



装饰工程合同Con tract of Con structi onProject合同编号:Con tract Number:工程名称:Project Name:发包方(甲方):Employer (Party A):承包方(乙方):Con tractor (Party B):根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》及有关规定,为明确双方在施工过程中的权利、义务和经济责任,经双方协商同意签订本合同。

In order to make definite of the rights, obligations and economic responsibilities ofboth parties duri ng the con structi on, the parties, in accorda nee with The PRC Con tract Law and Con structi on Engin eeri ng Con tract Regulati ons and releva nt provisi ons, agreeto sig n this con tract.第一条工程项目Article 1, Project item1 .工程地点:Project site:2. 工程范围:Scope of project3. 工程造价:人民币 ____________ 元整(该造价为包工包料价)Project cost: PMB Yua n only (Cost of this con tract is the con tract price for laborand materials)第二条施工准备Article 2, Preparati on for con structi on1 •甲方协助乙方办理临时水电及垂直运输,提供建筑图纸及有关隐蔽障碍物的资料。

Party A shall assists party B to deal with the procedures of temporary hydropower and vertical tra nsportatio n and provide architectural draw ings and docume nts of releva nt con cealed obstacles .2 .乙方:.Party B:①负责施工区域的临时设施、水电管线的铺设、管理、使用和维修工作;Be responsible for the works of laying, management, use and maintenance of the temporary facilities, water and electricity pipeli ne in the con structi on area.②组织施工管理人员和材料、施工机械进场;Orga nize con structi on man ageme nt staff and con structi on materials, con structi on machinery enter the Site.③负责在装修期间保持公共地方清洁及每天负责将装物料弃置于由管理处指定的垃圾收集处。



全篇的装修合同英文版Complete Renovation ContractThis document serves as a comprehensive agreement between the homeowner and the contractor for the renovation of the property located at [insert address]. The scope of work includes but is not limited to: demolition, construction, plumbing, electrical, painting, and finishing.1. Parties Involved- Homeowner: [Name]- Contractor: [Name]2. Scope of Work- Demolition of existing structures- Construction of new walls, floors, and ceilings- Plumbing work including installation of fixtures- Electrical work including wiring and outlets- Painting of walls and finishing touches3. Timeline- The renovation work is expected to be completed within [insert timeframe]. Delays due to unforeseen circumstances may extend the timeline.4. Payments- The total cost of the renovation is [insert amount]. Payments will be made in installments as follows:- [Insert payment schedule]5. Change Orders- Any changes to the scope of work must be agreed upon by both parties in writing. Additional costs incurred due to change orders will be discussed and approved before work begins.6. Permits and Inspections- The contractor is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and ensuring that the work meets building codes and regulations. Inspections will be conducted at various stages of the renovation.7. Warranty- The contractor guarantees the quality of workmanship and materials used for a period of [insert timeframe]. Any defects or issues will be addressed and rectified by the contractor at no additional cost to the homeowner.8. Termination- Either party may terminate the contract with written notice if the other party fails to fulfill their obligations. Termination may result in financial penalties or legal action.9. Governing Law- This contract is governed by the laws of [insert jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising from the contract will be resolved through arbitration.10. Signatures- Both parties acknowledge that they have read and agreed to the terms of this contract by signing below:Homeowner: [Signature] Date: [Date]Contractor: [Signature] Date: [Date]。

中英文 工程总承包合同 示范文本

中英文 工程总承包合同 示范文本

中英文工程总承包合同示范文本English:This Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) Turnkey Contract (the "Contract") is entered into on [Date] by and between [Party Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", and [Party Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Owner". The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary forthe completion of the engineering and construction of the project as described in Exhibit A (the "Project"). The Contractor shall also be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and licenses, as wellas ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The Owner shall provide the Contractor with access to the site and all necessary support and assistance to facilitate the timely and successful completion of the Project. The Contract Price for the completion of the Project shall be as specified in Exhibit B, payable in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract.中文翻译:这份工程、采购和建设(EPC)总承包合同(以下简称“合同”)是由[日期]由以下各方(以下简称“承包商”)和[ Party Name](以下简称“业主”)签署的。



中英文对照装饰施工合同合同编号:__________中英文对照装饰施工合同甲方:Address:Contact Person:Phone:乙方:Address:Contact Person:Phone:鉴于甲方为进行房屋装饰装修,需要乙方提供装饰施工服务,双方本着平等互利的原则,经协商一致,特订立本合同,以便共同遵守。

第一条工程概况1.1 工程名称:____________________1.2 工程地点:____________________1.3 工程内容:包括但不限于____________、____________、____________等。

1.4 工程预算:人民币(大写):____________元整(小写):_____________元。

第二条合同价格及支付方式2.1 双方确认,乙方向甲方提供的装饰施工服务价格为人民币(大写):____________元整(小写):_____________元。

2.2 甲方支付乙方的款项分三次支付,具体支付时间和比例如下:第一次支付:合同签订后七个工作日内,支付合同价的30%;第二次支付:工程进度达到50%时,支付合同价的30%;第三次支付:工程验收合格后,支付合同价的40%。

