调制 frequency shift keying fsk异步 asynchronous asynch异步传递方式, 异步转移模式 asynchronous transfer mode atm 异步传输 asynchronous transmission at异步通信 asynchronous communication异步响应模式 asynchronous response mode arm异常结束,异常终结 abnormal termination异常终止,异常结束 abort异常终止,异常结束 abort异类终端 heterogeneous terminal异质结/异质连接 heterojunction抑制漂移 suppress wonder译码, 解码 decode,decoding译码,译密码 decyphering易损备件 damageable spare parts阴极射线显示器 cathode ray tube crt音量 volume vol音频 audio vf音频、视频处理卡 audio and video processing card音频变压器 audio transformer音频电缆 audio cable音频放大器 audio amplifier vfa音频放大器 audio frequency amplifier vfa音频接口板 audio interface ai音频连接器 audio connector音频器件 audio parts音频数据线 audio data line音响设备 stereo equipment引出线信号 lead-out line signal引导 boot引导区 boot sector引入线 inlead引示线 indicating line引示线号码 indicating number引下线(防雷) downlead引线 leading wire隐藏文件 hidden file隐含码 implicit codes印制板,印制电路板 printed circuit board pcb 应答 answer应答信号,不记费 answer signal, no charge ann 应答信号,记费 answer signal, charge anc应答域 acknowledge ack应付费用 charge payable应用层 application layer应用程序接口 application program interface api 应用过程 application process ap应用实体 application entity ae应用协议实体 application protocol entity ape 应用业务单元 application service element ase 营业处 business office营业厅 business hall影子内存 shadow ram映射/解映射 mapping/demapping映射结构 mapping structure硬件 hardware hw硬件错误控制 hardware error control硬件缓冲存储器 hardware cache硬件要求 hardware requirement硬盘 harddisk拥塞 congestion cong拥塞程度 congestion level spcc拥塞控制 congestion control拥塞音 congestion tone永久虚电路 permanent virtual circuits pvc用户(使用业务方)用户(申请业务方)业务主持人运营商,局方操作员,话务员 userapplicatoremceeoperator用户)外线 external line用户本地忙信号 subscriber local busy signal slb用户闭塞 subscriber blocked用户测试忙 subscriber testing busy用户插框 subscriber plug-in frame用户单元 subscriber unit su用户到用户信令 user-user signaling uus用户端口不可得消息 user port unavailable message upu用户房间外的, 用户住宅外的 off-premises ops用户非通话忙 subscriber non-conversation busy用户号码 subscriber number sn用户机柜 subscriber cabinet用户集线器 subscriber line concentrator用户集中器 subscriber concentrator用户交换机,专用交换机,小交换机 private branch exchange pbx 用户交换机计费系统,专用通话计费系统private automatic message accounting system pama用户接口模块 subscriber interface module sim用户框 subscriber frame用户类别 user category cat用户逻辑号 service logic number slp用户目录号 subscriber directory number dn用户缺席服务 absent user service用户识别卡 subscriber identity module card sim用户数据报协议 user datagram protocol udp用户锁定 subscriber locked用户网络接口 user-network interface uni用户线 subscriber line用户线基本功能(馈电,过压保护,振铃,监视,编译码, 2/4线转换,测试) battery feed, overvoltage protection,ringing signal sending, supervisory, codec hybrid, test borscht用户信息 user information fyi用户意见书 paper of user opinion用户住宅网 subscriber premises network spn用户自定义的 user defined udr优惠率 premium rate优惠收费 premium charging由发端位置选择路由 origin dependent routing odr邮电部门 posts and telecommunications p&t邮件服务器 mail server邮件过滤器 mail filter邮件网关 mail gateway邮政编码 zip code, postcode有功功率 active power有回叫的遇占,遇忙再占,遇忙二次呼叫 camp-on with recall有损压缩 loss compression有条件呼叫前转 conditional call forwarding ccf有条件前向转移 call forwarding conditional cfc有线传输 wired transmission有线电视 cable television catv有限状态机 finite state machine fsm有效测试 validity test vat有效功率流密度 effective power flux density epfd有效扫描时间 active scanning interval有效信元 valid cell有选择呼叫前转 selective call forwarding scf有源光网络 active optical network aon有源天线,激励天线 active antenna有源终端 active terminal右上角 upper-right corner迂回路由 alternate route迂回路由 alternative route alrt迂回路由选择 alternate routing与业务无关的构件 service-independent unit sib与业务无关的积木块 service independent building block sib 语音 voice语音处理 voice processing语音合成 voice synthesis vs语音卡 voice card语音平台 voice platform语音信箱 voice mailbox vm语音压缩卡 voice compression card vcc语音邮箱 voice mailbox预测编码 predictive coding预防性循环重传 preventive cyclic retransmission pcr预付金额 prepaid sum预热 preheat预设时间 preset time预先付费 pre-payment预占 camp-on预占 preoccupypreoccupant, preoccupancy域名服务器 domain name server dns阈值 threshold遇忙/无应答有选择呼叫前转selective call forwarding onbusy/no response scf遇忙呼叫完成 completion of call to busy subscriber ccbs 遇忙回叫 call back遇忙记存呼叫 registered call遇忙预占 preoccupy on busy原电池 galvanic battery原理图,示意图 schematic diagram原色 primary color原子钟 automatic clock圆头螺钉,高平头螺丝 round head screw源/宿,信源/信宿 source/sink源程序 source program源点 original point源点码,源信号点编码 original point code opc源端呼叫限制 originating call restriction ocr源端呼叫限制 originating call restriction ocr远程 remote rmt远程呈现 tele-presence远程登录 remote login远程交换 remote switching rs远程教育 tele-education远程结点 remote node rn远程控制,遥控 remote control rc远程投票 tele-voting vot远程线对增容 remote pair gain rpg远程医疗 tele-medicine远程作业项 remote job entry rje远端 remote, far end远端成块误码 far end block error febe远端错误指示 remote error indication rei远端集线器 remote line concentrator远端集中单元 remote concentration unit远端接收故障 far end receive failure ferf远端缺陷指示 remote defect indication rdi远端失效指示 remote failure indication rfi远端用户单元 remote subscriber line unit rsu远端幀处理 remote frame handling rfh远供 remote feeding月限额 monthly sum limit月租费 monthly rental月租费制,按期计费制 monthly rental system越区切换 handover ho越区切换界限 handover margin越限 threshold-crossing云台 holder允许接入 access grant运动补偿 motion compensation mc运动补偿 motion compensation mc运放 operational amplifier运算逻辑单元 arithmetic and logic unit alu运行系统功能块(tmn) operation system function block osf 运营,管理,维护和预置operation, administration maintenance and provisioning oam&p运营者决定的闭锁业务 operator determined barring odb杂音 noise载波,运营商,电信公司 carrier载波电路 carrier circuit载波干扰比 carrier interference ratio c/i载波干扰比,载干比 carrier-to-interference ratio c/i载波功率 carrier power载波恢复 carrier recovery载波频率,载频 carrier frequency载波抑制度 carrier-suppression ratio载波噪声比,载噪比 carrier-to-noise ratio载波侦听多路访问 carrier sense multiple access csma 载波中继 carrier trunk载频接口控制板 carrier interface controller board cic 载频接口控制器 carrier unit interface controller cui 载频偏移 carrier offset载噪比 carrier-to-noise ratio c/n载重量 load再配置管理 reconfiguration administration再启动 restart再生段 regenerator section rs再生段开销 regenerator section overhead rsoh再生段终结 regenerator section termination rst再生放大器 regenerator再生中继器 regenerator reg再应答信号 re-answer signal ran在服务(状态) in service在服务(状态) in service在使用中 in use在尾部)添加 append在线 online在线服务提供商 online service provider osp在线配置 online configuration暂不受话 temporary refusal of call暂定值 provisional value暂时的建议 provisional recommendation早释 early release噪声系数 noise coefficient增补信息,附加信息,补充信息 supplementary information 增加 add,append增强模式 enhanced mode增强全速率 enhanced full rate tch/ef增强型 enhancement-type增强型gprs enhanced gprs egprs增益带宽 gain bandwidth增殖网 value-added network闸刀开关 knife switch摘机 off-hook摘机后拨号音不断 dial tone continues after off-hook摘机后无拨号音 no dial tone after off-hook摘机后无音 no tone after off-hook窄(频)带 narrow band窄带 narrow band窄带广播 narrow band broadcast窄带码分多址 narrowband cdma n-cdma窄带综合业务数字网 narrowband isdn n-isdn占空因数 fill factor占线状态,忙状态 seized status, busy state占用 seized, busy,占用率 seizure rate站点 site site站点测试单元(板) site test unit (board) stu站点告警 station alarm帐户 account兆比特 megabits mb兆字节 megabyte折叠环 folded ring折扣,折扣率 discount诊断工具 diagnostic tool阵列波导光栅 arrayed waveguide grating awg振荡器 oscillator osc振铃 ring, ringing振铃发送时延 ringing sending delay振铃早释 release while ringing振铃状态 ringing status争用方式 contention mode整机、整件 integrated equipment, overall system 整机功耗 overall power consumption整流模块 rectifier module整流器 rectifier整群用户 whole subscriber group正常收信电平 normal receiving level正交调制 quadrature modulation i/q正交镜象滤波器 quadrature mirror filter qmf正码速调整 positive justification正式验收 official acceptance正视图,前视图 front view正文结束 end of text eot正相位 plus phase正向 positive正在进行的通话数 call-in-progress number证件系列号 certificate serial number证实音 acknowledgement tone帧存储器 frame storage fs帧定位 frame alignment帧定位信号 frame aligning signal fas帧定位字 frame aligning word faw帧丢失 loss of frame lof帧检验序列 frame check sequence fcs帧结构 frame structure帧结尾 end of frame eof帧拒绝 frame rejection frmr帧失步 out of frame oof帧同步丢失 frame alignment loss fal帧同步器和开销处理frame synchronizer and overhead processing帧中继 frame relay fr帧中继拆装 frame relay assembler/de-assembler frad帧号, 帧序号 frame number fn帧同步 frame synchronization帧头 frame header fh帧校准 frame alignment fa。



1.PCM原理抽样量化与编码:sampling,quantizing and coding话路:speech channel幅值: amplitude value抽样频率: sampling frequency抽样速率: sampling rate脉冲流: stream of pulses重复率: repetition rate编码过程: coding process模拟信号: analog signal传输质量: transmission quality数字通信: digital communication数字传输: digital transmission含噪声的环境: noisy environment传输路由: transmission path信噪比 :signal-to-noise ratio信号电平 :signal levels噪声功率: noise power地面系统: terrestrial system二进制传输: binary transmission反向操作: reverse operation8-位码序列: 8-digit sequence接受端: receiving terminal帧格式 :frame format同步字 :synchronization word实现这三项功能的方案 :the schemes for performing these three functions一串幅值: a series of amplitude values电话质量的话路 a speech channel of telephone quality一个8位二进制码的序列: a sequence of 8-binary digits理论上的最小抽样频率 :a minimum theoretical sampling frequency占据着300Hz到3.4kHz频率范围的话路: a voice channel occupying the range 300Hz to 3.4kHz 每个样值8-位码: 8-digits per sample value汽车点火系统的打火: the sparking of a car ignition system重复率为64kHz的脉冲流: the stream of the pulses with a repetition rate of 64kHz真实信号与噪声信号的关系: relationship of the true signal to the noise signal由卫星上接受到的信号 :the signal received from a satellite一条特定消息中的全部信息 :the complete informatian about a particular message被传信号的波形 :the shape of the transmitted signal由传输路由引入的衰减: the attenuation introduced by transmission path将抽样的幅值转换成一串脉冲的单元 :the unit that converts sampled amplitude value to a set of pulses涉及到第一路,第二路及其他各路的序列: a sequence relating to channel 1,2 and so on被称为同步字的独特码序列: a unique sequence of pulses called synchronization word地面系统 :terrestrial system脉冲的“有”或“无” : the presence or absence of the pulses高速的电子开关: a high-speed electronic switch时分多路复用器 :the time division multiplexer时分多路复用 :Time Division Multiplexer2.异步串行数据传输串行接口 serial interface显示终端 CRT terminal发送器与接收器 transmitter and receiver数据传输 data transmission数据流 data stream闲置状态 the idle state传号电平 mark level空号电位 space level起始位 start bit停止位 stop bitT秒的持续时间 duration of T seconds奇偶校检位 parity bit错误标志 error flag传输错误 transmission error下降沿 fallinf edge符号间的空格 intersymbol space接收机的定时 receiver timing本地时钟 local clock磁带 magnetic tape控制比特 control bit逻辑1电平 logical 1 level二进制数据 binary data明显的缺点 obvious disadvantage异步串行数据传输 asynchronous serial data transmission最为流行的串行接口 the most popular serial interface所传送的数据 the transmitted data发送器与接收器的时钟 the clocks at the transmitter and receiver电传机的时代 the era of teleprinter一个字符的点和划 the dots and dashs of a character符号间空格持续时间的三倍 three times the duration of intersymbol space被称为字符的比特组 the group of bits called characters由7或8个比特的信息组成的固定单元 the invariable units comprising 7 or 8 bits of information 由接收机本地产生的时钟 a clock generated locally by the receiver在字符后所收到的奇偶校检位 the received parity bit following the character起始位的下降沿 the falling edge of the start bit数据链路面向字符的特性 the character-oriented nature of the data link3.数据通信地下电缆 underground cable通信卫星 communication satellite微波设备 microwave facilities调制器与解调器 modulator and demodulator缓冲器 buffer定时信号 timing signals同步脉冲 synchronization pulses时隙 time slot移位寄存器 shift register传输媒体 transmission medium线形衰弱 linear attenuation信息安全 information security键盘 keyboard数据终端 data terminals某种类型的数据转换设备 some type of data conversion equipment视频显示终端 visual display terminal称为数据调制解调器的双向数据发送接收机 two-way data transmistter-receiver called a data modem 全双工的数据传输系统 full-duplex data trandmission system由数据处理器的运算速率所决定的速率 the rate determined by the operating speed of the data processor由接口部件来的定时信号 timing signals from the interface assembly磁心存储器 magnetic core memories线性衰减和时延特性 linear attenuation and delay characteristics传输损伤 transmission impairments语音中的冗余特性 the redundant nature of speech在数据发送器中的编码过程 coding process in the data transmitter二进制的不归零信号 binary nonreturn-to-zero signal4.互联网网络资源:network resource信息服务:information services远程终端:remote terminals互联的系统:interconnected systems命令:command电子邮件:electronic mail主机:host无线信道:wireless channels搜索工具:searching tools用户界面:user interface存取:access文本信息:textual messages协议:protocol超文本协议:hypertext protocol分布在全世界的计算机的巨大网络:gaint network of computers located all over the world主干系统:backbone system全国范围的网络:nationwild network电子会议:electronic conferences实时对话:live conversation最大的信息库the largest repository of the computers on the net网络设备资源:network facilities resources在网上的绝大多数计算机:the vast majority of the computer on the netUNIX操作系统:the UNIX operating system在因特网和你的PC机之间传送数据的方法:a way to move data between the internet and your PC 方便的搜索工具:the convenient searching tools联网的超文本协议:the network hypertext protocol5.光纤通信介绍光纤通信:optical fiber communications光源:light source波长:wavelength激光器:laser色散:dispersion传输介质:transmission medium多模光纤:multi-mode fiber长途干线:long-houl trunks单模光纤:singer-mode fiber带宽:bandwidth带宽用户:wideband subscriber纤维光学:fiber-optics商用技术:commercial technologe门限电流:threshod current光检测器:photodetector波分复用:wavelength multiplexing纤维光网络:fiber-optic network视频带宽:video bandwidth长途传输:long distance transmission中继距离:repeater spacing已装光纤的总长度:the total length of installed fiber长途通信系统:long-haul telecommunication system低衰减的石英纤维:the low-loss silica fiber衰减接近瑞利极限的光纤:fibers with losses approaching the Rayleigh limit室温下的门限电流:room temperature threshold currents较长波长区:the longer wavelength region用户接入工程:subscriber access project部件性能和可靠性的改进:improvements in component performance and reliability已安装的光纤系统的数据速率:data rates for installed fibre optic system每秒吉比特:gigabit per second range波分复用:wavelength multiplexing带宽用户环路系统:widebend subscriber loop system多纤连接器:multifibre connectors设计寿命:projected lifetime光源:light source单模光纤:single-mode fibre分布反馈式激光器:distributed-feedback laser信息容量:information capacity交换体系:switching hierarchy带宽业务:broadband services9.蜂窝式移动电话系统蜂窝式移动电话:cellular mobile telephone服务性能:services performance频谱:frequency spectrum频带:frequency band微处理器:microprocessor移动手机:mobile unit广播业务:broadcast servise天线:antenna子系统:subsystems移动用户:mobile subscriber服务能力:service capability利用率:utilization带宽:bandwidth单边带:single-sideband扩频:spread spectrum大规模集成电路:large scale integrated circuits蜂窝点:cellular site蜂窝交换机:cellular switch无线机架:radio cabinet呼叫处理:call processing频谱利用率:frequency spectrum utilization有限的指定频带:the limited assigend ferquency band 服务区:servise area复杂的特性和功能:complicated features and functions大规模集成电路技术:large-scale integraesd circuit technology试验性的蜂窝系统:developmental cellular system中央协调单元:central coordinating element蜂窝管理:cellular administration传统移动电话的运行限制:operational limitiation of conventional mobile telephone system 有限的服务能力:limitied service capability无线通信行业:radio communcation industry可用的无线电频谱:available radio frequency spectrum所分配的频带:the allocated frequency band移动收发信机:mobile transceiver技术上的可行性:techological feasibility严格的频谱限制:severe spectrum limitations调频广播业务:FM broadcasting services传播路径衰耗:propagration path loss多径衰耗:multipath fading电话公司地方局:telephone company zone offices10.全球移动通信系统个人通信 personal communcation通信标准 communcation standrads固定电话业务 fixed telephone services网络容量 network capability移动交换中心 mobile switching center国际漫游 international roaming宽带业务 broadband services接口转换 interface conversion频谱分配 frequency allocation模拟方式 analogue mode蜂窝通信原理 cellular communcation principe拥塞 jamming蜂窝裂变 cellular splitting基站 base station寄存器 register收费功能 billing function接入方法 access method突发脉冲传输方式 brusty transimission mode开销信息 overhead information切换算法 handover algorithms短消息服务 short message services技术规范 technical specificationtotal access communcation system 全接入的通信系统global mobile communcation system 全球移动通信系统time division multiple access 时分多址facsimile and short message services 传真和短消息服务fixed communcation networks 固定通信网络a more personalized system 更加个性化的系统the cost and quality of the link 链路的价格和质量market growth 市场的发展fixed telephone service 固定电话服务coxial cable 同轴电缆interface convision 接口转换cellular communcation priciple 蜂窝通信原则frequency reuse and cell splitting 频率复用和蜂窝裂变cochannel interference 共信道干扰theoretical spectual capability 理论上的频谱容量micro-cellular system 微蜂窝系统base station transceiver 基站收发信机subscriber register 用户寄存器burst transmission mode 突发脉冲传输模式overhead information 开销信息advanced handover algorithms 先进的切换算法facsimile and short message services 传真和短消息服务the GSM technique specications GSM技术规范说明一1 . 研究二进制的传输可见, 只要简单地去判别脉冲的“有”和“无”, 我们就获得了一条消息的全部信息。



通讯行业专业英语词汇(1)通讯行业专业英语词汇(1)通讯行业专业英语词汇(1)a/b线a wire/b wire ab04a/b线中继a wire/b wire trunk abta/d,d/a混合转换器a/d and d/a combined converteradsl-高速因特网接入adsl-high-speed internet accessasic及专用电路芯片asic and special chipsatm 适配层atm adaptation layer aala通道a channelbcch(频率)分配bcch allocation babnc t型接头bnc t connectorbnc同轴插拔头bnc connectorbnc同轴插拔头(阳)bnc male connectorbnc同轴插拔头(阴)bnc female connectorbnc终接器bnc terminatorbss操作维护应用部分bss operation and maintenance application part bssomapbts的站址管理bts address management btsmbts管理base transceiver station management btsmb通道顺序号b channel sequence number bsnb型机机柜c c08 b cabinetcamel应用部分camel application part capcatv相关配件catv related fittingsd-link 说明书d-link specificationsd-link 网络驱动软盘d-link network drive floppy diskd通道链路接入协议link access protocol for d channel lapd d通路上链路接入规程link access procedure of d-channel lapde/m 信令方式ear and mouth signaling e&me/m中继e&m trunk emte[线]和m[线]信令系统e and m signaling systeme3子复用设备e3 sub-multiplexer e3memi磁珠emi beadsemi滤波器emi filterfc型连接器full contact connectorf突发脉冲f burstg:产生幀码a:幀校准z:零串抑制p:极性转换a:告警c:时钟恢复h:幀同步o:局信令g: generation of frame code;a: alignment of frame; z: zero-string suppression; p: polarity conversion; a:alarm; c: clock recovery; h: hunt during reframe; o: office signaling gazpachogprs隧道协议gprs tunneling protocol gtpgprs无线资源业务接入点gprs radio resources service access point grrgprs移动管理和会话管理gprs mobility management and session management gmm/smgprs移动性管理gprs mobility management gmmgprs移动性管理服务接入点逻辑链路控制llc to gprs mobility management service access point llgmmgprs支持节点gprs support node gsngps global positioning systemgsm am 主控板am process board gampgsm16路e1中继接口板16 e1 interface board ge16gsm产品家族full product family for gsm networksgsm的q3协议gsm q3 protocol q3gsm公众陆地移动网gsm public land mobile network gsm plmngsm回波抵消板,提供ec-pool方式的回波抵消功能echo canceler pool gecpgsm移动台gsm mobile station gsm msh4数字宽带通道h4 digital broadband channel h4hlr数据库hlr database hdbic起拔器ic extractorimei的黑表black list (of imei)imei的灰名单grey list (of imei)internet消息接入协议internet message access protocol imapin交换管理in switching management in-smip 电话ip phoneip 多路广播技术ip multicasting technologyip广播业务internet protocol multicast ip-mip旁路ip bypassisdn a通道isdn a channelisdn 的基群速率接口isdn primary rate interface, 2048 kb/s (30b+d)praisdn用户部分isdn user part isupisdn用户部分(七号信令)isdn user part (ss7) isupisdn用户小交换机isdn pbx ispbxitu电信标准化组itu telecommunication standardization sector itu-tmac业务接入点mac service access point msapmac业务数据单元mac service data unit msdumfc收号错mfc number-receiving errormodem 驱动软盘modem drive floppy diskmsc处理模块msc processing module mpmmtp路由确认测试mtp route verification test mrvtn0.7信令isdn用户部分integrated services user part isup no.7共路信令common channel signaling no.7 ccs7no.7信令isdn用户部分integrated services user part isup n-pdu使用的协议控制信息压缩算法标识identifier of the protocol control information compressionalgorithm used for the n-pdu pcompn级level-n l-noem产品专用物料special materials for oem productspcb布线pcb layoutpcb耗尽pcb used-uppcu-bsc间信令链路pcu-bsc signaling link pbslpdh物理接口pdh physical interface ppippm parts per million ppmpto选择类别pto option class item pocpvc胶带pvc tapepvc线槽安装组件pvc trough installation componentsq接口适配器q interface adapter qarj45 连接头压线钳rj45 connector clamping toolrj45 连接头制作工具rj45 connector clamping toolrj45插头rj45 connectorsbs网管系统sbs management network sbsmnsbs系列sdh光传输系统出厂检验报告delivery inspection report on sdh optical transmissionsystem of sbs seriessccp编路控制sccp routing control scrcsccp管理sccp management scmgsccp路由验证测试sccp routing verification test srvtsc型连接器square couple connectorsdh管理网络sdh management network smnsdh设备时钟sdh equipment clock secsma同轴中继自环电缆sma coaxial trunk self-loop cablesmt胶smt gluetu指针丢失tu loss of pointert型头t connectorvlr数据库vlr database vdbvt组vt groupwindows开放系统结构windows open system architecture wosaxmodem协议xmodem protocolx窗口x windowμ-a律转换μ-a law conversion阿尔卡特(法) alcatel (france)阿伦方差allan variance avar爱尔兰(话务) erlang erl爱立信ericsson安保自动化系统security automation system sas安全超文本传输协议secure hypertext transport protocol shttp安全地safety ground安全帽safety helmet安全筛选security screening sec安全套层secure sockets layer ssl安装板、安装条、安装架installation board/bar/bracket安装成套件suite of installation parts安装成套件(工具包)installation kit安装件installation parts安装支架installing support按次付费pay-per-view按键(话机)push-button (phone)按键电话适配器key telephone adapters kta按键开关button switch按键脉冲话机pulse phone set按目标选择路由destination call routing dcr按钮push- button pb按时间选择路由time dependent routing tdr按用户的规定选路user-defined routing udr按月付费monthly payment八-二进制编码octal-binary coded八位位组字节,八位字节octet拔钉锤claw hammer拔号间隔超时,数位间超时interdigit timeout 拜访msc visit (visited) msc vmsc拜访plmn visited plmn vplmn拜访位置寄存器visitor location register vlr拜访用户位置存储器visitor location register vlr 班长chief operator板名条board name plate板位board position版本version ver版权copyright办公活动office activity办公自动化系统office automation system oas 半菱形天线half rhombic antenna半双工half-duplex半双工传输half-duplex transmission半速half rate hr半速率half rate tch/h半速率(话务)信道half-rate traffic channel半永久连接semi-permanent connection半自动核对semi-automatic checking帮助程序help application包级过滤packet level filtering包装材料packing material包装拆器,分组装拆器,数据包装拆器packet assembler/dis-assembler pad保安单元security unit保护protection保护单元protection unit保护倒换计数protection switching count psc保护(接)地protection ground/grounding保护模式protection mode保护器件及配件protective parts and fittings保护时间guard time保护协议信令protection protocol signaling保留/备用路由reserved route保留/备用频道reserved channel保留的,尚未使用的reserved res保险带safety belt保险管,保险丝fuse保险管座fuse base保修单warranty bill报表格式report format报文传送及存储单元message-transmission and storage unit报文交换message switching报文结尾end of message eom北美的pcm二次群系统t-2北美的pcm一次群系统t-1北美与日本电视制式national television system committee ntsc贝尔通信实验室bellcore备份backup备份不间断电源standby ups备份原则redundancy concept备链路standby link备用比特spare bit x备用方式standby mode背板,母板backplane (减少用motherboard)bkp背景色background color背面rear face背面布线back wiring倍频器frequency doubler倍增pair gain被测系统implementation under test itu 被叫called (不用callee)被叫/主叫方11。



