



目 录第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理第2章 像经济学家一样思考第3章 相互依存性与贸易的好处第2篇 市场如何运行第4章 供给与需求的市场力量第5章 弹性及其应用第6章 供给、需求与政府政策第3篇 市场和福利第7章 消费者、生产者与市场效率第8章 应用:赋税的代价第9章 应用:国际贸易第4篇 公共部门经济学第10章 外部性第11章 公共物品和公共资源第12章 税制的设计第5篇 企业行为与产业组织第13章 生产成本第14章 竞争市场上的企业第15章 垄 断第16章 垄断竞争第17章 寡 头第6篇 劳动市场经济学第18章 生产要素市场第19章 收入与歧视第20章 收入不平等与贫困第7篇 深入研究的论题第21章 消费者选择理论第22章 微观经济学前沿第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理一、概念题1.稀缺性(scarcity)答:经济学研究的问题和经济物品都是以稀缺性为前提的。










目 录第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理第2章 像经济学家一样思考第3章 相互依存性与贸易的好处第2篇 市场如何运行第4章 供给与需求的市场力量第5章 弹性及其应用第6章 供给、需求与政府政策第3篇 市场和福利第7章 消费者、生产者与市场效率第8章 应用:赋税的代价第9章 应用:国际贸易第4篇 公共部门经济学第10章 外部性第11章 公共物品和公共资源第12章 税制的设计第5篇 企业行为与产业组织第13章 生产成本第14章 竞争市场上的企业第15章 垄 断第16章 垄断竞争第17章 寡 头第6篇 劳动市场经济学第18章 生产要素市场第19章 收入与歧视第20章 收入不平等与贫困第7篇 深入研究的论题第21章 消费者选择理论第22章 微观经济学前沿第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理一、概念题1.稀缺性(scarcity)答:经济学研究的问题和经济物品都是以稀缺性为前提的。








西财《管理经济学》教学资料包 课后习题答案 第三章

西财《管理经济学》教学资料包 课后习题答案 第三章

第三章 需求弹性分析一、思考题1.某农贸市场在西红柿供应期间,价格由旺季初期的每千克4元,降到旺季末期的每千克1元,消费者对该蔬菜的需求量由最初的500千克增加到950千克。



2.如果面包的价格从2元上升到2.2元,会使人们对面包的需求从10个减少到8个,那么,面包的需求价格弹性为多少?解:根据题义得 价格变动百分比=(2.2-2)/2×100% =10%需求量变动百分比=(8-10)/10 ×100% =﹣20%因此,面包的需求价格弹性=﹣20%/10%=2答:面包的需求价格弹性为-2。

3.假设黄油的价格P X1从每磅1美元增加到1.5美元。

结果,当地一家食品杂货店人造黄油的每月需求量Q Y2从226.8千克增加到272.16千克。


解:将相关数据代入式(3-11),得E PX =[(600-500)/(600+500)/2]/[(1.50-1.00)/(1.50+1.00)/2]=0.45这表明其他条件不变,黄油价格上涨1%将使人造黄油的需求量增加45%,人造黄油是黄油的替代品。



对于需求富有弹性的商品来说, 该商品的价格策略应采取“薄利多销”策略, 即低价或降价策略。

而对于需求缺乏弹性的商品来说, 应采取稳中有升价格策略。

对于缺乏需求价格弹性的商品, 可以采取适当高价策略。




市场调查法就是通过对P P Q Q E p //∆∆=2.1414500500950-=-⨯-=P E消费者的直接调查,并依据调查结果来估计某产品的需求量和各个变量之间关系的方法。



目 录第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理第2章 像经济学家一样思考第3章 相互依存性与贸易的好处第2篇 市场如何运行第4章 供给与需求的市场力量第5章 弹性及其应用第6章 供给、需求与政府政策第3篇 市场和福利第7章 消费者、生产者与市场效率第8章 应用:赋税的代价第9章 应用:国际贸易第4篇 公共部门经济学第10章 外部性第11章 公共物品和公共资源第12章 税制的设计第5篇 企业行为与产业组织第13章 生产成本第14章 竞争市场上的企业第15章 垄 断第16章 垄断竞争第17章 寡 头第6篇 劳动市场经济学第18章 生产要素市场第19章 收入与歧视第20章 收入不平等与贫困第7篇 深入研究的论题第21章 消费者选择理论第22章 微观经济学前沿第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理一、概念题1.稀缺性(scarcity)答:经济学研究的问题和经济物品都是以稀缺性为前提的。








曼昆《经济学原理》第6版 微观经济学分册 第3章 课后习题答案P63-P66

曼昆《经济学原理》第6版 微观经济学分册 第3章 课后习题答案P63-P66
■复习题 1在什么情况下,生产可能性曲线是直线,而不是外凸的? 【重要级别】 ☆☆☆ 【难度级别】 ☆☆☆ 【考查要点】 生产可能性边界定义 【参考答案】 当生产一种产品的机会成本为常数时,生产可能性曲 线是直线而不是外凸的。 2解释绝对优势和比较优势有什么不同。 【重要级别】 ☆☆☆☆ 【难度级别】 ☆☆☆ 【考查要点】 绝对优势定义;比较优势定义 【参考答案】 绝对优势和比较优势都是用于衡量不同生产者生产效 率差异的概念,绝对优势以生产效率为评价标准,比较优势以机会成本 为评价标准。同一生产者可能同时在两种物品上都具有绝对优势,但不 可能同时在两种物品上都拥有比较优势。绝对优势反映了生产率的高 低,比较优势反映了相对机会成本的高低。 3举例说明一个人在做某件事上有绝对优势,而另一个人有比较优 势。 【重要级别】 ☆☆☆ 【难度级别】 ☆☆ 【考查要点】 绝对优势应用;比较优势应用 【参考答案】 工程师A每小时的工资为500元,一个小时可以把自 己的家打扫干净。B每小时的工资为50元,两个小时可以把与A相同面 积的房屋打扫干净。在此例中,无论是赚钱还是打扫房间,A都拥有绝 对优势。但从比较优势的角度来看,打扫A的家,A的机会成本是500 元,而B的机会成本是100元,所以B在打扫房间上具有比较优势。 4对贸易来说,是绝对优势重要还是比较优势重要?以你对上一道 题的答案为例来解释你的推理。 【重要级别】 ☆☆☆☆ 【难度级别】 ☆☆ 【考查要点】 绝对优势应用;比较优势应用 【参考答案】 对贸易而言,比较优势重要。如果按照绝对优势,A 和B之间没有从事贸易的可能。但是如果从比较优势来看,A专门工作 而B专门打扫房间,在相同的时间内,A和B都可以获得更高的收入,这 样双方的状况都变得更好。 5一国是倾向于出口还是进口自己有比较优势的物品?解释原因。 【重要级别】 ☆☆☆☆ 【难度级别】 ☆☆ 【考查要点】 比较优势应用 【参考答案】 倾向于出口自己具有比较优势的产品。因为在该国的 生产效率和资源禀赋不变的条件下,出口自己具有比较优势的产品并进 口自己没有比较优势的产品可以获得更多的消费者组合。

















