
自然拼读练习题1 一、连线。
cat capfat maphen bedpen tenbig pigsix giftdog froghot foxcup sunbus up二、看图填字母。
m n s d gg d sk f sh t b xn d ck g n oy ook ar ake da og our ive ood ba eello eep ump bi e ing ight eafoon ap ose et ear cu ueenuilt ed abbit un it wo enfi e lo e ind s im fo a oues ero oo三、听歌曲、填字母Catch the EelsY lling to all y friends g ther around the field, Inside the uddy field hiding any eels.Wait for ou everyday ust to atch the eels.Since the rain h s stopped now let's o to catch the eels. Oh, oy please stan still don't fall into muddy fiel .Since the rain h s stopped ow let's go o catch the eels.Y lling to all my friends g ther around the ield,In ide the m ddy field hiding ma y eels.Wai for ou everyday ju t to atch the eels.Since the rai h s stopped now let's o to catch the eels.Oh, oy p ease stand still on't fall nto muddy ield.S nce the rain as stopped now let's o to atch the eels.Oh, boy p ease stand still on't fall nto m ddy field.S nce the ain has stopped now let's go o atch the eels.Four Little Monkeyslittle monkeys the tree, falls down hurts its knee.A little baby comes sayDon’t cry don’t cry little monkey!little monkeys the tree, falls down hurts its knee.A little baby comes sayDon’t cry don’t cry little monkey!little monkeys the tree, falls down hurts its knee.A little baby comes say:Don’t cry don’t cry little monkey!little monkey the tree, falls down hurts its knee.A little baby comes say:Don’t cry don’t cry little monkey!Frog Family,very very .Daddy , a lotus leaf:Wow!It’s .,very very .Mommy , a lotus leaf:Wow!It’s .,very very .Brother ,a lotus leaf:Wow!It’s .,very very .Sister ,a lotus leaf:Wow!It’s .,very very .Baby ,a lotus leaf:Wow!It’s .自然拼读练习题2一、看图填空。

cat capfat maphen bedpen tenbig pigsix giftdog froghot foxcup sunbus up二、看图填字母。
m n s d gg d sk f sh tb xn d ck g n oy ook ar akeda og our ive ood ba eello eep ump bi e ing ight eafoon ap ose et ear cuueenuilt ed abbit un it wo enfi e lo e ind s im fo a oues ero oo三、听歌曲、填字母Catch the EelsY lling to all y friends g ther around the field,Inside the uddy field hiding any eels。
Wait for ou everyday ust to atch the eels. Since the rain h s stopped now let's o to catchthe eels。
Oh, oy please stan still don't fall into muddyfiel .Since the rain h s stopped ow let’s go o catch the eels.Y lling to all my friends g ther around the ield,In ide the m ddy field hiding ma y eels.Wai for ou everyday ju t to atch the eels。
英语自然拼读 练习测试及参考答案