2.3 甲方支付款项时,应出具相应的付款凭证。

第三条施工期限3.1 双方确认,乙方应按照本合同约定的施工内容、施工标准和施工期限完成施工。

3.2 乙方承诺,本工程的施工期限为________个月,自甲方支付首期款项之日起计算。

3.3 乙方如因特殊情况需延长施工期限,应提前七个工作日书面通知甲方,并征得甲方同意。


第四条工程质量4.1 乙方应按照甲方的要求、国家相关标准和规范进行施工,保证工程质量。

4.2 工程验收不合格的,乙方应负责返工、整改,直至验收合格。

4.3 工程验收合格后,乙方应承担保修责任,保修期限自工程验收合格之日起计算,保修期限为________年。



建筑装饰工程施工合同范本中英文一、合同双方甲方(发包方):公司名称:_____法定代表人:_____地址:_____联系电话:_____乙方(承包方):公司名称:_____法定代表人:_____地址:_____联系电话:_____二、工程概况1、工程名称:_____2、工程地点:_____3、工程内容:_____ (包括但不限于室内装修、外立面改造、水电安装等)4、工程规模:_____ (例如建筑面积、装修面积等)三、工程期限1、开工日期:_____ 年_____ 月_____ 日2、竣工日期:_____ 年_____ 月_____ 日3、总工期:_____ 天四、工程质量和标准1、工程质量应符合国家及地方相关标准和规范,以及双方约定的质量标准。



五、工程价款及支付方式1、工程总价款为:人民币(大写)_____ 元(小写:¥_____ 元)2、支付方式:(1)合同签订后,甲方向乙方支付工程价款的_____ %作为预付款;(2)工程进度达到_____ %时,甲方向乙方支付工程价款的_____ %;(3)工程竣工验收合格后,甲方向乙方支付工程价款的_____ %;(4)剩余工程价款的_____ %作为质量保证金,在质保期届满后无质量问题时支付。






2、甲方应在接到通知后的_____ 日内组织验收,如逾期未验收,则视为工程验收合格。




英文装修合同范本三篇篇一Renovation ContractThis Renovation Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into on [date] between [Client's Name] ("Client") and [Contractor's Name] ("Contractor").1. Project DescriptionThe Contractor shall undertake the renovation project of the property located at [Property Address] ("Property") as described in the attached plans and specifications (collectively, the "Project").2. Project TimelineThe Contractor shall mence the Project on [Start Date] and plete it [Completion Date], subject to any extensions agreed upon in writing the Client and the Contractor.3. Project CostThe total cost of the Project is $[Total Cost] (inclusive of materials, labor, and all other expenses). The Client shall make the following payments to the Contractor:A deposit of $[Deposit Amount] upon signing this Contract.Progress payments as per the agreed milestones during the Project.The final payment of $[Final Payment Amount] upon satisfactory pletion and acceptance of the Project.4. Materials and WorkmanshipThe Contractor shall use materials of good quality and perform the work in a professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with industry standards.5. Changes and AmendmentsAny changes or amendments to the Project scope, specifications, or cost shall be agreed upon in writing both parties and signed as addendums to this Contract.6. Inspections and AcceptanceThe Client shall have the right to inspect the progress and pleted work. The Project shall be deemed accepted the Client upon written notification or if no notification of rejection is provided within [Acceptance Period] days after pletion.7. WarrantiesThe Contractor warrants that the work performed will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Warranty Period] from the date of acceptance.8. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated either party in the event of a material breach of its terms. In such case, the breaching party shall be liable for any damages incurred.9. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising under this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fls, the matter shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].10. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Client's Signature: [Client's Signature]Client's Name: [Client's Name]Client's Address: [Client's Address]Contact Number: [Client's Contact Number]Contractor's Signature: [Contractor's Signature]Contractor's Name: [Contractor's Name]Contractor's Address: [Contractor's Address]Contact Number: [Contractor's Contact Number]篇二Renovation ContractThis Renovation Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between [Client's Name] ("Client") and [Contractor's Name] ("Contractor").1. Project DescriptionThe Contractor shall undertake the renovation project at the property located at [Property Address] (the "Property"). The scope of work includes but is not limited to [list the specific renovation tasks, such as pnting, flooring, plumbing, etc.].2. Project TimelineThe renovation project is estimated to mence on [Start Date] and be pleted [Completion Date], subject to any unforeseen circumstances or delays as mutually agreed upon in writing.3. Project CostThe total cost of the renovation project is agreed to be $[Total Cost]. The Client shall make the following payments:A deposit of $[Deposit Amount] upon signing this Contract.Progress payments as follows: [Specify the payment schedule and amounts based on project milestones.]4. Materials and WorkmanshipThe Contractor shall use materials of good quality and perform the work in a professional and workmanship-like manner. All materials used shall conform to the specifications agreed upon both parties.5. Changes and AmendmentsAny changes or amendments to the scope of work, materials, or project timeline shall be mutually agreed upon in writing and may result in adjustments to the project cost and timeline.6. Inspection and AcceptanceUpon pletion of the project, the Client shall inspect the work. If the work is found to be in accordance with the agreed-upon specifications and satisfactory, the Client shall provide written acceptance.7. Warranties and GuaranteesThe Contractor warrants that the work performed shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Warranty Period] from the date of pletion.8. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of any dispute or disagreement arising out of or in connection with this Contract, the parties shall attempt to resolve the matter through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fls, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].9. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated either party in the event of a material breach of its terms and conditions the other party.10. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Client's Signature: ____________________Client's Name: ____________________Client's Address: ____________________Client's Contact Number: ____________________Contractor's Signature: ____________________Contractor's Name: ____________________Contractor's Address: ____________________Contractor's Contact Number: ____________________篇三Renovation ContractThis Renovation Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into on [date] between [Client's Name] ("Client") and [Contractor's Name] ("Contractor").1. Project DescriptionThe Contractor agrees to undertake the renovation project described as follows: [Describe the scope and detls of the renovation work, including rooms, specific tasks, materials to be used, etc.]2. Project TimelineThe renovation work is expected to mence on [start date] and be pleted [pletion date]. The Contractor shall make every effort to meet the agreed-upon timeline.3. Project CostThe total cost of the renovation project is agreed to be $[total amount]. The Client shall make the following payments:A deposit of $[deposit amount] upon signing this contract.Progress payments as follows: [Specify the payment schedule and amounts based on project milestones.]4. Materials and WorkmanshipThe Contractor shall use materials of good quality and perform the work in a professional and workmanship-like manner. Any defects or issues arising from substandard materials or workmanship shall be rectified the Contractor at no additional cost to the Client within a reasonable time.5. Changes and AmendmentsAny changes or amendments to the project scope, design, or materials must be mutually agreed upon in writing both the Client and the Contractor. Such changes may result in adjustments to the project cost and timeline.6. Insurance and LiabilityThe Contractor shall carry appropriate insurance coverage for the duration of the project. The Contractor shall be liable for any damages or injuries caused during the course of the work, except for those caused the Client's actions or negligence.7. WarrantyThe Contractor provides a warranty for the renovation work for a period of [warranty period] from the date of pletion. During this period, the Contractor shall address any defects or issues arising from the work at no cost to the Client.8. TerminationEither party may terminate this contract under the following circumstances: Material breach of the contract the other party.Unforeseen circumstances that make it impossible to plete the project.In the event of termination, the rights and obligations of both parties shall be determined in accordance with the terms of this contract and applicable laws.9. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute arising from this contract, both parties shall attempt to resolve the matter through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fls, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration or litigation in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].10. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Client and the Contractor regarding the renovation project and supersedes all prior discussions and agreements.By signing below, both the Client and the Contractor agree to be bound the terms and conditions of this Contract.Client's Signature: [Client's Name] Date: [date]Contractor's Signature: [Contractor's Name] Date: [date]Please note that this is a basic template and should be customized and reviewed a legal professional to meet the specific requirements and laws of your jurisdiction.。



