
初中英语教案设计模板全英文版(共8篇)第1篇:初中英语教案(英文版)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?Section A 1(1a-2d)一.Teaching aims:Language goals1.Talk about how to study.2.Find out your suitable learning methods.Ability goals1.Words and phrases:aloud pronunciation work with friends ask the teacher for help, read aloud , look up , practice pronunciation2.Sentence patternsHow do you study English?I learn by working with a group.Do you learn English by reading aloud?Yes, I do.It helps my pronunciation.How can I read faster?You can read faster by reading word groups.二.Emotion and attidute: Developing students’ ability of learning English 三.Key points and difficulties1.Key words and phrases2.Questions intrduced by “how”and the sentence pattern: “by +doing ”四.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming upT: How do you study English? Do you study English by the following ways?(Show some pictures and present the important phrases.)T: How do you study English? S: I study English by ______.by working with friends.by making word cards.by asking the teacher for help.by reading the textbook.by working with a group.by listening tapes.Step 2 1a Check the ways you study English.Then add other ways you sometimes study.___ a.by working withfriends.___ b.by making word card.___ c.by reading the textbook.___ d.by listening to tapes ___ e.by asking the teacher for help.…Step 3 Listening1)Listen.How do these students study for a test? Write letters from 1a above.2)Check the answers: b(Meiping);e(Peter);d(Tony)Step 4 Gue Show some pictures.Gue: How does he/she study English? He/She studies English by…How do they study English? They study English by… Step 5 Pairwork1c Make conversations about how you study for a test.A: How do you study for a test?B: I study by working with a group.A: How do you study for a test?B: I study by… Step 6 Listening2a Listen and check the questions you hear.1 ____ Does anyone learn English by watching videos? 2 ____ Do you have conversations with friends in English? 3 ____ What about listening to tapes? 4 ____ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5 ____ Have you ever studied with a group?Answers: 1, 2, 4, 5 2b Listen again.Match each answer below with a question above.a.Yes, I have.I’ve learned a lot that way.b.Oh, yes.It really improves my speaking skills.c.I do that sometimes.I think it helps.d.No.It’s too hard to understand spoken English.Answers: d, b, c, a Step 7 Pairwork 1.2c Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2bA: Have you ever studied with a group?B: Yes, I have.I’ve learned a lot that way.Show some pictures.1)A: Do you learn English by watching movies?B: Yes, it’s a very interesting way.C: No, it’s too hard tounderstand spoken English.2)A: What about writing letters to a pen pal in America?B: Yes, it helps to improve my writing skills and know a lot aboutAmerica.3)A: Do you have conversations with friends in English?B: Of course, we can talk about plenty of things like school, pets,movies, and our parents.Step 8 SummaryHow do you study English?1.by working with friends2.by watching English movies.3.by making word cards.4.by reading the textbook.5.by listening to tapes.6.by asking the teacher for help.7.by reading aloud.Step9 Homework How do you study English? What about physics and Chinese? Make a list.第2篇:初中英语说课稿获奖全英文版Oral Presentation of Leon Plan for Unit 12 My favorite subject is science Go for it Grade 7(注:本说课稿根据“2007年首届全国中学英语教师教学基本功大赛暨教学观摩研讨会(初中)”)[Presenting the 1st PPT about the introduction.] Well, good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to meet you all here.Today,I am going to present Unit 12 Writing.Well, please look at the teaching material together.Well, this is a letter in the book.Students are required to read it through, have a look at it, try to write a letter to Zhao Jie, a boy who doesn’t like any subjects at all.[Presenting the 2nd PPT about the given letter.] Well, I think my teaching aims should include the proper form of English letter, and second, how to write a letter in an idiomatic way.[Presenting the 3rd PPT about the teaching aims.]Well, to achieve these goals, I am going to arrange myteaching step by step [Presenting the 4th PPT about the teaching procedures].Well, these are the steps, since so many, let me make it simple, actually, they are words, sentences and paragraphs.As we know that articles consist of words and sentences.So first, I would like to talk about the words.That is also the first step---revision.Well, you know, students have learned the names of the subjects in the former leons.So, I am going to review the words by playing games with them.Here comes the first game: who can write more? [Presenting the 5th PPT about the 1st game]I am going to divide the students into two groups, for example boys and girls.They are given two minutes to rush to the blackboard and write down the subjects they know.The group which can write more will be the winner.Imagine how excited the students are, and at the same time, they are also reviewing the words.Well, what’s more, you may have noticed these two subjects, Physics and Chemistry.[Presenting the 6th PPT about the result of the game] Actually, these two subjects are not in this book.So, in this way, we can know that some students are showing us how much they know and all the students can also enlarge their vocabulary at the same time.Well, after words, I would like to turn to sentences.Here comes the second game, who can make it longer? [Presenting the 7th PPT about the 2nd game] I am going to give students a word, for example subject.Which students can make it longer? Well, you please.Favorite subject.Good.A phrase appears.Longer? You please.My favorite subject is English.Well, a sentence appears.Even longer? My favorite subject is English, I like it very much, it is so interesting.[Presenting the 8th PPT about the answers of the game]Well, you can see students are constructing words into sentences step by step.Well, this is the revision part.After that, it is time to read.From now, I am going toshow students the given material so soon.Actually, instead, I am going to show them those separated pieces.They should put them into the correct order[Presenting the 9th PPT about the reordering task].You know before the leon, I divided the whole letter into these four parts, why do I bother to do this? Well, you can see, in this way, students can put more attention to how to begin and how to end a letter.Then, they have a time, can have a chance to read through the whole article[Presenting the 10 th PPT about the reading material].Well, at the same time, they should also pick out those well used words and sentences, and share them with the whole cla.Then, they have a discuion “what information can we use? [Presenting the 11th PPT about the discuion task]Why talking about subjects? Of course, it is easy for them to find these information like these three ones(time & day, teacher, reason), because they are in the letter.But what else? Students need to think about that.Well, why? As we know it is easy to copy, but difficult to create.Sometimes, the given material gives us a good example, but sometimes, they may also limit students’ ideas.So they need to go further.As some teachers may prefer to offer the answers directly to the students.But I am not.I think teaching students how to learn is much more important than just teaching knowledge.So students should think about that by themselves.Well, this part is also a brainstorm to them.Till now, they have known so much.Since that, they should be given a chance to put wha t they’ve known into practice.So I prepare two practices[Presenting the 12th PPT about the 2 practices].Practice number one, students have a Free Talk about their favorite subjects, if they can expre themselves fluently and naturally, they won’t have much difficulty in writing them down.Well, second practice will be the real writing.They aregiven eight minutes to write a letter to Zhao Jie[Presenting the 13th PPT about the beginning of the letter].Well, when they finish writing, six students get into a group, they exchange their letters and try to correct mistakes.Why they should do that? Well, teachers may have noticed that not many students have the habit of rewriting and correcting mistakes when they finish writing, and I want them to realize this is also very important.Ok, after that, each group chooses two representatives, the best one and the one who has made great progre.Which two? I think not only those advanced students but also the le advanced students should be given a chance to show how good they are.Well, for example, yes, after that, some representative come to the front and show their letters to the whole cla, but you can think it is a projector like this.This is a student’s letter and when all students finish writing it, they are welcomed to give comments.It is so-so, good or great.So which one? Can you find any beautifull sentences here? They are welcomed to give their ideas.Well, here comes the last part[Presenting the 14th PPT about the homework].Last part will be the homework.They can either write me an email or have a talk with some one or write an article about his or her favorite ********.I think both of these are highly connected with our daily life.So, students must be very interested.Ok, so that is all.Thank you very much!(答辩问答)Questions:Anyhow, I appreciate your teaching, and allow me to say so.My question is “ how do you check the achievements of the homework you send to your pupils?Answer:Well, about this question, I think, first, still the group work.They should exchange their letters and each group should also choose two representatives and hand in the letters or the articles they have written to me, and I correct them bymyself.And then, put all these representatives’ works on the wall and show them to the whole cla.By this way.Thank you!第3篇:全英初中英语教案鲁人办发[2008]78号关于做好2008年省内高校特困家庭毕业生求职补贴发放工作的通知各高等学校:按照山东省人民政府办公厅《关于做好特困家庭高校毕业生就业工作的通知》(鲁政办发[2008]21号)要求,现就做好2008年省内高校特困家庭毕业生求职补贴发放工作有关事项通知如下:一、发放范围求职补贴发放范围为符合城乡低保、零就业家庭、农村贫困家庭等特殊情况,就业有困难需要帮助的2008年省内高校山东生源应届毕业生(以下简称特困生)。

