高考英语常用同义词辨析(下)高考英语常用同义词辨析(下) induce, persuade, urge, convince,counsel, coax 这些动词均有“劝说,劝导,劝诱”之意. induce :指用讲道理来使某人做某事. persuade : 普通用词,指通过劝说、感情交流等而使对方做劝说者所希望的事。
urge : 语气强,指不断地热情地规劝诱导。
convince : 指凭行动、事实或言语使他人从思想感情上信服。
counsel :较正式用词,指对一些较重大事情所提出的劝告。
coax : 指用好话善意或耐心劝诱、哄骗某人做某事。
induction, inference 这两个名词均有“推理、推论”之意. induction : 指从一系列具体的事实概括中一个一般的结论,即归纳法。
inference : 侧重从前提得出结论的过程。
inexpensive, cheap 这两个形容词均含“便宜的、价廉的”之意。
inexpensive : 指商品价格公道,数量和价格相当。
cheap : 普通用词,既可指物美价廉,又可指价格低但质量却不怎么样。
infer, deduce, conclude, gather, judge 这些动词均含“推断”之意。
英语常用同义词及其辨析 English Synonyms F(四)
![英语常用同义词及其辨析 English Synonyms F(四)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b5881c32bcd126fff7050b12.png)
英语常用同义词及其辨析English Synonyms F(四)figure, pattern, design这些名词都可表示“装饰图案”之意。
figure : 指呈现于整个表面的简单的几何图形或小型图案。
pattern : 一般指简单的重复图案,或整个装饰的格调或事物的布局,也指由一些相连图形拼成的较大图案。
design : 专指线条、轮廓、图案。
final, last, ultimate这些形容词均有“最终的,最后的”之意。
final : 指到达终点,多含果断、明确或最后终结的强烈意味。
last : 指一系列事物的最后一个,可表示次序、顺序或时间。
ultimate : 较正式用词,强调已到了极限。
firm, stable, steady这些形容词都有“稳固的”之意。
firm : 指牢固不可动摇或意志、信仰的坚定。
stable : 多指根基牢固,平衡良好,也指性格或位置等的稳定,不可移动或改变。
steady : 指保持平衡不动摇。
firm, hard, solid这些形容词都可表示“坚定的,结实的”之意。
firm : 侧重指质地坚硬、不易切割或有弹性,一旦变形会很快恢复原形。
hard : 侧重有抗拒压力或拉力的性质,但不一定有弹性。
solid : 着重质地紧密、坚实和无间隙,含有在外部压力下仍可保持原有形状的意味。
fit, proper, suitable, appropriate, apt, fitting这些形容词均表示“适当的”或“适合的”之意。
fit : 指具有适合于某个目的,某种工作或某种用途等必需的品质或条件。
proper : 往往侧重于符合某个标准或习惯。
suitable : 指具有适合于某种特定场合、地位或情况等的品质。
appropriate : 指专门适合于某人或某事,语气较重,强调“恰如其分”。
apt : 专指性质或构造适合达到某一目的或得到某种结果的要求。
1 .ingenuous 多指人的性格、行为等式坦白的、直率的、并含有天真、单纯,没有心计之意Ingenious 指人机灵的,主要指头脑聪明,有发明的才能2. Implicit指含蓄的、有某种意味但又不明言的Explicit形容观点或规定等,表示的是清楚地,充分的意思3. Stimulate 意为刺激、激励Simulate 强调通过模仿而装出另一事物的外表或弱点4. Grudege指对个人所怀有的恶意,通常暗示因受到某种实际的或想象的轻蔑或侮辱而产生的强烈的怨恨,并且常常暗示进行报复的决心Malice 通常指根深蒂固的并且常常毫无道理或无法解释的恶意或怨恨,时常带有内心乐于做坏事,伤害他人,看到他人受苦之义5. Shrewd 指天生聪明的、机灵的,具有神奇洞察力的,通话也指精明而讲究实际的Cunning 强调运用智力来狡诈行骗,通常反映的是一种低层次的才智或恶劣的道德品质6. Squabble 指为小事大声争吵不休,强调孩子气,不讲情面,但并一定含有气愤,尖刻等情绪Debate指辩论,带有一种意图,即不仅要提出论据支持自己的立场,而且要攻击对方的立场并防止自己的立场受到攻击7. Pitiful 形容人或物可怜的,令人同情的Sympathetic 表示出于同情的,表示同情的8.Anguish指精神,心灵极度痛苦,悲痛Melancholy 形容内在的气质或经常的愁眉苦脸,这种气质和愁眉苦脸不是由外部原因引起的,这是一种习惯性的忧郁,而事实上并非由什么不愉快的事,它表示的是一种感伤而不是痛苦9. Stumble 意为:绊跌、绊脚,强敌被……绊倒之意,也指跌跌撞撞地走,蹒跚而行Tumble 指摔倒,翻滚,跌跤,坠落10.Spell 指魔力、魅力、吸引力、诱惑力Appeal 指一般的额感染力,吸引程度不如spell强烈11.On the whole 意为:总的看来,大体上,指对多个事物权衡后得出结论As a whole 意为:作为一整体,整个看来,前面往往有一个表示集体意义的名词12.Confine 强调禁止或不能通过的边界,常表达严格的约束、遏制的含义,并带有限制,束缚等含蓄意义Limit 表示限制,通常指对时间、空间、数量、能量或产品等预先做出规定13.Meet 指一般意义的遇到,碰见Encounter 表示遇到坏的事情,尤其指危险或困难的等14. Coverage 指新闻报道Report 报道,汇报,报告,其质量和范围都不及converage15.Justifiable 指在法律和道义上可证明为正当的,无可非议的,情有可原的Justified 有理由,合情合理,正当的16.Interrelate 意指使相互联系、使有关联,多指抽象的联系Interconnect 意为使相互连接,相互联系,多指具体事物间的联系、连接17. Base 指认….. 为基础,把……作为根据,把基地、总部设在Establish 指组建或成立一个机构,并正式、永久的固定下来18. Difficulty adversityDifficulty 指任何困难Adversity 通常指严重的或连续的不幸的厄运或灾难19.False 指不正确的,错误的,有时也表示虚伪的、欺骗性的,多用来形容具体事物Fraudulent 所指的欺骗行为或做法带犯罪性质的,目的在于获得他人的财产,权力等20.Conserve 指使保存完好、不受损,也表明被保存的队形,一旦用完就很难再有别的替代物了,含节省、节约之意Preserve 指想办法保存起来或保持原样,它强调的是抵制破环因数的想法Reserve 指存留起来以派别的用场21Pleat 指布料上出现的折线或皱褶Wrinkle 指因揉抓等出现的暂时性的皱褶,也指皮肤皱纹22. Care for 喜欢,为……担忧Mind 介意、反对23. Unconcerned 漠不关心的,无忧虑的Unbent 不顺从的,松弛的,放松的24. Keep from 避开,阻开,防止,克制,抑制Keep to 局限于Keep to oneself 不与人交往,不把…..讲出来25.go to pieces 瓦解(在身体,精神,道德方面)崩溃,垮掉Break to pieces 使成为碎片26. falter 表示因犹豫或恐惧等原因而声音颤抖或支吾结巴Waver 强调犹豫不决,目的不明,也表示看得见,摇晃,不稳定的运动过程27. nervous 指敏感易激动的,担心的,但有的Fidgety 指手脚或身体不停地动以烦躁,不能潜心工作,常由紧张,无聊引起的28.scrbu 指用力擦洗,擦净,刷掉Brush 指在物体表面用刷子轻轻地将触到的东西擦掉,有时指动作轻的使人感觉不到,或并不接触地擦过29.flick 指用鞭或指尖等轻击,轻弹Pluck 摘,抓,拉30.twiddle 指无聊的或心不在焉的旋弄,捻弄,摆弄,也指轻轻的转动Whirl 旋转,急转,突然转向31.toss 轻松,随便,常常是无目标地扔,还表示上下左右地抛Throw 指一般的抛,扔,投,有时两者可替换32.put down 贬低,奚落,使窘迫Put off 使不高兴,使泄气,使对…..失去兴趣33. demand 一般常用来表示有权力的人物要求别人服从或顺从Command 指来自具有绝对权威的人的正式命令,被命令的人有听从,服从的命令的义务34.resemblance 相似之处,相似程度,形似物,肖像,画像Similarity 相仿性,类似性,形似事例,暗指不同之处有时可忽略35.warlike 常用于说明导致或伴随实际战争的感情,行为,活动等,暗示好战或准备战争到底Militant 指富于战斗性的,但很少带有追求权力的含义,通常指献身于某个事业或活动,以及劲头十足,自我牺牲地追求该目的36.customary 常指有特色的,形容通常的或流行的做法,传统,用法等Habitual 形容人习惯形成的品质或行为37. prove 意为证明,验证某个事物的真实性,它不仅适用于对论点、结论的验证,而且适用于对人对物的检验Qualify 使合适,使具有…..资格38. demonstrate 指通过给予证明或做出示范来清楚地表明,主要适用于感情诸如热情,激动、奔放等外部表现Manifest 指非常准确、无误地表明,无需任何查询就能直接表现出来39. think 指为了形成见解或得出结论而进行的思想活动Reflect 深思,考虑,经深思后认识到,思考程度比think要深40.differentiate 表示通过仔细比较事物的特征或特点察觉出事物间的特殊差别Differ 指意见、观点相反,缺乏共同点41.on guard 警惕,提防Off guard 不提防,丧失警惕42. excel 常与at,in连用,多指在某些好的或令人羡慕的事务上及技能上比他人更优越,更杰出Surpass 指在数量上或程度上超出,也可以表示在能力上或素质上比他人优越43.contribute 捐助,贡献,促进,投稿Attribute 把……归于44. hostility 表示一种敌对或不友好的态度Rivalry 竞争,抗横,竞赛,赶上或超过别人或其他成就的竞争行为45.keep 保存,保留,暂时保管,存放,储存Hoard 私藏,尤其指在不必要,不允许的情况下私藏46. poverty 贫穷,贫困,也可以指各种形式,不同程度的经济贫困Impoverishment 指人的精力耗尽,土地的肥力或事物的效益丧失等47.tiresome 指因某事无聊无趣,使人提不起精神而容易感觉疲劳,是人对事物的反映Tiring 形容引起疲劳的事物,含客观意义48. obtain 强调在得到,获得,达到目的时的计划性和技巧性,也暗示着如果能够得到或得到之后的满足感Derive 指从某处获得,来自某处,含有由低向高发展,进化之意49.Tremble 指人因恼怒、恐怖或激动等缘故而不能自己时人体不由自主地抖动,也指一种快速的、轻微的抖动,但含不安,心绪不行之意Jerk 指有力,突然而粗暴的动作50. to one’s feet 起来On one’s feet 站立,起立,行走,也指经历困境后恢复,病后复原,也可以指自立,经济上独立51. burden 指使人感到痛苦,难忍的,强加的负担,也指给心理上和精神上增添麻烦Load 指大量给予,由于过剩使人感到多余,成为负担52.devote 侧重个人的感情或倾向的贡献或奉献Dedicate 侧重思想意识,也指把事物奉献给某人,表示尊敬或纪念53.creditable 值得赞扬的,带来荣誉的,可尊敬的Credible 指人、话等可信的,可靠的54. reasonable 指人或其行为通情达理的,合理的,明智的Judicious 明智而审慎的,有见地的,意味着能够区分事实和假象,能够摆脱倾向性55.retell 再讲,重述,以不同方式或语言复述Reiterate 反复重申,即几次或多次重复地说56.docile 强调生性愿意屈服于权威的性格,可以用于人或动物,特别着重于可教育性Obedient 表示顺从某个人或某种权力,这种顺从是出于对某种权威的隶从与接受57.questionable 指事物真正值得怀疑、批评或剖析Problematical 仅指没有把握,说不准,成问题,未定的58.free 适用于人,也适用于物,指恢复其自由Release 指将人或动物从某种束缚中解脱出来,以恢复其自由,也指情绪上解脱59.grab 经常表示用力或使用暴力,含有无视他人权力或社会准则,公然地或不择手段地去得到自己想要的东西Grasp 用手、爪子或牙齿紧紧抓住、咬住60.execute 实行、实施,执行或使生效,但所指对象较复杂,所做的事需要专业技术或技巧Perform 履行,执行,与do同义,但比do正式得多,可指履行义务,职责或执行命令61. leave 留下,剩下,交托,遗留给Remain 强调其他的人或事物走了,没了或被拿走了之后还有人或物存留下来62.rugged 常指人外表粗矿而身体强健,能吃苦耐劳的,机器等坚固耐用的Dogged 用于人或其特性,表示在困难面前不屈不挠63.transmission 传送、输送、传递、传播Transition 过渡、转变、过渡时期、变革等64.conscious 指自己意识到某事,也可指有意的或自愿的行为Conscientious 形容人们主动遵守道德规范,并借以指导自己的行为65. amenity 特别指使人愉快的温和或柔和,还指令人舒适且方便的设备或条件Ambience 仅指一种气氛,格调,强调周围的环境66.unfailing 表示经久不衰,不倦的,用不完的,无穷无尽的,永恒的Lasting 表示持久的,耐久的状态,强调潜在的能达到无穷尽的能力的状态67.weigh 表示压力,负担,指痛苦,恐惧,角落等因素对精神构成压力,使人感到压抑沮丧Weight 指在某些方面增加额外重量和压力,不包括精神上增加负担68.move 主要用来表示位置变化中所涉及的运动或活动Remove 比move具体,但它暗示改变位置或被改变位置的人和物离开其通常的或原来的位置、地点、地位或职位,到一个新的或临时的位置等69. easy 表示不需要付出太多的努力即可完成某事Effortless 表示毫不费劲的,一般表示某件事物表面上看起来似乎很容易做,但实际上趋势长期坚持不懈的努力和实践的结果。
高中英语 常用同义词辨析库 F
![高中英语 常用同义词辨析库 F](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1fec2a16f78a6529647d5331.png)
超全高中英语常用同义词辨析库:F英语常用同义词辨析English Synonyms Fface, confront face, confront这两个动词均含“面对”之意。
face : 口语用词,含义广,侧重有勇气、决心或自信心去面对。
face : 口语用词,含义广,侧重有勇气、决心或自信心去面对。
confront : 书面用词,多指勇敢、冷静地面临某种问题、困难或任务等。
confront : 书面用词,多指勇敢、冷静地面临某种问题、困难或任务等。
factory, mill, plant, works factory, mill, plant, works这些名词都有“工厂”之意。
factory : 最普通用词,可泛指任何制造产品的地方。
factory : 最普通用词,可泛指任何制造产品的地方。
mill : 原义指粮食加工厂。
mill : 原义指粮食加工厂。
plant : 多指电力或机械制造方面的工厂。
plant : 多指电力或机械制造方面的工厂。
works : 多指钢铁等重工业方面的工厂,也指一些特定的厂。
works : 多指钢铁等重工业方面的工厂,也指一些特定的厂。
fade, wither fade, wither这两个动词都有“凋谢”之意。
fade : 侧重指渐渐失去色彩和光泽。
fade : 侧重指渐渐失去色彩和光泽。
wither : 指因无活力而丧失生命力。
wither : 指因无活力而丧失生命力。
faithful, loyal, constant, true faithful, loyal, constant, true这些形容词均含有“忠实的”之意。
faithful : 多指对人对事或对诺言、誓言的始终不渝,侧重在任何情况下都绝不改变。
高级英语近义词辨析整理高级英语近义词辨析(第二册)第1 课1.destroy一词最为常见,主要强调破坏的力度之大和彻底,一般不带感情或修辞色彩。
demolish常用引申义,指任何复合体的被毁,如demolish a theory with a few incisive comments。
如说annihilate an enemy force,是指使敌军遭到重创,不仅没有还手之力。
如说annihilate one?s opponent in a debate,是指彻底驳倒对手。
2. decay常指某物自然而然地逐渐衰败腐化。
如:His teeth have begun to decay.(他的牙齿开始老化变坏。
) rot指有机物质,如蔬菜等因菌毒感染而腐败变质,如:rotting apples(烂了的苹果)。
如:Fish spoils quickly in summer。
) molder用于指物体缓慢、逐步地腐朽。
如:Old buildings molder away.(老房子渐渐腐烂了。
如:rocks disintegrated by frost and rain(被霜和雨蚀裂成碎块的岩石)。
如:Water can be decomposed(be decomposed)into hydrogen and oxygen.(水可分解成氧和氧。
专四近义词辨析1、beat,win,conquer, defeat,overcome这组词均有“获胜,征服,击败"之意。
win指在竞赛或战斗中击败对方,其对象一般应是物,如battle,race, victory等.conquer既可指靠武力或精神道方面的力量使对方屈服,又可指在排除障碍和阻力后取得胜利。
如:We can easily beat you at baseball.打垒球我们可以轻易地击败你们。
The Chinese team won in the end.最后中国队赢了。
The Normans conquered England in 1066.1066年,诺曼底人征服了英格兰。
He defeated his opponents in this election。
He made efforts to overcome every difficulty。
reward意为“酬劳,奖赏",通常指因做了某一件事或提供了某种服务而应得到的报答或酬谢.如:He was awarded a medal for his outstanding contribution to science.由于对科学作出了杰出贡献,他被授予一枚奖章。
He rewarded me with 30 dollars for taking him to the airport。
成考高起点英语复习同义词解析二elevate 一般具有lift和raise的含义,但elevate 常用于抽象概念的提高,如“提高文学鉴赏力”,“提高情操”等Good reading elerates the mind.读好书可以提高情操。
hoist 尤指“以机械提升重物”The cargo was soon hoisted into the ship.贷物很快就被吊进船舱。
change 是通用词,它有两层基本含义:“变”和“换”。
At first,she decided to go to the police,but fearing that she would never see Rastus again-the letter had made that quite clear-she changed her mind.起初,她决定去警察局,但是她由于担心再也见不到拉斯特斯了-那封信说得相当清楚-她改变了主意。
He then changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a dustman.然后他换上工装裤,作为清洁工人度过接下去的八小时。
alter 所表示的“改变”只是细节的,或外表的变化,并不表示本质的改变。
如:把一件衣服改小一些或只把衣袖稍放肥一些,但衣服的式样仍然不变,这时用alter便很确当He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be alltered.他可以温和地指责一个官员,或者甚至建议议会修改法律条款。
vary 一般表示转换、变易、增生所致的“变化”或“不同”The action he takes varies according to the nature of the complaint.他所采取的行动,根据怨言的性质,而有所不同。
occurrence:计划,打算之外发生的事情occasion:时机,场合2.transform:改革,变革transport:运输transfer:传递,传送 transmit:发送(无线电)3.attack:发作(通常指疾病的发作)burst:爆发blast:爆炸4.campaign:运动(常用来表示政治性或商业性的活动或运动)5. roar:怒吼,轰鸣,咆哮scream:尖叫声whistle:耳语,私语exclamation:惊叫,欢呼声6.establishment:企业,设施(公司,学校,医院,教会)settlement:定居地,殖民地construction:建造,建筑物structure:构造,构造7.income:收入(泛指)wage:(体力劳动者)工资(按周领)salary:(白领人员)薪水(按月发)allowance:津贴,补助8.admission:常用于公共场所admittance:用于私人场所9.accurate:正确无误的,准确的(如天气预报,手表计算,射击)precise:准确的,明确的,细致的(如定义,细节,尺寸)exact:确切的,精确的(时间,数量,质量)10.variable:多变的,易变的(如雨量,气温)variation:变化,变更(数量,水平)variety:(同一事物的)不同种类,多种多样,多样化11.resident:居民,住户,(旅馆的)房客lodger:借宿者,寄宿者inhabitant:(某地的)居民settler:移民者,殖民者12.economical:节约的,节省的economic:经济上的,经济学的economy:经济economics:经济学13.waxy:蜡制的,似蜡的sticky:粘(性)的,棘手的,粘满果酱的greasy:①多油的,沾油脂的greasy fingers沾满油脂的手指②油腻的greasy chips油腻的炸薯条③油性的(头发或皮肤)long greasy hair 油性长发④(人或其行为)圆滑的,虚情假意的 a greasy smile假惺惺的笑容14.submissive:服从的,听话的dismissive:轻蔑的,鄙视的15.a patch of 一块••• a bunch of 一串,•, a packet of 一包,•, a pinch of 一撮•••16. spill:溅出,泼出 spoil:糟蹋,损坏 split:裂开,劈开17.关于•••,至于•••的表达 in regard to with regard to as regards as toin reference to with reference to18.strip①脱光,除去,剥去②(纸,金属,织物)条,带Cut the meat into strips 把肉切成条19.supply:向某人提供某物©supply sb with sth ②supply sth to sbprovide:向某人提供某物©provide sb with sth②provide sth for sb offer:向某人提供某物©offer sb . sth②offer sth to sb20 .minimal :最小的,最小限度的,极小的。