通信行业英语中英对照手册(F)通信行业英语中英对照手册(F)F-CAPICH Forward-Common Auxiliary PIlot CHannel 前向公共辅助导频信道F-CPHCH Forward Common PHysical CHannel 前向公共物理信道F-DAPICH Forward Dedicated Auxiliary PIlot CHannel 前向专用辅助导频信道F-DCCH Forward Dedicated Control CHannel 前向专用控制信道F-DPHCH Forward Dedicated PHysical CHannel 前向专用物理信道F-EDFA Forward pumped EDFA 前向泵激励掺铒光纤放大器F-FCH Forward Fundemental CHannel 前向基本信道F-PCH Forward-Paging CHannel 前向寻呼信道F-PICH Forward-PIlot CHannel 前向导频信道F-RAMA Fair Resource Assignment Multiple Address 合理资源分配多址访问F-SCH Forward Supplemental CHannel 前向辅助信道F-SYNC Frame SYNChronizer 帧同步器F-SYNCH Forward-SYNchronous CHannel 前向同步信道FA Fiber Adaption 光纤适配FA Frame Aligner 帧定位器FA Frame Alignment 帧定位FAB Fiber Array Block 光纤阵列块FABM Fiber Amiplifier Booster Module 光纤放大器增强模块FAC Forward Acting Code 前向作用码FACCH Fast Associated Control CHannel 快速相关控制信道FACH Forward Access CHannel 前向接入信道FAITH Fiber Almost Into The Home 准光纤到家FAL Frame Alignment Loss 帧定位丢失FAL Frequency Allocation List 频率分配表FAM Frame Alignment Module 帧定位模块FAN Fiber in the Access Network 接入网光纤FAQ Frequently Asked Questions 常遇到的问题FART Frame Alighment Recovery Time 帧同步恢复时间FAS Fiber Access System 光纤接入系统FAS Flexible Access System 灵活接入系统FAS Frame Alignment Signal 帧定位信号FAST Fiber At Subscriber Terminal 用户端光纤FAT File Allocation Table 文件分配表FAT Flexible Access Termination 灵活接入终端FATDDL Frequency And Time Division Data Link 频分与时分数据链路FAW Frame Alignment Word 帧定位字FAXIWF FAX InterWorking Function 传真互通功能FB Fiber Booster 光纤增强器FB Fiber Bundle 光纤束FBB Fiber BackBone 光纤干线FBCN Fuzzy Backward Congestion Notification 模糊反向拥塞通知FBG Fiber Bragg Grating 光纤布拉格光栅FBGLS FBG Laser Sensor FBG激光传感器FBR Fiber Bragg Reflector 光纤布拉格反射器FBR Fixed Bit Rate 固定比特率FBS Flexible Bandwidth Sharing 灵活带宽共享FC Fiber Channel 光纤通道FC Forward Compatibility 前向兼容性FCA Fixed Channel Allocation 固定信道分配FCAL Fiber Channel Arbitrated Loop 光纤信道仲裁环路FCB File Control Block 文件控制块FCC Facsimile Conrol Channel 传真控制信道FCC Federal Communications Commission (美国)联邦通信委员会FCC Frequency Channel Code 频道编码FCCCH Forward Common Control CHannel 前向公共控制信道FCFS First Come First Served 先来先服务FCH Facsimile Channel Handling 传真信道处理FCLS First Come Last Served 先来后服务FCM Fuzzy Cognitive Map 模糊认知图FCN Frequency-Converting Network 变频网络FCN Full Connected Network 全连接网络FCP Frequency Control Program 频率控制程序FCS Fast Circuit Switching 快速电路交换FCS Fiber Channel Standard 光纤信道标准FCS Frame Check Sequence 帧校验序列FCT Fixed Celullar Terminal 固定蜂窝终端FD Fiber Duct 光纤管道FD Frame Disassembler 帧分解器FD-SS Frequency-Diversity Spread Spectrum 频率分集扩频FDCT Forward Discrete Consine Transform 前向离散余弦变量FDD Frequency Division Duplex 频分双工FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface 分布式光纤数据接口FDF Full-duplex Data Flow 全双工数据流FDI Feeder Distribution Interface 馈线分配接口FDL Fiber Delay Line 光纤延迟线FDM Frequency Division Mutiplexing 频分复用FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址接入FDP Fiber Distribution Point 光纤分布点FDR Forward Deflection Routing 前向改向路由选择FDX Full DupleX 全双工FE Function Element 功能单元FE Function Entity 功能实体FE-CDMA Frequency-Encoded CDMA 频率编码CDMAFEA Function Entity Action 功能实体作用FEAM Functional Entity Access Management 功能实体接入管理FEC Forward Error Conrol 前向差错控制FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错FEC Forwarding Equivalence Class 转发等价类型FECC-F Forward Error Correction Count-Fast data 前向纠错快速计数数据FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification 前向显式拥塞通知FED Forward Error Detection 前向检错FEFO First Ended First Out 先结束先送FEP Front-End Processor 前端处理器FER Frame Erasure Rate 帧删除率FER Frame Error Rate 误帧率FERF Far End Receive Failure 远端接收失效FES Fixed Earth Station 固定地球站FEXT Far-End CrosSTalk 远端串音FFH Fast Frequency-Hopping 快速跳频FFP Fiber Fabry-Perot 光纤法布里-珀罗FFP-TF Fiber Fabry-Perot Tunable Filter 光纤法布里-珀罗可调滤波器FFPF Fiber Fabry-Perot Filter 光纤法布里-珀罗滤波器FFPI Fiber Fabry-Perot Interferometer 光纤法布里-珀罗干涉仪FFRN Four-Fiber Ring Node 四纤环节点FFT Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅立叶变换FH Frame Handler 帧处理器FH Frame Header 帧头FH Frequency Hopping 跳频FH-CDMA Frequency-Hopped CDMA 跳频CDMAFHR Fixed Hierarchical Routing 固定等级选路FHSP Frame Handler SubPort 帧处理程序子端口FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum 跳频扩频FI Format Identifier 格式标识符FIC Fiber Interface Card 光纤接口卡FICS Facsimile Intelligent Communication System 传真智能通信系统FIFO First In First Out 先进先出FIFS First In First Served 先进先服务FILO Firs In Last Out 先进后出FIM Fiber Interface Module 光纤接口模块FIM/CM Feature Interactive Management & Calling Management 特征交互管理与呼叫管理FIMS Feature Interaction in Multimedia System 多媒体系统特征交互FIN Full Interconnection Network 全互联网络FITL Fiber In The Loop 环路光纤FIU Facilities Interface Unit 设备接口单元FLAG Fiber Link Around the Globe 环球光纤链路FLL Fiber in the Local Loop 局域环路光纤FLM Fiber Loop Mirror 光环路镜像FM Facilities Management 设施管理FM Fault Management 故障管理FM Flexible Multiplexer 灵活复用器FM Forward Monitoring 前向监控FM Frequency Modulation 调频FM/FDMA Frequency Midulation / FDMA 调频/频分多址FM/TDMA Frequency Midulation / TDMA 调频/时分多址FMBS Frame Mode Bearer Service 帧模式承载业务FMC Fixed-Mobile Covergence 固定移动融合FMD Follow-Me-Diversion 跟我转移FMD Frame Mode Data 帧模式数据FMD Function Management Data 功能管理数据FMDI Function Management Data Interpreter 功能管理数据解释程序FMMS Fixed Media Mass Storage 固定媒体大容量存储器FMS File Management Subsystem 文件管理子系统FMS File Management System 文件管理系统FMSR FP-Mode Suppression Ratio 法布里-珀罗特模式抑制比FMUX Flexible MUltipleXer 灵活复用器FMV Full-Motion Video 全运动视频FN Fiber Node 光纤节点FN Functional Network 功能网络FNA Flexible Networking Architecture 灵活的网络结构FNA Free Network Address 空闲网络地址FNAE Free Network Address Element 空闲网络地址元素FNAS Frame relay Network Access Subsystem 帧中继网络接入子系统FNN Fuzzy Neural Network 模糊神经网络FNP Frontend Network Processor 前端网络处理机FO Fiber Optics 光纤FOA Fiber Optic Amplifier 光纤放大器FOAN Fiber Optic Access Network 光纤接入网络FOB FDM Output Buffer FDM输出缓冲器FOC Fiber Optic Cable 光缆FOC Fiber Optic Communication 光纤通信FOCC FOrward Control Channel 前向控制信道FOCN Fiber Optic Communication Network 光纤通信网FOCUS Fiber Optic Connection Universal System 光纤连接通用系统FOE Fiber Optic Extender 光纤延长器FOF Fluorescent Optical Fiber 发光光纤FOI Fiber Optic Isolator 光纤隔离器FOID Fiber Opitc Interface Device 光纤接口设备FoIP Fax over IP IP传真FOIRL Fiber Optic Inter-Repeater Link 中继器间光纤链路FOL Fiber Optic Laser 光纤激光器FOLAN Fiber Optic LAN 光纤局域网FOM Fiber Optic Modem 光纤调制解调器FOMAU Fiber Optic Medium Attachment Unit 光纤媒介附属单元FOP Failure Of Protocol 协议失效FOPMA Fiber Optic Physical Medium Attachment 光纤物理媒体装置FOS Fiber Optic Sensor 光纤传感器FOTC Fiber Optic Trunk Cable 干线光缆FOTIC Fiber Optic Transmitter Integrated Circuit 光纤发射机集成电路FOTN Fiber Optic Transmission Network 光纤传输网络FOTS Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor 光纤温度传感器FOX Fiber Optic eXtender 光纤扩展器FP Function Processor 功能处理机FPAD Facsimile Packet Assembly / Disassembly 传真分组组合/拆卸FPBS Fiber Polarization Beam Spliter 光纤偏振分束器FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array 现场可编程门阵列FPH FreePHone 免费电话(被叫集中付费) FPLL Frequency and Phase Locked Loop 锁频/锁相环FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Systems 未来公用陆地移动通信系统FPM Four Photon Mixing 四光子混合FPS Fast Packet Switching 快速分组交换FPSLA Fabry-Perot Semiconductor Laser Amplifier 法布里-珀罗半导体激光放大器FPT/FPS Fast Packet Transfer / Switching 快速分组传送/交换FR Frame Relay 帧中继FR Full Rate 全速率FRA File Relative Address 文件相关地址FRA Fixed Radio Access 固定无线接入FRAD Frame Relay Access Device 帧中继接入设备FRDTS Frame Relay Data Transmission Services 帧中继数据传输业务FRI Frame Relaying Information 帧中继信息FRMR FRaMe Reject 帧拒绝FRP Fast Reservation Protocol 快速保留协议FRP Fast Resolution Protocol 快速分辨协议FRP/DT Fast Reservation Protocol with Delayed Transmission 具有延迟传输的快速保留协议FRPH Frame Relay Packet Handler 帧中继分组处理程序FRS Frame Relay Service 帧中继业务FRS Frame Relay Switch 帧中继交换机FRSE Frame-Relay Switching Equipment 帧中继交换设备FRSF Frame Relay Service Function 帧中继业务功能FRT Frame Relay Terminal 帧中继终端FRTE Frame-Relay Terminal Equipment 帐中继终端设备FRTT Fixed Round-Trip Time 固定往返时间FS Fax Server 传真服务器FS Fiber Sensor 光纤传感器FS Frame Start signal 帧起始信号FS Frame State 帧状态FS Frame Switching 帧交换FS Frame Synchronizer 帧同步器FSAN Full Service Access Network 全业务接入网FSK Frequency Shift Keying 频移键控FSL Flexible System Link 灵活系统链路FSM FDDI Switching Module FDDI交换模块FSM FDM-channel Selector Module FDM信道选择器模块FSN Full Service Network 全业务网FSS Fixed Satellite Service 固定卫星业务FSS Flying Spot Scanner 飞点扫描器FSS Frame Synchronous Scrambling 帧同步扰码FSU Fixed Subscriber Unit 固定用户单元FSW Frame Synchronization Word 帧同步字FSYN Frame SYNchronization signal 帧同步信号FT Fiber Termination 光纤终端FT Fixed radio Terminal 固定式无线电终端FTAM File Transfer Access and Management 文件传送存取和管理FTAMS File Transfer Access and Management Services 文件传递访问及管理服务FTC Facsimile Transport Channel 传真传送信道FTC Fault Tolerant Computer 容错计算机FTC Fault-Tolerant Computing 容错计算FTF Fiber Termination Frame 光纤终端架FTLA Fiber-To-the-Last Amplifier 光纤到末级放大器FTM FDM Transmitter Module FDM发送器模块FTM Fiber Terminal Module 光纤终端模块FTM Fiber Transfer Module 光纤传送模块FTM File Transfer Manager 文件传送管理器FTN Facsimile Transmission Network 传真传输网FTN Four-Terminal Network 四端网络FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传送协议FTR Full Text Retrieval 全文检索FTS Fast Track Selector 快速磁道选择器FTS Frame Transport System 帧传送系统FTSA Fiber-To-the-Service Area 光纤到服务区FTSMSTR Frame Transport System MaSTeR 帧传送系统主程序FTTA Fiber To The Apartment 光纤到公寓FTTB Fiber To The Bridge 光纤到桥梁FTTB Fiber To The Building 光纤到楼宇FTTC Fiber To The Curb 光纤到路边FTTCa Fiber To The Cabinet 光纤到机箱FTTD Fiber To The Desk 光纤到桌面FTTF Fiber To The Feeder 光纤到馈送器FTTF Fiber To The Floor 光纤到楼层FTTH Fiber To The Home 光纤到户FTTK Fiber To The Kerb 光纤到路边FTTN Fiber To The Node 光纤到节点FTTO Fiber To The Office 光纤到办公室FTTP Fiber To The Pedestal 光纤到人行道FTTR Fiber To The Remote module 光纤到远端模块FTTR Fiber To The Rural 光纤到农村FTTS Fiber To The Subscriber 光纤到用户FTTSA Fiber To The Service Area 光纤到服务区FTTV Fiber To The Village 光纤到村FTTx Fiber To The… 光纤到…FTTZ Fiber To The Zone 光纤到小区FUNI Frame User Network Interface 帧用户网络接口FWA Fixed Wireless Access 固定无线接入FWAN Fixed Wireless Access Network 固定无线接入网FWC Frequency and optical Wavelength Converter 频率和光波长变换器FWM Four Wave Mixing 四波混频FWPCS Future Wireless PCS 未来无线个人通信系统FWS Fast-Wavelength-Switched 快速波长交换。



电信主管部门,电信管理局 telecommunications administration 电信总局 directorate-general of telecommunications, dgt 电压、电阻和电容等参量 parameter(voltage, resistance and capacitance) vrc 电压表 voltmeter 电压调整器 voltage regulator 电压告警范围 voltage alarm range 电压驻波⽐ voltage standing wave ratio vswr 电影点播 movie on demand mod 电涌吸收器,过压吸收器 surge absorber 电源 power supply 电源插框 power plug-in shelf 电源存储器 electric power storage eps 电源断,切断电源,电源中断,掉电 power-off 电源分配显⽰板 power distribution display card 电源监控 power supply monitoring 电源接地power ground 电源馈线 power feeder 电源连接器 power connector 电源模块 power module 电源软线 power cord 电源系统power system 电⽀路 electric tributary etp 电⽀路插槽 electric tributary pdh etp1s 电⽀路接⼝单元 electrical tributary interface units 电⽀路转换器 electric tributary transformer etp1t 电⼦⽩板 electronic white board 电⼦表格 electronic form 电⼦出版electronic publishing 电⼦交换系统 electronic switching system ess 电⼦期刊 e-journal 电⼦签名 electronic signature 电⼦商务 e-commerce ec 电⼦数据互换 electronic data interchange edi 电⼦现⾦ electronic cash 电⼦信息互换系统 electronic information exchange system eies 电⼦邮件 e-mail, electronic-mail 电⼦杂志 electronic magazine 电⼦资⾦转帐 electronic funds transfer eft 电阻器 resistor 垫⽚ gasket 吊环螺栓 eyebolt 吊扣 suspension clasp 调测配件 fittings for commissioning 调测整机 debugging integrated equipment 调度程序 scheduler 调度通信系统 dispatch communication system 调幅 amplitude modulation am 调试 debug 调停功能 mediation functions 调制/解调 modulator/demodulator modulate/demodulate modem 调制解调器 modem 掉电 power failure 叠加 overlay network ron 叠加写盘 overlap writing 顶侧板 top-side door 顶盖、底盖、盖板 top cover, bottom cover, and cover board 顶门板 top door 顶⾯板 top panel 定(⽅)向增益 directive gain 定标频率beacon frequency 定界和定位 delimiter and localizationdelimiting and locating 定⼒矩扳⼿ torque wrench 定时 timing 定时参考信号 timing reference signal 定时传输管理单元 timing/transmission and management unit tmu 定时调整控制环 time adjustment control loop 定时供给单元 synchronization supply unit ssu 定时器 timer 定时器 timer 定时时长 timing length 定时提前量 timing advance ta 定时信号供给系统 timing system 定位螺钉 positioning screw, set screw 定位⽚,衬垫 spacer 定向天线 directional antenna 定向⽆线电 directional radio 定向⼩区 directional cell 定向重试 directed retry 定制的,定做的customized, tailored 动态带宽分配 dynamic bandwidth allocation dba 动态⾮等级路由选择 dynamic non-hierarchical routing 动态服务器页⾯技术 active server pages asp 动态配置 dynamic configuration 动态随机存取存储器 dynamic random access memory dram 动态信道分配 dynamic channel allocation dca 动态信令跟踪 dynamic signaling tracing dst 动态主机配置协议dynamic host configuration protocol dhcp 动作指⽰符 action indicator ai 抖动 jitter 抖动传递特性 jitter transfer function 抖动容限 jitter toleration 读取值 read-out values 读中继属性失败 fail to read trunk attribute 独⽴的,⾃含的,已配套的,设备齐全的 self-contained 独⽴局,独⽴交换局 standalone exchange 独⽴控制信道 standalone dedicated control channel sdcch 独⽴式standalone 独⽴同步装置 standalone synchronous equipment sase 独⽴系统 stand-alone system 独⽴于业务的构件 service independent building block sib 独⽴专⽤控制信道 stand-alone dedicated control channel sdcch 独⽯电容 leaded multilayer ceramic capacitor 镀铬 chromium electroplating 镀⾦ gild electroplating 镀镍 nickel electroplating 镀铜 copper electroplating 镀锡 tin electroplating 镀锌 zinc electroplating 镀锌板 galvanized sheet 镀银 silver electroplating 端到端 end-to-end ete 端局end office 端⼝ port 短距 short range, short haul 短路光纤 short-circuiting optical fiber 短消息服务(业务) short message service sms 短消息关⼝msc short message service gateway msc sms-gsmc 短消息关⼝互连msc gateway/interworking msc g/iw msc 短消息互联msc short message service interworking msc sms-iwmsc 短消息⼩区⼴播 short message cell broadcast smscb 短消息业务 short message service sms 短消息中⼼ short message service centre sm-sc 短消息中⼼(⽤于短消息业务) short message center (used for sms) smc 段 section 段开销 section overhead soh 断环 broken ring 断开 disconnect disc 断开⽅式 disconnection mode dm 断开模式 disconnected mode dm 断开请求 disconnect request dr 断链 broken link 断纤fiber cut 断续⽐,通断⽐ break-make ratio 队列管理 queues management 对称络,平衡络 balanced network 对等计算 peer-to-peer computing 对地电压 voltage to ground 对端 opposite end 对端局 opposite office 对⽅局 opposite exchange 对告(对端告警) remote alarm 对话框 dialog box 对接 interconnection 对接传输设备 butting transmission system 对接端,相邻端abutting end 对接接头,邻接接头 connector 对象 object ob 对象集 object set 对准,校准,调整定位,排列成⾏ alignment 多波长光放⼤器 multi-wavelength optical repeater 多层介质膜滤波器型光合波器测试 test of optical multiplexer of multi-layer dielectric film filter 多程序加载 multiple program loading 多处理机系统 – 保证系统的可持续发展性 flexible multiprocessor system for reliable system evolution 多串⼝卡 multi-serial-port card 多带宽接⼊ multi-bandwidth digital access 多点控制单元 multipoint control unit mcu 多点通信业务 multipoint communication service mcs 多对⼀ several-for-one 多功能测试电路 multi-function test circuit mtt 多功能移动终端 multi-featured mobile terminal 多呼叫处理设备 multiple call processing unit 多汇接局电话multi-tandem telephone network 多径衰减 multipath fading 多路多点分配业务 multi-channel multi-point distribution service mmds 多路复⽤转换器 transmultiplexer tmux 多路⼴播 multicast 多路⾳频 multiple channel audio 多路⾳频数据接⼊板 multi-channel voice data access card 多路由保护 diverse⼀routed protection drp 多媒体 multimedia 多媒体通信设备 mutlimedia telecom equipment 多模光缆 multimode optical cable 多模光纤 multimode optical fiber 多频 multi-frequency mf 多频带 multi-band 多频互控 multi-frequency compelled mfc 多频互控单元 multiple frequency compelling unit 多频互控信令,多频制信令compelled multi-frequency signaling 多频记发器 multi-frequency coding register 多频脉冲 multi-frequency pulse mfp 多频multiple frequency network mfn 多频终端 multi-band terminal 多任务管理 multi-task management 多通道增益斜度 multi-channel gain tilt 多⽂档界⾯ multiple document interface mdi 多线程应⽤程序 multithreaded application 多信道处理单元multiple channel processing unit mcpu 多信道⾳频 multi-channel audio mcvf 多⽤户号 multiple subscriber number msn 多⽤途插座 multi-purpose socket 多余的位⽤来指⽰n-pdu的最后段 more bit used to indicate the last segment of n-pdu m 多兆⽐特交换数据服务 switched multimegabit data service smds 多址协议 multiple access protocol 多种切换算法 advanced handover algorithms (aha) aha 多重联系控制功能 multiple association control function macf 额定电压 rated voltage 额定负载 rated load 额定值 rated value 额定值 rating 恶意呼叫识别 malicious call identification mci 恶意呼叫追踪 malicious call tracing mct ⽿机earphone ⼆/四线转换电路 hybrid circuit(2-wire /4-wire conversion)⼆层建链状态 layer 2 link set-up status ⼆叉树 binary tree ⼆次拨号⾳ secondary dial tone ⼆次电源 secondary power supply ⼆次模块电源 secondary power module ⼆次群光收发板 optical transceiver card for secondary group ⼆次群光收发板(光端机) optical transceiver board for secondary group ⼆极管 diode ⼆阶交调失真 crosstalk of second order cso ⼆进制,⼆元制备,⼆进制系统 binary system ⼆进制编码⼗进制数binary coded decimal bcd ⼆纤⾃愈环 two-fiber self-healing ring ⼆相移相键控 binary phase shift keying bpsk ⼆义性,多义性,模糊含糊 ambiguity 发电机组 electric generator set 发端长话局 originating toll exchange 发端国际局 originating international exchange 发端去话篩选 originating call screening ocs 发⽅ originating party 发光⽽极管显⽰器 liquid emitting diod led 发光⼆极管 light emitting diode led 发号 send signals 发货附件 delivery accessories 发起切换的主控msc the controlling msc on which the call was originally established msc-a 发射 transmit xmt 发射机,送话器 transmitter 发射-接收装置 transmit-receive unit 发送端接收端 transmit endreceive end 发送端 transmitting end 发送光功率 transmitting optical power 发送信号眼图transmit signal eye pattern 发送序列号 transmit sequence number ptx 发信/收信机 transceiver trx 发信机 transmitter 法定的标准 de jure standards 法兰盘 ring flange 法⼈ legal person 翻译表,转换表 translation table 反病毒程序 antivirus program 反极性 polarity reversal 反射⾮敏感度 reflection insensitivity 反射损耗 reflection loss 反射增益 reflection gain 反相位 inverse phase 反向 negative 反向拆线 clear backward 反向计费 reverse charging revc 反向搜索 backward search 反向信道,反向通路backward channel 返回 return 返回点 point of return por 泛⾮电讯联盟 pan—african telecommunications union patu ⽅螺母square nut 防潮,防湿 moisture-proof 防腐蚀 corrosion-proof 防滑⼿套 slip-proof glove 防⽕墙 firewall 防静电地板 conductive floor 防静电⼿环 wrist strap 防静电⼿腕 anti-static wrist strap, wrist strap 防雷接地夹 lightning grounding clip 防蚀, 防腐蚀corrosion-proof 防⿏ rodent-resistant net 防⽔尾缆 waterproof pigtail cable 防卫措施 protective measures 访管中断supervisor call interrupt 访问,连接 access 访问地址寄存器 visitor location register vlr 访问控制 access control ac 访问码access code ac 访问⽇志 access log 访问特权,接⼊特许 access privileges 放⼤⾃辐射噪声 amplified self-emission noise ase 放号 number allocation 飞线 jump wire ⾮gprs告警标识 non-gprs alert flag ngaf ⾮标监控物料 non-bid monitor