



❖ 路易·康的建筑风格受到柯布西 埃启迪而投入现代建筑主流中, 一如柯布西埃于《走向新建筑》 所说:建筑是量体在阳光下精巧、 正确、壮丽的一幕戏,光也成为 康的建筑理论范畴。认为建筑是 呈现光艺术的舞台,而可概分为 自然之光与表现之光。
1971年获得美国建筑师学会金质奖章 1971年获选美国文艺学院院士
正方形,圆形,三角形这些 构成基本元素的几何形重现 了某种历史上已有的等级空 间序列手法,在主从关系, 大小,形体,开合,明暗等 方面展示了许多古典传统的 特征。建筑在意境上具有强 烈的传统气息,在形态上却 迥异于前人。
在建筑语言表达上,他所注重的是某种历史上运用来交流概念, 思想,意图的手法,作为这一语言的表达载体——形式,结构关 系,词汇既是相当新的又是相当原始的,是一些简单的最具表现 力的几何形而不是已有的形式的移植和抄袭。四角锥形的屋顶有 一种原始的具有埃及气息的庄重感,而厚重的石材和木材的结合 运用又使它有一种天然材质的展现。
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结构形式也间接地决定了整个建 筑的整体感。庄重,厚实,坚固, 同时岩石与游泳池中水的元素相结 合有很强的对比效果。动静结合, 柔情与坚实结合。
在这座建筑中建筑师把功 能与结构相结合的处理手法 是一个亮点。从平面图中可 以看出12个柱子的位置同 时也是12个小空间的运用。 把柱子的单一功能扩大化并 且分布的非常合理
在形体上还充分利用了光线 的戏剧性。当人们走上台阶, 向后看无顶的中庭时,给人一 种奇特的体验。



经典双语文章:美丽的秘密Recently, I stumbled onto one of the coolest things I’ve ever found: Marilyn Monroe’s complete health plan, circa 1952. Apparently, Ms. Monroe gave Pageant magazine a huge exclusive, complete with sauna tour, diet advice, workout tips, and plenty of bon mots about her lifestyle. It was just too much of a gem not to share, so I’ve reproduced it here. I’m not advocating Marilyn’s diet, but it’s a fascinating look at one of the20th century’s most iconic women. The text is a little hard to read, so I transcribed Marilyn’s quotes below. Enjoy! —Lacey Gattis<最近,我无意中发现了一件超酷炫的事情:约在1952年玛丽莲·梦露完整的健康计划。





尽情享受吧!——莱西·加蒂丝How I Stay in Shape, By Marilyn Monroe<我如何保持身材——玛丽莲·梦露"Frankly, I’ve never considered my own figure so exceptional; until quite recently, I seldom gave it any thought at all. My biggest single concern used to be getting enough to eat. Now I have to worry about eating too much. I never used to bother with exercises. Now I spend at least 10 minutes each morning working out with small weights. I have evolved my own exercises, for the muscles I wish to keep firm, and I know they are right for me because I can feel them putting the proper muscles into play as I exercise."<“说实话,我从来没有特别留意过自己的身材;直到最近,我也没有想太多。


















Nobody wins

Nobody wins

Captain King, Master Spaceman, has been all over space. He often tells his friends stories of his adventures. This is one of them.Peters, our navigator, was lost again. We were running out of food, so towards evening, we landed on an unexplored planet. Lam, our pilot, brought us down gently in a valley close to a great cliff of smooth, black rock. In the cliff there were doors —of two storeys high!All twelve of us left the ship and approached the doors carefully. One was a little open. We went through it into a huge cave. The furniture inside was earth-type, but huge! You could play tennis on the bed and have a bath in the bowl on the bedside table.…Let‟s get out of here,‟ Peters said. …This is the home of a monster.‟…It‟s clearly partly human, so it may be a friendly monster,‟ I said. …We‟ll wait.‟…But…,‟ Peters began.…Don‟t argue,‟ I said. …We are going to wait.‟The ground began to shake. The door opened and some animals hopped in. They looked like kangaroos, giant kangaroos. Following them was a huge monster. It looked almost human except that it had a single, huge, red glowing eye.The monster turned to close the door and shouted, …Good night, friends.‟The friends outside shouted , …Good night, Gork.‟Then Gork shut the door, turned round and saw us. He gave a roar that turned our blood to ice. …Aliens! Aliens in my cave. How did you get in here?‟I thought fast, and said quietly, …Good evening, Mr Gork. My name is Nobody and these people here are my…‟Gork roared again, …I know who you are. You‟re aliens and we kill all aliens in this valley. That‟s our custom. Tomorrow, at dawn, you are going to die! All of you.‟Before we could move, Gork pressed a button on the wall beside him. Steel bars sprang from the ground around us and closed over our heads. We were cought like rats in a trap. Gork pressed another button, and a powerful magnet above the cage pulled our guns from our hands.…Well, Captain,‟ Lam said, …You were wrong about the monster being friendly, were‟t you? And why did you say your name was “Nobody”?‟…I have a plan and “Nobody” is part of it,‟ I replied. …You‟ll see.‟I turned to Gork and said. …Mr Gork, it is ture that we are aliens, but why can‟t we be friends? Believe me, sir. We come in peace.‟Gork said, …You come in peace, but tomorrow you‟ll be in pieces.‟ He roared with laughter, …But listen, Nobody. I‟ll do you a favour. Tomorrow, you‟ll be the last one to die.‟Peters turned towards to me. When he spoke, his voi ce shook. …I hope your plan‟s a good one, sir. If it isn‟t, we‟re all going to die.‟…No, we are not.‟ I said. …We‟re all going to live, Peters! Trust me.‟After his supper of kangaroo soup,Gork lay down on his bed and almost immediately fell asleep.He was snoring.The noise shook the cave.'Listen,everyone,'I said.'Here's my plan.'From my pocket, I took my small, powerful laser torch.Because it was in a plastic case,the magnet could not attract it.'We'll use this to escape from the cage,' I said.'First,I'll melt the bars and then...'Peters interrupted me.'I know,Captain.Then you'll use the torch to kill Gork.''Use your brains,' I said.'If we kill Gork,how will we escape?We're too weak to open the door.Here's what we'll do!We'll...'Moments later,we were all out of the cage.The crew was hiding among the kangaroos,and I was standing on the bed,beside Gork's head.I said loudly, 'Gork,this is Nobody.' Gork woke up.I aimed the torch at his eye and pressed the buttonThe laser beam hit the eye.The eye went out. Gork roared,'I can't see!My eye!'The noise brought his neighbours running to his door. 'What's wrong,Gork?' they shouted from outside.Gork shouted back,'It's Nobody.Nobody attacked me.Nobody damaged my eye.'The neighbours laughed and said,'Nobody attacked him.Gork's having a bad dream.Let's go back to bed.Good night, Gork.By this time,I had joined my crew among the kangaroos.Gork said,'Nobody,I know you're hiding among my kangaroos.I'll get you.You're finished,all of you.'He opened the cave door a little and called his kangaroos to come out.As they hopped through the narrow opening,one at a time,he felt their backs with his hands to make sure we were not on them.'What do we do now?' Peters whispered.'We can't get out on the kangarros.We're done for.''Don't panic,Peters,'I said.'We can't get out on the kangaroos but we can get out in them.[Here,get inside this one.'Peters climbed into the giant kangaroo's pocket.A few moments later,he hopped through the door to freedom.'That's how we all got free,'said Captain King,'And back to our ship and, eventually, back to the safety of the earth.''What happened to Gork?'Asked someone.'Gork? I don't know.Maybe he's still in his cave-looking for Nobody.'Everyone laughed except a figure in the captain's garden.It was moving silently towards the house.It was a huge figure, and in its face was a single,red,glowing eye.。



