unit 11研究生基础英语(毛大威)课后答案Unit11







1 许多取得极大成功的女性不久前才坦言自己精神崩溃了,紧接着《每日邮报》的首席专栏作家阿利森·皮尔森在一次急性抑郁症发作之后又艰难地做出了离职的决定。

2 斯蒂芬妮·梅里特,玛丽安·基斯和萨莉·汉普顿这些知名作家都公开向社会承认了她们工作能力严重丧失的问题。


3 上周《卫报》中的一篇文章问道—女性们都怎么了?在她们取得所有这些成就的同时,为什么她们患抑郁症的概率是男性的三倍之多?为什么女性中患抑郁症的概率不断攀升?答案多种多样,有的认为是因为男性不常做家务活,有的认为是由于现在女性很晚才生养孩子。

4 然而,考虑到女性患抑郁症的高发率,比起男性,女性真的处境更糟糕的吗?也许—--尽管不一定是因为她们自己认为女性和男性由于不同的原因,不快乐方式不同。



5 作为一个一生遭受抑郁症折磨的患者,同时也是个男人— 顺便说一下,男性自杀的概率是女性的三倍— 我知道抑郁的根源除了那些明显的压力因素和遗传因素外,还有不确定性和迷惘两个原因。

6 如果人们清楚地知道她们忧愁的根源,知道能做什么和不能做什么,他们就能摆脱掉很大部分的不快乐。

当内心的冲突— 或者说矛盾 — 不停的在脑海里翻腾,不快乐就演变为抑郁症。

7 矛盾和不确定是当代女性的命运。




毛大威教育硕士专业学位研究生基础英语课后答案(自己概括,保证都是标准答案)Unit7 Music单词词组英汉互译作曲家,交响乐,旋律 / 曲调,节奏音符,主题,音色,和睦/ 和声。

pop music playwright classical music country musicvocalist/pop singer the blues light music conductorSECTION ATextual organization:General statement:We all listen to music on three separate planesPlane1: the sensuous planeFurther explanation:Listening to music for the sheer pleasure of the musical sound itself and hearing music without thinking, without considering it in any way.Plane2: the expressive planeFurther explanation:All music has an expressive power, all music has a certain meaning behind the notes and that meaning behind the notes constitutes what the piece(of music) is saying and what the piece is about.Plane3: the sheerly musical planeFurther explanation:Besides the pleasurable sound of music and the expressive felling that it gives off, music does exists in terms of notes themselves and of their manipulation.Yet while listening to music most listener:are not sufficiently conscious of the third plane./tend to listen on one or the otherof the three planes.The author concludes that:We listen to music in all three ways/and on all three planes at the same time.The theme of the text:When listen to music ,one should be a more conscious and aware listener—not someone who is just listening, but someone who is listening for something.Understanding long/difficult sentences1.doesn’tneed to think anything but just enjoy.2.cause/effect3.the meaning of music4. typical music commentator advocating this idea that music should have meaning.5. discourage wherever and whenever it is met.SECTION BVocabulary studyA)b c a g d h f eB)1. so to speak(能够这么说)2. strive for (争取 /奋斗)3.be alive to(对敏感)4.take into account(考虑 /重视)5.sensitive to(敏捷的)6.carried away (得意忘形)mensurate with(以相当 )8.give off(发出)9.self-evident (不问可知的)10.clarity(清楚 /清晰)C)1.other2.dancing3.else4.stage5.like6.over7.discover8.event9.for10.madeSECTION CGRAMMAR REVIEWA)1.The new-type cell phone will be made smaller and smaller.新式的手机越造越小。