−2.36 .
greater than one in absolute value, demand is elastic at this price. If the firm
increased its price, total revenue would decrease.
c. At the given prices, quantity demanded is 700 units:
Qxd = 1000 − 2 (154) + .02 (400) = 700 . Substituting the relevant information into
the elasticity formula gives:
EQx ,Px
= −2 Px Qx
= −2 154 700
= −0.44 . Since this is less
Qxd = 1000 − 2 (154) + .02 (400) = 700 . Substituting the relevant information into
the elasticity formula gives:
⎛ ⎜ ⎝
⎞ ⎟ ⎠
⎛ ⎜⎝
400 700
Price $14
$2 Demand
3 MR 4
6 Quantity
Figure 3-1
Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, 6e



PART IIPRODUCERS, CONSUMERS, AND COMPETITIVE MARKETSCHAPTER 3CONSUMER BEHAVIORChapter 3 builds the foundation for deriving the demand curve in Chapter 4. In order tounderstand demand theory, students must have a firm grasp of indifference curves, the marginal rateof substitution, the budget line, and optimal consumer choice. It is possible to discuss consumer choicewithout going into extensive detail on utility theory. Many students find utility functions to be a moreabstract concept than preference relationships. However, if you plan to discuss uncertainty in Chapter5, you will need to cover marginal utility (section 3.5). Even if you cover utility theory only briefly,make sure students are comfortable with the term utility because it appears frequently in Chapter 4.When introducing indifference curves, stress that physical quantities are represented on thetwo axes. After discussing supply and demand, students may think that price should be on the verticalaxis. To illustrate the indifference curves, pick an initial bundle on the graph and ask which otherbundles are likely to be more preferred and less preferred to the initial bundle. This will divide thegraph into four quadrants, and it is then easier for students to figure out the set of bundles betweenwhich the consumer is indifferent. It is helpful to present a lot of examples with different types ofgoods and see if the class can figure out how to draw the indifference curves. The examples are alsouseful for explaining the significance of the assumptions made about preferences. In presentingdifferent examples, you can ask which assumption would be violated.Explaining utility follows naturally from the discussion of indifference curves. Though anabstract concept, it is possible to get students to understand the basic idea without spending too muchtime on the topic. You might point out that we as consumers have a goal in life, which is to maximizeour utility subject to our budget constraint. When we go to the store we pick the basket that we likebest and that stays within our budget. From this we derive demand curves. Emphasize that it is theranking that is important and not the utility number, and point out that if we can graph an indifferencecurve we can certainly find an equation to represent it. Finally, what is most important is the rate atwhich consumers are willing to exchange goods (the marginal rate of substitution) and this is based onthe relative satisfaction that they derive from each good at any particular time.The marginal rate of substitution, MRS, can be confusing to students. Some confuse the MRSwith the ratio of the two quantities. If this is the case, point out that the slope is equal to the ratio of the rise, ∆Y, and the run, ∆X. This ratio is equal to the ratio of the intercepts of a line just tangent to the indifference curve. As we move along a convex indifference curve, these intercepts and the MRSchange. Another problem is the terminology “of X for Y.” This is confus ing because we are notsubstituting “X for Y,” but Y for one unit of X. You may want to present a variety of examples in classto explain this important concept.1. What are the four basic assumptions about individual preferences? Explain thesignificance or meaning of each.(1) Preferences are complete: this means that the consumer is able to compare andrank all possible baskets; (2) Preferences are transitive: this means that preferencesare consistent, in that if bundle A is preferred to bundle B and bundle B is preferredto bundle C, then we should be able to conclude that bundle A is preferred to bundleC; (3) More is preferred to less: this means that all goods are desirable, and that theconsumer will always prefer to have more of a good; (4) Diminishing marginal rateof substitution: this means that indifference curves are convex, and that the slope ofthe indifference curve increases (becomes less negative) as we move down along thecurve. As a consumer moves down along her indifference curve she is willing to giveup fewer units of the good on the vertical axis in exchange for one more unit of thegood on the horizontal axis. This assumption also means that balanced marketbaskets are preferred to baskets that have a lot of one good and very little of theother good.2. Can a set of indifference curves be upward sloping? If so, what would this tell you about the two goods?A set of indifference curves can be upward sloping if we violate assumption numberthree; more is preferred to less. When a set of indifference curves is upward sloping,it means one of the goods is a “bad” in that the consumer prefers less of the goodrather than more of the good. The positive slope means that the consumer willaccept more of the bad good only if she also receives more of the other good in return.As we move up along the indifference curve the consumer has more of the good sheb.Draw a set of indifference curves for Jon.Since Jon is always willing to trade one can of coke for one can of sprite, hisindifference curves are linear with a slope of –1.c.Draw two budget lines with different slopes and illustrate the satisfaction-maximizing choice. What conclusion can you draw?Jon’s indifference curves are linear with a slope of –1. Jon’s budget line is alsolinear, and will have a slope that reflects the ratio of the two prices. If Jon’s budgetline is steeper than his indifference curves then he will choose to consume only thegood on the vertical axis. If Jon’s b udget line is flatter than his indifference curvesthen he will choose to consumer only the good on the horizontal axis. Jon willalways choose a corner solution, unless his budget line has the same slope as hisindifference curves. In this case any combination of Sprite and Coke that uses uphis entire income with maximize his satisfaction.5. What happens to the marginal rate of substitution as you move along a convex indifference curve? A linear indifference curve?The MRS measures how much of a good you are willing to give up in exchange for onemore unit of the other good, keeping utility constant. The MRS diminishes along aconvex indifference curve in that as you move down along the indifference curve, youare willing to give up less and less of the one good in exchange for the other. TheMRS is also the slope of the indifference curve, which increases (becomes lessnegative) as you move down along the indifference curve. The MRS is constantalong a linear indifference curve, since in this case the slope does not change. Theconsumer is always willing to trade the same number of units of one good inexchange for the other.6. Explain why an MRS between two goods must equal the ratio of the price of the goods for the consumer to achieve maximum satisfaction.The MRS describes the rate at which the consumer is willing to trade one good foranother to maintain the same level of satisfaction. The ratio of prices describes thetrade-off that the market is willing to make between the same two goods. Thetangency of the indifference curve with the budget line represents the point at whichthe trade-offs are equal and consumer satisfaction is maximized. If the MRS betweentwo goods is not equal to the ratio of prices, then the consumer could trade one good foranother at market prices to obtain higher levels of satisfaction. For example, if theslope of the budget line (the ratio of the prices) is –4 then the consumer can trade 4units of good 2 for one unit of good 1. If the MRS at the current bundle is –6, then theconsumer is willing to trade 6 units of good 2 for one unit of good 1. Since the twoslopes are not equal the consumer is not maximizing her satisfaction. The consumer iswilling to trade 6 but only has to trade 4, so she should make the trade. This tradingcontinues until the highest level of satisfaction is achieved. As trades are made, theMRS will change and become equal to the price ratio.7. Describe the indifference curves associated with two goods that are perfect substitutes. What if they are perfect complements?Two goods are perfect substitutes if the MRS of one for another is a constant number.Given the MRS is a constant number, the slope of the indifference curves will beconstant, and the indifference curves are therefore linear. If two goods are perfectcomplements, the indifference curves are L-shaped. In this case the consumerwants to consume the two goods in a fixed proportion, say one unit of good 1 for every1 unit of good 2. If she has more of one good but not more of the other then she doesnot get any extra satisfaction.8. What is the difference between ordinal utility and cardinal utility? Explain why the assumption of cardinal utility is not needed in order to rank consumer choices.Ordinal utility implies an ordering among alternatives without regard for intensity ofpreference. For example, if the consumer’s first choice is preferred to their secondchoice, then utility from the first choice will be higher than utility from the secondchoice. How much higher is not important. An ordinal utility function generates aranking of bundles and no meaning is given to the utility