Lesson 21.wail: to say something in a loud, sad, and complaining way 大声哭叫,嚎啕大哭例:The child wailed with pain.cry: to produce tears from your eyes, usually because you are unhappy or hurt 哭,哭泣,流泪例:She cried every time she sees the movie.weep: (formal or literary) to cry, especially because you feel very sad(因悲伤而)哭泣,流泪例:She wept bitterly when her pet died.sob: to cry noisily while breathing in short, sudden bursts 啜泣,呜咽,抽噎例:A little boy was sobbing in the corner of the room.whimper: to make low crying sounds, or to speak in this way 呜咽,啜泣,抽噎地说例:”Okay,” he managed to whimper.moan: to make long low sound expressing pain, unhappiness, etc. 呻吟,呜咽例:The patient moaned all right.2.frenzy: a state of uncontrolled excitement or emotion 狂乱,疯狂,狂热例:They fell into a frenzy of helpless alarm at the news.mania: a very strong desire for something or interest in something, especially one that affects a lot of people at the same time 狂热,热衷,癖好例:The whole country is in the grip of football mania.delirium: extreme excitement 狂喜,极度兴奋hysteria: extreme excitement that makes people cry, laugh, shout, etc. uncontrollably 歇斯底里例:News of the victory produced mass hysteria.3.glisten: to shine and look wet or oily (潮湿或油亮之物) 闪光,闪耀例:His brows glistened with sweat.glitter: to shine brightly with flashing points of light 闪烁,闪光例:Her ring glitters with a big diamond.flash: to shine suddenly and brightly for a short time, or to make something shine in this way (使)闪光(闪亮)例:Why is that guy flashing his headlights at me?shimmer: to shine with a soft light that looks as if it shakes slightly 发微光,闪闪发亮例:The lake shimmered in the moonlight.sparkle: to shine in small bright flashes 闪闪发光,闪耀,闪烁例:The diamond sparkled.Lesson 31.ignorant: not knowing facts or information that you ought to know 无知的,没有学识的,愚昧的例:I’m ignorant about politics.illiterate: someone who is illiterate has not learned to read or write 不识字的,文盲的例:People who have never gone to school are usually illiterate.uneducated: not educated to the usual level, or showing that someone is not well educated 没受教育的,没受良好教育的,没有教养的例:He was uneducated.unlearned: not established by conditioning or learning未受教育的,不熟练的例:Our sales director is unlearned.2.jeer: to laugh unkindly at someone to show that you strongly disapprove of them 嘲笑,嘲弄例:Of course they jeered at you—you lose the game, right?scoff: to laugh at a person or idea, and talk about them in a way that shows you think they are stupid 嘲笑,讥笑,嘲弄例:They scoffed at the idea that anything could be changed.sneer: to smile or speak in a very unkind way that show you have no respect for someone or something冷笑,讥笑,嘲笑例:He sneered at my attempt and said it was impossible to me.gibe: to say something rude or insulting which is intended to make another person look foolish 嘲笑例:”No doubt he’ll give me the chance to fight him again,” he gibed, tongue in cheek.flout: to deliberately disobey a law, rule, etc. 公然无视,违抗(法律、规定等)例:Countries that flout the agreement will have sanctions imposed on them.Lesson 41.mortal: not living for ever不会长生不死的,终有一死的例:Her father’s death reminded her that she was mortal, too.fatal: resulting in someone’s death 致命的例:The blow on his head was fatal to him.deadly: very dangerous 非常危险的例:This disease is deadly.lethal: causing death, or having the power to cause death 致命的,致死的,具有杀伤力的例:In situation like this, she wishes she had a gun or some lethal weapon.2.faithful: remaining loyal to a person, belief, political party etc. and continuing to support them (对人、信仰、政党等)忠诚的,忠实的,守信的例:He is faithful to his principles.loyal: always supporting your friends, principles, country, etc. (对…)忠贞的,忠实的,忠诚的例:He wanted to be loyal to his family.constant: literary loyal and faithful 忠实的,忠诚的例:Mary is one of my constant friends.staunch: giving strong, loyal support to another person, organization, belief etc. 坚定的,忠实可靠的例:They are staunch trade unionists.resolute: doing something in a very determined way because you have very strong beliefs, aims, etc. 坚定的,坚决的例:She resolutely resisted his amorous advances.Lesson 51.Fashion is the prevalent custom in dress, manners, speech, etc. of a particular place or time, especiallyas established by the dominant section of society or the leaders in the fields of art, literature, etc. Fad emphasizes the impulsive enthusiasm with which a fashion is taken up for a short time.2.Incredulous expresses a person’s unwillingness or inability to believe. Incredible usually describessomething that is too unusual or improbable to be possible, something is inconceivable.3.Passion usually implies a strong emotion that has an overpowering or compelling influence connotingparticularly sexual love or intense anger. Eagerness shows great enthusiasm, zeal, or sometimes impatience in the desire for or pursuit of something.4.Feeling,when unqualified in the context, refers to any of the subjective reactions, enjoyable orunenjoyable, that one may have in a situation and usually connotes an absence of reasoning. Emotion implies a strong feeling with physical as well as mental manifestations.5.Reveal implies a making known of something hidden or secret, as if by drawing back a veil. Showimplies putting or bringing something into sight so that it can be seen or looked at.6.Tempt expresses the influence of a powerful attraction that intends to overcome scruples or judgment.Incline refers to a more or less vague mental temperament toward some action, practice or thing.7.Exasperate implies intense irritation that exhausts one’s patience or makes one lose one’s self-control.Disappoint shows the failure to satisfy one’s hopes or expectations.8.Indulge implies a yielding to the wishes or desires of oneself or another because of a weak will or anamiable nature. Tolerate implies self-imposed restrain of one’s resistance to what if offensive or repugnant.9.Amuse shows the agreeable occupation of the mind, especially by something that appeals to the s enseof humor. Merry shows something that is full of fun and laughter.nguish means to suffer with longing. Suffer means to undergo something that is painful orunpleasurable, as injury, grief, a loss, etc.1.keen: a keen sense of smell or keen sight or hearing is an extremely good ability to smell, see, hear, etc.灵敏的,敏锐的例:Dogs have a very keen sense of smell.calculating: making careful and clever plans to get what you want, without caring about anyone else 有打算的,工于心计的,用尽心机(做利己损人之事)的例:The criminal had a cold, calculating mind.perspicacious: good at judging and understanding people and situations 明察是非的,敏锐的,有洞察力的例:It is very perspicacious of you to find the cause of the trouble so quickly.astute: able to understand situations or behavior very well and very quickly, especially so that you can get an advantage for yourself 精明的,敏锐的,狡黠的例:It is an astute move to sell just before price goes down.2.intelligent: having a high level of mental ability so that you are good at understanding ideas andthinking quickly andclearly 有智慧的,聪明的,悟性强的例:Dolphin is an intelligent animal.bright: intelligent and likely to be successful 聪颖的例:He is very bright.brilliant: extremely good, clever, or skillful 辉煌的,聪颖的,才华横溢的例:She is brilliant but her work lacks organization.clever: able to learn and understand things quickly 才思敏捷的,聪明的例:How clever he is.smart: intelligent 聪颖的,精明的,机灵的例:The new employee was smart and quick to learn.Lesson 71.dirt: any substance that makes things dirty, such as mud or dust 尘土,灰尘,烂泥,污物例:He washed the dirt off his car.filth: an extremely dirty substance 污物,污秽例:Go and wash that filth off your hands@soot: black powder that is produced when something is burnt煤烟(灰)例:There was a lot of soot up the chimney.grime: dirt that forms a black layer on surfaces (表面的)尘垢,污垢例:His face and hands were covered with grime from the coal dust.2.libido: someone’s desire to have something 欲望passion: a very strong, deeply felt emotion, especially of sexual love, of anger, or a belief in an idea or principle强烈的情感,激情(尤指性爱、愤怒或对某种思想、原则的信念)例:He spoke with passion.love: to have a strong feeling of caring for and liking someone, combined with sexual attraction 爱情,恋爱,性爱例:He was the only man she had ever loved.lust: a very strong desire to have something, usually power or money 强烈的欲望(通常指对权力或金钱的欲望)例:His lust for power will never be satisfied.Lesson 12plex refers to that which is composed of many elaborately interrelated or interconnected parts, sothat much study or knowledge is needed to understand or make use of it (a complex mechanism);complicated is applied to that which is highly complex and hence ve ry difficult to analyze, solve, or understand (a complicated problem).2.Delusion implies belief in something that is contrary to fact or reality, resulting from a deception, amisconception, or a mental disorder (to have delusion of grandeur);illusion suggests the false perception or interpretation of something external (perspective in drawing gives the illusion of depth).3.Intellectual suggests keen intelligence with interest and ability in the more advanced fields ofknowledge (the intellectual pursuits of scholars); intelligent implies the ability to learn or understand from experience or to react successfully to a new experience (an intelligent boy); clever implies quickness in learning our standing; but sometimes denotes a lack of thoroughness or depth (a clever dog).4.Probable is used to that which appears reasonable on the basis of evidence or logic but is neithercertain nor proved (the probable cause of the disease);possible applies to that which although not probable, may conceivably exist, occur, be