1 国际先驱论坛报纽约电这个冬天,耶鲁大军入侵了马塞诸塞州,并征服了哈佛。



2 美国常青藤联盟大学间历史性竞争演绎到了互联网上。

3 这个游戏叫做GoCrossCampus或GXC。


与经典的领土征服游戏Risk 相似,如今这个游戏正风靡美国校园。

4 GXC游戏比典型的视频网络游戏更像校园内或校际的活动。




5 这个游戏由四位耶鲁大学和一位哥伦比亚大学的毕业生在九月份开发的,很快就传播到了许多其他学校。


6 下个月,Google将把GoCrossCampus带到他们的纽约办公室,让销售部门在曼哈顿公司办公室地图上对抗工程师团队。

7 没有人如今断言说这款游戏是一个新的“脸谱”网---脸谱网是一个始于哈佛校园的社交网络现象。


8 作为发现这款游戏的耶鲁创业协会顾问,Google纽约产品经理Jonathan Rochelle指出:“这种类型的游戏是一种反映今天人们生活和相互交往的产品,离线的某些方面也被作为筹划的一部分。

”他认为,GoCrossCampus游戏与Google 日历和Google Docs工具箱有相似之处,就是能够增强人们在真实世界的合作。

9 GXC的规则相对比较简单。


在医学研究楼的设计中,小塔楼服务与实验室作为小空间 塔楼拥有了自己的形象和结构
我们可以清楚地看到 和屈灵顿的游泳池相比,小空间已经独立,服务与被服务的空间关系更加清晰
作品位于美国费城宾州大学校园内,1957年开始设计,1964年建成。这个建筑 有一个曲折的通廊,由医学和生物学两个部门资助,两者对环境的要求有 很多不同。
1901 出生于俄罗斯的奥塞尔岛(现爱沙尼亚的萨列马岛) 1924 宾夕法尼亚大学建筑学士 1928—1929 旅游欧洲 1935 成Байду номын сангаас建筑师事务所 1941 和乔治.霍伟合作 1947—1957 担任耶鲁大学建筑系的设计评论员与教授 1901 担任宾夕法尼亚大学建筑学教授 19241974 于纽约逝世
在建筑语言的表达方面,他注重的是某种历史上用来交流概念,思想,意 图的手法,将形式和结构关系作为表达的语言,他所用到的“词汇”是相
“砖,你喜欢什么?” “嗯,我喜欢做个券。” “不过,券不容易做,花费也多。我认为你可以用
混凝土穿过你的洞口,这是一样的。” “唔,我明白,你是对的。但要知道,如果你问我
(servant spaces and served spaces)
康以最基本的几何形正方形 作为构图的基本元
使平面本身有着结构 和组成的逻辑
从平面到剖面 一个“凸”字 型 反复出现
作品中反映出康的建筑哲学思想中 对人和空间的关系的思考 他提出的“服务”与“被服务”的 空间 关系的概念已经上升到相当成熟的 理性高度



家庭和童年教育 • 1901年2月20日,路易· 艾瑟铎· 康(Louis Isadore Kahn)出生 在波罗的海的萨列玛岛。这是爱沙尼亚的一座小岛,当时处于 波兰统治下。康,是一个犹太家庭的“姓”。路易的父亲是一 名虔诚的犹太教徒,母亲伯莎出身于名望甚高的门德尔松 族。…… • 自然,宗教,音乐以及歌德、席勒等人的文学作品,自小即成 为路易· 康的精神食粮。 • 路易· 康一家于1906年移民美国。美国的“第一代移民”,总是 带有强烈的母国特色,因而也常常与这一新大陆上的新型社会 难以融合。各不相同的民族传统,价值观以及血缘关系,是移 民们形成了一个个以各自传统文化为纽带的小社会。 • 1912至1920年间,他先后在费拉德尔菲亚中心和公立工业艺术 设计学校求学。期间,他的绘画技法也有相当进步,因而多次 获奖。 • 青年时代的路易· 康显露出了不同凡响的才艺。这些先天和后天 的禀赋,是他终于成为一代名建筑师的条件。 • 20年代初,在康接受中等教育的最后阶段,他选了一门建筑史 课,自此康才决定从绘画转入建筑设计,并在鲍尔科雷特的宾 夕法尼亚大学建筑系学习建筑学
1935年起,路易· 康开设了独立的事务所。二次世界大战期间, 他先后和乔奇· 豪,奥斯卡· 斯东诺洛夫等合作开设事务所。自大 萧条时期,与一些城市规划工作者,如克莱仑斯· 斯登,亨利· 莱 特等人建立起来的友谊,也使路易· 康有机会从事一些城市开发 性设计。在将近20年的经历中,他的生活是一段并不令人羡慕 的苦斗。…… 建筑师这一另外行欣赏的职业,于某些真正有所追求的建筑师而 言,决非那种东抄抄西凑凑而财源不竭的行业,认真创作的建 筑师,于任何其他艺术领域的创作一样,总面对着其味无穷的 探索,然而也常常是苦乐参半,或者说这种无穷的探索根本就 是一种五味杂陈的合剂,甘苦何须一辨?路易· 康的早期奋斗, 正是这一类型建筑是相当典型的生活经历。也许,正是这段经 历,使康在50年代飞速步入了名建筑师的行列。


