基于JSP的人力资源管理系统的设计与开发 毕业设计论文(有外文翻译的)
JSP高校人事管理系统-论文 0422

摘要目前,我国大部分高校和企事业单位人才人事管理还处于静态的基于传统报表的档案管理阶段,这种管理方式显然不适应当今社会迅速发展的要求,迫切需要进行彻底的改革,引入Internet Intranet 技术, 对人力资源进行综合开发和管理。
为此,我们结合高校人事管理的特点, 对学校人事信息化建设进行总体规划并加以实施,研制开发高校人事管理信息系统, 支持浏览器WEB 服务器模式下的数据查询浏览和数据录入等功能.实现了信息动态维护。
本系统主要使用JA V A编程语言,JSP开发技术,My Eclipse开发工具,数据库管理系统使用My SQL.实现人事信息的便捷管理.它基本满足了人事管理者和用户对功能的需求,使其从纷杂的事物中解脱,彻底解决了浪费时间和劳动量的问题,提高高校整体工作效率;登录后对权限进行了设置,提高了系统的安全性,保证人事信息的安全,适应网络化社会对高校自身发展的要求,对高校的系统建设有较大意义。
关键字:高校,人事管理,JA V A,JSPUniversities Personnel Management SystemAbstractAt present, most of our universities and enterprises personnel personnel management in a static file management based on the traditional report stage,the requirements of this management approach is clearly not suited to the rapid development of today's society, there is an urgent need for radical reform of the introduction of Internet Intranet technology integrated development and management of human resources。

本文将介绍基于JSP(JavaServer Pages)技术的企业级人力资源管理系统的设计与实现。
二、系统架构设计1. 系统功能模块划分在设计企业级人力资源管理系统时,需要根据实际需求将系统功能划分为不同的模块,以便于管理和维护。
2. 数据库设计数据库设计是企业级系统设计中至关重要的一环。
三、技术选型1. JSPJSP作为一种动态网页开发技术,具有简单易学、灵活性高等特点,非常适合用于企业级系统的开发。
2. ServletServlet作为JSP的后台支持,可以处理用户请求并生成动态内容。
3. JDBCJDBC是Java连接数据库的标准接口,通过JDBC可以方便地与数据库进行交互。
四、系统实现1. 员工信息管理模块员工信息管理模块是人力资源管理系统中最基础也是最重要的模块之一。
2. 招聘管理模块招聘管理模块用于发布招聘信息、筛选简历、安排面试等。

基于JSP技术的人力资源信息管理系统设计一、本文概述Overview of this article随着信息技术的快速发展和广泛应用,人力资源管理正逐渐从传统的纸质档案管理模式向数字化、信息化、智能化的方向转变。
在这一转变过程中,基于Java Server Pages(JSP)技术的人力资源信息管理系统设计成为了提升人力资源管理效率、优化管理流程、降低管理成本的重要手段。
With the rapid development and widespread application of information technology, human resource management is gradually shifting from the traditional paper-based archive management model to the direction of digitization, informatization, and intelligence. In this transformation process, the design of human resource information management systems based on Java Server Pages (JSP) technology has become an important means to improve human resource management efficiency, optimizemanagement processes, and reduce management costs. This article aims to explore the design and implementation of a human resource information management system based on JSP technology, in order to provide reference and inspiration for theoretical research and practical applications in related fields.本文首先介绍了人力资源信息管理系统的研究背景和意义,分析了传统人力资源管理模式存在的问题和不足,以及信息技术在人力资源管理中的应用现状和发展趋势。

三、系统设计1. 技术选型为满足系统需求,我们选择ExtJS与J2EE作为系统的开发技术。
2. 系统架构设计系统采用B/S架构,以J2EE作为开发平台,采用分层设计的思想,将系统分为表示层、业务逻辑层和数据访问层。
3. 数据库设计为保证数据的安全性与可靠性,我们选择Oracle数据库作为系统的数据存储解决方案。
四、系统开发1. 界面开发采用ExtJS进行系统界面开发,通过丰富的组件与插件,快速构建出美观、交互性强的用户界面。
2. 业务逻辑实现根据系统需求,开发相应的业务逻辑。
3. 数据访问与处理通过JDBC连接Oracle数据库,实现数据的增删改查等操作。

『] 1 李维刚. 人力资源管理. 清华大学 出版社 ,0 9 20 .