done etc. (a possible solution to the problem); likely suggests greater probability than possible, but less credibility than probable (it is likely to rain).Lesson 141.assert: to state firmly that something is true (坚决)主张,断言例:She asserted his innocence,declare: to state officially and publicly that a particular situation exists or that something is true 宣布,表明例:The doctor finally declared that the man was dead.affirm: to state publicly that something is true 断言,申明,确认例:The general affirmed rumors of an attack.2.fragile: not strong and therefore easily broken or damaged 脆弱的,易碎的,易损坏的例:This glass dish looks very fragile.brittle: hard but easily broken 脆的,易碎的例:The branches were very dry and brittle.3.mix: if you mix two or more substances or if they mix, they combine to become a singlesubstance, and they cannot be easily separated (使)混合,搅合例:She mixed flour and milk together.mingle: if two feelings, sounds, smell, etc. mingle, they combine with each other but can stillbe recognizedseparately (使)混合例:The smell of sweat and stale cigar smoke mingled together.merge: to combine or join together to form one thing 融合;合并例:The company plans to merge its subsidiaries in the US.mon: existing in large numbers or happening often and in many places 大量的,常见的,多发的例:Heart disease is one of the commonest causes of death.general: of an ordinary kind, not one particular kind 普通的例:I spend about ten hours a week doing general cooking and cleaning.popular: liked by a lot of people 受大众喜爱的,受欢迎的例:Hilary was popular at school.。
TEM4近义词辨析1、beat, win, conquer, defeat, overcome这些动词均有“获胜,征服,击败”之意。
2)win指在竞赛或战斗中击败对方,其对象一般应是物,如battle, race, victory等。
We can easily beat you at baseball.打垒球我们可以轻易地击败你们。
The Chinese team won in the end.最后中国队赢了。
The Normans conquered England in 1066.1066年,诺曼底人征服了英格兰。
He defeated his opponents in this election.在这次竞选中,他击败了对手。
He made efforts to overcome every difficulty.他努力克服每一个困难。
2、award, reward这些动词均有“授予,给予”之意。
He was awarded a medal for his outstanding contribution to science.由于对科学作出了杰出贡献,他被授予一枚奖章。
He rewarded me with 30 dollars for taking him to the airport.我把他送到机场,他给了我30美元作酬金。
高级英语词汇区别总结1. mix blendMix: 意为多种成分的混合,各构成成分失去自身的存在Blend: 指可和谐共存的事物的混合Oil and water do not mix.These two colors blend well.2. rambling rumblingRambling: 指(建筑物、街道)布局零乱的。
Rumbling: 指发生隆隆声There are some rambling houses.Listen! There is gun-fire rumbling in the distance.3. relevant relativeRelevant: 意为切题的、恰当的、有重大关系的、有意义的逻辑联系 Relative: 着意于一物受他物影响而产生的依赖的关系。
The witness’s testimony is not relevant to the case.Market values are always relative to the demand.4. exhilarate exasperateExhilarate: 意为使高兴Exasperate: 激怒,使烦恼。
I was exhilarated by her visit.I was exasperated by all the noise.5. jumble clutterJumble: 指不相同的东西混合在一起,混杂;Clutter: 指许多物品堆挤在一起,散乱,杂乱。
His thoughts were all jumbled.His desk is always cluttered.6. terrified terrifyingTerrified: 意味着一种被恐惧镇住的紧张心情;Terrifying: 指(声音、现象)本身具有令人恐怖的因素。
The terrified mother watched the dog attack her child.What a terrifying voice.7. contemptuous contemptibleContemptuous: 指认为某物或某人卑鄙、无耻或毫无价值,并实际上也把这种看法表现出来,轻蔑,侮辱Contemptible: 指任何能引起鄙视或嘲笑的事物,往往指首先或行为准则。
四级单词近义词辨析编号单词辨析备注1 accomplish 强调完成任务的过程25 fulfil 强调圆满地实现目标finish 指结束某件事complete 指通过努力使未完成的任务等圆满2 accumulate 表一段时间连续不断地收集的结果26 45 collect 常指有目的、有计划地收集,如集邮gather 词义广,指把分散的事物聚集在一起assemble 强调为特定目标而聚集3 accuse 最常用,正式或非正式,官方或个人都可用27 charge 较正式,通常用在法庭上,引申为“谴责”4 ache 所指程度较轻,常指局部不断的疼痛,且常和身体名称相连28 pain 普遍用词,可指任何类型和程度的疼痛5 affect 指短暂的、不良的影响32 influence 通过劝说、行为或树立榜样对一个人的行为或思想产生潜移默化的影响infect 强调情感上、思想上的影响,以及疾病的传播effect 多用于不良影响及所产生的结果6 afford 主要指提供得起(可接双宾语,一般只用于抽象事物)32 233 offer 指主动而自愿地给予所需的东西grant 指正式或依法给予他人某物supply 无免费供给的含义,不接双宾语provide 多指帮助性地提供(有免费供给的含义),不接双宾语7 alike 强调非偶然的相似关系34 identical 指同一事物或事实similar 强调不同事物的相似之处8 alter 强调细节上的变化,没失去本性35 change 一般指本质上的变化vary 强调摆脱单调、雷同、重复或模仿convert 强调细节改变以适应新用途9 anxiety 强调因害怕事情易变而产生的苦恼,但不消极失望39 worry 强调露于言表的内心烦恼trouble 指困难、烦恼的原因或带来麻烦的人10 appearance 指人或物的总体印象40 feature 指面貌、相貌特征11 arise vi,抽象,指向上的运动,语义窄44 rise vi,具体raise vt,指提高,养育arouse vt,抽象,通常指唤醒某人或唤起情感12 aspect 指事物或问题的某个特定方面45 face 通常指人的脸面及物的表面side 相对于另一面而言13 assume 强调未经证实把有分歧的事作为假设46 suppose 一般用词,词义广14 assure 强调从心理上消除疑惑47 通用ensure 使某行为的结果得以保证15 terrible 51 horrible 恐惧程度由高到低fearful awful 主要指可怕或恶劣的情况或局面16 bare 指身体某一部分赤裸着54 blank 指留有空白hollow 指物体中空的vacant 指本应利用但闲置起来的东西17 besides 用于对已知情况的补充说明57 except 表示不包括18 border 强调两个国家或区域的分界线61 190 margin 指有一定宽度的边缘(页边的空白)edge 由两个有明显终端线的平面构成,有明显的边和棱,尤指刀刃interval 间隔,距离19 bounce 反复地上下跳动,接触面常是有弹性的62 jump 普遍使用,常可代替其他同义词leap 指可向任何方向的动作spring 常指有意识的向前的动作,它与leap都比jump力度要大20 boundary 边界63 distance 距离scope 表示活动范围、机会、余地range 常指认知、能力方面的范围21 breed 侧重于为选择繁殖动物的品种而饲养63 cultivate 侧重于对人文修养方面的培养tame 驯养,驯服,使温顺tend 看护,照料22 cabin 指设备简陋粗糙的小木屋67 cottage 指穷人住的小屋,现常指乡间别墅hut 指供遮风避雨的棚屋23 calm 指从混乱状态回到平静中68 still 强调物理上的平静quiet 指举止、言谈暂时地平静或停顿24 campaign 指战役,在某地有固定目的的军事行动68 battle 指一场战役中具体的战斗struggle 侧重于政治上和精神上的斗争conflict 指冲突25 charge 作费用讲时泛指生活方方面面的花费74 fee 指支付的服务费、手续费等附加费用fare 指用于交通的花费toll 特指用于通过道路、桥梁需支付的费用26 chart 指航海、空专用图,指用曲线、图解来分析的图75 map 指地图,包括地球表面和陆地diagram 指做解释说明用的图graph 常指书中的辅助资料图illustration 指举例用图27 cheerful 指人乐观、开朗的性情流露75 pleasant 指高兴,满意pleasing 语气稍弱于pleasant glad 有原因导致的一时情绪的高涨happy 指幸福、快乐的心理状态28 component 指混合物或化合物中相对独立的单个物质85 element 指事物构成不可或缺的元素29 comprise 指许多部分构成一个整体,该整体包含全部内容86 include 指包括之物为整体的一部分involve 指为整体的一部分,还有卷入的含义contain 指某物内部含有的成分或部分30 connect 强调两者某点上的联系91 join 指原来无关的事物的结合combine 指两物结合,个体存在unite 指两物合二为一,个体消失associate 指连接及(事务上)联系31 consequently 因此92 continuously 指没有间歇地,连续进行地constantly 指某种行为没有变更consistently 指言行、思想前后一致32 considerable 数量相当多(大)的93 204 significant 意义重大的(常做定语或表语,意为相当数量的)a significant number of enormous 形容体积、量度和程度大得超过惯常的标准,有异常和不相称的意味numerous 数量多的33 continual 一般指多次重复的动作95 continuous 表示动作或物体继续不停地或不间断地进行下去34 contribute to 有助于,促成96 attribute to 归因于attend to 专注于devote to 投身于35 crack 裂缝101 blank 空白break 破裂,休息opening 空缺,口子36 debate 通过讨论对立的观点来辩论105 dispute 口头争论,争端bargain 议价,关于价格的争议37 disappear 着重指消失在视线以外114 fade 渐渐消失vanish 突然消失或失而不返38 disgust 指由外部因素的刺激而产生恶心116 hate 指出于某原因对人或事极不满意甚至于憎恨dislike 不喜欢,语气较弱39 effective 只用于物,着重指可达到预期且长远的效果122 efficient 可用于人和物,特指高效的40 elect 作选择讲时较书面化123 choose 强调个人意愿的选择select 指从很大量中精挑细选pick 选择对象一般为物,有挑剔的意思41 electric 主要用于产生电流或因电产生的事物123 electrical 常用于和电有关的工作42 enlarge 指表面面积、范围等的扩大126 expand 可指范围、体积的扩大、膨胀extend 指时间、空间的延长increase 指数量、长短、价值的增长swell 通常表示非正常的扩大或膨胀stretch 指由曲到直或由短变长的伸展,且为vi时可用于时间或空间43 environment 指自然环境及会影响到人心情的主观环境127 surroundings 指周围的条件及事物44 era era与age一般可互换,都指重大事件或重要人物为标志的时代,但age更为具体128 age times 指一般情况下的一段历史时间范畴period 范围最广,可指任何目的、任意长短的时间范围45 establish 强调稳固的建成,可是实物或抽象129 build 最常用,指建造房子、道路、桥梁等实物,又可指建立理论、体系等抽象物construct 常与build通用,相比更书面和正式found 有奠基,打下基础的意思set up 开始,着手建立46 estimate 指依靠所掌握的知识和经验进行性质及数量方面的估计130 assess 指财政、资金评估,也指对人、工作的评价evaluate 对抽象的能力、表现等的评价47 excessive 指过多的,多得超过了所需,有泛滥的意味132 additional 表示额外的48 exterior 指物体表面或其范围之内的区域135 external 指存在于某物之外的部分outer 指远离中心和内部的外层outside 指物体表皮或外在部分outward 指向外的49 fame 常指好名声137 honour 着重指因高尚的行为或品德而获得的荣誉和名声reputation 好坏名声都可指50 fancy 强调一种飘渺的思维游戏138 imagination 指高层次、富有创造性的想象能力51 fate 强调不可抗拒的由神灵所安排的不幸结局139 fortune 带宗教色彩,可指好运或坏运luck 较口语化,常指好运52 figure 指0~9的任一数字,强调作为符号的数字141 number 指具体数字53 float 相对于sink,指漂浮或静止状态142 drift 指随水或风漂流、飘动54 fog 指非常浓厚的雾143 mist 指由空气中水气形成的薄雾smoke 指烟尘55 former 指过去的,只做定语144 preceding 指在前的,也只做定语,是就顺序、时间先后而言的,和following相对previous 后接to表示在…之前past 指曾经的56 frank 坦率,指毫无保留地表达自己146 sincere 指真诚的、发自内心的诚意honest 指品质的正直、真实57 gap 通常指较宽的、不规则形状的裂缝148 opening 词义较广,可指任何空隙,无障碍空间58 gaze 指因惊讶、欣赏而专注地、忘乎所以地凝视149 glance 指匆忙中很快的一瞥glare 指怒目而视peep 指偷看stare 指因惊奇、迷茫或恐惧而睁大眼看,也可指侮辱、不尊重的眼神59 happen 都表示偶然发生且没有准备的事件,occur更正式,常指具体事件的发生155 occur take place 带有事先安排好的意味(happen to 意为降临到…头上;occur to sb指某人想到…想起…)60 hint 指用间接或隐蔽的启示、含蓄的语言使人领会,常暗指缺乏坦率159 163 imply 指对某事不表示自己的意思,而是用语言、表情、动作表明态度,要对方进行推断suggest 语义比imply更明确,强调用联想、启发或一连串的思想把某种概念表示出来61 hire 多指为某一目的而临时雇用别人进行短期的工作159 employ 强调有相对固定的工作职位engage 指通过一次性签约雇人提供专业服务62 humble 指意识不足且有自知之明的态度,带自卑、无信心的含义160 modest 指对自己的才能和价值做适当的评估,不吹嘘63 identical 指严格意义上的相同161 same 泛指,相似或相近similar 表示类似equal 指数量、大小、价值等的相同uniform 指风格、样式的一致64 idle 指不该闲着却闲着161 free 指自由,无拘无束65 ignorant 不知道的、无知162 innocent 天真的,思想简单的66 ignore 常指心理上对不愿接受的事情有意回避162 neglect 指对某人的行为或某事的不关心,漠视overlook 指因不小心而疏忽disregard 指不屑一顾,忽视67 imaginary 意为想象中的,虚幻的,可与ideal互换162 imaginable 指可以想象的imaginative 指富有想象力的68 incident 常指政治性的事变164 event 可指有重要意义的历史性事件,也可指比赛项目case 着重于案件,事例affair 常指事物,也当风流韵事讲69 indicate 指无意识地指示166 point out 指有意识地指示show 为普通用语,显示、展示的意思70 individual 指个别的,独特的,特指某一类中单个的、特别的167 private 指秘密的,私下的,含有不可公开的意味personal 特指个人的,亲自的,涉及隐私的own 自有的,特有的71 infer 虽指经思考后的推断,但不确定过程及结果是否有充足理由168 conclude 指(经推理)相信某事物72 infinite 指无限的,无边无际的168 constant 强调过程,不断的,连续发生的prolonged 指延长的,拖延的eternal 永恒的,不灭的73 inform 强调把事实或资料告诉或传递给某人169 notify 以正式的形式公开通知74 inquire 较正式,指很礼貌地深入打听欲知对象的消息170 ask 普通用语,较口语化question 有较强的审问、质问的意思75 insist 指固执己见,甚至坚决要求别人做某事171 persist 指不顾困难重重都要坚持做某事,且不一定是正确的adhere to 坚持原则或规则stick to 坚持不放弃76 inspect 指带着揭示缺陷的目的进行检查171 examine 普通用语,可指粗看或全面检查77 instant 指点时间,短得不易发觉,无持续172 moment 指点时间,不可计,但含延续minute 指瞬息,延续意味更强78 insult 指通过语言或行为进行人身攻击、侮辱,对象不能接受172 shame 指使某人感到羞愧、耻辱,对象能接受并愿改正79 intelligent 泛指反应快、头脑聪明173 intellectual 只指受过良好教育的,对用脑的科目感兴趣的知识分子或脑力劳动者80 intensive adj.加强的173 extensive adj.广泛的expansion n.扩张expensive adj.昂贵的81 intermediate 指在时间、空间、程度等方面介于…之间174 middle 指与两端或多端等距离的中点82 journey 最常用的表示旅行的词,基本适用各种情况179 voyage 指经海上或空中的长途行程travel 旅行的总称tour 指长或短的观光旅游trip 短期、含返程的观光旅行的通俗说法83 latter 指两者中后者的181 later 指更迟的,更后的84 leak n.漏洞182 split 裂口crack 裂纹85 leak v.