Unit 1 travel languageThe Academie Francasie has for decades been the watchdog over the French language. A few years ago, French sensitivity to the influx of English words became so great that law for the purification of French was adopted. The law covers even technical applications. For example, in theory, it is now compuslory in France to refer to the Boeing 747 as a gros-porteur, leasing as credit-bail, etc. the list is very long and detailed and applies to all facets of life. Mr. Chirac, the French President, might well expand on this list and come up with some new French terms for words such as “internet”or “byte stream”just to name a couple. The mind boggles at what the world might face.Unfortunately (or perhaps not), the English language is not so protected. Quite apart from the unforgivable deviations from the king’s English prevlent in America, where “honour”is commonly written as “honor”and “night”as “nite,”many well-tested has also been give new meanings, making communication somewhat difficult. For example, the boot of a car has become to be called a trunk –a word reserved in England for the main part of a tree. The bonnet is a hood, good old nappies are diapers, and a baby’s matinee jacket is a vest. It’s obvious that the two countries are indeed separated by what once was a common language! From an American point of view, of course, it could be argued that the British speak English with a speech deficiency.Even worse English, however, is in use. Anyone who travels in foreign countries and observes it on menus and posters, in hotels, and indeed in everyday life can testify that whatused to be the king’s lingo has become in these places but a poor relation thereof. Allow me to elaborate.The travel writer Perrot Phillips has taken pains to highlight some of his experiences, which I feel should not be withheld from a wider readership. He refers to a Dutch bulb catalogue which promised customers “a speedy execution”and to an East Berlin cloakroom sign that requested guests to “please hung yourself here.”One hopes that nobody took the advice literally.To these I can add some of my own experiences, encountered in long years of traveling the world. There was, for example, the observation in an Ostend novelty shop that “revolting new ideas”were being marketed, and the boast of some Bombay bakers that “we are No. 1 loafers, best values in whole town.”I realized how far Christinanity had come when I read in Hong Kong the following call by a dentist: The teeth they are extracted here by the latest Methodists.I fear it can not be answered with certainty whether these actually illustrate a progressive use of English or are simply reflections of local usages. I feel quite strongly, however, that the Haifa Medical Association should have prevented one of its members from claiming on his brass plate that he is a “Specialist in Women and Other Diseases.”Hotels seem to revel in their multilingual signs. One supposes these signs were designed to facilitate the use of modern services in otherwise sterile and barely functional establishments. Nevertheless, the unsuspecting guests confronted in a Brussels hotel with the followinginstruction for the use of the life (elevator) might well prefer to walk: “To move the life, push button to wishing floor. If the cabin should enter more persons, each one should push number of wishing floor. Driving is then going alphabetically by natural order. Button retaining pressed position shows received command for visiting station.”The less sophisticated notice in Istanbul (“To call room service, please to open door and call ROOM SERVICE”) at least does not confront the guest with electronics that might not always work. In Turkey, the delight in “straight talk”expresses itself in the by-now-famous Ankara brochure which advises, “Visit our restaurant where you can eat Middle East foods in an European Ambulance.”A note on a Swiss menu that “Our wines leave nothing to hope for”was equally inviting.Eastern European courtesies have never left the once grand hotels of the former Austro-Hungarian empire. A notice in the hotel rooms that “the honoured guests are invited to take advantage of the chamber maids from 12-14 o’clock”might, however, result in some unplanned traffic jams. A recent Moscow exhibition’s announcement drew attention to “a showing of 300 paintings by Russian artists, most of whom were executed in the last ten years”–hardly a welcoming thought to the occasional visitor.A Bangkok laundry’s advertisement to the visiting public (“Leaving your clothes here and enjoy yourself”) could also be seen as a invitation to extracurricular activities in that Far Eastern capital of fun.In Rome, a laundry advertised a similar invitation: Ladies, leave your clothes here and spendthe afternoon having a good time.It should not surprise the traveller that nightspots advertise their wares in Europe in many and diverse language. The German preoccupation with Majorca led a Munich nightclub to copy a trilingual Palma announcement that dancing was going on in what is indeed a surprising way. The notice read, “Baile! Baile! Baile!”in Spanish, “T anz! T anz! Tanz!”in German, and “Balls! Balls! Balls!”in what was meant to be English. We are spared the upper Bavarian version of the activity.The Black Forest Germans, on the other hand, are known to be rather prudish in their outlook, but is it really necessary to post a sign: “It is strictly forbidden on our Black Forest camping site that people of different sexes, for example men and women, live together in one tent unless they are married with each other for that purpose.”I am told that for the otherwise unsuspecting tourist, the following sign proved a real crowd puller. Parrot Phillips claims it to be true that in an Austrian hotel room he found the sign: “If service required, give two strokes to the maid and three to the valet.”There are undoubtedly more and varied versions of the use of English, unprotected as our language is from the interference of emerging and ambitious entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, I prefer seeing English develop as the lingua franca around the world rather than being suffocated for the sake of so-called purity by some ill-advised legislative process.Unit 2 Lies and TruthWhat is truth? –and the opposite question that goes with it: what makes a lie?Philosophers, teachers, and religious leaders from all cultures and periods of history have offered many answers to these questions. Among Euro-North-American writers, there is general agreement on two points. The first is that what we call a “lie”must be told intentionally –that is, if someone tells an untruth but they believe it to be true, we don’t consider them a liar. The second point is that practically everyone lies, and lies frequently. But there the agreement ends.One rather extreme point of view is that lying is always bad and that we should try to find ways avoid doing it. The reason is that lying hurts not only the listener, but also the liar. Each lie makes the next one easier to tell, and the liar comes not only to disrespect herself, but to mistrust others, whom she believes will lie as easily as she. In a society, where lying is common, trust becomes impossible, and without trust, cooperation can not exist. Furthermore, by lying to people, we remove their power to make important choices about how to spend money, what future career to take, what medical treatment to take.Toward the opposite extreme is the position that although some lies are evil, many others are not –in fact, they are necessary to hold our society together. We lie in harmless ways to protect other’s feelings and to better our relationship. These are not lies that try to hurt others. We laugh at the boss’s joke which we have heard before and which she doesn’t tell very well; we pretend interest in a friend’s story of something uninteresting that happened to him. If someone asks us a question that is very personal and is none of their business, we may lie in response. Sometimes we lie to protect the reputation or even the life of another person.On a larger scale, government may protect national security by lying.Each person seems to have some point at which they draw the line between an acceptable lie and a bad lie. Obviously, this point varies from individual to individual and from culture to culture. A sometimes painful part of growing up is realizing that not everyone shares your own individual definition of honesty. Your parents and your culture may teach you that liars suffer, but as you go through life, you find that often they don’t: in fact, dishonest people often seem to prosper more than honest ones. What are you to do with this realization? It may make your moral beliefs look weak and silly in comparison, and you may begin to question them. It takes a great deal of strength and courage to continue living an honest life in the face of such reality.Little white lies: This is our name for lies that we consider harmless and socially acceptable. They are usually told to protect the liar or the feelings of the listener. Most of them would be considered social lies, and they include apologies and excuses: “I tried to call you, but your line was busy.”“You’re kidding! You don’t look like you’ve gained a pound.”Some people, however, would consider it acceptable to lie to save themselves from responsibility in a business transaction: “After I got home, I noticed that it was broken, so I’m returning it and would like my money back.”Occasionally a “little white lie”may have a very profound effect on the lives of the listeners, and may even backfire. Author Stephanie Ercsson tells of the well-meaning U.S. Army sergeant who told a lie about one of his men who had been killed in action. Thesergeant reported the man as “missing in action,”not killed, so that the military would continue sending money to the dead man’s family every month. What he didn’t consider was that because of his lie, the family continued to live in that narrow space between hope and loss, always watching for the mail or jumping when the telephone or the doorbell rang. They never were able to go through the normal process of sorrowing for, and then accepting, the death of their father and husband. The wife never remarried. Which was worse, the lie or the truth? Did the sergeant have the right to do what he did to them?What we really mean when we call an untruth a “little white lie”is that we think it was justifiable. Into this category fall many of the lies told within the walls of government. A person may lie to government, or a government official may lie to the public, and believe that by doing so, he becomes a hero. Clearly, however, one person’s “little white lie”is another person’s “dirty lie.”That brings us to the second category:Dirty lies: There are lies told with intent to harm the listener or a third party and to benefit the liar. Into this category fall the lies of some dishonest salespersons, mechanics, repairmen; husbands or wives who are having an affair with someone else; teenagers who lie to get out of the house in order to do things that their parents would die if they knew about it; drug addicts who beg family members for money to support their habit. Dirty lies my be told to improve one person’s reputation by destroying another’s, to hurt a colleague’s chances of promotion so that the liar will be advanced.Lies of omission: Some people believe that lying covers not only what you say, but alsowhat you choose not to say. If you’re trying to sell a car that burns a lot of oil, but the buyer don’t ask about that particular feature, is it a lie not to tell them? In the United States, a favorite place to withhold the truth is on people’s income tax returns. The government considers this an unquestionable lie, and if caught, these people are severely punished. If omission can be lying, history books are great liars. Until recently, most U.S. history textbooks painted Christopher Columbus purely as a hero, the man who “discovered America,”and had nothing to say about his darker side. Moreover, most Native American and African-American contributors to science, technology, invention, literature, art, discovery, and other areas of civilization used to be omitted form children’s schoolbooks. Many people considered this a lie, and today’s history books usually mention at least some of it, though not as much as some people might like.False promises: This category is made up of promises that the promiser knows are false, that he has no intention of keeping even as the world leave his lips. While some are fairly harmless and social, others are taken more seriously and can hurt the listener: “I’ll never do it again, I promise.”Advertisers and politicians suffer from terrible stereotypes because of the false promises of some of their number: “Lose 50 pounds in two weeks.”“Read my lips: No new taxes.”Probably everyone would agree that if we make a promise but have no intention of keeping it, we lie. But what if we really do plan to keep it, and then something happens to prevent it? Consider the journalist who promises not to indentify his resources, but then is pressured by his newspaper or by the law. How far should he go to keep his word?If he breaks his promise, is he dishonest?Lies to oneself: This is perhaps the saddest and most pathetic kind of lying. These are the lies that prevent us from making needed changes in ourselves: “I know I drank/spent/ate too much yesterday, but I can control it any time I really want to.”But there is a fine line between normal dreams and ambitions on the one hand, and deceiving ourselves on the other, and we have to be careful where we draw it. It’s common for young people to dream of rising to the top of their company, of winning a Nobel Prize, of becoming famous or rich; but is that self-deception, or simply human nature? Were they lying to themselves? More likely, they really believed that such a future was open to them, because they had seen it happen to others. We shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves, but if we have turned a blind eye to our faults, we should take an honest look in the mirror.There is no question that the terms “lying”and “honesty”have definitions that vary across culture boundaries. Members of one culture may stereotype members of another as “great liars,”“untrustworthy,”or “afraid to face the truth.”But what may lie behind these differences is that one culture values factual information even if it hurts, while another places more value on sensitivity to other people’s feelings. While the members of each culture believe that of course their values are the right ones, they are unlikely to convince members of other cultures to change over. And that’s “the truth.”Unit 3 Generation XIt’s often said that kids today aren’t what they used to be. But is this new generation ofteenagers and young adults, commonly referred to as “Generation X”or the “baby busters,”really so different from previous generations? What makes them tick? What impact will they have on us and our institutions as we move into the future?Current TrendsTwenty years ago, employers didn’t worry about finding enough good people. Just like a box of tissues, there was always another candidate that would pop right up. But the 18-year baby boom of 1946-1964, when birth rates peaked at 25.3 births per 1,000 population, was followed by the 11-year “baby bust,”when the rate fell to a low of 14.6 births per 1,000. This means the smallest pool of entry-level workers since the 1930s. “Generation X,”as they were dubbed in a 1991 novel by Canadian writer Douglas Coupland, realize the numbers are on their side. They are now mainly in their 20s, and they see themselves as very marketable in the workplace. They feel that they can be patient when choosing a job, and they can look for the best wages.This generation has watched more TV, and as a result has probably witnessed more violence and murders, than any generations in history. In addition, their gloomy view of the world has been shaped by numerous negative events, such as the Persian Gulf War, escalating crime, riots, AIDS, the nuclear threat, and pollution.They parents practiced birth control and abortion and were highly concerned about “making it”financially. About 40% of X’ers are products of divorce, and many were brought up in single-parent homes. The emotional upheaval and conflict this causes helped shapetheir view of the family and the world. It seems to have sent out a negative message to X’ers about their value and worth.Many young believe that their economic prospects are gloomy. They believe that they will not do as well financially as their parents or their grandparents. They know that the average income for young people, even with two or three college degrees, has declined significantly over the past generations. Many feel that their chances of finding the job and salary they want are bleak.Couple with the high divorce rate with the fact that many were latchkey children and you get a generation who may have had more time alone than any in history. They are also the first to spend considerable time in day care. At home, they were weaned on TV, high tech, video games, and computers. They became independent at a young age. Many had to grow up fast, taking on family responsibilities or part-time jobs to help out. All this has helped them become very freedom-minded, individualistic,and self-absorbed.Many resent the fact that their parents were not home to spend more time with them. An often heard sentiment is that things will be different when they raise their own families.The loyalty and commitment to the workplace that previous generations had is gone. Generation X’ers watched their grandparents slave away only to receive a gold watch and pension upon retirement. Thirty or more years of loyalty sometimes ended with a security guard helping them to clean out their desks and escorting them out the door. Their parents’dedication to the company has been repaid with downsizing and layoffs.Young people feel there is no such thing as job security. They feel they don’t want to wait around and pay their dues when there is no long-term commitment from the top. They can’t believe that their boomer bosses spend 60 or more hours a week at a job that they constantly complain about. They strongly believe there is life after work.Generation X’ers take longer to make job choices. They look upon a job as temporary instead of as a career, partly because they want to keep their options open. They are always looking to jump ship when they can upgrade their situation. They will often leave a job at the hint of a better position.This generation seems to do things at a much later age than their parents. They graduate from college later, stay at home longer, and marry much later. Many who leave home come back again, sometimes more than once. This is due in part to the high cost of living and the fact that many have piled up huge studentloan debts. In contrast with the baby boomers, who couldn’t wait to leave home, Generation X’ers save their money so they can live better when they do leave. It may be that some just want to delay the time when they are on their own, because they spent so much time alone as children.Many of X’ers’parents were busy in the morning getting ready for work and too tired to have any quality time with their children at night. X’er classrooms were often overcrowded. It was hard for the X’ers to get noticed, so as adults they have a need to be noticed. Often, they seek that attention in the workplace.Whether from watching TV or from being spoiled by their guilt-ridden, seldom-homeparents or grandparents, X’ers have come to expect a whole lot for nothing. They have a strong propensity for instant gratification, wanting it all and wanting it fast. Their favorite TV programs are soap operas. They would like their world to be filled with the same good-looking people, dressed in the latest fashions, with lots of money and prestige, and without having to work too hard.It is not uncommon for X’ers to get out of high school and expect to be paid well despite minimal skills. Many disdain low-wage “McJobs”at fast-food chains. Young college graduates look to start at high paying positions with power and perks. They have little patience for working their way up.Yet, the X’ers feel that making money is not as important as experiencing life. To be a workaholic is to have no life. Consequently, a paradox exists between how they view life and what they think they need from it.Future TrendsThe first boomers are only 10 or 12 years away from retiring –and finally out of the way of the next generation. The X’ers will begin to take over in politics, arts and culture, education, media, and business. This should lead to a time of better problem solving and quicker solutions, as they hate political maneuvering and want to get to solutions in a fast, no-nonsense way.X’ers don’t like the fact that their parents spent so many hours working. They promise to do better with their children, being more accessible and providing a more stable home life.Since many of them will marry later when they are more mature, the divorce rate will finally begin to dip.When X’ers control the organizations of tomorrow, they will create a shorter workweek, so people will have more time to spend with their families and leisure activities. Productivity won’t suffer, as technology will enable people to be more productive. In addition, the X’ers’disdain for office politics and desire to solve problems faster will improve productivity. If organizations do not manage their human resources better, X’ers will leave to find or create a more humane workplace.Many Generation X’ers have a freedom-minded and individualistic nature. They like to be left alone to solve problems. They are a perfect group to become consultants, as already evidenced by so many venturing out on their own.Organizations will come to rely on the X’ers’entrepreneurial spirit to foster innovation. They will create systems that will allow “intrapreneurs”to create and run small businesses within a business. The organization’s financial support will allow young people to research and create new products at unparalleled rates. Outside entrepreneurs of this generation will team up with these “intrapreneurs”to create joint ventures.Generation X’ers have started to use their technology skills to create virtual businesses, and they will be the driving force behind this marketplace in the future. They have been quick to take advantage of the lower overhead and quick start-ups that the Internet provides. Being able to reach millions of people with new ideas and products instantly attracts thisgeneration.Generation X has evolved in dramatically different ways than previous generations. What motivated past generations is far different from what motivates this new breed. But the changes will be for the better in many ways. Kids may not be what they used to be, but if we listen, there is a lot we can learn from them. The future will be a better place if we do.Unit 4 SuccessA young man of humble origins came to New York from the Midwest to seek his fortune. He dreamed, in the American way, of becoming a millionaire. He tired his luck on Wall Street. He was diligent and shrewd and, when he had to, devious. He put together the National Worldwide Universal deal and he did some things with an electronics acquisition that wouldn’t bear explaining. He succeeded even beyond his dream: he made twelve million dollars.At first the young man assumed that everything was working out splendidly. “Isn’t is grand?”he said to his wife, once it was apparent that he had made twelve million dollars.“No, it isn’t,”his wife said. “You’re a nobody.”“But that’s impossible,”the young man said. “I’m rich person. We live in an era that celebrates rich people. Rich people are shown in the newspapers in the company of moviestars and famous novelists and distinguished dress designers. The names of the richest corporate raiders are known to every schoolboy. There are rich real estate sharks whose faces appear on the covers of glossy magazines.”“Yours won’t,”his wife said. “You’re a nobody.”“But I have twelve million dollars,”the young man said.“So do a lot of people,”his wife said. “They’re nobodies, too.”“I could buy our way onto the committees of important charity balls,”the young man said. “Then we’d be mentioned in the columns.”“Don’t kid yourself,”his wife said. “The important committees are already filled with people who are really rich. People like us would end up working on something like a dinner dance to benefit the American Psoriasis Foundation.”“But I own a co-op apartment on Fifth Avenue that’s worth two million dollars,”the young man said.“Two-million-dollar co-ops are a dime a dozen,”his wife said, “so to speak.”“I have a stretch limousine,”the young man said. “It’s twenty-one and half feet long.”“Nobody famous has ever ridden it,”his wife said. “Henry Kissinger and Calvin Klein have never heard of you. You’re a nobody.”The young man was silent for a while. “Are you disappointed with me?”he finally said to his wife.“Of course I’m disappointed in you,”she said, “When you asked me to marry you, you said you would surely amount to something. How was I to know that you’d turn out to be a nobody?”For a moment the young man looked defeated. Then he squared his shoulders and cleared his throat. “I’ll make them pay attention,”he said, “I’ll buy a professional football team and argue a lot with the coach in public. Celebrities will join me to watch big games from the owner’s box.”“You can’t buy a professional football team for twelve million dollars”his wife said. “Professional football teams cost big bucks.”“Then I’ll buy a magazine and appoint myself chief columnist,”the young man said. “A tiny but exceedingly flattering picture of me will run next to my column every week. The owners of professional football teams will invite me to watch big games from the owner’s box.”“You might be able to buy one of those weekly-shopper throwaways for twelve million dollars, but not a real magazine,”his wife said, “You can’t buy a real magazine for chicken feed.”“Is that what you call what we have?”the young man asked. “Is twelve million dollars chicken feed?”“It’s not a big bucks,”his wife said. “What can I tell you?”“But that’s not fair,”the young man said. “I’m a young man of humble origins who madetwelve million dollars. I succeeded even beyond my dream.”“Some of those things you did with the electronics acquisition probably weren’t fair either,”his wife said. “Fair isn’t being measured these days. What they measure is money.”“Then I’ll get more money,”the young man said. “I’m going to go back to Wall Street and make fifty million dollars.”But before the young man could make fifty million dollars a man from the Securities and Exchange Commission came and arrested him for having committed insider-trading violations in the electronics acquisition.The young man was taken away from his office in handcuffs. A picture on the front page of the afternoon paper showed him leaving his arraignment, trying to hide his face behind an $850 Italian overcoat. A long article in the morning paper used him as an example of a new breed of Wall Street traders who were the victims of their own greed, probably because of their humble origins. His friends and associates avoided him.Only his wife stuck by him. She tired to see the bright side. “For someone with twelve million dollars,”she said to the young man, “you’re getting to be pretty well known.”Unit 5 Women, Men & MoneyAha, Money. It’s probably the only thing that complicates life between the sexes as much as。