『] 2 孙鑫 . ev t S Srl/ P深 入 详 解 一 基 于 Tmct We 发 .电子 工 业 eJ o a的 b开
出版 社 .0 8 20. 、
人力资源管理系统是针对学校师资管理 的一个 WE B管理平台。系统
数 据 库 , 于 编程 开 发 语 言 JP 使 用 的 开 发 工 具把 JP S L相结 合 , 功 基 S。 S 、Q 从
四、 结论
能和性能上完全都 满足 系统的要求。
三、 系统 的 设计 与 实现 1 系统 目标 .
人力资源管理系统是学校教育教学管理的重要组 成部分 , 是为了提高 学校人力资源管理水平而设计 开发 的信息管 理系统 。系统设计 的 目标是
数据库 系统应充分 了解用户各方面的需求 , 系统 用户的需求具体体 本
及 时发现和选取优 秀的人 才, 只有建立 完善 的人力资 源管理 系统 , 能吸 现在各种信 息的提供 、 才 保存 、 更新和查 询 , 这要求数据库 的结构能充分满足 引更 多适合本校的优秀人 才, 拟订具体 的计 划, 逐步 进行人员培训 , 立和 各种信息的输入和输 出。这就 要求数据 处理需要 达到数 据录入 和处理的 建 完善员工的招聘、 奖惩、 培训 以及调度等问题。 准确性 和实时 性和容错 性、 处理 数据 的迅速 性、 数据 的一 致性与 完整性 。 计 算机 科 学 日渐 成 熟 , 强 大 的 功 能 已 为 人 们 深 刻 认 识 , 已 进 入 人 类 根据 系统功能分析和需求总结 , 虑到将 来功能 上的扩展 , 其 它 考 设计 用户 信息 社会的各个领域并发挥着越来越重要的作用。使 用计 算机 对人事信 息进行 表、 管理 员信息表 、 培训信息表应聘信息表 、 招聘信息表、 薪水信 息表 。 管理 , 具有手工管理所 无法比拟 的优 点。例如 , 检索迅速、 查找方便、 可靠性 得到上面的数据项和数据结构以后 , 可以设计 出能够满足 用户需求 就
毕业设计论文 基于JSP的人力资源管理系统的设计与开发

关键词:企业管理平台,人力资源管理,SQL数据库,JSPThe design and implementation of haman resource management systemBased on JSPAuthor: Che YanlingTutor: Yuan JingboAbstractWith the rapid development of computer,Intemet and electric business,the competition between enterprises has been moved from tangible market to Internet.Haman Resource Management System emerged for applying the informationtechnique in enterprise management.Haman Resource Management System is an important function of Enterprise Management Platform(EMP).It Can improve the management level of enterpris.The purpose of HRMS design is to realize uniform management of human resource information,to supply haman resource information for decision-making support,to make users communicating with each other in time and to cooperate with other system easily.In this paper,a Human Resource Management System based onJSP is proposed by combined the modem theory of human resource management and enterprises’facts.The current status of human rource management is analyzed.The research of HRMS in this Paper focus Oil:organization management modme,people management module,application management module,performance management module,salary management module,training management module,bylaw management module and system management module.The purpose of HMRS establish is to consolidate all the information related to human resource management,to form a unified data resource and to help human resource system administrator anage and layout haman resource.Key words: Human Resource Management System,JSP,sql,Enterprise Management Platform目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 系统开发背景 (1)1.1.1 背景介绍 (1)1.1.2人力资源系统发展历史及现状 (2)1.2 课题的研究意义和主要内容 (2)1.3 本文的组织结构 (3)2 系统分析 (5)2.1 系统需求分析 (5)2.1.1 性能需求 (5)2.1.2 功能需求 (5)2.2 系统可行性分析 (6)2.2.1 经济可行性 (6)2.2.2 技术可行性 (6)3 系统设计 (7)3.1 系统目标 (7)3.2 系统功能结构设计 (7)3.3 数据库设计 (7)3.3.1 数据库需求分析 (8)3.3.2 数据库概念设计 (8)3.3.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 (8)4开发工具的介绍 (12)4.1关于sql (12)4.1.1 Sql的简介 (12)4.1.2 sql功能介绍 (12)4.1.3 SQL中的五种数据类型 (12)4.1.4 Sql的安全问题 (13)4.2 关于JSP (13)4.2.1 JSP 简介 (13)4.2.2 JSP技术的强势 (14)4.2.3 JSP技术的弱势 (14)4.2.4 JSP的技术方法 (15)4.2.5 数据库连接 (16)4.2.6 JSP的应用模型 (16)5 系统实现 (18)5.1 系统界面实现 (18)5.2 系统测试 (26)5.2.1 测试内容 (26)5.2.2 测试的结果 (27)结论 (28)致谢 (29)参考文献 (30)附录 (31)1 绪论1.1 系统开发背景1.1.1 背景介绍人力资源管理从产生至今已有近百年的历史。