精心整理爱撒谎的字母家族Fr__shm__ssh__lidayl__nch午饭eiou,eul_mb羔羊肉Fr_nch法国人m_lkm_n送牛奶的人_ff_cer官员d_st弹掉灰尘土_t_ly意大利m_ss杂乱凌乱m_stake错误s_ft柔软的st_nd_p站起来tr_mpsp_llb_ss3.()()()()()()()()A.FinnishB.intelligentC.findD.Trip ()A.softB.shoppingC.oppositeD.opposite ()A.SundayB.suddenlyC.understandD.cute诚实的小“e”弟弟测试题—ch2 1.Readthewords.r_p_成熟的w_n_红酒果酒arr_v_到达s_z_尺寸尺码大小sm_l_微笑inv_t_邀请r_cogn_z_认出surpr_s_惊奇,意外的事l_n_线路introd_c_介绍am_sed有趣的r_m_罗马n_t_3.()()()()()()()()()()A.surpriseB.adviceC.oppositeD.Wine美味的小“r”面包测试题—ch3 1.Readthewords.hamm__:锤子answ__:答案th__sty:渴的butt__:黄油comf__table:舒适的b_tch__:屠夫Th__sday周四p__son:人p_sseng__:乘客d__ty:脏的ent__:进入sk__t短裙3.选出划线部分发音不一样的单词()A.smartB.barkC.parkD.lizard()()()()()()()()()裁缝家族测试题—ch4 1.Readthewords.meancheesedreamsweetfieldneedreadleavemealkeepteapotsleepn__dl__vek__pasl__pp__chsp__k__sych__pm__n意味着3.选出划线部分发音不一样的单词()A.headB.leafC.readD.mean()A.sheepB.shipC.seeD.need()A.cheapB.breakfastC.breadD.head ()A.doctorB.actorC.cleanerD.work()A.barkB.parkC.darkD.lizard()A.keepB.pieceC.fieldD.pie()A.dieB.lieC.fieldD.tie()A.inviteB.likeC.fingerD.fine()A.neitherB.eitherC.eightD.leaf()A.mealB.cleanC.sweetD.slept苦恼的虎妈妈h__sewife家庭主妇tr__sers裤子f__nd找寻找s__r酸的c__nter柜台travelar__ndtheworld周游世界surr__nd包围br__n棕色的d__nstairs下楼梯p__der香粉c__tn.上衣外衣cl__kroomn.衣帽存放处s__p肥皂windMoscthrswall3.(????(????(????(????(????(????(????)7.?A.??country???B.?rough??C.?touch???D.?mouth (????)8.?A.??report???B.?short???C.?work??D.?worth (????)9.?A.??powder???B.?own???C.?window??D.?follow (????)10.?A??mountain??B.?shout???C.?mouth???D.?cough测试题—ch61.请默写出“oo ”发音为短音的口诀,并且在横线上写出相关单词. 口诀:单词:c__ker w__ds b_tcher tr_th fl_流感richf__d bedr__m 卧室f__tballp__ls 足球彩票s__t 套装s__tcase 手提箱fr__t 水果bl__蓝色的gl__胶水 长火车,短火车sh__鞋子wh_谁m_v_移动搬家3.选出划线部分发音不一样的单词(????)1.?A.??book???B.?look??C.?food?D.?foot (????)2.?A.??flu???B.?cookie???C.?stood??D.?wood(????(????(????(????(????(????(????(????爱吃鸡蛋的哦哦测试题--71.请挑选出有“吞鸡蛋音”的单词并在字母组合下方划线单词:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________soilsaytraincoinplaysoysaucetoiletenjoyoystersailwaitmailwayX-ray2.Fillintheblanks.empl____雇员b__l沸腾ch__ce上等的精选的t__l_tv__cew__tforp__ntl_t_stf_m__sp_p__st_t___站t_b_-3.选出划线部分发音不一样的单词(????)1.?A.??train???B.?bay??C.?may?D.?toy (????)2.?A.??later???B.?water???C.?late??D.?latest (????)3.?A.??coin???B.?corn???C.?morning??D.?word (????)4.?A.?ready??B.?weather??C.?leave??D.?bread (????)5.?A.?about??B.?round??C.?mouth??D.?could (????)6.?A.?famous???B.?again???C.?train???D.?faint(????)7.?A.??rain???B.?oyster??C.?sail???D.?bake (????)8.?A.?about??B.?station?C.?table??D.?sensational (????)9.?A.?famous???B.?about???C.?bow???D.?loud (????)10.?A.??Britain???B.?fail?C.?mail??D.?nail1.单词:__g_st八月份t__l高的ch__k粉笔__m_st几乎c____tcatch过去式w__k走路恍然大悟的ab_c__se因为t____tteach过去式w__l墙s__see的过去式d__ght__女儿__r__dy已经3.(????(????(????(????(????(????(????(????(????(????)10.?A.??shoot???B.?cool???C.?cookie???D.stool“h”的大家族测试题--9 1.Fillintheblankswith th,wh,ph,gh,sh,ch__irsty:渴的__ief:贼bou__t:buy过去式cau__tclo__estru__you____argeenou____rowthrou__:穿过__inese中国人,中国的Engli__:英国人__arp:尖的,锋利的__ine:发光__i__:哪一个Dut__:荷兰人Turki__:土耳其人kit__en:厨房scot____isky:苏格兰威士忌but__er:屠夫,卖肉的__ange:零钱,找钱heada__e:头疼__emist:药剂师,化学家fa__ion:时尚2.