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1、检索课题名称:海洋光学遥测信息应用研究2、课题分析:中文关键词为:海洋光学遥测信息遥测遥控应用;1. 英文关键词为:ocean optics telemetry Remote application;3、选择检索工具:Elsev ier数据库4、构建检索策略:ocean * optics5、简述检索过程:选定在Elsevier中期刊、图书、文摘数据库等全部文献资源中检索1996年以后的关于海洋光学遥测信息应用研究的相关文献。
利用确定的检索策略(ocean* optics),文献全文(含文献题目、摘要、关键词)中检索,检到1819篇相关文献;在文献题目、摘要和关键词中检索,检索到19篇相关文献;在文献关键词中检索到5篇相关文献;在文献题目中检索到0篇相关文献。
6、整理检索结果:从以上文献中选择出3条切题文献1 The origin and global distribution of second order variability in satellite ocean color and its potential applications to algorithm developmentRemote Sensing of Environment, Volume 112, Issue 12, 15 December 2008, Pages 4186-4203Catherine A. Brown, Yannick Huot, P. Jeremy Werdell, Bernard Gentili, Hervé ClaustreAbstractEmpirical algorithms based on first order relationships between ocean color and the chlorophyll concentration ([Chl]; mg m? 3) are widely used, but cannot explain the statistical dispersion or “anomalies” around the mean trends. We use an empirical approach that removes the first order effects of [Chl] from satellite ocean color, thus allowing us to quantify the impact on the ocean color signal of optical anomalies that vary independently of the global mean trends with remotely sensed [Chl]. We then present statistical and modeling analyses to interpret the observed anomalies in terms of their optical sources (i.e. absorption and backscattering coefficients). We identify two main sources of second order variability for a given [Chl]: 1) the amount of non-algal absorption, especially due to colored dissolved organic matter; and 2) the amplitude of the backscattering coefficient of particles. The global distribution of the anomalies displays significant regional and seasonal trends, providing important information for characterizing the marine optical environment and for inferring biogeochemical influences. We subsequently use our empirically determined anomalies to estimate the backscattering coefficient of particles and the combined absorption coefficient for colored detrital and dissolved materials. This purely empirical approach provides an independent assessment of second order optical variability for comparison with existing methods that are generally based on semi-analytical models.Keywords: Remote sensing; MODIS; Optical properties; Backscattering; CDOM; Ocean color; Bio-optics2Satellite and in situ observations of the bio-optical signatures of two mesoscale eddies in the Sargasso SeaDeep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, V olume 55, Issues 10-13, May-June 2008, Pages 1218-1230D.A. Siegel, D.B. Court, D.W. Menzies, P. Peterson, S. Maritorena, N.B. NelsonAbstractSatellite ocean-color imagery and field spectroradiometer observations are used to assess thebio-optical signatures of two mesoscale features, a cyclone C1 and an 18°-water anticyclone A4, in the Sargasso Sea. Field determinations of upper layer bio-optical properties, such as the diffuse attenuation coefficient and remote-sensing reflectance spectra, show little statistically significant variations with distance to the eddy center for either eddy. This contrasts field observations showing many-fold higher phytoplankton pigment biomass at depth (and for A4 higher primary production rates at depth) than is typical for this region. The cyclone C1 does show a significant decrease in the depth of the 1% photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) isolume with increasing distance from eddy center while the anticyclone A4 shows no coherent signal vs. distance. V ertical profiles of bio-optical properties show consistent patterns where subsurface maxima are displaced higher inside the core of the cyclone C1 than in the surrounding waters while the highest values of the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 443 nm are observed within the core of anticyclone A4. Satellite observations of near-surface bio-optical properties show signals consistent with eddy physical characteristics, although the magnitude of these variations is very small, barely detectable by typical field measurement protocols. Mean values of bio-optical properties are higher within the cyclone compared with its periphery but not for the anticyclone. For both eddies, significant inverse correlations are observed between time series of bio-optical properties and eddy center sea-level anomaly. Consistent response to wind speed is also noted: following strong wind events, bio-optical parameters are elevated inside the anticyclone and are reduced inside the cyclone. These observations demonstrate that a combination of physical processes, including vertical eddy uplift, eddy horizontal advection, and eddy-scale Ekman pumping, contribute to the bio-optical imprint of mesoscale eddies. The contributions of these forcing mechanisms change over the period of observation, illustrating the