摘要《海鸥公司人力资源管理系统的设计与实现》是运用Jsp与SQL server软件联合开发的用于互联网用户进行企业人事信息的管理,浏览与管理的一个网络平台。
后台使用了SQL service 2000数据库,非常的稳定,为企业员工信息的数据提供了安全可靠的保障。
关键词:企业JSP SQL SERVER 2000ABSTRACTThe system of information sharing between employees based on web of YuanFang company is a kind of platform. which exerts both jsp and SQL server softwares. It is used to browse and administrate the information shared by employees, This system mainly can be used by corporations, to achieve the desire of sharing information between employees inside the organizations. it is an effective administration tool, which makes it easier to communicate, internally and futuremoreenhences the coherence of the whole organization. On the other side, this system can be used by the administrators to document, amend and save the basic information of employees.Meanwhile, the advantages of the system is low cost, easy and flexible usage, and the last but not the least, it is a highly system and stable system, especially fit to those small scale corporation to use to administrate employees and to share useful information while they take off.This system mainly has the following functions: registration and uploading users' basic information themselves; browsing others' information after logging in. Besides, the administrator of the system has the right to delete or upgrade those information in timeor complement some latest news of employees into the system through logging in with specialized acount number. The interface is clear enough to easily put to use by users with simple steps and the background provides steady security for the data of information through applying SQL server 2000 data baseKey words: Enterprise JSP SQL server 2000目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 背景 (1)1.2 系统的目标和意义 (1)1.3 开发设计思想 (2)第二章系统分析 (3)2.1 可行性分析 (3)2.2 系统需求分析 (4)第三章系统总体设计 (5)3.1 系统开发原理 (5)3.1.1 网站设计思想 (5)3.1.2 JSP+JA V ABEAN模式的完成步骤 (5)3.2 系统设计阶段 (6)3.2.1 系统总体设计主要内容 (6)3.2.2 系统总体模块设计 (6)3.2.3系统流程设计 (7)第四章系统详细设计 (9)4.1 开发工具简介 (9)4.1.1 JSP语言 (9)4.1.2 JA V ABEAN (9)4.1.3 MYECLIPSE开发环境 (9)4.1.4 JDBC (10)4.2 CSS样式表设计 (11)4.3 JA V ABEAN的编写 (11)4.3.1 数据库联接的JA V ABEAN (11)4.3.2 对数据库具体操作的JA V ABEAN (12)4.3.3 处理字符串的JA V ABEAN (12)4.3.4 处理时间的JA V ABEAN (12)4.4 系统模块详细设计 (12)4.5 简介关系数据库 (13)4.6 概念模型设计 (14)4.7 逻辑结构设计 (14)4.8 物理结构设计 (16)第五章系统的实现 (20)5.1系统实现的环境 (21)5.2 系统各个模块截图与代码编写 (21)第六章系统测试 (31)6.1 软件测试方法 (31)6.2 企业员工信息分享系统测试 (32)第七章结论 ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

With the rapid development of computer technology and the popularity ofcomputer application in enterprise management,itis imperative touse computers toachieve human resource management.For the managers of enterprises, human resource management systemisan indispensable part of business unitsThis article discusses thedesignandimplementationof human resource management systembased on theJSP model, analyses thedevelopment trendsofhuman resource management system, and completerequirements analysis and functional analysisof the system. Thus, toachievemoduledesign and programmingincludingdepartment management, personnelmanagement,attendance management, incentivemanagementandmobility management.
