



香奈儿经典广告语导读: 香奈儿经典广告语1、Fashion passes, style. remains时尚会过去,但风格永存。

2、Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.不要浪费时间敲一堵墙,你无法将其变做一扇门。

3、In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。

4、I love luxury. And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity. Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. I stay in the game to fight it.我爱奢侈。




5、Look for the woman in the dress. It there is no woman, there is no dress.记得要寻找穿衣服的女人。


6、Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.有些人认为奢侈的反义词是贫穷。



7、Innovation! One cannot be forever innovating. I want to create classics.创造!人不能永远创造。


8、A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。




下面是小编整理的香奈儿5号香水英文广告词,欢迎阅读!香奈儿5号香水英文广告词(优秀篇)YoungmAn:whendidIwake--intothisdream,Imusthavebeentheonlypersonintheworld--whodidn'tknowwhoshewas.[InThenews:whenthedisappearanceoftheworld'smostfamo us...]Allmyworldwouldneverbe(the)sameagain--(☆she:Drive!)whenshecameintomylife.☆she:It'sbeautifuluphere.everythingseemssopeaceful.■YoungmAn:whoareyou?☆she:Iamadancer.(■YoungmAnlaughs.) Ilovetodance.■YoungmAn:Itdidn'tmatter. Iknewwhoshewas--tome.(whispering)comeawaywithme.☆she:Iloveyou.※oLDmAn: Youmustbetheretomorrow.☆she:Idon'tcareabouttomorrow. ■YoungmAn:It'stherightthingtodo.☆she(inalowvoice): noonecanhaveourdream,noone. goodbye.■YoungmAn:Andthen,shewasgone. hassheforgotten?Iknow,Iwillnot.herkiss.hersmile.herperfume.香水英文广告词(精选篇)Thiswillbetheperfectperfume.Tothewonderfulbodyofthe girl'sfragranceasthebase,thebuddingfragranceastheba ckbone,hewillusethisbottleofperfume,theirbeautyfore vercollection...Inthecomplexurbanjungle,inordertoac hievetheideal,eachmalehavelost,searching,epiphany,u ntiltheemergenceofstarwalked.(marlborostarwalkedper fume)Thisisasymbolofpureperfume.smellfresh.causedbythele monbeforethetune,successfullyattractedyoursenseofsm ell,followedbyaveryrichleveloffragrancefragrancepeo plecannothelp;intoxicatedthem.(JisnowkenzoIlovethep urewater)FromtheunitedKingdom,hugolatestfragrancededicatedto awoman.Justgentlysqueeze,willbeabletoletyouinstantl yhaveauniquedancingcharm.(hugobosspurepurplepurplep erfume)shehasaninfiniteappeal,shiningdazzlingbrilliance,th erealeleganttaste.(elizabethArdensummergreenteaperf ume)Yellowhasalwaysbeenanoble,statussymbol.Atmospheric, masculinecrystalbottlelikeamalegenerousandsecureche st.Fullofmasculinefragrance,peopleobsessedwithhista ste.(cddiormen'sfragrance)香水英文广告词(简短篇)1、ifitsoutthere只要存在,diorwillfindit.迪奥就将找到它。



香奈儿香水广告语精选1、Fashion passes, style remains.时尚会过去,但风格永存。


3、In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。

4、I love luxury. And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity. Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. I stay in the game to fight it.我爱奢侈。




5、Look for the woman in the dress. It there is no woman, there is no dress.记得要寻找穿衣服的女人。


6、Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.有些人认为奢侈的反义词是贫穷。



7、Innovation! One cannot be forever innovating. I want to create classics.创造!人不能永远创造。


8、A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。

9、“Where should one use perfume?" a young woman asked. "Wherever one wants to be kissed," I said.“应该在何处擦香水?”一位某某某问我。