number itself. Cardinalutility implies that the intensity of preferences may be quantified, and that the utilitynumber itself has meaning. An ordinal ranking is all that is needed to rank consumerchoices. It is not necessary to know how intensely a consumer prefers basket A overbasket B; it is enough to know that A is preferred to B.9. Upon merging with the West German economy, East German consumers indicated a preference for Mercedes-Benz automobiles over Volkswagens. However, when they converted their savings into deutsche marks, they flocked to Volkswagen dealerships. How can you explain this apparent paradox?Three assumptions are required to address this question: 1) that a Mercedes costs morethan a Volkswagen; 2) that the East German consumers’ utility function comprises twogoods, automobiles and all other goods evaluated in deutsche marks; and 3) that EastGermans have incomes. Based on these assumptions, we can surmise that while EastGerman consumers may prefer a Mercedes to a Volkswagen, they either cannot afford aMercedes or they prefer a bundle of other goods plus a Volkswagen to a Mercedes alone.While the marginal utility of consuming a Mercedes exceeds the marginal utility ofconsuming a Volkswagen, the consumer will consider marginal utility per dollar foreach good. This means the marginal utility per dollar must have been higher for theVolkswagen since consumers flocked to the Volkswagen dealerships and not theMercedes dealerships.10. Draw a budget line and then draw an indifference curve to illustrate the satisfaction maximizing choice associated with two products. Use your graph to answer the following questions.a.Suppose that one of the products is rationed. Explain why the consumer is likelyto be worse off.When goods are not rationed, the consumer is able to choose the satisfaction-maximizing bundle where the slope of the budget line is equal to the slope of theindifference curve, or the price ratio is equal to the MRS. This is point A in the graphbelow. If good 1 is now rationed the consumer will not be able to attain the utilitymaximizing point. He or she will have to consume more of the other good instead.This is point B below.b.Suppose now that the price of one of the products is fixed at a level below thecurrent price. As a result, the consumer is not able to purchase as much as she would like of the product. Can you tell if the consumer is better off or worse off?When the price of the good is fixed at a level below the current (equilibrium) price,there will be a shortage of the good and the good will have to be effectively rationed.As in the question above, the consumer is worse off because she is not able to attainher utility maximizing point.11. Based on his preferences, Bill is willing to trade 4 movie tickets for 1 ticket to a basketball game. If movie tickets cost $8 each and a ticket to the basketball game costs $40, should Bill make the trade? Why or why not?No Bill should not make the trade. If he gives up the 4 movie tickets then he willsave $8 per ticket for a total of $32. However, this is not enough for a basketballticket. He would in fact have to give up 5 movie tickets if he wanted to buy anotherbasketball ticket. Notice also, that the marginal utility per dollar is higher for movietickets so Bill will be better off if he consumes more movie tickets and fewerbasketball tickets. To figure this out recall that what Bill is willing to do defines hisMRS. His MRS is 4 so this means that the marginal utility of a basketball game is 4and the marginal utility of a movie is 1:MRS=-4=-MUballMUmovie=-41.Now the marginal utility per dollar can be computed:MUball Pball =440=110MUmovie Pmovie =18.12. Describe the equal marginal principle. Explain why this principle may not hold if increasing marginal utility is associated with the consumption of one or both goods.The equal marginal principle states that the ratio of the marginal utility to price mustbe equal across all goods to obtain maximum satisfaction. In other words, utilitymaximization is achieved when the budget is allocated so that the marginal utility perdollar of expenditure is the same for each good. If the marginal utility per dollar is notequal then utility can be increased by allocating more dollars to the good with thehigher marginal utility per dollar. The consumer will obtain more “bang for the buck”if they reallocate their dollars.If marginal utility is increasing, the consumer maximizes satisfaction by consumingever larger amounts of the good. Thus, the consumer would spend all income on onegood, assuming a constant price, resulting in a corner solution. With a corner solution,the equal marginal principle cannot hold.13. The price of computers has fallen substantially over the past two decades. Use this drop in price to explain why the Consumer Price Index is likely to overstate substantially the cost-of-living index for individuals who use computers intensively.The consumer price index measures the cost of a typical basket of goods purchased bythe consumer in the current year relative to the cost of the basket in the base year.Each good in the basket is assigned a weight, which reflects the importance of the goodto the consumer, and the weights are kept fixed from year to year. The problem withfixing the weights is that consumers will shift their purchases from year to year to givemore weight to goods whose prices have fallen, and less weight to goods whose priceshave risen. The CPI will therefore give too much weight to goods whose prices haverisen, and too little weight to goods whose prices have fallen. For the individual whouses computers intensively, the fixed weight for computers in the basket willunderstate the importance of this good, and will hence understate the effect of the fallin the price of computers. The CPI will overstate the rise in the cost of living for thistype of individual.14. Explain why the Paasche index will generally understate the ideal cost-of-living index.The Paasche index measures the current cost of the current bundle of goods relativeto the base year cost of the current bundle of goods. The Paasche index willunderstate the ideal cost of living because it assumes the individual will buy thecurrent year bundle in the base period. In reality, at base year prices the consumerwould have been able to attain the same level of utility at a lower cost by alteringtheir consumption bundle. Since the base year cost is overstated, the denominatorwill be larger and the index will be lower, or understated.1. In this chapter, consumer preferences for various commodities did not change during the analysis. Yet in some situations, preferences do change as consumption occurs. Discuss why and how preferences might change over time with consumption of these two commodities:a. cigarettesThe assumption that preferences do not change is a reasonable one if choices areindependent across time. It does not hold, however, when “habit-forming” or addictivebehavior is involved, as in the case of cigarettes: the consumption of cigarettes in oneperiod influences their consumption in the next period.b. dinner for the first time at a restaurant with a special cuisineThis example is parallel to examples of adventure seeking. For some, a new diningexperience creates enthusiasm to seek out more exciting and different cuisines anddishes. For others, they develop a fondness for regularity and consistency or fear ofthe new and unknown. In either of these cases, choices change as consumption occurs.2. Draw indifference curves that represent the following individuals’ preferences for hamburgers and soft drinks. Indicate the direction in which the individuals’ satisfaction (or utility) is increasing.a.Joe has convex preferences and dislikes both hamburgers and soft drinks.Since Joe dislikes both goods, his set of indifference curves will be bowed inwardstowards the origin instead of outwards, as in the normal case where more is preferredto less. Given he dislikes both goods, his satisfaction is increasing in the direction ofthe origin. Convexity of preferences implies his indifference curves will have thenormal shape in that they are bowed towards the direction of increasing satisfaction.Convexity also implies that given any two bundles between which the consumer isindifferent, the “average” of the two bundles will be in the preferred set, or wi ll leavehim at least as well off.so ft dr in kb.Jane loves hamburgers and dislikes soft drinks. If she is served a soft drink, shewill pour it down the drain rather than drink it.Since Jane can freely dispose of the soft drink if it is given to her, she considers it to be aneutral good. This means she does not care about soft drinks one way or the other.With hamburgers on the vertical axis, her indifference curves are horizontal lines. Herso ft dr in kc.Bob loves hamburgers and dislikes soft drinks. If he is served a soft drink, he willdrink it to be polite.Since Bob will drink the soft drink in order to be polite, it can be thought of as a “bad”.When served another soft drink, he will require more hamburgers at the same timein order to keep his satisfaction constant. More soft drinks without morehamburgers will worsen his utility. More hamburgers and fewer soft drinks willincrease his utility.s o ft d rin kd.Molly loves hamburgers and soft drinks, but insists on consuming exactly one softdrink for every two hamburgers that she eats.Molly wants to consume the two goods in a fixed proportion so her indifference curvesare L-shaped. For any given amount of one good, she gets no extra satisfaction fromhaving more of the other good. She will only increase her satisfaction if she hasmore of both goods.s o ft d rin ke.Bill