
服装英语大全一、服装类型1. Dress:连衣裙2. Shirt:衬衫3. Tshirt:T恤4. Jacket:夹克5. Coat:外套6. Sweater:毛衣7. Pants:裤子8. Skirt:裙子9. Shorts:短裤10. Socks:袜子二、面料与材质1. Cotton:棉2. Silk:丝绸3. Wool:羊毛4. Polyester:聚酯纤维5. Nylon:尼龙6. Spandex:氨纶7. Leather:皮革8. Fleece:抓绒9. Denim:牛仔布10. Lace:蕾丝三、颜色与图案1. Red:红色2. Blue:蓝色3. Green:绿色4. Yellow:黄色5. Black:黑色6. White:白色7. Grey:灰色8. Brown:棕色9. Striped:条纹10. Floral:花卉四、尺寸与尺码1. Size:尺寸2. XS:超小号3. S:小号4. M:中号5. L:大号6. XL:加大号7. L:加加大号8. XL:加加加大号9. One size:均码10. Fit:合身五、款式与设计1. Casual:休闲2. Formal:正式3. Trendy:时尚4. Classic:经典5. Elegant:优雅6. Chic:时髦7. Oversized:宽松8. Slim fit:修身9. High waist:高腰10. Low waist:低腰六、配件与配饰1. Shoes:鞋子2. Bags:包3. Belts:腰带4. Scarves:围巾5. Gloves:手套6. Hats:帽子7. Sunglasses:太阳镜8. Jewelry:珠宝9. Watches:手表10. Hair accessories:发饰七、洗涤与保养1. Wash:洗涤2. Dry clean:干洗3. Iron:熨烫4. Steam:蒸汽5. Hand wash:手洗6. Machine wash:机洗7. Cold water:冷水8. Warm water:温水9. Hot water:热水10. Dry flat:平铺晾干八、其他相关词汇1. Fashion:时尚2. Style:风格3. Trend:潮流4. Design:设计5. Brand:品牌6. Collection:系列7. Season:季节8. Market:市场9. Retail:零售10. Wholesale:批发九、服装行业的职位与角色1. Fashion Designer:服装设计师2. Pattern Maker:打版师3. Tailor:裁缝4. Seamstress:缝纫工5. Fashion Buyer:时尚买手6. Merchandiser:商品策划师7. Retail Manager:零售经理8. Fashion Model:时尚模特9. Fashion Photographer:时尚摄影师10. Fashion Illustrator:时尚插画师十、服装行业的专业术语1. Fabric:面料2. Garment:成衣3. Apparel:服装4. Garment Construction:服装制作5. Fashion Show:时装秀6. Runway:T台7. Fashion Week:时装周8. Catwalk:T台走秀9. Haute Couture:高级定制10. ReadytoWear:成衣十一、服装行业的营销与推广1. Branding:品牌建设2. Marketing:市场营销3. Advertising:广告4. Public Relations:公共关系5. Social Media:社交媒体6. Influencer:意见领袖7. Campaign:营销活动8. Retail Experience:零售体验9. Customer Service:客户服务10. Loyalty Program:忠诚度计划十二、服装行业的供应链与生产1. Sourcing:采购2. Production:生产3. Quality Control:质量控制4. Inventory Management:库存管理5. Logistics:物流6. Distribution:分销7. Wholesale:批发8. Retail:零售10. Sustainable Fashion:可持续时尚十三、服装行业的趋势与预测1. Trend Forecasting:趋势预测2. Consumer Behavior:消费者行为3. Market Research:市场调研4. Fashion Trends:时尚趋势5. Color Trends:色彩趋势6. Fabric Trends:面料趋势7. Style Trends:款式趋势8. Technology Trends:科技趋势9. Sustainability Trends:可持续趋势10. Seasonal Trends:季节性趋势十四、服装行业的法律与合规1. Intellectual Property:知识产权2. Trademarks:商标3. Copyrights:版权4. Patents:专利5. Import/Export Regulations:进出口法规6. Labor Laws:劳动法7. Environmental Regulations:环保法规8. Health and Safety Regulations:健康与安全法规9. Data Protection Laws:数据保护法10. Consumer Protection Laws:消费者保护法十五、服装行业的职业道德与可持续发展1. Ethical Fashion:道德时尚2. Fair Trade:公平贸易3. Sustainable Materials:可持续材料4. Circular Economy:循环经济5. Corporate Social Responsibility:企业社会责任6. Animal Welfare:动物福利7. Worker Rights:工人权利8. Gender Equality:性别平等9. Diversity and Inclusion:多元化和包容性10. Environmental Impact:环境影响十六、服装行业的展会与活动1. Trade Show:行业展会2. Fashion Week:时装周3. Fashion Festival:时尚节4. Popup Store:快闪店5. Fashion Seminar:时尚研讨会6. Fashion Award:时尚奖项7. Fashion Gala:时尚晚宴8. Fashion Runway Show:时装秀9. Fashion Workshop:时尚工作坊10. Fashion Conference:时尚会议十七、服装行业的专业杂志与媒体1. Vogue:时尚杂志2. Harper's BAZAAR:时尚杂志3. Elle:时尚杂志4. GQ:时尚杂志5. Marie Claire:时尚杂志6. Cosmopolitan:时尚杂志7. InStyle:时尚杂志8. Glamour:时尚杂志9. W Magazine:时尚杂志10. Fashionista:时尚博客十八、服装行业的著名品牌与设计师1. Chanel:香奈儿2. Gucci:古驰3. Prada:普拉达4. Louis Vuitton:路易威登5. Dior:迪奥6. Versace:范思哲7. Armani:阿玛尼8. Burberry:博柏利9. Hermès:爱马仕10. Balenciaga:巴黎世家十九、服装行业的专业术语与缩写1. AOP:All Over Print(全印)2. LBL:Label(标签)3. YKK:Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha(吉田工业株式会社)4. BOM:Bill of Materials(物料清单)5. MOQ:Minimum Order Quantity(最小订货量)6. SKU:Stock Keeping Unit(库存单位)7. UPC:Universal Product Code(通用产品代码)8. PMS:Pantone Matching System(潘通配色系统)9. CAD:ComputerAided Design(计算机辅助设计)10. CAM:ComputerAided Manufacturing(计算机辅助制造)二十、服装行业的国际标准与认证1. ISO 9001:质量管理体系认证2. ISO 14001:环境管理体系认证3. OekoTex Standard 100:纺织品环保标准4. GOTS:全球有机纺织品标准5. BCI:Better Cotton Initiative(更好棉花倡议)6. LEED:绿色建筑评估体系7. WRAP:世界责任生产认证8. SA8000:社会责任标准9. FSC:森林管理委员会认证10. GRS:全球回收标准二十一、服装行业的市场调研与数据分析1. SWOT Analysis:优势、劣势、机会、威胁分析2. Market Segmentation:市场细分3. Consumer Insights:消费者洞察4. Competitor Analysis:竞争者分析5. Trend Analysis:趋势分析6. Sales Forecasting:销售预测7. Inventory Analysis:库存分析8. Customer Lifetime Value:客户终身价值9. Net Promoter Score:净推荐值10. Customer Satisfaction Survey:客户满意度调查。