初中英语课堂教学设计案例优秀9篇初中英语课堂教学设计案例篇一一、案例下面以“travels for the environment”为例,对阅读技能训练在教学中的应用加以说明,这篇文章内容含量大,涉及到热门话题——人口与环境,所以我把这篇文章放在初三英语11模块之后讲,在此之前学生在第六模块中谈论到了环保的话题。
我在处理这篇文章时,主要有以下几步:1.阅读前任务设计用多媒体播放,人多车多造成的交通道路拥挤,城市的大面积扩张造成了大面积耕地被占用,森林面积减少,然后提出如下问题:who courses such changes?what should we do?学生马上热烈地讨论起来,屏幕上的场景迅速激活了课堂,激发了学生的阅读兴趣,使他们产生了强烈的阅读愿望。
2.阅读中任务(while-reading task)(1)快速阅读,了解主旨大意(task 1)。
(2)精读,获取更多信息(task 2)。
为了帮助学生了解更多的信息,设计如下几个问题,让学生在文中找出相关信息,并小组讨论:1.From the paage we known that our earth has changed much because of _______. A.its old ageB.man’s activitiesC.the changes of weatherD.the natural development2.Water pollution will bee even worse if __________. A.birds and fish continue to dieB.people continue to built factoriesC.people can’t stop factories from sending waste things into waterD.many rivers and lakes are still dead(3)研读,从中受到启发(task 3)。

初中英语教案(英文版)第一章:Introduction to English Grammar1.1 Overview of English GrammarBriefly introduce the mn ponents of English grammar, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc.Expln the importance of understanding grammar in learning English. 1.2 Basic Sentence StructuresIntroduce the basic sentence structures in English, such as subject-verb-object (SVO) and subject-verb-object-plement (SVOC). Provide examples and exercises to practice these sentence structures. 第二章:Vocabulary Building2.1 Importance of VocabularyExpln the significance of building a rich vocabulary in English. Discuss strategies for expanding vocabulary, such as using a dictionary, reading extensively, and using flashcards.2.2 Word ClassificationIntroduce different types of words in English, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions.Provide examples and exercises to practice identifying and using these word classes.第三章:Listening and Speaking Skills3.1 Listening SkillsDiscuss the importance of listening skills in learning English. Introduce strategies for improving listening prehension, such as active listening, note-taking, and predicting.Provide listening exercises with acpanying tasks to practice these skills.3.2 Speaking SkillsExpln the significance of speaking skills in munication.Introduce techniques for effective speaking, such as proper pronunciation, clear articulation, and appropriate intonation.Provide speaking exercises, including role-plays and discussions, to practice these skills.第四章:Reading Comprehension4.1 Importance of Reading ComprehensionDiscuss the importance of reading prehension in learning English. Expln how reading prehension skills can enhance understanding and enjoyment of English texts.4.2 Strategies for Reading ComprehensionIntroduce various strategies for improving reading prehension, such as skimming, scanning, and close reading.Provide reading passages with acpanying questions to practice these strategies.第五章:Writing Skills5.1 Basics of WritingIntroduce the basic elements of writing, such as topic, introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.Discuss the importance of proper formatting and citation in academic writing.5.2 Writing TechniquesExpln different writing techniques, such as narrative, descriptive, and persuasive writing.Provide writing prompts and exercises to practice these techniques, including peer review and editing.这五个章节涵盖了初中英语教学的主要内容,包括语法、词汇、听说技能、阅读理解和写作技巧。