likes hamburgers, but neither likes nor dislikes soft drinks.Like Jane, Bill considers soft drinks to be a neutral good. Since he does not careabout soft drinks one way or the other we can assume that no matter how many hehas, his utility will be the same. His level of satisfaction depends entirely on hows o ft d rin kf.Mary always gets twice as much satisfaction from an extra hamburger as she doesfrom an extra soft drink.How much extra satisfaction Mary gains from an extra hamburger or soft drink tellsus something about the marginal utilities of the two goods, or about her MRS. If shealways receives twice the satisfaction from an extra hamburger then her marginalutility from consuming an extra hamburger is twice her marginal utility fromconsuming an extra soft drink. Her MRS, with hamburgers on the vertical axis, is1/2.so ft dr in k3. If Jane is currently willing to trade 4 movie tickets for 1 basketball ticket then she must like basketball better than movies. True or false? Explain.This statement is not necessarily true. If she is always willing to trade 4 movietickets for 1 basketball ticket then yes she likes basketball better because she willalways gain the same satisfaction from 4 movie tickets as she does from 1 basketballticket. However, it could be that she has convex preferences (diminishing marginalrate of substitution) and is at a bundle where she has a lot of movie tickets relative tobasketball tickets. This would make her willing to give up more movie tickets to getanother basketball ticket. It would not mean though that she liked basketball better.Her willingness to give up a good would in this case depend on the quantity of eachgood in her current basket.4. Janelle and Brian each plan to spend $20,000 on the styling and gas mileage features of a new car. They can each choose all styling, all gas mileage, or some combination of the two. Janelle does not care at all about styling and wants the best gas mileage possible. Brian likes both equally and wants to spend an equal amount on the two features. Using indifference curves and budget lines, illustrate the choice that each person will make.Assume styling is on the vertical axis and gas mileage is on the horizontal axis.Janelle has indifference curves that are vertical. If the styling is there she will takeit, but she otherwise does not care about it. As her indifference curves move over tothe right, she gains more gas mileage and more satisfaction. She will spend all$20,000 on gas mileage. Brian has indifference curves that are L-shaped. He willnot spend more on one feature than on the other feature. He will spend $10,000 onstyling and $10,000 on gas mileage.5. Suppose that Bridget and Erin spend their income on two goods, food (F) and clothing(C). Bridget’s preferences are represented by the utility function U(F,C)=10FC, while Erin’s preferences are represented by the utility function U(F,C)=.20F2C2.a.On a graph, with food on the horizontal axis and clothing on the vertical axis,identify the set of points that give Bridget the same level of utility as the bundle (10,5). Do the same for Erin on a separate graph.Bridget receives a utility of 10*10*5=500 from this bundle. The indifference curve isrepresented by the equation 10FC=500 or FC=50. Some bundles on this indifferencecurve are (5,10), (10,5), (25,2), and (2,25). Erin receives a utilityof .2*10*10*5*5=500 from the bundle (10,5). Her indifference curve is representedby the equation 500=.2F2C2, or 50=FC. This is the same indifference curve asBridget. Both indifference curves have the normal, convex shape.b.On the same two graphs, identify the set of bundles that give Bridget and Erin thesame level of utility as the bundle (15,8).For each person, plug in F=15 and C=8 into their respective utility functions. ForBridget, this gives her a utility of 1200, so her indifference curve is given by theequation 10FC=1200, or FC=120. Some bundles on this indifference curve are(12,10), (10,12), (3,40), and (40,3). For Erin, this bundle gives her a utility of 2880,so her indifference curve is given by the equation 2880=.2F2C2, or FC=120.This is the same indifference curve as Bridget.c.Do you think Bridget and Erin have the same preferences or different preferences?Explain.They have the same preferences because for any given bundle they have the samelevel of utility. This means that they will rank all bundles in the same order. Notehowever, that it is not necessary that they receive the same level of utility to have thesame set of preferences. All that is necessary is that they rank the bundles in thesame order.6. Suppose that Jones and Smith have each decided to allocate $1,000 per year to an entertainment budget in the form of hockey games or rock concerts. They both like hockey games and rock concerts and will choose to consume positive quantities of both goods. However, they differ substantially in their preferences for these two forms of entertainment. Jones prefers hockey games to rock concerts, while Smith prefers rock concerts to hockey games.a. Draw a set of indifference curves for Jones and a second set for Smith.Given they each like both goods and they will each choose to consume positivequantities of both goods, we can assume their indifference curves have the normalconvex shape. However since Jones has an overall preference for hockey and Smithhas an overall preference for rock concerts, their two sets of indifference curves willhave different slopes. Suppose that we place rock concerts on the vertical axis andhockey games on the horizontal axis, Jones will have a larger MRS than Smith.Jones is willing to give up more rock concerts in exchange for a hockey game since heprefers hockey games. The indifference curves for Jones will be steeper.b. Using the concept of marginal rate of substitution, explain why the two sets ofcurves are different from each other.At any combination of hockey games and rock concerts, Jones is willing to give up morerock concerts for an additional hockey game, whereas, Smith is willing to give up fewerrock concerts for an additional hockey game. Since the MRS is a measure of how manyof one good (rock concerts) an individual is willing to give up for an additional unit ofthe other good (hockey games), then the MRS, and hence the slope of the indifferencecurves, will be different for the two individuals.7. The price of DVDs (D) is $20 and the price of CDs (C) is $10. Philip has a budget of $100 to spend on the two goods. Suppose that he has already bought one DVD and one CD. In addition there are 3 more DVDs and 5 more CDs that he would really like to buy.a.Given the above prices and income, draw his budget line on a graph with CDs onthe horizontal axis.His budget line is PD D+PCC=I, or 20D+10C=100. If he spends his entire incomeon DVD’s he could afford to buy 5. If he spends his entire income on CD’s he couldafford to buy 10.b.Considering what he has already purchased, and what he still wants to purchase,identify the three different bundles of CDs and DVDs that he could choose.Assume that he cannot purchase fractional units for this part of the question.Given he has already purchased one of each, for a total of $30, he has $70 left. Sincehe wants 3 more DVD’s he can buy these for $60 and spend his remaining $10 on 1CD. This is the first bundle below. He could also choose to buy only 2 DVD’s for$40 and spend the remaining $30 on 3 CD’s. He can choose the following bundles: Purchased Quantities Total QuantitiesD C D C3 1 2 62 3 3 41 5 4 28. Anne has a job that requires her to travel three out of every four weeks. She has an annual travel budget and can either travel by train or by plane. The airline she typically flies with has a frequent traveler program that reduces the cost of her tickets depending on the number of miles she has flown in a given year. When she reaches 25,000 miles the airline will reduce the price of her tickets by 25% for the remainder of the year. When she reached 50,000 miles, the airline will reduce the price of her tickets by 50% for the remainder of the year. Graph Anne’s budget line, with train miles on the vertical axis and plane miles on the horizontal axis.The typical budget line is linear (with a constant slope) because the prices of the twogoods do not change as the consumer buys more or less of a particular good. In thiscase, the price of airline miles will change depending on how many miles shepurchases. As the price changes, the slope of the budget line will change. Sincethere are three prices, there will be three slopes, or two kinks, to the budget line.Since the price falls as she flies more miles, the budget line will become flatter withevery price change. See the graph in the problem below.9. Debra usually buys a soft drink when she goes to a movie theater, where she has a choice of three sizes: the 8 ounce drink costs $1.50, the 12 ounce drink, $2.00, and the 16 ounce drink, $2.25. Describe the budget constraint that Debra faces when deciding how many ounces of the drink to purchase. (Assume that Debra can costlessly dispose of any of the soft drink that she does not want.First notice that as the size of the drink increases, the price per ounce decreases.When she buys the 8-ounce soft drink she pays $1.508oz$0.19 per oz.When shebuys the 12-ounce size she pays $0.17 per ounce, and when she buys the 16-ounce size, she pays $0.14 per ounce. Given that there are three different prices per ounce of soft drink, the budget line will have two kinks in it, as illustrated below. Notice that at each kink, the slope of the budget line gets flatter (due to the decreasing cost per ounce relative to the “other good” on the vertical axis).O u n ces o fS o ft D rin k 81216。



Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, 6e Page 1 Chapter 10: Answers to Questions and Problems 1.a. Player 1’s dominant strategy is B. Player 2 does not have a dominant strategy. b.Player 1’s secure strategy is B. Player 2’s secure strategy is E. c. (B, E). 2. a. b. B is dominant for each player. c. (B, B). d. Joint payoffs from (A, A) > joint payoffs from (A, B) = joint payoffs from (B, A) > joint payoffs from (B, B). e. No; each firm’s dominant strategy is B. Therefore, since this is a one-shot game, each player would have an incentive to cheat on any collusive arrangement. 3.a. Player 1’s optimal strategy is B. Player 1 does not have a dominant strategy. However, by putting herself in her rival’s shoes, Player 1 should anticipate that Player 2 will choose D (since D is Player 2’s dominant strategy). Player 1’s best response to D is B. b. Player 1’s equilibrium payoff is 5. 4.a. (A, C). b.No. c.If firms adopt the trigger strategies outlined in the text, higher payoffs can be achieved if 1.Cheat Coop Coop Ni ππππ−≤− Here, πCheat = 60, πCoop = 50, πN = 10, and the , and the interest rate is i = .05. Since . Since 605010.2550104Cheat Coop Coop Nππππ−−===−− < 1120.05i == each firm can indeed earn a payoff of 50 via the trigger strategies. d. Yes. Player 2 Strategy A B A $500, $500 $0, $650 Player 1 B $650, $0 $100, $100 ($0, $15)RightRightLeftLeft 12($200, $300)Not IntroducePrice WarIntroduceKmartStrategy Sale Price Regular Price Sale Price$1, 1 $5, $3Regular Price $3, $5 $3, $3Ford Strategy Airbags No No Airbags Airbags Airbags $1.5, 1.5 $2,-$1 No Airbags -$1, $2 $0.5, $0.5 PCRival Advertise No Yes No $8, $8 -$1, $48Kellogg’sYes$48,-$1$0, $0strategies if ππRival Strategy: Price Low High Low $0, $0 $9,-$1 High -$1, $9 $7, $7BakerPrice $10 $20$5 15, 16 15,18 Argyle$10 10, 16 10,18NetWorksStrategy 250 Units 500 Units250 Units $12500, $12500 $7500, $15000500 Units $15000, $7500 $10000, $1000018.The normal-form representation of this game is depicted in the following payoffmatrix.T-MobileStrategies CDMA GSMCDMA $16 b, $12 b $12 b, $8 bQualcommGSM $14 b, $7 b $13 b, $18 bThere are two Nash equilibria to this coordination game: (1) Qualcomm and T-Mobile adopt the CDMA technology and (2) Qualcomm and T-Mobile adopt theGSM technology. There are many ways to solve multiplicity of equilibria in thiscoordination problem. As the book points out, the firms could “talk” to each andagree on one technology. Alternatively, Iraq’s government could announce whichtechnology is to be used in the country.19.The normal form of this game is contained in the following payoff matrix (in billionsof U.S. dollars).JapanStrategies Tariff No TariffTariff $43.78, $4.76 $44.2, $4.66U.S.No tariff $43.66, $4.85 $44, $4.8The Nash equilibrium is for the U.S. and Japan to each impose tariffs. However, both countries achieve greater welfare by “agreeing” to impose no tariffs. Thesustainability of such an agreement to impose no tariffs is dependent upon the game being repeated infinitely, the countries using trigger strategies and the interest ratebeing sufficiently low.20.You should not recommend that the office manager invest more time monitoring. Theproblem is not that she is monitoring too little. Rather, her monitoring activities and strategies are predictable. Workers realize that once she leaves after the 9 a.m. check, she is unlikely to return until 11 a.m. Recognizing this, workers know they will not get caught “goofing off” (shirking). The manager best strategy is to randomize boththe timing and number of checks she does each day. That way, her monitoring is not predictable and workers will respond by spending less time shirking.Page 6 Michael R. Baye。