装修装饰工程施工合同(中英文)CONTRACT OF DECORATION ENGINEERING签署日期Date of工程名称:Project Name:工程地址:Project Place:发包方 (甲方): Owner (Hereinafter referred to as party A)承包方 (乙方): Contractor: (hereinafter called party B)鉴于甲方拟对办公楼进行装修装饰,通过招投标程序,将该工程授予乙方施工并完成;鉴于乙方具备装修装饰施工的资质,并愿意接受招投标规定的条件,同意承担该工程的施工并完成;鉴于双方同意遵照《中华人民共和国合同法》、《建筑装饰装修管理规定》、《住宅室内装饰装修管理办法》及有关法律、法规规定履行本合同;基于本合同之合意、声明、约定及其它约因,双方当事人兹就下列各事项达成协议:WHEREAS party A intends to make decoration of office building, through bidding procedure, award this project hereby to party B for construction and completion thereof.WHEREAS party B is with the qualification of decoration engineering, intends to accept bidding conditions and consent to undertake the project construction and complete.WHEREAS parties hereto agree to execute this contract in accordance with LAW OF CONTRACT, REGULATIONS OF CONSTRUCTION DECORATION MANAGEMENT, ADMINISTRATION RULES FOR INDOOR HOME DECORATION and concerned laws and regulations.NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises, assertions and covenants herein and other good and valuable considerations, the receipts of which is acknowledged hereby, the parties hereby agree as follows:第一条工程概况 Work Overview1、工程名称: Project Name2、工程地址: Project Place:3、承包方式:总承包(包工包料,包质量,包安全,包工期)Contracting Means: General contracting, including contracting of materials and labor, liabilities of quality, work’s safety and work’s schedule.4、承包内容:包括所有的拆除及改造工程,以附件《工程报价单》为准。

装修施工合同书 英文

装修施工合同书 英文

装修施工合同书英文Decoration Construction Contract。

This Decoration Construction Contract ("Contract") is entered into on [Date] by and between [Contractor Name], with a business address at [Contractor Address], and [Client Name], with a business address at [Client Address].1. Scope of Work。

The Contractor agrees to provide decoration construction services for the Client's [Property Address]. The scope of work includes but is not limited to:Design and planning of the decoration project。

Procurement of necessary materials and equipment。

Construction and installation of decoration elements。

Quality assurance and project management。

2. Payment。

The Client agrees to pay the Contractor a total of [Total Amount] for the decoration construction services. Payment shall be made in installments as follows:[Percentage] of the total amount upon signing of the Contract。