但是我们该怎么去写教案呢?下面是小编为大家整理的关于初中优秀英语教案范文,希望对您有所帮助!初中优秀英语教案范文1一、Teachers words: Where there is a will, there is a way.二、Teaching aims:1.知识目标:词汇: clean, read, sure, wait, toy, west, camera, activity, shop, bird.短语:talk about, a photo of, thanks for, play soccer, wait for, some of, in the first photo, …交际用语:(1)What are you doing? --Im watching TV.(2)Is Nancy doing homework? --No,she isnt. Shes writing a letter.(3 ) Do you want to go to the movies? --Yes,I do.(4)When do you want to go? --Lets go at 7:00.语法:现在进行时的用法。
3 .情感目标:通过合作学习谈论正在发生的事,启发学生思维,培养学生的合作精神。
四、Teaching course:Step 1.预习导学自测:根据句意补全已给出首字母的单词:1、My little brother is w_____ a letter.2、The students are c_____ the classroom.3、The boy is taking a photo with a c______.4、Are they w_____ for a bus over there?5、Hes r_____ a newspaper.小小翻译家:1、talk about________2、a photo of________3、wait for________4、in the first photo________5、电话交谈________6、踢足球________7、因…而感谢________ 8、许多图书馆_______Step2情境导入Look at the pictures in P25 1a and write sentencesNow its 6:00 pm. What are they doing?In picture A. She is talking on the phone.In picture B. ________________________In picture C. ________________________In picture D. ________________________In picture E. ________________________In picture F. ________________________Step3自主探究1.以上练习的句子是什么时态?_______________________________.2.该时态的结构是_________________________________________.3.现在分词的构成规则A、一般直接在动词后加______,如reading,watch_____, talk____ .B、以字母不发音的e结尾的____________,如writing,come_______, make ____ .C、一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词要_____________________ 。

初中仁爱版英语教案3篇仁爱版初中英语教案全英文版一、学问与技能1. 把握重点句型:How was your vacation?Where did you go? Did you go out with anyone?2. 理解并把握几个不定代词:anyone, everyone, something, anything, everything, nothing的用法。
3. 娴熟运用句型:Did you …?二、过程与方法学生通过上一节课的学习,对where引导的过去时态的特别疑问句已经把握,能自然地与本课学问相连接。
教学重点把握句型:Where did you go on vacation? Did you go out with anyone? Did you buy anything? Did you visit anyone?教学难点能用句型Did you …?提出尽可能多的有关过去假期的问题。
教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the class as usual.Step 2 RevisionAsk the students to look at the picture on Page 1 and make conversations, using the sentence pattern: —Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. —Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.Step 3 Role playThe teacher acts as Rick and ask a student to act as Helen and practice the dialogue of 2d on Page 2. Then ask the students to practice in pairs and finally ask two or three pairs to act it out.Step 4 Grammar FocusReview the grammar box. Ask students to say the questions and answers.Review the difference between regular –ed past tense verbs (stay –stayed, visit-visited) and irregular past tense verbs (go –went, buy-bought). Then get the students to ask and answer the questions and answers in pairs.Step 5 GameAsk one student to act as the teacher and ask some individual students questions. Get as many students as possible to be the teacher.Then ask the students to pay attention to the words: no one, anyone, everyone, something, nothing, anything.Step 6 Practice3a Fill in the blanks with the words in the box and practice the conversation.3b Fill in the blanks in the e-mail mestudentsage with the words in the box.After checking the answers, get the students to read them aloud. Step 7 Group workMake a survey. Ask the students to make a survey by asking the questions about their last vacation: Did you eat anything at a reastaurant? Did you read anything interesting? ….Make sure the students practice the dialogues again and again and write down the results in the form. Then ask some students to report their results. Step 8 HomeworkAsk your classmates as many questions about their last vacation as possible.课堂作业Fill in the blanks.1. Where ___ you ___ (go) on vacation?2. I ___ (go) to New York City.3. —___ you ___ (go) out with ______? —No. No one was here. Everyone was on vacation.4. —Did you buy _______ special? —Yes, I _______ (buy) something for my father.5. —___ was the food? –Everything tasted really good!参考答案:1. did, go 2. went 3. Did, go, anyone 4. anything, bought 5. How教学反思为了避开语法学习的枯燥,本课设计了几个小组活动和小嬉戏,让学生在不知不觉中就把握了学问,学习效果较好。

版初中英语教案全英文【优秀8篇】最新初中英语教案篇一一、教学目标在本节课结束时,学生将能够:用正确的语言谈论如何学习;用by+ doing的结构描述自己的学习方式;能够就英语学习与他人进行简单的口语交流。
过程与方法:采用小组合作探究、听力练习、对话练习、猜测问题和角色互换的学习策略,利用视频、PPT和制作课件等来展开课堂教学环节等,进行“询问和谈论学习方法、解决困惑” 的课堂教学和练习。
二、教学重难点教学重点:学习并掌握How do you study...? I study...by ....等相关句型和词汇。
学习并掌握用by + doing 结构表达方式方法。
三、教学策略短语教学——采取视频引入话题然后进行启发式教学,并在对话中运用;语音教学——让学生跟读听力材料进行模仿式操练;口语教学——采取pair work 和Role- play问答式的口语交际活动或小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取采取听音配对、听音打钩和听音对应等方式语法教学——通过模仿听力材料进行对话练习,在教师的纠正中培养正确的by + doing 的结构意识。

