LTE频段划分及地区频段规划表 (2)
![LTE频段划分及地区频段规划表 (2)](
Category 2
51.0 Mbit/s
25.5 Mbit/s
Release 8
Category 3
102.0 Mbit/s
51.0 Mbit/s
Release 8
Category 4
150.8 Mbit/s
51.0 Mbit/s
Release 8
Category 5
299.6 Mbit/s
3,600– 3,800
5, 10, 15, 20
703– 803
5, 10, 15, 20
Deployments by region[edit]
The following table shows the standardized LTE bands and their regional use. The main LTE bands are inboldprint.
925– 960
1.4, 3, 5, 10
5, 10, 15, 20
UMTS 1700 / Japan DCS
(subset of band 3)
1.4, 3, 5, 10
Lower SMH blocks A/B/C
User Equipment (UE) categories3GPP Release 8 defines five LTE user equipment categories depending on maximum peak data rate and MIMO capabilities support. With 3GPP Release 10, which is referred to as LTE Advanced, three new categories have been introduced.[2]3GPP release User equipmentcategoryMaximum L1datarate downlinkMaximum number ofDL MIMO layersMaximum L1datarate uplinkRelease 8发射Category 1 10.3 Mbit/s兆比特/秒 1 5.2 Mbit/s Release 8 Category 2 51.0 Mbit/s 2 25.5 Mbit/s Release 8 Category 3 102.0 Mbit/s 2 51.0 Mbit/s Release 8 Category 4 150.8 Mbit/s 2 51.0 Mbit/s Release 8 Category 5 299.6 Mbit/s 4 75.4 Mbit/s Release 10 Category 6 301.5 Mbit/s 2 or 4 51.0 Mbit/s文档大全Frequency bands and channel bandwidths[edit]频段和宽带的通道E-UTRA operating band Uplink (UL)BS receiveUE transmit(MHz)上行Downlink (DL)BS transmitUE receive(MHz)下行DuplexmodeChannelbandwidths(MHz)信道Common nameFrequencyband(MHz)Duplexspacing(MHz)1 1,920– 1,980 2,110– 2,170 FDD 5, 10, 15, 20 IMT 2,100 1902 1,850– 1,910 1,930–1,990 FDD 1.4,3,5,10,15, 20PCS1,900 803 1,710– 1,785 1,805– 1,880 FDD 1.4, 3, 5, 10,15, 20DCS1,800 954 1,710– 1,755 2,110– 2,155 FDD1.4, 3, 5, 10,AWS-11,700 400文档大全E-UTRA operating band Uplink (UL)BS receiveUE transmit(MHz)上行Downlink (DL)BS transmitUE receive(MHz)下行DuplexmodeChannelbandwidths(MHz)信道Common nameFrequencyband(MHz)Duplexspacing(MHz)15, 205 824– 849 869– 894 FDD 1.4, 3, 5, 10 CLR 850 456830– 840875– 885FDD5, 10UMTS 800(not applicable,replaced by band 19)850457 2,500– 2,570 2,620– 2,690 FDD 5, 10, 15, 20 IMT-E 2,600 1208 880–915 925– 960 FDD 1.4, 3, 5, 10 E-GSM900 459 1,749.9-1,784.9 1,844.9-1,879.9 FDD 5, 10, 15, 20 UMTS 1700 / Japan DCS(subset of band 3)1,800 9510 1,710 – 1,770 2,110–2,170 FDD 5, 10, 15, 20Extended AWS(superset of band 4)1,700 400文档大全E-UTRA operating band Uplink (UL)BS receiveUE transmit(MHz)上行Downlink (DL)BS transmitUE receive(MHz)下行DuplexmodeChannelbandwidths(MHz)信道Common nameFrequencyband(MHz)Duplexspacing(MHz)11 1,427.9–1,447.91,475.9–1,495.9 FDD 5, 10 Lower PDC1,500 4812 699– 716 729– 746 FDD 1.4, 3, 5, 10 Lower SMH blocks A/B/C 700 3013 777– 787 746– 756 FDD 5, 10 Upper SMH block C 700 −3114 788– 798 758– 768 FDD 5, 10 Upper SMH block D 700 −30 151,900– 1,9202,600– 2,620FDD5, 10Reserved700 162,010– 2,0252,585– 2,600FDD5, 10, 15Reserved57517 704– 716 734– 746 FDD 5, 10 Lower SMH blocks B/C(subset of band 12)700 30文档大全E-UTRA operating band Uplink (UL)BS receiveUE transmit(MHz)上行Downlink (DL)BS transmitUE receive(MHz)下行DuplexmodeChannelbandwidths(MHz)信道Common nameFrequencyband(MHz)Duplexspacing(MHz)18 815– 830 860– 875 FDD 5, 10, 15 Japan lower 800 850 4519 830– 845 875– 890 FDD 5, 10, 15Japan upper 800(superset of band 6)850 4520 832– 862 791 – 821 FDD 5, 10, 15, 20 EU Digital Dividend 800−4121 1,447.9–1,462.91,495.9-1,510.9 FDD 5, 10, 15 Upper PDC 1,500 4822 3,410– 3,490 3,510 – 3,590 FDD 5, 10, 15, 20 3,500 10023 2,000– 2,020 2,180 – 2,200 FDD 1.4, 3, 5, 10S-Band(a/k/a AWS-4)2,000 18024 1,626.5–1,660.51,525– 1,559 FDD 5, 10 L-Band 1,600 −101.5文档大全E-UTRA operating band Uplink (UL)BS receiveUE transmit(MHz)上行Downlink (DL)BS transmitUE receive(MHz)下行DuplexmodeChannelbandwidths(MHz)信道Common nameFrequencyband(MHz)Duplexspacing(MHz)25 1,850– 1,915 1,930- 1,995 FDD 1.4, 3, 5, 10,15, 20Extended PCS(superset of band 2)1,900 8026 814– 849 859– 894 FDD 1.4,3,5,10, 15Extended CLR(superset of bands 5,6, 18 and 19)850 4527 807– 824 852– 869 FDD 1.4, 3, 5, 10,15SMR850 4528 703– 748 758– 803 FDD 5, 10, 15, 20 APAC 700 5529 n/a 716– 728 FDD 5, 10 Lower SMH blocks D/E(additional DL viaCarrier Aggregation)700 n/a30 2,305– 2,315 2,350– 2,360 FDD 5, 10 WCS blocks A/B 2,300 45文档大全E-UTRA operating band Uplink (UL)BS receiveUE transmit(MHz)上行Downlink (DL)BS transmitUE receive(MHz)下行DuplexmodeChannelbandwidths(MHz)信道Common