

李荫华《全新版大学英语综合教程(6)》(第2版)学习指南(Unit 8)【圣才出品】

李荫华《全新版大学英语综合教程(6)》(第2版)学习指南(Unit 8)【圣才出品】

Unit 8一、词汇短语Text Aimmense [i5mens] adj. 广大的,巨大的;[口] 极好的【例句】He made an immense amount of money in business. 他在生意中赚了一大笔钱。

【助记】im(不)+mens(测量)+e→不能测量的→巨大的,广大的【派生】immensely adv. 极大地;无限地;广大地;庞大地immensity n. 巨大;无限;广大cosmos [5kCzmCs] n.(有和谐体系的)宇宙【例句】Our world is but a small part of the cosmos.我们的世界仅仅是宇宙的一小部分而已。

【助记】空似墨,空邝的漆黑的宇宙excerpt [5eksE:pt] n. & v. 摘录;引用【例句】I’ve seen a short excerpt from the film on television. 我在电视上看过这部影片的片段。

【助记】except 除了,文章除去一部分,只摘录一部分。

【派生】excerption n. 选录;抄录;精华录cosmic [5kCzmik] adj. 宇宙的,外层空间的;无穷尽的【例句】Physics is governed by cosmic laws. 物理学受宇宙法则的制约。

tingle [5tiN^l] v. 皮肤有轻微的刺痛感觉;感到激动n. 刺痛感;激动【例句】He was tingling with excitement. 他感到很兴奋。

【词组】tingle with sth.(情绪上)起了波动;激动【派生】tingling n. 麻刺感;发出叮当声spine [spain] n. 脊柱,脊椎;(动植物的)刺;书脊;中心;针【例句】A cold shiver ran down her spine. 她打了一个寒颤。

immensity [i5mensiti] n. 巨大之物;无限【例句】Our team hesitated for a time before the immensity of this task.我们队在接受这项浩大的工程犹豫了一个时期。

全新版大学英语综合教程2 (第二版)课后翻译中文+答案.doc

全新版大学英语综合教程2 (第二版)课后翻译中文+答案.doc

全新版大学英语综合教程2 (第二版)课后翻译中文+答案全新版人学英语综合教程(第二版)综合教程2翻译部分答案Unit 1背离传统需要极人的勇气。

(departure, enormous)It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.汤姆过去就很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢在当观众面前上台表演了。

(performance, bold)Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a 1arge audience.很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。

(creative, desirable)Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.假设那幅画确实是名作,你觉得值得购买吗? (Assuming that, worthwhile)Assuming that this painting is real 1y a masterpiece, do you think it? s worthwhile to buy it?如果这些数据在统计上是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调杳的问题。

(throw light on, investigate, valid)If the datei is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.要提高我们的英语水平,关键是多读、多写、多听、多说。




Unit 1一、词汇短语Text Alaureate [] adj. 戴桂冠的;荣誉的n. 桂冠诗人;得奖者vt. 使戴桂冠【例句】He was a Nobel laureate in physics. 他是一位诺贝尔物理学奖获得者。

economics [] n. 经济学;(国家的)经济情况【例句】The economics of the scheme needs to be looked at very carefully. 这项计划的经济性还需要认真考虑。



bedridden [] adj. 卧床不起的【例句】With two children bedridden the mother was ill at ease. 两个孩子病得躺在床上,母亲非常焦急。

Swedish [] n. 瑞典人,瑞典语adj. 瑞典的【例句】Swedish industry has of late years grown with leaps and bounds. 瑞典的工业近年来飞跃增长。

revolutionary [] adj. 革命的;革新的n. 革命者;革命党人【例句】Many revolutionaries died for the revolution before the liberation. 在解放前,许多革命者为革命而牺牲了。

postwar [] adj. 战后的【例句】During the postwar years in Germany honors were heaped upon Einstein. 战后,爱因斯坦在德国备受称颂。

recognition [] n. 认出,辨认;承认;赏识【例句】My recognition of him was immediate. 我立刻认出是他。

【词组】in recognition of表彰,报偿beyond recognition 面目全非;识别不出raspy [] adj. (声音)刺耳的;易怒的;粗糙的【例句】My voice is raspy because I have a cold. 我的声音很刺耳,因为我感冒了。

李荫华《全新版大学英语综合教程(1)》(第2版)(课文精解 unit6)【圣才出品】

李荫华《全新版大学英语综合教程(1)》(第2版)(课文精解 unit6)【圣才出品】

二、课文精解Text A1.He looked for the girl whose heart he knew but whose face he didn’t,the girl with the rose.他在寻找一位姑娘,一位佩带玫瑰的姑娘。


but连接两个whose引导的定语从句whose heart he knew和whose face he didn’t,都用来修饰先行词the girl。


2.I’d always be haunted by the feeling that you had been taking a chance on just that,and that kind of love would disgust me.我将会一直深感不安,惟恐你只是因为我的容貌就贸然与我相爱,而这种爱情令我憎恶。