4)图表应绘制பைடு நூலகம்无格子的页面上

基于j s p的人力资源管理系统的设计与实现论文Newly compiled on November 23, 2020目录摘要通用的企业人力资源管理信息系统主要包括数据库的建立和维护。
关键词企业人力资源管理系统信息管理系统设计AbstractThe general personnel management information system mainly includes the database the establishment and the maintenance. Realized the human affairs to synthesize the information to increase, functions and so on deletion, renewal and so on. Establishes the data uniformity and complete regarding the database request, the data security is good. And has the contact surface to be clear, easy to use and so on characteristics.With based on myeclipse front end the platform jsp technology development the application procedure, uses each kind of object-oriented development kit which it provides, particularly data window this function convenient and succinct operation database intellectualized object, chooses mysql regarding the backstage database development, its function integration, the non-proceduring, the language is highly succinct, easy to study easily to use, unification grammar structure treatment different working, but also has face the set operating mode, in addition the view construction of data, causes the end-user and between programmers' correspondence has the very big improvement, the altitude data independence and the security.Key word Personnel management system Information management System design1、绪论问题的提出企业人力资源管理系统是一个企业单位不可缺少的部分,它的内容对于企业的决策者和管理者来说都至关重要,所以企业人力资源管理系统应该能够为用户提供充足的信息和快捷的查询手段。

本系统采用B/S 模式,前台系统开发采用JSP作为开发工具,后台采用SQL Server 2000 作为数据库管理系统。
关键词:人事档案;管理信息系统;数据流程AbstractIt is an important content of company's management that the Enterprise personnel management system. Increasing with nowadays enterprise's personnel's quantity , the personnel managements of enterprises become more and more complicated too, if it can be realized the automation of management of the personnel ,it will undoubtedly bring to administrative department of enterprises very big and convenient.The fund is the main element that enterprises survived, the flow of the fund influences of the whole operation of enterprises ,The personnel of enterprise staff's is an important component of enterprise's fund management, because each of enterprise is grant issue of personnel ,staff of enterprise , to involve to want month. Enterprise staff many number have, statistical work of? personnel more, personnel heavy to grant degree of difficulty.Initial personnel calculation and giving away is artificial way to deal with . In doing heavy work , the wrong rising thereupon of probability too appears. The Enterprise personnel administrative system, offers personnel inquiry service for individual and enterprise personnel calculation.The traditional paper has lain between the development of the already improper modern enterprise like corporation of information management of data of the materials and realizes personnel systematization ,standardization , automation of management ,so it becomes modern company first-selection to manage personnel.This system can meet modern enterprise's personnel management's demands basically, use various kinds of forms in the modern personnel administrative system, keep relevant personnel information, convenient to is it operate it to inquire about, browse through, fix etc.Personnel prerequisite of administrative system will certainly have the employee's attendance information as the foundation, because the system to use staff attendance information is it calculate personnel of staff to come, must guarantee the staff's personnel information database while using, so this system is chartered Draw together some information processing of the personnel (the staff's attendance, settlement of working time ,etc.The enter price personnel management system is the typical information management system (MIS), its development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment and the maintenance as well as front end the application procedure development two aspects. The system contains the main function is the inquiry, the revision, the deletion and the increase , to staff's file, the staff wages, the staff trains, staff's department transfers, information and so on staff rewards and punishment carries on the management. This system uses the B/S pattern, the onstage system development uses JSP to take the development kit, the backstage uses SQL Server 2,000 to take the database management system.Keywords: Personnel file; Manage the information system; Data process目录1 绪论 (6)1.1 选题目的与意义 (6)1.3 项目背景 (6)1.4 国内外研究现状 (7)1.5 存在的问题 (8)1.6 企业人事管理系统的简介 (9)1.6.1 系统语言开发环境 (9)1.6.2 系统数据库结构及功能分析 (9)1.6.3 业务流程 (10)2 人事管理系统相关技术理论 (12)2.1 B/S架构 (12)2.1.1 B/S模式的优点和缺点 (13)3.2 Java语言的特点 (13)2.2.1 面向对象 (13)2.2.2 平台无关性 (14)2.2.3 分布式 (15)2.2.4 可靠性和安全性 (15)3.3 JSP概述 (16)2.3.1 JSP应用模型 (17)2.3.2 JSP的技术方法 (18)2.3.3 JSP原理与优点 (19)2.3.4 JSP的弱势 (21)3.4 Tomcat (21)2.4.1 MyEclipse 中配置Tomcat服务器 (22)2.4.2 Tomcat 连接池 (22)3 系统总体结构设计 (22)3.1 总体设计的原理 (22)3.2 系统功能结构 (23)3.3 数据库概念设计 (25)3.3.1数据库物理设计 (27)4 系统模块具体设计与实现 (31)4.1 人员档案模块 (31)4.1.1 人员档案模块的功能概述 (31)4.1.2 人员档案模块实现 (33)4.2 培训管理模块 (34)4.2.1 培训管理功能概述 (34)4.2.2 培训管理实现过程 (36)4.3 医保管理模块 (37)4.3.1 医保管理的功能概述 (37)4.3.2 医保管理模块的功能实现 (37)4.4 工资管理模块 (38)4.4.1工资管理模块的功能概述 (38)4.4.1工资管理模块的功能实现 (39)4.5各模块内部过程描述 (40)4.5.1 操作员登录 (40)4.5.2人员信息详细查询 (41)5 开发总结 (42)5.1 系统功能概要 (42)5.2 设计中出现的问题 (42)致谢. 44 参考文献 (45)。