nameFrequencyband(MHz)Duplexspacing(MHz)31452.5– 457.5462.5– 467.5FDD45010 not assigned1,915– 1,9201,995– 2,000FDD AWS-21,90080 not assigned1,755– 1,7802,155– 2,180FDD AWS-31,70040033 1,900– 1,920 TDD 5, 10, 15, 20 IMT 2,10034 2,010– 2,025 TDD 5, 10, 15 IMT 2,10035 1,850– 1,910 TDD 1.4, 3, 5, 10,15, 20PCS (Uplink) 1,90036 1,930– 1,990 TDD 1.4, 3, 5, 10,15, 20PCS (Downlink) 1,900文档大全E-UTRA operating band Uplink (UL)BS receiveUE transmit(MHz)上行Downlink (DL)BS transmitUE receive(MHz)下行DuplexmodeChannelbandwidths(MHz)信道Common nameFrequencyband(MHz)Duplexspacing(MHz)37 1,910– 1,930 TDD 5, 10, 15, 20 PCS (Duplex spacing) 1,90038 2,570– 2,620 TDD 5, 10, 15, 20 IMT-E 2,60039 1,880– 1,920 TDD 5, 10, 15, 20 1,90040 2,300– 2,400 TDD 5, 10, 15, 20 2,30041 2,496– 2,690 TDD 5, 10, 15, 20 BRS / EBS 2,50042 3,400– 3,600 TDD 5, 10, 15, 20 3,50043 3,600– 3,800 TDD 5, 10, 15, 20 3,70044 703– 803 TDD 5, 10, 15, 20 APAC 700文档大全Deployments by region[edit]The following table shows the standardized LTE bands and their regional use. The main LTE bands are in bold print. Networks on LTE-bands 1, 3, 7, 28 (FDD-LTE) or 38, 40 (TDD-LTE) are suitable for future global roaming in ITU Regions 1, 2 and 3.∙Networks on LTE-band 8 (FDD-LTE) may allow global roaming in the future (ITU Regions 1, 2 and 3) (Long-term perspective).∙Networks on LTE-band 20 (FDD-LTE) are suitable for roaming in ITU Region 1 (EMEA) only.∙Networks on LTE-bands 2 and 4 (FDD-LTE) are suitable for roaming in ITU Region 2 (Americas) only.Operat ing band Frequency band频带范围Common nameNorth America北美洲Latin America拉美国家Europe欧洲Asia亚洲Africa非洲Oceania大洋洲01 2100 IMT No No Sweden(3)YesAngola(Unitel),SouthAfrica(Cell C)(nodeployments)02 1900PCS A-USA (C Spire)Dominican RepublicNo No No No文档大全Operat ing band Frequency band频带范围Common nameNorth America北美洲Latin America拉美国家Europe欧洲Asia亚洲Africa非洲Oceania大洋洲F (Tricom), Paraguay(Personal)031800DCS No Dominican Republic(Orange), Venezuela(Digitel GSM)Yes Yes Yes Yes04 1700 AWS A-FUSA(AT&T, T-Mobile, BendBroadband, Big River Broadband, CSpire, Leap,Verizon), Canada(Bell, Eastlink, MTS, Rogers, Telus, SaskTel)Argentina(Movistar) (inTrial), Mexico(Telcel), Paraguay(Copaco), Peru(Movistar) (inTrial), Uruguay(Ancel)No No No No05 850 CLR (no deployments)(no deployments)No 韩国SouthKorea (LGU+, SKNo(nodeployments)文档大全Operat ing band Frequency band频带范围Common nameNorth America北美洲Latin America拉美国家Europe欧洲Asia亚洲Africa非洲Oceania大洋洲Telecom)06800No No No replaced byband 19No No072600IMT-E Canada (Bell, Rogers) Brazil(Claro, Oi, TIM, Vivo), Chile (Claro),Colombia (Une-EPM),Costa Rica (ICECelular)Yes Yes(nodeployments)Australia, NewZealand(nodeployments)08 900 E-GSM No No Sweden(Net4Mobility)South Korea(KT)(nodeployments)Australia(Telstra) (inTrial)09 1700 No No No Japan(EMOBILE)No No文档大全Operat ing band Frequency band频带范围Common nameNorth America北美洲Latin America拉美国家Europe欧洲Asia亚洲Africa非洲Oceania大洋洲(to bereplaced byband 3)10 1700 EAWS A-G (no deployments)(no deployments)No No No No11 1500 LPDC No No No Japan (au) No No12 700 LSMHA/B/CUSA (Regional) No No No No No13 700 USMH C USA (Verizon) Bolivia (EntelBolivia)NoUzbekistan(UCell)No No14 700 USMH D USA (Public Safety)No No No No No15 No No Reserved No No No文档大全Operat ing band Frequency band频带范围Common nameNorth America北美洲Latin America拉美国家Europe欧洲Asia亚洲Africa非洲Oceania大洋洲16 No No Reserved No No No17 700 LSMH B/C USA (AT&T) No No No No No18 800 No No No Japan (au)(to bereplaced byband 26)No No19 800 No No No Japan (NTTDocomo)(to bereplaced byband 26)No No20 800 EUDD No No Yes Qatar(Ooredoo)Tanzania(Smile),UgandaNo文档大全Operat ing band Frequency band频带范围Common nameNorth America北美洲Latin America拉美国家Europe欧洲Asia亚洲Africa非洲Oceania大洋洲(Orange,Smile)21 1500 UPDC No No No Japan (NTTDocomo)No No22 3500 No No (nodeployments)No No No23 2000 S-Band USA(no deployments)No No No No No24 1600 L-Band USA(no deployments)No No No No No25 1900 EPCS A-G USA (Sprint) (no deployments)No No No No文档大全文档大全Operat ing band Frequenc y band 频带范围Commo n nameNorth America 北美洲Latin America 拉美国家 Europe 欧洲Asia 亚洲Africa 非洲 Oceania 大洋洲26 850 ECLR USA (Sprint ) (no deployments) No(nodeployments )No(nodeployments)27 800 SMRUSA(no deployments)No No No No No28 700 APAC (no deployments) (no deployments) No(nodeployments )No(nodeployments)29 