被服伺空间为主要功能空间, 四周的墙体并不承重,只是起 到维护作用,空间相对宽敞, 休息,更衣主要入口等重要功 能在此空间内完成。并且密切 联系,与服伺空间相辅相成。
服伺空间的墙体承重,直接 支持屋顶的重量。空间相对狭 小,路易斯康巧妙利用空间, 设计了进入更衣室的迷路入口, 消毒室,卫生间等辅助空间。
从上图可以看出:最主要的普通在于中庭和过渡空间的设置, 单纯的更衣空间一下子变得灵活了。更衣空间更有趣味了。
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从模型组图可以看出,该 建筑是由四个方盒子砌筑而 成,并且没有开窗,上面分 别盖着金字塔一样的屋顶, 每个屋顶的四角与柱子相连, 他们之间留有缝隙让人觉得 屋顶仿佛悬浮在砌块之上, 每个角柱同时具有服侍空间 的功能,提供储藏或是厕所 一类的功能使用。
正方形,圆形,三角形这 些构成基本元素的几何形重 现了某种历史上已有的等级 空间序列手法,在主从关系, 大小,形体,开合,明暗等 方面展示了许多古典传统的 特征。建筑在意境上具有强 烈的传统气息,在形态上却 迥异于前人。
在建筑语言表达上,他所注重的是某种历史上运用来交流概念, 思想,意图的手法,作为这一语言的表达载体——形式,结构关 系,词汇既是相当新的又是相当原始的,是一些简单的最具表现 力的几何形而不是已有的形式的移植和抄袭。四角锥形的屋顶有 一种原始的具有埃及气息的庄重感,而厚重的石材和木材的结合 运用又使它有一种天然材质的展现。

第3季中英文对照完整剧本:307 The One With the Race Car Bed

第3季中英文对照完整剧本:307 The One With the Race Car Bed
Monica:What’s the part?
Joey:Well, it's not a part, no。 I'm teaching acting for soap operas down at the Learning Extension。
Ross:Come on! That’s great.
Ross:So I told Carl, ’Nobody, no matter how famous their parents are, nobody is allowed to climb on the dinosaur.' But of course this went in one ear and out。。。。.
Rachel:I love how he cares so much about stuff。 If I squint I can pretend he's Alan Alda。
Monica:Oh good, another dinosaur story。 When are those gonna become extinct?
Joey:(glares at him) I know!
[Scene: Mattress King, Monica and Phoebe are shopping for a new mattress。]
Phoebe:Ugh! I don't know Monica. It feels funny just being here。 I mean if you buy a bed from Janice’s ex—husband, that's like betraying Chandler.


想,乃至中国老庄学说。他即从事建筑创 作实践,又先后在耶鲁、普林斯顿和U·Penn 从事建筑教育,应邀在许多国家发表演说、 文章。
州的其他城镇设计建造过一些公共住宅。 路易斯·康也还为一家制造厂商设计过成批 生产的"战时房屋",但没有得到投产的机 会。…
路易斯·康自幼年起就处于他双亲的文化熏 陶之下。自然,宗教,音乐以及歌德、席 勒等人的文学作品,自小即成为路易斯·康 的精神食粮。因此,18世纪以后,德国资 产阶级革命的思想主流--浪漫主义以及新柏 拉图主义演变成存在主义,对路易斯·康形 成了相当大的影响。这些影响,在童年时
他的理论,似乎又为他的实践泼洒上一层又一 层神秘的色彩。在20年的巅峰状态中,他的作 品遍及北美大陆,南亚和中东,他的弟子成为
中坚,而他的建筑思想,更是风靡一代又一代 的建筑师。
与一体的三角形密肋楼盖,把勒·柯布西耶 的朴野主义,奈尔维的装饰性结构等手法-现代建筑运动中最为人称道的精华,汇集 一体。这一特色,由这时起成为路易斯·康 的个人风格中重要的一个方面。这种照顾





"--John Aculley"……这是一部技术力作。




"--Ed Yourdon 内容与特色:汤普金斯先生是一位体会丰富的项目经理,却也难免被炒鱿鱼的命运。









解读 路易斯 康—建筑诗哲

解读 路易斯 康—建筑诗哲
解读Louis I. Kahn
1、从平面入手,重复的空间单元,古典与现代的结合 路易斯康的屈灵顿游泳池更衣室,其平面为一完整的希腊十字,屋顶效仿金 字塔顶的形式。
在现代建筑史上,路易斯· 康是一个有着重要意义的建筑师。他改变了现代建筑由其 几何形体带来的生冷感,在静谧和光明之间寻求一种“道”(或者我们理解为秩序, order),赋予普通的材料触感和视觉效果。康的建筑在光影之间产生了令人愉悦和惊奇 的诗意,反而却像是它们已经恰如其分地在那里很久了,与周边很好的融为一体。相比 之前的现代建筑师们,我认为康更强调“人性”,更全力的在表达人性,他留下的那些 为数不多的建筑,也都验证了这一点。
不同于密斯的“水平板式空间”,路易斯康提出了出“服务空间”和 “被服务空间”的概念,在耶鲁大学美术馆中,路易斯康更将“服务空 间”单独隔离出。严格的几何形式也在此被运用,三角形的楼梯也遵循 了严格的向心性。
4、静谧与光明 路易斯康可谓运用光的大师。 他对光有着独到的解释。他认 为静谧是不可度量的事物,而 光明是可度量的事物,建筑则 是在静谧与光明之间的门槛处。 所有的物质世界是光的自我消 耗。 在埃克塞特图书馆中,他设计 了大窗和百叶小窗,使在图书 馆看书的学生不会因为大开窗 的光线而炫目。论坛回顾报社 大楼,他首创“T形窗”的设 计,而“T形窗”的设计也延 续到他之后的作品中。
一些读过康的书或者谈话的人们,认为康说的不是建筑理论,而是哲学。在一定意 义上,我也是这么认为的。康的作品似乎常常伴有自成一格的理论作支持。他的理 论,既有德国古典文学和浪漫主义哲学的根基,又揉以现代主义的建筑观,东方文 化的哲学思想。这就是我在文中一直提到的,康的建筑带有精神性的一面。他通过 一系列主题:“喜悦”、“惊奇”、“领悟”、“学习”、“秩序”、“光”、 “独一性”、“空间与结构体”等等,试图建构一种理解世界的方式。而让人惊讶 的是,他竟然是以建筑作为媒介的。这里没有理论,因为他大概反对理论,他试图 寻找一种属于永恒的事物——光。 康在每个拱壳中间,做了一个0.9米的通长天窗。 天窗下面的铝制穿孔使反射板顶棚呈现人字形造型,十分优美。这样使展室内既得 到柔和的自然光,又避免了眩光的困扰。同时康还在拱壳与山墙交接处设计了一条 细长的弧形采光带,让光线从外面蔓延进来。这给略带硬朗的建筑增添了一分轻柔, 又使拱顶产生一种悬浮感,室内空间也因此而显得生动。 康还设计了三处光井,使 观众参观时处在室内室外变换着的视觉感受中,由此而消除了疲劳。


