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Name__________ Score__________



一、听单词,从A、B、C三个选项中找出画线部分发音不同的选项。(每小题一分,共5分)()1. A. hot B. photo C. dog

()2. A. it B. this C. nine

()3. A. name B. bag C. hat

()4. A. pink B. spring C. boy

()5. A. wake B. big C. doctor



(). apple B. shelf C. bowl

(). ball B. dog C. bed

(). good B. food C. foot

(). ruler B. chair C. river

(). What is it B. Here it is. C. Where is it


()is Lily’s book

A. in the bag

B. on the desk.

C. under the chair


()2. What is Tom doing

A. reading a book

B. mopping the floor

C. drawing a picture

()3. What colour are mom’s trousers

A. Black.

B. Blue.

C. Red.

()4. Whose socks are they

A. Lucy’s.

B. Paul’s.

C. Tom’s.

()5. What time is it now

A. 9

B. 10

C. 11




Paul and Gary are over there __1 _ the football field. We can play football 2__ them. Robert is the captain 3 one side. 4 thirteen players on the field. Mr.

Ford can play football very 5 . He is 6 two players.

( ) 1. A. in B. on C. with

( ) 2. A. on B. in C. with

( ) 3. C. of

( ) 4. A. There are there are

( ) 5. C. good

( ) 6. A. late C. like


()1. A: in the room B: It’s Tom.

A. Who is

B. What is

C. Who are

()2. A: How many people are there in the car B: two.

A. It is

B. They are

C. There are

()3. A: Where is my hat B: It is the floor.

A. on

B. in

C. under

()4. A: Give me that cup. B: cup

A. What

B. Which

C. The

()5. A: do you do B: I’m a teacher.

A. How

B. Who

C. What


( )6 .你第一次见到Mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说:______ too B. Nice to meet you afternoon

( )7.想问你同学的书包是什么颜色的,你应该这样说:______

A. What’s your name

B. What do you do

C. What colour is your bag ( )8.你想知道那辆银色的自行车是谁的,你应该这样问:______

A. What colour is your bicycle

B. Who is the silver bicycle

is the silver bicycle

( )9.听到Robert生病的消息,你应该这样说:______

A. I’m happy

B. I’m sorry

C. Oh,my god

( )10. A: ___________ B:I’m fine, thank you.

A. What’s the matter

B. How do you do.

C. How are you ( )11. ______ is this pen It’s his pen.

A. Who

B. what

C. Where

D. Whose

( )12. A: _______is Claire from B: She’s from Washington.

A. Where

B. What

C. Who

D. How

( ) 13. A:How do you do B: ____________

A. Nice to meet you.

B. How do you do

C. I’m fine.

( )14. Is Robert happy or ______

A. clever

B. stupid

C. sad

D. funny

( ): Give me my pen, pleaseB: ______

A. No harm done

B. Thanks

C. Here you a re

D. It’s my favourite thing

六.将英文句子的意思用中文翻译出来(10 分)
