


S1: Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms?

S2: Do you agree or disagree that celebrities are good examples for young people.


S1: Which one of the following history courses should be added: history of science, art hist ory or modern history of the 20th century?

S2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while other s prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which one do you prefer a nd why?


S1: If you were to do a volunteer job in the community, which one of the following jobs wou ld you like to choose?

1. clean up the park,

2. plant trees,

3. build a bicycle lane.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools and universities are s uccessful because they hire experienced professors?


S1: What hobby would you suggest your friend who is busy with his or her work to take up ?

S2: Which one of the following two factors is more important to the success of an artist? na tural talent or hard work

S1: Many people move to new places for work and education. What are the disadvantages o f this?

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools should encourage stu dents to be creative and imaginative in order for the students to be successful.


S1: What is the biggest challenge for university students and why?

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is more important to maintain relationship with family members than with friends.


S1: Which one of the following should be done in order to improve the quality of life and st udy for the students?

1. repairing the swimming pool,

2. building a new cafeteria,

3. improving laboratory equipment?

S2: Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of the first observation,

while other people believe that it takes a long time to know a person well.

Which approach to knowing people do you think is better and why?


S1: Do you agree or disagree that it is a good idea for universities to ask a student to leave school if he or she was caught cheating in exams? Explain your response in details.

S2: Some college students like to join clubs and enjoy club activities, while others like to s pend their time studying another courses or doing schoolwork.

Which one do you think is better and why?


S1: When visiting a new city, which of the following would you choose to better learn about the place?

1.Visiting a museum,

2.walking through streets,

3. taking an organized trip

S2: Some people like surprise visits from their friends, while others prefer to be informed of such visits. Which one do you prefer and Why?


S1: Some schools require students to finish forty hours of community service each year. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of doing this.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should be forced to retir e after the age of 65.


S1: What kinds of effects would there be if mobile phones were forbidden in school?

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Parents should use money as an incentive for kids to behave well in school.


S1: Describe two ways in which your life will be different in five years.

S2: Some managers like to closely watch their employees,

while others prefer to give their employees more freedom. Which do you think is more effec tive?


S1: One of your friends wants to drop out of college. Do you think it is a good idea or not? Why?

S2: Your professor is asking you to help with some research work on the weekend,

but you have planned to go to your sister’s birthday party.

Which would you choose to do? Explain why?


S1: Describe a time when an impolite behavior in public annoyed you.

And explain why you were annoyed.

S2: Your community has been donated a piece of land.

Should it be used to build an amusement center or grow trees and flowers?


S1: What are the disadvantages of shopping on the Internet?

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Experienced doctors are better than young doctors.


S1: One of your foreign friends is coming to your country for studying, but he or she is wor ried about the cost. What are the suggestions would you give to him or her?

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It’s impolite to make calls or send text messages on a dinner table.


S1: Talk about one thing that makes your country different from other countries.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It's easier to teach children in primary schools than students in universities.


S1: Which do you think is the most helpful to protect the environment?

1 government

2 organization

3 individual

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is important to learn the history of the city you live in.


S1: Many students are asked to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

S2: Do you agree or disagree with following statement?

It is okay for people to use surgery to change their appearance.


S1: In every culture, there are some customs or traditions young people no longer follow.

Describe a custom or tradition from the past that is no longer common but you wish still po pular today.

S2: Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on television,

while others prefer to watch educational programs. Which do you prefer and why?


S1: Which one of the following period do you consider is the most difficult one? childhood, teen period and adulthood

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

If you want to be successful in running a business, being outgoing and friendly is very imp ortant.


S1: Talk about the advantages of moving to a new place to study or work.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should learn to draw or paint.


S1: Which of the following ways is the best in getting to know the Italian culture?

1. Watching the Italian movies

2. Learning the Italian cooking

3. Attending the Italian lectures or history classes

S2: Some people prefer to buy a product as soon as it is in the market.

Other people prefer to purchase a product when it has been in the market for some time. Which do you prefer and why?


S1: Which one of the following classes would you choose?

1. science history

2. art history

3. European history

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is good for students' learning if teachers assign a lot of homework.


S1: Your city is going to build new places to attract more visitors. Among the following thre e options, which do you think is the best?

