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第一课时(Section A 1a—1c)


1. wind ___________(adj)

2. sun ____________(adj)

3. rain ____________(-ing)

4. cloud____________(adj)


1. It’s r_________ today. I have to stay at home and watch TV.

2. It’s a beautiful and s ________day today.

3. It’s c ________ outside. Please put on warm clothes.

4. Look at the c__________ in the sky. I think it will rain.

5. I like w ___________days because I can fly a kite.

6. My mother tells me______________(study) hard.

7. It is _______________(snow) outside now.


A: Hey, Peter.

B: Hi, Tom.

A: __________ the weather down in Shanghai?

B: It’s __________. How is the weather in Moscow?

A: It’s___________ right now.

B: How is the ___________ in Boston?

A: It’s ____________.

B: So, how’s the weather in _____________?

A: It’s ________________.

B: __________ about Toronto?

A: It’s raining as ______________.

B: ___________ all. Thank you!


1. 上海的天气怎么样?

_________________________ in Shanghai now?

2. 今天是晴天,我想去打篮球。

___________________ today. I want___________________.

3. 很多人都不喜欢下雨天

Many people__________________________________.

第二课时(Section A 2a—2d)


1. 听音乐

2. 在公园

3. 玩地开心

4. 在家

5. 为…带个信

6. 吩咐某人做…..

7. 没问题8. 不错9. 听起来像….

10. 立刻、马上11. 跟…打招呼12. 不很多


1. Where _____________(be) Tony? –Oh, he ______________(clean) his car outside.

2. What are Susan and Lucy doing?

They _____________(make) soup. They can_________________(make) very good soup.

3. Mike often______________(do) his homework at seven. But he________________(not do) his homework now.

4. My mother tells me ______________(study) hard every day. That sounds___________(bored).

5. Alex comes from_______________ and he is an________________(America)


Today is_______and____________. Uncle Joe is____________. He is________ __________.But aunt Sally is ___________ right now. She is ___________. Their daughter Mary is __________. She has nothing to do. So she is ________________ TV. Jim wants to_______ “ hi” to Jeff. But Jeff_________________ computer games.


1. It’s cloudy today.(就划线部分提问)

2. Joe is calling his friend.(就划线部分提问)

3. How is the weather today?(同义句)

4. He is playing basketball with his friends(就划线部分提问)

5. Could you tell him to call me back?(肯定回答).


1. 我正在学校和同学一起打篮球。

I______________________________________________________ at school.

2. 听起来有玩地很开心


3. 请你给你的朋友带个口信好吗?

Could you_____________________________________________________?

第三课时Section A (Grammar Focus-3b)