装修合同英文版范本装修合同英文版范本Decoration ContractParty A (Client):Name: _________________Address:______________________Contact Number: _______________ID Number: _____________________Party B (Contractor):Name: _________________Address:______________________Contact Number:_______________Business License Number:_____________________Both parties have reached an agreement on the decoration project of Party A's property according to the principle of mutual benefit and mutual trust. The specific terms are as follows:Article 1: Project DescriptionParty B shall carry out the decorating project according to the requirements and specifications provided by Party A, including (but not limited to) the selection of decoration materials, designs, and measurements of decorative items.Article 2: Obligations of Party B1) Party B shall bear the responsibility for the planning, design, construction and supervision of the decorating project. 2) Party B shall obey therelevant laws and regulations of China, including but not limitedto the laws and regulations on construction, environmental protection, and safety. 3) Party B shall ensure the timely and quality completion of the project according to the requirements set by Party A.4) Party B shall ensure that all materials and equipment used in the project meet the requirements of environmental protection, safe operation, and quality standards.5) If any accidents, material losses, or other unforeseeable events occur during the decorating project, Party B shall take necessary measures to minimize damages and compensate for any losses incurred by Party A.Article 3: Obligations of Party A1) Party A shall provide accurate and complete property information and cooperate with Party B in completing the decorating project.2) Party A shall pay Party B the agreed decoration fee on time and in full.3) Party A shall take care of the decoration materials and equipment provided by Party B and ensure they are not damaged or misused.Article 4: Payment1) The total amount of the decoration fee is _______________ (in figures and words).2) The payment schedule is as follows (list the specific times and amounts at each payment milestone).3) The payment shall be made in cash or by bank transfer to the designated bank account of Party B.Article 5: Deadline for Completion1) Party B shall complete the decorating project within _______________days after the project starts, and the exact date shall be confirmed in writing byboth parties.2) If Party B fails to complete the decorating project within the deadline, they shall be deemed as having violated the contract and shall pay damages to Party A, which shall be no more than 3% of the total contract amount for every additional day.Article 6: Termination of Contract 1) This contract shall be terminated if either party breaches the terms and conditions set forth herein. 2) The party who wants to terminate this contract shall provide written notice to the other party 15 days in advance.Article 7: Dispute ResolutionAny dispute arising from or in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case negotiation fails, either party may submit the dispute to the People's Court where Party A's property is located.Article 8: Governing Law This contract shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.Article 9: Effectiveness and Executability 1) This contract shall become effective upon the signatures affixed by both parties.2) The invalidity of any provision of this contract shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.3) This contract shall have legal effect and can be enforced in accordance with the law.Party A (Client):Party B(Contractor):Signature:__________________Signature:________________Date: _____________ Date:_______________。



全面版装修合同英文版Comprehensive Renovation ContractThis document serves as a comprehensive renovation contract between the homeowner and the contractor. The purpose of this contract is to outline the terms and conditions of the renovation project to ensure both parties are clear on their responsibilities and expectations.Scope of WorkThe scope of work includes but is not limited to:- Demolition of existing structures- Installation of new fixtures and appliances- Painting and finishing- Electrical and plumbing work- Cleanup and disposal of debrisTimelineThe renovation project is expected to commence on [start date] and be completed by [end date]. Any delays in the project timeline must be communicated and agreed upon by both parties.Payment TermsThe total cost of the renovation project is [total amount], which will be paid in installments as follows:- 30% upfront deposit upon signing of the contract- 30% midway through the project- 40% upon completion and final inspectionChanges and AmendmentsAny changes or amendments to the original scope of work must be agreed upon in writing by both parties. Additional costs incurred due to changes will be discussed and documented accordingly.Insurance and LiabilityThe contractor is required to have valid insurance coverage for the duration of the project. Any damages or accidents that occur during the renovation will be the responsibility of the contractor to rectify.Completion and Final InspectionUpon completion of the renovation project, a final inspection will be conducted by both parties to ensure all work has been completed to satisfaction. Any outstanding issues will be addressed before final payment is made.Termination of ContractEither party has the right to terminate the contract in writing with a notice period of [number] days. In the event of termination, any work completed up to that point will be compensated accordingly.This comprehensive renovation contract is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of the renovation project. Both parties are expected to adhere to the terms outlined herein to ensure a successful and satisfactory completion of the project.。



装修工程合同中英文版装修工程合同Decoration Project Contract甲方:_______________(公司或个人名称),注册地址:_______________,法定代表人:_______________,联系电话:_______________。

Party A: _______________ (company or individual name), registered address: _______________, legal representative: _______________, contact number: _______________.乙方:_______________(公司或个人名称),注册地址:_______________,法定代表人:_______________,联系电话:_______________。

Party B: _______________ (company or individual name), registered address: _______________, legal representative: _______________, contact number: _______________.鉴于甲方有一处房产需要装修,现甲乙双方经友好协商,达成如下合同,共同遵守。

Whereas Party A requires decoration for their property, Party A and Party B negotiate in a friendly manner and reach the following contract, to be jointly observed.一、装修的内容范围包括如下:The scope of the decoration includes but is not limited to:1、电路改造、水路改造、墙面装饰、地面铺装、吊顶、阳台封闭及窗户翻新。



建筑装饰工程施工合同(中英文对照)Party A: ____________________Party B: ____________________This Contract is made and entered into on the date of ____________ (the "Contract Date") by and between Party A and Party B (each a "Party" and collectively the "Parties") with respect to the Construction Decoration Engineering Project (the "Project") described below.1. Project DescriptionThe Project includes the construction and decoration of the following areas:- ____________ (Description of the areas to be constructed and decorated)The total Contract Price for the Project shall be ____________ (Total Contract Price).2. Performance of the Work2.1 Party A shall be responsible for the design, procurement of materials, and supervision of the construction and decoration work.2.2 Party B shall be responsible for the construction and decoration work in accordance with the design and requirements provided by Party A.3. Contract Price3.1 The Contract Price shall be ____________ (Contract Price).3.2 The payment schedule shall be as follows:- ____________ (Percentage of the Contract Price to be paid upon signing the Contract) - ____________ (Percentage of the Contract Price to be paid upon completion of the construction and decoration work)4. Performance TimeThe construction and decoration work shall be completed within ____________ (Performance Time).5. Default and Liability5.1 If Party A fails to perform its obligations under this Contract, Party B shall have the right to terminate this Contract and demand compensation for any losses suffered as a result of such failure.5.2 If Party B fails to perform its obligations under this Contract, Party A shall have the right to terminate this Contract and demand compensation for any losses suffered as a result of such failure.6. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through negotiations. If the negotiations fail, either Party may submit the dispute to the courts of____________ (Jurisdiction).7. Miscellaneous7.1 This Contract may not be assigned by either Party without the prior written consent of the other Party.7.2 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect tothe subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and negotiations.7.3 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of____________ (Governing Law).IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Contract as of the Contract Date.Party A: ____________________By: ____________________Name: ____________________Title: ____________________Date: ____________Party B: ____________________By: ____________________Name: ____________________Title: ____________________Date: ____________(Translated from Chinese)建筑装饰工程施工合同甲方:____________________乙方:____________________本合同于____________日(以下简称“合同日期”)由甲方和乙方签订,就以下建筑装饰工程项目的施工和装饰事宜达成一致。