1、a local history museum;

2、a modern art and film museum;

3、a children science museum

S2: If you have some extra money, which would you prefer to spend on?

1). some practical things, like clothes or electronic products

2). some experiences, like vacations and concerts


S1: Describe a common mistake that the experienced teachers often make.

S2: Which do you prefer when you were a child? Playing indoors or playing outdoors


S1: Describe a change in your school that was initially considered by students as having n egative effects on their life but later was proved to be positive.

S2: Which of the following do you prefer: doing exercise everyday or only when you are fre e?


S1: Which of the following would you choose to do in the summer vacation?

1. Working at the front desk of a public library,

2. A painter in a community art center,

3. A life guard in a community swimming pool

S2: Which do you prefer: start a project as early as possible or wait until the due time?


S1: Which of the following functions of the smart phone will benefit students the most?

1. Listening to music

2. Recording the lecture

3. Taking pictures

S2: Do you agree or disagree that the boss should keep a close friendship with employees.


S1: Describe the best way for you to deal with disagreement with your friend.

S2: Which do you think is better? Deciding on your major before entering college or after taking some courses?


S1: describe one experience that your friend disappointed you and how you reacted to it.

S2:Do you agree or disagree that government should ban violence and dirty words in TV programs?


S1:What are the important characteristics of a good leader?

S2:Do you agree with the statement that spending time with family is more important than working or studying?


S1:Students should be allowed to take snacks and beverage into classrooms?

S2: Which one do you prefer: taking classes in the morning or in the afternoon?


S1:Which of the following influences students' lives the most?

1. online courses;

2. smart phone;

3. e-book

S2: Do you agree with the statement that the best way to know a country is to watch its TV program?


S1: Which of the classes do you think will be the most attractive to students?

history of Rock music; sound recording; film studies

S2: Do you frefer to run your own sbusiness or work ina company?


S1: Which one do you think is the most important quality for a roommate?

cleaness; friendness; quietness

S2: Do you like to buy new books or used books?


S1: Nowadays traffic congestions are increasing, what can we do to reduce the cars in the city?

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is never too late to get a degree in university.


S1: Do you agree that your friends are planning to take a part-time job while attending the university? And explains why.

S2: There are two invitations. One is from a party with your friends and the other is that having a dinner party with your parents. Which one would you prefer and why?


S1: Private citizens can soon travel into spaces, such as the moon. If you had the opportunity, would you like to travel into space and why?

S2: It is important to live close to your families.Do you agree or disagree?Please use examples and explanations to support your position.


S1: What would you most like to take a course in?

1. Mathematics

2. Painting

3. Science

S2: It is important for a child to spend a short period of time living far away from home, visiting relatives and friends.

16.12.10 上午场

S1: Which of the following three activities do you prefer to do with a group of people rather than alone?

1. Eat a meal;

2. Listen to music;

3. Do homework

S2: Do you agree or disagree that it is important for young people to learn some domestic skills like cooking, sewing and taking care of children?

16.12.10 下午场

S1:If you are going to choose part time job which one would you prefer.

Lab assistant; Campus tourist guide; Library assistant

S2: Some people think playing sports might make children more aggressive. What is your opinion?


S1: Which of the following three activities do you prefer to do with a group of people rather than alone?

1. Eat a meal

2. Listen to music

3. Do homework

S2: Task 2

Do you agree or disagree that it is important for young people to learn some domestic skills like cooking, sewing and taking care of children?


S1: Your friend has a close family member who is sick and you would do something to comfort her. Descri be what would you do to comfort her family member’s illness and explain why you think it is helpful. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.

S2: Some students choose to enter the university immediately after finishing high school, others prefer taking time off before beginning the university class. Which option do you think is better? Explain why.