关于英语教案模板范文8篇英语教案模板范文篇1一、教学内容:1. 教学单词和词组:wave drive prridgewae up ae the bed I late.2.教学课文A部分:aties Da二、教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会写新单词和词组;2. 能感知,理解A 部分的语言材料;三、教学准备:单词卡片录音带四、教学步骤:Step 1 GreetingsStep 2 Waring up1.跟录音唱英语歌“Shell be cing rund the untain.”2.指名学生上台分别进行下列情境表演:起床,洗脸,吃饭,复习词组:gets up washes her face have breafast have lunc have dinnerStep 3 Practise1.教师要求学生先互相讨论自己的一天怎样度过,然后用简单的句子描述。
例如:I alwas get up earl ever da.I g t schl at seven clc.I g he at 4:50 p.I usuall watch TV at six lc.2.放课文录音,学生感知语言材料。
3.教学单词:wave drive prridge4.学生做拼读练习。
5.教学词组:wae up ae the bed I late.6.放课文录音,学生跟读课文。
Step 4 Cnslidatin学生自由读句子,熟悉课文。
Step 5 Hewr1.熟记本课单词和词组。
英语教案模板范文篇2活动目标:学习单词bear(小熊) mountain(山) river(河流) 学唱儿歌The bear want over the mountain活动准备:单词卡片一个玩偶小熊活动过程:一、热身活动T: One, two, three.S: Be quite.T: Hello.S: Hello.T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: good morning, teacher.T: How are you?S: I’m fine. Thank you!T: Let’s sing, OK? the sing is“pussycat”二、学习新的儿歌1、出示小熊,并和孩子打招呼T: Hello, I’m bear.S: Hello, bear2、学习单词和儿歌,出示单词T: mountain, read after meS: mountainGame1把单词并排平铺在地上,边放边让幼儿读,请1个幼儿,人多了可以让幼儿分别站在单词两边,单词前放一组圈, 老师说:“Jump to …”(某个单词),幼儿可以“Jump to …”幼儿跳到单词后,可以问幼儿“What’s this?”。

2. 学会讨论吃什么饭,买什么东西。
3.复习一些礼貌用语和习惯表达,如:How about…? What about…? Can you come with me? What do you have for dinner this evening? Let me and have a look.等。
4.新单词:chicken, tofu, fridge, list, shopping list, buy, kilo句型:What do we have for dinner this evening?Fish is my favourite.What else do you want to have?Don’t we have any eggs?Let me make a shopping list.You can help me carry the things.教学用具PPT教学演示课件教学步骤Step 1 Revision[课件展示]教师在课堂上提问题,引导学生回答What do you have for breakfast today? Shall we go and buy something to eat? What’s in the pictures? Let me see. What do we have for lunch today? How about…? What about…? What else do you want to have? Can you go and buy the things? Let’s go.等。
Step 2 Presentation[课件展示]教师在复习食品名称基础上,引出购物的话题。


优秀初中英语教学教案5篇优秀初中英语教案1一、教学目标1、复习一般疑问句is this a …? yes, it is.2、复习四个单词a banana , a pear , a mango和a peach。
3、能使用一般疑问句is this a …?向他人询问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。
4、学习歌谣mango.二、教学重点、难点会说歌谣mango; 复习所学的内容,要求发音正确。
三、课前准备图片,录音磁带,单词卡片等,预先写好课题unit 5 fruit四、教学过程step 1sing a song组织学生齐唱歌曲goodmorning .step 2 free talk利用图片复习一般疑问句is this a …? yes, it is.及文具和水果单词。
t: hello, boys and girls. is this a …?ss: yes, it is.step 3 play a game这是一个“摸摸猜猜”游戏。
t: boys and girls, let’s play a game.t: look! this is my bag. there are many fruit in it, but you can’t see it. you can touch and guess. let me try first.(教师将手伸入包里摸一下水果,想一下,然后闭上眼睛推测is this a ..?一边说一边将水果拿出来给学生看,等到学生给予应答后才睁开眼睛看自己说的对不对。
)优秀初中英语教案2一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:allow, wrong, guess, deal, work out能掌握以下句型:①—What’s wrong?—I’m really tried because I studied until midnight last night.② You could give him a ticket to a ball game.③ I think you should ask your parents for some money.④ Why don’t you talk to him about it?2) 能了解以下语法:(1)能够运用所学知识谈论问题和困难、提出建议并做出选择;(2)能根据对方所提出的问题,给出一些合理的建议。

