翻译技巧 9 状语从句的翻译

翻译技巧9 状语从句的翻译1. 条件状语从句1) During the execution of a contract, if one party fails to perform the contract and thus bring economic loss to another party, the latter may ask the former for compensation according to the contract stipulation.在合同的执行中,如果一方不能履行合同而造成另一方经济损失,受损方可根据合同规定要求对方赔偿。
2)We are notifying you that we reserve our right to claim on you for the shortage if it is confirmed.我方谨通知贵方,如果确定货物数量短缺,我方将有权向贵方提出索赔。
3)It will be very helpful for us to push our claim on condition that you can give us some evidence that your figure in the invoice is correct.只要贵方能提供证据,证明发票上的数字准确无误,这将有助于我方提出索赔。
4)We shall have to cancel the order unless it is executed within two weeks.除非这张订单在两周内履行,否则本公司不得不将它取消。
2. 时间状语从句1) When we investigate the matter of your claims, we have noticed a discrepancy between our invoice figure and the quantities you specified.我方在调查贵方提出的索赔时,发现我方的发票数量和贵方描述的数量不一致。

英语语法:五类状语从句的翻译讲解一、时间状语从句1. 译成相对应的时间状语1) 与原文顺序一致While she spoke, the tears were running down.她说话时,泪水直流。
2) 后置改前置Please turn off the light when you leave the room.离屋时请关灯。
2. 译成“刚(一)……就……”的句式When I reached the beach, I collapsed.我一游到海滩,就昏倒了。
3. 译成并列的分句1) 译文前置They set him free when his ransom had not yet been paid.他还没有交赎金,他们就把他释放了。
2) 后置不变I was about to speak when Mr. Smith cut in.我正想讲,史密斯先生就插嘴了。
二、原因状语从句1. 译成表“因”的分句1) “因”在“果”之前The crops failed because the season was dry.因为气候干旱,作物歉收。
2) “果”在“因”之前She could get away with anything, because she looked such a baby.她能渡过任何风险,因为她看上去简直还像娃娃模样。
2. 译成因果偏正复句中的主句Pure iron is not used in industry because it is too soft.纯铁太软,所以不用在工业上。
Because he was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he stuck to his opinion.他深信这件事准确可靠,所以坚持己见。
3. 译成无关联词的因果关系并列分句Where there is sound, there must be sound waves.哪里有声音,哪里就必有声波。

1. 为了不惊醒她,他轻轻推开房门,悄悄地溜了出去。
(for fear that)【答案】He pushed open the door gently and stole out of the room for fear that he should awake her.【解析】这里考查的由for fear that引导的目的状语从句;“悄悄地溜了出去”翻译为stole out of the room极为生动形象。
2. 我不需要买新车,我的那辆旧车还很好。
(condition)【答案】I don’t need to / needn’t buy a new car as my old one is still in good condition.【解析】这里考查的由as引导的原因状语从句;“状况良好”可翻译为be in good condition。
3. 在你生命中,如果有一个人你需要对他说对不起,那就去向他道歉吧。
(apology)【答案】If there is someone in your life to whom you need to say sorry go ahead and make an apology.【解析】这里考查的由if引导的条件状语从句;“对…说对不起”,我们用say sorry to sb.“向…道歉”make an apology to sb.。
4. 这小孩太调皮了,使得他那忙于工作的父母常常心烦意乱。
(So…)【答案】So naughty is the child that he often upsets his parents who are busy with their work.【解析】这里考查的是so…that引导的结果状语从句,千万要注意,so位于句首要用不完全倒装形式。
5. 自从出国留学后,她就不再和我们保持联系了。
(No longer)【答案】No longer has she kept in touch with us since she went abroad for further study / education.【解析】这里考查的是since引导的时间状语从句;与……保持联系keep in touch with;注意no longer位于句首,主句要使用部分倒装结构。