安藤忠雄从康那儿吸取了厚重的纪念性、精神性空间和光的运用, 如联合国教科文组织总部的冥想之庭。 安藤自己最知道他从康那里 学到什么,和哪些方面不如康。只是看康设计的空心楼梯扶手就知道 康的深刻入骨髓。 遮掉他不想要的,留下他想要的,令内外空间有 趣而单纯,是安藤的拿手好戏。安藤说他是站在路易斯.康的肩膀上 做设计的!
三、相信直觉 知识可以激发我们的直觉,直觉是可以 培养的,领悟全凭个人的修为,无法与他人分享。
四、由形迈向设计 形是对物性的领悟 realization Spoon is not a spoon. 形是本质(form is what) 设计是 实践(design is how) 设计≠设计品 形→设计→设计 品 设计是手段、不可听、不可见,只是求诛本性,而 存于心灵。
住宅结构是木质框架,外观呈竖向舌装线条形式,康对窗户的处理手法既 不是固定样式的玻璃也不是提供竖向的必要连续的大面积对称,在房间里 的许多窗户与家具配套浑然天成——这是康后期的建筑作品的重要特征, 使康创造出的许多特殊空间是同时代的建筑师无法赶超的 。
路易斯·康抛弃了追求玻璃盒子的潮流,走向历史感和宗教感的建筑, 其中的某些历史风格的元素可以和后来的“新现代”或“后现代” 建筑师相比较。这些元素被赋予强烈的形式感以及精神含义。
1.关于服务空间和被服务空间的划分{在费城宾州大学医 学研究实验中心得到体现}
2.光,是人间与神境相互对话的一种语言,并且是人性 与神性共同显身具象化的领域。{金贝尔美术馆}
3.路易斯.康的秩序空间”,把不同用途的空间性质进行 解析、组合、体现秩序,突破了学院派建筑设计从轴线、 空间序列和透视效果入手的陈规,对建筑师的创作
2.贝聿铭 康和贝聿铭在他们一生中都给“建筑”这个字眼打上了



屈灵顿更衣室主讲:齐齐学姐今天我们来讨论下路易斯康的代表作,屈灵顿更衣室这是2014年东南建筑考研快题的第一题,案例分析,很多同学不知道大师作品分析应该如何准备,今天我们就这个小建筑,来感受下究竟怎样去理解案例分析的任务我们先来聊聊路易斯康,首先这个名字,有多种译法,英文全名,Louis Isadore Kahn,在罗小未版近现代史,和批判的历史里,译作L·卡恩,一些百科还是习惯称康为“路易·卡恩”,中文译者近来普遍统一为“路易斯·康,犹太裔,原为爱沙尼亚人,在费城长大,1901年出生,1974年去世,那时金贝尔美术馆刚刚建成不久,总体来说,康是个大器晚成,又英年早逝的建筑师,是公认的对美国建筑学影响最大的两位建筑师之一,另一个是赖特,而且,很重要的一点是,在现代建筑的大师中,康是少有的出身建筑学科班的正统建筑师,他毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学(是梁林的校友哦)柯布西耶原是个表匠,赖特也不是学建筑的,不过四大师中有三位都是贝伦斯事务所出来的,所以即使不是科班,也是学了很久的宾大的建筑学,是强调绘画的巴黎美院派教育,受到两种不同的设计理论的冲击,导致他的设计中,既体现出对结构体系的尊重,也表现了空间与形式结合的秩序康的作品中,非常注重“建造”,有一本书,对他的一生影响巨大,他在宾大读过的,奥古斯特·舒娃奇的《建筑史》,其中有句话“将建造视为建筑学的基础,而将所有风格化的转化都视为技术发展合乎情理的结果”,在《路易斯·康与学生的对话中》,有一段记述,是在康给学生讲课时提到过的,“材料自身想成为什么”,他认为,每种材料,都有其本能的秩序,建筑师不能凭空强加给一种材料它所不适应的建造方,而是要发现这种秩序,并且利用它,康喜欢使用的材料,有砖,和混凝土,粗糙的混凝土表面,和柯布西耶涂成白色的墙体,或者安藤的清水混凝土,表现出迥然相异的乐趣,耶鲁大学美术馆(1951-1953年),康第一个重要的大师作品,采用了许多技术创新,如带有机械系统的水泥板,此外该建筑采用了突出于耶鲁大学的新歌特式建筑文脉的粗野主义风格。


他被誉为建筑界的诗哲,大器晚成的他五十多岁时才真正成为一代宗师 他的建筑作品通常是在质朴中呈现出永恒和典雅,而这次在莱斯大学的讲 演则阐述了建筑应该怎样在反映人类对本质的思考过程中创造的奇迹;他 在演讲时提到的光明与阴影,与他在建筑作品中善于把握光的作用一样, 都启发着人们对存在和哲理的思考。通过他的描述,我们可以感知建筑学
交 叉
? 则范建康
成筑将 建设此 筑计种 设中方 计,法 的并引 一把入 种它普 法规通
? 服伺空间
? 被服伺空间

庭 一 瞥

调通 独过 立随
地 平
的机 面

野 营 地
功 能
流 线 分 析
与一般更衣室功能流线的对 比
? 在满足最简单的更衣功能之外, 增加了中庭、休息和过度空间等 内容,不把更衣室单单看作某个 人的个人行为和最基本的功能需 要,而是一种生活方式,一种交 流途径,这是这个浴室最大的不 同
孟 加 拉 国
会 大 厦
萨 克 尔 生 物 研 究 所
宾 夕 法
尼 亚 大 学 理 学 查 医 研 究 中