目录1前言 (1)1.1信息化的发展 (1)1.2课题的研究背景 (2)1.3课题的研究目的 (3)2需求分析 (3)2.1 可行性分析 (3)2.1.1 经济可行性 (4)2.1.2 技术可行性 (4)2.1.3 运行可行性 (4)2.2系统需求 (4)2.3功能需求 (4)2.4性能需求 (5)3概要设计 (6)3.1系统开发环境 (6)3.2 JDK 1.6和Tomcat 6.0 服务器配置 (6)3.3系统结构图 (7)3.4管理端流程图 (8)3.5客户端流程图 (9)3.6数据库设计 (9)3.6.1数据库E-R图设计 (9)3.6.2实体图设计 (10)3.6.3数据库表设计 (13)4详细设计 (15)4.1登陆界面设计 (15)4.2部门管理模块设计 (16)4.3职工管理模块设计 (17)4.3.1职工列表模块设计 (17)4.3.2职工查询模块设计 (18)4.4事务管理设计 (18)4.4.1考勤管理模块设计 (18)4.4.2请假管理模块设计 (19)4.4.3工资管理模块设计 (20)4.4.4加班管理模块设计 (20)4.5帐号管理设计 (21)4.5.1管理员模块设计 (21)4.5.2用户模块设计 (21)5调试与测试 (22)5.1程序调试 (22)5.2程序的测试 (22)5.2.1测试的重要性和目的 (22)5.2.2测试方法设计 (23)5.2.3测试的用例设计 (23)6总结 (24)参考文献 (25)致谢 (25)基于JAVA的人事管理系统设计与实现作者:XX 指导教师:XX 讲师摘要:随着企业的逐步发展、复杂度逐渐变强,人工作业已经无法适应现代企业的管理,随之取代的是计算机科学而开发的人事管理系统,而且,一个良好的人事管理系统势在必行。

本人签名:日期:指导教师签名:日期:毕业设计说明书中文摘要毕业设计说明书外文摘要目录前言 (VII)1. 绪论 (1)1.1 国内外研究现状 (1)1.2 课题研究的目的及意义 (3)1.2.1 目的 (3)1.2.2 意义 (3)2. 系统运行的环境 (4)2.1. JSP运行环境 (4)2.1.1硬件环境 (4)2.1.2软件环境 (4)2.2. 安装和配置JDK (4)2.3. 安装Tomcat (5)3. 系统分析与设计 (6)3.1. 需求分析 (6)3.2. 可行性分析 .......................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.2.1 经济性.......................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.2.2 技术性.......................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.2.3 操作可行性...................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.2.4 系统结构可行性分析.............. 错误!未定义书签。

1. 需求分析为了设计和开发一个完整的HRMS系统,第一步是识别所有的需求。
在这个过程中,应该注意以下方面:- 首先需要了解公司的规模、业务流程和业务需求;- 其次,需要了解公司的员工结构和组织架构,包括员工类型、薪资、职位等信息;- 接下来,需要了解公司的业绩考核方式,并建立与系统相对应的业绩考核模块;- 此外,还需要了解公司的招聘和培训计划,以及如何将这些信息整合到HRMS中;- 最后,需要了解公司的报表需求,包括薪资报表、统计报表、考勤报表等。
2. 系统设计在收集了所有需求之后,接下来需要开始设计系统。
3. 实现开发开发人员可以使用JSP技术开发表示层,使用Java技术开发业务逻辑层和数据访问层。
另外,需要注意以下事项:- 在开发过程中,需要尽可能地封装代码,以方便代码的重用和维护性;- 此外,还需要考虑系统的安全性。

人事管理系统开发和设计外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Dustin Marx. Personnel management system development and design [C]IEEE, 2015,3(1):11-20.英文原文Personnel management system development and designDustin MarxSummaryWith the rapid development of computer technology, computer applications in the popularity of business management, personnel management of enterprises using computers is imperative. For medium-sized enterprises, enterprises and efficient use of computer support to complete the daily affairs of labor and personnel management is to adapt to the modern enterprise system, encourage enterprises to labor and personnel management to scientific, standardized, a necessary condition; incomparable advantage of the computer to retrieve management rapid, easy to find, high reliability, large memory capacity, security and good, long life and low cost. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of personnel management, but also corporate scientific and standardized management, an important condition for integration with the world. Different companies have different human resources management system, which determines the different companiesneed different personnel management system.Choice of development toolsNow, the market can buy a lot of application development products, popular, and dozens. Currently the most popular in our market, the most used, most advanced development tools can be used as enterprise-level products:Microsoft's Visual BasicMicrosoft's Visual CBorland's DelphiJava, etc.In the current market, many application development tools for these, some stressed that the implementation of process flexibility and efficiency of language; and some emphasis on the visual application development tools to bring convenience and efficiency high, each with its own advantages and characteristics, but also to meet the needs of different users. However, the language of the flexibility and convenience tools are inextricably linked, and only a convenient tool, but did not support the language of flexibility, many specialized processing actions will need to spend several times the effort to deal with, so the efficiency of the original advertisedloss of a role in improving the advantage; the contrary, if the language only emphasizes the flexibility of process continued, but no convenient tool for co-ordination will make some verysimple interface, even if the deal moves, programmers will be a serious waste of valuable time.As the database system development, Visual Basic is an ideal choice. MIS database is an important enabling technology in the MIS development process, how to choose the database management is an important issue, at present, the database more products, each product has its own characteristics and scope, therefore, the choice of database should consider the characteristics of database applications and application, the system's database language used Visual Basic language, the development tool has many