选出划线部分发音不一样的单词(????(????(????(????(????(????(????(????(????(????疑难杂症音测试题--10 1.Fillintheblankswith st,sp,sc,sk,str,tr,dr,xp__eak:说de__ribe:描述bi__uit:饼干e__ensive:昂贵的__ain:火车__upid:愚蠢的__ationery:文具__airs:bl____ipmi__akes__t:__andup__irt:短裙__y__ales__tcasein__oduce:介绍hair__esser:理发师2.选出划线部分发音不一样的单词(????)1.A.?pair???B.?spell?C.?sportD.?spy (????)2.?A.?tale??B.?tight??C.?eighteen???D.?stand (????)3.?A.?thin??B.?three??C.?eight???D.?thumb (????)4.?A.card???B.?car???C.cartoon???D.?circle(????)5.?A.??scarB.?scarf?C.?can???D.?Scotland (????)6.?A.??ski??B.?kite?C.?skyD.?skirt (????)7.?A.??train???B.?truckC.?strawberry??D.?trick (????)8.?A.??draw???B.?street???C.drive??D.?trust (????)9.?A.??juice??B.?crew???C.?glue???D.?foot (????)10.?A.?crew???B.screw???C.?drew??D.?dewmistake错误lemonade柠檬水wave招手place放置Chinese中国人中国人的ripe成熟的wine红酒果酒arrive到达size尺寸尺码大小smile微笑invite邀请recognize认出short:短的passport:护照hard-working:勤奋的refrigerator:冰箱hairdresser:理发师operator:操作员sharpen:使...锋利sharp:锋利的garden:花园hammer:锤子answer:答案thirsty:渴的butter:黄油2.need需要leave离开keep保持asleep睡着的employee雇员peach桃speak讲说easy容易cheap便宜的mean意味着3.ABADDDCCCD答案—ch52.略2.trousersfoundsourcountersurroundpowder香粉coatn.上衣外衣cloakroomn.衣帽存放处soap肥皂window窗户Moscow莫斯swallow吞下3.CDCAD CDCAD答案—ch61.好脚站在羊毛木头上,遇到老K通通发短音。

1. /æ/ A. [eɪ]2. /iː/ B. [æ]3. /eɪ/ C. [ɪ]4. /əʊ/ D. [i:]5. /aɪ/ E. [əʊ]练习二:单词发音根据所给的单词,选择正确的发音。
1. cat A. [dɒg]2. dog B. [mæp]3. map C. [kæt]4. pen D. [pɛn]5. bed E. [bɪd]练习三:拼读练习根据所给的图像,选择正确的单词拼读。
1. 图像:[kæt] A. dog2. 图像:[gʊs] B. cat3. 图像:[dʌk] C. duck4. 图像:[bɪrd] D. bed5. 图像:[bʊk] E. book练习四:选出正确的字母组合从括号中,选出正确的字母组合来完成单词拼读。
1. c(a, e, i) A. ce2. (m, a, e)l B. al3. b(i, e, a)d C. ea4. h(o, e, a)d D. oa5. (f, a, i)n E. in练习五:完成句子根据句子意思,选择正确的词汇来完成句子。
1. He has a _______. A. hat2. The ________ is yellow. B. bed3. ________ is a pet animal. C. cat4. She ________ a book and read. D. dog5. My ________ is on the table. E. pen 练习六:连线题将左侧的单词与右侧的图像连线。
1. bed A.[图像:床]2. cat B.[图像:猫]3. dog C.[图像:狗]4. pen D.[图像:钢笔]5. book E.[图像:书]练习七:读音辨认根据所给的读音,选择正确的单词。

Part 1: 单词拼读根据图片提示,选择正确的单词填入括号中。
1. ( ) - a. cat b. car c. cap2. ( ) - a. dog b. dot c. dig3. ( ) - a. fish b. fork c. fire4. ( ) - a. tree b. train c. truck5. ( ) - a. sun b. snow c. shoePart 2: 拼读练习在每个空格处填入正确的字母,完成下列单词。
1. d__g2. c__t3. s__n4. h__t5. r__nPart 3: 句子阅读根据图片,并根据自然拼读规则填入所缺的单词。
1. The cat is __n the h__t.2. The d__g is __n the g__ass.3. The b__rd is __n the t__ee.4. The car __s __n the r__ad.5. The s__n __s __n the sk__.Part 4: 短文填空根据图片提示,填入适当的单词,完成下面的短文。
The __at is __n the __ug. The __un is __n the sk__. The __ird is __n the __ee. The __ar is __n the __oad. The __ish is __n the __ater.总结:通过以上的自然拼读检测题,一年级学生可以加强对单词拼读的理解和记忆能力。