香奈儿英文广告语大全2020Chanel is one of the most recognized fashion brands in the world. Beyond its fashion and fragrance lines, the brand has a strong advertising presence driven by its iconic Chanel No. 5 perfume. To stay current in the ever-changing advertising world, Chanel has evolved its ad campaigns to stay modern and appealing to younger audiences. In this document, we will explore some of Chanel's English-language advertising slogans for 2020.1. "We are the creators of our own destiny." This slogan speaks to the individuality that Chanel represents. The brand is known for empowering women to be their own bosses and to control their own lives. This statement encourages women to seize the moment and take charge of their futures.2. "In the world of Chanel, everyone is different, but all are equal." Chanel has always been a champion of diversity and inclusivity. From its models to its designs, the brand celebrates unique perspectives and perspectives. This slogan reinforces that message, emphasizing that all individuals have value and should be treated equally.3. "Live life with elegance and grace." Chanel has always been about timeless sophistication and grace. This slogan speaks to the idea that elegance is not just about what you wear, but how you conduct yourself. It encourages people to carrythemselves with poise and sophistication in all aspects of their lives.4. "Be bold. Be daring. Be Chanel." Chanel has never been a brand for the faint of heart. This slogan speaks to the brand's daring spirit and encourages people to take risks and to be bold in their fashion choices. It's a statement that exudes confidence and encourages people to embrace their individuality.5. "Fashion fades, only style remains the same." This slogan reflects Chanel's long-standing commitment to timeless design. It speaks to the idea that fashion is fleeting, but true style is enduring. It encourages people to invest in quality pieces that will stand the test of time.6. "Chanel – a little luxury that goes a long way." Chanel has always been associated with luxury, but this slogan emphasizes that luxury is not just about material possessions. It's about the little things in life that bring joy and beauty. Chanel encourages people to indulge in the finer things and to appreciate the simple pleasures.7. "Chanel – because you deserve the best." This slogan speaks to the idea that everyone deserves luxury and quality in their lives. Chanel represents the best of the best, and this slogan encourages people to treat themselves to the finest things.8. "A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future." This famous quote from Chanel founder Coco Chanel was recentlyreinterpreted into a modern ad campaign. The statement emphasizes the powerful relationship between scent and memory, and encourages people to embrace the power of fragrance in their lives.9. "Beauty is not only found in perfection but also in the imperfections that make us unique." This slogan reinforces Chanel's commitment to diversity and encourages people to embrace their flaws and imperfections. It's a statement that celebrates individuality and encourages people to be comfortable in their own skin.10. "Chanel – timeless elegance for the modern age." This slogan sums up Chanel's entire brand identity. It speaks to the brand's long-standing commitment to timeless design and elegance, but positions it as a modern and relevant fashion house that adapts to the needs of contemporary consumers.In conclusion, Chanel's 2020 English-language advertising campaigns reflect the brand's long-standing values of elegance, individuality, diversity, and quality. These innovative slogans help Chanel stay current and relevant to younger audiences, while also tapping into the timeless themes that have made the brand iconic for over a century.。




2023年香奈儿的经典广告语整理香奈儿的经典广告语1、fashion passes, style. remains时尚会过去,但风格永存。

2、dont spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.不要铺张时间敲一堵墙,你无法将其变做一扇门。

3、in order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.想要无可取代,就必需时刻与众不同。

4、i love luxury. and luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity. vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. i stay in the game to fight it.我爱浪费。




5、look for the woman in the dress. it there is no woman, there is no dress.记得要查找穿衣服的女人。


6、some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. it is not. it is第1页/共3页千里之行,始于足下。

the opposite of vulgarity.有些人认为浪费的反义词是贫困。



7、innovation! one cannot be forever innovating. i want to create classics.制造!人不能永久制造。




下面是店铺带来精彩广告词的内容,欢迎阅读!香水的精彩广告词anel No.5 香奈儿5号女士香水经典香水广告一:我只穿香奈儿五号入睡。

I wear nothing but a few drops of Chanel No. 5.美国好莱坞影星玛丽莲梦露身前并没有正式为香奈儿5号香水代言,但她那句“我只穿香奈儿五号入睡”却不折不扣的成立香奈儿5号香水的最佳广告。

一句简单的“ Chanel No. 5”,道出梦露对5号的喜爱之情,将香水比喻成有形的衣服和饰品,可以穿着在身上体味她的美好,有一种无限芬芳的超脱,点滴即可创造之感,十分美妙。


Every woman alive wants Chanel No. 5.每一个女人活着都渴望有一款香奈儿五号。

这句广告词直接明了,表达出香奈儿香水品牌的精髓,香奈儿5号女士香水是每个女人的追求,CHANEL的创始人可可香奈儿(coco Chanel)曾说过:“不用香水的女人没有未来。


ck one 中性香水Calvin Klein 卡文克莱卡莱优中性淡香水经典香水广告三:You are the one !“You are the one”是Calvin Klein Cosmetics为全球第一款男女共享的香氛CK ONE的新形象而打出的新口号,进一步巩固了CK ONE香氛主张平等共享的鲜明定位。