800LSMH D/EUSA (AT&T )(no deployments)No No No No No30 2300 WCSUSA (AT&T )(no deployments)No No No No NoOperat ing band Frequency band频带范围Common nameNorth America北美洲Latin America拉美国家Europe欧洲Asia亚洲Africa非洲Oceania大洋洲31/32 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved33 TDD 2100 IMT No No (nodeployments)Sri Lanka,斯里兰卡Singapore,新加坡Malaysia马来西亚(nodeployments)NoAustralia澳大利亚(nodeployments)34 TDD 2100 IMT No No (nodeployments)China,Japan(nodeployments)No No文档大全Operat ing band Frequency band频带范围Common nameNorth America北美洲Latin America拉美国家Europe欧洲Asia亚洲Africa非洲Oceania大洋洲35 TDD 1900 PCS (no deployments)(no deployments)No No No No36 TDD 1900 PCS (no deployments)(no deployments)No No No No37 TDD 1900 PCS (no deployments)(no deployments)No No No No38 TDD 2600 IMT-E No Brazil 巴西(OnTelecom, SKY Brasil)Poland(Aero2),Russia(MegaFon, MTS),Spain(COTA)(inTrial),Sweden(3)SaudiArabia 沙特阿拉伯(Mobily, Zain), China (ChinaMobile) (in Trial)Uganda 乌干达(MTN)No文档大全Operat ing band Frequency band频带范围Common nameNorth America北美洲Latin America拉美国家Europe欧洲Asia亚洲Africa非洲Oceania大洋洲39 TDD 1900 No No No China(ChinaMobile) (in Trial)No No40 TDD 2300 No (no deployments)Russia俄罗斯(VainahTelecom)China(ChinaMobile) (in Trial),Hong Kong(ChinaMobile),India 印度(Airtel),Oman 阿曼(Omantel),SaudiArabia 沙特阿拉伯(STC), SriSouthAfrica,Uganda(nodeployments)Australia澳大利亚 (NBNCo, Optus)文档大全Operat ing band Frequency band频带范围Common nameNorth America北美洲Latin America拉美国家Europe欧洲Asia亚洲Africa非洲Oceania大洋洲Lanka 斯里兰卡(Dialog)41 TDD 2500 BRS/EBS USA (Sprint, nTelos(inTrial))No NoJapan(SoftBank(WCP))No No42 TDD 3500 No Chile (Entel) (inTrial)UnitedKingdom(UKBroadband)No No No43 TDD 3700 No No UnitedKingdom(UKBroadbanNo No No文档大全文档大全文档大全文档大全中国联通(40MHZ) 2300MHZ-2320MHZ(BAND40) 2555MHZ-2575MHZ(BAND41) 1955MHZ-1980MHZ/2145MHZ-2170MHZ(BAND1)中国电信(40MHZ) 2370MHZ-2390MHZ(BAND40) 2635MHZ-2655MZH(BAND41) 1755MHZ-1785MHZ/1850MHZ-1880MHZ(BAND3)文档大全文档大全文档大全。
5 Operating bands and channel arrangement5.1 GeneralThe channel arrangements presented in this clause are based on the operating bands and channel bandwidths defined in the present release of specifications.NOTE: Other operating bands and channel bandwidths may be considered in future releases.5.2 Void5.3 Void5.4 Void5.5 OperatingbandsE-UTRA is designed to operate in the operating bands defined in Table 5.5-1.Table 5.5-1 E-UTRA operating bandsE-UTRA Operating Band Uplink (UL) operating bandBS receiveUE transmitDownlink (DL) operating bandBS transmitUE receiveDuplexModeF UL_low– F UL_high F DL_low–F DL_high1 1920 MHz – 1980 MHz 2110 MHz –2170 MHz FDD2 1850 MHz – 1910 MHz1930 MHz –1990 MHz FDD3 1710 MHz – 1785 MHz 1805 MHz –1880 MHz FDD4 1710 MHz – 1755 MHz 2110 MHz –2155 MHz FDD5 824 MHz – 849 MHz 869 MHz –894MHz FDD61830 MHz – 840 MHz 875 MHz –885 MHz FDD7 2500 MHz – 2570 MHz 2620 MHz –2690 MHz FDD8 880MHz– 915 MHz 925 MHz –960 MHz FDD9 1749.9 MHz – 1784.9 MHz1844.9 MHz –1879.9 MHz FDD10 1710 MHz – 1770 MHz 2110 MHz –2170 MHz FDD11 1427.9 MHz – 1447.9 MHz 1475.9 MHz –1495.9 MHz FDD12 699 MHz – 716 MHz 729 MHz–746 MHz FDD13 777 MHz – 787 MHz 746 MHz–756 MHz FDD14 788 MHz – 798 MHz 758 MHz–768 MHz FDD15 Reserved Reserved FDD16 Reserved Reserved FDD17 704 MHz – 716 MHz 734 MHz–746 MHz FDD18 815 MHz – 830 MHz 860 MHz–875 MHz FDD19 830 MHz – 845 MHz 875 MHz–890 MHz FDD20 832 MHz – 862 MHz 791 MHz–821 MHz FDD21 1447.9 MHz – 1462.9 MHz1495.9 MHz–1510.9 MHz FDD...33 1900 MHz – 1920 MHz 1900 MHz–1920 MHz TDD34 2010 MHz – 2025 MHz 2010 MHz –2025 MHz TDD35 1850 MHz – 1910 MHz 1850 MHz –1910 MHz TDD36 1930 MHz – 1990 MHz 1930 MHz –1990 MHz TDD37 1910 MHz – 1930 MHz 1910 MHz –1930 MHz TDD38 2570 MHz – 2620 MHz 2570 MHz –2620 MHz TDD39 1880 MHz – 1920 MHz 1880 MHz –1920 MHz TDD40 2300 MHz – 2400 MHz 2300 MHz –2400 MHz TDD NOTE 1: Band 6 is not applicable5.7.2 ChannelrasterThe channel raster is 100 kHz for all bands, which means that the carrier centre frequency must be an integer multiple of 100 kHz.5.7.3 Carrier frequency and EARFCNThe carrier frequency in the uplink and downlink is designated by the E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN) in the range 0 - 65535. The relation between EARFCN and the carrier frequency in MHz for the downlink is given by the following equation, where F DL_low and N Offs-DL are given in Table 