全篇工装装修施工合同英文版Full Text Workwear Decoration Construction ContractThis document serves as a legally binding agreement between the client and the contractor for the construction and renovation of workwear in accordance with the specified terms and conditions. The contract outlines the scope of work, materials to be used, timeline for completion, and payment terms.1. Parties InvolvedThis contract is entered into by [Client Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Client," and [Contractor Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor."2. Scope of WorkThe Contractor agrees to provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the workwear decoration construction project as outlined in the attached project specifications. This includesbut is not limited to painting, flooring, lighting, and installation of fixtures.3. MaterialsAll materials to be used in the construction project shall be of good quality and in compliance with industry standards. Any deviations from the specified materials must be approved in writing by the Client.4. TimelineThe workwear decoration construction project shall commence on [Start Date] and shall be completed no later than [End Date]. Any delays in the completion of the project must be communicated to the Client in writing with a revised timeline.5. Payment TermsThe total cost of the workwear decoration construction project is [Total Cost], to be paid in installments as follows:- 25% of the total cost upon signing of the contract- 50% of the total cost upon completion of the halfway mark of the project- 25% of the total cost upon successful completion of the project6. Changes and ModificationsAny changes or modifications to the scope of work must be agreed upon in writing by both parties. Additional costs resulting from changes or modifications shall be borne by the Client.7. TerminationEither party may terminate this contract with written notice if the other party fails to fulfill their obligations under the contract. In the event of termination, all completed work shall be paid for by the Client.8. Governing LawThis contract shall be governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through arbitration.In witness of their agreement to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the parties hereto affix their signatures:Client Signature: ________________________ Date: ________________Contractor Signature: _____________________ Date: ________________。



编号:________施工合同Construction Contract of发包方(甲方)Party A:承包方(乙方)Party B:本合同由如上列明的甲、乙双方按照《中华人民共和国合同法》、《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》以及国家相关法律法规的规定,结合本合同具体情况,于xx年x月x日在xx签订。

This contract is signed by the two Parties in xxxx on xxxx accordin g to the “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China”, the “Regulation on Building and Installation Contracting Contract”, and other relevant national laws and regulations, as well as the specific nature of this project第一条总则Article 1 General Principles1.1合同文件Contract Documents本合同包含合同、展示、施工图纸、作法说明、招投标文件以及合同所指的其他文件,它们均被视为合同的一部分。




This contract includes the contract itself, exhibits, construction drawings, explanations of work procedures, tender documents, as well as other documents specified by the contract. The contract documents should be mutually explainable and mutually descriptive. The documents that constituted the contract and the priority hierarchy of explanations of the documents are as follows: this contract; the official letter of winning the tender; Letter of bidding and its annex, standards, guidelines, and relevant technical documents, drawings, Bill of Quantity (BOQ), quotation of prices, and projectbudget. During the implementation of the contract, any written agreements or documents between two parties such as change-orders are also regarded will be deemed as part of this contract.1.1.1项目概况Project Introduction1.1.2工程名称:Name of Project:1.1.3工程地点:Location of Project:工程范围:除了本合同其他条款另有说明外,乙方应提供为履行合同所需的所有服务,用品以及其他保障工程进行所需的必要花费以完成下列工作:Scope of the project: unless otherwise explained by other articles in this contract, Party B shall provide all services, utensils, and other necessary cost for the implementation of this contract; the scope of project includes, but not limited to: ※室内装饰工程,详见附件一和附件二Inner decoration, see appendix 1 & 2※室外装饰工程(门窗、屋面、台阶等),详见附件一和附件二Façade(including doors, windows, r oof and stairs) see appendix 1 & 2※电器工程,详见附件一和附件二Electronic Engineering, see appendix 1 & 2※空调工程,详见附件一和附件二Air Conditioning System, see appendix 1 & 2※给排水及采暖工程,详见附件一和附件二Water Supply, Sewage and Heating System, see appendix 1 & 2※消防工程Fire Control System, see appendix 1 & 2※其他图纸上所列项目(任何对原定设计的变更应提供新的图纸并有甲方的签字确认)以上所有的工程项目以下统称为“工程”。



