新概念英语青少版2BUnit 20

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6. Did William agree?
No. She wanted Lucy to be happy.
7. Was Lucy sick? No, she wasn’t.
8. Did she learn?
No, she didn’t.
2) get an ordinary job
I'll call you back tomorrow morning when I get more information. I'll get you a ticket if you go with me.
3) will
is going to The sun ___________ rise in a minute.
2. I’m successful now. But I won’t always be successful.
1) successful
An ordinary life
What kind of life do you want to have?
an ordinary life a simple life a comfortable life a busy life a luxurious life a happy life a peaceful life a poor life … …
告 诉 他 们 我 的 幸 福
从 明 天 起 , 和 每 一 个 亲 人 通 信
我 有 一 所 房 子 , 面 朝 大 海 , 春 暖 花 开
从 明 天 起 , 关 心 粮 食 和 蔬 菜
喂 马 、 劈 柴 , 周 游 世 界
从 明 天 起 , 做 一 个 幸 福 的 人
海 子
面 朝 大 海 , 春 暖 花 开
= work regularly
Do you hope to work regular hours?
4. And maybe, one day, I’ll meet the right man. 1) maybe 或许,也许
相当于perhaps,表示可能性,通常放在句首,修 饰整个句子。 也许你该给他打个电话。
be going to
will和be going to都可以表示“将来”,但will与表
示将来计划、打算的be going to相比,will对将来的 预测更不确定。
He will speak to us next week.
I am going to write to my friend this afternoon.
She will sleep in the same bed every night. 7. Who will she meet, maybe, one day? Maybe, one day, she will meet the right man.
8. What kind of life will they have together? They’ll have an ordinary life together.
a successful model
2) 注意此句中转折连词but前后时态的变化 你父母现在帮你很多,但他们不会一直帮你wenku.baidu.com。
Your parents help you a lot now, but they won’t always help you.
3. In an office job, I’ll work regular hours. work regular hours 工作有时间规律
She wants an ordinary life.
3. What hours will she work in an office job?
She’ll work regular hours in an office job. 4. Where will she go in the evening?
Maybe you should call him up.
2) one day (将来)有一天;(过去)某一天
One day, Tom’s father gave him a car.
5. It’ll be wonderful! 那就太棒了! wonderful
It's wonderful to go swimming in summer.
have a wonderful time
Read and repeat after the recording.
Pattern 1 Pattern 2
Pattern 3
Pattern 4
biscuit /'bɪskɪt/
n. 小点心,饼干
1. The story happened a few years ago. How old was Lucy at the time? 2. Where did the family go? 3. What did Karen have in the basket? 4. Did Lucy like them? 5. What did Karen want to do? 6. Did William agree? 7. Was Lucy sick? 8. Did she learn?
From tomorrow on, I will be a happy man; Grooming, chopping, and traveling all over the world. From tomorrow on, I will care foodstuff and vegetable, Living in a house towards the sea, with spring blossoms. … … … … … … I only wish to face the sea, with spring flowers blossoming
Who will Nina meet one day?
What will they have together?
1. Why will this be Nina’s last fashion shoot? Because she’s going to get an ordinary job in an office. 2. What kind of life does Nina want?
She’ll go home in the evening.
5. What will she cook, and who will she eat them with? She’ll cook beautiful meals, and eat them with her
friends. 6. Where will she sleep every night?
9. What will that be like?
That will be wonderful.
1. This will be my last fashion shoot. I am going to get an ordinary job in an office. 1) my last fashion shoot 我最后一次拍时装照
New Words and Expressions
1. Try to read these words and expressions by yourselves. 2. Read after the recording.
Listen to the dialogue and try to answer the question:
1. The story happened a few years ago. How old was Lucy at
Four. 2. Where did the family go?
To the lake in the park.
3. What did Karen have in the basket? Some little chocolate biscuits. 4. Did Lucy like them? Yes. 5. What did Karen want to do? She wanted to say ‘No’.
我 只 愿 面 朝 大 海 , 春 暖 花 开
愿 你 在 尘 世 获 得 幸 福
愿 你 有 情 人 终 成 眷 属
愿 你 有 一 个 灿 烂 的 前 程
陌 生 人 , 我 也 为 你 祝 福
给 每 一 条 河 每 一 座 山 取 一 个 温 暖 的 名 字
我 将 告 诉 每 一 个 人
那 幸 福 的 闪 电 告 诉 我 的