5.7.3-1 and N DL is the downlink EARFCN.F DL = F DL_low + 0.1(N DL – N Offs-DL)The relation between EARFCN and the carrier frequency in MHz for the uplink is given by the following equation where F UL_low and N Offs-UL are given in Table 5.7.3-1 and N UL is the uplink EARFCN.F UL = F UL_low + 0.1(N UL – N Offs-UL)Table 5.7.3-1: E-UTRA channel numbersE-UTRA Operating BandDownlink Uplink F DL_low (MHz) N Offs-DL Range of N DL F UL_low (MHz)N Offs-UL Range of N UL1 2110 0 0 – 599 1920 18000 18000 – 185992 1930 600 600 1199 1850 18600 18600 – 191993 1805 1200 1200 – 1949 1710 19200 19200 – 199494 2110 1950 1950 – 2399 1710 19950 19950 – 203995 869 2400 2400 – 2649 824 20400 20400 – 206496 875 2650 2650 – 2749 830 20650 20650 – 207497 2620 2750 2750 – 3449 2500 20750 20750 – 214498 925 3450 3450 – 3799 880 21450 21450 – 217999 1844.9 3800 3800 – 4149 1749.9 21800 21800 – 2214910 2110 4150 4150 – 4749 1710 22150 22150 – 2274911 1475.9 4750 4750 – 4949 1427.9 22750 22750 – 2294912 729 5010 5010 - 5179 699 23010 23010 - 2317913 746 5180 5180 – 5279 777 23180 23180 – 2327914 758 5280 5280 – 5379 788 23280 23280 – 23379…17 734 5730 5730 – 5849 704 23730 23730 - 2384918 860 5850 5850 – 5999 815 23850 23850 – 2399919 875 6000 6000 – 6149 830 24000 24000 – 2414920 791 6150 6150 – 6449 832 24150 24150 – 2444921 1495.9 6450 6450 – 6599 1447.9 24450 24450 – 24599…33 1900 36000 36000 – 36199 1900 36000 36000 – 3619934 2010 36200 36200 – 36349 2010 36200 36200 – 3634935 1850 36350 36350 – 36949 1850 36350 36350 – 3694936 1930 36950 36950 – 37549 1930 36950 36950 – 3754937 1910 37550 37550 – 37749 1910 37550 37550 – 3774938 2570 37750 37750 – 38249 2570 37750 37750 – 3824939 1880 38250 38250-38649 1880 38250 38250-3864940 2300 38650 38650-39649 2300 38650 38650-39649 NOTE: The channel numbers that designate carrier frequencies so close to the operating band edges that the carrier extends beyond the operating band edge shall not be used. This implies that the first 7, 15, 25, 50,75 and 100 channel numbers at the lower operating band edge and the last 6, 14, 24, 49, 74 and 99channel numbers at the upper operating band edge shall not be used for channel bandwidths of 1.4, 3, 5,10, 15 and 20 MHz respectively.。
D、F频段一般用于CMCC LTE的室外覆盖;E频段一般用于CMCC LTE的室内覆盖.二.LTE频点与频率的映射关系下行物理频点(FDL)与EARFCN频点号(NDL)的换算关系:NDL =10*(FDL–FDL_low) + NOffs-DL。
其中Band38的F DL_low为2570MHz,N Offs-DL为37750; Band39的F DL_low 为1880MHz,N Offs-DL为38250; Band40的F DL_low为2300MHz,N Offs-DL 为38650;Eg.计算F频段1895MHZ的频点号为:10*(1895-1880)+38250=38400 计算D频段2585MHZ的频点号为:10*(2585-2570)+37750=37900 计算E频段2330MHZ的频点号为:10*(2330-2300)+38650=38950 ●B38和B41物理频率范围出现重叠,但两频段重叠部分(2570~2620MHz)相同频点的EARFCN不同Eg.针对D频段以2585MHz为中心频点的小区按照Band38计算的绝对频点号是37900按照Band41计算的绝对频点号是40540国内行货终端都会上报支持band38,对于某些漫游终端,仅支持band41,在band38下无法接入。
LTE频段划分及地区频段规划表 (2)
![LTE频段划分及地区频段规划表 (2)](
5, 10
WCS blocks A/B
452.5– 457.5
462.5– 467.5
not assigned
1,915– 1,920
1,995– 2,000
not assigned
1,755– 1,780
2,155– 2,180
1,900– 1,920
5, 10, 15, 20
2,010– 2,025
5, 10, 15
1,850– 1,910
1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20
PCS (Uplink)
EU Digital Dividend
1,447.9– 1,462.9
5, 10, 15
Upper PDC
3,410– 3,490
3,510 – 3,590
5, 10, 15, 20
2,000– 2,020
2,180 – 2,200
1.4, 3, 5, 10
(a/k/a AWS-4)
国家 、 东帝汶 (11) 南亚:尼泊尔、不丹、孟加拉国、印度、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、马尔代夫(7) 中亚:哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦(5) 西亚:阿富汗、伊拉克、伊朗、叙利亚、约旦、黎巴嫩、以色列、巴勒斯坦、沙特阿拉伯、巴 林、卡塔尔、科威特、阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)、阿曼、也门、格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿 塞拜疆、土耳其、塞浦路斯(20) 注:锡金现已并入印度成为其一个邦,所以这里不出现
GSM (2G)
B2 /B3 /B5 /B8 (1900/1800/850/900)
(2G,3G,4G) WCDMA B1 /B2 /B8
FDD-LTE B1 /B3 /B7 /B20
(2100/1800/ 2600 /800)
欧洲和亚洲的所有国家,欧洲(43个国家/1个地区) 北欧:芬兰、瑞典、挪威、冰岛、丹麦 法罗群岛(丹)(6) 东欧:爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、白俄罗斯、俄罗斯、乌克兰、摩尔多瓦(7) 中欧:波兰、捷克、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、德国、奥地利、瑞士、列支敦士登(8) 西欧:英国、爱尔兰、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、法国、摩纳哥(7) 南欧:罗马尼亚、保加利亚、塞尔维亚、马其顿、阿尔巴尼亚、希腊、斯洛文尼亚、克罗地亚 、波斯尼亚和墨塞哥维那 、意大利、梵蒂冈、圣马力诺、马耳他、西班牙、葡萄牙、安道尔 大部包含
B2 /B3 /B5 /B8