"衣"統天下的服裝英語大全(1`)2.1 服饰 apparel and accessories装饰人体的物品总称(包括服装、鞋帽、袜子、手套、围巾、领带、提包等)。
同义词:衣着2.2 服装 garments , clothing , apparel穿于人体起保护和装饰作用的制品。
同义词:衣服、衣裳2.3 时装 fashion在一定时间、空间内,为相当一部分人所接受的新颖入时的流行服装。
2.4 成衣 ready-to-wear按照规定的尺寸,以批量生产方式制作的服装。
2.5 定制服装 customer made根据个人量体尺寸,单件剪裁,制作完成的服装。
2.6 毛呢服装 woolen garment由纯毛、毛混纺织物为面料制成的服装。
2.7 棉布服装 cotton clothes由全棉、棉混纺织物制成的服装。
2.8 丝绸服装 silk garment由天然丝、人造丝、合成丝织物制成的服装。
2.9 化纤服装 chemical fiber garment由各种化学纤维织物制成的服装。
2.10裘革服装 fur or leather garment由裘皮或革皮制成的服装。
2.11羽绒服装 down garment内充羽绒的服装。
2.12人造毛皮服装 artificial fur and leather garment由天然或化学纤维仿各种毛皮的织物为面料制成的服装。
2.13男式服装men’s wear成年男子穿着的服装。
2.14女式服装women’s wear成年女子穿着的服装。
2.15儿童服装children’s wear适合儿童穿着的服装。
2.16婴儿服装infant’s wear适合周岁以内婴儿穿着的服装。
3.1 上装3.1.1 西服 suit西式上衣。
A字裙A-line skirtT恤衫T-shirtV領毛衫V-neck sweaterV領罩衫V-neck blouse三角背心halter top三角胸衣stomacher下空裝bottomless上空游泳衣monokini上空裝topless; topless outfit土耳其長外套dolman大衣overcoat; overgarment大擺裙expansion skirt大禮服full dress; formal dress; ceremonial dress大襟兒棉襖cotton-padded jacket with buttons on the right 騎馬裝habit; riding habit工作服overalls; work clothes工作褲work pants中式大衣mandarin topcoat中空裝midriff outfit; midriff costume中短褲Bermuda shorts; Bermudas中間折裙fly-front skirt內衣step-in; underwear; underclothes化妝服fancy dress反盒褶裙inverted pleat skirt太空裝quilted car coat太陽裙sundress少女胸罩training bra斗篷cloak斗篷裝poncho月經褲sanitary panties比基尼內褲bikini panties比基尼泳裝bikini毛巾布汗衫terrycloth shirt毛皮披風pelisse毛衣woolen sweater; sweater; cardigan毛線衣wool knit coat毛線衫sweater毛褲woollen underpants毛織運動衫jersey毛邊短褲frayed cut-off shorts; cutoff毛襯夾克wool lined robe牛仔衣褲jeans冬季白襯衣white winter underwear冬服winter uniform四節腰帶four-panel girdle外套;外衣coat; surcoat; outer coat孕婦裙maternity dress孕婦裝maternity clothes布袋裝sack; sacque平腳女褲panties打褶上衣tucked-front suit blouse白運動衣white cotton underwear皮上衣;皮大衣fur coat; fur topcoat; fur-trimmed outer garment 皮夾克leather jacket皮袍fur lined robe皮短襖fur lined jacket; lined fur jacket皮領夾克fur collar jacket印花布裙floral print skirt; printed skirt印花襯衫print shirt吊帶胸罩shoulder-strapped bra扣鈕毛衫button-front sweater扣鈕背心button-front vest托乳罩cup有孔胸罩eyelet bra有帶長袖服caftan有鈕套衫adjustable slipover; pullover with buttons有箍襯裙crinoline; hoop skirt汗背心undervest汗衫undershirt百慕達式短褲Bermuda shorts; Bermudas百褶裙skirt with accordion pleats羊毛外衣woolly undercoat羊毛背心cardigan羊皮夾克chamois skin jacket衣服dress西式套裙costume西服Western style clothes西服裙skirt suit西裝背心[America] vest; [England] waistcoat低胸衣low dress; low-cut dress低腰緊身長褲hip-huggers夾衣lined dress; jacket夾緊身衣tight-fitting lined undergarment夾褲lined trousers束帶睡衣pajamas with drawing waistband束帶緊身衣belted corset; belted girdle束腰內褲girdle; panty girdle束腰外衣tunic; wraparound coat束腰短大衣belted topcoat; belted overcoat束腹girdle; corset男女通用裝unisex suit車縫褶襯衫pin-tucked blouse防水外衣waterproof coat乳罩腰帶corselette; all-in-one girdle兩用衫reversible jacket兩件套裝two-piece suit兩面大衣reversible topcoat兩面毛衣reversible wool sweater兩面夾克reversible jacket制服uniform和服kimono定型胸罩padded bra居家便衣housedress府綢短褲poplin shorts拉格蘭外套raglan-sleeved jacket拉鍊套衫wrapper; zipper-front pullover拉鏈運動衫zipper-front sport shirt披肩領毛衣cape collar sweater披風cloak拖地女禮服evening gown法蘭絨上衣flannel shirt牧師白袍surplice直身服裝[America] skimmer直邊襯衫straight-bottomed shirt肩鈕毛衫button shoulder sweater花木蘭夏服W AC summer uniform花邊胸罩lace bra花邊領罩衫lace-collared blouse金線條褲railroad trousers長大衣maxi長內衣long underwear長內褲long underpants長毛絨衣Angora sweater長衣long dress長衣式毛衣coat sweater長浴衣bathing gown長晚禮服evening gown長袖襯衫long-sleeved blouse長袍gown; long robe; long gown長裙long skirt長褲[America] pants; trousers; slacks長褲套裝[England] pantsuit; pants suit; [America] trouser suit長襯裙slip; full slip雨衣raincoat雨披poncho青年裝safari便服negligee; leisure suit; leisure wear; casual wear便裝negligee; leisure suit; leisure wear; casual wear厚短衣mackinaw厚運動衫[America] sweater; [England] jumper娃娃裝little-girl style clothes拼接裙gored skirt洞洞裝breezy outfit穿繩緊身衣laced corset背心vest背心胸罩support bra背心裙pinafore dress; sundress衫褲連衣combination; jump suit軍用雨衣trench coat迪斯可裝disco重織毛衣sweater knit from recycled yarn短外套car coat風衣windcheater; windbreaker夏季用三角形上衣summer trio夏威夷女長裝moomoo套衫jumper套裝pantsuit; suit; three-piece skirt set套裝毛衣twin sweater set; twinset套褲leggings套頭毛衣pullover; jersey套頭汗衫pullover shirt套頭背心slipover vest容管褲hose bottom trousers格子花呢上衣plaid