犹 太 人
社 区 中 心 方 案 草 图
? 屈灵顿游泳池更衣室,给了我一个机会,使 我第一次分清了服伺空间和被服伺空间。这 是一个十分清楚和简单的问题。这个问题得 到了一个极为纯净的解答。每个空间皆有考 虑,并无冗杂之处。。。。。。 ——L·康
? 建筑概况 ? 结构 ? 墙和柱 ? 功能流线 ? 秩序 ? 服侍空间与被服侍空间 ? 私密空间与公共空间 ? 采光与通风 ? 几何形 ? 抽象图示 ? 尺度 ? 建筑评价



斯 蒂 文 森 是他 熟 悉 的 运 动 员 他在 法
( )
米 比 赛 中是 以
4 夺得 冠 军的 这 次 分 4 6 秒 3 的好 成 绩 仅 以
, ,
他跑 出 了
5 秒 分 4
, ,
) (
2 秒 的微 弱 3
差 距 屈 居 亚 军 这次 他 应 该 高兴 可 是 照 片 上 的 他 却

是分不开 的 必有深 谷

垃 圾 是放错 地 方 的
人无完人 金无 足 赤 有高 峰 世 界 上 只 能找 到适 合
, 。

盲 人 习 惯于 在黑暗 中 生 活
做某 项工作 的 人 才 很难 找到 完 美无缺的全才
、 、
如果让盲人 来干这种 工作 定 能 提高工作效 率

与 人类 已 有的知

垃圾 只 是放错 了 地 梅 虽 逊雪三分 白 雪
。 。 , ,

柯 达公 司 巧用 盲 人这 一 行 不仅 提高 了 劳动生 产率 给
, “ ”
人 才如花 艳 花大 多不香 香
公 司 增加 了 利 润 而且给公众 留 下 了 不拘一格 重用 人才 好 印象
。 ,
花大多不 艳 艳 而香 的 花大多 有 刺
是如此 沮 丧
泪 水几乎 流到 了嘴 角
格拉 齐亚 妮 是 有
名 的 跳 高选 手
这 一 次 她 跳 出 了她 的 最好 成 绩
只以Biblioteka 年 第 六 届 国 际 田 径 锦 标 赛在 丹 麦 的 哥 本 哈



【双语阅读】UnbrokenCircle爱之链Unbroken Circle发布时间:2012-11-17文章出自:原文链接:点击查看He was driving home one evening, on a two-lane country road. Work, in this small, mid-western community, was almost as slow as his beat-up Pontiac. But he never quit looking. Ever since the Levis factory closed, he'd been unemployed, and with winter raging on, the chill had finally hit home.It was a lonely road. Not very many people had a reason to be on it, unless they were leaving. Most of his friends had already left. They had families to feed and dreams to fulfill. But he stayed on. After all, this was where he buried his mother and father. He was born here and knew the country.He could go down this road blind, and tell you what was on either side, and with his headlights not working, that came in handy. It was starting to get dark and light snow flurries were coming down. He'd better get a move on.You know, he almost didn't see the old lady, stranded on the side of the road. But even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her.Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn't look safe, he looked poor and hungry. He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt. It was that chill that only fear can put in you. He said, "I'm here to help you ma'am. Why don't you wait in the car whereit's warm. By the way, my name is Joe."Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Joe crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt. As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down her window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn't thank him enough for coming to her aid. Joe just smiled as he closed her trunk.She asked him how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She had already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Joe never thought twice about the money. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance that they needed, and Joe added "...and think of me."He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight. A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat, and take the chill off before she made the last leg of her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The cash register was like the telephone of an out of work actor, it didn't ring much.Her waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipeher wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn't erase. The lady noticed that the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Joe.After the lady finished her meal, and the waitress went to get her change from a hundred dollar bill, the lady slipped right out the door. She was gone by the time the waitress came back. She wondered where the lady could be, and then she noticed something written on a napkin. There were tears in her eyes, when she read what the lady wrote. It said, "You don't owe me a thing, I've been there too. Someone once helped me out, the way I'm helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here's what you do. Don't let the chain of love end with you."Well, there were tables to clear, sugar bowls to fill, and people to serve, but the waitress made it through another day. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. How could she have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard. She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, "Everything's gonna be all right. I love you, Joe.爱之链发布时间:2012-11-17文章出自:译言原文链接:点击查看一天晚上,在一条双车道的乡间小路上,一位男子正驾车回家。