西方经济学第六版答案解析第三章消费者选择第三章消费者的选择1. 已知一件衬衫的价格为80元,一份肯德基快餐的价格为20元,在某消费者关于这两种商品的效用最大化的均衡点上,一份肯德基快餐对衬衫的边际替代率MRS是多少?解答:用X表示肯德基快餐的份数;Y表示衬衫的件数;MRS XY表示在维持效用水平不变的前提下,消费者增加一份肯德基快餐消费时所需要放弃的衬衫的消费数量。

在该消费者实现关于这两种商品的效用最大化时,在均衡点上有边际替代率等于价格比,则有:201804XXYYPYMRSX P∆=-===∆它表明,在效用最大化的均衡点上,该消费者关于一份肯德基快餐对衬衫的边际替代率MRS为0.25。

2. 假设某消费者的均衡如图教材中第96页的图3—22所示。









(5)在消费者效用最大化的均衡点E上,有211212X PMRSX P∆=-=∆,即无差异曲线斜率的绝对值即MRS等于预算线斜率的绝对值P1P2。





Chapter 2: Answers to Questions and Problems1.a. Since X is a normal good, an increase in income will lead to an increase in the demand for X (the demand curve for X will shift to the right).b. Since Y is an inferior good, a decrease in income will lead to an increase in the demand for good Y (the demand curve for Y will shift to the right).c. Since goods X and Y are substitutes, a decrease in the price of good Y will lead to a decrease in the demand for good X (the demand curve for X will shift to the left).d. No. The term “inferior good” does not mean “inferior quality,” it simply means that income and consumption are inversely related.2.a. The supply of good X will decrease (shift to the left).b. The supply of good X will decrease. More specifically, the supply curve will shift vertically up by exactly $1 at each level of output.c. The supply of good X will decrease. More specifically, the supply curve will rotate counter-clockwise.d. The supply curve for good X will increase (shift to the right).3.a. ()()500.550053050s x Q =−+−= units.b. Notice that although ()()500.550530175s x Q =−+−=−, negative output isimpossible. Thus, quantity supplied is zero.c. To find the supply function, insert 30z P = into the supply equation to obtain()500.55302000.5s x x x Q P P =−+−=−+. Thus, the supply equation is2000.5s x x Q P =−+. To obtain the inverse supply equation, simply solve thisequation for x P to obtain 4002s x x P Q =+. The inverse supply function is graphedin Figure 2-1.$0.0$200.0$400.0$600.0$800.0$1,000.0$1,200.0$1,400.0$1,600.00100200300400500Quantity of X Price of XSFigure 2-1a. Good Y is a substitute for X, while good Z is a complement for X.b. X is a normal good.c. ()()()()000,5000,55$10190$8900,5$41910,4$21200,1=+−+−=d x Q d. For the given income and prices of other goods, the demand function for good X is ()()()1111,200$5,9008$90$55,000,2410d x x Q P =−+−+ which simplifies to 7,4550.5d x x Q P =−. To find the inverse demand equation, solve for price to obtain 14,9102.d x x P Q =− The demand function is graphed in Figure 2-2.$0$2,982$5,964$8,946$11,928$14,910010002000300040005000600070008000Quantity of X Price of XDemandFigure 2-25.a. Solve the demand function for x P to obtain the following inverse demand function: 11154d x x P Q =−. b. Notice that when $35x P =, ()460435320d x Q =−= units. Also, from part a, weknow the vertical intercept of the inverse demand equation is 115. Thus,consumer surplus is $12,800 (computed as ()().5$115$35320$12,800−=). c. When price decreases to $25, quantity demanded increases to 360 units, so consumer surplus increases to $16,200 (computed as()().5$115$25360$16,200−=).d. So long as the law of demand holds, a decrease in price leads to an increase in consumer surplus, and vice versa. In general, there is an inverse relationship between the price of a product and consumer surplus.a. Equating quantity supplied and quantity demanded yields the equation150102P P −=−. Solving for P yields the equilibrium price of $40 per unit. Plugging this into the demand equation yields the equilibrium quanity of 10 units (since quantity demanded at the equilibrium price is ()504010d Q =−=). b. A price floor of $42 is effective since it is above the equilibrium price of $40. As a result, quantity demanded will fall to 8 units ()84250=−=d Q , while quantity supplied will increase to 11 units ()⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛=−=11104221s Q . That is, firms produce 11 units but consumers are willing and able to purchase only 8 units. Therefore, at a price floor of $42, 8 units will be exchanged. Since s d Q Q <there is a surplus amounting to 3811=−units.c. A price ceiling of $30 per unit is effective since it is below the equilibrium price of $40 per unit. As a result, quantity demanded will increase to 20 units ()203050=−=d Q , while quantity supplied will decrease to 5 units()⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛=−=5103021s Q . That is, while firms are willing to produce only 5 units consumers want to buy 20 units at the ceiling price. Therefore, at the price ceiling of $30, only 5 units will be available to purchase. Since s d Q Q >, there is a shortage amounting to 15520=− units. Since only 5 units are available at a price of $30, the full economic price is the price such that quantity demanded equals the 5 available units: 550F P =−. Solving yields the full economic price of $45.7.a. The shortage is 3 units (since at a price of $6, 413d s Q Q −=−= units). The full economic price is $12.b. The surplus is 1.5 units (since at a price of $12, 2.51 1.5s d Q Q −=−= units. The cost to the government is $18 (computed as ($12)(1.5) = $18).c. The excise tax shifts supply vertically by $6. Thus, the new supply curve is 1S and the equilibrium price increases to $12. The price paid by consumers is $12 per unit, while the amount received by producers is this $12 minus the per unit tax. Thus, producers receive $6 per unit. After the tax, the equilibrium quantity sold is 1 unit.d. At the equilibrium price of $10, consumer surplus is ().5$14$102$4−=. Producer surplus is ().5$10$22$8−=.e. No. At a price of $2 no output is produced.a. Equate quantity demanded and quantity supplied to obtain 1117242x x P P −=−. Solve this equation for x P to obtain the equilibrium price of 10x P =. Theequilibrium quantity is 2 units (since at the equilibrium price quantity demanded is ()171022d Q =−=). The equilibrium is shown in Figure 2-3.$0$2$4$6$8$10$12$14$16$18$200123456Quantity of XPrice of XDemandFigure 2-3b. A $6 excise tax shifts the supply curve up by the amount of the tax.Mathematically, this means that the intercept of the inverse supply function increases by $6. Before the tax, the inverse supply function is S Q P 42+=. After the tax the inverse supply function is 84s P Q =+, and the after tax supplyfunction (obtained by solving for s Q in terms of P) is given by 124s Q P =−. Equating quantity demanded to after-tax quantity supplied yields117224P P −=−. Solving for P yields the new equilibrium price of $12. Plugging this into the demand equation yields the new equilibrium quantity, which is 1 unit.c. Since only one unit is sold after the tax and the tax rate is $6 per unit, total tax revenue is only $6.9. A technological breakthrough that reduces production costs will lead to a rightwardshift in the supply curve for RAM chips, resulting in a lower equilibrium price of RAM chips. If in addition, income increases, the demand for RAM chips will also increase since they are a normal good. This increase in demand would tend to increase the price of RAM chips. The ultimate effect of both of these changes in supply and demand on the equilibrium price of RAM chips is indeterminate.Depending on the relative magnitude of the increase in supply and demand, the price you will pay for chips may rise or fall.10. The tariff reduces the supply of raw sugar, resulting in a higher equilibrium price of sugar. Since sugar is an input in making generic soft drinks, this increase in input prices will decrease the supply of generic soft drinks (putting upward pressure on the price of generic soft drinks and tend to reduce quantity). Coke and Pepsi’s advertising campaign will decrease the demand for generic soft drinks (putting downward pressure on the price of generic soft drinks and further reducing the quantity). For these reasons, the equilibrium quantity of generic soft drinks sold will decrease.However, the equilibrium price may rise or fall, depending on the relative magnitude of the shifts in demand and supply.11. No. this confuses a change in demand with a change in quantity demanded. Higher cigarette prices will not reduce (shift to the left) the demand for cigarettes.12.To find the equilibrium price and quantity, equate quantity demanded and quantity supplied to obtain 1752200P P −=−. Solving yields the new equilibrium price of $125 per pint. The equilibrium quantity is 50 units (since 17512550d Q =−= units at that price). Consumer surplus is ()250,1$50125$175$21=×−. Producer surplus is ()625$50100$125$21=×−. See Figure 2-4.$0.0$25.0$50.0$75.0$100.0$125.0$150.0$175.0$200.00102030405060Quantity Price Demand SupplyFigure 2-413. This decline represents a leftward shift in the supply curve for oil, and will result inan increase in the equilibrium price of crude oil. Since oil is an input in producing gasoline, this will decrease the supply of gasoline, resulting in a higher equilibrium price of gasoline and a lower equilibrium quantity. Furthermore, the higher price of gasoline will increase the demand for substitutes, such as small cars. The equilibrium price of small cars is likely to increase, as is the equilibrium quantity of small cars. 14. Equating the initial quantity demanded and quantity supplied gives the equation: 25054110P P −=−. Solving for price, we see that the initial equilibrium price is $40 per month. When the tax rate is reduced, equilibrium is determined by the following equation: 2505 4.171110P P −=−. Solving, we see that the newequilibrium price is about $39.25 per month. In other words, a typical subscriber would save about 75 cents (the difference between $40.00 and $39.25).15. Dry beans and rice are probably inferior goods. If so, an increase in income shifts demand for these goods to the left, resulting in a lower equilibrium price. Therefore, G.R. Dry Foods will likely have to sell its products at a lower price.16.Figure 2-5 illustrates the relevant situation. The equilibrium price is $2.75, but the ceiling price is $0.75. Notice that, given the shortage of 12 million transactions caused by the ceiling price of $0.75, the average consumer spends an extra 12minutes traveling to another ATM machine. Since the opportunity cost of time is $20 per hour, the non-pecuniary price of an ATM transaction is $4 (the $20 per hour wage times the fractional hour, 12/60, spent searching for another machine). Thus, the full economic price under the price ceiling is $4.75 per transaction.Quantity (Millions of Transactions)ATM Fee$4.75$0.75Figure 2-517. The unusually cold temperatures have caused a decrease in the supply of grapes usedto produce Chilean wine, resulting in higher prices. These grapes are an input in making wine, so the supply of Chilean wine decreases and its price increases. Since California and Chilean wines are substitutes, an increase in the price of Chilean wine will increase the demand for Californian wines causing an increase in both the price and quantity of Californian wines.18.Substituting 940=desktop P into the demand equation yields memory d memory P Q 809060−=. Similarly, substituting 100=N into the supply equationyields memory S memory P Q 201100+=. The competitive equilibrium level of industry outputand price occurs where S memoryd memory Q Q =, which occurs when industry output 2692*=memory Q (in thousands) and the market price is 60.79$*=memory P per unit. Since 100 competitors are assumed to equally share the market, Viking should produce26.92 thousand units. If 1040$=desktop P , memory d memory P Q 808960−=. Under thiscondition, the new competitive equilibrium occurs when industry output is 2672 thousand units and the per-unit market price is $78.60. Therefore, Viking should produce 26.72 thousand units. Since demand decreased (shifted left) when the price of desktops increased, memory modules and desktops are complements.19. Mid Towne IGA aimed to educate consumers that its contract with Local 655 unionmembers was different than its rivals, so it engaged in informative advertising. Mid Towne IGA’s informative advertising increases demand (demand shifts rightward) resulting from (1) Local 655 union members locked out of rival supermarkets (2) consumers who are sympathetic to the Local 655 union, and (3) consumers who do not like the aggravation of picketing employees and other disruptions at thesupermarket. This shift is depicted in Figure 2-6, where the equilibrium price and quantity both increase. It is unlikely that demand will remain high for Mid Towne IGA. As contracts are renegotiated and Local 655 union members are back to work, demand will likely settle back around its original level.Figure 2-6 20. The price gouging statute imposes an effective price ceiling on necessarycommodities during times of emergencies; legally retailers cannot raise prices by a significant amount. When a natural disaster occurs, the demand for necessarycommodities such as food and water can dramatically increase, as people want to be stocked-up on emergency items. In addition, since it can be difficult for retailers to receive shipments during emergency periods, the supply of these items is often reduced. Given the simultaneous reduction in supply and increase in demand, one would expect the price to increase during times of emergencies. However, since the price gouging statute acts as a price ceiling, the price will probably remain at its normal level, and a shortage will result. Quantity212P 1P 221.While there is undoubtedly a link between unemployment and crime, the governor’splan is likely flawed since it only examines one side of the market. Raising theminimum wage will make the prospect of working more appealing for teenagers, but it will also have an effect on business owners and managers in the state. Theminimum wage is a price floor. Raising the minimum wage will reduce the quantity demand for labor within the state, and result in a labor surplus. More teenagers will seek jobs, but fewer businesses will hire teenagers. In all likelihood, the governor’s plan will result in greater juvenile delinquency.。