materials ⾮标准的 nonstandard ⾮电话业务 non-voice service ⾮对称数字⽤户线路 asymmetric digital subscriber line adsl ⾮法尝试计数器 wrong attempt counter wac ⾮分组终端 non-packet terminal npt ⾮服务状态 out-of-service ⾮归零码 non return to zero nrz ⾮话终端 non-voice terminal ⾮恢复式通道倒换 non-revertive path switching ⾮挥发性随机读写存储器 non-volatile random access memory nvram ⾮活动链 inactive link ⾮介⼊监控 non-intrusive monitoring ⾮⾦属件 non-metallic components ⾮⾦属件 non-metalware ⾮晶体 non-crystal ⾮平衡接⼝ non-balanced interface ⾮屏蔽双绞线,⽆屏蔽双绞线unshielded twisted-pair utp ⾮同步 asynchronous network ⾮阻塞 non-blocking 菲利浦 philips 费尔码 fire code 费率索引值charge rate index chx 费率修改索引 rate updating index rid 分/插复⽤器 add & drop multiplexer adm 分贝 decibel db 分辨率resolution 分布功能平⾯ distributed functional plane dfp 分布式 distributed 分布式数据库管理系统 distributed relational dbms drdbms 分插,分出/插⼊,分路/插⼊ add/drop d/i 分插⽅式应⽤ add/drop applications 分插复⽤器 add/drop multiplexer adm 分段和重装⼦层 segmentation and re-assembly sub-layer sar 分段类型 segment type st 分光器 optical splitter 分机 extended station, extension 分机代答 pickup 分机号 extension number 分机⽤户缺席通知 absent extension advice 分机⽤户缺席转接absent extension diversion 分机转接 extension transit 分级,系列,分层 hierarchy 分级编码 hierarchical coding 分级控制hierarchical control 分级路由选择 hierarchical routing 分级,分层,层次 hierarchical network 分级主/从同步 hierarchical master/s/slave synchronization 分集射频端⼝ diversity rf port 分检 sort 分离 detach det 分量处理 component handling cha 分流器 current divider 分路器 divider 分配(指信道分配) allocation assignment 分配点 distribution point dp 分配关系数据库管理系统 distributed relational data base management system drdms 分配呼叫路由选择 distribution call routing dcr 分配命令assignment command 分配器 distributor 分配请求 assignment request 分配失败 assignment failure 分配完成 assignment complete 分频器 frequency divider 分频锁相技术 frequency-divided phase locking technology 分散式 decentralized, distributed 分散型控制系统 distributed control system dcs 分摊计费 split charging spl 分线盒 junction box, connection box, connector box 分⽤器,分解器,分离器,去复⽤器 demultiplexer demux 分组(包)交换 packet switching 分组tmsi packet tmsi p-tmsi 分组层 packet layer procedure plp 分组处理函数 packet handler function phf 分组处理交换 packet handling switching phs 分组处理器 packet handler ph 分组电路标识码 packet circuit identity code pcic 分组定时提前控制信道 packet timing advanced control channel ptcch 分组复⽤ packet multiplexing pmx 分组⼴播控制信道 packet broadcast control channel pbcch 分组交换公⽤数据 packet switched public data network pspdn 分组交换机 packet switching exchange pse 分组接⼊允许信道 packet access grant channel pagch 分组控制单元 packet control unit pcu 分组数据信道 packet data channel pdch 分组随机接⼊信道 packet random access channel prach 分组随路控制信道 packet associated control channel pacch 分组寻呼信道 packet paging channel ppch 分组业务数据信道 packet data traffic channel pdtch 分组终端 packet terminal pt 分组装/拆packet assembling/de-assembling pad 风机盒/配电盒 fan box/power distribution box 风机盘 fan unit 风扇盒 fan box 封闭⽤户群 closed user group cug 封装 encapsulation envelop 峰值信元率 peak cell rate pcr 蜂鸣器 buzzer 蜂窝的,蜂窝电话的cellular 蜂窝分裂技术(移动通信) cell splitting technique 蜂窝分组交换 cellular packet switching cps 蜂窝基站天线, ⼩区基站天线 cell base station antenna 蜂窝基站位置, ⼩区站位置 cell base station location both (ln) 蜂窝式移动电话系统 cellular mobile telephone network 蜂窝移动电话系统 cellular mobile telephone system 蜂⾳ buzz。



吐血推荐:通信英语缩语手册(O&M-OMS)O&M Operations & Maintenance 运行和维护O-CDMA Optical CDMA 光CDMAO-MOD Optical MODulator 光调制器O-REP Optical REPeater 光中继器O/E Optical / Electrical 光电变换OA Office Automation 办公自动化OA Optical Amplifier 光放大器OA&M Operation, Administration and Maintenance 运行、管理和维护OAA Open Application Architecture 开放式应用体系结构OADD Optically Amplified Direct Detection 光放大直接检测OADG Open Architecture Development Group 开放体系结构开发组OADM Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer 光分插复用器OAE Office Automation Equipment 办公室自动化设备OAF Original Address Field 原始地址字段OAM Operations,Administration and Maintenance 运行、管理和维护OAM&P Operation, Administration, Management & Provision 运行、管理、维护和供给OAMC Operation, Administration and Maintenance Center 运行、管理和维护中心OAMC-MF OAMC Management Function 运行、管理和维护中心管理功能OAMC-OS OAMC Operation System 运行、管理和维护中心运行系统OAMM Operation And Maintenance Module 运行和维护模块OAN Optical Access Network 光纤接入网OAR Optically Amplified Regenerator 光放大再生器OAS Optical Access System 光接入系统OAS Originating Access Situation 始端接入情况OATM Optical ATM 光ATMOATS Optical Amplifier Transmission System 光放大器传输系统OB Optical Bandpass 光带通(滤波)OBC On-Board Controller 机载控制器OBCS Object Based Control Structure 对象控制结构OBD Optical Beam Deflection 光束偏转OBD Optical Branching Device 光分路器OBF Optical Branching Filter 光分路滤波器OBI Optical Beat Interference 光差拍干扰OBM Object Behavior Model 对象行为模型OBMUX Optical Bit-interleave MUltipleXing module 光比特间插复用模块OBP On-Board Processing 机载处理OBPF Optical Band Pass Filter 光带通滤波器OBS Outdoor Base Station 室外基站OBT Optical Beam Transmission 光束传输OBW Optical Beam Waveguide 光束波导OC Object Code 目标代码OC Operations Channel *作信道OC Optical Circulator 光环行器OC Overhead Channel 开销信道OC Overload Control 过载控制OCA Optical Channel Analyzer 光信道分析仪OCB Outgoing Calls Barred 呼出禁止OCC Operation Control Center 运行控制中心OCC Optical Cable Connector 光缆连接器OCC Optical Cross Connect 光交叉连接OCC Orthogonal Convolutional Code 正交卷积码OCC Other Common Carrier 一般电信公司,普通运营商OCCB Output CES Cells Buffer 输出通信工程标准信元缓冲器OCCC One Connection Call Control 单个连接呼叫控制OCDP Optical Coherence Domain Polarimetry 光相干域偏振测定法OCDR Optical Coherence Domain Reflectometer 光相干域反射仪OCF Optical Cable Facility 光缆设备OCG Opticla Comb Generator 光梳状波发生器OCGS Object Code Generation System 目标码生成系统OCH Optical CHannel layer 光纤信道层OCH Outgoing CHannels 去话信道OCHIS Optical Cell Header Interface Subsystem 光信头接口子系统OCL Operation Control Language 运行控制语言OCL Operational Cable Load 光缆*作负荷OCL Operator Command Language *作员命令语言OCL Optical Confinement Layer 光限制层OCL Overall Connection Loss 总连接损耗OCM Ongoing Call Management 去话呼叫管理OCM OrthoConjugate Mirror 正交共轭镜OCN Open Computer Network 开放式计算机网络OCP Open Communication Protocol 开放通信协议OCP Optional Calling Plan 任选呼叫方案OCR Optical Character Reader 光学字符阅读器OCR Optical Character Recognition 光字符识别OCRIT Optical Character Recognition Intelligent Terminal 光字符识别智能终端OCS Optical Character Scanner 光字符扫描器OCS Optical Cohenrent System 相干光系统OCS Originating Call Screening 发端去话筛选OCSM Optical Cell Selection Module 光信元选择模块OCT Optical Current Transducer 光流换能器OCTS Optical Cable Transmission System 光缆传输系统OCU Office Channel Unit 局内信道单元OCU Operational Control Unit *作控制单元OCWR Optical Continuous Wave Reflectometer 光连续波反射计OD Optical Demultiplexer 光解复用器OD Optical Detector 光检测器ODB Object DataBase 目标数据库ODBC Open DataBase Connectivity 开放数据库互连ODCU Optical Data Collecting Unit 光数据收集单元ODE Object Database and Environment 目标数据库与环境ODF Optical Distribution Frame 光纤配线架ODI Open Data-link Interface 开放数据链路接口ODIF Open document.nbspInterchange Format 开放文件互换格式ODL Object Definition Language 目标确定语言ODLI Open Data Link Interface 开放式数据链路接口ODM Object Data Manager 对象数据管理程序ODMA Open Distributed Management Architecture 开放式分布管理结构ODN Open Data Network 开放数据网络ODN Optical Distribution Network 光配线网ODP Open Distributed Processing 开放分布式处理ODP Open Distributed Processor 开放型分布式处理器ODR Origin Dependent Routing 由发端位置选路ODS Open Data Service 开放式数据服务ODS Optical Data System 光数据系统ODSI Optical Domain Service Interconnect 光域服务互连ODT On-line Debugging Technique 在线调试技术ODT Optical Data Transmission 光数据传输ODU OutDoor Unit 室外设备ODV Open Digital Video 开放式数字视频ODVP Optimal Digital Voice Processor 最佳数字语音处理机ODXC Optical Digital Cross Connect 光数字交叉连接OEC Optical to Electrical Connection 光电连接OEFB OptoElectronic FeedBack 光电反馈OEIC Opto-Electronic Integrated Circuit 光电集成电路OEID Opto-Electronic Integrated Device 光电集成器件OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 初始设备制造商OEO Optical-Electrical-Optical 光-电-光OFA OFf-net Access 网外接入OFA Optical Fiber Amplifier 光纤放大器OFBD Optical Fiber Branching Device 光纤分路器OFBG Optical Fiber Bragg Grating 光纤布拉格光栅OFC OFfice Code 局号OFC Optical Fiber Communication 光纤通信OFCC Optical Fiber Cable Component 光缆元件OFD Optical Frequency Discriminator 光鉴频器OFDL Optical Fiber Delay Line 光纤延时线OFDM Optical Frequency Division Multiplexing 光频分复用OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex 正交频分复用OFDMA Optical FDMA 光频分多址OFDR Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometer 光频域反射计OFE Optical Fiber Equalizer 光纤均衡器OFEP Operation Function Element Program 运行功能元程序OFF Optical Fiber Facing 光纤端面OFLAN Optical Fiber LAN 光纤局域网OFM Optical Frequency Modulation 光频调制OFP Optical Fiber Path 光纤通道OFS Optical Fiber Sensor 光纤传感器OFS Optical Frequency Shifter 光移频器OFS Out-of-Frame Second 帧失步秒OFTF Optical Fiber Transmission Function 光纤传输函数OFTS Optical Fiber Transmission System 光纤传输系统OGM Optical Gateway Manager 光网关管理器OGR OutGoing call Restriction 去话呼叫限制OGSIG OutGoing SIGnaling 去话信令OGT OutGoing Trunk 去话中继电路OGX Optical Gateway CroSs connect 光纤网关交叉连接OHA OverHead Access 开销接入OI Optical Interconnection 光互连OI Opto-Isolator 光隔离器OIA Optical Interface Adaptor 光接口适配器OIC Optical Integrated Circuit 光集成电路OID Object IDentifier 对象标识符OIDA Original Image Data Array 原始图像数据阵列OIF Optical Internet Forum 光联网论坛OIF Optical Internetworking Forum 光互联网论坛OIM Object Information Model 对象信息模型OIM Operations Interface Module *作接口模块OIM CF OIM Common Function OIM通用功能OIM DF OIM Dedicated Function OIM专用功能OIPS Optical Image Processing System 光学图像处理系统OIS Office Information System 办公信息系统OIS On-line Information Service 在线的信息服务OIU Office Interface Unit 局内接口单元OIU Optical Image Unit 光学图像单元OLA Optical fiber Limiting Amplifier 光纤限幅放大器OLAN Onboard LAN 机载局域网OLAP OnLine Analytical Processing 在线分析处理OLB Off Line Browser 离线浏览器OLC OverLoad Channel 过载信道OLC OverLoad Control 过载控制OLCP On-Line Complex Processing 在线复合处理OLCS On-Line Computer System 在线计算机系统OLCSS On Line Computer Shopping Services 在线电脑购物服务OLCTP On Line Complex Transaction Processing 在线复杂交易处理OLD On-Line Debugging 在线调试OLD On-Line Diagnostics 在线诊断OLDS On Line Dynamic Server 在线动态服务器OLE Object Linking and Embedding 对象链接嵌入OLE Optical Line Equipment 光线路设备OLEMS Object Linking Embedding Management Service 对象链接嵌入管理服务器OLH On Line Help 在线帮助OLI Optical Line Input 光线路入口OLI Optical Line Interface 光线路接口OLL Open-Loop Loss 开放环路损耗OLMM Optical Loop Mirror Multiplexer 光环路镜像复用器OLO On-Line Operation 在线*作OLO Optical Line Output 光线路出口OLP On-Line Processor 联机处理器OLR Optical Line Rate 光线路速率OLRTS On-Line Real-Time System 在线实时系统OLS On Line Service 在线服务OLS Outgoing Line Signaling 去话线路信令OLT Optical Line Terminal 光线路终端OLTM Optical Line Terminal Multiplexer 光线路终端复用器OLTP On-Line Transaction Processing 在线事务处理OLTT On-Line Terminal Testing 在线终端测试OLWS Optical LightWave Synthesizer 光波合成器OM Object Management 对象管理OM Operation Mode *作模式OM Optical Multiplexer 光复用器OMA Object Management Architecture 对象管理体系结构OMA Orthogonal Multiple Access 正交多址接入OMAP Operation, Maintenance and Administration Part 运行、维护和管理部分OMB Operation and Maintenance Block 运行和维护功能块OMC Operation & Maintenance Center 运行维护中心OMC Operation & Management Center 运行管理中心OMC Operations Monitoring Computer *作监控计算机OMC-G Operation & Maintenance Center-GPRS GPRS运行维护中心OMF Object Management Function 目标管理功能OMF Open Media Framework 开放式媒体框架OMFI Open Media Framework Interchange 开放式媒体架构互换OMG Object Management Group 对象管理组OMI Open Messaging Interface 开放式信息界面OMI Optical Modulation Index 光调制指数OMIN Optical Multistage Interconnected Network 光多级互联网络OMN Optically Multiplexed Network 光复用网络OMP Open Management Protocol 开放的管理协议OMP Operation & Maintenance Processor 运行维护处理器OMR Optical Mark Reader 光学标记阅读器OMS Object Management System 目标管理系统吐血推荐:通信英语缩语手册(OMS-OXCN)OMS Operation & Maintenance Support subsystem 运行维护支持子系统OMS Optical Multiplexer Section layer 光复用段层OMS Opto-electronic Multiplex Switch 光电子复用转换OMSS Operation Maintenance Support System 运行维护支持系统OMT Object Modeling Technique 对象建模技术OMUP Operations Maintenance User Part 运行维护用户部分ON Optical Network 光网络ONA Off-Net Access 网外接入ONA Open Network Architecture 开放式网络体系结构ONA Optical Network Analyzer 光网络分析仪ONAL Off-Net Access Line 网外接入线路ONC Off-Net Calling 网外呼叫ONC Open Network Computing 开放式网络计算ONI Optical Network Interface 光网络接口ONL Optical Network Layer 光网络层ONM Open Network Management 开放式网络管理ONN Open Network Node 开放型网络节点ONNC Optical Neural Network Computer 光学神经网络计算机ONP Open Network Provisioning 开放式网络供给ONS Online Notifying Server 在线通知服务器ONS Open Networking Supportware 开放式组网支撑件ONT Optical Network Terminal 光网络终端ONTM Open Nested Transaction Model 开放的嵌套事务模型ONU Optical Network Unit 光网络单元OO Object-Oriented 面向对象OOA Object Oriented Analysis 面向对象的分析OOAD Object Oriented Analysis and Design 面向对象的分析与设计OOAM Object-Oriented Analysis Model 面向对象的分析模型OOB Out Of Band 带外OOC Optical Orthogonal Code 光正交码OOC OverOcean Communication 越洋通信OOD Object-Oriented Design 面向对象的设计OODB Object-Oriented DataBase 面向对象的数据库OODBMS Object Oriented DataBase Management System 面向对象数据库管理系统OODM Object Oriented Development Method 面向对象开发方法OODS Object Oriented Database System 面向对象数据库系统OOF Out-Of-Frame 帧失步OOGMS Object-Oriented Graphical Modeling System 面向对象的图形建模系统OOL Object Oriented Layer 面向对象的层OOL Object-Oriented Language 面向对象的语言OOM Object-Oriented Memory 面向对象的存储器OOM Object-Oriented Method 面向对象的方法OONP Object-Oriented Network Protocol 面向对象的网络协议OOOS Object Oriented Operation System 面向对象*作系统OOP Object Oriented Programming 面向对象程序设计OOPL Object Oriented Programming Language 面向对象的编程语言OOPS Object-Oriented Programming System 面向对象的程序设计系统OORAM Object-Oriented Role Analysis Method 面向对象的任务分析方法OOS Object-Oriented Software 面向对象的软件OOS Out Of Service 业务中止OOSD Object-Oriented System Design 面向对象的系统设计OOT Object Oriented Technology 面向对象技术OOUI Object Oriented User Interface 面向对象用户界面OOWS Object-Oriented Window Software 面向对象的窗口软件OPA Optical Parametric Amplification 光参量放大OPAL Optical Parametric Amplification Laser 光参量放大激光器OPB Optical Power Budget 光功率分配OPC Optical Phase Conjugation 光相位共轭OPC Originating Point Code 源点码OPD Optical Path Difference 光程差OPDR Optical Polarization Domain Reflectometry 光偏振域反射测量法OPDU Operation Protocol Data Unit *作协议数据单元OPEN Optical Pan-European Network 泛欧光网络OPGW Optical Power Ground Wire 光纤架空地线复合缆OPI Overall Performance Index 全性能指数OPLL Optical Phase Lock-Loop 光锁相环路OPOL OPtimization-Oriented Language 面向优化的语言OPP Optical Power Penalty 光功率损耗OPPM Overlapping Pulse Position Modulation 重叠脉位调制OPR Optical Preamplifier Receiver 光预放大接收机OPRI Operational PRImitives *作原语OPS OPtical Smoothing 光平整OPT Open Packet Telephony 开放式分组电话OPTA Optimal Performance Theoretically Attainable 理论上可达到的最佳性能OPU Overhead Processing Unit 开销处理单元OPXC Optical Path CroSs Connect 光通路交叉连接OQAM Orthogonally multiplexed QAM system 正交复用QAM系统OQASK Offset Quadrature Amplitude Shift Keying 偏移正交幅移键控OQL Object Query Language 对象查询语言OQL On-line Query Language 在线查询语言OQPSK Offset QuadraPhase Shift Keying 偏移四相相移键控OQPSK Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying 偏移正交相移键控OR Optical Reflectance 光反射比OR Outgoing Route 输出路由ORB Object Request Broker 对象请求代理ORC Optimal Retransmission Control 最佳转发控制ORC Originating Region Code 始发地区代码ORE Overall Rreference Equivalent 全程参考当量ORL Optical Return Loss 光回波损耗ORM Optical Receiver Module 光接收机模块ORM Output Reconfiguration Network 输出重构网络ORMA Optical Reservation Multiple Access 光预留多址接入ORN Optic Remote Node 光远端节点OROG ORiginating OutGoing 发话端去话OROM Optical Read-Only Memory 光学只读存储器ORP Optical Reference Point 光参考点ORP Output Routing Pool 输出布线区ORU Optical Receive Unit 光接收单元ORU Optical Repeater Unit 光中继单元OS Office System 办公室系统OS Operating System *作系统OS Optical Section 光纤段OS Optical Sender 光发射机OS Optical Soliton 光孤子OS Optical Switch 光交换OS/MD Operation System / Mediation Device 运行系统/协调设备OSA Office System Automation 办公系统自动化OSA Open System Architecture 开放系统体系结构OSA Optical Spectrum Analyzer 光谱分析仪OSAN Optical Subscriber Access Node 光用户接入节点OSB Output Signal Balance 输出信号平衡OSC Operating System Control *作系统控制OSC Optical Supervisory Channel 光监控信道OSC Optical Switch Core 光交换核心OSC Outbound Signaling Channel 输出信令信道OSC Outgoing Sender Connector 出局发送器连接器OSCA Open Systems Cabling Architecture 开放系统布线结构OSDM Optical Space Division Multiplexing 光空分复用OSDP On-Site Data Processor 现场数据处理机OSDS Operating System for Distributed Switching 分布式交换*作系统OSDS Optical Space Division Switching 光空分交换OSE Open Systems Environment 开放系统环境OSF Open Software Foundation 开放式软件基金会OSF Operating System Function *作系统功能OSF Operation Service Function *作业务功能OSFB Operation System Function Block 运行系统功能块OSHN Optical Self Healing Network 自愈光纤网络OSI Open System Interconnection 开放系统互连OSI Open System Interface 开放系统接口OSI Operating System Interface *作系统接口OSI-NS OSI Network Service OSI网络业务OSI-R OSI Resource OSI资源OSI-RM OSI Reference Model OSI参考模型OSI/RM Open System Interconnection Reference Model 开放系统互连参考模型OSIE Open System Interconnection Environment 开放系统互连环境OSL Optical Signal Level 光信号级OSM Oscillator Strength Modulation 振荡器强度调制OSM Outgoing Switch Module 出局交换模块OSMF Open System Management Framework 开放式系统管理框架OSMT Optical Surface Mount Technology 光表面贴装技术OSN Optical Shuttle Node 光信息往返节点OSN Optical Subscriber Network 光纤用户网OSNC Optical Section Network Conncetion 光纤段网络连接OSNL Operating System Nucleus Language *作系统核心语言OSNR Optical Signal Noise Ratio 光信噪比OSP Open Settlement Protocol 开放结算协议OSP Optical Saturation Parameter 光饱和参量OSP Optical Signal Processing 光学信号处理OSP Optical-switched Service Provider 光交换业务供应商OSPF Open Shortest Path First 开放式最短路径优先(协议)OSQL Object oriented Structure Query Language 面向对象结构化查询语言OSS Open Simulation System 开放式模拟系统OSS Operating System Software *作系统软件OSS Operating System Storage *作系统存储器OSS Operation-Support System 运行支持系统OSS Operator Service System 话务员业务系统OSS Out-Slot Signaling 隙外信令OSSG Optical Small SiGnaling 光小信号增益OSSL Operating System Simulation Language *作系统模拟语言OST Optical Section Termination 光纤段终端OST Optical Soliton Transmission 光孤子传输OSU Optical Subscriber Unit 光用户单元OSW Optical SWitch 光交换OSWS Operating System WorkStation *作系统工作站OT Object Technology 对象技术OT Optical Tapoff 光分接OT Optical Terminal 光终端OTC Operating Telephone Companies 运营电话公司OTC Originating Toll Center 长途始发中心OTC Originating Toll Circuit 长途始发电路OTC Originating Trunk Center 发话中心局OTC Outgoing Trunk Circuit 出中继电路OTD Optical Time Domain 光时域OTDL Object Type Definition Language 对象类型定义语言OTDM Optical Time Division Multiplexing 光时分复用OTDM Optical Time Domain Multiplexing 光时域复用OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflect 光时域反射法OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer 光时域反射计OTDS Optical Time Division Switching 光时分交换OTF Optical Transfer Function 光传递函数OTN Optical Transit Node 光过渡节点OTN Optical Transport Network 光传送网OTN Orthogonal Tree Network 正交树网络OTP One Time Programmable 一次性可编程OTS On-line Terminal System 在线终端系统OTT Optical Transmission Technology 光传输技术OTTN Optical Trunk Transmission Network 光干线传输网络OU Organizaiton Unit 组织单元OUG On-line User Group 在线用户群OUP Originating User Prompter 主叫用户提示器OUT Optical Translator Unit 光转换器单元OUTDEV OUTput DEVice identity 输出设备标识OVD Optical Video Disc 视频光盘OVID Object-oriented VIdeo Database 面向对象的视频数据库OVP Over Voltage Protection 过电压保护OVSF Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor 正交可变扩频因子OW Order Wire 联络线OW-ADM Optical Wavelength ADM 光波长ADMOWC One-Way Channel 单向信道OWC One-Way Communication 单向通信OWC Optical Wavelength Convertor 光波长转换器OWD Order Wire and Data unit 联络线与数据单元OWDM Optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing 光波分复用OWDS Optical Wavelength Division Switching 光波分交换OWF Optimum Working Frequency 最佳工作频率OWPT Order Wire Phone Trunk 联络电话中继线OWS Office WorkStation 办公室工作站OWT OutWard Trunk 出局中继线OXC Optical Cross Connector 光交叉互连器OXC Optical CroSsConnect 光交叉连接OXCN Optical CroSsConnect Node 光交叉连接节点P&P Plug and Play 即插即用P-MAC Packet Media Access Controller 分组媒体接入控制器P-QoS Perceived Quality of Service 所觉察的业务质量P2P Person to Person 个人对个人P3 People, Price, Product 人、价格、产品PA Performance Analysis 性能分析PA Pre-Amplifier 前置放大器PA Program Address 程序地址PAD Packet Assembly / Disassembly 分组装拆PAD PCM ADapter 脉码调制适配器PAD Program Associated Data 与程序相关的数据PADL Pager Application Development Language 寻呼机应用开发语言PAGCH Packet Access Grant CHannel 分组接入应答信道PAI Protocol Addressing Information 协议寻址信息PAIS Path AIS 通道报警指示信号PAL Phase Alternation Line by line 逐行倒相制PAL Power ALarm 电源报警PAL Programmable Array Logic 可编程序阵列逻辑PAR Packet Arriving Rate 分组达到率PAR Peak to Average Ratio 峰均值比PARI Primary Access Rights Identification 基本接入权识别PARK Portable Access Rights Key 可携式接入权密钥PAS Protocol Analysis System 协议分析系统PASC Precision Adaptive