三年级上册英语Unit 2 Colours 你最喜欢的颜色有哪些?_Coco 人教PEP




小学三年级pep英语上册第二单元复习资料Unit Two colours1、颜色类单词red (红色的)yellow (黄色的)green (绿色的)blue (蓝色的)purple (紫色的)white (白色的)black (黑色的)orange (橙色的)pink (粉色的)brown (棕色的)2、r./rs./iss的用法r.用来称呼的对象是:男性rs.用来称呼的对象是:女性, 意味着这名女性已经结婚,或是已有配偶iss用来称呼的对象是:是对未婚女子的尊称3、A: Let’s paint!让我们一起画画!B:.注:let’s=let us两个字母都要大写4、句型This is ....(这个句型即可指人也可指物)5、Good morning!早上好!/Good afternoon!下午好!及其回答6、A:Nice teet you.B:Nice teet you,too.7、I see ....句型8、P15 Let’s do9、A:Colour it ...! 把它涂成...色!B:.10、P18 Let’s do11、字母A,B,C,D,及以其开头的单词12、A:How are you?B:Fine,thank you./I’m fine,thank you./V ery well ,thanks.注:I’m=I am13、white的反义词是black14、朋友见面问好时,应说:How are you?15、北京奥运福娃/国旗/红绿灯的颜色16、blue+yellow=greenred+green=brownred+blue=purplered+yellow+blue=black17、No picking floewrs! 禁止摘花!18、dad的对应词是mom/mumA.家庭电路正常工作时,L中的磁通量为零B.家庭电路中使用的电器增多时,L中的磁通量不变C.家庭电路发生短路时,开关K 将被电磁铁吸起D.地面上的人接触火线发生触电时,开关K 将被电磁铁吸起【解析】当电路正常工作时,电流经火线流入用电器,再经零线流回.由于火线和零线并行绕在铁芯左侧,火线和零线中的电流反向,合磁通量为零,故A、B 正确.用电器短路后,火线和零线中电流仍然等大、反向,铁芯中无磁通量,开关不会被电磁铁吸起,C 错误.当地面上的人触电时,火线中的电流经人体流入大地,由于电磁感应,L产生感应电流,电流经放大器放大后,使电磁铁吸起铁质开关K,从而切断家庭电路,D 正确,故应选择C.【答案】C6.请用仪器:热敏电阻,学生电源,继电器,滑动变阻器,开关,导线等设计一个由温度控制小灯泡发亮的电路.【解析】设计图如图,闭合S后,有电流通过继电器,但R较大,继电器产生的磁场较弱,当R的温度升高,电阻减小,继电器产生的磁场显著增大,S被吸下来,小灯泡发光,温度降低,磁性减弱,S弹开,小灯泡熄灭,从而达到由温度控制灯泡的亮和灭.【答案】见解析7.如图所示为一实验小车中利用光电脉冲测量车速和行程的示意图.A 为光源,B 为光电接收器,A、B 均固定在小车上,C 为小车的车轮.D 为与C 同轴相连的齿轮,车轮转动时,A 发出的光束通过旋转齿轮上齿的间隙后变成脉冲光信号,被B 接收并转换成电信号,由电子电路记录和显示.若实验显示单位时间的脉冲数为n,累积脉冲数为N,试完成下列问题的解答:(1)要测小车的速度和行程还必须测量的物理量或数据是哪些?(2)推导小车速度的表达式.(3)推导小车行程的表达式.【解析】由于车轮与齿轮同轴故角速度相等,如果测出角速度并已知车轮的半径R,则车的速度为v=ωR.ω=θ/t=2πn/p(式中p 为齿轮的齿数);车速为v=ωR=2πRn/p;行程为s=vt=vN/n=2πRN/p.因此:(1)要测出小车的速度和行程还必须测量的物理量或数据是车轮半径R 和齿轮的齿数p;(2)小车速度的表达式为v=2πRn/p;(3)小车行程的表达式为s=2πRN/p.【答案】(1)车轮的半径R 和齿轮的齿数p (2)v=2πRn/p(3)s =2πRN/p能力提升1.如图所示,两块水平放置的金属板距离为d,用导线、电键K 与、 )一个n 匝的线圈连接,线圈置于方向竖直向上的变化磁场 B 中.两板间放一台小压力传感器,压力传感器上表面静止放置一个质量为 m 电量为+q 的小球.K 断开时传感器上有示数,K 闭合时传感器上恰好无示数.则线圈中的磁场 B 的变化情况和磁通量变化率分别是(A .正在增加 ΔΦ mgdB .正在增 ΔΦ mgd , Δt = 2q 加 , Δt = nqC .正在减 ΔΦ mgdD .正在减 ΔΦ mgd 弱, Δt = 2q 弱, Δt = 2nq【解析】 K 闭合时传感器上恰好无示数,说明小球所受电场力和重力平衡,由于小球带正电,所以电容器上极板为负,由楞次定律,可知线圈中的磁场B 正在增加.根据分析列出方程:mg qU ΔΦ = d =qn Δt1 ΔΦ mgd d ,解得 Δt = nq,可见B 选项正确.