the swimmer游泳的人 游泳者—— 约翰·契弗

the swimmer游泳的人 游泳者—— 约翰·契弗
























Unit 8 The Inner Ring

Unit 8 The Inner Ring

VIII. The Inner RingAbout the authorClive Staples Lewis: (pseudo. of Clive Hamilton) English novelist and essayist, b. 29 Nov., 1898, Belfast; d. 22 Nov., 1963, Oxford.Lewis was educated at an English public school and served in the ranks in World War I. Later he studied at Oxford and became a fellow of Magdalen College in 1954 he was appointed to the newly established chair of medieval and renaissance literature at Cambridge.Lewis has two distinct personalities: the learned scholar of English literature and the popular religious writer. As a religious writer he adopted G.K. Chesterton‟s blend of common sense, witty brilliance, and Christian orthodoxy. As a Christian apologist, he also champions traditional ways of thought and life in opposition to worldly modernism. His critical principles, formulated in opposition to the prejudices of the biographical, psychological school of literary interpretation –the …personal heresy‟ – are inseparable from his philosophical and theological beliefs.Lewis achieved national – and, before long, international –fame through his radio talks during World War II, published in 1942 under the title THE CASE FOR CHRISTIANITY. Listeners and readers were spellbound by his unusual combination of straightforward, direct language, a rationality nourished by the study of Aristotle, and the vivid, imaginative presentation by which he brought the transcendental to life. Among his best known works are The Allegory of Love (1936) and English Literature in the 16th Century (1954).(based on ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD LITERATURE IN THE 20TH CENTURY, 1977, pp.266-7)________________________________About the textring ---- a group of people working together, often dishonestly, to control business affairs for their own advantagesa drug ringa price-fixing ringa spy ringTolstoi ---- Leo Tolstoi (1828 – 1910), Russian novelist. The present quotation is from War and Peace, Part III, Chapter 9.^ This paragraph describes the significance of the second, unwritten and unofficial yet more powerful system in the army by presenting a vivid image of a funny and pitiable general. Draw students‟ attention to the expressions used with him –…soldierly servility‟, …trotted imploringly‟, …begged to be heard‟, …tightly laced‟, …wait respectfully‟: these are usu. employed to depict a soldier instead! Though little description is devoted to the captain (Prince Andrew), we can easily imagine what an important and arrogant air he is posing, and how contemptuous he appears of the poor general.decorations ---- military honorsan army uniform covered with decorationsThis is a special occasion for the veterans to wear decorations.servility ---- (of servile) behaviour of a slavec.f. He is servile to his superiors and tyrannical to the subordinates.Subservient wives are not so common now in Japan as in the past.Soldiers have to be obedient: …Yours is to do and die, not to reason any why.‟fawn on an oil baron ---- win favor by servile flatteries / behaviourflatter/toady a VIPtrot ---- run with short stepslay down ---- establish, formulate rules and/or regulationsc.f. work out the syllabusdraw up the Party Constitutionformulate some school regulationslay down the laws / guidelines / a scale of maplace ---- cause to be tightened with string / cord; tie tightlyThese shoes are laced up the side.They laced her into a dress so tightly that she could hardly breathe.The novel skillfully laces together the lives of two persons. (fig. link)hierarchy ---- the classification of a group of people according to economic, social or professional standing; organisation with grades of authority from the lowest to the highestThe supreme court is the head of a hierarchy of federal courts in the USA.some little red book ---- This refers to a book of army regulations.read up ---- study carefully/thoroughly; find out about sth by readingread up the habits of the elephantsecret society ---- any of the various oath-bound societies often devoted to brotherhood, moral discipline and mutual assistanceThere are what correspond to passwords ---- There exit some means or practices that are similar to passwords.correspond to ---- be similar in function / position, be equal toThe US congress corresponds to the British parliament.His actions do not correspond to his words.spontaneous ---- not apparently contrived or manipulated; naturalThe eruption of a volcano is spontaneous, not caused by any unknown forces.allusion ---- an indirect referenceHe was hurt by any allusion to his previous misconduct.make no personal allusions in speakingHis writings sparkle with classical allusions. (referring to many classics)mark ---- an indication, sign, suggestionI can‟t see any marks of an educated man in him.send sb. a gift as a mark of esteemon the border-line ---- on the line, real or imagined, which makes a frontier or boundary Those who get the score between 55 to 60 are considered as on the border-line.I am not certain whether to accept him or not, clearly he is a border-line case.You discovered one in your … a Master’s Ring. ---- There is a ring more inner than the House Ring; and this more inner ring is the fringe of the School Ring, while the House Rings are simply satellites to the School Ring, which is con nected to the Master‟s Ring. (To avoid confusion with so many terms of rings, it would be better to ask students to demonstrate their relationships by drawing diagrams or …concentric rings‟.)house ---- the community of students in residence; club, association, fraternity, and sorority fringe ---- edge, periphery, part that is farthest from the centreThere is no guarantee of safety on the fringe of the city.The fringe of a political partyFringe industries/district/costs/demandsMaster ---- president of a university collegepierce through the skins of the onion ---- remove the surface and penetrate into the core of the object/matterShall I be wrong in assuming … ---- The implication here is that …I shall not be far wrong if I assume …‟ References can also be made to similar usage on the following pages –…I have no right to make assumptions‟, …I must not assume‟, …I must not ask‟, etc.y ou will say the same of … ---- You will say my next step (the following sentence) is also obvious.I believe t hat in all men’s lives … at all periods ---- Probably this is an allusion to President Lincoln‟s famous remark, …You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time‟.the terror of being left outside ---- You may also refer students to the phenomenon of peer pressure.This desire, …, ample justice done to it in literature ---- Literature has done full justice to at least one form of people‟s snobbish desire. That is, in l iterature, we very often find people trying desperately to organize themselves in a Society which is distinctly exclusive.do justice to sb/sth ---- describe or reproduce them in a way that shows fairly how good or valuable they are; deal with them properly and completelyThe radio can‟t do justice to the full quality of her voice – you have to hear her live toappreciate it.It would not be doing him justice to call him lazy.He is not doing full justice to the materials.hagride (hagrode / hagridden) ---- harass, torment, by a nightmare or horrifying things/events He was hagridden by the scene of the hero being torn and eaten by the wolves.It may be the very intensity of … high life ---- There are people, for instance, who do appear contemptuous of snobbery, but it does not mean that the idea of snobbery is alien to them. Theymay be driven by a desire to appear different from what they regard as snobs. Isn‟t this a desire to enter an Inner Ring in another form?render ---- cause to experience / undergoc.f. render sb service (Wagner Matinee) ---- give sb help or assistanceThe blow rendered him unconscious.Millions of people were rendered partially & wholly destitute in the war.I rejected his terms in words that rendered him speechless.