初中英语听说课教案范文全英文版全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Middle School English Listening and Speaking Lesson PlanI. Lesson Objectives:1. Students will be able to listen to spoken English and understand the main idea and important details.2. Students will be able to speak English fluently and accurately in a variety of situations.3. Students will be able to communicate effectively in English by using appropriate vocabulary and grammar.II. Materials Needed:1. Audio recordings of native English speakers2. Pictures or cards for vocabulary and discussion activities3. Worksheets for listening and speaking exercises4. Whiteboard or blackboard for writing key points and vocabularyIII. Procedure:1. Warm-up (5 minutes): Play a short audio clip of English conversation and ask students to listen and discuss what they heard in pairs. This will help students get into the listening mode and activate their listening skills.2. Vocabulary Introduction (10 minutes): Introduce new vocabulary related to the audio clip or the theme of the lesson. Use pictures or cards to help students understand and remember the words better.3. Listening Activity (20 minutes): Play an audio recording ofa native English speaker talking about a specific topic. Ask students to listen carefully and take notes on the main points and important details. After the recording, lead a class discussion on what they heard and check their understanding.4. Speaking Practice (20 minutes): Divide students into small groups and give them a speaking task related to the listening activity. For example, ask them to discuss their opinions on the topic, role-play a conversation based on the audio clip, or make a presentation using the information they learned.5. Feedback and Evaluation (10 minutes): Provide feedback on students' language use and communication skills during the speaking practice. Encourage peer evaluation andself-assessment to help students improve their English proficiency.6. Wrap-up (5 minutes): Review the key vocabulary and language structures learned in the lesson. Assign homework or additional speaking activities for students to practice outside of class.IV. Assessment:1. Listening comprehension: Evaluate students' ability to understand spoken English and follow the main ideas and details.2. Speaking fluency: Assess students' ability to speak English confidently and fluently in a variety of situations.3. Vocabulary and grammar: Evaluate students' use of appropriate vocabulary and grammar in their speaking activities.V. Extension Activities:1. Listen to more audio recordings of different accents and speech patterns to expose students to a variety of English language styles.2. Conduct pair or group discussions on different topics to practice speaking and listening skills in a more interactive setting.3. Organize a speaking competition or debate among students to enhance their communication and presentation skills in English.Overall, this lesson plan aims to improve students' listening and speaking skills in English through interactive and engaging activities. By providing opportunities for students to listen to authentic language input and practice speaking in meaningful contexts, they will develop the confidence and proficiency needed to communicate effectively in English.篇2Middle school English Listening and Speaking Lesson PlanLesson Title: Introducing YourselfGrade Level: Middle schoolObjective: Students will be able to introduce themselves and talk about their likes, dislikes, and interests in English.Materials: Whiteboard, markers, flashcards with vocabulary words, pictures of different activitiesWarm-up (10 minutes):- Begin the lesson by asking students to stand up and form a circle.- Lead them in a game of passing a ball around the circle while saying their names.- This will help students get comfortable speaking in English and creating a positive classroom atmosphere.Introduction (5 minutes):- Write the following questions on the board: What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from?- Explain that today's lesson will focus on introducing themselves in English and talking about their likes and dislikes.Presentation (15 minutes):- Use flashcards with vocabulary words related to hobbies, likes, and dislikes.- Give examples of sentences like "I like swimming" or "I don't like playing video games" and ask students to repeat after you.- Show pictures of different activities and ask students to talk about whether they like or dislike them.Practice (20 minutes):- Divide students into pairs and have them take turns introducing themselves to each other.- Encourage them to ask questions and find common interests.- Walk around the classroom and listen to students speaking in English, offering help and corrections as needed.Production (15 minutes):- Have each student stand up and introduce themselves to the class.- Encourage them to use the vocabulary and sentence structures they have learned.- After each student has introduced themselves, ask the class to guess their likes and dislikes based on their presentation.Wrap-up (5 minutes):- Review the vocabulary and sentence structures learned in the lesson.- Encourage students to continue practicing introducing themselves in English outside of the classroom.- Assign homework to write a short paragraph about themselves, including their name, age, hometown, and likes and dislikes.Extension:- For advanced students, have them create a dialogue with a partner where they introduce themselves and have a conversation about their interests.- Play a game where students have to guess each other's likes and dislikes based on clues given by their partner.This lesson plan is designed to help middle school students improve their English listening and speaking skills through interactive activities and practice. By focusing on introducing themselves and talking about their likes and dislikes, students will become more confident in using English in real-life situations.篇3Middle School English Listening and Speaking Lesson PlanI. Lesson Title: My HobbiesII. Objectives:1. Students will be able to introduce themselves and talk about their hobbies.2. Students will practice listening to a conversation about hobbies.3. Students will practice speaking about their own hobbies.III. Materials Needed:1. Whiteboard and markers2. Audio recording of a conversation about hobbies3. Handouts with vocabulary related to hobbiesIV. Procedure:1. Warm-up (10 minutes):- Begin the lesson by asking students to share their favorite hobbies with the class.- Write down some of the hobbies on the board and discuss them briefly.- Introduce the topic of the lesson: My Hobbies.2. Listening (15 minutes):- Play the audio recording of a conversation between two people talking about their hobbies.- After the recording, ask students some comprehension questions to check understanding.- Discuss any new vocabulary that was introduced in the conversation.3. Speaking (20 minutes):- Divide the class into pairs and ask students to talk to their partner about their own hobbies.- Encourage students to ask follow-up questions and engage in a conversation with their partner.- Walk around the class and monitor the students' discussions, offering feedback and assistance where needed.4. Vocabulary Practice (10 minutes):- Hand out the vocabulary handouts to the students.- Have students work in pairs or small groups to match the hobbies with their definitions.- Review the answers as a class and discuss any questions or misunderstandings.5. Role Play (15 minutes):- Divide the class into groups of four.- Assign each group a scenario related to hobbies (e.g. planning a weekend activity, discussing a new hobby).- Have students perform the role play in front of the class.- After each role play, provide feedback on the students' performance and language use.6. Wrap-up (5 minutes):- Review the main points of the lesson and ask students to share one thing they learned or enjoyed.- Assign homework for the next class, such as writing a short paragraph about their favorite hobby.V. Assessment:- Students will be assessed on their ability to participate in the speaking activities, engage in conversations with their peers, and use vocabulary related to hobbies accurately.VI. Extension Activities:- Have students create a poster or presentation about their hobbies to share with the class.- Organize a hobby fair where students can display and talk about their hobbies with their classmates.VII. Reflection:- After the lesson, reflect on what went well and what could be improved for future lessons on the topic of hobbies in English listening and speaking.。