6.25 Task 1 Sometimes people behave impolitely in public. Describe a time when an impolite behavior annoyed you.Explain why you were annoyed. Task 2 If someone donates a piece of Iand to your community, should it be used to construct an amusement center or grow plant and flowers? 7.20 TASK1 Your friend is coming to your country for studying, but he or she is worried about the cost, what are the advices you can offer? TASK2 Some people answer mobile phones and reply text messages when they are meeting friends in person, others think it is not a polite thing to do when they are already having a face to face conversation, what is your opinion on this matter? 8.20 Task 1 In every culture there are some customs or traditions from the past those young people no longer follow. Describe a custom or tradition form the past that is no longer common but that you wish still popular today. Give specific reasons why you wish that still popular. Task2 Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on television. Others prefer to watch educational programs. Which do you prefer? Explain why? 8.21 Task 1:


1: Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms Task 2: Do you agree that celebrities are good examples for young people 1: Which one of the following history courses should be added 1. history of science 2. art history 3. modern history of the 20th century Task 2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while others prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which do you prefer 1: Which of the following volunteer jobs would you like to choose 1. clean up the park 2. plant trees 3. build a bicycle lane Task 2: Do you agree that universities are successful because of experienced professors 1: What hobby would you recommend to a friend who is busy with work Task 2: Which is more important to the success of an artist: natural talent or hard work 1: What are the disadvantages of moving to new places for work or education Task 2: Do you agree that schools should encourage students to be creative and imaginative in order for them to be successful 1: What is the biggest challenge for university students and why Task 2: Do you agree that it is more important to maintain the relationship with family members than with friends 1: Which one of the following should be done in order to improve the quality of life and study for the students 1. repairing the swimming pool 2. building a new cafeteria 3. improving laboratory equipment Task 2: Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of the first observation, while other people believe that it takes a long time to know a person well. Which do you think is better 1: If you are a member of a tutor group, which of the following places would you like to take the students to go on a field trip 1. a science museum 2. a local farm 3. a theater Task 2: Do you agree that students should be allowed to take additional courses to graduate as soon as possible 1: What do you think of the school you went to for the first time Was it a good school and why Task 2: Some students prefer to study alone, while others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer 1: Describe one of the most popular websites in your country.



S1: Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms? S2: Do you agree or disagree that celebrities are good examples for young people. 16.01.23 S1: Which one of the following history courses should be added: history of science, art hist ory or modern history of the 20th century? S2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while other s prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which one do you prefer a nd why? 16.01.24 S1: If you were to do a volunteer job in the community, which one of the following jobs wou ld you like to choose? 1. clean up the park, 2. plant trees, 3. build a bicycle lane. S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools and universities are s uccessful because they hire experienced professors? 16.02.27 S1: What hobby would you suggest your friend who is busy with his or her work to take up ? S2: Which one of the following two factors is more important to the success of an artist? na tural talent or hard work


2017年01月07日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below, which do you prefer and why. l A theater performance by the student actors l A concert provided by professional musician l A lecture from a professor Task 2 Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why? 2017年01月14日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose? 1. Act out a scene from a play(with a partner) 2. Explain your review of a novel you recently you read 3. Read a selection of poem Task 2 Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better? 2017年2月18日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 1. Which of following aspects do you think contributes most to country's success 1.many business opportunities 2.well rounded medical care system 3.a developed educational system Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before. 2017年02月25日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 Your friend will move to a school and worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why? Task 2 Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer? Why? 2017年02月26日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The student is asked to write final project about the famous Historical city Which you're located in. Which we do you choose? 1 video the famous building 2 visit the old people 3 Research and write paper


2015年全年托福独立口语题目汇总 1.10 Task 1 :Talk about a kind of music you enjoy the least, explain why you don’t like it.(事物类) Task 2:Do you think universities in the future will on day stop giving lessons in classrooms, they might give online courses instead.(教育) 1.11 Task 1: Which of the following is the best way to spend your weekends? Exercising, cooking, or visiting friends.(事件类) Task2 :Some people prefer to live in old buildings, others prefer to live in new and modern buildings, which do you prefer and explain why.(生活) 1.25 Task1 Which of the following activities would you be more interested in doing? Teaching children, teaching adults to use computers or cleaning city park.(事件类) Task2 Some people prefer take a job with a single task, others prefer to do multiple tasks on a job. Which do you prefer?(工作) 1.31 Task1 Which of the following activities would you like to do on a weekend afternoon? Doing exercise, watching TV, or spending some time with families?(事件类) Task2 do you agree or disagree with the statement that young people should learn how to draw and paint?(教育) 2.1 Task 1: Which of the following is the most effective way of learning: studying from textbooks, having discussion with a group or reading articles written by others. Please use specific reasons to support your idea.(事件类) Task2: do you agree or disagree that people should wear clothes according to fashion?(?生活) 3.7 Task1 :Which new skill do you want to learn?learning a musical instrument, flying plane or playing a new sport.(事物类) Task2:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phone improved our life.(科技) 3.14 Task1:When you are at work,which of the following factors do you think is the most important to you ? Having a flexible schedule, having a friendly co workers , having a helpful boss.(事物类 +?人物类) Task2:Would you prefer an interesting professor with a strict grading policy or a boring professor with a loose grading policy?(教育) 3.28 Task1 :If you were making a donation, Which of the organizations would you be making your donations to? Environmental protection group,city library, Or animal shelter.(地点类) Task2:Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should work for a year before entering university?(教育) 4.12