【答案】 B2.家用电热灭蚊器中电热部分的主要部件是PTC 元件,PTC 元件是由酞酸钡等半导体材料制成的电阻器,其电阻率与温度的关系如图所示,由于这种特性,PTC 元件具有发热、控温两重功能,对此以下说法中正确的是( )A.通电后其功率先增大后减小B.通电后其功率先减小后增大C.当其产生的热量与散发的热量相等时,温度保持在t至t的某一值不变D.当其产生的热量与散发的热量相等时,温度保持在t或t不变【解析】根据PTC 元件的电阻率随温度变化的曲线,可知在常温下,它的电阻是相当小的,通入电流以后,随着温度的升高,其电阻率先变小后增大,那么它的功率先变大,后变小,温度保持在t至t的某一值不变,这时候电路处于稳定状态,如果温度再升高,电阻率变大,导致电流变小,温度就会降下来;如果温度降低,电阻率减小,导致电流变大,温度就会升上去,所以本题答案为A、C.【答案】AC3.有一种测量人体重的电子秤,其原理图如右图中的虚线所示,它主要由三部分构成:踏板、压力传感器R(是一个阻值可随压力大小而变化的电阻器)、显示体重的仪表G(实质是理想电流表).设踏板的质量可忽略不计,已知理想电流表的量程为3 A,电源电动势为12 V,内阻为2 Ω,电阻R 随压力变化的函数式为R=30-0.02F(F 和R 的单位分别是N 和Ω).下列说法正确是( )A.该秤能测量的最大体重是1400 NB.该秤能测量的最大体重是1300 NC.该秤零刻度线(即踏板空载时的刻度线)应标在电流表G 刻度盘0.375 A 处D.该秤零刻度线(即踏板空载时的刻度线)应标在电流表刻度盘0.400 A 处【答案】AC4.温度传感器是对温度敏感的元件,它将感受到的温度信号转变成测量的量(一般是电学量),从而直接反映出其变化.某种材料的R-t 图线如下图甲所示.(1)它能否作为温度传感器的感应元件?(2)把这种材料制成的电阻和一个电热器串联,如图乙,可达到何种自动控制效果?【解析】温度升高或降低导致R 阻值发生变化,使电路中电流发生变化,导致电热器上的电压发生改变,因此可以起到控制效果.【答案】(1)能(2)可达到使电热器保持一定温度的效果5.为了节能和环保,一些公共场所使用光控开关控制照明系统.光控开关可采用光敏电阻来控制,光敏电阻是阻值随着光的照度而发生变化的元件(照度可以反映光的强弱,光越强照度越大,照度单位为lx).某光敏电阻R P在不同照度下的阻值如表:照度(lx) 1.0 1.2电阻(kΩ)754028232018(1)根据表中数据,请在给定的坐标系中描绘出阻值随照度变化的曲线,并说明阻值随照度变化的特点.(2)如图所示,当1、2 两端所加电压上升至2 V 时,控制开关自动启动照明系统.请利用下列器材设计一个简单电路,给1、2 两端提供电压,要求当天色渐暗照度降低至 1.0(lx)时启动照明系统,在虚线框内完成电路原理图.(不考虑控制开关对所设计电路的影响)提供的器材如下:光敏电阻R P(符号,阻值见上表);直流电源E(电动势3 V,内阻不计);定值电阻:R=10 kΩ,R=20 kΩ,R=40 kΩ(限选其中之一并在图中标出);开关S 及导线若干.【解析】(1)描绘图象应注意:各点均匀分布在图线两侧,且图线应用平滑曲线,而不能成为各点的连线.图线为曲线且非线性变化.(2)根据串联电阻的分压关系,E =3 V ,当照度降低至 1.0(lx)时,其电压升至 2 V ,由图线知,此时光敏电阻 R P =20 k Ω,U R P =2 V ,串联电阻U =1 V ,由UR P R P R P R U R = R =2 得:R = 2 =10 k Ω,故选定值电阻 R .【答案】 (1)光敏电阻的阻值随光照度变化的曲线如图所示:光敏电阻的阻值随光照度变化特点:光敏电阻的阻值随光照度的增大非线性减小.(2)电路原理图:6.3 实验:传感器的应用课时作业基础达标1.如图所示为一个逻辑电平检测电路,A与被测点相连,则( )A.A 为低电平,LED 发光B.A 为高电平,LED 发光C.A 为低电平,LED 不发光D.A 为高电平,LED 不发光【解析】 A 为低电平时,Y为高电平,LED 的电压小,不发光;A 为高电平时,Y 为低电平,LED 的电压大,发光,故B、C 正确.【答案】BC2.如图所示的光控电路用发光二极管LED 模拟路灯,R G为光敏电阻.A 为斯密特触发器输入端,在天黑时路灯(发光二极管)会点亮.下列说法正确的是( )A.天黑时,Y 处于高电平B.天黑时,Y 处于低电平C.当R调大时,天更暗时,灯(发光二极管)点亮D.当R调大时,天较亮时,灯(发光二极管)就能点亮【解析】天黑时,R G阻值增大到一定值,斯密特触发器输入端A 的电压上升到某个值,输出端Y 突然由高电平跳到低电平;R 调大时,A 端电压降低,只有天更暗时,R G电阻更大时,路灯才点亮,故B、C 正确.【答案】BC3.微波炉将食物加热到设定的温度时会“哞哞”地叫,在这一报警电路中肯定有传感元件.【解析】微波炉中有温度报警器,而组成温度报警器的主要元件就是热敏电阻传感元件.【答案】热敏电阻4.。