book, lend it to him.
11. 除非现在就采取有效的措施,否则人类就会发现自 己面临灾难。(unless)
答案: Human beings will find themselves facing / faced with disasters, unless measures are taken right now.
1. 无论它花了你多少钱,它都是值这个价。(however) 答案: However much (money) it cost you, it is worth the price.
2. 据我所知,派谁去那里帮助他们人没有决定。(as far as) 答案: As far as I know, who will be sent there to help them hasn’t been decided.
3. 你最好带把伞以防下午下雨。(in case) 答案:You’d better take an umbrella with you in case of
rain/ in case it rains in Байду номын сангаасhe afternoon.
4. 每次我见到这张照片就是我想起我们在国外度过的日 子。(every time)
7. 这是一次对她的傲慢如此痛苦的教训(a lesson to…) 她永远也不会忘记。(such…that)
答案:It is such a bitter lesson to her pride that she will never forget it.

众多家庭搬出安定的社区,离开交往多年 的朋友,远离大家庭的其他成员, 日常信息 来源就此切断。
2 原因状语从句的翻译
Since the electrical inventions which Edison had given us were very important, we could not live without them—not for one minute. 爱迪生为我们发明的各种电器太重要了, 我们的生活离不开它们——一刻也离不开。
16.3 条件状语从句的翻译
If I could relive my life, I would lead quite a different life, leaving less regrets. 如果我可以重新过日子, 我会生活得截然不 同,不会留下这么多遗憾。
3 条件状语从句的翻译
3.1 译成相对应的表条件的分句 If the epidemic cannot be controlled effectively, the whole country will come into chaos. 如果这种流行传染病得不到有效控制, 整个 国家将会陷入一片混乱之中。 We won’t be able to go there on foot in case it rains.
1 时间状语从句的翻译
One must sow before one can reap. 只有播种,才能有收获。(译成汉语的必要 条件复句的正句。也可根据汉语表达习惯, 译为:一份耕耘,一份收获。) Before manned spacecraft could be sent to space, the problem of getting the spacecraft safely back to earth had to be solved. 为了把载人的宇宙飞船送到太空上去,就 必须解决使飞船安全返回地面的问题。(译 成汉语单句的目的状语)

1.We would like your attention for three minutes while we explain the safety guidefor this flight.时间状从请大家用三分钟时间注意听讲,在我们解释这次航班的安全指南时。
2.While we are serving meals, please move your seat back to its right place forsafety of the passenger behind you. 时间状从供应餐饮期间,为了你身后乘客的安全请大家将座椅移回原位。
3.If you need any help, please let us know by switching on the button next to thelight above your head. 条件状从如需帮助,请按你头顶上方靠灯的按钮让我们知道。
4.One of the most exciting moments will be in May when the Olympic flame istaken to the highest peak(山峰)in the world--Monut Qomolangma. 时间状从最令人兴奋的时刻之一将在五月,那时奥运火炬将被带到世界之巅--珠穆朗玛峰。
5.Ella and Hebe entered simply for the 10,000 yuan prize, while Selina wasencouraged by her young sister, who was then too young to take part. 转折对比,非限定性定从E和H的参赛只是奔着10000元的奖金而来的,而S的参赛却是受到了妹妹的鼓动,她妹妹那是还小,不能参赛。

五类状语从句的翻译一、时间状语从句1. 译成相应的时间状语1) 与原文顺序一致While she spoke, the tears were running down.她说话时,泪水直流。
2) 后置改前置Please turn off the light when you leave the room.离屋时请关灯。
2. 译成刚就的句式:When I reached the beach, I collapsed.我一游到海滩,就昏倒了。
3. 译成并列的分句:1) 译文前置They set him free when his ransom had not yet been paid. 他还没有交赎金,他们就把他释放了。
2) 后置不变I was about to speak when Mr. Smith cut in.我正想讲,史密斯先生就插嘴了。
二、原因状语从句1. 译成表因的分句:1) 因在果之前The crops failed because the season was dry.因为气候干旱,作物歉收。
2) 果在因之前She could get away with anything, because she looked such a baby.她能渡过任何风险,因为她看上去简直还像娃娃模样。
2. 译成因果偏正复句中的主句:Pure iron is not used in industry because it is too soft.纯铁太软,所以不用在工业上。
Because he was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he stuck to his opinion.他深信这件事正确可靠,因此坚持己见。
3. 译成无关联词的因果关系并列分句:Where there is sound, there must be sound waves.哪里有声音,哪里就必有声波。