CK ONE研创推出后,迅即成为全球畅销香氛。

全新CK ONE广告形象,带领CK ONE迈进新世代。

CK BE 中性香水Calvin Klein 卡文克莱莱比中性淡香水经典香水广告四:Be good, be bad, just be yourself. Be hot, be cool, just be yourself.无论是是好还是坏,无论是热情还是冷漠,只要做你自己就好。











◆香奈儿 (CHANEL) 品牌档案:中文名:香奈儿英文名:CHANEL国家:法国巴黎创建年代:1910年创建人:可可·香奈儿(Coco Chanel)现任设计师:卡尔·拉格斐 (Karl Lagerfeld)产品系列:高级定制服、高级女装成衣、香水、彩妆、护肤品、鞋履、手袋、眼镜、腕表、珠宝配饰说到香奈儿香水,就一定要说香奈儿5号香水(Chanel NO.5)。

此外,香奈儿Coco香水(Chanel Coco Mad emo is elle)、香奈儿邂逅香水、香奈儿男士香水都在香水界有着无可比拟的地位。


可可·香奈儿(Coco Chanel)小姐曾说“不用香水的女人,是没有前途的女人。


CHANEL包包是大牌明星的热宠,在好莱坞众女星中几乎每人都收藏了不同款式的CHANEL包包,CHANEL包包气势不凡由此可见[视频]香奈儿2012早春度假系列 (Chanel Cruise 2012) 包包:黑白造型中性气质Boy Bag、经典魅力。



香奈儿的经典的广告语1、fashion passes, style. remains时尚会过去,但风格永存。

2、don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.不要浪费时间敲一堵墙,你无法将其变做一扇门。

3、in order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。

4、i love luxury. and luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but inthe absence of vulgarity. vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. istay in the game to fight it.我爱奢侈。




5、look for the woman in the dress. it there is no woman, there is no dress.记得要寻找穿衣服的女人。


6、some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. it is not. it isthe opposite of vulgarity.有些人认为奢侈的’反义词是贫穷。



7、 one cannot be forever innovating. i want to create classics.人不能永远创造。


8、a girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。

Chanel NO.5 EDT 香奈儿5号女士淡香水-香水相随

Chanel NO.5 EDT 香奈儿5号女士淡香水-香水相随

夏奈尔5号经典和高雅的代名词世界上最著名的香水!你应该拥有一瓶!它拥有无可取代的独特气质,能将华丽高雅的迷人魅力层层传递在空气空持久留存一款截然不同于以往的香水,一种女人的香水一种气味香浓,令人难忘的女人香奈儿5号视频-女贼篇它改变了香水历史,创造着奇迹5号是夏奈尔的幸运数字,夏奈尔5号最传奇,最耳熟能详的故事是这样子的:有位记者问美国性感巨星玛丽莲·梦露小姐:你穿什么睡衣入睡?她娇媚地回答说:A few drops of Chanel NO.5(擦几滴夏奈尔5号而已)。




”无与伦比只因为独一无二Chanel NO.5 香水是以现代花香系列为号召,首先闻到的是摩登——现代香系列中的新鲜花香(包括伊兰花及苦橘)的香首,然后香体由玫瑰和茉莉带出,最后以白檀香为基底衬托。

其实内容包含了不下130种的香精,而且其中的主味大多是人工合成的现代花香香精(通称乙醛,可使香味多变化,而这正是Chanel NO.5 的最大特色。


1921年5月,当香水创作师Ernest Beaux呈现给香奈儿夫人多重的香水选择,香奈儿夫人几乎毫无犹豫地选出了第五款,即当前誉满全球的香奈儿5号香水。








它不但是时尚最举足轻重的品牌,Chanel Style更成为社交场上名女人优雅时髦品味的象征。

创办人Gabriella “Coco”Chanel女士一生的崛起、名利、成就、遭遇都与男人有不解之缘,男装也带给她无穷的创作灵感。


12岁时,因母亲去世、父亲离家出走,Gabriella Chanel被送到孤儿院,连登记的姓氏也被错写为Chaznel。


因在咖啡店驻唱“Qui qu'a vu Coco”(有谁看见了Coco),从此被昵称Coco Chanel。

1909年,她从一间小小的帽子店起家,并在商人Pierre Wertheimer先生的资助下,于1914年开创了Chanel时装屋,总部位于巴黎31 Rue Cambon,并延续至今。