渗出(气体、液体等)或(消息、秘密等的)泄露182 omit 指遗漏(人、事物、内容等)86 license 较正式,具一定的强制力184 approval 有不仅许可而且赞同的意味permit 与allow常可互换,permit稍正式87 likely 普通用语,指客观上的,一般是好的、把握较大的可能185 probably 指十有八九possibly 指十有二三88 means 适用于为达到某种目的所使用的任何方法,既可指工具、器械,也可指行动、方法192 230 approach 主要指研究、做学问或解决某难题的方法或途径method 指系统、有效的方法或步骤,含有规律性和正规性的意思way 普通用词,不如method正式,且多指解决问题或做某事的具体办法和途径process 过程,工序,制法procedure 程序,手续89 moreover 意义相同,但用moreover时后加内容比前面内容更重要,且moreover更正式198 besides 90 nevertheless “尽管如此”,不能连接意思对立的句子或分句201 however 位置较灵活,且用逗号与前边的分句隔开,在句中时多用逗号隔开91 obey 指服从人、法律或规定204 observe 指按法律、风俗、规定去做follow 指接受并照做自己认为对的事情92 oppose 普通用词,指反对被认为错误的计划、看法等,通常经过深思熟虑208 object 指突然的,未经深层思考的反对resist 指积极反抗暴力或伤害,也指内心的斗争withstand 暗指成功地抵抗93 outline 指根据原作总结要点,如重点词、短语或句210 summary 指用异于原文的话来概括书的内容abstract 常指对论文、法律论据等的摘要94 precise 指在细微处都很精确225 correct 表正确的一般用语,指按一定标准或规则的正确无误accurate 指准确的,努力使之合乎事实95 profit 常指金钱上的利益,也指所获得的有价值的东西231 benefit 指广义的利益,包括精神上、物质上、社会的、个人的收益advantage 指因地位和客观条件的优越而获得的利益96 rare 强调稀有的,罕见的238 peculiar 强调独特、与众不同的strange 强调陌生的unique 强调独一无二的scarce 指暂时缺乏而不足的事物97 raw 指天然的,未经任何加工的239 crude 指经过简单加工但不精炼的98 recall 表经过努力后才想起,常与can,could连用240 remember 表自然而然想起99 resume 指中断后的继续,后接n或动名词252 continue 表示持续不断或其间有一定中断的继续,后接不定式或动名词100 retain 较正式,强调继续保持,保证不失去252 maintain 强调对某一状态的保持,常用作保养、维护等keep 较口语化也较常用,指长时间的保持101 retire 较正式,指因公务引退、退下休息或就寝等252 retreat 带有强迫的意味,常用于军队的撤回withdraw 不够正式,用于己方部队的撤退102 reveal 指揭示、显示隐藏着的秘密的东西252 uncover 指暴露隐秘的东西expose 一般是对丑恶的揭露且会给被揭露者带来不好的后果103 reward 指应得的报酬、奖金,不强调荣誉253 award 指授予奖章或奖金,常表荣誉prize 常指因某事或比赛而赢的奖品或奖金,也含荣誉的意味104 ripe 常指作物成熟,也指人生理成熟254 mature 一般指人的心理、生理都成熟105 for the sake of 表示想要达到的目的,结果或物品(缘故,理由;为了…起见,看在…份上)258 because of 表示事情发生的直接原因106 scatter 含有由密到疏的意味260 spread 指向四面八方传播开来107 scheme 指一般计划,也指由政府机构制定的大型项目计划260 project 常指大型项目和计划plan 普通用语,可指大小计划108 scold 指责骂,训斥261 blame 强调把责任归咎于某人109 section 所指部分之间有明显界限,且包含在整体中263 part 普通用语,和整体相对应portion 分配的意义更强,强调经过缜密计算后划分出一部分110 series 指一系列类似或同类的,其间有联系的事物264 sequence 指时间、空间、事件等方面的顺序性succession 强调时间上个个相连,一一相接111 single 与“双”相对应的,强调“单”269 only 指在一类中绝无仅有,前常加the sole 表示强烈的“惟一”的意思112 solve solve a problem/puzzle/difficulties 272 settle settle a quarrel/question/dispute 113 staff 主要指商务、教育、机关等的工作人员278 personnel 指军职或公职人员crew 特指飞机、轮船、列车等交通工具上的全体工作人员114 strain 指影响身心健康的紧张状态282 stress 指生活、工作所致,心理或生理上的紧张tension 常指关系的紧张形势115 subject 常用语,所指范围广,讨论的对象或文章的主题283 theme 着重于文化产物的主题topic 常指谈论、演讲等较明确的题目116 summit 指山顶,可比喻为巅峰,能达到的最高点287 top 普通用语,范围广,可指山、树、塔、房等的顶部peak 特指山的尖形顶117 title 表书画、音乐、戏剧等的名称296 headline 表报纸的标题118 tone 指人或物发出的声音的音调,引申为语气296 sound 泛指任何人或物弄出的声响voice 特指人发出的声音noise 噪音119 track 做n.“痕迹”、v.“跟踪”讲时可互换297 trace trail 指留下的气味120 vague 指模糊不清的,轮廓、形状让人无法分辨清楚的306 dark 指缺少或无阳光而黑暗dim 指昏暗,光线不足以看清事物121 various 指具有广泛代表性的不同事物308 several 强调两个以上的事物122 violent 包含意义较广,所指破坏性大309 fierce 指本性凶残,行为凶猛且有巨大杀伤力intense 指剧烈的,表程度123 bad 普通用语,可以用来修饰任何事物或人314 evil 坏的程度比较神,尤指道德上的罪恶wicked 指居心不良,程度比evil强。
abandon 指完全、永远地放弃,尤其指对其负有责任或义务者,或者放弃一个项目或计划。
desert 强调故意违背自己的义务、责任或誓言等。
forsake 遗弃以前所爱的人或事物,着重于断绝情感上的依恋。
quit 调突然或出其不意的放弃,一般指“停止”。
give up 多用于口头,表示停止做某事。
go about 散布,来往亲密see about 负责处理come about 1. 发生2. 成为现实leave… a bout 到处乱放turn about 1. 向后转2. 转过身来be about to 即将be on the point of (doing)ability 指脑力或体力上能够干某事,通常暗示把某事办好的能力,后接to do, for, in 或as,不可用of doingcapacity 常指做某事的潜力,也指容纳或吸收的能力,后面常接of, for 或to dofaculty 指在某一方面先天具备或后天造就的能力talent 强调在某一特殊领域,尤其是在艺术方面的天生的才能in accord with 与……一致in accordance/aggreement/line withof one’s own accord出于自愿,主动地voluntarilywith one accord 一致的,一致同意的unanimouslyabolish 指完全消除某项旧制度、法律或旧风俗等cancel 指某人因某种意想不到的原因而临时取消事前所决定的事eliminate 指淘汰或取消不需要的东西account for 说明、解释(原因等)on account of 基于、由于on all accounts 无论如何on no account 决不take into account 考虑、重视take account ofabridge 通过压缩删节而减少,但核心部分仍保留shorten 在长度、时间、范围等方面缩减abbreviate 指单词、短语通过压缩或省略某些部分而缩短acquaint oneself with 熟悉,精通,通晓be / get / become acquainted with 与(人)相识;了解;精通(事物)absord 指“被吸收着失去其特点”或“使其特点不复存在”assimilate 吸收知识,理解,指“成为吸收者的一部分”take in 吸收水分、空气等sip 一点一点的喝,啜饮absence from 不在,缺席,缺勤absence of mind 心不在焉in the absence of (人)不在时,外出期间;缺少(物),不存在stimulate 刺激,鼓励,常指激励人们从懒散、心灰意懒中振作起来,还指人们对某事产生兴趣或奋发向上的情绪。
自考“高级英语”近义词辨析题(16)120. The restaurant is small but cozy with an (amenity,ambience)of ease,friendliness,and elegance.Amenity:something that makes a place comfortable or easy to live in(使适宜便当的设施)Ambience:the qualities and character of a particular place and the way these make you feel;atmosphere121. His (unfailing,lasting)courage and wisdom helped him overcome difficulties in times of adversity.Unfailing:always there,even in times of difficulty or trouble(不懈的)Lasting:strong enough,well enough planned etc to continue for a very long time(持久的)122. The students‘puzzled,(uncomprehending,incomprehensible)look shows that they find the professor’s explanation (uncomprehending,incomprehensible)。
Uncomprehending:not understanding what is happening Incomprehensible:difficult or impossible to understand123. The son felt (contented,relieved)upon learning that his mother was out of danger.Contented:happy and satisfied because your life is goodRelieved:feeling happy because you are no longer worried about something124. The boat is (weighed,weighted)with overloading.Weigh:if something weighs you down,it is heavy and difficult to carry(另有权衡考虑的意思)Weight:hold something down with a weight(在某物上加重物使之向下,与with搭配)125. Reference books and periodicals may not be (moved,removed)from the reading-roomMove:to change from one place or position to another,or to make something do this Remove:to take something away from,out of,or off the place where it is126. The pianist‘s fingers darted (easily,effortlessly)over the keys.Easily:without problems or difficultiesEffortlessly:something that is effortless is done in a very skilful way that makes it seem easy127. Bob has shown amazing (persistence,perseverance)in trying to persuade me to go camping with him in the rain forest.Persistence:determination to do something even though it is difficult or other people oppose it(不顾反对而坚持)Perseverance:determination to keep trying to achieve something in spite of difficulties - use this to show approval(毅力)128. The traitor was eternally (tormented,disturbed)by feelings of guilt.Tormented:to make someone suffer a lot,especially mentallyDisturbed:worried or upset。
104. A lot of retired people play chess to (kill, spend) time. Kill time: to spend time doing something which is not important while you are waiting to do something important or waiting for something else to happen(固定搭配)(强调事情的不重要性) Spend: to use time doing a particular thing or pass time in a particular place(不论事情的重要性) 105. He knows that his parents have to work very hard in order to provide for his education, so he never (spends,squanders) money. Spend: to use your money to pay for goods or services Squander: to carelessly waste money, time, opportunities etc 106. He wanted a (transcript, manuscript) of the report to show to his friends. Transcript: a written or printed copy of a speech, conversation etc(打印稿,⼿抄稿,强调可以复制成多份) Manuscript: a book or piece of writing before it is printed(⼿稿,原稿,强调只有⼀份) 107. The workers were filled with (indignity, indignation) when they discovered that they were secretly watched during working hours. Indignity: a situation that makes you feel very ashamed and not respected Indignation: feelings of anger and surprise because you feel insulted or unfairly treated 108. People should (clean, purge) their minds of too strong a desire for money. Clean: to remove dirt from something by rubbing or washing(指清洁物质世界的东西) Purge:(literary) to remove bad feelings(专指净化,清除思想上的东西) 109. The policemen risked their lives in order to (preserve, protect) the children. Preserve: to save something or someone from being harmed or destroyed(挽救正在被破坏,受害的⼈或物,另还有维持(和平),保存(⾷品)的意思) Protect: to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illness(使⼈或物免于受到破坏,伤害) 110. In the past year, quite a few (dormant, unimportant) women‘s organizations became active again. Dormant: not active or not growing at the present time but able to be active later(休眠状态的) Unimportant: not important 111. The newspaper‘s (mistake, distortion) of the incident needs to be looked into. Mistake: something that has been done in the wrong way, or an opinion or statement that is incorrect Distortion: to report something in a way that is not completely true or correct 112. The heroic deeds of the firefighters should be (glamorized, praised)。
59. We (contribute, attribute) Edison‘s success to intelligence and hard work. Contribute: to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in Attribute: to believe or say that a situation or event is caused by something 60. A wise man (preserves, reserves) some money for use in rainy days. Preserve: =save Reserve: to keep part of something for use at a later time during a process - used especially when describing how to cook something 61. The reckless driver got his just (deserts, desserts) when his driver‘s license was suspended. Desert: a place where there is no activity or where nothing interesting happens Dessert: sweet food served after the main part of a meal 62. The captain (demanded, commanded) the soldiers to fire. Demand: to ask for something very firmly, especially because you think you have a right to do this Command: to tell someone officially to do something, especially if you are a military leader, a king etc 63. The photos sent back from the satellite support the (theory, hypothesis) that possibly there is life on Mars. Theory: an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something about life or the world, especially an idea that has not yet been proved to be true Hypothesis: an idea that is suggested as an explanation for something, but that has not yet been proved to be true 64. There is some (resemblance, similarity) between the accounts of the fire, but all the important details are different. Resemblance: if there is a resemblance between two people or things, they are similar, especially in the way they look(强调某⼀⽅⾯是相似的) Similarity: if there is a similarity between two things or people, they are similar in some way(强调某⼏⽅⾯是相似的) 65. Western businessmen come in (droves, groups) to invest in light industry in China. Droves: Groups: several people or things that are all together in the same place 66. The assassination of Martin Luther King did not quench the civil rights movement. It made the black leaders more (warlike, militant)。
106. Away from the madding crowd, many city-dwellers spend their weekends in the countryside to enjoy (peace,tranquility)。