大学综合英语Unit 11课后答案详解

大学综合英语Unit 11课后答案详解

2. Word comparison 1. membership: the state of being a member of an organization e.g. He is excluded from membership of the society. member: a person, animal or thing which is part of a group e.g. The lion is a member of the cat family. number: a word or sign that represents an amount or a quantity e.g. Five was her lucky number. quantity: an amount that you can measure or count e.g. Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand. 2. accompany: if one thing accompanies another, it happens or exists at the same time, or as a result of it e.g. Lightning usually accompanies thunder. escort: to go with someone or a vehicle especially to make certain that they arrive safely or that they leave a place e.g. Several little boats escorted the sailing ship into the harbour. attend: to go ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱo an event such as a meeting or a class e.g. Please let us know if you are unable to attend. convoy: to travel with a vehicle or a group of people to make certain that they arrive safely e.g. Two tanks convoyed the trucks across the border.



研究生英语阅读(基础版)lesson11课后题目Lesson111. He has got the key to the apartment eventually. And on the way home he could envision the smile on his wife's face.A.foreseeB. imagineC. memorizeD. recall2. She opened the refrigerator and took a bottle of cold mineral water to quench her thirst.A. e aseB. gripC. releaseD. query3. "Man's ingenuity has outrun his intelligence."(Joseph Wood Krutch)A. o utwittedB.excelledC. outputD. exceeded4. After that, the airhostess continued to demonstrate how to inflate the life-jacket in an emergency.A. b low upB. take upC. break upD. make up5.The unsuccessful democratic candidate seemed oblivious of the fact that he stood for no chance in running for governor.A. preoccupiedB. thrilledC. insensitiveD. unaware6.Most of the citizens in that country have already felt the pressure of soaring inflation because of the changes in economic policy after the financial crisis in Asia.A. r isingB. roaringC. progressingD. amounting7. When men are most sure and arrogant. they are commonly most mistaken.A. p oliteB. obedientC. proudD. courteous8. This untutored mathematician had an obsession with numbers.A. imaginationB. addictionC. hatredD. sense9. You should not be afraid to aim high in the quest for an improvement in your income.A.pursuitB. beliefC. claimD. realization10.She was blinded by the glitter and the glamour of her own life.A. s pectacleB. brillianceC. hardshipD. defeat。