1.There is a virtual limit on how long we can hope to remain alive,however lucky and robust we are。
[参考译文] 不管我们多么幸运,多么健壮,我们所希望的长寿年龄实际上是有限度的。
[结构分析] 该句分为两部分:(There is a virtual limit on how long we can hope to remain alive, ) (however lucky and robust we are。
),第一部分是主句,第二部分是however引导的让步状语从句;主句中on…alive是介词短语,作limit的后置定语,how引导的从句是介词on的宾语,该从句的主语是we,谓语是can hope to remain,表语是alive;让步状语从句的主语是we,谓语是are,表语是lucky and robust。
[知识链接] virtual实际的;remain保持;a limit on…对……有限制;alive活着的;lucky幸运的;robust健壮的。
2. While formal learning is transmitted by teachers selected to perform this role, informal learning is acquired as a natural part of a child's development。
[参考译文] 尽管正式的学习过程是由挑选出来担当此角色的教师来进行的,非正式的学习过程却是作为孩子成长的自然一部分而完成的。
[结构分析] 该句可拆分为两部分,(While formal learning is transmitted by teachers selected to perform this role,) (informal learning is acquired as a natural part of a child's development. ),第一部分是While引导的让步状语从句,第二部分是主句;从句中,formal learning是主语,谓语是is transmitted,过去分词selected 作teachers的后置定语,是不定式to perform this role作selected的目的状语;主句中,informal learning是主语,谓语是is acquired,介词短语as a natural part of a child's development作acquired的结果状语。

状语从句翻译1 她说话时,泪水直流(while)1.Tears was running down her face while she talked.2 我正在吃饭的时候,她进来了。
(when)2.She came in when i was dinning.3 他结束讲话的时候,听众掌声雷动。
(as)3.The audience gave a round of applause as he ended his speech.4 他将得到提升,因为他工作干得好(for)4.He will get promoted for his hard working.5 理论之所以有价值,是因为它能给实践指出方向(because)5.Theory has value because it indicates the direction for practice.6 为了正午以前赶到那里,我们很早就动身了(so that)6.We set out so early that we could reach there before the noon.7 如果没有他们的批准,我们不能开始这项工作。
(until)7.We can't get into the work until they approve.1.他对她一见钟情。
1.He fell in love with her at the first sight. The more he knows her, the more he loves her.2.虽然我很累,但因为做了一件好事而深感高兴。
2.Even though I am tired, but I am happy because I did a good deed.3.违法的人都将受到惩罚。
3.Whoever defies the law will get punished.4.坐飞机比坐这趟火车不贵很多。

状语从句的译法1时间状语的翻译消费者购买商品实质上是在给不同的企业和产品投票Customers actually vote for products and companies when they make a purchase.我方建议这批货从总价中削减50%,相信你方会认为这样对我方是公平的I’m sure you will think it fair on our part when we suggest that the total value of the parcel should be reduced by 50%.2 原因状语从句的翻译The country’s economy has emerged from recession because the government adopted some flexible policies.因为政府采取了一些灵活措施,所以该国的经济已经开始复苏。
Because the winter is coming, many fashion stores start to sell warm clothes.因为冬天即将来临,所以时装店开始销售卸寒衣服了。
3让步状语从句Although we’ve raised our market share by 5%, the competition remains fierce.虽然我们的市场份额提高了5%,但目前的竞争依然激烈。
4目的状语从句To reduce loss and increase overall profits, the CEO told his product managers to get rid of all the dogs.为了减亏损,全面增加利润,公司的首席执行官告诉产品部的经理们销毁所有的次品。
5条件状语从句So if you should reduce your price by, say 5%, we might come to terms.要是你们答应降价,比如5%,我们达成协议。