同位语从句中的had been taking使用的是过去完成进行时,表示到过去某个时间一直持续发生的动作。

例:He had been cheating the taxman for years.他多年来一直欺骗税务部门。

be haunted by被…缠住。

例:I was haunted by his last words to me.他向我说的最后的话萦绕在我的心头。

take a chance on冒险。

例:We will take a chance on the weather and have the gathering together outdoors.我们将冒着会变天的危险在户外举行这次聚会。

3.A young woman was coming toward me,her figure long and slim.一位年轻的姑娘向我走来,她身材颀长纤细。



Unit 4一、词汇短语Text Ain a row连续;成一长行【例句】They were standing neatly in a row. 他们整齐地站成一行。

doze off打瞌睡;困倦【例句】Some students often doze off in class. 有些学生常在课堂上打瞌睡。

brisk [] adj. 兴隆的;轻快的,活泼的;凛冽的v. 使活泼,活跃起来【例句】He was a vigorous, brisk perso n. 他是一个强壮的,活泼有力的人。


不冒险就难受-充满生机的和有活力的【派生】briskness n. 活泼;轻快;敏捷briskly adv. 轻快地;活泼地;伶俐地;迅速地brisk [] adj. 兴隆的;轻快的,活泼的;凛冽的v. 使活泼,活跃起来【例句】He was a vigorous,brisk person. 他是一个强壮的,活泼有力的人。


不冒险就难受-充满生机的和有活力的【派生】briskness n. 活泼;轻快;敏捷patent [] adj. 特许的,专利的n. 专利,专利权v. 批准专利【例句】The company has patented many new inventions. 这家公司得到了许多新发明的专利权。

【词组】patent (to sb.)显着的,清楚的,明显的【助记】pa(拼音:怕)+tent(伸展)→怕传出去,所以申请专利保护。

frail [] adj. 虚弱的,脆弱的n.灯心草篓;少妇;少女【例句】His frail hands could hardly hold a cup.他虚弱的手连杯子也拿不住。

approve [] vt. 批准;赞成;为…提供证据vi. 批准;赞成;满意【例句】The resolution was approved 82 to 16 with 18 abstentions. 决议以八十二票对十六票通过,十八票弃权。



李荫华《全新版大学英语综合教程》考研复习学习指南Unit 1一、词汇短语Text Astyle [stail] n.风格,作风;文体,文风;流行样式;风度,体面;种类v.设计【例句】She’s a very popular writer but I just don’t like her style. 她是很受欢迎的作家,但我就是不喜欢她的文风。

【词组】in (great,grand,etc) style 有气派的,有风度的(not/more) sb's style (非/较合乎)某人之所好out of style 过时的life style 生活方式,生活习惯;格调【派生】stylish adj.时髦的;现代风格的;潇洒的bustle [bQsl] vi.喧闹;忙乱;充满vt.使忙碌;催促n.喧闹;活跃;裙撑;热闹的活动【例句】The sidewalks are bustling with people.两侧的人行道上人来人往。

elementary [7eli5mentEri] adj.初步的,基本的;[化] 元素的;自然力的【例句】My son is studying at an elementary school. 我儿子在一家小学上学。

【助记】要素的,也就是基本的,初级的lobby [5lCbi] n.大厅,休息室;会客室;游说议员的团体vt.对…进行游说vi.游说议员【例句】He waited in the lobby of the building until the rain stopped. 他在楼房的大厅里等到雨停。

【词组】lobby for 游说议员;为…游说【助记】lobby 音“老毕”→老毕先生正在大厅等你。

attach [E5tAtF] v.附属;贴,连接;使依恋,使喜爱【例句】I am attached to my family. 我对我的家依依不舍。

【词组】be attached to认为重要attach to属于,与…有关;加入,参加attach label to parcel给包裹贴标签【助记】a + touch 一接触就连上了,火车车厢一touch两车厢就挂上了【派生】attached adj.附加的;依恋的,充满爱心的attachment n.附件;依恋;连接物;扣押财产attendant [E5tendEnt] n.陪从;出席人;服务员adj.出席的;伴随的【例句】The room attendant speaks a little English. 这个房间的服务员会说一点英语。



李荫华《全新版大学英语综合教程(3)》(第2版)学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】目录Unit 1 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 2 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 3 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 4 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 5 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 6 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 7 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案Unit 8 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、全文翻译 四、练习答案弘博学习网————各类考试资料全收录内容简介本书是《全新版大学英语综合教程(3)》(第2版)的配套辅导用书,按照原教材的课次进行编写,每单元涉及词汇短语、课文精解、全文翻译以及练习答案内容。







弘博学习网————各类考试资料全收录Unit 1一、词汇短语Text Aget by通过;过得去;过活;获得认可【例句】No one is able to get by without oxygen. 没有氧气人不能维持生命。

frustration [frQs5treiFEn] n. 挫败;挫折;受挫【例句】He ground his teeth (together) in frustration. 他因失败而把牙咬得咯咯响。



李荫华《全新版大学英语综合教程(2)》(第2版)学习指南Unit6一、词汇短语Text Aminiature[]n.缩小的模型,缩图adj.微型的,雏形的【例句】In the museum,there is a miniature of the ship Mayflower.博物馆里有一个“五月花号”船的小模型。

