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、 1. Bees communicate by dancing: for example, they do a kind of dance to tell other bees

about the location of flowers.

2. It was said that Nancy was going to marry a rich Englishman, But she denied it.

3. We need a huge amount of money to build a new high School for the children in this area.

4. Since you broke the window, you should pay for the damage

5. People who fish and sail sometimes claim to have seen strange animals in the sea.

6. He looks young, but actually he is much the elder of the two.

7. The guard walked through the train inspecting everyone?s ticket.

8. The New smart structures could be very expensive to build. However, they would be

less likely to be damaged during earthquakes.

1. I?m going to sell the house, together with the

2. You had a traffic accident, so you?ll have to

3. There is an advertisement advertisement

4. I desire

furniture .

appear in court.

for our new product in the local newspaper

5. It is foolish to spend money on something you don?t use.

6. We should try hard to develop tourism (旅游业). Tourism creates jobs for local people.

7. The development of the world?s economy will bring about many new problems.

8. Mother will need additional help to do the work since she is not in good health.

三、 1. We just serve fast food. If you want something special, please go to another restaurant.

2. Life is an endless journey (旅程) toward personal achievements

3. If you want him to lend you the money, you have to prove that you will be able to give it back.

4. How the situation will eventually work out, only time can tell.

5. It cost me one pound, plus 10 pence to have the letter posted.

6. His annual income (收入) is $36,000; that is, he earns $3,000 a month.

7. You can?t expect your parents to support you forever

8. He found he had not brought money with him when he was about to pay the bill

四、 1. It is not what you say but what you do that impresses ___ people most.

2. Did you keep a(n) __dairy___ while you were traveling in Europe?

3. Their project to build a big factory near the village failed because the local people were strongly

against it.

4. His boss warned him that if he was late again, he would lose his job.

5. He has no language talent at all, so learning English is a(n)_cruel_ thing to him.

6. As we are developing our economy, we should not _neglect__ protecting the environment

7. He?ll never make a good teacher, as he doesn?t know how to _handle_ children.

8. His old dog is very ___faithful__ to him because it always follows him wherever he goes.

五、 1. The speaker ___for a moment, and then began to answer the question.

A. shook

B. paused

C. pressed

D. tripped

2. She is so strange. She always tries to ___talking to me.

A. prefer

B. protect

C. avoid

D. assure

3. Does ___want to buy thi s book? It?s only $3.50, but it tells an interesting story. A. anyone B.

anything C. someone D. something

nothing other than to be left in peace. So just go away.