第1章 导论选择题:1-5:ABBCD 6:C第二章 供求分析选择题:1-5:ACCBD 6-8:CCA第三章 消费者效用分析选择题:1-5:DCABC 6-10:BBCAD 11-13:CAD计算题:3. 假定某人只能买到两种商品,他的年收入为10000元,牛肉的价格为每千克9元,土豆的价格为每千克2元。


(2)(3)5. 消费者每周花360元买X、Y两种商品。

其中PX=3元,PY=2元,它的效用函数为U=2X2Y ,在均衡状态下,他每周买X、Y各多少?解:6043,804323360,2336043,2234,2,422===∴⨯+=∴+==∴======X Y X X X Y X X Y X XY P MU P MU X dYdU MU XY dX dU MU Y X X Y X 得:又6.某人的收入是12元/天,并把每天的收入花在X 、Y 两种商品上。

他的效用函数为U=XY 。

X 的价格为每单位2元,Y 的价格为每单位3元。

问:①他每天买X.Y 各多少才能使他的效用最大?6232,3323212,321232,32,,==∴===∴⨯+=+==∴======XY U X Y X X X Y X X Y X Y P MU P MU X dYdU MU Y dX dU MU Y Y X X Y X 又②如果X 的价格上涨44%,Y 的价格不变,他的收入必须增加多少才能维持他起初的效用水平?元。