Subband Coding 精度自适应子频带编码PASS Private Automatic Switching System 专用自动交换系统PATS Private Automatic Telephone System 专用自动电话系统PAX Private Automatic eXchange 专用自动交换机PBC Printer Board Connector 印刷电路板连接器PBCCH Packet Broadcast Control CHannel 分组广播控制信道PBN Packet Based Network 分组网络PBN Private Branch Network 专用分支网络PBON Passive Branched Optical Network 无源分支光网络PBS Personalized Basic Service 个人化基本业务PBS Portable Base Station 可移动式基站PBX Private Branch eXchange 专用小交换机PBXL Private Branch eXchange Line 专用小交换机线路PC Paging Channel 寻呼信道PC Peripheral Control 外围控制PC Personal Communication 个人通信PC Personal Computer 个人电脑PC Phase Compensator 相位补偿器PC Phase Conjugate 相位共轭PC Phase Control 相位控制PC Point Code 信令点编码PC Polarization Controller 偏振控制器PC Power Control 功率控制PC Printed Circuit 印刷电路PC Protocol Capability 协议性能PC Protocol Conversion 协议转换PCB Play Control Block 播放控制块PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板PCC Personal Code Calling 个人代码呼叫PCC Punctured Convolutional Code 收缩卷积码PCCC Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Code 并行链接卷积码PCCCH Packet Common Control CHannel 分组公共控制信道PCCH Physical Control CHannel 物理控制信道PCCM Private Circuit Control Module 专用电路控制模块PCD Phase Compact Disc 相变光盘PCE Packet Concentration Equipment 分组集中设备PCE Path Core Element 通路核心单元PCE Physical Control Element 实体控制单元PCE Picture Control Entity 图像控制实体PCE Power Control Error 电源控制错误PCE Power Conversion Efficiency 功率变换效率PCF Plastic Cladding Fiber 塑料包层光纤PCF Port Core Function 端口核心功能PCF Program Control Facility 程序控制设备PCF-OSF Port Core Function-Operation System Function 端口核心功能-运行系统功能PCH Paging CHannel 寻呼信道PCI Peripheral Component Interconnection 外围部件互连PCI Peripheral Component Interface 外围组件接口PCI Peripheral Computer Interconnect 外围计算机互连PCI Personal Communication Interface 个人通信接口PCI Programming Communication Interface 可编程通信接口PCI Protocol Control Indicator 协议控制指示器PCI Protocol Control Information 协议控制信息PCIA Personal Communication Industry Association 美国个人通信工业协会PCL Play Control List 播放控制表PCM Pulse Code Modulation 脉码调制PCMCIA PC Menory Card International Association 个人电脑存储国际协会PCMD Pulse Code Modulation Device 脉冲编码调制器PCME Packet Circuit Multiplication Equipment 分组电路倍增设备PCN Pacific Communications Network 太平洋通信网络PCN Personal Communication Network 个人通信网PCN PlesioChronous Network 准同步网PCO Point of Control and Observation 控制观察点PCOF Plastic-Clad Optical Fiber 塑料包层光纤PCP Peripheral Call Processing 外围呼叫处理PCP Primary Connection Point 一级连接点PCP Protocol Conversion Permission 协议变换允许PCPS Private Carrier Paging System 专用载波寻呼系统PCR Peak Cell Rate 峰值信元率PCR Phase Conjugate Ring 相位共轭环PCR Preventive Cyclic Retransmission 预防性循环重发PCS Personal Communication Satellite 个人通信卫星PCS Personal Communication Service 个人通信业务PCS Personal Communication System 个人通信系统PCS Plesiochronous Connection Supervision 准同步连接监测PCS Portable Communication Server 可携式通信服务器PCS Protocol Conversion Screening 协议变换选择PCSF Plastic-Clad Silica Fiber 塑料包层石英光纤PCSS Parallel Combinatory Spread Spectrum 平行组合扩频PCT Private Communications Technology 专用通信技术PCT Portable Control Terminal 便携式控制终端PCTR Protocol Conformance Test Report 协议一致性测试报告PCU Parameter Control Unit 参数控制单元PCU Power Control Unit 功率控制单元PCU Priority Control Unit 优先权控制单元PCU Packet Control Unit 数据包控制单元PD Packet Delay 分组延迟PD Phase Detector 相位检测器PD Phase Discriminator 鉴相器PD Polarization Dispersion 偏振色散PD Protocol Discriminator 协议鉴别器PD Pulse Distribution 脉冲分配PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字助理PDAMA Packet Demand Assignment Multiple Access 分组按需多址访问PDAP Public Data Access Point 公共数据接入点PDAU Physical Delivery Access Unit 物理传递接入单元PDB Private DataBase 专用数据库PDB Public DataBase 公共数据库PDC Passive Dispersion Compensation 无源色散补偿PDC Personal Digital Cellular telecommunication system 个人数字蜂窝通信系统PDC Personal Digital Communication 个人数字通信PDC Public Digital Cellular 公用数字蜂窝PDCH Packet Data CHannel 分组数据信道PDD Personal Digital Device 个人数字设备PDD Port Dialing Delay 端口拨号延迟PDEVID Physical DEVice IDentity 物理装置标识PDFA Prasedymium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 掺镨氟化物光纤放大器PDG Polarization Dependent Gain 偏振相关增益PDGN Packet Data Gateway Node 分组数据网关节点PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy 准同步数字系列PDI Picture Des cription Instruction 图形描述指令PDI Polarization Dependent Isolator 偏振相关隔离器PDK Package Development Kit 包开发工具箱PDL Page Des cription Language 页面描述语言PDL Picture Des cription Language 图像描述语言PDL Polarization Dependent Loss 偏振相关损耗PDL Protocol Des cription Language 协议描述语言PDM Polarization Division Multiplexing 偏振分割复用PDM Product Data Management 产品数据管理PDM Pulse Density Modulation 脉冲强度调制PDM Pulse-Duration Modulation 脉冲宽度调制PDMPX Primary DeMultiPleXer 一次群分路器PDN Packet Data Network 分组数据网PDN Private Data Network 专用数据网PDN Protocol Data Network 协议数据网PDN Public Data Network 公共数据网PDN Public switched Data Network 公共交换数据网PDO Packet Data Optimised 优化分组数据PDP Packet Data Protocol 分组数据协议PDP Plasma DisPlay 等离子显示器PDP Policy Decision Point 决策点PDR Polarization Diversity Receiver 偏振分集接收机PDS Passive Double Star 无源双星PDS Personal Digital System 个人数字系统PDS Physical Delivery System 物理传递系统PDS Premises Distribution System 宅院配线系统PDSN Packet Data Support Node 分组数据支持节点PDTCH Packet Data Traffic CHannel 分组数据业务信道PDTE Packet Digital Terminal Equipment 分组数字终端设备PDTS Public Data Transmission Service 公众数据传输业务PDU Packet Data Unit 分组数据单元PDU Protocol Data Unit 协议数据单元PDV Path Delay value 通路延迟值PE Peer Entity 对等实体PE Performance Enhancement 性能增强PE Phase Encoding 相位编码PE Phase Equalization 相位均衡PE Physical Entity 物理实体PE Picture Element 像素PE Probability of Error 差错概率PE Protocol Entity 协议实体PE Protocol Event 协议事件PE-IM Phase-Encoded Intensity Modulation 相位编码强度调制吐血推荐:通信英语缩语手册(PEC-POCN)PEC Pure Empty Cell 纯空信元PED Peripheral Equipment Data 外围设备数据PED Portable Electronic document.nbsp可移植的电子文档PED Protocol Encoder / Decoder 协议编译码器PEE Packet Entry Event 分组进入事件PEE Packet Exit Event 分组离开事件PEL Protocol ELement 协议元PEM Privacy Enhanced Mail 增强保密的邮件PEMF Plesiochronous Equipment Management Function 准同步设备管理功能PEP Packetized Ensemble Protocol 报文分组总体协议PEP Path End Point 通路端点PEP Policy Enforcement Point 策略执行点PER Packet Error Rate 分组错误率PER Pseudo Error Rate 伪误码率PES Packetized Elementary Stream 打包基本流PES Personal Earth Station 个人地球站PEX Private line EXchange 专线交换机PF Physical Frame 物理帧PF Protocol Function 协议功能PFAXAU Public FAX Access Unit 公共传真接入单元PFC Passive Fiber Component 光纤无源器件PFD Passive FDM Distributor 无源FDM分配器PFEC Parallel FEC 并行前向纠错PFM Pulse Frequency Modulation 脉频调制PGA Programmable Gain Amplifier 可编程增益放大器PGA Programmable Gate Array 可编程门阵列PGP Pretty Good Privacy 可靠加密PGPS Packet-by-packet Generalized Processor Sharing 逐一分组通用化处理器分享PH Packet Handling 分组处理PH Packet Header 分组头PHB Per Hop Behaviors 每跳行为PHCH PHysical CHannel 物理信道PHI Packet Handling Interface 分组处理接口PHI Protocol Handling Input stream 协议处理输入码流PHM Packet Handling Module 分组处理模块PHO Protocol Handling Output stream 协议处理输出码流PHP PHysical-layer Protocol 物理层协议PHP PHysical Plane 物理平面PHPDU PHysical Protocol Data Unit 物理协议数据单元PHPT Plesiochronous Higher-order Path Termination 准同步高阶通路终端PHS Personal Handy phone System 手持电话系统,手机系统PHSAP PHysical Service Access Point 物理业务接入点PI Peripheral Interface 外围接口PI Physical Interface 物理接口PI Polarization Independent 偏振(极化)无关PI Protocol Identifier 协议标识符PIB Personal Information Bubble 个人信息泡PIC Peripheral Interface Channel 外围接口信道PIC Personal Identification Code 个人识别码PIC Point In Call 呼叫点PIC Processor Interface Controller 处理机接口控制器PICB Peripheral Interface Control Bus 外围接口控制总线PICH PIlot CHannel 导频信道PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement 协议实现一致性陈述PID Packet IDentifier 包标识符PID Port IDentification 端口识别PID Protocol IDentification 协议识别PIDB Peripheral Interface Data Bus 外围接口数据总线PII Polarization Independent Isolator 偏振(极化)无关隔离器PIIL Path Independent Insersion Loss 通路无关插入损耗PIM Personal Identity Module 个人标识模块PIM Personal Information Management 个人信息管理PIM Polarization Insensative Modulator 对偏振(极化)不敏感的调制器PIM Priority Interrupt Module 优先中断模块PIM Processor Interface Module 处理机接口模块PIM Protocol Independent Multicast 无协议多播PIN Personal Identification Number 个人识别号PIN Personal Information Number 个人信息代码PIN Postal Integrated Network 邮政综合网PIN Public Information Network 公共信息网络PINC Polarization Independent Narrow Channel 偏振(极化)无关窄信道PING Packet INternet Groper 分组因特网探测器PIO Parallel Input / Output 并行输入/输出PIOA Polarization Insensative Optical Amplifier 对偏振不敏感的光放大器PIP Picture In Picture 画中画PIP Programmable Interface Processor 可编程接口处理机PIR Packet Insert Rate 分组插入率PISO Parallel In / Serial Out 并行输入/串行输出PIU Path Information Unit 路径信息单元PIU Plug-In Unit 插件PIWM Pulse Interval Width Modulation 脉冲间隔宽度调制PK Private Key 专用密钥PK Public Key 公用密钥PKC Public Key Cryptosystems 公钥密码系统PKD Public Key Distribution 公钥分配PKDS Public Key Distribution System 公钥分配系统PKI Public Key Infrastructure 公开密钥基础架构PL Parameter Length 参数长度PL Permanent Line 永久线路PL Physical Layer 物理层PL Physical Level 物理级PL Presentation Layer 表示层PL Private Line 专线PL Protocol Layer 协议层PLA Programmable Logic Array 可编程逻辑阵列PLC Position Line Circuit 座席线路PLC Power Line Communication 电力线通信方式PLC Programmable Logic Controller 可编程逻辑控制器PLCF Physical Layer Convergence Function 物理层会聚功能PLCP Physical Layer Convergence Protocol 物理层会聚协议PLCS Physical Layer Convergence Sublayer 物理层会聚子层PLE Path Length Efficiency 路径长度效率PLI Private Line Interface 专用线路接口PLICF Physical Layer Independent Convergence Function 物理层独立会聚功能PLL Phase Locked Loop 锁相环PLM Payload Level Multiplexing 净荷级复用PLM PayLoad Mismatch 净荷失配PLMN Public Land Mobile Network 公共陆上移动网络PLN Path Layer Network 通道层网络PLP Packet Layer Procedure 分组层规程PLP Packet Layer Protocol 分组层协议PLP Physical Lightwave Path 物理光波通路PLPT Plesiochronous Lower order Path Termination 准同步低阶通路终端PLR Packet Loss Rate 分组丢失率PLS Physcial Layer Signaling 物理层信令PLS Private Line Service 专线业务PLV Presentation Level Video 显示级视频。



吐血推荐:通信英语缩语手册(M&HIRS-MFC)M&HIRS Multi-media & Hypermedia Information Retrieval System 多媒体和超媒体信息检索系统M-ACPA Multimadia Audio Capture and Play back Adapter 多媒体音频抓取回放适配器M-F Mobile network to Fixed network call 移动网络对固定网络的呼叫M-O Magneto-Optic 磁光MA Multipoint Access 多点接入MA Multiple Access 多路存取MAC Multiple Access Channel 多址接入信道MAC Multiple Access Capabillity 多址接入能力MAC Multi Address Call 多址呼叫MAC Message Authentication Code 消息认证码MAC Message Authentication Check 消息认证检验MAC Media Access Control 媒体接入控制MAC Maintenance and Administration Center 维护管理中心MACA Multiple Access Collision Avoidance 多址冲突避免MACC Medium ACcess Controller 媒体接入控制器MACE Media-Access Controller for Ethernet 以太网的媒体存取控制器MACNET Multiple Access Customer NETwork 多址访问用户网络MACS Multi-Access Communication System 多址接入通信系统MACU Media Access Control Unit 媒体接入控制单元MAD Multiple Access Device 多路存取设备MAD Mean Access Delay 平均接入延迟MADA Multiple Access Discrete Address 多址接入离散地址MADE Multichannel Analogue-to-digital Data Encoder 多路模数数据编码器MADI Multichannel Audio Digital Interface 多声道数字接口MADS Multiple Access Digital System 多路存取数字系统MADS Multiple Access Data System 多路存取数据系统MAHO Mobile Aided controlled HandOver 移动台辅助控制的越区切换MAI Multiple Address Instruction 多地址指令MAI Multiple Access Interference 多址接入干扰MAI MAintenance Interface 维护接口MALCT MALicious Call Tracing 恶意呼叫追踪MALU Multimadia Authoring Language for UNIX UNIXMAM Media Access Mode 媒体存取模式MAN Multiple-Access Network 多址接入网络MAN Metropolitan Area Network 城域网MAN Maintenance Alert Network 维护警报网MAP Multiservice Access Platform 多服务接入平台MAP Multimedia Access Protocol 多媒体存取协议MAP Mobile Application Protocol 移动应用协议MAP Mobile Application Part 移动通信应用部分MAP Medium Access Protocol 媒体存取协议MAPDU Management Application Protocol Data Unit 管理应用协议数据单元MAPI Multimedia Application Programming Interface 多媒体应用编程接口MAPI Messaging Application Programming Interface 信报传递应用程序编程接口MAPPU Multimedia Authoring and Playing Platform for UNIX UNIX多媒体制作演播平台MAPS Multiple Address Processing System 多地址处理系统MAPU Multiple Address Processing Unit 多址处理设备MARISAT MARItime SATellite 海事卫星(通信)MARS Multiple Access Retrieval System 多路存取检索系统MARS Multimedia Audiovisual Retrieval Service 多媒体声视检索服务MARS Multicast Address Resolution Server 多播地址解释服务器MARS Military Affliated Radio System 军用附属无线电系统MARS MAchine Retrieval System 机器检索系统MAS Multiple Access System 多路存取系统MAS MASs calling 大众呼叫业务MASC Mobitex ASynchronous Communication 移动图文信息异步通信MASE Message Administration Service Element 消息管理服务单元MASS Multimedia Application Shared Service 多媒体应用共享业务MASS MAintenance SubSystem 维护子系统MASTER Multiple Access Shared Time Executive Routine 多路存取分时执行程序MAT Multidrop Access Trunk 多点分出接入中继线MAT Metropolitan Area Trunk 大城市中继线MAT Maintenance Access Terminal 维护接入终端MATD Maximum Acceptable Transit Delay 最大可接受转接时延MAU Multistation Access Unit 多站点存取单元MAU Multiple Access Unit 多重接入单元MAU Media Attachment Unit 媒体连接器MAU Media Access Unit 媒体存取设备MAU MAintenance Unit 维护单元MAUI Multimedia Application User Interface 多媒体应用用户接口MAVC Multimedia Audio Video Connection 多媒体音像连接MAVIX Multimedia Audio Video Information eXchange 多媒体音频视频信息交换MB MegaBytes 兆字节Mb Megabit 兆位MBA Multipoint Broadband Access 多点宽带接入MBAA Multiple-Beam Adaptive Array 多波束自适应阵列MBAN Multimedia Broadband Access Network 多媒体宽带接入网MBC Multicasting Balancing Circuit 多播平衡电路MBC Meteor Burst Communication 流星余迹通信MBHCA Million Busy Hour Call Attempt 百万次忙时试呼MBN Mesh-Bonding Network 网状网络MBONE Multicast backBONE 多播主干网MBPS MegaBytes Per Second 兆字节/秒MBS MoBile Station 移动站MBS Mobile Broadband System 移动宽带系统MBSU Multi Block Synchronization signal Unit 多信息组同步信号单元MBTP Multiple Buffer Transfer Protocol 多缓冲传递协议MC Multipoint Controller 多点控制器MC Multipoint Connection 多点连接MC Multimedia Computer 多媒体计算机MC Multimedia Communication 多媒体通信MC Module Control 模块控制MC Mobile Computer 移动式计算机MC Micro Cell 微小区MC Message Center 消息中心MC Message Categories 消息种类MC Media Control 媒体控制MC Master Clock 主时钟MC Maintenance Center 维护中心MC-CDMA MultiCode CDMA 多码CDMAMC-TDMA MultiCarrier Time Division Multiplexing Access 多载频时分多址接入MCA MultiChannel Access 多路接入MCA Micro Channel Architecture 微通道体系结构MCAL Malicious CALl 恶意呼叫MCAS MultiChannel Access System 多路接入系统MCC Multimedia Communication Channel 多媒体通信频道MCC Multichhannel Communication Center 多信道通信中心MCC Multicast Coordination Center 多播协调中心MCC Mobile Country Code 移动台国家码MCC Mobile Call Control 移动呼叫控制MCC Master Control Center 主控制中心MCC MAN Control Center 城域网络控制中心MCC Maintenance Control Center 维护控制中心MCC Main Communication Center 主通信中心MCCC Multi-Connection Call Control 多连接呼叫控制MCCP Multimedia Computing and Communication Platform 多媒体计算及通信平台MCCU Multiple Communication Control Unit 多路通信控制单元MCD Maximum Cell Delay 最大信元时延MCDN Micro-Cellular Data Network 微蜂窝数据通信网MCDQDB MultiChannel DQDB 多信道双队列数据总线MCDT Multimedia CD-ROM Title 多媒体光盘标题MCE Master Communication Equipment 主通信设备MCF Mobile Control Function 移动控制功能MCF Message Communication Function 消息通信功能MCF Management Communication Function 管理通信功能MCGA Multi-Color Graphics Array 多色彩图形阵列MCGA Multi-Color Graphics Adapter 多彩色图形适配卡MCHO Mobile Controlled HandOver 移动控制切换MCI Mobile Communication Interface 移动通信接口MCI Media Control Interface 媒体控制接口MCI Malicious Call Identification 恶意呼叫识别MCIC MultiChip Integrated Circuit 多芯片集成电路MCL Message Control Language 报文控制语言MCLR Mean Cell Loss Rate 平均信元丢失率MCM MultiCarrier Modulation 多载波调制MCM Maintenance Control Module 维护控制模块MCMF MultiCommodity Maximum Flow 多商品最大流量MCN Mobile Control Node 移动控制节点MCNS Multimedia Cable Network System 多媒体有线网系统MCP Multiflow Conversation Protoco 多流对话协议MCP Mass Calling Platform 大众呼叫平台MCPA MultiCarrier Power Amplifier 多载波功率放大器MCPC Multiple Channel Per Carrier 多信道单载波MCPN Mobile Customer Premises Network 移动用户驻地网MCPU Multiple Channel Processing Unit 多信道处理单元MCPU Multiple Call Processing Unit 多呼叫处理单元MCR Minimum Cell Rate 最低信元速率MCR Mean Cell Rate 平均信元率MCS Multipoint Conferencing Server 多点会议服务器MCS Multipoint Communication Service 多点通信业务MCS Multimedia Conferencing System 多媒体会议系统MCS Multimedia Chatting System 多媒体交谈系统MCS MultiCast Server 多播服务器MCS Microwave Communication System 微波通信系统MCS Message Control System 消息控制系统MCS Master Control Station 主控制站MCS Mass Calling Service 大众呼叫业务MCS Maritime Communications Subsystem 海事通信子系统MCS Maintenance-data Collection System 维护数据收集系统MCS Maintenance Control Subsystem 维护控制子系统MCSO Multimedia Communication Service Object 多媒体通信业务对象MCSS Military Communication Satellite System 军事通信卫星系统MCT Multicast Channel Translator 多播信道转换器MCTD Mean Cell Transfer Delay 平均信元传递时延MCU Multipoint Conference Unit 多点会议单元MCU Multipiont Control Unit 多点控制单元MCU Module Control Unit 模块控制单元MCU Mobile Control Unit 移动控制单元MCU Minimum Coding Unit 最小编码单元MCU Master Controller Unit 主控制器单元MCU Management and Communication Unit 管理和通信单元MD Multimode Distortion 多模失真MD Message Discrimination 消息鉴别MD Mediation Device 中介设备MD-IS Mobile Data Intermediate System 移动数据中间系统MDB Multimedia DataBase 多媒体数据库MDBMLS Multimedia DataBase Machine Learning System 多媒体数据库机器学习系统MDD Multimedia Database Design 多媒体数据库设计MDD Multi-Dimensional Database 多维数据库MDF Main Distribution Frame 主配线架MDI Medium Dependent Interface 媒体相关接口MDK Multimedia Development Kit 多媒体开发工具MDL Mirrored Data Links 镜像数据链接MDL Management entitiy and Data Link layer 管理实体与数据链路层(的通信) MDLP Mobile Data Link Protocol 移动数据链路协议MDM Multiplexer-DeMultiplexer 复用器-解复用器MDM Multimedia Data Management 多媒体数据管理MDM Media Device Manager 媒体设备管理程序MDNEXT Multiple-Disturber NEXT 多干扰近端串话MDOP Multimedia Data Operation Platform 多媒体数据*作平台MDR Message Detail Recorder 详细消息记录器MDS Multipoint Distribution System 多点分布系统MDS Multiple Data Stream 多数据流MDSE Message Delivery Service Element 消息传递服务单元MDSL Medium bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line 中比特率数字用户线MDSO Multimedia Data Storage and Organization 多媒体数据存储和组织MDSS Mass Digital Storage System 大容量数字存储系统MDU Management Data Unit 管理数据单元MDX Multiplexer-DemultipleXer 复用器-解复用器ME Maintenance Entity 维护实体ME Measurement Entity 测量实体MEF Maintenance Entity Function 维护实体功能MEI Maintenance Event Information 维护事件信息MEO Middle Earth Orbit 中地球轨道卫星MES Mobile Earth Station 移动地球站METON METropolitan Optical Network 都市光网络MexE Mobile station application execution Environment 移动基站应用执行系统MF Maintenance Funcation 维护功能MF Mediation Function 中介功能MF Medium Frequency 中频MF Multi-Frequency 多频MF-TDMA MultiFrequency Time Division Multiple Access 多频时分多址接入MFA Multi-Frame Alignment 多帧定位MFBT Multicast Forward / Backward Tree 多播前向/反向树形网络MFC Multicore-Fiber Cable 多芯光缆MFC Multi-Frame Code 多帧编码MFC Multi-Frequency Code 多频码MFC Multi-Frequency Code signaling 多频码信令MFC Multi-Frequency Control 多频控制吐血推荐:通信英语缩语手册(MFCR-MP3)MFCR Minimum Free Capacity Routing 最小自由容量选路MFOTS Military Fiber-Optic Transmission System 军用光纤传输系统MFREC Multi-Frequency RECeiver 多频接收器MFS Metropolitan Fiber Syster 都市光纤系统MFS Multi-Frame Structure 复帧结构MFS Multi-Frame Synchronizer 复帧同步器MFS Multiple Frequency Shift 多频位移MFSND Multi-Frequency SeNDer 多频发送器MFT Multi-Function Terminal 多功能终端MG Media Gateway 媒体网关MG Multicast Grouping 多播分组MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol 媒体网关控制协议MGF Mobile Gateway Function 移动网关功能MGPF Mobile Geographic Position Function 移动地理定位功能MGS Mobile Gateway Switch 移动网关交换MGS Multimedia Gateway Server 多媒体网关服务器MGW Media GateWay 媒体网关MH Message Handler 报文处理程序MH Message Handling 消息处理MH Mobile Host 移动式主机MHE Message Handling Environment 消息处理环境MHEG Multimedia Hypermedia Expert Group 多媒体超媒体专家组标准MHN Multimedia Handling Node 多媒体处理节点MHS Message Handling Systems 消息处理系统MHS-SE Message Handling System Service Element 消息处理系统业务单元MI Mutiplex Interface 复用接口MIAS Multipoint Interactive Audiovisual System 多点交互式声视系统MIB Management Information Base 管理信息库MIBC Management Information Base Chip 管理信息库芯片MIC Media Interface Connector 媒体接口连接器MIC Message Identification Code 消息识别码MIC Module Interface Circuit 模块接口电路MIC Multimode Image Coding 多模图像编码MICA Media Informetion Communication Application 媒体信息通信应用程序MICE Mamagement Information Control Exchang 管理信息控制交换MID Message IDentification 报文标志MID Multiplexing IDentifier 复用标志MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface 乐器数字化接口MIDS Management Information Dataflow System 管理信息数据流系统MIDS Multimedia Intelligent Database Systems 多媒体智能数据库系统MIE Micromedia Information Exchange 微媒体信息交换MIE Multipurppose Internet Extensions 多用途因特网扩充MIF Management Information Format 管理信息格式MII Media-Independent Interface 与媒体无关的接口MII Mobile Information Infrastructure 移动通信信息基础设施MILS MAC Internal Layer Service MAC层内服务MIM Management Information Model 管理信息模型MIMD Multiple Instruction Multiple-Data 