shirt浮花毛衣embossed sweater浴衣bathing suit浴袍bathrobe特長上衣maxicoat特長女服maxidress特長外套maxicoat特長短褲maxi-shorts珠花旗袍bead embroidery cheongsam; beaded and embroidered gown 病服hospital dress祖母裝granny dress窄裙straight skirt窄管褲narrow-legged trousers羔皮領夾克suede collar jacket胸衫stay胸罩bra; brassiere草裙grass skirt迷地裙midiskirt; midi迷地裝midi dress迷你上衣minicoat迷你套裝minisuit迷你短褲minishort迷你裙mini; miniskirt迷你裝minidress迷你褶裙minikilt迷嬉裝maxi酒會服cocktail dress針織裝knitwear針織緊身內衣jersey馬球運動衣polo shirt馬褲breeches; jodhpurs高領毛衣turtleneck健美衣panty corselette兜帽斗篷long cloak with hood緊身長褲;卡布里褲[America] Capri pants; Capris; toreadore 婚紗;薄紗bridal veil婚禮服wedding dress; wedding gown情侶裝Unisex Look接色旗袍multicolored gown掛肩工作裝bib overalls掛肩套裙built-up shoulder slip斜紋夾克twill jacket晚禮服evening dress; dinner suit晨衣morning gown; dressing gown晨禮服morning coat條絨夾克corduroy jacket; pinwale corduroy jacket盒褶裙;對褶裙box pleat skirt紮口短褲knickers細腰狹裙peplum suit細織毛衣close-knit sweater荷葉邊裙flounced skirt通風裝breezy outfit連衣裙dress連胸罩襯裙bra slip連帽斗篷capuchin連裙三件套裝three-piece suit [skirt, vest, jacket]連褲三件套裝three-piece slack set [jacket and two pair of slacks]連褲內衣[美] [America] union suit連襪內衣body stocking透明裝see-through麻紗底衫linen undergarment傘裙full skirt; umbrella skirt喪服mourning apparel喇叭裙flared skirt喇叭褲bell-bottom trousers; bell-bottoms; wild leg pants; flared trousers; flares 單衣single layer; unlined dress單薄短夾克windcheater圍兜裙apron covering front and back; holder圍帶裙wraparound skirt提花毛衣brocade sweater敞口短褲flared panties棉大衣padded cotton overcoat棉毛衫cotton jersey棉毛褲cotton trousers棉衣cotton dress棉袍cotton wadded robe棉褲cotton wadded trousers; quilted cotton trousers; cotton-padded trousers棉襖cotton wadded jacket; quilted cotton jacket; cotton-padded jacket游泳衣褲swimsuit無帶胸罩strapless bra無帶緊身衣unbelted corset無接縫胸罩seamless bra無袖內衣sleeveless underwear無袖汗背心sleeveless undershirt無袖背心裙jumper無袖無領短外衣shell無袖寬鬆內衣chemise無領長背心long collarless vest登山夾克anorak短上衣blouse; windbreaker短大衣mackinaw短外衫bedjacket短外套sport coat短衫blouse; shirt短袖襯衣camisole短袖襯衫short-sleeved blouse短罩衫shirt blouse短裙tutu短褂jumper短褲shorts短襖lined short coat; lined jacket; lined short gown短襯裙half slip; waist slip結婚禮服wedding dress絨大衣plush topcoat絨衣sweatshirt絨褲sweat pants絲棉襖padded silk jacket; silk refuse wadded jacket絲絨大衣plush coat絲絨褲plush trousers貂皮大衣mink coat貼布花裙appliqued skirt貼身內衣褲lingerie貼身長褲drawers貼身短褲short shorts; hot-pants超迷你裙microminiskirt; microskirt超迷你裝micro超短迷你裙micro-miniskirt開胸毛衫bolero sweater; [Spain] bolero傷患夏服summer hospital suit圓下襬長禮服robe with curved hemline圓領套裙round neckline slip; slip with a round neckline圓邊襯衫shirt with tails; tailed shirt塗膠雨衣treated-fabric raincoat新娘披紗bridal veil新娘禮服bridal gown; wedding dress滑雪服裝skiwear溜冰褲ski pantalets; ski pants碎布拼裙gored skirt稜紋汗衫rib knit T-shirt罩衣dustcoat罩衫dustcoat; overall; smock罩袍over robe裙子skirt裙狀長褲long culottes裙褲;褲裙culotte; pantskirt裙褲裝pantdress補片長褲patched pants補花布長褲patch pants運動夾克blazer運動衫sport shirt運動短褲trunks運動褲[America] slacks麂皮夾克suede leather jacket對襟兒棉襖cotton-padded jacket with button down the front 旗袍cheongsam; ch'i p'ao旗袍裙Chinese style close-fitting skirt; Chinese style straight skirt旗袍襯裙underrobe睡衣pajamas; nightclothes; night attire睡衣褲pajamas; sleepwear睡袍nightgown; nightdress; nightie精製成品女服ready-made women's clothes of fine quality緊身下裝tights緊身衣bodysuit; camisole緊身胸衣bodice緊身馬甲bodice緊身短上衣tunic緊身短內褲briefs緊身舞衣tights; ballet tight; leotard緊身褲panty girdle緊身褡corset緊胸衫chemisette綢衣silk garment舞衣;舞服dancing dress舞襪連褲tights; ballet tight; leotard蓑衣coir raincoat輕便大衣covert topcoat寬便服negligee; [France] peignor寬袍zipper front sport shirt寬短大衣wrap topper; wraparound topcoat; wraparound overcoat寬褲[America] slacks寬鬆外衣[America] tank top; happi-coat; happy-coat寬鬆長褲slacks寬鬆短外衣sacque潛水衣wetsuit熱裙scooter; demi-mi-ni熱褲short shorts; hot-pants編織毛衣knitted woolen garment編織衫knitted shirt膝褲knee warmer膠月經褲plastic-lined sanitary panties蝴蝶裝blouse with butterfly sleeves衛生衫[America] knitted undershirt; [England] knitted singlet; jersey cloth 戰績績分條combat merit stripe整形緊身裝posture aid corset整套女裝ensemble整體女泳裝one-piece swim suit整體女浴裝one-piece bathing suit橡筋胸罩elastic bra; stretch bra燈籠型短褲knickers燈籠褲bloomer; knickers瓢領長衫surplice front gown縐褶裙gathered skirt褲裝jump-suit; pantsuit龜領毛衫turtleneck sweater戲裝costume殮衣shroud薄紗上衣sheer bodice褶裙pleated skirt避塵外衣[England] dust coat獵裝褲hunting breeches織花毛衣fancy knit sweater織花布裙figured skirt; skirt with woven design 繡花裙embroidered skirt繡花睡衣embroidered pajamas翻新毛衣sweater made from used wool翻領睡衣notch collar pajamas鎖子甲coat of arms鬆緊內衣elastic underwear; stretch underwear 襪褲panty hose露肩長衣bare-shouldered gown; strapless gown 露背衣連裙halter dress露背裝backless; backless dress; bare-back dress 露胸衣clothes with plunging neckline露腰裝midriff outfit; midriff costume襯衫blouse; shirt襯絨袍wool-lined robe。