入要增加要维持原有的效用,收效用不变, 2.44.2124.,5.2388.26,388.266388.2,388.2,88.22%)441(2∴=-=∆=⨯+⨯=+=∴===∴=⨯=∴==∴===⨯+=I Y P X P I X Y X X X X XYX Y X Y P MU P MU Y X Y Y X X X第4章 需求弹性与供给弹性选择题:1-5:C(BDA)DAA 6-8:BAB 第9题题干有问题,如果改为供给价格弹性则选AD计算题:1.某商场将服装A 的价格由120元打6折促销,结果该服装的日销量由先前的12件升至30件,据此计算:①该服装的需求价格弹性。



第一章:P201.若某彩电市场上,市场的供给函数和需求函数分别为Qs = -450000 200PQd =450000-100PQs和Qd分别为供给和需求的数量,单位是台;P为市场价格,单位是元/台。


若人们的收入增加,需求函数为Qd=510000-100P这时市场上均衡的价格和交易量又有什么变化?Qd 二Qs答.450000 -100P 二-450000 二200P口,P= 3000Q 二150000此时彩电的均衡价格为3000元,均衡数量为150000台。

Qd =Qs510000-100P =-450000 200PP =3200Q =190000此时均衡价格为3200元,均衡数量为190000台,相比之前均衡价格增加200元,均衡数量增加40000台。

第二章:49页1.某空调生产商认为其一品牌的空调机在某市场上的需求曲线如下:P=6 000-5Q 式中,P为每台空调机的价格(元/台);Q为每月在该市场上的销量(台)。

要想每月能在该市场上销售400台,应当定什么价格?如果价格定在3 600元,能销售多少台?在价格为3 200元/台时,需要价格弹性是多少?会在需求单一价格弹性时出售空调机吗?(1)每月在市场上销售400台,即此时Q=400由题意可知,P =6000 —5Q =6000 —5 400 = 4000 (元/ 台)1(2)由P =6000-5Q= Q =1200 P ,5价格定在3600,即此时P =3600二Q =1200—」3600 = 480 (台) 5 (3)由题意可知,价格P = 3200时,可以求出Q=560需求价格弹性二垃P「偉也一8dP Q 5 560 7(4)需求单一弹性表示此时的需求价格弹性为1,由需求价格弹性公式可知1 =丄P=P=5Q,5 Q又P = 6000 - 5Q 二P 二3000,Q 二600总收益二PQ = 6000Q - 5Q2对总收益求一阶导数并令其等于0 ,即6000 - 10Q = 0,刚好求得Q =600,并且总收益的二阶导数为-10,是最大值点,因此,会在需求单一价格弹性时出售空调机。



目 录第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理第2章 像经济学家一样思考第3章 相互依存性与贸易的好处第2篇 市场如何运行第4章 供给与需求的市场力量第5章 弹性及其应用第6章 供给、需求与政府政策第3篇 市场和福利第7章 消费者、生产者与市场效率第8章 应用:赋税的代价第9章 应用:国际贸易第4篇 公共部门经济学第10章 外部性第11章 公共物品和公共资源第12章 税制的设计第5篇 企业行为与产业组织第13章 生产成本第14章 竞争市场上的企业第15章 垄 断第16章 垄断竞争第17章 寡 头第6篇 劳动市场经济学第18章 生产要素市场第19章 收入与歧视第20章 收入不平等与贫困第7篇 深入研究的论题第21章 消费者选择理论第22章 微观经济学前沿第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理一、概念题1.稀缺性(scarcity)答:经济学研究的问题和经济物品都是以稀缺性为前提的。










第一章:P201.若某彩电市场上,市场的供给函数和需求函数分别为PQd PQs 100450000200450000-=+-=Qs 和Qd 分别为供给和需求的数量,单位是台;P 为市场价格,单位是元/台。


若人们的收入增加,需求函数为Qd=510000-100P这时市场上均衡的价格和交易量又有什么变化?答:1500003000200450000100450000===-=-=Q P P P QsQd此时彩电的均衡价格为3000元,均衡数量为150000台。

1900003200200450000100510000==+-=-=Q P PP QsQd此时均衡价格为3200元,均衡数量为190000台,相比之前均衡价格增加200元,均衡数量增加40000台。

第二章:49页1.某空调生产商认为其一品牌的空调机在某市场上的需求曲线如下:P=6 000-5Q 式中,P 为每台空调机的价格(元/台);Q 为每月在该市场上的销量(台)。

要想每月能在该市场上销售400台,应当定什么价格?如果价格定在3 600元,能销售多少台?在价格为3 200元/台时,需要价格弹性是多少?会在需求单一价格弹性时出售空调机吗?(1)每月在市场上销售400台,即此时400=Q 由题意可知,40004005600056000=⨯-=-=Q P (元/台) (2)由P Q Q P 51120056000-=⇒-=,价格定在3600,即此时48036005112003600=⨯-=⇒=Q P (台) (3)由题意可知,价格3200=P 时,可以求出560=Q 需求价格弹性78560320051-=⨯-=⨯=Q P dP dQ (4)需求单一弹性表示此时的需求价格弹性为1, 由需求价格弹性公式可知Q P QP5511=⇒⨯=, 又Q P 56000-= 600,3000==⇒Q P 总收益256000Q Q PQ -==对总收益求一阶导数并令其等于0,即,0106000=-Q 刚好求得600=Q ,并且总收益的二阶导数为10-,是最大值点,因此,会在需求单一价格弹性时出售空调机。



目 录第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理第2章 像经济学家一样思考第3章 相互依存性与贸易的好处第2篇 市场如何运行第4章 供给与需求的市场力量第5章 弹性及其应用第6章 供给、需求与政府政策第3篇 市场和福利第7章 消费者、生产者与市场效率第8章 应用:赋税的代价第9章 应用:国际贸易第4篇 公共部门经济学第10章 外部性第11章 公共物品和公共资源第12章 税制的设计第5篇 企业行为与产业组织第13章 生产成本第14章 竞争市场上的企业第15章 垄 断第16章 垄断竞争第17章 寡 头第6篇 劳动市场经济学第18章 生产要素市场第19章 收入与歧视第20章 收入不平等与贫困第7篇 深入研究的论题第21章 消费者选择理论第22章 微观经济学前沿第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理一、概念题1.稀缺性(scarcity)答:经济学研究的问题和经济物品都是以稀缺性为前提的。










目 录第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理第2章 像经济学家一样思考第3章 相互依存性与贸易的好处第2篇 市场如何运行第4章 供给与需求的市场力量第5章 弹性及其应用第6章 供给、需求与政府政策第3篇 市场和福利第7章 消费者、生产者与市场效率第8章 应用:赋税的代价第9章 应用:国际贸易第4篇 公共部门经济学第10章 外部性第11章 公共物品和公共资源第12章 税制的设计第5篇 企业行为与产业组织第13章 生产成本第14章 竞争市场上的企业第15章 垄 断第16章 垄断竞争第17章 寡 头第6篇 劳动市场经济学第18章 生产要素市场第19章 收入与歧视第20章 收入不平等与贫困第7篇 深入研究的论题第21章 消费者选择理论第22章 微观经济学前沿第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理一、概念题1.稀缺性(scarcity)答:经济学研究的问题和经济物品都是以稀缺性为前提的。


























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