多指令多数据流MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension 多用途因特网邮件扩展MIN Mobile Intelligent Network 移动智能网MIN Multistage Interconnected Network 多级互连网MIP Multimedia Information Provider 多媒体信息提供者MIP Multiple Information Passageway 多信息通道方式MIPS Million Instructions Per Second 每秒百万指令MIRS Multimedia Information Recall System 多媒体信息检索系统MIS Management Information Services 管理信息服务MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统MIS Multiple Interactive Screen 多交互式屏幕MISDN Mobile Integrated Service Digital Network 移动综合业务数字网MIT Management Information Tree 管理信息树MIT Modular Intelligent Terminal 模块化智能终端MITS Multimedia Interactive Telelearning System 多媒体交互远程学习系统MIU Multi-Interface Unit 多接口装置MIU Multimedia Information User 多媒体信息用户MIU Multistation Interface Unit 多站接口装置MJP Micro Java Processor 微型Java处理器MK Master Key 主密钥MKS Multimedia Kiosk Service 多媒体触摸屏服务ML-EDF Mode-Locked Erbium Doped Fiber 锁模掺铒光纤ML-FRL Mode-Locked Fiber Ring Laser 锁模光纤环型激光器MLAN Multichannel Local Area Network 多通道局域网MLAP MAC Level Access Protocol 媒体接入控制层接入协议MLC Mobile Local Circuit 移动通信本地电路MLLR Multi-rate Least-Loaded Routing 多速率最低负载选路MLLRP Multi-rate Least-Loaded Routing with Packing 多速率最低负载分组选路MLN Middle Level Network 中级网络MLP Machine Language Program 机器语言程序MLP Message Link Protocol 报文链路协议MLP Multi-Layer Protocol 多层协议MLP MultiLink Procedure 多链路规程MLR Most-Loaded Routing 最多负载选路MLS Multimedia Learning Station 多媒体学习站MLT MultiLink Trunking 多链路骨干技术MM Maintenance Management 维护管理MM Maintenance Module 维护模块MM Mass Memory 大容量存储器MM Mixed Mode 混合方式MM Mobility Management 移动性管理MM Modelling Multimedia 建模多媒体MM MultiMedia 多媒体MM MultiMode 多模MM/MMI MultiMedia / MultiModel Interface 多媒体/多方式接口MMA Multiple Module Access 多模块存取MMAC MultiMedia Access Center 多媒体访问中心MMAP Mobility Management Application Protocol 移动性管理应用协议MMC Maintanance, Monitoring and Control 维护和监控MMC Man-Machine Communication 人机通信MMC Man-Machine Controller 人机控制器MMC Meet-Me Conference 会聚式会议电话MMC MultiMedia Communication 多媒体通信MMC MultiMedia Communicator 多媒体通信体MMC MultiMedia Controller 多媒体控制器MMC Multimedia Marketing Council 多媒体市场委员会MMC Multimedia Multiparty Conferencing 多媒体多方会议MMC MultiMedia Collaboration 多媒体协作MMCA Message-Mode Communication Adapter 报文方式通信适配器MMCC MultiMedia Conference Control 多媒体会议控制MMCD MultiMedia Compact Disc 多媒体光盘MMCF MultiMedia Communications Forum 多媒体通信论坛MMCM MultiMedia Control Manager 多媒体控制管理器MMCP Multimedia Mail Content Protocol 多媒体邮件内容协议MMCS Multimedia Mobile Communication System 多媒体移动通信系统MMCX MultiMedia Communicaton eXchange 多媒体通信交换MMDD Management Multimedia Dynamic Data 多媒体动态数据管理MMDS Multichannel Microwave Distribution System 多频道微波分配系统MMDS Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service 多信道多点分配服务MMDS Multipoint Multichannel Distribution System 多点多信道分配系统MME MultiMedia E-mail system 多媒体电子邮件系统MMEM MultiMedia Electronic Mail 多媒体电子函件MMF MultiMode Fiber 多模光纤MMH MultiMedia Hub 多媒体集线器MMI Man-Machine Interaction 人机交互MMI Man-Machine Interface 人机接口MMI MultiMedia Input 多媒体输入MMI Multi-Mode Interference 多模干扰MMIC Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit 单片微波集成电路MMIO MultiMedia I / O 多媒体输入/输出MMIS Multimedia Management Information System 多媒体管理信息系统MML Man-Machine Language 人机语言MML Multimedia Mechanism Layer 多媒体结构层MML Multimedia Module Library 多媒体模块库MMM Multi Modem Manager 多调制解调器管理器MMM MultiMedia Mail 多媒体邮件MMM MultiMedia Multiplexer 多媒体复用器MMM Multiunit network Management and Maintenance message 多单元网络管理和维护消息MMMD MultiMedia Multi-Database 多媒体多数据库MMMS Multimedia Mail Messaging Service 多媒体邮件报文服务MMMS MultiMedia Mail Service 多媒体邮政业务MMN MultiMedia Network 多媒体网MMNI Message Memory Network Interface 消息存储器网络接口MMP Maritime Mobile Phone 海上移动电话MMP Module Message Processor 模块消息处理器MMP Multiplexed Message Processor 复用信息处理器MMPC MultiMedia PC 多媒体个人计算机MMPDLL Multimedia Movie Player DLL 多媒体电影放映机DLL MMPM MultiMedia Picture Management 多媒体图像管理MMS Maritime Mobile Satellite system 海上移动卫星系统MMS Middleware Message Service 中间件消息业务MMS Model Management System 模型管理系统MMS MultiMedia Service 多媒体业务MMS Multi-Modular Storage 多模块存储器MMS Multiport Memory System 多端口存储器系统MMSAF MultiMedia Services Affiliate Forum 多媒体业务会员论坛MMSE Man-Machine System Engineering 人机系统工程学MMSE Minimum Mean Square Error 最小均方误差MMSER Minimum Mean Square Error Restoration 最小均方误差复原MMT MultiMedia Terminal 多媒体终端MMTS MultiMedia Transport System 多媒体传送系统MMU Mass Memory Unit 大容量存储器MMUI MultiMedia User Interface 多媒体用户接口MMV MultiMedia Viewer 多媒体观赏器MMW MultiMedia World 多媒体世界MMX MultiMedia eXtension 多媒体扩展MN/MX MiNimum / MaXimum 最小值/最大值MNC Mobile Network Code 移动网络代码MNC MultiNational Company 多国公司MNCS Multipoint Network Control System 多点网络控制系统MNF Multisystem Networking Facility 多系统连网设施MNH Minimum Number of Hops 最小跳频数MNP Microcom Network Protocol 微通网协议MNP Mobile telephone Number Portability 移动电话号码可携MNRU Modulated Noise Reference Unit 调制噪声参考单位MNSC Main-Network Switching Centre 主网络交换中心MNU MainteNance Unit 维护单元MO Managed Object 被管对象MO Memory Object 存储对象MOA Maintenance, Operation, Administration 维护、运行和管理MOAR Measurable One-way Attenuation Range 可测单向衰减范围MOAS Multimedia Office Automatic System 多媒体办公自动化系统MOC Maintenance Operations Center 维护运行中心MOD Magneto-Optic Disc 磁光碟片MOD Movies On-Demand 电影点播MOD Music On Demand 音乐点播MODAL Microwave Optical Duplex Antenna Link 微波光双工天线链路MODEM MOdulator-DEModulator 调制解调器MODI MODule Interface 模块接口MODID MODule IDentity 模块识别MODIF Modular Optical Digital InterFace 模块化光数字接口MOM Magneto-Optical Modulation 磁光调制MOM Maintenance Operation Modules 维护*作模式MOM Mass Optical Memory 大容量光存储器MOM Message Oriented Media 面向消息的媒体MOM Message Oriented Middleware 面向消息中间件MOMS Multiple Orbit-Multiple Satellite 多轨道,多卫星MONET MObile NETwork 移动网MONET Multi-wavelength Optical NETwork 多波长光网络MOOS Maintenance Out Of Service 停业维护MOP Maintenance and Operation Processing 维护和运行处理MOPS Million Operations Per Second 每秒百万次运算MOS Maintenance Operation Subsystem 维护运行子系统MOS Management Operating System 管理运行系统MOS Master Operating System 主*作系统MOS Mean Opinion Score 平均意见评分MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor 金属-氧化物-半导体MOS Multimedia Operation Software 多媒体*作软件MOSPF Multicast Open Shortest Path First 多播开放式最短路径优先MOTIS Message-Oriented Text Interexchange System 面向报文的文本交换系统MOU Memorandum Of Understanging 谅解备忘录MP Main Processor 主处理器MP Maintenance Processor 维护处理器MP Management Point 管理点MP Management Process 管理过程MP Memory Protection 存储器保护 MP Message Passing 信息传递MP Message Priority 消息优先级MP Misrouting Probability 错接概率MP Module Processor 模块处理器MP Multipath Propagation 多径传播MP Multipoint Processor 多点处理器MP3 MPEG-1 layer 3 MPEG-1音频第三层标MPA Multichannel Protocol Analyser 多通道协议分析仪MPC Message Passing Coprocessor 信息传送协处理器MPC Minimum Performance Criterion 最低性能指标MPC MPOA Client MPOA客户机MPC Multimedia Personal Computer 多媒体个人计算机MPC Multimedia Product Council 多媒体产品协会MPC Multi-Processor Controller 多处理器控制器MPCI Mobile Protocol Capability Indicator 移动协议能力指示器MPCOS Multimedia Personal Computer Operating System 多媒体个人计算机*作系统MPD Mode Power Distribution 模功率分布MPDU Media Protocol Data Unit 媒体协议数据单元MPDU Message Protocol Data Unit 消息协议数据单元MPE Multimedia Processing Equipment 多媒体处理设备MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group 活动图像专家组(编码标准)MPF Mobile Packet processing Function 移动分组处理功能MPGA Mask Programmable Gate Array 掩模可编程门阵列MPI Message Passing Interface 消息传递接口MPI MultiPath Interference 多径干扰MPIC Message Processing Interrupt Count 信息处理中断计数MPICC Multimedia Personal Information Communication Center 多媒体个人信息通信中心MPIS MultiPurpose Information System 多用途信息系统MPL Message Processing Language 信息处理语言MPL Modular Part Library 模块化部件库MPL Multiple Parallel Loop 多平行环路MPLM Multiple PoLarization Modulation 多偏振(极化)调制MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching 多协议标记交换MPM Maintenance and Peripherals Module 维护和外围设备模块MPM Message Passing Model 报文传送模型MPM Message Processing Module 消息处理模块MPM Multi-Processor Mode 多处理机方式MPMP Microwave Point to MultiPoint 微波一点至多点MPNA MultiPort Network Adapter 多端口网络适配器MPOA MultiProtocol Over ATM ATM多协议运行MPOL MultiProblem Oriented Language 面向多种问题的语言MPP Massively Parallel Processor 大规模并行处理器MPP Message Passing Processing 报文传送处理MPP Message Processing Program 报文处理程序MPPF Multipoint Protocol Polling Function 多点协议*询功能MPR Multiple Protocol Router 多协议路由器MPS Message Processing System 信息处理系统MPS Mobile Phone Service 移动电话业务MPS Model Processing System 模型处理系统MPS MPOA Server MPOA服务器MPS MultiPriority System 多优先级系统MPSC MultiProtocol Serial Controller 多协议串行控制器MPSK Multiple Phase Shift Keying 多相移键控MPSR MultiPath Self-Routing 多通路自选路由MPTN Multi-Ptotocol Transport Network 多协议传输网络MPU Main Processor Unit 主处理器单元MPU Multimedia Processing Unit 多媒体处理单元MPVCS MultiPoint Video Conferencing System 多点视频会议系统MQ Message Queue 消息队列MR Modulation Rate 调制速率MR Multicast Repeater 多播复用器MRAS Multifame Remote Alarm Signal 多帧远程告警信号MRC Maximum Ratio Combining 最大比联合MRC Mobile Radio Communication 移动无线电通信MRCP Mobile Radio Control Post 移动无线电控制站MRCS Multiple Rate Circuit Switching 多速率电路交换MRM MultiResolution Modulation 多分辨率调制MRN Minimal Routing Number 最小路由选择数MRN Multiple Reflection Noise 多点反射噪声MRP Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划MRP Message Routing Process 信息路由选择过程MRRC Mobile Radio Resource Control 移动无线资源控制MRS Meeting Room System 会议室系统MRS Message Relay Service 消息转发业务MRSE Message Retrival Service Element 消息检索服务单元MRT Mean Repair Time 平均修复时间MRT Mean Response Time 平均响应时间MRT Message Routing Table 消息路由选择表MRTR Mobile Radio Transmit and Receive 移动无线电发射与接收MS Media Synchronization 媒体同步MS Message Storage 消息存储MS Message Store 消息存储器MS Mobile Service 移动业务MS Mobile Station 移动台MS Mobile Subscriber 移动用户MS Mode Scrambler 扰模器MS Multimedia System 多媒体系统MS Multiplex Section 复用段MS Multi-Stage 多级MS Mutual Synchronization 互同步MSA Multimedia Stream Adaptive 多媒体流量自调节器MSA Multiplex Section Adaptation 复用段适配MSAIS Multiplex Section Alarm Indication Signal 复用段告警指示信号MSAT Mobile SATellite 移动通信卫星MSB Maximum Spare Bandwidth 最大备用带宽MSB Most Significant Bit 最高有效位MSB Most Significant Byte 最高有效字节MSBP MultiService Billing Protocol 多业务计费协议MSB S MultiService Billing System 多业务计费系统MSC Main Switching Center 主交换中心MSC Master Supervision Center 主监控中心MSC Merge-Split Component 可组合分立式部件MSC Message Sequence Chart 信息序列图MSC Message Switching Center 信息交换中心MSC Mobile Switching Center 移动交换中心MSC Most Signification Character 最高有效字符MSC Multimedia Super Corridor (马来西亚)多媒体超级走廊MSCH Multiplex SubCHannel 复用子信道MSCM Multichannel SubCarrier Multiplexing 多信道副载波复用MSCP Mobility and Service Control Point 移动性和服务控制点MSCP Network Service Control Point 网络服务控制点MSCS Mass Storage Control System 大容量存储器控制系统MSCT Message Switching Concentration Technique 消息交换集中技术MSCU Multi Station Control Unit 多点控制单元MSD Medium Specific Decoder 中速专用译码器MSD Most Signification Digit 最高有效数字MSD SE Mobile Satellite Data Switching Exchange 移动卫星数据交换机MSD SL Multirate Single pair Digital Subscriber Line 多速率单对数字用户线MSE Maintenance SubEntity 维护子实体MSE Mean Squared Error 均方误差MSF Mass Storage Facility 大容量存储设备MSF Multichannel Selective Filter 多信道选择滤波器MSG S MeSseGe Switching 消息交换MSI Mobile Station Identification number 移动站识别号码MSIC Medium Scale Integrated Circuit 中规模集成电路MSID Mobile Station IDentifier 移动台识别码MSIN Mobile Subscriber Indentification Number 移动通信的用户识别号码MSIN MultiStage Interconnection Network 多级互连网络MSK Minimal Shift Keying 最小频移键控MSL MeSsege Length 消息长度MSL MicroStrip Laser 微带激光器MSL Mirrored Server Link 镜像服务器链接MSL Multimedia Software Layers 多媒体软件层MSL Multiplex Section Layer 复用段层MSL Multi-Satellite Link 多卫星链路MSLAN Middle Speed LAN 中速局域网MSLM Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator 微信道空间光调制器MSLR Main-to-Side Lobe Ratio 主/副瓣比MSM Matrix Stackable Module 矩阵式堆叠模块MSM Media Support Module 媒体支持模块MSM Message Switching Multiplexing 信息交换复用MSM Mobile Station Modem 移动站调制解调器MSM Multiwavelength Simultaneous Monitoring 多波长同步监视MSMC Multiwavelength Simultaneous Monitoring Circuit 多波长同步监视电路MSMR Multiple Service Multiple Resource 多业务多资源MSN Message Switching Network 消息交换网MSN Multi-Satellite Network 多卫星网络MSN Multi-Server Network 多服务器网络MSN Multi-System Networking 多系统联网MSN Mutual Synchronization Network 互同步网络MSNF Multi-System Networking Facility 多系统连网设备MSN S Multimedia Service Navigation System 多媒体业务导航系统MSO Multiple Service Operator 多业务运营商MSOH Multiplexing Section OverHead 复用段开销MSP Management Service Provider 管理服务提供商MSP Master Synchronization Pulse 主同步脉冲MSP Media Stream Protocol 媒体流协议MSP Mixed Signal Processing 混合信号处理MSP Multiplex Section Protection 复用段保护MSP Multi-Service Platform 多业务平台MSP MultiStream Processing 多数据流处理MSR Mobile Support Router 移动通信支持路由器MSRN Mobile Station Roaming Number 移动通信站漫游号码MSS MAN Switching System 城域网交换系统MSS Maritime Satellite Service 海事卫星业务MSS Mass Storage Subsystem 大容量存储器子系统MSS Master-Slave Synchronization 主-从同步MSS Metropolitan Switching System 城域交换系统MSS Mobile Satellite Service 移动卫星业务MSS Mobile Satellite System 移动卫星系统MSS Mobile Subscriber Station 移动用户站MSS Mobile Suporting Station 移动通信支持站MSS Multimedia System Service 多媒体系统业务MSS Maximum Segment Size 最大段宽MSSA Multi-Service Storage Architecture 多服务存储结构MSSC Maritime Satellite Switching Center 海事卫星交换中心MSSC Mobile Satellite Switching Center 移动通信卫星交换中心MSSC Mobile Service Switching Center 移动业务交换中心MSSCSG Modular Spread Spectrum Code-Sequence Generator 积木式扩频码序发生器MSSFU Mobile Satellite Store-and-Forward Unit 移动通信的卫星存储转发单元MSSR Multiple Service Single Resource 多业务单信源MST Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树吐血推荐:通信英语缩语手册(MST-MXU)MST Monolithic System Technology 单片系统技术MST Multi Service Terminal 多业务终端MST Multiplex Section Termination 复用段终接设备MSU Maintenance Signal Unit 维护信号单元MSU Mass Storage Unit 大容量存储单元MSU Message Signal Unit 消息信号单元MSU Multiple Signal Unit 多重信号单元MSU Multiple Subscriber Unit 多用户单元MSVC Meta Signaling Virtual Channel 元信令虚通道MSW Machine Status Word 机器状态字MSW MagnetoStatic Wave 静磁波MSW Message SWitch 消息交换器MT Machine Translation 机器翻译MT Magnetic Tape 磁带MT Maintenance Tree 维护树MT Master Terminal 主机终端MT Message Transfer 消息传送MT Message Type 消息类型MT Mobile Terminal 移动终端MT Multimedia Terminal 多媒体终端MT Multimedia Toolkits 多媒体工具包MT-CDMA MultiTone CDMA 多音CDMAMTA Message Transfer Agent 消息传送代理MTA Multimedia Titles and Application 多媒体节目及应用MTA Multimedia Transport API 多媒体运送应用编程接口MTA Multi-protocol Terminal Adaptor 多协议终端适配器MTAE Message Transfer Agent Entity 报文传送代理实体MTBC Mean Time Between Calls 平均呼叫间隔时间MTBC Mean Time Between Complaints 平均申告间隔时间MTBD Mean Time Between Defects 平均故障间隔时间MTBD Mean Time Between Degradation 平均衰变间隔时间MTBD Mean Time Between Detection 平均(故障)检测时间MTBE Mean Time Between Errors 平均错误间隔时间MTBF Maximal Time Between Faults 最大无故障工作时间MTBF Mean Time Between Failures 平均故障间隔时间MTBI Mean Time Between Interruption 平均中断间隔时间MTBM Mean Time Between Maintenance 平均维修间隔时间MTBM Mean Time Between Malfunction 平均误动作间隔时间MTBO Mean Time Between Overhauls 平均检修间隔时间MTBR Mean Time Between Removals 平均拆换间隔时间MTBR Mean Time Between Repairs 平均修理间隔时间MTBSE Mean Time Between Software Errors 平均软件错误间隔时间MTBSF Mean Time Between Service Failures 平均业务故障间隔时间MTBSF Mean Time Between System Failures 平均系统故障间隔时间MTBSO Mean Time Between Service Outage 平均业务中断间隔时间MTC Main Test Component 主测部件MTC Main Trunk Circuit 主干线电路MTC Message Transmission Control 信息传输控制MTC Multimedia Telephone Communication 多媒体电话通信MTCF Mean Time to Catastrophic Failure 平均出现严重故障的时间MTCM Message Transmission Control Module 消息传输控制模块MTCM Multiple Trellis-Coded Modulation 多格状编码调制MTCS Multimedia Telecommunication Conference System 多媒体电信会议系统MTD Maximum Transfer Delay 最大传送延迟MTDF Mean Time to Degradation Failure 平均出现衰变的时间MTDM Multimedia Time Division Modulator 多媒体时分调制器MTDTE Mobile Telephone Data Transfer Equipment 移动电话数据传送设备MTE Message Transfer Event 消息传送事件MTE Multisystem Test Equipment 多系统测试设备。



T&WD Time & Wavelength Division 时间和波长分割T-S-S-T Time-Space-Space-Time 时分-空分-空分-时分T-S-T Time-Space-Time 时分-空分-时分TA Terminal Adaptation 终端适配TA Terminal Adapter 终端适配器TA Taransmission Adapter 传输转接器TAC Temporal Access Control 暂时接入控制TAC Terminal Access Controller 终端接入控制器TAC Test Access Control 测试接入控制TACF Terminal Access Control Function 终端接入控制功能TACS Total Access Communication System 全接入通信系统TAD Telephone Answering Device 电话应答设备TAE Test Access Equipment 测试接入设备TAM Test Access Module 测试接入模块TAP TCP / IP Access Procedure TCP/IP接入规程TAP Test Access Path 测试接入通道TAP Test Access Port 测试接入端口TAP Testing Access Point 测试接入点TAP Transport Access Point 传输接入点TAR Temporary Alternate Routing 暂时可选路由TAS Terminating Access Situation 终端接入状态TASI Time-Assigned Speech Interpolation 时分话音内插TAU Terminal Access Unit 终端接入单元TAU Test Access Unit 测试接入单元TAU Token ring Attachment Unit 令牌环连接单元TB Tera Bytes 1012(兆兆)字节TBps TeraBytes per second 1012(兆兆)字节/秒TBRL Terminal Balanced Return Loss 终端平衡回损TBW Total BandWidth 总带宽TC Terrestrial Channel 地面信道TC Toll Center 长途电话中心TC Transaction Capability 事务处理能力TC Transit Center 转接中心TC Transmission Convergence 传输会聚TC Transport Connection 传送连接TC Trunk Channel 干线信道TC Trunk Circuit 中继电路TC-EDFA Twin-Core Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 双芯掺铒光纤放大器TCA Telemetry Channel Assembly 遥测信道组件TCA Traffic Conditioning Agreement 流量调节协定TCAM TeleCommunication Access Method 远程通信存取法TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part 事务处理能力应用部分TCC Terminal Call Control 终端呼叫控制TCC Traffic Control Center 话务控制中心TCC Transport Connection Clear 传送连接拆线TCCD Total Call Connection Delay 总呼叫连接延迟TCCS Traffic Congestion Control System 业务拥塞控制系统TCE Terminal Control Element 终端控制单元TCE Transit Connection Element 转接连接单元TCEP Transport Connection EndPoint 传送连接端点TCF Transmission Convergence Function 传输会聚功能TCF Twin-Core Fiber 双芯光纤TCH Tone CHannel 信号音信道TCH Traffic CHannel 业务信道TCH-EFR Traffic CHannel-Enhanced Full Rate 业务信道-增强型全速率TCH-FS Traffic CHannel-Full rate Speech 全速率话音业务信道TCI Terminal Control Interface 终端控制接口TCIC Transit Center Identification Code 转接中心识别码TCIC Trunk Circuit Identification Code 干线电路识别码TCL Time-Coherent Light 时间相干光TCM Test Controlling Module 测试控制模块TCM Time Compression Multiplexer 时间压缩复用器TCM Time-Compression Multiplexing 时间压缩复用TCM Trellis Coded Modulation 网格编码调制TCMA Tunable Channel Multiple Access 可调信道多址接入TCP Termination Connection Point 终端连接点TCP Transfer Control Protocol 传送控制协议TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议TCP Transmit Channel Processing 发送信道处理TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol 传输控制协议/互连网协议TCQ Trellis Coded Quantization 网格编码量化TCR Transport Connection Request 传送连接请求TCRF Transit Connection Related Function 转接连接相关功能TCS TeleConference Service 会议电话业务TCS Terminal Call Service 终端呼叫业务TCS Terminating Call Screening 终端来话筛选TCS Total Communication System 总体通信系统TCS Traffic Control Subsystem 话务量控制子系统TCS Transportable Communication System 移动式通信系统TCU Terminal Connection Unit 终端连接单元TCU Terminal Control Unit 终端控制单元TCU Transfer Control Unit 转移控制单元TCU Transmission Control Unit 传输控制单元TCU Transmission Control Unit 传输控制单元TD Time Delay 时间延迟TD Time Difference 时差TD Time Division 时分TD Time Domain 时域TD Transmission Deviation 传输偏差TDA Trunk Distribution Amplifier 干线分布放大器TDAN Time-Division Analog Network 时分模拟网络TDD Time Division Duplex 时分双工TDD/TDMA TDD / Time Division Multiple Access 时分双工/时分多址接入TDDL Time-Division Data Link 时分数据链路TDDN Time-Division Digital Network 时分数字网络TDE Time Domain Equalizer 时域均衡器TDFFA Thulium Doped Fluoride Fiber Amplifier 掺铥氟化物光纤放大器TDM Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用TDM-VDMA TDM-Variable Destination Multiple Access 时分复用-可变终点多址接入TDMA Time Division Multiple Access 时分多址接入TDMD Time Division Multiplex Device 时分复用装置TDME Time Division Multiplex Equipment 时分复用设备TDMS Terminal Data Management System 终端数据管理系统TDNN Time Delay Neural Network 延时神经网络TDNW Time Division NetWork 时分网络TDP Tag Distribution Protocol 标记分配协议TDP Trigger Detection Point 触发检测点TDP-N Trigger Detection Point -Notification 触发检测点通知TDP-R Trigger Detection Point -Request 触发检测点请求TDR Time Dependent Routing 按时间选路TDS Time Division Switching 时分交换TDS Transit Delay Selection 转接时延选择TDSS Technology Decision Support System 技术决策支持系统TDSW Time Division SWitching 时分交换TDX Time-Division eXchange 时分交换机TE Telecommunication Entity 电信实体TE Terminal Equipment 终端设备TE Time Error 时间误差TE Transit Exchange 转接局TE1 Terminal Equipment type 1 1型终端设备TEC Transferred Empty Cell 传递的空信元TED Traffic Engineering Database 流量工程数据库TED Transfer Error Detection 传送差错检测TED Translation Error Detection 转换错误检测TEI Terminal Endpoint Identifier 