最新初中英语教案英文版(优秀四篇)初中英语教案英文版篇一how many desks are there? there are thirty-two. a book ten bookshow many接可数名词复数形式的.句型;数字1-10的拼写多媒体、录音机课时 1s1: how many …are there-s2: there are…ng.g-up1)learn the numbers 1-10. then listen and match.2) students listen and say the numbers.3) listen and say:t: what’re these/those?s: they’re eyes..t: how many desks are there?s: there are 32.work in pairs. ask and say.s1: what’re these?1) write the numbers.2) look at the pictures and write the phrases.derkwork book.个人修改初中英语教案英文版篇二starter module3 unit1 课型 listeningandspeaking学习询问颜色句型what colour are …? they are red. how do you spell “red”? r-e-d.颜色词汇的拼写记忆多媒体、录音机课时 1ng.g-up1)look and learn theword:apple,banana,flower,tree,bird,cat2) look at the pictures and the colour words.3) listen and say:t: what colour are they?t: how do you spell “red”?s: r-e-d..work in pairs. ask and say.s1: what colour are they?s2: they’re….s1: how do you spell it?s2: …se1) read and match.2) look at the pictures and write the sentences.derkwork book.初中英语教案英文版篇三sectiona 1a-2d一、教学目的〔一〕知识与技能:1. 学习并掌握1a-2d的单词和短语(1) rainstorm, alarm, begin ,heavily ,suddenly, strange;(2)go off, pick up, take a shower, make sure;2. 掌握并运用句型(1)what were you doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm?(2)when you called, i was having a shower.(3)so while you were sleeping, i called jenny and she helped me.(4)what were you doing when the rainstorm came?3.掌握过去进展时态的构造和功能,学会使用when和while从句。

那么具体应该如何写呢下面是小编给大家整理的初中英语英文教案5篇,希望对大家能有所帮助!初中英语英文教案1Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.Teaching Objectives:1. Revise the grammar: the Adverbial Clause and the Infinitive.2. Revise the use of “who, that, which”.Language Focus: so thatThe Infinitive: to + Verb(原形)Teaching Procedures:I. Showing the teaching aimsII. RevisionCheck homework, ask some students to retell the story.III. PresentationGive the students some sentences for example to help them understand thestructure:so + adj. /adv. + that(结果)1. I am so angry that I can t say a word.2. The teacher spoke so fast that we couldn t catch up with him.3. The classroom is so dirty that we must clean it.Ask the students to make up some sentences with “so… that”, then give samemore sentences.1. He got up late so that he was late for school.2. He ran very fast so that he hit the electric pole.Ask the students to do some practice.IV. PracticeLook at Exercise 1, ask the students to answer the questions withso that….The answers are:1. I stayed at home so that I could go swimming when I had finished it.2. Lucy saved her money so that she could buy her mother a birthday present.3. Ling Feng was going to Changsha the next week so that he couldvisit hissick grandmother.4. I was doing my homework so that I could ask him to help me withmyphysics.5. I was looking for Lin Tao so that he could visit sick grandmother.V. PresentationGet the students to make up some sentences like:1. I don t know how to get to the station.2. She doesn t know which sweater to choose.Ask the students to pay attrition to the Infinitive. Give them more examples to understand better, e. g.1. I don t know what to do next.2. They don t know where to go.3. We didn t know when to start.Focus on the use of the Infinitive, then give another example:It’s very important to lea rn English well:To learn English well is very important.Let the students make more sentences, pay attention to the use of theInfinitive.VI. PracticeLook at Exercise 2, make sentences with partners. The answers are:1. It’s hard / easy to work out these maths problem.2. It’s exciting to watch football matches.3. It’s interesting to read history books.4. It’s hard / easy to learn foreign languages.VII. Leaning and practiceDo Exercise 3, complete the sentences using who/ that/ which. The answersare:1.which2.who3.who4.which5.who6.which7.which8.whoVIII. WorkbookDo Exercise 1, let the students translate the sentences alone then checkthe answers with the students.Answers: 1. We arc hungry. We need to buy something to eat. 2. She is verybusy today. She has a lot of work to do. 3. Please be quiet! I have somethingimportant to tell you. 4. Will you please tell him to turn down the TV a little5. nobody knows what to do next6. I’m going to the post office to buy a fewstamps this afternoon.For Exercise 2. Join the two parts and make the students read together.For Exercise 3. Get the students to read the story, and fill in the blanks.The answers are: which, who, who, who, whoIX. SummaryExercise in classl. 昨天他想借我的收音机.2. 我需要一些喝的东西。

初中英⽂教学设计模板(精选5篇) 作为⼀位⽆私奉献的⼈民教师,时常需要编写教学设计,借助教学设计可以提⾼教学质量,收到预期的教学效果。
初中英⽂教学设计篇1 教学⽬标: 1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写词汇look for, join, study 2、能听懂、会说、会读⽇常交际⽤语和句型Classes are over. Perhaps they are. I’ll go and join them. Where are you going? I’m going to … 3、培养学⽣乐于助⼈的良好思想品质。
重点难点: 1、四会掌握词汇和句型。
教学过程: ⾸先是准备环节。
第⼆步是训练培养学⽣听的能⼒,完成练习“Listen and match”。
第三步是训练培养学⽣写的能⼒,完成练习“Look, read and complete”。
初中英⽂教学设计篇2 ⼀、教学⽬标: 1. 语⾔知识⽬标: 1) 能掌握以下单词: rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather, cook, bad, park,message, take a message, could, back, problem 能掌握以下句型: ① —How's the weather in Beijing? —It's sunny. ② —Can I take a message for him? —Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back? —Sure, no problem. 2) 能⽤所学的知识描述天⽓情况。