1、服装款式(1)连衣裙 - Dress举例:She looked stunning in her red dress.(她穿上红裙子后看起来十分迷人。
)(2)衬衫 - Shirt举例:He always wears a white shirt to work.(他每天上班都穿白衬衫。
)(3)T恤 - T-shirt举例:I like to wear a plain white T-shirt in the summer.(夏天我喜欢穿简单的白色T恤。
)(4)裤子 - Pants / Trousers举例:He prefers to wear jeans rather than dress pants.(他更喜欢穿牛仔裤而不是西裤。
)(5)夹克 - Jacket举例:She put on her leather jacket before going outside.(她在出门前穿上了她的皮夹克。
)(6)外套 - Coat举例:He wore a warm coat to protect himself from the cold weather.(他穿了一件温暖的外套来抵御寒冷的天气。
)(7)毛衣 - Sweater / Jumper举例:She knitted a cozy sweater for her grandson.(她为她的孙子针织了一件舒适的毛衣。
)(8)裙子 - Skirt举例:She wore a black skirt to the party.(她在派对上穿了一条黑裙子。
)(9)短裤 - Shorts举例:He likes to wear shorts during the summer.(夏天他喜欢穿短裤。

下面是小编给大家整理的服装的英语短语,供大家参阅!服装的英语短语篇11. Many of the clothes come from the worlds top fashion houses.这些服装中有很多出自世界顶级时装设计公司。
2. She had decked him out from head to foot in expensive clothes.她用昂贵的服装把他从头到脚打扮一新。
3. This Islington shop is a treasure trove of beautiful bridalwear.这家位于伊斯灵顿区的商店里汇聚了各种漂亮的新娘服装。
4. Most outfits crease a bit when you are travelling.旅行时大多数服装都会略微起褶。
5. Valentino is keen to see celebrities parading his clothes at big occasions.瓦伦蒂诺喜欢看名人在重大场合展示他设计的服装。
6. Im not a fashion victim; I stick to what suits me.我不是一味赶时髦的人,我只穿适合自己的服装。
7. Tell them to hold all my calls, Theresa, she instructed her dresser.特雷莎,告诉他们我所有的电话都别挂。
8. Designer wedding dresses make wedding fashion a separate category from mainstream fashion.著名设计师设计的婚纱使得婚纱时尚有别于主流服装时尚。
9. An expenditure for clothing will qualify as a trade or business expense.服装费将可算作贸易或商务开支。

dress用法详解及示例标题:Dress用法详解及示例介绍段:"Dress" 是一个常用的英语词汇,它可以作为名词、动词和形容词使用。
在本文中,我们将深入探讨 "dress" 的多个方面,包括其不同的词性用法、常见的短语搭配以及一些例句来帮助读者更好地理解和运用这个词。
一、名词用法:作为名词,"dress" 通常指的是一种特定的服装,用于描述女性的礼服或便装。
例如,"She wore a beautiful dress to the party"(她在聚会上穿了一件漂亮的裙子)。
此外,"dress" 还可以指医生、护士和厨师等职业的工作服。
例如,"The nurse was wearing a white dress"(护士穿着一件白色的工作服)。
二、动词用法:作为动词,"dress" 表示穿衣和打扮的行为。
以下是一些常见的动词短语搭配:1. Dress up: 装扮,打扮得漂漂亮亮。
例如,"She dressed up forthe party"(她为了聚会打扮得漂亮)。
2. Dress down: 打扮朴素,穿着不那么正式。
例如,"He dressed down for the casual event"(对于非正式的活动,他穿得很朴素)。
3. Dress in: 穿着某种服装。
例如,"She dressed in a traditional costume for the celebration"(她为了庆祝穿了传统服装)。
4. Dress for: 根据场合穿着合适的服装。
例如,"You should dress for the job interview"(你应该根据面试穿着得体)。

描述衣服的英语口语带中文对照以下是30个描述衣服的英语口语及其中文对照:1.That’s a nice suit. 这套衣服真不错。
2.This shirt is made of silk. 这件衬衫是丝绸的。
3.I like this material. 我喜欢这种面料。
4.The color is very trendy. 这种颜色很时髦。
5.This is a classic style. 这是一个经典款式。
6.The cut of this dress is very flattering. 这件连衣裙的剪裁非常合身。
7.This sweater is so cozy. 这件毛衣很舒适。
8.The pants fit like a glove. 这条裤子非常合身。
9.The jacket is tailored to perfection. 这件夹克衫非常完美。
10.These shoes are made for walking. 这些鞋子很适合走路。
11.The boots are waterproof. 这些靴子是防水的。
12.The scarf is made of cashmere. 这条围巾是羊绒的。
13.The earrings are made of gold. 这些耳环是金的。
14.The necklace is very statement-making. 这条项链非常醒目。
15.The bracelet is very dainty. 这只手镯很精致。
16.The rings are very stackable. 这些戒指很适合叠戴。
17.This watch is analog. 这块手表是模拟的。
18.The sunglasses are aviator-style. 这些太阳镜是飞行员的款式。
19.The hat is made of felt. 这顶帽子是毡制的。

English: In terms of fashion, I think it's important to dress in a way that makes you feel confident and comfortable. It's not just about following trends or wearing designer labels, but about expressing yourself and feeling good in what you're wearing. I also believe in the importance of investing in quality pieces that will last, rather than constantly buying cheap, disposable items. And I think it's great to experiment with different styles and colors to find what truly suits you and makes you feel your best.