汉译英:1、汤姆和玛丽Tom and Mary have a cunning strategy for successful child-rearing .Like most other parents, they wouldn’t mind if their two daughters turned out to be among the next Mozarts. But essentially, they just want to help the girls get the most out of their lives. The key, they’ve decided, is the weekends, when they see to it that their daughters do pretty much nothing at all.2、有200年历史的京剧Peking opera, with 200years of history, is valued as part of the immense heritage of Chinese culture. Unfortunately , this heritage has seen its appeal to younger generations in China decline in recent years. But when I was in Hawaii, I was surprised and pleased to see that some young Americans were actively involved in this ancient oriental art and seriously studying the songs, speeches, movements and acrobatic conventions of the opera.3、反引力Antigravity is a property of empty space that exerts an out ward force life a compressed spring at every point in space. A given volume of space always has the same amount of dark energy, so when the distance between two galaxies doubles, the force pushing them away from each other is twice as strong. As the universe expands, the volume of space increases, which means more dark energy. By now, 14 billion years after the Big Bang, antigravity has overwhelmed, gravity, so the expansion will get faster and faster.4、电视新闻Television news reports and programs bring about both positive and negative influence. From the news reports, people get to know the great events that have happened, are happening or will happen in the world, such as wars in the Middle East and famine in Africa. As a result they broaden their mind. By watching television programs people also get to know other peoples and their cultures. However, television news reports and programs may mislead peoples. Violence and drug problems are harmful to young people. Political scandals, illegal campaign contributions and illegal financial manipulation greatly damage the nation’s image. Things go worse especially when international audiences lack context and a frame of reference.5、Ff。

book 2 unit11_大学英语课文解读及课后答案

book 2 unit11_大学英语课文解读及课后答案

A Musician-Turned Economist
Unit 11 Famous People- Part B
Word Bank musician-turned economist Federal Reserve Board run low withdraw from…
A Musician-Turned Economist
opened an 11) economic consulting Company began to work in the 12) Federal Government .
Unit 11 Famous People- Part B Exercise 1
1. a. More than 10 years. b. 12 years. c. 5 years. d. 4 years. 2. a. They were poor. b. They divorced. c. They deserted him. d. They moved to New York. 3. a. Baseball and basketball. b. Tennis and baseball. c. Music and tennis. d. Sports and music.
UNIT 11 Famous People
Unit 11 Famous People
Part A Part B
Communicative Function Listening Strategy Pre-listening Task Listening Tasks Text Speaking Tasks
As was said in the previous lesson, a speaker’s attitude or opinion towards what he/she is discussing often has to be inferred. We need to rely on information embedded in his/her choice of details, use of language, information, etc. to find out what the speaker’s attitude is towards his/her subject matter, or whether his/her opinion of the character depicted is favorable or not.

Unit 11 课后习题答案解析3

Unit 11 课后习题答案解析3

Vocabulary1.You fold paper or cloth tightly around something to cover it completely.A. wrapB. suddenlyC. specialD. jewelry答案:A解析:用纸或布料把东西包装起来2.It means different from normal.A. specialB. presentC. spiderD. suddenly答案:A解析:与众不同的Grammar3.He will tell you the news as soon as he ______ back.A. comesB. cameC. comeD. will come答案:A解析:as soon as后接一般现在时,主语he是第三人称单数,动词加s,即comes4.______ your father a doctor?A. AmB. IsC. AreD. Does答案:B解析:根据句意“你的爸爸是医生吗?”要是be动词,主语是your father,选B5.I won’t go to bed until I ______ my homework.A. finishB. finishesC. finishedD. is finishing答案:A解析:until后接一般现在时,主语I不是第三人称单数,所有后接动词原形finish6.--- What day ______ it today?--- It’s Saturday.A. doB. doesC. areD. is答案:D解析:主语it,对应的be是is7.There ______ any water in the bottle.A. isB. isn’tC. areD. aren’t答案:B解析:根据any可知,句子为否定句,water不可数,所以选择isn’t8.Linda ______ PE.A. don’t likeB. doesn’t likeC. don’t likesD. doesn’t likes答案:B解析:Linda是三单,变否定时三单要体现在助动词上,后面动词还原9.Mary always ______ a suitcase with her.A. carryB. carrysC. carriedD. carries答案:D解析:always是一现的标志,Mary是三单,动词要变三单形式,carry要把y改i加es,所以选carries10.Peter often ______ dinner at home.A. hasB. haveC. havesD. having答案:A解析:often是一现的标志,Peter是三单,所以助动词选has。



研究⽣英语(⽑⼤威)课后答案精华(Unit11-16)Toddler---child who has….. Acuity---sharpness Lapse—small error,…. Sterile---producing no useful….Huckster---person who tries….Hothouse---nurture with very….Peril---serious danger; Gadget---small mechanical device….Curriculum---subjects included in…Transcript---copy of an…Intrinsic---being part of…. Whimper---twitch or weak…. Seethe---to move about…Calibrate---to mark degrees…Throttle---a valve in…. Cosmic---a of or….Mar---to make less…Contaminate---to make impure…Far-fetched---too improbable…Blunder---a stupid unnecessary…1\He will come to---d(finishes)2\Do not disturb me---a(have been cleaning)3\It’s high time ---b(repaired) 4\Their struggle over---b(finally ended)5\Such a state---d(be put up with)6\Do you know---a(was won) 7\Having got on---b(had forgotten to bring)8\He told me---c(joined)1\All these products---a(attained)2\Every morning people---c(dressed)3\Getting off the---c(I found my…)4\His health---b(failing)5\The old man---d(to have taken …)6\Last week we---b(lying)7\The littlegirl---d(disappointing)8\Most of the---b(to eating)The phenomenonof…….(1-published 2-among3-were 4-parents 5-system6-findings 7-warning 8-only9-brains 10-to11-report 12-impact 13-off14-unremarkable 15-children16-on 17-late 18-damage19-worry 20-don’t)This year Idecided…(1-challenging2-took 3-case4-communication 5-set6-raise 7-aware 8-enough9-No 10-capable) Motorists aremore…(1-objects 2-see3-directed 4-attention5-hands-free 6-missing7-reacting 8-use 9-published 10-issue)1\We shoul(avail—of)2\By means of…(made up for)3\She is trying…(steer)4\Mary was worrying…(unsettling)5\Entering the living…(soothe)6\We notice that…(bilingual) 7\The librarian(assjduously) 8\Many old people…(anarchic)9\They are proposing(radical) 10\This is a…(optimizes)1\His claim to(far-fetched)2\The local police…(went off) 3\When we were…(ballooned)4\The company employed..(loopholes)5\I think perhaps…(hasty)6\If you think…(repulsive)7\Many people think…(repulsive)8\According to Piaget…(gradual)9\Humans cannot catch..(contaminated)10\The bank says..(term)1\The prices at…(excessive) 2\All the students(access)3\They havemade(contribution)4\That tallbuilding(projected)5\Mr.Kane is(available)6\The visitors(marveled at) 7\The witness didn’t(expose) 8\Her excitementwas(apparent)9\I saw him(addressing)10\Every year her(presented) 1\Despite the(error-prone)2\Four years had(elapsed) 3\He just got(commission)4\She(has a right)5\You’d better think(scare off)6\The frequentinterviews(intrusive)7\It was awful(all fingers)8\I received a (courteous)改错1\The concept is(C—who)2\They may not (A—serious) 3\Our task was(D –polar ears)4\It should be(D—another) 5\Together withthe(A—With)6\Although it(C—in the real world)7\The trip to(C—rather)8\While working on(C--three-hour)9\Communication(A—was) 10\This escape(D—with)1\I regret (C—should have planned)2\Investigatorsagreed(C—must/may/could) 3\You musthave(A—couldn’t)4\It was very(D—needn’t)5\You had better(A—省略to) 6\You reallyneedn’t(D—ought to)7\Since the TV(C—may)8\You mustn’t(A—shouldn’t) 9\I was fully(D—should)10\Come whatmust(B—may)1\After the Civil(B—去掉they)2\He was invited(C—to complete改为completing) 3\The president (B–Five-men改为five-man)4\The seeds of(B—their改为his)5\In thetechnique(B—knowing改为known)6\Breaking thesound(A—extra.. 改为extraordinary)7\Babe Ruth played(B--since 改为from)8\Not many young(B enough old改为old enough)。

研究生英语(毛大威)课后答案精华(Unit11 16)

研究生英语(毛大威)课后答案精华(Unit11 16)

研究生英语(毛大威)课后答案精华(Unit11 16)研究生英语(毛大威)课后答案精华(unit11-16)蹒跚学步的孩子…。





curriculum---subjectsincludedin…抄本…intrinsic---beingpartof….whimper---twitchorweak….seethe---tomoveabout…calibrate---tomarkdegrees…throttle---avalvein….cosmic---aofor….mar---tomakeless…contaminate---tomakeimpure…牵强的---太不可能的…错误---不必要的…2\\donotdisturbme---a(havebeencleaning)3\\t hightime--b(已修复)4\\t他们的艰难跋涉--b(已修复)5\\suchastate---d(beputupwith)6.你知道吗?a(Waswen)7.有Goton--b(Hadfottentobring)8\\hetoldme---c(joined)1\\alltheseproducts---a(attained)2\\everymorningpeople---c(dressed)3\\gettingoffthe--c(ifoundmy…)4\\hishealth---b(failing)5\\theoldman--d(tohavetake…)6\\lastweekwe---b(lying)7\\thelittlegirl---d(disappointing)8.大多数情况下--b(脚趾)的现象……。