Task 1: Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms? Task 2: Do you agree that celebrities are good examples for young people? 2016.1.23 Task 1: Which one of the following history courses should be added? 1. history of science 2. art history 3. modern history of the 20th century Task 2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while others prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which do you prefer? 2016.1.24 Task 1: Which of the following volunteer jobs would you like to choose? 1. clean up the park 2. plant trees 3. build a bicycle lane Task 2: Do you agree that universities are successful because of experienced professors? 2016.2.27 Task 1: What hobby would you recommend to a friend who is busy with work? Task 2: Which is more important to the success of an artist: natural talent or hard work? (2013.6.15) 2016.2.28 Task 1: What are the disadvantages of moving to new places for work or education? Task 2: Do you agree that schools should encourage students to be creative and imaginative in order for them to be successful? 2016.3.11 Task 1: What is the biggest challenge for university students and why? Task 2: Do you agree that it is more important to maintain the relationship with family members than with friends? 2016.3.13 Task 1: Which one of the following should be done in order to improve the quality of life and study for the students? 1. repairing the swimming pool 2. building a new cafeteria 3. improving laboratory equipment Task 2: Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of the first observation, while other people believe that it takes a long time to know a person well. Which do you think is better? 2016.3.19 Task 1: If you are a member of a tutor group, which of the following places would you like to take the students to go on a field trip? 1. a science museum 2. a local farm 3. a theater Task 2: Do you agree that students should be allowed to take additional courses to graduate as soon as possible?


2019年托福独立口语真题汇总(更新至 10.13) -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

If you and your friends have different opinions, will you still be friends? 2019.1.12 Do you agree or disagree People should not interrupt others when they are giving opinions. 2019.1.13 Do you agree or disagree?The school is thinking about getting “the study hall” to fill in the schedule of the students. The study hall is the free class time for students to relax or study what they like. 2019.1.26 Which university would you choose? 1. provide specialized courses from the beginning 2. take the courses that including several fields at first and then choose your specialization. 2019.2.23 Do you agree or disagree There is a policy that parents should not be allowed to see children’s grades without their permission. 2019.2.24 Do you agree or disagree Children can have a pet at home. 2019.3.3 Do you agree or disagree We should be completely honest and open to our close friends. 2019.3.9 Some people like t o keep old things, while others don’t. which one do you prefer?


一月:3场;二月:2场;三月:4场;五月:4场; 六月:3场;七月:6场;八月:3场;九月:6+1=7场 十月:5场;十一月:6+1=7场;十二月:4+1=5场 一月(3场) 一、2016年1月9号托福独立口语题目解析-Task 1 Task 1 Do you think college students should be allowed to keep pets in their dorm? Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: current celebrities (like musicians, actor/actress, athlete) set a good example as role model the young people. 二、2016年1月23日托福考试解析 1. Which subject do you want to learn most: science history, art history or history of the world in the 20th century?

2. Some people prefer to make plans about social activities with their friends in advance. Others prefer to make decisions when they meet each other. Which way do you prefer and why? 三、 20160124 1. Which of the following jobs would you like to do in your city: clean up the city; build more bicycle trails; plant more trees? 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, the most important element of a successful school is experienced teachers. 二月 2场 四、2016年2月27日 1. Your friend has to work a lot. Please suggest a hobby help him spend his weekend in a more delightful way. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation. 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that artists need to be talented to be successful. 五、 2月28日托福真题解析 Task 1. Describe the disadvantages of moving to a new place. Task 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Schools need to encourage students to be more creative and use imagination to be successful person. 三月。四场 六、3月11日托福真题解析 Task 1.