Peace: a very quiet and pleasant situation in which you are not interrupted Tranquility: pleasantly calm, quiet, and peaceful Away/far from the Mad-ding crowd:(1874) a novel by Thomas Hardy about people living in a country village in the west of England during Victorian times. The title of the book, which Hardy took from a famous poem by Thomas Gray, is often used as a phrase to mean the peacefulness and quietness of the country. 107. That rickety chair (fell, collapsed) under the weight of the heavy wrestler. Fall: to move or drop down from a higher position to a lower position Collapse: if a building, wall etc collapses, it falls down suddenly, usually because it is weak or damaged Rickety: a rickety structure or piece of furniture is in very bad condition, and likely to break easily 108. He (grabbed, grasped) the rope with both hands and pulled it with all his strength. Grab: to take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement(抓取,抢夺) Grasp: to take and hold something firmly(抓紧) 109. It is an excellent plan, but it would be very difficult to (execute, perform) it with our limited funds. Execute: to do something that has been carefully planned Perform: to do something, especially something difficult or useful 110. More and more Chinese people are now (concerning, involving) themselves with the increasingly serious environmental problems. Concern yourself with: to become involved in something because you are interested in it or because it worries you Involve sb. In doing: to ask or allow someone to take part in something 111. The only (left, remaining) question is who should be the next chairman of the committee. Left: if something is left, it remains after everything else has gone, been taken away, or used(只能表语) Remaining: the remaining people or things are those that are left when the others have gone, been used, or been dealt with 112. The village was hit by a (vigorous, violent) storm. Vigorous: using a lot of energy and strength or determination Violent: involving actions that are intended to injure or kill people, by hitting them, shooting them etc 113. In spite of his weakness his (rugged, dogged) determination helped him to win the race. Rugged: sturdy, robust, tough (looking)(健壮,结实,看上去坚强) Dogged: dogged behavior shows that you are very determined to continue doing something(不屈不挠的) 114. The time between two distinct periods of history, art or literature is called a period of (transmission,transition)。
自考高级英语近义词辨析题上册(共128题)1. The whole nation watched the two candidates (arguing,debating) the issue of raising taxes on TV. Argue:(transitive) to state,giving clear reasons,that something is true,should be done etc Debate:(transitive) to discuss a subject formally when you are trying to make a decision or find a solution2. It was a (proud,arrogant) moment for my cousin when she shook hands with the President.Proud:feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own,or about someone or something you are involved with or related toArrogant:behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people3. Even if you (mix,blend) oil and water,they will not (mix,blend)。
Mix:if you mix two or more substances or if they mix,they combine to become a single substance,and they cannot be easily separatedBlend:to combine different things in a way that produces an effective or pleasant result,or to become combined in this way4. Some people watch television so much that they cannot (conceive,imagine) of living without it.Conceive:(formal) to imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way Imagine;to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like5. As it was an informal dinner,most people (wore,were dressed) in their comfortable clothes.Wear:[transitive] to have something such as clothes,shoes,or jewellery on your bodyDress:to put clothes on yourself or someone else (一般跟IN搭配)6. Do you think those young people are (idealistic,ideal) or pragmatic?Idealistic:believing that you should live according to high standards and principles,even if they cannot really be achieved,or showing this beliefIdeal:the best or most suitable that something could possibly be7. Filled with great (adulation,admiration) for their integrity and courage,e was determined to be a man like them.Adulation:praise and admiration for someone that is more than they really deserveAdmiration:a feeling of great respect and liking for something or someone8. Deep at night,they could still hear gun-fire (rambling,rumbling) in the distance.Ramble:to talk for a long time in a way that does not seem clearly organized,so that other people find it difficult to understand you(漫谈);To go on a walk in the countryside for pleasure Rumble:to make a series of long low sounds,especially a long distance away from you9. The professor looked over our papers with a hasty (sight,glance)。
87. The author declares that the plot and characters of the novel are (imaginary, imaginative)。
Imaginary: not real, but produced from pictures or ideas in your mind(虚拟的,虚构的) Imaginative: containing new and interesting ideas or good at thinking of new and interesting ideas(富于想象的,爱想象的) CF imaginable: used to emphasize that something includes every possible example of something(可以想象到的) 88. We walked for miles along the (twisted, crooked) path in the forest. Twisted: something twisted has been bent in many directions or turned many times, so that it has lost its original shape Crooked: bent, twisted, or not in a straight line 89. We advise girls below twenty not to marry, because they are still emotionally (naive, immature)。
Naive: not having much experience of how complicated life is, so that you trust people too much and believe that good things will always happen Immature: someone who is immature behaves or thinks in a way that is typical of someone much younger - used to show disapproval 90. Her feelings (fluctuated, changed) between excitement and fear. Fluctuate: if a price or amount fluctuates, it keeps changing and becoming higher and lower(与WITH搭配) Change: to become different, or to make something become different 91. The police will not hesitate to use (force, compulsion) if they bank robbers still refuse to surrender. Force: violent physical action used to get what you want Compulsion: a strong and unreasonable desire to do something 92. After twenty years of antagonism, the two countries were finally (reconciled, friendly)。
高级英语近义词辨析题汇总下册(共128题)1.It took him three years to pay off all the debts (occurred, incurred) by buying that new house.Occur: to happenIncur: if you incur a cost, debt, or a fine, you have to pay money because of something you have done, or you do not make money2.The boy gave an (ingenuous, ingenious) account of what had happened, concealing nothing.Ingenuous: an ingenuous person is simple, trusting, and honest, especially because they have not had much experience of lifeIngenious: someone who is ingenious is very good at inventing things or at thinking of new ideas3.He gave such (implicit, explicit) instructions that everyone understood them.Implicit: suggested or understood without being stated directlyExplicit: expressed in a way that is very clear and direct4.The two brothers (compliment, complement) each other; one is impulsive, the other, cautious. Compliment: to say something nice to someone in order to praise themComplement: to make a good combination with someone or something else(相辅相成,结合得很好)5.The little boy (stimulated, simulated) illness not to go to school.Stimulate: to encourage or help an activity to begin or develop furtherSimulate: to make or produce something that is not real but has the appearance or feeling of being real6.Sitting alone in his room, he (wondered, brooded) over his failure to get a job after a whole year of trying. Wonder: to think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is true, what will happen etc Brood: to keep thinking about something that you are worried or upset about7.She has had a (grudge, malice) against me ever since I turned down her unreasonable request.Grudge: a feeling of dislike for someone because you cannot forget that they harmed you in the pastMalice: the desire to harm someone because you hate them8.After graduating from the business school, he went to work in a big corporation and proved to be quite a(shrewd, cunning) businessman.Shrewd: good at judging what people or situations are really likeCunning: someone who is cunning is clever and good at deceiving people in order to get what they want9.(Invariably, Unchangeably) strict with himself, he went over the accounts yet another time.Invariably: if something invariably happens or is invariably true, it always happens or is trueUnchangeably: not likely to change, or changing often10.Many people are worried by what they think is (unaccustomed, undesirable) scenes on TV for the children. Unaccustomed: not used to somethingUndesirable: something or someone that is undesirable is not welcome or wanted because they may affect a Situation or person in a bad way11.It is impossible to sort out all the (squabbles, debates) among the children. Sometimes one just has to ignorethem.Squabbles: to argue about something unimportantDebates: to discuss a subject formally when you are trying to make a decision or find a solution12.It is such a (pitiful, sympathetic) sight to see the elderly people sitting on park benches, lonely andexpressionless.Pitiful: someone who is pitiful looks or sounds so sad and unfortunate that you feel very sorry for them(直接修饰人) Sympathetic: caring and feeling sorry about someone's problems(可跟人或物或动作)13.The party over, the guests gone, she looked at the empty rooms and sank into (anguish, melancholy). Anguish: mental or physical suffering caused by extreme pain or worryMelancholy: a feeling of sadness for no particular reason14.He (stumbled, tumbled) on the pavement and twisted his ankle.Stumble: to walk in an unsteady way and often almost fallTumble: to fall down quickly and suddenly, especially with a rolling movement15.What happened to them on the trip was a nightmare, which left them (unspeakably, pitifully) furious forweeks.Unspeakably: unspeakable feelings are so extreme that it is impossible to describe themPitifully: very bad in quality(作副词只表示这个意思) (上述为形容词解释)16.The vulgar commercial which followed broke the (spell, appeal) of the