(1-published2-among3-were4-parents5-system6-findings 7-warning 8-only 9-brains10-to)motoristsaremo re…(1-objects2-see3-directed4-attention5-hands-free6-missing7-reacting8-use9-published10-issue)1.我们应该(利用)2\\bymeansof…(madeupfor)3\\sheistrying…(转向)4\\marywas令人担忧…(不安)5\\entering the living…(安抚)6\\wenoticethat…(bilingual)7\\thelibrarian(assjduously)8\\manyoldpeople…(ana rchic)9\\t他们提出(激进的)10\\t这是…(优化)1\\thepricesat…(excessive)2\\allthestudents(access)3\\theyhavemade(contributi on)4\\thattallbuilding(projected)5\\mr.kaneis(available)6\\thevisitors(marvele dat)7\\thewitnessdidn’t(ex pose)8\\herexcitementwas(apparent)9\\i突发奇想(寻址)10\\everyyearher(presented)5\\t you'dbetterthink(恐吓)6\\t频繁的评论(侵扰性)7\\t这是可怕的(所有手指)8\\t我收到了(礼貌的)错误纠正1\\theconceptis(c―who)2\\theymaynot(a―serious)3\\ourtaskwas(dcpolarears)它应该是(另一个)和(另一个)6\\althoughit(c―intherealworld)7\\thetripto(c―相反)8\\whileworkingon(c--three-hour)1\\iGret(c―应保留计划)2\\investigators同意(c―必须/可能/可能)3\\n你必须(a―不能)4\\itwasvery(d―needn’t)5\\youhadbetter(a―省略to)6\\youreallyneedn’t(d―oughtto)7\\s incethetv(c―may)1 \\结束后(B--移除)7\\baberuthplayed(b--since改为from)8\\notmanyyoung(从benougold变为oldenough)。