limitations of inferring eddy bio-optical dynamics from short-term, field observations. The present analyses provide insights into the potential as well as the drawbacks of bio-optical techniques for probing the biological and biogeochemical impacts of open-ocean eddies.Keywords: Mesoscale eddies; Sargasso Sea; Satellite ocean color; Remote sensing; Bio-optics3.Atlantic Time Series S tation; Ocean Color Remote Sensing; Mesoscale Eddies; Sargasso Sea; BermudaBi-directional reflectance study on particulate layers: Effects of pore liquid absorption coefficient Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, V olume 105, Issue 3, July 2007, Pages 405-413Kenneth J. V oss, Hao ZhangAbstractWe have made bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) measurements on particulate layers wetted by absorbing liquids. The measurement results indicate that the BRDF tends to become more Lambertian as the interstitial pore liquid becomes more absorbing. The directional hemispherical reflectance, or albedo, of such a layer decreases nonlinearly with a wetting liquid's absorption coefficient. This behavior may be fit by two empirical relationships which independently treat the reflectance from the front surface and reflectance from the bulk material.Keywords: Reflectance; Ocean optics7.标示原文线索(1)The origin and global distribution of second order variability in satellite ocean color and its potential applications to algorithm developmentV olume 112, Issue 12, 15 December 2008, Pages 4186-4203(2)Satellite and in situ observations of the bio-optical signatures of two mesoscale eddies in the Sargasso SeaDeep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, V olume 55, Issues 10-13, May-June 2008, Pages 1218-1230(3)Atlantic Time Series Station; Ocean Color Remote Sensing; Mesoscale Eddies; Sargasso Sea; BermudaBi-directional reflectance study on particulate layers: Effects of pore liquid absorption coefficientJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 105, Issue 3, July 2007, Pages 405-413。
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(四)利用英文全文数据库——Elsevier进行文献信息检索示例1、检索课题名称:货币需求对利率的影响2、课题分析:中文关键词为:货币需求、利率英文关键词为::Currency demand 、 interest rate3、选择检索工具:Elsevier数据库4、构建检索策略:Currency demand AND interest rate5、简述检索过程:选定在Elsevier中期刊、图书、文摘数据库等全部文献资源中检索2002年以后的关于货币需求对利率影响的相关文献。
利用确定的检索策略(Currency demand AND interest rate),文献全文(含文献题目、摘要、关键词)中检索,检到19040 篇相关文献;在文献题目、摘要和关键词中检索,检索到 47篇相关文献;在文献关键词中检索到0篇相关文献;在文献题目中检索到0 相关文献。
6、整理检索结果:从以上文献中选择出3条切题文献1. Currency demand by federal reserve cash office: what do we know? Original Research ArticleJournal of Economics and Business, Volume 56, Issue 4, July–August 2004, Pages 273-285Ruth A Judson, Richard D PorterAbstract:We evaluate US regional currencydemands using a panel dataset covering the 37 Federal Reserve Cash Offices over 25 years from 1974 to 1998. We find strong support for the transaction specification, in which currency depends on a transaction measure and nominal interestrate for all denominations, large denominations, and US $20. This result is generally robust to the inclusion of wide variety of additional economic and demographic variables. Beyond the traditional transaction terms, seven other variables stand out in the specifications we entertain: the age distribution of the population, bankruptcies, crime, employment, housing permits and starts, and transfer payments. Finally, we show that international currencydemand was generally an important influence during the period; when its influence is disregarded, the findings are muddied considerably.The following tests were made:– Combined wet–dry cycles using fresh water, seawater and water containing 5% sulphates– Accelerated ageing in an autoclave– Accelerated carbonationThe performance of the concrete containing sludge was acceptable and comparable to the results obtained for the reference concrete not containing sludge.Keywords: Currency; Domestic; International; Money demand; Panel2. Black market exchange rate, currency substitution and the demand for money in LDCs Original Research ArticleEconomic Systems, Volume 30, Issue 3, October 2006, Pages 249-263 Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Altin TankuAbstract:Mundell's conjecture in 1963 that the demand for money could depend on the exchange rate in addition to income and interestrate has received some attention in the literature by including the official exchange rate and estimating the money demand in a few developed countries. In less developed countries, since there is a black market for foreign exchange, it has been suggested that the black market exchange rate rather than the official rate should be the determinant of the demand for money in LDCs. This proposition is tested by estimating the demand for money for 25 LDCs using the bounds testing approach to cointegration. The main conclusion is that