advantages:Visual Basic is a visual, object-oriented and event-driven article by the way of structured high-level programming, can be used to develop the type of Windows environment applications. It is easy to learn, efficient, and powerful, with professional development tools, Windows SDK comparable to, and application developers do not have the C / C + + Programming. In the Visual Basic environment, the use of event-driven programming mechanism, novel-to-use visual design tools, the use of Windows internal application program interface (API) functions, and dynamic-link library (DLL), Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), Open Data Access (ODBC) technology, can efficiently and quickly developed a Windows environment, powerful, rich graphical user interface application software system.In general, Visual Basic has the following characteristics:Visual Programming:Traditional programming language design program, are designed by writing code to the user interface, the interface design process do not see the actual display, run the program to be compiled can be observed. If you are not satisfied with the effect of the interface, but also return to the program changes. Sometimes, this programming - Compiler - Change the operation may be repeated several times, greatly affected the efficiency of software development. Visual Basic provides a visual design tool, the complexity of the Windows interface design "package" together, developers do not have a lot of interface design and write press the screen layout design, using system tools to draw on the screen various "parts", that is, graphical objects, and set the properties of these graphical objects. Visual Basic code automatically generated interface design, programmers need only write the part to achieve functionality of the program code, which can greatly improve the efficiency of program design.Object-oriented programmingVisual Basic support for future object-oriented programming, but it is the general object-oriented programming language (C + +) are not identical. In general object-oriented programming language, object code and data from the composition of an abstract concept; and Visual Basic isthe application of object-oriented programming methodology (OOP), the programs and data encapsulated as an object and should be given for each object the attributes of the object as something real. In the design of objects, without writing to establish and describe each object code, but with the tool to draw the interface, Visual Basic automatically generates the object code and package it. Each object is displayed graphically in the interface are visible. Structured programming languageVisual Basic is based on the BASIC language developed, high-level programming language with sentence structure, similar to the logic of natural language and human thinking. Visual Basic statements easy to understand, its editor supports color code, can automatically check for syntax errors, but also has powerful and flexible to use debugger and compiler.Visual Basic is an interpreted language, enter the code at the same time, decomposition of high-level language interpretation system will be translated into machine instructions the computer can recognize and judge each statement syntax error. Visual Basic procedures in the design process, you can always run the program, and in the whole process a good design, you can compile an executable file (. EXE), from the Visual Basic environment, directly in the Windows environments.Event-driven programming mechanismVisual Basic object through the event to perform the operation. Anobject may have multiple events, each event are available through a program to respond. For example, the command button is an object, when the user clicks the button, will generate a "click" (CLICK) event, but in the production of the event will execute a program used to implement the specified operation.In the design of large-scale applications using Visual Basic software, without creatinga clear beginning and end of the procedure, but the preparation of a number of small subroutines that process. These processes are aimed at different objects, an event triggered by the user to drive the completion of a particular function or procedure called by the generic event-driven process to perform the specified operation, so that programmers can easily and improve efficiency.Access to the databaseVisual Basic has a powerful database management features, the use of data control and database management window, you can directly create or deal with Microsoft Access database format, and provides powerful data storage and retrieval capabilities. At the same time, Visual Basic can also directly edit, and access to other external databases, such as DBASE, FoxPro, Paradox, etc. These database format can be edited and processed using Visual Basic.Visual Basic provides an open data connection, the ODBC functions,can be established through direct access or use the connection and operation of large-scale network database backend such as SQL Server, Oracle and so on. In the application, you can use structured query language SQL data standards, direct access to the server database and provides a simple object-oriented database instructions and multi-user database access locking mechanism and network programming SQL databasestechnology for stand-alone databases running on the SQL network interface to a distributed environment, fast and effective implementation of client / server (client / server) programs.Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)Using Dynamic Data Exchange (Dynamic Data Exchange) technology, an application can dynamically link the data to another application, so that two completely different applications, establish a dynamic data link. When the original data changes, you can automatically update the linked data. Visual Basic provides the programming dynamic data exchange technology, the application program with other Windows applications to create dynamic data exchange between different applications to communicate. Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) to each application as an object (object), to link different objects (link) up, and then embedded (embed) an application, which can be a sound, image, image, animation, text and other information collection style technology is Microsoft'sstrategic corporate object technology, which the multiple applications into one, as each application for an object linking and embedding, is an application integration technology. Using OLE technology, you can easily build composite documents (compound document), this document from a number of different application objects, each object in the document and linked to the original application, and perform with the original application the same operation. Dynamic link library (DLL)Visual Basic is an advanced programming language, do not have low-level language functions, the operation of the access to the machine hardware is not easy to implement. But it could be dynamic link library technology will C / C + + or assembly language programs to Visual Basic applications, you can call the same function as the internal call functions written in other languages. In addition, the dynamic link library, you can call the Windows application program interface (API) function has the function to achieve SDK.Systems research and feasibility analysisResearchBefore the formal development of management information system is necessary for research, the need for mainly the following aspects.(1) To the user's request to conduct a feasibility analysis of the survey results confirm the feasibility of system development.(2) The staff of the new system not all systems researchers, somepeople process data for its function and no clear understanding of the method. They only work according to their business needs requests, system developers to conduct a detailed survey and analysis to confirm the user's requirements can be achieved through the existing computer technology to ensure the development of management information system functions and user submitted required match.(3) the existing business system may be a manual system, it could be used and the computer system, no matter the circumstances, the current system should be investigated in detail the specific circumstances of information processing, functional structure within the system in order to design a reasonable, good new system logic model for the design of the new system to lay the foundation to ensure the quality of the entire system development.In short, the current system is necessary to conduct a detailed investigation, a clear user needs, to ensure the development of new system functions consistent with the user's requirements and avoid a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, the development of the new system is the failure of the tragedy.Overview of Feasibility StudyFeasibility analysis is the user's requirements and system on the basis of research conducted on the development of new systems of social, technical, economic, management, analysis and development of newsystems come feasible, not feasible, need to modify , additional investment, the suspension of development, step by step and other programs and conclusions, and finally complete the feasibility analysis. Feasibility analysis of the general can be defined as: a feasibility analysis early in the construction of a project study and appraisal of the proposed project to conduct a comprehensive and integrated technical and economic capacity of the investigation to determine whether it is feasible.(1) the feasibility study stage of the work include the following:Objective analysis of whether the new system status and business development needs. ②social feasibility analysis:Social feasibility analysis mainly refers to the management information system development is consistent with national law, bad policy, whether we can achieve a good social system and docking.