【词组】in miniature小型的,小规模的,缩影的【助记】mini-迷你,小+picturea herd of一群;股票市场逐渐被一群;一个从众;一群牛、象、马、天鹅doll[]n.洋娃娃;玩偶;无头脑的美丽女人vt.把…打扮得花枝招展【例句】I like that lovely doll.我喜欢那只可爱的娃娃。


hard-pressed处于困境的,遭受强大压力的;经济困难的Tomboy男人婆;野丫头;假小子;装扮游戏ironic[]adj.说反话的,讽刺的【例句】Madness,an ironic fate for such a clear thinker.发疯,对这样一个思维清晰的人莫过于一种带有嘲弄意味的命运。

mechanical[]adj.机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;手工操作的【例句】Blinking is a mechanical action of the eyelids.眨眼是眼睑的无意识动作。

convert[]vt.使转变;兑换(钱);使…改变信仰n.改变宗教信仰或意见的人【例句】That building has been converted into a school.那座楼房改成学校了。

【词组】make a convert of sb.使某人改变信仰[主张]【助记】con(共同)+vert(旋转,反转);con+vert(转)→一起转入(新的信仰)【派生】converted adj.修改的;改变信仰的conversion n.转换;变换;[金融]兑换;改变信仰gas-guzzling耗油高;高油耗的hybrid[]n.杂种,混血儿,混合物;混合词adj.混合的,杂种的【例句】A mule is a hybrid of a donkey and a horse.骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种。



全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程Unit6Unit6 主要内容本单元主要讲解了以下几个内容:1.介绍了有关健康和生活方式的词汇和表达方式;2.分析了一些可能影响健康的因素;3.提供了改善健康的建议和方法;4.学习了关于饮食和锻炼的知识。


其中包括:•Health:健康•Diet:饮食•Exercise:锻炼•Lifestyle:生活方式•Nutrition:营养•Balanced diet:均衡饮食•Sedentary lifestyle:久坐不动的生活方式•Stress:压力•Relaxation techniques:放松技巧•Body mass index (BMI):身体质量指数通过学习这些词汇和表达方式,我们可以更好地理解和讨论有关健康和生活方式的话题。