while in some LDCs, the black market rate enters into the formulation of the demand for money, in some others the official rate is the determinant. The black market premium also played a role in some countries.JEL classification• E41;• F31Keywords: Money demand; Black market exchange rate; Bounds testing3. An oil demand and supply model incorporating monetary policy Original Research ArticleEnergy, Volume 35, Issue 5, May 2010, Pages 2013-2021Hossein Askari, Noureddine KricheneAbstract:Oil price inflation may have had a significant role in pushing the world economy into its worst post-war recession during 2008–2009. Reserve currency central banks pursued an overly expansionary monetary policy during 2001–2009, in the form of low or negative real interestrates and accompanied by a rapidly falling US dollar, while paying inadequate attention to the destabilizing effects on oil markets. In this paper, we show that monetary policy variables, namely key interestrates and the US dollar exchange rate, had a powerful effect on oil markets. World oil demand was significantly influenced by interest and dollar exchangerates, while oil supply was rigid. Oil demand and supply have very low price elasticity and this characteristic makes oil prices highly volatile and subject to wider fluctuations than the prices of other commodities. Aggressive monetary policy would stimulate oil demand, however, it would be met with rigid oil supply and would turn inflationary and disruptive to economic growth if there was little excess capacity in oil output. We argue that a measure of stability in oil markets cannot be achieved unless monetary policy is restrained and real interestrates become significantly positive. Monetary tightening during 1979–1982 might implythat monetary policy has to be restrained for a long period and with high interestrates in order to bring stability back to oil markets. Keywords:Crude oil; Demand and supply; Elasticity; Exchange rate; Interestrates6、全文摘录选择一篇:1An oil demand and supply model incorporating monetary policy一、篇名An oil demand and supply model incorporating monetary policy二、著者Hossein Askari,Noureddine Krichene三、著者机构George Washington University, 17795 Canby Road, Leesburg, VA 20175, USA International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, NW, Washington DC 20431, USAReceived 1 October 2009. Accepted 15 January 2010. Available online 3 March 2010./10.1016/, How to Cite or Link UsingDOI四、文摘 AbstractOil price inflation may have had a significant role in pushing the world economy into its worst post-war recession during 2008–2009. Reserve currency central banks pursued an overly expansionary monetary policy during 2001–2009, in the form of low or negative real interestrates and accompanied by a rapidly falling US dollar, while paying inadequate attention to the destabilizing effects on oil markets. In this paper, we show that monetary policy variables, namely key interestrates and the US dollar exchange rate, had a powerful effect on oil markets. World oil demand was significantly influenced by interest and dollar exchange rates, while oil supply was rigid. Oil demand and supply have very low price elasticity and this characteristic makes oil prices highly volatile and subject to wider fluctuations than the prices of other commodities. Aggressive monetary policy would stimulate oil demand, however, it wouldbe met with rigid oil supply and would turn inflationary and disruptive to economic growth if there was little excess capacity in oil output. We argue that a measure of stability in oil markets cannot be achieved unless monetary policy is restrained and real interestrates become significantly positive. Monetary tightening during 1979–1982 might implythat monetary policy has to be restrained for a long period and with high interestrates in order to bring stability back to oil markets.五、关键词 Keywords:Crude oil; Demand and supply; Elasticity; Exchange rate; Interestrates六、正文1. Introduction(首段)The world economy experienced its worst post-WWII recession during 2008–2009 as oil prices raced from $20/barrel in 2001 to over $147/barrel in July 2008.1 Left unchecked and largely ignored by reserve currency central bankers, high fuel prices diverted large quantities of grains to the production of ethanol, putting pressure on corn and soybean markets; disrupted agriculture, airlines, auto industry; set off food riots in vulnerable countries; led to oil protests in major industrial countries; and aggravated poverty and unemployment around the world.