Construction ContractThis Construction Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Contractor's Name], a [Contractor's Incorporation Type], with a registered address at [Contractor's Address] (the "Contractor"), and [Homeowner's Name], with a residential address at [Homeowner's Address] (the "Homeowner").1. Scope of WorkThe Contractor agrees to perform the following construction services (the "Work") at the Homeowner's property located at [Property Address]:[List the specific construction services, including but not limited to, renovation, remodeling, repairs, installation of materials, etc.]2. TermThe term of this Contract shall commence on the date hereof and shall continue until the Work is completed (the "Completion Date"). The Completion Date shall be no later than [Final Completion Date], unless mutually agreed upon by the parties in writing.3. Payment Terms3.1 Contract PriceThe Contractor agrees to perform the Work for a total contract price of [Contract Price], in accordance with the terms of this Contract.3.2 DepositUpon execution of this Contract, the Homeowner shall pay the Contractor a deposit of [Deposit Amount], which shall be applied towards the final payment upon Completion Date.3.3 Progress PaymentsThe Contractor shall be entitled to receive progress payments in accordance with the progress of the Work, as evidenced by theContractor's completed work and satisfactory performance. The progresspayments shall be calculated as [Percentage of Work Completed] of the total contract price.3.4 Final PaymentUpon satisfactory completion of the Work, the Homeowner shall pay the Contractor the remaining balance of the contract price, less the deposit and any progress payments previously made. The Contractor shall provide the Homeowner with a final invoice, itemizing the completed Work and any additional costs or savings resulting from changes to the original scope of work.4. Performance and Completion4.1 PerformanceThe Contractor agrees to perform the Work in a professional, workmanlike manner, in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, andindustry standards. The Contractor shall use reasonable efforts to complete the Work on or before the Completion Date.4.2 DelaysIn the event of any delay in the performance of the Work, the Contractor shall notify the Homeowner promptly and take reasonable steps to minimize the delay. The Contractor shall not be liable for any delays caused by factors beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, labor disputes, or unforeseen site conditions.4.3 CompletionThe Work shall be considered complete upon the Contractor's satisfaction that all Work has been performed in accordance with this Contract andall applicable standards. The Homeowner shall have the right to inspect the Work and request reasonable modifications or corrections to any deficiencies.5. Warranty5.1 Workmanship WarrantyThe Contractor warrants that the Workmanship shall be free from defects for a period of [Warranty Period], commencing on the Completion Date. During the Warranty Period, the Contractor shall repair or replace, at its sole discretion, any Workmanship that is determined to be defective.5.2 Material WarrantyThe Contractor shall provide the Homeowner with any applicable manufacturer's warranties for materials used in the Work. The Contractor shall assist the Homeowner in processing any claims under such warranties.6. Default and Termination6.1 DefaultIn the event that either party defaults in the performance of its obligations under this Contract, the non-defaulting party may terminate this Contract and pursue any legal remedies available to it.6.2 Termination by HomeownerThe Homeowner may terminate this Contract at any time for any reason by providing written notice to the Contractor. In such event, the Contractor shall be entitled to receive a termination fee equal to [Percentage of Work Completed] of the total contract price, less any deposits and progress payments previously made.7. IndemnificationThe Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Homeowner against any claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Work, except to the extent caused by the Homeowner's negligence or willful misconduct.8. Governing Law and Dispute ResolutionThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [State/Province], without regard to its conflict of laws principles。



中英文装修施工合同范本Contract for Interior Decoration Project合同日期: ________________Contract Date:甲方(委托方):______________Party A (Client):乙方(承包方):______________Party B (Contractor):鉴于甲方委托乙方进行装修施工,双方经友好协商达成如下协议:Whereas Party A entrusts Party B to carry out the interior decoration project, both parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiations:一、工程内容及标准:1. Project Details and Standards:1.1 甲方委托乙方进行_________(具体工程内容)装修施工,包括但不限于房屋结构改造、墙面装饰、地面铺设、水电安装等。

Party A entrusts Party B to carry out the interior decoration project, including but not limited to structural modification, wall decoration, flooring, plumbing and electrical installation.1.2 装修工程应符合国家相关标准和规定,保证工程质量。

The decoration project shall comply with the relevant national standards and regulations, and ensure the quality of the project.二、施工期限:2. Construction Period:2.1 本合同自签订之日起生效,工程施工期限为_______天。



装修工程英文合同---Contract for Renovation rojectThis contract (hereinafter referred to as "the Contract") is made and entered into on [Date] y and etween [Owner's Name], with an address at [Owner's Address], hereinafter referred to as "the Owner", and [Contractor's Name], with an address at [Contractor's Address], hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor".1. Scoe of WorkThe Contractor agrees to rovide the following renovation services to the Owner's roerty located at [roerty Address]:- Interior design and lanning- Structural modifications- Electrical, luming, and HVAC installations- Carentry and finishing works- ainting and decoratingThe secific details of the work are outlined in the roject lans and secifications rovided y [Name of Designer/Architect] and attached to this Contract as Exhiit A.2. Contract riceThe total contract rice for the renovation services shall e [Total Contract rice in currency], which includes all laor, materials, ermits, and other costs associated with the comletion of the work. This rice is suject to adjustment as er the change order rocedure outlined in Section 5 of this Contract.3. ayment TermsThe Owner shall make ayments to the Contractor in accordance with the following schedule: - An initial ayment of [ercentage]% of the total contract rice uon signing of the Contract.- rogress ayments of [ercentage]% uon comletion of secified milestones.- Final ayment of [ercentage]% uon satisfactory comletion of all work.4. TimelineThe Contractor shall commence the work on [Start Date] and comlete it y [End Date]. The Contractor must rovide a detailed construction schedule within [Numer] days after the signing of the Contract.5. Change OrdersAny changes to the original scoe of work must e agreed uon in writing y oth arties and will e suject to a change order. The Contractor shall rovide a detailed cost estimate for any additional work, which must e aroved y the Owner efore roceeding.6. Quality of WorkThe Contractor guarantees that all work will e erformed in a good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with industry standards and the secifications outlined in this Contract.7. Liaility and InsuranceThe Contractor shall maintain liaility insurance and workers' comensation insurance throughout the duration of the roject. The Owner shall not e liale for any damages or injuries resulting from the Contractor's negligence or that of its emloyees, agents, or sucontractors.8. Warranty and Defects LiailityThe Contractor shall rovide a warranty eriod of [Warranty Duration] for all work comleted under this Contract. Any defects or errors in the work must e reorted y the Owner within this eriod, and the Contractor shall romtly rectify such issues at no additional cost to the Owner.9. TerminationEither arty may terminate this Contract in the event of a material reach y the other arty. The Owner may also terminate the Contract for convenience uon roviding written notice and aying the Contractor for work comleted u to the date of termination, lus reasonale exenses incurred in rearation for the uncomleted ortion of the work.10. Governing LawThis Contract shall e governed y and construed in accordance with the laws of [Governing Law Country]. Any disutes arising out of or related to this Contract shall e resolved through inding aritration in accordance with the rules of [Aritration Association].11. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement etween the arties regarding the suject matter hereof and suersedes all rior negotiations, reresentations, and agreements, whether written or oral. No amendment to this Contract shall e inding unless in writing and signed y oth arties.12. SignaturesIN WITNESS WHEREOF, the arties have executed this Contract as of the date first aove written.[Owner's Name] [Contractor's Name]y: ___________________________ y: ___________________________Title: _______________________ Title: _______________________Date: _____________________ Date: _____________________EXHIIT Aroject lans and Secifications(Attach detailed lans and secifications here)---。