终端终点标识符TEI Terminal Equipment Identifier 终端设备标识符TES Time Element Scrambler 时域加扰器TETRA TErrestrial Trunked RAdio 地面集群无线电TF Tapered Fiber 锥形光纤TF Transfer Function 传送功能TF Transition Fiber 过渡光纤TF-OSF Transfer Function-Operation System Function 传送功能-运行系统功能TFC Traffic Flow Control 业务流量控制TFI Time-Frequency Interpolation 时频间插TFM Tamed Frequency Modulation 平滑调频TFOM Thin-Film Optical Modulator 薄膜光学调制器TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol 普通文件传送协议TG Trunk Group 中继群TGCS Transportable Ground Communication Station 移动地面通信站TGM Trunk Group Multiplex 中继线群复用TGMS Third Generation Mobile System 第三代移动通信系统TI Terminal Interface 终端接口TI Transparent Interface 透明接口TIA Telecommunication Industry Association 美国电信工业协会TIB Tag Information Base 标记信息库TIB Task Information Base 任务信息库TIB Terminal Interface Block 终端接口功能块TIB Test Information Base 测试信息库TIC Terminal International Center 国际终端中心TIC Traffic Information Center 业务信息中心TID Terminal IDentification 终端标识TIE Terminal Interface Equipment 终端接口设备TIES Transmission and Information Exchange System 传输和信息交换系统TIF Tagged Image File 标记图像文件TIFF Tagged Image File Format 带标记的图像文件格式TIGS Terminal Independent Graphics System 与终端无关的图形系统TIH Time Interval Error 时间间隔误差TIM Terrestrial Interface Module 地面接口模块TIM Translator Interface Module 转换器接口模块TIM Trunk Interface Module 中继接口模块TINA Telecommunication Information Network ArchitectureTIP Terminal Interface Package 终端接口程序包TIP Terminal Interface Processor 终端接口处理机TIP Transaction Interface Processor 事务处理接口处理机TIPS Test Information Processing System 测试信息处理系统TIS Telephone Information Service 电话信息业务TIS Terminal Interface Subsystem 终端接口子系统TIU Transmission Interface Unit 传输接口单元TJB Time-sharing Job control Block 分时作业控制块TJR Trunk & Junction Routing 干线和中继线选路TKCC TrunK Call Control 中继线呼叫控制TKIC TrunK Interface Circuit 中继线接口电路TL Tie Line 直达通信线路TL Transmission Line 传输线TL Transport Layer 传送层TLA Top Level Aggregator 最高层集合体TLC Tandem Link Connection 汇接链路连接TLCO Telephone Line COntroller 电话线路控制器TLI Transmission Level Interface 传输级接口TLI Transport Layer Interface 传输层接口TLN Trunk Line Network 中继线网络TLP Terminal Link Processing 终端链路处理TLP Transmission Level Point 传输电平点TLS Transport Layer Security 传输层安全协议TLU Terminal Logic Unit 终端逻辑单元TM Terminal Multiplexer 终端复用器TM Timing Module 定时模块TM Token Machine 令牌机TM Transmission and Multiplex 传输和复用TM Transmission Media 传输媒介TM Transparent Mode 透明模式TM-PDU Test Management Protocol Data Unit 测试管理协议数据单元TMC Telecommunication Maintenance Center 通信维护中心TMC Transmission Maintenance Center 传输维护中心TMCC Time Multiplexed Communication Channel 时间复用通信信道TMCC Transmission & Multiplexing Configuration Control 传输和复用配置控制TMF Tele-Management Forum 电信管理论坛TMF Two-Mode Fiber 双模光纤TMG Traffic Management Group 业务管理群TMHS Trusted Message Handling System 可信报文处理系统TMI Telephone Multimedia Interface 电话多媒体接口TMI Two-Mode Interference 双模干扰TMN Telecommunication Management Network 电信管理网TMN-MF TMN Management Function TMN管理功能TMN-MS TMN Management Service TMN管理服务TMN-MSC TMN Management Service Component TMN管理服务组成部分TMP Terminal Message Processor 终端信息处理器TMP Test Management Protocol 测试管理协议TMP Transmission Maintenance Point 传输维护点TMP-IL Transmission Maintenance Point-International Line 国际线路传输维护点TMR Transmission Medium Requirement 传输媒介要求TMS Time-Multiplexed Switching 时隙复用交换TMSI Temporary Mobile Station Identity 临时移动台标识符TMSR Transverse Mode Suppression Ratio 横向模式抑制比TMU Token ring Management Unit 令牌环管理单元TN Telecommunication Network 电信网络TN Transmitting Node 发送节点TN Transparent Network 透明网络TN Transport Network 传送网络TN Trunk Node 中继节点吐血推荐:通信英语缩语手册(TNAS-TWTA)TNAS Trunk Network Administration System 干线网络管理系统TNC Terminal Network Controller 终端网络控制器TNC Transport Network Controller 传送网络控制器TNC Transport Node Clock 传送节点时钟TNDU Transport Network Data Unit 传送网络数据单元TNI Terminal Network Interface 网络终端接口TNIC Transmission Network Indentification Code 传输网标识码TNIF Telephone Network InterFace 电话网络接口TNIU Trustworthy Network Interface Unit 可信网络接口单元TNL Terminal Net Loss 终端净损耗TNM Transmission Network Management 传输网络管理TNN Transfer Network Node 传送网络节点TNR Terabit Network Router 兆兆(1012)比特网络路由器TNS Transaction Network Service 交易处理网络服务TNS Transmission Network Surveillance system 传输网络监视系统TO Telecoms Operator 电信运营商TOA Type Of Address 地址类型TOAD Terahertz Optical Asymmetrical Demultiplexer 兆兆(1012)赫兹非对称光解复用器TOC Type Of Call 呼叫类型TOH Transport OverHead 传送开销TOS Test Operating System 测试*作系统TOS Transparent Operating System 透明的*作系统ToS Type of Service 业务类型TOT Transfer Of Technology 技术转让TP Termination Point 终接点TP Timing Point 定时点TP Token Passing 令牌传送TP Transition Point 转接点TP Transmission Path 传输路径TP Transport Protocol 传送协议TP Twisted Pair 双绞线TPAIS Transmission Path Alarm Indication Signal 传输通路告警指示信号TPAM TeleProcessing Access Method 远程信息处理访问法TPAP Transaction Processing Applications Program 交易处理应用程序TPASE Transaction Processing Application Service Element 交易处理应用服务单元TPC Transmission Power Control 传输功率控制TPDDI Twisted-Pair Distributed Data Interface 双绞线分布数据接口TPDU Transport Protocol Data Unit 传送协议数据单元TPI Transport Programming Interface 传送编程接口TPI Tributary Physical Interface 支路物理接口TPL Two-Party Line 双用户线TPM Third-Party Maintainer 第三方维护商TPON Telephony over Passive Optic Network 无源光纤网上传电话TPR Transaction Processing Routine 事务处理例行程序TPS Transactions Per Second 每秒交易数TR-LAN Token Ring Local Area Network 令牌环形局域网络TRAD TRansmission ADapter 传输适配器TRD Transit Routing Domain 转接选路域TRM TRaffic Message 业务消息TRM Transmission Resource Management 传输资源管理TRN Token Ring Network 令牌环网TS Tactile Sensor 触觉传感器TS Tandom Switch 汇接交换机TS Telecommunication Service 电信业务TS Time Slot 时隙TS Time Switch 时分交换TS Toll Switch 长途交换TS Tracking System 跟踪系统TS Translation Server 变换服务器TS Transport Service 传送业务TS Transport Stream 传送流TS Tree Structure 树结构TS-user Transport Service user 传送业务用户TSA Target Service Agent 目标服务代理TSA Time Slot Allocation 时隙分配TSA Time Slot Assignment 时隙安排TSAP Transport Service Access Point 传送业务接入点TSAP Transport Service Application Part 传送服务应用部分TSAP-ID Transport Service Access Point IDentifier 传送业务接入点标识符TSAU Telephone Service Access Unit 电话服务接入单元TSC TranSmission Control 传送控制TSCLT Transportable Satellite Communications Link Terminal 可移动的卫星通信链路终端TSD Total System Down 全系统故障TSDU Transport Service Data Unit 传送业务数据单元TSE Terminal Station Equipment 终端站设备TSES Transportable Satellite Earth Station 移动式卫星地面站TSG Time Slot Generator 时隙发生器TSG Traffic Service Group 业务服务群TSI Time Slot Interchange 时隙互换TSI Transmitting Subscriber Identification 发送用户识别TSIS Telephone Service Information System 电话业务信息系统TSIU Time Slot Interchange Unit 时隙交换单元TSL Time SLot 时隙TSL Transaction Sub-Layer 事务子层TSM Terminal Support Module 终端支持模块TSM Time Sharing Multiplex 分时复用TSM Time-slot Selector Module 时隙选择器模块TSM Transaction State Machine 事务状态机TSMSR Transient Side-Mode Suppression Ratio 瞬时边模抑制比TSNC Transmission SubNetwork Controller 传输子网控制器TSO Time Sharing Option 分时选择TSOS Time-Sharing Operating System 分时*作系统TSP Terminal Support Processor 终端支持处理机TSP Test Signal Processor 测试信号处理机TSPI Telephony Service Provider Interface 电话服务器接口TSR Terabit Switched Router 太比特交换路由器TSS Telecommunication Service System 电信服务系统TSS Telecommunication Switching System 电信交换系统TSS Time-Sharing System 分时系统TSS Toll Switching System 长途交换系统TSS Transmission Surveillance System 传输监测系统TSS Trunk Servicing System 干线业务系统TSSI Time Slot Sequence Integrity 时隙序列完整性TST Time-Sharing Terminal 分时终端TSU Telecommunication Switching Unit 电信交换单元TSV Terminal SuperVisory 终端监控TSW TeleSoftWare 通信软件TT Terminal Timing 终端定时TT Terminal Transparency 终端透明性TT Test Terminal 测试终端TT&C Tracking, Telemetry and Control 跟踪、遥测和控制TTC Transmission Test Center 传输测试中心TTCF Teletex / Telex Conversion Facility 智能用户电报/用户电报转换设备TTE Terminal Transmission Equipment 终端传输设备TTE Terminatin Test Equipment 终接测试设备TTF Test Time Frame 测试时间帧TTF Transmission Test Facilities 传输测试设备TTF Transport Terminal Function 传送终端功能TTIU Trustworthy Terminal Interface Unit 可信终端接口单元TTOSS Totally Transparent Optical fiber Subscriber System 全透明光纤用户系统TTS Text-To-Speech 文语转换TTS Transaction Tracking System 事务跟踪系统TTS Transmission Test Set 传输测试设备TTSL Traditional Time-Shared Loop 传统分时环路TTSU Terminal TranSmit Unit 终端发送单元TTV Text-To-Video 文像转换TU Terminal Unit 终端单元TU Transmission Unit 传输单位TU Tributary Unit 支路单元TUG Terminal Unit Group 终端单元群TUG Tributary Unit Group 支路单元群TUP Telephone User Part 电话用户部分TUT Terminal Under Test 在测终端TV TeleVision 电视TV-BM TV-Based Multimedia 多媒体电视TVIP Time-Varying Image Processing 时变图像处理TVOD True Video On Demand 真视频点播TVRO TeleVision Receiving Only 电视单收地球站TVS TeleVision Shopping 电视购物TVSC TeleVision Service Center 电视业务中心TVSN TeleVision Shopping Network 电视购物网络TW Transvelling Wave 行波TW Twin Wire 双线TWA Travelling Wave Amplifier 行波放大器TWC Three Way Calling 三方通话TWC Tunable Wavelength Converter 可调波长变换器TWC Two-Way Channel 双向信道TWLM Travelling Wave Light Modulation 行波光调制器TWS Two-Way Service 双向通信TWT Three Way Trunk 三方通话中继TWT Travelling Wave Tube 行波管TWTA Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier 行波管放大器吐血推荐:通信英语缩语手册(U)U-SHN Unidirectional Self-Healing Network 单向自愈网络UA UnAttended 无人值守的UA Unit Address 单元地址UA Unnumbered Acknowledgement 无编号确认(帧)UA User Agent 用户代理UAC Urban Area Coverage 城市覆盖区UAE User Agent Entity 用户代理实体UAK User Authentication Key 用户鉴定密钥UAL User Agent Layer 用户代理层UAL User Agent subLayer 用户代理子层UAM User Authentication Module 用户鉴定模块UAN Universal Access Number 通用接入号码UAPDU User Agent Protocol Data Unit 用户代理协议数据单元UAS UnAvailable Second 不可用秒UASE User Application Service Element 用户应用服务单元UBM Undersea Branching Multiplexer 海底分路复用器UBR Unspecified Bit Rate 未指定比特率UC Upward Compatibility 向上兼容UC User Class 用户等级UCB Unit Control Block 单元控制块UCB User Control Block 用户控制块UCH UNI Call Handler 用户网络接口呼叫处理器UCI User Class Identifier 用户类别标识符UCM User Communication Manager 用户通信管理器UCOF Under Compensated Optical Fiber 欠补偿光纤UCP User Control Path 用户控制通道UCS Universal Card Service 通用卡业务UCS Universal Character Set 通用字符集UCS User Coordination System 用户协调系统UD User Data 用户数据UDC User Designation Code 用户标志码UDDS User-Defined Data Stream 用户定义的数据流UDF User-Defined Function 用户定义功能UDL Up Data Link 上行数据链路UDL User Data Library 用户数据库UDP User Datagram Protocol 用户数据报协议UDP/IP UDP Internet Protocol 用户数据报协议/IPUDR User-Defined Routing 按用户的规定选路UDSL Ultrahigh bit-rate DSL 超高速数字用户环路UDT Unstructured Data Transformation 非结构化数据变换UDTS Universal Data Transfer Service 通用数据传递业务UE User Equipment 用户设备UETS Universal Emulating Terminal System 通用仿真终端系统UF User-Friendly 用户友好UFS Unit Fiber Structure 单元光纤结构UHCP Uniform High-level Communication Protocol 统一的高级通信协议UHF Ultra High Frequency 超高频UHW Up HighWay 上行公共通道UI Unit Interval 单位间隔UI Unlock Instruction 开锁指令UI Unrecognized Information 不可识别信息UI Urgent Interrupt 紧急中断UI User Identification 用户识别符UI User Interface 用户接口UIC U-Interface Circuit U接口电路UIC User Identification Code 用户识别码UICN Universal Intelligent Communication Network 通用智能通信网UID User IDentifier 用户标识符UIDS User Interface Development System 用户接口开发系统UIF Unumbered Information Frame 非编号信息帧UIH Unnumbered Information with Header 带信头的未编号信息UII User-Induced Interference 用户带来的干扰UIM Universal Identity Module 通用识别模块UIM User Identification Module 用户识别模块UIM User Identifier Module 用户识别模块UIMF User Identification Module Function 用户识别功能UIMS User Interface Management System 用户接口管理系统UIN UMTS Information Node UMTS信息节点UIN User Identification Number 用户识别号码UIP User Identification Program 用户标识程序UIP User Interface Program 用户接口程序UIPF Uniform Index Profile Fiber 均匀折射率分布光纤UIS Universal Information Services 通用信息业务UIS Urban Information System 城市信息系统UIS User Interface System 用户接口系统UIS User-In-Service 用户在使用业务UITS Unacknowledged Information Transfer Service 未确认的信息传递业务UJP Ultra Java Processor 超级Java处理器UL Up-Link 上行链路ULA Uncommitted Logic Array 自由逻辑阵列ULA Uniform Linear Array 均匀线性阵列ULA Universal Logic Array 通用逻辑阵列ULBM Universal List Broadcasting Model 全局表广播模型ULM Ultrasonic Light Modulator 超声光调制器ULM Universal Logical Module 通用逻辑模块ULP Upper-Layer Protocol 上层协议ULSI Ultra Large Scale Integrated circuit 超大规模集成电路ULSI Ultra Large Scale Integration 超大规模集成UM Unified Messaging 统一传信UME UNI Manangement Environment UNI管理环境UME User Management Entity 用户管理实体UMIS Urban Management Information System 城市管理信息系统UML Unified Modeling Language 统一建模语言UMPDU User Message Protocol Data Unit 用户报文协议数据单元UMS Unified Messaging Service 统一传信服务UMS Unmanned Multifunction Satellite 多功能无人卫星站UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System 通用移动通信系统UN Upstream Node 上行节点UN Urban Network 城市网UNI User Network Interface 用户网络接口UNID Universal Network Interface Device 通用网络接口装置(器件) UNMA Unified Network Management Architecture 统一网络管理体系结构UNS Universal Number Service 通用号码业务UOEIC Ultra Opto Electronic Integrated Circuit 超光电集成电路UOS User-Out-of-Service 用户业务中断UP User Part 用户部分UPCH User Packet CHannel 用户分组信道UPF User Port Function 用户口功能UPI User Personal Identification 用户个人识别UPS Uninterruptable Power System 不间断电源系统UPS User Processing Subsystem 用户处理子系统UPSR Unidirectional Path Switching Ring 单向通道交换环UPT Universal Personal Telecommunication 通用个人通信UPTN Universal Personal Telecommunication Number 通用个人通信号码UPTS Universal Packet Time Slot 通用分组时隙URL Uniform Resource Locator 统一资源定位符URL User Route List 用户路由表US Unavailable Seconds 不可用秒USBS User Signaling Bearer Service 用户信令承载业务USC Universal Service Circuit 通用业务电路USC User Service Center 用户服务中心USDC United States Digital Cellular standard 美国数字蜂窝系统标准USE User System Emulation 用户系统仿真USEA User Service Environment Agent 用户业务环境代理USI User Service Information 用户服务信息USI User Service Interaction 用户业务互动USI User System Interface 用户系统接口USIC User Specific IC 用户专用集成电路USM User Signaling Module 用户信令模块USO Universal Service Obligation 普遍服务义务USO Universal Service Order 通用服务命令USOC Universal Service Order Code 通用服务命令码USP Uncertified Service Provider 未认定的服务提供商USP Universal Signal Processor 通用信号处理机USR User Service Routine 用户服务例行程序USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data 非结构化补充业务数据UT Unit Test 单元测试UT User Terminal 用户终端UTC Universal Time Chiming 通用时间协调UTN Urban Telephone Network 城市电话网UTOFC Unit Type Optical Fiber Cable 单元式光缆UTP Universal Trunk Processor 通用中继处理机UTP Universal Trunk Protocol 通用中继协议UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair 非屏蔽双绞线UTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access UMTS地面无线接入UTS Universal Time-sharing System 通用分时系统UU Ultimate User 最终用户UUCP Unix to Unix Copy Protocol UNIX到UNIX的拷贝协议UUI User to User Information 用户间信息UUS User-to-User Signaling 用户间信令UVGC Using Video in Group Collaboration 使用视频的群协同工作UWA User Work Area 用户工作区UWB UltraWideBand 超宽带UWBA Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Amplifier 超宽带光纤放大器UWC Under Water Cable 水下光缆UWS Under Water Segment 水下部分吐血推荐:通信英语缩语手册(V-ONU-VMCB)V-ONU Video Optical Network Unit 视频光网络单元V/A Video / Audio 视频/音频VA Video Amplifier 视频放大器VA Virtual Address 虚拟地址VAA Voice Access Arrangement 话音存取设备VAB Voice Answer Back 话音应答VAC value Added Carrier 增值运营商VAC value Added Chain 增值链VAC Video Amplifier Channel 视频放大器通道VAD value-Added Distributor 增值分销商VADE Versatile Automatic Data Exchange 多用数据自动交换机VADIS Voice and Data Integrated System 话音和数据综合系统VADS value-Added Data Service 增值数据业务VAG Video Address Generator 视频地址发生器VAI Video Assisted Instruction 视频辅助指令VAM Video Access Module 视频接入模块VAM Video Administration Module 视频管理模块VAM Virtual Access Method 虚拟存取法VAMA Variable Address Multiple Access 可变地址多路存取VAN value-Added Network 增值网VANS value Added Network Service 增值网络服务VAP Video Access Point 视频接入点VAP Videotex Access Point 可视图文接入点VAPC Vector Adaptive Prencdictive Coding 矢量自适应预测编码VAR value-Added Reseller 增值转卖VAS value-Added Service 增值服务VASP value-Added Service Provider 增值服务供应商VASP Virtual Analog Switching Point 虚拟模拟交换点VASS Visual Analysis SubSystem 视频分析子系统VAT Visual Audio Tool 视觉音频工具7481 - 7500条(共7979条) 第一页|上一页 | 下一页|最后一页VAX Virtual Address eXtension 虚拟地址扩充VB Video Blaster 视频卡VBD Voice Band Data 话音带数据VBNS very high Bandwidth Network Service 超宽带网络服务VBNS Very high speed Backbone Network Service 甚高速骨干网服务VBNS very high-performance Backbone Network Service 超高性能基干网服务VBR Variable Bit Rate 可变比特率VBR-nrt Variable Bit Rate, non-real time 非实时可变比特率VBR-rt Variable Bit Rate, real time 实时可变比特率VBS Voice Braodcast Service 语音广播业务VC Video Compressor 视频压缩器VC Video Conference 电视会议VC Video Controller 视频控制器VC Virtual Call 虚呼叫VC Virtual Channel 虚信道VC Virtual Circuit 虚电路VC Virtual Connection 虚连接VC Virtual Container 虚容器VCAIS Virtual Channel Alarm Indication Signal 虚信道告警指示信号VCAP Virtual Channel Assignment Problem 虚信道分配问题VCC Video Cable Communication 视频电缆通信VCC Video Capture Card 图像捕获卡VCC Virtual Call Capability 虚呼叫能力VCC Virtual Call Control 虚呼叫控制VCC Virtual Centralized Controller 虚拟集中控制器VCC Virtual Channel Connection 虚信道连接VCCE Virtual Channel Connection Endpoint 虚信道连接端点VCCT Virtual Channel Connection Termination 虚信道连接终端VCD Video Compact Disk 视频光盘VCE Virtual Call Evolution 虚呼叫演变VCE Virtual Channel Entity 虚信道实体VCF Virtual Call Facility 虚呼叫设备VCG Video Channel Generator 视频信道发生器VCG Video Command Generator 视频指令发生器VCH Virtual Channel Handler 虚信道处理器VCI value Chain Integration 价值链集成VCI Virtual Call Identifier 虚呼叫识别VCI Virtual Call / circuit Interface 虚呼叫/电路接口VCI Virtual Chain Index 虚拟链路标志VCI Virtual Channel Identification 虚信道识别VCI Virtual Channel Identifier 虚信道标识符VCI Virtual Circuit Identifier 虚电路标识符VCI Virtual Connection Identifier 虚拟连接识别符VCI Visual Component Library 可视元件库VCL Virtual Channel Link 虚信道链路VCME Virtual Channel Multiplex Entity 虚信道复用实体VCN Virtual Call Network 虚呼叫网络VCO Voice COder 话音编码器VCOMM Virtual COMMunication 虚拟通信VCOS Visible Caching Operatingg System 可视高速缓冲*作系统VCP Video Communication Processor 视频通信处理器VCP Voice Channel Processor 话路处理器VCPI Virtual Control Program Interface 虚拟控制程序接口VCPI Virtual Control Protected Interface 虚拟控制保护接口VCR Video Cassette Recorder 盒式磁带录象机VCRDI Virtual Channel Remote Defect Indication 虚信道远端故障指示VCS Video Communication System 视频通信系统VCS Video Conference Service 会议电视业务VCS Virtual Circuit Switch 虚电路交换VCS Visual Call Sign 可视电话呼号VCS Voice Communications System 语音通信系统VCT Video Conferencing Tool 视频会议工具VCT Virtual Cut Through 虚拟直通VCTV Viewer-controlled Cable TV 用户控制有线电视VCU Voice Channel Unit 话音信道单元VCWT Video Call Waiting service Trunk 视频呼叫等待业务中继线VCX Virtual Container CroSs connect 虚容器交叉连接VD Video Decoder 视频译码器VD Virtual Data 虚拟数据VD Virtual Device 虚拟设备VDA Video Distributing Amplifier 视频分配放大器VDA Voice and Data analog Adaptor 话音和数据模拟适配器VDAM Virtual Data Access Method 虚拟数据存取方式VDC Video Display Controller 视频显示控制器VDD Virtual Device Driver 虚拟设备驱动程序VDD Visual Display Data 可视化显示数据VDD Voice Data Display 音频数据显示器VDDN Video Data Distribution Network 视频数据分配网VDDP Video Digital Data Processing 视频数据数字处理VDE Voice Data Entry 话音数据输入VDH Voice and Data Hub package 话音和数据中心组件VDI Video Display Interface 视频显示器接口VDI Video Device Interface 视频设备接口VDLC Virtual Data Link Capability 虚拟数据链路能力VDM Video Display Metafile 视频显示元文件VDMA Variable Destination Multiple Access 接收站可变多址访问VDP Video Display Processor 视频显示处理机VDPS Voice Data Processing System 音频数据处理系统VDRAM Video Dynamic Random Access Memory 视频动态随机存储器VDS Video Display System 视频显示系统VDS Voice Data Service 话音数据通信业务VDSL Very high speed Digital Subscriber Line 甚高速数字用户线VDT Video Data Terminal 可视数据终端VDT Video Dial-Tone 视频拨号音VDT Video Display Terminal 视频显示终端VDT Visual Display Terminal 图像显示终端VDT Voice Data Trunking 话音数据中继VDTG Video Dial Tone Gateway 视频拨号音网关VDTS Video DialTone Services 视频拨号音服务VDU Video Display Unit 视频显示器VE Video Expander 视频扩展器VE Virtual Enterprises 虚拟企业VED Voice EDitor 语音编辑程序VEE Visual Engineering Environment 视频工程环境VEN Virtual Enterprise Network 虚拟企业网VEN Virtual Equipment Number 虚拟设备号码VES Voice Entry System 话音输入系统VESA Video Electronics Standards Association 视频电子标准协会VET Visual Editing Terminal 可视编辑终端VEV Voice Excited Vocoder 话音激励声码器VFAT Virtual File Allocation Table 虚拟文件分配表VFD Voice Frequency Dialing 话频拨号VFDE Voice Frequency Dialing Equipment 话频拨号设备VFG Voice Frequency Generator 话频发生器VFM Voice / Fax Mail 语音/传真信箱VFN Virtual Fax Network 虚拟传真网VFS Video File Server 视频文件服务器VFS Virtual File Storage 虚拟文件存储VFS Virtual File System 虚拟文件系统VFS Voltage Fiber Sensor 电压光纤传感器VFSS Voice Frequency Signaling System 音频信令系统VG Video Graphy 图文(电视)VGA Variable Gain Amplifier 可变增益放大器VGA Video Graphics Adapter 视频图形适配器VGA Video Graphics Array 视频图形阵列卡VGCS Voice Group Call Service 话路群呼叫业务VGS Video Graphics System 视频图形显示系统VHDL VHSIC Hardware Des cription Language 超高速集成电路硬件描述语言VHDL Visual Hardware Des cription Language 可视硬件描述语言VHL Very High-level Language 甚高级语言VHLR Virtual HLR 虚拟HLRVHOL Very High Order Language 超高级语言VHS Video Home System 家用视频系统VHSIC Very High-Speed Integrated Circuit 超高速集成电路VHSOL Very High Speed Optic Loop 甚高速光环路VI Virtual Image 虚拟图像VI&P Visual, Intelligent and Personal 可视化、智能化和个人化VIA Videotex Interworking Architecture 可视图文互通结构VICC Visual Information Control Console 可视信息控制台VICP Virtual International Connecting Point 虚拟国际连接点VICS Vehicle Information Communication System 车辆信息和通信系统VID Video Image Display 视频图像显示VID Virtual Image Display 虚拟图像显示器VIDS Virtual Image Display System 虚拟图像显示系统VIE Virsual Information Environment 虚拟信息环境VIEW Video Information Exchange Window 视频信息交换窗口VIEW Virsual Informative Environment Workstation 虚拟交互环境工作站VIG Video Image Generator 视频图像发生器VIM Vendor-Independent Messaging API 与销售商无关的消息API VINES VIrtual NEtworking System 虚拟网络系统VIP Video Information Provider 视频信息提供者VIP Video Interface Processor 视频接口处理机。