研究生基础英语(毛大威)unit1-11研究生基础英语(毛大威)课后答案Unit1-6※- - - - - - 单词词组互译- - - - - - - -※英译汉Unit1communication satellite 通讯卫星mobile telephony 移动通讯intelligent robot 智能机器人clone 克隆telecommunications 远程通讯Unit2stock holder 股东taxing authority 税务机关charitable organization 慈善机构nonprofit firm 非盈利公司sales forecast 销售预测economic forecast 经济预测Unit3tourist resort旅游胜地landscape scenery 山水风光virgin forest 原始森林hitchhiking 沿途免费搭乘他人便车旅行outdoor adventures户外冒险活动a camper 野营者Unit4antibiotic 抗生素gene 基因El Nino 厄尔尼塔marine 海产的,海运的;舰队,海运业vitamin 维生素Unit5humility 谦逊endeavor n & v 努力,尝试sincerity 真诚真挚patriotism 爱国主义faith 信仰,信念divine 神圣的,非凡的,崇高的reconcile 调和,和解self-observation 自我审视Unit6ethics class 道德教育课computer-aided cheating 利用计算机作弊failing grade 不及格plagiarism 剽窃mandatory penalty 强制惩罚junk email harassment 垃圾邮件骚扰汉译英Unit1文学literature 科幻小说science fiction空间旅行space traveling 外星人 alien人类社会 human society 高技术 high-technology信息时代information age 信息产业information industry Unit2管理 management协调 coordinate运作operate 人力资源 human resources经费 funds决策make decisions政府部门governmental agencies 金融机构financial institution Unit3远足hike 兜风go for a ride观光sight-seeing 探险explore, exploration 交游go outing 滑雪 skiing冲浪surfing 睡袋sleeping bag导游图 tourist map 夏令营summer camp Unit4羊羔lamb山羊goat猪崽piglet奶牛cow牛犊calf家禽fowl哺乳动物mammal家畜 domestic animalsUnit5善意goodwill, good intentions高尚noble成就achievement, success, accomplishment 抱负ambition, aspiration原则principle奉献dedicate平等equalityUnit6忠诚sincerity, loyalty, faithfulness抄袭 copy / plagriarise作弊 cheating道德准则 ethics校行政人员 school officials开除 explusion学年 school year读书报告 book report校园社区服务 on-compus community sevice※- - - - - -单词、时态填空- - - - - - - -※Unit1 predict reveal dominate in search of play a major role incall for in reality speculation a wide range of respect1、They got there in the late afternoon and went around in search of a placeto stay.2、The astronomers were questioned on a wide range of subjects from physics to psychology.3、As people spend more time watching TV and reading the newspapers, the media plays a major role in influencing their opinions.4、There was a strange silence about what was happening, but the details of the murder were finally revealed by the local paper.5、After another round of negotiations, they finally signed a declaration callingfor an immediate ceasefire.6、Xiao Ling always seems so self-confident, but in reality she is extremelyshy.7、I have to admit that she is very nice as a hostess, but she dose tend to dominatethe conversation.8、Out of respect for the whishes of her family, the accident was not reportedin the local media.9、The company's expansion was predicted on theassumption that sales would rise.10、Any suggestion of an imminent crash in stock market is pure speculation.Unit2 require acquire operate comprehend motivate maintain adapt to be certain access to coordinate component convert1、As an excellent manager, he is very good at motivating his employees.2、Their principal activities are to serve the French corporations operating abroad.3、The two rival companies maintained close relations for ten years.4、A large complex organization can be slow to adapt to changes.5、The ability to use a language can be acquired only by the act of using the language.6、A password is needed to get access to the computer system.7、Good records are required for the preparation of complete and accurate tax documents.8、They read the story, but only a few fully comprehended its meaning.9、They converted the medieval castle into a beautiful theater.10、The doctor was certain after examining his wounds that he could not possibly live.Unit3 accessible to push off at a rice a craving for negotiate accommodate unique consistently1、Housing could be obtained at a price .2、Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible tochildren.3、Patrick is not sure whether he can negotiate the turn at the bottom.4、The hungry beggar had a craving for food, any food left by the geests.5、Let's push off early so that we'll get there before nightfall.6、John and Armstrong maintain consistently a high standard.7、Those foreign students are accommodated in Canadian homes near the campusfor a three-week orientation program.8、Each person's signature is unique and that will help us to find out if this document is a forgery.Unit4 clone donation donor transplant cattle recipientmammal initiate reverse at intervals light up1、The cost of feeding fully grown cattle for a period of time can be significant2、Nonsexual reproduction from a single parent is already possible and every cloneproduced in this way is absolutely identical to the parent.3、Former students collected money for scholarship fund. We are very grateful tothe donors for their generous donations.4、Baby animals of mammals such as mice, cows and monkeys get milk from their mothers breasts.5、We transplanted the small peach tree from the back of the house to the front because it did not get enough sunlight there.6、Shall we recipients the order and put Z at the beginning of this dictionary?7、The searchlight reverse the whole area.8、The government lit up a large-scale campaign to eliminate illiteracy.9、The initiated of Nobel Prize are honored at special ceremonies in Sweden and Norway.10、Rain fell at irregular intervals throughout the night.Unit5Jane was confined to bed due to illness for three monthsMany women lost their jobs during the economic depression The corrupting effects of complete power ruined many politiciansHer first reaction to the news was a mixture of grief and comfortThe journalist wrote an article in which police corruption was exposed to the full Shop assistants are asked to make every endeavor to provide the customer satisfaction he argued that the British legal system was derived from Roman law and has evolved into a complicated systemThe disease is spreading quickly in the city and people ,especially children and the aged ,are at riskThe book gives readers a deeper insight into European cultureThe witness gave the police a full account of what had happened in the courtyard Unit6dedicate…to tend to subject…to involvecompared with doctoral attribution wise up1. He has been depressed and his novel tends to be pessimistic.2. The researchers subjected the material to all kinds of tests before they put it into use.3. Today most parents think they should involve themselves in their children’s education,4. He has run into some difficulties , but he knew that they were nothing compared with yours.5. It was at Stanford University that Albert Marvell decided to dedicate his life to science.6. From this initial dissatisfaction my own doctoral thesis developed.7. It is regarded as a social norm that one should always remember to cite others’words with proper attribution.8. Wise up Victoria, Jane is cheating you. She has never returned money to anyone she borrowed from.※- - - - - -近义选词填空(两个词中选适合意思)- - - - - -※Unit11. The students attended a class entitled “Beyond Tradition ”,in which they discus sed the effect of technology on traditional culture2. China has a vast territory and abundant resources .she is a large country witha long history and a rich cultural heritage3. At the conference , the minister a accused the organization of sponsoring terrorism .4. The research program is sponsored by a large computer company5. The drop in student numbers added further complication to the situation6. Now he was getting a lesson in the complexity of diesel engines7. Being a member of Animal Adoration Society, she seems to think that animal rights should prevail over everything else8. It was obvious that her husband completely dominated her.9. As one of the leading candidates for the presidency, he still needs the help of his supporters to win the election10. In most cases, investors are entitled to a reasonable return on their money Unit2John did not follow the correct procedure in applying for the jobThe firm is now on the process of moving the machines to a new factoryThe scientists from the two medical schools are cooperating in the attempt to find a cure for the diseaseThey appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the teamHe set an objective for the new organization to provide free legal aid to the poor The main objection to program was that it would cost too muchThey used a new drug in the treatment that is effective against the cancerA successful manager needs an efficient secretaryThe installation of the new machinery has doubled the productivity of the factoryThe new training program made the workers highly productiveUnit3Since 1978, the amount of money available to buy books has fallen by 17%The building has been made accessible to disabled people She is constantly changing her mindHe has consistently stood firm on the side of the oppressed peopleThey convert an old stable into a little comfortable houseBecause the normal word order is reversed in passive in passive voice sentences, they are sometimes hard to follow If you enjoy outdoor activities, this is the trip for youI reckon it’s warm enough to eat outdoors this eveningThe Tibetan highland is a land of blue skies and warm sunshineShe looked out over the rooftops and the open skyUnit4(选择题)Nobody can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by science fictionHe claimed to be an expert in astronomy , but in fact he is quite ignorant on the subject , what little he knows about it is out of date and inaccurateThe managjng director refused to accept neither of the four proposals made by thecontractorsProfessor Smith implied ,but did not directly say , that Americans are more concerned with making money than anything elseThere is every possibility of our winning the gameThere people spoke at the meeting ,one was a lawyer ,another a teacher ,and the third was a social workerI have been to the doctor’s about my backache , he says there is nothing serious ,but I must ile up for a few days The New York Times will soon carry colour advertisements; none of this will matter if newspapers eventually disappear We stood up , thinking through the possibilities ,There weren’t manyMelton Brown was the only salon producing its ownshampoos and hair-care products all based on herbal recipes Unit5An aircraft carrier and nineteen warships left the naval base today for exercises at seaHe returned to South Carolina in 1966 and established his own legal practice The kidnappers threatened to kill the hostages unless they received a ransom of $500,000In his inaugural address Lincoln repeated that his government posed no threat to slavery in the statesIf they had negotiated a peace earlier they could have avoided this terrible , bloody warHe flew nine special missions in that area in 2003 and has experience with biological warfareThe object of the war to restore the Union ; but the cause of the war was slavery It took her three months to recover her spirits after that unexpected blowThe newspaper aims to reflect the views of the middle class Their main purpose was to deflect attention from the opponents’ critici sm Unit61. They knew that it is a criminal offense to sell pirated videos on the street.2. She is very sensitive and will be offended if you don’t accept her invitation.3. The most common complaint from car drivers is about the lack of parking facilities.4. Customers complained to the company about the poor bus service.5. They’ve come to the conclusion that he is not the right person for the job.6. He concluded from what he was told that the situation inthe city was bad and getting worse.7. He worked hard and was soon promoted to marketing manager.8. The committee has decided to remove the corrupt administrator.9. The worked out a program to speed up the development of new energy sources.10.The made use of the available financial resource to establish a small science laboratory.11.Violence and crime are pervasive features of city life.12.A resolution to maintain the truce was carried by an overwhelming majority.※- - - - - -介词填空- - - - - -※Uint2He said that they should examine all the costs involved in the project first Dealing with this diversity of human resources in the 2010’s and beyond will be a significant challenge to managers Smith’s Tuesday morning experiences are typical of managerial work, which is varied, fragmented, and difficult to plan and organize.Effective managers may be one of a developed country’s most valuable resources, and they are one of the most needed resources in less developed countriesThe specific tasks of a manager in a college or university department differ from those of people managing in other organizationsBad management results in poor employee morale, poor quality, low productivity, and unnecessary employee-employer conflictsErrors in judgement for job hunting can prevent even thefinest candidate from landing the job she or he wants The business plan is a written document that clearly defines the goals of a business and outlines the methods for achieving themRapid technological developments in transportation and communications have brought the peoples of the world closer together in a physical senseA recent survey revealed that 54 percent considered a foreign language necessary for doing business abroad Unit3He said that they should examine all the costs involved in the project first That is the usual way the telecommunications company deals with complaints Despite a thorough investigation, no trace of the escaped prisoner has been found About 1000 local workers were employed in the tourism industry last year At the heart of Dr. Piaget’s theories was a n orderly schedule of stages, of children’s perceptions by ageUNIT5She never lost faith in Steven who was now under heavy criticism on account of his failureAt the moment Natasha is on the point of losing her self-controlAfter a cabinet meeting in the morning and a drive with Mary in the afternoon , Lincoln was in excellent spiritsHis wife did not want him to run for the Presidency because she feared for his safetyThe white mist was so thick that at five paces from the house one saw nothing but a shadowy massNature is a friend whom we keep until death, and into whom we shall enter when we dieServing in two partnerships, he quickly built up a good practice based on his reputationHe finally moved out of the fifteenth address the family had lived in si nce his birth into room in Furnival’s InnFor a long time, he has been suffering from the discord between his life and his beliefsObjections to slavery in the mid-Western states did have a moral ingredient ,but the driving energy was territorial and did not imply sympathy for blacks※- - - - - -动词时态填词- - - - - -※Unit2I was waiting all the morning. You should have told me you weren’t coming There must have been a bad accident here. Look at all the broken glass around.I should like to have been told the result earlierYou needn’t have carried all those parcels by yourself .The shop would have delivered them if you had required it No one dared to question the order of the commander at that timeI can’t find my mobile phone. I may have left it in the restaur ant yesterday Since you’ve finished with these magazines, you may as well sell them and make some money.----Look! Those people who are coming into the hall are carrying wet umbrellas ----It must be raining /must have been raining outsideUnit61. I wouldn’t have gotten lost if I had asked for directions. (ask)2. If I hadn’t to study I would have gone to the concert. (go)3. If I had had enough money I would have paid cash for thehouse.(pay)4. If she had written it down on the calendar, she wouldn’t have forgotten it.(forget).5. She wouldn’t had bought that car even if she had had enough money. (have)6. They would have gone on the trip if it hadn’t rained. (rain).7. Had they known you didn’t have training, they would have hired you.(hire)8. It is rewarding and perfectly harmless, otherwise I wouldn’t have done it . (do)9. She suggested that we should set as deadline for handing in the proposals. (set)10. I am lucky that I am interested in the subject I have chosen, otherwise I would be depressed. (depress)※- - - - - -句子改错题- - - - - -※Unit1Eventually he realizes (what)that they are asking themselves a question which has never occurred to him Modern drugs have a new role (to be played)to play in controlling diseases of the mindshe has a cheerful disposition and has kept in contact (for) with most of her friends from collegeAfter another round of negotiations ,they (called on )called for the immediate release of the hostagesThere were some delays on the road because of heavy traffic and it (spend) tookhim there hours to get to the airport.Unit2Believe it or not ,his success was due (in) to luckThe changes have been apparent (at) over the past five years.In addition (for) to English, the students learn art ,music and historyTim likes outdoor activities. He will to out (another) rather than stay home. She hasn’t made up her mind as (for) to where she will spend her holidayUnit3The police (says) say that they have arrested twenty people following the disturbance Business managers focused on increasing their personal wealth by any available (mean)means The taste of vitamins is not so nice ,so the flavour sometimes(need ) needs to be disguisedIn Wai Wen Bookshop (is) are to be found books in various languagesAn expert together with some assistants (were) was sent to help resolve the problem They’ve got two hundred books ,one hundred and twenty are in Chinese and the rest (is) are in English Lake Superior is such a large freshwater lake that the waves (that breaks) that break on its shores are like the waves of the sea (Here are things) The things you can do in the European “good outdoors ”include camping, snow –mobiling, skiing, hunting and horseback ridingUnit 5In a war in which every state was providing its sons for the army , every election (deflected ) reflected reactions to the ebb and flow of successes in the field he did not blame her at all; (by ) on the contrary; he remembered with love and gratitude the forty long years of their life togetherVoters were inclined towards one party or the other according to how they saw their interests being (effected ) affected at any particular momentNationally, he has raised the discussion of (which ) what was at stake to a high moral level and shown himself to be a worthy opponent of the coun try’s most formidable oratorThe only company he had was his fellow-workers and illiterate boys with whom he had nothing (for ) in common ,though they were kind to him in their rough way He was thus by the age of twenty-three (full ) fully independent ,conscious that he could depend on no one but himself ,but with a good appreciation of his own abilities He relaxed as energetically as he did everything else ,squeezing every ounce of interest and pleasure (on ) out of the Italian adventureNot content to rest on his laurels ,Orlando has accepted what may be his most (ambition ) ambitious role to date in the movie The Trojan WarProfessor Smith supervised her senior thesis in nuclear physics and provided her (for ) with a wonderful research experience and with his friendshipIt was made clear to the first generation of Canadian-born children (who) that the path to opportunity was through education※- - - - - -英译汉- - - - - -※1、Science fiction is a literature genre developed in the 20th century in which the fiction writer addresses how scientific discoveries, technological developments, and future events and societal changes affect human beings. The description of these influences may be a careful and informed extrapolation of scientific facts and principles, or it may range into farfetched areas flatly contradictory of such facts and principles.科幻小说是20世纪发展起来的一种文学体裁,科幻小说作家在其作品中描述科学发现、技术进步以及未来的事情和社会变化如何影响人类。



