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Section One Tactics for Listening

Part 1 Phonetics-Stress, Intonation and Accent

Joanna: Who Mary She doesn't go out with anyone, you know.

Joanna: No. Well, if you ask me, she doesn't like anybody.

Joanna: Oh, a meal. Yes, that'd-be nice. But where I don't want to eat anywhere. Joanna: Do you think so Mm -- of course, she doesn't approve of anyone. Joanna: Yes. But what d' you suggest She won't enjoy anything, will she ...

Joanna: No, I asked her. I think she doesn't want to go anywhere.

Joanna: I know. It's odd isn't it. Never mind. We don't have to go out with anyone. Joanna: In fact. let's not go out with anyone.

Joanna: OK. Just you and me. Bye!

Part 2 Listening and Note-Taking

Mountain Rescue Service


When an accident is reported to the Mountain Rescue Service the first thing that happens is that the person who reports the accident is closely questioned.

The rescue group needs to find out a number of details. First, they need to know exactly where the accident happened, with a map reference if possible. Then they will want to know the time of the accident. They will also need to know how many people were involved in the accident and what kind of injuries there were. Finally, they will ask for other useful details, such as the colour of the victim's clothing and the weather conditions.

Then the rescue team's call-out procedure begins. Team members keep their personal equipment at home so as to be ready to set off within fifteen minutes of receiving the call. The advance party of about four people sets off right away. They carry a radio telephone with them to send details to the main party and to the base. They are also equipped and trained to give immediate medical assistance.

The main party follows the advance party. They carry a radio telephone and more supplies,

including a stretcher for the victim. The third party on the mountain is the back-up group. Their job is to help the main party on its return journey.

Rescue control is set up in a mobile base. This vehicle carries the team's supplies other than personal equipment. It is equipped with radio telephone and the

means of providing hot food and drinks. The base is set up near a telephone so that extra help, for example ambulance, doctor,

helicopter or reserves, can be contacted without delay.

Exercise A:

1. The first thing that happens is that the person who reports' the accident is closely questioned.

2. They will also need to know how many people were involved in the accident and what kind of


injuries there were.

3. The third party on the mountain is the back-up group.

4. Their job is to help the main party on its return journey.

5. The base is set up near a telephone so that extra help can be contacted without delay.

Exercise B:
