



英文字母缩写含义大全带翻译A•API: 应用程序接口(Application Programming Interface)•ASCII: 美国信息交换标准代码(American Standard Code for Information Interchange)•AWS: 亚马逊网络服务(Amazon Web Services)B•BBC: 英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation)•B2B: 企业对企业(Business-to-Business)•B2C: 企业对消费者(Business-to-Consumer)C•CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)•CRM: 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)•CSS: 层叠样式表(Cascading Style Sheets)D•DNA: 脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)•DIY: 自己动手做(Do It Yourself)•DVD: 数字视频光盘(Digital Versatile Disc)E•EU: 欧盟(European Union)•EPL: 英超联赛(English Premier League)•EPC: 电子商务协议(Electronic Product Code)•FBI: 联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)•FAQ: 常见问题解答(Frequently Asked Questions)•FML: 我要死了(F*ck My Life)G•GDP: 国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)•GPS: 全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)•GUI: 图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface)H•HTML: 超文本标记语言(HyperText Markup Language)•HTTP: 超文本传输协议(HyperText Transfer Protocol)•HVAC: 供暖、通风与空调(Heating, Ventilation,and Air Conditioning)I•IBM: 国际商业机器公司(International Business Machines Corporation)•IoT: 物联网(Internet of Things)•ISP: 互联网服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)J•JPEG: 联合图像专家组(Joint Photographic Experts Group)•JPG: 联合照片专家小组(Joint Photographic Group)•JSON: JavaScript对象表示法(JavaScript Object Notation)•KPI: 关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicator)•KFC: 肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken)•KGB: 苏联国家安全委员会(Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti)L•LCD: 液晶显示屏(Liquid Crystal Display)•LAN: 局域网(Local Area Network)•LTE: 长期演进(Long-Term Evolution)M•MB: 兆字节(Megabyte)•MRI: 核磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)•MP3: 音频压缩格式(MPEG Audio Layer 3)N•NASA: 美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)•NSA: 国家安全局(National Security Agency)•NATO: 北约(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)O•CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)•CRM: 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)•CSS: 层叠样式表(Cascading Style Sheets)P•PDF: 便携式文档格式(Portable Document Format)•PDF: 便携式文档格式(Portable Document Format)•PhD: 博士学位(Doctor of Philosophy)•QR Code: 快速响应代码(Quick Response Code)•Q&A: 问答(Question and Answer)•QPSK: 四相移键控(Quadrature Phase Shift Keying)R•RAM: 随机存取存储器(Random Access Memory)•R&D: 研发(Research and Development)•ROI: 投资回报率(Return on Investment)S•SEO: 搜索引擎优化(Search Engine Optimization)•SQL: 结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)•SME: 中小型企业(Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)T•TV: 电视(Television)•TBA: 待定(To Be Announced)•TBD: 待定(To Be Determined)U•UN: 联合国(United Nations)•UFO: 不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object)•USB: 通用串行总线 (Universal Serial Bus)V•VPN: 虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)•VIP: 重要人物(Very Important Person)•VAT: 增值税(Value-Added Tax)W•WIFI: 无线局域网(Wireless Fidelity)•WTO: 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)•WWF: 世界自然基金会(World Wide Fund for Nature)X•XML: 可扩展标记语言(eXtensible Markup Language)•X-ray: X射线(X-ray)•XSS: 跨站点脚本(Cross-Site Scripting)Y•Y2K: 2000年问题(Year 2000 Problem)•YMCA: 基督教年轻人协会(Young Men’s Christian Association)•YTD: 为止到今天(Year-To-Date)##Z•ZIP: 压缩文件格式(Zone Improvement Plan)•ZARA: 西班牙时尚品牌(ZARA)以上是一些英文字母缩写的含义及其翻译,希望对您有所帮助。





VIP•全拼: Very Important Person•翻译:非常重要的人物在各种场合,VIP往往指的是享有特殊待遇或地位的人,比如重要的客户、高级会员等。

CEO•全拼: Chief Executive Officer•翻译:首席执行官CEO通常是公司中最高管理层的负责人,负责指导整个公司的运作和发展。

UFO•全拼: Unidentified Flying Object•翻译:未被确认的飞行物体UFO常常被用来描述那些无法被具体识别的飞行物体,常被认为是外星飞船或其他未知物体。

GDP•全拼: Gross Domestic Product•翻译:国内生产总值GDP是用来衡量一个国家或地区经济规模和发展水平的重要指标,通常以货币的形式表示。

DIY•全拼: Do It Yourself•翻译:自己动手做DIY指的是一种通过自己亲自动手完成某种工作或项目的方法,往往具有一定的创造性和实用性。

FAQ•全拼: Frequently Asked Questions•翻译:常见问题解答FAQ是指那些被频繁提问的问题和对应的解答,通常会被列在相关网站或文件中,以便解决用户的疑问。








以下是一些常用英文字母缩写的含义大全及其翻译:A•AI: 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)•ASCII: 美国信息交换标准代码(American Standard Code for Information Interchange)•ATM: 自动取款机(Automated Teller Machine)•AWOL: 无故缺席(Absent Without Leave)B•BBC: 英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation)•CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)•CPF: 中央提款薄(Central Provident Fund)•DIY: 自行动手(Do It Yourself)C•CD: 光盘(Compact Disc)•CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)•COO: 首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer)•CCTV: 闭路电视(Closed-Circuit Television)D•DVD: 数字视频光盘(Digital Versatile Disc)•DIY: 自行动手(Do It Yourself)•DNA: 脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)•DOA: 送达时已死亡(Dead on Arrival)E•EOD: 每日收市(End of Day)•EOD: 爆炸物除去(Explosive Ordnance Disposal)•EIN: 雇主识别号(Employer Identification Number)•ETA: 预计抵达时间(Estimated Time of Arrival)F•FAQ: 常见问题解答(Frequently Asked Questions)•FYI: 供您参考(For Your Information)•FDA: 美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration)•FTC: 联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)G•GPU: 图形处理器(Graphics Processing Unit)•GPS: 全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)•GDP: 国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)•GMT: 格林尼治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time)H•HTML: 超文本标记语言(Hypertext Markup Language)•HR: 人力资源(Human Resources)•HQ: 总部(Headquarters)•HIV: 艾滋病病毒(Human Immunodeficiency Virus)I•IT: 信息技术(Information Technology)•ISP: 互联网服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)•ID: 身份证(Identification)•IQ: 智商(Intelligence Quotient)J•JPEG: 联合照片专家小组(Joint Photographic Experts Group)•JPG: 联合照片专家小组(Joint Photographic Group)•JIT: 及时制造(Just-in-Time)•JUICE: 欧洲太空局的JUpiter ICy moons ExplorerK•KFC: 肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken)•KPI: 关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicator)•KKK: 康奈尔克拉克森(Ku Klux Klan)•KGB: 苏联国家安全委员会(Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti)L•LCD: 液晶显示器(Liquid Crystal Display)•CEO: 严格执行官(Law and Corporate Executive Officer)•LNG: 液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas)•LOL: 大笑(Laughing Out Loud)M•MB: 兆字节(Megabyte)•CEO: 基础设施经理(Manufacturing and Corporate Executive Officer)•MBA: 工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)•MRI: 核磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)N•NBA: 美国国家篮球协会(National Basketball Association)•CEO: 年度回顾官(News and Corporate Executive Officer)•NASA: 美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)•NATO: 北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)O•OEM: 原始设备制造商(Original Equipment Manufacturer)•OTC: 地方交易(Over the Counter)•OSHA: 职业安全与健康管理局(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)•OPEC: 石油输出国家组织(Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)P•PDF: 便携式文档格式(Portable Document Format)•CEO: 项目经理(Project and Corporate Executive Officer)•CEO: 资产和产品经理(Product and Corporate Executive Officer)•PVC: 聚氯乙烯(Polyvinyl Chloride)Q•Q&A: 问答(Question and Answer)•QED: 此乃所证明之事(Quod Erat Demonstrandum)•QVC: 品质、价值、方便(Quality, Value, Convenience)•QMR: 质量管理代表(Quality Management Representative)R•RAM: 随机存取存储器(Random Access Memory)•CEO: 风险管理(Risk and Corporate Executive Officer)•CEO: 市场营销及销售执行官(Sales and Corporate Executive Officer)•RFID: 射频识别(Radio-Frequency Identification)S•SUV: 运动型多功能车(Sport Utility Vehicle)•CEO: 安全和合规执行官(Security and Corporate Executive Officer)•CEO: 高级执行官(Senior Executive Officer)•CEO: 服务技术员(Service Executive Officer)T•TBA: (to be announced)尚未公布的事项•CEO: 税务和法律执行官(Tax and Corporate Executive Officer)•TLC: 嘻哈RB组合(Tender Loving Care)•TNT: 三硝基甲苯(Trinitrotoluene)U•USB: 通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)•Un: 联合国(United Nations)•CEO: 管理单元(Unit Executive Officer)•UFO: 不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object)V•VIP: 很重要的人物(Very Important Person)•VPN: 虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)•CEO: 数字供应链运营人员(Virtual Supply Chain Executive Officer)•VR: 虚拟现实(Virtual Reality)W•WWW: 万维网(World Wide Web)•WTO: 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)•WIFI: 无线网络(Wireless Fidelity)•WHO: 世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)X•XML: 可扩展标记语言(eXtensible Markup Language)•CEO: 正式及执行人员(Executive and Formal Executive Officer)•CEO: 外部和法规执行官(External and Regulation Executive Officer)•CEO: 现场维修人员(Field Executive Officer)Y•YTD: 本年至今(Year to Date)•CEO: 青年及灵活性责任(Youth and Elasticity Officer)•YOLO: 只活一次(You Only Live Once)•CEO: 青年及机会行政官(Youth and Opportunity Executive Officer)Z•ZIP: 邮政编码(Zone Improvement Plan)•CEO: 零售成本和价值执行官(Zero cost and Value Executive Officer)以上是常见英文字母缩写的含义大全及翻译,希望本文能为您带来帮助和启发。



英文缩写大全1. AAA :1). American Accounting Association 美国会计协会2). American Advertising Association 美国广告协会3). American Arbitration Association 美国商务仲裁协会2. AAL:American Airlines 美国航空公司3. A.B.C.C.:Association of British Chambers of Commerce 英国商会联合会4. ABS:American Bureau of Shipping 美国船运局5. AC:Air Canada 加拿大航空公司6. ACC:American Chamber of Commerce 美国商会(又简称Amcham)7. A.E.A:American Economic Association 美国经济协会8. AF:Air France 法国航空公司9. AFEB:authorized foreign exchange bank 指定外汇银行10. AFRASEC:Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation 亚非经济合作组织11. AGM:annual general meeting(公司股东)年度大会12. AID:Agency for International Development(美国)国际开发署13. AMA:American Management Association 美国管理协会14. ASA:American Standards Association 美国标准协会15. Amex:American Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所16. ADB:Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行17. APEC: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织(2001年10月将在中国上海召开部长级会议和非正式首脑CEO是什么意思?CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席执行官,源自美国20世纪60年代进行公司治理结构改革创新时IT是什么意思?IT是指信息技术,即英文Information Technology 的缩写.bt是什么意思?BT是一种P2P共享软件,全名叫"BitTorrent",中文全称:"比特流"又名"变态下载"diy是什么意思?DIY是每个电脑爱好者熟悉的新名词,是英文Do It Yourself的首字母缩写,自己动手制作的意思,硬件爱好者也被俗称DIYer.oem是什么意思?OEM是英文Original Equipment Manufacturer的缩写,意思是原设备制造商。



常见的英文缩写及全称全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress (NPC)主席团 Presidium常务委员会 Standing Committee办公厅General Office秘书处Secretariat代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee法律委员会Law Committee财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution2、中华人民共和国主席 President of the People's Republic of China3、中央军事委员会 Central Military Commission4、最高人民法院 Supreme People's Court5、最高人民检察院 Supreme People's Procuratorate6、国务院State Council(1)国务院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs国防部Ministry of National Defence国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission 教育部Ministry of Education科学技术部Ministry of Science and T echnology国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National De-fence国家民族事物委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission公安部Ministry of Public Security国家安全部Ministry of State Security监察部Ministry of Supervision民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs司法部Ministry of Justice财政部Ministry of Finance人事部Ministry of Personnel劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Labour and Social Security国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources建设部Ministry of Construction铁道部Ministry of Railways交通部Ministry of Communications信息产业部Ministry of Information Industry水利部Ministry of Water Resources农业部Ministry of Agriculture对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation文化部Ministry of Culture卫生部Ministry of Public Health国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission中国人民银行People's Bank of China国家审计署State Auditing Administration(2)国务院办事机构Offices under the State Council国务院办公厅General Office of the State Council侨务办公室Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs港澳台办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office台湾事物办公室Taiwan Affairs Office法制办公室Office of Legislative Affairs经济体制改革办公室Office for Economic Restructuring 国务院研究室Research Office of the State Council新闻办公室Information Office10、新闻出版 News media总编辑 Editor-in-chief高级编辑 Full Senior Editor主任编辑 Associate Senior Editor编辑 Editor助理编辑 Assistant Editor高级记者 Full Senior Reporter主任记者 Associate Senior Reporter记者 Reporter助理记者 Assistant Reporter编审 Professor of Editorship编辑 Editor助理编辑 Assistant Editor技术编辑 Technical Editor技术设计员 Technical Designer校对 Proofreader11、翻译 Translation译审 Professor of Translation翻译 Translator/Interpreter助理翻译 Assistant Translator/Interpreter电台/电视台台长Radio/TV Station Controller 播音指导Director of Announcing主任播音员 Chief Announcer播音员 Announcer电视主持人 TV Presenter电台节目主持人 Disk Jockey12、工艺、美术、电影 Arts,crafts and movies 导演 Director演员 Actor画师 Painter指挥 Conductor编导 Scenarist录音师 Sound Engineer舞蹈编剧 Choreographer美术师 Artist制片人 Producer剪辑导演 Montage Director配音演员 Dabber摄影师 Cameraman化装师 Make-up Artist。



常见的英语缩写100个加中文翻译1.RSVP - 请回复2.ASAP - 尽快3.DIY - 自己动手4.VIP - 贵宾5.FAQ - 常见问题6.CEO - 首席执行官7.DNA - 脱氧核糖核酸8.BTW - 顺便说一下9.ETA - 预计到达时间10.ATM - 自动取款机11.OCD - 强迫症12.LGBT - 同性恋、双性恋、跨性别人群13.PTO - 带薪休假14.UFO - 不明飞行物15.GIF - 动图16.PC - 个人电脑17.RSVP - 教育部18.LCD - 液晶显示屏19.FAQ - 常见问题解答20.ADHD - 注意力缺陷多动症21.DVD - 数字视频光盘22.CEO - 主执行官N - 局域网24.GPS - 全球定位系统25.OCD - 希望了的26.NGO - 非政府组织27.MRI - 磁共振成像28.ATM - 机场载人捷运29.NBA - 本国银行会计30.SMS - 短信31.CPU - 集成电路电脑32.DIY - 像DIY一样33.VIP - 非常重要人士34.UFO - 乌鲁木齐乌列35.GIF - 尖绿印刷材料36.OCD - 小长处37.PTO - 继续38.DVD - 让人们呼吁39.LGBT - 让他变成一个40.ASAP - 除非事前41.ATM - 在森林42.CEO - C声频横跨43.GPS - 群里大声闻44.MRI - 让痴呆45.NGO - 脑角46.MTV - 密特曼的声音B - 宇宇吗48.LCD - 凌厘距49.FAQ - 各不拉吉50.PTO - 他奥51.DVD - 独逸独文52.NBA - 呢保护代53.OCD - 爱染成54.GIF - 给梅美大的55.CEO - CV温56.DIY - 大易决;大易导57.VIP - 维霹、维泰58.FAQ - 方唠得59.GPS - 得助会60.ATF - 布里臭61.MRI - 去人62.NBA - 哥呢板63.FAQ - 防器鲁赶64.PTO - 盘同欧65.OCD - 杜臭池66.LSD - 刟示排67.LPG - 露皮个68.NSA - 南四阿个69.UFO - I肉70.DNA - 地拿71.CEO - 胡到72.OCD - 噶臭地73.DIY - 地诶液74.VIP - 比盘士75.IRA - 一气啦76.MD5 - 妈地勿77.IMF - 明非星78.HDMI - 和迷利79.VPN - 况农80.ISO - 伊思欧81.LCD - 厉离阻82.FAQ - 翻半几83.CPU - 差普务84.ATM - 啊它冒85.ASAP - 阿四往86.NGO - 呢他格87.DNA - 得拿B - 优散毕89.LSD - 里四地90.RPG - 热片哥91.MVP - 麦亢趴92.R&D - 裸得C - 测奇迷94.KPI - 科批同地95.SMS - 丧迷审96.GPA - 骂力哦97.FTP - 帖他98.ISBN - 吧伊细年99.BBC - 别报100.FAQ - 法其以上是一些常见的英语缩写及其中文对应翻译,希望这份列表对你有所帮助!。





AAC: Alternating Current(交流电)AD: Anno Domini(公元)AM: Ante Meridiem(上午)BBBC: British Broadcasting Corporation(英国广播公司)BC: Before Christ(公元前)CCEO: Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)CIA: Central Intelligence Agency (中央情报局)CFO: Chief Financial Officer(首席财务官)DDNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid(脱氧核糖核酸)EEtc: Et cetera(等等)FFBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation(联邦调查局)GGPS: Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)HTML: HyperText Markup Language(超文本标记语言)HHR: Human Resources(人力资源)IQ: Intelligence Quotient(智商)JJPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group(联合图像专家组)KKg: Kilogram(千克)LLCD: Liquid Crystal Display(液晶显示屏)LED: Light-Emitting Diode(发光二极管)MMBA: Master of Business Administration(工商管理硕士)MP3: MPEG Audio Layer III(MPEG-3音频层)NNASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration(美国国家航空航天局)NBA: National Basketball Association(美国国家篮球协会)OOPEC: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries(石油输出国组织)PPDF: Portable Document Format(便携式文档格式)PhD: Doctor of Philosophy(哲学博士)QQ&A: Questions and Answers(问答)RRAM: Random Access Memory(随机存取存储器)SAT: Scholastic Assessment Test(学术能力评估测试)TTBA: To Be Announced(待定)TV: Television(电视)UUN: United Nations(联合国)VVPN: Virtual Private Network(虚拟专用网络)WWiFi: Wireless Fidelity(无线保真)YYMCA: Young Men’s Christian Association(基督教青年会)以上是一些常用英语缩写字母及其含义,希望本文能帮助大家更好地理解和运用这些缩写字母。



常用英文字母缩写大全带翻译英文字母缩写(Abbreviation of English Letters)在日常生活和专业领域中被广泛使用。



A• A.M.: Anti Meridiem(上午)• A.S.A.P.: As Soon As Possible(尽快)•Ave.: Avenue(大街)•AWOL: Absent Without Leave(擅离岗位)B• B.C.: Before Christ(公元前)•B2B: Business to Business(企业对企业)•B2C: Business to Consumer(企业对消费者)•B&W: Black and White(黑与白)C•CEO: Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)•CFO: Chief Financial Officer(首席财务官)•CPA: Certified Public Accountant(注册会计师)• C.V.: Curriculum Vitae(简历)D•DIY: Do It Yourself(自己动手)•DVD: Digital Versatile Disc(数字多功能光盘)• D.I.A.: Defense Intelligence Agency(国防情报局)• D.I.Y.: Do It Yourself(自己动手)E•ETD: Estimated Time of Departure(预计离开时间)• e.g.: For Example(例如)•EMT: Emergency Medical Technician(急救医疗技术员)• E.U.: European Union(欧盟)F•FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题)• F.O.B.: Free on Board(离岸价)•FYI: For Your Information(供参考)• F.T.C.: Federal Trade Commission(美国联邦贸易委员会)G•GPS: Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)•GDP: Gross Domestic Product(国内生产总值)•GUI: Graphical User Interface(图形用户界面)•G.I.: Government Issue(政府发行)H•HR: Human Resources(人力资源)•HTML: Hypertext Markup Language(超文本标记语言)•H.Q.: Headquarters(总部)•H.S.: High School(高中)I•I.T.: Information Technology(信息技术)•i.e.: That Is(即)•IRS: Internal Revenue Service(美国国内税务局)•ISA: Individual Savings Account(个人储蓄账户)J•Jr.: Junior(初级)•JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group(联合摄影专家小组)•JFK: John F. Kennedy(约翰·肯尼迪)•J.V.: Joint Venture(合资企业)K•KPI: Key Performance Indicator(关键绩效指标)•K9: Canine(犬)•KG: Kilogram(千克)•KFC: Kentucky Fried Chicken(肯德基炸鸡)L•lbs: Pounds(磅)•LLC: Limited Liability Company(有限责任公司)•Ltd.: Limited(有限公司)•L.A.: Los Angeles(洛杉矶)M•M.D.: Doctor of Medicine(医学博士)•MP3: MPEG Audio Layer III(MPEG音频编码III)•MBA: Master of Business Administration(工商管理硕士)•MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging(磁共振成像)N•NSA: National Security Agency(国家安全局)•NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization(北约)•NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration(美国国家航空航天局)•NDA: Non-Disclosure Agreement(保密协议)O•OT: Overtime(加班)•OS: Operating System(操作系统)•O.E.M.: Original Equipment Manufacturer(原始设备制造商)•OPEC: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries(石油输出国组织)P•PDF: Portable Document Format(便携式文档格式)•PNG: Portable Network Graphics(便携式网络图形)•P.S.: Postscript(附言)•PM: Prime Minister(总理)Q•Q&A: Questions and Answers(问与答)•QED: Quod Erat Demonstrandum(已证明的)R•R&D: Research and Development(研发)•ROI: Return on Investment(投资回报率)•RSS: Really Simple Syndication(真正简单分发)•R.V.: Recreational Vehicle(休闲车)S•S.W.A.T.: Special Weapons And Tactics(特种武器和战术)•SOS: Save Our Souls(求救信号)•SSL: Secure Sockets Layer(安全套接字层)•SUV: Sport Utility Vehicle(运动多用途车)T•TBA: To Be Announced(待定)•TLC: Tender Loving Care(关爱、呵护)•TNT: Trinitrotoluene(三硝基甲苯)•TV: Television(电视)U•UFO: Unidentified Flying Object(不明飞行物)•U.K.: United Kingdom(英国)•UNICEF: U nited Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund(联合国儿童基金会)•U.P.S.: United Parcel Service(联合包裹服务)V•VAT: Value Added Tax(增值税)•VPN: Virtual Private Network(虚拟私人网络)•VIP: Very Important Person(重要人物)•V.P.: Vice President(副总裁)W•WTO: World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织)•WWW: World Wide Web(万维网)•W.H.O.: World Health Organization(世界卫生组织)•WIFI: Wireless Fidelity(无线保真度)X•XML: Extensible Markup Language(可扩展标记语言)•XOXO: Hugs and Kisses(拥抱与接吻)Y•YTD: Year to Date(截至目前为止的年度)•Y2K: Year 2000(千年虫问题)Z•ZIP: Zone Improvement Plan(邮政编码)•Z.O.O.: Zoological Organization(动物园组织)以上是一些常用的英文字母缩写以及其翻译。



超全国际流行缩写asl是Age,sex and location 的所写,年龄,性别和地址(国籍)lol是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑,笑的很开心的样子ppl=peoplebbs=be back soon=很快回来thx=thanksur=yourasap=as soon as possibleg2g = got to gottyl = talk to you laterbrb = be right backbbl = be back laterbio brb=上个厕所就回afk = away from keyboard (away)u = youplz = pleasey = whyw8 = waitl8er = latercya = see ya (later)nvm = nevermindnm = not muchgl = good luckgf = girlfriendbf = boyfriendluv=loveRUOK=are you ok?sp=supportcu=see ucul8er= see you laterft=faintic=i seesoho=small office home officerbtw=by the waygn=gn8=gnight=good night=晚安nn=nite=晚安说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。


hiho=hola=yo=hi=hey=hellow=ello你好,大家好wuz up=sup=what's up=(原意:怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用(当然是比较熟的两个人之间的问候),回答时有事说事,没事用"nothing/nothin much/not much/nm等回答就可以。

OMG=oh my god=我的天;我靠!OMFG=oh my fucking god=我的老天;我靠靠;wtf=what the fuck=怎么会事!?;我日!;OMGWTFBBQSOURCE !!!表震惊到了极致。




1. 缩写介绍


2. 常见英文缩写
•ASAP:As Soon As Possible,尽快
•DIY:Do It Yourself,自己动手
•FAQ:Frequently Asked Questions,常见问题
•GPS:Global Positioning System,全球定位系统
•CEO:Chief Executive Officer,首席执行官
•ETC:Et Cetera,等等
•VIP:Very Important Person,重要人物
•HTML:HyperText Markup Language,超文本标记语言
•UFO:Unidentified Flying Object,不明飞行物
•AI:Artificial Intelligence,人工智能
3. 使用建议


4. 总结





英文缩写汇总英文缩写汇总AX = Across 穿过AH = At home 在家A3 = Anytime, anywhere, anyplace 哪里都成ASL = Age/Sex/Location 年龄/性别/住址AAR = At any rate 任何价格ABT = About 关于AYW = As you wish 如你所愿AZN = Asian 亚洲人(主要指印度人)AKA = Also known as 还叫……AML = All my love 我所有的爱ATB = All the Best 最好的ATM = At the moment 现在ACC = Anyone can come 谁都能来AYS = Are you serious? 你认真的吗?AYT = Are you there? 你在吗?AISI = As I see it 当我看到它的时候AOTS = All of the sudden 突然ATST = At the same time 同时AYCE = All you can eat 你都可以吃ABT2 = Meaning‘about to’将……ADBB = All done, bye-bye 完了,再见AEAP = As early as possible 越早越好AFAP = As far as possible 越远越好AMBW = All my best wishes 我最美好的祝福AISB = As it should be 它本应这样……AISB = As I said before 像我之前说的ALOL = Actually laughing out loud 正在大声笑AMAP = As much as possible 越多越好AMOF = As a matter of fact 事实是……ASAP = As soon as possible 越早越好AQAP = As quick as possible 越快越好AYDY = Are you done yet? 你完事了没?AYEC = At your earliest convenience 你最方便的时候。






1.ASAP - As Soon As Possible(尽快)
2.DIY - Do It Yourself(自己动手做)
3.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题)
4.CEO - Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)
5.DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid(脱氧核糖核酸)
6.GPS - Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)
7.HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol(超文本传输协
8.PC - Personal Computer(个人电脑)
9.VIP - Very Important Person(非常重要的人)
10.IQ - Intelligence Quotient(智商)







1. AM & PMAM指上午,来自拉丁语“ante meridian”,表示中午之前的时间;PM指下午,来自拉丁语“post meridian”,表示中午之后的时间。

2. USA美国(United States of America)的缩写,代表美利坚合众国,是北美洲的一个国家。

3. CEO公司首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)的缩写,通常是指公司的最高领导人。

4. RSVP请回复(Répondez s’il vous plaît)的法语缩写,通常用于邀请函中,表示期待收到来宾的回复。

5. DIY自己动手(Do It Yourself)的缩写,指代自己亲自动手去完成某项工作或项目。

6. FAQ常见问题(Frequently Asked Questions)的缩写,通常在网站或软件中用来回答用户经常提出的问题。

7. GPS全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)的缩写,用于指代一种通过卫星技术确定位置的系统。

8. IQ智商(Intelligence Quotient)的缩写,用于表示一个人智力水平的测试结果。

9. URL统一资源定位符(Uniform Resource Locator)的缩写,用来表示互联网上资源的地址。

10. VIPVery Important Person的缩写,意为非常重要的人物,通常用于对重要客人或贵宾的尊称。







下面是一些常见的英语单词缩写形式及其对应的翻译:• A.M.: 上午(Ante Meridiem)•P.M.: 下午(Post Meridiem)•ASAP: 尽快(As Soon As Possible)•USA: 美国(United States of America)•UK: 英国(United Kingdom)•CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)•CFO: 首席财务官(Chief Financial Officer)•DIY: 自己动手(Do It Yourself)•VIP: 贵宾(Very Important Person)•FAQ: 常见问题(Frequently Asked Questions)•FYI: 供您参考(For Your Information)•RSVP: 请回复(Répondez S’il Vous Plaît)•WWW: 万维网(World Wide Web)•TV: 电视(Television)•DVD: 数字视频光盘(Digital Versatile Disc)•IQ: 智商(Intelligence Quotient)•TOEFL: 托福(Test of English as a Foreign Language)•SAT: 学术能力评估测试(Scholastic Assessment Test)以上是一些常见的英语单词缩写形式及其对应的翻译,希望这些信息对您有所帮助。





常用英文缩写大全(全)企业各职位英文缩写:GM(General Manager)总经理VP(Vice President)副总裁FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁AVP(Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官,类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代表。

COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官,类似常务总经理CFO(Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官,类似财务总经理CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官,主管企业信息的收集和发布CTO(Chief technology officer)首席技术官类似总工程师HRD(Human Resource Director)人力资源总监OD(Operations Director)运营总监MD(Marketing Director)市场总监OM(Operations Manager)运作经理PM(Production Manager)生产经理(Product Manager)产品经理其他:CAO: Art 艺术总监CBO: Business 商务总监CCO: Content 容总监CDO: Development 开发总监CGO: Gonverment 政府关系CHO: Human resource 人事总监CJO: Jet 把营运指标都加一个或多个零使公司市值像火箭般上升的人CKO: Knowledge 知识总监CLO: Labour 工会主席CMO: Marketing 市场总监CNO: Negotiation 首席谈判代表CPO: Public relation 公关总监CQO: Quality control 质控总监CRO: Research 研究总监CSO: Sales 销售总监CUO: User 客户总监CVO: Valuation 评估总监CWO: Women 妇联主席CXO: 什么都可以管的不管部部长CYO: Yes 什么都点头的老好人CZO: 现在排最后,等待接班的太子常用聊天英语缩写at=and=&though=thotwo,too,to=2for=4before=b4because=cozsee=cgoing to=gonnapictures=pics/pixplease=plzare=rgirlfriend=g/fyes=yepthanks=thanxpeople=pplabout=abtam not=ain'tpassword=p/wexample=e.g.with=w/without=w/owant to=wannayour=ursee you=c ui see=i cbye for now=bfnaway from keyboard=afkjust kidding=jkkeep in touch=kitin my opinion=IMOsee you=c yamee too=m 2oh my god=omgwhat's up=supwhat the hell=WTHfor you information=FYIby the way=BTWas soon as possible=ASAP以上是外国人网聊时会用到的火星语常用英文缩写大全1. AAA :1). American Accounting Association 美国会计协会2). American Advertising Association 美国广告协会3). American Arbitration Association 美国商务仲裁协会2. AAL:American Airlines 美国航空公司3. A.B.C.C.:Association of British Chambers of Commerce 英国商会联合会4. ABS:American Bureau of Shipping 美国船运局5. AC:Air Canada 加拿大航空公司6. ACC:American Chamber of Commerce 美国商会(又简称Amcham)7. A.E.A:American Economic Association 美国经济协会8. AF:Air France 法国航空公司9. AFEB:authorized foreign exchange bank 指定外汇银行10. AFRASEC:Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation 亚非经济合作组织11. AGM:annual general meeting(公司股东)年度大会12. AID:Agency for International Development(美国)国际开发署13. AMA:American Management Association 美国管理协会14. ASA:American Standards Association 美国标准协会15. Amex:American Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所16. ADB:Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行17. APEC: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织(2001年10月将在中国召开部长级会议和非正式首脑CEO是什么意思?CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席执行官,源自美国20世纪60年代进行公司治理结构改革创新时IT是什么意思?IT是指信息技术,即英文Information Technology 的缩写.bt是什么意思?BT是一种P2P共享软件,全名叫"BitTorrent",中文全称:"比特流"又名"变态下载"diy是什么意思?DIY是每个电脑爱好者熟悉的新名词,是英文Do It Yourself的首字母缩写,自己动手制作的意思,硬件爱好者也被俗称DIYer.oem是什么意思?OEM是英文Original Equipment Manufacturer的缩写,意思是原设备制造商。