然…但是…,尽管…”等。 11. Although humans are the most intelligent creature on earth, anything humans can do,Nature has already done better and in far,far less space. 虽然人类是地球上最聪明的生物,人能 创造一切,但大自然更富于创造性,早 已创造出比人类创造的更好更小巧的东 西。
(2) 表示目的的从句后置
16. In addition,the cameraman must
have a knowledge of composition so that the arrangement of the people and objects in each shot will produce the desired effect. 另外,摄影师必须具备合成的知识,以 便安排好每个镜头中的人和物来达到预 期的效果。
(1)译成相应的表示时间的状语 1. When they analyzed these rocks,
they found “shocked” quartz grains— slivers with a particular arrangement of micro cracks believed to represent the relic left by an extraterrestrial impact. 在分析这些岩芯时,他们发现“冲击” 石英颗粒———带有特殊排列的微裂缝 的薄片,科学家认为他们是外层空间来 的物体与地球碰撞留下来的遗迹。

例1. As the patient is terribly ill, the doctor has gone to see him at his home.
例2. Since some side-effects such as nausea, skin rashes and vertigo are frequently encountered, the drug should be discontinued at the first sign of them.
11.1.3 译为并列的两个分句
例1. On hearing the results of examination, that female patient cried as he walked.
例2. When the patient walked along, he kept wondering what the doctor really meant.
状语从句是医学英语文献中出现频率比 较多的句型之一, 常见的英语状语从 句包括表示时间、地点、原因、条件、 让步、假设、目的、结果、比较、方式 等各种从句,常见的译法如下。
11.1 表示时间的状语从句的译法 11.2 表示地点的状语从句译法 11.3 表示原因的状语从句的译法 11.4 表示条件、假设的状语从句的译法 11.5 表示让步的状语从句的译法 11.6 表示目的的状语从句的译法 11.7表示比较的状语从句的译法 11.8表示方式的状语从句的译法
the nurse stood where every patient could see her.
例2. Pus formation may occur wherever there is

一、时间状语从句在英语中,时间状语从句的连接词有:when(当??的时候),whenever(每当??),as(当??时), since(自从??),until(直到??,如果不??),till(直到??),before(在??前),after(在??后),as soon as(一??就??),once(一旦??),the moment(一??就??),immediately(一??就??),no sooner? than(一??就??),hardly/scarcely? when(一??就??),the instant(一??就??),instantly(一??就??),the minute(一??就??),the second(一??就??),every time(每当??),by the time(等到??的时候)等。
例如:After he had worked in the factory for ten years, he decided to go abroad.在这家工厂工作了十年之后,他决定出国。
While Jack was reading, Jim was writing. 杰克阅读的时候,吉姆在写东西。
例如:Please turn off the light when you leave the room. 离屋时请关灯。

状语从句翻译练习1. 什么是状语从句?状语从句是指在一个句子中作状语的从句。
2. 状语从句的翻译方法状语从句在中文和英文中有一些差异。
2.1 时间状语从句的翻译时间状语从句通常用来表示一个动作或情况发生的时间,可以译为「当...的时候」、「一...就」等。
例如:- When I arrived, they had already left.(当我到达时,他们已经离开了。
)- I will call you as soon as I finish my work.(我一做完工作就给你打电话。
)2.2 原因状语从句的翻译原因状语从句用来表示一个动作或情况发生的原因,可以译为「因为...」、「由于...」等。
例如:- Because it was raining, we decided to stay home.(因为下雨,我们决定待在家里。
)- Due to the traffic jam, he was late for the meeting.(由于交通堵塞,他迟到了会议。
)2.3 条件状语从句的翻译条件状语从句用来表示一个动作或情况发生的条件,可以译为「如果...就」、「除非...」等。
例如:- If it rains, we will stay indoors.(如果下雨,我们就呆在室内。
)- Unless you invite me, I won't go to the party.(除非你邀请我,否则我不会去参加派对。
)2.4 目的状语从句的翻译目的状语从句用来表示一个动作或情况发生的目的,可以译为「为了...」、「以便...」等。
例如:- I study hard so that I can pass the exam.(我努力研究以便能够通过考试。
)- We went to the supermarket in order to buy some groceries.(我们去超市为了购买一些杂货。