Unit 2 Colours
Unit 2 Colours
Warming up: Do you still remember the colours we learned?
What colour is the snow? It’s white.
Colour it
What colour is it? brown
Talk about your favourite flower
(名师示范课)三年级上册英语-Unit 2 Colours 你最喜欢的颜色有哪些?_Coco 人教(PEP)(19张ppt)公开课课件
I like red flowers, how about you? I like…
(名师示范课)三年级上册英语-Unit 2 Colours 你最喜欢的颜色有哪些?_Coco 人教(PEP)(19张ppt)公开课课件 (名师示范课)三年级上册英语-Unit 2 Colours 你最喜欢的颜色有哪些?_Coco 人教(PEP)(19张ppt)公开课课件
(名师示范课)三年级上册英语-Unit 2 Colours 你最喜欢的颜色有哪些?_Coco 人教(PEP)(19张ppt)公开课课件 (名师示范课)三年级上册英语-Unit 2 Colours 你最喜欢的颜色有哪些?_Coco 人教(PEP)(19张ppt)公开课课件
(名师示范课)三年级上册英语-Unit 2 Colours 你最喜欢的颜色有哪些?_Coco 人教(PEP)(19张ppt)公开课课件
(名师示范课)三年级上册英语-Unit 2 Colours 你最喜欢的颜色有哪些?_Coco 人教(PEP)(19张ppt)公开课课件
See You!
Hale Waihona Puke (名师示范课)三年级上册英语-Unit 2 Colours 你最喜欢的颜色有哪些?_Coco 人教(PEP)(19张ppt)公开课课件