③technical feasibility analysis:Technical feasibility analysis is based on the new system aims to measure whether they have the required technology, including the number and level of system developers, hardware, software and other application technologies.④economic feasibility analysisEconomic feasibility analysis is mainly on the development of capital invested in new systems and systems put into use to compare the economic benefits to confirm whether the new system will bring someeconomic benefits companies.⑤management feasibility analysis:Management feasibility analysis is to analyze existing enterprise management system and whether the business leaders of modern management awareness and management.Technical feasibility analysisTechnical feasibility analysis includes four aspects: the current technology can support the new systems developed; the new system the number and level of developers, namely, human resources; hardware and software resources.(1) Technical Support:First, the target under the new system, considering the current technology can support the new systems developed. Technology must be discussed here has been widely used, not to be studied or are studying.(2) hardware resources:Development of management information system hardware resources needed to contain the following two aspects:System developers in the management of information systems development process needed computer equipment and related peripheral equipment; management information system used successfully, use the unit should have the computer equipment and related peripherals. Feasibility analysis of the hardware resources, the main consideration forthe host computer memory, the type, function, network capacity, security measures and the input / output devices, external storage and data communication networking equipment configuration, function, efficiency, compliance with system solutions and other indicators design requirements, but also consider the computer's performance / price ratio.(3) software resourcesFeasibility of software resources are the main consider the following to meet user requirements:①Select the operating system;②build system choice;③choice of database management system;④high-level programming language of choice;⑤character processing system selection;⑥application package choice.In the development of this system before, with the center's leadership and the close communication operators, seriously listen to their views and absorb their positive view of the development of the system to a large extent, has some advanced and reasonable .中文译文人事管理系统的开发和设计作者:Dustin Marx概要:随着计算机技术的飞速发展, 计算机在企业管理中应用的普及, 利用计算机实现企业人事管理势在必行。
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关键词:企业管理平台,人力资源管理,SQL数据库,JSPThe design and implementation of haman resource management systemBased on JSPAuthor: Che YanlingTutor: Yuan JingboAbstractWith the rapid development of computer,Intemet and electric business,the competition between enterprises has been moved from tangible market to Internet.Haman Resource Management System emerged for applying the informationtechnique in enterprise management.Haman Resource Management System is an important function of Enterprise Management Platform(EMP).It Can improve the management level of enterpris.The purpose of HRMS design is to realize uniform management of human resource information,to supply haman resource information for decision-making support,to make users communicating with each other in time and to cooperate with other system easily.In this paper,a Human Resource Management System based onJSP is proposed by combined the modem theory of human resource management and enterprises’facts.The current status of human rource management is analyzed.The research of HRMS in this Paper focus Oil:organization management modme,people management module,application management module,performance management module,salary management module,training management module,bylaw management module and system management module.The purpose of HMRS establish is to consolidate all the information related to human resource management,to form a unified data resource and to help human resource system administrator anage and layout haman resource.Key words: Human Resource Management System,JSP,sql,Enterprise Management Platform目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 系统开发背景 (1)1.1.1 背景介绍 (1)1.1.2人力资源系统发展历史及现状 (2)1.2 课题的研究意义和主要内容 (2)1.3 本文的组织结构 (3)2 系统分析 (5)2.1 系统需求分析 (5)2.1.1 性能需求 (5)2.1.2 功能需求 (5)2.2 系统可行性分析 (6)2.2.1 经济可行性 (6)2.2.2 技术可行性 (6)3 系统设计 (7)3.1 系统目标 (7)3.2 系统功能结构设计 (7)3.3 数据库设计 (7)3.3.1 数据库需求分析 (8)3.3.2 数据库概念设计 (8)3.3.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 (8)4开发工具的介绍 (12)4.1关于sql (12)4.1.1 Sql的简介 (12)4.1.2 sql功能介绍 (12)4.1.3 SQL中的五种数据类型 (12)4.1.4 Sql的安全问题 (13)4.2 关于JSP (13)4.2.1 JSP 简介 (13)4.2.2 JSP技术的强势 (14)4.2.3 JSP技术的弱势 (14)4.2.4 JSP的技术方法 (15)4.2.5 数据库连接 (16)4.2.6 JSP的应用模型 (16)5 系统实现 (18)5.1 系统界面实现 (18)5.2 系统测试 (26)5.2.1 测试内容 (26)5.2.2 测试的结果 (27)结论 (28)致谢 (29)参考文献 (30)附录 (31)1 绪论1.1 系统开发背景1.1.1 背景介绍人力资源管理从产生至今已有近百年的历史。
1.2 课题的研究意义和主要内容人力资源管理系统完善其在资源共享、知识管理等方面的功能具有理论意义和现实意义。