U2Text AA Life Full of RichesI. Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases…1) abrupt 2) emotional 3) bless 4) wear and tear5) dated 6) consequences 7) seemingly 8) in contrast to9) Curiosity 10) genuine 11) primarily 12) sentiments2. Rewrite each sentence…1) confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first2) vital to the existence of all forms of life3) some confusion among the students about what to do after class to follow up on the subject4) nothing more than a job and an apartment to be happy5) tickled him to think that she’d come to ask his advice3. Complete the sentences1) a lingering, fabricating, sentiments2) fill out, every item, vital, consequences3) be denied, tangible, cherish, attainII. Words with Multiple Meanings1. It is a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2. She arrived early and took a front row seat.3. Don’t take me for a fool.4. It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5. My uncle will take me (alone on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6. He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7. Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8. If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it.III. Usage1. hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. not having6. to say7. to open8. being helpedComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) well-off/affluent 2) dated 3) falling into 4) bracket 5) deny 6) tangible7) pursuit 8) cherishes 9) out of place 10) abrupt 11) focus 12) donations2. Theme-related1) consume 2) fueled 3) annual 4) plain 5) physically6) security 7) indicates 8) equally 9) traditional 10) followsII. Translation1. Translate the Sentences1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.2. Translate the passageWith more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.U3Unit 3 The Generation GapText A Father Knows BetterI. Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases…1) typical 2) dumb 3) junior 4) glorious 5) welfare 6) came over 7) interference8) fading 9) narrowed down 10) frank 11) schemes 12) at any rate2. Rewrite each sentence…1) consists of five generals and four police officers.2) will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3. Complete the sentences1) hysterical, was handed down by, should have known better than2) twisted, over and over, talented son,3) patience, not to keep him in suspense, assured…repeatedlyII. Collocation1. adequate2. anxious3. certain4. content5. crazy6. likely7. fortunate8. keenIII. Usage1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. be banned6. beComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) typical 2) welfare 3) constant 4) frank 5) talent 6) dumb 7) know better than that8) repeatedly 9) dread 10) interference 11)bet 12)assure2. Theme-related1. despite2. really3. same4. contact5. admitted6. attempt7. not8. tend 9. different 10. mannerII. Translation1. Translate the Sentences1) Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?2) The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.4) A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.5) Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.2. Translate the passageGeorge, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.” In the end George traded his CDs for computer games software from his classmates.Unit 4Text A A Virtual LifeI. Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases…1) conversely 2) but then 3) symptom 4)spitting 5) abusing6) tone 7) took (her) in 8) editing 9)have arranged 10) in sight11) stretched 12) data2. Rewrite each sentence…1) smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) find themselves getting sucked in3) has arranged for a technician from the computer store to check and repair it.4) fled their country to avoid military service/ fled to other countries to avoid military service.5) restore people's confidence in it.3. Complete the sentences1) the virtual/ on line/ via2) nightmare/ routine/ any appointment/ arrange for3) cue/ remarks/ his tuneII. Collocation1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vacation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don't worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. Usagel. hard 2. difficult3. impossible4. tough5. hard6. easyComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) Internet 2) click3) virtual 4) routines5) arrange 6) nightmare7) annoying 8) connection9) crawls 10) take in11) spit 12) data13) sucked into 14) At times15) flee 16) on line2. Theme-related1) companion 2) deliver3) access 4) enables5) customers 6) delights7) provides 8) small9) remote 10) informationII. Translation1. Translate the Sentences1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A slow Internet connection speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2. Translate the passagePerhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.Unit 6 Women, Half the skyText A A Woman Can Learn Anything a Man CanI. Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases…1) cultural/culture 2)indication 3) miniature 4) ironic 5) stumbled into 6) decent7)buzzing 8) abnormal 9) mechanical 10) shuddering 11) implied 12)leap2. Rewrite each sentence…1) Convert RMB into US dollars in the foreign exchange office2) Didn’t know the first thing about cooking as she looked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker3) Their faulty equipment the team had accomplished some very useful work.4) Allowing me to work flexible hours as long as I work eight hours a day5) Couldn’t help thinking the book must be quite fascinating.3. Complete the sentences1) will not panic/ feel panic, will be at a disadvantage2) hybrid, transmission3) carve, one indication, to distinguishII. Collocation1. also2. as well/too3. too4. too5. as well/too6. too 7 also 8. alsoIII. Usage1. I’ve had enough2.when I was old enough to work and earn money3. can’t get enough sleep at night4. had so far collected enough of them5.have strong enough arms6. have just enough money to live onComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) stumbled into 2) not know the first thing about 3) mechanical 4) when it comes to5) hybrid 6) gritted her teeth 7) premise 8) at a disadvantage 9) panic10) cultural 11)flexible 12)imply2. Theme-related1. chair2. force3. secrets4. painstaking5. recognized6. steered7. essentially8.obsevation 9. women 10. tutor 11.inspired 12.unlessII. Translation1. Translate the Sentences1) He is a man of few words, but it comes to playing computer games, he is too clever for his classmates.2) Children who don’t know any better may think these animals are pretty cute and start playing with them.3) There is no way to obtain a loan, so as to buy the new equipment, I’ll just have to grit my teeth and sell my hybrid car.4) The hunter would not have fired the shots if he had not seen a herd of elephants coming towards his campsite.5) I find it ironic that Tom has a selective memory --- he does not seem to remember painful experiences in the past, particular those of his own doing.2. Translate the passage:Nancy Hopkins is a biology professor at MIT. She craves knowledge and works hard. However, as a scientist, she could not help noticing all kinds of indications of gender inequality on campus. Men and women professors did the same work, but when it came to promotion the administrators were rather selective. It is ironic that after so much cultural progress, women were still at a disadvantage in institutions of higher education. When her request for more lab space was refused, she knew she had to fight. So she gritted herteeth and complained to the President. The fight ended in victory and Nancy was converted into a gender-equity advocate.Unit 7 Learning about EnglishText A The Glorious Messiness of EnglishI. Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phr ases…1) Strictly speaking 2) drifted 3) resembles 4) invaded5) is conquered 6) fascinating 7) snack 8) put into practice9) source 10) climate 11) surrendered 12) were aroused2. Rewrite each sentence…1) an absolute necessity rather than a luxury2) is a valuable addition to the football team.3) will get out of control, if the firemen do not arrive within ten minutest4) alternative but to go via Vancouver to get to Seattle.5) declared all beef imports will be banned for the next six months as an emergence measure to stop the spread of mad cow disease3. Complete the sentences1) systematic, have invented, to a very real extent, mysteries2) to establish, to be modified/ modifying3) tolerance towards, strike out, enrichII. Synonyms1. wish, wish, want, want/wish2. skin, hide/skin, hide, skin3. raise/rear, raise, rear/raise, raise4. royal, kingly/royal, sovereign, royal/ kinglyIII. Usage1. Indeed2. though3. Frankly4. Moreover5. To my knowledge6. however7. nevertheless8. Yet9. instead 10. in other wordsComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) fascinating 2) tolerance 3) invented 4) addition 5) ban6) corrupt 7) out of control 8) influenced 9) elite 10) came up with11) establishing 12) Massive 13) sources 14) enrich2. Theme-related1) early 2) similar 3) source 4) observation 5) examine6) features 7) declared 8) stronger 9) accident 10) sprungII. Translation1. Translate the Sentences1) Many small businesses have sprung up in the city since the new policy went into effect.2) On hearing the news, she smiled briefly, and then returned to her habitual frown.3) He paused for effect, then said:” We can reach/ enter these markets through new channels.4) The addition of a concert hall to the school will help it nourish young musical talents5) We have no way to protect our personal liberties until we have established a soverei gn state./ We can’t protect our personal liberties unless we, first of all, establish a sovereign state.2. Translate the passageThough how the English language came into existence remains a mystery to many people, linguists believe that English and most other European languages have descended from a common source: theIndo-European parent language. English was first spoken by the Anglo-Saxons who invaded England in the fifth century. They passed onto us the basic vocabulary of English. In over fifteen centuries of its development, English has enriched itself by massive borrowing. As British immigrants landed in America and established the United States as an independent nation, a new variety was added to the English language: American English. Though some people worry that the language is running out of control, many native speakers of English take pride in the tolerance of their language.。

全新版大学英语综合教程 6课文翻译.