* render good for evilimmune ---- able to escape or avoid being affected; exempted/free from… targets that the West had considered immune from air attackThe fabric of modern society is not immune from decay.No one is immune criticism/taxation.allurement ---- sth that attracts or charmsIt is a lake city with numerous allurements.high life ---- the enjoyable life of the rich & fashionable which includes lots of amusement, good food, etc.t he official hierarchy of … coincide with its actua l workings ---- ranking of officials do not necessarily agree with their intelligence, capabilities and performancesworking ---- manner of functioning, operatingdeadweight ---- someone making himself a burden to others without trying to help himself, a totally ineffectual personWe should avoid recruiting those helpless deadweights in our working party.necessary evil ---- sth undesirable but unavoidable; sb who is not good but is indispensableI don‟t smoke ordinarily, but it is a necessary evil w hen I am in a bad mood.They looked upon me as a necessary evil. (they rely on me though disliking me)be compromised ---- sacrifice one‟s principles; be exposed to discredit or mischiefshake off ---- get rid of; escape; get away when followedA convict escaped from prison and shook off the officers following him.Tom could not shake off his cold.court ---- pay attention in order to gain favor, advantage or approvalCourt votes / applause / privilegesShe courted popularity from students by giving them high scores.He brazenly courted favor from all the visiting nobility.esoteric ---- (of people) unusual or specially distinguished for being mysterious, known/approached by only a limited circle; (of sth) understood only by a small number of people, especially because they have special knowledge or particular tastes and interests.It is written in an esoteric script that few can read.There are indications that his esoteric popularity may be ebbing.Arctic exploration is an esoteric experience.There are two kinds of classics: the popular and the esoteric.in order that ---- similar to in order to / so as to, but followed by auxiliary verbs John saved money in order that he might buy a toy Tommy gun.We set out early in order that we should not be late for the jumble sale.probation ---- testing of a person‟s conduct, abilities or qualities, etc., before his is finally accepted for a position or admitted into a society, esp. a religious societyA student/hired man on probationPass one‟s probationpropitiate ---- gain the favor or good will fromrhetorical question ---- a rhetorical means whereby the speaker/writer implies his answer, often negative one; for instance, the implied meaning in the following sentence of the text –…You can‟t look back on the act or word with satisfaction‟…Is that a reason for despair?‟implication: Surely that is not a reason for despair.^ In a sense the writer in this paragraph is using a more or less similar method of presenting his argument: the implied meanings of his sentences are clear and obvious for a careful listener – that some of the audience are already …compromised‟, have …shaken off‟ friends, and the means are not …wholly admirable‟. The rhetorical question at the end of the paragraph is all the more powerful and effective after all these ironic statements.cold small hours ---- …cold‟ is used in both physical (low temperature after midnight) and figurative (fearful / guilty / depressing) senselook back on ---- turn one‟s thoughts to / on sth in the past; recallLook back on my previous experiences, I can not help feeling that something importanthas gone amiss.hint at ---- make an oblique reference to or suggestion ofHe has many times – the tip he expects, but I would not take any notice.awake sb to ---- help one realize/see sthWe finally awake him to his responsibilities/the harsh reality.erotic ---- involving sexual desire or feelingsAn erotic movie / novel / photograph / person / joymoralist ---- one who teaches, studies or writes about moral principles; one who concerns himself with trying to control other people‟s moralsthe World ---- human life and its affairslust ---- strong, usu. evil desire / eagerness to possessc.f. We feel desire for anything. Appetite is more used with things for body, esp. food. Lust is astrong desire, usu. sexually.an insatiable lust for personal powershow great lust for sexual lifeliberty ---- special right, permissionMay I take the liberty to ask a question?Students have liberty to use the library.* She will not let anyone take liberties with her. (impolite / rude)evasion ---- the act of not doing sth you are supposed to do, esp. sth required by law He is guilty of gross tax evasion.The evasion of death dut ies / one‟s responsibilitiesreprimand ---- officially criticise sb severely for sth said or done, rebukec.f. blame ---- hold sb responsible for sth wrong / an accidentscold ---- speak angrily to sb because he‟s done sth wrong, esp. between older & yo unger, superior & subordinate‘… don’t value the intimacy only for the sake of convenience …’ ---- Note the writer‟s clever play of word here –repeat the world, but change the word order, usu. to indicate sth true / important. Also refer to p.3A, line 6/p.5A, line 27/p.6A, lines 11-2.mainspring ---- the chief or most powerful motive / cause / agent; activating power Technology is the mainspring of economic growth.Ambition is the mainspring of his activities.go to ---- help, make for, be the base ofpell-mell ---- in mingled confusion or disorderThe things were piled pell-mell in the room.Don‟t read everything pell-mell and without judgement.At the whistle the children rushed pell-mell into the yard.graft ---- the practice of obtaining money unlawfully or unfairly‘you may be quite sure of this’ ---- ‘this‟ refers to the following sentenceof one’s own accord ---- (also of one‟s free will) without suggestion or help from anyone else; without being told; voluntarilyOn her mother‟s birthday, Betsy did the dishes of her own accord.I can‟t believe he would take one bath of his own accord, as he hates baths.drift with the stream ---- (also float / go / swim with the stream) follow a general way of thinking or behaving, etc., in societyinner ringer ---- one who forever desires for, and tries hard to get into the inner rings‘that’ s as may be’ ---- that may or may not be possiblepine ---- lose vigor, health, or flesh (as through grief); languishThe mother was pining with anxiety over her missing son.mope ---- pity oneself, give oneself up to sadness or low spiritsthat kind of man ---- refers to an …inner ringer‟open-minded ---- willing to listen to and consider other people‟s ideas and suggestions We are still open-minded about any round-table conference.An open-minded approach to new techniquesKeep an open mind on such mattersin view of ---- considering, after thinking about, because ofSchools were closed for the day in view of the heavy snowstorm.In view of the rising labor costs, many companies have turned to automation.scoundrel ---- (old fashioned) one, usu. a man, who behave badly towards other people, by cheating and deceiving them; villain‘the mere law of averages’ ---- suppose we say that on average there is one or two scoundrels in a hundred people, then in an audience of 150 there ought to be two or three such people among them.‘I am not saying anything against free will’ ---- I do not imply that people have no free will when I speak of the law of averages.makings ---- potentiality, stuff, prerequisite; materials from which sth is made; (if sb has the makings of …, it means he is likely to develop in that way)He has the makings of a great actor.She perceived that here might be the makings of friendship that had so eluded her in the past.The group reputedly had all the makings of a modern new intelligentsia.Washington‟s sex scandal had the makings of a Congressional Watergate.unscrupulous ---- not guided by consciencetreacherous ---- disloyal, deceitfulegotist ---- one who talks too much about himself and believes he is more importantc.f. egoist ---- one who always thinks about himself and what will be best for him‘The choice is still before you’ ---- you may choose to become or not become a scoundrel, exercising you free willhard ---- realistic, factual, truthful, sensible, harsha hard view of life / answerhard evidence / factsin no dramatic colors ---- not in an unusual, extraordinary way; with quite common and familiar featurescolor ---- a quality that makes sth esp. interesting or excitingThe audience liked the romance and color of the play.* The last stage was completed with flying colors.* We now see our countrymen in their true colors.‘over a drink or cup of coffee … come’ ---- remind students that the main clause of this interminable sentence is …the hint will come disguised as‟, and the rest are just adverbial clauses suggesting when, how and from whom it will comecrude ---- lacking or showing no grace, education or sensitive feelingnaïf ---- naiveprig ---- one who shows unnaturally eager obedience to rules, correct behaviorin accordance with ---- in agreement with, conforming toEvery party member should act the party‟s general line.