我们网络专业上有给你! 动态范围: Dynamic range 频率偏值: Frequency offset 符号率:Symbol rate 码域功率:code domain power 频分多址: Frequency Division Multiple Access 码分多址: Code Division Multiple Access 时分多址: Time Division Multiple Access 沃什码:Walsh code 误码率:Bit Error Rate,BER 帧误码率:Frame Error Rate,FER 循环冗余码:Cyclic Redundancy Code,CRC 时序分析:timing analyze 门限:threshold 非同步模式:Asynchronous Mode 同步模式:Synchronous Mode 邻道功率:ACP D―― Adjacent Channel Power 先进移动电话业务:AMPS---Advanced Mobile Phone Service组织协会: ANSI --- American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准局 BPT --- British Post and Telecommunication Standard 英国邮政与电信标准 CCIR --- International Radio Consultative Committee 国际无线电咨询委员会 CCITT --- International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee国际/电报咨询委员会 CEPT --- Conference of European Post and Telecommunication Administrations欧洲邮电行政会议 EIA --- Electronic Engineers Association 电子工业协会美 ETSI --- European Telecommunication Standards Institute欧洲电信标准委员会 FCC --- Federal Communications Commission联邦通信委员会美 IEC --- International Electrotechnics Committee国际电工委员会 IEE --- Institution of Electrical Engineers电气工程师协会英 IEEE--- Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, INC电气与电子工程师协会美 ITU --- International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟联合国 MPT --- Ministry of Post and telecommunications邮政与电信部英 TIA --- Telecommuni cations Industries Association电信工业协会美 WARC --- World Administrative Radio Conference世界无线电行政大会 ZVEI --- Zentralverband der Electechnischen Industrie电气工业中央协会德 ACP --- Adjacent Channel Power邻道功率 AMPS --- Advanced Mobile Phone Institute先进移动电话业务 APOC --- Advanced Paging Operator Code先进寻呼操作码 A VL --- Average Voice Level平均话音电平 BSC --- Base Site Controller基站控制器 CDMA --- Code Division Mulitiple Code码分多址 CDPD --- Cellular Digital Packet Data蜂窝分组数据系统 CSC --- Cell Site Controllor小区控制器 DCCH --- Digital Control Channel数字控制信道 DECT --- Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications数字增强无绳电话 EDACS --- Enhanced Digital Access Communications System加强的数字接入通信系统 ERMES --- European Telecommunications Standards Institute欧洲无线电信息系统 ESN --- Electronics Serial Number电子串号 FDR --- Frequency Domain Reflectometry频域反射计 FLEX --- Flexible Paging System可变速寻呼系统 FOCC --- Forward Control Channel 前向控制信道 FVC --- Forward V oice Channel前向话音信道 GSC --- Golay Sequential Coding格雷码 GSM --- Global System for Mobile Communications全球移动通信系统 IBASIC --- Instrument BASIC仪器BASIC语言 IDC --- Instantaneous Deviation Control 瞬时频偏控制 IMSI --- International Mobile Station Identify国际移动台识别号码 LNA --- Low Noise Amplifier低噪声放大器 LPF/HPF --- Low/High Pass Filter低通/高通滤波器 LSB/USB --- Lower/Upper Side Band下/上边带 MCC --- Mobile Country Code移动业务国家号码 MCS --- Mobile Control Station移动控制站 MIN --- Mobile Identification Number移动识别码 MNC --- Mobile Network Code移动电话网号码 MSC ---Mobile Switching Center移动交换中心 MSIN --- Mobile Station Identification Number移动台识别码 MTSO --- Mobile Telephone Switching Office移动电话交换局 NMSI --- National Mobile Station Identify国内移动台识别号码 NMT --- Nordic Mobile Telephone北欧移动电话系统 OTP --- One Time Programmable一次性编程 PDC --- Personal Digital Cellular个人数字蜂窝系统 PHS --- Personal Handy-Phone System个人手持电话系统 PSTN ---Public Switching Telephone Network公用交换电话网 RECC --- Reverse Control Channel反向控制信道 RVC --- Reverse V oice Channel反向话音信道 RSSI --- Receiced Signal Strength Indicator接收信号场强指示 SCC --- Signalling Channel Controller信令信道控制器 SCM --- Station Class Mark移动台级别标志 SID --- Syste Indentification Number系统识别号 TACS --- Total Access Communications System全选址通信系统 TDMA --- Time Division Multiple Access时分多址 UUT --- Under Unit Test被测单元 VCC --- Voice Channel Controller话音信道控制器VSWR --- Voltages Standing Wave Ratio电压驻波比 1997年,爱立信公司向ETSI(欧洲电信标准委员会)提出了EDGE的可行性研究方案,并在同年得到认可。


BN Backbone Network 骨干网
BN Balancing Network 平衡网络
BNN Boundary Network Node 边界网络结点
BNS Broadband Network Services 带宽网络服务
BO-EOC Bit-Oriented Embedded Operations Channel 面向比特的嵌入式作信道
BIS Business Information System 商业信息系统
BISUP Broadband ISDN User Part 宽带ISDated Timing System 大楼综合定时系统
BIU Basic Information Unit 基本信息单元
BONI Basic Optical Network Interface 基本光网接口
BONT Broadband Optical Network Terminal 宽带光网络终端
BOP Beginning Of Packet 分组信息开始
BOP Bit-Oriented Protocol 面向比特的协议
BATE Baseband Adaptive Transversal Equalizer 基带自适应横向均衡器
BATMAN Banyan ATM Architectural Network 榕树ATM结构网络局域网串联
BAU Broadband Access Unit 宽带接入设备
BBA BroadBand Access 宽带接入
BBM BaseBand Modem 基带调制解调器
BBN BroadBand Network 宽带网
BBS Bulletin Board Service 公告板服务



各行业英文对照表分类如下:1、机电一体化 12、机械 13、机械设计、其他设计、机械原理 34、机加工、铸造、锻造、冲压、机械制造、钻 45、模具 66、组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇多种版本77、标准件、紧固件、弹簧、螺栓、轴承78、齿轮89、管道、泵阀、锅炉、容器、液压810、电力、电气、电工、电子、电路、电器、电机1011、自动控制1112、施工、安装、现场、工程1113、土木、建筑1214、焊接1215、材料、热处理(今属、塑料等)、FMEA、冶金、五金1316、质量、检验、形位公差、无损检测、探伤、供应商审核1617、环境、化学、化工、医药、安全1718、汽车相关1819、科技、各类技术1820、力学1921、数学1922、物流、海运、船舶、航空航天1923、图纸相关2024、毕业所需文章翻译类2025、纺织2126、各类设备、仪器仪表2127、缩略语、缩写2228、软件版词典2229、行业标准、规范2330、计算机相关、通信、各类软件用语2331、其他专业英语2432、网站推荐2533、外贸2634、商务2635、职场2736、语法2837、背单词2838、考级、考试2939、口语2940、写作3041、学习系列3042、谚语3143、翻译3144、其他321、机电一体化一、附件下载篇The Mechatronics Handbook, 2002 (pdf, 1230页) /read.php?tid=465882机电专业英语(pdg格式,扫描件,共294页) /read.php?tid=2341机电工程专业英语(txt) /read.php?tid=379244Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (PDF 35MB) /read.php?tid=433637专业(机电)词汇汇总英汉对照(20个TXT文件) /read.php?tid=447250二、非下载篇2、机械一、附件下载篇English for Technical Students (EFTS) (PDF格式,175页) /read.php?tid=431499Mechanical_Engineers_Handbook (2001年版的800多页) /read.php?tid=431032mechanical engineers handbook (共2000多页,123M, 4个PDF) /read.php?tid=4073422003版英文书籍《Mechanical_Engineers_Data_Handbook》(pdf, 354页)/read.php?tid=401526英汉机械工程大词典(PDF格式,有书签,共1324页) /read.php?tid=22515机械翻译词汇(PDF格式,超清晰版,共123页) /read.php?tid=16306機構英文專用術語(DBTEL excel多页链接,繁体) /read.php?tid=120605机械专业英语(pdf,清晰,共135页,全英文,非词典) /read.php?tid=442234Professional words (word文档,包括电工、金属材料、热机、除灰、水电、供水、消防、结构、环保) /read.php?tid=39253机械词语翻译(pdf格式,共123页) /read.php?tid=2432机械名词解释(word文档,2000多个) /read.php?tid=57994机械工程名词PDF版(1、2分别为148,243页) /read.php?tid=412306赛尔集团内部资料-最新实用机械专业英语汇总pdf格式/read.php?tid=1832711楼A-Z词汇(word 文档) /read.php?tid=20373A-G字母开头的机械英语单词(几个TXT文档) /read.php?tid=194246机械英语Word 版整理/read.php?tid=30666分享我收集的机械英语(4个word文档,与其他资料有重复) /read.php?tid=97007机械行业部分英汉对照(与其它机械英语有重复) /read.php?tid=53521机械词汇(几个txt) /read.php?tid=438448机械专业英语词汇(pdf, 15页) /read.php?tid=299923机械专业英语(txt) /read.php?tid=399140机械专业英语(word, 26页) /read.php?tid=247505机械专业英语(word, 9页) /read.php?tid=246588机械专业英语词典(1楼,DOS界面) /read.php?tid=435032机械英语生词本出炉/read.php?tid=442910机械英语(6个文档) /read.php?tid=413955机械专业词汇(word文档,300页) /read.php?tid=391269一些机械英语词汇(word, 99页,有汽车的,外贸的,热处理的等,不是很全) /read.php?tid=398277本人多年收集的机械英语集(10个word&txt文档) /read.php?tid=166962已整理,比较全的机械专业英语(7个文档合集,有贴图) /read.php?tid=342834机械常用英语单词(word文档,82页,按笔划排序,6楼补充资料73页word) /read.php?tid=381169机械通用词汇(整理过的,word,50页) /read.php?tid=387352《机械专业英语词汇》(共218页word) /read.php?tid=287422机械英语对照(word, 68页) /read.php?tid=342137英汉对照机械术语(word, 8页) /read.php?tid=1933122099个机械方面的英语词汇(pdf, 50页) /read.php?tid=179413机械相关专业英语(word, 17页) /read.php?tid=464867我在网上收集了一些关于机械翻译的资料/read.php?tid=352006《汉英词典》机械类专用词汇(word, 按笔划排序,50页) /read.php?tid=248469[机械资料]机械英语名词解释(PDF, 50页) /read.php?tid=2277机械中的常用英语(word文档,共119页) /read.php?tid=244162机械专业英语词汇自己整理和收集的/read.php?tid=277036机械专业英语词汇汇编(5个txt) /read.php?tid=211858Mechanical Engineering phrases chinese-english reference(EXCEL) /read.php?tid=284092machinery component maintenance and repair (一本关于机械设备维护的好书,PDF,全英文,641页) /read.php?tid=445276词根记忆法& 一些机械词汇(2个word文档) /read.php?tid=350184机械中英习题(word, 13页) /read.php?tid=2338基础机械德语教程(pdf, 非清晰版) /read.php?tid=444990机械德语基础词汇!!(汽车化工机械类)/read.php?tid=444992机械专业英语(word版)/read.php?tid=477622二、非下载篇机械英文/read.php?tid=17789机械英语汇总词汇/read.php?tid=27673机械英语汇总/read.php?tid=2431机械类英语汇总/read.php?tid=370324机械单词(与很多资料有重复内容) /read.php?tid=69886机械词汇/read.php?tid=181418机械零件中英词汇对照/read.php?tid=199202机械英语/read.php?tid=213121机械专业英语/read.php?tid=104444机械词汇/read.php?tid=261504一些机械常用英汉对照词汇/read.php?tid=445397专业英语/read.php?tid=443728机械英语词汇(综合型)/read.php?tid=419019机械类相关英语大全(3个word文档,资料与其他资料有重复) /read.php?tid=416619机械英语词汇(a开头) /read.php?tid=381959机械英语11 /read.php?tid=405004新查了些机械方面的英语(1楼焊接方面) /read.php?tid=404796机械工程材料常用词汇/read.php?tid=252060十几年老翻译专业词汇/read.php?tid=124337机械类专利翻译词汇汇总(大约3000个)/read.php?tid=464222机械.中英文对照名词解释/read.php?tid=218731机械专业词汇表/read.php?tid=233371机械专业英语词汇/read.php?tid=288646英汉对照机械术语/read.php?tid=485112机械方面的词汇/read.php?tid=4868333、机械设计、其他设计、机械原理一、附件下载篇机械设计中英文词汇对照(三个word文档) /read.php?tid=21358机械设计名词术语中英文对照表(txt格式) /read.php?tid=15853机械设计名词术语中英文对照表(pdf格式,共35页,A-Z) /read.php?tid=38593机械设计名词术语中英文对照(pdf格式,共8页) /read.php?tid=351677机械名词术语翻译(word, 31页) /read.php?tid=166385机械设计专业术语的英语翻译(word, 16页) /read.php?tid=377426机械设计英语术语大全(word, 9页) /read.php?tid=380689机械设计常用词汇(意大利-英语-汉语, pdf, 96页) /read.php?tid=387161Standards for engineering design and manufacturing(12个pdf) /read.php?tid=428163Mechanical Engineering Design 7th edtion (全英文,pdf格式,共18章,400多页,主要是一些机械设计中的计算实例) /read.php?tid=435808Engineering Design in Three Dimension(大学3D设计书本资料键盘录入) /read.php?tid=379683TANK DESIGN CALCULATION FOR ENGLISH(PDF 格式) /read.php?tid=110067Designing Capable and Reliable Products (设计可行、可靠的产品, 408 pages) /read.php?tid=431044 Hydraulic seal of cylinder (pdf by Busak+Shamban) /read.php?tid=425058机械原理(英文10个ppt)/read.php?tid=150854Designing with Plastic(PDF, 84页) /read.php?tid=480735二、非下载篇机械设计及周边其他用语英汉对照/read.php?tid=2443机械设计名词术语中英文对照表相同资料不同格式资料合并/read.php?tid=16775机械设计工作人员常用软件大会集/read.php?tid=465505机械设计部分外语/read.php?tid=11261平面设计/read.php?tid=2453机械类常用英语:机械设计类/read.php?tid=361300机械原理常用词汇/read.php?tid=448322机械原理部分外语/read.php?tid=11259机械制图部分外语/read.php?tid=11263机械製图常用词汇/read.php?tid=4483124、机加工、铸造、锻造、冲压、机械制造、钻一、附件下载篇金属加工专业词汇(PDF, 10页) /read.php?tid=2301金属工艺学专业词汇(和切削的相关度比较高, word, 6页) /read.php?tid=179842 1楼加工中心英语(word文档,7页,同机床行业常用英文对照/read.php?tid=2282) /read.php?tid=2454机械加工工艺装备基本术语--英-汉/read.php?tid=421106机械加工常用基础英语名词术语翻译对照大全(txt) /read.php?tid=318365机械加工类英语(word, 33页) /read.php?tid=320330Machinery's Handbook 27th Edition /read.php?tid=423917Cutting Tool Applications (18个PDF,全英文) /read.php?tid=419582机床和铣床翻译(word, 2页) /read.php?tid=315914工艺词汇(中英文,word双排,13页) /read.php?tid=177569常用加工机械(word, 2页) /read.php?tid=227191Machining课(机械加工)时加国老师用的英文讲义/read.php?tid=124463英汉金属塑性加工词典(pdf, 287MB) /read.php?tid=312971铸造术语(中英文对照)(word文档,共42页) /read.php?tid=39941铸件教程(英文, pdf, 179页)/read.php?tid=356857铸造常用词汇(word, 2页) /read.php?tid=192787铸造名词术语GB5611-1998 (PDF,182页)/read.php?tid=267888常用铸造词汇的中英文对照和解释(word,1页, PDF11页) /read.php?tid=251220铸造学专业英语词汇(1~31卷,word, 共128页)/read.php?tid=464263Die Casting Alloy Data(pdf, 18页) /read.php?tid=463550What is High Pressure Die Casting(word, 25页) /read.php?tid=338307die casting design (全英文版的书,185页) /read.php?tid=426333Rapid Die Heating for Low-Stress Die Attach(pdf, 10页) /read.php?tid=284965锻铸造关连词汇(word, 4页) /read.php?tid=79892锻铸造关连词汇(word, 13页) /read.php?tid=481947HOW TO BUY FORGINGS (pdf, 6页, 锻造) /read.php?tid=403834冲压英语(word文档,2页) /read.php?tid=2274冲压专业在实践中常用的英语(word, 5页) /read.php?tid=2461Tool-Engineering-Calculator (excel格式) /read.php?tid=390775sour drilling material (pdf, 12页) /read.php?tid=123726机械制造专业英语(章跃,机械工业出版社) /read.php?tid=411529机械制造业翻译词汇/read.php?tid=318360钻井液管汇说明书改动(word, 7页) /read.php?tid=443249 (1楼)铸造术语标准翻译(excel多页分类) /read.php?tid=472114Machining and Metalworking Handbook (McGraw-Hill Handbooks,PDF,976页) /read.php?tid=487100机床行业常用英文对照(同加工中心英语(word文档,7页) /read.php?tid=2454) /read.php?tid=2282二、非下载篇机械加工常用工具英汉对照/read.php?tid=448289常用英语:加工方法/read.php?tid=392537机加英语(一)/read.php?tid=240675机床英汉对照/read.php?tid=485105加工中心英语/read.php?tid=2311/read.php?tid=470615常用加工机械英语/read.php?tid=104447机加工专业(单词/词组)中英对照/read.php?tid=446285铸造常用词中英文对照及简释/read.php?tid=55445铸造、滚动轴承、机床行业常用词中英文对照及简释/read.php?tid=141823铸造厂评估报告英文版/read.php?tid=213697机械铸造类专业术语/read.php?tid=470504锻铸造关连用语/read.php?tid=485115铸件涂层coating of casting /read.php?tid=217929连铸英语/read.php?tid=254939冲压机械及周边关连用语英汉对照/read.php?tid=115797冲压加工工序名称中英文对照表/read.php?tid=141042冲压英语/read.php?tid=2447机械类常用英语系列之冲压模具-零件类/read.php?tid=248000机械工具英语/read.php?tid=153292机械类常用英语:砂轮用语/read.php?tid=418978砂轮用语中英文对照/read.php?tid=111042粗切削与精切削(中英)/read.php?tid=260042线切割放电加工关连用语中英文对照/read.php?tid=113644制造业中常用的英文缩写/read.php?tid=441031常用刀具词汇英语/read.php?tid=389573制造业常用英语词汇/read.php?tid=89976机械类常用英语之射出成形关联用语/read.php?tid=1126395、模具一、附件下载篇模具术语(word文档,47页) /read.php?tid=2294 1楼模具(机械)英语词汇表(word文档,131页) /read.php?tid=2294 2楼模具類相關英語/read.php?tid=58313模具英语(excel格式) /read.php?tid=11111 (1楼)注塑模具英語(pdf,共7页) /read.php?tid=212266机械英语\模具\模具英语词汇表(pdf格式,共10页) /read.php?tid=211179模具相关英语(word文档,38页)/read.php?tid=448135flat die and pocket die(一篇关于冲模的英文论文) /read.php?tid=441754mold design(21页,PDF) /read.php?tid=434679拉深模设计中拉深壁起皱的分析(原英文资料和翻译) /read.php?tid=429892useful knowledge (模流1) (pdf, 256页) /read.php?tid=401659模具英語單詞(pdf, 19页) /read.php?tid=401653模具专业英语(txt) /read.php?tid=125729塑料挤压模具设计(英文版,21页,PDF)/read.php?tid=254689Progressive_die_sequence_design_for_deep_drawing_round_cups_using_finite_element_analysis (模具类的英文文章. 宁言军,PDF 4页) /read.php?tid=284941模具英语(5个word,1个PDF,1个DWG) /read.php?tid=206659二、非下载篇冲压模具/read.php?tid=29172冲模术语(中英对照)/read.php?tid=263934模具专业英语/read.php?tid=2273模具词汇/read.php?tid=37378模具常用刀具与工作法用语/read.php?tid=2336模具钢材及零件英语/read.php?tid=2294模具工程常用词汇/read.php?tid=55116常用模具英语/read.php?tid=2429模具成形不良用语中英文对照/read.php?tid=111038各种模具常用成形方式中英文对照/read.php?tid=112641各式模具分类用语中英文对照/read.php?tid=247995模具英语/read.php?tid=262744机械英语词汇之模板、零件、塑件&模具/read.php?tid=349433各式模具分类用语中英文对照/read.php?tid=431994模具成形不良用语英汉对照/read.php?tid=2442模具相关英语/read.php?tid=5639模具术语(英汉对照)/read.php?tid=260587挤出机、锁模机及立式注塑成型机技术参数型号规格翻译/read.php?tid=471461成型工艺、熔胶段工艺流程及条件介绍/read.php?tid=471452塑料模具常用的英日中词汇汇总/read.php?tid=4873076、组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇多种版本一、附件下载篇机械专业术语(组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇,PDF格式) /read.php?tid=2281机械专业术语(word文档,组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇) 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DAM DECT Authentication Module DECT认证模块
DAMA Demand Assigned Multiple Access 按需分配多址访问
DAMPS Digital Adanced Mobile Phone System 数字高级移动电话系统
DAP Data Access Point 数据接入点
DCR Destination Call Routing 按目标选择路由
DCR Dynamically Controlled Routing 动态控制路由
DCS Desktop Conferencing System 桌式会议系统
DCS Digital Cellular System 数字蜂窝系统
DCS Digital Communication System 数字通信系统
DCS Digital Cross-connect System 数字交叉连接系统
DCS Dynamic Channel Selection 动态信道选择
DCS Dynamic Channel Stealing 动态信道挪用
DCT Data Communication Terminal 数据通信终端
DDN Distributed Data Network 分布式数据网
DDNS Dynamic Domain Name System 动态域名系统
DDOS Distributed Deny Of Service 分布式拒绝服务
DDOV Digital Data Over Voice 话音传送数字数据
DEDFA Distributed Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 分布式掺铒光纤放大器
DEK Data Encryption Key 数据加密密钥

自考 通信英语试题

自考 通信英语试题

通信英语I单项选择1.抽样频率a. sampling rateb. repetition ratec. sampling frequency答案:c2.数字通信a. digital communicationb. digital transmissionc. transmission path答案:a3.帧格式a. synchronization wordb. frame formatc. reverse operation答案:b4.噪声功率a. noisy environmentb. signal levelsc. noise power答案:c5.含噪声的环境a. signal levelsb. noisy environmentc. noise power答案:b6.模拟信号a. speech channelb. analog signalc. amplitude value答案:b7.脉冲流a. stream of pulsesb. receiving terminalc. terrestrial system答案:a8.传输路由a. transmission pathb. transmission qualityc. binary transmission答案:a9.互联网a. network resourceb. Internetc. interconnected systems答案:b10.命令a. copyb. hostc. command答案:c11.拷贝a. addressb. mousec. copy答案:c12.搜索工具a. user interfaceb. searching toolsc. electronic mail答案:b13.存取a. accessb. protocolc. copy答案:a14.网络资源a.textual messagesb. remote terminalsc. network resources答案:c15.文本信息a. information servicesb. hypertext protocolc. textual messages答案:c16.频谱a. bandwidthb. spread spectrumc. frequency band答案:b17.移动手机a. mobile subscriberb. mobile unitc. service performance答案:b18.频带a. frequency spectrumb. frequency bandc. spread spectrum 答案:b19.蜂窝交换机a. cellular switchb. cellular sitec. mobile unit答案:a20.单边带a. single-sidebandb. bandwidthc. service area答案:a21.服务区a. service areab. service performancec. service capability 答案:a22.移动用户a. mobile unitb. mobile subscriberc. mobile transceiver答案:b23.微处理器a. subsystemsb. utilizationc. microprocessor答案:c24.无线机架a. radio cabinetb. antennac. mobile unit答案:a25.电路交换a. packet switchingb. circuit switchingc. message switching 答案:b26.分组交换a. packet switchingb. circuit switchingc. message switching 答案:a27.报文交换a. packet switchingb. circuit switchingc. message switching 答案:c28.专用电路a. dedicated circuitb. error controlc. return signal答案:a29.突发性a. burstyb. randomc. header答案:a30.传输时延a. destination addressb. transmission delayc. return signal 答案:b31.中间交换设备a. given maximumb. intermediate switching equipmentc. store-and-forward manner答案:b32.子网a. headerb. subnetc. busty答案:b33. 公众电信网a.public telecommunication networkb. intermediate switching nodec. circuit- switched network答案:a34.半双工的a. full-duplexb. half-duplexc. external call答案:b35. 端局a. toll centerb. end officec. tandem switch答案:b36. 外部呼叫a. external callb. data trafficc. toll center答案:a37.链路a. trunkb. linkc. route答案:b38.交换节点a. intermediate switching nodeb. voice-frequency circuitc. switching node答案:c39.音频电路a. telephone subscriberb. voice-frequency circuitc. two wire connection答案:b40.拓扑a. internodesb. topologyc. route答案:b41.二线连接a. data trafficb. end officec. two wire connection答案:c42.数据流量a. data trafficb. tandem switchc. toll center答案:a43.全球通信a. interface equipmentb. global communicationc. communication carriers答案:b44.脉码调制a. pulse code modulationb. voice encodingc. open network 答案:a45.接口设备a. switching equipmentb. transmission mediumc. interface equipment答案:c46.综合业务数字网a)end-to-end digital connectivityb. international organization for standardizationc. integrated services digital network答案:c47.通信载体a. communication carriersb. transmission mediumc. interface equipment答案:a48.系统结构a. infrastructure c. flexibility d. basic access答案:a49.蜂窝式移动电话a. cellular switchb. cellular mobile telephonec. cellular site答案:b50.数据传输a. data transmissionb. transmission errorc. error flag答案:a51.传号电平a. space levelb. logical levelc. mark level答案: c52.接收机的定时a. intersymbol spaceb. serial interfacec. receiver timing 答案:c53.明显的缺点a. transmission errorb. obvious disadvantagec. error flag答案:b54. 起始位a. start bitb. stop bitc. parity bit答案:a55.空号电平a. mark levelb. space levelc. the idle state答案:b56.控制比特a. binary datab. local clockc. control bit答案:c57.串行接口a. data streamb. CRT terminalc. serial interface答案:c58.发送器和接收器a. transmitter and receiverb. receiver timingc. duration of T seconds答案:a59.二进制数据a. binary datab. data streamc. data transmission答案:a60.高速电子开关a. the voice channelb. the repetition ratec. a high-speed switch答案:cII.根据所给英文选择合适的答案1.digital communicationa.全球通信b. 公共通信载体c.数字通信答案:c2.voice encoding techniquesa.语音编码技术b. 脉冲c. 脉冲编码调制答案:a3.basic access signaling ratea.大量的接口设备b. 基本接入信令速率c. 统一的接入答案:b4.the International Organization for Standardizationa.综合业务数字网b. ISDN的标准和系统结构c. 国际标准化组织答案:c5.end-to-end digital connectivitya. 基本接入信令速率b.端对端的数字连接c. 语音编码技术答案:b6.progressive application of digital technologya.由于传输媒体导致的质量下降b.4KHz 话路中所固有的带宽限制c.