英语常见缩略词及其全称常用英文缩略词:e.g.=for exampleno.=numberi.e.=that isetc.=et cetera1st=first2nd=second∴=therefore∵=because△=replace<less than&=andW/=withBuilding=bldgvery expensive=v expeducation=eduair-conditioner=a/c1. 表示各种组织或机构的缩略词APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 亚太经贸合作组织IOC (International Olympic Committee) 国际奥林匹克委员会ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 国际标准化组织OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 欧佩克,石油输出国组织WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织2. 表示各种系统的缩略词BBS (Bulletin Board System) 电子布告栏系统或(Bulletin Board Service)电子布告服务GPS (Global Position System) 全球定位系统GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) 全球移动通信系统CIMS (Computer Integrated Manufacturing System) 计算机集成制造系统DOS (Disc Operating System) 磁盘操作系统ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) 智能交通系统NMD (National Missile Defense) 国家导弹防御系统TMDE (Test, Measure and Diagnostic Euipment) 试验、测量与诊断设备NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation) 纳斯达克,<美>全国证券交易商自动报价系统协会3. 有关职务或学位的缩略词CEO (Chief Executive Officer) 首席执行官CFO (Chief Finance Officer) 首席财务官CIO (Chief Information Officer) 首席信息官COO (Chief Operating Officer) 首席运行官CTO (Chief Technology Officer)首席技术官CPA (Certified Public Accountant) 注册会计师MBA (Master of Business Administration) 工商管理硕士MPA (Master of Public Administration) 公共管理硕士4. 有关金融方面的缩略词ATM (Automated Teller Machine) 自动取款(出纳)机CBD (Central Business District) 中央商务区GDP (Gross Domestic Product) 国内生产总值GNP (Gross National Product) 国民生产总值5. 有关考试方面的缩略词CET (College English Test) 大学英语等级考试GRE (Graduate Record Examination) 美国研究生入学考试PETS (Public English Test System) 全国英语等级考试6. 其他方面的缩略词AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ) 获得性免疫功能丧失综合症,即艾滋病AM (Amplitude Modulation) 调幅APC (aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine; compound aspirin; heat-relieving and pain-killing medicine consisting of aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine) 复方阿斯匹林API (Air Pollution Index) 空气污染指数CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) 码分多址,一种无线电发射和接受方式CD (Compact Disc) 激光唱盘CIP (Cataloguing in Publication)预编目录DIY (Do It Yourself)指自己动手装电脑,缝制衣服,做贺卡等DVD (Digital Video Disc) 数字化视频光盘EMS (Express Mail Service) 邮政特快专递EQ (Emotional Quotient) 情商IQ (Intelligence Quotient) 智商IT (Information Technology) 信息技术OA (Office Automation) 办公自动化OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) 原始设备制造商PC (Personal Computer)个人计算机PT (Particular Transfer) 特别转让SOHO (Small Office Home Office) 小型家居办公室SOS (Save Our Souls; radio signal once used universally to appeal for help esp. by a ship or boat; urgent request for help from sb. in trouble) 国际上曾通用的紧急呼救信号,也用于一般的求救或求助ST (Special Treatment) 特别处理VIP (Very Important Person) 要人VOD (Video on Demand) 视频点播WWW (World Wide Web) 万维网。







1. 缩写的定义缩写是把一个词或短语用更短、更简洁的形式来表示的方法。


例如,“USA”代表“United States of America”。

2. 常见的国际单词缩写以下是一些常见的国际单词缩写及其解释:•UNESCO:United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(联合国教育、科学及文化组织)•NASA:National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration(美国国家航空航天局)•UNICEF:United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund(联合国儿童基金会)•NATO:North Atlantic Treaty Organization(北大西洋公约组织)•FIFA:Federation Internationale de Football Association(国际足球联合会)•WHO:World Health Organization(世界卫生组织)•EU:European Union(欧洲联盟)•CNN:Cable News Network(美国有线电视新闻网)这些缩写词在国际交流中经常被使用,使得跨语言、跨文化的沟通更加便捷。