‘It will be the hint of something which …’ ---- parallelism is a figure of speech frequently used in this text, in order to foreground or emphasize sth; also this is also a very effective means to draw audience‟s attention to certain points in public speeches‘we’ ---- when put into inverted commas, the word denotes closeness or friendship; here a tinge of irony is suggested instead‘the cup was so near your lips’ ---- the possibility of admission is so obvious; the temptation is too great to be resistedc.f. between cup and lip ---- just before success / accomplishment‘thrust back again into the cold outside world’ ---- compare with the clause …thrust me aside into the outer darkness‟ at the end of E.M. Forster‟s My woodgenial ---- cheerful and kindsophisticated ---- showing experience in social situations and knowledge about culture, fashion, and other matters that are considered importanta glossy magazine designed for today‟s sophisticated womentry ---- test, put on probationthe rules ---- the rules of fair play, mentioned on the previous pagecrash ---- a serious failure of a business or financial situationone of the most spectacular financial crashes of the decadepenal servitude ---- imprisonment with hard laborpeerage ---- the title and position in society which a person has when he is a peer (one of the five noble ranks – duke, marquis, earl, viscount, and baron)‘it may end in … school’ ---- suggesting two futures of striking contrast –business failure, reputation destroyed and imprisoned; becoming wealthy, or a nobility / VIP invited to confer prizes to students: these are universally acknowledged examples of failure and success, but to the writer they do not change the nature of the inner ringerthe Danaids ---- according to Greek mythology, they were the daughters of Danaus, who for killing their husbands were condemned in Hades to undergo the torture of for ever trying to fillsieves with waterthe classical underworld ---- the Hades, the hell‘the torture allotted … at vices’ ---- the torture of all vices can be summed up in one sentence, …You will never get what you want‟, just as it is never possible to fill sieves with waterperverse ---- contrary to reason, or what is right and reasonablemake sb free of ---- give him the right to share in the privileges of a company, citizenship of a city, etc.say ---- give sth as an example, or an approximate amount / number; supposeCompare, say, a Michelangelo painting with a Van Gogh …You seem to look forward to the next, say ten years with great enthusiasm.Come for dinner at, say, 8 o‟clock.in the know ---- knowing the secrets or about things that most people do not know; understanding a special subjectIn the print shop, he is in the know; but in a kitchen he is a good-for-nothing.We are not in the know on the disarmament problem.She enjoyed the feeling of being in the artistic know.‘The circle cannot have … outside’ ---- once you are admitted into the circle (inner ring), it can‟t offer you the charm that you saw or imagined when you were still outside the circlenovelty ---- sth that is unusual, new, different, or unlike anything done or experienced before One of the novelties that fascinated me was the drive-in movies.He felt lonely and homesick once the novelty of the surroundings wore off.A novelty shop ---- one that sells new and unusual thingswear off ---- (also wear away) become less little by little, lessenPeople dispersed as the excitement of the fire wore off.He felt the pain again as the medicine wore off.associate ---- fellow memberstaled ---- too familiar, uninteresting, dull and boringStaled news / jokes / stories‘the rainbow’s end will still be ahead of you’ ---- You will try to get into a new inner ring, which appears attractive, but this is only an illusion; note the use of metaphor here –a rainbow is beautiful but short-lived, intangible, and so can never be got hold of, just as the inner ring phenomenon.drab ---- dull, monotonous, uninterestingentrant ---- one who enters a profession, competition, race, etc.Exclusion is no … essence ---- the idea is that one would derive no pleasure from being inside an inner ring, unless it is exclusive.essence ---- the most significant part, the nature of sthThe account is true in essence though some details are invented.‘The quest of the Inner Ring … break it.’ ---- If you don‟t get rid of / conquer the desire to be …in‟, your life will be destroyed / you will be broken-hearted; note the use of …break‟ here. unawares ---- unintentionally, without knowing / noticing itIt came upon me totally unawares.I must have dropped it unawares.sound ---- skilled, experienced, competentSound scholarship / education / craftsmanshipSound and fruitful knowledge of sciencecoincide with ---- be similar to, agree withwork up ---- create, exertWork up some scandals to humiliate himWork up a plan for the journeyin the long run ---- in the end, in the final result, finallyJohn knew he could make a success of the weekly paper in the long run.responsible for ---- contributing to, helping to bring aboutHe is responsible for the continuing unity of the country.consort with ---- keep company with spend a lot of time with sbDaddy would never approve her consorting with the drug addicts.snug ---- enjoying or affording warm secure shelter or cover and opportunity for ease and contentmenta snug room with a fire goinga snug little dinner with old friendsShe sat snug and relaxed in the parlor.snug and safe ---- compare with other phrases that are either rhymed or marked for alliteration –safe and sound; pining and moping; by hook or by crook (by whatever means); by fits and starts (irregularly, in short periods); hustle and bustleby-product ---- additional result, sometimes unexpected or unintended‘no one was led thither … esoteric’ ---- nobody was drawn into that direction (the inner ring) simply because of the attraction of esotericlure ---- attraction, temptation, promiseThe lure of big cities still holds spell over many people.The beaches are a lure for walking, esp. in the early morning.* Large films lure customers away with slick advertising.The Inner Ring – Clive Staples Lewis11Aristotle ---- (384 – 322 BC) Greek philosopher‘those who ask get’ ---- full of quotation from the scripture –…Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.‟ (Matthew VII, 7)‘them as asks shan’t have’ ---- schoolboy‟s principle that …he who asks receives not‟, which apparently contradicts the teachings of Chris tianity …The true road lies in quite another direction.‟: The instructions cited here are very contradictory and confusing. They are specially used by the writer as examples to remind young people to be choosing carefully which advice / instruction to follow. Simply drifting with the stream may not necessarily take you to the ideal destination; sometimes you have to go against the tide in order to realize the goal worth realizing or find the truth, which may be different from what is perceived by many people.‘It is like the house …’ ---- It is like the house Alice enters through the looking-glass in a dream. There, you have to follow the opposite direction to get to the place you want.ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING THE GLASS ---- A book for children by Lewis Carroll, published in 1872. Alice walks in a dream through the looking-glass into the Looking-Glass House, where she finds that the chessmen, particularly the red and white queen, are alive and where she meets with Tweedledum and Tweedledee and Humpty-Dumpty. The story ends with Alice, who has the red queenin her arms, …shaking her into a kitten‟.^ This book, as well as many of his works for children, has the advantage of appealing by their logic, humor and inventive absurdity to grown-up people also. It is therefore reputed to be among the three English writings that are most frequently quoted, the other two being the BIBLE and SHARESPEARE‟ S WORKS.TranslationFrom “The quest of … have it.”对内圈的追求将会使你心力交瘁,除非你能使自己超脱于这种追求之上。

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56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿
1、纪律是管理关系的形式。——阿法 纳西耶 夫 2、改革如果不讲纪律,就难以成功。
3、道德行为训练,不是通过语言影响 ,而是 让儿童 练习良 好道德 行为, 克服懒 惰、轻 率、不 守纪律 、颓废 等不良 行为。 4、学校没有纪律便如磨房里没有水。 ——夸 美纽斯
5、教导儿童服从真理、服从集体,养 成儿童 自觉的 纪律性 ,这是 儿童道 德教育 最重要 的部分 。—— 陈鹤琴

60、生活的Байду номын сангаас路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头。 ——左