人教版初中英语八下教案范文全英文版全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to share with you the English teaching plan for Grade 8, Unit 8 of People's Education Press.First, let's start with the target language. In this unit, students will learn how to talk about experiences in the past using the simple past tense. They will also learn vocabulary related to travel and different modes of transportation.The lesson plan begins with a warm-up activity where students share their own travel experiences using the simple past tense. This helps them to activate their prior knowledge and get into the topic of the lesson.Next, the teacher introduces new vocabulary by showing pictures and asking students to guess the meaning of the words. This is followed by a reading activity where students read a text about different modes of transportation and answer comprehension questions.After that, there is a grammar focus on the simple past tense. The teacher explains the rules and regular verbs and irregular verbs. Students then practice using the simple past tense in spoken and written activities.To reinforce their learning, students work in pairs or groups to create mini dialogues using the target language. This allows them to practice speaking and listening skills in a fun and interactive way.Finally, the lesson ends with a review activity where students summarize what they have learned and reflect on their progress.Overall, this teaching plan aims to help students improve their English proficiency through interactive and engaging activities. I hope you find this information helpful and wish you all the best in your English studies!篇2Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to tell you about the teaching plan for the 8th grade English textbook of the People's Education Press.In Unit 1, we will learn about the uses of plastic and how to reduce plastic pollution. We will also talk about the importance of recycling and how it can help protect the environment.In Unit 2, we will focus on sports and exercise. We will learn about different sports and their origins, as well as the benefits of staying active. We will also talk about the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship.In Unit 3, we will explore the world of technology and how it affects our daily lives. We will learn about the history of technology and how it has changed over time. We will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using technology.In Unit 4, we will dive into the world of literature and explore different types of stories and poems. We will learn how to analyze and interpret texts, as well as how to write our own stories and poems.In Unit 5, we will travel to different countries and learn about their cultures and traditions. We will explore the diversity of the world and learn to appreciate and respect different cultures.Overall, the 8th grade English textbook of the People's Education Press covers a wide range of topics and provides students with the opportunity to improve their language skillsand broaden their knowledge. I hope you all enjoy learning from this textbook and have fun exploring the world of English!篇3Hello everyone, today I'm going to introduce the teaching plan for the eighth grade English course from the People's Education Press. Are you ready? Let's dive in!In the beginning of the textbook, we will learn about different types of food and how to describe them. We will also practice ordering food in a restaurant and giving instructions in the kitchen. It's going to be delicious and fun!Next, we will move on to talking about vacations and travel. We will learn how to plan a trip, make reservations, and ask for directions. Imagine all the exciting places we can visit and explore!After that, we will study ways to communicate with others, including greetings, introductions, and expressing opinions. We will also learn how to talk about our daily routines and hobbies. It's a great way to make new friends and have interesting conversations.In the following units, we will cover topics like shopping, health, and the environment. We will practice using vocabulary related to these themes and learn how to express our thoughts and feelings effectively.Throughout the course, we will engage in various activities such as role-plays, group discussions, and games to enhance our language skills and build confidence in using English.By the end of the school year, we will have improved our English proficiency and be ready to tackle more challenging tasks. I can't wait to see all of us grow and succeed in our language learning journey!That's all for today's teaching plan. I hope you are as excited as I am to learn and have fun together. Let's work hard and make the most of this wonderful opportunity to improve our English skills. Thank you for listening, and let's have a fantastic year ahead!篇4Hey guys! Today I'm going to tell you about the teaching plan for the eighth grade English class according to the People's Education Press (PEP) version. So grab your pencils and notebooks, and let's get started!First of all, our English teacher will start the class with a warm-up activity to get our brains working. This could be a quick game or a short discussion in English to review what we learned in the previous lesson.Then, the teacher will introduce the new lesson or topic for the day. This could be a grammar point, vocabulary words, or a reading passage for us to practice. The teacher will explain the new material to us and give us some examples to help us understand.After that, we will do some exercises or activities to practice the new material. This could be fill-in-the-blank worksheets, group work, or even a game to make learning fun. The teacher will walk around the class to help us if we have any questions.Next, we will have some speaking practice. The teacher may divide us into pairs or small groups to have conversations in English. This will help us improve our speaking and listening skills.Finally, we will have a wrap-up activity to review what we learned in the lesson. This could be a quiz, a short writing assignment, or a fun review game. The teacher will make sure we understand the material before moving on to the next lesson.And that's a typical English class based on the People's Education Press (PEP) version for eighth graders. I hope you guys found this helpful and remember to study hard and have fun learning English!篇5Title: My Experience with the People's Education Edition Junior High School English TextbookHey guys! Today, I want to share with you my experience with the People's Education Edition Junior High School English textbook. This textbook is used in our school for the eighth grade English class, and I have had a lot of fun learning from it.One of the things I like about this textbook is that it has colorful pictures and interesting stories. The pictures make the text more engaging and easy to understand. For example, in the unit about famous landmarks around the world, there are beautiful pictures of the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, and the Great Wall of China. These pictures make me excited to learn more about these places.Another thing I like about the textbook is that it has a lot of fun activities and exercises. There are crossword puzzles, word searches, and even role-playing activities that make learningEnglish more interactive and enjoyable. I especially like the group activities where we have to work together to complete a task. It's a great way to practice our speaking and listening skills.The textbook also has a lot of interesting reading passages that teach us about different cultures and traditions. For example, in one unit, we learned about the festival of Diwali in India. I had never heard of this festival before, and it was really cool to learn about how people celebrate it with lights and fireworks.Overall, I think the People's Education Edition Junior High School English textbook is a great resource for learning English. It's fun, engaging, and informative. I can't wait to see what other exciting things we will learn from this textbook in the future!篇6Title: My Eighth Grade English Lesson PlanHey guys! Today I'm gonna share with you my cool English lesson plan for eighth grade. This lesson plan is from the People's Education Press (PEP) version of the textbook. Are you ready? Let's go!First of all, in this lesson plan, we're gonna learn about different cultures around the world. We'll talk about festivals,traditions, and customs from countries like the UK, China, and the United States. It's gonna be so interesting to learn about how people celebrate and what they believe in!Next, we'll focus on grammar. We'll learn about verb tenses, sentence structures, and vocabulary. We'll even have some fun activities like games and quizzes to practice what we've learned. Don't worry, it's gonna be super fun and not boring at all!After that, we'll work on our listening and speaking skills. We'll watch videos, listen to dialogues, and practice speaking in pairs or groups. It's a great way to improve our pronunciation and fluency in English.And finally, we'll do some reading and writing exercises. We'll read short stories, articles, and poems in English, and then write our own stories or compositions. This is a great way to boost our creativity and language skills.So there you have it, my awesome eighth grade English lesson plan from the PEP textbook. I hope you guys enjoy learning English as much as I do. Let's have a blast in class and ace our exams! Good luck, everyone!。