中文翻译: 在时尚方面,我认为穿着让自己感到自信和舒适很重要。

制衣英文语术语1. “Pattern (纸样) - Oh, man, pattern is like the blueprint for your clothes. You can't build a house without a blueprint, right? And you can't make a cool shirt without a pattern. For example, when I was making a dress for my friend, I first had to draw out the pattern on the paper to get the shape just right.”2. “Seam (缝) - Seams are the little lines that hold your clothes together, like the bonds between friends. If the seams are bad, your clothes might fall apart. I once got a cheap T - shirt, and the seams were so poorly done that it ripped after just a couple of wears. A well - sewn seam is like a strong handshake, it holds things firmly.”3. “Hem (折边) - Hemming is like putting a neat little frame around your clothes. It gives a finished look. Imagine a picture without a frame, it just looks a bit off. I saw a skirt once that had a beautiful hem, it made the whole skirt look more elegant. When I hem my own pants, I always make sure it's straight and even.”4. “Buttonhole (扣眼) - Buttonholes can be a pain in the neck if not done right. They're like the little doors for your buttons. Iremember my grandma teaching me how to make buttonholes. She said it's like creating a tiny, perfect tunnel for the button to pass through. If the buttonhole is too small, the button won't fit, and if it's too big, it'll look sloppy.”5. “Yoke (过肩) - The yoke is kind of like the backbone of the upper part of a shirt or dress. It distributes the stress and gives structure. I was helping a local tailor once, and he told me that a good yoke can make or break the fit of a garment. For a work shirt,a strong yoke is essential to hold up to all the movement.”6. “Gusset (三角形布片) - A gusset might seem like a small, unimportant part, but it's like a little helper. It's added to give extra room or strength in certain areas, like the armpits of a shirt. I had a pair of cycling shorts that had gussets, and they made such a difference in comfort during long rides. Without the gussets, the shorts would've been too tight and restrictive.”7. “Placket (门襟) - The placket is like the front entrance to your clothes. It can be a simple or fancy way to close up a garment.I was shopping for a blouse with my sister, and she was really picky about the placket. She said it's like the first impression of the shirt.If the placket is crooked or the buttons don't line up, it can ruin the whole look.”8. “Dart (省道) - Darts are like the magic that gives shape to flat fabric. They're those little folds that make a garment fit your body curves. I was making a blouse for myself, and I was so amazed at how the darts transformed the piece of cloth into something that actually fit me well. It's like sculpting the fabric to fit you.”9. “Interfacing (衬布) - Interfacing is the secret ingredient in some clothes. It's like the invisible support system. I made a jacket once without using interfacing at first, and it was all floppy. Then I added interfacing, and it was like the jacket got a new lease on life. It stood up straight and looked so much more professional.”10. “Notch (剪口) - Notches are like little markers on your pattern pieces. They tell you where things should match up. When I was making a pair of pants with my friend, we got so confused until we realized the importance of the notches. It's like they're the little signs on a treasure map, guiding you to make the perfect garment.In conclusion, these English terms in garment - making are not just words, but they're keys to creating amazing clothes. They all play important roles, whether big or small, in the final product.。

例句:She wore a dark blue suit.她穿着一套深蓝色的西装。
What time would suit you?你看几点合适?uniform介绍解释:n.制服;adj.统一的;一致的;相同的;均衡的;始终如一的。
例句:Nurses have to wear a uniform.护士必须穿制服。
Do you have to wear uniform ?你非得穿制服不可吗?jacket介绍解释:n.羽绒滑雪衫;西装短外套;短上衣,夹克。
例句:Your red jacket is too big for me.你的红夹克对我来说太大了。
The cut of this jacket is perfect.这件夹克的裁剪真是完美。
sweater介绍解释:n.毛线衣,运动衫;大量出汗的人,发汗剂例句:Put a sweater on if you are cold.如果你冷的话就穿上毛衣。
Do you have this sweater in large?这件毛衣有大号的吗?coat介绍解释:n.外套;vt.覆盖…的表面例句:You need a thick coat for winter.你需要一件厚的外套过冬。
She can't find her coat and hat.她找不到她的外套和帽子。
dress介绍解释:n.连衣裙;衣服例句:She was wearing a black dress.她穿着黑色连衣裙The dress code has changed.着装标准变了。
T-shirt介绍解释:n.T恤衫,短袖圆领汗衫例句:This T-shirt is too small for me.这件T恤对我来说太小了。

服装有关的英语词汇与语句上装jacket西装suit中山服zhongshan jacket青年服young men's jacket衬衫(男)blouse(女)猎装hunting coat茄克衫jacketxxcowboy wear棉袄(防寒服)cotton wadded jacket羽绒服down wear背心vest外套outer wear内衣under wear童装children wear女装lady wear男装man wear冬装winter clothes运动服sportwear休闲服easydress职业服business suit皮衣leather手饰handwear头饰headwear脚饰footwearxxtowel手套glove帽子cap手镯bracelet项链necklace介指ring原料material短裤above mid-knee shorts 劳动保护服working wear 毛呢服装woolen garmewnt 新娘服wedding gown西裤trousers风衣trench coat节裙tiered skirt燕尾服swallow-tailed coat 筒裙straight skirt西裙skirt丝绸服装silk garment马裤riding breeches成衣ready-to-wear旗袍qipao旗袍裤qipao style skirt睡衣pajamas摺裙pleated skirt大衣overcoat斜裙a-line skirt风雨衣all-weather coat服饰apparel and accessories 喇叭裤bell-bottom trousers 中式裤chinese style slack披风cape裙裤culotte定制服装specially made羽绒服装down garment羽绒裤down wadded trousers 连衣裙dress, jumpersuit晚礼服evening dress时装fashion喇叭裙flare skirt裘革服fur or leather garment婴儿装infant's wear牛仔裤jeans背心裙jumper skirt服装garment, clothing, apparel灯笼裤knickerbockers xxmantle超短裙mini-skirt睡袍night-gown背带裙overalls服装英语对话1. A:How do you think a design room? 你是如何看待设计室的?B:设计室是服装公司的心脏A:Why you said so?为什么?B:Its function is to produce sample garments that will "lookgood,fit well and be practical to produce in bulk".它的功能是制造出好看的合适的具批量生产可行性的样本A:So you think it is very important?所以你认为很重要?B:对,公司的未来商务操作就看设计团伙的技术了那是一个非常重要的部门3. A:你们公司有多少设计师B:Only two, but experienced只有两个,但都很有经验A:What is their work?他们的任务是什么?B:Select fabric and trimmings, and develop the idea for sample, pass on sketch to pattern cutter 选定辅面料,设计出设计图,把图纸给样本裁剪师.。