(末段)During 2001–2008, major reserve currency central banks followed a highly expansionary monetary policy that ignited rapid commodity price inflation. Food and oil prices rose at unprecedented pace and reached levels that triggered riots and protests. Such a policy disrupted vital food and energy markets, and was a factoring the ensuing economic recession and high unemployment. In response to the recession during 2008–2009, reserve central banks decided to keep key money market rates near zero bounds and to expand the supply of money. This policy could encourage more speculation in commodity markets, especially in markets that face rigid demand and supply, such as oil. The data for 1976–1986 shows that monetary policy may have to be tightened significantly in order to reduce commodity price inflation and that money market interest rates, such as the LIBOR or the federal funds rate, may have to be maintained on average at levels similar to those during 1986–2001 in order to restore long-term stability in oil markets. Based on monetary tightening during 1979–1982, the period of monetary restraint may have to be extended over many years and interest rates may have to rise significantly before long-term oil market stability can be restored.七、参考文献 References1.[1]J.D. 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6、整理检索结果:从以上文献中选择出3条切题文献1.Terror management theory and scrupulosity: An experimental investigation Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Volume 1, Issue 2, April 2012, Pages 104-111Thomas A. Fergus, David P. ValentinerDepartment of Psychology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115, USAReceived 8 September 2011. Revised 31 December 2011. Accepted 19 January 2012. Available online 1 February 2012.Abstract:The present study investigated the applicability of Terror Management Theory (TMT) to scrupulosity using a sample of nonclinical college students (N=92). More specifically, we examined whether scrupulosity potentiated the relationship between exposure to conscious reminders of death (i.e., mortality salience) and four variables of interest (mistake-checking behavior, “not just right experience,” shame, and guilt). Results were that individuals engaged in significantly greater mistake-checking behavior, as well as experienced significantly heightened “not just right experience,” shame, and guilt in response to the mistake-checking task, following mortality salience at higher versus lower levels of scrupulosity. These patterns of relations were not found in a control condition. Finally, a “not just right experience,” but not shame or guilt, mediated the potentiating effect of scrupulosity in relation to the increased mistake-checking behavior following mortality salience. Implications of these results for improving our conceptualization and treatment of scrupulosity are discussed. Highlights► We examined the applicability of terror management theory (TMT) to scrupulosity. ► Death reminders lead to checking behavior, “not just right experience,” shame, and guilt. ► The effect was found only forthose with high levels of trait scrupulosity. ► State “not just right experience” mediated the moderating effect of trait scrupulosity.Keywords: Scrupulosity; Terror management theory (TMT); “Not just right experience”; Shame; Guilt2. Analysis and Control of Human ErrorProcedia Engineering, Volume 26, 2011, Pages 2126-2132Shi Wenwen, Jiang Fuchuan, Zheng Qiang, Cui JingjingKunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650093,China Available online 30 December 2011.Abstract:Survival and development is the eternal theme of enterprises, and security is protection of the theme. To prevent accidents and protect the safety of enterprises is an important issue which we should constantly face. Most accidents in the enterprise production are due to human error. The reasons of human error are complic ated, such as employees’ own psychological and physiological factors, enterprise training, imperfect management system and poor social environment. This paper discusses the appropriate responses: First, strengthen basic management to ensure good working conditions; then enhance safety awareness of leadership by strengthening exemplary role model, so as to improve the overall quality, and training security awareness of staff. Study of the causes of human error, then take the appropriate measures to reduce accidents caused by human errors. It is important to protect people's health and property, reduce enterprise's losses, and promote stable development of the society.Keywords: Safety; human error; psychological factor; physiological; safety precautions3. Security of communities based on the e-JIKEI Network with information technology and altruismProcedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 88-94 Koichi Maru, Yusaku Fujii, Yoichi Sugita, Naoya Ohta, Noriaki Yoshiura, Hiroshi Ueda, Shinya ShirakiDepartment of Electronic Engineering, Gunma University, Kiryu Gunma 376-8515, Japanb Department of Computer Science, Gunma University, Kiryu Gunma 376-8515, Japanc Area of Informatics, Division of Mathematics, Electronics and Information, Saitama University, Kiryu Gunma 