Renovation contract Client (Party A): to undertake (Party B): A and B sides through friendly negotiation and consultation,decided to entrust Party B to room decor。

To ensure that works smoothly, according to relevant state law, hereby enter into this contract (including the annex to the contract and all supplementary contract), so mutual respect. Articlei: Project Overview 1。

Project Address: 2。

Room size: chamber layer (type) Room Hall Kitchen 1,room, total square meters; 2, Hall, total square meters; 3, kitchen, total square meters; 4,bathrooms, total square meters; 5, balcony, total square meters; 6, aisle, total square meters; 7, Other (specify site), total square meters。

Total: square meters of construction area. 3。

Construction content: See budget book and working drawings。

4. Commissioned by: 5。



工程装修英文合同范本CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING DECORATIONThis Contract is made and entered into as of [date] and between [Party A's name] (hereinafter referred to as "Party A") and [Party B's name] (hereinafter referred to as "Party B").WHEREAS, Party A desires to have certn decoration works carried out on the project, and Party B has the necessary expertise and capabilities to undertake such works.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:1. Scope of Work: Party B shall perform the decoration works in accordance with the plans, specifications, and requirements provided Party A. The specific scope of work shall be detled in the attached Appendix.2. Time for Completion: Party B agrees to plete the decoration works within [specified time period] from the mencement date.3. Payment: Party A shall pay Party B the contract price of [amount] in the following installments: [detl the payment schedule].4. Quality Assurance: Party B guarantees that the decoration works will be of high quality and conform to industry standards. In the event of any defects or deficiencies, Party B shall be obligated to make prompt reprs or corrections.5. Change Orders: Any changes to the scope of work or specifications shall be mutually agreed upon in writing and may result in adjustments to the contract price and time for pletion.6. Warranties: Party B provides a [length of warranty] warranty for the decoration works from the date of pletion.7. Liabilities and Indemnification: In the event of any loss, damage, or liability arising from the performance of the decoration works, the parties shall be liable in accordance with the terms and conditions herein.8. Termination: Either party may terminate this contract in the event of a material breach the other party, subject to notice and an opportunity to cure.9. Dispute Resolution: In the event of any disputes or differences arising out of or in connection with this contract, the parties shall attempt to resolve them through amicable negotiations. If unsuccessful, the matter shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration body].10. Miscellaneous: This contract contns the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and understandings. Any amendments or modifications shall be in writing and signed both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals on the day and year first above written.Party A: [signature and detls]Party B: [signature and detls]Please note that this is just a sample and may need to be customized and adjusted according to the specific circumstances and requirements of your project. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure the contract is prehensive and enforceable.。



Contract for Home RenovationThis Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Homeowner Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Homeowner," and [Contractor Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor."1. Scope of WorkThe Contractor agrees to perform the following renovation services (the "Work") at the Homeowner's property located at [Property Address]:[List the specific renovation services to be performed, including but not limited to, kitchen remodeling, bathroom upgrades, painting,flooring installation, etc.]2. TermThe term of this Contract shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until the Work is completed (the "Completion Date"). The Completion Date shall be no later than [Final Completion Date].3. Payment TermsThe Homeowner agrees to pay the Contractor the total contract price of [Total Contract Price] for the Work performed. The total contract price includes the cost of materials, labor, and any other expenses related to the renovation.A down payment of [Down Payment Amount] shall be paid by the Homeowner to the Contractor within [Number of Days] days after the execution of this Contract. The remaining balance shall be paid by the Homeowner to the Contractor upon completion of the Work, subject to the Contractor's satisfaction with the quality of the Work.4. Changes to Scope of WorkIf the Homeowner requests changes to the scope of work as outlined in this Contract, the Contractor shall provide a written estimate of the additional costs associated with such changes. The Homeowner agrees to approve any changes in writing, and the additional costs shall be paidby the Homeowner to the Contractor within [Number of Days] days after the change is approved.5. WarrantyThe Contractor warrants that the Work performed under this Contractshall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Warranty Period]. If any defects are discovered during the warranty period, the Contractor shall repair or replace the defective materials or workmanship at the Contractor's sole expense.6. InsuranceThe Contractor shall obtain and maintain during the term of this Contract, at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, general liability insurance in an amount not less than [Liability Insurance Amount], and workers' compensation insurance, in each case with coverage as broad as that provided by standard policies of insurance in the industry, and with such insurance companies as are reasonably acceptable to the Homeowner. The Contractor shall provide the Homeowner with certificates of insurance evidencing such insurance upon request.7. IndemnificationThe Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Homeowner from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions,liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonableattorney's fees) arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Work under this Contract.8. DefaultIf either party defaults in the performance of any obligation under this Contract, the non-defaulting party may exercise any right or remedy available at law or in equity. The non-defaulting party may also terminate this Contract and recover from the defaulting party any damages resulting from the default.9. Governing Law and Dispute ResolutionThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [State/Province], without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rulesof the [Arbitration Association], and the decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding upon the parties.10. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or written, of the parties. This Contract may be amended or modified only by awritten instrument executed by both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Homeowner:[Homeowner Name][Homeowner Signature]Contractor:[Contractor Name][Contractor Signature]。