Chanel女士的时装观对当代女性影响深远,她的敢言也成为许多力争上游的女性的榜样;1913年,她将裙子剪短,令女人首次露出足踝,被后来的时装大师Yves Saint Laurent先生赞美为“解放了女性”。

她留下名言,“Less is More”(约就是美),改造黑色“丧服”(也有说是“女佣服”)为只需变化首饰就成了适合日穿夜穿的“经典小黑裙”Little Black Dress。


她的Chanel Suit(花呢套装),以女性化为诉求,集美观、时髦、舒适、端庄、考究为一体,在树立女性职场自信平等的同时,不具侵略性地保留了女性大赋魅力……这一切的简约美、精致美、叛逆美都贯穿在日后的Chanel化妆品中。



coco chanel广告词coco chanel是世界的奢侈品牌,很多女性都喜欢用coco chanel 的产品,chanel出新品的时候,用精彩的广告词宣传,促进顾客购买chanel的产品。

下面是店铺带来的关于coco chanel广告词的内容,欢迎阅读!coco chanel广告词(最新篇)香奈儿香水广告语一I wear nothing but a few drops of Chanel No.5.我只穿香奈儿五号入睡。

香奈儿香水广告语二Every woman alive wants Chanel No.5.每一个女人活着都渴望有一款香奈儿五号。

香奈儿香水广告语三A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future.不用香水的女人没有未来。

香奈儿香水广告语四It's not a journey,every journey ends,but we go on.The world turns,we turn with it.Plans disappear,dreams take over,but wherever I go,there you are.My luck my fate,my future.Chanel N5.Inevitable~这不是一段旅程,旅程总有终点,但我们在继续。






coco chanel广告词(热门篇)1、agent: you must be there tomorrow.你明天一定在那里。



香奈儿5号香水英文广告词_香奈儿五号香水广告词香奈儿5号香水英文广告词(优秀篇)YOUNG MAN:When did I wake--into this dream,I must have been the only person in the world--who didnt know who she was.[IN THE NEWS: When the disappearance of the worlds most famous...]All my world would never be (the) same again--(☆SHE: Drive!)when she came into my life.☆SHE:Its beautiful up here. Everything seems so peaceful.■YOUNG MAN:Who are you?☆SHE:I am a dancer. (■YOUNG MAN laughs.)I love to dance.■YOUNG MAN:It didnt matter.I knew who she was--to me.(whispering) Come away with me.☆SHE:I love you.※OLD MAN:You must be there tomorrow.☆SHE: I dont care about tomorrow.■YOUNG MAN:Its the right thing to do.☆SHE (in a low voice):No one can have our dream, no one.Goodbye.■YOUNG MAN:And then, she was gone.Has she forgotten?I know, I will not.Her kiss.Her smile.Her perfume.香水英文广告词(精选篇)This will be the perfect perfume. To the wonderful body of the girls fragrance as the base, the budding fragrance as the backbone, he will use this bottle ofperfume, their beauty forever collection ... In the complex urban jungle, in order to achieve the ideal, each male Have lost, searching, epiphany, until the emergence of starwalked. (Marlboro starwalked perfume)This is a symbol of pure perfume. Smell fresh. Caused by the lemon before the tune, successfully attracted your sense of smell, followed by a very rich level of fragrance fragrance people can not help; intoxicated them. (Ji snow kenzo I love the pure water)From the United Kingdom, hugo latest fragrance dedicated to a woman.Just gently squeeze, will be able to let you instantly have a unique dancing charm. (Hugo boss pure purple purple perfume)She has an infinite appeal, shining dazzling brilliance, the real elegant taste.(Elizabeth Arden summer green tea perfume) Yellow has always been a noble, status symbol. Atmospheric, masculine crystal bottle like a male generous and secure chest. Full of masculine fragrance, people obsessed with his taste. (Cd dior mens fragrance)香水英文广告词(简短篇)1、if its out there只要存在,dior will find it.迪奥就将找到它。






”No.5是Chanel的第一瓶香水,在1921年推出的CHANEL No.5是全球第一支乙醛花香调的香水,它的香味由法国南部Grass的五月玫瑰、茉莉花、乙醛等80种成分组合而成,清幽的繁花香气凸现出女性的万般娇柔妩媚。


香奈儿女士崇尚简洁之美,她希望以简单而不花俏的设计为最初诞生的香水作包装—长方体附以俐落线条的香水瓶,Chanel No.5的黑色字眼呈现于白底上。


1.时间地点场景分析及故事情节无边无际的大海中,女主角(吉赛尔邦辰)正在自在潜水,当她浮出水面时,看到岸上房间内的男主角(米契尔·哈思曼Michiel Huisman)正在凝视她。