LTE频段和频点划分表5 Operating bands and channel arrangement5.1 GeneralThe channel arrangements presented in this clause are based on the operating bands and channel bandwidths defined in the present release of specifications.NOTE: Other operating bands and channel bandwidths may be considered in future releases.5.2 Void5.3 Void5.4 Void5.5 OperatingbandsE-UTRA is designed to operate in the operating bands defined in Table 5.5-1.Table 5.5-1 E-UTRA operating bandsE-UTRA Operating Band Uplink (UL) operating bandBS receiveUE transmitDownlink (DL) operating bandBS transmitUE receiveDuplexModeF UL_low– F UL_high F DL_low–F DL_high1 1920 MHz – 1980 MHz 2110 MHz –2170 MHz FDD2 1850 MHz – 1910 MHz1930 MHz –1990 MHz FDD3 1710 MHz – 1785 MHz 1805 MHz –1880 MHz FDD4 1710 MHz – 1755 MHz 2110 MHz –2155 MHz FDD5 824 MHz – 849 MHz 869 MHz –894MHz FDD61830 MHz – 840 MHz 875 MHz –885 MHz FDD7 2500 MHz – 2570 MHz 2620 MHz –2690 MHz FDD8 880MHz– 915 MHz 925 MHz –960 MHz FDD9 1749.9 MHz – 1784.9 MHz1844.9 MHz –1879.9 MHz FDD10 1710 MHz – 1770 MHz 2110 MHz –2170 MHz FDD11 1427.9 MHz – 1447.9 MHz 1475.9 MHz –1495.9 MHz FDD12 699 MHz – 716 MHz 729 MHz–746 MHz FDD13 777 MHz – 787 MHz 746 MHz–756 MHz FDD14 788 MHz – 798 MHz 758 MHz–768 MHz FDD15 Reserved Reserved FDD16 Reserved Reserved FDD17 704 MHz – 716 MHz 734 MHz–746 MHz FDD18 815 MHz – 830 MHz 860 MHz–875 MHz FDD19 830 MHz – 845 MHz 875 MHz–890 MHz FDD20 832 MHz – 862 MHz 791 MHz–821 MHz FDD21 1447.9 MHz – 1462.9 MHz1495.9 MHz–1510.9 MHz FDD...33 1900 MHz – 1920 MHz 1900 MHz–1920 MHz TDD34 2010 MHz – 2025 MHz 2010 MHz –2025 MHz TDD35 1850 MHz – 1910 MHz 1850 MHz –1910 MHz TDD36 1930 MHz – 1990 MHz 1930 MHz –1990 MHz TDD37 1910 MHz – 1930 MHz 1910 MHz –1930 MHz TDD38 2570 MHz – 2620 MHz 2570 MHz –2620 MHz TDD39 1880 MHz – 1920 MHz 1880 MHz –1920 MHz TDD40 2300 MHz – 2400 MHz 2300 MHz –2400 MHz TDD NOTE 1: Band 6 is not applicable5.7.2 ChannelrasterThe channel raster is 100 kHz for all bands, which means that the carrier centre frequency must be an integer multiple of 100 kHz.5.7.3 Carrier frequency and EARFCNThe carrier frequency in the uplink and downlink is designated by the E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN) in the range 0 - 65535. The relation between EARFCN and the carrier frequency in MHz for the downlink is given by the following equation, where F DL_low and N Offs-DL are given in Table 5.7.3-1 and N DL is the downlink EARFCN.F DL = F DL_low + 0.1(N DL – N Offs-DL)The relation between EARFCN and the carrier frequency in MHz for the uplink is given by the following equation where F UL_low and N Offs-UL are given in Table 5.7.3-1 and N UL is the uplink EARFCN.F UL = F UL_low + 0.1(N UL – N Offs-UL)Table 5.7.3-1: E-UTRA channel numbersE-UTRA Operating BandDownlink Uplink F DL_low (MHz) N Offs-DL Range of N DL F UL_low (MHz)N Offs-UL Range of N UL1 2110 0 0 – 599 1920 18000 18000 – 185992 1930 600 600 1199 1850 18600 18600 – 191993 1805 1200 1200 – 1949 1710 19200 19200 – 199494 2110 1950 1950 – 2399 1710 19950 19950 – 203995 869 2400 2400 – 2649 824 20400 20400 – 206496 875 2650 2650 – 2749 830 20650 20650 – 207497 2620 2750 2750 – 3449 2500 20750 20750 – 214498 925 3450 3450 – 3799 880 21450 21450 – 217999 1844.9 3800 3800 – 4149 1749.9 21800 21800 – 2214910 2110 4150 4150 – 4749 1710 22150 22150 – 2274911 1475.9 4750 4750 – 4949 1427.9 22750 22750 – 2294912 729 5010 5010 - 5179 699 23010 23010 - 2317913 746 5180 5180 – 5279 777 23180 23180 – 2327914 758 5280 5280 – 5379 788 23280 23280 – 23379…17 734 5730 5730 – 5849 704 23730 23730 - 2384918 860 5850 5850 – 5999 815 23850 23850 – 2399919 875 6000 6000 – 6149 830 24000 24000 – 2414920 791 6150 6150 – 6449 832 24150 24150 – 2444921 1495.9 6450 6450 – 6599 1447.9 24450 24450 – 24599…33 1900 36000 36000 – 36199 1900 36000 36000 – 3619934 2010 36200 36200 – 36349 2010 36200 36200 – 3634935 1850 36350 36350 – 36949 1850 36350 36350 – 3694936 1930 36950 36950 – 37549 1930 36950 36950 – 3754937 1910 37550 37550 – 37749 1910 37550 37550 – 3774938 2570 37750 37750 – 38249 2570 37750 37750 – 3824939 1880 38250 38250-38649 1880 38250 38250-3864940 2300 38650 38650-39649 2300 38650 38650-39649 NOTE: The channel numbers that designate carrier frequencies so close to the operating band edges that the carrier extends beyond the operating band edge shall not be used. This implies that the first 7, 15, 25, 50,75 and 100 channel numbers at the lower operating band edge and the last 6, 14, 24, 49, 74 and 99channel numbers at the upper operating band edge shall not be used for channel bandwidths of 1.4, 3, 5,10, 15 and 20 MHz respectively.。