Unit11.There is a striking contrast between the two interpretations. 明显差别2.She’s got a beautiful slender figure and impeccable taste in clothes. 苗条的;无可挑剔的3.The difference between the two is readily discernible. 可识别的,显而易见的4.She didn’t recognize him in his sloppy everyday clothes. 草率的,懒散的5.Sagacious, unlike cleverness, may increase with age. 睿智的6.It is easy to misconstrue confidence as arrogance. 自大7.The soldier followed his heart and still went through with the vow.8.In the process of studying English, it is likely to confuse homograph, homonym,and homophone.9.The grass is glistening with dew-drops.10.You can’t fix the blame on me. I can prove I was somewhere else.Unit21.Those students are studying such fields as genetics and molecular biology.2.His research was used in planning treatments for hyperactive children.3.The company was integrated with the computer giant.4.The citizens’ Forum supported special powers for Quebec but also argued for theretention of a strong government.5.When you summarize, you condense an extended idea or argument into a sentenceor more in your own words.6.Clerical jobs, skills, and workers are concerned with routine work that is done inoffice.7.The bank is alert to the danger.8.Art experts say it is tasteless and aesthetically wrong to replace the missing bodyparts.9.We have compelling reasons for doing so.10.She is undeniably the most gifted student in the class.Unit31、The government’s plans seem good in theory but I doubt if they will work in practice.2、Many diseases are caused by a deficiency of Vitamins E and K in diet.3、I really dislike him because he seems to be revel in all the attention he’s getting.4、There was a great influx of tourists into Brazil during the World Cup, bringing a huge sum of wealth.5、I usually check the door at night before I go to bed, just for the sake of safety.6、His preoccupation with business left little time for his family, so no wonder his wifecomplains a lot.7、They found the deviation of the ship from her intended course, and then they timelyadjusted the ship by use of the compass.8、The friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural interchange.9、Some of these points will have to be further elaborate as we go into more details on this issue.10、Never boggle at a difficulty because those who never tries will never succeed.Unit41.Was he really a villain, or just a scapegoat?2.With regard to hardness, the diamond is in a class by itself.3.The time when a solar eclipse will occur can be calculated.4.Some praise him, whereas others condemn him.5.I‘ve seen such desire of success before in people who held immense power.6.These are treacherous times for many foreign businesses in China.7.He who knows only how to wield a pen usually feels quite helpless in the face ofpractical problems.8.The author tried to depict the splendor of the sunset.9.They may be able to mediate between parties with different interests.10.Revisionism is already offering alternative views of his achievements.Unit51.However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the humanspecies is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment.A. concernB. determinationC. extensionD. extent2.Throughout the wilderness, post bands provided entertainment and boosted morale.A.InfluencedB. establishedC. raisedD. maintained3.Proponents of these reforms argued that public ownership and regulation wouldensure wide spread access to these utilities and guarantee a fair price.A.ExpansionB. extensionC. opportunity to useD. excitement4.Except for Boston, whose population stabilized at about 16000 in 1760, cities grewby exponential leaps through the eighteenth century.A.Long warsB. rapid increasesC. new lawsD. exciting changes5.One of the best-known examples of mass extinction occurred 65 million years agowith the demise of dinosaurs and many other forms of life.A.ChangeB. deathC. exclusiveD. classical6.I admire your foresight and sagacity.A.IntegrityB. quick-witC. insightD. acquaintance7.Regularity ought to be observed, as regularity is very conductive to health.A.BeneficialB. constructiveC. exclusiveD. classical8.It was courageous enough for Galileo to defy the falling object theory developed byAristotle, the authoritative Greek scientist.A.AdvanceB. refuteC. justifyD. translate9.Free medical service is available to nearly all the college students in China.A.ObtainableB. appealingC. convenientD. average10.No one can supersede the position of Irish poet William Butler Yeats in the circleof English poem in the 20th century.A.ChangeB. surpassC. improveD. replaceUnit61.Bill was among the first to gain entry to Buckingham Palace when it opened to thepublic recently.2.Urban planners in practice have to take account of many interest groups in society.3.The situation in Eastern Europe has changed beyond all recognition.4.Then she remembered that they had no mind in any real sense of that word.5.He drew on his experience as a yachtsman to make a documentary program.6.When drivers indicate, they make lights flash on one side of their vehicle to showthat they are going to turn in that direction.7.Your index finger is the finger that is next to your thumb.8.The author tells of a remarkable encounter with a group of South Vietnamesesoldiers.9.I’ll show it to Benjamin. He is bound to know.10.These figures are arrived at on the basis of dentists’ receipts for 1991-1992.Unit71.It is outrageous that these buildings remain empty while thousands of people haveno homes. 骇人的,无法接受的2.My brother was expelled from school for bad behavior. 开除3.Severe iron deficiency can cause developmental delay and迟缓4. A goal just before half-time rescued the match from mediocrity. 平庸5.She has campaigned relentless for her husband’s release from prison. 持续强烈的,不遗余力的6.There was a short skirmish between the political party leaders when the governmentannounced it was to raise taxes. 小矛盾7.Our football coach has worked hard to inculcate a team spirit into the players. 灌输8.There was a hint of smug self-satisfaction in her voice. 自鸣得意的9.They’ll quite happily squander a whole year’s saving on two weeks in the sun. 浪费,挥霍10.Our landlord racked up the rent by 15% this year. 积累,增加Unit81.With her strikingly different looks and sparky presence, Tsui just needs the rightvehicle to launch her beyond supporting role. 活泼的,耀眼的2.They heave out a missile, and the pilot regains control. 举起3.The council’s land is now worth much less than originally hoped because of a slumpin property prices. 暴跌,骤降4.The hare darts off with the velocity of a bird. 飞奔,疾驰5.Behind his cool exterior lurks a reckless and frustrated person. 潜伏6.As we know by now, the galaxy is teeming i n worlds to exploit, and many in ourcosmic neighborhood will contain similar materials to Earth. 多产的,丰富的7.Its rampart still stand strikingly as a reminder of its strategic importance, and thebustling alleyways of the old city retain a medieval to Earth. 城墙8.Anyone who saw Yao Ming tumble to the floor against the Portland Trailblazer(波特兰开拓者队) in the first round of the NBA Playoffs had to feel for the man. 摔倒9.I know this is a terrible name, but when you mentioned the word “Jim”, the nametrips off the tongue. 脱口而出10.A staggering 8.4 million jobs have been lost and the unemployment rate remainsnear double digits. 惊人的Unit9A篇starvation. 激烈的,猛烈的gross income. 总计提升4. She's always comparing me to other people, and somehow I never measure up.符合标准相当大的争论more efficient and productive. 养生法则7. Without microscopes and other modern equipment,attempts to teach science were无用的8. A second major protective function of the skin is the prevention of bacterial infection. 侵入的9. Yet it is those vulnerabilities(缺陷)that make to the audience because they make him more like us.10. On that day, no matter where we came from, what God we prayed to, or what race种族B篇1.her life a misery.那个女演员要求法庭保护,使她不再受那个把她的生活搞得一团糟的痴狂影迷的骚扰。

unit 11研究生基础英语(毛大威)课后答案Unit11

unit 11研究生基础英语(毛大威)课后答案Unit11

• 1) The main idea of Text 1: The Quest for a Super Kid, which is from Unit 11 of the text book. 2) Your opinions on how to promote the all-round development of children.
• 2 然而,在过去的几年里,一切都变了。在 21世纪初,一个好奇的——不确定的—— 改变席卷了美国的孩子。童年的这种奇妙 伟大的无政府习俗慢慢地变了,变得与成 年的实习状态没什么差别了。那些蹒跚学 步的孩童一度有好几年的时间远离他们的 正规教育,现在他们都被送入了幼儿园进 行学前教育。
• 2这些学前受教育者一度把时间只花费在学 习玩耍和上,现在他们被卡片、教育光盘 和其它设计来教授读写的小玩意儿们所包 围和轰炸了,甚至其中还有教授外语的。 正规上学的学生们则花费更长的时间在学 校,更更长的时间来挥汗如雨地写作业, 度过那些本来该被用来参与自助的户外活 动——那将可能塑造他们的性格——但是 现在却被用来充实他们的简历表了。孩子 们曾经有童年,现在只有课程;他们曾经 被青春懵懂的能量支配行动,现在却被工 蜂崇高的目标所驱使。
• 11当涉及到其他的技能,如数学或是音乐, 实际上就根本没有学习窗口的证据。孩子 们掌握事情的水平不一样,而且三岁时就 能阅读的孩子的父母也许因此断定他们某 种程度上为教育完美地穿针引线了,在正 确的时间讲解了字母和单词。但是事实经 常是他们仅仅被幸运眷顾,有了一个能够 很早的在某一特殊的方面展露光芒的孩 子。、
• 6但是这些是真的吗?有没有可能把一个平 凡的孩子变成一个超常的孩子呢?如果有, 值不值得一试呢?在孩子的童年时期,轻 柔地引导孩子们,让他们犯错,有一些刮 蹭,接受他们其中有一些不会成为杰出的 人的事实,这样好不好呢?或者,追求成 为一个有超级孩童的家庭,知道他们充分 地发展了自己的潜力,而不是充分地度过 了自己的青春,这样好吗?很明显,很多 家长被这个问题给问住了,即使他们自己 也对其优点充满着怀疑。