小学三年级pep英语上册第二单元复习资料Unit Two colours1、颜色类单词red (红色的)yellow (黄色的)green (绿色的)blue (蓝色的)purple (紫色的)white (白色的)black (黑色的)orange (橙色的)pink (粉色的)brown (棕色的)2、Mr./Mrs./Miss的用法Mr.用来称呼的对象是:男性Mrs.用来称呼的对象是:女性, 意味着这名女性已经结婚,或是已有配偶M iss用来称呼的对象是:是对未婚女子的尊称3、A: Let’s paint!让我们一起画画!B:OK.注:let’s=let usOK两个字母都要大写4、句型This is ....(这个句型即可指人也可指物)5、Good morning!早上好!/Good afternoon!下午好!及其回答6、A:Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.7、I see ....句型8、P15 Let’s do9、A:Colour it ...! 把它涂成...色!B:OK.10、P18 Let’s do11、字母A,B,C,D,及以其开头的单词12、A:How are you?B:Fine,thank you./I’m fine,thank you./Very well ,thanks.注:I’m=I am13、white的反义词是black14、朋友见面问好时,应说:How are you?15、北京奥运福娃/国旗/红绿灯的颜色16、blue+yellow=greenred+green=brownred+blue=purplered+yellow+blue=black17、No picking floewrs! 禁止摘花!18、dad的对应词是mom/mum。

三年级上册 英语颜色

三年级上册 英语颜色

白色 white 黑色 black 棕色 brown 橙色 orange
画一只可爱的小熊, 身体是棕色的,最是白色的, 鼻子是黑色的,脚是橙色的。
b—r—o—w—n brown o—r—a—n—g—e orange
b—l—a—c—k black
bronw b r o n w
Unit Two Colours
B Let’s learn
小朋友们,你们喜 欢什么颜色呢?
Hale Waihona Puke yellow green blue
你们喜欢吃巧克力吗?猜猜 它是什么颜色的?
我是白色的,对 吗?
white 白色
小朋友们,是不是 很喜欢吃橙子呀?
black 黑色
小乌鸦,真顽皮,手里拿着大画笔。 画一朵花是白色,white, white是白色。 画块巧克力是棕色,brown , brown是棕色。
画个橘子是橙色,orange , orange是橙色 最后拿起黑色笔,black , black是黑色。 对着镜子画自己,黑乎乎不美丽, 哭着喊着叫妈咪。



小学三年级pep英语上册第二单元复习资料Unit Two colours1、颜色类单词red (红色的)yellow (黄色的)green (绿色的)blue (蓝色的)purple (紫色的)white (白色的)black (黑色的)orange (橙色的)pink (粉色的)brown (棕色的)2、Mr./Mrs./Miss的用法Mr.用来称呼的对象是:男性Mrs.用来称呼的对象是:女性, 意味着这名女性已经结婚,或是已有配偶M iss用来称呼的对象是:是对未婚女子的尊称3、A: Let’s paint!让我们一起画画!B:OK.注:let’s=let usOK两个字母都要大写4、句型This is ....(这个句型即可指人也可指物)5、Good morning!早上好!/Good afternoon!下午好!及其回答6、A:Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.7、I see ....句型8、P15 Let’s do9、A:Colour it ...! 把它涂成...色!B:OK.10、P18 Let’s do11、字母A,B,C,D,及以其开头的单词12、A:How are you?B:Fine,thank you./I’m fine,thank you./Very well ,thanks.注:I’m=I am13、white的反义词是black14、朋友见面问好时,应说:How are you?15、北京奥运福娃/国旗/红绿灯的颜色16、blue+yellow=greenred+green=brownred+blue=purplered+yellow+blue=black17、No picking floewrs! 禁止摘花!18、dad的对应词是mom/mum。