5 Operating bands and channel arrangement5.1 GeneralThe channel arrangements presented in this clause are based on the operating bands and channel bandwidths defined in the present release of specifications.NOTE: Other operating bands and channel bandwidths may be considered in future releases.5.2 Void5.3 Void5.4 Void5.5 OperatingbandsE-UTRA is designed to operate in the operating bands defined in Table 5.5-1.Table 5.5-1 E-UTRA operating bandsE-UTRA Operating Band Uplink (UL) operating bandBS receiveUE transmitDownlink (DL) operating bandBS transmitUE receiveDuplexModeF UL_low– F UL_high F DL_low–F DL_high1 1920 MHz – 1980 MHz 2110 MHz –2170 MHz FDD2 1850 MHz – 1910 MHz1930 MHz –1990 MHz FDD3 1710 MHz – 1785 MHz 1805 MHz –1880 MHz FDD4 1710 MHz – 1755 MHz 2110 MHz –2155 MHz FDD5 824 MHz – 849 MHz 869 MHz –894MHz FDD61830 MHz – 840 MHz 875 MHz –885 MHz FDD7 2500 MHz – 2570 MHz 2620 MHz –2690 MHz FDD8 880MHz– 915 MHz 925 MHz –960 MHz FDD9 1749.9 MHz – 1784.9 MHz1844.9 MHz –1879.9 MHz FDD10 1710 MHz – 1770 MHz 2110 MHz –2170 MHz FDD11 1427.9 MHz – 1447.9 MHz 1475.9 MHz –1495.9 MHz FDD12 699 MHz – 716 MHz 729 MHz–746 MHz FDD13 777 MHz – 787 MHz 746 MHz–756 MHz FDD14 788 MHz – 798 MHz 758 MHz–768 MHz FDD15 Reserved Reserved FDD16 Reserved Reserved FDD17 704 MHz – 716 MHz 734 MHz–746 MHz FDD18 815 MHz – 830 MHz 860 MHz–875 MHz FDD19 830 MHz – 845 MHz 875 MHz–890 MHz FDD20 832 MHz – 862 MHz 791 MHz–821 MHz FDD21 1447.9 MHz – 1462.9 MHz1495.9 MHz–1510.9 MHz FDD...33 1900 MHz – 1920 MHz 1900 MHz–1920 MHz TDD34 2010 MHz – 2025 MHz 2010 MHz –2025 MHz TDD35 1850 MHz – 1910 MHz 1850 MHz –1910 MHz TDD36 1930 MHz – 1990 MHz 1930 MHz –1990 MHz TDD37 1910 MHz – 1930 MHz 1910 MHz –1930 MHz TDD38 2570 MHz – 2620 MHz 2570 MHz –2620 MHz TDD39 1880 MHz – 1920 MHz 1880 MHz –1920 MHz TDD40 2300 MHz – 2400 MHz 2300 MHz –2400 MHz TDD NOTE 1: Band 6 is not applicable5.7.2 ChannelrasterThe channel raster is 100 kHz for all bands, which means that the carrier centre frequency must be an integer multiple of 100 kHz.5.7.3 Carrier frequency and EARFCNThe carrier frequency in the uplink and downlink is designated by the E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN) in the range 0 - 65535. The relation between EARFCN and the carrier frequency in MHz for the downlink is given by the following equation, where F DL_low and N Offs-DL are given in Table 5.7.3-1 and N DL is the downlink EARFCN.F DL = F DL_low + 0.1(N DL – N Offs-DL)The relation between EARFCN and the carrier frequency in MHz for the uplink is given by the following equation where F UL_low and N Offs-UL are given in Table 5.7.3-1 and N UL is the uplink EARFCN.F UL = F UL_low + 0.1(N UL – N Offs-UL)Table 5.7.3-1: E-UTRA channel numbersE-UTRA Operating BandDownlink Uplink F DL_low (MHz) N Offs-DL Range of N DL F UL_low (MHz)N Offs-UL Range of N UL1 2110 0 0 – 599 1920 18000 18000 – 185992 1930 600 600 1199 1850 18600 18600 – 191993 1805 1200 1200 – 1949 1710 19200 19200 – 199494 2110 1950 1950 – 2399 1710 19950 19950 – 203995 869 2400 2400 – 2649 824 20400 20400 – 206496 875 2650 2650 – 2749 830 20650 20650 – 207497 2620 2750 2750 – 3449 2500 20750 20750 – 214498 925 3450 3450 – 3799 880 21450 21450 – 217999 1844.9 3800 3800 – 4149 1749.9 21800 21800 – 2214910 2110 4150 4150 – 4749 1710 22150 22150 – 2274911 1475.9 4750 4750 – 4949 1427.9 22750 22750 – 2294912 729 5010 5010 - 5179 699 23010 23010 - 2317913 746 5180 5180 – 5279 777 23180 23180 – 2327914 758 5280 5280 – 5379 788 23280 23280 – 23379…17 734 5730 5730 – 5849 704 23730 23730 - 2384918 860 5850 5850 – 5999 815 23850 23850 – 2399919 875 6000 6000 – 6149 830 24000 24000 – 2414920 791 6150 6150 – 6449 832 24150 24150 – 2444921 1495.9 6450 6450 – 6599 1447.9 24450 24450 – 24599…33 1900 36000 36000 – 36199 1900 36000 36000 – 3619934 2010 36200 36200 – 36349 2010 36200 36200 – 3634935 1850 36350 36350 – 36949 1850 36350 36350 – 3694936 1930 36950 36950 – 37549 1930 36950 36950 – 3754937 1910 37550 37550 – 37749 1910 37550 37550 – 3774938 2570 37750 37750 – 38249 2570 37750 37750 – 3824939 1880 38250 38250-38649 1880 38250 38250-3864940 2300 38650 38650-39649 2300 38650 38650-39649 NOTE: The channel numbers that designate carrier frequencies so close to the operating band edges that the carrier extends beyond the operating band edge shall not be used. This implies that the first 7, 15, 25, 50,75 and 100 channel numbers at the lower operating band edge and the last 6, 14, 24, 49, 74 and 99channel numbers at the upper operating band edge shall not be used for channel bandwidths of 1.4, 3, 5,10, 15 and 20 MHz respectively.。