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装修工程承包合同(中英文)Contract of Construction Project合同编号: Contract Number:工程名称: Project Name:发包方(甲方):工程设计顾问(北京)有限公司Employer (Party A): International Consulting Engineers ( Beijing) Limited承包方(乙方):中寰艺高建筑装饰工程有限公司Contractor (Party B): Zhong Huanyigao Building Decoration Engineering Co. , Ltd根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》及有关规定,为明确双方在施工过程中的权利、义务和经济责任,经双方协商同意签订本合同。

In order to make definite of the rights, obligations and economic responsibilities of both parties during the construction, the parties, in accordance with The PRC Contract Law and Construction Engineering Contract Regulations and relevant provisions, agree to sign this contract.第一条工程项目Article 1, Project item1.工程地点: ,Project site:Scope of project工程范围:.2.3.工程造价:人民币元整 (该造价为包工包料价)3, Project cost: PMB Yuan only(Cost of this contract is the contract price for labor and materials)第二条施工准备 Article 2, Preparation for construction1.甲方协助乙方办理临时水电及垂直运输,提供建筑图纸及有关隐蔽障碍物的资料。

Party A shall assists party B to deal with the procedures of temporary hydropower and vertical transportation and provide architectural drawings and documents of relevant concealed obstacles .2.乙方:. Party B:①负责施工区域的临时设施、水电管线的铺设、管理、使用和维修工作;Be responsible for the works of laying, management, use and maintenanceof the temporary facilities, water and electricity pipeline in the construction area.②组织施工管理人员和材料、施工机械进场;Organize construction management staff and construction materials, construction machinery enter the Site.③负责在装修期间保持公共地方清洁及每天负责将装物料弃置于由管理处指定的垃圾收集处。

Be responsible for keeping public places clean during construction and packing construction material and leaving in the garbage collection place designated by management office each day.Article 3 Period of Construction工程期限第三条.1.根据工期和使用需要,商定工程总施工期为天(日历天),自年月日开工至年月日完工1. According to the period of construction and the use need, the total construction period agreed shall be days (Calendar days), startfrom the date of and complete on the date of .2.如遇下列情况,经甲方现场代表签证后,工期相应顺延:Construction period shall be prolonged upon Party A site representative's confirmation when the matters occur as follows.①按施工准备规定,甲方未协助乙方办理临时水电及垂直运输,影响进场施工;According to the requirements of construction preparation, Party A fail tot assist Party B to apply for temporary water and electricity and vertical transportation and have an impact on Party B construction;②因甲方提出增减项目而造成重大设计变更,因而影响进度;The material modification or change of design due to the party A' s requirement of addition or deletion of project have the effect of hindrance on the progress of works.③未按合同规定拨付预付款、工程款而影响施工;Party A fail to pay the advance payment and construction cost to party B and impact the construction progress;④人力不可抗拒的因素而延误工期。

The delay of schedule of construction due to Force Majeure.Article 4 The quality of project工程质量第四条.一.本工程质量经双方研究要求达到双方约定之验收标准。

The quality of project should achieve the requirements of acceptance agreed by both parties.二.乙方必须严格按照施工图纸、说明文件和国家颁发的建筑工程规范、规程和标准进行施工,并接受甲方的监督。

Party B should carry on the construction in strict accordance with drawing, specification file and regulations and specifications authorized by the competent authorities and be under the supervision of Party A.三.乙方在施工过程中必须遵守下列规定:Party B should, during the construction, comply with the provisions as follows:1.由乙方提供给甲方的所有材料必须经甲方同意方可使用,未按要求购买严禁使用;All materials provided by Party B should be subject to the approval of Party A prior to use,And none of the same being bought without conformity with Party A requirements can be used.2.隐蔽工程必须经甲乙双方检查,方可进行下一道工序;The concealed works should be checked by both parties before the next progress;3.工程竣工后,乙方按规定对工程实行保修,保修时间自通过竣工验收之日算起,保修期一年。

.Party B shall take the liability of maintenance following the complete of works. The period of maintenance shall be one year from the day of acceptance of complete.第五条工程价款的支付与结算Article 5 Payment and settlement of the contract price合同总价× 50 %, 即元The total contract price × 50%, which is Yuan.中期款The payment of medium-term工程进度过半三日内Within 3 (three) days after the progress more than half.合同总价× 40 %, 即元The total contract price × 40%, which is Yuan.尾款Final PaymentWithin 7 (seven) days after the completion 竣工验收结算后七日内acceptance and settlement.元The total contract price × 10%, which is 10 %, 合同总价×即Yuan.第六条施工与设计变更Article6 The Modification of Construction and Design一.乙方交付的设计图纸、说明和有关技术资料,作为施工的有效依据,开工前由甲方组织签字认同,作为施工的补充依据,甲、乙双方均不得擅自修改。

Ⅰ. Design drawing, illustration and relevant technical data consigned by party B are the basis for construction and shall be confirmed by party A's signature, which is deemed as the supplementary basis and shall be modified by any party without authorization.二.施工中如发现因甲方要求而发生的设计错误或严重不合理的地方,乙方应及时以书面形式通知甲方,由甲方及时会同乙方等有关单位研究确定修改意见或变更设计文件,乙方按修改或变更的设计文件进行施工。