film.Break the spell: to make someone stop paying all their attention to something, or to make a time stop feeling special Appeal: an urgent request for something important(作为名词的其中一个意思)17.His six-year experience gave him a big (advantage, strength) over the other applicants for the job. Advantage: something that helps you to be more successful than others, or the state of having thisStrength: the physical power and energy that makes someone strong18.These rules and regulations not only apply to the graduate students, but to the school (on the whole, as awhole).on the whole: used to say that something is generally true(大体上,基本上)as a whole: used to say that all the parts of something are being considered together(从总体上来考虑)19.We (met, encountered) a serious setback in the battle when our supplies were intercepted by the enemy. Meet: to go to a place where someone will be at a particular time, according to an arrangement, so that you can talk or do something togetherEncounter: to experience something, especially problems or opposition(遭遇); to meet someone without planning to(偶遇)20.I was very sick and was (confined to, limited to) bed for over two weeks.Be confined to: to exist in or affect only a particular place or group(限制)Be limited to: to exist or happen only in a particular place, group, or area of activity(限于)21.The local newspaper gave an extensive (coverage, reporting) of the trial.Coverage: when a subject or event is reported on television or radio, or in newspapersReporting: the activity of writing about news events for a newspaper or telling people about them on television or on the radio22.The singer was fully (justifiable, justified) in suing the newspaper for slander.Justifiable: actions, reactions, decisions etc that are justifiable are acceptable because they are done for good reasons Justified: having an acceptable explanation or reason(be justified in doing固定搭配)23.This magazine is intended to (attract, appeal to) millions of college students in China.Attract: to make someone interested in something, or make them want to take part in somethingAppeal to: if someone or something appeals to you, they seem attractive and interesting24.Jamaica (functioned, worked) as a center of the American slave trade in the 18th century until the abolition ofslavery in 1833.Function as: if something functions as a particular thing, it does what that type of thing normally does, or is used as that thing(起某物的作用或功能)Work: if something such as a fact, situation, or system works in a particular way, it has a particular effect on someone or something(起作用,不与as连用)25.These underground pipes are (interrelated, interconnected).Interrelate: if two things interrelate, they are connected and have an effect on each otherInterconnected: if two systems, places etc are interconnected, or if they interconnect, they are joined together26.Nuclear power is (inherently, naturally) both dangerous and powerful.Inherently: a quality that is inherent in something is a natural part of it and cannot be separated from it Naturally: use this to say that something is normal and not surprising27.The (one-time, once) bus driver is now a famous pop singer.One-time: formerOnce: on one occasion only28.The film is (based, established) on a novel by Lu Xun.Be based on: to use something as the thing from which something else is developedestablish: to start a company, organization, system, etc that is intended to exist or continue for a long time(不与搭配on)29.Spoiled children will not manage to live against (difficulty, adversity).Difficulty: if you have difficulty doing something, it is difficult for you to do(不可数解释)Adversity: a situation in which you have a lot of problems that seem to be caused by bad luck(逆境)30.He got the job by (false, fraudulent) means; he said he had ten years of working experience.False: not real, but intended to seem real and deceive peopleFraudulent: intended to deceive people in an illegal way, in order to gain money, power etc31.Mental problems of all ages are not totally (untreatable, incurable).Untreatable: a treatable illness or injury can’t be helped with drugs or an operation(不可治疗的)Incurable: an illness that is curable can be cured. (无可救要的)32.The students are advised to (conserve, preserve) water and electricity.Conserve: to use as little water, energy etc as possible so that it is not wasted(这个意思是独有的)Preserve: to protect something and prevent it from changing or being damaged(conserve也有这个意思)33.She took the skirt out of the suitcase and found it terribly (pleated, wrinkled).Pleated: a pleated skirt, dress etc has a lot of flat narrow foldsWrinkled: skin or cloth that is wrinkled has small lines or folds in it34.The owner of the house came back and discovered that his house had been broken into during his absence. He(snooped around, checked) to see if anything valuable had been stolen.snoop around: to try to find out about someone's private affairs by secretly looking in their house, examining their possessions etc(调查, 窥探)Check: to do something in order to find out whether something really is correct, true, or in good condition35.Since their father lost his job, their mother was hard up and always bought them (shabby, cheap) clothes. Shabby: shabby clothes, places, or objects are untidy and in bad condition because they have been used for a long time Cheap: not at all expensive, or lower in price than you expected36.He needed the money, so he said he didn’t (care for, mind) the long working hours as long as he was wellpaid.Care for: to look after someone who is not able to look after themselves; to do things that keep something in good conditionMind: [usually in questions and negatives] to feel annoyed or upset about something37.He lost interests in the debate, merely sitting there totally (unconcerned, unbent).Unconcerned: not worried about something because you think it does not affect youUnbend: to relax and start behaving in a less formal way38.While you are in the bookstore, please (keep an eye for, look at) dictionary that I have been looking for.Keep an eye for: to watch carefully so that you will notice when someone or something appearslook at: to turn your eyes towards something, so that you can see it(其中的一个意思)39.The elderly couple always avoids parties and gatherings. They are the kind of people who (keep from, keep to)themselves.keep from: to prevent someone from doing something or prevent something from happening to prevent someone from knowing something, by deliberately not telling them about it (隐瞒,阻止)keep to oneself: to live a very quiet private life and not do many things that involve other people (不交际)40.He knew there was (no use, no need) going back to the market place to look for the pocket book, but he wentanyway to make her feel better.Be no use doing: used to tell someone not to do something because it will have no effectThere’s no need for sb.to do sth: used to say that someone does not have to do something41.She (held back, held forth) her criticism on the plan because she needed more time to think about it.hold back: to make someone or something stop moving forward(阻止,抑制)hold forth (on): to give your opinion on a subject, especially for a long time(滔滔不绝,大谈特谈)42.Marry had an uneasy feeling that something terrible was going to happen. Was she becoming (ignorant,superstitious)?Ignorant: not knowing facts or information that you ought to knowSuperstitious: influenced by superstitionsSuperstition: a belief that some objects or actions are lucky or unlucky, or that they cause events to happen, based on old ideas of magic43.Ron said he would always (remember, have on his mind) the wonderful trip to the great wall. Remember: to have a picture or idea in your mind of people, events, places etc from the pastHave on his mind: if something is on your mind, you keep thinking or worrying about it; if something is on your mind, that is what you are thinking about44.The glass fell from the shelf and (went, broke) to pieces.Go to pieces: if a person or what they do goes to pieces, they are so upset or nervous that they cannot live, work, or perform as they should(瓦解,身体垮掉)Break to/into pieces: if you break something, you make it separate into two or more pieces, for example by hitting it, dropping it, or bending it (成为碎片)45.I like Walter and have always enjoyed his (pleasant, pleasantry) company.Pleasant: enjoyable or attractive and making you feel happyPleasantry: things that you say to someone in order to be polite, but which are not very important(打趣的话)46.“I-I-didn’t-“ clearly the kid was frightened and (faltered, wavered) out the answer.Falter: to speak in a voice that sounds weak and uncertain, and keeps stoppingWavered: to become weaker or less certain47.