User Equipment (UE) categories3GPP Release 8 defines five LTE user equipment categories depending on maximum peak data rate and MIMO capabilities support. With 3GPP Release 10, which is referred to as LTE Advanced, three new categories have been introduced.[2]欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11Frequency bands and channel bandwidths[edit]欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11Deployments by region[edit]The following table shows the standardized LTE bands and their regional use. The main LTE bands are in bold print.Networks on LTEbands 1, 3, 7, 28 (FDDLTE) or 38, 40 (TDDLTE) are suitable for future global roaming in ITU Regions 1, 2 and 3.•Networks on LTEband 8 (FDDLTE) may allow global roaming in the future (ITU Regions 1, 2 and 3) (Longterm perspective).欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11•Networks on LTEband 20 (FDDLTE) are suitable for roaming in ITU Region 1 (EMEA) only.•Networks on LTEbands 2 and 4 (FDDLTE) are suitable for roaming in ITU Region 2 (Americas) only.欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11欧阳音创编 2021.03.11 欧阳音创编 2021.03.11。
5 Operating bands and channel arrangement5.1 GeneralThe channel arrangements presented in this clause are based on the operating bands and channel bandwidths defined in the present release of specifications.NOTE: Other operating bands and channel bandwidths may be considered in future releases.5.2 Void5.3 Void5.4 Void5.5 OperatingbandsE-UTRA is designed to operate in the operating bands defined in Table 5.5-1.Table 5.5-1 E-UTRA operating bandsE-UTRA Operating Band Uplink (UL) operating bandBS receiveUE transmitDownlink (DL) operating bandBS transmitUE receiveDuplexModeF UL_low– F UL_high F DL_low–F DL_high1 1920 MHz – 1980 MHz 2110 MHz –2170 MHz FDD2 1850 MHz – 1910 MHz1930 MHz –1990 MHz FDD3 1710 MHz – 1785 MHz 1805 MHz –1880 MHz FDD4 1710 MHz – 1755 MHz 2110 MHz –2155 MHz FDD5 824 MHz – 849 MHz 869 MHz –894MHz FDD61830 MHz – 840 MHz 875 MHz –885 MHz FDD7 2500 MHz – 2570 MHz 2620 MHz –2690 MHz FDD8 880MHz– 915 MHz 925 MHz –960 MHz FDD9 1749.9 MHz – 1784.9 MHz1844.9 MHz –1879.9 MHz FDD10 1710 MHz – 1770 MHz 2110 MHz –2170 MHz FDD11 1427.9 MHz – 1447.9 MHz 1475.9 MHz –1495.9 MHz FDD12 699 MHz – 716 MHz 729 MHz–746 MHz FDD13 777 MHz – 787 MHz 746 MHz–756 MHz FDD14 788 MHz – 798 MHz 758 MHz–768 MHz FDD15 Reserved Reserved FDD16 Reserved Reserved FDD17 704 MHz – 716 MHz 734 MHz–746 MHz FDD18 815 MHz – 830 MHz 860 MHz–875 MHz FDD19 830 MHz – 845 MHz 875 MHz–890 MHz FDD20 832 MHz – 862 MHz 791 MHz–821 MHz FDD21 1447.9 MHz – 1462.9 MHz1495.9 MHz–1510.9 MHz FDD...33 1900 MHz – 1920 MHz 1900 MHz–1920 MHz TDD34 2010 MHz – 2025 MHz 2010 MHz –2025 MHz TDD35 1850 MHz – 1910 MHz 1850 MHz –1910 MHz TDD36 1930 MHz – 1990 MHz 1930 MHz –1990 MHz TDD37 1910 MHz – 1930 MHz 1910 MHz –1930 MHz TDD38 2570 MHz – 2620 MHz 2570 MHz –2620 MHz TDD39 1880 MHz – 1920 MHz 1880 MHz –1920 MHz TDD40 2300 MHz – 2400 MHz 2300 MHz –2400 MHz TDD NOTE 1: Band 6 is not applicable5.7.2 ChannelrasterThe channel raster is 100 kHz for all bands, which means that the carrier centre frequency must be an integer multiple of 100 kHz.5.7.3 Carrier frequency and EARFCNThe carrier frequency in the uplink and downlink is designated by the E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN) in the range 0 - 65535. The relation between EARFCN and the carrier frequency in MHz for the downlink is given by the following equation, where F DL_low and N Offs-DL are given in Table 5.7.3-1 and N DL is the downlink EARFCN.F DL = F DL_low + 0.1(N DL – N Offs-DL)The relation between EARFCN and the carrier frequency in MHz for the uplink is given by the following equation where F UL_low and N Offs-UL are given in Table 5.7.3-1 and N UL is the uplink EARFCN.F UL = F