小学三年级pep英语上册第二单元复习资料Unit Two colours1、颜色类单词red (红色的) yellow (黄色的) green (绿色的) blue (蓝色的) purple (紫色的) white (白色的) black (黑色的) orange (橙色的) pink (粉色的) brown (棕色的)2、Mr./Mrs./Miss的用法Mr.用来称呼的对象是:男性Mrs.用来称呼的对象是:女性, 意味着这名女性已经结婚,或是已有配偶M iss用来称呼的对象是:是对未婚女子的尊称3、A: Let’s paint!让我们一起画画!B:OK.注:let’s=let usOK两个字母都要大写4、句型This is ....(这个句型即可指人也可指物)5、Good morning!早上好!/Good afternoon!下午好!及其回答6、A:Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.7、I see ....句型8、P15 Let’s do9、A:Colour it ...! 把它涂成...色!B:OK.10、P18 Let’s do11、字母A,B,C,D,及以其开头的单词12、A:How are you?B:Fine,thank you./I’m fine,thank you./Verywell ,thanks.注:I’m=I am13、white的反义词是black14、朋友见面问好时,应说:How are you?15、北京奥运福娃/国旗/红绿灯的颜色16、blue+yellow=greenred+green=brownred+blue=purplered+yellow+blue=black17、No picking floewrs! 禁止摘花!18、dad的对应词是mom/mum。



black 黑色
小天才顺口溜 小乌鸦,真顽皮,手里拿着大画笔。
画一朵花是白色,white, white是白色。
画块巧克力是棕色,brown , brown是棕色。 画个橘子是橙色,orange , orange是橙色 最后拿起黑色笔,black , black是黑色。 对着镜子画自己,黑乎乎不美丽, 哭着喊着叫妈咪。
b—r—o—w—n o—r—a—n—g—e
b r o n w
Unit Two Colours
B Let’s learn
小朋友们,你们喜 欢什么颜色呢?
你们喜欢吃巧克力吗?猜猜 它是什么颜色的?
我是白色的,对 吗?
white 白色
小朋友们,是不是 很喜欢吃橙子呀?
总结: 白色 brown orange
画一只可爱的小熊, 身体是棕色的,最是白色的, 鼻子是黑色的,脚是橙色的。



Mum [mʌm] 妈妈
人教 PEP 小学英语三年上册第二单元 Unit 2 Colours 知识点归纳及复习要点 附单元练习
第 2 单元 Unit 2 Colours 知识点归纳:
一、核心词汇 常 见 的 颜 色 : red 红 色 ; 红 色 的 yellow 黄色;黄色的 blue 蓝
色 ; 蓝 色 的 black 黑 色 ; 黑 色 的 white 白色;白色的 orange 橙色;
black tea
black ue
brown sugar
brown bread
a green hand
mum 是 mother 的口语形式,通常孩子们在家中称呼母亲时用 mum。
1.Colour it brown!把它涂成棕色吧! 解读: colour 是动词,意思是“涂;画”。 2.Black, black. Stand up.黑色的,黑色的,起立。 解读: stand up 意思是“起立”,对应词组为 sit down,意为“坐 下”。 3.White, white. Touch the ground.白色的,白色的,摸摸地。 解读: touch 是“摸”的意思, touch 后直接接摸的对象。 4.Brown, brown. Turn around.棕色的,棕色的,转个圈儿。 解读: turn around 意思是“转圈”。 5.I can sing a rainbow.我可以唱彩虹(歌)。 解读: can 是情态动词,意为“能;会”, can 不随主语的变化而 变化,其后要用动词