Unit eleven课后练习参考答案

Unit eleven课后练习参考答案

Unit 11 Enquiries and RepliesI: Listening & SpeakingTask Two: Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the missing words.1. items2. attractive3.supply4.enquiry5. requirements6. favorable7. shipment8. paymentTask Three : Listen to the dialogue the last time and answer the following questions.● Item No.10.● It can be supplied from stock.● Lowest price, CIF San Francisco.● The shipment is to be shipped in September.● Payment is to be made by an irrevocable letter of credit.PracticeComprehension of the TextI. Write “ T ” for true, “ F ” for false according to the text.1.F2.F3.T4.T5.F6.TII. Multiple choice.1.B2.A3.C4.D5.D6.C7.A8.BWord StudyIII. Match the words or phrases in Column A with those in Column B.1.e2.f3.a4.h5.g6.b7.c8.dIV. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions.1. in2. of3. for4. of5. to6. for7. of8. outV. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below.1. enable2. best3. In order to4. samples5. quote6. come to hand7. as soon as8. more than9. let us know 10. price listGrammar ExercisesVI. Complete the following sentences with the words in blanks, usingtenses.1. I was having a business talk with some foreign businessmen2. she would visit our company3. we had exported 1000 computers4. Have you been to China Import and Export Fair5. Hardly had he arrived6. He would meet a foreign guest7. He was then learning to type8. Great changes have taken place in ChinaVII. Choose the best answer.1. C2. D3. C4. A5. C6. B7. B8. C9. A 10. DBusiness Knowledge ExtensionsVIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 我们对贵方自行车感兴趣。



Unit 1 对F的赞美1今年将有好几万的十八岁青年毕业,他们都将被授予毫无意义的文凭。




























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• 3?
• 4家长们也被一些不那么原始的东西所驱使 着:过时的愧疚。在一个夫妻双方都得工 作来满足一月所需,越来越多的妈妈不能 随心所愿地花费很多的时间来她们的孩子 们呆在一起。在1999年,62%的妈妈在外 工作。这个数字在85年是54%,而在75年 只有44%。
• 5进入到这种焦虑的混合状态给了那些贩子 和营销人员一个推动,他们将这些焦虑的 父母视为潜在的客户。商店的货架上挤满 了刺激婴儿头脑发育的产品,在某方面这 强势推动了那些没时间亲自来做这些的父 母。那里有婴儿莫扎特的磁带,据说能推 动婴幼儿的推理能力,也许也能开发他们 的音乐和艺术才能。
• 7为了弥补他们所害怕的过失,家长们的确 开始购买这种受到拥护的音乐,一大堆。 一个非盈利机构,名叫Zero to Three,进 行了一个研究,发现几乎80%高中及以下 学历的家长都勤勉地使用闪卡,电视和电 脑游戏来试图占领孩子们的头脑。
• 8然而,少儿发展专家们,认为,这些工具 不如更社交化和情绪化的活动,比如与孩 子交谈或给他们读书。这些个专家们认为, 唯一能优化孩子们的智力潜能的方法是构 筑安全感,信任他们与父母间的关系。花 费在拥抱,凝视和玩耍上的时间会建立起 一个安全、信任和尊敬的纽带,在此之上 整个的儿童发展金字塔被建立起来。
• 2 然而,在过去的几年里,一切都变了。在 21世纪初,一个好奇的——不确定的—— 改变席卷了美国的孩子。童年的这种奇妙 伟大的无政府习俗慢慢地变了,变得与成 年的实习状态没什么差别了。那些蹒跚学 步的孩童一度有好几年的时间远离他们的 正规教育,现在他们都被送入了幼儿园进 行学前教育。
• 2这些学前受教育者一度把时间只花费在学 习玩耍和上,现在他们被卡片、教育光盘 和其它设计来教授读写的小玩意儿们所包 围和轰炸了,甚至其中还有教授外语的。 正规上学的学生们则花费更长的时间在学 校,更更长的时间来挥汗如雨地写作业, 度过那些本来该被用来参与自助的户外活 动——那将可能塑造他们的性格——但是 现在却被用来充实他们的简历表了。孩子 们曾经有童年,现在只有课程;他们曾经 被青春懵懂的能量支配行动,现在却被工 蜂崇高的目标所驱使。
• 12所以如果父母们应该放下益智玩具,那 么他们应该拿起什么?一方面。在于孩子 们自己。如果交往的技能是关于一个孩子 在学校里可以做得多好的真正的预言者, 父母们就是最好的导师。实验透露,到婴 儿两个月大的时,已经能够快速地读懂父 母的面部表情,并且在此之上他们建立他 们的的幸福感。
• 13这意味着教育玩具是无用的吗?不。婴 儿们就像成人一样被图片所吸引,并早早 接触书籍或动画卡——尤其是黑的,白的 和红的卡,这些更容易吸引婴儿和他们的 父母,帮助他们发展注意力和领悟力,这 是不可否认的学习方式。婴儿们和父母一 样被音乐所吸引,一个小莫扎特也许确实 能比不那么丰富的东西更能抓住孩子的注 意力。然而,除去这些,产品能做到的是 有限的——了解孩子的暗示的父母很快的 了解这些。
• 1曾经有一个时期,孩子就是孩子并不是一 个激进的概念。对一代又一代人来说,童 年是人生中一个真正的甜美的交易:每天 去上六个小时的学,做爱好的事情或做运 动来保持心灵和身体上的活力,其余的时 间就是个玩儿。如果在这个过程中你拥有 了一些天赋或意料之外的才能,那很好。 但是,这不是什么必须的要求。
• 1) The main idea of Text 1: The Quest for a Super Kid, which is from Unit 11 of the text book. 2) Your opinions on how to promote the all-round development of children.
• 6但是这些是真的吗?有没有可能把一个平 凡的孩子变成一个超常的孩子呢?如果有, 值不值得一试呢?在孩子的童年时期,轻 柔地引导孩子们,让他们犯错,有一些刮 蹭,接受他们其中有一些不会成为杰出的 人的事实,这样好不好呢?或者,追求成 为一个有超级孩童的家庭,知道他们充分 地发展了自己的潜力,而不是充分地度过 了自己的青春,这样好吗?很明显,很多 家长被这个问题给问住了,即使他们自己 也对其优点充满着怀疑。
• 9在近期的一项研究中被问及孩子们为了上 学做准备需要掌握什么技能时,幼儿园学 童的父母通常引用业已明确的成果,例如 认识数字、字母、色彩和形状。然而,老 师们持反对意见。他们认为更加重要的是 社交技能,比如分享、与人交流和听从指 导。精通这些略不显眼的能力而来到学校 的孩子,不仅在阅读和写作上有着更好的 机会来更快地反应,而且当他们最终被展 示的时候,一切其他的能力亦与之俱来。
• • • • •
Comprehension Questions(p165) 1.para 2 2.Para 3 3.Para 5 Worried parents are ready to believe in the ideas of engaging and developing their kids with the help of books,tapes and educational toys and are willing to spend time in cuddling, gazing and playing with their kids.
• 14对于父母而言最为紧要的不完全是孩子 的学校成绩单或大学的选择;而是孩子们 的品质精神。这是一个高风险的的游戏, 让孩子们用他们的未来孤注一掷。而风 险——事实上必然——会存在,他们中至 少有一小部分人要失败。但是他们需要被 允许尝试, 在他们的父母站在一边守望着 的前提下。孩子们有了更多的机会,他们 成为赢家的胜算越大——他们收集的筹码 越多,如果他们的确能成为无价之人。
Unit 11
• Watch a video clip and discuss the following questions: • 1. What 's this clip about? • 2.What are the four potentials that are mentioned?
• memory, e, attention, language acquisition
• 10如果不是为了紧随流行的学习机会的窗 口的理论——在相当少的时间里,当大脑 的许多部分能够被教会多种类型的技能— —父母们也许会发觉更容易去相信一切。 事实上,给予这个理论有异于其他的分量 的是,它有那么一点道理——又不仅仅是 一点。当它涉及到语言——也许是一个人 能掌握的最微妙的技巧——大脑似乎有富 于创造力的和欠乏创造力的时期。
• 10初生时,婴儿们天生拥有轻易地学会任 一种语言的潜能,但是在六个月后,他们 开始聚力于他们最为频繁地听与说的那种 语言。父母们可以利用大脑的可塑性,通 过介绍一种第二甚至是第三语言,但是前 提是他们打算用同样的频率去说这些语言, 直到孩子们能够说得流利。仅仅时不时地 买一些双语玩具或是录像带将不会教会孩 子们多少,而且当然在孩子们上学的时候 也会让他们的学习变得更加不容易。
• • • •
4. para 8 5. para 9 6. para 10 7. para 13
• 8. The author wants to tell that a child should develop naturally in its own way.
• The theme of the Text • With their parents standing watchfully by, children need to be allowed to develop in their own ways.
• 5那里有黑色的白色的红色的图画书籍,据 说能使视觉更敏锐。那里有双语的产品, 据说能训练婴幼儿大脑使他们更易于接受 多种语言。这种强行推销甚至侵入到了你 觉得应该给孩子们留点儿宁静的地方—— 母亲的子宫。
• 5用手持的专门设计来给胎儿进行胎教的小 扩音器,把音乐和声音灌输给胎儿,最好 能刺激大脑的发育,让它为未来最终不得 不做的工作做好准备。那些不从中受益的 父母,以此举将孩子置于险境:他们被告 知,大脑只有有限的窗户是开放给学习某 些的才能的,如果让它们关上了,孩子这 辈子就永远落后于人了。
• 11当涉及到其他的技能,如数学或是音乐, 实际上就根本没有学习窗口的证据。孩子 们掌握事情的水平不一样,而且三岁时就 能阅读的孩子的父母也许因此断定他们某 种程度上为教育完美地穿针引线了,在正 确的时间讲解了字母和单词。但是事实经 常是他们仅仅被幸运眷顾,有了一个能够 很早的在某一特殊的方面展露光芒的孩 子。、