“The boy has been doing his homework for over an hour now and is (nervous, fidgety), why don’t you tellhim to go out and play for a while?”Nervous: worried or frightened about something, and unable to relaxfidgety: unable to stay still, especially because of being bored or nervous(烦躁的)48.He was caught giving (covered, covert) glances at the textbook during the examination.Covered: having a roof; having a layer of something on topCovert: secret or hidden49.Ever since he recovered from his heart attack, he realized he had to (feel like himself, take things easy).Feel like himself: feel himself fit and healthyTake things easy=take it easy: to relax and not do very much50.They had to (scrub, brush) the floor after the party was over.Scrub: to rub something hard, especially with a stiff brush, in order to clean itBrush: to clean something or make something smooth and tidy using a brush51.He (flicked, plucked) the dust from his hat before entering the house.Flick: to make something move away by hitting or pushing it suddenly or quickly(轻弹)Pluck: to pull something quickly in order to remove it(拨毛,摘花等)52.Sensing that someone was approaching him from the back, he (twiddles, whirled) around suddenly. Twiddle: to move or turn something around with your fingers many times, especially because you are nervous or bored Whirl: to turn or spin around very quickly, or to make someone or something do this53.The child was shy. She kept (plucking, picking) her mother by the sleeve to drag her away from the word. Pluck: to pull something quickly in order to remove it(拨毛,摘花,扯,猛拉等)Pick: choose something; remove a flower etc; remove something54.He just sat there (turning, twiddling) his thumbs, showing no interest in the discussion.Turn: to move your body so that you are looking in a different directionTwiddle one’s thumbs: to do nothing while you are waiting for something to happen55.He doesn’t like his job, but he (keeps at, keeps) it before he can find something better.keep at: to force someone to continue to work hard and not let them stop(坚持)keep: to stay in a particular state, condition, or position, or to make someone or something do this(维持)56.The boys (tossed, threw) a coin to decide who should make the first move.Toss: to throw something, especially something light, with a quick gentle movement of your handThrow: to make an object such as a ball move quickly through the air by pushing your hand forward quickly and letting the object go57.Don’t (put down, put off) him by his appearance; he is actually quite a charming person.put down: 不赞成,羞辱put off: 阻止, 搪塞58.At the seminar some scientists discussed heroic new experiments on the (intact, innate) human heart. Intact: not broken, damaged, or spoiledInnate: an innate quality or ability is something you are born with59.We (contribute, attribute) Edison’s success to intelligence and hard work.Contribute: to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in Attribute: to believe or say that a situation or event is caused by something60.A wise man (preserves, reserves) some money for use in rainy days.Preserve: =saveReserve: to keep part of something for use at a later time during a process - used especially when describing howto cook something61.The reckless driver got his just (deserts, desserts) when his driver’s license was suspended.Desert: a place where there is no activity or where nothing interesting happensDessert: sweet food served after the main part of a meal62.The captain (demanded, commanded) the soldiers to fire.Demand: to ask for something very firmly, especially because you think you have a right to do this Command: to tell someone officially to do something, especially if you are a military leader, a king etc63.The photos sent back from the satellite support the (theory, hypothesis) that possibly there is life on Mars. Theory: an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something about life or the world, especially an idea that has not yet been proved to be trueHypothesis: an idea that is suggested as an explanation for something, but that has not yet been proved to be true64.There is some (resemblance, similarity) between the accounts of the fire, but all the important details are different. Resemblance: if there is a resemblance between two people or things, they are similar, especially in the way they look(强调某一方面是相似的)Similarity: if there is a similarity between two things or people, they are similar in some way(强调某几方面是相似的)65.Western businessmen come in (droves, groups) to invest in light industry in China.Droves:Groups: several people or things that are all together in the same place66.The assassination of Martin Luther King did not quench the civil rights movement. It made the black leadersmore (warlike, militant).Warlike: liking war and being skilful in it(作好战斗准备的)Militant: a militant organization or person is willing to use strong or violent action in order to achieve political or social change(好战的)67.It is not (customary, habitual) in South China to eat dumplings on Lunar New Year’s Eve.Customary: something that is customary is normal because it is the way something is usually done; usual Habitual: done as a habit that you cannot stop68.These certificates and awards are enough to (prove, qualify) him as an excellent engineer.Prove: to show that something is true by providing facts, information etc; proofQualify: if something qualifies you to do something, you have the necessary skills, knowledge, and ability etc to do it69.The boss (demonstrated, manifested) a total indifference to the safety of the workers.Demonstrate: to show or prove something clearlyManifest: to show a feeling, attitude etc70.Just (follow, obey) his instructions and you will succeed.Follow: to do something in the way that someone has told or advised you to do itObey: to do what someone in authority tells you to do, or what a law or rule says you must do71.The commander-in-chief (was thinking of, was reflecting on) a massive frontal attack against the enemy.Be thinking of: to use your mind to solve something, decide something, imagine something etcBe reflecting on: to think carefully about something, or to say something that you have been thinking about Frontal attack: a direct attack on the front of an army72.It is a (regrettable, regretful) fact that our health declines, as we grow old.Regrettable: something that is regrettable is unpleasant, and you wish things could be differentRegretful: someone who is regretful feels sorry or disappointed73.China has the ability to pay off the debts (incurred, occurred) in acquiring foreign technology.Incurred: Occurred: See No: 174.Consumer demands are changing and are becoming more (modern, sophisticated), which drives the need fortechnology to meet this market demand.Modern: having very recent attitudes or ways of behavingSophisticated: having a lot of experience of life, and good judgment about socially important things such as art, fashion etc(久经世故的)75.The dramatic depreciation of the currency caught even some economists (on, off) guard.On guard: to be paying attention to what is happening in order to avoid danger, being tricked etc (警惕)Off guard: to surprise someone by happening when they are not expecting something or prepared for it(不提防)76.The two sides (differentiate, differ) greatly about the wording of the contract.Differentiate: to recognize or express the difference between things or peopleDiffer: to be different from something in some way77.The ad says the (minimum, optimum) requirements for the job are a Bachelor degree and two years’experience. You don’t stand a chance without working experience.Minimum: the minimum number, degree, or amount of something is the smallest or least that is possible, allowed, or neededOptimum: the best or most suitable for a particular purpose or in a particular situation78.The company (excels, surpasses) in developing an intimate relationship with its customers.Excel in: to do something very well, or much better than most peopleSurpass: [transitive] to be even better or greater than someone or something else79.Doctors (contribute, attribute) the fall in the number of death from heart disease to improvements in diet. Contribute: Attribute: See No: 5980.Believe it or not, the manager is also (adapt, adept) in working out crossword puzzles.Adapt: to gradually change your behavior and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation(与to搭配) Adept: good at something that needs care and skill; skilful81.There is a long history of (hostility, rivalry) between Cambridge and Oxford.Hostility: when someone is unfriendly and full of anger towards another personRivalry: a situation in which two or more people, teams, or companies are competing for something, especially over a long period of time, and the feeling of competition between them; competition82.His (greed, acquisitiveness) drove him to (keep, hoard) more food than he needed.Greed: a set of beliefs or principles(信条)Acquisitiveness: wanting to have and keep a lot of possessions(占有欲)Keep: if food keeps, it stays fresh enough to be eaten(其中的一个意思)Hoard: a collection of things that someone hides somewhere, especially so they can use them later83.On her deathbed, she told her children that she had nothing to (repent of, regret).Repent of: to be sorry for something and wish you had not done it - used especially when considering your actions in a religious way(忏悔)Regret: to feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it(后悔)84.An (immense, great) amount of money has been put into building the dam to control the river.Immense: extremely large; enormousGreat: very large in amount or degree85.Crop rotation has prevented the soil from (poverty, impoverishment).Poverty: not as good as it could be or should beImpoverishment: to make something worse in quality86.It is a very monotonous and (tiresome, tiring) job to be on watch the whole night.Tiresome: making you feel annoyed or impatient(厌烦)Tiring: making you feel that you want to sleep or rest(厌倦)87.I (obtain, derive) great pleasure from making new friends.Obtain: to get something that you want, especially through your own effort, skill, or workDerive: to get something, especially an advantage or a pleasant feeling, from something88.The (victorious, triumphant) women football team made a (victorious, triumphant) return to China. Victorious: having won a victory, or ending in a victory(胜利的,获胜的)Triumphant: showing pleasure and pride because of a victory or success(因胜利而欢欣鼓舞的)89.She fell down and injured her ankle badly. Sitting there, she (grimaced, made a face) from the pain. Grimace: to twist your face in an ugly way because you do not like something, because you are feeling pain, or because you are trying to be funnymade a face: an expression on someone's face(做鬼脸)90.When we were 5miles short of New York, we got a flat tyre, and the car (trembled, jerked) to a stop. Tremble: to shake slightlyJerk: to move with a quick sudden movement, or to make part of your body moves in this way91.Fred gave his father a special Christmas present-he (milked, nursed) all the cows from him on Christmasmorning.Milk: to take milk from a cow or goatNurse: if a woman nurses a baby, she feeds it with milk from her breasts92.The bank loaned the store money to get it back (to its feet, on its feet) after the fire.To one’s feet: = stand upOn one’s feet: be standing (站着的)completely recovered from an illness or set-back.