服装英语(非常全面)一、服装基本词汇1. 上衣类Tshirt:T恤Shirt:衬衫Sweater:毛衣Jacket:夹克Coat:大衣Blouse:女式衬衫2. 裤子类Pants:长裤Trousers:裤子Jeans:牛仔裤Shorts:短裤Skirt:裙子3. 配饰类Scarf:围巾Hat:帽子Gloves:手套Belt:皮带Socks:袜子Shoes:鞋Boots:靴子二、服装材质表达Cotton:棉Wool:羊毛Silk:丝绸Linen:亚麻Polyester:聚酯纤维Spandex:氨纶Leather:皮革三、购买服装常用表达May I try this on?我可以试穿这个吗?What size are you looking for?您需要什么尺码的?Do you have this in a larger size?这个有大一号的吗?How much is this?这个多少钱?Can I pay with a credit card?我可以用信用卡支付吗?四、服装风格描述Casual:休闲Formal:正式Business:商务Vintage:复古Bohemian:波西米亚 Sporty:运动五、服装颜色表达Red:红色Blue:蓝色Green:绿色Yellow:黄色Black:黑色White:白色Purple:紫色Orange:橙色六、服装设计元素Pattern:图案Print:印花Embroidery:刺绣Lace:蕾丝Zipper:拉链Button:纽扣Pocket:口袋七、时尚界相关词汇Fashion show:时装秀 Runway:T台Designer:设计师Collection:系列Trend:趋势Season:季节Catalogue:产品目录八、服装搭配建议1. 搭配技巧Layering:层次感搭配,如T恤加外套。
Color Blocking:色彩区块搭配,大胆使用对比色。

有关服装的表达英语句子1. 英语里有关“衣服”的表达法clothes, clothing, coat, dress, garment, robe, gown, uniform, costume, suit这些名词均有“衣服、服装”之意。
2. 5道关于服装英语的句子翻译1. A sample pattern usually have 5 parts, these are front, back, group piece, pants and sleeves.2. After folding and cutting darts rightly, you must check and make sure the smooth and straight seam.3. In the operation, darts shouldn't get to the bust point, or it will cause unfitness problem.4. Darts can make clothing fit, and can locate at the any place of the body.5. Sample patterns are carefully kept by each private-owned company, beacuse they will greatly rely on them for the future sale3. 5道关于服装英语的句子翻译1.缝临时线迹的缝线与面料的颜色应该稍有反差。

"衣"統天下的服裝英語大全(1`)2.1 服饰 apparel and accessories装饰人体的物品总称(包括服装、鞋帽、袜子、手套、围巾、领带、提包等)。
同义词:衣着2.2 服装 garments , clothing , apparel穿于人体起保护和装饰作用的制品。
同义词:衣服、衣裳2.3 时装 fashion在一定时间、空间内,为相当一部分人所接受的新颖入时的流行服装。
2.4 成衣 ready-to-wear按照规定的尺寸,以批量生产方式制作的服装。
2.5 定制服装 customer made根据个人量体尺寸,单件剪裁,制作完成的服装。
2.6 毛呢服装 woolen garment由纯毛、毛混纺织物为面料制成的服装。
2.7 棉布服装 cotton clothes由全棉、棉混纺织物制成的服装。
2.8 丝绸服装 silk garment由天然丝、人造丝、合成丝织物制成的服装。
2.9 化纤服装 chemical fiber garment由各种化学纤维织物制成的服装。
2.10裘革服装 fur or leather garment由裘皮或革皮制成的服装。
2.11羽绒服装 down garment内充羽绒的服装。
2.12人造毛皮服装 artificial fur and leather garment由天然或化学纤维仿各种毛皮的织物为面料制成的服装。
2.13男式服装men’s wear成年男子穿着的服装。
2.14女式服装women’s wear成年女子穿着的服装。
2.15儿童服装children’s wear适合儿童穿着的服装。
2.16婴儿服装infant’s wear适合周岁以内婴儿穿着的服装。
3.1 上装3.1.1 西服 suit西式上衣。

1. 名词用法:在名词用法中,dress可以指代各种不同类型的服装。
例如,晚礼服可以称为evening dress,而工作场合需要穿的正式衣物可以称为business dress。
2. 动词用法:当dress作为动词时,它表示穿着衣物并使自己看起来整洁或漂亮。
1. dress up:打扮/盛装出席Dress up意味着以更正式、端庄的方式打扮自己,通常用于参加特殊场合或活动。
例如,当你收到一份正式邀请时,你会选择合适的衣物来dress up。
2. dress down:打扮朴素/休闲Dress down则是相反的概念,意味着以更随意、休闲的方式打扮自己。
例如,在家庭聚会上,人们可能会选择dress down。
3. dress code:着装规范Dress code是特定场所或事件要求参与者穿着特定类型的服装的规则。
在一些工作场合、学校或宴会上都有着明确的dress code。
4. wedding dress:婚纱Wedding dress指婚礼上新娘穿着的特殊礼服。
5. black-tie dress code:黑色领带着装规范Black-tie dress code通常出现在晚会或宴会上,要求男性穿戴正式套装并系领带,女性穿着长礼服或正式晚礼服。

服装常用英语Clothing is an essential part of our daily lives, and it plays a crucial role in our personal expression, cultural identity, and social interactions. As we navigate the world, the language we use to describe and discuss our attire becomes an integral part of our communication. In this essay, we will explore the common English vocabulary associated with clothing, delving into the various garments, accessories, and fashion-related terms that are essential for effective communication in English-speaking environments.One of the fundamental elements of clothing vocabulary is the names of different garments. From the basic t-shirts, jeans, and sweaters to the more formal attire like suits, dresses, and skirts, each type of clothing has its own unique terminology. For example, we might refer to a "button-down shirt," a "pleated skirt," or a "knit cardigan." Understanding these specific terms allows us to accurately describe the clothing we wear and communicate our style preferences effectively.Beyond the names of individual garments, there are also a variety ofterms used to describe the different parts and features of clothing. For instance, we might discuss the "collar," "cuffs," "sleeves," or "hem" of a shirt, or the "zipper," "pockets," and "lining" of a jacket. Mastering these vocabulary words enables us to provide detailed descriptions of the clothing we own or desire, making it easier to shop for new items or communicate with fashion-conscious individuals.Accessories are another important aspect of clothing vocabulary. From hats and scarves to jewelry and belts, the various accessories we use to complement our outfits have their own unique terminology. A "fedora," a "beret," or a "baseball cap" are all examples of different types of headwear, while a "necklace," "bracelet," or "earrings" are common jewelry items. Understanding these accessory-related terms allows us to discuss and coordinate our complete outfits, enhancing our overall fashion sense and communication abilities.In addition to the specific names of garments and accessories, there are also numerous adjectives and adverbs used to describe the characteristics of clothing. Words like "comfortable," "stylish," "formal," "casual," "fitted," "loose," "vibrant," and "muted" can all be used to convey the various qualities and aesthetics of our attire. Mastering these descriptive terms enables us to express our personal preferences, evaluate the suitability of clothing for differentoccasions, and engage in discussions about fashion trends and styles.The world of fashion is also replete with industry-specific terminology, which can be useful for those interested in the fashion industry or for those who need to navigate the complexities of the clothing market. Terms like "haute couture," "ready-to-wear," "runway," "trend," and "designer" are all examples of fashion-related vocabulary that can enhance our understanding of the industry and our ability to communicate effectively within it.Furthermore, the language of clothing extends beyond the physical garments themselves, encompassing the various verbs and expressions used to describe the act of wearing, purchasing, and caring for our attire. Words like "to wear," "to put on," "to take off," "to try on," "to buy," "to fit," "to wash," and "to iron" are all essential for discussing our daily interactions with clothing.In conclusion, the English vocabulary associated with clothing is vast and multifaceted, covering a wide range of terms related to garments, accessories, fashion characteristics, and industry-specific concepts. By mastering this vocabulary, we can improve our ability to communicate effectively in English-speaking environments, express our personal style, and engage in meaningful discussions about the world of fashion. Whether we are shopping for new clothes, discussing the latest trends, or simply describing our daily outfits, astrong command of clothing-related vocabulary is an invaluable tool for effective communication and personal expression.。
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garment是可数名词,是一种比较正式的对成品服装的称呼,如garment factory等;clothing是不可数名词,是各种衣服的总称,它还常用来作定语表示“(有关)服装(生产或研究)的”,如clothing factory,clothing industry等。
dress作为不可数名词时,可以表示服装的总称,尤指外衣,与clothes同义;和其它词连用时,指考究的正式场合穿的衣服,如dress shirt(正式场合穿着的衬衫)、evening dress(晚礼服)等。
wear作为服装的统称是不可数名词,商业上常用它来构成复合词,表示特定场合或某类人穿的服装,如children's wear(童装),underwear(内衣),casual wear(或leisure wear,休闲装),sport wear(运动服)。
一、常用单词1. 总体:服装apparel;garments;clothes:衣服、衣裳时装fashion成衣ready-to-wear定制服装tailor made上装tops下装bottoms套装suits连身装cover all内衣underwear外衣outerwear男装Young Men's wear:适合于成年男子穿着的服装。
女装Misses' wear 适合于成年女子穿着的服装。
少男服装boy's clothes少女服装girl's clothes儿童服装children's wear婴幼儿服装infant's wear功能性服装functional garments职业服work wear休闲服casual wear款式style:服装的式样。
结构garment constructionon sale 换季off size 尺码不全short in size 断码unit price 单价Wholesale price 批发价Retail Price (V AT in) 零售价(含增值税)vendor 经销商warranty hangtag 合格证2. 面料:针织服装knitted garments机织服装woven garments:又称为梭织服装。
毛呢服装woollen garments棉类服装cotton garments麻类服装bast garments丝绸服装silk garments化纤类服装synthetic-made garments毛皮服装fur garments皮革服装leather garments人造毛皮服装fake fur garments人造革服装fake leather garments牛仔服装jeans wear防寒服cold protective clothing棉服装padded garments羽绒服装down wear3. 款式:西服tailored suit中山装Zhongshan Zhuang军便装military jacket青年装young men's jacket茄克衫jacket猎装safari jacket衬衫shirt(男);blouses(女)中西式上衣Chinese and Western-style coat中式上衣Chinese style coat背心vest:又称“马甲”文胸brassiere连衣裙dress旗袍裙Qipao style skirt斜裙A-line skirt喇叭裙flare skirt超短裙miniskirt褶裙pleated skirt节裙tiered skirt筒裙straight skirt西服裙tailored skirt西裤tailored trousers西短裤tailored shorts中式裤Chinese style slack背带裤overall马裤riding breeches灯笼裤knickerbockers裙裤culottes牛仔裤jeans连衣裤jumpsuit喇叭裤bell-bottom trousers棉裤padded pants羽绒裤down pants超短裤mini shorts雨裤rain-proof pants内裤underpants三角裤briefs沙滩裤beach shorts比基尼bikini:也称为“三点式游泳衣”。
泳装swimming wear紧身服body fitting garments风雨衣all-weather coat风衣trench coat雨衣raincoat大衣overcoat旗袍chirpaur睡衣套pyjamas睡袍nightgown新娘礼服wedding gown晚礼服evening wear燕尾服morning coat4.部位:领collar立领stand collar翻折领fold-over collar底领collar stand。
翻领lapel领上口roll collar领下口collar neckline领里口collar stand line领外口style line领豁口collar notch倒挂领Ulster collar中山服领Zhongshan collar中式领mandarin collar衬衫领shirt collar两用领convertible collar尖领V-neck圆领crew neck方领square neck袖sleeve袖口cuff衬衫袖口shirt sleeve cuff橡筋袖口elastic cuff罗纹袖口rib cuff袖头cuff button:又称为袖卡夫。
双袖头folding cuff袖叉sleeve vent袖叉条sleeve placket大袖top sleeve:衣袖的大片。
小袖under sleeve:衣袖的小片。
袖中缝sleeve center line前袖缝inseam后袖缝elbow seam袖底缝sleeve line衬衫袖shirt sleeve圆袖set-in sleeve:在臂根围与衣身接合的袖型。
连袖kimono sleeve:衣袖相连,有中缝的袖型。
连肩袖raglan sleeve:又称为插肩袖。
中缝圆袖raglan sleeve with center seam:中间有缝的圆袖,又称为连肩袖。
喇叭袖flare sleeve灯笼袖puff sleeve蝙蝠袖batwing sleeve泡泡袖bishop sleeve花瓣袖petal sleeve口袋pocket插袋vertical pocket贴袋patch pocket开袋slit pocket双嵌线袋double jet pocket单嵌线袋single jet pocket卡袋card pocket:放名片、卡片的小袋。