3、复习一些礼貌用语和习惯表达,如:How about…?What about…?Can you come with me? What do you have for dinner this evening? Let me and have a look.等。
教学步骤:Step 1 Revision[课件展示]值日生Duty Report。
A: May I help you ?B: Thank you. I want …of …,please.A: Certainly. Here you are. Is that all?B: No. And some… please.A: How many do you want?B: About…,please.Step 2 Read and act[课件展示]教师可以点击图片播放影片让学生观看。
让学生听录音一遍后问:Where are they?在听录音一遍后问学生: What does Tom want to buy? What else? How many? How much are they?听第三遍,模仿跟读,直至练熟。
Step 4 practice[课件展示]教师点击图片播放影片让学生观看,使学生模仿情景影片中的对话,学生可根据课件中提供的食品名称和重量,两人一组自行编对话。
Step 5 Listen and answer[课件展示]教师点击图标播放录音,同时让学生观看课件中的问题,要求学生边听边记。

初中英语教学设计【优秀14篇】初中英文教学设计篇一一、教材内容分析本课时中通过字母辨认,图片排序等活动,复习巩固本单元的核心词汇ruler, eraser, book, pen, crayon, pencil box, bag以及打招呼,告别,自我介绍用语。
教学目标是能够辨认相似字母的形以及核心词,并能理解并在场景中应用句型I have … 和Me too.学生刚刚接触到英文的26个字母,对相似字母的辨识还存在着一定的误差,所以教材在Start to read部分安排了字母辨识的环节,例如b和d, Q和D等,目的在于检测和巩固学生对于字母的认识。
本节课的另外一个主要目标是复习和巩固之前所学的一些文具的单词以及打招呼,告别,自我介绍用语等,所以在Read and count, Listen and number和Look and match这三个环节都二、学生情况分析本课教学对象为小学三年级学生。
核心词:ruler, eraser, pencil, crayon, bag, pen, pencil box, book。
四、教学重难点教学重点:听说、认读ruler, eraser, book, pen, crayon, pencil box, bag等文具的名称。
教学难点:在真实的场景中应用句型I have … 和Me too.五、教学步骤1、热身(1)教师与学生进行自由对话:What’s your name? My name is … 既可以巩固本单元句型,同时为下一步歌曲的呈现铺垫。

教学重点与难点1.打招呼用语(Greetings):1)Good morning! 2)Hello!3)Nice to meet you! 4) How are you?Fine,thank you.And you?2.句型:1)What’s your name? 2)My name is…3.听、说、读、写英语字母A~N。
教学内容分析1.本单元中重点是能初步把握从A到 N 14个英文字母,能认读其印刷体和手写体字母的大小字母的大小写形式;书写(大写和小写,笔顺,笔划)合乎规格。
3.本单元难点应当是以下几个字母及单词的发音,提示同学不要将C[si:]读成[sei],L[el]读成[ailu],N[en]读成B: It is B. (It's B) 这是B。
关于询问姓名的讲解What's your name? My name is Wei Hua.此句用于询问对方的姓名。
What's 是What is 的缩写形式。
回答时用"My name is …"通常状况下,回答时可以直接说知名字。
如:—What's your name? —Ann Read.此例中完好的答句应为"My name is Ann Read."。
如:Li Lei李雷,Han Meimei韩梅梅。
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【Analysis of the Teaching Material】
1.This unit is a revision unit, so it covers all communicative language knowledge learned from Unit 7 to Unit 11.
2.This lesson is the first one of Unit 12. So if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit.
3.This lesson is a dialogue about keeping fish. Such topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.
Knowledge objects
1. To make the Ss know how to keep fish, birds or any other animal by learning the dialogue of this lesson.
2. To give a reinforced practice in the use of the Modal Verbs and some useful expressions for making suggestions.
Ability objects
3. To improve students’ listening and speaking ability by reading and practising the dialogue.
4. To develop students’ communicative ability by learning the useful expressions for making suggestions and replying. Moral objects
5. To enable the students to love life and animals, protect the nature and environment.
1.To make the Ss grasp and understand the way of making suggestions and reply in daily life.
2.To enable the students to use useful expressions for making suggestion and replying in their own dialogues related to the daily life.
1. The usage of the Modal Verbs ,especially usage for making suggestions.
2. Using the learned phrases and sentence patterns to make suggestions and replying.
Multi-media computer; OHP(overhead projector); tape recorder; software: Powerpoint or Authorware
小学英语说课稿范文英文版PART 2
【Teaching Methods】
1>Five Steps Approach.
2>Communicative Approach.
小学英语说课稿范文英文版PART 3
【Studying Ways】
1. Teach the students how to be successful language learners.
2. Teach the students how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.。