小学三年级pep英语上册第二单元复习资料Unit Two colours1、颜色类单词red (红色的) yellow (黄色的) green (绿色的) blue (蓝色的) purple (紫色的) white (白色的) black (黑色的) orange (橙色的) pink (粉色的) brown (棕色的)2、Mr./Mrs./Miss的用法Mr.用来称呼的对象是:男性Mrs.用来称呼的对象是:女性, 意味着这名女性已经结婚,或是已有配偶M iss用来称呼的对象是:是对未婚女子的尊称3、A: Let’s paint!让我们一起画画!B:OK.注:let’s=let usOK两个字母都要大写4、句型This is ....(这个句型即可指人也可指物)5、Good morning!早上好!/Good afternoon!下午好!及其回答6、A:Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.7、I see ....句型8、P15 Let’s do9、A:Colour it ...! 把它涂成...色!B:OK.10、P18 Let’s do11、字母A,B,C,D,及以其开头的单词12、A:How are you?B:Fine,thank you./I’m fine,thank you./Verywell ,thanks.注:I’m=I am13、white的反义词是black14、朋友见面问好时,应说:How are you?15、北京奥运福娃/国旗/红绿灯的颜色16、blue+yellow=greenred+green=brownred+blue=purplered+yellow+blue=black17、No picking floewrs! 禁止摘花!18、dad的对应词是mom/mum。



三年级英语作文我最喜欢的颜色Color has always been an integral part of our lives from the moment we open our eyes. As young children, we are captivated by the vibrant hues that surround us, each one carrying its own unique charm and personality. In my case, my favorite color during my third-grade year was a deep, rich blue that reminded me of the vast, endless sky on a cloudless day.The allure of this particular shade of blue first captured my attention during a school field trip to the local art museum. As we wandered through the galleries, our class was tasked with finding a painting that spoke to us and explaining why we were drawn to it. I distinctly remember gravitating towards a stunning landscape depicting a serene lake surrounded by towering mountains, the sky above a mesmerizing gradient of azure tones.What captivated me most about this painting was the way the artist had managed to capture the tranquility and depth of the blue hues, from the gentle ripples on the water's surface to the vast expanse of the heavens. It was as if I could feel the cool, calming presence of thecolor wash over me, transporting me to a place of peace and contemplation.From that moment on, I became enamored with the color blue. I would spend hours poring over color swatches, marveling at the countless variations of the hue, from the deep, inky tones of midnight to the soft, periwinkle shades of a spring sky. I would carefully select my school supplies, ensuring that every notebook, pencil, and folder featured some element of blue, whether it was a bold, cobalt cover or delicate, azure accents.During art class, I would meticulously mix paints to achieve the perfect shade of blue, experimenting with different techniques and brushstrokes to bring my vision to life. I would lose myself in the process, the rhythmic movements of my hand and the gradual buildup of color on the canvas serving as a form of meditation.But it wasn't just in the realm of art that my love for blue manifested. In my everyday life, I found myself drawn to objects and clothing that showcased this captivating hue. I would carefully curate my wardrobe, ensuring that I had a variety of blue-toned shirts, dresses, and accessories to choose from, each one complementing my mood and the occasion.One of my most cherished possessions during this time was a cozy,oversized sweater in a deep, navy blue. I would wrap myself in its warmth, the soft, woolen fabric enveloping me like a comforting embrace. Whenever I wore this sweater, I felt a sense of security and confidence, as if the color itself was imbuing me with a quiet strength.Beyond the purely aesthetic appeal of blue, I also found myself drawn to the symbolic and emotional resonance of the color. In my young mind, blue represented qualities like intelligence, stability, and trustworthiness – traits that I aspired to embody as I navigated the complexities of childhood. The color's association with the sky and the ocean also evoked a sense of vastness and possibility, inspiring me to dream big and explore the world around me.As I look back on my third-grade self, I am struck by the depth of my fascination with the color blue. It wasn't just a passing fancy, but a deep, abiding connection that shaped my perspective and influenced my daily experiences. The color's ability to evoke a sense of serenity, contemplation, and even empowerment played a significant role in my personal growth and development during those formative years.In many ways, my love for blue has remained a constant throughout my life, though the specific shades and applications may have evolved over time. The color still holds a special place in my heart, serving as a reminder of the wonder and magic that can be found inthe simple things that captivate us as children. It is a testament to the power of color to inspire, soothe, and uplift us, even in the most ordinary of moments.As I reflect on my third-grade self and the enduring impact of my favorite color, I am reminded of the importance of nurturing and celebrating the passions and interests that emerge during our youth. For it is in these moments of pure, unbridled enthusiasm that we lay the foundation for the person we will become, imbuing our lives with a sense of purpose, creativity, and joy.。