状语从句翻译Adverbial clauses are subordinate clauses that modify or provide additional information about the main clause in a sentence. They typically answer questions such as when, where, why, how, or to what extent an action occurs. Translating adverbial clauses requires careful consideration of the grammatical structure and meaning of the original sentence. Let's look at some examples and their translations.1. When she arrived, the party had already started.当她到达时,派对已经开始了。
2. I will go shopping after I finish work.我下完班后会去购物。
3. They always go for a walk if the weather is nice.如果天气好,他们总是去散步。
4. Although he is very tired, he refuses to rest.虽然他很累,但他不愿休息。
5. She had to leave early because she had an appointment.她不得不提前离开,因为她有一个约会。
6. He studied hard so that he could pass his exams.他努力学习,以便能够通过考试。
7. Please turn off the lights before you leave the room.在离开房间之前,请关闭灯光。

They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard.我将一整天待在旅馆里以防有Mary的消息。
I shall stay in the hotel all day in case there is news of Mary.我们做了这样的安排,以便我们总有一个人在值班。
We have so arranged matters that one of us is always on duty.结果状语从句那么多人来听音乐会,以致有些人没法进来。
So many people came to the concert that some could n’t get in.她很聪明,否则我早就瞧不起她了。
She had intellect, otherwise I would have scorned her.把这喝掉,否则你会生病。
Drink this, else you will be sick.条件状语从句如果我没有加入这个学习小组,我就不会把这件事做成。
I wouldn’t have been able to make it through, if I were out of this study group. 除非我们有一份刊物,否则我们不能发挥我们的影响力。
We can’t exercise our influence unless we have an organ.设想你有一百万英镑,你会怎么花呢?Suppose you had a million pounds, how would you spend it?只要你答应十一点钟前回来,你可以出去。
You can go out, as long as you promise to be back before 11 o’clock.If引导的条件状语从句的倒装:如果不是他们帮忙,我们会陷入严重的困境。

状语从句翻译1 她说话时,泪水直流(while)1.Tearswas runnin g down her face whileshe talked.2 我正在吃饭的时候,她进来了。
(when)2.She came in when i was dinnin g.3 他结束讲话的时候,听众掌声雷动。
(as)3.The audien ce gave a roundof applau se as he endedhis speech.4 他将得到提升,因为他工作干得好(for)4.He will get promot ed for his hard workin g.5 理论之所以有价值,是因为它能给实践指出方向(becaus e)5.Theory has valuebecaus e it indica tes the direct ion for practi ce.6 为了正午以前赶到那里,我们很早就动身了(so that)6.We set out so earlythat we couldreachtherebefore the noon.7 如果没有他们的批准,我们不能开始这项工作。
(until)7.We can't get into the work untilthey approv e.1.他对她一见钟情。
1.He fell in love with her at the firstsight.The more he knowsher, the more he lovesher.2.虽然我很累,但因为做了一件好事而深感高兴。
2.Even though I am tired, but I am happybecaus e I did a good deed.3.违法的人都将受到惩罚。

(简化版)状语从句翻译练习简化版状语从句翻译练1. 什么是状语从句?状语从句是指在句子中充当状语的从句。
2. 状语从句的翻译要点在翻译状语从句时,需要注意以下要点:- 理解主从句之间的语义关系;- 根据语义关系选择合适的连词;- 注意时态和语序的变化。
3. 状语从句的翻译练3.1 时间状语从句- 英文原句:He will go to the gym when he ___.- 中文翻译:他下班后会去健身房。
3.2 原因状语从句- 英文原句:She left early because she felt sick.- 中文翻译:她因为感觉不舒服所以提前离开了。
3.3 方式状语从句- 英文原句:Please tell her how to get there.- 中文翻译:请告诉她如何去那里。
3.4 条件状语从句- 英文原句:If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home. - 中文翻译:如果明天下雨,我们就待在家里。
3.5 目的状语从句- 英文原句:___ hard so that he could pass the exam.- 中文翻译:他努力研究以便能够通过考试。
3.6 结果状语从句- 英文原句:___.- 中文翻译:她累得无法保持清醒。
4. 总结状语从句在翻译时需要根据语义关系选择合适的译文,并注意时态和语序的变化。
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(so that)
(so….. that)
(such… that)
(so… that)
(in case)
(in order that)
8.这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手(so… that)。
(no matter how)
(Even if)