全新版大学英语综合教程 6课文翻译.

全新版大学英语综合教程 6课文翻译引言全新版大学英语综合教程作为大学英语综合教材的经典之一,在帮助学生提升英语综合能力方面发挥着重要作用。


课文翻译Unit 6 A Brave GirlPart 1 Warming UpText ALydia was a 14-year-old girl living with her family in a small village. One day, when she was walking through the village, she saw some children dressed in rags, sitting on the ground and begging. She was deeply moved by their miserable lives and decided to do something to help them.Lydia went home and shared her thoughts with her family. With their support, she started making dolls and selling them to raise money for the poor children. Each doll was carefully handmade with love. The dolls became very popular in thevillage and many people were touched by Lydia’s kindness and determination.As time went on, the number of dolls Lydia made increased. She recruited other volunteers to help her. The volunteers came from different backgrounds but all shared the same goal – to make a difference in the lives of those in need. The enthusiasm and ded ication of the volunteers made Lydia’s project more successful than she had ever imagined.The money raised from selling the dolls was used to provide food, clothing, and education for the poor children. The lives of these children gradually improved, and they began to have hope for a better future. Lydia’s project not only changed the lives of many children but also inspired kindness and compassion in the hearts of people around the village.Lydia’s efforts didn’t stop there. She continued to work hard and expand her project. Her goal was to reach out to as many children as possible, giving them the love and support they deserved. Lydia’s story touched many people, and her project received support and recognition from organizations and individuals both within and outside the village.Lydia’s brave actions and determination taught us that one person can make a difference. She showed us that even the smallest act of kindness can have a ripple effect and bring positive change to the lives of others. Inspired by her story, let us also take action and make a difference in the world.第六单元一个勇敢的女孩第一部分热身活动课文A莉迪亚是一个14岁的女孩,与家人住在一个小村庄里。



Unit 6 Book 1Detailed ReadingI. Difficult Sentences1.He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn’t, the girl with the rose.(Para. 2)1) Paraphrase the sentence.(He tried to find the girl who shared many of his views, interests and feelings but who he had never met before. The girl was supposed to wear a rose at their first meeting.)2) Translate the sentence into Chinese.(他在寻找一位姑娘,一位佩戴玫瑰的姑娘。


)2.Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart. (Para. 4)Paraphrase the sentence.(Each letter from one would bring forth a warm response from the other as a seed falling on fertile soil is likely to grow into a plant.)3.I’d always be haunted by the feeling that you had been taking a chance on just that, and thatkind of love would disgust me. (Para. 4)1) Why is the past perfect continuous tense used in the sentence?(To show that this action took place earlier than “you fell in love with me on seeing my picture”.)2) Translate the sentence into Chinese.(我将会一直深感不安,惟恐你只是因为我的容貌就贸然与我相爱,而这种爱情令我憎恶。



Unit 4一、词汇短语Text Ain a row连续;成一长行【例句】They were standing neatly in a row. 他们整齐地站成一行。

doze off打瞌睡;困倦【例句】Some students often doze off in class. 有些学生常在课堂上打瞌睡。

brisk [] adj. 兴隆的;轻快的,活泼的;凛冽的v. 使活泼,活跃起来【例句】He was a vigorous, brisk perso n. 他是一个强壮的,活泼有力的人。


不冒险就难受-充满生机的和有活力的【派生】briskness n. 活泼;轻快;敏捷briskly adv. 轻快地;活泼地;伶俐地;迅速地brisk [] adj. 兴隆的;轻快的,活泼的;凛冽的v. 使活泼,活跃起来【例句】He was a vigorous,brisk person. 他是一个强壮的,活泼有力的人。


不冒险就难受-充满生机的和有活力的【派生】briskness n. 活泼;轻快;敏捷patent [] adj. 特许的,专利的n. 专利,专利权v. 批准专利【例句】The company has patented many new inventions. 这家公司得到了许多新发明的专利权。

【词组】patent (to sb.)显着的,清楚的,明显的【助记】pa(拼音:怕)+tent(伸展)→怕传出去,所以申请专利保护。

frail[] adj. 虚弱的,脆弱的n.灯心草篓;少妇;少女【例句】His frail hands could hardly hold a cup.他虚弱的手连杯子也拿不住。

approve [] vt. 批准;赞成;为…提供证据vi. 批准;赞成;满意【例句】The resolution was approved 82 to 16 with 18 abstentions. 决议以八十二票对十六票通过,十八票弃权。



Unit 3一、词汇短语Text Alatch [] vi. 占有,抓住;闭锁vt. 闩上;纠缠住某人n. 门闩【例句】Latch the door before you go to bed. 上床睡觉之前先把门锁上。