我喜欢的颜色英语作文三年级Here is the English essay on the topic "My Favorite Color" that you requested, with a word count of over 1000 words. Please note that the title is not included in the body of the essay.My favorite color is blue. It is a calming and serene color that has always resonated with me. From the deep, rich hues of the ocean to the soft, pale shades of a clear sky, blue has the ability to evoke a sense of tranquility and peace within me.One of the things I love most about the color blue is its versatility. It can be bold and vibrant, like the brilliant azure of a tropical sea, or it can be muted and subdued, like the gentle lavender-blue of a cloudy winter day. This versatility allows blue to be used in a wide range of settings and applications, from fashion and interior design to art and nature.In fashion, blue is a classic and timeless choice. From the iconic denim blue of jeans to the rich, midnight blue of a well-tailored suit, this color has the ability to make the wearer feel confident and put-together. I personally love pairing blue with crisp white or soft grey for a clean, sophisticated look. The contrast of the blue against theseneutral tones creates a striking and visually appealing combination.In the realm of interior design, blue is a popular choice for its calming and soothing properties. Whether it's used as an accent color in the form of throw pillows or curtains, or as the dominant hue in a room, blue has a way of creating a sense of tranquility and serenity. I've always been drawn to the beautiful shades of blue found in nature, such as the deep indigo of a twilight sky or the soft periwinkle of a morning glory. Incorporating these natural hues into my living space helps me to feel connected to the great outdoors, even when I'm inside.Beyond its practical applications, blue also holds a special place in the world of art and creativity. From the vibrant, expressionistic paintings of the Impressionists to the serene, meditative landscapes of the Romantics, blue has long been a source of inspiration for artists throughout history. I'm particularly captivated by the way that different artists have been able to capture the nuances and complexities of this color, using it to evoke a range of emotions and experiences.One of my favorite examples of the artistic use of blue is the work of the renowned painter, Vincent van Gogh. His iconic "Starry Night" painting, with its swirling, ethereal blues, is a testament to the power of this color to transport the viewer to a different realm. The way thatVan Gogh juxtaposes the deep, midnight blue of the night sky with the brilliant, electric blue of the stars creates a sense of both tranquility and dynamism that is truly captivating.Another artist who has deeply influenced my appreciation for the color blue is the Japanese printmaker, Hokusai. His famous "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" is a stunning example of the way that blue can be used to convey a sense of power and movement. The deep, indigo tones of the crashing waves are balanced by the delicate, pale blue of the sky, creating a sense of balance and harmony that is both visually striking and emotionally resonant.Beyond its artistic and creative applications, blue also holds a deep personal significance for me. Growing up, my favorite toys and clothes were always in shades of blue, and I found myself drawn to the natural world in a way that was deeply connected to this color. Whether it was watching the sun set over the water, gazing up at the endless expanse of the sky, or admiring the delicate petals of a bluebell flower, I've always found a sense of wonder and joy in the various manifestations of blue that I've encountered throughout my life.In many ways, I believe that my affinity for the color blue is a reflection of my own personality and values. Like the color itself, I strive to be calm, grounded, and steadfast in the face of life'schallenges. I find solace in the quiet moments of contemplation and introspection, and I'm drawn to the natural world as a source of inspiration and rejuvenation.At the same time, I also appreciate the more dynamic and vibrant aspects of blue. I love the way that this color can be used to create a sense of energy and excitement, whether it's through the bold, electric blue of a neon sign or the deep, indigo hue of a moody, stormy sky. This duality speaks to the complexity of my own character, and the ways in which I'm able to navigate both the calm and the chaotic moments of life.Ultimately, my love for the color blue is a testament to the power of color to shape our experiences and connect us to the world around us. Whether it's through the realm of art, design, or personal expression, blue has the ability to evoke a range of emotions and experiences that resonate deeply with me. As I continue to explore and discover the many facets of this captivating color, I know that it will continue to be a source of inspiration, comfort, and joy in my life.。