UL_low + 0.1(N UL – N Offs-UL)Table 5.7.3-1: E-UTRA channel numbersE-UTRA Operating BandDownlink Uplink F DL_low (MHz) N Offs-DL Range of N DL F UL_low (MHz)N Offs-UL Range of N UL1 2110 0 0 – 599 1920 18000 18000 – 185992 1930 600 600 1199 1850 18600 18600 – 191993 1805 1200 1200 – 1949 1710 19200 19200 – 199494 2110 1950 1950 – 2399 1710 19950 19950 – 203995 869 2400 2400 – 2649 824 20400 20400 – 206496 875 2650 2650 – 2749 830 20650 20650 – 207497 2620 2750 2750 – 3449 2500 20750 20750 – 214498 925 3450 3450 – 3799 880 21450 21450 – 217999 1844.9 3800 3800 – 4149 1749.9 21800 21800 – 2214910 2110 4150 4150 – 4749 1710 22150 22150 – 2274911 1475.9 4750 4750 – 4949 1427.9 22750 22750 – 2294912 729 5010 5010 - 5179 699 23010 23010 - 2317913 746 5180 5180 – 5279 777 23180 23180 – 2327914 758 5280 5280 – 5379 788 23280 23280 – 23379…17 734 5730 5730 – 5849 704 23730 23730 - 2384918 860 5850 5850 – 5999 815 23850 23850 – 2399919 875 6000 6000 – 6149 830 24000 24000 – 2414920 791 6150 6150 – 6449 832 24150 24150 – 2444921 1495.9 6450 6450 – 6599 1447.9 24450 24450 – 24599…33 1900 36000 36000 – 36199 1900 36000 36000 – 3619934 2010 36200 36200 – 36349 2010 36200 36200 – 3634935 1850 36350 36350 – 36949 1850 36350 36350 – 3694936 1930 36950 36950 – 37549 1930 36950 36950 – 3754937 1910 37550 37550 – 37749 1910 37550 37550 – 3774938 2570 37750 37750 – 38249 2570 37750 37750 – 3824939 1880 38250 38250-38649 1880 38250 38250-3864940 2300 38650 38650-39649 2300 38650 38650-39649 NOTE: The channel numbers that designate carrier frequencies so close to the operating band edges that the carrier extends beyond the operating band edge shall not be used. This implies that the first 7, 15, 25, 50,75 and 100 channel numbers at the lower operating band edge and the last 6, 14, 24, 49, 74 and 99channel numbers at the upper operating band edge shall not be used for channel bandwidths of 1.4, 3, 5,10, 15 and 20 MHz respectively.。
User Equipment (UE) categories欧阳歌谷(2021.02.01)3GPP Release 8 defines five LTE user equipment categories depending on maximum peak data rate and MIMO capabilities support. With 3GPP Release 10, which is referred to as LTE Advanced, three new categories have been introduced.[2]欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1Frequency bands and channel bandwidths[edit]欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1Deployments by region[edit]The following table shows the standardized LTE bands and their regional use. The main LTE bands arein bold print.Networks on LTEbands 1, 3, 7, 28 (FDDLTE) or 38, 40 (TDDLTE) are suitable for future global roaming in ITU Regions 1, 2 and 3.•Networks on LTEband 8 (FDDLTE) may allow global roaming in the future (ITU Regions 1, 2 and 3) (Longterm perspective).•Networks on LTEband 20 (FDDLTE) are suitable for roaming in ITU Region 1 (EMEA) only.•Networks on LTEbands 2 and 4 (FDDLTE) are suitable for roaming in ITU Region 2 (Americas) only.欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1欧阳歌谷创编 2021年2月1。
User Equipment (UE) categories3GPP Release 8 defines five LTE user equipment categories depending on maximum peak data rate and MIMO capabilities support. With 3GPP Release 10, which is referred to as LTE Advanced, three new categories have been introduced.[2]Frequency bands and channel bandwidths[edit]Deployments by region[edit]The following table shows the standardized LTE bands and their regional use. The main LTE bands are in bold print.Networks on LTE-bands 1, 3, 7, 28 (FDD-LTE) or 38, 40 (TDD-LTE) are suitable for future global roaming in ITU Regions 1, 2 and 3.Networks on LTE-band 8 (FDD-LTE) may allow global roaming in the future (ITU Regions 1, 2 and 3) (Long-term perspective).Networks on LTE-band 20 (FDD-LTE) are suitable for roaming in ITU Region 1 (EMEA) only.Networks on LTE-bands 2 and 4 (FDD-LTE) are suitable for roaming in ITU Region 2 (Americas) only.Operati ng band Frequency bandCommonnameNorth America Latin America Europe Asia Africa Oceania012100IMT No No Sweden(3)YesAngola(Unitel),SouthAfrica (CellC)(nodeployments)021900PCS A-F USA (C Spire)Dominican Republic(Tricom), Paraguay(Personal)No No No No031800DCS No Dominican Republic(Orange), Venezuela(Digitel GSM)Yes Yes Yes Yes041700AWS A-F USA Argentina (Movistar) (in No No No No。