这个时候,女儿的出现让女主角展露出笑容,女主角陪着女儿的时候看到了桌上的信封,女主看到信封上写着“to my heart, i must be ture”,女主角放下信,拿起香奈儿五号,向空中散了一些香水,女儿开心的试图用手抓住空气中的香水。








各个香水的广告文案1. 香奈儿(Chanel)No.5无需言语,令人心生崇敬的香奈儿(Chanel)No.5,展现了经典香水的极致华丽。



2. 迪奥(Dior)J'adoreJ'adore,意为“我爱你”,是迪奥(Dior)香水系列中展现女性魅力的最高境界。



3. 爱马仕(Hermès)Terre d'Hermès时刻提醒着你身处于大自然之中,Terre d'Hermès是爱马仕(Hermès)品牌的代名词。



4. 克里斯汀·迪奥(Christian Dior)Miss Dior迪奥(Dior) Miss Dior女士香水是现代女性魅力的象征。



5. 圣罗兰(Yves Saint Laurent)黑裙子(Black Opium)无所畏惧,散发着迷人而又深邃的魅力。

圣罗兰(Yves Saint Laurent)黑裙子(Black Opium)香水透露出神秘的东方调香气息,带有强烈的咖啡和香草的气息。


6. 娇兰(Guerlain)水之恋(Aqua Allegoria)清新,轻盈,充满了自然之美。



香水广告语简短1. "Chanel No. 5,是女性的香水" - "Chanel No. 5, the scent of a woman"2. "我的香水,我的个性" - "My perfume, my personality"3. "难以忘记的气息,独一无二的你" - "Unforgettable scent, uniquely you"4. "气味如见,天作之合" - "Scent like soulmates"5. "让香水为你的人生画龙点睛" - "Perfume gives the final touch to your life"6. "香水,为自己喜欢的人留下难忘记忆" - "Perfume, leave unforgettable memories for those you love"7. "充满自信的女性,最迷人的地方在于她们的气息" - "Confident women are most attractive in their scent"8. "香水,为你带来无尽的诱惑" - "Perfume brings endless temptation"9. "气味如同魔法,令人陶醉" - "Scent is like magic, enchanting and mesmerizing"10. "让你的香味成为记忆中最重要的一部分" - "Make your scent the most important memory"。




下面是店铺整理的香奈儿5号香水英文广告词,欢迎阅读!香奈儿5号香水英文广告词(优秀篇)YOUNG MAN:When did I wake--into this dream,I must have been the only person in the world--who didn't know who she was.[IN THE NEWS: When the disappearance of the world's most famous...]All my world would never be (the) same again--(☆SHE: Drive!)when she came into my life.☆SHE:It's beautiful up here. Everything seems so peaceful.■YOUNG MAN:Who are you?☆SHE:I am a dancer. (■YOUNG MAN laughs.)I love to dance.■YOUNG MAN:It didn't matter.I knew who she was--to me.(whispering) Come away with me.☆SHE:I love you.※OLD MAN:You must be there tomorrow.☆SHE: I don't care about tomorrow.■YOUNG MAN:It's the right thing to do.☆SHE (in a low voice):No one can have our dream, no one.Goodbye.■YOUNG MAN:And then, she was gone.Has she forgotten?I know, I will not.Her kiss.Her smile.Her perfume.香水英文广告词(精选篇)This will be the perfect perfume. To the wonderful body of the girl's fragrance as the base, the budding fragrance as the backbone, he will use this bottle of perfume, their beauty forever collection ... In the complex urban jungle, in order to achieve the ideal, each male Have lost, searching, epiphany, until the emergence of starwalked. (Marlboro starwalked perfume) This is a symbol of pure perfume. Smell fresh. Caused by the lemon before the tune, successfully attracted your sense of smell, followed by a very rich level of fragrance fragrance people can not help; intoxicated them. (Ji snow kenzo I love the pure water) From the United Kingdom, hugo latest fragrance dedicated to a woman.Just gently squeeze, will be able to let you instantly have a unique dancing charm. (Hugo boss pure purple purple perfume)She has an infinite appeal, shining dazzling brilliance, the real elegant taste.(Elizabeth Arden summer green tea perfume) Yellow has always been a noble, status symbol. Atmospheric, masculine crystal bottle like a male generous and secure chest. Full of masculine fragrance, people obsessed with his taste. (Cd dior men's fragrance)香水英文广告词(简短篇)1、if its out there只要存在,dior will find it.迪奥就将找到它。