【搭配】latch on 占有;抓住;理解on the latch 关着但不上锁latch onto不准(某人)去;拒绝离开(某人)on the latch关着但不上锁【例句】At any rate, the era of leaving the front door on the latch is over.不管怎么说,前门虚掩不落锁的时代是一去不复返了。

universal [] adj. 普遍的,全体的,通用的;宇宙的,世界的【例句】There was universal agreement as to who should become chairma n. 谁该当主席,大家的意见是一致的。

【派生】universally adv. 普遍地;人人;到处universe n. 宇宙;世界;领域close up关闭;愈合;靠近rural [] adj. 农村的,乡村的;田园的,有乡村风味的【例句】The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas. 那疾病多见于农村地区。


unlock [] vt. 开…锁,开启;显露;放开vi. 开着,解开,解出锁定【例句】Education and training is the key that will unlock our nation’s potential.教育和培训是发掘我们国家潜力的关键。

suburb [] n. 市郊;郊区【例句】He lives in the suburb of London. 他住在伦敦郊区。

【助记】sub(附近)+urb(城市)→城市的周围→郊区vulnerable [] adj. 易受武力攻击的,难防御的;易受伤的,脆弱的;易受诱惑的,敏感的【例句】His wife’s death left him feeling vulnerable and depressed. 他的妻子死后,他情绪很消沉脆弱。



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【词组】be associated with与…联系associate oneself with投身于…,参加到…中去【派生】associated adj.关联的;联合的association n.协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想associability n.可联想性;交感性assignment [E5sainmEnt] n.分配,委派,任务【例句】Fast as you do, you can’t finish the assignment in two hou rs.尽管你做得快,总也不能在两小时内将功课做完。



U2Text AA Life Full of RichesI. Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases…1) abrupt 2) emotional 3) bless 4) wear and tear5) dated 6) consequences 7) seemingly 8) in contrast to9) Curiosity 10) genuine 11) primarily 12) sentiments2. Rewrite each sentence…1) confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first2) vital to the existence of all forms of life3) some confusion among the students about what to do after class to follow up on the subject4) nothing more than a job and an apartment to be happy5) tickled him to think that she’d come to ask his advice3. Complete the sentences1) a lingering, fabricating, sentiments2) fill out, every item, vital, consequences3) be denied, tangible, cherish, attainII. Words with Multiple Meanings1. It is a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2. She arrived early and took a front row seat.3. Don’t take me for a fool.4. It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5. My uncle will take me (alone on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6. He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7. Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8. If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it.III. Usage1. hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. not having6. to say7. to open8. being helpedComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) well-off/affluent 2) dated 3) falling into 4) bracket 5) deny 6) tangible7) pursuit 8) cherishes 9) out of place 10) abrupt 11) focus 12) donations2. Theme-related1) consume 2) fueled 3) annual 4) plain 5) physically6) security 7) indicates 8) equally 9) traditional 10) followsII. Translation1. Translate the Sentences1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.2. Translate the passageWith more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.U3Unit 3 The Generation GapText A Father Knows BetterI. Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases…1) typical 2) dumb 3) junior 4) glorious 5) welfare 6) came over 7) interference8) fading 9) narrowed down 10) frank 11) schemes 12) at any rate2. Rewrite each sentence…1) consists of five generals and four police officers.2) will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3. Complete the sentences1) hysterical, was handed down by, should have known better than2) twisted, over and over, talented son,3) patience, not to keep him in suspense, assured…repeatedlyII. Collocation1. adequate2. anxious3. certain4. content5. crazy6. likely7. fortunate8. keenIII. Usage1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. be banned6. beComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) typical 2) welfare 3) constant 4) frank 5) talent 6) dumb 7) know better than that8) repeatedly 9) dread 10) interference 11)bet 12)assure2. Theme-related1. despite2. really3. same4. contact5. admitted6. attempt7. not8. tend 9. different 10. mannerII. Translation1. Translate the Sentences1) Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?2) The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.4) A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.5) Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.2. Translate the passageGeorge, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.” In the end George traded his CDs for computer games software from his classmates.Unit 4Text A A Virtual LifeI. Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases…1) conversely 2) but then 3) symptom 4)spitting 5) abusing6) tone 7) took (her) in 8) editing 9)have arranged 10) in sight11) stretched 12) data2. Rewrite each sentence…1) smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) find themselves getting sucked in3) has arranged for a technician from the computer store to check and repair it.4) fled their country to avoid military service/ fled to other countries to avoid military service.5) restore people's confidence in it.3. Complete the sentences1) the virtual/ on line/ via2) nightmare/ routine/ any appointment/ arrange for3) cue/ remarks/ his tuneII. Collocation1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vacation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don't worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. Usagel. hard 2. difficult3. impossible4. tough5. hard6. easyComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) Internet 2) click3) virtual 4) routines5) arrange 6) nightmare7) annoying 8) connection9) crawls 10) take in11) spit 12) data13) sucked into 14) At times15) flee 16) on line2. Theme-related1) companion 2) deliver3) access 4) enables5) customers 6) delights7) provides 8) small9) remote 10) informationII. Translation1. Translate the Sentences1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A slow Internet connection speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2. Translate the passagePerhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.Unit 6 Women, Half the skyText A A Woman Can Learn Anything a Man CanI. Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases…1) cultural/culture 2)indication 3) miniature 4) ironic 5) stumbled into 6) decent7)buzzing 8) abnormal 9) mechanical 10) shuddering 11) implied 12)leap2. Rewrite each sentence…1) Convert RMB into US dollars in the foreign exchange office2) Didn’t know the first thing about cooking as she looked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker3) Their faulty equipment the team had accomplished some very useful work.4) Allowing me to work flexible hours as long as I work eight hours a day5) Couldn’t help thinking the book must be quite fascinating.3. Complete the sentences1) will not panic/ feel panic, will be at a disadvantage2) hybrid, transmission3) carve, one indication, to distinguishII. Collocation1. also2. as well/too3. too4. too5. as well/too6. too 7 also 8. alsoIII. Usage1. I’ve had enough2.when I was old enough to work and earn money3. can’t get enough sleep at night4. had so far collected enough of them5.have strong enough arms6. have just enough money to live onComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) stumbled into 2) not know the first thing about 3) mechanical 4) when it comes to5) hybrid 6) gritted her teeth 7) premise 8) at a disadvantage 9) panic10) cultural 11)flexible 12)imply2. Theme-related1. chair2. force3. secrets4. painstaking5. recognized6. steered7. essentially8.obsevation 9. women 10. tutor 11.inspired 12.unlessII. Translation1. Translate the Sentences1) He is a man of few words, but it comes to playing computer games, he is too clever for his classmates.2) Children who don’t know any better may think these animals are pretty cute and start playing with them.3) There is no way to obtain a loan, so as to buy the new equipment, I’ll just have to grit my teeth and sell my hybrid car.4) The hunter would not have fired the shots if he had not seen a herd of elephants coming towards his campsite.5) I find it ironic that Tom has a selective memory --- he does not seem to remember painful experiences in the past, particular those of his own doing.2. Translate the passage:Nancy Hopkins is a biology professor at MIT. She craves knowledge and works hard. However, as a scientist, she could not help noticing all kinds of indications of gender inequality on campus. Men and women professors did the same work, but when it came to promotion the administrators were rather selective. It is ironic that after so much cultural progress, women were still at a disadvantage in institutions of higher education. When her request for more lab space was refused, she knew she had to fight. So she gritted herteeth and complained to the President. The fight ended in victory and Nancy was converted into a gender-equity advocate.Unit 7 Learning about EnglishText A The Glorious Messiness of EnglishI. Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phr ases…1) Strictly speaking 2) drifted 3) resembles 4) invaded5) is conquered 6) fascinating 7) snack 8) put into practice9) source 10) climate 11) surrendered 12) were aroused2. Rewrite each sentence…1) an absolute necessity rather than a luxury2) is a valuable addition to the football team.3) will get out of control, if the firemen do not arrive within ten minutest4) alternative but to go via Vancouver to get to Seattle.5) declared all beef imports will be banned for the next six months as an emergence measure to stop the spread of mad cow disease3. Complete the sentences1) systematic, have invented, to a very real extent, mysteries2) to establish, to be modified/ modifying3) tolerance towards, strike out, enrichII. Synonyms1. wish, wish, want, want/wish2. skin, hide/skin, hide, skin3. raise/rear, raise, rear/raise, raise4. royal, kingly/royal, sovereign, royal/ kinglyIII. Usage1. Indeed2. though3. Frankly4. Moreover5. To my knowledge6. however7. nevertheless8. Yet9. instead 10. in other wordsComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related1) fascinating 2) tolerance 3) invented 4) addition 5) ban6) corrupt 7) out of control 8) influenced 9) elite 10) came up with11) establishing 12) Massive 13) sources 14) enrich2. Theme-related1) early 2) similar 3) source 4) observation 5) examine6) features 7) declared 8) stronger 9) accident 10) sprungII. Translation1. Translate the Sentences1) Many small businesses have sprung up in the city since the new policy went into effect.2) On hearing the news, she smiled briefly, and then returned to her habitual frown.3) He paused for effect, then said:” We can reach/ enter these markets through new channels.4) The addition of a concert hall to the school will help it nourish young musical talents5) We have no way to protect our personal liberties until we have established a soverei gn state./ We can’t protect our personal liberties unless we, first of all, establish a sovereign state.2. Translate the passageThough how the English language came into existence remains a mystery to many people, linguists believe that English and most other European languages have descended from a common source: theIndo-European parent language. English was first spoken by the Anglo-Saxons who invaded England in the fifth century. They passed onto us the basic vocabulary of English. In over fifteen centuries of its development, English has enriched itself by massive borrowing. As British immigrants landed in America and established the United States as an independent nation, a new variety was added to the English language: American English. Though some people worry that the language is running out of control, many native speakers of English take pride in the tolerance of their language.。