数字技术的逐步应用答案:c7.enhanced qualitya.高质量b. 带宽的限制c.统一的接入答案:a8.the branches between nodesa.节点间的支路b. 中间交换节点c. 全双工的连接答案:a9.tree topologya. 双绞线b. 结构部件c. 树状拓扑答案:c10.backbone hierarchical networka. 国家网络b. 被分离开的子网c. 主干体系网络答案:c11.the subscriber that transmit digital signala. 发送数字信号的用户b. 一小部分用户c. 相邻的端局答案:a12.multiple voice-frequency circuitsa. 高效中继线b. 多音频电路c. 同步时分复用答案:b13.the function of concentrating traffica.集中话务量的功能b. 路由选择的基本次序c. 发送数字信号的用户答案:a14.full duplexa. 全双工的连接b. 全连通性c. 全双工的答案:c15.transmission facilitiesa. 传输设备b. 交换区c. 高效中继线答案:a16.switching techniquea.交换技术b. 电路交换c. 分组交换答案:a17.message switchinga.交换技术b. 报文交换c. 分组交换答案:b18.communication partiesa.传输单元b. 通信各方c. 返回信号答案:b19.the special signaling messagea. 存储转发传输技术b. 带宽的动态分配c. 特定的信令信息答案:c20.low channel utilizationa. 低的电路利用率b. 报文整个的传输时延c. 传输单元答案:a21.total path of connected linesa. 连线的整个通路b. 源到目的地的一对c. 带宽的动态分配22.radio cabineta. 无线通信行业b. 无线机架c. 多径衰耗答案:b23.telephone company zone officesa.移动收发信机b. 电话公司地方局c. 中央协调单元答案:b24.available radio frequency spectruma. 所分配的频带b. 调频广播业务c. 可用的无线电频谱答案:c25.central coordinating elementa. 中央协调单元b. 试验性的蜂窝系统c. 有限的服务能力答案:a26.severe spectrum limitationsa.严厉的频谱限制b. 有限的服务能力c. 有限的指定频带答案:a27.developmental cellular systema. 频谱利用率b. 试验性的蜂窝系统c. 传统移动电路的运行限制答案:b28.propagation path lossa. 调频广播业务b. 传输路径衰耗c. 无线机架答案:b29.backbone systema.主干系统b. 电子会议c. 远程终端答案:a30.live conversationa.最大的信息库b. 文本信息c. 实时的对话答案:c31.textual messagesa.搜索工具b. 万维网c. 文本信息答案:c32.the networked hypertext protocola.联网的超文本协议b. 网络设备资源c. 全国范围的网络答案:a33.the Unix operating systema. 主干系统b. 万维网c. Unix 操作系统答案:c34.the vast majority of the computers on the neta.在网上的绝大多数计算机b. 分布在全世界的计算机的巨大网络c. 全国范围的网络答案:a35.remote terminala. 电子会议b. 远程终端c. 文本信息36.the largest repository of informationa. 最大的信息库b. 实时的对话c. 方便的搜索工具答案:a37.the time division multiplexera. 时分多路复用b. 高速的电子开关c. 时分多路复用器答案:c38.A high-speed electronic switcha. 高速的电子开关b. 被传信号的波形c. 时分多路复用答案:a39.time Division Multiplexinga. 时分多路复用b. 时分多路复用器c. 地面系统答案:a40.the presence or absence of the pulsea. 一串幅值b. 每样值8 位码c. 脉冲的“有”或“无”答案:c41.the unique or absence of the pulsea. 脉冲的“有”或“无”b. 被称为同步字的独特的码序列c. 将抽样的幅值转换成一串脉冲的单元答案:b42.A sequence relating to channel1, 2 and so ona.涉及到第一路、第二路及其他各路的序列b.一条特定消息中的全部信号c.理论上的最小采样频率答案:a43.the schemes for performing these three functionsa. 电话质量的话路b. 由卫星上收到的信号c. 实现这三项功能的方案答案:c44.a series of amplitude valuesa.一串幅值b. 被传信号的波形c. 每样值8位码答案:a45.A speech channel of telephone qualitya. 实现这三项功能的方案b. 将抽样的幅值转换成一串脉冲的单元c. 电话质量的话路答案:c46.A sequence of 8-binary digitsa. 每样值8位码b. 一个8位二进制序列c. 一串幅值答案:b47.A minimum theoretical sampling frequencya. 理论上的最小采样频率b. 抽样量化和编码c. 将抽样的幅值转换成一组脉冲的单元答案:a48.the sparking of a car ignition systema. 高速电子开关b. 理论上的最小采样频率c. 汽车点火系统的打火答案:c49.the stream of the pulses with a repetition rate of 64KHz a. 真实信号与噪声信号的关系 b. 由传输路由引入的衰减c. 重复率为64KHz的脉冲流答案:c50.the relationship of the true signal to the noise signala. 真实信号与噪声信号的关系b. 脉冲的有和无c. 被称为同步字的独特的码序列答案:a51.terrestrial systema. 高速电子开关b. 地面系统c. 时分多路复用答案:b52.asynchronous serial data transmissiona. 数据链路面向字符的特征b. 异步串行数据传输c. 异步串行接口答案:b53.isolated subnetworksa. 被分离的子网b. 高效中继线c. 交换区答案:a54.two subscribers attached to different end officesa. 在站和网络之间的接口b. 路由选择的基本次序c. 连到不同端局的两个用户答案:c55.synchronous TDMa. 同步时分复用b. 多条音频电路c. 节点间的之路答案:a56.the clocks at the transmitter and receivera. 符号间空格持续时间的三倍b. 在字符后所收到的奇偶校验位c. 发送器和接收器时钟答案:c57.the transmitted dataa. 电传机时代b. 一个字符的点和划c. 所发送的数据答案:c58.the falling edge of the start bita. 起始位的下降沿b. 停止位的下降沿c. 电传机时代答案:a59.the group of bits called charactersa. 数据链路面向字符的特征b. 在字符后所收到的奇偶校验位c. 被称为字符的比特组答案:c60.A clock generated locally by the receivera. 最为流行的串行接口b. 由接收机本地产生的时钟c. 发送器和接收器的时钟答案:bIII.选择合适的答案1.Furthermore, we shall prove that a minimum theoretical sampling frequency of order 6.8KHz is required ( ) a voice channel ( ) the range 300 Hz to 3.4KHz.a. convey , occupyb. to convey, occupyingc. conveying , occupiedd. convey, to occupy答案:b2. For example, the signal ( ) from a satellite, ( ) in far outer space, is very weak.a. received, located b. receive, locate c. receiving, locatingd. to receive, to located答案:a3. If we consider binary transmission, the complete information about a particular message will always () by simply ( ) the presence or absence of the pulse.a.obtain, detect b. be obtained, detecting c. obtained, detectedd. obtaining, detected答案:b4. There is a inherent advantage for ( ) noisy environments by ( ) digital transmission.a.overcoming, choose b. overcome, choosing c. overcome, choosed. overcoming , choosing答案:d5. Each voice channel has a separate coder, the unit ( ) converts sampled amplitude values to a set of pulse; and decoder, the unit ( ) performs the reverse operation.a.who, who b. when, when c. where, where d. that , that答案:d6. The problem is easily overcome by ( ) a frame format, where at the start of each frame a unique sequence of pulses is placed ( ) the start of the frame.a.specify, identifyb. specifying, so as to identifyc. specified, identifiedd. specify, identifying答案:b7. It was ( ) in 1969, when the U.S. Department of Defense established a nationwide network ( ) a handful of universities and contractors.a. start, connectb. started, to connectc. to start, connectedd. to start, to connect答案:b8. If somebody else had something interesting ( ) on their computer, it was a simple matter ( ) a copy.a.stored, to obtainb. to store, obtainedc. storing, obtainingd. store, obtain9. The Internet is a huge ( ) systems, but it users just a handful of method ( ) data around.a.interconnect, moveb. interconnected, to movec. to interconnect, movedd. interconnecting, moving答案:b10. The most commonly ( ) is electronic mail (E-mail) , or simply as mail, Mail permits network users ( ) textual messages to each other.e, sendb. to use, sentc. used, to sendd. using , sending答案:c11. Today thousands of network s and millions of computers ( ) the Internet.a.are connected tob. connected toc. to connectd. connecting to答案:a12. The simplest way ( ) a file on another host is to copy it across the network to your local host, FTP can do this.a.accessb. to accessc. accessedd. success答案:b13.One of many reasons for ( ) a cellular mobile telephone system and ( ) it in many cities is the conventional mobile telephone system.a.develop, deployb. to develop, to deployc. developing, deployingd. developed, deployed答案:c14. The ideal mobile telephone system would operate within a ( ) signed frequency band and would serve an almost ( ) number of users in ( ) areas.a.limited, unlimited, unlimitedb.limitation, limitation, limitationc.limit, limit, limitd. limiting, limiting, limiting答案:a15. LSI technology and mass production contribute to reduced cost ( ) in the future an average-income family should be able ( ) a mobile telephone unit.a.Which, affordingb. that, affordedc. when, affordd. so that, to afford答案:D16. Microprocessors and minicomputers are now ( ) for controlling many complicated features and functions with less power and size ( ) was previously possible.a. used, thanb. use, thisc. using, theyd. usage, it答案:a17. On Jan.4,1979, the FCC ( ) Illinois Bell Telephone Co. ( ) a developmental cellular system in the Chicago area and make a limited offering of its cellular service to the public.a. authorize, conductb. authorizing, conductingc. authorized, to conductd. to authorize, conducted18. Why 800 MHz? The FCC’s decision ( ) 800 MHz was ( ) because of severe spectrum limitations at lower frequency band.a.to choose, madeb. choose, to makec. choice, maked. choice, making答案:a19. The switch, ( ) circuit switches, have no capability of ( ) user’s data on their way to the destination.a. calling, storedb. called, storingc. to call, to stored. be called, be stored答案:b20. The circuit is set up by a special signaling message ( ) finds its way through the network, ( ) channels in the path as it proceeds.a. that, seizingb. where, seizingc. who, seizedd. one, be seized答案:a21. -The switching element is a computer ( ) a message processor, with processing and storage capabilities. Message travels independently and asynchronously, ( ) their own way from source to destination.a. to call , findb. calling, foundc. referred to as, findingd. be called, sending答案:c22. A variation of message switching is packet switching. Here the message is broken up into several pieces of a ( ) maximum length, ( ) packets.a. given, calledb. give, callc. giving, callingd. to give, to call答案:a23. The telephone contains a transmitter and receiver for ( ) back and forth ( ) analog voice and analog electrical signals.a. convert, inb. converting, betweenc. conversion, tod. converted, into答案:b24. Each subscriber connects ( ) local loop to a switching center, ( ) as an end office.a. to, callingb. with, knownc. the , knowd. via, known答案:d25. The trunks are designed ( ) multiple voice-frequency circuits ( ) either FDM or synchronous TDM.a. carry, useb. carried, usedc. to carry, to used. to carry, using答案:d26. Although originally to service analog telephone subscribers, the telephone network handles substantial data traffic ( ) modem, and gradually beingconverted to a digital network.a. implemented, viab. implementing, inc. to implement, withind. design, on答案:a27. Designers have found it convenient ( ) these nodes into a hierarchy or tree topology, ( ) five classes of switching centers or nodes.a. organization, consistb. organize, consistingc. to organize, consisting ofd. organizing , to consist答案:c28. ISDN’s enormous importance is only gradually being ( ) . Years of work have been ( ) by the CCITT and the ISO.a. understand, carryb. understanded, carriedc. to be understood, to carryd. understood, carried out答案:d29. The term ISDN was first defined within the CCITT in 1972. It referred to a network ( ) end-to-end digital connectivity ( ) a range of services.a. providing, forb. provision, toc. provided, withd. provide, into答案:a30. Similarly, the introduction of voice encoding techniques ( ) pulse code modulation contributed ( ) the ISDN’s concept evolution.a. usage, onb. using, toc. use, withd. used, so as to答案:b31. The enhanced quality is achieved when a signal is digitally encoded ( ) degradation ( ) the transmission medium.a. overcome, tob. overcame, withc. overcoming, overd. to overcome, due to答案:d32. As regards economy, early studies suggested that digital services ( ) significant advantages since a substantial quantity of interface equipment in the telephone exchange could ( ).a. offered, be eliminatedb. offer, eliminatec. offers, is eliminatedd. to offer, to eliminate答案:d33. As regards economy, early studies suggested that digital services ( ) significant advantages since a substantial quantity of interface equipment in the telephone exchange could ( ).a. offered, be eliminatedb. offer, eliminatec. offers, is eliminatedd. to offer, to eliminate答案:a34. If we consider binary transmission, the complete information about a particular message will always ( ) by simply ( ) the presence or absence of the pulse.a. obtain, detectb. be obtained, detectingc. obtained, detectedd. obtaining, detected答案:b35. An asynchronous serial data link is said ( ) character oriented, as information is transmitted in the form of group of bits ( )characters.a. be, callingb. to being, to callc. been, calld. to be, called答案:d36. It was ( ) in 1969, when the U.S Department of Defense established a nationwide network ( ) a handful of universities and contractors.a. start, connectb. started, to connectc. to start, connectedd. to start, to define答案:b37. Thus was born a new, but perpetually ( ) paging services ( ) at a one-way selective signaling system without speech.a. developing, consistingb. organize, consist ofc. develop, defined. to develop, to define答案:a38. Designers have found it convenient ( ) these nodes into a hierarchy or tree topology, ( ) five classes of switching centers.a. organizing, consistingb. organize, consist ofc. to organize, consisting ofd. to organize, to consist of答案:cIV.根据课文内容选择正确答案1.The integrated services digital network is the road map to the future for ( ).A.all forms of data communicationsB.all forms of digital communicationsC.all voice conversationsD.all personal communications答案:B2. The digital service offered the public carriers three very appealing characteristics: ( ) , economy, and flexibility.A. social abilityB. great capacityC. high speedD. enhanced quality答案:D3. As regards economy, early studies suggested that digital services offered significant advantages since the substantial quantity of interface equipment in the telephone exchange ( ).A. could be eliminatedB. could be usedC. could be decreasedD. could be widely used答案:A4. Today two 64 kbit/s, or 2B-channels coupled with a basic access signaling rate of 16 kbit/s, the D-channel, constitute ( ).A.the information superhighwayB.the local area networkC.the essential ISDN transmission rateD.the synchronous digital hierarchy答案:C5. Currently PSTN offers universal voice access to almost 750 million telephone around the world. ISDN is the network which will provide a similar universal access for ( ).A.voice service as wellB.not only voice but data, video, text, and other services as wellC.any analog information including voiceD.high speed data service答案:B6. The public telecommunications network can be described ( ).ing twisted pair of wiresing many thousands of subscribersing four generic architectural componentsing switching nodes答案:C7. The local loop is a pair of wires, generally twisted pair, that ( ).A.connects a subscriber to one of the nodes in the networkB.connects trunk in the networkC.attaches to the toll centerD.attaches to the primary center答案:A8. If the two subscribers are under the aegis of different regional centers, the circuit ( ).A.will involve a digital data systemB.will involve a trunk between regional centersC.will involve a PBX facilityD.will involve many end offices答案:B9. Each subscriber c9onnects via local loop to a switching center, known as ( ).A. a regional centerB. a tandem switchC. an end officeD. a telephone network答案:C10. There are over 19,000 end offices in the United States, so it is clearly impractical ( ).A.for each end office to have a direct link to each other end officeB.for the US to build so many switching centersC.for each end office to provide video serviceD.for each end office to support many thousands of subscribers答案:A11. With the introduction of digital data system, some subscribers that ( ) have been incorporated into the network.A.can provide video serviceB.transmit broadband programC.contain a transmitter and receiverD.transmit digital signals答案:D12. ( ) , a total path of connected lines is set up from the origin to the destination at the time the call is made, and the path remains allocated to the source-destination pair until it is released by the communication parties.A. In message switchingB. In packet switchingC. In circuit switchingD. In digital switching答案:C13. In message switching, the transmission unit is a well defined block of data called a message. In addition to the text to be transmitted, a message comprises ( ).A. a start and end of dataB. a header and checksumC. a start and a stop bitD. a transmitter and receiver答案:B14. A variation of message switching is packet switching. Here the message is broken up into several pieces of a given maximum length, ( ).A. called informationB. called textsC. called packetsD. called messages答案:C15. The header of a message contains information regarding ( ); the checksum is used for error control purposes.A. the text to be transmittedB. the source and destination addressesC. the voice channelsD. many packets between two computers答案:B16. With circuit switching, there is always an initial connection cost incurred in setting up the circuit. It is cost-effective only in those situations where once the circuit is set up ( ).A.the voice conversation beginsB.there is no any intervention on the part of the subnetC.there is a message to be transmittedD.there is a guaranteed steady flow of information transfer答案:D17. A major problem facing the radio communication industry is the limitation of ( ).A.the LSI technologyB.the poor service performanceC.the available radio frequency spectrumD.the size of the mobile transceivers答案:C18. Large-Scale Integrated circuit technology reduced ( ) so that they easily fit into the standard automobile.A.the costs of the transceiversB.the size of mobile transceiversC.the number of the channelsD.the frequency band of the transceiver答案:B19. A basic cellular system consists of three parts: a mobile unit, ( ).A.a cell site, and a mobile telephone switching officeB.a cellular processor and a cellular switchC.a control unit and a power plantD.an antenna and a data terminal答案:A20. Each mobile unit can only use one channel at a time for its communication link, ( ).A.the channel is fixed when the call is madeB.but the channel is not fixedC.and the channel is a high-speed data linkD.and many mobile units use the same channel答案:B21. The cellular switch, which can be either analog or digital, switches calls ( ).A.to connect mobile subscribers to the nationwide telephone networkB.to connect fixed telephone subscribers to one anotherC.to link together many fixed telephone usersing the microwave radio links答案:A22. People on the ARPNET quickly discovered that they could ( ) .municate to one another by telephoneB.exchange messages and conduct electronic “conferences” with distantC.conduct data communicationsD.get all kinds of information services, such as science, education答案:B23. Today thousands of network and millions of computers are connected to the Internet. It is growing so quickly ( ) how many users “On the Net”.A. that anybody knowsB. that you can tell usC. that anyone can say exactlyD. that nobody can say exactly答案:D24. The Internet is an international collection of computer networks that ( ), connected together through backbone systems.A.all understand a standard system of addresses and commandsB.all have the bridges and gatewaysC.all use the same addresses and the serversD.all understand importance of communications答案:A25. The Internet is the largest repository of information which can provide very very large network resources. The network resources can be divided into ( ).munication resources and computer resourcesB.servers resources and bridges resourcesC.facilities resources and information resourcesD.hardware resources and software resources答案:C26. As more and more systems join the Internet, and as more and more forms of information can be converted to digital form , ( ).A.the amount of stuff available to Internet users continues to growB.the Internet becomes very busyC.the number of Internet users becomes very largeD.the information in Internet is shared by more people.答案:A27. Before you can use the Internet, you must ( ).A.understand the regulations of the InternetB.choose a way to move data between the Internet and your PCC.install a serverD.study the concept of the communications答案:B28. ( ) is a networked hypertext protocol and user interface.A. Asynchronous serial interfaceB. E-mailC. InternetD. World wide web答案:D29. If the signal is very large compared to the noise level, then ( ).A.the signal-to-noise ratio is poorB.a perfect message can take placeC.it’s a terrestrial systemD.the noise power is very strong答案:B30. If we consider binary transmission, the complete information about a particular message will always be obtained ( ).A.by detecting the shape of the transmitted signalB.by detecting the level of the transmitted signalC.by calculating the parameters of the transmitted signalD.by detecting the presence or absence of the pulse答案:D31. At the receive terminal ( ) to separate the 8-digit sequences into the appropriate channels.A. PCM is usedB. a demultiplexer is neededC. the frame code is arrangedD. the coder is required答案:B32. It is ( ) which is of the most interest to the communication engineer.A.the method for overcoming noisy environmentsB.the relationship of the true signal to the noise signalC.the binary transmissionD.the quality of the transmission。

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