376-8515, Japand Library and Information Technology Center, Gunma University, Kiryu Gunma376-8515, JapanAvailable online 2 March 2010.Abstract:Attempts on the introduction of systems of the e-JIKEI Network, a novel concept on operating security camera system, are reviewed. The concept of the e-JIKEI Networkis that a community will have a strong ability to prevent crime only if some residents keep watch their surroundings. Community safety would be realized by the voluntary cooperation and altruism of citizens. Before introducing the systems, altruistic mindof the citizens has been enhanced, and consequently, the systems have been successfully introduced to residential districts and schools. The prospects for the concept of the e-JIKEI Network are discussed.Keywords:Security; Crime prevention; Information technology; Autonomic system; e-JIKEI Network6、全文摘录选择一篇:1.Terror management theory and scrupulosity: An experimental investigation一、篇名Terror management theory and scrupulosity: An experimental investigation二、著者Thomas A. Fergus, David P. Valentiner三、著者机构Department of Psychology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115, USA Received 8 September 2011.四、文摘 AbstractThe present study investigated the applicability of Terror Management Theory (TMT) to scrupulosity using a sample of nonclinical college students (N=92). More specifically, we examined whether scrupulosity potentiated the relationship between exposure to conscious reminders of death (i.e., mortality salience) and four variablesof interest (mistake-checking behavior, “not just right experience,” shame, and guilt). Results were that individuals engaged in significantly greater mistake-checking behavior, as well as experienced significantly heightened “not just right experience,” shame, and guilt in response to the mistake-checking task, following mortality salience at higher versus lower levels of scrupulosity. These patterns of relations were not found in a control condition. Finally, a “not just right experience,” but not shameor guilt, mediated the potentiating effect of scrupulosity in relation to the increased mistake-checking behavior following mortality salience. Implications of these results for improving our conceptualization and treatment of scrupulosity are discussed. Highlights► We examined the applicability of terror management theory (TMT) to scrupulosity. ► Death reminders lead to checking behavior, “not just right experience,” shame, and guilt. ► The effect was found only forthose with high levels of trait scrupulosity. ► State “not just right experience” mediated the moderating effect of trait scrupulosity.五、关键词Scrupulosity; Terror management theory (TMT); “Not just right experience”; Shame; Guilt六、正文1. Introduction and objectives (首段)Scrupulosity is a subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) (Greenberg & Huppert, 2010) that is marked by “persistent doubts about sin and irresistible urges to perform excessive relig ious behavior” (Abramowitz, Huppert, Cohen, Tolin, & Cahill, 2002, p. 825). Despite its long history as a psychological condition of interest, little systematic research has been conducted to examine scrupulosity (Miller & Hedges, 2008). To date, the available literature has largely focused on applying the cognitive-behavioral perspective of OCD to scrupulosity (e.g., [Moore and Abramowitz, 2007] and [Nelson et al., 2006]). Although such studies have advanced our understanding of scrupulosity, other tenable perspectives of scrupulosity remain untested.(末段)Limitations notwithstanding, the present study found support for the relevance of TMT to scrupulosity. In addition, the present results suggest that NJREs might be particularly important for providing greater insight into why scrupulous individuals engage in compulsive behaviors. Given the call for increased efforts to further understand scrupulosity, we hope that the present study will stimulate increased attention to this condition. In particular, better understanding the role of existential concerns and NJREs as they relate to scrupulosity might ultimately improve treatment efforts of this understudied condition.七、参考文献References[1] Abramowitz et al., 2002J.S. Abramowitz, J.D. Huppert, A.B. Cohen, D.F. Tolin, S.P. CahillReligious obsessions and compulsions in a non-clinical sample: the Penn Inventory of Scrupulosity (PIOS)Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40 (2002), pp. 825–838[2]Aiken and West, 1991L.S. Aiken, S.G. WestMultiple regression: testing and interpreting interactionsSage, Thousand Oaks, CA (1991)[3]Arndt et al., 1999J. Arndt, J. Greenberg, S. Solomon, T. Pyszczynski, J. SchimelCreativity and terror management: evidence that creative activity increases guilt and social projection following mortality salienceJournal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77 (1999), pp. 19–32。