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The vast and unplanned growth of many cities has created problems that are beyond the capacity of the cities themselves to handle. In the large US cities, one often finds an inner city of poverty, inhabited by masses of people who are supported by public welfare and who suffer from unemployment, inadequate housing, poor schools, and a general exclusion from the mainstream of American life. Escape from the inner city is difficult because economically and socially it constitutes a different world from the rest of the city and the suburbs. Even for those who might hope to find jobs in the expanding suburbs, migration is difficult because low-income housing is generally lacking there.
➢ Louisville, Ky ➢ Mead, Margaret (1901-78) ➢ Dartmouth College
Text-related Information
The industrial revolution transformed the city. With its concentration of workers and its access to trade, the city was the natural place to locate factories. Villages turned into towns, and towns multiplied in size. In the 20th century the world has become more and more urbanized. Large numbers of people have left the countryside; in the United States and some countries of Western Europe, more than 75 percent of the population live in urban areas. In spite of the increasing congestion, pollution, and noise, some cities have grown to enormous size.
Pre-reading Activity
Exercise 1 Before reading the passage, answer the questions.
1. What are the main differences between city life and country life?
2. Which do you like better? City life or country life? Why?
Text-related Information
The freedom afforded the city dwellers has its costs. Laws and police control human behavior in the city, rather than the customs and folkways of rural life. The opportunities for such deviant behavior as crime, alcoholism, and drug abuse are much greater in the city. On the one hand, the city makes available the best of human culture — from restaurants and theaters to museums, art galleries, symphony orchestras, and great universities. On the other hand, it spawns juvenile delinquency, prostitution, rape, murder, muggings, suicides, and mental breakdowns. Urbanization seems to be an inevitable part of modernization.
Now read the passage and compare your answers with the author’s.
Unit 2: Text A
♣ Text A ♣ Detailed Study of the Text
While-Reading Task
Unit 2: Text A
Pre-Reading Task While-Reading Task After-Reading Task
♣ Text-Related
♣ Pre-Reading
Baidu Nhomakorabea
Pre-Reading Task
Text-related Information