手巾袋breast pocket袋爿袋welt pocket:装有袋爿的开袋。
眼镜袋glasses pocket里袋inside pocket锯齿形里袋saw-tooth edge trimmed inside pocket:又称为三角形里袋。
有盖贴袋flapped patch pocket5.工艺纸样paper pattern:软质纸的版样。
板样pasteboard pattern:硬质纸的版样,亦称样板。
布样cloth pattern:布质的版样、立裁中产生的版样。
接线双轨stagged seam绗棉起绺uneven quilting缉线跳针skipped stitches浮线floating戳毛damage to fabric眼皮eyelid针孔loops on the underside毛loops on the top脱thread breakage漏missing stitches线头thread end整烫pressing水花water spot亮光pressing mark污迹spoteasy care 免烫edge covering 包边fabric edge 布边fringed edge 毛边,[粤]散口dry clean 干洗dry rub 干擦extra large size,king size 特大号,加大码large size 大号,大码medium size 中号,中码small size 小号,小码extra small size 特小号firm handfeel 手感厚实hard handfeel 手感硬harsh handfeel 手感粗糙soft handfeel 手感柔软wash-and-wear 免烫(衣服)6.尺寸bust,bust width (女)胸围,[粤]胸阔chest,chest width (男)胸围,[粤]胸阔waist 腰围bottom,hem,hem opening 下摆,[粤]脚围waistband width (夹克等上衣)脚围waistband height (夹克等上衣)脚高front cross 前胸宽,[粤]前胸阔across measure 横量,[粤]横度neck width,neck across 领宽,[粤]领横neck drop (center back to center front) 领深(后中到前中)front neck drop 前领深back neck drop 后领深placket width 门襟宽,[粤]门筒阔pocket welt width 袋口高pocket high point 袋尖高(口袋最长的高度)shoulder across 总肩宽,[粤]肩阔shoulder length,small shoulder 肩长,[粤]小肩长(单边肩长)armhole(curve)袖窿,[粤]夹圈(弯量,[粤]弯度)armhole(straight)袖窿,[粤]夹圈(直量,[粤]直度)armpit 腋窝,[粤]夹底sleeve length 袖长overarm 上袖长underarm 下袖长collar length 领长collar point spread 领尖距collar point 领尖长upper collar height 上级领高collar band height 领座高,[粤]下级领高logo meas: edge to side fold 标识位置:边到折边Bottoms 下装waist(relax)腰围(松量,[粤]松度)waist(stretched)腰围(拉量,[粤]拉度)waistband width (裤、裙等下装)腰围waistband height (裤、裙等下装)腰头高hip,hip width 臀围,坐围high hip 上臀围,上坐围thigh(under crotch),thigh width 髀围,大腿围(裤浪底量)leg opening 裤脚围knee 膝围sweep (裙)下摆,[粤](裙)脚围side seam,outseam length 外长,[粤]侧骨长inseam length 内长fly length (裤)门襟长,[粤]钮牌长fly width (裤)门襟宽,[粤]钮牌宽front rise 前直裆长,[粤]前浪长back rise 后直裆长,[粤]后浪长补充:(可能有重复)clothes 衣服,服装wardrobe 服装clothing 服装habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣garments 外衣town clothes 外衣double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣suit 男外衣dress 女服tailored suit 女式西服everyday clothes 便服three-piece suit 三件套trousseau 嫁妆layette 婴儿的全套服装uniform 制服overalls 工装裤rompers 连背心的背带裤formal dress 礼服tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服evening dress 夜礼服dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服nightshirt 男式晚礼服dinner jacket 无尾礼服(美作:tuxedo)full dress uniform 礼服制服frock coat 双排扣长礼服gown, robe 礼袍tunic 长袍overcoat 男式大衣coat 女大衣topcoat 夹大衣fur coat 皮大衣three-quarter coat 中长大衣dust coat 风衣mantle, cloak 斗篷poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷)sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克pelisse 皮上衣jacket 短外衣夹克anorak, duffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣hood 风帽scarf, muffler 围巾shawl 大披巾knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾fur stole 毛皮长围巾muff 皮手筒housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣(美作:duster)short dressing gown 短晨衣bathrobe 浴衣nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣pyjamas 睡衣裤(美作:pajamas) pocket 衣袋lapel (上衣)翻领detachable collar 假领,活领wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领V-neck V型领sleeve 袖子cuff 袖口buttonhole 钮扣孔shirt 衬衫blouse 紧身女衫T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫vest 汗衫(美作:undershirt)polo shirt 球衣middy blouse 水手衫sweater 运动衫short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫suit, outfit, ensemble 套服twinset 两件套,运动衫裤jerkin 猎装kimono 和服ulster 一种长而宽松的外套jellaba, djellaba, jelab 带风帽的外衣cardigan 开襟毛衣mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡胶雨衣trousers 裤子jeans 牛仔裤short trousers 短裤knickers 儿童灯笼短裤knickerbockers 灯笼裤plus fours 高尔夫球裤,半长裤braces 裤子背带(美作:suspenders) turnup 裤角折边,挽脚breeches 马裤belt 裤带skirt 裙子divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤underskirt 内衣underwear, underclothes 内衣裤underpants, pants 内衣裤(美作:shorts) briefs 短内裤,三角裤panties 女短内裤knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤brassiere, bra 乳罩corselet 紧身胸衣stays, corset 束腰,胸衣waistcoat 背心slip, petticoat 衬裙girdle 腰带stockings 长袜suspenders 袜带(美作:garters)suspender belt 吊袜腰带(美作:garter belt) socks 短袜tights, leotard 紧身衣裤handkerchief 手帕bathing trunks 游泳裤bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣bikini 比基尼泳衣apron 围裙pinafore (带护胸)围裙shoe 鞋sole 鞋底heel 鞋后跟lace 鞋带moccasin 鹿皮鞋patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋boot 靴子slippers 便鞋sandal 凉鞋canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋clog 木拖鞋galosh, overshoe 套鞋glove 手套tie 领带(美作:necktie)bow tie 蝶形领带cravat 领巾cap 便帽hat 带沿的帽子bowler hat 圆顶硬礼帽top hat 高顶丝质礼帽Panama hat 巴拿马草帽beret 贝蕾帽peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖顶帽broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽headdress 头饰turban 头巾natural fabric 天然纤维cotton 棉silk 丝wool 毛料linen 麻synthetic fabric 混合纤维acryl 压克力polyester 伸缩尼龙nylon 尼龙worsted 呢料cashmere 羊毛patterns 花样tartan plaid 格子花(美作:tartan)dot 圆点花stripe 条纹flower pattern 花纹花样veil 面纱二、常用短语1.welcome!what can I do for you?欢迎光临,有什么需要的吗?2.which items are you interested in?你对那个产品感兴趣?3.Would you like to take a look at our new products?想看看我们的新产品吗?3. This new product is very popular in market.这个新产品在市场上很流行4. we can’t reduce our price any more我们不能再降价了5. our price depends on how large your order is。