第一单元学习方式Text A哈佛大学教育学教授霍华德·加德纳回忆其中国之行,阐述他对中西方不同的学习方式的看法。





















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Unit 4
Text A
assembly [] n. 集合;装配;汇编;会议;(美)洲议会的众议院
【例句】This is the assembly line. 这是装配线。

auto [] n. 汽车(等于automobile);自动
vi. 乘汽车
【例句】That auto company is coming out with several new models. 那家汽车公司将把好几种新型号产品投入市场。

assault [] n. & v. 刺激;猛烈地攻击,袭击
【例句】The roar of city traffic is a steady assault on one’s nerves. 市区的喧嚣不断地刺激着人的神经。


enclosed [] adj. 被附上的;与世隔绝的
【例句】Enclosed please find a set of sample sheets. 附上样稿一份,请查收。

discordant [] adj. 不和谐的,刺耳的;不一致的
【例句】Leonato thought they would make a discordant pair. 里奥那托认为他们不适宜作夫妻。

【搭配】discordant views不一致的观点
weld [] vt. 焊接,煅接
n. 焊接,焊缝
【例句】The car has had a new wing welded on. 这辆汽车焊接了一个新的翼子板。

【助记】wedding 结婚就是两人熔合在一起不分开。

we-ld we-我们ld-路灯我们把路灯焊接在一起。

【派生】welding n. 焊接
crackle [] n. 劈啪响;裂纹
vi. (使)发劈啪声
【例句】The radio crackled again. 收音机又吱吱啦啦地响了起来。

laser [] n. 激光
【例句】This is a virtual keyboard with laser impressions on any table or other surface.

hiss [] v. (蛇,沸水等)发出嘶嘶声,用嘘声表示
n. 嘶嘶声,嘘嘘声
【例句】The politician was hissed off (the platform). 人们用嘘声把那政客轰下了台。

【搭配】hiss for silence发嘘声要求大家肃静
be hissed off the stage被嘘[哄]下台
hiss at 对…发嘘声
hiss down 把…嘘下台;用嘘声使吵闹声静下来
hiss off 把…嘘出去[下去]
rotate [] v. (使)旋转,(使)轮流
adj. 辐状的
【例句】Interns will rotate through the various departments. 实习医师要轮流去各个部门。

【派生】rotation n. 旋转;循环,轮流
injection [] n. 注射,射入;注射量
【例句】The nurse gave him an injection against typhoid. 护士给他打针治疗伤寒。


cute [] adj. 可爱的,聪明的,伶俐的;装腔作势的
【例句】The style also gets cute at times. 文体有时可以流于造作。

squirt [] v. 喷出
n. 细的喷流;妄自尊大的人
【例句】I squeezed the bottle and the sauce squirted out. 我把瓶子一捏,沙司就挤出来了。

【搭配】squirt sth (out of/from sth); squirt sth (out)使(液体、粉末等)喷出squirt sb/sth (with sth)向某人[某物]喷液体或粉末等
protrude [] vt. & vi. 伸出,吐出;凸出;突出
【例句】He managed to hang on to a piece of rock protruding from the cliff. 他设法抓住了悬崖上向外伸出的岩石。

【派生】protruding adj. 突出的;伸出的
protrusive adj. 突出的;伸出的;招人注意的
protrusion n. 突出;突出物
【助记】pro 前+trude 音:出的,杵的,向前突出的
panel [] n. 面,板;控制板,仪表盘;专门小组,专题讨论小组
【例句】The date for the panel discussion is fixed now. 座谈会的日期现已确定。


wiper [] n. 擦拭者,手帕;擦拭之物
【例句】They just wanted the wiper. 她们仅仅是想要雨刷。

wand [] n. 棒,棍,杖,(表示官职的)权杖,(柳树等幼树的)嫩枝
【例句】The magician is waving a magic wand. 魔术师在挥舞魔杖。

【搭配】magic wand 魔杖,魔术棒
gauge [] n. 标准尺;规格;量规,量表
v. 估量;评价;判断
【例句】The programme was given a trial run to gauge viewers’ reactions. 该节目进行了试演以了解观众的反应。

How would you gauge his conduct? 你对他的品行作何评价?
【词组】have/keep/get the weather gauge of在…上风;较…有利

screw [] n. 螺丝钉,螺旋
v. 转动,旋,拧,拧紧;压榨
【例句】He screwed the mirror onto the wall. 他把镜子用螺丝固定在墙上。

【词组】screw in 把…拧入
【派生】screwy adj. 扭曲的;螺旋形的
burst out闯出来;突发;摆脱;大声喊叫
【例句】Everyone suddenly burst out laughing. 大家突然哄堂大笑。

belly [] n. 腹部,胃;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛
vi. 涨满;爬行
vt. 使胀满;使鼓起
【例句】①Misers put their back and belly into their pockets. 守财奴宁肯挨饿受冻也舍不得花钱。

②The soldiers were bellying through the rice paddy. 战士们在稻田里匍匐前进。

【词组】belly up 企业倒闭,破产了的
shell [] n. 贝壳,壳;炮弹
v. 去壳,剥落
【例句】Shells were bursting all around. 炮弹在四处爆炸。

【词组】in the shell 尚未成熟,在酝酿之中
shell out 付款;还账;为…提供

childish [] adj. 孩子气的,幼稚的
【例句】I am tired of your childish pranks.我厌倦了你幼稚的胡闹。