2016年托福独立口语题 2016.1.9 Task 1: Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms? Task 2: Do you agree that celebrities are good examples for young people? 2016.1.23 Task 1: Which one of the following history courses should be added? 1. history of science 2. art history 3. modern history of the 20th century Task 2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while others prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which do you prefer? 2016.1.24 Task 1: Which of the following volunteer jobs would you like to choose? 1. clean up the park 2. plant trees 3. build a bicycle lane Task 2: Do you agree that universities are successful because of experienced professors? 2016.2.27 Task 1: What hobby would you recommend to a friend who is busy with work? Task 2: Which is more important to the success of an artist: natural talent or hard work? (2013.6.15) 2016.2.28 Task 1: What are the disadvantages of moving to new places for work or education? Task 2: Do you agree that schools should encourage students to be creative and imaginative in order for them to be successful? 2016.3.11 Task 1: What is the biggest challenge for university students and why? Task 2: Do you agree that it is more important to maintain the relationship with family members than with friends? 2016.3.13 Task 1: Which one of the following should be done in order to improve the quality of life and study for the students? 1. repairing the swimming pool 2. building a new cafeteria 3. improving laboratory equipment Task 2: Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of the first observation, while other people believe that it takes a long time to know a person well. Which do you think is better? 2016.3.19 Task 1: If you are a member of a tutor group, which of the following places would you like to take the students to go on a field trip? 1. a science museum 2. a local farm 3. a theater Task 2: Do you agree that students should be allowed to take additional courses to graduate as soon as possible?


2017-01-07 独立口语大范围预测 一级重点 (2015年北美+大陆) 150110 NA S1 Your friend is always late for group events, what suggestions do you have for him? 150116 NA S1 Describe a serious problem that your country is facing. Explain why it is so serious. 150228 NA S1 If a foreigner comes to your country, what would you advise him to take home? 150410 NA S1 Which of the following activities should the university give rewards to its high performance? 1. Volunteer service 2.Atheletic achievement 3. Academic performance 150606 NA S1 In your country when do people give gift to each other? Describe the occasion and types of gifts. 150711 NA S1 Which one of the following characteristics does your friend value most: cheerfulness, kindness or intelligence? Please choose one and use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 150919 NA S1 Do you agree or dis agree the statement that we should let children use the computers or other electronic devices as early as they can? 151107 NA S1 Which kind of extracurricular activity would you like to attend if you have a chance: writing essays for students’ newspaper, joinging a hiking club or working in the dormitorial discipline committee? 150110 NA S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Building zoos helps to protect animals. Please give your answer with specific examples and details.


2016托福口语独立题目汇总 Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms? S2: Do you agree or disagree that celebrities are good examples for young people. Which one of the following history courses should be added: history of science, art history or modern history of the 20th century? S2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while others prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which one do you prefer and why? If you were to do a volunteer job in the community, which one of the following jobs would you like to choose? 1. clean up the park, 2. plant trees, 3. build a bicycle lane.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools and universities are successful because they hire experienced professors? What hobby would you suggest your friend who is busy with his or her work to take up? S2: Which one of the following two factors is more important to the success of an artist? natural talent or hard work Many people move to new places for work and education. What are the disadvantages of this? S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools should encourage students to be creative and imaginative in order for the students to be successful. What is the biggest challenge for university students and why?


16.01.9 S1: Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms? S2: Do you agree or disagree that celebrities are good examples for young people. 16.01.23 S1: Which one of the following history courses should be added: history of science, art history or modern history of the 20th century? S2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while others prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which one do you prefer and why? 16.01.24 S1: If you were to do a volunteer job in the community, which one of the following jobs would you li ke to choose? 1. clean up the park, 2. plant trees, 3. build a bicycle lane. S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools and universities are successf ul because they hire experienced professors? 16.02.27 S1: What hobby would you suggest your friend who is busy with his or her work to take up? S2: Which one of the following two factors is more important to the success of an artist? natural tal ent or hard work 16.02.28