小学三年级pep英语上册第二单元复习资料Unit Two colours1、颜色类单词red (红色的)yellow (黄色的)green (绿色的)blue (蓝色的)purple (紫色的)white (白色的)black (黑色的)orange (橙色的)pink (粉色的)brown (棕色的)2、Mr./Mrs./Miss的用法Mr.用来称呼的对象是:男性Mrs.用来称呼的对象是:女性, 意味着这名女性已经结婚,或是已有配偶M iss用来称呼的对象是:是对未婚女子的尊称3、A: Let’s paint!让我们一起画画!B:OK.注:let’s=let usOK两个字母都要大写4、句型This is ....(这个句型即可指人也可指物)5、Good morning!早上好!/Good afternoon!下午好!及其回答6、A:Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.7、I see ....句型8、P15 Let’s do9、A:Colour it ...! 把它涂成...色!B:OK.10、P18 Let’s do11、字母A,B,C,D,及以其开头的单词12、A:How are you?B:Fine,thank you./I’m fine,thank you./Very well ,thanks.注:I’m=I am13、white的反义词是black14、朋友见面问好时,应说:How are you?15、北京奥运福娃/国旗/红绿灯的颜色16、blue+yellow=greenred+green=brownred+blue=purplered+yellow+blue=black17、No picking floewrs! 禁止摘花!18、dad的对应词是mom/mum。



小学三年级pep英语上册第二单元复习资料Unit Two colours1、颜色类单词red (红色的)yellow (黄色的)green (绿色的)blue (蓝色的)purple (紫色的)white (白色的)black (黑色的)orange (橙色的)pink (粉色的)brown (棕色的)2、Mr./Mrs./Miss的用法Mr.用来称呼的对象是:男性Mrs.用来称呼的对象是:女性, 意味着这名女性已经结婚,或是已有配偶M iss用来称呼的对象是:是对未婚女子的尊称3、A: Let’s paint!让我们一起画画!B:OK.注:let’s=let usOK两个字母都要大写4、句型This is ....(这个句型即可指人也可指物)5、Good morning!早上好!/Good afternoon!下午好!及其回答6、A:Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.7、I see ....句型8、P15 Let’s do9、A:Colour it ...! 把它涂成...色!B:OK.10、P18 Let’s do11、字母A,B,C,D,及以其开头的单词12、A:How are you?B:Fine,thank you./I’m fine,thank you./Very well ,thanks.注:I’m=I am13、white的反义词是black14、朋友见面问好时,应说:How are you?15、北京奥运福娃/国旗/红绿灯的颜色16、blue+yellow=greenred+green=brownred+blue=purplered+yellow+blue=black17、No picking floewrs! 禁止摘花!18、dad的对应词是mom/mum。



小学三年级pep英语上册第二单元复习资料Unit Two colours1、颜色类单词red (红色的)yellow (黄色的)green (绿色的)blue (蓝色的)purple (紫色的)white (白色的)black (黑色的)orange (橙色的)pink (粉色的)brown (棕色的)2、Mr./Mrs./Miss的用法Mr.用来称呼的对象是:男性Mrs.用来称呼的对象是:女性, 意味着这名女性已经结婚,或是已有配偶M iss用来称呼的对象是:是对未婚女子的尊称3、A: Let’s paint!让我们一起画画!B:OK.注:let’s=let usOK两个字母都要大写4、句型This is ....(这个句型即可指人也可指物)5、Good morning!早上好!/Good afternoon!下午好!及其回答6、A:Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.7、I see ....句型8、P15 Let’s do9、A:Colour it ...! 把它涂成...色!B:OK.10、P18 Let’s do11、字母A,B,C,D,及以其开头的单词12、A:How are you?B:Fine,thank you./I’m fine,thank you./Very well ,thanks.注:I’m=I am13、white的反义词是black14、朋友见面问好时,应说:How are you?15、北京奥运福娃/国旗/红绿灯的颜色16、blue+yellow=greenred+green=brownred+blue=purplered+yellow+blue=black17、No picking floewrs! 禁止摘花!18、dad的对应词是mom/mum。

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