香奈儿经典广告语香奈儿经典广告语1、Fashion passes, style. remains时尚会过去,但风格永存。

2、Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.不要浪费时间敲一堵墙,你无法将其变做一扇门。

3、In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。

4、I love luxury. And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity. Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. I stay in the game to fight it.我爱奢侈。




5、Look for the woman in the dress. It there is no woman, there is no dress.记得要寻找穿衣服的女人。


6、Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. Itis not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.有些人认为奢侈的反义词是贫穷。



7、Innovation! One cannot be forever innovating. I want to create classics.创造!人不能永远创造。


8、A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。




下面是店铺带来的关于香水英文广告词的内容,欢迎阅读!香水英文广告词This will be the perfect perfume. To the wonderful body of the girl's fragrance as the base, the budding fragrance as the backbone, he will use this bottle of perfume, their beauty forever collection ... In the complex urban jungle, in order to achieve the ideal, each male Have lost, searching, epiphany, until the emergence of starwalked. (Marlboro starwalked perfume) This is a symbol of pure perfume. Smell fresh. Caused by the lemon before the tune, successfully attracted your sense of smell, followed by a very rich level of fragrance fragrance people can not help; intoxicated them. (Ji snow kenzo I love the pure water) From the United Kingdom, hugo latest fragrance dedicated to a woman.Just gently squeeze, will be able to let you instantly have a unique dancing charm. (Hugo boss pure purple purple perfume)She has an infinite appeal, shining dazzling brilliance, the real elegant taste.(Elizabeth Arden summer green tea perfume) Yellow has always been a noble, status symbol. Atmospheric, masculine crystal bottle like a male generous and secure chest. Full of masculine fragrance, people obsessed with his taste. (Cd dior men's fragrance)经典香水英文广告词1、if its out there只要存在,dior will find it.迪奥就将找到它。

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香奈儿5号香水英文广告词(优秀篇) YOUNG MAN:
When did I wake--
into this dream,
I must have been the only person in the world--
who didn't know who she was.
[IN THE NEWS: When the disappearance of the world's most famous...]
All my world would never be (the) same again-- (☆SHE: Drive!)
when she came into my life.
It's beautiful up here. Everything seems so peaceful.
Who are you?
1 / 4
I am a dancer. (■YOUNG MAN laughs.)
I love to dance.
It didn't matter.
I knew who she was--
to me.
(whispering) Come away with me.
I love you.
You must be there tomorrow.
☆SHE: I don't care about tomorrow.
It's the right thing to do.
☆SHE (in a low voice):
No one can have our dream, no one. Goodbye.
And then, she was gone.
Has she forgotten?
I know, I will not.
2 / 4
Her kiss.
Her smile.
Her perfume.
香水英文广告词(精选篇) This will be the perfect perfume. To the wonderful body of the girl's fragrance as the base, the budding fragrance as the backbone, he will use this bottle of perfume, their beauty forever collection ... In the complex urban jungle, in order to achieve the ideal, each male Have lost, searching, epiphany, until the emergence of starwalked. (Marlboro starwalked perfume)
This is a symbol of pure perfume. Smell fresh. Caused by the lemon before the tune, successfully attracted your sense of smell, followed by a very rich level of fragrance fragrance people can not help; intoxicated them. (Ji snow kenzo I love the pure water)
From the United Kingdom, hugo latest fragrance dedicated to a woman.Just gently squeeze, will be able to let you instantly have a unique dancing charm. (Hugo boss pure purple purple perfume)
She has an infinite appeal, shining dazzling brilliance, the real elegant taste.(Elizabeth Arden summer green tea 3 / 4
Yellow has always been a noble, status symbol. Atmospheric, masculine crystal bottle like a male generous and secure chest. Full of masculine fragrance, people obsessed with his taste. (Cd dior men's fragrance)
香水英文广告词(简短篇) 1、if its out there只要存在,
dior will find it.迪奥就将找到它。

2、dior --jadore dior
gold is cold(此时,黄金显得冰冷),
damends are dead(钻石缺乏了生机),
a limousine is a car(豪华轿车也不够吸引)
dont pretend(不要造作),
feel whats real(感受真实的奢华),
cest ca que jadore(唯有,迪奥真我香水)。

4 / 4。