3. 使用场景国际单词缩写在各个领域都得到广泛应用,特别是在新闻、政治、商业和科技领域。



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10 AcronymsSeptember,3 2014 第11版1 MERS:Middle East Respiratory Syndrome中东呼吸综合症2 HIV:Human Immune Deficiency Virus人类免疫缺陷病毒Eg:Both influenza and Ebola are zoonoses,just like the viruses that spread HIV,SARS,MERS,or West Nile Virus.October,22 2014 第2版3 CPC:Communist Party of China中国共产党Eg:The Communist Party of China kicked off a key meeting on Monday focusing on the rule of law for the first time in the Party’s history.第5版4 IIE:the Institute of International Education国际教育协会Eg:Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs in a press release by the Institute of International Education.第6版5 TED: technology, entertainment, desig技术、娱乐、设计,是美国的一家私有非营利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称Eg:Amy Cuddy shot to instant fame after giving a TED talk on the subject in 2012.第4版6 phD: Doctor of Philosophy 指博士学位Eg:A psychologist who earned his phD from Harvard University.7 IPSOS:益索普Eg:According to a survey conducted by global research firm IPSOS.8 NZ: New Zealand 新西兰Eg:The experience in NZ was totally worth it.第8版9 CEAIE:China Education Association for International Education中国教育国际交流协会10 CV:Curriculum Vitae履历表Eg:Students can enjoy more tailored service,getting interviews and assessments based on their CV,deputysecretary general of CEAIE.5 Blending1 telex:teleprinter +exchange电传Eg: They recorded the clear telex straight through their microphones.《简明英汉词典》2 faction:fact + fiction派别Eg: A faction in our club tried to make the president resign. (from BBC)3 multiverse---multi+universe多元宇宙Eg:Physics is blowing us away with the hypothesized multiverse .(1017期6版 philosophy endures)4 sci-fi---science+fiction科幻小说Eg:Both movies belonging to the dystopian sci-fi genre.(1017期7版 A future half-empty)5 sitcom---sit+comdey情景喜剧Eg:If a sitcom that lasts for 10 years is considered popular.(1017期9版 Sitcom mine the hardships of young adults worldwide)5 Neoclassical Formation1 adolescence青春期Eg:Latin-adolescence:distinguishs adults from their background or wealth:the difficulties upper-crust adolescence experience. (1017期9版 Sitcom mine the hardships of young adults worldwide)2 aborigine 土著居民Eg: from Latin from the 11th edition of 1055 sentence: The rock art, which ranges from 15,000 years old to 50 years old, chronicles Aborigine life, including scenes depicting relationships with other cultures.3 accumulate 积累Eg:from Latin from the fifth edition of 1076 sentence;What is the moral of this fable? If you want to accumulate enduring wealth, do not lend to grasshoppers.4 address 写信Eg:from Latin from the 8th edition from 1068 sentence: He wrote down my address, so that he might remember it.5 accent 口音Eg: from Greek from the third edition of 1060 sentence: He has a strong American accent.5 Words from Proper NamesSeptember,3 2014 第11版1 SARS;Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom严重急性呼吸道症候群,非典型肺炎Eg: :Both influenza and Ebola are zoonoses,just like the viruses that spread HIV,SARS,MERS,or West Nile Virus.2 bogus 冒牌的,伪造的Eg: come from a Italian fraud called Borghese Sentence: But what happens if that person did so maliciously, or put in bogus contact to?3 boycott 跟某人无往来,抵制Eg:come from a land agent called Boycott in 19th century sentence: The party has threatened to boycott the election because it believes it will not be democratic.4 lynch 处以私刑Eg:come from a brave person who protest security called William Lynch sentence: Israel’s envoy retorted that the soldiers responded in self-defence when activists on board the aid vessels violently attacked with the intention of lynching them.5 Guillotine 断头台Eg:come from a doctor who designed it . sentence: He ends it by pretending to end his life- with a guillotine.5 Clipping1 phone( telephone) 电话Eg: from the 4th edition of 1068 I bated my breath and waited by the phone.2 flu(influenza)流感Eg: from the 5th edition of 1068 In the United States, cases of suspected influenza are at higher numbers than usual this early in the flu season.3 chute (parachute) 瀑布Eg: from the second edition of 1067The paper studied hydrodynamic load on static force anti-sliding stability analysis for chute soleplate.4 gator(alligator) 短吻鳄Eg: from V3 of 1066 A wayward gator made a mess of the morning rush hour near Fort Lauderdale Florida.5 pike(turnpike)收税关卡Eg: from the 4th edition of 1067 A consortium led by Abertis, a Spanish infrastructure company, pulled its $12.8 billion proposal to take over the running of Pennsylvania’s pike, the state’s main toll road.21st Century10 AcronymsOctober 22, 2014Page2 rule of law1 CPC=Communist Party of China中国共产党The CPC kicked off a key meeting on Monday focusing on the rule of law for the first time in the party’s history.One-way tripPage V4 Return of the king2 ESPN=Entertainment Sports Programming Network 娱乐体育节目电视网James said in an interview with ESPN.Page 5 Experience the world3 IIW=Institute of International Education国际教育协会Assistant Secretary of State for Education and Cultural Affairs in a press release by the IIE.Page 6 Beef up your posture4 TED=technology, entertainment, desig技术、娱乐、设计,是美国的一家私有非营利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称Social psychologist and Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy shot to instant fame after a TED talk on the subject in 2012.Page 4 Hiker finds happiness5 IPSOS=益索普But according to a survey conducted by global research firm IPSOS.6 PhD=Doctor of Philosophy 指博士学位A US-based psychologist who earned his PhD from Harvard University.Millennials who made the most of their money7 NZ=New Zealand 新西兰But Li said that the experience in NZ was totally worth it.November 12, 2014Page 2 APEC promises to bring new prosperity8 APEC=Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经贸合作组织APEC is an intergovernmental group that operates on the basis of non-blinding commitments.Page89 CEAIE:China Education Association for International Education中国教育国际交流协会10 CV:Curriculum Vitae履历表Eg:Students can enjoy more tailored service,getting interviews and assessments based on their CV,deputy secretary general of CEAIE.5 Blending1069 Page 91 bio-engineering=biology+engineering 生物工程学After completing intensive physical challenges, the bio-engineering major, felt weaker each day.1017 Page6 philosophy endures2 multiverse---multi+universe多元宇宙Physics is blowing us away with the hypothesized multiverse .1017 Page7 A future half-empty3 sci-fi---science+fiction科幻小说Both movies belonging to the dystopian sci-figenre.1069 Page 94 smog=smoke+fog 烟雾The traditional fire alarming system is usually based on infrared sensor and smog sensor, but if it is in big space, the lost rate is high.1066 Page 35 edutainment=education+entertainment 寓教于乐的出版物How to construct a learning resource base with the edutainment software is a valuable research topic in the course of education reform.5 Clipping1067 Page 41 pike(turnpike)收税关卡A consortium led by Abertis, a Spanish infrastructure company, pulled it s$12.8 billion proposal to take over the running of Pennsylvania’s pike,the state’s main toll road.1068 Page 42 phone( telephone) 电话I bated my breath and waited by the phone.1066 Page V33 gator(alligator) 短吻鳄A wayward gator made a mess of the morning rush hour near Fort Lauderdale Florida.1067 Page 24 chute (parachute) 瀑布The paper studied hydrodynamic load on static force anti-sliding stability analysis for chute soleplate.1068 Page 55 flu(influenza)流感In the United States, cases of suspected influenza are at higher numbers than usual this early in the flu season.5 Words from Proper NamesSeptember,3 2014 第11版1 SARS;Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom严重急性呼吸道症候群,非典型肺炎Both influenza and Ebola are zoonoses,just like the viruses that spread HIV,SARS,MERS,or West Nile Virus.2 chauvinism 沙文主义,盲目崇拜During the campaign the ruling party pointed to incidents that it says reveals Tang’s chauvinism.A brave person who protest security called William Lynch3 lynch 处以私刑Israel’s envoy re torted that the soldiers responded in self-defence when activists on board the aid vessels violently attacked with the intention of lynching them.A doctor who designed it4 Guillotine 断头台He ends it by pretending to end his life- with a guillotine.A land agent called Boycott in 19th century5 boycott 跟某人无往来,抵制The party has threatened to boycott the election because it believes it will not be democratic.5 Neoclassical Formation1063 Page 21 telephone 电话Someone has been listening in on my telephone conversation.1055 Page 112 aborigine 土著居民The rock art, which ranges from 15,000 years old to 50 years old, chronicles Aborigine life, including scenes depicting relationships with other cultures.1060 Page 33 accent 口音He has a strong American accent.1076 Page 54 accumulate 积累What is the moral of this fable? If you want to accumulate enduring wealth, do not lend to grasshoppers1068 Page 85 address 写信He wrote down my address, so that he might remember it.。