(从病或挫折中完全恢复)93.The teacher said that if we believed something was true and good we should (hold on, hold on to) it.Hold on: to wait for a short timeHold on to: to continue doing something that is very difficult to do94.The coach (played up, played up to) the possibilities, and kept our minds off our weaknesses.Play up: to emphasize something, sometimes making it seems more important than it really isPlay up to: to behave in a very polite or kind way to someone because you want something from them95.After he won the championship, he was (burdened, loaded) with a lot of honors.Be burdened with: to have a lot of problems because of a particular thingLoad: to give someone more work or problems than they can deal with96.In 1972, he published his first book (devoted, dedicated) to his respected Professor David Lawrence. Devote: to use all or most of your time, effort etc in order to do something or help someoneDedicate: to say at the beginning of a book or film, or before a piece of music, that it has been written, made, or performed for someone that you love or respect97.She is a (snobbish, proud) person and does not want to live on charity.Snobbish: behaving in a way that shows you think you are better than other people because you are from a higher social class or know more than they doProud: having respect for yourself, so that you are embarrassed to ask for help when you are in a difficult situation98.The incident was so bizarre that even though they saw it with their own eyes, when they related it later, theyfound it hardly (creditable, credible).Creditable: deserving praise or approvalCredible: deserving or able to be believed or trusted99.You have to be (reasonable, judicious), how can you expect him to work full time in the factory and at thesame time get his M.A. degree in two years’ time?Reasonable: fair and sensible(合理的,明理的)Judicious: done in a sensible and careful(判断正确的)100.The story had been (retold, reiterated) by so many people that by the time I heard it, the version had become quite different.Retell: to tell a story again, often in a different way or in a different languageReiterated: to repeat a statement or opinion in order to make your meaning as clear as possible101.When her son called to say that he would be home for the summer, she was very (complacent, happy). Complacent: pleased with a situation, especially something you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change(沾沾自喜而不思进取)Happy: having feelings of pleasure, for example because something good has happened to you or you are very satisfied with your life102.They started the business together, but after a couple of years their relationship became (questionable, problematical) so they had to part company.Questionable: not likely to be good, honest, or useful(可疑的)Problematical: involving problems and difficult to deal with(难处理,难了解的)103.When what your teacher wants you to do is good for you, you should be (docile, obedient).Docile: quiet and easily controlled(温顺的,一般形容动物)Obedient: always doing what you are told to do, or what the law, a rule etc says you must do104.If the media (lavish, give) praises on the young athletes, it might not be good for them.Lavish: to give someone or something a lot of love, praise, money etcGive: to let someone have something as a present, or to provide something for someone(其中一个意思)105.I find cooking a good way of (releasing, freeing) tension.Releasing: to express or get rid of feelings such as anger or worry(这是其独有的意思)Freeing: to allow someone to leave prison or somewhere they have been kept as a prisoner(release也有此意)106.Away from the madding crowd, many city-dwellers spend their weekends in the countryside to enjoy (peace, tranquility).Peace: a very quiet and pleasant situation in which you are not interruptedTranquility: pleasantly calm, quiet, and peacefulAway/far from the Mad-ding crowd: (1874) a novel by Thomas Hardy about people living in a country village in the west of England during Victorian times. The title of the book, which Hardy took from a famous poem by Thomas Gray, is often used as a phrase to mean the peacefulness and quietness of the country.107.That rickety chair (fell, collapsed) under the weight of the heavy wrestler.Fall: to move or drop down from a higher position to a lower positionCollapse: if a building, wall etc collapses, it falls down suddenly, usually because it is weak or damaged Rickety: a rickety structure or piece of furniture is in very bad condition, and likely to break easily108.He (grabbed, grasped) the rope with both hands and pulled it with all his strength.Grab: to take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement(抓取,抢夺)Grasp: to take and hold something firmly(抓紧)109.It is an excellent plan, but it would be very difficult to (execute, perform) it with our limited funds. Execute: to do something that has been carefully plannedPerform: to do something, especially something difficult or useful110.More and more Chinese people are now (concerning, involving) themselves with the increasingly serious。
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自考高级英语近义词辨析题上册(共128题)1. The whole nation watched the two candidates (arguing,debating) the issue of raising taxes on TV. Argue:(transitive) to state,giving clear reasons,that something is true,should be done etc Debate:(transitive) to discuss a subject formally when you are trying to make a decision or find a solution2. It was a (proud,arrogant) moment for my cousin when she shook hands with the President.Proud:feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own,or about someone or something you are involved with or related toArrogant:behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people3. Even if you (mix,blend) oil and water,they will not (mix,blend)。
Mix:if you mix two or more substances or if they mix,they combine to become a single substance,and they cannot be easily separatedBlend:to combine different things in a way that produces an effective or pleasant result,or to become combined in this way4. Some people watch television so much that they cannot (conceive,imagine) of living without it.Conceive:(formal) to imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way Imagine;to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like5. As it was an informal dinner,most people (wore,were dressed) in their comfortable clothes.Wear:[transitive] to have something such as clothes,shoes,or jewellery on your bodyDress:to put clothes on yourself or someone else (一般跟IN搭配)6. Do you think those young people are (idealistic,ideal) or pragmatic?Idealistic:believing that you should live according to high standards and principles,even if they cannot really be achieved,or showing this beliefIdeal:the best or most suitable that something could possibly be7. Filled with great (adulation,admiration) for their integrity and courage,e was determined to be a man like them.Adulation:praise and admiration for someone that is more than they really deserveAdmiration:a feeling of great respect and liking for something or someone8. Deep at night,they could still hear gun-fire (rambling,rumbling) in the distance.Ramble:to talk for a long time in a way that does not seem clearly organized,so that other people find it difficult to understand you(漫谈);To go on a walk in the countryside for pleasure Rumble:to make a series of long low sounds,especially a long distance away from you9. The professor looked over our papers with a hasty (sight,glance)。
Sight:the act of seeing somethingGlance:to quickly look at someone or something10. Before ordering their dinner,they considered the (relevant,relative) merits of chicken and roast beef.Relevant:directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered(强调与一方相关) Relative:having a particular quality when compared with something else(强调比较)11. the little boy…s constant noise (exhilarated,exasperated) his father,who was busy writing a paper fora symposium(座谈会)。
Exhilarate:to make someone feel very excited and happyExasperate:to make someone very annoyed by continuing to do something that upsets them12. isn…t it (wholesome,noisome) to live in a city with so many vehicles passing day and night?Wholesome:likely to make you healthyNoisome:very unpleasant13. He was born in a small town (lived,inhabited) by about 500 people.Live:if you live in a place,you have your home thereInhabit:if animals or people inhabit an area or place,they live there14. Her desk was all (jumbled,cluttered) with old papers,strings,and other odds and ends.Jumble:to mix things together in an untidy way,without any order(及物动词经常用于被动,不能作表语)Clutter:to cover or fill a space or room with too many things,so that it looks very untidy(与with 搭配)odds and ends:small things of various kinds without much value(零星东西)15. He thinks they are extremely (idealistic,ideal),for all their pragmatism.Idealistic,ideal:see number 616. She made one last (attraction,appeal) to her father for permission to go to the party.Attraction: a feeling of liking someone,especially in a sexual way(强调双方相互吸引)Appeal:a quality that makes people like something or someone(强调一方吸引另一方)17. The girl looked at the doctor (terrifyingly,terrified)。
Terrifyingly:extremely frightening;scary(表主动)Terrified:very frightened;scared(表被动)18. “If you finish all the homework tonight,we…ll go for a picnic tomorrow,” he (admonished,coaxed)。
Admonish:(formal) to tell someone severely that they have done something wrongCoax:to persuade someone to do something that they do not want to do by talking to them in a kind,gentle,and patient way19. He thought their behavior was (contemptuous,contemptible),but he didn…t say anything in front of the host.Contemptuous:showing that you think someone or something deserves no respectContemptible:not deserving any respect at all20. Summoned by the boss,he approached his office full of (apprehension,distrust)。